February 14, 2021 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 94 years of Faith, Education & Service to community. CHURCH ADDRESS: 923 S. LA BREA AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90036 OUTDOOR MASS SCHEDULES Masses are held in our parish patio. Sunday: 8am, *10am & 12pm Weekday: *9am (Wed/Temporary) * Live streaming Holy Days: *9am (No Vigil Mass) Wednesday: 6:30pm First Friday Mass/Adoration: 9am ADMINISTRATION Fr. Truc Q. Nguyen, Pastor (ext. 223) Nancy G. Sheehan, Parish Business Manager (ext. 224) Sr. Anna Tom, RE Director (ext. 234) Mayela Albarran, Ofice Asst. (ext. 235) Maria Lim, Secretary (ext. 221) Most Rev. Bishop Ed Clark, In Residence CATHEDRAL CHAPEL SCHOOL Grades K-8, cathedralchapelschool.org freepik.com/created by pikisuperstar SACRAMENTS “Create in me a clean heart, O God; Confession: By appointment on Sundays immediately following the and renew in me a steadfast spirit.” ~ Psalm 51:12 masses. Tue & Thu immediately ASH WEDNESDAY following the mass. Baptisms, Matrimony (6 months’ notice required in advanced for marriage prep), Funerals are A BLESSED & FebruaryHAPPY 21ST 17, PRIESTHOOD 2021 by appointment only. ANNIVERSARY,Schedule ofFR. Services TRUC! PARISH OFFICE is currently closed to the public. For 9:00 AM Mass & Distribution of Ashes inquiries, you may call or send 6:30January PM 15, Mass 2000 ~& JanuaryDistribution 15, 2021 of Ashes an email Mon-Fri, 9am-4:30pm Mailing Address: 926 S. Detroit St. L.A., CA 90036 Tel: (323) 930-5976 Fax: (323) 297-7677
[email protected] Let’s build a new parish hall! Connect with us! www.cathedralchapel.org Join our Matching Gi Program. Facebook.com/CathedralChapelParish Your gi today will be matched up to $15,000! Tweeter: catchapel In this year of St.