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yoL.u^ijra.51 ^flii%'W .)VT.'‘ .»■. V j-.** -te. - - . t

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N ot Legd Step in i Be a mtEATENS TOBl. -H eiriiif Tem errew ; On SONSOFSBHTDK sV - O rl^ PeiilianHOat- V sevvC

cane D ecjte Sentte^Rnle. Writer of lett« Dcnanls

150^ ) But Euis To WariA Springs, Oa., Dec. Z—(AP)^ Other CAUBSt poBSibiUties that. ‘' Bridgeport, Dao. l.-»(AP)— -~Tbe'^(d^n grew in Roosevelt ha.ve ' b ra .t dleeusaed for various JUdgo 'F ru ik P. lieBvoy denied a drblite .todoy that. Senator GUaaa of ptets include. Senator, ,WM*U of ShowDpForPachqe Virginia .was virtual^ certain to be inotlon to quailh' the petition fo r, a offM^^ibp post of Secretary'of toe Mtetana. for thejattorLsy general-: wHt. of >maBdaayna lUcd -HaixtKm, RepubUoan can* Marblehoad, Maas., Dec. 1.—(AP) Witobh.;.adminlAtration. i didate tor State Senator in the Slat Xa the minds of 'soma Of those tte D. Bdker: fbc various other posi­ ■’v; . —^Letters threatening toe kidnaping (Brid|[eport) D lat^ct who seeka a dose..,to toe Piteidtet-Elebt, two tions. ' James M; Thomson, ‘pubUsh- of children unless eums as Ugh as Cabinet, pobts were beihg definitely er of toe New, Orleans Item, was , Washington; Dee. 1.— (A P>^ reoanoahi of the vote which gam $50,000 were paid toe writer, Wei« aUochtod. toe Treeeiuy poet, to proposed yesterday by Senator .Poring over a O.OOO'wcMrd dote Ua Democratle opponent, William Long of Louhdana for Secretary of being investigated today by poUoe, A^ong;th^,Bg^;p$,bfl!no» lApiipb gtanto to a burial—toe customary pracUbe being cremation — and Senator Glass aad the Postmaster Great Britain, Z*Msident . He AiiCoadhyca 25 vote v i c t ^ at'th e Genemiahip to James A. Farley, War. ' ‘ and Ida secretaries of state ■m-. who.dlScloBed toe threats had thto'Wie^giyeu-to^itoetoiia_ , . . .. ~ She died BUdde^ with no official an^ Grayson arrived shortly before moMit lotion: sent several prominent peraons,.to nouncetopit. eybr mSde as to' n^SMpp^^AM ordereda funeral a t which the' fid etofin rode bn a'ricbly chairman of toe. Democratic Na- .treasury dfUiberstod today ■«Bomer S. Cummings, counsel for ticnial committee. "Whether ' Glass noon accompamed' by Breckearidge Odoloyi said he will flie>a reply toT eluding ‘a ' staff' Senator, father^OT carved red' hei^,'ae plctur^ stfeete. Ch6pln''s PunArq) march was plpred- tostoad wntUd iMi able to.,scCept'the Treas- LOngi a former aesistant secretary, vriiat ettouMbbe America’s next vra two young boys. of the usual‘Red funeral march, m gSovm troopa escorted toe coffin to toe secret burial place to the (bob- debts, move. ‘ the petltlpn toxnomw when a hear­ vent of New ^^rglns. nmlfolib ,waa uncertem, how- of state and. Senator Cohen of ing eo^t^ .petitidh. will be started, 'One letter, written- with crayon ’ hpeause he has been in ill Georgia. Thqr. found Senator The doeument waa teniad tatliia ^ a a u a p. Shaimon, counsel for OB a piq>er bag, and eo folded ae'to r fbfr. some tifne. (Seorge of (lebrite already here. White Houae by SeoMtaay Btlmito twa amendmnts to resemble , an envelope, was sent to ..During the nabrning toe Prosi- immediately rafter it had been votes while the dtock The sum of $50,000 was demanded jSSey T . .piiaiiwm, bhairman National 'committee, and took hie Llndkay, British ambaweader. ■hat showed 2,701 votea had been with the threat that unless the of toe imuimi^tonf committee, over regular exeibhimg'to' toe pattenti PnMdent Itoovm at COM teS# ca st The other ammidment chargod amount Waa paid,'. his two. boys, planb'for toe ceremonies that wlU pool of toe’ W a ^ Springs .Founda- in Mllla,* who baa a^k|d th^ the returns of the moderator aged 12 and. seven, would bo kid­ utoer him into'office. wito mm. dosely throughout thoA^ to iA6w the total numbw of. naped and there would be "a funer­ TO UNK HEMISPHERES Ifcultiee. ’ 1; votes jpant al some day." After an hour with the rreefilriig. <^Hl^;motlo(n to qunih^'’’^ denied Otoer tatters both secretaries left tha TltoHa Other letters, each demanding House smilingly declining to ottjto he had or~ al Firm Makes Contriim^ 4ere4\wffxis(m to .nutko a written $5,000 were sent Howard Lilll^ Contiads Are Awarded For nient: • • '' ' fiplsanKleo of his allegation that bridge, chairman Of toe Board of GASEXPLOM Beady Tmnoirow ^ere were erasures and "overwrit­ Belactmen, and Fred Peach, wealthy tion To Emergency Em "They said'thef British nply WdiMig ing* OB returns from the Fifth Vot­ fUmer,' police, said. They were Ibcligies CapaUe of Car* be madr publle for tomorrow'morAr ing'District eia^ ar to many respects and appalv tog newipitoera. . . ^ mily^ were toe work of toe same ROCK MONTREAL pioym entBprm ’The text; waa. underatood to pre­ 50 Pusengert and ‘^Brl^NVort Dec. 1.—(AP)—Fred­ person. sents roaaomi why Great Britajhl erick Wk BirrlsoB, Republican can- Tho letter received by. Senator feels her rCqueet for poatpeneanmt Bell wae.teBfsd OB toe porch of toe of her Detembte payments )aad,:tor dldato tor: the State senate in the home of Thomas Hameon, who lives LoadofFreyht. Sx Sqtore MOcs of CRy h - A doimtion of $2,000 was made a'dlaciiasldn. olf tim whole war de|^ 21st District, who seeka a> recahvasd tOEley- to toe Manchester. Emerr to oQoneetlon with his dotoat b} 25 torectly across toe street from ^11, matter should be granted. It said; Tohred— 12 ^ ;h tlr H vi gency Enqiloym'ent Association, Before the dgy in over, We votes todqr whs called on by Su-. "Mr. Bel}: I demaiid $50,0Q0 put New York, Dec. $—(AP) --C01- ton official^ expisetod also toL perh>r Court Judge MdBviqr. to zrr;1ce Inc*, The Ortord Soap company, in cemetery on top q| hE. Do as I Bitol Charite A. Uqdbergb hps mauufacturers of' Bon Ami, it was celve France'a reidy to the ___ a emtton explanatton of hto allega- say or I win steal I f Bat Bfg Property L o ta tloo that there were empuree and emergsd ,fPbm moutoi of seclusion umounced by the Chamber of Clom- can note* Adflcih demed an a x te te ^ ' you don’t there will toT A tc atte&d announcement of what j^icdETcr; toy iArinf of. the moratorium to oovar Deeein* tovsr-writtog* on returns from the a u ^ office, headquarters of toe her. paymAbtit aid. etating that, dotob day. Do not thto to po­ oos.technic^ expert calls.the dhwn gfth uotlito diatilot lice." AMociatioD during toe - campaign \ tiuoHoigi. 4 Cemmmiist Offidai Says debt rovtatoti lavA m a tt^ 'fo r'' v.Jiildge lid B w ^ requesttoterrupt- of the ultimate Mage m avtotibn, . Mmtreal, Dec. L 'H A P )— for funds Which, will open Mbnday. gress to,d«dlate the.m ibt. huiiiamtarian. and^ifAtovat^ be^ IT,to diicuas.toe sitnatioB; elqetiqa, to aiahe a reSaavaes of t-. ' ■ Ab,-a.‘. meet ‘ CMppin la preqhdent The ! dteatioA gaB.tocp#'4ito.?^;gi^'-':to Atoarltok; e re waA dChtpvSr, “ .itoth..;(or:|BtatofteMa&r to the Atoprtoed n •w- — . 1 - ^ mtemtatedwlBn ; m h Y" Tpere-^'two ■11^1 t t e rfs.1 w wfte iISBiti: low tnatfl. hr ^ iu iam ih. m reM,-|a3n'a^lMfemhBi^’’^ ' to(jAy-AAb..,(^toaete for , Abm^etoj. .wmto'' e Orfotd nottiteS iiire pastor m the . ivindmv $ s s ^ m C i S , n,vii/»K probably wfl$ be ] 'oiit that'tola'cooAn^^hm'w^^ of- Mr.' P B ^ s shfifT, vtoAre ~ BeTrV Jhd^ toads request oto^iBiEl-Bm t ■■■I*. y ^ I.-* 'b II f^ -'llocean II ■ II .1 traniq»f|t alrptoaies; 1. five Are; flghtors to n ; today d.hero. within two weekiL f ^ ; h; wrlptoh SxplsBation ot the reeeuum tedmigsrbU citls a ^ a substantial hudete' arotidd-amcb IM ^ toe arorfl out aboes of men and BUj^eated -* .1:..::-- watch iPM )kto>t but no dbr Appeal^ lAMl a fhratol announcemtot toe campaign can be built over writing aUegatl^. ed to olaim tm poekakee.' . . Bbih Qqwi have cbmplied with ManlKdes flew high faKjhe air, tends to their other sirtbrtal needs. bn- WasbinjKmi the party had 6,000 WQBD BIES8AOT ismas. C. Sbtanon, counsel B o ^ too letters h ad : been epeciflcaaone laid down by Pan- accompanied by. sudden ftoros of It read:. . . active- in .>mmunst8i;‘ ' ■ Age American today in her th holy :fs aHegatisn • "5F".. The hended, Th|W Were e e S k ^ ; to . run man'.’’ • . S t a M Dp Deoetobef 1, and eve^ morntog Bpeakiiig tor Fteter, the parigr urgent requtetfbripoatposwsaant < m MAYOR w o n a head,'wlm^is ill. B ro k e r said toe ’chsige jta-s part qf the si^^ttohs down seveiiU elusa in cohnectiou • - WhatltMeaiis- The affected„m ^ was twmbly theraatoer.'until ;Decembtem tha time eacb^man recelv- nology was tboro to pRUtsto! the. Tbe > eaAtoaots mentioned in the already galnlBgf< a'foothold in the will, as tor tte-demand for immedl- Hartfo:>rd. Conn., Dec. 1'.— (A P )— wrsckiige, wben'reeeuers in mayor'la aidd tpi’be toblfatopgpoa- ticket; ;bia.^ breakfast waa ato^ntor rdief. ' er, and the governmaut in announoemeiit have to do qidy with ■tbUlfy’ aa aqqraiite to' Obn^M^ agreed toe 'tea was to roach Reno, Nevada, Dec, 1.— (AP) — toe "enginebftog' Arork" prejtoratmy aad dragged Mx persons to eefeW* ’'’Tltoil.mbve^ Ity local on Plage ri*e) 8b’ filr as teifld be detornfliied, no ^ Commiaalqgor atmdeaY.y ' Wtt- I'hiiB b ra ' a stetter Eid ip lo^ ent-' ceunoila- and flnal Prasidant Hetover; to« atato Tinkling bells and laui^ter lilled toe to actual construction bf toa planes, nyent, and Congrom. to tob etreete of Reno as her gjWywijr, try­ hut that may be completed lin About more remaiAed. when toe - flamee Umnaon it f D « ^ r A ^ ^ A*-; hrbsUsnwfsa.ntoa* ’art :made at a meeting of rased 'tha,whole miias. Mrea in J^uairy, 18 of a’member'0$ inal committoo in Chicago nwaa of the Amifrioan' pf^plo. ing to forget toe ffnaaelal altuptioB three numths'and then will oomatbe mgbam wan too ' ‘Tachnically, of. couraa,\tha: to all northern Nevada, joined to the actual bulldtngL v^bleb may - take The eanssiof the Uastr was not ^iptoyetd.’ tteyeis :o and IL Iminediatefy dAtonhined, but a commissioner Ai itrie t r inn A 5 stomach. He;ie giving "Mge'^expebt that, 2^00 will reach mint was dlapatehod: to Sif HUNGER BltCHEItS ti;aditlQnal opening of the. holiday as madh.as two. years; Hie efigto* National . . _ . Llnda^, tha. British amt seasoiL eertog work , contracts went to'the ■t^nimit. frqm: too, MbBtreai Heat Anhlr hie tbeosy n thirty day teat Watoington# Tbete, to . turn,, repte^ Their only encouragement, the ex­ BoweA Consolidated' Goaii>aay bald McNeU-domieirrad T^elva yean 190. a y o ^ grtny ■SBt>at'laait 40,000 organixed and Washington for delivtry to SUcorsky company of M d r ------arnor at .ifato. Capitol ; tola officer, freeh from emvite in. tha tary Stimson. pressed.hope of bankera that three and too Martin oompaay of-, the i l i e ^ that 'the .flrst unaraloiyad coundle.' Indirect rep- CALLONGARNER . . was eaused. Ay ignitoto of •rmng. Thop^ ;Aeiehar oduld ba Balkana, landed to Net/'Yofk, pen* riaentatiui is much broader. Ten Andifor toe usual roaaons og closed Reno banka m ight reopen to more. It was geaerally erntoentai Stiqpette, Urn taxt New Year’s, hundreds Itoed: down­ that'wliaif tke'iBgtoeei^ woik: ___ _ gag tor wtof«*. ttosmiaf' toany peopla are active who town etreete last n l^ t when Cfartot* and that toe Uasi broke a to speak'tho Englieh language. He are nob- members. The. movement note was withheld from pitbl oompletod those coabaatos will; Mayor until it could *1)0. madbipumto mat trees were lii^ted and mer- start oonftruotloB of m wbrld’s gaAmAim atartoig the serieA ^ i’a apiMtoitment came to aeek bU fortune.. . i " i arisea’out o f the activity of a mlnl- BntBoaher Refnsoo To Giro itod. Mayor Buckingham la Tbat)yQpng:{Offlcer was" Mr.. Perry. tancoualy In LcmdCp suid chanta ihowed wares they fear never largest , and fastest' ConunsreiaA ' i ■' not may find a buyer. < ptaaes.' v-;„ ' to nalgD as niayer, |Xe edmito he^to not rich .‘but be bte ; ‘ (bod&iMd on' Itega Two) to#-..-■ There were Joyous shouts from but iproapered. Am#rlte bas-bisen ktod to Speeulglito: Ihem Ponnit To HoU a It la pointod ont'tojift" tha edto' chiur- cbildfsn at sliAit of. long shelves, oif WILL A lb H A B O T im him and , bo bba oaty: grotituds for • TBEASUBY BAiANOE lileanwhile todprsto aad toys. Orownupp tnay have ssoasd ItfflW - top qf .Brldgeycif^/ahahlaa toa'mayor toe land of hto adoptibn. ' turnad to tetoUtotloa .as Co a H artord,. Dec. — Tha to aeleot lua oma office hours and, P a r a d e . gay, but their laughter pEpssfdd Pratt add Whto^Ar'Alttfaft Com- He wUtoed to make that grati- Waiblngton, l)ec. l.—(AP) ibvairiaMittt would dp if tha forced for they knew thai today be^ paay angtoea -^biptto BBpt. mands of too mayor aayr there la tude take a tonglbla form and tba rwaury-reoeipts for November 2b itotas.rofufod to hate tba fine toe second mqBth of a beak- ITREPEUnil no re(pilvstoaMr to a t.h a ^ v e up tha braakfaato TT^toe reamt While were U,069A20.55; expendituresv.$4i- laqiMak Tba saoond aotai wal . ford m ay poAer huge tradfKioeaato mayonlfy if hd boobmeaeommia- tog holiday which hap jo sb' business air'Unors, on fegular ' ' hto benefaott)trbhlbiebA E.Stoaalnl. ittato Seaftoi’ WUUam them. . . aliytog af ‘ JaMi "Lagsr 19 to W ^AA fAmoui atoga of ,, The At Ida nraa8«iiiil H| Eackatk ^orl fWi Biven to bekn • The vloA aiad the Speak- brown Isitt 'CHoueeotor today itor, a»v'toia|£i’ bae:wen ovW. soMrtmy .aed a half llte caykHdati r^i'4''Jiii''*4mAald' er art the utooritiee who ttay 9% toohMe. ate’iooth' •’ slvaiiam B. nOunted deottnatioB. ' ^ grant ppnnlts ft paeddM or dtoaonp ago eana t o Mght baa# today, Hateiii a iatoplo order:. ' z -S m n iiV e BIM r Baekatt E v ra temWM ptHdato Baog ptniiioas OB tlM .zt .waaiioimd to the home,^;Nou' . "The oitote bAp to,have: 86 teoada hoW.Bdra^AofiMi a n e ; flte if Havsyi and' tttUato to#' . BeojeAda aad with Ian Oauohoto of amBwmtlbiflr- aoBto fitoasr ltoB and inte rn*’■' 1. is in toeal poUdea Miframdiid.thi^ "hef-. “ — ^ bb-^ ( j S e S r ^ fltota Mf mam Xtoaka of arnmuni' •sd •told, ~ tbitoe pteBCl^Caaadtoa tioM^ijf^lNi'pittott board anM& voa* k^6i fkinUtoa.' lito-M M x’to>^b6'l d to t^ ^ Hto docuBMBt. ooBeiiieiiil oBs 'isf Qna'pEmiEeg^ of foC-'toaBewt i-ia agunj] {? tha/atoal ?flA4l " wrag --ter iwHyfc apora2 S P 1 to siBSB, to ito ''Ib AaN' ToiSS l i^tite^4MPia^ ...... Vv fcUfsmi Tha book ^ m fte f a r tka rate rivte. 6^

, la - ■FjkaMana VViidba, ■ ©60. :9 irtfv|*ye|r*o)d AUrmf > Parian « J V E l W j been doing very areU at of OAuni]^ will holfi Ita. ■ -V rn e M iig rm Jeiiterday the teaser bli' parenta.to^medt'ber and'tent at. work over Jba- poor acholanbtpT ol their aon. > Bnt & WbicsMs To ■ t m night AXred twMd M on the lest school day bee fhesfaa to the Idtehan e t ^ h ^ ; tetmas vaoatiott. The pisy J m !yhy ^ Gblntof 'Bsg^g ^ to.see tereat diric Afiiint Ban, Uteterbury on Sei next pbttee. They had found Mr. and Methodist" .Chullttl, 4 ...... ^ of ’tin filled ' December |0 fbr th* I fe Weed i isrviiwd ehont 1 0 ^ Ctoba e # totobW br 'e ^ toe'Bee­ tees front toito poods. th e ra n t are aettve to r the>nlay. The Hartford, Nov. X.—(AP) ■— If. ^ NfW York, Dec. 1,-~^(AP)-^. a threeNset “ "itteeare shok thoven Singeto tor a Joint benefit «Niw Ybrk, Doc. 1.—.(AP)—llvt Maiy** a t tlto',psrish halU -The Ths let hpessi.^at tw^of thesti. to assiit'fho VnMHn^yM ef Whter-. Senators-elecA of -Demooretio united ,Itati» Senator and a former ■■ r ■■: suarion, igeto bave n gMWBQMBt rotted iU OMO OftlBtt whidilslibsr tha ‘ nen'Of ZiillUUi ‘ Dlbatook and hiw» ttieA ^toltSI^ nlgfit an _ cfcnrad H. Mai^i ahortly alter noon renTOKTOSTOP thfitbd States Senator disputed the Who Jins iriMtan a a m lb m M doWMnd the luaSber se t ntosiefi''cklBiM'ciC 3C|f- male rtiditB of a qUesn mottier, a prinbe, toSthod idvee varied trelning to Dimocisti m s i t __ to dlllto use. ^iM isM M Boltan thoee,l^oluded on,the to n o v ^ com- Veleei' siiide-J^^ of toe Meadelnohn office dUtriMtflo^7 md^ # t e ;M i> a Ka^iau aty and three prinbesses to the $1,000,* NDteh and XerdeDfUto howeveb W# ther Mao- .RECOUNT D O T givesi under tha direettoii sF’" urittonM Scineiy; A. Fistt, X. Beid* ______^ ___ _ w-qV,; llkdat. ia on trial wl^ Frank X. 000 eatate of the lata Sultan ^U^ed B. og 'Candnidffe "strteh. •tend tad it wttl be from ^ e C ihe:^ a n , Wr Gem: Wahttom. & Moia* tinBxinr, Fratoxiud Order of Eaglet XadJar, depc^ Shah of Parsla. at membskof .the InmiF. c S ^ o f these: that; the; MOOl tool toe 'A triiS i Wliltoar<9teeal Qito a hearing today befora Surrogate nS». Oi, P9t&npaTA^§^ By- duarina editor, and Beigard' C. (Continued from Page One) ■on; Prmertiee, M. Q u ts O l Ttou- of Hartford, the Seetooven duh ef MeOulre and Raymond pro* James A. FOley. The Eagles foothaU t *% wew2% hto pleara iNqMtoi South Maneheatito And the VTUlimaa- Fonner 'Bendtqr Henry Hollis of m ton, L S ^ tr tto , M. M srtiaa: Cos- A fifth name was fudd^ today- to - lonal promotera,promot^i on ebargeacnargea ofo^ The political dominance of the Ow- meet attoe T. M. & A., Mn Wood se^ m V jb tn wltt he.no toin**> B^ Hahsen, a . Ptetrewski. b . tic mMe>. chocus will be under- to t •C ffir lottery tlckela acroaa aUt«h hecUcut State Senate depended to* New HampShlfa appeared in bebalf night, a t 7:80 o*dock need to hiircy the, worlt He phtoji Xrwto, W. OSerra; Ifusle, F. Owen, general new ptay, ”The Wist­ Marioh Montle and Catherine Wal­ Editor. 'The Herald: Some' Democrats who -an interest­ sfge Finn of Middletown, N. Y., action for a mandamus ordarmg a ”Her Majeaty,”. he decUured, "who Mrs. Mary C. 'Walker of 612 Bast ful Widow,” to be presented to-, worth; Treasurer, Bernice Marsh. "He. who-commands, words, com­ ed in toe eiecrion of toe cleric said, Albert Kadner of Ihiladelphia. recanvass of the vote for senator, formerly lived in a palace of ner Middle TuinpikO'received news to- morrow evening by toe Booster mands, events, commands ^ men,” too dinner mlghi se*'* . general: dto- „ coaneoted the. al- In the cloeest race of the cam own with a royal ritlnue of .2,000 diiyiff the Urtb of a daughter, Joan Pteyers of' the North- Methodist ■omeoho has spoken. ' cusrion'of--Legiriattve' matter* foonr persons, is now eompalled to live in chur^ it the asseinhly hall cf the . ^ . J i o t t ^ , the printing, the ship* paign, EdVraxd W. Goes, defeated hie Margaret, to Mr.' and Mn. George HolOster etreet ediool, kee asanred REDS ARE BEHIND Should w* continue to close our the party point of rtewi yjtng and receiving of tickets In In* Democratic opponent, Martin B. a UtUe villa on the outskirts of H. Remer of Canaan. Mrs. Remsr toe, director. Mn. Haicl Hughes pulbic institution to the. young peo­ thrstate commerce and, finally, the Qonnley, 78'votes, to be rcrelected Psris. ' Instead of living like a prior to her marriage was liUss M ^m h, that ehe will be present, to ple and the unfortunate unemploy­ KLECTED TO A€Ai>tM ¥ bliylng of a tldcet by Kadner, who Congressman from the Fifth Dls* royal personage, she is living like JosepUne Flyxm of that place. Mr. Witness tbe putonaance tomorrow MARCH ON CAFTTAL ed? Jm it hot better for them to won a prise. ^ 1 trict. Ooss pt^ed 42.182 votes to the widow of n laborer.? Remer who. Is a son of Mn. Walker evening for tot/ firltt time. Mn. spend their time in; the public Paris* Dec, , ^ Defense attorneys were undecided 43,064 for Gtormley. ”Do I understand,” Wagner de­ is a graduate of Manchester High McComb and Miss Phelpe are both library toan to loiter about the historical Writer wi* etortM t o ^ eli the conclusion of the morning Presldenllal Vote • manded, “Chat a laborer’s widow school and is a member of the state graduatea of Emerson College of (Coattaoed teem Pngs One) streets,and In disreputable places? French Academy today* succeeding suasion as to who their first witness Official results of the Presidential lives at tha.ntnof 11,000 a month.*'’ police forise. 'Hie baby was borfi Oratory, BOatCii, and members of I tell ybu,. many a tender mother la the lata Rene Bastn. would be. They sm unemployment insurance will- be . BUeness-^bove all—is the office to his successor and turned 'liiomas D. Smith plara the part of fomnlated at a conference on, that dreadful monster that works hav i: BALCHEN IN BABTFORD' Milford, Dec. l.-**(AP)-r^Sdward over to him the gold ”ke]r of toe The Ladies Mtsstopary Society.of the elderly aunt; Mts. John J. day and ah attempt will be made to It is to theso idle hours that their C. Zemper reported to police that city” which has passed from each toe Emeifud. Lutheran church will FlaveU, a hbtri guest present, it to (tongress on toe next minds are aU« to ponder and medl ^Hartford, Doc. 1—(AP) —^Bemt two of bis four children were retiring mayor to his star since the meet in the church vestry tomoitow Other male nriea include, Clayton ‘1 understand, that, the unemph^ tate CO hurtfto and detetmental long associated with Ad< ■mrited away today in an automo* earliest days of the dty. afternotm st 2:80>o’cloek Holmes, p. waiter; Howard Grant as ed councirsinatlonal edimhittee id- tboughte; -Alsbk it. is the slick Richard E. Byrd in his polar bile driven by a woman. He Sak Mayor o>ok declared that politic t' mmmmm to* uincla of the widow and Law­ ready has; addressed relief' to ' the tongues of mew mw that corrupt its landed at Rentschler field he and his wife had been estranged difCerenceir should' be buried when Mrs. Mary F. Hatch of 180 Porter rence Pais^, the fast and'faninat- Speyer of the House,' ^fice. Presi­ the. morals and.d. lead1« ’ to tbe crooked afternoon accompanied by Sir three years. toe votes are counted especially in street has oiMb cajQed to Greenfield, Ing yoimg man. dent Curtis, and, to the heads of. the path bf crimA Is. It not theseir same jbert Wilkins, famous explorer. One of toe children, Mary 9, was times like toe present and pledged Mass., to care foe hw mother,' who The cast has piri a let of hard various comipittees Chht are Work and study into toe .play and with questiohsntotiiig tounemptoy* ism,>anarChism' and in ti powered all*metal Northrop Mother, Carl;..8. wa^^clmd jp Mr.^Cook vtob #as. mai^r of tha Mrs, V McComb feds conftoent they ment reBaf.”" - ' ' _ f mtade 'of'mefi. Bevmre^^^df idtenes ie in which Balchen and Lincoln the jcboor grounds. " ' ■. city for ste yea]^ ls ,a . ncw ipai^ ! 8 ten {i9i;the £ ai4 ^^A^^ a plCastog intermetetion Oectq^ toe mindl MotheTs toconr- 4 orth wffl atfeiiipt A trans-Aht* Witnesses sUd a man in the naan. 'M p ^ r H art is toe ptoprletor ceptbry. No. '18 wIS befid its ttKttith* tlte story. The dren rehearsal will age yodr b ( ^ to readl If to& home ic flight in the fall of 1936. auto with the woman. ‘ oTa five and ten cent store ly m e « ^ in,Orange hall tostorrow be held , this avetong a t toe HoIUs- S ets too mohdtonous; for them, say evening at 7;80 o’.cloek. The^btislfiess tdr street seboot m m m t m & f U lere ie a Ubrary :fdr- thCtr use; That of the session, wfll Indude. tu» mis- is why D hoist, that d(ir beafitlfui' ing of sevenl sir knights-to higher WMton Memorid. Ubrary dhmfid h r The Only CSiarge la Three w d One-Half Per Cent;Pei^ Month en llw Unpaid Amount of l>an« degrees. RANKRDFTCY PEHTION open every afterndov .and' every ASSESSORS NAME TWO evening during.thtf wedci Totally; Men in the employ of the State it wilt mean only eight hour* mdr* Hi^way dsipartment this morning New HaveA Dec. i.—(AP)—^ar? every Wedc,. Doesn’t that, seem started work repairing toe shoul­ FOR aERICAL WORK ber Brotbem, Hartford fuhiijtur* small? Yeh I boneaffy t ^ v n ^ e ders of the road 'rom'DeptA Square dealers and real eatete- operators; citizens of Manchester; he COLONIAL east towards Oakland street, over Henry J. Thprntim and Otto listed liablUtieS of 81.06S;498.94 and well rewarded for their generosity. land that was formerly -tiSea for Nelson To Give Boai>d Assist- asseteof |i^ Ji 0838 In a bankruptey W.e are. *U talking econpmy., Ar* trolley rails. The highway depart­ petition filed today with, the clerk of huxnw U i^ to be m casui^: With ment earlier In tlte summer made ahee For- Sevei^ WeekA toe U. S.;Dletrtet court “that mude called gold.’ l^t ue Budget Plali« b>«. some improvement by having a Petitlona in bankruptcy, were aleo economize scrupulously. Do not de­ scraper run ever this section; T90s prive nmn of edocationi morning gravel was being sprMd,, ,The B oa^of Assessors today se* filed bystwo Danbury hat concerns. Jan Zi^iadka. btoeked bff, and then given a Coat-; ieeted- Hnuy S. Thornton and Otto Tbe W. F. Trimpert Hat'Oompiuiy Ing of heavy nwd oil, WUCh Was E. Nelson to servs ira clerks in to* iiSted habiUties of ^ 1364,158.17 a^dn covered by sand, y This givea Asseisers offiee tor. n pertod of sev* agslhst assets of 8378,168.46 and the HOSPITAL NOTES considerable mere wUrth. to,4 the ersl wsdte duratloA.gtoe dwdtoteea Paid MartiB R at Company Hated street , win work on. toe Mit.wlto' shoes by, Iir-I.. I'li.a u $iitinUj single peisoB ill nped of money tbb-lonner Greek: lmmi|pantt- to e to te m e te to ^ Middle Ttofipfite rtfine^of m- NOW t ^ cost is reasmiabJe and Broad, atrepA* He took a novel-way of fundab- ing the footwear, NOtleing a; group; [stroiqrbaragandand w eal^l^il^' and repayments may be made Samnri Nd|wa;,lutoberajm of hMD.Waltlng.fQr'wofk and find- on a monthly, semi-monthly reeelvto of ra M W toe WKraliitoi ihc>»any almoffi shpeieMi be tovit- ^ toem into hIs iStop, fitted' them yiCTOR McLAGLE^ or weekly M s to suityoiir buUdiag by the Hertford Conneetl* cut Trust Company. with shoes left to be rapateed and 6 B S tA M I8 « i t e ^ HOW eottveniinee. If need bo, sent them on toslr ,way. Men lit' the esmloy of ttM jjan^ When his cpstomen qsUed fW terms can be arrmiged oyer a scape division of tow State Highway toelr stales M^sxBlatoed toe sMtou M U C H D O year and a half or slightly department bavriboen. at wojk jo r tion. *T c«^bad' fb pay tor t'towv ieveria di^w trlnuntog out toe dead pairs,” he said. “The other custom* longer! wood ia t^ 'o a North Mala street Y O U N E E D 1 ^ wert oC D i)^ fllinwe. You’ll find the C01X)NIAL plan a unique, friendly and helpful arrangement for pay his debt, When toe'tMriy days > Police beats; for this namth wote breakfaste.iM ended M; Will use toe re-establiiidiing. your credit and free your mind frimi the pressure of finaneied posted by Chief 'SaanWt O. Gordon balance for a trip to T'urcpe. worries, Trithout embarrassihg investiiation. t ^ y a* foUdWst Days, Arthur Uto-- A shrug wa*; toe answer and a Come in and talk it over today, or write, or ’phone, with the assurance of your meur. starts at 6 A m., Jtodojp laconiA ‘‘toe Atothtic,.wlll be toere ■ m 1 application remaining I;jirivate m atter with you! Wirtena, starts, nt 8 a m., MJekael ■Bother CASH can usually be provided you w ithin^ ■ Cavagnam, Mtia Street; Ha^ lt*s the All*AnfricaB hours following your application. man MuskOk N m End; Bagnmod CtrUamhOi X The M^er and gaa. automoMe pa^k •ultiinil W B A ip p s u m r certElMiteM tovm cleric todb; .tailin '-' , 'wni. whrayefi ______^ ______i^;l^v.-toratob''auiS: I S S t # ^ pnEN EONDAX NIOHTS •otatosaitog^ Hirtford-Aetik Building ^ tUoMis Zd^2

'h', -I ' w^ ; MAweilBSTl!® BVENmC H E R A tD rS O im i-ra W O T A V .

' t j;v .1 J- . 9 MANCHESTER GRANGE FAlNTlNGCROSSiNR RecreiBiiM iivC^^ REliSlBCOIlNCIL’S Y.M .C .A .N ote» N. Y. StociA .■‘w SATURDAY The Junior basketball league hqd CONFERS TWO DEGREES some fine games last night. The Ths^iebttire for Ftilay evtiihg’s '' . (Furnished b y Pnthain ft Oo.) iWm Be HekI In Connection O xforti’ orange colored suits seeined 'Men’s Team Works First and Adams Ebep ... i... ■ Workmen: Betweto ^I^vil .tmd iapsttng of Aid: eiahs. .at PreUminarsf; ImUni to dazzle the eyes of the ’ngers so Air Reduction . 52% .„Oenti^ Bow, HarMwdt Onnn. . ' :Deqp:Blue iSea:.^ttkiS.’..9n :tb£-S<^pol sti^Jt Recr'j jxill; ibe “In- ,WIM^ ConTontiim Being Held much that they could not find their lyomen the Second — Large V:, ■ 1 P.BI.8toekz ... Alaska Jun .. t • • » • • • 1 . 14% •*f ,.j , . ■■ ,______. • ...... J .. ik e Hack' and Wliitie Stripes. jijliti fnnn m t and,cold" V " Glut w F im m e t il.' In New Haym Chiirch. prey. Result, 27 to 11 in favor of Group of Visiting Grangers. .Some.'ubw ftitUms will be pre- Allegheny ...... i.... . 1% the Oxfords. In the second game the . BAnk' Stooks . seofed ‘ -'.tiie' \Cbmmuhfty-' dmice t Allied C h e m . v ... .72% ' ' Bid Asked . -Accordlhg. to-pbtigtiiscy rcpotii ^^[^;eeeual banquet and fellow* Falcons showed themselves wary 4fflc>at the'Mhln ' street ‘ faU- pBograip'tcimprrow night, with .mu­ w p timer of the Connecticut birds of prey and pounced upon the Manchester Grange’s special meet­ Can ...... 60% Cap Nat B and T ....’ — . 9 0 ^ sic-ftutifbed-; by Art McKay and by menffiert of ttM'Chzlstitis ing last evening in Odd Fellows hall Comn. R iver ...... 460 —, crosslng yn$ being held up all ing committee of the South' ’Moif Council of RellgiouB Eklucation and Community Filling Station so hard Am For P o W ' .. . 7 morning2 as a couple of men . were his'troultilpurS' There will be danc­ Connecticut Federation of Churches that they carried away a score of 31 was attended by 75 of the regular Htfd. Conn. Ttust .... 40 50’' chtits IXviMoh ’df tlM Ghaniber Am Rad Stand...... 7 First National ...... 125 — at'work'repainting the'black’ and ing tfrom 8 to 11 o’clock. Commerce, It iKwms retio e a b ly will be held In connection with the to 17. members and guests from Wapping. Coventry, Ekust Windsor And Rocky Am Sm elt ...... 13% New Brit. Trust ...... — 180 white-stripes of the gates. Every tain that the eoepense of the liftin g State Conventl gates would, .be noon, at 5:S0, at the Calvary Bap­ .Hni Granges.ran this number to up- Am Tel and, Tel ...... ' .108% West Hartford Trust.. — 190 : program will be underwritten. th» in the last game when it was a neck Insurance Stocks lowered while , the .painters wen.t to year. The division owns the eqiil^ tist church, New Haven. The after- 'wards of 100. The first degree was Am Tob B ...... 67% EAST SIDE YOUNG MEN and( neck race from start to finish Aetna Casualty ...... 32 M ! wbti- Automobiles would coihe -ment and the tily ezpMise irill dinner program will feature "the ‘conferred by the officers and the sec­ . betii^een the North End and the ^tnaebnda ...... 8% Aetna Life ...... 12 14 along, stop and start blowhig their marriage" of the Federation, desig­ ond degree by the ladies’ degree A tchison ...... 38 vthe'cost of- erection and WUdcats. At the close of the period team. Fourteen candidates from Aetna Fire ...... 2 6 28 bom s. i ■ consumed. nated as the groom and the Council, the score was a tie and after an Auburn ...... 40% The painters would finish part of PLAN AN ORGANIZATION Manchester and elsewhere received . 9 : A ir m o b ile ...... 14 16 A meeting of-the committee baif' designated as the bride. extra period' of two minutes the Balt and Ohio ...... Cohn. General ...... 32 34 a stripe and then bur^ back put of The Rev. Theodore Ainsworth the initiatory work. -been called by Chalrnaan North End team took the lead by one Bendix ...... 9% Hartford F ire ...... 35 37 the way as the gat'etender wbtdd lift Greene, Minister of the First Church A pleasant surprise number took To .Meet Tonight*' At School Slocumb for 9:30 6’dOek tomonroS^' point, thus taking the honors, 30 to Beth S t e e l...... 16% National Fire . : ...... 34% 36% the gates to let automobile and'.foot of Christ, New Britain, will serve as place during the evening when the . 80 ' Street R ^ To Nume Officei's morning, at which tile meitieR, 29. The North End boys are the Beth Steel, p fd ...... Hartford Steam Boiler 36% 38% traffic- pass. - Down pgaih .would toastmaster. It is Interesting that lecturer, Mrs. Henry Lowd, present­ Borden ...... 22 come.tie gates and tb.e same pro­ and Complete Business. )Will i^ w r t on the results o f tin youngest boys in the league and ed to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wickham, Phoenix F ire ...... 44 46 canvass o f Main stireiet merchshi Mr. Greene’s father, the Reverend have shown consistently the value of Can ^^ac ...... 12% 'Travelers ------330 340 cess would be gone o'ver again. - F. W. Greene, was prominent in the senior, a large, beautifully decorated . 37% for tee money, necessary to suppoL^ practicing a great deal for their Case (J.'I.) ...... , PnbUc Utilities Stocks ' It Was a 'busy morning for the leadership of the Ccmnecticut Feder­ wedding cake in recognition of the A meeting will be held'at the the Ughting program. games and have thus far been able to Cerro De Pasco ...... '.. . 6% Conn. Elec Serv . 40 44 , gatetender and. it.,looked as thougb ation of Churches during its estab­ 46th anniversary of &eir marriage. . 23% Bast Side at 8 o’clock tonight make an unusually good showing for Ches and Ohio ...... C give eveiy team a Joyner, secretary, and Mrs. Irving Elec Auto L ite ...... 16% bers and - non-members of tee Res sufficient list to pick from at all Billings and Spencer .. — 2 may join, and also persons already Episcopal Church, New Haven, on Wickham, Sr., treasurer; with Mrs. EHec Pow .and L t' ...... Bristol Brass ...... — ' 10 the subject, “The Church and Chris­ times. Porterfield on the work com­ Fox Film A ...... 2% Goldeii Rule Club of Talcottville connected wlte teams engaged in Last night the regular meeting of do, pfd ...... — 105 tian Citizenship." Dr. Magill is mittee. The next meeting will be Gen, Elec ...... • To Raise Money Through different sports; General Secretary of the Interna­ the members of the Women”s Divi­ Case, Lockwood and B — 300 T h e.activitiss o f the .clUb will in­ held with Mrs. Wickham on Ridge Gen Fbods ...... ;.... . 22% Collins Co ...... 1 6 — Novel Sale. tional Council of Religious Education sion of the Y. M. C. A. was held with street, Tuesday afternoon, and. all Gen M o to r s ...... 12% clude. ping, pong, bowling) i>tieball. P&VENT arift 40 women present. After a brief Colt’s Firearms ...... 8 9 of which the Connecticut Council of Grange women will be welcome to Gillette ...... 17% Eagle Lock ...... 18 21 basketball, ppol,. footbaU, soccer, m a n y C o lM Religious Education is an accredited business meeting, the session was . 53% A-picture of the White House at join. Hershey ...... Pamir Bearings — 36 swimming, hockey, card touraa^ auxiliary. turned into a social one. The group Int Harv ...... 20% Washington autographed by Mrs. meats, sociaL card parties and ban­ A new bowling league for the fTRL Fuller Brush, Class A. — 12 was divided into two teams and members is another activity expect­ Int N i c k ...... Herbert Hoover is among other quets. The club will have as its games of ping-pong blow, miniature Gray Tel Pay Station. 21 23 articles to be auctioned off by the ed to get under way after the holi­ Int Tel and'Tel ...... Hart and Cooley .;;.. — 126 meeting place tee School Street AWAIT SANTA’S ARRIVAL bowling, bean bag toss, racketeer, days qnd when the new Grangers Johns Manville ...... Golden Rule Club of the Talcottville Rpc. shuffle board, ring toss, and dom­ Haftmemn Tob, com... — 2 Congregational church in the Tal­ will have received their third and K ennecott ...... do, pfd ...... 7 — inoes were played. Each person A fourth degrees. Neighbors’ Night Kreug and Toll ...... Int S ilv e r ...... 12 15 cottville ball a week from Friday. went to four different games, during BY AIR SATURDAY is scheduled for December 14 and at Lehigh Val R w y ...... do, pfd ...... 42 46 The picture was presented to the the evening meeting and played Ligg and Myers B ...... club by Mrs. Hoover. , CHILD EQUIPMENT PLEA fhiH tim e the prog^ram will be fu r­ Landers, Frary A Ok. 23 26 BETTER against different people at each nished by Hebron, Hillstown, East Loew’s T he club also posse.sses a silk If Weather Is Fair He Will Ar­ game. The women were such good NewBrit.Mlch.com.. — -7 Hartford and Enfield Granges. The Lorillard ...... do, pfd — 70 handkerchief, the gift of Mrs. GETS QUICK RESPONSE rive At Watkins By Para­ sports about entering into the fun of third and fourth degrees and harvest McKeesp T in ...... Mann A Bow, Qass A — 6 Franklin D. Roosevelt, with “Happy JDEA the various games that the evening supper will be Wednesday evening, hlont lA^ard ^0, Class B . . ___ .... — .3 Days” embroidered in one comer. chute This Week End. was a decided success and should Nat Biscuit ...... December 28. North and Judd ...'. . 9 11 .This, too, will be jold at the auction help to make those in the future Nat Cash Reg ...... The appeal in yesterday's Herald According to the latest report re­ The business session was followed Niles Bern Pond...... : 4 6 aa wlU a powder puff in a silk case for high chairs, stro'ilers or other de­ even better. by a social in the banquet hall wit'o Nat D airy ...... Peck, Stow and Wilcox i — which was given to the club by ceived by Watkins Brothers every­ Tomorrow night the “Live Wires" Nat Pow and L t ...... vices for keeping little children in Send “ Gram” a new pic­ thing is in readiness for the arrival sandwiches and coffee served by Mr. Russell Mfg ...... 5 — Mary- Pickford, the famous moving will meet and plans for future meet­ N Y Central ...... needy homes from contact with cold ture. There isn't any­ of Santa Cllaus in town next Satur­ and Mrs. George W. House, Mr. and ScovlU ...... 12 14 picture actress. These are only three ings will be discussed and further NY NH and H ...... floors met with instant .response. day. Santa will break all precedents Mrs. Cleon Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Works ...... 8 10 of the many things to be sold at the thing she'd rather have. work will be done on leather. Noranda ...... This morning before 9 o’clock tbe in arriving in town this week for Leroy Roberts and Mrs. Jennie Standard Screw ...... 25 30 auction, RoberrM. Reid wil. be the visiting nurses had received four North Amer ...... do., pfd., guar...... 100 — this will be the first time in history T racy. auctioneer. high chairs, one child’s Ipw chair, Packard ...... Smythe Mfg C o ...... 15 — that he WlU.'travel to South Man­ Param Pub ...... two strollers, two .cribs and a baby chester by airplane, and drop from Taylor and Fenn ..... — 120 MEN OF BIBLE CLASS Penn ...... Torrlngton ...... 30% 32% carriage. The nurses can place all the tiles with the aid of a para­ Phillips Pete ...... of. these things they receive, and. the chute. IMPROVEMENT CLUB Underwood Mfg Co -,. 13 16 HIGHLAND MOTHERS a n d Pub Serv N J ...... Union. Mfg ,.Co....;.. 2 — articles are expected to be of great There is only one condition on TO HOLD REUEF SALE Radio ...... bentit in preventing colds and other which Santa will fiy to town Satur­ U S Envelope, com ___ — 60 TO MEET ON MONDAY Radio Keith do., pfd...... 60 — ' DAUGHTERS TO BANQUET illnesses. > -" i’ ' day and that is that the weather is Rem R a n d ...... V ■ Feeder Root ...... 6 10 f^ r and suitable for the parachute St. Mary’s Men’s Bible class will R ey Tob B ...... jimp.- so most of the kiddies in town Whitlock C3ear that uo connette would pointment! For your con­ at the church or have them called I that time a representative'’ of the Police believe the oar kad failed: to of Manchester will be welcome., to Watltiis’ store where gifts will be Trans-America ...... \ attend. Mothers without daughters,, venience .^aittings can for by dialing, 8485. Railroad Blmployers and Tax Pay­ make a.corncr.and. cratied into, the aacretof real d m - given to the children. Santa’s offi­ Union Carbide bumper. Tke machine b.ad been or vice vorti, 'WlU' be paired when cial b Portugal, Dec, 1.— (AP) — Doris Bolin for the daughters. The ace headachea, * hoiue, free of charge. It has been Warner Pic ...... Uslxm celebrated today the restora­ dulltieaa vahiab. to raise money by this method. guest speaker will' be Mrs. Everett At aU ■ FALLOT decided to ask a rental for the use West Union ...... tion of Portugal’s independence from J. Simonds, wife of the secretary of of the hall and therefore the meet­ West El and Mfg ...... Spanish . dotinipn in 1640, with tee Manchester Y. M. C: A ., who NEVADA’S FINANCES ing place was changed to the Y. M. Woolworth .: ...... p a ^ es of school children and a mll- will relate e^eperiencss of her life in r/M| a s A C " Quick STUDIO GREAT BRITAIN’S NOTE C. A., starting next week. * Elec Bond and Share (Curb) Itaiy review. IN SERIOUS SHAPE Mexico and other places.. ON W AR DEBT ARRIVES (CoBtlniied From Page One) (Oontmned m m Page One) vember 1, conditions in Reno and throughout -northern Nevada have grown steadily worse. wants to make sure that the British Boslnese Paralyzed note reaches Secretary Stimson first. Business, is virtually at a stand­ During the discussion of the past still in the 10 counties where the 12 several days, in Pariiament and else­ Wingfield banks, which took advan­ where it has been indicated that this tage the holiday and closed their note will renew the assertion that doors, hoping to work out a plan postponement of the 320,000,000 pay­ whereby they could free frozen ment due December 15 is necessary. assets and reopen. If postponement is not granted, Meanwhile, deposits totalling near­ however. Premier Herriot, it is said, ly 314,000,000 and representing is ready to pay despite the threat of 27,000 separate accounts, are tied up serious opposition in the Chamber of in the banks. Deputies. Money is scarcer than anyone ever Louis Marin, sponsor of a resolu­ imaging it could be.. Some em­ tion to the effect that Prance will ployers are unable to pay their help, pay no more than she receives in while others have ordered drsistic reparations, was induced to accept salary reductions. Teachers in 13 postponement of debate yesterday, coimties are faced with the prospect and representatives of the govern­ of going without their pay for sev­ ment have been trying to get him to eral weeks because 3350,000 in school withdraw the resolution entirely funds are locked up along with other pending continued negotiations with deposits. Washington. ^ ^ With taxes cue, proposals have The premier, it is said, is ready to been made that the state postpone make this issue a matter of confi­ collections for one month or longer, dence when it is presented in the but they have fallen on deaf ears Chamber, risking possible overthrow for the state likewise is short of of the government. 1 , Git (JUICKEST. STA R ^G funds. WITH SOCONY) GASOLINES. How long present conditions will Socoiyr larsest-s^Uiti ptimi- continue could not be definitely as­ um. gasolinb in New Ywk. ahd New certained today.' A. E. Le Roy, ex- *. \ Announcement !| Engjand. Sbcony Regqlzr,'finest amtaer for the Reconstruction Fi- nanbe Corporation, estimated if de­ To the many true and loyal .popular-priced gas(^ihes. positors .gave (iomplete immediate friends in Manchester and vicinity endorsement to the only reorganiza­ whose kindness has made it possible G et (SUXCKESt ! ^ A R T T O G tion plan that has been offered, the for me to obtain a livelihood in my ANDFULLLXiSRIGAtlbNT^ra banks could be opened within a chosen calling 1 wish to take this ON’T list a lazy,'growling, stub­ The othiv is Mobiloil Arctic. This MQBILOIL ARCTIC. mdnth. opportunity to express my deepest tic is^double-rangc.” It starts ti' ibe- That plan calls for reopening of appreciation. born starter ruin your battery “ dotible-rapge*’ motor oiFstarts at be­ D . low fieezing and gives complete pro­ the Wiiigfleld banks as a system of However fervently we may wish branch banks and could only be ac­ (and your teinper) and tap your pock- low fretiiiig and fipves complete ^pro­ tection when en ^ e tempenriures it otiierwlse, the fact remains that complished through the waiving by res(A 400*F. Itis WINTBR-f>!EtoOF. during the cold’winter months for depositors of approximately .40 per etbook these raw cold days. tection at 400® F. It saves your' bat- cent, or 35,682,000, of their depos­ many - of us illness is inevitable, 3 « Give your car z SOCONY Ltl- necessitating in many instances re­ te^-rrlengtoerw-the^life o f yourvcM*. its. “Winter-proof* your car and enjoy BNGATICm job to vtithstaxid^tiie moval to the hospital. peace o f ndhdi. Sooony offers two great ; Forbe|^,^^66thtf p ~ gaircfwihtqr. The SpeimynuDi d o ^ ’t . In times like the present when to miaa a point. REHEARSE m s MUSIC m ost oi us money is something products made especially to giye you w^tec^h^ two .V which has perished from the earth, QUICKEST STARTING in sub-freez­ 4 . d l w s k i e W g . A T THE POUSH CHURCH this is a severe hardship. ti»’<‘prp^ products TODAY. They are AND INSTANT To relieve to some extent the bur­ ing weather; partqf’Sooohy 7-Point Service, the most ING wite 80CONY WINTBR den of expense I wish to extend to QBAR LUBRICANTS. In cqld John J. Skowronk of Hartford, all who honor me with their friend­ One is Socony Ethyl—Isu’gest-selling complete, the most toorough V ^ weather you must; have; a who is organist and director of the ship, the services of my ambulance choir of the Polish National church without charge. I will cohsider It premiira gasoline in N ^ York and proof proteeticn’ ever offered to rnotor-. . tirade fear hjbdcwt. . | . Golway streeh 'will begin re­ a sincere expression of your confi­ hearsals tomorrow evening at 7:30 dence if you will without hesitation, New England. It contains jurt the iSts. Get it at your nearest. Spc(^y ht ;the .ctirch for the Christmas call my number when In need of this proptf amouiit of “ low tilin g pointe** gsuage, d i^ er o^^^ i i q o k -fiildSTICKYVALVES’WitiiSb- mnsic. '^ e choir numbers 26 young service. ' We will answer the call peiople, .new members being Janet most willingly and as promptly as to insure quideest starting. the 7-Po^ty^Vi^tte-p^ qu^'. -tobrica^ pivta^dtF- Soeony ■< AU TO : ; RA;|llVL

•‘-z' j ■■A'''"' Ji:'! w N ✓

P A G E r O U R ^ f day, the first day of the “lame-duok’* mbnetaiy/iQritom tKiit'1* jpnietleilly BCHINDtnC SCENES IN lllbtncl(»>t(t aeaatoB of Oonfreas, fbUowa e in ^ y certain to defeat any'reindfia) action the da^axattoB of the Oamocratle we may take. Cuinitig l|»raljt platform. It provides merely for ra^ This country Is in'somewhat foe - si .-Ml PUMLUI^O BT TBB peal of the Eighteenth amendmeht same podtion tiuit M m wodd oc- BBIUU> PFUKtlNG►WNTINO COf COUrANT. INC It BltMtt slrtM and for ratifieatlBB by atofo constl- 4^ y If comiBUBtdatlen were^ to be •outb ManaiiMUr. Cons. ^bllshOd between ttot planet and ROOSEVELT LBAVIBB CABINET TaOlUB PBBOUflON eonvMitioas. Whehn it GUESBBRS IN ram DARK C L ^ ■If' OMfm) Vaat|c«r emerjjfea from committee^lt may pos­ this one and It were dtocoVered that sibly wear some trlmininga—provl- the Martians were detog business By RODNEY DUTCHEB Pound«0 06teb«r 1, ItSl NEA Service Writer aiona for additional protection for with a currency of diamonds^ and to 'rA PubUsbfd . Bvmv BvMtis Bxewt were buying, aelUng, and producing Washington, Dec. 1.— Ckiverabr StTsdays u d Boltiu; ti Baur«c at. » • states which may retain prohlbittqn Roosevelt is quite right in wanfing .i Pdat Offlea at South llanehaatar. the same sort of conunodities that Conn., at Sacond Clha* Mall Matttr. on their own account and some sort his people not. to pay any attentioo SOBSOIUPTION RATB8 « ^ of a ban on the saloon. ^The proba­ we have—a carat diamond for a suit to what they read in foe newspapeta Ona Taa^# ntall of dofoes, a half carat diamond for about foe possible makeup of his Jcoiltlla bjf nftP •• a a a • • a « a • a$ aCv bilities at this time, however, «re C^inet. ^gtvic* ttia 8tllJ|rt# aaaaaaaoaaaaaoaaa oS .• O v pair o f shoes, etc. How long Dallaarad, ona ya^^ that the Gamer resolution substan­ Speculation is speculation and it is zbO tially as drawn will be passed in the would it be before . foe industrial very much in order at this-time, inn UtMBBB 0 7 THE A8S0CIATBD countries of Earth would be dump­ sank* PRESS Housed so far as foe next Cabinet, is con­ Tha Aaaoeiatad Prasa la exclualvaly What makes this likely is the ing suits and shoes and foe agricul­ cerned. But everyone virhb writes 9 : 1 5 ^ anttUad to tha uaa (or rapublioation tural ■ countries wheat and potatoes about it is just guessing and hardly o( all nawa diapatebaa oradUad to It probability that before the matter any of foe guesses are better than or not otharwfaa credited In tbia on Mars—and what would beepme of oapar and alao tba local netra pub> comes up on the fioor o f the House foe others. The.guesslngwlll become IlMad^ baraln. It will have been the subject of cau­ Mars prices and employment? gradually more accurate, of course,' All rtsbta of rapublieatlon of apaelAl diapatebaa berain are alao ra« cus action. It is more than proba­ No doubt there would be a creditor as March approaches. aarrad. on Mars which.would throw fits Ona reason foe prerident-elect is ble that enough Democrats will be so completely justified in warning Publlabar’a RapraaantatIva: Tba completely in favor of following the ovpr any proposal to get off foe dia­ JulluB Matbawa Special Aaaney—New foe public not to take any stock in .7ork. Obleavo. Oatrolt and Boaton. party platform to bind the few drys mond standard. But wouldn’t it be foe Cabinet speculaticm is that no and more former drys in their party suiddal for that planet to remain on one knows whether Roosevelt wants Full aarvfe^ cllen* of N E A Sar* a strong Cabinet or a weak Cabinet. vice, Inc. to favorable action on the Gamer it—when a diamond that would only Member audit Bureau of Clreula* pay for a suit of clothes in Mars tiona . measures as is. It is suspected that Nearly all foe current specula^ would buy a huge packing case full Tba Herald PrlaJInK Company. Inc., a good many of these members, tion has been based on foe theory aaiumea no flnanclal remnalblllty mostly from the South, would be of suits in Connecticut? that he will be wanting a strong for typosrapbteal arrora appaarlnK In Cabinet. That’s why you find the 'Bdvartiaamaau j tba Maneheater thankful for belnif thus “ coerced’* correspondents picUng posts for Evaning' HaralA into voting yes on the question of t h e NEW NOTE such folks as Newton D. Baker, S A J l t A . At this writing foe text of foe new THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1.. straight repeal. In addition there Owen D. Young, Albert C. Ritchie, are said to be about a hundred Re­ British note concerning the $96,650,- John W. Davis, James M. Cox, A1 Smith, Carter Glass, Bernard SHORT-WEEK SCHEMES publicans who stand ready to vote 000 debt payment of -December 16 has not come over foe wires but in­ Baruch, Melvin M. Traylor, William The militant speech of William for repml without strings. Against G. McAdoo, Frances Perkins and ^ Green, head of'th e American Fed­ a caucused tlemocratic majority, re­ timations that it goes over foe heads Thomas J. Walsh. eration of Labor, in the course'of inforced by this kind o f Republican of foe government and in effect is Obviously, if Roosevelt were to addressed to foe American people in­ pick a Cabinet out of that group which on Monday he demanded^ for assistance, the drys would be no­ dicate shrewd good sense on the part he would have a Cabinet of such labor everywhere a five day week where. heft that he would be in great dan­ and a six hour day, with no reduc­ In the Senate the situation is vety of ite authors. ger of merely being considered as It is very doubtful if there has tion in wages, has stirred up more different There seems little enough among those present That is one of ever been a sound basis for foe be­ amtious comment than it appears to prospect of passing the Gamer foe iMst reasons for suppqsfog not lief, so common in Congress and In. mapy of-foose persons will be on foe deserve. TOere were in Green’s resolution or any other repeal meas­ government circles, that foe people list, if one miut so suppose. speeck all implications of strikes, ure not loaded down with qualifica­ A strong president can. afford to of the United States were strenuous­ political action and goodness knows have a wetfo Cabinet, whereas a tions enough to make it worthless. ly opposed tOvSny further scaling what not. But it was, after all, So that all that promises to be ac­ weak president ought to have a dowAof foe war deb^p. As a matter strong Cabinet, according to the sheer tub thumping. complished in the way of repeal of fact the subject is one in which orthodox theory here. The utter fallacy of the Green po­ legislation in the present Congress a vast majority of foe people took Mr. Harding, who was rather a sition is so obvious that even the weak president and doubUes.: antici­ is a fine big gesture. The gesture, at no time any very lively interest, most finatically union-niinded work­ however, is worth making and will pated it, picked a strong Cabinet— Health , and Diet one way or foe other, imtil very re­ it is still regarded as strong; on ac­ er can hardly fail to perceive it. disclose the whereabouts of certain cently indeed. Whrt has been mis­ count of Hughes, Hoover and Mellon, What Green proposes is exactly tan- senators who, are to be in the next taken for a general popular opinion even if some of foe boys did go Advice taipount to raising the labor cost of Congress. has been nothing but the opinion of wrong on him. isS& i By ,Br. Firaak MoCey all manufactured commodities, of all After the attempt at repeal has Mr. Hoover, who wa expected to Mr. Jo)m Oat and Its play-life; Although his GLOW Congresses and of administrations. be a strong president and who him­ construction and of all services by failed, as it is practically certain to. New York, Dec. 1—They «ay fo a t^ ^ e has bceome no such house- The public mind has been a fallow self hardly expected anything else hold word as Bamam or Ringling, ihdre than 30 per cent without in it will be in proper order for the but who—according to a large popu­ when foe circus wagons move SANITATION HAS. INCBBASED field in this relation. still he bas'been one of the most LIFE Ex p e c t a n c y any way providing for a compen­ wets to obtain such temporary mod­ Now,^however, there is plenty of lar majority—^was a flop, had a across foe land in foe spring.^ foe powerftil off-stage figures in foe sating market capable of absorbing ification of the Volstead act as they Cabinet for whom no one kad much picturesque personality of' /'llUster outdoor show s^une. : In foe. days before sewage and reason for foe i^eople to become con­ respect. The only members who arc the production. Imagine anyone can. There is a greaCdeal that John’’ will be missing from “foe Coney is his pet because Coney garbage d isp o^ , when sanitation cerned. If it can be shown to them still held in any esteem are Secre­ played a great part in his yoqfo- building a house at an increase of needs doing to that fanatical histru- that insistence on payment of the greatest show on earth.’’ and swamp drainage were unknown tary of State Stimson and Attorney They say • foat foO familiar high ful struggle. The “biggest .show" thirty per cent over present con­ ment aside from the moot question December Ifi .lnstalinent is likely to General Mitchell, two able and very and shiny hat; foe inevitable black is, of course, his main interest. disease epidemics Were much more struction prices! of legalizing beer. retard recovery from foe depression loyal men who have had to put up cigar; foe dlriect voice, trained-, to Gumpertz operated foe old DrMtm- prevalent imd deadly than at foe Mr. Green must know—and if he with so much that foelr friends are achieve depths by yearii of an­ land at foe time when it burned prasent time. Some time ago I went they may even become excited and quite sorry for them. down. doesn’t certainly hundreds' of thou­ nouncing; tte boots, foe long coat timmgh an interesting exhibit, at MERRITT TOLL HIGHWAY klutfiy demand that Cpngress. put an the ale^ shifting eyes— all wJU As a child, his scene shifted foe Smifosonfa Institute In Wash­ sands of u^on workers must know— The plan of the Fairfield County end to such injurious nonsense. All of which doesn*t help us to be gone from the sidelines, foat from San Francisco to Rochester, ington whicb showed foe great ad­ pick Roosevelt’s Cabinet before he that if somakow his program could Rcpublican.Organization for the im* If foe British note is an appeal tented isfomus which connects foe N. Y., where his brqfoer, an inter­ vancements made .n hygienic living be put into effect thousands o f in­ picks it himself. The g-Jvemor pre­ big tops and performers’ entriutce ior dMotator and stage craftsman, conditions since the time of foe mediate building of the Meiiitt to foe pm s^ of America Britain's sumably feels that he v ill a dustries now ^ i^ o|^t^ with way...... was itttarested in a foeatar. Sam early cliff dwellers. Ae-exhibit LH igb^y,a8'^;self liqtddaiy|ng enter-v statesman' have brought their w ^ s strong president, altitough foat’s a joined him. St. Louis attracted him . You m aj" have heatri, or read, an foterasttiM * x a n ^ rnf >how>niri '■ '^ b y an the greatest &aa<^. :^fflculty prise financed by Reconstruction Fi­ to a good market '. petot of excited debate in Wdishihg- that John RingHbg,- hurt of toe nrift. From the theater buriness, l>roved sanitaiy conditions have in­ ton, but there is no very good way unknown, unrcliabto make, would instantly close down alto­ nance Coloration funds deserves five Ringling birofoert who made Gimpertz took ' charge of foe af- creased foe average span of life. gether. To add 30 per cent to their of telling whether His ^binet wiU circus history, has tdimed active faira o f “foe Great Lafayette,’’ when you can own an .oil the fullest support of the people and be considered good, bad, awful or One of foe exhibits was foe cliff- production costs would finish them control of foe “biggest 8how’^ over master illusionist and magician. dwellers living n foelr dirty horses burner made to* **^0* foe legislators of Connecticut tenible. ^ * to one Sam Gump^tz, one of foe “Lafayette” became a world fig­ just as definitely as if it were 300 At this stage of foe Cabinet-pick­ with apparently no idea of sanlta- tty’s plonera for aS bttle,P^. There is no reason in foe world l^gs of foe outdoor show world. ure and lost his life in Glasgow tkm. The average span of life, of per cent, or 3,000; ing process, however, it may be con­ “Mister John,’’ it Is said, is pre­ While tiylng to save a pet. dog $22.50 ? ' Apprdvrii by Good why such a motorway as this should those people was ’ncrediMy short— To be sure. Green is not the only sidered a fortimate thing for the pared to sit back and play foe role from a foeater fire. seventeen years. Housekeeping tnstitute and not pay for itself out of . tolls. Its country that Governor Roosevelt is of “master mind’’ —or something advocate o f the short Week and short Then there was another modd of foe F^e Underwriters. probleni is exactly, foe same as foe an expert politician'and apparently like that. Around foe Bioadway Long-Time Friends an imUsn wigwaili. Tb*v Indians day. A newspaper is knows all the tricks of the busi­ tent show folk you’ll hear tales eff Guaranteed by foe Silent. problem of any of foe bridges or IV BRMCi CATTON .Beaches,. resorts, packs, carni­ lived a more healthful life than foe Circularising the press of the coun­ ness. a family squabble involving foe vals ,and foe rest came imder Glow OofporatiQB and Wgt- tunnels (hat have been built as toll cliffdwellers afidr had a better idea, try in the Interest of a short-week HERO AND ROGUE WERE UNIT­ He will not ignore political con­ two vddbWs of dead RingUngs; Gumpertz’s control. He came to o f caaifation.. Consequently, ^ eir kinS Brothers! propositions. Not only is foe prin­ ED IN CAREER OF DlAZ siderations, but he will at least b« Robert sole male ■ survivor,'- and plan sponsored by a large cotton have ah interest in half a dozen of average length .of life was a gieat ciple a fair one that those who use able to assay foe value of the vari­ Mister^John; you’ll hear of Mister foe Mg. and small CraveUng tent deal more than that of foe unsani­ manufacturer of that city named Mexicaa Dictator Revealed by ous pressures which will be brought John’s ill health; you’ll h ^ that should pay biit foe establishment of zhowi.. When John Riniring took tary cliffdwellers. Easy Terms Odenheimer. His idea is to have Btogr^hy AS a Strange Corn- to bear upon him. foe greatest show fortune evbr over such conOenis as I^enbaek, The log cabin of foe early Amer­ adopted « federal Constitutional a toll system for a road like foe nation. And, it appears, he will be smart shrunk in focee iiftpression times;, SdU-lHoto, A1 G. Bantes ' Shd ican pioneers furnished material.for if you wish Merritt Highway Is entirely practi­ enough not to set off any triixl-bal­ that '’Mister John’s’’ two, pmate- others, Cdinprirfo ihaiataincd an anOQier exhlMt. raeso Cabins o f our amendment giving CongwSs the The evolution of a dictator gets cable. It is a very different matter loons by letting it be known foat be ly owned rtllroads in the Mnitip intenst thereth. Hb* bolding mc- forefathers were cleaner tbmi tbs power to fix the week’s working graphic- presentation in “Porfirio is considering this or that man for west have not ddne so well and papded. HO took a-cansiderable from attempting to convert into- toll- Indian wigwam, but still the early hours. He would have Congress ^az: dictator of Mexico,’’ by Carle- a given job. Trial Imlloons u e nearly foat a vast investment bi Sarasota, mtotast in foe Bamum-Ringling settlers did not understand bow to ton Beals. Fla., has felt foe Mum of shrink-’ create an “Hours of Labor Commlsr ways roads thiat are, in effect, mere­ always shot down. aggreghtioo;. s^iarate foe drabtariB^ ^bm foe oiit- ly improvemenfai upon amciently- es­ Dia» today is remembered chiefly Incidentally, foe chief reason so ing values. ■ ■ ' Ah the thha he femaihed ohe of hbiises’ and barb# so .as t o keep It Sion’’ which from time t(^ time by as a ruthless and able ruffian who tablished free roads—different both many guessers are guessing Frailces MO. koda fifieadi. He buUt away frbb) thrir. wens and strtotoa. • w A T i a m proclamation would establish work­ held absolute power in Mexico for Perkins for secretary of lalmr m Guttiperta in in a at SarMbta, .adjoining foe The average iCngtii of life Of fot*e ing hours for the country according in principle and in foe physical upwards of 30 years, and during thaf so many people think it would But you’ll have to go to ObnCy fabulouB^ Rihglihg estata: with its pioneers was Itos than thirty years. that time gave the luckless country as the production outran or fdl problem, of tolls collection. Arrange^ be such r swell idea. Iriand to meet foe new active art mui^um, zoo and extravagant The last model shown was a ments for making foe collection of at least a semblance of order. Mr. boss of foe “biggest show.” 'there landsci^O^. model. houSe .^ f o aU o f foe I rtest foods: containing sodium and potos- Short of demand. In one way the Beals here analyzes his career and tolls positive and ^m ost autoinatic "^ L A G E you’ll find Sam Gumpertz busily sanitoiY surroundings* This home rium. .Osteopathic trestmenta are' New Orleans man would go further sbfWs that foe man was both better l a d y HUNTER (lookitig at first engaged in foe affailB tfie JUsTAH a BiT contrined modr-n btorifig, ngbt- Very beii^ul m increasing the d tM -' than Green, for he thinks that it can be Incorporated into. foe~. “ I*- and worse thsh foe customary pbeasmit she ever shdt): Oh, foe Coney Boafd ofTriidS. Tha grMrt iiiig. plumWng and improved opbke lation. neering features of foe job/ American verdict made him; poor littie birdie! What a shame! and particular GUi^^«rtn Mhby NtltRSE: tvs a; bby. air. sad he ing toefoods with aanitaiy refrir- would be a good idea ;to fix the hours In the beginning, Diaz was all No one will question foe reason­ HUSBAND: Never mind, my and yen in' Coney. Hd wblMSi w eU ^ seven pouhds; eratton for food. (Baby’s Arm SweltoB) . of industrial employment, at first, at patariot—unselfish, devoted and dear, Tm sure it was quite an acci­ about its building prdgratt anA its HAFBY Ra t h e r (a butcher); Thi» arrangement demonstrates 25 hours a week. That, he believes, ableness of foe Fiirfield County peo­ brave. He was Juarez’s most valued civic advancement; its ride shows Wtfoeut botte?—JUgend. Question: Mrs. W altri H. writei: dent—The Humorist that foe average ajian o f ‘M y baby is six months old abd^tor would give everybody a job and pret­ ple’s prediction that it will take ten subordinate during the loi^ fight which la a Uttle above' flf^itoigbt years to build the Merritt Highway against Maximilian mid foe French. the last two months bis left arin b»»' ty soon the demsmd would justify He kept foe revolution alive in years' at foe present time, can be comies swdlrii every right up to- hie piecemeal if it is done as a part of attributed in a liaige measure, to increase production and longer those days at great personal peril. The Right O’ Way! foe fact foat most people are »v- elbow. Bbfo foe hi|mto end enh alto the state’s regular constriiction pro­ He could npt .be scared, and—won­ become very cold. Do yon think fb*. hours of employment. ing Jinder much more, , hygl®*bo band become# eddhecauto the baby gram and paid for out of public der o t wonders—^he coiild not be surrounifinga than their ancestors. But the New Orleans manufactur­ bribed. keepe it above li’s brad VriiileHricep- er doesn’t, like Green, propose that funds; probably it will take a good I hope that foe fact wlU be un­ 'ing?*»- : ’ Indeed, Diaz’s work during those derstood that hygienic Uriiia' and deal longer than that. As an R. F. years makes an enthralling tale. Answer;: Your .bThyg hfiri might the woijker must be paid the same ./i sanlttoy condition-' are, rapoorible wage for the 25 hours that he has C. job it could be completed in one Sometimes be bad not a do^en fol­ for this increased life span much become raid becaiiae o f A erampst year and would provide a great deal lowers. Always foe odds against more than the discoveries a'HHxt petition during sitop. but, if it bi#^ been getting for 48 or 44 or what­ him were long. But he never fal­ pens only to foe left bimd, I..\tould" of sorely needed employment. medicines ano antiseptics. ever has been his standard week. tered, and that Juarez finally won The principles oC hygienic and adylse you to bara a doctor examine We don’t believe there is anything The scheme ^is a good one. It was due in no small measure to sanitation are well understood as foe ba^’s heart, / *'i should be earnestly supported. Diaz, who was all that a heroic uipUea to conununltiea but. arc sa to worry about in this new attitude patriot ought to be. of the President of the American yet but Uttle .recognised ^a appty- Mustaid)' ■ Then he and Juarez quarreled, ing' to foe indlvlduaL Q e^ U n m , Quratioiu I. D. Writra: . . *! Ari Federation of Labor. He isn’t, in all DIAMOI^ STANDARD Juarez died and Diaz seized power; not only external but. Internal , as very fpoed of. mustard pad^wiili to-- probability, anxious to destroy that There is one man in foe United and straightway he tiecame a self­ 'I wen, wfil prevent moft o f foe dis­ Imow ,U you cottslder it bariiifMlT" .. ish, UBpi^cipIed dictator. . He eases to wMcb man is heir.. A good" organization. And if he gives any States government who appears to “modemized” Mexico, to be sure,- ' Answer: Mustard Is irritatoig* - t o : drculation serves much the same foe digestive trsrt arrifor tiilttorir ^ serious indications of being about to be able to reason from cause to ef­ but it was a blind, one-sided mod­ purpose in foe individual foat foe ernization to which many of Mex- son I do not advise itoUto to do so through the making of insane fect in foe matter of farm relief. He draining of swamps and foe iuatal- quantities, although it mey Itonaai Icoi’s present troubles are due. He latioD of sewage aystaina doss for demands it ie reasonably certain that is Senator Burton 'K. Wheeler of left foe struggling masses in in­ oceasioiiany to omUt amctoits ‘with , its members will not permit him to. a communito* l^ m pt'soid oomMsts Montana. Senator Wheeler has foe finitely worse shape than he found elimination from foe body is Just as protein food- ' \ < It may be that as an emergency candor and foe intelligence to ex­ them. i n n r - important aaifoe dia’^'csal of gar­ , ■ ■ > •: . measure employment in this coun­ ‘Torfirlo^ Diaz’’ is published by bage from foe hornet OeanUnesa is 885 press unqualifiedly foe belief that Lfppiacott and sellz for $5. CITY. AUTOS, try win have to be divided up as the none of foe proposed agriculti^ truly next to godliness, and those who ran keep thamsrivw dhap oply inunediate escape from jo b l^ - measures would prove of any sub­ CITY OF STAMFORD SUED New York, ^ Tori ' ■lAi Ti side and outside oV tiie body meed timony wgt introdueed before foe ness and general destitution. But stantial benefit so long foe United not be afraid o f cOBtraeting infho- Hofirtadter legtriitivo^ ton m ef to­ Bridgepoi^ Dec. l.-^ (A P )— The tioua or contagkms MsCases. it will not be according to any such States remains on the gold standard city o f Stamford is named as a de­ day that OB Fetouary 8$, met, there impossible plan as that of Mr. were 835^ cito owned pesaenger su- in competition with countries doing fendant in a $26,000 damage suit QUESTIONS AND ^ S W E R S Green, for the very good and suffi­ business with currendes that are de­ filed in foe Superior Court today by tomobllM, exclusive of thoto to the cient reason that It cannot b^. Marie S. Federman of Pound Ridge, (What Gaosea Caktnm OS|Maitit) pottos and fliB . . „ preciated when measured by foe gold N. Y., a dress desijgner who claims toe-rito The Constitutional amendment (Ouestion. Efosl J ashst'"WhatJa Chase. dollar. that ^because of her injuries she is foe brat way to pravcat the detwfit scheme of the New Orleans man, X statement given out by Senator unable tp earn her lumal salary of of ralcium W tba tlizuM dt foe Testimory. was while unattractive enough for ob­ Wheeler yesterday is prinM In the $300 a week. It is alleged by foe body t Is there a certain diet to Walsh,-formerly:'. ito' vious reasons, at least makes a plailntiff that when she was operat­ prevent .tbie? M. It bert to keep Samtiel Seaburgr. news columns of The Herald. It is ing a car through Bummer street, raBunitfee, tott measure i>f sense. But it smells aw ^ from fbode foit toptob. Mu*, f'l far from being an , exhaustive Stamford, th e ^ n t whueei of her car d u ^ Are osteopathic toeatmafiti vohmtHY ari to strofigly of Soviet RtisMa or, FasdsC treatise; but it puts foe dtimtion drop^ down a bole ' er crevlee, hriptol by ibCtoasing the MoM sup­ WBito Italy and the time for it ceftainly which bhd been covered by ^ man­ ply tiirough.tiie BadY^ ^ . Idat he emit simply and clearly.' Many th&king hole Cover. Her forminr:fi9eds. -'eepiidaliy the - . ■

0 ■ > - j . % •iff? a •• “ij jJi

j y , .y -1 if-jT m Sr * A-4-V'- ' J'. J...... im m iiHS ■"^v- rtskj HiiU telb ir as frticpS: nfar''here .w .'ii i Atf^ld a Sirhkwb6phjg^'dbwn,.^teh a;yb| p H lift in Its talbha ^ d a «ir i._ MA' Sihally reihi^bsi^ biased'at the fiyingSab|fit lib abrui^ ^ bu^ihy, hnqclti^ m '-dwajjr.: ams-Sad j the haVtit’s ' ______. _to£ctf;.hl8, v^iiitodvk^.: Y,-.:pdbs/:* ^'todr'l ' A e ri ^tbe^’i I«^ n , Dec. 2.—(AF)— F«rm' "The bird ki^t ■ on going, bu] " *' Re- wif^ ! ;• itahUe/ »i|[ilit8 and the adn^brators »r^ b | t fell-^ n ,' nbqitt a >hm feet- away .and ’ I Just — ‘^ ^ D c ; J b ^ Enflpod's wheat aubaidy are con- -ti^; .fiinit-pm^em and.pi(dced |t"i^.’* ,aty of BM®mnM :3Ql!^|||s||.'^d JO^ the first six months of opwa> ;5toe/g toe than the subsidy has averts Uie Rev. Samuel .Spencer, hastbr;,df »^ e ia HrehtpnAtoto^/ ir’helne Moririsyille .Methodist , church; advo- - ■ J f - - ' a^eua (M^i^Me.which .threatened[an ■ riA c-'-' !>*;. wto 8tawdr.opw»:by, :l»o0niied^s*-“‘'** )$a^ Ihe iioBfo^iaat sectioB'of English agriool- such are the j^ ts. *. 'Watowrt itojtoto-tobm-'' ing O osp^^/^m p^ a, iqrgnr tfire. ■ ' ' /Detiblt-r^At '^eiu^' b a‘sebo)sd'.our.: ^ Bw-skulT • 9he.subsidy guarantees a price oi the :stidf .vle^,the case of its: . vbiumd Af^dmm t o p i; ‘ **d^J** 'Coast -hesdr lO ahfflinn h hundredweight to Bb^- famous' patient Heiuy Ford, as *7uat anew pdat., atfcBtotatimto/'vriUb^ d ^ , •the wayjto i*ib jhe^tai, te;^ | r.g . ______' ifrfh gtwSirera. (Calculat^ on the like any otiwr'eompmuation: *•*»*?** cUned only slnjto^;ftom' September' ’to'-Mke' ; I''■■■I .-r^' bhais at the prewhit low Miiad, this iitvolvinig eu0?h>yes of the motor vt&t; faw’i^ y high asktor/pitos-’^/^^ . Thcy^nre % 'toe‘ i^Ai _^ .. is the. equivalent of about 85 cents a -niaghata’f^taote^.-..-. P^dr ' co^dli^^dn to: tod j Bkriton -AW yctoto- C* r HtosbaU .tab biuthor jujd ^iddioiat, yytt :Ginnt^,^Hdlattay;TWto>,: ootom ^ ^ . : .'.tv :*■ i :■ ■■' ' • ‘hfc. Ford developed his trwblft chugM toto HeW :B | g li^ toi apeak-. at.tlto'..coeybm^togii < ;Oto*titotimi - I832;tor ^13^. bpshel.) qpestimi He ''I ^ e .grower i# paid the differehcb ndiile at work” :saysT3t‘ and tejegtof^dtoc^^ aftoruoen > Etoi; 16 ;cp- Igdtototou/ Hta< gritodfatimr vr ' stototong/’ rqjbfttod:^^^ m h: .;skA ^’^h^-T'^toeatra^riSg u you-*^ - - efi wheat and Hour. iiblemr” ' tiieisto' ritaued' to :bdMrs£ -SHn^die^/Hensmif ' H r i v e v ^ tr ie d -^ :■ .V' ■ A/:/;;i;' t '/T h e government* .acted on. 'the Hartford—Judge P atd(± B. fi^^nl-, . Newport, ^R^i:^-^Grol.ln -to dtskbted , . -:Yeatn who: ta toaiduf':a:''/'.8hD!rt’ livan has new respect fo.' ieeg^; d^top^toto, veterans frbto tb* . uayai speaidng teur'to-to^^^;Htats8.' Hmdow; m:tke:'MtafAdtoto^sb^)^ cess ■ aiads' ;t^tv,v<^3dA'*;ff^^ One. applicatom -of i, powerfi)j|y tbeo]^'-it vas bqttef to encourage o f: m ««^!' dfid .ciuntondy.. U ' em iit ' ■BensbiL-'rA;- ^ buctong aoid todqUPtot^dddird..'. Juni­ soothing . and;:/h8(^kto '«tahjdB*s the g row i^ of a iiaeful crop than to He . ti^:;by Rmph ,6. Hac||to; hospit^____ ^ panic^to'u aytot a .obmwi t o Connedticut^^ipi^l^eista'to^^ ternkwliul ^ ta Josepb'Henjiy/.SeK^'to '.Sewm^Adaalrale./'Av per' oil', is:: -plekimRi;-^^^^ -to' the. tiintmtoi tatoM^tlii*^ mdd* graht direct aid. That belief still is general, manager of a HcurtfoM'jice ed any, lac., o f 0 voltoiT uves-to the > /bSffcoti^tibU 'a^|j?':mi.:lHni^'. *^ -^and /money..' 'B -yb»i-:^fe':/ bCto*rfed-. with ter^g^iaHto old E to^ ' .IbqMrts of the hcdmsti^ of agri- amaaement. ‘Tt’s fviy simpler' Hea­ er, continued. /T t slmuto.lm obyloua tafy pdtitito tot bantohptoy: -.with •t<^ * toe' diutf' 'backdche ■ to . 1 ^ /taud^ from nta; .emd- ley asstired him.' ' -TTtota. persons fdtad'>'^to-v^td^ cultnre point out that in xddition,to to anjmue.that dndy theto'Cir^^ liabilities' of 388,150 and . assets to one to Puebla; and^tto^" totbexti^ 'mediae;-;-- ^ bladder :^ ^ ;a re -so powtofiffTy^bfealing and tlje direct: economic results frpm the stah(^ :im «fato^ -mtief: mU ke , : ■ N- ■ v ■ '* Oklahoma dftr, pwa.—Tpe Flukes 380806 ^to'Atotobo*' ’ ' He •'was' bdm'^at toe 'Fbrtmnbu.th', feel better af^f/tois . t o h t • t o pdlicy-^-sueh as making possible the first divorce a month, ago, wh^n D. propduuded whito: win - rtuee. ii^cc Boston—Lto'and-Stephen Feehey, : ThA mercury feP lari^ bight .to 20 N- T lV ^ d yy 'S?iird, XugUst/2, lw 7 - you get your toghlto. Sold by resitltalyou woun 'Cne'3p cant purchase of farm supplies— the d ; Fluke acted as his own attcmey, levw to the Ameri ' V . >4 .i . mother J.;H.. Quhm.A^.01f-7s^^ - toovto it. ADrirt^.^Ofaa.'-'Advx., . ' social fabric of English farm life is. was a Fluke. But the Flukes suto ttnto asvthdw epuntriea^^ off • ’ .- ■ -' • ' -\Myr - i , -f / ’ - . -.-. . ' r - . . . . - - maintained, tte istablhty of one qec- hew divorce now that is .ho . Fluka the ,gotld staadm^ ato bfto maximum the chick bcgah to g^dW;;: A-dii^ H i m J B S W L^webeTj the. otjmer notii^ pecu^; the^^Cknadlkh ipraduber- receives 55 pxbductiQn ia placed at 48,000,000. cents m Chdmdtan'

/t&Ojgrata w ith Unltori^taitos todet be h^heh: y ar y I'f tt’l'e ta'thO beisatise Whu Fed Fathered Life Cair w afto payiiAto shfiking. pilim ^tand R i^ s of Winter, ^ ys as the .Other two o^trieaf 'phy' ifi . t '^ y is often eiiough^^^ local-tcUtrency.- ■? ^ ' Supi^'inteiideiii C|ai*fc*' iess frq^ently in itiild totottef. Mfissachiisgtte Authority- To . ' . ''WmMhnwket \'i;;;/ '; Speak (to i ‘ i. ' * ■ . . : • • , '“If edngitoss passes farm'legisr ;iipe/-li^'^ijbraiU^ Hartford, 1-—^Winter cafe­ ford: Next WedhBstoiy. tatioh .it is y>ing tO be exteemely terias for dbhnecticut’s \ feathered difficuit if hot impdmible^fOr'iis to wtid' lifer diould^be establishcd'how, raise'tiie price/of'f&rm'commototiee ne^ent C^ke - b ^ r e the' ad^/ent df snowstolhis, • Colds,', roup, bronehittSv . and; in tbta ctomtto.wh worid/ipsb ik:^i|h;te8t statita'a hulletia of the State Board chiGltan pox are broim^t on m d fa' fo#er, EJtoh with our. tariffs' riitough pr yentUation of- pO iti^ Fiicl,/lt/bu^a. of Fisheries and (xsme issued today, totoe 'to^mtrito'.can afford to jun^ evenly, with- ur|[ing sportsmen, nature lovers and houses acfiordtog to' toe’ “HMtfb^^ o iito ’our wmfa -‘itod;seli to us -beiT farmeto of.thlbtd.set up feed­ Goimty F u m ' Burdau: sAd much of touXe'to^thrip depirbridted -durrohcfy. ont forcing ing altatiohs where song and insec- the losses from the fitot 'named was chodP iu tetoas.of t e llr Y p t t ter westher, but with little food they houses and smoke which shows toe conmiodities tojtay off toeiq'deht.ia< (16 th is w ith * soon become weak and easy prey for air currents set up by certMu ar-. top same,nmney/judged in terms to ; out. danger of predators.’^ Siuperintendent Arthur rangementS''to-toe ;house. Practical commodities. .-T > <; poultrymen who have 'segh or h g ^ .sniatlieri.n^g; L. caaric .states,' "B y establishing . iD we could come’to some dtf- Prptosaor -'Sanctuary .’tvto or ttoee. the iBre.' K (b^ feeding stations now and scSttering nita .undtostaltl^Ugr on: rndmey --Fdd a Uttie graih intennittenly.'the'birds times already have stated thd; they' wduld' heto no m ore b J k ', at debt p en : Goonecti- expect . to attend .toe. meetihg.'r in. will' learn their location - and form repudtation t o 't o ’^hriners marching; /cut /Coke. ia the hehlt of visiting them. Hesvier H i^ord next Wednesday, Dt^mber ^ i s . ; nii^;hec^^ "Shocked^corn standing neer.cover •-' * ' . . : Ir'k - f- freqiieitied by quail.?md pheasanta, is representatiye and accbr«liug:>to Jlfe. T i u ^ 3 lules mean less .work/ an ideal source of food for these Russell the meeting will stmA-xt 10 'w i■ : ■•> x-tr- ■k:’t -r. .- a. m. wito a talk by;Rby /lL/;Jones, aj^^oii^ittto Your- ko^; birds.. F^^big. shelters, consisting W ^ Standnig At Sooth TW" ...... t h e / n ^ ^ oi raised., platforms covered with, State Poultry Specjial|m'.btts'^oW>to' Maintain Body Weight JFhitaigfioi^ 7.:' evergreen boughs, or strawi undm fipinig/atid^to and in which grain' is scatter^ toe Winter.” Mr.. i^oyerto^Np^’# H po^ ,fiv « ' ...... ed, shomd be opm on all, sides, if productfbn of j^eta'jtaj^^almiml^ » iHv /«i^' W p eb b le, and should not be set morie in exact' - proportion .with b b ^ -warmili^. weight, that is if toey :gdt-lli^''tfiey : Hose and'Ladder edmpto^ NO.^ 4: than . 100 feet dr. so from natural &1M. F.;D.; tois .tiplltotot un^ A s(M /A^dtoa^ of Hta may be Impaled on-sharpwed stic^ / econontidt in charge hf^i^t^'toagr att^ed to low hanging bruieh dr ketkto from OeibniB.>fitn'*aqr gut itcfinid / Viir. -' >- ■ . ;, A board, with nails driven'- through Pouitiy McevCmtloDto^* B o/poultcyf fore toe fito:tiu(k arri^md. a mtouta. isi^/-6o /';/;- r \V- rry 'j*!'.: * _ B : V b u ,, " .*, ,• ••■ it shd. with ears of com .impair man wduld start In^toiT A li^ ’^ -latfr. • ■ - ■ ' .-' • : ■ *■ ■N: i///v/-/aitoi^ iv5£A ,. thereon can be set out cm the snow house /yrithoto imowtogl 'sgmrimng Thtae pasaengexa were on^fhckCto where, tsacks at Mrds are foipd. about tim^ Itom ,o f mxtfgia]; .f , ;; ■■ K'--r —: . gotog to uca, to otodr .‘ W^itofcind; sti$to;e)^'to would bKvn’v ^ defltoto p l w O a ^ cxgn w BiAiE THnsr oa aU tlta ftota Iw c i ^ r rgi^ toe.mtoqirtoto;;-’ *7 ; ti y «'j —. *• *• ,- ' .- ' < - ' T . •.*. . • -e BhouldnA,ntteamt to b i^ A ^ p it o ^ - Hoetap; See.:i~(A P )—BMtob po­ buatoesd.Vfdtomit haytogLaU liton lice mid U: Sk postal inpeetors jmh- ion productiaa tiamta to ed fttpces todip ttf an atteiimt to atorage holdings .of am>^:'8to4^8ttP I uMiLm. capture, a clever ammax- maS txan a;. liSi toiito aito.'Df.Fbrindiaito i&fOs o .- .. .■’I t thief/who has been operating In the: give thisrfofbRnaitlMi. "i- ^ i-. At': f -V Bpmi^ -"T''""'. •. r «k.-- *4^ At l;60 litod&if(m' 35%-fc ?«■-, .f/3 tor John J^^^BresUa toe ^ tab»' e5:3.>s^: ; / ® ifcW, Fseideeer. nuaa mto::ddi : ■“ ({A

r: .-.T-A'' *•' J

^ ......

: .7 ^mlMDAY, OlOCMilR 1

iPncmoki ittkjMt to «baac*. A 1C. nto ittotofatoC A«w ; Nie>WBAF NETWORK .A.ie - MM. wJar wtas.wwb wtMO wca« ilrtfin WBiM wcfl k»a woe^ko

SOUTH — wr»» wptf wirna wto vfUi'Wtan wIo« m m ^ y»pl widz wmb kwo wi«* «r)Mf kpns wSzi ktba ktbs S^O ___ _ MOUNTAIN»kea kdjrl kgir k ^ ohaatrlHi^iraatf Because ^ efo' 1ms besn a decided B ortom ^ p m . W hen COAST—kzo zfl .kamo kHq kp» sil^^S^Braa Si... . let-dowB in the d e| ^ of care whleh CawrUs K. BoRmt, for 85 years ktcft kez kjr kfa km ktar kco diw-JOlzIer Biweka A cant. Saat. _ pwMiB and op6tittot» an givbig Klffarlaii W foe Boston Athtnaeum, 4:00- SiOfr^tona OH»-«lw eospt 4;16-t 6:i»—Tha r ■ thalr cant tW pcaaeotleat Depart- fiudi’ the Manchester liemo* retin i ftoin hfo office paxt flareh, 4:30- »:80—Oayila ^ Itftl/bM ' 'lO 4HS- SHO—Salutary HawMna—aaat m eat o f MPI(M^ V t fik ^ plan^ an ec- rial ha win Majjrei bshtod him what is, 6rf)0— e.*00—Dtonar Mwia—a^ .afasa* tsnsive and continued iaspectton of the puMfe thatk tlt it to iudelhtite Asset S:3>> 6:ao-Ralph Ktrbary. SaritoM to the community; Manned: with a pssliApSi one of the rifotot store- S;4S.^ SHS^Tha Ctrela — asat Mly: ^lOlW*■WfWW 0*MMlfI, TMar-asat: I NIIIPI safety «ffi*** aad applianeas Sakatary Hirarfclna^nidWaat lyrt wiM Maroa-rapMt for waai graduate'Staff, Itis fd t that the beat houses W iw ltinw f 'niemlnlea'to the 1' lO^Barlow SymahMiy^ too to. beglB. immadtotsly, a D ^ art- of service, caa.ba-fivsa to tha inmite ^DtotedBtates.. . OKIO— 7:00—.lana Framan’a Sand— •1 ISO—laham Oan^ Or—« t Umbretlaa, eaat only; cirela— Tw waat 01 lioo—Duahin Orehaalr«—a 1 ment buttatni today says. and the trustads feel thiat it to behV ////'/ BoitCD, After Ms ysArs of servics •tio- 7i10—Ray KnMIiirt SKatob 111150-D ance Orahaatra—a t Approidmata^ 80 par oaat of the acconqiltolietf. )B6me'idea bf the' csost vy /» ^ sbodlil be a:30— 7:ao—Hifl Sill/amuto ffO^Oanca Haiir—wgba op / ’S0>. fox totollectitalty/freat' aad aea^ length by atnaffl Aslpa' «:40- 7:40—Tha OeMbafajk Skatoh cars (iheckad recently had ddteettve o f rtnmtof the htoattitloB caR be gfoat, today pltomad his rotrSat to 7:0^ SKIO—Riiay Valiia^r.—a to a- lfpq*WJZ NETWORK equipment, an investigation; by^ tbs gained' ffom tha fmioiiriBf■ /i^elR tlghtty WritopiA and tied' MB 0:00— IrtO—Tha Showimt—a to a . BASir ' '' ' • A h is 96-acre place in Sbiiley, there to wise sufficiwrttly wrf f tpai to WMi- 9:00—>10 KIO—Tha Oahaa Haur—« to e deputamBt sbowad Nearly one* prepared 'for Thb Barald hy Mrs. ///^/ devote himself to hiS otan library, 10K»—IldIO—Dan Baator'a Qrahaatm f l ^ ^ o f thoaa ^esadatDed hid foot JaasJ. Aldrich, siiperlBteBdent staad tianspoitottiNL ’’NotMhgldtwid 10:90-11 iSO-rSan Sarnira OrMaatra braBM which Vere'' tuMen, or in “Dmdiii:.lhay«uriMl, thaltofolto^ Ms own litehury work and to ifoat- Hats: FMok to iTftimflf sttnAtiria b fe 11:00—ISKIO—OanaM. Navla,. Tanop— N ^ n w t S n ^ c ^ evar pnrsiiit best suits Ms wMm of baalc] OaMbarM—aaaat raPMt^^ trite katp wabe wday kfyr akkw su^ eoBdltiom-atrleMt that the in- gavo’li.SM days o f care to tiUB pa- or /^flhsr4toBM COBtttWft '*^fWPI09' ll :1ft—ia:1B—Cab Callaway Ot^atra SOUTH — amra wptf wwne wN WlM spectofo found It.BscMMry to order tients adatittsd to tha hxx^uL An the, hour. pastteibiiil: hatboxsa must he 11:30—12:30—Hallywroad pn tha Air wwnn wlod warn wn wspi* Immediate repaMrs. Tha hand or average o f 60 pattoats per day waa IfokJaaeJ. AMrtoH Staid and stately Bsaom. Hilh or, ed. LaOeF hata asd stlff ha ' Biwjr .ft CB8-WABC NETWORK Waibb kvoo wky trfaa wb|p kpre kfba nha amdlisfy teakeO dlseoverbd to be maintiined a t a par d ^ ta , coat of at.least, that portion of it that sttil dhiaaffiA shOBki her BMfiMd yarlout BASIC-Eaat: wabe (key) wleo'wade MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl ksp^^lu^^ out o f order were abnost> twice the 65.99 fotthayear. Bo n r thto year, lo t e i ,go0d ' b (M kA b it a t 1 L » ” ; -■ -JkklgnBi^-..^------woko weao waab wnkc Wgv wkbw. wkra PACIFIC COAST — kgg k l l j^ homo aaesthettb fee of |174M>, aad iut ^ Bboea: Pack la strong boa*' whk ck6k wdfc wean wip-wfan wlaa kbo ifiw kaoa kez kir ksa\kfB4 kkir mimber o f defectHra foot hrakesi AH that to tbrough September, I988,.wa prentimafo drug charge c f 13.00. the shock' of tbs news of Bolton’s wiAiraay iwsto: a iu d wean' wfbl wapd wjkv; Mldwaati Wbbn o f the safety dev ices tiested were on hava.given 14,086 days of cara- With retiretoent For years, whenever it ferahty oorfogsted cardboard, nOr, itito sMil **-*-*-'^ wan wfbrti Kmbe wceo lupm Woiro Cant. Spat. . ' Thus, the homtal bfll'woukl have with ateoag paper •ecareiy tied wii a t 4I1P - Stl^HareM Van Horne, FlOha cars wbiidi were then or had been a per capita cost of 6SB2 per day needed an extraohtinary volume it 4 . EAST AND OAHAplAfr— WOf 4110— sito—singina i^dy—4^ an& in actual use on the. highways. amountsdia |$7J 0. Bsaides this, state.” wibw wbao wlba wfaa wore etrb elnie 4:46— 6ito-Orphart Annie—eMVtely: and a total number a t 16,|44 dtya<4 he would also nAve had his stuvaoirs hSs.bben Aceuitomed to m ^ yttg to DIXIE — wtat wfaa wbra woam iraM OiM— djO|—Qua /an A Furat Orafi, treatment given, our income sbdtdd fos... the Athenaeum for.it, and, tf it was Cut tibwArs: Plaoe to soil ‘ASirlii* «L C wnos kira wrae wue wdau ir ^ kito SIM— diM-iralk cy John B. Kannody The> d^tartnmnt nniMeca there is have been, to balance expenses, there, Belton would know. aUe b m a .cd weod^ tia,. o r ' ■OFthS jffgftB, wrr ktrh klaa waoa aoM wdM O il^ iiM—Old Church SanUlflA mm Also a strong possihility that aNiab j MOUNTAIN->kydr kla keb kal equipment Failure o f safety apmi- admitted asA saivifo caw^ - HSpaya State HOoss and'founded to 1$07 as boxes or.ebtttattare. - til^lirtparaanptlana—« to o $2fl0 per day, $740'for foe operattiig A “Gentlernsn’s Uhrary,” effuse i WACIWIQ COAST - itoj^kaa.kpta kSb TiS^Laulaa Bernhardt, Saoga ances in aa emergency often means “Tho running eaqwai es of any hos­ Drawings, paintings, unmounted MsgmrRiSiAto kfre' kot kfpy kvl kern kmj Imk kwg 7:46 Johnny Hdi^ Hallywdad the difference between, a slight and room attd fuiasfoetic, $1.00 fee for with the atmoqihere a t an intellec­ maps, etc.: Pack .Ulan e; -Rad and Ramona. 8aiwoe Only unusual causes eduld bring SuMfOBs aim physiclaas.mi foe hea- fslrs aad many used the Athenaeum Capt. Jack—raid w, rpL •wllomay Ballay, Sterirana about this situation. The lospeetioii drugs and alcmxd, 6l,78BJM; equip­ am! edgss fqity ftuntied tg ptsvadt 6:15— 0oits—Oanaa ■ ~ Orahaatra—a to e .. ___ — nadle___ Rubaa, tubaa, fSan!LS*“ ment, 61,512.81; dectridty, 63,223.* piialbtAff.' ^ tion ts who nKpiest ad< as a workshop fo their h ^ e y . Roms tojury t o f o i ^ to itaiyiliag or ding 1:30—- 6iio—Sport Talk — eaat: Skip* eaat; Amoa 'n' Andy—repeat for by the department shows that mission to the ward service, are of a t their blook stin use the library agn to othAr maiI.’Ctate sSli ^ pyr—mldw. rOpaat; Rhythmairaa—w J ro> Gaiconcert OCchattra a la^e number of owners are neg­ 43; sUi^oal supplies and instru­ 5:46—- 0:40—Juat Plain Bill — Wabe neon Wcakt Orchcatra ments, 62,014.09; X-ray supplieiB, 61,*’ CQurse thoxmighly fovestigated as to to day. ' foontolhiy wrap for that they onlyu.ily: Nalaon Orahaatra—alao award Thutotahir* 1^*- lecting safety equipment and the their fogiUiity for. this service. not Out through the Wri pplag; dtesi 6:00— 7:0O—Myrt and Marge — , rankle MpatCra Drckaa* reason usually given ia that ^he 488.87. “A i n ^ y b f service of ward cases The Beal BSston ly neighbor, , . baalc; The Fltera—itilOweat nnf owner i r “unable tb pay for. repairs.” “A few of the items of. food con­ It is only to' the Athenaeum that ' 'ginucOe ArtlctsM tinned' 'tiar;-ittittiUWitoE' sumed by our patients during a year thkeafor.lOdl^ showed''that our staff Articles sasfly broken or emshed This excuRs cannot be acofoted by debtors gavM their services , gratis to one can see BostOn today—that is, must bd secutoty wrmFped aaderet- pfusBs OeUct^i-:.:; : the department TO protect me pub­ are; 7,005 loaves white bread, 286 477 cases At A k l ^ cf. 626,015.00. la foe- traditional Boston, foe Bbstm “We .bAan ilot-.titoJ lic, to prevent continuance or. repe­ loaves wlKde wheat bread, 615 dozen ed and/bexed. Use kb^-qoaB tlf addition to this foe amount o f ffoS Which some.crf .the untoitiate to'other of excidsler. or like ' mAtarlal. '-tiutt.tbeffowtiiMa'' USE SEMON on. tition.the appallng loss of life in rolls, 869 leaves rye bread, 2,895 service given by the. hospital to the parts of the wdrld bdlevs still exists; effidals witi sato accidents of recent weeks the de­ dozen ,^ gs, 427 i>eunds baepn, 2,636 Quiet and deUber«tion’,V study and armtod, and between f o e ertli pounds butter, 4,900 pounds granu­ same ymrd cases amounted , to 625,- and foe outside jconteiaer^ ■ ' , partment in its future work will, of 662.45. ‘ This figure represento foe dis(ms8ion—and tea at three , cento •mAdadepMM* necesmty enforce the rule that any lated sugar, 1,878 pounds coffee, V GHasawarw fragile tq^, or.;qreet^ TO CURE RICKETS difference between our per capita per cup for the.“prqprietto 8,” as foS Ary W packed aofov to can in use upon the highway must 17^00 tisa baUs,.268. pounds bulk tea, cost for the yeaS—6?.00, and our per mSmbSri, aU iof whom" Are.shari-- ______(itid M a safe vehicle; all eqidpment 21,099 quarts milk, 767 quarts cream. ithe e ste^ a t particlec or capita chargb—62.50. holdera, stiU are designated. Ftoh in fooken to transit. i:., metobers ;fo».;ejii|!L TbntadRy, Deoend^ 1. ' must be in good working order. jOur e s^ art never over two days itoriaed - tbrnfoaSamsad' Thorough Exams old, sp none of our patients can com­ Many Needs globes at the ddivery-deak aad.cul cagair|; Ordinary boxes a t icigsrA Cootaias Twice At Mnch (Iktotem Standard time.) The examinations .to be made by plain of poor eggs. “Qur needs are many. Chief flowers, provided by a trust fiuuL " in <»)y Wiil aot be. among them are A xtoW nurses’ home, for the readtog tobies. Pack tofoxmnner tcupnsr todtodtoffItoWuwMxpBsattetil P.M. d^iqrtment mspecton wUl be Tiuring. one ordinary month, thorough, but partieular attention 20A06 pieces of linen went throu^ a wh^ which wouki contain semi- Bolton told foe stiuy of the be­ vfot^dMnagis by shock oi* ...... 1 4:00—U.' S. Army Band. ginning of his associatian with foS to ooriitihtod pastobiiard «r. d TituaiD D As Cod Urer Program. will be paid to those things whiidi our laundry^ An average of- dSO ideces private nmms for obstetrical cases, 4:8Q~Young■Yo Folks' records show play a deddcd' part In pier ‘day.. When wo have a heavy and inexpenitive private rooms, quiet Athenaeum. He waa librarian st fos matSriML CEgifo mUsb be. to / 0:80—SWi Brookline public library at the time* shipping eohditi SCHOONER BURNED this drop mi our per capita,cost is where a patieat vfoo .has Just be(, ‘■JiandUng foousandi of pt^hlete: tsiBgr. MgocdtBff 7:15—Dave Burrout^’s Seren­ ' Each chose a chair, tilted it agMtost bles iikAvtofob^withto th2.- timer tbs wrideqiread d^dbood diaesse of a d e . ' . . due fom a^ ecoiwmies, u A ^ p s to operated upon or who Is very ill sma* SOSiniiatid* Tickets was aimomtcdi} today by lihe the lowered , coat of food' ^ d other cannot afford private room accommo­ a idllar; and afosd me what I reasonabty reqmred fbr trdni^rta': pr(^ted*to ... 7:80—Joseph A. TrehdwdD, De­ tion and dellvMy wfllnotfbeacoept- United States Children’s BureAu. partment Commander American Le­ Palm .Beaoh, 916^ Dec. L— (AP) proddets,'' ’’ dations, mayb$ placed , and receive thought about titis and th at” h ^ toeiu Salmon oil contains twice ac much gion. A- repoctiof the burning of tha ‘Ecemomie condittimsbaVe aiSected thej|Uiet and rcfit he needs. In spite of ;ito genteel oiigtoi Boe- ed-for'msUing.. Dse special-delivery Vitamin D, the vitamin necessary adhooner Edtflt Dawson, somewhere “We are giving hundreds of dol­ ton insists that the Athenaeun to­ Stamps -to expedite delivery, 7:46—BAcoM St«rp.’s Orchestra^. . the Im^tal mcome tnateiiaay dur­ - CNfitoto Site todMf to prevent or cure rickets, as does 7:45—^ e n B d g ^ m b , JohhXmw-r the A tlaa^ (kikst jUst after bet ing 'the last, tiiro yean-^for insjanca lars’ worth .of accident and emergen­ day is a liberal place of meeting,, r Addressee . ductioit vttbuitiyi' cod liver oil, until now the best tttm had been rescued with difficul­ -r-a pefopn m mi^erate dreum- cy service at our hospital each year, where men and women of cultured Addressee should be ecmiplete. Parris Island, Sot an; Albert Whita, pianist with house number Slid nnme of known anti-rickets medicine. The 6:00—Abe L y n x ’s Ofohestra. ty by the oil tanker S^an Affow, atanceawiio two f o i a ago had a re* much of which is tmcoUeotable. tastes may study and work,and has been 3 tfiiaail' discovery was made by Dr. Martha -was received at 9 o’cloi!^ this mcm- apiMtalfle. income woOld have come Many people'from Out of town are where the public Is not despised. He street, poet office, box or rumblroute ntoittogdiqtot. 6:15—Jtick Benny,' coinediaa: Ted mg by the Radio Marine Corpora­ number, and typed ;or plainly Writ­ ..'-FetiMs at Qasattos^' M. Elliot of the C h ild s ’s. Bureau, TVeemls OrchestriL Info foe hospital as ai. semi-private in ju :^ yearly and In many oases it ridicules more or less, popular be-' Dr. E. M. Nelson of tiie Dejpiartment tion. patlexit. r*Wo will say be was to be is absolutely Impitosttde to collect ex­ llefs that the Athenaeum is a sac­ ten‘to ink. A return card should be .OoABt.:ilaiiM-foipk<'h^ 6:45—fiVan fivnns, baritone; Jack Laden with salt, the Edith Dawson placed to the upper teD coner of ;siiii'^Dlegb, of Agriculture^ and Dr. C. D. Tolle, Denhjy'B Orchestra. opefotdd upsin.fbf app«d(fleitis. WA penses from thesepeople for reasons rosanct resort .f(» Mayflower de>i the Bureau of Fisheries. was caught in the coastal storm and assume that hlB stay.m the hos- such as no Insurance, no position sceAdants, frequented by attonuatod ev«ty pises a t malL If a tag is used, • 9:00^MUSlc that Batisfles; Bos^ the address and retuni card shovdd Rickets is common among children wen Sisters. began leaking badly, the r^iort'saiiL pitAl' Would ha foi^ two weeksi^ At and no means, etc. *fous foe hospi­ spinsters .and pedantic, olr of whom were unaUe even to iave of the. Red Eagle and an officer of Besides the shades of the btormy ORED ENVEDOPE8. O RIn VERT .-DAc- treating rivets are those now dis­ 11:00—Columbia 8ym pb(»y Or­ their Rothes. leas hampered great whifo BoltstoXty:.wUdow. ■ W W F Rickets is a bone disease resulting Antoriean A bgdeay'^ and Let­ r. ■ Tha Sylvan .^A ^to'ow iied by ^ s ters wblen bpineg iiL Nerw York this King W illiam m of itogMad foi>: foq I t o t of WtigbgAad Bibs from lack of Vitamin D in the body, 8timdard ,Tranapdrtati:iOI resulting in bow legs, enlaxg^ and to bound Yram Yfow JYork to ■-inoafo:. • Gomtog to J>Wl«rie]Mburg about Another. vahiAble ectieoUea a ' fo ienxfoAad — ------joints, Isrgc heads and deformed Beaumbnti Texaa.- liteArv (ttiginaiiy owned hjr.Oeorga chests. In childhood idckets weakens Over WorH For fflt twelve yefrs Ago, Mr. Ifolchen pur- Washtoftom. resistance to other diseases and also Thurfday, DeoembM; 1. (toaSed* thahistqrto. fointo “Belmont” (Bastcan Standard Time.) And, perhaps, not foe most* valtr- MfiOlCiM* FAiKER. often is responsible for serious tooth at Falmoiifo Wh«to'. hb has since able, but, at least, mis the paott .Meriden, Dec. I.-r*:( defects. JAPANESE YEN DROPS Worlia^ malntatoedi his toTne, aad a studio, at P .M . . " " totm nsting'bf foe . intiumes. i$ Guaras(no, s4, c f > 904 Salmon oil as a rickets cure was although nm(to:oirhii time was spent one wM c^ by his ovm direetion,^'wnA atreet; Brooklyn, wfo gned t tried on 18 children in New.Haven, 4:00—^Kindergarten. to Burojpe. 4:80—“Thursday Special.” boiuid> to'.foe tough hide ef JtihmF $199 and coats, to pQiUqa enufX here Conn., early this year. All had Active Toltyp„Deo. lr-.(A P l. r-The big­ grederioksburg, Va , jPec. 1. - " '■ay -F-j. ■ ' ' I Allen, hcierlous highweyman 5f a lickets and most' had received no-, 5:00—Agiicultiw-lfoifcets. 5:80^inging Lady. gest headlines infoeymtoeultor press ( A F l^ s i i MelchWA ;73, woidd PAVORnriSM CHABOE Iqrfoiie generation. Atien,'o«f hla cod liver oil or other previous treat­ aftsmooiL reported the Japan^i famed srtist died here today of heart ■V rwa* iprtooili dmfobed, directed tifot a A Sefose. IBs wffA whAjMiA ment. Each received three or fopr 5:45—Little Orphan Annie. 6:00*!rWaather; Sports Review — ese yea had liropped to a low mark diseasA*' - V . Durham, Deo; i.*:- (Af) — volume of >his metoCirs be bouito'in tetod the court on chArgiM of o tV;!; I teaspoons o f salmon oil a day, the Bill Tn^ma^Temperature. for'aU, time---19'7^ -cest8. Favoritism to the manner to which his oWn hide. The Athenaeum suh^ tog-a car with ImiUpBfs registra­ Kame dosage as is usually* i^ven of (The latest repofo foom the .Unit­ Born in Detrmt, Mrs, Metobera stu* seqiiehtty ebtotosd possesNoti. t tion tpAriiani and cfARffiBgr Wttiw 6:09—PrMfiam Forecast (tied to Germaity.and. Franise. fo ad­ be sought to collect taxes* was .'"•il.-i' cod liver oil. All but one showed 6:14—*n'ins. , ed fllatoq-treasuiy on: the ymp, that bhaiged today‘to a partial retort of It to ddubteul whMhet^ foei«>taaq Out a license, wax :itodC W ^ Aid. “very prompt” response, said the 6:15—The Monitor Views the of Nov. 25, showed its exfoange dition ^ his crei^ve work he took COAto’ ■ ■ "■ . an aotiva Interesb in mAftors epAr an audit; (X^ tha accounts of Tax been a.Uieraty persfoAlity in |^cW :*< li bureau. ' News. valtto in NeW'Tmfo ttt that date to Collector Benjamla K Plage, who is witiim the. past 100 y a ^ ’>^'Giuira8cio w fo 'n rte iiU d ''M -^ ^ 6 :80—Orchestra. be 60^'Y250. The nominal value .df neotod with art, being & member of to yield the Wflptoiti<$6« Hubbard, .who mus not, at some time, u s^ thg by> state FVriiciemaW 6:45—Today’s News — Lowell tSe yen is 49 4-5 cAhts.) the Ytirglnla Ftoe Arts cbmmissioB. R e^bll(km ,'re^tty eleeted. Rage Sid Detodifo r' Art Gal- facilities o f the Afoeaaeumi-. If,- ThomsS; The finamdat wrttms attributed a trustee of the.Corcoi is a-Democrat,' V But Boibto wants ‘fo bittoinpifor. o f tite U. S. LINER LAUNCHED 7:00—Tlaie; Amps ^n’ Ahdy. the decUne parti&hy to atiba, lery, of Wafolngtbn, D. His Work ,.The foMfo hai bsiB.ftled with the SJRhfli.” ^ The pohcM 7:15—R o ^ Vanbqnds. the anxioi^ internal (dtiiatibn had rmeiyed olBoiAl rei in Board o f Sele^toim and - State- - - Tax-- “Tve been here a long tiaa^^: hg practislag ftor bsciirt 7:80-rBarmpnylDU6. and the prospective Jal ese govr Europe abdln .America. <}emmissioii(nr ^odgett In it- was said* btoe ahd to Bouthtottob shies Au­ tqUlreffr Kearny, N. J.. Dec. i.— (AP) — 7:45—Jolumy Hart in HollywoPd. ernmental budget defleiC sttua^ -Fbrnierly a resident of ew York, mselosed'tbat a to some tor gusts and towaerihtoff medMito tor The “Si^ta Elena,” last of four 6:00—Ri^metttalists. / ttpn. at Gtoseva was espesUiUy noted he nukle ms home to, W icks- staacaA lm | d jiimoy (ihaige ■h" ftsaatment o f fAHManen'IhiFiiBei new 85,000,000 luxu^ liners built . 6:15—H 5^ Keene, in fofpect to the international out­ bUrg for the. past .12 yosfA while to 6t ^ tbto of d ^ » tome “patients^ pMd-tton aa'fotoc for the Grace line, glided down the 8:80—Drama. look. ' , qutoty.he (qd tint. as $200. . -v ; " He is sitovivsd by his wife, Mrs. “ y w -fa -jB* ways at the Federal Shiplmililing '6:45^Hdward Thurston—msgi- The nation’s biggest, budget, 2r Coitone L. MblChers. , HnjmmXliref^^ to $aks office •'A--: and Dry Dock Company yards today cian. 289,000,000 yem ($447,800,000). was . Mr. Metohers ntoerited. his loVe uMfl Im Aiteti kxd-been made of foe to become the newest recruit in the 9:00—Death'Valley Days. S i last week to foe face of a t a;^, from bis father, Jiitiue ttieo- books. Page |md s^ sii as ooi SMEW American Meridiant Marine. 9:30—Dahcl]i6 Strings. t warnings frpm influential dOre.Meloberr,.a scelptor; wim came, lector for iq.ytem. Ibe'tox collec Miss Elsie Oraoe, daughter of 10:00--HCNran%iy D octor — PldlUp^ timto Are ubdeteteod to ih a ^ been to America from W eatidii^ Ger­ found corrM^ v William Russel Gra(», director Of Lord. ' , - intwssts. many, The sbm. aftef: stuilylig fbr Providenee, Dec. 1.— (AF) 4^^ the steamship company, ehristehed 10:15—Jimmy McHale’s Orcbfs- Korekiyo TakaHsShi, the finance a t an: artitie.to .the 1 mililster, todayjeaid,the government thrm yeATs arthe Academy of. Fine the new liner with a bottle .of cb«m« tra. ■ . ~ ■ **. . V : A rfo DUssel — t o d » .fo fomia city was also repressnted b7 11:00—Time; Weather; Tempera- plated.measiires to that end were canfom'1 The 'Mahatma ’Gitidbl :todity ~re- Miss Arline Bassford, who acted As ^ Iffis first Wortr vroib' ture^Sporta Rpvi«W^B{U^W|lttUka His first -pstoting to be; exhibited, m ^teiiifoe ....AtoftticAn- .girl, aittor la cMed tWl>4i Miss Grace's sponsor. 11:15—Ossare'^sdeio’s Or^ettra. ____ itiad.'MA'__ ^______The new ship, was built for MV- NAVAL j Aa NEUVERB w as'‘"Die Leti»r’?, toaced ati tlto 19:00—^AnsiiB Wfldts’ -Orebeabra. Parts BAlon Imiafo. B%ur ySiw toH" f o d t e w■ n c $ ^ jOto Wm to DsAaBanmii T. Agiold;:;^, - vice oetween New York, Cs^ornla « .. .>iqi -r**>'. *■- * WfUtotogton, Dec. ii.— (AF) — his "ifos SeTtoon” nqw hangfog to htogexi pgfof'had written U M tO ettirlff .tastonatieB, WMsg and the. Padfle northwest, via ' FAM 1LT^J14M FLA80DB she Wewd.; he;^d was wHtienfo^:dwtt:;a($(^ Havapa, Panama, the Bpaalsh ICaaeuVefs stiieduled for foe V a U M t- foe . X OMPOfoB ! Galtory. BtAtai flestidDfoe PBotflefoto foie jasation at the ChttidM oAjF to hater on (Nffd ^ito-AaM^tito astitia WAA “A Amercas and Mexioo. Benitor Boyat Daabuty, D * ^ i.--(A P )-T i a new "Tati ?next Janu- misj^e JI,a^.n||raVaA.^^^ f S. Copetaadi of New York, Rgd T. V. Joseph H. .^afce And her thfoo were announded tpitoy by AdfoDAS^ ItoW ito tinleai' agreement O’Connor, chairman of the Ifoited at Wiitiem ^Fratt. ebi^ of nafoi ’ Mini the ^AadI U q to y e k - The States Shipping Board, spoke a, the the opetAtfooirr' tien iiUoW Atis W h ^ f : ThapvofraaLpsovides fora traia- WutitolA iwtilA' Antweity p d -ilipH aMqa fv laundiing. toh l ntothlag - v . _ wonuto'a Mdl Laketolt bsr k M toa /or a law tog criMN of vesseto of the soputtoi lit t S ______tortovitod A. L DfiAD m q f o ^ and fotiinABg found tha foffpe the atrofoft etwier BalrA- Tocmtfo. flataaA The lEue Apparent- tofto to foe BtewAtian Area from. r-xNiele^fomjlrto per- Damarls<;otta, MUne, Deo. 1. — i» sBww m jiitoiMiy34jto|;o)m^^ a d i.. (AP) —AndiBir t Creamer, 59, wood Ufa' Im -link FiPto PkmmQr 6; t(f 17, wAr; g lrit manager add ■dpasator Of summer Lake toibk' fooin tmttnBf masiRtyMri M in whibh fob J « <|Mat aad winter lm|^ Jh .New by gn o u j ^ y, and gWa EOeullafffoKW wmAnlAgf.foe fleel’i: He'waa •towto .' a chev^er ^^abire. # b a r imttto^Aorca There Wffi brA; gMneitto; 'o f' tty to fo -i . Bdutb (^irddna and Fkrrids, died at wel# raiAed and water. The ooitocnl^Atim of thp fleet to w/S A n >hi cC. bnOdiaffiMii to.tltoaxtant MM tfiMr ’br'< ^ • ..'vi j.vi^ .. < =.(v. -v^ii: A.; ■K 1.5.AV1 ‘ , * CV5 'f V.- T v r r E “W" m •m '■ '■ ’-iT • 4r im. 1 .wjjjvk.pli*;

th e w m fiaoi Ametoi Troop « held Its' It of t|to Briltotor-atM ^. j vaaMamBw bornsri^Mtoa n to of Acireie. field, hfiMlA' J. stod tha Scoot i i S w P j^ m la a a a d ohOcolate Couneilmen and AlderniM^Arn ;Tor rny mtod' titoto are. the onto w ork vtoa done< arid On Sunday dfterisow^nf h o' V ttit^r Aad hriilth. res." til To-BO Nnined->--Littla. In ter the fhiuih dtotrici intotw standing thhtoii 'that A wril dlractod s^bs - • * est Being Di^layed ttd.caratol|y:plat^ Soalt Sari’ AM -of tb« American ItoAuxjli^' troop la fieopinpfiahtog’ at Storm: erhl f ^ e s ’were pliyad: and* WiU be held to, pa^riadh Jn Americanlaathni, to- tha best pemUa ed.;.fhe meetings itoa otoaed vHfii' h a d others TK r ^ ;»nr .T6rk, D#c; l.^(A P)— The The annual .dty election a a|je ^ . naw aiyaoiv* wUnaih ITMhdm m veA,' Did'oi^-AfAp)— J. tha goodnight ctrnla lad tile plagihf wnat' Later to this dty, dtotriet^m m anW ’^ct the; ‘’feMamrialeUto^ik [way for Wx. (but.ufTourtaen) little bShr •CtefiHittM ato d cin f* ^ Aoerteeii meeting will take place in Rockvllla girls of fotijgn. naranttt'e.. Self- of taps., ^ EtoimodiALlMribhant fimito took 9 6 i ^ on Mcmday. December 5. The p ^ Amerind .^nriil jMeNiidi nh Scrlbar-F alth SpUlfUM. 'ihyiil^^ IvDl hot be ml^^ther the Jc^t o p ^ ^ ^ i^ o n The polling {daces are as follbws: social and carh|itol A predation of the CUrt Scout oigani- who passed bed-malriBi' ntoDofothy „ .. '.E ro a p t .1 N ^ 'are kaoMA'^tott ' First Ward, PoUce Court room, vtork Aitmg' toe unes xation and the splendid program it Hyde, Frances'HaWIey'ctod Louise At 7 o’clock tha ihaetihg was laW .(toelldiiMd. acim itola^ike hew ilnaadrig and income Memorial building. Here one coun­ ture will also be A ' bM,’mod^ the ' December settlement mn and country < nC'^tkiir: Staiemahts- the carries , on for the all-around devel­ Dewey; thrift, Bvel^-Reig; Marion opened . with a game., to toe' gymna­ tfvifrto fbwatafe i t cilman to hold office for two. years d^erq will be prisia ...... ^ Wafiy:, tari#J< #hPhe('- . : With i dtoaa* opment .of the girls of this and other, Rlriey, Phyllis dole'and ^ a Glea­ sium. 'Tha. Gtri Scouts of tha. troop ty yrifi* prdvRUiE tbdF bai^ : will total inwe than $2,' will be dected. Present Copncuman tttoto iahto th e «bMftry*$ fit'* communities.” . . . son. We then played a-giube,' ”Do aant CttptifA Baaba a bOUquat of aid an ttvestigalMh' litdOO. All disburaeitiienta, how< WiUiam R. Dowdlng, Republican eopto from vetoon; and ibrrnuiid*; ttuOi smaUer than last If towns vrill Attend. ^ • Cleo Fulton McCrackep. You Know Your H eritii?’’ Vrii|^ chrysanthemums during her recent iham Into toe whereabouts' of !Ble and JMri and sfirs. Thomas in A lOW^ed Cbristmaa candy lieutenant Foster tltoa toldiia about tlumlM. Fatrih^ 'driruriri ware held •eonditibae. polling place is at St. John?s ptoffi#^ly to ^ dty Attindedi the : '{'and . The girls are finding'pemds more tha firlt aid class, whlritia to.bt h^d and •om a. o f' tito^ patroto being too . -JhtarMt PagfMto Qopal chiuch. Here a councilman awnry-Tuesday for rix Weakl. a t Giri largA wara ehanfiid. l%a rest of c a p s OOO P OOLLEGTOBS and alderman, will be decte^ phi Hartford Wsdneaday a ritu a l from than pleased, with the attmetiye rOd itrs. Doyle's , mother, heato^" ^ e s of 'Toitt Tbunto dtody”'which SOaut headquartorA Wa tlMii had toh avaatog waa fpaat to passing nominees are:'Alderman Kerwin.ut* patrol comers for eoUeettog dues and tMts. llw miatlim was cloiad with Naw Havens Dec. 1#—'(AP) tie Councilman. BIbeh Henry; OObb, i; Rex RoekvlUe Athletic Association on ^ ...... reaiicnfor girl wbb aetoi .toe iiMat potmda of When the city attorney’s and, notes payable Slittery ^ a.frequda vtoftor dandy. Orders may bd'given to any our friends. We are goliE to have waag and all gitfi art mquested to Bast Main street at which a council' in Rockville. The .fimaw: waA hildi m . : Sonri A play and give the proceeds to the bring thrir mofley. Anyone who lected $2 per vfcdatloh only ihe''p(tor< man will be elected. Paul Menge |s UkOd: i the. G|ri Scout, laadar, eoun^ member, aisteht oBendera“ ‘ rarity. “ bsdtei i fcrfiMttl* SlMiMdMr fironi" St Josephls ^tkCdrit to- I or member olany troop committee. poor.' Two games wrie played and thinks- she eaa aril candy must get ' TiQChWaiSSP* as. usual, the . choice of the Republicans and Hartford; and lwriai wto ih St ff. ra- Won by the Wide-Awake patroL We to touch with Mrs. Brosnan, 38 jLi Edward Coogan the cboice of the Benedct centotoryi; g^em fhidr were gbl „ winiiortlDdae ^tha. bulk of the Democrats. In the fourth ward an • f i r s t a 16 Oooraa formed- our good-night circle and Hudson . strdat.- Suggestions were lover. The Treasury wUl Aldbrman and Councilman will be ;t fitotos . . r , ; sang ’The Golden Stto” and ’Taps.” given tor our hmutoririt* Girls are of 9600.000.000 Miss Anna Bail has . returnaS to m ria o S filb. i$th Dr. Robert- B. Khaw ja conduct- Oh Saturday, the girls met to front askril to bribg all material for next How One Wonan U- • Obriotmas. Three publican candidates are: Alddmomu from 7 to 8 p. in. The course is to 1 1 o’olorit and hiked to Qunp Nor­ 20^oaDbeli^ ti9M 'other form of indebtedness, George Scheets and Ooundiwan ing the hwdays w ith‘her ’ paftrito, ton. While there Clara Stoith.iaid groups were formed. Tha first gfouip tor. and M rO nm k H$h bf^nOto last for six weeks and perfect at- jMw relatively short term W il^m Rogalus; DemoemtA^ tondance is necessary, l ^ t evening Barbara Simonds passed flre-biUldr worked on. sigimlling, the tecond oh a««^ issue, it is btiieved man, fiiunUel Lebeshesky and ing; Bach girl brought- something knots, and toe third'^n oixiarvatioa Lost Her Prondsont •T Mtoi M aighret'«toha. daughter i t t il l i M there were 36 present, and con^paSA -Wa then had. folk Ver the tors. Later we DOttble' Chtti •• «tts :neeesjii^ ldr .i>rbvldiiig the re> mer candidates are at-present hold«> of Edward Builur of Prospect street ■ - Trobp.3 ■' ■ ' hiked over the hill to Howard ReseiS dancing. Tha mactliig closed at 8 “ ictlid 'Sliaiice corporation ing office m W s ward. who underwent an onetoturi at the yQir»'axid.,then to Lieutenant F oster’s p.m ., for other A city meeting will be . held on L di^ cahrio to Boiibn, Mass., iast< • ' The r(^ a r meeting'of Troop 2 ie for milk' and cookies. There Scribe—Victoria Zaiawitz. Ggfnfid PliyriieE Vijlwv— 'r ' “ |aiifj>Oeesi Tuesday night at 8 o’clcRck'i to itocer week, uttdtowint a aeoend operation ; was held a t th e N athan i ^ e scbciol will'be a hike this Saturday for any '--J.;.' • J ' A Slopely F li^e. tain if the city will vote Oie neces­ (to Monday of tiui week.. puke Monday afterhobn. After patnU feor- rirls who wish to pass fire-buildtog. aOvwHnf' opinion;, is th a t Mr. And Mrs, Albert Hewitt of ACIRESS IKttXTWGOD ~or later Tireasimy will sary approptisitions for the . year JT -.E nem were hrid We had the hotseshde They are requested to to ^ 1:°^ front If you’re fat-^flrst remove iM enc^g November 16, 1933, as re* this dto are the^proUd parents of a. ■‘:-to.-lbs. a van torinktion: Captain Duikee collect­ of toe Manchester Green school at I to l^igin converting the present son,’ bom at the Hartford bosplta! Hollywood, Calif., Da6,l~(AP)-«" causal iioatiiig indebtedness of ;K>rted by the Common CouncU. The ed money fi&r t o r » e t E ‘i!p<«gM^ We lliSO. Bach girl plelse Ihtog a H er film naraar adnUttrijU}' disap­ Take -one half teaspoonfifi ^cf mblic works department is asking recently. / t neremony vdth only [are to help in toe'.saieOf dtetotmas boWi, plate, cup anfi fo rk .' 1,000,000 into lony term Mr. and Mrs; Justm Carver have toudy. Some giris Worked on com- pointing to. hersrifi T^toah Bank- Hruschen Salts la a glass of hot Jor the sum of $30,250.00, and an Lord .PahernbA' wrs Scribe-^Helen Adamy. head Alabama.. hOteato wb'y fliat water to thO! monlag-4a A wMks additional fourth of the cost of ap­ moved tooin 121 E ast Mdin street to .witoeto^-' toe' ipam,' others. On'-fire prev^tloh and grinad finna .oa the London stage, get ito file SMles and note.Ikmr many I-) *1: propriation voted April 20, rlOSl for 42 Grove street ton codpe-ieft tonSn un- Others-oh knots. Ihe |^od--filglit ■' Tri>op.7 pounds p f fat have vaafshed. wllhdm Pfunder, local letter car­ drcle was ftirined and We closed the has sald.farawril'to HihlywoOd with improved entrance into Union street, deafiwtion. The meeting opened with patrol ‘ho great rwtets.'' Noriee alto w ^ i,%0.00, totallhg 984,000J)0. rier has been enjoying - several d i^ ’ bride vtoto A:pSarl-g»ab’ dress meeting with the staging of taps. ‘ vacation this nresk. corners.' We planned to' give a "I wish my.ptotnras l^ b a a a bate to:toefgy-r*yhw 16 oMasevi^ The D epartm ent Of Pdllce, 910,* wltonitotto^m at^ Scribe--;<1fii^tolB ^ Quistmas party and invite our ter,” said Bankhaad;as ihs left ypu feu youxqter to body-~KffiedMfi 563.86; Ughtlhg Department, 9l2.- Tha bifida is only daughter of mothers. 'The rest of toe time , was for Ramtotoa to board A train tor wffl give any; fat perswi a Joyeut 000.00;, Fire Department, $8,760.00; M A B B IB S-^^^ .TtBOC J. H.. Pl*toi»i»B, of NOiV ^00]^^ spent makihg cellophane brite. New Yoto. “Ncna of the parts real-' surprise. ■ Health and Sewier Deportment, H V OofineotlcuL She w| a' married to ^Twenty girfi' attohdod toe Hare Scribe—^Doris Cole. ly suited me of my partlcidaf paiv sure It’B 900.00. $2,000 of the Uttor sum to san^FpwoiBcp. l ^ caP) r - Clark V aa.ne^ to; 1028 but the and HOund chase oh Saturday. We 'sonallty'or toe type of talent I kealih niet fliat—and Sil asked for sanitary sewer foiLPffla* : >on Meaney.gtoge aiod radio he^ ntoiriagivdiasolvecl. hiked thrbu^ the R ot^g Bropk T ro o p s presumed to posseas,. Bu^ toath first to the Kfustoo^ptomlse. jury IDII section. Salaries, $4,* : ormer, annoimoti he^plans: to gO’to ^ ,15*^^ Mr. Prank Cheney, Jr.’s Oh Friday, November 25, .Troop 8 over now and there was no -mie wbo , :Get a bottle Of R ^hen. 100.00; MtoceUaneoua, $17,606;00, ] tono tor hie eighth wedding, this The duke ptoriOUily W|a married Hunting Lodge in Caastonbury. Here, liked-up ^tp 1|he."lookout” at High- I feel could, ha hrid to Matoa fmr it;'* from iL'tyuton St Oo., boi^ thus making the gmnd total . $09,r. time to Marian llmel, ftombr Chi- XU..* thanks to Mr. Chehey, we enjoyed and ParkV leaving our luncihelFat toe T he-actress daioiad ra{>orto .riw eheeter-riaf ^ any; leadmg oimggm 118.86. - , eago dancer whom he met nix weeka wore j (tor lunch to comfort At the week- clubhouCe. It was a gloriphs day had signed'a new contract AEQf anywheite to America ; (lasts;, 4 To Etod To Continue Road Work ago when she JOitned his act In Los . • L u • u . .. ' .jCkess, ly meeting held Monday evening at for a,hike, but ob, what a bill! In film company, Byentimlly. she. wtotofi i^ 'th a cosi to but Uttlei;, Work is to be etari»d in the near A ngelea from W bOtolfee^. been seplratM the Nathan Hale school, Edith Mc- about ten or fifteen minuteSi , upon pects to come, back to HolfywoM; tifisjfirst,bottle dodnitt cpavlnee'; 1 nture on. a new riirt. rpad on Dob­ Meaney said he and MtoS- Drael fril ei|n< AidAtt^ i^ ^ stficiae ] C6mb Was appointed . Second liep- arriving at the top we heih^ toe son avonue and Washington street she said, biit her immediate pkms this IS'the easleet, SAFEST ould fly to Rdto with Lso.^ Moore; at Ajboarmngbto^-'.E .MXtoriv j tenant,; Fifteen orders were placed news that Captain Agard had for uii depend upon developments after she surest way to .lose fat--your monty at DobsonVille. The avenue lends a ariator friintotodayt; Or when: the from the four corners at thb state • ..rr^ ' for toe CIhrlstmas candy. The concerning toe Christman itehdy we arrives in New York# itodly Tctufaed,^Adyt.. < weather psntottad. ' ■■■;-■: ' * ■ ' ■ - r a >' ■- , A vay, past the bid Ackeriy mill fc. II,liter . ...I. Ill — L ..::'i.y ■ ■ . r ' . u ..,,. - - ■... - '.-JT _ ta^ e^raUrOOri^ci^^^^totog t h r a t ^ on ' ,L^ ii-^(A^- -“'A I •j'jy ehde:>Ida? mW At Tex,; Amy DV^Or, of QhicngouCbn* • nglAtofatriry e ^ I^ b o ^ r is. looking to a S a t ^ihe Aresent time is badly in need of liw puet:m itt into its mechanism,, ^ Ofst pay cut for govern* repairs, bebig filled with holes. stance Knodd, Chicago daheari W* meat en^oyaea and a general man* toia Ctork, Ctieaito' Mariito , Bo- Was torm tetril teripy and ready, for Motorists and the townspeople have tod,,-dancer of PatoesvUic, Ohio; tidri tonte tor: lieut Cbmtoandml i4|i$afe^ sales tax, plus new econ* longfelt the need of a new road. intoaheth W heati^, ringer of Mem* Ftonk Kawksf.apeld phot. eniiee to balance the Federal bud* The .hur near the Ackerly mill has Ibis, Temx., afid'EdnA l^toon; Newv The toi^w li^:J^m l^ an hour] w $ g i t . been in a dangerous traveling con­ ark,;N . c h i ^ g|ri>----- monOpllhe' to etoilmild Ulth. a mar ^ Tha budget phase of hie final mes* dition for several winters, and ChaiTell ..deVIde, k^fVna' f l J t' robot to Congress was before Mr. most of the residents go aroimd by , d b y b 5 B a u 5 3 5 ^ . , , ____ --^,_Jfh air presstire ^ofwer todays it presented a prob* another road. There have been deriito.’wpl fbf «yfW?g fo r renewed cooferenoes several accidents: here and with the The Most Determined Washington fine. lw.(AP)’ fiii reetei- Af% .tlatoE. ‘ the craft he | ^ ' .Beeratdry IfiUe of the Treas* new work being done this danger rector Woodcock; after t^ n g the will ^toNm^irOrib . ' -lasdflohpeertfmat leaders. will be eliminated to a certaip eiq;;^ House« arotopriatioas dtonhittee I n p ert hae gained wide circu* tent. The;new road will coyer sh low muclKmoney the. PrOhlhltfoti CRASH latioh t ^ the President views the area of 4,220 feet. ' Entoroemriit. Bureau would heed Kind of Corporation eaie#tax^hs the xpcatequitsblet e ^ t a form to the dirt roads improvements, next year, bad-a-broad smue on hto Woodtoent, Dec: ' J.*—(APj-^Fred I eif heeegsery new taxation^xanoDi now ap* 7930 feet of road will be bldit oil face.... fiaie,<‘imiiri*toS.'A-.Qf.-' a . Woodmont' not to be Avoided; Bolton road at Veinon Center. TMs ‘«6w did it, go?” Woyceck .was Phy-Cat Plan extends southwesterly from-' ^ 6 asked. T o The drive by Mr. Hoover for dras* state highway at a point almost di­ ”Oh,” he repued,. Tt v^a$: d e ii^ - lute ctnu^ ' tie ibdNienoBa in'geverhment expen* rectly across frpm the Congrega­ ftfi. f Mke to opine; Maybe they^ chf i Atr t^. st^t dltm«r te tbe fiscal year baa tional church. Men mre how a t work thare leytog ciilverts a^d preparing gw ms a Job.after the; thlri pf b^WdMmAiit. 'Xkey w ere-1 tvnM htBr to consideration of the .toiMOpfirltoltyltal...; . rht pay 'cut pl«e for Federal for the building of the new road which ,.wiU extend to the Gusman But W M do^ d|d^ sot toplsto . f.^.4ritolitoM lnto a- ditch I an»w]MA'ah oppn^ tile exist* whether his future^ unemnlbymeitt after Ififitt part of the I ■ X'X” < f i r i w i i n o p e r^ . v should be attributed'to-pb^eafi^ fV 2i eetpiitt» RipubUcan leadara Robert Bnoluman Btetrik stotamushx and: paasen- ^ Preaideat will Robert Buchanan, 78, of 7 Frank* gtrii tothte car sec^^ injury# - Thaii a d t 'r i l ^ to . a b e » lavy; but Con* Uu street, died a t 8 A Fraaeto Ho^ gjm dcihl leadara are divided on his pital, Hartford, on W e^es^y af- a tt^ d i teibardA beer fOf/ revenue emoon at l O’clock, following 11 b ^ Ahotfid It' he pahsed and put up weeks’ illness , of a. comphcati.On df --li ooegtese. diseases. He was born in ^Ifast, ried th a t in the event reland. and. hae. hyed to T h e F t o r f ; ^ . in M snd^iiei^S H ittiry i|ir. teeotnmenda the sales : for about 45 years. Mr. Buetuman "Is ‘ vk-.'-,.- tspt ^.w ould take the place of the was .a .weaver, by. tcada and waa.'em* fewiMl -ekwiag epeelal taxes rang* >loyed a t the 3prinifville inlU tha hav^Htiysiteh ing^m to ten per cent on tpe^ : }ockuMim> miUs company for many elis pfd^ta. Farm commodities years. He was a member of Court |n Ow Forai nl^ 4^ fhA..«i9 lamenta would,-be epempt* {toipsic, F. of a :, Damon Lodge. , A modified sales tax was re* Kmghts of Pythias, St; Bedard’s 3seU|d> bp tha last Congress. church and the Holy Name Society. tlEkE3ltGENC»' iiMnPE^IITliBMT M 6 e.

■■ f S I ,,;€Jpiie;C(»:;“ ''

‘ Si i % ■ ft? i'm. ' ‘> ' t-r. •;x-• •:>■//;•:•; \ •-.j- -.'. •* . •■.• • :• • iM , pM. -f <■'■• V. X." ^ V4Y-t,5. ♦ mjr- -•K. ^BeV - 1 jjv. , ^ s', ' »,« ..4^ *.v' p iS B B ia H ^ lOBOiN mouB ToiiiLir ; ,toe...... > ' f. • AMOB PiLBBODY, elderly ooaipin. » *. e< UNOtA AYBBlIiLk to -.tar.’ desBi fran Ihe lebtoA floor: bfl^ efsagr o f Bie A t w U I^ Loot Utonfl • < «sSj.v iriqn,/teeiy'egpert.'ln . ‘Hot" hone. Undo reaches Um . Join ter , 'v i ^ ' to ft, i ‘W f he diM, to tiiM to h^'Atog f * ’ .X- . :sedhteto^ foef,* *«e pndwd oto—r’ to -; child linda. leallilnfl her oeosin Iu 4 'toied to ton her he was miU!dtood> .itepai'sre- ^ all .teldsr ’ i . Xh nwhhn tmotolM to llie batosoy. bthat tay? teto' devriotjito.'fto tte flemeoiM stops bdUnd ter, tries to ■.V„ ,|nnUniastote.- te atihitglo her aiMl bIm In ^a ABOVS^yiotoitoa . XNori** and a\«qmloal1 -s e a U 'U - ‘ '. ;'-y '■ -• ’.i'’'-/-sM-t- faint, tte hnshand, TQtBI, sees hte ;WBL|W-^ds|uw; ____ .tteintevtap]^^ sSrSiliLyi :.y fan and rashes to her. Itere ace t,,: add u y tetetePr .bi- , fOar Ai>**to In toe honse ai^ Itey f* V *. ^ >J5 ’' aj^'i^pear.- The goests toes.'BOt; STATLANDBB, boslness assodato 'M(tet^ulteritte(;ajgrae: thptfrinn of Tsto’s; CAPTAIN DE VO$, •te'te1i(ygf|rctot Of'.to inftotesuck handsome Belgian; MABVIN t o it e 'iB ia ^ at/ onfttime: or to-' FBATT, formte soltor of Unda’s; , varylte ikttkSty; teatteta and U A N SHAUGHNESSIET, bljUk t t a A ^ ^ '=Fas found toaftcfalldreiK tetehd .Ifhte ■XJIfr,. ' writer. Each of toem have qaar* .ute;«tote:^''tesqutotl^^ tock:toeir opteteta df/ r ^ wUh Cenattt Amos. tbuniba/:i,es8. often ttan tobke. who 'T-dta?t'‘-'ttate'-.te DB. PABSONS takes charge. It nuite. e ^ ry four hppm; Is assumed Cousin Amos’ death It was found ttat wine chiltlren w tate>tetyl»r‘ was aoddental and that Linda tocktog toeir tottebs just as a id s ho biio-"^6aif from riiock. When she Is soon as they were' Ftpm' hrikf>; tete ' flhally able to td l Tom what hito* toe print of view of pitychbibfy It d e rite T ^ pened she persuades h|no toat^ is^ suggested that toy toiteb tock-^ ita te ta . aiuf. Bwy must ke^ toe four guesto teg: (£ud te a stubbont child. b u t . tote te with them unfll they discover who ata: light,:;.wlutoi$; ’ .Fh-^lUnite' Is toe murderer, lie y are unex* Two tecldehts are descrlM py -it (k^llOL.- - . "li! ';' ; ' pecdedly aided In toe plan when Levy as proof. - toie child in­ DB. .BOTLE, ofHclpl medical ex­ va ria b ly put its thumb back -,,'tete One time I heard a "" aminer, sends word ' that overywie its ; mouth; when -tori toumb; was - rft he leOkad oyek hte In toe house, must remain until he moved. When toe' (ddld was: Y 5- atitoalwh. ‘‘-Billy: (taririSf li^ questlened toem. Bojde Is op. mohths old to unclft whom'it. did to drink. F (k ^ itk.'BUtyi a s«Meg trip and cannot return hot pazticalarly kke, would tritee you-are a .man and come:k(nrtete for several hours. . ' ■ , . ■ '... i., :•. . the child aha :wbuld say, “Thew's tltad aa X (lb. yqu‘41 w hnfta;,j^-^ DeVos has u i engagement for toe B y J U L IA BLANSHABD teuto Sea Islands all done up with very new caijd brings a scene of the -. . *•. i . ^ . manger whitorte that kid, with hte thUmb in his betaw dtaJ)«r,. tw,”^^ i - afternoon with pretty FLBUB tome. Utte Yuletide greeting. If you moiito: again;" Htoeretebn toe, New te^k,. Dec. I.—:$Jow Is ithe are. a gayjyptog t i^ . ln^ spite bf. styte set-rto, wite ; Biuy tad ipik. tta STim EB. Tom Is to talk business (told put both thumbs, in its luoiito. .fopnB. J ^ ;t a t o ^ .,F t a " ^ wtth DeVos. Idnda decides to^ s m tim e for_all"good.'meo.'aRd. yWpioen, toe'.deprcssipn,' there .are,.'.many piilUta Pht'to 'totoe^toe. scene . Victorlah , -riuds, a » perfectly ' liie psychriogtet suggests that he begait to h a s| n what she can find oulr from Pratt to step out and buy their Cto^toias ’.‘mbdmn'yduto cardS” . whi(di u8. hards are On. too up;tod: nose, tod '-l^-toe same significance. father.,.; . . NOW GO ON WITH THE S T^Y Procris8tiiia f6iome^ -■ By npJLEN ' rigkh'' Srifish :?; him cross the brief stfefto of iawp, ttee oh' hrip.’ ^ -'Buytog^ ChriS^ sleeping bag- which keeps it warm heard his brisk step, on the stone tc^-'you. ttat-toese ase toe cards,to' made xhamtanduggriMtog that you and v^ch prevwts it from putting that.” . ;; ■ ' ftTto.r mas cards': im hje'dihtriy to .'(Me rtlfih^ tay for your huste°d> toight . takft Vtodl .psIte b rough W ith Parte favouring higfthefkllpes thte staioa^ybu-!!! tepi ita vate inride^terih. flags and sa v him vanish throi^h yOu cah.te |d .Z ^-ta to 'ycitoteh tod toe thumbs te toe mouth; casmnent window. She was boy friend to..send but w ith .tos: card. wrapping jpajpe^* get- out toe chil­ It . has toe added advantage- of sirnple matter to mate yoUr last yeatte d ^ t e , ' . t e toe it'thetairitas. imemj^oymeht'--^ '/■ ’■ It te a great, year for pete putting dren’s crajtans’ tod make your own minute.: Or: you -(utn make~a'variety te (tolijte'tad-atepe.tetetetes'look' tr„ •ushifir. flM ’i suddenly glad that, though she gating cavdri> Itete- VaUantty en^hasizing warmth as the reason ..P rtw h a l .;^i O’ could not see him, he wottld be . Ndw Ca^ds haVe eVei^fthlng ‘ oh in :.an;,api>eaxanco alOng ^ t o ypur tae:aevrito.dreMes.. ■, Y-..-r... > .'’■"■r.Y ; - m / .tatn :}|a Cfiausl AforeOver, heme; and Ctetetmas. greetings. Pug. strike a gajr; senti­ for using. ^ sleeping b^te; rather p \ there, near toe window ami facipf than any attempt to keep, thb In 'Vita- C fo toe-popular nuiVa (tola^ytteitityyjchariUite'tad/yontoftiL -x'/l—. toward the lawn, apparently ah: there te a deecrth hOUy •' and- old-, dogs are appearing a g ^ , hOw tha^ m ents A fte -;iu i.'to to e is enohjgh It (an ba (territe'but in rough orepe sfik ^P ta tatte br pikin’teeprisflk fastamed retodeer. cards. Also, the sadnesS' right’ ndift totoont wtelfin^ thumb out of toe mouto:. Thus, it of. e vi^ rittete techidhtC torbed in solemn fig^es and ra­ everybody has. forgotten that, th^fb' d(>es not fix .the -attention of ths in white. Ffequ^tly oh .woolen fldoks tW Jtolah'te setarinade oTFhlte I ain , - one p e ^ , but constantly, she was sure, flippant,': Cynical cards lOf toe ;,boom afe,sdch dogs .ta. pugs. .Stotties, any m ore'to^to^tote fto Cteist- pique. wito Tnatching: cuffs. : ^ teUihg ahqtoer fk(i|^ pmod seem - to have'pasSid toto- otH mias.'' ' * chUd on the thumb. glancing out to where she sat ''ip. wire-haired'terriers, stated Bitesito In 'Vite tepiui'e cplla}- and toat -may ' 'ta’ftahioned of; or may not,(ip; /'Hte'’ - plain view and .only a step away llrioo. Good old-faskiOn^ eenti; wolfThouhds and curs vie fo r Aiybr. Paste-Itote Are Poputer '- - 'The Coiorinjf yetoi's cards^ Some children suck -toeir toumbs white ;(>r. strawbeite tad teepb silk tote 'v^m teto ri or a' te ho: ritota n te ;ta^ from help— ^If help were needed. ments'ateut temely'ctoeci^and'ptoce Alley cats tod' toamese ;ones ato black cirepe s ilk 'fro c k r i more oh earth to all mrii have shppltoted is toe final pro^ pt titete newness: only vtoen they have nbthiug teuch of tta vpiriet^agri^ Yet she was, after all, alqne. to;, be found beaitog Gbrlstmas to do and if torir interest te main­ and flattering, made (ff . riiiilpft or, of toh^Xcjie. j^tte . '' / Alone, and forced to wait, with ap­ toe smatt-craOking' cards' of yester­ greetings. . , Lions,' beara, lizards,' : Pastel colbr^ ctoear in fine tete ' '...... Sitobuettes arft dainty in toeir light toeteumb. ’’ ■ Cossack eflwt n(>w so'teprite*^* ' .mBka i it (]^ p sible to imagine in advance. Let Yohf-Gaird P it Yoiir Hobby; . array. One v ^ <5uto new cato, non- The >toum,b suridng and' the - at­ ite;:wbolen;:and tri^.w iih . setfTOoyered of, ^ i./. D fw s .te fta te .; ; '....ParoMf' Yes, waiting , was hardest of all. ■nie ,^'rst totog ' toat/etrikes the chaltot in its . suggestion'(ff th^ cblorteg, fitobb'>blte it - toece ' te' one-: l & i I coral are h tempts to. correct it offer a fine- op­ cebpe sUk,. rih te ;:c rite 'rite ,'p iq te ■and:n9 [T viriyettee/rijaa^^; She could bear ansrthing, better. It eye :of toe Chrtetoias cfud shop^. ' tops'y-turyy state - the' world' now' te. portunity, for proper (told trriUr. ly apprbpriato 'fbr'; tlta 'teteB ta,^nt. rov6st have been quite 10 nrinutes te toe tremhndQW te hto.a .tttoted seal balanrihg ,tte .•toto:-tbeaft\?; ing. It is, after aU, just.ft ta d haMt,, since Tom le ft her — longer’ Sittce. and ideas- Jl?du , can ^hnye your o t o Evening stsr no hte snoip.t.'v, W ito lS i^ , o o l_. iKtrt her .guests scattered, after hmchepn, :agaii£lt; wmch"toc-chil'd caSi "bb'edn- S2T-tech material wito 1-2 yard M te vto ' reproduce your/te^d/ cato, Datof^/Vicinrito ftete so. ;ihahy^'bf fl cated. to their different occupations.' The piet to o n ta ^ h r-'c h H ^ te , w ydu cto 'A very ihbdefn eard<. that dares. priate.but' ‘ tech mhteriri. View D. tteM ’fi/S yri^;(ff^ 24tterii*itaih .V . be an. Ita majority of intelligent chilr 'Ihey wiU' make'actertible- X ite i gtes-teai' te' weicbmed vrito house stood silent and calm.. have a . road-^inap ' mate - 'toat ^ will strike^A new-note has. tagste'gi^bed nias rctods ...... Thoughtful hand had stralghtdhed insgay . piaid dteite^dto .toat look-a' eaty pteaaiite" Jhbt:‘|e: .jber, with 4ren give up toe tabit early in openahns. ' z., / - v'^'v. ' . -y t--. les.d f(>lks> tO'^ydjte ^owh; hearthitOhe. childh()od. .H it/persists it, may t e Our Large Winter FasUbh Magatem contains'toe -mprt popular -stytea tairiod--te- adjustinintt ''tad - .are toe spindles of the balcony and ad­ If you are 'known , for itching bit llkft pajamas. But -nn 'tori whqte ctoristmaA;teltetoi'?to -h o th lh g strin]tay(ind'torir> yeate'' /.Y'et ^ I, justed the t(p» rail so that toe ef­ come,. taken'as sri' tediiaticin that mOto for too tault, mtes-tad/ehiid.'iOtrBri ;< -pipjrty^ djteses, - "ccate heel, you-(Jan have fafaway“ 'ftway scenes'*thescenes the majorityraajorify of . car7*: RS- from the balcony to which she had for toe - becarioh: which, rteousto. it. he found'hft<^.bhh often, talked distract hitaa.. the threatened be led into any friendly reminiscent rota you have?,.. As for your own perqbir, five chat. to him .intinmtely. He said — that outburst came she'inight.'letoii so This dfesrixg'^riBht start* >teto w>- F a tisfn -Noi^ But, Anally, with a curious, he -T-. -te^dra i' ta , older- reteti^ — much! B te M arvin gain«l> a ineaia- keeping ytar, ctetoeS'-tepritactjcfrii- worth of* bath salts addta^tot * • * <>*aAW '*€ • your, totoef wato’t tove’ — toat he ure of control'^tod, toougb he mut­ nightly tub will- ,tat yoix uv. '^ wrenching e lfo ri, he him self bro>ught Idietedxher bf- basEted - annov- dition. No missing buttons* No an hour creso^g y • e *•see ‘^Htovetar- h liltorin! T’d never' But you’re friendly and— and’.gbbd' t e l': kind;of g fritotat^ 'Citate'" “A very distant Ahd ‘‘You dite’t'spe* ldm>:toai? You asked-you. If I had toown'Chteti just rtrtit yp^ itettite:Pifl*e#^ fta-ftebniS' casually. “ He was my motoer’iB And -don’t overlook a. tonri> bf^ er" second cousin. You know she di|^ idh’t'g b . t o htebitem' ;:^^ o r h^ come night-’’ '. ------shadow.' tetetaerpenstafttad- when I was a child and I lived hd)to ' ybuto? 'Yoh, didn’t-tedk-r^ahout---’’ Again toat. black surge. ■Qr Dad’s family. That New Enghtod “Wtat about, Mafrin?’’ She seemed pure angerr-ras. he- pptoim ! ite wetglit te riieer betaty ^ o u ‘ Instead; (jf. feriteg'«i^/api branch of Mother's kept «>rt of a spoke the: ,^ to f 9^.he paused. This toie etoto b e s lte 'ta d S u d d e ^ '-te .'nem r^' i duty-eye on me. Wrote, at birto- w f« 'vitair' .Nevtor has: she; felt any- was erect bc^dp her, standing wi;to Jow:^ vrito, dejeeU oriF'™ catfto.> toe^raasDn features, mttoe*ta taid'' days and sent presents (improving titoter ^ was one quick electrical chek'‘i« taridsf ta ■K t G ently disayproved of taring Ms . teiid w ter m s {teitc g M a; and her ‘fi sacred routine timte tad'h - Go ramping in cU.«lo3^ 4Mta' ‘ ririutaj .idaated. ftor Ameis I did visit IfttUeiheadi te e n ^ a ^ .^ or ■fOtah'-dfteQtl ptatad. MMially managed to be cidled-..: bacl innttldidtta to town. And I had about as mtah Have a gang ^ know e yell, ... . ■ i h- fondness for' his old-fashlw^'VSCT of hia. taili^’ t a r;- ,* — as he bad for my disturbita tofto^. ' A iri'g ri a araa tip;' ’ • ’-'ter ence.” 'N , „ . I AM. ne* feiid pFiiitte - i- \- “But be visited you heipe.'Afta andtas. he'diliPOBiWid jita-hm ^ ly all, he frit free to come nninvij^.' .. , & Linda looked at him to asteitah- ^AkI qo toJbM^vMmttCompiHnt - te witfto meot. “I suppose that would 'ss- • .'» flertatofc to/sove hotri hills. Be was esntosr Tpu can ^ tote ivet- niehe ttaa any fleotdxmao and * 1 1 *V'.J.vj*I :»«-.v gPQs anywhere to cadge a few lodging. X htaPtoed to 'be tte - this time, Bs nay tans htad iA''!'-- otosr people he knew bs^tsrr -sad t -. fduta thtos M l up over toe Boufto. y Bd te calmly ovsclec^ the. fact ’' tote te 'tevsr -'Bd. llte ms.'ytey::wril 'W i S B r ’l J t o it ’*. -.'i . iBOvlto. set^to^lts- m

T tJ • 7 ' ' - ■■ r :

'"C. •BC^

' .ij!* GAELICS lEAHOFSODtin CRID c e m c E l liiti t SCORE 29-26 R Two of Most Saceessfol Col­ J* \ Local Quintet Plays Below B O X S C O R E leges FaQ To Contrihute a As Dty of flisae Hiitk Usual Form But Is Neyer National Guards B. MeiBlia' To BeTOo; The Hlolland, r f . ••...• 4 ApprotiAop Tan May In Danger After Second iMcCann, If • • .. * .4 Lmetip. . Turkington, c.... 0 ReadiPoriSatDday. Mattson, c ...... 0 By W i^ Mttgiii, ED-4^, Period; Meet PittsfielA Gustafson, rg ... 0 Farr, r g ...... 0 Atlanta, Dec. I.— (A P )— Every Eagles Here Tomorrow. Farr, Ig • • e e • ■ I Beqtion of tee By HUGH S. FULLBBTpNrfE*. . Dowd, Ig • • e • • is represented on tee seventh an­ New York, Deo, 1.—(AP) — 'hie nual Associated .Press all-star fo6t- 10 11 7-13 29 House’s defeated toe Boutbington word is being whispeied around, A cjx)wd o f leas thsm 125 persons ball team, but Avo of the most suc­ B Mayoe (26) cessful teams, '^^rgiitia Tech and Y in their second game in tee T iittle fearfully by the “experts” Who* iaw the National Guards overcome p. B. F. T. Louisiana State, failed to contribute leegue last night by the ecore of 60- have been tooled eo often by foot­ the Mayo Gaelics of Hartford at Zetarski, rf >.... 3 0-1 6 a member. 45. TfalB W03 House’e second win in ball that tee NaVy is in a “sweeti’ Foot Guard hall In the Insurance Dellay, rf ...... 0 . 0-0 0 Auburn^ heir-apparent to tee Popo^cs, r f ...... 0 0"O 0 tee league, beetiag toe Manchester spot toibeat tee Army and redeem City last night, in a game that crown, Tennessee, Alabama, Tulane y : in their first game. a” the frilures of a very ohlinary Uhcoln, 1' ...... 2 3*6 . and' ysmderblle placed two athletes ^ylnrlc»<9 the Opening of the basket­ DeUay, If ...... 0 ,0-0 0 . . L ^ n g at th5- half at 36-23, season. Qhl the first team''iriiile Duke has There’is little in tee reconhi to ball season in Hartford. The score Cotter, c ...... 0 . ()-l 0 Houke’e could not be overcome, p ie onis. v ^ g ih ia : Tech, vdiich lost but ehoqting c/t Juapie Ch^m aa and Red prove that either team is capable of was 29 to 26 and the Guards were Wise, r g ...... 3 1-3 7 defeating tee oteer,.espedally In tee never in danger of defeat after the Campion, Ig ...... 3 ,0-2 fi ope game^ has two players, on the could Bot-be chitted. reserve eleven but Loulsiaaa. State, kind of game the service schools al­ second period. This pair whtt oil' a floor are a ways play, but there ^s a strong pos­ Qfune Thrills 16 11 4*12 ^8 unbeaten in its four' conferahcc nice pair of bojm to ■ watch, thrir games, did not win a place on any Army bombers . . . Captain nUt SamsBerfeia loft, u d “Pick" Vidal. sibility teat tee midshipmen m a y The game was lacking in thrills Score by Periods passing and floor work is a great reach tee pett of their form Satur­ and furnished only a fair brand of National Guards .. 7 12 2 8—29 pf'tee'tehms. factor in the gomes that they have of ' Tulane and: day while the Cadets still are trying baskethall. The Mayos chalked up Mayos ...... 8 7 2 9—26 pOrtidpated in. to recover from last week’s driest a one»point lead in the first quarter, Referee, W- Eddy, Time, len min­ of Auburn polled! By JIMMY DONAHUE 1909, a two- Hjiwit Anderson’s boys last week. Box score: tee heaviest vqtes although nidteer year interval They’ll be out to take Navy’s scalp by Notoe Dune..' - 8 to 7, but in the second period the ute quarters. Score at halftime, N B A Service Sporte Writer House’s (66) While' Army was taking a licking was a uhaidmbus ^ o ic e . Beattie due to tee war and run up big score, but maybe B F T ot Guarte went to the front and at ^ 19-15, Guards. and the battering which went With Feathers of Teqniassee, John Cidn of in 1917-18, and Navy’ll have a lot to say about it Chapman, tt ...... 9 3 21 whistle were ahead by 19 to 15. On one side of ‘Franklin Field, it. Navy had an open * spot In its Alabama and Clyde “Dixie” Rohercs another two- •••••••••••• 0 4 Both teams depended largely on (jtiriDiDOIl 2 schedule last wett, giving two Philadelphia, Saturday; the ghost of Ariny has “Pick” Vidal,: a flashy ••••OOOa'••••• 1 13 their accuracy in long shots to score of Vahderldle fought a close battle' year^lapse due ' BCOVlS 6 weeks of proparation tor tee big quitiierback whose family name •••••••••«••• 0 8 and both Holland and McCann of NOMINATEJACQUES for the other bapkfield posts, urite a famous Army general, who died to broken rela­ Blssoll ^ game. That rest and the absence of Navy hac a Jot of reasons to rie- •-• 0 the iSuards looped four* baskets. ItobertS; losing but. fighting for hla country in tee tions in 1928*-29 BT^cDtuid ^ 8 meinber. “Pick’s*’ big brother. Gene, 2 6 serious injuries may tell tee .trie ••Gob’' Turkington did. not s w w Pete Gracey, Vanderbilt emtor, eligibility reg­ JoUey ...... 2 although there is a strong argument, charge up San went to Army some years ago. and from the floor but he got five p0., alloWed. dent of tee Hub Hosiery Idlls; 'Gibson’s Garage Middletown, Conn., Dec. 1— (A P ) WeU said. . M. J. fichoffner vs Nrisbville Ouh, Among, his clubs are the Hfirya^ Magnuson ...... 1(^ 92 f—Reappbtotment of Jim Oberlander Well asserted he and Donie Bush, dlriUlowed: Clarence P. Roper Vs Country Club of Brookline. Ip S e g a r .99 9fi as hee^ fbotball coach ait Wesleyan tee Red#’ peW manager, are. “more Dubuqua C2ub, disallowed. Arthur ascending to tee U . S. G. A. preiri* G c ^ a n ...... 89 116 Muriler vs Burlihgton Clito disal­ for next ySar was announced today C on ran ...... 118 116 than satisfied ' with the deal.” The dency Jacques succeeds to ap; office lowed. H. L, Weafer ya Wflattnig- by athletic officials.- The former held by his father in 1909 and 1910. Kut.ii^...... 101 121 dub, hie explained, ' has been, All-American Dartmouth back is ton, N . a , club, disallowed. Oem- The nomination was in accordance strengthened and he has more ma- expected to give up coaching tem­ teriri for posribie future deals. m ^ c o e r Landis also giw ted tite with U. S. G. A. practice where tee 5 U 543 542 porarily ’at least, after the 1933 sea- application for retoatateibafit t-ri! seifior vice president succ^teds to Retd’a Attefiooeeto Earl “S ^ ^ ” Adains, stir 8% TOn. He completed his medical tee presidency the next tin e a Pasley ...... ,106: 114 studies at Yale last JUhe and will Louis <>rdt»nd third baseman, who change is made. The d e ^ of Mr. R. Coleman ...... 99 94 be given a Itave of absence after FORMER G P PLAYERS was out of tee-game almost all of' C h itt^ merely speeded tee proc­ B. Coleman ...... 104 1()9 January of 1934 to begin his in- last season. ess in the case of the new presi- McLaughlin ...... 146 105 temeship. Farrand ...... 113 86 Oberlander piloted ’ his ■ third drat-nominee. TO FORM SOCIAL GLUB -EXCITED OVER “OUB COUNT* Wesleyan el^en this season through S28i 510 I its most successful campaign in Cary, Ul., D ea,. 1,— (AP)-^TlWsr yeara. Led by Captain Larry b a s k e t b a l l LEAOIE New York, Dec. 1.—(AP)—A were aU excited-arou^ tee John-D. Schlums, brilUant back from Ridge­ BEO-TKA^^LBilS club .whero former football' players: Hertz Btablea today over the field Park, N , J.. tee tea|n won seven Membrne of t e a Mshchester-Rec I Can go to' talk, over tee “g o ^ ' bid looking son of a pair of sumtoto OPENS A T WEST SIDE were entertained by members of of its eight games, losing only to daya^ and theigamo in genetoJ is in champions, Reigb Cmint and Anita V,' Amherst, “little three” champion. Travelers at tee Morgan allejns in tee. process of formation hero witk Peabody. The son of tee ttampi Wesleyan has won 13 gaihes, lost The Rec Basketball league will Hartford last night The Biraord A proipeCtiva membership^ list named (>ur Count,-will get his first eight and idayed one tie during open its season tomorrow -night at men took three straight gameal which soonds' like an all time All- ■test under fire next a p r ^ . Oberlander’s three year rule. tee West Side Rec when tee glmer- from Manchester. Taggart vrith 156 America squad. aids and Kaceys get togetber at got high single for tee locate and| Eddie Heut, Princeton’s famous seven o’clock and tee Endies 'and also high three-string with 868. old tackle and captain, acted as Dixie? claidi: after* the final whistle The girls’ .match was close, and I toastmaster at-a preliminary lunch­ CyCo^ocysF.2: BASKETBAUIM^ of tee opening game, ' • exciting all the #ay. Tbe locals lost eon yesterday and among' thOee Uneuim: tee first game by three pins, won present Were T M (3oy of Yale, El­ Emeralds K a c ^ tee next by six pins and alio tbs mer Oliphsat of Purdue and Anny. SCHEDULE An n o u n c e d . F. Waddell Chapman third by one jfip. N4n Taggart.ron- Nayy gniiiiers . Onetalu'Jlm Beedy, htft, and Ctordon dumf-Hoea. Big BUl'EdWards of Prlniseton, Ed Bosree . . . .;... Hodden ed high rinBJe.ipind tbiee-stiing Garbisch of . Aruiy, Harry Ham­ Gdbbbn . i •.* • • • « McConkey Manchester, with 111 and 28l, re-1 mond o f: chigan, and a host of ...... {keen 50 The schedule of games for tee Angelo .. Injectively, games for an a v ^ g e of 26*7 While other former stars. Saturday Night Basketball League, Ford ...... Werner The scores:' * Hi Brown hoirifiBite opvdBefita to;28 prints ip sponsored by the Recreation Center, Hartford Glrb elk ObUpLtell stiprdjr team' sasi^ D o V d u was announced today. It is as folr Bndees DIsiea G. M urph y...... 6 6 88 86-^2611 Bycholski...... F aU co^ coppeddriepslve' honorii, hot aUbw- lows: R. M c ^ ^ e ...... 84 94 82—260 ing tee. enriiqr a priht in nine con­ Last Night*s Fights FIRST ROUND Nelson ... H. Ktag i...... W 88 74—250 ...... a.-...... Anderson test,, wbllt 244:’ December 8 IferF y. Rboney ...... 7S 96 95^264 Qifinn ...... F. Bisseil H. Brignoie ...... 78 88 IOO-t-268 Bjr Asseciated Press 6:00—Heights VS. Herald Newsboy S. Vennert...... waddril I Bvcelona, Spain -^-Kid Tunero,| Five. S. Gustafson ...:...... Woods ope year Ago Today—Ralph Cuba, o u ^ m b ^ Dino Tampesti, 7:00—Celtics vs. Dills Five. 416 45^ 431 WRESTLING E. McAdam rttria- Gressteaf, ten times national pocket Italy 10; ‘ Gebrge Morejon, Cfiba, 8:00— Sons of Italy vs. Indepen­ Referee: W. Wiley. Avorage Only 1283 Ptiiih billiard champion, got off to a good knocked out. Vittorio, Itriy, 8. dents. E. K le in ...... 68 93 91—252 G. Wllldnson ...... 87 84 . '90r-26S (By Associated Press) start apd beat Robert lindblom of Detrrit—Fronkie Geqproec, Oina- Decmnber 10 CORKING GOOD Seattle, in tee first match' of tee dlan amateur lightweight cbamplon, 6:00— Heights vs. Celtics. - H. Gustafson .... 70 90 75—^235 Fer Came Tbis Year, Less N e w York—Abe Coleman, Los N. T a g g a rt..... I l l 88 89—268 Angeles defeated Joe Caati Kansas patiemri championship tournament outpointed Billy Walkef, EcOrsc, 7:00— ^Herald Newsboy Five vs. Denver, Cok>,— “No hen. dnqqped staged in Philadelplfia. C. Jattmore...... 77 103 87—287 City. Mich.; 4. A l Henderson, Detroit; out­ Sons of Italy. this,” said. Patrolman jpbn. 9N. Thaa Ever B dore. Philadelpl|ia. —G us,. Srim en b^,, pointed Frank'ZAvdii,..Pittsburgh; 8:00— Dills Five vs. Independents. he picked, up a co rk -$ «v ^ 'a n d 418 460 482 Five Years Ago 1%day— Topy lo : . December 17 Btttopi' dixeated Saijimy Stsia, reeking c t moonshine. Wells,. Hartford -Mmi won bis 18-rdiuid fight Pftrifee F cUIC6 — HftTiy 6:00—Heights'vs DHls Five. Newark. ‘ ; s trolman Roy Bloxom, and'peteettro Mttroe ...... 97, 96 188—3281 New York, Dec. 1.— (A P )-^ AU vrlt^ Igiiado Ferpahdez after a hec­ AmerittaaegN^ ^ dliriturifledtor 7:00—HeiwdrMewsbby Five vs. In­ A. L. Colton were 'searohlng . the Gtitoan ...... ,104 97 80—281 tic sessldP iP Madliidn Square Gar­ butting to a f i ^ t ' with -Eknili L6- dependents..; chicken coop in tee rear of Jimmy the hall toting, paeahig aadekiokittg Slater ...... :.. 93 98 U5-rS04 ilM star beiiiks of th* Nation cciuld STATE UiAGUB OPENS den. Germany Smith; dld-tima Jnajbr b|toe>' br 7: 8:00—Celtics xs. Sons of Italy. lantomo’s home. A thorough scetrch Shields .119 98 106—318 teajpie Bhortetop,; was killed in ah revealed a hidden cave containing 25 JCseuary 7 Menser l . is i l i l lOS^^^Omido with tee rid of the hi^W orlitoB The CImrter Oak ptrts open te f auto aeddept near Altoona, Pa. 6:00—H ^ | 0 i vA^iBons ef Italy. gallons of liquor. One iof the jugs D afle . .105 109 127—84115ut oOan (unheraldied lifiemsh, State League toi^ht agaiaet 'Mid* • I . j B n iu L M n 6 ’| L c i: 7:00—Herald Ndvsboy Five vs. was minus its cork. brought tower touchdoWBs this year rietown, at the Charter Oak rilifya. TSn Yeaie A ge Today— Charles . i . - Tea^ No. puu Five. . 658 82“ 684 than to^ahy of the previous tep The Ideal girie ero cbnfMent of win- ^ b e t s ahimunced that ms Brooklyn h:00—Cdtios vs. Ind^ndents. GOOD FOOTBALL NABOB B< Berggren . . . 89- Bfanchefter Men years. . * ping ahdgetiangr off to a good start ^ b lh s Would change their training Jmiuiuy 14 0. Jotanstm . .j.65 RuUel) ...... 104 74 100—2781 'A e records of 169 representative 8< far this seasonib^ hSOe not lost base apd put in thrir sptiPg i^rind :00—Hejghtsws. Independents. When Captain Greg Kabat, Wte- Smith ...... 112 92 90—394 teams, s h o ^ the ibwset totri of tee a match ajtrinst ,aom o f tea at Giewwater, Fla. Dave :00—Herald Newsboy Five vs. cemsin football star, leaves toi 88 U 1 84—3781 f l l ysarii such records have bien In tlM stptA . t w lh m M te was barrSd In NSW Torit-krter Critics. Badger institution, ahoth|a tee;-

( . M, -*^'v ■ ' -''V'

kANCHBSilqflEViaTO^'to i y ^ , -*^-. ^ .- j. * ■^«|'Cr4 . ''V S')- '■;■■ i.rrt 11 t V’rr.>i\i^- > -*8in..,-< t • tt , ifcilir -iV m^ i W

« # • • « * T > ^ I ‘ •

^ ->■ j )'m « > ' ■.*• - on i f ::! !--!'■

LOST AND FOUND 1 APARTMENTS, FLATS, HOUSES FOR RENT ^65 HOUSE llttY ADOPT LO&T— LADIES YELLOW gold TENEMENTS 63 FOR RENTr-4 ROOM D O U ilA 0 Manchester watch. loitlalB S. C. M. Return to FOR RENT— HEATED 3 room house, with steam heat .and modem . 118 C o o ]^ Hill street after 5. Re-, improvements. Inquire 184 Center R i T REPEAL m t apartment in R^ubinbw Bldg. 1932 '^-r' V. Evening Herald . ward. low. rental. Rubinow, 841 Main S t Street (OoatinlMMl Page One) i **; i \. CLASSIFIED LOST—PAIR OF LADY'S pig akin FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement all FOR RENT-^.6'ROOM SDiGLE gloves on Main street Finder re­ house with garage, -Starkweather tUres to PM on it will be considerr MilH M i^ Cuen, 24,’ of 719 Pem- 5MIVBRTISEMENT8 improvelnents. Inquire'l03'Hamlin btoke sm ^ !R ri(q $ [to ^ bite b^^ turn to 29 Elwood street street Phone 80 street rent reasonable. Inquire ed. r Oiys Get Busy par8bhft< InjmM to 'b h automblfile ■ L Count otx k-roraco word* *•**••••■ Manchester Realty Co. Tel. 4412. aedddafc -to m lepottto iBltialt. amnbon aad FOR RENT—6 - ROpM tenement • Meanwhile, "leaders of prohibition Coh count aa a word and oompoua* ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 with all improvement; . 451 Center organlzattohs united today in • a on the .dsfigm* Bst- today at Ne^- hrorda as two worda'Minimum oo^ w. jted unanimously the A fi^* Ads ordorod for throo or si* ^ s FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat all con- "After Damp” Explodes h port' T^etBUh-atoartmenu c a r -d r t ^ had stoppod bofora tha third or fifth veniences, including furnace, 243 Federatibn, the Women’s Christfi^ complete reorgimlxh^h of, the city can Federation of Labor cbhven^dn LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Temperance Union, sind the Board py Jphn' OMa o f 166 -Andover street^ day will bo oharcod only for tho ac­ moving, general trucking, livery Center street’Dial 6990. goveriiment, under the. mi^pr' £MdB>bi>bV&'-r^-'the auto with -Qhla today. tual niimbor of tlmos tho ad appoar- Nova Scotia — 17 of Temperance and Sodal Service The.resolution protested.partiicu- ad, charRlne at tho rato oarnod. but service. Our affiliation with United W of the Methodist ^Iscopal Church,' wbufd be the sityreme executtva, of­ were 'Aldttoxmn'^Jton Neary, ' 50 BO allowanco or rofunds can bo msda Vans Service-means lower rates on FOR RENT—4 R;0QM tenement, ficer with a legijptature' of two Foutyhr'ah^t.and Leo LoughUn, 737 iariy against “thC policy of the Lor- on six tlmo ads stoppod aftor tha with modem improvements, eiqperi- South. * toh, Va,. reformatory . emplojteg furniture moving to distant points. Others Hurt. .‘.We undentand tliat a resolution houses. a ;City Senate and a a t y geariew'li!(^Ue,''both of Brtdgeporti fifth day. Large modem trucks, effperienced ence pMhter desired'as tenant. In­ Assembty, under hinu Thb B irid g ^ -men Werb^tieated prisoners on Skilled labor.” I No “till forbids"; ^3063, five men today on the lower level of adppted thirty-five . yearis ago, bad Fb}tce^’|tod the autinnoUlea col­ ASkihg- “ the moral and financial fictifled only by cancellation of tho Maple Leaf - No.. 4 colliery, two miles "In view of the great importance support” of the Federation, Jamies fia rco made for tha sorvleo .-endored. 8860, 8864. Perre^ & Olenney, Inc. FOR RENT—DOWNSTAIRS tene- of this matter, we are writln|g tiq become antiquated and that it was lided' h isid ^ on- the: Itilforci turh- All advertlsomonts must conform ment of 5 rooms . and bath, gas, from this town. .’time to decide .whejhisr there are to pike,wito tfttz sjVdpg’his Car wide D. Graham of Montana, ■mid. “a ha stylo, copy and typoeraphy with Seventeen others who were work­ inquire whether opportunity will be .fight against* lo e ^ wagb* hcq been MBulatlons onforcod by the publish* SILVER LANE BUS LINB offer Ihe electric lights, two .orbhes, gar- given to those opposing-or favoring be five-cities'or bnb 'city. to pato atotherlautbmobOe; accommodatioD of their . large De- disns and garage. Write Box X, in ing in the mine when the gas ex­ He said that tiip present time of­ started in Butte,. Mont, rtensent- irs and they reservo tho right to ploded escaped urinjured. the proposed resMtftion .-or 'rtoblth ing orgaidzed labor's first stand for Isdlt, rovlso or reject any copy con- Luxe J3UB for lodge, party or team care of Herald, or Tel. Rockville timis to be present and to pmiBent fered the first bpl>prtimlty tijaY I'A* iridered objertlonablp. . ''' trips at special rates..'Phone 3063, 404-4. The victims, four of whom wefe arisen during’ quioter centuiy' lii a showdown.” CLOSING HOT7RS—Classified ads to married, were .Extra Murray, 33, their views cohcemlng the same. Graham w>a: cheered as he .said ha published same day must bo ro- 8880, 8864...... Will an opportunity be given to pi^ puMic life to a thorough-go­ telved by 13 o’clock noon: Saturdays FOR RENT—4 ROOM FLAT, new­ single; William Hashie, Joggins, ing re^anlzation to brihg the'eity stotea had been closed within the . married and father of six children; smt the views of the people whbm 1^:30 a. m. ly renovated,' steam heat, garage we represent, and if so, at w h it government up to date. last two da^ at Butte :sind that a TELEPHONE YOUR COURSES AND CLASSES 27 if desired. Inquire 12 Pearl street. Charles Leblanc, Amherst,' married, :'€>teeted'ByLUtowd genteal strike, led by deriks e^Kis- two children; Henry. Leblanc, Riyer time?” ; Tel. 7640. .A t the same time, Dr. CSarehce A crowd-greeted the fbrmer gew- ing a 29 per ctet wage cut wta . WANT ADS. BEAUTY CULTURE—Earn whUe Hebert, married, one child; Daniel on. 'Ado are accepted over tho tolophSDO learning. Details free. Hartford 'I^e Wilsoni general secretaity of ernbr ^ he arriyed'fbr, the hearing, (UeatiuiMd . fit tho CHARGB RATB ctvpB ahOTo; FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement Dudreau, Joggins, married,, ' one ^wearing, a blade derby add bvefeoat Radio Advertiaiiig Academy o f Hairdressing. 693 Main with garage at 49 Sqmiper street child. the Methodist Board of Tenq^rance, As a convenience'.fp advornsora, but Prohibition'^ and. Public Morals,' sent and ' smokliiig a, cigar. Under the ways' tiiat a. ctotytot,.; has been Radio advertiaiiig, was . in a S o RATBS.wlll bo accoptod as street, Hartford. Inquire on luremtses, or telephone The five bodies when recovered overcoat he 'wore'a dark' Mue suit, awarded- -ih" tiie S|kbrs]ty Aviation. resolution referred to the executive TULL PATMBNT If paid at the bpsl* bore no marks of injury and mine a letter to the House ways' and' BOBS office OB or before the sovonth, 8781. jMtle blue shirt and white collar, Corpofidi!^ of Bridgeport for cott-^ couhdl. ,IBtxodu(^ by Paul Schss* officials said they believed the men means cond'mlttee asking that those teberg, of tiie Odifotnla State Jkd' day foUowlng the first Insertion HELP WANTED—MALE sd supporting prohibition be affdrdbd dark'blue tie and pearl atidc idn/ stfuotito'q^ plraes. h ad otherwise tho, CHARGB' had been overcome by after damp. Uhdcf' hte' Aiiu; as- he .'wdit to the Although offlrials of the Sikorsky etetion of- Lahte, the resohitkn TB will bo collected. No rosponsl* 'While there was no official re­ an opportunity to voice their opin­ ty for errors. In teleghoned ado ■WANTED—A MAN OF GOOD per- stand he carried a aheaf of what ap­ and ftati and Whitney aiititoft urged, that the’ ‘‘council, I f ilaaible. port on the explosion, a number of ions when hearings open before that and practical,' attempt to secure ha* PI bo assumed and their accuracy sonality and sales ability to sell committee next week. peared to be charts and other data compudes'declinto. to discuss, the not bo guaranteed. our goods to consumers. Must own miners stated it had been ciiused by from which he was to give Us sug tjqm of power p4ant to be installed tional l^ifislation that will hAvr for * WHY SHIVER? sparks from a motor. Edwfird-B. Dunford, attorney for r INDEX OF a car and furnish bond." Liberal geistions for bettering^ the city gov­ in the ,-firat ftying-boat, it was -gen- its. purpose this ptebihition of.hm g . Hundreds gathered euttund the the Anti-Sialbon League, in a stated ernment. , . ; . , > ., .erally believed that n Hartford advertisiiig Itotutes^ and' sptoteSs CLASSIFICATIONS commission. Onl> men looking ibr m e^ said a committee hac. been permanent position need apply.. Our 4 room apartment at 15 Oak pithead' while the 'Victims were Under ' the former governor’s motor will be used; All -recnit oyer the: radios xif the.epUntiy. 'fiiBi- Births street is.always warm, no matter being raised to the surface. Tear­ formed i at yesterday’s meeting of ••sssss*********** Grand Union Tea Co., 24 Union' plan, the city legislature would be models produced hy the Sikortoy iting advertising'by tedio twaa an- . Bngagomonto what the temperature outside. ful Women and children, relatives of leaders ito. piiesei^t oppoattion to pro- Marrlrvgos • S2CCO • » • «»V.* ••••••• street, Willimantic, Conn. composed o f a City. Benate of eleven company have been Pratt and Whit­ nouncemtet of' the .name of tiie. aths aaossoooap a j^ a .s SBBggau*#** Rent, 835 per month, ineduding the dead men, surrounded the . en­ poi^ ppMbition changes.' -' members, of whpm Jtbree would be ney poweibd: sponsor of thO program teui th» rd of ThftxikE a#**#***********. heat, hot water, bath and janitor trance «md^ pathetic scenes wereP 'Ilie'’}lB.tter to the two''committees In Moinorinzn aossss*g**>.i(d«**ac«i ^ elected from Manhattan^ three from prodime or-merchtadise sttdi!iqaoh- ' LIVE STOCK—VEHIjCLES 42 service. enacted as they recognized the was senjtt^he said, "because of .the Brdbklynii’ two from tiie Bronx, two DROWNEDIN LAKE tor may be ton^." ‘ SIdOst nnd Eonnd aoa«o«s*tg«««** * precipitate'action by Hoiiise leaders l^nnomiooxnonfs t o . o . * a s . * •#•••••••• * bodies: '" from ^^ 'n s mad., pne; from Rich­ The Federation too wont ion jre6>..; psrsonals • aooaooaasoaaaosaBS aSCB d FOR SALE—COWS^Holstein and WATKINS BROTHERS, INC. The colliery vms .snid to be one of seeking to force an immediate, vote mond; and a Chty Asimi^iy ollwen- Wenham, Mass., Deo. 1.— (A P)-— ord for legteliatlon ‘^tetoot'' the • ABtomahHes Guernseys. E. A. Buc^and, Wap- the best equipp!^ in the district'ahd upon the submission to states of to AiUtomobllos for Sale ....•••.•• 3 ty-three. inembers, one dected tybm CUfferd Stockman,-28, employad on petroltem industry. Automobiles for Bxehango i ping, Conn. Telephone Rosedale always had been comparativelj^ free some form of tyfiolution looking, to­ each state Sisnatorial .dlatricL Rich­ the estate of Arthur Cook, iDowpsd Id rieaohitions, presented by Graf- Auto Acoessorles—Tires ...... o 74-6. from gas. It*produc4s atx)Ut 30,000 ward repeal or fmbdificatioa o f the mond'cpuntdi. as one distelpt. today'.after, he 'had fallen teem', 'a tte J. Fox o f ithe Tofim Ultetral X*- Auto Repairing—^Painting...... 7 18th Amer^ihent, WithQUt any o^ ^^uto Schools 7—A « t ' _ tons of coal a ye«t‘ The' city; Seimte would : be presid­ punt while attempting to set decoya b or Union, and adopted nhanimous* !: ^ Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 3 FO^ RljNT-M ODERN four and j^riuttity.for those .oppoeeaor favbr- ed over by awibe n^ypf, elected by for'Wild'ducks. :Entaoglsd m un-^ ly,.thei conytetion dtolhteik‘ - 7 Autos-^Por Hlfo i . 3 FUEL AND FEED. 49-A five .room sqjortments, gan^e, Lil- KILLED BY FUMES i i ^ '' t i» legsdiitotiph ; of ,t]ii» liq[ubr the dtyiat large!' andl^t^' Caty As­ dergroWth of the watets of Wenham ‘W the totetert'of^tiadteili of > Oarages—Sorvlqji—Storage ...... 10 ley street, off Main, near new post traffic' to'he heard Imd because home sembly would elect 'a'spmtiur ftpm lake 75 feet-from shore, • Stockman thousanda iff iahdreteriii' thh U. S,'. * Hotoroyeles—Bioyolos 0 a 0 a 0 a a arsi** 11 KINDLINGS 82.00 LOAD-;- Well Ranted Autos—Motoroyoles . . . . 13 office. Liqiiire 21 Elro street Tel. Bri R e p o rt Dec. ,1.—KA-P) ^ featuihs -: of. thteid. resolutions ' httye its ewn.mmhbd^hip.'-.’Alto in ''. the wariied Cbok’s rJ8*^year*old: . sbpi dependent ditecfly ohindfteetiy ’ seasoned oak wood 84.00 load. chael ^ v o r y , 59, was foonfi' c|eBd; to* Bustness and Pzafessloaal Servlees- Hickory for fireplace 84.5C load. 5661, neVer beeAilUiscttated b if^ ^ legisiktiYe bibheb,'.;.. R m to’s' plan Kfohetii, who warn duck hunting with on the petroleum industry; -wO fa- ■ Buslness Services Offered ...... 13 day from illuminating . ..j Dr.:-H.' teqs of Cpni^sss bn elfaWhate.” „. tptoV15b£lVfPr 's biU coxxjh him, im titoftr^tersisim ibqt: to yto legicMtiomr Household Services Offered-.....1 3 -A Guaranteed these , loads over half f o r R134T'--MOlEiaiN Ti^O room R. De'Luca, medical examijaerrgkva: ‘‘D(H^(eeme;buL';. .’You diit't, Building—Contracting ...... cord. Cbas. Staye. Dial 3149. A ^‘wholesome .precedent' w u ^ -misdoner.-'..'-■ Plorlsts—Nurseries ...... furnished apartment. Call Arthur a verdict o f accidental death. way Representatiyo LaQuarih^ £q- . H is. plan also provided, for re-' it; Kw>>'i'^^ 'done' for,” Funeral Directors...... FOR SALE—HARD WOOD aiso A. Knofia, 5440 or 4131. Zavory was suffering from infect­ dependent New York Repu'ilk^, to^ placing'^ the present numerous dty eried.«: -When his body^ was. Heating—^Plumbing—Roofing . ed eyes. Officials expressed the frbmv the .water m^hfe than halt!^ Insurance ...... range and fuel oil. V. Fiipo, 116 FOR RENT—hS AND 4 room .tene­ day described the plan of submitting departoenta with- ten dty-\ride; de- Millinery—Dressmaking ...... Wells street, telephone 6148. opinion he accidentally turned on a re^al of the Eighteenth. Amei^ paj^enty under the" mayuf’s bf-» hour'':later by poUde And fitemen'he ments, mi Improvements. Apply 95 gas jet vrhen he stun^led and fell could not be revived. ^ - Moving—Trucking—Storage ... Foster street Telephone 5230 or ment to state conventions instead ef* fipe,.and an additional department lE^alntlng^-Paperlng ...... SEASONED HARD WOOD, stove because of his impaired eyesight. of audit and control, replacing the - .■ Professional Services » a a a a a a 4585 legislatiures. ' Repairing size, furnace cLunks or fireplace CDs. Next Job comptroller’soffice, the .head of HOLD si^^ffiBOAT Tmlorlng—Dyelng—Cleaning lengths 87 cord . or .84 load. Gray FOR RENT—4*ROOM tenement 5 Secretaury of the House Republican which, w ov^ b e’ inde]tondently Toilet Goods and Service .... birch 86 coru. Chas. Heckler, tele­ chosen the electorate. Jhe comp- IWanted—Business Service ... Ridgewood street; garage: rent 830 Wet Bloc, LaGuardia, whb was-^de- New London, Deo.. 1,—(AP):-r BdneatleBal phone Rosedale 13-13. month. ' Inquire' L Lehti, 178 feated for^ reflection, said: “ ndw tibller’s pSice, aceorcyng to .the S^itotliboat ’ Ftences NewpOft; Is Courses and Classes eeaaaagagsa Parker street Phone 5623. with prohibition out ctf the way, my plan,, would'be- shoni of-its prestot m custody)of tiiq Cbast Gum'''htoB Private Instructlou aaaaagjogggse . administrative dutiee -and -the cbmin. Dancing ...... - .38*A GARDEN—FARM—DAIRY remaining legislative days will be tbday.ahd IS ch a fe d with a,vibla*i Musical—^Dramatic a a•e a a a^#a•a a 30 FOR RENT-r- 4 RQO^ tenement spent In a continuing iflght to see troUer would be. purely an’ auditor. tion the .navigation laws.. [Wanted—Instruction ...'...... SO PRODUCTS 50 with all improvements and shades. that the people 'have; sonoething to Ttejopeed^oat'^wasj hteught .'to F ln aadlal Inquire 32 Cottage street Tel. 7358. Can Yoii 'Make This Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 31 eat along with, their beef.” this, pert - ypstei^y . afttf~'h^^ Business Opportunities ...... S3 FOR SALE-r-STRICTLY fresh eggs. FOR RENT—FIRST CLASS heated Since “great economic changes NOTED ACTRESS H I seized, on .the.' charge (ff. nifinlng Money to Loan ...... 33 must be brought about if we are to vdthbut lights.' The.boat, on the Help and SltvatloBB 26 Gardner street. apartment; also eeveral single aid Help Wanted—Female ...... 33 double hoiues in good locations. save our Republic,” LaGuardia, said Coast G u ^ ;'. rtun-^numer suityect the establisbmen': of a system of ;liSt is said'ito haye.beeh opeteting Help Wanted^*Male ...... 33 Apply Edward J. HolL Phone 4642.^ New Haven, Dec. li-^-CAP)—A Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 37 WANTED—TO BUY 58 submitting. cdnsiltutiohal amend­ out of Greei^rt as was the. speed­ ^tgents Wanted ...... 8 7 —A ments to conventions would be btlp- severe cold today fpreed-Miss Ethel boat Fr^icls,. recently [aeUsed^as a Situations Wanted—Female...... S3 FOR RENT—THRBXl, five and'Six B hn^ore ..to caneel a- trip to Prov­ Situations Wanted—M ale...... S3 1 BUY ALL KINDS of household room tenements, with aU modern Son Fish. ful. runiTruhner .white, captured' teth a Bmplos^ent Agencies...... 40 goods, furniture etc. Better prices . improvements, teqidre at. 147 Bast ♦ ‘‘So mu<^ has. been said about pro­ idence, R: L, where she -was sched­ cafgo of Uquors aboard. . Idve Stoek-^ets—Ponltry—Vchleles paid if you call or write. Nathan Center street or telephone 7864. hibition in' the last. 10 6t 12 years, uled'tqappei^tctoi^t in the. lad­ Dogs—Birds—Pets ..> • e a a a i ing role of /■•jhiebro.’' e • a e e a e • Liverant, Colchester, Conn. Tele­ With These Pieces? and the p^ple. themselves * never Llv> Stjock—Vehicles The noted actress was olrdered.to^ Poultry and Supplies ...... phone 97. FOR RENT-TW G. TRREE and 4 have had a'chance to express [Wanted — Pets—^Poultry—Stock room apartments, hbat janitor bed .ih-*her hotel here - yebterddy. For Sale—Mlseellaaeosa selves nationally on.that question PhysieRms said her yoice . whs to Articles for Sale 43 service, refrigerator furnished. Call alone/''^^^hWsaid.; “lixat being so, it Boats and Accessories a e a a e e « ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 Arthur A. ^bflia. 5440 or 4181, hbarto that she"could* barriy'apeak seeobktb me that the propw- thing to aboVe* a 'friilBpar and that' her tom-' Building MateAals[atenals ...... 47 875 Main' street do would be to leave thia question Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 43 _ i ______I______perature had .risen - to 103, mote Blectrleal Appliances—^Radlo .. 49 FOR RENT—IN JOHNSON Block, to conventions elected for that pur­ Fuel and Feed ...... 4 9 —.A single rooms, two and three room 6 ROOM TENEMENT, all Irriprove- than four diogrees above normal- ments, garage, good locajtloii, bent pose so ^ can have, the matter set- Mite' Bastymote' is ' belieYed to Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 60 suits, all modem conveniences. Ap­ tlcdjEhid settled Qfi&iitely.'’ ;. ' Household Goods ...... 31 ply Janitor, telephone 7635 or A. reasonable, 26 WaUier street, in­ h$Ve - con tested. the c|>ar^^:'ri^' bruto b e w d .tile! tree. Thq Uahielty Anetlen—Legal Notleea Inquire 31 Birch street or' telephone gi^rage, rent 820. John Addy, 48 seven :pieces''mii8t 'be"\i8ed ''^ih each turns from the' town stand-^as'"bi|fi^ Legal Notices »eoeoe*soe* s v c v o hunter''hM- 'missed the tree ' and 6806. Garden street. pujBde. clal. brought down'a' buck, atilast

GAS BUGGIES—The Efficiency Expert By FRANK BECK ^ wonc^ wjUte the ldagten.be,” sqid'Wih^y. ‘^Gte! it; MteisVto’ mc that he should --suiY ;at'[kbme white We.'Ve bteh kihd^Ougfa- to^telL” .T^e Utile* h oh ^tot/ t ^ cried, “Quite' often," liw . OH: ride, ' To Uhd 'inm. m U ^ ^ PRI6HTKNED K «. fais.itelaee.ls notnhW ite m : T E A R IN 6 IN . “You see, he'.lMm A :c i t e ^ ^ U HERE U K E A some^guards, afid aty Itot. iti-Ibolm g t y ^ to' see teteo:. Bterc^ag'*^^didton MANIAC.. tlfo street* "S a - tols'v 'B W ' like, hiih '‘emme.

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Quit* taatwW fi art iMr tfitli

8h* t& irtth ' But wDtBj[ u n % iM It yyjTjry i f 8h t M y t i Xrate Diner—Here waittr, tU t Huflotl W Ift—xri atrufe, tat v/ht|X tta pi«o,,I ^wtyt fed made from F^iitbth lletlit, dr*

*Tt every sermon your minister Speadlai lew ttan one n tkei tt-X have been playtaf with child of a hog. ■ Mother—Bobby, haven’t I tol4 The nice *M«g about the restau* you to quit plaguf with them Jew rant huslnew if th a t i t ’s p o M lU e to boys! do buslneas with the same custom* ers three times each day. . Suggeeted Ohrlstmas Gifts The Gardener—"Ivanhoi.” » ^ Employer—John, I hope you will Tht'Newlywedi‘--*To Have And save half you earn T o H old .” John-How can I when I donii The Butcher—“Sdectlona from get that^ t m uch? Bacon.” The Artist—“The Sketch Book." Who said that the-way to a man'h The Real Estate Man—“Green heart Is through his stomach?^ M ansions.” Why, ten times, more - male heartpr. have been broken by girls In . bath* Doctor—Your heart. Is quite Ing suits than In kitchen aprons. sound. W ith such, a heart you ought to live to be seventy. If General Prosperity does not ra> Patient—But, doctor, 1 am sev* turn pretty soon there will be no. fattedtt e d ccalTto a lfh be killed In him honor.. **§^tor—There! What did X tell He wlU have to get along with ta you? ordinary rabbit

V « Yiilt^ng to the plea of A distress* R a p p e r F j SAYS: ed friend the other day we loaned him flve— — — the first, real touch of wlhter.' SAMPLES—Some men shave once a week 'Whether they need l^t or not . . . Women lie about their (•Pytawlta IW » ago and men lie about their Inoome. . The most popular endurance test is mitrlmony. . . . All too often the lovers go flat while love Is SCORCHYSMim I)^l!«rate Straito the go ^rounde # • • E2very one of your friends probably has a harder time than you think he has. . . . Love is the quality that tatalw a woman to whistlS ovisr'the supper (Ushes. . . . Smart wi lai^po \$ K ^niir ’^^miOSA.'WEKKh HO O tM fltodd*: men make good usei'Of their Cxpeii* Asisiw fngia enee; foOli never'do. . ..Ah over* to k T 'TUdiAMd’TllMSM MV d ra ft o fte n eaUBdB c

A :ri • >.-f r ■r ' W r o v ^ r v l a- d flAVO^ WASHIN 6 TW B y € r a r i ^ OUT OUR W AY

Ij- 'i

m f t W T :

• A" -' *i'» ii^gem -E S AN D HIS PRiOENDS ByBlosser


1 biPMT StMi HimUNl*/ fM M * I 9i m I aMUCAUtl i f 1 mv «Mo i sotoST> h oo SAHSTb |\ 9»utqs sjif. vt% h^ ' ixy" r ’v ^ IMPeRmoNMB JLtwjlt>1^ I lookthis m w * ^

•oy?-TD HIAR ■>bu TALK \ IT S i W -T I T P||lT ON HI6 ’}6t m m m m m ir u n o k ^s j \u j uaatoiaoH i^'A s^ /^ ' m . SROAfWiS AH‘ CuOUMBSAS AS l a m b AB^NAiamiiSifa 0------■■ ------■ ‘ ft ■* ' ■





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. . . . - ..n ; A - - F t •'V ' I •* v m m i a RnssHi isssessat'".'-!^ ATOTi ■r OOMMtJNlTYCHJB ■’* ♦v^ •»/*■■*>•' “W? I[w- LV't-' ’'} •'■’ '* Vj.1l !^'i i '*■ ' i^a; S3S%J?i6lr:'16 Mali. SalntiMditi Inylti .t , •v'’-.,» of B— rim Oirt.4^^^ t t t iu t f it lt u li^ X A>. \ trtoi Birth To Y .i *• N,--. I, ./r . j IteeS 1 ^ ABODTTDWIi Next Sonday afternoon,at * tht ■Ihs ;d u js t t i^ rush peoslm'^ ftetev p larga. PdWter of p s ^ Salvattod dtodel a)i unusual type df tresa frpm te n 'i^ r proylde tteapoca^ vfpik for a t e ^ enf port of.tIte'NewBngUiPd states, Siliatlonliti ud of servlM wlU be hakl Tha Rus­ humber te ; peiople, eih^ MiBdi teM bMO Invited to attend sian Raptlst^urch qf Bartfor^wlU havastaMdjybsfft ordered. Ih s p r ^ i nodal aiMtinf in Hartford thte bring about fifty mlmbers to taka ipeda]^ IP local stores whera exjk* to a xjs^ tobetowar teu |ut •vtninf at 8 o'doek at-tbi 8ilj^8< psjrt In tha prognma. ’ Tha santer h ^ |s neesMaty to take care of tee year although . IPtermatlon cm'this A t nooa today, a total of 8ft3^ Uon Army dtodel, whon the ipook- chojr win praaaut two numbars In budOMS Some of thMe ve^aiJ^ekdy! is net yet obteiPable. sdven teams of the nlnety-pix m it The twerpost bteteis here wiU also er will be Odonel Morehon of Tor* tha Russian langua8s< Tha Junior Ob, work u d the peak whl be reach­ onto, Canada. choir win Sander ona in Bn|dlsh and will p i^ d ta te la. the . Sm nsed extra hte^...ouring the hpliday the ladlas octet wUl smg tmea. Asaooiatloh’jB oampelicampaign h :for ed at ;^C^tm as. Many men and, rqte, bpt they; too, have a>lairfr A budneii meetlna of the Man* They win also bring along thair next week were reported, complete wbfnen have already applied for waltiag list which w ill amply taka cheater Green Community dub will brass band which, > thou|^ only leaving Hiirty-nhie teams s p n ^ ke. work and the waiting listoAt one care cf the aituattbn. be held tomorrow evening at 7:80, eleven montha old can perform very heard from. It was .stated at Aa* store is so big tlmt it is too late at vHdch time a dtaouedon will take credltabW. The pgator of tha sodatlon heq^miarters - in the now ter oteers to obtain Christniaa place on plana for the annual churdi, Rev. John Daidduk wUl de­ Chamber* of-06inmerce office that season work there. n>irtatmfcM party. The uaual Fri­ liver an address on his work among the drive- orgonlsatlov teuht/ be In most instenoes the stores have the Russians. He la tha editor, completed by tomorrow ntittt, be­ regular substitutea v l ^ are tolled day evening aetbaok and dance will composer and printer qf a Russian be held tomorrow evening by the cause at that time that compbfie where from one to five mbre work­ wbrk; ekatee,.. kpIvM,, oolipSers»i South Manchester b ^ d win play twelve'divisions',' there will be heai^ barberie shears eharpencML ing win round out the evening. some latest selecttons as weU as ers during the Chrietmss seiason. ly 600 persons engaged In tbe'drlve. J. W. Iiale Compimy will Just Wheel tedlehit Pleten Binge. combining with the vlriting band In Our rings give more powerf The Cosmopolitan dub will hold Final Instruotlobs-will'- be * mven about double its sales fw ce the same several. ' tlMW step oil pumidng. Its regular adiMtlDg tomorrow after­ All natives of those countries workers at a xnsetiitig In-the iugh aa it did a year ago. Montgomery noon at 3:80 at the Center Congre­ which are closely aUed by. blood and Schbol auditorium. Monday, niiht. Ward Company will employ 12 ex­ gational church, with -Mrs. Louis L. language are Invited to attend •— The detailed work b d ^ i handled tras, it was stated today. tHED H. NORTON Grant, hostess. The guest speaker Lithuanians, Poles, Ukrainians, Lat­ at the Chate^ ica.” He was formeiiy a member of Last Sunday afternoon the Salva­ complete all the many details. Seven the faculty of Connecticut Agricul­ tion Army band serenadsd Mrs. stenoaraphers ' are preioringi a tural coUege at Storrs, and/Is no Flory, who as Captain Alice Dixem prospect list for, the workers that stranger to Manchester audiences. In 1888 was In command of the w ill total Kr,000*names. , i • • • hi Members have the pHvllege of In­ local Corps and was responsible for This will give each worker about viting their friends to hear Dr. the organizing of the local band. tw«aty calls to make. Ip Denllnger. She has lately moded to town and drives of this kind, the. workers The Manchester PidiBc Maricet /tfs Long Bjufnhig 0 uelity Is staying at'the Walker rooming have selectod the names of.perjNms oo whom teey wished to but The meeting of the Past house at the GreeA She has been Matrons’ association of Temple bedridden for nine years with rheu­ rills year the list o f qalle w ill' be thet Counts matism, and as she lay on her cot distributed by Associarioa head­ r FOR . FRIDAY . ~ Chapter, Order Of the Eastern quarters. -’Hie nansM -on each Star, will take place this evening at and -listened to the music of the Fancy Fresh Large MadiMrel...... 12V^2C lb. G. E. WILLIS A SONklNC. the home of Mrs. Prank B. Crocker band she had the honor of starting workers' list will ite b* .-In opa she was moved to tears of Joy and particular seotiOn of towhi tb facil­ Cod lo fty or ha the piece ta hoU...... 15c lb. of Russell street. gratltudl. Bandmaster Addy, on itate the work the house to house Chowder Clama...... 15e qt. 2 Main .Street, behalf of the band boys presented canvass. The Woman’s FOreigd Missionary her with a floral bouquet. In rolto SmaD. Oysters for stewing...... 25c pint sodety of the South Methodist of her years she Is very keen of In­ L ^ o Rowe Oysters for frying ...... 35c pint church will meet tomuri'cw evening tellect and told of her early exper­ Boston Blneflidi to f r y ...... lOeib. at 7:80 with Mrs. Roasa Brookings iences, three times In Jail for Fresh h&de Fillet of Sole...... 29c lb. of 141 East Middle Turnpike. preaching on the street, one term of David 16 days being spent In Bridgeport Fresh MUfet of Haddock...... ^9c lb. The scarred surf ace of the pond Jail. at J^hland Park gives evidence C o n t r a c t o r A CORNED BEEF SALE that quite a fe^ people are enjoying Loan Ribs P ro ^ ly Cured at ...... 10c 1b. ffl^awng there. It is also apparent ANOTHER BIG SPECIAL that the pond Is hot very nafe In all RmUffiSAlE an d B ld iew Eauicy Bcneleas B i ^ e t Corned Beef ...... 25c lb. portions W ause the skate marks Tomorrow ana G^tiirday AT OUR BAKERlf DEPT. 600 fine Broadcloth are confined to a comparatively Beginning 10 A. *M. Each Day TT"«ii drde In the center of the pond. Bkatlng has not yet St. Mary^s Palrish House Hmne Made Cririlers, plain or ^sugared at . . . .15c dozeii been reported on any other ponds In By Men*s Bible Class Expert Repair and Hoitae Made Ginger ^wtfes, s p d ^ ...... 10c dozen town although some o f them, have a Installation oil All thin layer m lea Home Made Codfish^ Cakes — ...... 25c dozen ORDERS FOT Types of Pumps flfmie Made Gate Chowder ..;...... 25c qt. White apd. blue. ' Collar attached and with­ Charles Griffith, superintendent of If yon want plumbing, heat­ Home Bizlqte Beans...... 15c,qt. the outside ldx>r department at HEMsrrranNG ing or eleotrleal work done^ Cheney Brothers, who has been im- and Staffed,and B^ed M^erel,. large size ...... 25(; each out collar. A ll standard merchandise. These der observation at the Memorial ted nq for eervloe. ' hospital for several days, returned BUTTON MAKING Manchester Pnmp^^ u d Finest' NativeJ^ ta td f^ special ...... i. i7c peck shirts just come in from.the manufacturer. to his home last night but this Be Left Now at ■ i ■ ■ Electrical Service €on Inc. Svreet Potatow 6 lbs. for lipc morning he went back to the hospi­ WATHINS BROTHERS To Go at the Phjenomenal tal for X-ray pictures. He will again Bookiaiid, Conn, leave the hospital this afternoon. FREE DELIVHlir ^ ' , DIAL 5111 MRS. M. S. MANNING TeL Mancbeeter•f • 8404. Mr. Griffith has been suffering from Bemstttobing and Button Making. Low Price of low blood pressure and Jaundice. It 66 Church St. Phone 7905 Is not cerUdn yet whether or not an ■ n r -V—f operation will have to be performed. * The Gleaners Circle of the South POR Mandiester Nediwear Factwj’ Methodist church met at'the home Innerspring of Mrs. IHnetta Legg, 271 Main 130 Center Street, South Mancheiter street, Tuesday evening. Rev. Ek- F U E L o n . Open'Thursday and Satiurday Evenings Until 9.‘ nest A. hegg, educational director MATTRESS THAT of the Connecticut Humane Society, BURNS LONGER showed motion pictures of animal GIVES MORE He a t Rad TIk Heng kin.; life. A good attendance of the Cir­ $12^50 cle members was present and all AU eiaes available. PHONE 4860 were well pleased with the entertain­ ment. A blgb .qdalltr mattress PROBIPT OEUVBBV with faotbry gnarantoe. A well children’s conference will i4 rchie H. Hayes END THEM NOW I be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 KEMP’S, ING. o’clock at the clinic building on PomeU Place Haynes street. Count the tubes!

Need BUY r a n . ACHiNO, Your Norwalk oanMDiasponv ■ueMNO m r t MONEY ; TIRES-TUBES fAet*€ ;iit*r F IVE lit ih e At New Low Prieee ‘ 950^#100—9200—or m o r e ? from Everyone who needs Ready Cash m icklv fo r James M. Shearer persoiud or household emiergenci^ is weumme BinOE AGENOS to use onr serviee! ’Phone, write or eome in! Cor. kOddle Tnrapike MMte,CaAMMOt WMK ea vaum The only charge is three aqd one and Mate >TOISt cauousESHonT A K H If—PUT-POOTt half per cent per month on rim nn- pold amount of the loan. A Foot Comfort Export of the New York Staff of ONT be fooled. H the adveitiiing of , 9k 9k Dr. SCHOLL will bo hero to assist our Foot D any radio'faila to state the number of PROMPT ERSONAL SMAU tubes, ask and he skofm b^ore yon bay. COURTEOUS p i n A m c e < e » MONTHLY Aq(Hlort Expert in this SPECIAL • Yon won’t Mt 5-tnbe leoeption unless yon ROOM 2, STATE THEATRE KO A SERVICE REPAYMENTS have a 5-tmte radio. Fonr tubes are not M AIN STREET enongh,> /The stnrdy^fnll-voifod **supei>het** W PHONE. 3430 Glarion Jr. • comes to; yimi vdth tut vital Demonstration extza tube. ' So MANCHESTER, CONNe December . 2 and 3

BflTHOUT COST YOU CMTf at PINENURSn « f v«ar sioekinaed Itec. wUek SPECIAL OYSTERS te GeeqilHs TiMt ete Analyds of year ieet md advlee ^ as ts thb pvopvr i Imw Cm tbvok i i M o d e e m Y fP ® C a b in e t . own fbet olhew the Dr. or’XUpMdyior yoor fbot-rioi^ • 5 Lalii»t Tubes fiVMyoala ? *1 e^eernthtitmL • Sprang Cfondeiiser a Saa^le ef Dr. SsiMirt Sao^iate far Coca*, Sbto ^ Tom or Tm ter fooia ./y b PliH Super-b^riNad^iae G i^ ^

T b U k the meet intpoctont " « :,3»KiMib ContE^ ^ ^ fold in tiria.city. Ify ra ha'▼V 1MV4( iievaeainy agaf aaeiteiWte Mvvw ' M il ,6ltaDBi CtABltiN KADlO»initetafo»^< Iliilte, |fL»t 10-teba. Giratea . ‘JINMlte .Oqaoofo87U6i liteha Da Ik fo.'

‘ . . . 'i. I . ' 1 •ill. II iiJi.-jiilliM g J