« f N« ------- ' . »<V‘ \ ', i yoL.u^ijra.51 ^flii%'W .)VT.'‘ .»■. V j-.** -te. - - . t - A N ot Legd Step in i Be a mtEATENS TOBl. -H eiriiif Tem errew ; On SONSOFSBHTDK sV - O rl^ PeiilianHOat- V sevvC cane D ecjte Sentte^Rnle. Writer of lett« Dcnanls 150^ ) But Euis To WariA Springs, Oa., Dec. Z—(AP)^ Other CAUBSt poBSibiUties that. ‘' Bridgeport, Dao. l.-»(AP)— -~Tbe'^(d^n grew in Roosevelt ha.ve ' b ra .t dleeusaed for various JUdgo 'F ru ik P. lieBvoy denied a drblite .todoy that. Senator GUaaa of ptets include. Senator, ,WM*U of ShowDpForPachqe Virginia .was virtual^ certain to be inotlon to quailh' the petition fo r, a offM^^ibp post of Secretary'of toe Mtetana. for thejattorLsy general-: wHt. of >maBdaayna lUcd <by Fred- Treasu)^ in 'which he servyd in toe Ship, and (Governor George H. Dun of Utah, Owen'D. Youhg and New- e r i^ W.'>-HaixtKm, RepubUoan can* Marblehoad, Maas., Dec. 1.—(AP) Witobh.;.adminlAtration. i didate tor State Senator in the Slat Xa the minds of 'soma Of those tte D. Bdker: fbc various other posi­ ■’v; . —^Letters threatening toe kidnaping (Brid|[eport) D lat^ct who seeka a dose..,to toe Piteidtet-Elebt, two tions. ' James M; Thomson, ‘pubUsh- of children unless eums as Ugh as Cabinet, pobts were beihg definitely er of toe New, Orleans Item, was , Washington; Dee. 1.— (A P>^ reoanoahi of the vote which gam $50,000 were paid toe writer, Wei« aUochtod. toe Treeeiuy poet, to proposed yesterday by Senator .Poring over a O.OOO'wcMrd dote Ua Democratle opponent, William Long of Louhdana for Secretary of being investigated today by poUoe, A^ong;th^,Bg^;p$,bfl!no» lApiipb gtanto to a burial—toe customary pracUbe being cremation — and Senator Glass aad the Postmaster Great Britain, Z*Msident . He AiiCoadhyca 25 vote v i c t ^ at'th e Genemiahip to James A. Farley, War. ' ‘ and Ida secretaries of state ■m-. who.dlScloBed toe threats had thto'Wie^giyeu-to^itoetoiia_ , . .. ~ She died BUdde^ with no official an^ Grayson arrived shortly before moMit lotion: sent several prominent peraons,.to nouncetopit. eybr mSde as to' n^SMpp^^AM ordereda funeral a t which the' fid etofin rode bn a'ricbly chairman of toe. Democratic Na- .treasury dfUiberstod today ■«Bomer S. Cummings, counsel for ticnial committee. "Whether ' Glass noon accompamed' by Breckearidge Odoloyi said he will flie>a reply toT eluding ‘a ' staff' Senator, father^OT carved red' hei^,'ae plctur^ stfeete. Ch6pln''s PunArq) march was plpred- tostoad wntUd iMi able to.,scCept'the Treas- LOngi a former aesistant secretary, vriiat ettouMbbe America’s next vra two young boys. of the usual‘Red funeral march, m gSovm troopa escorted toe coffin to toe secret burial place to the (bob- debts, move. ‘ the petltlpn toxnomw when a hear­ vent of New ^^rglns. nmlfolib ,waa uncertem, how- of state and. Senator Cohen of ing eo^t^ .petitidh. will be started, 'One letter, written- with crayon ’ hpeause he has been in ill Georgia. Thqr. found Senator The doeument waa teniad tatliia ^ a a u a p. Shaimon, counsel for OB a piq>er bag, and eo folded ae'to r fbfr. some tifne. (Seorge of (lebrite already here. White Houae by SeoMtaay Btlmito twa amendmnts to resemble , an envelope, was sent to ..During the nabrning toe Prosi- immediately rafter it had been <hto,i|t- State Senator Malcolm h. Bell on Oabtoet talk arose at about the One charged that the time, th at Mrv Ropaevelt dent-elect talked- with Fariey and ered to him at bis, home tha aanoBtaMS in the Fourth District Saturday, police revealed last night _ into a'Wto with ItoAr Frank.'D. Walker, treasinrer of toe tidng tida-moRiing by Sir Ronald llhowed 24kX> votes while the dtock The sum of $50,000 was demanded jSSey T . .piiaiiwm, bhairman National 'committee, and took hie Llndkay, British ambaweader. ■hat showed 2,701 votea had been with the threat that unless the of toe imuimi^tonf committee, over regular exeibhimg'to' toe pattenti PnMdent Itoovm at COM teS# ca st The other ammidment chargod amount Waa paid,'. his two. boys, planb'for toe ceremonies that wlU pool of toe’ W a ^ Springs .Founda- in Mllla,* who baa a^k|d th^ the returns of the moderator aged 12 and. seven, would bo kid­ utoer him into'office. wito mm. dosely throughout thoA^ to iA6w the total numbw of. naped and there would be "a funer­ TO UNK HEMISPHERES Ifcultiee. ’ 1; votes jpant al some day." After an hour with the rreefilriig. <^Hl^;motlo(n to qunih^'’’^ denied Otoer tatters both secretaries left tha TltoHa Other letters, each demanding House smilingly declining to ottjto he had or~ al Firm Makes Contriim^ 4ere4\wffxis(m to .nutko a written $5,000 were sent Howard Lilll^ Contiads Are Awarded For nient: • • '' ' fiplsanKleo of his allegation that bridge, chairman Of toe Board of GASEXPLOM Beady Tmnoirow ^ere were erasures and "overwrit­ Belactmen, and Fred Peach, wealthy tion To Emergency Em "They said'thef British nply WdiMig ing* OB returns from the Fifth Vot­ fUmer,' police, said. They were Ibcligies CapaUe of Car* be madr publle for tomorrow'morAr ing'District eia^ ar to many respects and appalv tog newipitoera. ^ mily^ were toe work of toe same ROCK MONTREAL pioym entBprm ’The text; waa. underatood to pre­ 50 Pusengert and ‘^Brl^NVort Dec. 1.—(AP)—Fred­ person. sents roaaomi why Great Britajhl erick Wk BirrlsoB, Republican can- Tho letter received by. Senator feels her rCqueet for poatpeneanmt Bell wae.teBfsd OB toe porch of toe of her Detembte payments )aad,:tor dldato tor: the State senate in the home of Thomas Hameon, who lives LoadofFreyht. Sx Sqtore MOcs of CRy h - A doimtion of $2,000 was made a'dlaciiasldn. olf tim whole war de|^ 21st District, who seeka a> recahvasd tOEley- to toe Manchester. Emerr to oQoneetlon with his dotoat b} 25 torectly across toe street from ^11, matter should be granted. It said; Tohred— 12 ^ ;h tlr H vi gency Enqiloym'ent Association, Before the dgy in over, We votes todqr whs called on by Su-. "Mr. Bel}: I demaiid $50,0Q0 put New York, Dec. $—(AP) --C01- ton official^ expisetod also toL perh>r Court Judge MdBviqr. to zrr;1ce Inc*, The Ortord Soap company, in cemetery on top q| hE. Do as I Bitol Charite A. Uqdbergb hps mauufacturers of' Bon Ami, it was celve France'a reidy to the ___ a emtton explanatton of hto allega- say or I win steal I f Bat Bfg Property L o ta tloo that there were empuree and emergsd ,fPbm moutoi of seclusion umounced by the Chamber of Clom- can note* Adflcih demed an a x te te ^ ' you don’t there will toT A tc atte&d announcement of what j^icdETcr; toy iArinf of. the moratorium to oovar Deeein* tovsr-writtog* on returns from the a u ^ office, headquarters of toe her. paymAbtit aid. etating that, dotob day. Do not thto to po­ oos.technic^ expert calls.the dhwn gfth uotlito diatilot lice." AMociatioD during toe - campaign \ tiuoHoigi. 4 Cemmmiist Offidai Says debt rovtatoti lavA m a tt^ 'fo r'' v.Jiildge lid B w ^ requesttoterrupt- of the ultimate Mage m avtotibn, . Mmtreal, Dec. L 'H A P )— for funds Which, will open Mbnday. gress to,d«d<to.Tlie' noteaaent^ edibto. hearing o f a peititton for a The letter had'thAwiord "beware” toe limdng'of toABemto{dieps. by Staccato Uaito fpom. sewer gu Check From ftow Yoirk week^ro.aft fCi^i however, w rtt.ef mandamus, brought ty Har- The chbek reoeived today was to tliw lower left hitod ooiwer aad obimnerclal paissMiger iand freight mains ripped through ;eix. square Bteton, Dec. 1.—(APy-^Mr*^'Brry at Hoover's Intotttom .o f. rlinn to nequtoerRalph T. vnisim, toe words ’i c o o ^ , 2:80 p. m., snUee bf northern Moxitoeal. duriAl; mailed Aom tiM New YbVk xffice ipg^.thAt^qongrAM sat'ito airlto|ic of the .company, o f which Eenry D* chief modentor a t the November cemeCepy pavUioto" 'to the lowtor ^lApAduneement wMiinada>late the.m ibt. huiiiamtarian. and^ifAtovat^ be^ IT,to diicuas.toe sitnatioB; elqetiqa, to aiahe a reSaavaes of t-. ' ■ Ab,-a.‘. meet ‘ CMppin la preqhdent The ! dteatioA gaB.tocp#'4ito.?^;gi^'-':to Atoarltok; e re waA dChtpvSr, “ .itoth..;(or:|BtatofteMa&r to the Atoprtoed n •w- — . 1 - ^ mtemtatedwlBn ; m h Y" Tpere-^'two ■11^1 t t e rfs.1 w wfte iISBiti: low tnatfl. hr ^ iu iam ih. m reM,-|a3n'a^lMfemhBi^’’^ ' to(jAy-AAb..,(^toaete for , Abm^etoj. .wmto'' e Orfotd nottiteS iiire pastor m the . ivindmv $ s s ^ m C i S , n,vii/»K probably wfl$ be ] 'oiit that'tola'cooAn^^hm'w^^ of- Mr.' P B ^ s shfifT, vtoAre ~ BeTrV Jhd^ toads request oto^iBiEl-Bm t ■■■I*. y ^ I.-* 'b II f^ -'llocean II ■ II .1 traniq»f|t alrptoaies;1. five Are; flghtors to n ; today <t]tet ever since WultoiPl. ;>d.hero. within two weekiL f ^ ; h; wrlptoh SxplsBation ot the reeeuum tedmigsrbU citls a ^ a substantial hudete' arotidd-amcb IM ^ toe arorfl out aboes of men and BUj^eated -* .1:..::-- watch iPM )kto>t but no dbr Appeal^ lAMl a fhratol announcemtot toe campaign can be built over writing aUegatl^. ed to olaim tm poekakee.' . Bbih Qqwi have cbmplied with ManlKdes flew high faKjhe air, tends to their other sirtbrtal needs. bn- WasbinjKmi the party had 6,000 WQBD BIES8AOT ismas. C. Sbtanon, counsel B o ^ too letters h ad : been epeciflcaaone laid down by Pan- accompanied by.
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