Mia The BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION I ■ — ...... —■» _ _ijijirfff


■ y yj T ^ * T V > ▼ ▼ S FOR CHARITY HAVE SPECIAL BRUSHING UP SPORTS . —By Pap l MEET CALLED Tulane Set For 31ST VICTIM Rose Bowl Big Six Rallies to Aid Of San Benitana Hope to Drive , LOS ANGELES. Dec 3. T — . Unemployed In Fivg On to Region Eight AT HARLINGEN Indicating OF GRID DIES '"•ffi/aroN now is first choice as an oppon- — i States Crown -a*S$TMQuTH$ Am\ ent for the University of South- ■ ern California in the Rose Bowl ire AilMl Me C. of Fordham Is COES All Expect i n g game New Year's Day, Aubrey Murphy HAMPI ON SHIP Managers T»E F&Z* Devine. Troian scout, and Fran- KANSAS CITY. Dee. 3.—(gn— days and daze To Enter Clubs Asked Last To Succumb Tk4£ cis Tappan, freshman coach, Chanty was the matchmaker foe are here again. PAMOJS left for last night To five exhibition football Harlingen Card- a'OqTom /h? calls To Be Present Injuries game* Big , to scout the Tulane-Waslungton Six conference teams will inal Ian* are go- play State game to be there over CcmBocaZo^ playeefr Saturday. ing ga-ga < N x niz ation Saturday. NEW YORK. Dec. 3— P —While of their bi-diatrict tf jC or; Unemployed Oklahoma. Mis- Fordham paid last of the University souri. Kansas. Colorado and Neb- clash with the meeting tribute today to Cornelius Murphy, raska are to be of Hues lit Conxu, Amateur j beneficlAr.es Valley Jr.. 21-year-old football star rho the final skirmishes Christl Prid ay- in this sec- Basketball league, died yesterday of injuries suffer- tion. a same night; a circuit which ed in his team's clc*in~ with game The Oklahoma Sooner* who con- condition prevails has suc- REBELS WIN Bucknell ten ago. the operated days sport tinue in their charity war the fal- In San Bemto cessfully for the loving public wondered what would their lowing week-end. will not close regard to three be the result of the unusual past years num- ! their season, however, until after bi-district battle has called bcr of sea- been gridiron fatalities this two games In on afternoon with Aransas Hawaii, Christmas for 8 p. m. Tuesday at the Mad- MINORS’WAR son. eve and New Year's day. Pass at Son Bemto. death was the thirtv- ison hotel in Harlingen. Murphy's Nebraskas B:g Six The two are point- champion Valley squads first recorded this season In many Comhu>krrs All who intend en- pkv an intersections! ing in separate directions. The managers to awarders it was believe! important engagement Saturday at Denver Cardinals. Valley “A** champions, ter clubs are requested to be pres- Lower Leagues Certain To steps would be taken to check the with the Colorado Aggies, state are after the state championship. toll of football. ent at the gathering. Those who Overthrow Sexton’s champions The Greyhounds. B” champions, officials wish to officiate in the circuit are Coaches, ex-oiayers and Other encounters: Okk- axe the Region Eight title. others charity seeking connected with football ral- homa vs Oklahoma crowns are awarded also requested to be present. All Regime City Univer- Only regional v. lied to the of their game &OAL.C> support at Norman; Kansas vs the B-’ clubs players and other Interested parties sity Wash- and pointed out that few players burn a* W Train will be welcome also. College Topeka: Missouri Special had been killed or even seriourlv v*. S- Louis run front Trus Valiev amateur circuit has WEST BADEN. 3—-P University a1 St. Louis, Aspecial train will be Ind. Dec. injured in major college Ol games and Kan ac state vs Wichita Uni- Harlingen to Corpus Christl Fri- been unusually strong for thiee —The rebels' of the National As- the 31 deaths recorded so far. only at afternoon. The will years and its champions went far sociation of Professional Baseball versity Wichita Oklahoma meets day special four have occurred at major col- Tulsa in the state race. Year before last University at Tulsa Decem- leave at 1 p. m., arriving in ample Leagues, parent body of Americas leges one at a small college and ber 12 before for Hon- time for the night contest. The the Harlmgen Methodists went to 16 minor one embarking existing leagues, appar- at normal school Others were olulu. the the semi-finals at San Antonio be- special will return same night. ently have won the battle of West at high sc|ocl* or In ‘sand lot” fore eliminated a A crowd of between 200 and 300 [ being V- slight Baden. game* where plavers often went I fans vs expected to accompany the margin. Donna was runner-up that Backed by an overwhelming ma- into the game without prooer pro- j year. were in squad. ^k jority. they full charge of tective garments or proper train- Hounds Planning To to all available dope, & ( Last year the Methodists were the thirtieth annual convention ing and Aooording ^ supervision. the Cards are In for a relatively victors again with McAllen as run- and to their Mexico today ready complete The exceptions are Murphv.' Play Quint There were four a easy victory over the Bucs. Bobby ner-up. particular- plans for drastic reorganization Cadet Richard B. Sheridan, Jr. •Bv staff Correspondent) has at the Port clubs in the chase—Har- of the Cannon a fair club ly strong association—a reorganization Army end. who died Oct. :6 of a SAN BENITO Dee 3-Tentative the McAllen. San Benito and City, but It won championship lingen. which would oust the present ad- broken neck differed in a game arrareemenrs have been made for forfeited games on the Edinburg The Saints had a good ministration and it through AnJoThE^ body replace against Yale C. V. Snut'' Mill- a basket ball game about the middle Robstown. The Pickers de- MOtfTOAj (5 club, but went to be- with a committee of five own- of part of piece-; just club **Ps college tackle who suffered a January between .San Benito hlfh The Cor- fore the end of the season ers with absolute man- feated the Bucs handily. CThi£(5,5 S*JQ£5 last, season. There were eight The showdown of their fight was ols. Alabama freshman center C. R Robertson. * “ who with the Redskins. Browns- ACC? Cameron clubs in the cir- set for not time CA£P>r CIO JFOe, 1*+£ county definitely today and died Nov. 17 from injuries in a The American school makes an 13-0. and cuit. McAllen the vllle beat Corpus Christ! took Hidaleo one member of the old regime scrimmage mith the varrdy. annual tour of Texas. It Is said Tha the crown the Cards beat Brownsville by AU Hb*i >*d ti Tk« AMaclata4 khaa and Harlingen the Cam- headed by President Mike Sexton, team is coached bv F H Bankston, eron same score county bunting. had any hopes of retaining his one-time th ee-letter man a tLouis- For Cards Hope Title lowers Only because seme -rebel- Lubbock, Amarillo iana Coliejte The Cards are in excellent con- minded" owners wanted o get more FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Will dition for the fray and are getting information about the reorganiza- Battle Todav *Bv The Associated Press* In a few licks under the floodlights Bi-District Clashes tion plan was the movement post- I.UBBOCK. Dec 3 P —Football PONIES DUE TO BOSTON—Lou Brouiilard. Wor- to be prepared for their night poned from yesterday. fans of the Panhandle and plains INSURANCE thester. knocked out Buckv Lawless, engagement. Th.s is Dutch Rek- Under the plan Sexton, president were massed in Lubbxk N today- BONDS torik's third championship in as Syracuse, Y. <3*. Vernon Cor- for 22 years, would be reared with awaiting the whistle this afternoon many at Harlingen His first Scheduled This Week mier. Worchester. outpointed Tracy a full which will -rend years years salary and the com- Amarillo against GET REAL TEST * two were “B" title liolders. Las: Cox. Indianapolis. (7*. mittee. three members from the Lubbock for *ho high s-hdb: cham- W. B. CLINT i _ ASHTABULA. O. -Paul year he drove on to a Region Eight Pirponc. Class AA league and the other pi'nshiD of district one. Phone 6 crown, proving Harlingen one of BY BILL PARK lift cept Breekeru'idge, are in the run- Cleveland, outpointed Sonny Jim two from Class B and D leagues, The invading Sandies ruled favor- AsMMiatrd Williams. California the eight best 'B clubs in the St. Mary’s Is Known As the Press Sports Writer ning this week-end. El Pa^>o high (8>. placed in full charge for a year ites. They- recently beat Lubbock 25 season, he is in and Dec 3. are in the scholastic OAKLAND. Calif.-Midget Wol- to state This “A" DALLAS, <.T/—Bi-district schools pitying during which it would make recom- 2 at Amarillo Another game was pointing for the state crown. ‘Giant Killer’ Of competition in the annual Texas In- race for thf first time % id Austin east. Philadelphia, outpointed mendations. necejMtrv because the season ended 8an Benito will play the role of tcrscholartic League state champion- high school of the border city will Speedy Dado. Philippines, *10*. The committee would be d reeted with Amarillo. T -ibb^-k and Pamoa "EXPEPnT^VATCf^l host to Aransas Pass Saturday. The Coast j ship football race will start tomor- represent that district. Jackie Shuuack. Paterson, N. J., to create a central purchas.ng tied at the top The Westerners beat AND JEWELRY 8 Little us known of the visitors, ex- row with three of the eight games As the teams go to the iwst for stopped Johnny Jackson. Sacra- agency for all minor league supplies, Pnm-'d. 7 to 0 in the first of the ■ REPAIRING I cept that they won the title when scheduled this week. first round bi-district games, Tyler, mento. <2* make contracts toward general re- plavoff games Tuesday. was Ooach SEATTLF. Wash Dozi- Estimates Furm hed fllnton disqualified NEW YORK. Dec. 3. — ; record unmarred by defeat or tie. at Dallas Oak Cliff (District the championship with only a score- j five men on the first team. For the first time in history, the Tyler (District Ten* at Corsicana With less tie with Texas Christian to Southern claims a ma- Texas Interscholastic league had 16 (District Nine*. California mar their record. But they have done the co*=;t Class A districts this season instead Sherman 'District Seven) at jority on 1931 All-Pacific little to provide a basis of national h& the of eight. In the eight districts last Greenville (District Eight*. eleven assembled through comparison. The southwest schedules year, the following teams won and Houston John Reagan (District ZijJG.AftS HCll seventh annual Associated Press con- are pretty much a home aftair and played in bi-district games: Thirteen* at Beaumont (District sensu'. except for Texas’ visit to Harvard to start Amarillo, Oak Cliff. Fourteen). Trojan standard bearers won three suffer a severe Breckenridge. beating. Arkansas 13- or (District JmokikC berths and two backfield on 13 tie Corsicana, Greenville. Tyler. John Lubbock Amarillo places with Chicago and Southern 1 old the first team. St Mary's college Reagan and Austin. All of them ex- One) at Quanah (District TVo*. Polos' Methodists 13-6 victory over a landed two men as did the Univer- CR H6 STArt'S rather weak navy team there have of California at Uni- sity Berkeley. been few intersecticnal gamer oor o»p of Washington and tiie Uni- versity , Saturday, the Mustangs face thr Yale’s All-Around Th£ pinv«e versitv of Los Booth, Best California at Angeles "giant killers” of the Pacific coas’ each a first man. placed string The galloping Gaels of St. Mary’s ********* The All-Pacific roaat team in a game that should go far toward Stone. California End—Ralph clearing up their national rating Tackle—Paul Schwegler. wash- Athlete, Stopped by Breakdown r /to? WRESTLING LAST NIGHT Guard—John Raker. Southern By The Associated Press > With California. BV EDWARD J. NEIL two brothers, Aibie conduct- NEW YORK—Jim Londos, 201. .Vsuxiatrd Press Writer ed a milk route that forced him out Center—Stan Williamson. South- Greece, threw Herb Freeman. 219. Sport* California. NEW YORK. Dec. 3 • *»>—The tre- of bed each morning of high school ern New York. 31:15: George Hagen. 210. mendous strain of three days at 4 a. m- That him Guard—Bill Fishm. St Mary's New York, th%i Babe Caddo-;k 196 physical provided Tackle- Ernie Southern of varsity football, two base- with funds to stay in school. When Smith. New Haven. Conn 30:15: Dick Davts years bail two basketball campaigns tie landed at Yale, Aibie sold auto- California. Court. 225, and Matros and Valifornia, mobiles bills End—Leonard Wellendorf, U. C on a physique that mustered only to pay his Kirilenko, 215. Rusia. drew. 30 00; : 14r> believed to have con- There have been honors L A. John Maxos, 215. Greece, threw pounds Is university — . tributed to the breakdown that has aside from athletic laurels to fill Quarterback George Hills. 215. Wisconsin. 20 15: I into a the time of the little fellow Southern California Tiny Roebuck. 245. Oklahoma, threw j forced Albie Booth private rugged Halfback—Emle Plnckert. South- I ter months of rest and who wais the first of modem Yale Tom Draak. 210. Holland. 9 15; Phil sanitarium ball carriers to gam more than t.OOO ern California Marfugci. 205. Italy, threw Gene recuperation. Halfback—Francis Toacani. S' his lack of size, th e‘ Little yards frcm scrimmage in a single Bruce. 200. Fonland. 21:10; Ed Don Despite of major teams season. Last month he was elected Mans. George. 220. North Java. V J threw Bov Blue” Yale's Ralston Gill. California freshman has a chairman of the committee Fullback Ivan Vakturoff. 222. Russia, 26 10: .since his year put “prom” ! athletic career be- for class exercises next June. Carl Pojello. 192. Chicago, threw long and vivid day addition he worked Booth captained football, basket- August Benkert. 220. Belgium. 30 15; hind him. In Western Conference ball and baseball teams in his fresh- Harry Comsweet. 204. Cleveland, I every bit of his way. t man % his last threw Dominick Taeiianni. 195. Jer- year. captain varsity Heads Discuss Year football Clt 5 I H squad, at 1 was captam- _ Olid CHICAGO Dee. 3 t*' —Western riect of the ba.‘>ketbi*n five He roam- New York, threw Johnnv Milo. 146. conference sthle’ic directors and ed over the baseball New York. 14 30; Tor.v Places 3 team, playing coaches will gather in Ch.rago to- Rocco. 200. Tulane and Martin shortstop, third base or centerfiPld for their annual winter Italv, Merkur. 190. New morrow’ equally well. He won five to York. drew. 30:00: Jack Sherry. varsity meeting arrange schedules and letters in baseball and football, be- 220. Omaha, and Mihaly Orgovanyi. On All-Southern to talk abotr such things as charitv •ides two minor awards 204. Hungary, drew, 15 00. in basketball. contests and an ailment described a BOSTON — A1 He might have set record never as falling of tne gate receipts Ventre*. Kansas, de- ATLANTA. Dec 3 — T>—Tulane feated before equalled In Yale history bv Crowds last were off to an William Brock.-. Boston, two claimant of the South- fall University, accepting the baseball to r straight falls. captamcv alarming extent and retrenchment* ern conference sjridiron champion- COLUMBUS. add to the honor football and bas- may cause curtailment of sched- O —Joe Savaoldi. for the third successor year, 211. Three Oaks. ship ketball paid him. after Edgar War- ules. especially in minor sport* Mich threw Char- three of its tightest stars lie placed ren. captain-elect, lost an arm last The has become Stanton. 220. St. Louis; Glenn all-Southern team se- problem already on the 1931 August m a motor boat accident. critical at Wisconsin and Iowa. Wade. 215. Jaekson. Miss. threw lected todav for the Associated Everett The ben's decided to elect Aibie Marshall. 225. Los Angeles: Pre«.v bv coaches and sports writers. But Booth shook his head Ed will Jav Richads. 220. Omaha, defeated Wave, conference The Green be Aston Will Julius 254. opt there yet.” he said Captain Strongbow, Oklahoma titliat this is- represented by — year, Warren probably will be. but I City; Henry Jones. 144. Provo. Utah, , end; Don Zim- Next Season Booth has finished his career. Affffieg jefated Jack Domar. 138. Toledo. halfback and John Sraf- varsity merman, He will need at least four months COLLEOF STATION. Dec. 3 '■&— WORCHESTER. Mass.—Gus Son- ide. guard. rest in thp Gaylord sanitarium at Jimmie Aston, hard-hitting fullback aenberg. Boston, defeated Lee Wy- The 1931 all-Southen. football Wallingford fighting off a from Fannersville. will captain the coff, two out, of three falls: Jim team: pleurisy infection and the danger of a more Texas Aggie football team next year. ; Browning and Pat McGill, drew. 30 Jerry Dalrymple. Tulane. end. He will be his !1 serious lung ailment. placing third and X); Billy Bartush threw Karl Lemle. Chas Leyendecker. Vanderbilt, of final with year the Aggies in 1932. 17:18; Louis Allaire threw Eddie El- Waco. Tex., tackle. sear. 11:12 . Tennessee, NEW DOC. SHOWN* CLEVELAND — Charley Fox guard. Dogs of new breeds are constant- i Cleveland, threw Nabbarme Poggi. Clarence Gracey. Vanderbilt, ly appearing at English shows. The New York. 15 Jack Washburn. WOOD & Old 45; center. DODD Gold •Tvicene." which looks like a verv I Salt Lake City, threw Marshall John Scafide. Tulane. guard Smoother and Better ta.ll with The greyhound, pricked ears ] 31ackstock. Atlanta. 11:00; Paul Ray Saunders, Tennessee, tackle. INSURANCE Cigarette like those of an Alsatlon. is one 1 Harper. Texas threw Billy Evans, Vernon Smith. Georgia, end. Bonds of the later Surety < lieveland. 5 000. • All Heavyweights*. Austin Downes. Georgia, quarter. . Tulane, half- Spivey Kowalski Bldg. a .... a a By providing steam roller with Hawa i exoects a record sugar back not in carload • Phone* 100 fll Iron claws, it* has bern utilized bv crop year due to favorable Gene cough th.i Me Ever, Tennessee half- •m eastern road crew to tear up old irow.n* conditions on the islands back Browns vtll* IN MOItTUMtMOOF oaremrnta. vhe two John (ftCAUO CCUOPHANl] pas; years. Cain. Alabama, fullback, j i