Eyrbyggja and Icelandic Scholasticism
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Hugvísindasvið Eyrbyggja and Icelandic Scholasticism The Boethian Influence on Saga Narrative Ritgerð til MA-prófs í íslenskum bókmenntum Ryan Eric Johnson September 2014 Háskóli Íslands Hugvísindasvið Íslenskar bókmenntir Eyrbyggja and Icelandic Scholasticism The Boethian Influence on Saga Narrative Ritgerð til MA-prófs í íslenskum bókmenntum Ryan Eric Johnson Kt.: 100878-3489 Leiðbeinandi: Torfi H. Tulinius September 2014 1 Abstract Eyrbyggja saga is thought to have been written at the monastery that was located at Helgafell on the south side of Breiðafjörður during the 13th century. Many have considered the saga to have had relatively little Christian influence due to its vivid descriptions of what is purported to be heathen objects and customs within the saga. Recent research has turned this view on its head, leading scholars to ponder where heathen influence ends and Christian begins. It is the purpose of this thesis to explore the idea that a Christian cleric modelled the saga based on the oral sources that he had at his disposal, weaving these sources together to suit his own aims. Rather than searching for the pagan and the Christian elements explicitly, the text will be inspected for one particular aspect of Latin education, well known to have been taught all over Europe at the time the saga is purported to have been written. This aspect is a part of the trivium of Latin learning, known as dialectic. The implications of this type of education is first inspected, then a text available and extremely popular during the time is consulted for an understanding of the content of this education, Boethius’ De topicis differentiis. Finally this understanding is applied to a portion of the text of Eyrbyggja saga with the express goal of looking at the text from a similar lens as that of the Christian cleric that may have written it. 2 Ágrip Talið er að Eyrbyggja saga hafi verið rituð á 13. öld í klaustrinu að Helgafelli við sunnanverðan Breiðafjörðinn. Mörgum hefur sýnst að sagan beri fá merki um kristileg áhrif, ekki síst vegna eftirminnilegra lýsinga á heiðnum siðum og gripum. Nýlegar rannsóknir hafa snúið þessum viðhorfum á hvolf og nú velta menn því fyrir sér hvar mörk kristinna og heiðinna áhrifa liggja í sögunni. Í þessari ritgerð verður sagan skoðuð út frá þeirri megin hugmynd að þar hafi klerkur verið að verki, en að hann hafi unnið á sinn sérstaka hátt úr miklu safni munnlegra heimilda. Úr þeim hafi hann ofið söguna með ákveðinn tilgang í huga. Í stað þess að greina í sundur hina kristnu og heiðnu þætti úr þessum heimildum, verður hugað að því hvernig höfundur stundar sinn vefnað með hliðsjón af útbreiddri hugsunartækni sem kennd var í skólum og tilheyrði Latínulærdómi, nánar tiltekið þríveginum (trivium). Þetta var þrætubókin (dialectic). Fyrst er fjallað um hvað menntun á borð við þessa hafði í för með sér en síðan er litið sérstaklega á útbreiddan texta á þessum tímum, De topicis differentiis eftir Boethius til að auka skilninginn á þessari tegund menntunar. Loks verður hluti af Eyrbyggju sögu rannsakaður í því skyni að horfa á söguna sama sem næst sömu augum og hinn kristni klerkur sem kann að hafa samið hana. 3 Contents INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 4 THE TIME AND PLACE OF WRITING ................................................................................................................... 4 THE INFLUENCE OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICS ...................................................................................................... 8 THE INTERNAL CONFLICT AND THE DIALECTICAL ARGUMENT ................................................................................ 16 BOETHIUS .................................................................................................................................................. 19 ARFUR OG UMBYLTING (LEGACY AND UPHEAVAL)............................................................................................... 20 EYRBYGGJA AS A PRODUCT OF HELGAFELL ........................................................................................ 26 WRITER AS CLERIC ....................................................................................................................................... 27 MOTIVATIONS OF THE CLERIC ........................................................................................................................ 30 DIALECTICAL DISCOURSE AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR INTERPRETATION ...................................................................... 33 IN SEARCH OF ARGUMENTS .............................................................................................................. 39 ICELANDIC SCHOLASTICISM ............................................................................................................... 42 ODDI ........................................................................................................................................................ 43 HAUKADALR ............................................................................................................................................... 44 THE 13TH CENTURY AUGUSTINIAN ORDER OF ICELAND ....................................................................... 45 BOETHIUS IN ICELAND ....................................................................................................................... 49 LITERARY ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................... 50 1. PROLOGUE ............................................................................................................................................. 51 The Prologue Wrap‐up ....................................................................................................................... 56 2. QUARRELS BETWEEN THE ÞÓRSNESINGAR AND THE KJALLEKLINGAR ................................................................... 58 The Initial Dispute .............................................................................................................................. 58 The Rise of Snorri goði ....................................................................................................................... 62 The Máhlíðingamál ............................................................................................................................ 64 The Horses Found and a Dispute about Sheep................................................................................... 76 Eiríkr rauði ......................................................................................................................................... 78 The Berserkjamál ............................................................................................................................... 79 An Attempt on Snorri goði‘s Life ........................................................................................................ 80 THE CONNECTION TO FRÓÐÁ AND BEYOND ...................................................................................................... 80 FINAL REMARKS .......................................................................................................................................... 81 Society Must be Supported by all its Constituent Parts ..................................................................... 81 The Ecclesiastical Aids in Spiritual Matters ........................................................................................ 83 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 84 APPENDIX I ....................................................................................................................................... 86 BOETHIAN TERMINOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 86 APPENDIX II ...................................................................................................................................... 89 THE SCHOLASTIC FATHERS OF ICELAND ............................................................................................................ 89 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................. 91 4 Introduction There have been many analyses of Eyrbyggja saga put forth over the years, but many of them counter the idea that the scribe who wrote it would have been of a clerical order, or if they consider the idea, then the cleric is relegated to the lowest ranks of such an order. However, it is the position of this thesis that the scribe had to have been in the ranks of the clergy in order to weave such a complicated tale together. Without the education of the cleric in legal matters, rhetoric, and dialectical discourse, the saga would not have become what it is. Nothing we argue for here in this context rules out the use of oral material, it is rather that the material at hand for the scribe was woven together in its current form using a learned art common throughout Europe at the time of writing. This thesis concerns itself especially with one aspect of Medieval Latin education contemporary with the writing of the Eyrbyggja saga. Dialectic was the instructed form of logic that complemented rhetoric and grammar in the trivium of Latin education at the