[ Paul Kurtz in Memoriam

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[ Paul Kurtz in Memoriam Jan Feb 13 2_SI new design masters 11/29/12 11:26 AM Page 15 [ PAUL KURTZ IN MEMORIAM A Powerful and Thoughtful Voice for Skepticism and Humanism STEVEN NOVELLA Paul Kurtz was a philosopher who ded- Meanwhile, CSI focused on promot- this day within the skeptical movement. icated the better part of his life and ca- ing science and reason, mainly through In his later years Kurtz would also have reer to promoting science, reason, and confronting popular pseudoscience. to deal with another internal tension— humanist values. He was one of the When I joined the skeptical movement that between the aggressive “new athe- founders of the modern skeptical move- in 1996 CSI was pretty much the only ists” and the softer approach that Kurtz ment—someone who was there at the game in town. Michael Shermer was advocated. beginning. Kurtz had something that the just getting started with the Skeptics Despite these internal conflicts, others did not—the ability to organize a Society, but that was never a member- Kurtz remained active until the very movement. Other giants, like James ship organization and was largely West end. I saw him for the last time at last Randi, Ray Hyman, and Martin Gardner, Coast based. The James Randi Educa- year’s Amazing Meeting. He was still got together and knew that the world tional Foundation had not yet been engaged and very interested in the fu- needed a dose of reason. Kurtz had the founded. So as the organizer of a local ture of the movement he helped to cre- skills to make that happen. group, CSI was the only national organ- ate. As late as 2010 he was still trying to He founded two “sister” organizations, ization to reach out to, and they were put his stamp on humanist thinking. He the Council for Secular Human ism and definitely helpful in getting us off the published his Neo-Humanist Statement the Committee for the Scien tific Inves- ground. Kurtz also founded Prometheus of Secular Values and Principles, in which tigation of Claims of the Paranormal Books and the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER he lays out what he thinks is the path (CSICOP, now CSI—the Committee (the official pub lication of CSI). forward for secular humanism. for Skeptical Inquiry). Re garding secular I remember meeting Paul Kurtz for No matter where you stand with re- humanism, he took the existing humanist the first time. He was very interested in spect to the philosophical debates re- philosophy and essentially purged it of who I was and what I was doing in my garding the nature of humanism and supernatural fluff to craft it into secular local group. He had a clear passion for skepticism, Kurtz was a powerful and human ism. This he presented as a philo- promoting rationalism. I was also thoughtful voice who always pushed the sophical alternative to supernatural-based struck, however, by how closely tied sec- discussion forward. religions. He made a powerful philosoph- ular humanism and skepticism were in —Steven Novella is president of the New Eng- ical argument that one could lead a moral his approach. This would ultimately land Skeptical Society, professor of neurology life without any appeal to a supernatural cause some tension between CSI and at Yale University School of Medicine, and a belief system. the local groups, a tension that exists to member of the CSI Executive Council. Skeptics Society and Skeptic magazine, reading for all skeptics and humanists: seek to translate itself into a new and as such I have come to respect more faith. One must view with caution the The skeptic is not passionately in tent promises of any new secular priest than ever before what Paul Kurtz did on converting mankind to his or her who might emerge promising a brave for our movement. In terms of the day- point of view and surely is not inter- new world—if only his path to clarity to-day grind of keeping a movement ested in imposing it on others, and truth is followed. Perhaps the though he may be deeply concerned afloat through the constant battering best we can hope for is to temper the with raising the level of education and assaults that come from variegated intemperate and to tame the perverse and critical inquiry in society. Still, if temptation that lurks within. sources, there are few that can be com- there are any lessons to be learned pared with Paul Kurtz. So I close this from history, it is that we should be R.I.P. Paul Kurtz. We all owe you a brief remembrance with my favorite skeptical of all points of view, in - great debt of gratitude for making the cluding those of the skeptics. No one world a better place. You will be missed. passage from what I consider to be is infallible, and no one can claim a Kurtz’s finest work, The Transcendental monopoly on truth or virtue. It would —Michael Shermer is publisher and Temp ta tion, which should be mandatory be contradictory for skepticism to editor-in-chief, Skeptic magazine. Skeptical Inquirer | January/ February 2013 15 Jan Feb 13 2_SI new design masters 11/29/12 11:26 AM Page 16 He Saw Before Others A Seamless Enterprise The House That Kurtz Built DANIEL C. DENNETT EDWARD TABASH DANIEL LOXTON Paul Kurtz led the way for years. When We mourn the loss of our true founder, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitch - Paul Kurtz. It’s a daunting task to sin- I am saddened, as a skeptic and a hu- ens, Sam Harris, and I woke up and gle out any of his myriad accomplish- manist, to hear of the passing of Paul turned our time and energy to resisting ments for special attention. However, Kurtz. I didn’t know him personally, the encroachments of the religious right I would like to focus on his pioneering yet Kurtz had an immense and last- on the civil liberties of us all, we found work in making challenges to the para- ing impact on my life, values, and ca- Paul Kurtz already happily marching normal/supernatural a seamless enter- reer. As a defining leader in secular along, leading the charge, as he had prise. The rules of empirical investiga- humanism and a founder of North tion should be applied to any claim, be been doing for years. He graciously America’s first successful organiza- they the miraculous claims of religion welcomed us—and many others—to tion for scientific skepticism, his life’s or those of pseudoscience. Paul Kurtz the project, and was a tireless organizer work made my life’s work possible. leaves behind his worldwide insight and expediter of all sorts of activities. My colleagues and I are caretakers that no aspect of human experience He saw, before many others, that these for the house he built. were issues worth devoting your life to, should lie beyond criticism and doubt. It is now up to us to build on this —Daniel Loxton is Editor of Junior Skep- and that is what he did. We owe a great tic, Skeptic magazine. debt of gratitude to his vision and en- legacy as we strive to free the world of ergy. superstition. —Edward Tabash is chair of the board of di- —Daniel Dennett is professor of philosophy and rectors, Center for Inquiry, Committee for co-director of the Center for Cognitive Studies Skeptical Inquiry, and Council for Secular at Tufts University. Humanism. Spreading Skepticism A Truly Contagious Optimism Worldwide D.J. GROTHE AMARDEO SARMA I’ve never known The death of Paul Kurtz is a blow for Paul Kurtz was my dear friend and an anyone who loved life skeptics well beyond America. Many inspiration to me. His humanity, his more. I can still hear skeptical groups around the world passion, his creativity, and his always- would not exist but for him. He was al- grand plans were the building blocks of him sermonizing ways encouraging and strongly com- a number of international organiza- about the good life’s mitted to the international nature of tions, and he worked tirelessly to grow skepticism. Without him there would the worldwide skeptics and humanist “tang” and the be no GWUP in Germany nor many movements. In this respect, his impact “zest of living.” other organizations operating in Eu- remains unrivaled. rope and elsewhere. He moved the ini- But what was most meaningful to me He gave so much to so many people tiative in the 1980s to spread skepti- about Paul was his truly contagious opti- around the world through the organi- cism all over the world—from China mism. He had unshakable faith in human- zations he founded, but also often be- to Europe, and from Africa to Latin ity—in people—and that we can work to- hind the scenes, never looking for America. His example is a constant re- gether despite our differences and make recognition. They say no man is a hero minder to maintain our commitment the world a better place without giving in to his valet, but the more I got to know to the “new skepticism” as a strong tool to the transcendental temptation. Paul over the years, the more I came to of science for consumer protection and I’ve never known anyone who loved love and respect him. He is deeply, a rational world. life more. I can still hear him sermoniz- deeply missed. —Amardeo Sarma is chairman of GWUP ing about the good life’s “tang” and the —D.J. Grothe worked with Paul Kurtz at CSI (the German skeptics group) and a member “zest of living.” It fills my heart to re- for many years and is now president of the of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry Ex- member this now.
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