The American Legion Monthly [Volume 19, No. 5 (November 1935)]
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Leg D N T NOVEMBER 193 5 P^irst instalment rize winning Big Moments "Camels dont get yourWild" FAMOUS ATHLETES AGREE Some of the famous M Ora] athletes who approve of Camel's mildness W... ^ BASEBALL Mark the words of George Lott, the tennis champion, Dizzy Dean Lou Gehrig and the 7-goal polo star, Cyril Harrison: "Camels," MelvinOtt CarlHubbell says Mr. Harrison, "are so mild they don't upset the Harold Schumacher nerves or affect the wind. And when I'm tired I get TENNIS a 'lift' with a Camel." Lott adds: "Naturally the ciga- Ellsworth Vines, Jr. rette blended from more expensive tobaccos is going George M. Lott, Jr. to be easy and gentle on the throat. And Camels William T. Tilden, 2nd never get my wind. "I'd walk a mile for a Camel!'" GOLF Gene Sarazen, Craig Wood, Tommy Armour, Willie Macfarlane, Helen Hicks YOU CAN SMOKE ALL YOU WANT TRACK AND FIELD Jim Bausch Leo Sexton SWIMMING Helene Madison, Josephine McKim, Stubby Kruger DIVING Harold ("Dutch") Smith Pete Desjardins Georgia Coleman • Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS —Turkish and Domestic — than any other popular brand. (Signed) R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N.C. S 1»35. R. J. Reynolds Tob. Co. I A Union Soldier with the A.E.F N.GVanSant getting MY eighty-nine years I have had two Doughboys doughnuts from ex-Private Van Sant's Sal- INgreat experiences. Either alone would have marked the high point in a lifetime. vation Army lassies at Varennes Together, they have not been duplicated, —they served 6,000 doughnuts a so far as I have been able to learn, by any day there for ten days. At left, man. I was a Union soldier in the Civil War Mr. Van Sant, from a recent and I was privileged to serve men of the A.E. photograph F. directly at the fighting front. Perhaps some of my readers will recall Dad Van Sant As chief cook and bottle washer as well as who worked in the Salvation Army hut in a sweeper-up, counter-sales clerk and all-round wine cellar at Mandres, in the Toul sector, worker in a number of huts close to the front that summer of 191 8. A modest service and often under enemy fire, I felt that I had enough, turning flapjacks, frying doughnuts never had a more worth-while job in my life. and making coffee, but the men seemed to It was a great experience. I wouldn't have approve it. missed it for anything. We had a fine army, In the Civil War, I enlisted at seventeen in and to be permitted to serve some of its mem- the Ninth Illinois Cavalry, in 1864, and saw bers was an opportunity and a distinction. it through. I joined up for the work in France at. seventy-two. Much of my assignment was in the village of Mandres, south- When the Spanish-American War broke out, I hurried back from east of St. Mihiel and not far from Montsec. Our quarters— a world tour to my home in Sterling, Illinois, and tried to get in, had a helper most of the time—were in an abandoned wine cellar. but the ranks were full. However, in the next war I was able to The building above had been demolished but the cellar was shell find a place at the front, though not in the fighting ranks. and bomb proof, and hence about the most popular place in the After America's entrance into the World War, besides making town. It was said that there was only one house in it not dam- some public addresses in Sterling for our cause, I had helped aged by shell fire. The cellar was some forty feet long by twenty several boys fill out their questionnaires. I had advised them wide, with stone walls, earth floor and ceiling high enough for not to claim exemption, so that in years to come they could say standing upright in the middle but not near the sides. It had a they were in that mighty struggle. It came to me that I should stove, a canteen counter, tables and so on. At the entrance was practise my own preaching. I was alone, in good health and free a hogshead or big wine cask, filled with rocks, which one had to to do a bit where the fighting was. The Salvation Army accepted squeeze past in coming or going. At night I slept in a dugout me and I went over in June, the second year. I returned in not far from the wine cellar. September. At one of the earlier stations in the (Continued on page 42) NOVEMBER, 1935 n Cforffodandcountry, we associate ourselves togetherjor thefollowing purposes: Qo upholdand defend the Constitution w/ ofthe UnitedStates of&merica; to maintain law andorder; tofosterandperpetuate a one hundredpercent {Americanism ; topreserve the memories and incidents ofour association in theffreatTVar; to inculcate a sense ofindividual obligation io the com- munity, state andnation; to comhat the autocracy ofboth the classes andthe masses; to make right the master ofmight; topromote peace andgoodwillon earth; to safeguardand transmit to posterity the principles ofjusticejreedom and democracy ; to conse- crate andsanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual hdpfdness.— Preamble to the Constitution, ofThe American Legion. Novi Vol. No. Legion•w- Ih e JImerica 19, 5 MONTH L Y Published Monthly by The Legion Publishing Corporation, 455 West 22d Street, Chicago, Illinois EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICES EXECUTIVE OFFICES WESTERN ADVERTISING OFFICE 521 Fifth Avenue, New York Indianapolis, Indiana 307 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago Editorial and Advertising Correspondence Should be Addressed to the New York Offices, All Other Mail 10 Indianapolis Clover Design: a punt by Herbert M. Stoops A Union Soldier with the A. E. F. by N. G. Van Sant No Cause But the Legion's by Ray Murphy, National Commander The Man for Minnie by Peter B. Kyne Illustrations b\ Herbert M. Stoops — 1919 — Saint Louis [ 935 bv Philip Von Blon io Cartoons by ll'allgren Their Big Moments Illustrations by Frank Street Woman's Work Is Never Done by John J. Noll Watch the Whites of Their Eyes by Lou Little 26 Rendezvous with Death h Fred C. Painton Shoot and Eat Champion of Champions by Alexander Gardiner 32 Armistice? Not on This Front by The Company Clerk 34 Bursts and Duds Conducted by Dan Sowers 48 The Forty and Eight 64 Sign Them Up—Now! NOW is the time for all good posts to come to their own aid and help their Depart- ments get an early start in the race for pre-eminence in membership. Everything points to a big Legion year in 1936, and the bigger the membership the easier it will be for the organization to achieve "the objectives which the National Convention in St. Louis determined upon. No man who saw service in the World War should be outside the Legion ranks, for its record of peacetime service is a challenge to greater deeds for America. But he's got to be told, in many cases. Don't let George do it—make yourself a com- mittee with power to sign up these men who ought to be one of ours. The command is forward — for God and Country, more than a million strong. The American Legion Monthly is the official publication of The American Legion, and i9 A. Stanley Llewellyn, Camden, S. C; Raymond Fields, Guthrie, Okla.; Frank L. Pinola, Wilkes- owned exclusively by The American Legion. Copyright 1935 by The Legion Publishing Cor- Barre, Pa.; Ed. W. Bolt, San Francisco; Perry Faulkner, Montpelier, Ohio; Jerry Owen, Port- poration. Entered as second class matter Sept. 26, 1931, at the PostofEce at Chicago, 111., under land, Ore.; General Manager, James F. Barton; Business Manager, Richard E. Brann; the Act of March 3, 1879. President, Frank N. Belgrano, Jr., Indianapolis, Ind.; Vice-President, Eastern Advertising Manager, Douglas P. Maxwell; Editor, John T. Winterich; Managing John D. Ewing, Shreveport, La.; Secretary, Frank E. Samuel, Indianapolis, Ind.; Treasurer, Editor, Philip Von Blon; Art Editor, William MacLean; Associate Editors, Alexander Gardiner Bowman Elder, Indianapolis, Ind. Board of Directors: John D. Ewing, Shreveport, La.; Philip and John J. Noll. L. Sullivan, Chicago, 111.; William H. Doyle, Maiden, Mass.; Louis Johnson, Clarksburg, W. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Va.; Jean R. Kinder, Lincoln, Neb.; Harry C. Jackson, New Britain, Conn.; Phil Conley, Char- October 3, 1917, authorised January 5, 1925. Price, single copy 25 Cents, yearly sub- leston, W. Va.; Edward A. Hayes, Decatur, 111.; George L. Berry, Pressmen's Home, Tenn.; scription, $1.50. In reporting change of address (to Indianapolis office) be sure to include the old address as well as the new The AMERICAN LEGION Monthly — How Can I—a Business Man— Really Learn Law at Home? are not alone in asking that question, etc. Their names and addresses are readily own individual needs. You study under a defi- YOUPractically every man has seen where available for your direct investigation. nite, clear-cut plan involving continual use of knowledge of law would have helped his Second: Out of this twenty-four years' ex- the Problem Method, dealing with actual legal success. The entire structure of business is held perience in training so many individuals in problems. Thus you learn by actually handling together by contracts and legal relations—and such varying conditions, LaSalle naturally has legal problems, analyzing cases, and making the man who knows law has a distinct advan- WO rked out, and perfected, the material and definite legal decisions—not by merely memo- tage—for himself and his firm.