« Weather DUtriboUoo

•nqr utnm M«r. [ Red Bank Area J 30,000 K«* to mid m. (set Weather, Copyrlght-The Red Bank Register, lac. 1KB. ij). DIAL 7414)010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FDR 87 YEARS VOL. 89, NO. 38 rt telly. Uanttr throuth TrUw. Second dm Poit»t» PAGE ONE Ptld U KM Buk ud tt AMlUoul lUUtBC Ottlou. THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1966 7c PER COPY Tour Convinces Officials of County Airport Need WALL TOWNSHIP - Twenty federal aid for land purchases and cer County Airport, Ewing Town- Airport, summed up the situa- skin led the party aboard five Township; Anton Skwarko, Ma- ors and other influential people tir minded officials from Mon- for navigational installations and ship, the loss the same year was tion best when he said: Cessna prop executive airplanes nalapan Township; Frank E. Gib- for support so that yesterday's mouth County toured four publicly personnel. No federal monies can about $60,000. "Any growing county without that the company had made avail-' son, Freehold; Jay Kellers, At- tour was planned. owned airports in three states be offered where a private own- 3. New and old industry ex- an adequate airport today is like able as a promotion for general lantic Highlands, and Olaf Axel- Stops were at the Allentown- yesterday and said they came er operating for a profit is in- panding and establishing plants a city without a railroad station aviation. sen, Manasquan. Bethlehem-Easton Airport and home convinced that Monmouth volved. look to a community for an air- 100 years ago." Others included George De Gar- Intend to Acquire the Reading Airport, in Penn- needs a public airport. 2. Public airport operations port and all-weather flying equip- The question, Mr. Irwin added, mo, Red Bank; Harold Fink, Ne»- Previously the freeholders have sylvania; Greater Wilmington Air- Encouragement came from generally ate not self-sufficient ment which assures maximum is no hunger "Can we afford a tune, and Mayor Sanford Flint, declared their intention to either port. New Castle, Del., and Mer- head-to-head discussions with but increasing traffic is cutting field usability around the clock. county airport?" Rather, he added of Interlaken, members of the acquire the privately-owned 780- cer County Airport. managers of the airfields, all of down losses. It the most severe Summation it is "Can we afford not to have county Airport Advisory Commit- acre Monmouth County Airport, Even though the freeholders whom made these points: situation, at the Allentown-Beth- Freeholder Director Joseph C. one?" tee; several county officials and Wall Township, or develop an- are on the verge of hiring a 1. Public ownership of a major lehem-Easton airport, the deficit Irwin said that John T. Stephan, Freeholders Irwin, Harry Lar- Mayors John E. Lemon, New other site. consultant to help them choose airport is essential to qualify for was only $73,000 in 1965. In Mer- manager of the Mercer County rison, Jr., and Benjamin H. Din- Shrewsbury; Joseph Ehret, Will But they are looking to may- (See AIRPORT, Page 3) May Dismiss Witnesses After Counsel Walkout Anti-Viet Probers Face Decision WASHINGTON (AP) - A House committee investigating for shouting, hissing and cheering during the tumultuous ses- overshadowed testimony taken by. the committee, was Arthur anti-Viet Nam war groups faces a major decision involving sions in the sprawling hearing loom. A. Kinoy, a 5-foot-2, middle-aged attorney and Rutgers Uni- witnesses today after the walkout of seven lawyers in another •SEEN ENOUGH' versity law professor. stormy session. "I've seen enough," said Rep. Richard Ichord, D-Mo, a Kinoy has been the chief' counsel for the American Civil The lawyers, representing a dozen subpoenaed witnesses, committee member, after several of the subpoenaed witnesses Liberties Union which is representing two of the witnesses in marched from yesterday's hearing of the House Committee on tried to make speeches denouncing the committee and the Viet a suit challenging the constitutional authority for the commit- Un-American Activities in protest to the forced expulsion of Nam war while being directed by acting Chairman Joe R. Pool, tee's hearings. another attorney. D-Tex, to get new lawyers. SUIT IN COURT The committee must decide whether to dismiss the wit- Ichord said the hearings had shown "a very serious need nesses if they fail to get new lawyers by a noon EDT deadline for this legislation." That suit is currently before a three-judge federal court. today. Bills sponsored by Pool and other committee members However, (he court delayed indefinitely a hearing scheduled If the witnesses are dismissed, the committee could start would slap maximum $20,000 fines and 20-year prison sen- on it yesterday to give the judges more time to study legal questioning a number of people waiting to testify on the need tences on Americans who block shipment of U. S. men and briefs. for legislation to curb anti-war activities. materials to Viet Nam, or who help the North Vietnamese and Phillip A. McCombs, a 22-year-old recent Yale University More than three dozen persons have been arrested during Viet Cong. graduate from Ogdensburg, N. Y., wes testifying about his two days of hearings—19 of them yesterday—most of them The central figure in yesterday's tumult, which completely (See ANn-VIET, Page 2) ' Plan December School Vote Propose $1,660,000 Bond Issue Draft Policies MIDDLETOWN - The Board ncome. and Marjorie Lefever, social Thome Junior High School — Irk School Board EXIT UNDER PRESSURE — Arthur Kinoy, Rutgers Uni- of Education raised its sights studies. The contract with the firm Armand Cannamela, language MIDDLETOWN — School Superintendent Paul F. Lefever versity law professor and attorney for American Civil ast night and added about $400,- artt; Kathleen Newman, mathe- does not include elementary Bayshore Junior High School- and the Board of Education are miffed over changing draft 000 to its bond proposal sched- Kenneth Fallender, English; Al- matics; Phyllis Horrocks, physi- Liberties Union, is hustled out of the hearing room of school service. board policies in North and South Jersey and may attempt uled for referendum early in De- The following department ma Wuesthoff, mathematics; cal education; John Malonty, tha House Committee on Un-American Activities yester- to do something about it. cember. heads were appointed: Victor Blasucci, physical educa- science, and Ethel Wren, social day. Kinoy was one of several persons led or carried The issue to be voted on — High school — Esther Search, tion; John Dowling, science, and studies. . ' Remarks were triggered last night by a report from Mr. from the hearing room. Tho committee is holding an in- provided state approval is forth- business education; Norma Mon- Daniel Lee, social studies. The elementary schools — Lefever that a draft board in North Jersey has refused to defer a teacher candidate. Instead, it has classified him as vestigation of artti-Viet Nam war activities. coming, as expected — will to- emuro, English; Becky Stracen Thompson Junior High School Frances Fronapfel, physical edu- tal $1,660,000. er, foreign languages; Michael — Rosemary Knawa, English; cation; Margaret Stratton, mu- 1-A. Added to the ballot questions Seiser, industrial arts', Harold Cozette Williams, mathematics; sic, and Kathleen Turner, art. "In the eight years I have been here," commented th» last night were: John, mathematics; Philip Fred Gernsbeck, physical edu- Arnold Truex was named ath superintendent, "we have had cc-operation from selective —$300,000 for a connecting Braun, physical education; Mary cation; Madeline Fedak, science. letic director, and James Hop- service boards, but in the past few months there has been Senate Approves building to the Bayshore Junior Hopkins, assistant, physical edu- and Edgar Van Houten, social kins was appointed assistant di a change." High School. The structure is cation; William Fischer, science studies. rector ot personnel services. H,e »aid he was not referring to Mosmouth County but to include an all-purpose room "the boards south of us and north of us " band room and kitchen. He declined to name the North Jersey draft board or the —A $30,000 kitchen for Thomp- teacher applicant, at present, "so as not to embarrass any- Reservist Call-Up son School. State to Get Currie Ouster one." " -A $30,000 kitchen for Thome "The man was going to teach driver education here," said WASHINGTON (AP) - The Yesterday's vote amounted ti School. Mr. Lefever, "and was,told In effect thai that was not good Senate, overriding objections from a hard-fought victory for Sen. The main item on the ballot enough. I think driver education is as important as anything, the White House and the •Pen- Richard B. Russell, I>Ga., chair- will be $1,300,000 for an elemen- Probe Request Petitions perhaps in some- ways more important." tagon, has given President John- man of the Senate Armed Ser tary school on 16.6 acres off He said he was citing the present case as only one example son standby authority to call up vice Committee, and Sen. Lever- New Monmouth Rd. KEANSBURG — Petitions call- petitions, Mrs. Thomas reported director of the division, told The of what appears to be new policies by a number of draft thousands of reservists for pos- ett Saltonstall, R-Mass, its rank- The building will contain 18 Ing for • state Department of Ed- last night Register laat week that a teach- boards," noting'that many boards now are refusing to defer sible active duty in Viet Nam. ing Republican. regular classrooms, three kin- unmarried teachers in itye 22, to 35-year age bracket. dergarten rooms, offices and an ucation probe of circumstances The division already has re-« employed for three consecu Voting 6t to 21 yesterday to tie President Johnson and Secre- Board President Warren C. DeBrowr directed the board, all-purpose room. surrounding the firing of teacher ceived a petition from Mr. Cur- Uve academic years (Sept. 1 to the provision to the pending $58.2 tary of Defense Robert S. Me- attorney, Peter R, Kajac, W- investigate the matter to de- The next step for the board Robert T, Currie were to be June 30) obtains tenure if em- billion annual defense money bill, Namara have rejected previous rie and his attorney, Benjamin termine whether the. board can appeal the case. will be to seek approval for the hand-delivered to the assistant Gruber, Highlands, calling for Ployed Sept. 1 of the next aca- the Senate heeded arguments that proposals for mobilizing any of Mr. Lefever said he will provide Mr Kalac with whatever referendum from the state De- commissioner of education this demic year. many draft-age youths were Join- the citizen-soldier units of the the instructor's reinstatement on documentation is needed He reported that th« prospective ing the Army Reserve and Naarme- d services. partment of Education and thmorninge . grounds that he has tenure and The official listed two other state Division of Local Govern- teacher is willing to appeal. tional Guard to avoid duty in the The Senate faces another bat- Five local women, including that the local Board of Education methods by which tenure is ob- ment. "The anti-poverty program is grabbing many teachers," Southeast Asian war. tle over the huge defense bill Mrs. Joan Thomas and Mrsfaile. d to comply with its griev- tained but these apply to ins true The $1,660,000 bond issue would noted Mr. DeBrown, "and the draft boards should take this "We can't permit the six-month today, this time from a small ance procedure. tors whose contracts become ef- put the district $2,275,432 over Vera Davis, were scheduled to into account." - reserve training program to be-band of dissenting Demo- fective Jan. .1 or on any date its debt limit, leave here at 9 a.m. for an 11 Tenure Dented come an umbrella to avoid ac crats who are seeking to slash o'clock appointment with Eric other than Sept. 1 or Jan. 1. more than (500 million from it. There will be no lunch pro Also received by Mr. Groezing- tive service," declared Sen. Stuart gram during the coming school Groezinger, director of the de- Mr. Currie's four contracts, the Sen. George McGovern, D-SD, er's office is the board's reply to Symington, D-Mo., a former sec- year for elementary pupils. partment's Division of Controver- last of which was ordered re- retary of the Air Force. offered the proposal to cut the this petition. The board denies Cafeteria service for the high sies and Disputes. scinded by a 5-4 board vote, bear funds from the $58,189,872,000 Mr. Currie's claim to tenure but 2HurtinHowell school and three junior high an effective date of Sept 1. recommended by the Senate Ap- schools will be handled by the An estimated 2,000 signatures, admits that the grievance pro- "Employment" propriations Committee. McGov- cedure was not followed. Library Site Ja Ce Co., New Brunswick, at aabout 57 per cent of the regis- Mr. Glaspey emphasized that ern described his proposed move fee of 8 per cent of the grosstered voters, are affixed to the Edward 0. Glaspey, assistant as "a modest reduction that would "employment" begins on the ef-Crossing Crash Issue Still bring the bill in line with the fective, date of the contract, not administration's budget requests. the date that the teacher be- HOWELL TOWNSHIP - Warn- Minutes after the collision, the Joining him were Sens. Joseph gins service, which may be Sept. ing and stops signs were erected local Veterans of Foreign Wars Unresolved 7 or later depending on the date S. Clark, D-Pa, Gaylord Nelson, 2 Planes Lost as U. S. Air yesterday at the Oak Glen rail- Post informed the state Public MIDDLETOWN - The library D-Wis, William Proxmire, D- schools open. road crossing, a tew hours after Utilities Commission (PUC) of site question, a controversy here Wis, and Stephen M. Young, D- The local board meet] in reg- car-train collision which serious- the second accident here within for more than a year, is no Ohio. (See CURRIE, Page 3) ly injured a Lakewood couple. two rmnths. In June, two women closer to settlement than it was The Russell-Saltonstall proposal Blows on North Continue and a boy were killed. in 1965, the Library Board report- would specifically authorize ac- The Lakewood couple, Stephen ed yesterday. tive duty service for individual SAIGON (AP) — American ported an F8 Crusader jet from pilot bailed out over the sea and D. Mlchaux, 38, and his wife, Although the board has dropped reservists of up to 24 consecu- warplanes continued their pound- the aircraft carrier Oriskany was was picked up by an American Nancee A. Michaux, 34, were Its insistence Of the Spruce Dr. tive months, less any time pre ng of targets in North Viet Nam shot down by Communist fire 15 rescue helicopter. traveling north at 7:30 a.m. when site, and is willing to settle for viously served on active train the U.S. command reported to- miles northeast of Vinh on the The two losses raised to 342 their car collided with a freight the seven-acre railroad site off ing duty. day, but two planes were lost. coast of North Viet Nam. The the number of American planes train going west. On the ground, South Vietnam Middletown-Lincroft Rd., it re- It could apply to thousands o downed in the North since the Last night they were in satis- ese government troops launched ported that the Township Com- reservists and guardsmen who air strikes against North Viet factory condition at Paul Kim- a new drive against Viet Cong mittee and Planning Board still volunteered to take a lew months Airlines Pact Nam began two years ago. ball Hospital, Lakewood. Earlier cannot agree on the subject. guerrillas only three miles from training duty with the active oi The U.S. military command al they were listed as critical. Saigon after an upsurge of ter- The township owns the prop- regular forces and then served so announced today that 101 The PUC suggested that town- rorist attacks on the fringes o Acceptance erty. additional years In the reserve American servicemen were ship officials erect stop signs as the capital. A privately-owned site adjacent or guards. killed in the fighting in Viet Nam a temporary measure until some to the railroad station, the Mas- However, the amendment would Elsewhere on the ground only Hopes Rise last week, an increase of 30 over other type of warning device is tria tract, eight acres, has beenexempt reservists or guardsmen scattered fighting was reported. WASHINGTON (AP) — There the previous week's toll. Anoth- approved. discussed but Mayor Ernest G. who served in World War II A U.S. military spokesman re er 593 were wounded in action and Under authorization by Mayor Kavalek said he is opposed to the Korean War or on active ported U.S. fighter-bombers flew were growing signs—and enthu- siastic predictions — today II were listed as missing or cap- Charles W. Patterson, the town- "spending taxpayers' money for duty for more than two years.100 missions over the Communist tured. ship's road department erected any site." The Senate rejected 62 to 2GNorth yesterday and encountered that striking machinists will vote The spokesman said 284 en- two signs on each of the At yesterday's board session, proposal from Sen. Strom three MIG 17s. approval tomorrow of a new con- emy troops were captured dur- crossing. "Stop Ahead" triangu- Vincent K. Nlrclla, Pittsburgh, Thurmond, R-SC, that the call tract offer and end e :: be held Aug. 21 to insure every- While the lawyers were ob- 5 knots becoming southwest II covered by police here yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trilby ° fall classses Sept. 8, 12 and 15 morning. ; City Health Director Hal J P u < hM "•'Ifrom 7 to 9 p.m. in the high body a chance to testify. jecting, some spectators jumped to 15 knots late today and to- (nee Margaret Malloy), It * "\ * ' Police said 13 meters were Schaeffer La., Freehold, daugh- pewlett told a news conference 095, Llncroft fifth grade; Charles school library, it was announced "We hoped to wind up the up and shouted "Get out of Viet night, then shifting to northwest broken into at the Chelsea Ave. ter, yesterday. Wednesday that the number of Fizer, Perth Amboy, $9,490, high yesterday. hearings today," Bigley aaid af- Nam" and "End this farce.' 10 to 20 knots early Friday. Fail probable cases since July stood school industrial arts; Mrs. Mar- They were carried out, but most today and Friday. Partly cloud parking lot and two were broken Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harrigan Classes will begin Sept. 19 atter a seven-hour session Wednes- kt 57, with two deaths possibly garet DeRidder, this place, $S,< did not resist. tonight Visibility better than five into in the Melrose Terrace park- {nee Muriel Beams), Farming- the high school and be held Mon- day, "but more and more wit- ieaused by the virus. 495, Navesink sixth grade; Fred- nesses keep signing up." Although more were arrested miles. ing lot dale, daughter, yesterday. i Dewlett quoted health officials erick Hart, Belmar, $5,300, day, Tuesday and Thursday of A former director of New York than on the previous day, the as saying the situation has Thompson industrial arts; Mrs. each week. state's Division of Cemeteries 450 Capitol police and federal reached epidemic proportions. Muriel Thompson, Leonardo, $5,- Areas covered by the planned testified Wednesday in favor of marshals had an easier time The Place to Go—For Brand* You Know! ; Three twin-engine C123 ai300, Navesink third grade; Mrs. courses include business, techni- a similar agency for New Jerkeepin- g order in and out of the craft arrived Wednesday from Ruth Grill, Maryland, $7,950, Bay- cal subjects, self-Improvement, sey with broad powen to curb hearing room. (he 4500th Air Base Wing. Lang- view first grade; Mrs. Maxine hobbies, recreation, sports, home- TSVTT 1119b glOUCl ITU 3. iTtaAlIICi ' * ' abuses in sales practices to the Meanwhile Peking's New FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL ley Air Force Base, Va., tc Kunkel, Leonardo, $5,565, high making, foreign languages and bereaved. China News Agency headlined its prepare for the spraying of ar schopl biology; Mils Margaret creative arti. Several new cours- story on the hearings as "the It's time to outfH- that boy for school again. And Insecticide known as Malathion Gerald Adler, who headed the worst witchhunt m VS. of cham- Prag, Hazlet, $5,565, River Plaza es wilt-be offered, including mu- John Daniels has all the fashions students want and The object is to kill swarms second grade, and Paul Judge, sic, dancing, basic adult educa- New York agency for six years, pions against Viet Nam war." of the culex mosquito believed Kingston*, Pa., $5,300, assign- tion and special classes for teen- said the board should also be em- The agency said "The hearing! need for school. Stop in today and choose from our to be the carrier of the St. Louis ment to be determined. agers. powered to insure that cemete- represent the latest action to selection of famous name brands. type of encephalitis which ha: Mr. Lefever noted that, at $9,- ries are properly maintained. crack down on the mounting hit this city of 750,000. 490, Mr. Fizer will be the highest NO POLITICS Adler testified as a witness for movement against the Lyndon paid new teacher ever employed RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The the New Jersey Funeral Direc-Johnson administration's further PREP SUITS by the school board. Recreation Commission issued a tors Association. escalation of the war. The Thai* tuiti in th* most wanes' fab- Plans 'Fun Night' The instructor holds an MA de-release last night stating that In New York, he said, "every perverse action against the pop- .95 : MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - rlct and itylai will rata will in any gree plus 30 credits (doctorate commission meetings will not betime a cemetery wants to raise ular movement has touched off a clan, in iliai 15 t« 41. Temple Beth Ahm Men's Club,equivalent) from the University used u political forums. its price for plots, It's got to wave d protest In the United 39 meeting at the home of Morton of Alabama, ii fully certified in The statement noted that twi submit an actual statement, to States." J. Wall, 43 Cambridge Dr., New Jersey, and has had more commissioners, Francis X show a need. BOYS' SUITS planned a "Fun Night" to bethan 12 yean' teaching experi Shields and Warren J. Rogge "This statement Is reviewed by Held Saturday, Oct. 8, at 8:30 man, are political candidates am Style comcloui boys lev* our it- t competent accountant,' he Uction of lulti, that put tham «t .95 p.m. went on to say they have prom- added. th* n*id •( th* elm, In ill*! 14 •The first general meeting wil SeH Fast! Tlie Daily Register ised to keep politics out of 39 bt Wednesday, Sept. 28. Classified. commission sessions. LEGAL NOTICE- -LEGAL NOT1CE- -LEGAL NOTIC Shrewsbury CORDUROY SUITS CONDITIONS OF SAI.E ..Public nntlrp la hprflty flvi>n that Ihe io aa to make the cont.nuanci or theFreeway or TraMc Circle, then thi A thr«- iaca corduroy tuit with • ^^ ^^\ Q C fffyw Jenpy Slate Highway Tlfpartmenl •Inn* rlghti unnccaatary. right of direct arren thereon •hall hi Shop-Rite rtvariibl* v.it (hat Ii tri* big thing J L 1.7 sj w4H Mil to lha hlghaal bidder at a All (ha parcel* will ba 10M aeparately. denied. The Bald deed ihall alio reatrlcl Vubllc Sale to b« hatri at th* Stalf except where grouped on Hie •cliedule. the ui* of aald prcmlsea ai a jtink lor fall. Sim 14 •« 41. "j ^W Iflahwav Pfparlmfnl. Central Walrlci The itirreiiful bidder will ba required yard, ml va |ert materials r>r 111H ant CWfJre, 1147 Amtioy Avenue, Mrtnrhfn. In par 2.1% of the. amount nf mid bidmobil, e lot, anrl prnhlhlt the uae ther Draws 2,500 K*w Jfra^y, on Tueadfly, Anauit rtn, or f 10.00, whichever li greater In caah, of for billboard or nutdonr advertlBlnj Service Iff*, at 10:30 A.M.. Iinylltht lnvlna or t>y ccrtlMed check drawn In the imlem It dlrertly ronrern* a bualneti Thnc all nf III rlglit title and Intereit onter of the Slate Highway Department, conducted on the aame prtmlie SHREWSBURY - More than except na herenfter rmervrrl. In all ol 4-Pc. STUDENT SUITS at Ihc time of Bale, the halanre of Failure to make iiaymenta In accord' 2,500 shoppers—hunting for bar- thr following rffarrlheri land. inch purrliBue price to he paid by ance with tHe lime atated above, iha gains—jam-packed the Shop-Rite Delicatessen An tptr* pair of ptnti miltti ihit •>1api allowing tlia location or tha land rnnh or rertlMrd check. In the order nf net aa a forfeit ore to the Mate < Ktari nrrmlsr*. above net rorlli. may brHIP Rtate Highway nrpartmrnt. Ifttt New Jersey of all mnnlei paid on a supermarket here on Rt. 35 last luit « muit for any itudant. Com- cMmlnari and available Information Parkway Avenue. Trent.in. New J*r-count of aairi purrhaie price. pl*t* with rtvtnibl* v»H In iii*i .95 at Room 2II*A at anme office icv, «nd (IHJvrrnl or malkd by regli-. Further ron/titloia of iale. If nijfht for a "Moonlight Madness" 49 ill h Departments 34 to 42. ot the it tha tlmt of hold sale. SlRgritVINO, HOWKVICIt, Unto tbr Hint* Highway linpartniTit, wilhln Ing lair, Sfale of New Jerney mrli wlopf all') n^vfd riayn «ftir notification by tin* Tt l iwiy Cnmmlislonfr rt rflfalnake rlghtR aa may t>e rariulred for ftlate lllchwty I••purlmftU. •( whkh Tim event began at 7 p.m. and NOW AT g to Riljrturn ••M •&!• Ittt trading anr) riralnag* or the. entire tlmt I rlrrrt without wi will wlthiraw tri prim lie«( nr • ndfd at midnight. rihl of wiv width of the male Utah- rirllvrreif I nit •llngathar. herenf fr way, providing, neverllielena. that fr] In any rl|ht, till? nr In- AI-I- BIDS AFtr jKCT TTO TH Harvey Soden, Farmingdale. ASIURY PARK LEE-LEENS PERMANENT PRESS auMl slnne rlgllta mav he nn.niillr-1 liv If-H am) tn nnv fltit* Highway APPROVAL OF THE iTATIIJ I1 furfilflhlrif • nrt or protect Inn for tht tiigimny mid parrel of land itmti Supermarkets which operates the SLACKS ZOO NCIIK I) I! I, E DEAL Shop-Rite store here, said the SIZES 26 TO 36 ;COUNTY ft eat rirt lone Pte. nor. sale brought out the mint shop- . Fort l,ra - - |(M)' gw r>f th* (n!f r»*rtlon tin tq I Nona LITTLE SILVER n( Kktrt.fr Avf. A Wrnt Hi. lrian| ir pers in one day since the super- . KaM mtarjon NM r»f Mnlnar Dr., 840 > Hnute Irlang. CHAR9MT VK\ KIR 2 (ti) and NK I.In K. nv w n.f No nrltiga SI trlini i MARKETS 50 BROAD STREET ;AUI. II ue.li owners of Foodarama markets. Bpatd Reserves Decision THE DAILY REGISTER Thursday, Augutt 18, 1966—3 Name Case to Fill Oil Assessor's Subdivision WARD COLTS NECK •- The Board Board chairman Frank C. RoeRoche was unable to get the Vacancy on Board of Adjustment reserved decision said the decision will be an- Planning Board to approve the HIGHLANDS — The Henry ed at several hundred dollars per on a variance application by J. nounced later. other 14 before the. ordinance took Hudson Regional Board of Ed-'year. Donald Roche to subdivide 17 Mr. Roche, who was recently effect. WARDS ucation last night named Charles] Mr. Schaible was directed to •eras into 14 one-acre lots in a appointed municipal tax assessor, "If I were to comply with the W. Case, Bay Ave., Highlands, negotiate salaries with applicants residential "A" lone. is seeking the variance to com-two-acre zoning," he said, "I to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. or the position of attendance of- WIG plete development of a proposed could lay out only five lots in- Kathleen Mendes. Mrs. Mendes icer, recently authorized by the 24 home project known as Hedge- stead of 14 that would cost me Man Found letter of resignation was accept- board. Attendance has been be- field Estates on White Pine Dr. n the vicinity of $15,600 per lot SALON ed by the board at its July low average for a secondary Ten lots were subdivided pre- to improve." Not Guilty meeting. school. vious to the adoption of the town- Mr. Roche's attorney, Chester Private Fittings Board member Alexander F. UNION BEACfi - Magistrate ship's minimum two-acre zoning Apy of Red Bank, asked him Mr. Case, a member of the John Flood, Jr., last night found Bahrs objected, saying it is a ordinance last spring, but Mrwha. t the going price of two-acre borough's Zoning Board of Ad- By Wig Experts Michael Novak, Rahway, not shame "taxpayers have to pay lots is in the township. justment is a civilian instructor guilty on charges of drunken to force these kids to come to "In one other case I know of, at the U.S. Army Signal School, driving but fined him $50 for school." they are getting an average of Fort Monmonth. He is married careless driving. Crossing Noting that he originally had $9,900 for two to three-acre im- and the father of three children. James E. Nielson, 620 Colum- (Continued) recommended that no officer be proved lots, and I just couldn't The term of the new member bia Ave., this place, was fined were at the crossing, after the hired when the school was opened, be competitive at that price," he ends in February. $10 for disregarding a traffic signs were erected, more than 50 Mr. Schaible laid the blame for said. signal; Richard R. Gallagher, 9 per cent of vehicles stopped be- The board will save $800 by the absentee problem on the "There is one other possibility," Hook Harbor Rd., Atlantic High- fore the tracks. leasing two one-year-old portable shoulders of "irresponsible par- Mr. Roche added, "I could sel IACK IN IUSINESS — George Sahinid.s, owner of lands, $5 for making an im- Post spokesman added they classrooms instead of the newents." Some parents wrote ex- the remaining 17 acres, but with proper turn; Edwin Appel, New would not be satisfied until every George's Restaurant in Freehold, cuts meat loaf as hisones originally ordered. cuses for their children saying York City, $10 for speeding, and the cost of the additional im vehicle stopped. Motorists who wife, Anna, watches. Mr. and Mrs. Sahinides hay* re- Superintendent Harold C. Schai- they were ill when they definitely James J. Gosdils, Linden, $15 provements needed to end the ignored the signs were stopped opened their restaurant after having been closed four ble said last night that one of thewere not, the superintendent said. for making an- unsafe turn on and warned, th«y said. street and provide adequate suppliers providing portable units Absentee problems are now * motorcycle. While the VFW post gained ap- drainage, I would lose aboul months because of fire. In background it short order to CIT Educational Buildings, handled by Mrs. Marion Linzmay- proval for one warning device at $24,000." cook, Joseph Orlando of Freehold. Inc., Englewood, had gone bank- er, school nurse, who will contin- one crossing, it won't be satisfied An adjoining property owner, Two complexes of shops, res- rupt. This supplier was the oneue cases concerning health. until all crossings in the county Df. Clarence C. Combs, requested taurant*, cafe*, and theaters line which was to fulfill the board's Three athletic appointments have them, they said. the board not grant the variance busy arcades under Montreal's order. were made by the board. Reap- Mayor Patterson said State 'If I were to sell my property Restaurant Reopened Place Victoria and Place Ville Delivery of the two units, for pointed for the 1966-67 school year Fint wigs of 100% Police, who patrol the township, to a developer, he would be FREEHOLD-Twice closed by On the opposite side are tables Marie. The shopping centers use under the district's $19,570 were Vincent Finn, athletic di- eventually will be linked in a will station a trooper at the cross- bound by the fwo-acre ordi- fires, George's Restaurant on providing teats for two or foui human hair. $39 offl Title I program, could not be rector, at a salary of $400; John two-mile network of underground ing when trains are due to pre-nance," he said, "and the one-East Main St. has reopened and diners. A nook in the rear can made before mid-September. Rent- Rodgers, soccer coach, $400; and streets. vent another accident here. acre development next-door the owners, Mr. and Mrs. George seat eight. al cost of the units was $4,300 Alfred Watson, cross country would depress the value of my Sahinides, are keeping their fin- The restaurant was first closed each for the first year. coach, $250. 59 land." gers crossed that fires don't run by fire in 1965 and again lasl CIT told the board that Ridge- Mrs. Allean Gray, Long Mr. Apy argued that the homes in threes. April when it had smoke and wood has available two portable Branch, was hired to teach sev- Instant glamour) Fine being erected on the other 10 lots Mr. Sahinides first started in water damage. units which had been used sue- nth and eighth grade reading and workmanship, dark and were of such a quality as to ac-the restaurant business 43 years Although twice forced to start essfully in that district for theEnglish at a salary of $5,700. light shades and red. tually enhance adjoining prop- ago with a small eatery on over again, her parents nevei past year. By leasing these, Mr. A $500 salary increase was ap- erty. He said that as more homes South St. From there, he moved lost their desire to give it an Shown in just one style. Schaible said, the board would proved for Richard Fosko, rais- are built, the value would further to Mechanic St. with a 12-chair other try, Miss Sahinides said. ing his annual salary to $8,500. business. In 1951, he opened his Many of their old customeri pay only $3,900 each per year, Mr. Fosko has completed 30 grad- 135-seat restaurant on Main St., have returned, Mrs. Sahinides and would have the classrooms uate credits beyond the mas- which also had a bar. said, when the restaurmt re-j ready for school opening. ter's degree. Three years ago he was brutal- opened last Saturday. Plans have been re-submitted The board voted to thank Thom- Model Home ly beaten by a thief who stole to the state Department of Ed- as Conlon, director of the High- HAND MADE $28 from the restaurant, hii ucation for approval of the lands Youth Corps, and corps brown-eyed wife said. He was :hange. Use Costs members for the work they did out of work for 12 weeks, and is Medal Given WIGLETS %jit The question of a student towel last summer at the school. • 100*/. Spaniih still a sick man. lervice, which has occupied the Another "letter was directed to •air Builder $25 But his injuries apparently Capt. Herrity board periodically since last Aug- the Mayor and Council asking that COLTS NECK-Tiffany Homes have little effect on his culinary FORT MONMOUTH - Capt. ust, was finally settled last night repairs be made to the access Inc., Holmdel Rd., Holmdel, was skills. He, and a short order Joseph F. Herrity of 661 Button- with the purchase of a $2,020 road from Portland Rd. to the Machine-Made fined $25 by Magistrate Seymour! cook, command the kitchen while wool Ave., Long Branch, a stu-commercial washer-dryer com- school. Heavy use is made of J. Kleinberg yesterday for using Mrs. Sahinides handles the cash dent in the Army Signal School's ination. the road by Army vehicles, who a model home to sell other register. WIGLET 0/195 associate career course, was The unit, bought from the Sand- use the route as a shortcut to! • 100'/. him* homes. Joining in the. family business presented the Army Commenda- ford Equipment Company, Irving- Peak St., Board members said. hair 24 is their 17-year-old daughter, PROMOTED — Army The complaint, signed by mu- :ion Medal for meritorious ser- ion, will be used to supply clean Mr. Schaible reported that nicipal zoning officer Walter M. Evelyn, who is staffing the coun- vice in Viet Nam. s»rv» First Lt. James E. ter with other young girls. towels to students at a cost ot| school calendars and home-room No minimum balance Nelson, charged the firm with The presentation was made at $1 per year per student. Most Machine-Made Donovan, was recantly pro- The refurbished restaurant schedules will be mailed to stu- required • Guaranteed operating a business in a resi- ceremonies held by Col. Willard f the school's athletic uniforms dents tomorrow. There will be moted to captain, in ths 78th dential zone in violation of town- seats 85 and is decorated in an-V. Home, director of the Signal Budget Wiglets can be laundered in the unit, no change in the code of dress in proof of payment • Pay tique cherry wood paneling, with School's Department of Command Division at Fort Dix. An ship ordinance. with dry-cleaning savings estimat- force last year. overhead chandeliers. Sparkling Communication. your bills at home and "The basement was furnished alumnus of Seton Hall Uni- Chinese tiles separate the panels A native of Arlington, Va., 100'/. human as an office when I visited the gain more leisure time versity and St. Peter's Col- along the counter wall. Capt. Herrity was graduated from •air building on Mountainside Rd. on 14: ege, Capt. Donovan is em- Belmont Abbey College (N.C.) in Airport • Service is our biggest March 11," Mr. Nelson testified, 1956, and then entered active (Continued) ployed in the accounting "and there were two salesmen asset • Can we help you? Service Station Army duty. He has seen duty in an airport site and to develop a The Allentown field was de- division of New York Tele- and a secretary working there. y •mi Europe as well as in the Farmaster plan for operations, most veloped by a commission made PONY TAIL "I notified them then that this phone Company.'He resides Robbed of $300 East. of the talk among officials in up of representatives of three was a violation, and when I re- with fris wife and four chil HOWELL TOWNSHIP — The In Viet Nam he was assigned dicated agreement that the Mon cities and two counties. Substan- • btra 'on« CENTBA1JERSEY BANK turned in April the office equip- 390 County Line E station, Rt. 9to the 178th Signal Company, mouth site in Wall Township was tial industrial user fees, swell • l«0% hwnaii rxm ft*** bwrwc ,dren at 27 Winthrop PI ment had been removed, but a was robbed of $300 yesterday 41st Signal Battalion, as an area the best suited. the earnings. hair iHailet. man was still there showing the morning by two boys estimated signal coordinator. In Germany This has been attested to b; house and directing people to the The other three fields were all to be 18-19-years old. (1961-63) he was a platoon leader past and recent advisories from company office in Holmdel," he gifts, in their initial stages, from, State Police at the Howell Bar- in the 97th Signal Battalion. Federal Aviation Agency officials, said. the military after World War 2. racks reported that the station He and his wife, the former Freeholder Danskin, who is a At Mercer, today, U.S. Steel is a, COMPLETE i Red Bank attorney Joseph T. attendant, Joseph Higgins, 18, Miss Rebecca Sproles of Arling- student pilot at the Wall field big user and Johnson & Johnson Grause, representing the build- was held at knife point by theton, Va., have two children. and a former Howell Township is planning a substantial avia- WIG SERVICES er, asked Mr. Nelson if other pair who took the money from committeeman, said the Mon- tion section. developers sold houses at their a desk drawer and escaped on mouth facility is an excellent pri- models. foot headed north along Rt. 9. The DuPonts, through a couple Currie vate unit. But, he asked: of subsidiary corporations, help STYLING "Township policy has been to (Continued) "The question is, Do we want allow builders to conduct business develop the Greater Wilmington ular session tonight and, once | in Monmouth County a fine pri- at models in a development," Man Assaulted Airport at New Castle County. again, a packed house is ex- vate field, or a fine public air- Mr. Nelson stated, "but Tiffany And Bethlehem Steel, is a major pected. Supporters for the teach- port?" was using this model to sell With Tire Iron user at the Allentown field. er began rallying forces before He said it is now up to the 5-° homes in other communities. As Monmouth's freeholders are FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP-Wil- the June 23 meeting when the mayors and other municipal of- far as I know, they don't own hopeful that the Fort Monmouth liam McGackin, 24, of 122 Center recommendation of Superinten icials, to give the answer, and any other property in this town- St., Freehold, was assaulted with Army aviation section will be An extension phone can be a great aid ~ keep you dent Thomas C. Garrison and up to the press to keep the pub- Cut & Styled TO BEDship." ? returned to a Monmouth County a tire iron and robbed after two close to family and friends. It's easy on the budget, too. Principal William DiMaio was lic informed. • In HM "The fact that another builder men ran his car off the road lirport from Lakehurst Naval Air The cost Is just pennies a day. To order, simply coll your made public. Mayor Ehret, of Wall, inquired baw tattt is violating the ordinance doesn't with another vehicle. Station. But they have no pledge 7M T$lophone Business Off ice. HEW JERSEY BELL From several sources last night at each stop on the tour of how * CltQMfl Cltfl SFyMfl have any bearing on your case," Mr. McGackin was treated for upon which they can rely.' Oily $1.50 came indications that these sup- municipalities or counties where Magistrate Kleinberg ruled, add- cuts and abrasions and released airports are situated are reim- With 780 acres, officials agreed porters will not be content, even ing: "If you wanted to you could from Fitkin Hospital, Neptune. bursed for tax losses due to pub- the Wall Airport could be de- when Mr. Currie's tenure is ac file a complaint against all the His wallet contained $5 or $10, ic ownership. veloped Into a fine functioning WIG BOXES other?." State Police reported. knowledged officially by Mr. plant. It would not be as large Groezinger. He was told that all structures • Store veur and operations not involved In however as Wilmington, 1,400; Reported objectives of the wlf for public aviation are taxable or are 850 at Allentown; 1,000 at Mer- trawl or FURNITURE CO. hard-core force which now seeks subject to payments to the gov-cer, and 800 at Reading. or kern to "clean house" on the board erning body in lieu of taxes. The other airports, all splc and KEYPORT, N. J. nclude: WEST Mr. Ehret said later he wasipan and equipped with adminis- Ouster Move? SEE OUR 264-0181 satisfied on that question and ration buildings which have cost ' Demanding the resignation the issue of operating deficits. He upwards of $300,000 each, sparkle of board president Mrs. Margaret COMPLETE LINE said the figures produced for op-in comparision, but Monmouth of- Boyle and members Harold C. rations were negligible, com- ficials agreed that only a little OF WIG Lovett and Douglas Foulks. pared to the assets produced as magination was needed for them ACCESSORIES — Seeking replacement of a result of existence of the air-to envision a first class plant in Mr. DiMaio. jort. Monmouth. — Seeking replacement "I have learned clearly for the ' board attorney William E. "And we want no less than a irst time," the mayor said, "that irst class airport," Mr. Fink de- Open Mon. and Fri. evenings 'til 9 Russell. federal money which is so vital clared. Board majority member John o an undertaking of this kind Ryan could not be reached Robert C. Bellas, county pro- :an come only with a public motion director, arranged the pro- 'or confirmation of a report that iwnership. Banking by mail? he will level - sharp criticism of gram, including meetings with "About the operating deficits, board secretary Mrs. Mary Lou irport spokesmen. All who greet- think many people, like my- Ackerman tonight and will ask ed the Monmouth visitors were Now that is convenience! self, had believed the figures were her to resign. Mrs, Ackerman •rimed with information and hos- stronomical. But they are very Think of the time, effort, and traveling you olds tenure in her position. litality. mall compared to what they do could save—in bad weather or good—all year Believed to be aligned with the "I never recall," said Mr. Ir- producing payrolls and over- board majority and the adminis- in, "making a trip to get in- around, if you took advantage of our popular II effect on the economy." trators, Mrs. Ackerman is the formation when I got so much banking-by-mai/ service! Quick, safe, a great Additional enthusiasm, plus a daughter of the teacher who nom- information clear and definite as convenience . . . from yOur home or office, lea for a cautious approach, nated the Teacher Association it each of these stops." :ame from Mr. Fink, who is gen- through your nearest mailbox. late of officers which defeated At Wilmington, largest of those eral manager of the 3M Com- a ticket headed by Mr. Currie in isitcd, the spokesman said that Ask or write for our free RIDING SCHOOL, INC. pany, Freehold, and Freehold une. iperating losses from the air- banking-by-mail forms NOW! 219 Holland Road, Middletown, N. J. Mayor Gibson. sort alone would approximate Robert H. Murray, a teacher BUDGET WIGS Though Mr. Fink didn't use the 180,000 a year if it were not for IS NOW ACCKFl'ING STUDENTS who quit in anger when Me. word "condemnation," employ- n industrial park and 100-unit FOR ITS FALL SEMESTER, . "urrie was fired, and who was ment of which he has criticized in ousin(! site operated as part of 100% Human Hair ubscquently given a contract by run mi SEPTEMBER 12th TO JANUARY:29th,19B7. the past he said he believed that he venture. The result in total he Union Beach Board of Edu- a settlement on purchase could s a SS.T.OOO net profit. ction, has charged that the win- Offering Beginner Through Advanced Instruction • be reached with Mr. Brown. The jjroup learned that airpnrt $' MONEY ; slate was "hand-picked by Professional Instructors • Adult Classes • Two "To have a first class airport," affs for the operating agency •m vlr. DiMaio." OulsideCourscs • JiinipiiigArenii • New Indoor Ring lie said, "we have learned Hint iin|5« between 20 and ,10. They Glamour in a HIM • Beautiful Trails • Half Mile Track • Evening Classen it must he publicly owned. There re kept so low hecause all ser- Few Moments A HELPING HANI) ices are provided by a [iwd MIL. All;YeariRoimd|'lj()Acres.Devot(:d;toIIorse|nnd Rider. is no reason why the county and Dark Shades Only. I.ICIITENIIURG, .Smith Africa Mr. Brown can't ytt:t together on operator and concession- (AP) — A brief exchniiRP in a mutually satisfactory terms if ire.s. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION l'l.I-ASK CAM. court case here: the proper people sit down with Usually Hie field operator de- Magistrate: What do YOU do (orhim and make n fresh start " rives a smiill landing fee, a fixed MR.orMRS.l'REDRICW.STAFFOKUiiUi71-10ri7 a living? "This is a necessary project," nmntint on each gallon of f,as. and Witness: I help my lather. Mayor Cibsim said. rentals from all Imildin/js. Often RIDING SHOP ON PREMISES Magistrate: And what does MONMOUTH In all [our fields visited, Ihn huildiiiKs are erected liy the con- your father do? VISITORS WELCOME Moiimoulh delegation found that cessionaire on land leased from Witness: He is looking for work, each had either gotten a the airport operator under terms' SHOPPING Convenient Office* Throughout Monmoufh County See Our Students Ilorso Show, Sept. 3rd, 0:00 A.M. start with outside resources which require the facility (o bo- MEMIER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Sell Fasti Tha Dally Register had substantial revenue from a come property of the airport at CENTER Classified. particular tenant. expiration of the tense. 4—Thursday, August 18,1966 THE DAILY REGISTER Sagotaky I» Appointed Groundbreaking Rites Zoning Board Attorney COLTS NECK — Samuel S. Fight Didn't Sagotsky, Freehold lawyer, lut OBITUARIES Slated for Monmouth night was appointed attorney to Start in Pool FORT MONMOUTH-Ground- Building 2092. The first of the the Zoning Board of Adjustment breaking ceremonies are to be three new buildings will stand MRS. CATHERINE FALLER MRS. CHARLES A. PIERCE The board voted to pay Mr. KEANSBURG - Borough Man- held at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow for there and will be occupied by HAZLET — Mrs. Catherine HILLSIDE — Mrs. Mary C ager C. Bernard Blum acknowl- Sagotsky $75 per meeting until Compher, 57; the first of three new build- the Signal School's Department Jan. 1. Chairman Frank C. Roe Hunter Faller, 79, of 81 Fleet- Pierce, 54, of 1008 Avy St., died edged in a letter to former May- ings, to be constructed for the of Command Communications. explained that this arrangement yesterday in her home. or Louis T. Collicchio, Sr., made U.S. Army Signal School under The two others, one in the 800 wood Dr., died yesterday in Riv- is being made to enable the board Ex-President She is a sister of Mrs. Albert public last night, that police blot- the $1 million program an area and the other in the 900 rview Hospital, Red Bank. Burgess of Union Beach. ter entries stating that a fight nounced in Washington last area, will be occupied, respec to determine the retainer lea for Of State PGA Born in Jersey City, she had Mrs. Pierce, a beautician, op- started at Belvedere pool on the week. tively, by the Audio Visual and the attorney. rated a beauty salon in her night of July 16 were incorrect. tiie Radar divisions of the De- RUMSON - Frederic M. Com- lived here nine years. She was Brig. Gen. Thomas M. Rlenzi ADVERTISEMENT home the past four years. the Signal School commandant partment of Specialist Training. pher, 57, of 1 Park Ave. died married to the late John J. Fal- "From my investigation, 1 Besides Mrs. Burgess, she is will be the host, and among the The architects are Slingerland Tuesday on the Suburban Golf ler. She was a communicant of could not find any evidence of survived by her husband, Charles speakers will be Brig. Gen. & Booss of New York and the FAT OVERWEIGHT Course, Union. fight or any unruly behavior St. Benedict's Catholic Church. A. Pierce; three brothers, James William B. Latta, commanding contractor is Construction, Ltd. Available lo IMI wilhwt e OKttr'i prt- that had actually started in the oarlMK. Mr. Compher owned Parkway Surviving are two daughters, Clark of Elizabeth, Joseph Cac- general of the U.S. Army Elec- of Bordentown. The first of the icrlplion, our produtt pool," Mr. Blum's letter stated. You mull loll u»ly tot V your momy Esso stations on the Garden Mrs. Gertrude Wunder, with chioli of Wayne Township and tronics Command and of Fori buildings—that on Sherrill Ave. back. Odrinax It o tiny tabM iM Willy . .The entire incident happened iwollowrt ett rid tl txau to! emd State Parkway at Iselin and Co- whom she lived, and Mrs. Anna John Clark of Clark Township Monmouth, and Rep. James J —is scheduled for completion on the outside, in the street and Nov. 15 and the other two, by lln loiwr. Odr/MX cottl H.M o-d lonia. Marie Silver of Jersey City, and and another sister, Mrs. Rober Howard, D-NJ, 3d Dist. it told on Mill guaranttt: if not Sfrtil- the parking lot." Joseph D'Alois Dec. 1. fied for any reaiwi, juil nfom 1hi He was .btfrn in Doubs, Md., 12 grandchildren. Scales of Hillside. The construction program en- jackogo lo your druggist ond git yiur and lived in Hillside for many A Requiem High Mass will be Mr. Collicchio had contended visages the erection of three The Sherrill Ave. building wil lull money back. No quettiont os^rd. A' Requiem Mass will be of- modern buildings especially de- be 200 feet long by 60 feet wide Odrlntx li lilt with tills guoronln By: years before moving to Rumson fered in St. Benedict's Church at offered at 9 a.m. tomorrow in that police blotter entries stat- 25-YearMan LITTLE SILVER FAMILY PHARMACY signed for academic purposes and the others slightly undei in Prolpoct Avtnui, cor. Church St. 12 years ago. Christ the King Catholic Church, ing the fight had started at the 0 a.m. Saturday. Burial, under EATONTOWN — Joseph and the general rehabilitation of half that size. Mall Ord.il FllHd He provided the trophy for Hillside. Interment, under the di- pool were erroneous and had ad- the direction of the John W. VAloia of Matawan has c e I e- a total of 64 wooden World Wa the annual Compher Cup golf rection of Haeberle and Barth Mehlenbeck Funeral Home, will versely affected his business. irated his 25th anniversary with II buildings. The new buildings matches between New Jersey Funeral Home, 971 Clinton Ave., be in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Key- he Bendix Corp. He is supervi- will be the first permanent struc- and Pennsylvania amateur Mr. Blum added, "My opinion port. Services will be held by Irvington, will be In St Gertrude or of production assembly at tures erected at Fort Monmouth teams, and was president of the is that a statement should be the church's Rosary-Altar Society Cemetery, Rahway. he Bendix plant here. in the past 10 years. New Jersey Amateur Golf Asso- made correcting any, interpreta- Mr. D'Aloia and his wife, the ciation from 1958 -to 1960. He in the funeral home at 8 p.m. to- tion that may have been in the The ceremonies are to take also had served as the associa- morrow. newspapers as to a fight or any ormer Mrss Mary Maletto of place in the open area on Sher- tion's vice president and tourna- Anderson behavior in the pool necessitat- led Bank, are' lifetime Mon- rill Ave. to the west of Squie nouth County residents. Hall and directly in front o! MEMBER MEMIII ment chairman. WILLIAM T. GILGANNON ing police action in the poo) Mr. Compher was a member Resumes area." of Suburban Gol1. Club and HAZLET - William T. Gil TRAVEL AGENCY,HC He added, however, "I oo not Pinehurst Country Club in Pine- gannon, 46, of 341 Middle Rd., Serving Monmourh Ceunty for 18 Yeori hurst, N.C. died Tuesday in Rahway Hospital Board Duty find any evidence of anyone try- ® A former member of Beacon after a short illness. ing to falsify any, police records HOLMDEL — After more than although I believe that a better 144 BROAD ST., RED BANK Hill Country Club, Leonardo, Mr. Mr. Gilgannon was born in Rah- six month's absence, Board of choice of words could have been JM around the carter from aur former effica at Compher was a member of the way and lived there most of his Education member John Ander- made." 10 RECKLESS PUCE club's board of directors and life before moving here nine was one of the persons most re- son returned last night to re- years ago. sume his duties on the board. The letter, which was mailed to- •read Strtct and Queen Ann* Drive, Shrewsbury—747-55S5 sponsible for the expansion of day, had not yet been received by Telephone 741-5080 He was manager for Fredco, A petition signed by Mrs. Alma Open Sundays 8 A.M. to S P.M. that course from nine to 18 Mr. Colicchio. It was released to You e«n raitrv* and pick up airline, itaamship, but ind Inc., of the appliance departments . Beceiro, former board mem- holes. he press, however, with Mr. Col- OriN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY EVENINSS TILL 9:00 Jour tie leafs, hoial and rasort «r»a rtiervntiom at our off] eat. in Bradlee's Family Circle Stores ber, had charged that Mr. An- Described by Andy Sikora icchio's permission after he read IT COSTS NO MORE TO BOOK THROUGH in Laurelton, Eatontown and Key-derson was not a bona fide resi- SCOnS LAWN PRODUCTS SPREAD FREE! longtime professional at Beacon copy given to him by Council' YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT Hill, as an "active member, ac- port. dent of the township and thus not man Alphonsus McGrath. Mldnn purchaM $40—Money-lack Guarantee tive player," Mr. Compher won Mr, Gilgannon was a captain qualified for membership on the the Andy Sikora Trophy match with Mohawk Airlines for seven xiard. play championship and the years until 1963 when he retired He told reporters last night that .Snowbirds (winter) title in 1964 because of ill health. the charges will be dropped and r Surviving are his wife, Agnes He was a lieutenant in the Navy he will continue as a board mem- -Titus Compher; a son, Frederic ber. ~~1/L. Compher, Jr., of Mountainduring World War II and the _*ide; a brother, Carlton Com- Korean War, serving as a pilot Mr. Anderson, residing in Ocean _pher of Sun City, Calif.; a sister, and instructor. County last December when the J.1rs. Lois Thomas of Adamston Mr. Gilgannon was a member charges were filed, has been ~JiW., and three grandchildren. of Joseph Dietz Post 361, Catho- building a house off Line Rd., BAYSHORE FURNITURE and has lived in Ocean County if Services will be at the Mc- lic War Veterans, Rahway, and pending completion of the build- iftracken Funeral Home, Union, the Airline Pilots Association of -tomorrow at 10 a.m. Burial will ing. He formerly America. lived in and WAREHOUSE OUTLET T3>e in Fair View Cemetery, Mid owned a house at Newstead *OU> KOTOW AUCTION -tiletown. Rev. Kenneth Stump] He was a member of Holy Homes here. HIGHWAY 36 AT MOLE A*C "jpf Holy Cross Lutheran Churcli Family Catholic Church, Union "In Springfield will officiate. Beach. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Drivers Fined ~_ DOUGLAS RIGNEY Jane McCormack Gilgannon; a MATAWAN TOWNSHIP-Mag- -? RED BANK — Douglas Rigney, son, Dennis W. Gilgannon and istrate Lloyd Elgart Tuesday y5, of 94 Throckmorton Ave., six daughters, Patricia A., The- fined Michael Dangerfield, Plain- I yesterday at Riverview Hos^ resa J.,Ann W., Jane, Beth, and field, a total of $65 tor driving r '. after a short illness. Mary Gilgannon, all at home; without a registration in his pos- r_ Mr. Rigney, a retired engineer three brothers, James P. Gil session and for driving without : at Fort Monmouth, had lived here gannon of Scotch Plains, John a license. He also received a :;25 years. J. Gilgannon of Rahway and Rob-suspended sentence of 10 days in - He is survived by his wife, ert E. Gilgannon of Mountain Top, the county jail. SPECIAL GET ACQUAINTED SALE! 3vlay K. Rigney; a son, Douglas Pa., and a sister, Mrs. Mary Edmond Karwowski, Bloom- ^TRigney of Livingston; two daugh- Glassett of Rahway. 'ield, was assessed $15 for de- fective rear lights and $50 for ters, Ruth Rigney, at home, and A High Requiem Mass will be contempt of court. =3WCJ Mother Mary Martin, Pas offered Saturday at 9 a.m. in Fined $20 each for careless Tidena, Calif. Also surviving is a Holy Family Church, Union driving were Shane Weir, sister, Sister Rigney, Religious of Beach. Burial will be in St. Jo- 29 Union Ave., Manasquan; John ~the Cenacle. seph's Cemetery, Keyport, under _Jg $39>95 Zan Eenannaam, Clifton, and 8 Piece •z- A Requiem Mass will be cele- direction of the John W. Mehlen Raymond Finnegan, 71 Ivyhill Black & Flora. Print -Reg. $395 229 Modem — bra ted tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. in beck. Funeral Home, Hazlet. The Dr., Matawan. ;st. James Catholic Church. Fu* funeral will leave the funeral Carolyn Harris, Paradise Trail- Vfefaut ; neral arrangements are being home at 8 o'clock. The Rosary T Park, Atlantic Highlands, was Rag. $779 "handled by the William S. Ander- NHLYIV96D Society services will be held in fined $10 for driving without a li- Now "lion Funeral Home, Red Bank. the funeral home tomorrow at cense in her possession and $5 Pi MODERN SECTIONAL $238 8 p.m. for delinquent return of sum- Z - DEATH NOTICE Maltese Fabric Jteg. $399 " TIERCE. Miry c.

could be a new vested

suit by Joshua Trent.

The house of J. Kridel

features them in

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ranker federal JUiervo iv'itm/rtdtral O>poill Ituuranco Corp The Register's Opinion 'Glad Roth Of Yon Are All Set For A Nice Long Stay |CA. Johnston: Courthouse Sfoia 'Ev9 Charlie' Show Democratic candidates for county freeholder posts, Bruce Back to the Conference Table Mangan and Alfred E. Sanders, are offering campaign audi- Regardless of past charges and the sanctions are hurting no one but ences their own portrayal of a Democratic "Ev and Charlie" countercharges of bad faith, some the students—and, of course, they are •bow. good faith has been shown in the con- right. "Ev and Charlie" were Republican Sen. Everett Dirksen and Rep. Charles Halleck flict between the Red Bank Board of The controversy has been going on when, as congressional minority leaders, in Education and the Red Bank Teachers' for a long time and negotiation, un- the Kennedy administration they made week- Association. fortunately, does not appear to be ly television appearances. the answer. The teachers are hanging A week ago the Democratic freeholder In an effort to bring a speedy con- hopefuls were called on at an Ocean Town- clusion to the dispute and their sanc- on to their right to invoke sanctions ship lawn party to fill in a 45-minute gip tions against the board, the teachers in cases where the board refuses to before arrival of Rep. James J. Howard. have said they would submit, the few . submit an issue to arbitration, as it Instead of making individual talks and remaining differences to arbitration is doing now, and cases where the telling jokes, they shared the platform and board does not want to be bound by "conversed." Later they took questions and be bound by the decision. JOHNSTON from the floor and spelled one another with the decision of arbitrators. They put the offer in the form of answers. But if a three-man board of arbi- a letter to the board two weeks ago. Pleased with the results on a basis of reactions from the trators upheld the Board of Educa- crowd, they have adopted the plan as part of a regular format So far, there has been no response. tion, the teachers would drop their where suitable. We feel it was a constructive move sanctions and sign their extra-duty "There were Republicans in the audience, even some Ocean and at least deserves a reply. Grove Republicans," said an observer, "and they joined the contracts for the coming school year. The teachers are negotiating a Democrats in giving approval so now it's part of the act" It sounds like a reasonable offer. ** * * written negotiation pact with the Some members of the board have AT THE OUTSET, the Democrats have found a vulnerable board and the two sides are in agree- agreed to it — but the entire board spot in the Republican machine on the issue of a county air- ment on the bulk of it But the teach- has not. port. ers want a professional say in edu- "Government by panic" is an apt description of tome of The board has suggested a citi- the early steps which were taven under the gun of a fast ap- cational policy and an open door to zens' committee to investigate the as- the bargaining table on all subjects. proaching deadline to qualify for consideration for federal aid. sociation's charge of bad faith. Under There is no denying that "studies" made in the past were The board wants the teachers to sur- other circumstances we might agree. inadequate to substantiate the action being taken. That rs render the future threat of sanctions. But there is no time for that now. not to say that studies would not prove the need, only to point On those points the negotiations broke out there were no professional documents upon which the Either a citizens' committee or the board was proceeding. down. We can understand the board's board of arbitrators, suggested by the feelings on the sanctions issue. A With the employment of a consultant, however, the free- teachers, should get to the heart of holders soon will have gotten to the starting point they should threat of that type should not be used the dispute without delay. There are have taken three years ago when the first proposal for acquisi- by the teachers. many outstanding Red Bank residents tion of the Monmouth Airport in Wall Township felt through. Mr. Mangan raises some questions in defense of private It was the teachers who broke off who, we are certain, would be willing ownership which it would seem he should also answer If fie the talks, we were sorry to see, and to serve on such a committee. The Intends them seriously. it is up to them to arrange their board and the teachers would select The freeholders, through Director Joseph C. Irwin, hive resumption. the group's members. Then an investi- stated that federal aid which is basic to purchase of an air- port, or airport site, is available only to a public ownership. This the teachers say they will do gation of the issues should begin. Furthermore, he says, FAA operational aids and instru- shortly—as soon as they have com- Even those courses of action would ments so important to an all-weather airport will not be as- pleted a redraft of their version of take some time to arrange, so the signed to a private field unless, of course, it is in use by the the proposed written agreement. teachers should not delay another day Sylvia Porter: Your Money's Worth military or another government agency. Immediately would not be too in calling both sides back to the con- Mr. Mangan says he is not so sure that Uncle Sam would not grant money to a co-operative venture in which the county soon. If the teachers' sanctions con- ference table—even if their- redrafted would assist a privately-owned operation. He sayi, also, that tinue much longer there will not be negotiation pact is not finished. he thinks Fort Monmouth might assign its airplanes to such a football team at Red Bank High Time is flying. The youngsters are Mail Order Land Gyps a field, thus making the site eligible for FAA instruments and personnel. School this fall and, if they continue buying their notebooks and clothes "Never In the history of real estate trans- Nevertheless, it's estimated that much of These appear as logical questions which the consultant into the school year, there will not for the fall term. And we would like actions ha* • buyer of land stood so naked the $1 billion in Florida real estate now up to be employed by the county undoubtedly can be expected of legal protection ti does the purchaser of for sale is uninhabitable. be any extra-curricular activities in to see a full school program ready to deal with in due time. It may be, however, that he won't remote promotional subdivision land. Moreover, according to Fred E. Fogarty, any pf the schools. Both sides claim for them when they get there. have answers before the Nov. 8 election. Therefore, if Mr. "Usually the buyer receives no title until real estate editor of The Miami Herald, "the -he makes the final install- actual cost of the land can be incidental com- Mangan expects to attract votes to his column with this ap- ment payment. Often his pared to the expense of making it suitable proach he should also do some research and produce answera County, Municipal Government Study contract is not recorded. for human habitation. You can buy an acre which voters can ponder. * * • The state has undertaken a noble Municipalities must begin to pool The buyer may find that parcel for $500, but the cost of raising that when he has made all of acre up above the flood level with fill dirt E. DONALD STERNER, Monmouth County planning board project with the appointment of a their efforts in providing services. his payments he will have may cost you $2,000." chairman, plans to draw a parallel on the needs for "pennies committee to study county and The duplication of effort that now difficulty in obtaining a * * * from Heaven" and "Pennies from Trenton" in a talk at Asbury municipal governments. The unit was exists is costing taxpayers a great deed from his seller who IN CALIFORNIA, which has enacted the Park today. approved by the legislature last deal of money. may then be dead, oi in nation's most comprehensive subdivision law Mr. Sterner said yesterday he will outline to the Kiwanis bankruptcy, or out of spring. Its job will be to look into The time has not come, we know, regulating sight-unseen lots for sale by out- Club, at a luncheon meeting at the Elks' home, hit views of state ..." of-state pitchmen, an estimated 10,000 acres an equal need for rain for arid farms ind cash (or narrow the functions and activities of county These b when many of our smaller municipali- <*«"'•*«">» y a year are still being offered for sale by roads. The absence of both, he contends, has dealt Monmouth a ]aw profegg,,,. ,t fot Urn. and local governments with an eye ties would even think of joining with outrOf-statem to CaUfornians. All a promoter County's economy a severe blow. toward economy. their neighbors to form a larger mu- versify of California, quoted recently by New has to do to evade the law is to stay outside * * • Jersey Democratic Senator Harrison- A. Wil- When the legislation authorizing nicipality. Local autonomy, especially state borders. THE DEMISE of the New York Herald Tribune,, during a liams, underline the frustrating fact that In New Mexico; a promoter was recently the committee originally was intro- in Monmouth, is much too strong for despite a nationwide spurt of new laws to coma following a series of fractures in financial and labor pit- convicted of mail fraud after he had collected falls, has brought condolences from the mighty. So, perhaps, duced, there was discussion of con- that. But the time has come when crack, down on mail order land peddlers, $3,5(10,000 from gullible investors throughout a short prayer from an ex-copy boy some years removed the gypsters still are reaping huge profits the U.S. and in 26 foreign countries. solidating smaller communities into cost-conscious towns will listen when would be forgiven. on useless desert and swampland. In Oregon about 400,000 acres of land are larger ones. But the law, as passed, it comes to, say, sharing a road de- * • « In 1941 and 1942, there was a rapid turnover of young men mentions only the possibility of joint up tor sale. The significant factor is, as Ore- partment or going into a regional AMONG THE BIGGEST victims of fraudu- gon journalist Samuel T. Frear told the Sen- in those select $15 a week roles of servitude at the feet of ventures by county and municipal school program. lent mail order land sales today, aa always, ate subcommittee on Securities', that: "out- journalistic greats of the present and future. Selective Service made the lojourns short but they are no less memorable. governments. We are pleased that the governor are those least able, physicajly or financially, otataters are being sold five or 50 acres of This was the Herald Tribune of Stanley Woodward, George Governor Hughes this week named has chosen Irving E. Keith, former to inspect the property they are buying for high desert sagebrush for $15 down and $15 retirement, recreation or "investment" pur- forever." Fielding. Eliot, Homar Bigart (before ne deserted , for The the committee members—and the se- Republican assemblyman from Mon- poses. The elderly alone, it's estimated, pro- A bill designed to protect mail-order land Times), Lucius Beebe, Bob Peck, Barrett McGurn, Marguerite lection comes at a good time particu- mouth, and Myles J. Gilsenan, an at- vide a $700 million a year market for the buyers against unscrupulous promoters has Hlggins, Lessing Engelking, Fred Sink, Dick Tobln, John larly for Monmouth County. More and torney of West Allenhurst, to serve land peddlers. Uncounted lower-income fami- been introduced in Congress by Sen. Wil- Rogers, Emma Bugbee, Clementine Paddleford, Richard L. more, in recent months, there has on the committee. They will bring to lies are falling for advertisements for jungle liams, but chances for passage this year Watts and Otis Gurnesey, himself a copy carrying alumnus, lots and leva beds from Australia to Hawaii. are bleak. To you this means that until the and many others. ' been discussion of consolidating mu- the committee's deliberations many of Florida, where overpriced swampland gaps in today's state laws are filled, the No greater education could be had in the close study of nicipal functions—mainly in the areas the problems that Monmouth has en- peddling burgeoned into a national scandal individual land-buyer must obey this cardinal digging out news, evaluating, researching documenting, and of sewerage systems, police depart- countered in regard to consolidation a few years ago, has enacted new laws to rule: don't buy land which you have never presenting it. In those couple of years, and for many after- control such land sales and protect investors. ments, and garbage disposal. Some of of services. seen and about which you know nothing. wards The Trlb was New York'a most readable journal, enter- taining as 'it informed. For those who put it together, it was the talk already has advanced With the appointment of this com- to the reality stage. a labor of love and challenge, a thrill for even those only mittee, New Jersey has taken another John Chamberlain: These Days remotely involved. There is no question that the com- big step in assisting municipal and Ogden Reid, and his wife, Helen Rogers Reid, who had mittee, if it fulfills its function, will county governments. The high cost of more bounce and carried more authority than any woman provide new and important informa- government operation demands that I've seen except Geraldine L. Thompson, pretty modi kept tion to aid municipal and county Profit-Sharing or Strikes the Herald Tribune faithful to Horace Greeley and James all efforts be made to bring about Gordon Bennett. A dedicated Republican voice, it wag never, governments. economy. ' Unless there is a war on, a really and Ways and Means, who is a Democrat, and however, hackneyed or blinded by partisanship. truly declared war in which everyone's ef- Representative John W. Byrnes, a leading The legend of Stanley Woodward's removal ai sports forts, travels and consumption are subject Republican member of the committee, have editor in the 40's, during the first of mtny economy crushes to patriotic control without favoritism, there in their possession a bill drafted by E. S. which were to come, perhaps bears some significance for Robert S. Allen, Paul Scott: Inside Washington is no possible way in a democracy of mak- Hall of Farmington, Conn., that might ac- the union members whose demands have put the old lady In ing people work by cum- complish just such a thing. her grave. pulsory methods. Instinc- 9 Mr. Hall, a familiar Don Quixote on Woodward was asked to recommend the names of staff tive knowledge of this Capitol Hill, has been urging his idea on rather than any profession- members who could be fired to help cut down the sports de- Castro s Atrocities Are Detailed Congress for a long time. What he proposes al cowardice or deHnquence partment budget. He replied: "Red Smith (the famed columnist) is to give tax advantages to corporations WASHINGTON - Communist dictator commission, the refugees Informed Dr. Be- is what has made both and Stanley Woodward." The management accepted, at least that are willing (o cut their workers in for Fidel Castro is committing atrocities against nito's committee: Congress and the President as far as Woodward was concerned, and he was gone. So a share of profits. The ingenious thing about political prisoners as hideous as any per- "On Uie nth day of May, from day- wary in their handling of now are all of the others. petrated by Hitler during Would War II. break to sundown the following day, 28th of tfie airline strike. Mr. Hall's scheme is that it offers a formula The Inter-American Commission on Hu- May, 196 political prisoners were executed for determining the "investment worth" of man Rights of Uie Organi- by firing squads at the U Cabana Fortress When a person is a a worker's time. Mr. Hall would pay profits skilled man, the absurdity zation of American Slates in Havana. Each firing squad was made up equally on money invested in a business and Cynic's Corner By fotcrludl of attempting to chain him has detailed reports of a of three militiamen and one officer. on the time worked as measured by wages. CHAMBERLAIN to a work bench becomes mass execution of 184 pris- 'The gravity of such deeds is made even A man earning $7,000 a year would get the particularly obvious. Certainly It stands to oners whose blood was worse when it is known that the prisoners, same amount of profit at the end of a year reason that anyone wiih a transferable skill before being executed, were forcedly sub- as an Investor who had pui $7,000 into the drained from their bodies i» not going to stay put very long in a lime jected to the extraction of seven pints of company's machinery. before (hey were shot. of high employment if he doesn't like the blood. This blood was sold lo the North Viet * • * The blood obtained in deal he Is getting. Air line machinists have Nam embassy in Havana at the rate of JO this inhuman manner was distinctly transferable skills, so how are you MR. HALL FIGURES it is only justice U.S. dollars per pint." sold to North Viet Nam for going to keep them from drifting away from to consider that a year of "life" invested in vise by its troops fighting • • • their present jobs if they figure they are a business is worth a dividend equal to that in South Viet Nam. earned by the money equivalent of the year's ALLEN DAMAGING EVIDENCE—One eyewit- getting the short end of the stick in an Soviet military doctor*, ness, who was forced lo work at the prison economy of rising prices? work. He is also right on the mathematical principle that "things equal to the same thing who are conducting anti-pain experiments on but fled Cuba after the mass execution, is * * . * prisoners at La Cabana Fortress, Havana, quoted in a document filed with the OAS are equal to each other." directed the blood extractions. commission ai follows: THE BASIC REASON for labor's defi- Mr. Hall's scheme is entirely permissive. ance of Ihe Johnson 3.2 per cent guidelines These and other previously unpublished "Soviet doctors in charge of .scientific As I understand it, he would relieve cor- i» the rise in corporate profits, which went accounts of the bestial treatment of anli- experiments at Ihe prison directed the blood porations that accepted his scheme of the up by some 15 per cent after taxes last C'aslro Cubans were turned extractions. In most instances, the extracting burden of the so-called "double taxation" of yenr. A profit rise does not bother the over to the OAS Commit- of blood from the prisoners caused loss of dividends. The shared profits would be taxed sophisticated economist, who knows that tee by Dr. Mipnel Angel and paralysis." only as income to people. Hall allies quite Denilo, neutral secre- profits go hack, by way of Investment, into convincingly that "when employers and em- machinery that makes more Jobs at belter tary (if the Comini.s.sion for ployees are limited partners receiving their THEMILY rates of pay. Thv spread between wages ami Humane Treatment of Po- parts of profit or lass, they will all Iry to profits ha» never been aa iniquitous as (he litical Prisoners in Cuba, REGISTER increase profit and prevent loss." Limited Marxintn would have the working man be- 'I his Miami-based or- |>uclii<-is would surely have less incentive « - THURSDAY, AUGUST' 18, ]%« lieve, liven so, workers, like other people, lo strike. ganization, which iv work- are subject lo envy. And it Is a standing «« RriHUI Ml., HM Bank, N. J. Profit-sharing is one way of attacking Ing through the OAS in an wonder to me that people with mine influ- SH HI. M. MlddlrUmo, N. i. the strike issue on Ihe flank. Another way effort to liberate the 80,000 M Kaat Main HI., rr*rhitld. N. J. ence over economic decision/! can't figure would he to extern! the coverage of existing political prisoners languish- (Hit a way of harnes»ing (he driving power ing in Castro prisons and • aMk. 1171 hj Jaka II. <:M> aM IrMrr *rrlnltv mall. 10 f«nlt profit drive. It so happens that chairman? < workers in transport have no good check on * have been parjA confirmed by the OAS ; I mn||0ia-l I l month -91 M ;, Wilbur Mills of the House Committee or? the decisions of their leaders. qrob you?" Two Men Win Thursday, August 18, 1966—7 THE DAILY REGISTER Suggestion Ideas FORT MONMOUTH - C»sh! awards of $U each were given Demos Hit to Alphonse Stabile of Eaton- town, and Stephen C. Thomas, Late Hour Hazlet, for adopted suggestions under .the Army Incentive Awards Program. For Hearings Both Fort Monmouth employees MIDDLETOWN — At a recent work in the Combined Main- meeting of the New Monmouth tenance Office. Mr. Stable is an Democratic Club in Buck Smith's electronic test equipment re- Restaurant, East Keansburg, Ed- TODAY thru SATURDAY pair leader, and Thomas is an ward J. Roth, Democratic candi- electronic equipment lead fore- date for Township Committee, de- man. clared that the present a,ll-Re- Mr. Stabile's suggestion recom- publican governing body is trying mended the rerouting of a steam to discourage the taypayer from and hot water pipe in a building. bringing his problems before the The award to Mr. Thomas was committee meetings. for his submitted idea of install- School Bags ing handrails on stairs leading Mr. Roth said, 'The public to a loading platform between must wait until the end of the OIHC 1.98 two buildings. meeting to present its problem w Morocci to the committee. This means oin Texon" DOUSE CAR FIRE the taxpayer must sit through FAIR HAVEN — A car fire hours of routine business before 1.44 was quickly extinguished by local being heard. This is a subtle firemen at 25 Laurel Dr. yes- attempt to block out public com- terday. ments and criticism. WALT DISNEY Police Chief Carl Jakubecy said Including his fellow Democratic the fire'was confined to the ve- candidate for committee, Thomas KINDERGARTEN MILTON BRADLEY'S hicle's engine. The car is owned J. Ames, Mr. Roth continued, ASSORTMENT TWISTER GAME by W. S. Lewin. "Tom Ames and I propose to re- As setn on TV ... . ^,. store the public portion of the A stocking feet game. \*|hh No injuries were reported. f fV¥ meeting to the 9:30 p.m. hour as A9ts 8 to adult. Two to four players. List it was done when Democrats $5. R*g. 3.49. were on the committee. We pro- I pose to give the taxpayer every opportunity to be heard." JEWELRY DEPT. Members nominated the follow ing officers: Joseph P. Caliendo, FOLD-AWAY SUITCASES president; Mrs. Douglas C. Dono- FOLDS LIKE AN ENVELOPE hoe, vice president; Mrs. Ed- FOR EASY STORAGE. ward B. Roberts, recording sec- Opens In seconds Into a 1S" folding boo. retary, and Mrs. William R. Bal- full site suitcase. Fash- Lilt 4.98 bach, treasurer. ioned In the latest tapes- 18" folding bag FOAM PADDED try cloth. Heavy duty Lilt 5.98 1.57 Mr. Caliendo, club chairman, handle for easy carrying. 21" folding bag announced that election of of- Three sties to choose, Lilt 4.98 1.97 ficers will be held at the next ALUMINUM CHAISE LOUNGE meeting Thursday, Sept. 8, in WITH WHEELS. Five adjustable po- Buck Smith's at 9 p.m. sitions from upright to flat. Button tufted supported vinyl mattress. REG. 16.97 Files Charge When You Need It, 7-WEB ALUMINUM CHAISE !£ 7.47 Will If Be There? After Crash KG. 747 MIDDLETOWN — A Red Bank ALUM. PADDED ROCKER A Sovlngi Account ol Marine Vltw 9.97 #.4/ Ilvn yMi wcurlty . . . lti« morwy's motorist charged Michael P. Man Hurt tor turns cl trtwrgtncy, one1 tella, 19, Elizabeth, with careless if worti lor you, eomi dlvldntas. Opm y«ir iavingi Account wild ui driving yesterday after an ac- ... it pays! cident on Rt. 35 near Hose La., ggBk VORNADO 24" BARBECUE GRILL Annual Police Chief Raymond T. Walling Dividend reported. JpsSSl HOOD, ELEC. MOTOR & SPIT, 47 ATLAS WARNER Compounded According to the police report, Quarterly. Joseph T. Kurdyla, 25, of 2 Riv- tSffiiilSr Chrome plattd adjutrablt grid. "500" COLOR SLIDE 35mm PROJECTOR Deposits mad* erside Ave., Red Bank, was wait- No trays needed. Sharp 4" by the 10th, ing to make a left turn from the ^Sir «G. MJ 7 lens. 500-watt. Holds 36 tarn from lit. highway when his car was struck tildes In self-contained maga- in the rear by the Mantella car. VORNADO HOODED GRILL xlne. With cover. 22 19.97 14.97 Marine View Mr. Mantella sustained a minor cut on his arm. Richard Everett, SAVINGS & LOAN VORNADO DLX. WAGON GRILL ., 29.97 20, of D Battery, Third Missile R 22.47 Yashica "SUPER 8" Kodak "Carousel" Highway 35, Mlddletown Battallion, 51st Artillery, Hazlet, ELECTRIC EYE 35MM COLOR 67L2400 a passenger in the Mantella car, VORNADO GRILL ,K., 4.47 3.35 ZOOM Hwy. 36, Atlantic Highlands suffered a cut lip. Neither re- SLIDE PROJECTOR w h d mo ipit. •291-0100 . quired medical treatment VORNADO DLX. GRILL ° R°:, 14.97 MOVIE CAMERA MODEL 615 Uncreft Shopping Confer Sell Fast! The Daily Register 85 8424400 VORNADO PORTABLE GRILL . 3.33 2.49 Classified. P q 58 Mfg. Sugg. List 129.95 Circular tnf. kohls VORNADO BARBECUE GRILL" ^ 4.97 3.72 Fully automatic Cartridge 10 slides in |amproof load. Fast F1.7 100m Model 715 Remote 84.85 . Instant edit—I lens, Pistol grip incl. Model 815 Auto-timer 97.85 position switch. M 40-QT. FOAM ICE CHEST Foam construction keeps cold longer. Begged molded liroam REG. 1.69 handles. 88

TOW* SPOfVTIBM GOODS MPT. 42-INCH REDWOOD 1 UMBRELLA TABLE 74 ALL [•F™ FISHING RODS I 2" Stock—Reg. 24.99 REDUCED FOR 3 DAYS ONLY REDWOOD TETE-A-TETE Reg. 134.99826.24 6-FT. REDWOOD BARBECUE SET Reg. 19.99 14.99 8-FT. RUSTIC REDWOOD BARBECUE SET Reg. 29.99 22.49 REDWOOD CHAISE LOUNGE Reg. 27.99 20.99 3-PC. REDWOOD SEATING GROUP Reg. 49.97 37.47 GARCIA 2-PC. TA FT. BOAT SPIN ROD KIDDIE REDWOOD SET Reg. 4.99 3.74 For boat, bay, |etty or pier fishing, Tubular gloss, all chrome 36" ROUND REDWOOD BENCHES Reg. 5.99 4.49 reel seat, detachable handle. REG. 10.8S 8" 72" INNERSPRING Garcia 2-pc, 6'/2-ft. Spinning Rod REPLACEMENT CUSHION 74 Fast taper, tubular glass, hard chromed guides REG. and tip, specie cork handle and foregrlp. 9.88 72" long, two section mattress, durable vinyl 6 covering. Reg. 12.9?. 9 TWIN CARRY CUSHION Reg. 1.69 1.26 1" FOAM CHAIR PAD Reg. 1.88 1.44 3" THICK TUFTED CHAIR PAD "eg. 7.99 5.99 15.89 11.91 LEVEL WIND BAIT CASTING REEL AND ROD COMBINATION $133 4" THICK CHAISE FOAM MATTRESS 3g. Mastic side plates, metal spool. 4V4.fr. casting rod, metal reel teat, cork handle. REDWOOD CHAISE CUSHION .

FREEHOLD - Adelaide O. Oakh'urst Methodist Church. The Nichols, Little Silver, who died balance of his estate was left to July 25, left $10,000 to charities his mother, Maud J. Clark, in his and $35,000 to seven individuals. will dated March 28, 1966. , center you will see Her will, probated In the office FERDINAND CORCIONE, of Surrogate Donald J. Cunning- Long Branch, who died Nov. 8, ham, directed that $1,000 be left 1965, left $200 to his daughters, to each of these organizations: Agnes Apecelli, Florence Grazi- an0 Children's Country Home of ' Marie D'Orsi, Anne Parren- tino, Rila Gemignani, Rosina Plainfield, Father Flanagan's Boys Town, Boys Town, Em Corcione, who also received bury Methodist Church of Little house at 423 Westbourne Ave., Silver, Sister Elizabeth Founda Long Branch. He left $1,000 to tion. National Cancer Founda his sons, Sebastian Corcione and Fred Corcione. tion. United Cerebral Palsy As- His will stipulated that if there sociation, St. Joseph's of Jersey were insufficient funds for the City, Community YMCA of Redallocations, Carmen Corcione is Bank and Monmouth County to take out a mortgage on the Heart Association. house. He also directed that his She left $10,000 to Mr. and Mrs.daughter, Florence Graziano, be James F. Braney, $8,000 to Marallowed to live in the house rent garet McE. Flynne, $5,000 to Mr,free for one year. and Mrs. Albert F. Lehnhardt The balance of his estate was and Kurt A. Mayer, $4,000 to Mr.equally divided among his nine and Mrs. Robert W. Lehnhardt sons and daughters in his will OW and Mr. and Mrs. George W. dated June 20, 1961. Strahan and $1,000 to Marie Wil- JOHN E. GARVIN, Middle- by. town, who died June 20, left $1 AUG. 8 All her jewelry and personal ef- to each of his children, Thomas ThjuiftAclai(, TnXttcuj, fects were left to Helen V. Bran- E. Garvin, John J. Garvin, ey. The balance of her estate Frances P. Garvin and David H. was left to her brother, Karl Garvin. The balance of his es- F. Lehnhardt. Her will was dated tate was left to his son, James Jan. 10, 1965. -y M. Garvin. His will was dated GEORGE E. ALT, Red Bank, Nov. 24, 1962. who died July 26, left his estate JOHN W. MORRIS, Freehold, to his sister, Annabel E. Johnson, who died July 10, left $200 to his in his will dated June 29, 1965grandchildren. , Yvonne Hampton, ALONZO B. CLARK, Ocean John Mancel, Dean Mancel, Township, who died July 14, left ames H. Morris, Jr., and Mai- $500 to the New Jersey Blind }ry Morris and $100 to Carolyn Men's Association and to the Jrownley, Shirley Sheppherd, leith Brownley, Sheila Brown- Mary Lou Brownley and 8 Workers iaren Brownley. He left his car to his grandson, 'ft- ohn Mancel. The balance of his Get Awards estate was equally divided among his daughters, Catherine At Fort Lab Hampton, Anna Morris and'Mil- PANCE1 dred Mancel and his son, Capt. FORT MONMOUTH - Eight James H. Morris. His will was DONNA RUGG/ANO civilian employees with the Army dated Aug. 31, 1959. Electronics Command here were GEORGE D. PARKER, Little PAT TERACONA presented awards for technical lilver, who died July 1, left his DONNA RAYMOND accomplishments at Fort Mon- istate to his sister, Julia G. mouth. All are assigned to 'arker, and his brother, John S. NANCY YOUNG Communications Automatic Data >arker, in his will dated Oct. 1, Processing Laboratory. BARBARA DEANE .957. JD1CK A {300 award was presented to DlflNrt GREG Cordon P, Tripp of West Long EMMA SEXTON, Middletown, •Branch for his adopted sugges vho died July 13, left $2,000 to LUNSFORfrS JUNE IGLAY Ifion. Mr. Tripp, an electronic ier grandson, William S. Sexton, DIANA FUGITT engineer, recommended "an al peA-fyuvung POM IES [r., and to her brothers and their DAWN BRADLEY Ternate plug supervision trunking wives, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel TPystem." The idea has resulted "rook and Mr. and Mrs. Mark a^ CANINE REVUE SUZANNE SOLE in more economical and efficient rook. operation of the military com- She left $1,000 to her sisters-in- munications systems. Besides the aw, Elizabeth Crook and Mar- technical benefits, the suggestion ;aret Martin; her nieces, Olive •fives the Army about $400,000 a romlinson, Mae Bowman, Mu- year. riel Diehl, Dorothy E. Dublin, Another check of $100 was giv-Charlotte Maurer, and Grace Con- en to Mr. Tripp for a patent is- nolly; her nephews, .Marie G. sued on "plug supervision trunk :rook and John R. Crook and circuit." The patent relates to a .00 to her friend, Nellie Dickson. trunk circuit for interconnecting The balance of her estate was a manual telephone switchboard to a distant switchboard. left to her grandson, William S. Four employees at the presen- Sexton, Jr., and her nephew, tation ceremony, conducted by Mark G. Crook. Her will was lArAAROCJC the lab director, Col. George M. ited Oct. 25, 1962. SEE THE IDA B. WHITE, Long Branch, i Snead, Jr., received quality step it salary increases. They are Carl- who died July 18, left her estate **# ton R. Bakley of Oakhurst, an to her son, Henry S. White, in •tf* BEATLES electronic technician; electronic her will dated Jan. 27,1954. engineer David Haratz of Wana- FLORENCE M. WREN, Long massa, and secretaries Miss Hed- Branch, who died July 25, left wig L. Pencikowski of Perth Am- $300 to her nephew, Bertrand V boy, and Miss Marianna F. Pan-Campbell and $100 to her neph- taleo from Neptune. ews, Francis Campbell and Also cited was Theodore J. Thomas Campbell; to Barbara Klein, an electronic engineer Ried, Michael Heath, Peter C. If from Atlantic Highlands. Klein Wooster, Thomas Campbell, Pat- 5TAGGER LEE received $50 for his patent rick Campbell, Daniel Camp- \ URINE application on "reception of time bell, Marguerite Campbell, Rose- MAM dispersed signals." The invention mary Campbell, Charles Camp- bell and Charlotte Gavin. relates to the transmission'and AT Wth «M>IVH-M1*li£ MUM reception of high ipeed radio She left $1,000 to her adopted telegraph signals. daughter, Loretta Wooster, and The other two awards went tc to August P. Campbell, who also Daniel J. Bonds of Howell Town- received the balance of her es- JUST WRITE YOUR NAME f ADDRESS ON A SLIP OF BAPER. DROP INTO THE ship, and Andrew C. DeRosa, tate. Her will was dated Oct. 6, SPECIAL BOX PROVIDED aithtt. LITTLE THEATER STAGE h HOUR BEFORE Hazlet. They split a $15 sugges- 1965. tion check in recommending the SHOW TIME.DRAWINGS WILL BE HELD DURING STAGE SHOW.TWO DRAWINGS use of fiber optical methods WILL BE HELD AT EACH SHOW.-:.. WINNERS WILL RECEIVE TWO MEZZANINE certain tape transmissions. Kite Flying TICKETS VALUED Montr Mm of the Russian Jews was ex- PWwkly When finished in December and Aviva, 5. County Road 537 tile synagogue will have si. plored and presented to the Diamond Bridal Set J150 classrooms for religious schoo campers. They discussed ways Local teenagers who attended OPEN ALL YEAR , No Mmty Dom instruction, a permanent sanctu to inform their communities and the camp in July were: Geri Daily 9-4 Sunday 1 to 6 • i n Wwklr ary, with seating capacity fo: the public at large of current Schulman, Lincroft; Marsha Zei- over 100 persons with expansioi persecutions in the USSR. sel, Little Silver; Howard, Rob- capabilities to seat up to 500 per The rabbi said other moral ert and Dorothy Grant of Fair sons. Office, kitchen, meetin questions, such as civil rights Haven; Henry Handler, Rum- room and social function area; add Viet Nam, were often re- son; David Komar, Little Silver are included in. the building. Th< plans were drawn to provide to: ease of expansion of the physi [•Diamond Pair $299 cal plant as the congregatioi r rnWIly WWII grows in number in the luture ttWMkly Until the new building is com Emerald-cut Diamond $495 pleted later this year, the Tern No M«Mir Don VM WMkly pie continues to meet in th< Presbyterian Church at Shrews bury, on Sycamore Ave. Shrewsbury, with a full progran of worship, religious school an< adult education activities.

PLAN BALL GAME MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Temple Beth Ahm's Men's Clul Man's Diamond Ring $150 is planning a father and soi CAMVAS Diamond Bridal Set $200 No Monty Dom baseball game to be held at th W^I Cambridge Park baseball field Lloyd Bd. and Cambridge Dr. F R E E ilST SEUCTION OF "IONDID DIAMONDS" IN Sunday afternoon, Sept. 25, at AWNINGS CENTRAL JERSIY FROM JW. t* $2,000 ' .'; (; ; w ' r :* WE HAVE ONLY A FEW DOZEN LEFT! 3 WAYS TO BUY SERVICES OPEN ALL WITH GREEN and WHITE STRIPES ONLYI MATAWAN TOWNSHIP 1. Open oi account. REEDS JEWELERS Leon Gura, ritual chairman o TALLATION nV MOMy OOWRt InJMctate Miv'y. Temple Shalom, has reports IIWoMkstopoY. 60 Brood St, Red lank (hat Rosh Hashanah and Yon WjMtly w mttly. 717 Cookmcp Avi., Asbury Park Kippur High Holy Day service will be open to the public. Loca WHITE t Pap %fcta yo» boy PRICE 1. U(| Mr lay-away Opte Wtd. wd Fri. In. 'HI» P.M. tipns for' this year's services wil be announced at a later date HEAVY DUTY 30" and 36" Wide

Wishing for a

"HUSKEE" . . . these old shutters? Replace them with cottage ALUMINUM COMBINATION aluminum shutters. They look the same! ... STORM ami SCREEN WINDOW' Measure your old shutters, then come in for color TV? a free estiniote. Everything You


^wirm •¥••§•%

BUY SOONER WITH OUR "LAY AWAY" PLAN... No TRICK TO IT, just a little patience. You simply "lay away" Pill NT COUPON j COUPON a few dollars every payday in a special purpose savings ac- The Purchase of a 9-INCH count here. Pretty 50011 we add a dandy share of earnings to Gallon of your savings. Then savings and compounded earnings start Simoniz Vinyl Wax Roller and Tray Set to pyramid—until you've the cash to go right out and buy! FOR ALL FLOORS REGULAR 1.79 We've helped hundreds of folks become goal-getters. Good Mil 8/20 Limit 1 till Aug. 20 (Helped pay for their part of their pleasures, too.) How about COOK 'N DUNN — LUCITE you? Want to get that car, cottage or color TV sooner? Then Discontinued Colors start your savings "lay away" in a special purpose account SUPER KEMTONE COUPON : COUPON with us! QUART #99 RED DEVIL GALLON LATEX and Paint & Varnish Remover PAINT THINNER SEMI-GLO$S REGULAR 98c REGULAR 98c ! Limit 2 till Aug. 20 iN'-URID TST QUARTS and GALLONS PRICE Limit 2 till Aug. 20 NO WHITE Bed Bank Savings 32 IROAD ST.. RED BANK CLOSEOUT and Loan Association Budget Terms • E-Z Charge WOOD GRAIN FINISHED 10 BROAD ST. • RED BANK. N. J. Dally and Sat. 8 A.M.—5:30 P.M. STEEL BREAD BOX 741-1700 PROWN'S Wednesday and Friday 'til 9 P.M. CANISTER SETS PRICE "Where You Save Does Make a Difference" 10—Thursday, August 18,1966 ^y Given THE DAILY REGISTER Sign Up for Program on Safe Driving Hyland Agsigned New Assignment ASBURY PARK - Thlrty*>ur "The program is going ex stores and tt participating Ford To Otis AFB BELFORD — Army Pvt. John firms and organizations, includ- tremely well," Mr. Slovak said. dealers. WICHITA FALLS, Tex. - Air- To Instruct J. Beesley, 19, son of Mr. and ing some of the largest in Mon- "We feel very gratified that the man Third Class. Robert J. Hy- Mrs. Walter J. Beesley, 291 Edge- mouth and Ocean bounties, as community comprising Monmouth well as Fort Monrhouth and its TURTLES SAY 'KERPLUNK'? land, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank moor Rd., is assigned to the 32d and Ocean counties has accepted In Math command dements, have signed Hie program and has not only MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - The P. Hyland of 38 Concord SI, Signal battalion in Germany. up 100 per cent to "Stop Ac- endorsed it, but has also par- noise in C. B. Roach's car kept Leonardo, N. J., has been grad- Pvt. fteesley, last stationed at cidents, Stay Alive, and Drive ticipated to the extent it is doing. going "kerplunk," but Roach uated at Sheppard AFB from the At College 0 Fort Dix, is now a radio oper- Safely" or we 'taking steps to couldn't find the source. training course for U. S. Air ator in the battalion's Company It is to highlight the summer- reach this goal. "I don't care what you do," Force aircraft engine mechan- A. long sale driving campaign that This response to the safe driv- Steinbach's and Ford are con- Roach finally told a mechanic. ics. He was graduated from Mid- ing summer program initialed by ducting the Safe Driving Sweep- 'Take the car apart. Just find Airman Hyland, a graduate of dletown Township High School in that noise." OMING? the Steinbach Company and local stakes that runs through Sept. Raritan Township High School, An extension phone can be a real step saver both 1965 and was a greens keeper at Ford dealers is "very gratify- 5. The sweepstakes is open to all The mechanic turned up a belort and alter your new baby arrives. And the coal the Beacon Hill Golf & Country Hazlet, N. J., Is being reassigned ing," according to Michael A. licensed drivers in Monmouth turtle behind an upholstery is tiny - lust a lew cants a day. To order, simply call Club, Leonardo, before entering Slovak, Steinbach vice president and Ocean counties and may be to Otis AFB, Mass., for duty with panel. It apparently had nested your Telephone Business Ollice. NEWJBRSCY BELL the Army last February. and general manager. entered at all three Steinbach there for about four months. the Air Defense Command.

Open 9:30 to 9:30, Sat. to 6 MID-SUMMER FURNITURE SALE SAVE UP TO noo Miss Erna Gold WEST LONG BRANCH - The appointment of Miss Erna Gold Wkere Home Begins of New York City as an instruc- tor in mathematics at Monmouth College has been announced by Everett W. Holt, dean of the fac- ulty. Miss Gold received bachelor of science and bachelor of arts de- Luxury Sofas and Chairs grees from the University of Chi- cago and a master of science de- gree from Illinois Institute of Technology. For the past three I from our special Schoonbeck Collection by Henredon! years, she has been doing ad- vanced study at Yeshiva Univer- sity where she held assistant- ships. Custom-covered to your order and specially priced for this event Miss Gold also was a part-time lecturer in mathematics at Hunt- er College last year. She was an instructor in mathematics at Hof- , - v i Sofas... '389 Chairs...'189 stra University from 1963 to 1964 and taught mathematics part- time at Yeshiva Haichel Hator- „«., regularly $489 regularly $239 to $269 ah, New York City. She is a member of the Amer- ican Mathematical Society, the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, and the American Association of Univer- sity Professors. Freehold Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cecelski and children, Lee, Richard, Don- na, Jane, Mary and Donald, South St., spent last week va cationing at Wilkes-Barre and ,>,„ Nanticoke, Pa.

Debbie Linnette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Linnett, Mead Ave., celebrated her eighth birthday at a party Saturday afternoon. Attending were Lu- anne, Joanne andSCathy Mender. son, Debra Walling, Ann Gibson, Tracy Jones, Nancy White, Ann VanDerveer, Robert Daley.

Mrs. Donald Harger and sons, Donald and Thomas, who have been residing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frick, Sr., Henry St., left Thursday to join her husband, Warrant Officer Harger, who is stationed at Sa- vannah, Ga. Mrs. Frick motored there with her daughter and will go on to visit her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Frick, Pensacola, Fla.

Mrs. Don Bovais and son, Jef- frey, who have been residing m with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lamberton, Mill Brook NOW! Own the sumptuous sofa, the elegant Rd., left Monday to join her husband,, who is attending Offi- chair you've dreamed about... at undreamed cer Candidate School at Fort Benning. Ga, Mrs. Lamberton of savings! Choose from three dramatic sofas, will visit there a few days be- fore returning home. Tiuests last sweeping 86 to 88 inches long! Tailored and weekend at the Lamberton home were a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James S. Jackson, costly button backs. Choose from four hand- Roanoke, Va. some chairs. All from our prized Schoonbeck Mr. and Mrs. Edgar VanDer- veer, Dutch Lane Rd., had as collection . . . with typical Henredon superb house guests for 10 days Mrs. Catherine Pickett and her construction in every detail! Even to the lux- adopted daughter, Jearmette Harvey of St. Christopher'5 Mis- nry cushions of spritig-an3-down for absolute sion, Bluff, Utah.

comfort and lasting beauty! «' I • Winners at Thursday meeting of the Colonial Bridge Club at St. Peter's Episcopal parish hall .,*•>«*• "•*$»*#•». were Jerry Sagotsky'and Rich- AND! Custom-covered to your order in ard Dubrovsky, Freehold, first; Mrs. Stanley Rodi, Freehold, and your selection from our special hand-picked Jack Hobart, Toms River, sec- 4\ ond; Mrs. Judy Devincenza and group of fabulous decorator fabrics! One of Mrs. Claudia Cole, Jackson Township, third; Mrs. Lee Sher- man, Brick Township, and Mrs Huffman & Boyle's many thrilling values Pat Silverman, Freehold, fourth in this Great Mid-Summer Sale. 2 Reservists y End Training FORT DEVENS, Mass. - Two Monmoutli County, N.J. men were Budget your purchase if you wish! Take up to among 1,600 reservists represent- ing 10 Civil Affairs and two PSY- 24 months to pay on our Extended Payment Plan, WAR units from across the nation who recently completed a two- fully insured for your protection. week training here in maneuvers designed to develop skills as ad- ministrators of provisional gov> eminent. The two Lt. Col. Martin A Israel of 21 Adele Ct., River Plaza, and Maj, Lcroy J. Stewart COUITISV (IRVICI of 25 Clover Dr., Ilazlet, were trained in civil defense measures •••• 'V< and civic action support roles. -*c>--

The American bison or "buf- falo" is the only representative ••-*»«•... of wild cattle in I lie New World. The bison came to the U.S. late, during the Ice Age, perhaps only a little* while before men came. It is not a true buffnlo, but has ROUTE 35, Eatentown Traffic Circlt. LI 2-1010 n close rclulive In the nearly ex> tinct European bison or wlsent, Other Store* Int Springfield, Livingston, Hackemuck, Pompton Plains, franklin Lakes, Ramsey ' ' >>>' , •: ••..•.-*;-,• Leviniky THE DAILY REGISTER Thunday, Aa|uat 18,1966-11 Is Honored Third Straight Decline Successful TRENTWf — Irving levinaky of 43 Queeni Dr. Eait, Little Silver, has qualified aa * member o( the 19M SUr Club of New Investing York Life Insurance Company. Suffered by Wall Street The Star Club is composed of NEW YORK (AP) - The atod By Roger E. Spear cent. Some banks increased the-situation, has been blamed for Spear New York Life's outstanding market slipped to another new brokers' loan rate to 6>4 per cent!die market's poor performance. •genta and is based upon 1965- low for the year in active trad The Dow Jones average of 30 Q) "Though I read your col igreement with you as to wha1 66 sales records, according to the from $ per cent. ' - ' ing yesterday. industrials declined 4 24 to 819.59. regularly, I have never sec Inspector of agencies, Clifford W. Brokers said the rise in inter- umn ou propose. As many factors are Becker of the company's Trenton It was the third straight ses- est rates heightened investors' The Associated Press 60 stock anything about International Tel to be considered, I suggest you average fell 1.6 to 294.6 with in general office. sion of decline. worry about inflationary pres- ephone. I have been told this i; :onsult the trust department ol dustrials off 2.2, rails off 1.4 anda good stock. I'll be looking for your local As a member of the Star Club, The market fell at the open sures which, combined with un- bank and acquaint utilities off .5. your comment." A. K.them with the facts and your Mr. Levifisky has qualified to at-ing, tried vainly to recover a certainty about the Viet Nam Give her an erteniion phon* of torown . Sht'H Standard and Poor's 500 stock A) Thank you for reminding wishes. tend this year's educational con- mid-morning and made anothei /ova you lor it. Th» duly coil ol in atfnsionlt Yesterday's closing stocks: index, which represents 85 perme that I have not recently re- (Mr. Spear cannot answer al! ference in Aahevtfle, N.C. unsuccessful attempt at a ralli toss than a pick ol gum. To ordtr, iutt call your near the close. F Ind .4 | ITS ciet Brk cent of the quoted value of all viewed ITT. The proposed mer mail personally but will answei Adam* Ex Johm Ui all questions possible in his col- Ulephont Buj/nesj Otfici.NEWJEKEYUlL Motorists in a hurry can go to The continued decline came Air Prod Jonei A L. stocks listed on the New York «<* °' American Broadcasting church nowadays, get a haircut, Air Redue Joy Mf, umn.) after major banks' increase cl Alle( Cp Kajicr Al «»• Stock Exchange, dropped .45 (0 has brought the company again pay their taxes, post their mail the prime rate—interest charged Allf, Lud Kennecott _ , , , , . iito prominence. Shareholders ef Alleg Pow Kopperi « gf. 18. The Exchange s slock m- ^ , and even get married without their biggest and best customers Allied I'!' Kresse, BS Uong havc roved Allla Uial 2"> | Kroifr dex was off 0.26 to 44.09. „ leaving the car. — to 6 per cent from 5% peAlcoa 78% I Lelt Port C the merger but yet Fed Am Alrlln 71', I I.eh Val Ind , Of 1,420 issues traded, 863 fell ral Am can 5QH | UOV Glasa e Communications Commis- 'If I had my choice of 46'4 Am Cyan 3?'.i Lib McNtl. 12 and 278 rose. There were 32 sion has not given its final ap- Am M Fdy U«i I Ll« * My l 71 new 1966 lows and 2 new highs. Am Motora 8 i I Litton lnd 73% proval. Am Smelt MM i Lukens 8tl 39'i Volume climbed to 6 63 mil Am gtd 17], I Mack Trk International Telephone is the any car on my test lot, Am T*l Tel 52% Malnavox 36'4 lion sh»re> Am Tob 31H I Marath Oil 5214 world's largest manufacturer of 5 FREE AMP Inn """ I MarUn H 54 Among the 15 most active is telecommunications apparatus, Anaconda I ltaionlt« JJ'4 Armcn 811 I Merck 3214 sues, 8 advanced, 7 declined am supplying telephones in every ma- Fd pick the Jeep Wagoneer* Armour | IIGU 71H Fairchild Camera was unchanged Armst Clt I Minn M*M jor western European country, ASM oil I Mo P«c A Prices declined on the Ameri- serve a South American coun- MINT AtcMson i Moblk.ll can Stock Exchange. Of 828 is- All Rlcblld I Mont Ward tires, Australia, Puerto Rico and Avco Corp I Nat Rise 37% sues traded, 4U declined and he United States. Under the Bibcock W I N Canh Reg 137 advanced. Volume contacted Bayuk Clc 9*« I Nat Dairy skillful direction of its board H.H A How 44\ 1 Nat DIMM to 1.88 million shares. Westec Rendrx Nat Oyp« chairman, Harold S. Geneen, a SETS Rotlnt* Nat 8t«el a* lost more than two points. Frac- Borden .NY Central sprawling global organization has 4314 tional losses were posted by Bora- Warn Nla M row MS been brought under efficent and Bruntwk No Am Av 22 M Susan Thomas, Gulton Industries, Bury Krlt Nor Pac Seaboard Wor» Airways, Stnr profitable control. Bulova Nwit Alrlln 7H Burl lnd Norwich Ph thers Wells and Zapata. From 1960-65 sales more than Case, JI Outb Mar ins Cater Trao Owena III Corporate and doubled, moving up to J1.782 bil Cdaneae Pan Am government Chea * Oh Paratn Plct bonds declined. lion from $811.4 million in 1960. Chryiler Pennfty, JC Clllr. Sr Pa Pw * II From 1959 through 1965 net per Coco Cola 53 ou out of how and tan*." 1M OTIN FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL t P.M. Glen Aid ITn Carbld* car net produced. "R rides IDce the best Detroit Goodrich Un Pae They have two daughters, Joan, Q) An answer to your problem has to orTer,"s»3(sMoC*iU"Butiri1 go places you drive a 'JeerY Waeoneer todty. OKN SATURDAYS 9:30 TIL 1 P.M. GoodTear Un Tank C Grace Co Unit Alrc lieutenant with the Army is somewhat out of my province. Gt A * P United Cp Nurse Corps near Tokyo, and ALL PARKING FACILITIES Greyhound US I.lnei I do, however, feel your aim is Gulf Oil UB Plywood Barbara. admirable and I am wholly in MAIN OFFICE ONLY Hamm Pap i us Rub Here Ine US Smelt m Cent Ind Ing Rand 27 US Site! rnt Bui Men 3<42>24 Walworth Leonardo Legion Int Rarv 417M) 4 I Warn B Pin (4 TONTOWN lit Nick Ml'i I Well Hkta IS Tnt Paper Wn !IB Tel 33K Elects Officers 1st T>! * Tel Tl Weitt El 45(4 Whlta Mot LEONARDO- Robert W NIATIONAL Wltco Chtm Green w a • , recently elected, Tl* Woolwth S4 Xernx JW4 commander of Memorial Pos HANK Ynut ah * T 32 338, American Legion.1 ONTGOMERY American Other officers include Marti Hita Otlkt-JW* HVT. 3S tri WytWI RN4 Wwrtiwi - Z. Schmoll, senior vice comman- •MMR WiKi 'tlnNNWR Mtppfftf vtWlfi tlifiliWl Br An oil 2914 Mack Trk Wt I der; Paul DICarlo, junior vice Molybden 4T Phone 542-4600 33H 811 17' commander, and Alfred W. Beke, 3S Pren Hall SI finance officer. WARD MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 9GZSS. 2% Rollins lie 2S

4HPLY NYLON CORD BODY 4-W»T IIIIIIW Riverside® 1. IWmi OU*WT OWtlHnl» Air Cushion Hm4»MU


For a litUe control TTNUACKWAU 4. UMMOIOM OUAUMBt N BsssaWQg under Mini-skirts and pantsuits • Multi-row tread datign for good traction • Hat RfV-SYN, our Wlleago Additive WHEELS EXQUISITI FORM'S MAGIC LADY • 18-fflo.treadwear,roadhazardguarantee BALANCED GIVTJ PANTY COMFMT PLUS SINTU PULL-IN PLUS'FED. 4 for $5 1UBILCSS BLACKWALLS EXCISE TAX SIZES EACH EACH TIRE 1.83 (A) Mtf *r (I) Pmtf *4 iUO-13 945* 7.50-14 2.20 1145* 2.21 6.70-15 AUTO CENTER 8.00-14 13.45» 2.36 MON. HIM SAT. TUBE TYPE BLACKWAU ONLY 8 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. They wtigh a men t macea, are fashioned of 70% 6.70-15 1.87 nylon and 30% rubber. In white with detachable •With tod*-ln tiM oil your or. WhUtwtllt {3 man ••ch. garters. Sue*: S, M, L. Also, pant* in XL, $5; giHk »• XL, U Premium XfcT* WHITIWALL OR BUCKWAU r* TUIIUIS RITVIAD 6.10-13, 7.00-14,7.10.14, 8.00-14, t.BO-14, 7.31-14, 7.7S-14, S.ai-14, «.BS<14 WAIOf U»W MWI INCUNMf FIDUAL nCIf I TAX Ideal 2nd car liral Bonded on cer- tified cord bodies. 18-month tread wear, road hazard guarantee. •Niu MI» tta tint In iiwb

CALL 871-2500, 531 MOO, «92-7400 OR WRITE. Free delivery in New Jersey and In oor delivery area* (except C.O.D.'g. add SOc). Panties (Dept. 7), Mall Level, Bamberger's Monmou*. And at Pamrnus, Mwlo Park. Newark, Morrtatown, Monmouth Shopping Center, Eatontown, N. J. PlalnfirfH, Princeton, Cherry Hill. ' . •AMMER6ERS MONMOUTH OKN EVERY DAY TILL* 1:30 P. M.. INCLUDING SATURDAYS fir > f> 12—Tbundty, Align* It, 1966 THE DAILY REGISTER State Safety Council Warns! About Insecticides9 Danger! TRENTON — Few usera of in- —Wash your hands after using || WHADDAYAWANNADO? lecticidej realize that what poi- any insecticides. sons the bugs can t!»o poison —Store insecticides as you|| people, says the New Jersey would any other poison. State Safety Council. —Dispose of empty containers || Some of the strongest Insecti- where children can't find them. cides were developed during —If you suspect poisoning, I call the doctor. *| BUY NOW? or PAY MORE LATER? World War II ti a nerve gas. Chemists have done their best to make these organic compounds as toxic to insects and as harm- NCO Review less to humans as possible, but s they could not eliminate all the risk or the chemicals would be At Fort Set Ineffective and worthless. '^ATLANTIC NOW HAS "I?S These organic phosphorous For Saturday compounds are not merchandised for home use, although less toxic FORT MONMOUTH - The organic phosphates, such as ninth annual non-commissioned AUTOMATIC HOTPOINT 2-Speed, 2-CycIe malathion, are sold to gardeners. officers review will be held at Automatic 12" AMERICAN MADE Fort Monmouth Saturday morn- ROLLABOUT Pesticides most commonly used GAS ing with senior sergeants station- ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC in gardens and homes are the ed here to staff the parade posi- Portable chlorinated hydrocarbons, in- tions. DRYER PORTABLE cluding DDT, which are compar- DRYER atively low on the toxicity scale. The NCO review, starting at 9 Dishwasher WASHER a.m. on Greely Field, will hon- However, warns the council, these 1 two are capable of bringing on or military personnel receiving decorations and members of the TELEVISION severe poisoning and death. Army retiring from military ser- Accidental ingestion accounts vice. 64 (or by far the great number of Brig. Gen. Kenneth M. Gon- deaths from pesticides, and there seth, Army Electronics Com- is a long list of fatal accidents in mand deputy commanding gener- 23" TV which young children found and al for operations, is the only of- 119. 148 ate a variety of poisons. ficer listed, besides honored per- 78. Don't Need Large Dose sonnel, on the parade staff. He ALL WOOD and Sgt. Major Richard W. Cut- "A large concentrated dose of ler of the Electronics Command, DELUXE 34" 10 cu. ft. Insecticide is not necessary to will be members of the review- CONSOLE poison you," George G. Traver, ing party. executive vice president of the GAS All Channels council, points out. "Small in- Participating units at Satur- REFRIGERATOR takes of the. chemicals over a day morning's parade, to which 108. period of time can cause extreme the public is invited, are the 389th RANGE 138 damage and perhaps bring on a Army Band, the School Brigade, long debilitating sickness affect- Hq and Hq Company of Support 16 Cubic Feet 18 Cubic Feet Command Troops, and th« 221st 118. ing blood, liver or kidneys." Signal Pictorial Company. 16 Cubic Ft. 2r TV Despite the hazards of pesti 12 Cubic Ft. Refrigerator Refrigerator tides, they are necessary and the TOP FREEZER homeowner can use them with REFRIGERATOR TABLE MODEL safety if he follows appropriate Port REFRIGERATOR 2-Door 2-Door precuatfcns, Traver suggests. 2-Door Including Stand Auto. ' Auto. No No H» afters the following precau Defrost Monmouth All Channels Frost Frost tions: Defrost Copper 198. Mrs. Bernard Leventhal enter-II 178. —Read and follow directions on Only tained at a luncheon recently for 118. the label. 128 Mrs. Roy Eia, Mrs. Lawrence —Don't spray food or food con- Krampert, Mrs. Robert Meyer, ALL-SOLID STATE tainers. Mrs. Ernest Shau, Mrs. Thomas —Don't put insecticides on Kevins, Mrs. Mary Ritchenberg, COLOR TELEVISION children's furniture or belongings. Mrs. Elsie Ori, Mrs. William Mei- RCA VICTOR —Avoid inhaling sprays or senger and Mrs. Jack Sider. dusts as much as possible. —Keep insecticides from touch- - SPECTACULARS - Ing your skin. Mrs. Lillian Eckerson of Mi- II imi, Fla., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett and will re- STEREOS lurn home Sept. 1. Mrs. Ecker- son has also been a guest of All with AM & FM MULTIPLEX RADIO 23" CONSOLETTE 25" CONSOLETTE Mrs. Theresa Leek, Belford, this|| (arnatiofl summer. mm Mrs. John Bennett, Mrs. Viv-l] REG. ian Messier, Mrs. Charles Miller , and Mrs. Alma Johnson have re- I turned from a 10-day cruise L FAMOUS aboard the Delta Queen on' thef NAMES Ohio River. $339 l l l To Enter College HOLLINS COLLEGE, Va. - Miss Theresia Szepesi Blair and Miss Florence Richards Blair, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- When you choose Portable Table TV liam R. Blair, Jr., of « Giilespie Ave., Fair Haven, and Miss San- dra Ivins Kiely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kiely, of Why not get the, best! Oakes Rd. and Ivins Place, will Yat, thty make quit* a be freshmen at Hollins College pair. Ytj, thty stand for this fall . quality. Yai — Pay last ALL NEW for Brand Namas with Leftover cooked elbow maca- "BIG W" roni may be used in a salad. Add Discount Pricas! mayonnaise, chopped onion and 1967 pickle. HANDCRAFTED QUALITY PORTABLE TV 99 Personal Portable TV " Personal Portable TV M H» MMI at ata, IS •» k. MMWIK mm urn

The DISCOVERER «X 1215 The DEL RAY «X 1620 THt COMPANION SCRIES THE COMPANION SERIES Stylish molded cabinet in Big screen viewing... Charcoal Blue color and lightweight portability! Light Blue color, Beige Compact molded cabinet color and Off-White color, in Ebony color and White Pastel Yellow odor and color, or Light Brown IEST IN color and Off-Whit* color. White color, or White DEPENDABILITY . . . cotOf ind Btiffa color. i\C Oral Front Mounted August Speaker. THEY'RE 88 HANDCRAFTED! 88 Ma printed elreulnl No pro. 99 119 dierie* shortcuts! . . . 100% Pre-season hand wired ctiauli eernitc- lien fer greater operating liepeaa'abllity, fewer MIYICC •reblemil at Cerlione's 99 Turf Builder® JICU) Portable TV Portable TV reg. NOW BEST in features ... 5,000 sq ft Th« RESORT .X1910C TtM PLAZA »X2U2L 4.85 4.45 THt SUM LIMC semes THt AWARD semes Best in performance 10,000 sq ft 6.25 7.95 Slim, beautiful molded Giant-screen portable two-tone color cabinet in TVinaetunningliuht- • Custom "Perma-Set" Charcoal color and Off- weight "flush-front" VHF Fine Tanlng 50% Windsor blend metalcabinet.Metnllic White color. Matching • Automatic "Fringe- UHF-VHF controls. Tan color. 20,000 Volts reg. NOW 20,000 Volte Picture Picture Power. Front j Lock" Circuit 1,000 sq ft 3.45 Power. 5" x 3''Front Mounted Speaker. Di- j • 3-Stagt IF Amplifier Mounted Speaker. pole Antenna. 2,500 sq ft S.05 7.95 • Front Mounted 88 88 Speaker 169 • "Goted-Btam" WIN A SPREADER! 129 Sound Syittm HGISTER IN STORE! • Top Carry Hondl* LAST WEEK'S WINNER: R. W. BEECHER 142 ANDOVER LANE, MATAWAN ASBURY PARK ' NEW SHREWSBURY NEPTUNE BRICK TOWN NEPTUNE A SHMAOH A WIIKI—TWO WEEKS TO GO I MIDDIETOWN 715 MAIN 51. ROUTE 35 1006 lHh AVE. ROUTE 70 715 H'WAY 35 ROUTE 35 CERLIONE'S GREENHOUSES NWY. 35 (across from Mattel) HOLMDEL DELIVERY OPTIONAL • Other Atlantic Stores In: BOfiDENTOWN, CINNAMINSONI PENNSAUKEH, MJ.« UPPER DARBY, H.E. 1 HORSHAM, PA.-SERVICE EXTRA 4 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A VjtEEK bursday, Auguat 18,1966—13 THE DAlLr REGISTER SAVE TODAY AND EVERY DAY! SPECIAL Lan jailed SALE! _ * ACRES OF FREE PARKING * fji Lieu pi $60 Fine LUGGAGE "COLTS NECK — Adrian San- OUR lisgo. 19, of 263 Morris Ave., Jong Brsnch, was sentenced to COMPLETE JlSe days in Monmouth County jail in lieu of a $60 fine by SOFT-SIDE STOCK OF Magistrate Seymour J. Kteinberg yesterday. '•} Judge Kteinberg imposed the THE VENTURES .Sentence when Mr. Santiago in- AND dicated he was unable to pay jEhe fine. He had pleaded guilty jn driving without a license, op- BAGS GARY 1EWIS .'irating an unregistered vehicle and contempt for failing to ap- pear on the return date of the 26-INCH SIZE summonses. ASSORTED 87 *%27 PLAIDS, • ' Anthony J. Davis, 27, of 200 ZIPPER 2 Joline Ave., Long Branch, REG. 3.79 REG. 4.79 pleaded guilty to driving without and LOCK. a license and contempt and was 1-PC. IENT 'fined $25. A soldier stationed at VENEER 87 fort Monmouth, Dane O'Reilly, PLYWOOD OUR REG. .18, wa« fined $10 for driving a FRAME PRICE jnotorcycle without a license. 2 10.97 <- Franklin G. Bruno, 24, Point BODY. AUGUST RIG. S.79 •fleasant, was assessed J25 after ) pleading guilty to a careless driv- ing charge. SPECIAL GROUP SALE DAYS-TODAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY *C A Trenton trucking opera FINAL '•tor and one of his drivers were REG. $1.99 HUNDREDS OF UNADVERTISED BARGAINS IN OUR AUGUST CLEARANCE . . . 'Assessed a total of $100 for two COME AND SHOP EVERY DEPARTMENT AND YOU WILL FIND DRASTIC SAV- FABRIC •Violation! And two contempt LADIES' COTTON Charges. Michael Capik, the own- INGS — WHILE QUANTITIES LAST er, was fined $35 after plead- CLEARANCE ing guilty to operating an over- SHIRTS Weight track and contempt, and . LAST CALL Joseph C. Leonard, 27, also of ROLL-UP ' Trenton, was fined $65 for speed- SLEEVES GIRLS' SIZES 3-14 TERRY CLOTH ing and contempt for failing to appear. KM cettsB plaldi, POLO SHIM'S SOLID COLORS chtcki and Mild colon. 2- TO 4-YARD YARDS J SHORTS LENGTH and 00 Hits Remark Slut 32 to 38. SWIMSUITS PLAY TOPS 3t" WIDE 2 ™ 1 Beatle FINAL CLEARANCE! PEDAL PUSHERS KEYPORT - The anti-Beatle- tnania.U spreading. LADIES' FINE COTTON COLORED BURLAP The local Knights of Colum bus chapter has asked the pub- 34" WIDE lic to refrain from purchasing COTTONS-STRETCH ASSORTMENT Beatle records and merchandise. ONE- & TWO-PC. STYLES OF COLORS Grand Knight Lawrence R. SHORTS SIZES FOR GIRLS Yates, noting that Beatle John ON IOLTS tennon said recently that and TODDLERS COLORS (, "Christianity will vanish" and that the Beatles are "more pop- WHITE ular than Jesus Christ now," BLACK FORTREL rapped the remark. RED Although Mr. Lennon has since AQUA FABRICS . apologized, it appears that the 45 INCHES WIDE gtand knight Is not satisfied. He Itated: A SILECTION "Our sons and daughters made OF CHECKS, the Beatles. They can break PRINTS. tfwm. We solicit the assistance SOLIDS pt adults in conveying to our ON IOLTS. Children the Inconsistency of sup- IN OUR IN FOR CAREFREE HOURS quent return of summons. DOMESTIC • Joseph Tr«v|in, Linden, was SALE OF PAPER PLATES The event, sponsored by the •local aerie of the Fraternal Or- SETS

yt Marhury vs. Madison is th« STORE HOURS lirst cas« in which the Suprcmi Wl MSIRVI THI KI»HT MONDAY Thru SATURDAY CHARGE IT WITH «:M A.M. t» !• P.M. '•(Court exercised il« power to de- TO LIMIT QUANTITIES HIGHWAY 35 & SHREWSBURY AVE. , NEW SHREWSBURY "EaSY-CHARGE" IUNDAY1 'TIL 4 P.M. Slaro an act of Congress uncon- AND PROUD OF IT The hydrofoil (hip Victoria 14—TTuji-sdiy, August IS, 1966 LOCISVILLE (AP) - An was launched in Baltimore in THE DAILY REGISTER indent jalopy, often parked in July 1965. She is designed to f XI SI! TORS the downtown «rea. has these carry as many as 75 passengers wordi painted on the trunk lid: across Puget sound between "Out of date i- but Out of Seattle, Washington and Victoria, Belford PUBLIC AUCTION Debt." B.C. Mrs. Joseph Fox entertained members of the Trade Winds Club recently. Present were Mrs. Mi- SALE chael Smith, Mrs. Leslie Parle- The widtnitjMd Executors of the hrt wW man Sr., Mrs. Vincent Collins, and testament of ftledys Van luskirk, Deceased, *rW MUTUAL FUNDS can efftr Inroirmeirr Mrs. Sam Muratore, Mrs. Daniel Ferrara, Mrs. Hollister I g 1 a y, dispose of all personal property b«4oflaliia f !•• advantages. If properly selected you can obtain: Mrs. Donald Van Buren and decedent on the premise* art diversification . . . continuous supervision . . . Mrs. Charles Y'Hara. professional management. 1 WEST ELIZABETH ST., KEYPORT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dennis and family have returned from a Northeast corner Iroad and Elizabeth Streets As a registered representative with lauuk Mutual 10-day camping trip at Fort Ben- 10:00 A.M. SATURDAY, AUG. 20th 10:00 A.M. Service Corp. of New York, I can help with your ning, Ga., and were guests of investment decisions. Sgt. and Mrs. Eugene Perrella. Fevr gcinrerirai »f family Mrl**m, Mriqitt eetfof hut 1760; clouts full of flu* »ld china, cryiMlt, ••rcnlaln, brk-e- Write or call at my residence: . Merrltt Lane, III, The third birthday of Patti brac, eft.; old preu*d aj«i In variant aettanu, tight


• PINCH PLEATED • LINED OR UNUNED Draw Draperies Included

Choose from the largest variety of decorative drapery fabrics In New Jersey. From them our workroom will make your DRAPERIES FREE (63" or longer) . . . beautifully custom-tailored to your specifications. You pay ONLY FOR THE FABRIC. *-MSOFA & CHAIR (4 Cushions) TO50 • OVERLOOKED SEAMS • HEAVY DUTY ZIPPERS Complete Our prices are the year's lowest! Our trades are the year's highest! Wait no • 200 Different Materials To Choose From Reg. 107.50 longer for ah ultra-quiet, luxurious big Ford, or a value-packed Falcon or Fairlane—or America's No. 1 fun car, Mustang! Great selection of models, colors and equipment. But hurry. They're going fast!

While you're here, ask for your free Official Golf Guide. Don't miss the Thunder- DECORATOR bird Golf Classic in color on ABC-TV, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 13 and 14. BEDSPREADS TWIN or FULL Regular 32.98 DUAL SEE YOUR FORD DEALER! WIN A COLOR TV! Ml I tkffl PUD DC Regular 49.98 29" COVERLETS 1498 > Regular 24.98 /Twin ar Full. "Stop Accidents! Stay Alive! Drive Safely! Go SteinbaciVs—Go Mustang! DUST RUFFLES 798 Regular 11.98 / 137-B BROAD ST. RED BANK PINCH HEATED SHORTIES 36" 3.98 45" 4.91 MOUNT ENGLISH SALES COMPANY Open Wed. and Frl. Evenings Reg. 5.98 Rag. 6,98 Marching Valances 1 9g 90 Monmouth Street 741-6000 Red Bank Other Stores: East Orange, Morrlitown, Fair Lawn AWARDS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE I If you're under 25 years old, enter Ford Motor Company's Safe Orlvinj Incentive Program for Young Americans. 3,230 awards to be made, including 30 new cars. See your Ford Dealer for datalls and entry (ormi. » Tm DAiLV R«CiSTER College Gets Telescope PIMONALIXIO From Atlantic Highlands DOORMAT! CRANFQRD — A two-inch tel- Junior College, said the telescope escape which was used to track is of fine quality and is a val- Ri? ships coming into New York uable addition. 1 harbor prior to the turn of the By use of the telescope, me* century has been presented to sages relayed by blinker lights Union Junior College by Mr. andusing Morse code were picked il* YOUR NAME PERMANENTLY CAHTCUMBS Mrs. E. J. Plattner here. up at Atlantic Highlands and PRINTED 2V HIGH. AVAILABLE The telescope was set up for sent by telegraph to New York IN RED, BLUE, GREEN AND BLACK Self draining, itty to many years near the Twin Lights city. This system was eventually claan, wears for yaan. in Atlantic Highlands to pick up replaced by radio. 18"x28". 13 letters signals from incoming vessels, Despite its many years near maximum-?6.95 post paid requesting tugs and outfitters to the ocean and use at sea, the meet them and to alert steve 22"x34", ntme & address, pMiyouWktotritmlsuslty. telescope is in, remarkably good dores of their arrival. 15 letters ptr line $1O.9S climbing tttks. It costs just a taw centt a diy. To order. condition. The astronomers re simply ctll your Telephone Business Ollice. NEW JERSEY BOX Other sues available. Mr. Plattner has done extcn- port it is still a valuable and use- 5«nd cfi,ck or money otdtr it nve research to determine the ful instrument. In fact, it has MANN ENTERPRISES history of the instrument. For been used recently by the as D*pt. 33 many years, it was apparently tronomers to look at craters on stored in a number of attics. the moon — and to watch a ball 123-35 — «2nd Road Mr. Plattner said he presented Ke» Garden., Ouatna, N.Y. 11411 TOWNE & TOUCHTONE TELEPHONE — Marking introduction of new Telephone device in game at nearby Nomahegan Park the telescope to Union Junior Keansburg, Councilman Martin C. Lohsen, second right, and Mrs. Lohsen, are fiut College so it could be used as customers. H. M. Seeley, left, Bell Telephone Co. commercial manager, and Ron- part of its astronomical program COUNTRY in connection with the establish- ald Demptey, installer, explain how push buttons replace the dial. SPECIAL! ment of the William Miller Sperry Observatory on the campus. He BAR& sey Ave., Keansburg; Humbert HARD suggested that the telescope might Sclplone, 23 Bayberry La-. Mid- be used by students, and that it CLAMS 50" dei. LIQUORS On Campus dJetown, and Michael C. Pappas, be displayed as a telescope of 206 Howell Ave., Spring Lake. Chowahrt-Cktrrki-Uttta Necks historical interest. INC. By BOB GLOVER Elks award for scholarship and Students named to the dean's Jeffrey Stoll, son of Mr. and leadership. list at the New Brunsiwck di- Members of Amateur As- STRATHMORE Mrs. Edward Stall, 64 Bay Ave., vision Of University College are: tronomers, Inc., who will operate SHOPPING CENTER Atlantic Highlands, was awardec Ninety-four students are par- Mrs. Christine Hackel Parker, the observatory jointly with Union HWY. 34, MATAWAN TWP., N. J. a four-year board of governor'i ticipating this summer in the 399 Leonardville Rd., Belford; STEAMERS 40V eight-week Summer Experience TOURISTS BEATNIKS MICHAEL N. NAPPI, Prep. Scholarship to the University ol Walter A. Jamison, 7 Weamaconk West Virginia. A graduate ol in Social Work program, a non- Dr., and Mrs. Vernotca M. Ma- ATHENS (AP) - Athens City TakeoutM UIII -\rta s. i^MttiOrdersa «*•at- theme "HIT" FREE DELIVERY—583-1555 Henry Hudson Regional High profit organization affiliated with lone, 6 Woodview Dr., both o Council has proposed that the Greek government require all LOBSTER Engllshtown; Leo M. Lamb, R.D. OPIM DAILY MONDAY THRU SATURDAY School, he was salutatoran of hi foreign visitors to Greece to No. 3, Mrs. Ann M. Merchant, graduating class, a member ol have at least $200 on arrival. POUND the National Honor Society, the 73 Park Ave., and Mrs. Irene HIGHLANDS The proposal was made in an at Foot of Atlantic Ave. off lay Ave., Highlands varsity basketball, golf and soc- taltrovls, 8 Brentwood Ave., alltempt to^curb the recent influx Contact Ray Shugard—«72-*lil—172.1753 I Advertise in The Register cer teams, and the winner of the of Freehold; Mrs. Nancy K, of beatniks and cashless un- Goeller, g Deerfield Rd., Hazlet desirables. HUT IS ClOSID TUHDAY Mrs. Bertha Cohn Alpine, 287 Broad St., and Richard S. Krok, 222 Broadway, both of Keyport;, Robert Baskin, 362 Prospect Ave., The Public b Cordially Invited to Attend Little Silver; Mrs. Lois R. O'Brien, 1107 Lakewood Rd., Manasquan; Mrs. Carole S. 01- The Dedication of sen, 62 Brookview 1>., Mrs. You'll Never Glean the dith Riu, 42 Idlewild La., and Mrs. Joan S. Scherer, 8 Ferland La., all of Matawan; George W. The Winone J. Eisner Pavilion Murphy, 70 Stateslr PI., Red Bank, and Mrs. Diana Mueller, for Therapeutic Radiology Oven By Hand Again! 29 Homestead La., Roosevelt at The Matterhorn stands in the Pennine Alps, one of many Al- New GENERAL ELECTRIC Jeffrey StoU pine ranges that curve north and Monmouth Medical Center Rutgers University, New Bruns- east from the French coast, grow- wick. The program placed 72 ing higher and whiter as they Range with Amazing compass northern Italy and spill women and 22 men who are in- Saturday, August 20, 1966, at 11:45 AM. into Switzerland, Austria, terested in social work careers fen that in paid summer positions with 34 public and private agencies throughout New Jersey. Local students participating in the program are: Cynthia C. Nl* on, 2 Chapin and East Mounl Ave., Atlantic Highlands: Linda J. Mete, Box 180, R.D. 1, Free- hold; Nancy Jane Gather, 729 Bendermere Ave., InterlakDn, and Gloria Hose Harris, 6 Cot tage Ave., Long Branch.

Paula Hunt of 45 Bellevue Jvtf wf tin dials, lakh tin Ave., Rumson, was elected pres- doer . •. the oven ebon* Umti ident of the sophomore class al (Ike new, eJecfrfcaJ/y. No Immaculata College, Immacula- ehsmfcoJs... no snMfeff te Pa., for the 1966-67 academic Mfecl year. A biology major, she was also voted a member of the ath- Ut m nctaJw «kn*m to OJEfr tat ftanei«t cooktag letic association board. save your hands, your nusdss jnd end messy dradjwy^ Joseph Barth, son of Mr. and • Big Capacity, Yet Only 30 In. Wide. • Automatic OvenTlmar—twists start, and (top |ime. Also has signaling Min- Mrs. Joseph Barth, 12 Magnolia • Spacious Oven. ute Timer and Clock. Ave., Hazlet, has been accepted • Automatic Speed Grill. • 4 Cakod» Surface Units Include Semi- as a member of the 19W47 fresh- • Pushbutton Keyboard Control sets TsmpCO (adjustable to 3 pot sins). man class of Yankton College, act heat level wanted. Yankton, S. D. A member of the • Full-Width Storage Drawer. Now coifs eflfy*338* class of 1966 at Raritan Township High School, he plans to major NO DOWN PAYMENT! EASY TOUSI in political science and sociology.

6ENEML ELECTRIC ELECTMC Students named to the dean's AiMrteam RANGE w«h 40 h. RANK wMi SehMaeartng list at Douglass College, New P>7 Master Oven * *7 Lew Own _ M Upper Own Brunswick, were: Barbara Kap- Ffclata Spate) *r»ta lan, 403 Lakeview Ave., Asbury • Aabaatie Own Tlnar,, &}• rmthttkTMMrt CMM aallal Mint* Timer aaf AatauUc 0n> Haw, Hlntt Park; Sheree Starrett, 115 Park Clock • /UttmaBc Grill TiMrind Clock Place . Ave., Bradley Beach • 4 Calms' Snrfaaa UnHa If Aatoautls RoUittria) II Irate Om • Mario OrM Sharon Golden, 725 Norwood wnmMi Usa Ave., Elberon; Molly Opatut, 440 Dimr «ZUnl E*mt Broadway, Freehold; C. Linda Steiner, 79 Markham PI., and tophi rtktt at $358* *558* J-7KS Julie Sumpf, 12 Silverwhlte Rd., both of Little Silver; Jane Perl- «EHEML EUCTMC WNfiES CARRY A ONE-TEAR REPAIR WARRANTY AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS. man, 174 Franklin Ave., Long •MMm Mall PHea Branch; Jean Morris, 31 Wilson YM Hay (Mar tta Medal. Mow Taunt III. Yaw EnirileH M Cnhr. ta Ow tanart DUpltf, MCM tad Tana. Ave., Matawan; Kathleen John- am, 66 Monmouth Blvd., and Victoria Perkins, 68 Comanch Dr., both of Occanport; Cathleen Holiday Sweepstakes Dora, 51 Normandy Ct., Janet Koenlg, 49 Conover La., am Elizabeth Latshaw, 16 Whitman Win an expense-paid trip for 2 Qr., all of Middletown; Jane Monteverde, 37 Birch Dr., _ via Pan Am. See your choice ot Shrewsbury, and Lillian Hen- ihaw, 1102 Interlaken Ave., Wan- Cadillac owners are practical people. 27 European cities. Jus» (ill out amasSa. blank at our store. It's true that a new Cadillac is a most impressive motor car—unequaled for its quiet Naaey Haadrteksen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hen- performance and its many outstanding comforts. Yet owners find Cadillac's ability | (There's nothing to buy.) drickson, 18 Pelican Rd., Oak Hill, Middletown, will serve as to hold its value is one of the great personal satisfactions. feature editor for "La Vie Col- leglene" at Lebanon Valley Col More new car buyers have selected the 1966 Standard cient triple braking system, cornering lights, three-speed Sulaa >• (ntiyblonkimgyb* eflaMbuUn, ft «Wk«ri «l H»l» I lege, Annvllle, Pa., for the 1995 be Jl tiofi ol M. 0' 0«« lo •»'•'• *"'« °> <"" •• k'" *•*§ *• *••* •< OO. ^ INC 67 academic year. Miss Hend of the World than any other luxury automobile ever windshield wipers and padded instrument panel give a ell." ai you Ilk.One prlr« per perion or per The winner will be .silted by rtfllifered Moll married courle. J. No rurchaie'«ranuired (or S. If II II IncOMtfliwI(or you 10 vllll our llor*. rlckson ii a sophomore. built. The reasons are varied. Many owners maintain unique sense of driving security and confidence. Most eMry m JCP41/NJP&L •'Holiday Sweepllotet." write your Rome ond eddVett on (lie coupon Mn Irlp wil b. ck.™.J by Swle»b« 3* below •* Mil I; JWVNJH. *«»* that Cadillac's impressive styling, comfort and quietness important, the Cadillac owner finds his car the finest of If(7.Trt»trlie h tanslerebk bul«ol r*)»e.. lemfeKkee, Bo< UMairWoae, N.J. .llel.M*.»."HorMoyS»e»l>iHl«e"h»«. John J. CosMlo, Jr., son of of operation caused them to make their decision. Others all automobile investments. For he knows that tradition- led lo •» reduol e«d 5We regdaltoni. t>. Mr. and Mrs. John Costello, 131 telKWNjrilltie^verllieioiioe.cy. **"*" ,T^i!2 point to Cadillac's long and distinguished leadership ally a Cadillac provides the highest return on his original TaeWtMMNex Oxford Ave., Fair Haven, ha been accepted into the freshman in engineering and quality manufacture. There is also purchase price when he chooses to trade. Visit your class of Monmouth College, am genuine approval of Cadillac's unexcelled safety and authorized dealer aoon. I le will be very pleased to intro- plans to enter this fall. He Is a duce you to one of the world's most practical luxuries. June graduate of Valley Forge convenience benefits. Such features as its highly effi- Military Academy, Wayne, Pa.

Robert E. Hill, Jr., of 1' Church St., Rumson, received hi IT'S GREAT...GOING BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP MA degree from Western Michl- CWMIaa Malar Caf Division Standard of theWorld chigan University, Kalama- 46 MONMOUTH ST. 741-4310 RED BANK 7oo, Mich., during ceremonies SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALEll FOR THE FINEST IN SALES AND SEKVICE OK I<1EW ANU USEQ.CAR3. held Friday. OPIN WEDNISDAY AND FRIDAY NI6HTS Students named to the dean's Free Parking in Rear of Store Entrance en White Street list at the Newark center of Uni- RUSSELL OLDSMOBILE - CADILLAC COMPANY versity College, the evening de- NOTE—WE SERVICE EVERYTHING Wf SELL 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD, RED BANK • PHONE 741-0910 gree-granting division of Rutgers, are Roy L. Mcrgner, 127 Ram \ 16-Thumty, August 18,1966 THE DAILY REGISTER Tipsy Count* fost 2 Mien Their licenses MC Library TRENTON - T#o Monmoutti Ct, Shrewsbury; Ver- Jt, of 34 Center St. CHfTwood; Aid Squad Faces Suit County driven, convicted of lioa J. Jullano, M, of J WInfield William G. Ireland, 35, of 1111 fets Assistant FREEHOLD — An Esst Keans- against the squad and the am- drunk driving In the State of Dr, Little Silver; and Robert K, Cottage PI., West Belmar; Wil- burg woman injured when a Sea bulance driver. New York, haw tost their "Ne* w Kisnw, 3S. of 25 Lentpe Trtil, liam J. Schooley, Jr.. 22, of 19 Bright First Aid Squad ambu- Mrs. Elizabeth Emerson, 10 Jersey driving privileges for six Manasquan. Cottage Rd., Monmouth Beach, lance backed into her parked car Essex St, East Keansburg, main- months, Miss June Strelecki, di- and Adam Edmond, 56, of 6 Stil- rector of motor vehicles, an- Six drivers drew 45-day sus- well St., Matawan. AND has filed suit in Superior Court tains in her suit that she was pensions; Edward L. Marks, 28, sitting in her parked car on nounces. Nineteen county drivers lost They are Samuel D. Redd, 34, of Highland Ave., Matawan; CELEBRATED BIRTHDAY Union St., Red Bank. July 2, George W. Massey, 24, of 239 their licenses for excessive speed. Jacky Hendrickson, son of Mr. when an ambulance, driven by of USASMMSD, 1262 SD, High- A three-month suspension was lands; and Curtis J. Walden, 23, Creek Rd., Keansburg; Charlie and Mrs. Jack Hendrickson, 63 Herbert L. Gardner of 4 Penin- Durant, 40, of 152 Long Branch given John D. Mclntyre, 25, of sula Ave., Sea Bright, backed out of 55 Drummond Ave., Neptune. 1405 Bangs Ave., Asbury Park. Wayne Ave., celebrated his Three-month suspensions under Ave., Long Branch; Robert Viele, of a driveway at Riverview Hos- Pete A. Krukowsky, 20, of Old FERTILIZER eighth birthday at a barbecue 20, of 17 Coach Dr., H a zi e t; pital and into her car. the state's point system program lawn party Friday afternoon. At- Frederick L. Brink, 21, of 212 Tavern Rd., Farmingdale, lost (at the Store Specials • Limited Quantitie* were given John McCarthy, 21, of his license for two months. tending were Michael, Mark, The suit charges the driver was 540 Mornlngside Ave., Union Raritan St., Union Beach; and One-month suspensions were Janice, Raymond and Laurie reckless and negligent. It seeks Beach; Barry Gray, 20, of Box James Gadsen, 19, of 309 South 95 an award for injuries to Mrs. St., Brielle. Iverson, Harry Mager, Josh 61, Long Branch; Hugo Cota, 23, given John F. Ahem, 17, of 42 PEAT MOSS Emerson and for damages to her t en. ft—Regular 3.3* Schreiber, Jimmy Gibson, Rob- of 161 Grand Ave., Long Branch; Ten county drivers lost their East Garfield Ave., Atlantic car. ert Huncharick, Debbie Jerolis, Peter W. Hall, 24, of 205 West licenses for a month: Sheridan Highlands; Herbert C. Falken- WEEDONE William Himelman, Red Bank, Julie Marie and Edwin Box, End Ave., Long Branch; Victor C. Snider, 45, of 2 Marvin Rd., burg, 50, of 370 Meadowbrook represents Mrs. Emerson. Hawkins, 23, of 3 Rivers Edge Middletown; Henry F. Speaks, 46, T5 Karen Rose, Janice Rose, Brad Ave., Eatontown; Herman Dr., Little Silver; and Richard of 549 Springdale Ave., Long LAWN WEED KILLER 5 Dotzel, John and Jeanie Rod- Legette, 18, of 7 George St., Nep- Covers 11,000 sq. ft.—Regalor t.fS Sell Fast! The Daily Register W. Florke, 23, of 271 Vanderveer Branch; Raymond Kenner, 39, of tnond. tune; Harry L. Sacks; Jr., 17, of Classified. PI., Long Branch. 5 First St., Freehold; James 28 Poplar Ave., West Keansburg; Miss Barbara Jane Hutchinson Other Suspensions Leach, 32, of 120 Second St., John F. Plunkett, 18, of 22 Park- Two-m o n t h suspensions were Keyport; Harry Neron, 25, of 903 LAWN LIFE 60 view Ter., Hazlet; Edward J. WEST LONG BRANCH — The received by Teodor Wesseli, 42, Heck St., Asbury Park; Maggie 100% organic ultrofn, S.000 sq. ft. Piccolie, 49, of 17 Canal St., Red appointment of Miss Barbara Reielar 4.K 3 of First St., Farmingdale; Wil- Graham, 44, of Munroe Ave., Bank; Ralph J. Wilson, 19, of 16 Jane Hutchlnson of Belmar as liam G. Lanigan, 19, of 37 Asbury Park; Jesse M. Pitts, Riveredge Dr., Little Silver; John an assistant librarian at Mon- Reardon, 33, of 10 Jubilee Cir., mouth College's Guggenheim Me- LAWN LIFE 20-10-5 2,90 Matawan; Michael P. Service, 21, morial Library has been an- With U. F. covers 5,000 sq. ft.—Keg. 4.TS Mm of 35 Florence Ave., Leonardo; nounced by Everett W, Holt, Martha E. Young, 32, of 1128 dean of the faculty. DQN'T MISS OTHERS First Ave., Asbury Park; Henry Miss Hutchinson received a WHICH ARE UNLISTED LIQUIDATORS J. Nichol, Jr., 21, of 320 Ocean master of library service degreie 69 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD., SHREWSBURY Ave., Long Branch; Leroy Tay- from Rutgers University Gradu- lor, 36, of 600 Main St., Asbury ate School, of Library Service in Park; Kevin J. Bradley, 19, of 11 June. She also has a bachelor Monmouth Ave., Leonardo; David of arts degree from Drew Uni- FABULOUS BARGAINS Oberlander, 36, of 517 Monmouth versity, where she majored in po- Hance & Davis GttMWtttnslonphormnow.lt cut uveyou hundreds ofsteps Ave., Bradley Beach; Lloyd S. litical science. in the busy day* ahead. The cost? Only 3f a dty. To order, 26 SHREWSBURY AVE. RED BANK Young, Jr., 23, of 136 Fifth Ave., lust ctll your Telephone BUS/MM Otliee. NEW JERSEY BELL She was a library trainee with 747-0103 THURSDAY 10 A.M. Neptune City, and Leo J. Marks, the Monmputh County Library at Jr., 41, of 14 Idol PI., MaUwan. Freehold, SAVE 1 A BAG on our best selling gross fertilizer TURF BUILDER MS 10.000 tq. ft. % the best prict wt've had en F BUILDER, America's fa- vorite lawn fertilizer. So low, in fact, you'll probably want sev- BECKER eral bags, the sale is author- ised for a limited rime only, so sleek up this weekend.

4.95 * 5,000 tq. ft. 4*45 TRUCKLOAD SA $ 'loff 7 off WINDSOR WINDSOR It til* amalna Scotts spreader new grow that thrives In hot weather, stays green Sturdy steel spreader has dial- longer in drought and re- ilits disease. Grows green- a-matic rate setting. FuH 18-in. er, sturdier grass that can 50' off spreading width. New rust-re- really take punishment. sistant finish. 2,500 SQ. FT. REG. 11.95 Family blend Reg. $19.95 10.95 For years the all-purpose choice of ALSO 50c OFF 1,000 SQ. FT. SIZE. REG. 4.95-4.45 most lawn owners, FAMILY grass 12.95 seed Is now on sale at its "lowest- ever" price. Produces a good look- with trade-In Rent A Power Rake ing, good wearing lawn with mod- Removes mar and thatch, but' dim not |n|nre lawn. A necessery est care in sun or shade. piece of equipment which ihould b* mid In preparing a MW lawn, at well as reconditioning, an established one. Uwn caumelers advise 2,500 SQ. FT. $1off atina Hw machines now before fertlllilng and Medina. REGULAR 4.95 Windsor blend You're sure to love WINDSOR. It grows so thick it actually keeps weeds in check . .. Requires less water and stays green in sum- mer's heat too. Now available in BECKER HA 67 years" this new Scotts seed blend con- "helping people with lawn problems for over taining 50% Windsor. 197 SHREWSBURY AVE. (cor. c ,h.r. . 2,500 sq. ft., reg. 8.95 a n *> RED BANK 7.95 Open daily fhru Saturday 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.; Friday'til 9 747-0465 For Ouick Results HOME DELIVERY

:/ •;./- 741-0010 •j Us© ftwr^Want Ads « rj yro/fTUT" t RAIN OR SHINE 741 6900 DAY .••r.A .'•'- 7 Diaf * Copyrigfah-Tbe Red Bank Register, Inc. 1986. ' 40c PER WEEK 741-1110 NIGHT SECOND NEWS SECTION THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1966 7c PER COPY Rightist Society Demands Right to Reply Firemen Deny Hall to Birch Unit By FRANK W. HARBOUR people's right to know be un- if the Supreme Court are tools do that at least they are entitled To the charge by Mr. Becker MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — The dermined by pressure groups, nor if communism. to see both sides of the coin, that hall use was denied be- cause Bnai Brith threatened to Oak Shades Fire Co. yesterday do we intend to be intimidated The society opposes the United and then make their own de- picket, the fire official said: or discriminated against. I would Nations, the civil rights move- cisions." vehemently denied a ciiarge by "There was no formal threat like to make it known that we ment under its present leader- Samuel Canzano, president of the local John Birch Society of that kind, but some of our fire will continue in our efforts to hip, federal aid to education, Oak Shades, said Bnai Brith Wom- chapter that the company is dis- company members, who are also obtain a public liall in this area Medicare, foreign aid, mental en hold regular monthly meet- Bnai Brith members, did say that criminating against the Birch or- to present our views to the people ings in the fire house hall and health programs, the income tax, Bnai Brith's Anti Defamation ganization. and let the public decide on our that in November the organiza- federal public works, the federal League might picket," Fred J. Becker, 8 Washington merits. tion presented an anti-Birch film school lunch program, urban re- Bert Barnett, vice president of St., Matawan, Birch section lead- 1M.M0 Strong to a public assembly. newal, the federal anti-pollution the local Bnai Brith chapter, toM er, told The Register that the The Birch organization, nearly program and other federal proj- Asked if he thought it as fair The Register that his chapter did company canceled a planned 100,000 strong nationally and with ects. for the company to permit one not put any pressure on the fire Birch meeting at the (ire house as an estimated 200 members in Mon- Birch national leader Robert H. organization to use the hall for company, as a chapter, but that a result of pressure from Bnai mouth County, advocates the im W. Welch has called former Pres- an anti-Birch presentation and not fire company Bnai Brith mem- Brith. petchment of Supreme Court ident Eisenhower an agent of the permit the, society hall use for a bers "made their feelings known." Declared Mr. Becker: Chief Justice Earl Warren, claim Communist conspiracy. reply, tlie president commented: He added, "Pressure may have "We do not intend to let the ing that he and other members "I think each situation has to been exercised from Bnai Brith Mr. Becker's statement contin- be judged separately. I did not national headquarters in Wash- ued: make the decision against so- ington. If it was, I feel it was Sen. Case to Dedicate "Our critics are quick to call ciety use of the hall, it was justified because the John Birch the John Birch Society a 'secret made by the entire company Society is a group which discrim- society.' The irony of this can membership at a fire house meet- inates." be seen when we attempt to hold ing Aug. 9. Mr. Canzano reported that the RADIOLOGICAL TREATMENT — Monmoufh Medical Center will dedicate Saturday New Riverview Wing a public program and are denied company received no communi- "The membership voted, unan- • new wing housing a department of therapeutic radiology. Contained in the addition RED BANK — U.S. Sen. Clif- Sen. Case has devoted more the use of a facility, even though cation from Bnai Brith's Wash- paying the standard rental fee. imously not to*permit the Birch ington headquarters. to the Long Branch institution is the Van DeGraaff accelerator, a two-million-volt ma- ford P. Case, (R-NJ) will be the than a quarter of a century to group to use the hall. The rea- principal speaker at the dedica- would be interested in hearing Eward Kaufman, president of chine which is used in cancer treatment. Dr. Stuart Waist, right, director of the new public service. He is a graduate son was not discrimination but tion of Riverview Hospital's new of Rutgers University and rom any group in this area, with the Strathmore Democratic Club, because the society is a con- categorically denied reports that facility, here supervises adjustment of rotating chair used during treatment. Miss Ar- south wing at 3 p.m., Sunday, Columbia University Law School l hall, willing to rent it to the troversial organization. These his organization has exercised lane Heilman, head technician in the new facility, assists. Machine is only one of its Sept. II, The announcement was A resident of Railway, he was society for an admission-free, things have to be decided based pressure. made today by Frank F. Blais- a congressman from the 6th public presentation. kind currently in use in a general hospital in the state. on public sentiment and there "I didn't even realize that there dell, president of the hospital's district, New Jersey, 1945-1953. "I feel certain that there" are was no doubt what the sentiment was a John Birch chapter here," Since his early days In the House board of governors. many Americans who feel as I was on this issue." h« added. of Representatives, Sen. Case Mr. Blaisdell said state, coun- has been actively concerned with ty and municipal officials and To Dedicate Radiology i problem of providing i health leaders will be invited, quate medical care, including 1 as the public. Guided hospitalization for the elderly, tours of the new wing will fol- under social security. He ha low, the dedication and corner- been a champion of human rights stone ceremony. Chairman ol Wing at MMC Saturday since coming to Congress and i the dedication committee is F, one of the leaders in civil rights Bourne Rurbrauff, Little Silver, LONG BRANCH — A new,nps: .Built On the site of a parking diately after the ceremonies. legislation. a member of Riverview's board pitil wing housing the depart- kit, the 6,500-square-lbot building The building was designed by The senior senator from New of governors. ment of therapeutic^ radiology is air conditioned and has ground Ferrenz and Taylor, New York Jersey is a member of the two will be dedicated Saturday at floor access as weU as access architects, and was built by the The eight-story south wing will Senate committees generally Monmouth Medical Center. from the hospital. Some of its Pirie Maloney Construction Co. increase Riverview's capacity considered to be the most in- The new Building will contain walls are covered with murals of Red Bank. from 195 to 327 beds. It includes fluential — Foreign Relations and modern radiological equipment to psychologically a i d patient; Besides the two accelerators, four floors for medical-surgical Appropriations. In addition, he is for the treatment of cancer and and dismiss the tedium some- the building will house five other patients, an out-patient clinic, concerned with the whole rangi other diseases. It is the ninth times accompanied by prolonged radiological units. A five-person physical therapy department, a of problems involved in the in- major hospital facility con- treatment. A patients' parking staff, headed by Dr. Marvin new lobby, and administrative creasing urbanization of New Jer- structed since the original build- lot is adjacent to the new facility. Brodie, will operate the facility, offices. sey and the nation. Ing was finished in 1919. Of the Ground was broken in July, nine sections, five have been 1965, days after the Susan Green- built in the past 11 years. wall Pavilion was dedicated. With design following function, The now structure is named Mullaney Resigns as YR 's the new $350,000 building h a s the W i n o n e J. Eisner Pavilion lead-lined walls up to six feet, for Therapeutic Radiology in 10 inches thick in the rooms con- memory of the wife of Monroe CRIME STREET — Joline Ave., in the section surrounding th» Joline Ave. Bar and structed to house; t)ifc,5jix,-$nn'llen Eisner, president at Jhe medi- Grill, has baen th» sctne of fraquent disturbances. A group of residents has pre- 1 Head; Pick Baumgartner volt linear and tw<|H*jjlion volt cal center. Mrs. Eisner die* in Van DeGraaff accelerators. 1964. FREEHOLD - H. William sented tha Long Branch City Council a petition with 96 signatures demanding some- The accelerators, tt was ex- Mr. Eisner has been a mem- Mullaney, beleagured president thing b» don* to end tha abuses. Th» tavern ownar says he policoi his bar but has no of the Young Republicans of plained yesterday, are among the ber of the hospital's board of gov- authority to polic* th« ttraet. Thft-pojie* i«y they'r* leaping a watchful «y« en tha most modern weapons in the ernors since 1918. Last March he Monmouth County, has resigned medical arsenal against cancer. was re-elected to his seventh that post and Warren E. Baum- area. Tha residents say things haV« qiiiiet»d slightly sine* th» pttition forced tht Each has specific applications term as president. gartner of Holmdel has been ap- Issue but th«y still f«*r to walk th« «tr|»t. against specific cancers. The Dedication • ceremonies are pointed president for the bal equipment, which cost $250,000, scheduled for 11:45 a.m. in the ance of the year. will be complete next June when Borden Auditorium of the medi- Mr. Mullaney was cleared of the linear accelerator is sched- cal center. Tours of the new fa- bigotry in June by a special YR cility will be conducted imme- investigating committee after Seeds of Decay Sprout uled to be delivered. hearings that lasted several weeks. He had disqualified him- self from club activities while Charge Coppolino^ the hearings were in process and never returned to active lead- In Section of Joline Ave. ership after the committee ruled By SANFORD R. STAROB1N to the police department." downtown where there are po- Wife With Contempt that he was blameless. LONG BRANCH-Joline Ave, Police Chief Thomas M. Pe- licemen. She even avoids driv- The YR executive committee is a crime street. sano, Jr., says the police are ing on Joline Ave. by traveling SARASOTA, Ha. (AP) - The "On advice of Florida coun- accepted Mr. Mullaney's resigna- Slashings, fights, crap games watching the area closely. across to Atlantic Ave., turn- wife of Carl Coppolino, the anes- sel, I will not answer any ques- tion at a meeting Monday, and and speeding cars lend thi "We're checking more often," Ing, and picking up Joline again tion's put to me becaoje the sub- appointed Mr. Baumgartner to street iu personality and the he explained. blocks later. thesiologist charged with stran- poena- .is so vague and indef- succeed him through Dec. 31. blocks surrounding the Joline But the checking is done by Walking is impossible because gling a neighbor and poisoning inite," Mrs. Coppolino. told Mr. Mullaney cited pressure of Ave. Bar and Grill become no- patrol car, and Mr. Trombetsky, of the toughs on the sidewalk bis former wife, goes to court Scaub after each of the fity 46 his private business. man's land at night. seconded by other merchants on and winos drinking in the parked questions.- At the same time, the execu- William H. Mullaney Warren E. Baumgartner Along its littered sidewalks the street and *re* residents cars. Driving is impossible be- Thursday for a contempt hear- say the area should be policed Coppolino has hired F. Lee tive committee- endorsed recom- toughs gather at dusk for an cause the 25 m.p.h. speed limit ing. mendations from the Mullaney The steering committee has and that lie had no sympathy for evening's play, while mothers by a foot patrolman. Bailey, a Boston trial lawyer is rarely obeyed and cars of The attractive, 38-year-old investigating committee that the endorsed Assemblyman James those who did. He admitted he keep their children Indoors. A foot patrolman quieted thi drunks are constantly shooting who is defending Dr. Sam Shep- M. Coleman as candidate for had heard the word Negro used brunette refused to answer 54 club in the future shun contro- Each week, almost withoul raucous Liberty St. area, where from the curb. pard and the man accused of Congress, and incumbent Free- in songs in some conventions and questions from the state attor- versial involvement with the fail, some dropout from the long there are a number of bars, and being the "Boston strangier," to holders Marcus Daly and Harry had done nothing about it. The short expanse of Joline ney last week on a witness sub- state and . national organization bar appears in municipal court he would do the same for Jo- defend him against the first de- Larrison, Jr., for new terms. Ave. from Rockwell to Seventh poena. and remain an independent local Reporting on June 26, the com- to answer a disorderly persons line Ave., where there is only gree murder charge in Florida, Mr. Coleman is opposed by Aves. contains the trouble. The Judge Robert E. Willis or- power. mittee said he may have used charge. The police blotter is one bar, they say. trouble is seen in the ana's tentatively set to go to trial Collingwood J. Harris, and the dered her to appear for a hear- The club directed that the poor judgment in some public heavily marked with calls from Joline Ave. is a racially.mixed physical appearance. freeholders, by former Long statements he Nov. 7. senior party organization, repre- had made, but the area. Property values have area, in the throes of change ing to show cause why she Branch Councilman Edgar F. Diagonally across from the bar should not be held in contempt. Coppolino, 34, author of books sented by the party steering that there were no law viola dropped, say the residents, and Some residents point to the committee, be apprised that the Dinkelspiel. tions. is an abandoned service station, State Atty. Frank Scaub was on hypnosis and drunkenness, is ven those close by prefer to change as a reason for the the blacktop apron jagged and also charged in New Jersey YRs support their leadership in Mr. Mullaney, 29, is an avowed The committee also recom- rade downtown. turmoil, but they hastily assert trying to find out about her rela- the forthcoming elections, conservative and had been iden- mended that by Sept. 1 the or- strewn with broken bottles and with the first degree murder of A group of residents presented that the crime problem is not tionship with Coppolino before tified with the "Rat Fink" ele- ganization should spruce up ac- cans. On the station's side are William E. Farber, a retired the City Council a petition bear- a racial problem, and the abuse they were married, between ment of the Young Republicans. tion in local politics and hew a the rusting bodies of some 15 Army colonel who lived next ing 96 signatures last week. on the street is not racially in- April 15 and Aug. 28, 1965. He had been accused of being closer county party line than in discarded cars, their windows door in Middletown, N.J. Protest State They wanted police protection cited. Coppolino's first wife died present at a state convention the past. smashed, doors ajar, each, ac- They wanted the speeding Petitioners to the City Council Aug. 28, 1965. The cause of Farber died July 30, 1963, and when anti-Negro and anti-Semit- Chosen by the executive com cording to the neighbors, a lure stopped. They wanted the hood- have both black and white skins for small children. death was listed officially as a the cause of death was listed ic songs were sung, and that mlttee, by the same unanimous Response On lums cleared from the sidewalk. and the crime issue appears to officially as a heart attack. Cop- this represented participation. vote accorded Mr. Baumgartner, The seeds of decay have taken heart attack. But the state at- Last night, even before dark have united rather than divided was David Murray of Little" Sil- root in the neighborhood. Broken torney said she died of a poison polino's first wife, who was also In his own defense, Mr. Mul- less, the crap game was going the races. Odors Issue ver to succeed Mr. Baumgart- bottles form a pattern along the that medical science thought a doctor, signed the death cer- laney had told the hearing offi- >n as usual alongside the bar John F. Johnson, 302 Joline street and children dart between KEANSBURG - Borough Coun- ner on Friday morning. could not be detected. tificate. cer he never sang such songs nd a cluster of thugs was Ave., runs a wholesale confec- parked cars, generally staying on cil took issue with State Com- ilocking the sidewalk. tionery store in a garage be- the side opposite the bar. A few missioner of Health Roscoe P. Who to Blame? hind his home. He is in the women still walk on the side- Kandle last night. Board Hopes to Use Most residents pin the blame neighborhood all day and has walk, but on the side opposite County Drought Dr. Handle said sources other in the bar's owner, Murray watched the area turn from a the bar. :han the International Flavor and Trombetsky of Bradley Beach, leighborhood into a jungle. Broken windows stay broken Fragrances plant may be respon- ho bought the bar last No- He remembers picking up the and litter remains on the side- ible for odors Keansburg resi Portable Classrooms ember. shoes that flew from the fee! walk and atop the spotty lawns. Emergency Area dents charged recently were com- MARLBORO — Portable class- was authorized to purchase an But the owner sees it dlfferent- if a drunk struck down by a Many of the old-time residents ing from the Union Beach plant. rooms which the Board of Edu- exhaust fan for the cafeteria of y. "We're running a legitimate :ar last year. He remembers his have moved or died off or are FREEHOLD—Monmouth Coun- There are about 900 farms in laughter returning home from His remarks were made in a cation plans to install soon at the Central School af: a cost not >usiness," he argues. Whenever planning to move. • ty, along with several North the county. The 1964 average sees the sidewalk fill he tries he Gregory School, a few letter to Harold M. Haitsch of the Central School will be used to exceed $250. But Edward O. Emerson, who Jersey counties, received offi- farm income was $21,188. o chase the crowd, he says. blocks away, in tears because bought McGuire's Pharmacy Keansburg, who led a petition for two years, until the Roberts- The board also authorized re- cial designation yesterday as a "But I'm not going to stand she had witnessed two men three years ago, contends things June ended what County Agri- drive to seek state and county in- ville school is constructed, board pairs for tlie boiler room at the farm emergency area so that cultural Agent Donald M. Mohr itside and get a knife in my fighting on the sidewalk, blood are not as bad as they seem. 'estigntion of tlic odors. members said at a special meet- Morganville school. Tlie work [usliinj from each. drought stricken farmers can had said appeared like a more ack," he declnres. He says the conditions are due "From our investigations, ing last night. will be done by Robert B. Sebcr, qualify for low-interest loans. favorable year. June and July Last slimmer, during racing Although the petition idea to a "few bad egps" and that which nre continuing, it appears 'Die board plans to lease four Jr., this place, at a cost of $433. had a total of about one inch of eason, a man in the bar got lidn't originate with him, Mr. his business is good. The Farmer's Home Adminis- that sources other than the plant classrooms from C.I.T. Educa- knife in his chest, twice. A Johnson read the demands to rainfall, compared with an aver- Bus contracts totaling $50,465 He says much of the trouble tration (FHA) office here and the may be responsible for some of tional Buildings, Inc., Neiv York, murder suspect was released Ihe City Council. He has since age of four inches. were awarded. comes during race track season county agricultural office sought the odors, if not all," the letter at a cost of $19,260 (or the first months later when a jury failed jecome the unofficial spokesman wl\en the nrea is invaded by federal assistance in getting the While local produce w i 11 tated. year, which includes erection o convict him. Tor the neighborhood. nomadic thugs. smaller in size, prices will be declaration, which arrived by let "The total problem has not yet and maintenance. Lifts News Curb Mr. Trombetsky is a nervous Mrs. Antonio Sylvester lives Many of the residents agree higher. Some grocery chains are ter. >cen completely defined to our Tlie board authorized William KEANSnfJRG - Police Chief man. He speaks in short clips. round the corner from the bar. !>n that score hut contend that importing most of their produce 1 e appears to be looking over ihe has lived there 25 years and :rouble, like charity, begins at Farmers who need cash to satisfaction, ' he continued. F. Stolz, Marlboro, to do the Robert J. Kronenberger, who from other states because of the necessary electrical work for the Tuesday placed restrictions on is shoulder, even when he faces ecalls when the neighborhood home. bring in their harvests or to put drought. Although Dr. Kamlle's letter Iront. He says the bar has made as fresh and safe. In crops can get applications for tvas addressed to Mr. Hailsch, rooms and Frank C. Gibson, Inc., reports released to newspapers, Auction-Sat., It a.m. Hardest hit are the unirrigateri Freehold, to do tlie plumbing. last night lifted 'IM ban, for the im nervous, that in his pre- "I won't oven go out at night Contents of the Van Buskirk loans at 3 per cent interest at ouncil ordered a reply prntest- IOII.H businesses he was calmer. IOW," she says. "I'm scared to crops such ns sweet corn, The work will bo done on a cost most part. state. Broad and Elizabeth Sts., the FHA office here. iiK the (lepaitinenl'.s pieliininiuy The bars parking lot has been lentil." peaches, apples a n il potatoes. plus basis. voyport. (Adv.) inclusions. The chief said newspapers will Conditions have been de- As the drought continues into Pasture lands in mnny liorse and :lcxsed to keep crap shooters Joseph A. Keilly, 08 Oakwoixl Board members could set no be given all police items except iut. On weekends, the bar has rloralinx for years, Mrs. Syl- Old Wagon Farm Its fifth year, some formers had dairy farms are also affected. I., complained that large num- date for the completion of the those of a confidential or in- bouncer. But, Mr. Trombetsky 'cstcr explains, "but this sum- Rain has helped. Peaches «re reported Hint their crops are The cost of irrigation equip- •>ers of lioRt are running loose in work because I hey are awaiting vestigative nature. lays, the bouncer has no author- mer has been the worst, and iow in greater supply. Eating burning up, others that their ment and labor necessary to pro- the Belvedere area and asked approval of the plans by the He said he will spoil out po':- y on the sidewalk. "He has last summer was bad." pples available soon. Open 9 crops are just being kept alive duce suitable crops is the reason ouncil to notify summer tenants state Department of Education. cy dctailf in a memo to the po- lothing to do in the street," the Mn. Sylvester used to shop .m. to 6 p.m. Rt. 35, north of with irrigation. for the price increases. to keep their pets off the streets. Board secretary John Dugan ke department today. wner maintains. "That belongs n Joline Ave. but now goes Middletown. (Adv.) 18—Thuwa'ay, August 18,1966 MC Biology &**»«. SchoUrthip THE DAILY REGISTER lions Mark First Event To Forrest-Gifletpie Air Policeman FAIR HAVEN-The lions Oub haw ivm w nnciion in OCEAN TOWNSHIP — f orrest held the first of its special 25th Instructor training 'centers and overseas, L. GUIespie, Jr., 1$ son of Coun- Training Course year anniversary Joins RBCH events and to hoepftal patients. cilman and Mrs. Forrest L. Gil- at the Shrewsbury River Vadrt 1 Arrangements for the dinner lespie has been awarded a Is Named Club recently. were made by Raymond Miller, $500 scholarship by the Township For Mulhall WEST LONG BRANCH — The Raymond Fertig and O. Roger Club members, their wives and Council. SAN ANTONIO, TeK. — Air- appointment of Robert C. Jar- guests attended a dinner-meeting Wight. Mr. Fertig is commodore man John E. Mulhall, son of The new {500 scholarship is mon, Larchwood Ave., is »n in- at which the club's 25th birthday of the yacht club. Mrs. Naomi J. Mulhall of 35 Ta- from the James E. Erickson structor in biology »t Monmouth cake was cut by Mrs. Arlene tum Dr., Middletown, N, J., has Fund of the Oakhurst Fire and ollege has been announced by Measley, wrfe of the dub presi- BUILT OVER COAL SEAM been assigned to Edwards Air First Aid Squad. Mr. Erickson Everett V. Holt, dein of the fic- dent, and Mrs. Norene Paster, BELLEVILLE, III. (AP) - Force Base, Calif., after com- was a township tax collector and ulty. wife of the immediate past pres- Drillers have confirmed that a pleting basic training. Mr. Jarmon, who received a ident. member of the squad. seam of coal underlying th« site The airman, a 19M graduate of ' bachelor of science degree from The scholarship will be Guests included Mayor and of a new county highway build- Middletown Township High Ursinus College, Collejeville, Pa., awarded annually to the son of Mrs. Eugene Magee, Councilman ing is. still there. School, will be trained on the in 19(5, attended Hahnemann and Mrs. Robert Matthews and a squad member who has ex- Test holes showed the seven- job as an air policeman with the Medical School during the past Councilman and Mrs. James celled academically. Mr. Gillejpii foot seam of coal 175 feet deep Air Force Systems Command. year. Buckley. shown on oiapi has not been ex- graduated from Asbury Park The club's thanks -were given to traded High School in June and will at- Mozambique exports copra, Lion Gustave I. Freret, chairman Belated misgivings about the tend Syracuse University thli fall. The memory of Captain James cotton, tea, sisal, rice and tim-j of the paperback book project. ground stability of the site of Cook and anything associated ber.Ther* it some mining of i During the 25 years of the club's the new $300,000 building Sell Fasti The Dairy Register with him U still venerated coal, copper, and other minerals. I Robert 6. Ja activity, more than 40,000 books prompted the drilling. Classified. throughout Polynesia. Jaha'E.]

4i MM MWJ Elizabeth Beaaiager RED BANK - MUs Mary Elii- The Mercedes-Benz 230S abeth Benninaer of Mountainaide has bees hired to teach French this year at Red Bank Catholic High School. Miss Benninger recently w is over-engineered" say the critics. | turned from six weeks in Paris, France, where she attended tht '••' Alliance Francaise on a scholar- ship grant from the Society for French-American Cultural Ser- vices. A welcome excess, say the facts. Miss Benninger, a graduate of Georgetown University, received the scholarship while she mi serving as a teaching Intern in French at Assumption College in Worcester, Mass. She was selected by the French - American . Cultural Ser- vices scholarship committee u the highest ranked of all French teaching interns. Miss Benninger also received the Regents' Ota ton for her work in the Institute of Language and Linguistics a Georgetown University. Up front in the 230S is an exotic, or 443 color combinations. adeem*, New tingle overhead camshaft Six. have to: Underneath, one of the most so- "When you jump into it and close Monmouth the door and start it up, the way the Mrs. Sceva Whitney, Woods phisticated suspension designs End Ave., mi given a sur- outside the racing world. And switches work, the way the dpor hm- prise farewell party at the home if s dies work, the way the seat feels when of Mrs. Harry Rader. Mr. and the 23OS doesn't really need ; Mrs. Whitney will move to Mas- you get into it, the way the ratchet on ! saehusetts in September. 9.9-inch front disc brakes. Sheer the seat reclinerfeels when you change Guests included, Mrs. Carlo engineering extravagance-or the seat adjustment-all of those | Fraticelli, Mrs. Hugh Fawcett, Mrs. George Hermey, Mrs. Jer- something better? Read on, then things add up to an overwhelming ry Maul, Mrs. Michael Carotenu- decide for yourself. feeling of luxury." -David E. Davis Jr. to, Mrs. Thomas Lynch, Mrs. G. . Robert Black, Mrs. John Crane ! and Mrs. Jean Rockefeller. OME critics claim that the Mer- Mercedes-Benz motor cars: Dreux Zeller, son of Mr. and S cedes-Benz 230S uses unique from $25,582 to $3,955 Mrs. Robert Zeller, Claridge Dr., technical features when something celebrated his e i g h t h birthday. You may be able to afford a Merce- Present were David and Michael more mundane would do. That it's des-Benz without knowing it. Below Vacca, Walter, Mark and Dennis "over-engineered." are suggested retail prices* for 7 of Reppy, Alex and Robert De Sanc- the 15 Mercedes-Bentmodelj: tis, Chris, Edward, Franceses The Publisher of Car and Driver and Gerard Zelter. magazine recently summed up the 600 Grand Mercedes $25,582 300SE Coupe 11,590 Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Cherne case for the 230S: 230SL Roadster 6,185 and family recently visited Mr. "It has more than enough brakes and Mrs. Robert Matton, Hay- 2i OS Sedan 5,884 ward, Wis. They attended the 25th for its potential speed. It has the ca- 230 Sedan 4,140 high school reunion of Mrs. pacity to go around a comer much, 200 Diesel Sedan 4,170 Cherne's class of Roosevelt High School in Virginia, Minn. also. much faster than anybody's ever go- 200 Sedan 3,955 ing logo. It rides very well. The seats 'fast and Gull Coal porti el tntry.txclu- live of optima, atatt mi lead ttxti 1/ on;. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Walling, are designed to sustain loads and pro- Cherry Tree Farm Rd., returned from a "Four Winds" train and vide comfort over a longer period of boat tour which left from New time than anyone is ever going to sit Engineered for safety York City 23 days ago. They trav- eled to the Pacific Northwest, in them. It's a 100 percent kind of The 230S imparts a feeling of reas- including, Jasper, Lake Louise automobile." and Banff, Canada. surance; it puts the driver and his pas- To those who view a car as a ma- sengers at their ease. It is engineered Mr. and Mrs. Fitzroy Walling chine and not an image builder, this Tht Mercedes-Benz 230S poses the question-is there such a thing as too much ear for the money? Clip coupon for answers. to help you avoid trouble, and it is and family of Lewisburg, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gorbey "over-engineering" makes eminent engineered for maximum protection and family of Bordentown recent- good sense. And makes the 23OS well worth away at random, chopped in half, and every if trouble should occur. ly visited Mr. and Mrs. Walling. perience: a fully independent, rear swing axle its $4785 price. Some reasons for that price— suspension. \ dimension scientifically measured. Front and rear body sections are designed Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Kurz enter- and some answers to the charge of "over-en- to yield on violent impact, to absorb shock tained at the Trade Winds Beach t " You can slam the 230S over a railway 'They don't build them gineering": before it can hit the passenger area. Some Club, Sea Bright, for Mr. and crossing and it won't still be bouncing like they used to" Mrs. Marshall Rapp and family, half a mile down the road. You can travel amazing tests have shown that in rollover Deal, Mrs. Terry De Luca, Nave- "Everybody in America is going fast —modern American lament corkscrew mountain passes and enjoy the crashes at 65 mph, the roof stayed intact. In- sink, and friends from Jersey Mercedes-Benz presents radiator medallions City over the weekend. K a t h y today, but how many of us can stop?" ride. If so inclined, you could smoothly side, you will not find one careless or shabby Rapp, Deal, is spending the week —David E.Davis Jr. to owners who have clocked 60,000,250,000, sweep around a racing circuit—without as touch. The rearview mirror is spring mounted here. and over 300,000 miles. The demand is The 230S can stop-and stop and stop and much as pumping up the tires beforehand. to snap off if struck, for example. The steer- steady. Donna Cliffords, daughter of stop. Two strong reasons: a 9.9-inch disc Another reason for the readability in every ing wheel hub looks like a doughnut; it is Mr. and Mrs. William Cliffords, A contributing factor: the 230S body is a celebrated her birthday at the brake on each front wheel. 230S: standard equipment in every 23OS padded, not pointed.. rigid steel shell, welded at 10,000 points. Town Theater with friends Deb- Designed for 150-mph racing cars, disc includes heavy-duty shock absorbers, heavy- bie Walker, Katie Walsh, Eliza This "unit" method of construction makes . Clip coupon for brochure brakes banish the threat of fade in repeated duty coil springs, front anti-sway bar, hydro- beth Batka, Susan Stabbert, and obsolete the separate frame and body type, Brenda Lanzendorf. hard use. The threat of brake "lock-up" is vast- pneumatic load leveler at the rear axle, and To find out more details on the 230$ and with its nuts and bolts and rattles. ly reduced. Water and dust have little effect. 4-ply, super-premium grade tires. There's no other Mercedes-Benz models, send for a free The 18th birthday of Miss De- Sheet metal on many body panels measures mise Candito, daughter of Mr. Extra benefits at no extra cost: A power extra charge for a 4-speed floor shift, either 24-page color brochure. Fill out and mail the and Mrs. Dominick Candito, was assist that takes the work out of braking, and a millimeter thick (pound your fist on the coupon below. Better yet, visit celebrated recently. Those who 230S roof; you don't feel a wobble, you hear attended were Mrs. Harold Ross- dual circuit brake lines that remove the pos- No gasping or guzzling our Mercedes-Benz showroom., a "Hunk!"). man, and son Donald, Philadel- sibility of total brake failure. Those big V-8's can cruise at 90 mph-at 8 See and test drive the most "over-1 phia; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shalbo The 23OS ranks as one of the world's stur- and daughter Donna, Fort Lee; miles per gallon or so. Tiny engines sip fuel, engineered" car in its class. "It will go down a nasty little dier 4-wheeled machines, because Mercedes- Mrs. Helen Klim and son John, but at 65 mph they're gasping for breath.' ••- North Bergen; Mrs. George Fut- one-lane country road just as well as Benz ranks as one of the world's stubbornest The 230S gives you the best of both: its terer and children, Jersey City; car builders. Miss Toni lopes and Miss Jean it goes down the New York Thruway* 6-cylinder, single overhead camshaft engine Murphy & Davison Lapree, Keansburg; Mr. and Mrs. The company has never stopped building —Automotive editor could run at a restful 90 mph for hours, yet Hwj. 9 Freehold Frank Candito and daughter them like they used to. Frankie Ann, Union; Mr. and It has to. Mercedes-Benz cars are sold in 156 doesn't guzzle gas in normal driving. Please send me your 24-page brochure on the Mrs. Joseph Horvath, Colonla; countries where nasty little one-lane country "A car is not a rolling boudoir, a rocket Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Candito This design was originally intended for the new Mercedes-Benz 230S and. other models. kand son Matthew, Sayreville, and roads are often the only roads. A spongy"bou- brutal stresses of racing. The engine is built ship or an oak-panelled library NAME. Donald and Richard Candito. levard" ride won't do in Afghanistan or Ice- up to near racing tolerances—as fine as .019 -so it shouldn't look like one!" land. Mercedes-Benz engineers had to come of a millimeter for bearings. —industrial designer ADDRESS, DRIVER INJURED HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP - A up with something better. And it's built on a snail's-pace assembly The 230S seats five in considerable comfort. fTTY _STAT car driven by Richard F. Hehe- Their solution, borrowed from racing ex- line, where sample engine blocks are snatched It does not lure you with stereo tape players man, 34, of Neptune, skidded on •OtUM 1M« H*n*~*1 1 Ntrth Mri * HX Rt. 3< early yesterday following a rain storm and his car turned over 'several times, police Baid. The driver was treated at River- view Hospital, Red Bank, for scalp lacerations and released. State Trooper George Kroll gave MURPHY & DAVISON, INC, U.S. Hwy. 9 Grcle, Freehold, N. J. 07728. Phone: (201)-462-5300 file man a summons for driving too fast under existing road con- dition. '? State House Scene ThurtiUy, August 18,1966—19 A tantl* elephant ha* bam the purpose. Elephants also THE DAILY REGISTER seen spanking her caff with » 'iave been observed using sticks sapling apparently, pulled up foi as backscratchers. MSlrike^mt 11? the Diplomatic League Beliord Ir-in fwfeux be permitted to hunt in *e Gar- such as ambassadors, who arc The policy, set down after an Secretary-General U Thant for Daria Martin, daughter of Mr. (At) - If they den State. accorded diplomatic immunity incident on the Turnpike on weekend of hunting in the Gar- and Mrs. Frank Martin, Walling computed batting averages in In a carefully phrased ruling from prosecution in criminal or March 24, 1965, was that hence- den State. The measure had the Ave., celebrated her ninth birth- civil offenses, must pay three forth a warning would be given backing of Gov. Richard J. the Diplomatic League, the Monday, State Treasurer John day at a luncheon in Red Bank A. Kervick politely informed pennies on the dollar. to a nation's embassy the Hughes. and on the amusements in Keans- tcore in New Jersey would be members of the consular corps The answer, for the time be- irst time one of its diplomats But it wai muffled almost as burg. Her brother Frank cele- one big strikeout. ing it least, is yes. But the •r drivers was caught speeding they're not exempt from paying soon as debate began in the brated his third birthday with rel- For the third time in c year question is still under considera- and claimed diplomatic immun- the 3 per cent state sales tax on atives in Keansburg along (he state hag given foreign of- tion by the legal staff of the ity. Senate. purchases in New Jersey. boardwalk. ficials something of a diplomat- >tate Division of Taxation. The second time a driver "Will this bill permit foreign- The same ruling also laid to ers who are communists to hunt ic bmsh-off, this one over the Kervick said New York issues rom the same nation was get New Jersey and the federal rest one of the wildest rumors n this country?" inquired Sen. tales tax. identification to consulate per- caught breaking the 60-mile government in a lot of nitpick- Enjoy the comforts and protection ever to develop at the State John E. Hunt, a Republican of ' The others involved the sensi- sonnel which exempts them speed limit, he would be escort- ing. of moisture-conditioned air in House. Gloucester County. "I want a tive issue of speeding on the rom paying all New York Sttte ed off the superhighway by state I think Dean Rusk has your home. The New General 990 The crux of the ruling in- yes or no answer." New Jersey Turnpike, which al- and local sales taxes, along with police. ;nough on his hands besides who lets you feel warm at lower tem- volved requests from the Con- hotel occupancy, admission, peratures, cutting heating costs— most caused an international The protocol chief also asked Sen. John A. Waddington, a ought to hunt in New Jersey," sular Corps CommiUee,of New dues, cabaret taxeg and motor makes your home feel "garden crisis in protocol, and a subse- Flanagan to apply Hie ejection Democrat from Salem County Waddington declared. York City i represents the (uel taxes. fresh," plants flourish — enjoy quent legislative gesture that policy, if at all, to individual who had moved for passage consuls of 7| Mtions, plus sep- The bill died with only 10 af- health, avoiding throat and nose members of the United Nation The treasurer explained that drivers rather than to a nation. acknowledged it did not differ 'irmative votes. irritations—keeps furniture from arate requei from the consuls New York's identification card But Flanagan replied that a ntiate between friendly alien? One senator said it didn't real- "dry-out" and fabrics from becom- genera! of Vranee and Den- system probably led to the wild country might have 50 or 100 and Yugoslavs, Bulgarians y matter — that it was aimed ing brittle, they last longer. The SEIECTOH OI>1 CON mark in New York City and the General 990 will pay for itself in THOU HiMioirr tr TO rumors that New Jersey had is- persons with diplomatic immun- Czechs, Albanians and even Rec it diplomats and these men A GtllOK nt H consul general of Germany in sued similar exemption cards to Chinese. one season. Does not affect fur- ity who drive. have diplomatic immunity any- • CLOG FREE solenoid valve — WHY PAY Philadelphia. state legislators and other high- nace operation. Installs easily. Would Include All (Red China is not a UN mem •vay. cleanable monel filter pre- The idea was that New York ranking state officials. Legisla- ber). "This was apparently an at- The requests for sales tax ex- • NO MOVING P»RTS-no pump, vents clogging City exempts consular person- tors get passes from the rail- Waddington thought trying tc empt to establish foreign poli- fan, or float to wear out MORE? emptions, for example, were • COSTS LITTLE to operate-less nel as well as top-level diplo- roads and credit cards from the differentiate between one foreig: y," retorted Hunt. "The mem- phrased to include not only • HO SPRAYIN6—no calcium res- than night-light bulb mats such as ambassadors. telephone company. visitor and another would jus iers didn't accept it." members of the consular corps idue to irritate nose tnd throat • REVERSIBLE installation — on Couldn't New Jersey do *foe —no "white dust" to disturb Somebody apparently showed but their messengers, clerks and my forced warm air furnace, same since a number of New housekeeping either left or right side York's consul members reside an ID card at a department secretaries. in New Jersey? store near Morristown, the man There are some who contend DISTRIBUTOR ager raised his eyebrows and Kervick cited rulings of the the state sometimes goes too far. put in a frantic call to the State New Jersey courts: A bill to permit foreign visi- Tax Bureau. "A consul is a mercantile tors to hunt in New Jersey agent of the sovereignty by Kervick stressed that New traveled a rocky legislative MINER SUPPLY CO whioh he is appointed to protect Jersey at this time provides no road. the commercial interests of its exemption from the sales tax on It passed the Assembly with- MIDOLETOWN citizens or subjects in a foreign an individual basis, although out debate. *». IS md state. By virtue of his office, he some organizations are exempt Sponsors noted that the United South of the Krupp Ntw Moimeiita Id. is clothed with authority for Meanwhile, diplomatic (eath Nations building in New York is you should know about our special —SALES & SERVICE— ers continue to be ruffled on the commercial purposes. He is not only across the Hudson River phone with a volume control built tight New Jersey Turnpike. and it might be a gesture of to be considered as a minister Into the receiver. Adjusts with a flick PELCO, INC. Nigeria goodwill to invite some of tine or diplomatic agent of his gov "An official from of a linger. Makes phoning a pleasure. 747-1S0* was given a warning about foreign delegates to hunt here lit I. tUwm« Spring M., Rtd tank eminent. . ." To order, just call your Telephone speeding only last week," a turn- Heating In other words, what Kervick One lawmaker suggested it Business Ollice.NEW JERSEY BELL FRANK V. VERANGE, Plumbing SHREWSBURY pike authority spokesman said was saying was no. might be nice for the governor llKMft HO tnoi St. "In June, the ambassador from This left open the question'of Sfcrawiavry Tunisia was escorted off by whether higher echelon mem- troopers for doing 75 miles per bers of the diplomatic corps hour." Despite a request from the State Department in Washington to rescind the policy a year ago SWEET last June, William J. Flanagan, executive director of the Turn pike, held firm to the idea tha CORN speeding diplomats would be FRESH PICKED tossed off. DAILY FROM The U.S. chief of protocol OUR FARM asked that drivers of speeding diplomatic cars be issued sum- MAN.I TRII HAND »OTAT< monses "to give them a chance • TOIv.M.~>E!k JAMS to show responsibility." The ' Turnpike director s*i< • PEACHES JELLIES that state troopers had issued • SQUASH PRESERVES summonses In the past to drivers GREEN APPLES FOR C00KIN6 with diplomatic immunity, "on- ly to see the summonses torn or crumpled up in view of the DEARBORN FRUIT FARM trooper and tossed on the road." D. J. LUCCARELLI When a summons was accept- HWY. 35 (just south «f Mattel) HOLMDEL ed, Flanagan said, usually there was no appearance in court. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiititiiiiirmiiiiiiiiiiiiii!


to Hie pouts

wit* IVi-inch wide polka dot bolts, 8.95 Early American * Italian Provincial * French Provincial glen plaids, 10.95 * 18th Century English * King-Sire Sofas * Man-Siie Club Chain * Love Sears * Occasional Chairs Lovi's, 3.39 to 4.50 Not juit » few, but many. Not ordinary, iee-th»m-everywh»re typas, bui ihow-off corduroy jtaiu, 5.98 pieces to do you proud. They're our own magnificent floor temples, authentic re- production! of heirloom tradifibnals made by America's finest- craftsmen ... all Stay press KoratroH • beautifully covered in lush and lovely designer fabrics. And we've whacked * whopping 20 to 457. off every price/ n this spectacular lummer sale . . . Hurry, tailored chinos pick the lofa and chairs you've wanted for years . . . outright bargains that are •Imost unbelievable in this year of rising prices. But we do mean HURRY; no more and dross slacks, like them at these prices after they're sold. Drop everything. First come, first choice. Shop day or evening. Easy terms arranged. Immediate delivery. 6.00 to 8.95. Second floor, CONVENIENT boys and young men. OPEN EVERY NITE 'TIL 9:30 — SAT. 'TIL 6:00 CHARGE PUNS

• tO-fay caw* • No MMV dawn—btio'git raymtnt and tako up to J.&M 34 month« to pay • M our tirtucM lay- rU*A» AMb IHOMT tTII L "1 UW.U • IH 14 away plan. Mtrckma'lM ROUTE 35, MIDDLETOWN. N. J. 671-0400 will bo Mi mill

n 20—Thursday, August 18,1966 When you art lining a eUw THE DAILY REGISTER St. QabrieVs Annual Event pas wtt* -paper; dmft twury Sisterhood about .htfirtythftJyaMs come right Is die tesid«i-edg« of the . If you find you frequently •an. It's net necessary to have bake muffins and cupcakes, it's To Sponsor the paper exactly fit the pan. worthwhile keeping fluted paper Church Fiesta in Bradevelt baking cupi on hand. The bak- Style Show ing cups will save you scouring BRADEVELT — The Annual Pony rides and a puppet show Additional areas of the church JACKKAMSfY pans and they'll keep your baked Country Fiesta of St. Gabriel's are scheduled for both evenings grounds have been backstopped SHREWSBURY - The Sister- product* in attractive form. Catholic Church will open here as well is music for teenagers and several large spotUghU in hood of Monmouth Reform Tem- • MANA TICHNICIAN • tomorrow on the church grounds by the Red Coat*, and ( dunking stalled. ple will sponsor a fall fashion bswrt TMUH mi R«s«eli< on Rt. 520. Fiesta hours are 5 to machine. The fiesta Mill benefit St. Ga- show and dessert party Aug. 30 HUH ISTIMMI! 11 p.m. tomorrow and 4 to 11 IT'S STILL Games will include the bill briel's in Bradevelt and its two at 6.15 p.m. at the Middletown IM-M-4S p.m. Saturday. roll, penny pitch, nickel pitch and nrntions, St. John's in Marlboro Swim and Tennis Club, Harmony Be-a-Blonde The outdoor menu will include ring toss. Booths will feature and St. Catherine's in Everett Rd., Middletown. clam chowder, fish and shrimp homemade cakes, groceries and William Kastner, Coltg Neck, is The new collection will be platters and corn on the cob to- produce, dolls and animals, general chairman. James M. Ma shown by U Cache of New Week at lone, Englishlown, is assistant morrow evening and on Satur- housewares, toys and sports, lin- Shrewsbury, under the direction WHAT IS THE TRUTH.. general chairman, and Thomai day, chicken, spare ribs, hot ens and cigarettes. of Jetn Gordon, the owner. Co- Margo Hair Ruaso, Colts Neck, ii finance sausages, hot dogs and ham- The Country Store, sponsored* ordinator and commentator will burgers. by St. John's and St. Gabriel's chairman. ABOUT '•'-• STYLIST be Mrs. Edith Aikens. Rosary Altar Society, will feature Richard V. Hanrahan, Middle- lul now In 10 homemade and handmade items. town, heads the special projeel Refreshments will be served by NERVE St. Catherine', Rosary Altar So- committee, and Hugh O'Neil, a committee headed by Mrs. Ab- ^KpRk "linuHs, fry lha ciety will handle a 'Trash n' Englishtown, is his assistant raham Collls, Middletown, who DEAFNESS? HHBHK "•* Killing Treasure" table. A flower booth Overall chairman for games and is vice president in charge of J^^^Hk machina. FAMILY PROJECT — Mr». will stock flowers, plants, and wheels will be Daniel Zsmorski fund raising. shrubs of many types. Colts Neck. Mrs. E. Ralph Van Pelt, Red The answer to this question plus ^^Hffii llaacli in • Harvey Holland, Sr., left, Bank, is chairman of the fashion many more important facts can ; - ^t^BSgtr to 1 miiiulai. and her daughter-in-law, show. Stephen Temko, New be found in the revealing new ^|p T.n.r in 1 t. Shrewsbury, president of the booklet, "The Truth About Nerve Mrt. Harvey Holland, Jr., 2 minuf.s. Friday Clam Chowder temple's youth group is in charge Deafness." Write, phone or visit Cambist, precast In .na-ttntk both of Marlboro, pr»par» of a group which will assist the us today for your FREE copy. committee in setting up for the There is no obligation. Hi. tin.. dim chowder for St. h a Family Production dessert party. N* cb«f« ia prk* Gabriel's Country Fiaitt Tickets are available by call- opening tomorrow. BRADEVELT - This Is the ects, can be reduced for smaller ing Mrs. Collis or Mrs. Van Pelt. third year that the women of groups. For five quarts, divide the Holland family have taken by 12. 471-3433 Use as little liquid as possible over the production of clam PART OF THE TEAM — MANHATTAN CLAM CHOWDER when you are braising chicken or NO APPOINTMINT chowder for St. Gabriel's fiesta. HIARIN* AID CIHTII meat. How much liquid you will NICIS5ART ' Mrs, Alan Holland, another l'/j lbs. margarine or butter The trio includes Mrs. Harvey 12 tsp. dried leaf rhyme have to add duruig the braising 141 Ceeasies Attain daughter-in-law, discovers Holland, Sr.; Mrs. Harvey Hol- 12 cups sliced onions process will depend on how AHUM PARK 1599 HWY. 35 land, Jr., and Mrs. Alan Holland, 60 quarts of chowder 36 cup< cubed potatoes tightly the cover fits the cooking MIDDLETOWN all of Marlboro. Working from a 6 cups diced celery utensil. SaM » (JK. la | p.m. TMtSir Kins raquirt a lot of recipe that Mrs. Holland Sr., 60 cup* hot water TMnMr; » «.m. H » a.m. PrWay; has used for her own family for vegetables. 35 top. salt • ««. M < aja. Satanttr many years, the three are as- I1/, tsp. pepper LADIES! sisted by neighbors who peel and 12 large cans (No. V/,) torn* cut the vegetables, and fellow toes Are you looking for a new way to entertain? church members who help pre- IS cups diced carrots pare the clams. The two younger 38 cups clam liquid HAVE A GAY T PARTY Mrs, Hollands also will man the 18 tbls. chopped fresh parsley Mn. E. Iradlay Whiting, • C.rtifi.d Handwriting Analyst, will MOVE UP chowder stand at the fiesta to- 6 tsp. dried leaf (fiyme morrow night, the only night it ••plain t/lii fascinating icianca briafly with illustrations. Sk. . TO LOU COOPIR ... HIS FRAMES 300 large hard-shelled clams. will alls giv. thoia who rtqu.lt it an analysil of thair Primary will be sold. Saute 12 teaspoons thyme Traits, taking partlcuar nott of "t'l." (Thar, are 34 ways t. ARE THE GREATEST ... The women plan to devote all and onions in fat until tender. male, tham.) Writ, h.r for brochurai on parti.s; also on illui. day today to making the chow- Add potatoes, celery, water, tral.d lacturn for clubs and organiiations. Nota: Cartificati.n Miss McGrath Married salt and pepper. Cover and .ssur.s that this scianc. hast no connection whatsoavir with That Little Old Frame Maker der. Their objective Is a total "fortun. tailing." Mrs. I. Iradl.y Whiting, C. •. KEYPORT - Miss Geraldine of 60 quarts, which will be care- simmer five minutes. Add to- 5. Wallac. Straat, Rad lank ' Ellen McGrath, daughter of Mrs. fully cooled and stored overnight. matoes, carrots, and clam liq- James McGrath, 40 North Cir., Mrs. Holland points out that even uid. Simmer uncovered, over LOU COOPER Matawan, and the late James when she makes a small quanti- very low heat, for one hour. McGrath, became the bride of ty for her own family she stores Add clams, cut in small pieces, 413 SHREWSBURY AVE. 747-1975 SHREWSBURY Peter Stephen George, son of Mr. it overnight to improve the fla- parsley and six teaspoons CORNELIUS and Mrs. Michael P. George, Jr., vor. thyme. Simmer 10 minutes 209 Main St., Matawan, Satur- The 60-quart recipe, a popular and salt to taste. (Makes ap- COBB, Ltd. day. item for club fund-raising proj- proximately 60 quarts.) "Renown«d For Our Authentlo Elrly-Am.rlcah Reproduction!" Rev. Gerald Swift, Father Judge Seminary, Brackney, Pa., uncle of the bride, performed the Ella Grimm Is Bride double ring ceremony and cele- LONG BRANCH — Miss Ella brated the Nuptial Mass in St. AMIRICAN PROVINCIAL Clearance Joseph's Catholic Church. He was Elizabeth Grimm, daughter of FURNITURI by PLYMWOOO assisted by Rev. Arthur Swift, Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Grimm, Plymwood Sugar Hill Pine Furniture Catholic Information Cen- 634 Vernon St., Long Branch, can best b* described ia th« ssme ter, Wheeling, W. Va., cousin of was married here Saturday in terms you would use to picture 18(h the bride. the First Baptist Church, to Wil- century America itself . . . simple, liam Donald Boyington, son of James McGrath, Matawan, es- beautiful, spirited, practical, charming, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Boying- romantic and, above all, rich In honest corted his sister to the altar. Sale ton, 502 Branchport'Ave., Portau- values. Every detail reflects the in- She wore a white silk organza peck. tegrity and beauty of the originals as Sat. Aug. 20,9 A.M. to Noon gown that ended in a chapel Rev. T. Richard Wentworth of- well as the historic period from which train. Lace appliques trimmed ficiated at the double ring cere- they come. We Invite you to visit us the fitted bodice and floor-length mony. Mrs. Barbara Sniffen was soon and see our collection. POOL PAINT • ALUM skirt. Her fingertip-length scal- church organist. Immediately af- ROUTE 15 COLTS NECK loped veil was held by an or- ter the ceremony a reception was CALL 4B2-1784 (just south of Freehold Rd.) Algacide • Guardex Chlorine chid headpiece, studded with held in the Breezeway Room of Open Mon.-Thurs. 10 to 5; Frl. It to t; Sat. II to I pearls. the West Long Branch Communi- Miss Kathleen Talty, New York ty Center. Miscellaneous Pool Covers City, was maid of honor. Mr. Grimm escorted his daugh- ter who wore a gown of white The bridesmaids were Miss bridal satin fashioned with a scal- Elizabeth McGrath and Miss Vir- loped neckline, cap sleeves, and ginia McGrath, New York City O Mrs. Peter S. George rosebud appliques and pearls on cousins of the bride; Miss Carl the hemline of .the skirt and The former Geraldine McGrath) Bunger, Miss Christine Chomii train. Her four-tier scalloped fin- and Miss Lisa Cherney, Cliff •louse of Brides, East Ketnsburg, gertip veil was held in place by IGUARANTEE! F wood. lie couple motored to New En- a pearl crown designed by the 20% •» 40% Michael P. George, 3d, Cliff gland. When they return, they bride. - il vour child doesn't take r Mrs. Charles J. Allocco, Mid- MANY OTHER POOL EQUIPMENT and SUPPLIES wood, was best man for hi rill reside in Matawan. brother. Ushers were John Me The bride and the bridegroom dletown, was matron of honor. Z to the piano, I AVAILABLE AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS. Grath, brother of the bride, am ire graduates of Matawan Re- Bridesmaids were the Mines For Information Call John Costello, Robert Brown [ional High School. Lenore Townxend and Leslie * we'll tiike the piano hack, r ! Morrell and Donald Zeni Mr. George is employed by his Adie, both of West Long Branch. cousin of the bridegroom, at 'ather who is a school bus con- C h a r 1 e s J. Allocco, Middle- town, was best man. Ushers were SWIM POOL Matawan. raclor. William Wilson, Eatontown, and Michael P. George, 4th, Cliff INC. Al Renwick of Delaware. Mrs. William D. Boyington wood, nephew the bridegroom The bride, a graduate of Long (The former Ella E. Grimm) Plan Activities Keep this guarantee. It's our official promise to taVe back the ing bearer. Branch High School, was em- • a reception in the Car UNION BEACH - Mrs. Lois of Long Branch High School, at- piano you rent from us if your child doesn't take to it. The rupa will be in charge of a ployed for three years at Bell tended Mankato State College in • Smith' rental fee it only |3.00 a week, and if you decide to buy th« ousewares demonstration to be Laboratories, Holmdel. Minnesota. He is a senior leld at a meeting of the Union Mr. Boyington, also a graduate at Union College in Barbourville, piano, all rentil fees will apply toward the purchase price. lose Fire Co. Auxiliary, Sept. 27. Ky., where the couple will make If it doesn't work out, well pick it up with a imile. Other plans for the auxiliary in- WSCS to Sponsor their home in the fall. They are We guarantee a brand-new Baldwin Acrosonic which will dude a card party and fashion Peach Festival honeymooning at Niagara Falls. respond readily to little fingers. We guarantee a piano that A girl's best friend.leee how Oct. 19 in the fire house, FAIR HAVEN - A Peach Fes- Will encourage yiur child with its rich, beautiful tone. We vith Mrs. Thomas Perno in tival will be held by the Wom- Stork Shower guarantee to help you find a qualified piano teacher if you iharge, assisted by Mrs. William Two Classic Mocs wftfi ftaturts you'll lovt. en's Society for Christian Ser- NEW MONMOUTH - Mrs. Le- like. tlcGee, Mrs. William Clohessy, vice of Christ Church Methodist roy Snyder, Red Bank, was guest Take advantage of this special piano-back guarantee. Com* iliss Donna Denner, Mrs. Aug. 27 on the church grounds of honor at a stork shower in fhomas Groom and Mrs. George from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Proceeds the home of Mrs. Joseph Kelly, in and take your pick of Baldwin pianoi from a wide variety fccklemann. will go towards the new parson- Tindall Rd., with Mrs. Charles of handsome ityles and finishes'. Offer ends September 30, They're sleek, A kitchen shower will be held age. Winkler, Red Bank, as co-host- light, and trim at ever, but with a Fuesday and reservations for the Mrs. Elwood Schenck is chair- ess. Guests were Miss Helen Kel- ""•""""'• BALDWIN broader, fuller tee for greater comfort luxiliary have been made at - man of the food table. Mrs. John ly and Mrs, Minnie Eddy, Red nond Jim's Restaurant, for Bank; Mrs. William Morrisroe, and flexibility. Traditional penny slot or Rowan will direct ticket sties Wednesday, Aug. 24. Members and Mrs. Muriel Hulsart will be Maryland; Mrs. Edward Kelly, styUsii tttsal. NIESEN MUSIC CENTER, INC rill march in the Sayreville An- in charge of the handiwork ta- New York City; Mrs. William liversary Parade Saturday. ble. Kelly, Mrs. George Fournier and MONMOUTH SHOPPIN* COOKMAN msj ORAND AVU. Hostesses for the September Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wycoff Mrs. Joseph Fournier, Middle- CINTIR ASIURY PARK, N. J. neeting will include Mrs. Fred and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hor- town, and Mrs. IATONTOWN, N. J. 774-tMO Jingrely, Mrs. Leroy Webb and ton will be in charge of refresh- Mrs. George Warrack, Sr., Mrs. MZHJI drs. Clem McQueen. ments. George Warrack, Jr., Belford. Anniversary Celebration PICKETTS POST Going Away To School? GIFT SHOP For a real wild room you'll want:.

K folding director's chair in zebra.

A desk pad in paisley.

A Tansor lamp to saa the homtwork you're SPECIAL EVENTS luppeiad fo do. AUGUST 18, 19, 20 ONLY Mekends to hold up all those books. A wait aba ikef for your empty candy wrappers. Preview Showing of JO DOT CHRISTMAS CREATIONS Coma in and browse and you'll gat lots of good Bootory and LITTLE SILVER Ideas. GENEVA in Person 1 SHOPPING CENTER Children ! Wtar gift* 264 Norwood Ave. "naif to Sport Shop Sample her tasty jelly "Quality Apparal lor man and yoi/rtq m«n" fumf+ure , dally 9 to 5:30 Shop Friday Night Scd't From H.arf to To." Keyport-Holmdel ltd. Holmdel Village 'til 9:00 Interior wad, and fri, eves. 7 to 9 THE DAILTREGISTER Thursday, August 18,1966—21


• WMriKohera e Wilt., «a Jep«e» Makes > Adluit MOCtllM § LOOK > Clwek Twiloni. FOR Mlonca ONE > LubrlcoM ell parti 143 WHAT Inilail n«w n*tdlt LOW i InipKt all wiring YOU GET Kf uHty PRICE • FREC UM H • itmdilM wfcllt w Mrvln y«ur» at ATLANTIC SUPERAMA. New Shrewsbury Miss Robie E. Arnold NECCHI SEWING MACHINE CO. Miss Arnold Opt* Sunday 'HI * p.m. LI 2-1483 To Marry

NEW SHREWSBURY — An- nouncement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Arnold, 7 Avalon PYRAMID CLOSING on the ranch mink coat with match- Dr., of the engagement of their ing hood it

C. MORALLER, Prop. VINCENT'S BEAUTY SALON r/tcre t/ie 7th Pair h FREE I WanamaftM, N. J. 774-5557 32 LUSIIKN PL. 717 - 3620 HED BANK 10 MONMOUTU ST. RED BANK ^741 • 0496 CLOSED WED. -• oreyrrKJiw: EVEMNCSI . ft* o [ Palette Talk Art in Heroic Size By ELEANOR MARKO I children as one of his grandchil- House where she also lived with sistance on historical accuracy No artists in the area are'dren. her family when she w*s young- of these paintings was furnished painting BIG. i Mr. Sutton Isn't the only one er. By Pauline S. Miller, local his- There are no heroic size can-: who has been Immortalized on The painting which depicts torian and author of articles on vases in the shore counties. the canvases. Mrs. Leonard the famous burning of tht vil- die subject. She was directly re- A relatively short time ago, Gibmn of Freehold and her dog lage of Toms River by the sponsible for bringing the bank's these two statements were true. were used by the artist for British March 24, 1782, began attention to the capabilities, Now, Wini Smart, Freehold models In the 1881 Toms River with intensive research by the craftmanship, accuracy and TWO HISTORIC PAINTINGS by Freehold artist Wini Smart were commissioned by the First National Bank of Toms artist who was bom in Point scene which shows the cross- artist beginning In October. An sentiments of artist Wini Smart, River where they were unveiled Saturday. "Ijower Main Street, Toms River, N. J. in 1881" d'picts landmarks and the. Pleasant, has changed the picture roads of Main and Water SU. "unimportant" battle In the who is a history buff herself. No and for the past four months which was the hub of the busi- total war, nevertheless, M was on« was more pleased than first bank established in 1RHI. "The Burning of Toms River, N.J.—March 24, 1782" depicts the British attack which has become totally involved with ness district and the famous old significant in the havoc and "Polly" the day of the unveiling. camt in retaliation for raids made by the American patriots on British shipping during the Revolutionary War. Both two paintings, oil on canvas, each Ocean House where business sorrow which followed the in- She also was personally respon- oil on canvas paintings are 32 by 8 feet. tight feet in height, and 32 feet men gathered regularly to pass cident. sible for the artist's being able to in length. In their six-inch oak the time of day, to discuss As history records It, tlie attend the event. frames and hung in the First Na- politics and to transact busi British assembled behind Jacob Wini was picked up by Polly tional Bank at 40 Main St., Toms ness. The itage coach stopped Applegate's barn at dawn on at Newark Airport after the River, they arc already drawing there on Its ran from Freehold that date, before their attack artist's flight by two planes and attention, not only for the heroic to Manahawkin. The Riverside upon the small block house a helicopter from Bar Harbor size of the world, but for their House aloag the river housed which had been built to defend Ma., where she, her husband J historic significance. and fed the travelers who came the village (site of the mu- Mike Diehl and their three chil- Unveiled Saturday in cere- by boat as well as by stage. nicipal buildings and public dren have been summering. monies at the bank which com- Both hotels were the first meet- parking today.) The attack The artist facing her heroic missioned die works, were "The ing places of the Ocean Coun- came in retaliation for raids works in the huge banking house Burning of Toms River, N.J. — ty Board of Freeholders in 1850. made by the American patriots for wJudi they were intended, March 24, 1782," and "Lower The morning meetings were on British shipping during those was looking at them, in a way Mairu Street, Toms River, N.J., held at the Riverside House, troubled times. The villagers for the first time. Actual paint- in 1881." Frank W. Sutton, Jr., and the Freeholders walked from Toms River would sail ing of tiie scenes began in her president and chairman of the across the street to the Ocean down the river in whale boats, studio four months ago, which is board of the First National Bank, House for their noon-time meal slip out to the ocean through a brief time for such huge paint- aion." la accepting the acco- to the warmth of the occasion cates and dissenters. It is our will take cognizance of First presided at the ceremonies, at- and the afternoon session. When Cranberry Inlet, and attack ings. Her studio at 85 South lades lor the colorful heroic was Mr. Lamping's quip about opinion that Wini Smart's two National's leadership. "It is tended by some 100 guests. It the bank was established in cargo ships of the British. After St., Freehold, was far from be- works, the artist stated that the eight linen sheets which 32-foot paintings will win atten- part of our Job to promote our was no coincidence that the date 1881, it brought a much needed they had captured the crews ing as big as the bank building she intended her painting! to were used for the two paintings tion from the most apathetic town culturally as well as eco- selected for the unveiling also convenience to the merchants and boats, the Americans would with Its cathedral-high ceiling "communicate." She consid- as drapes until the auspicious viewer of art. nomically," said Mr. Lamping. marked the birthday of Mr. of the village. Jphn Aumack, sell the "prize," thereby, in- and spacious walls behind the ers the historical subjects a moment for public viewing, The manner in which the According to Miss Miller, in Sutton who was 77 Friday. Spry the first presidents the First curring British wrath. tellers' windows. Viewing it in worthwhile story, (specially for "This was quite an investment bank conducted the "unveil- the projected urban renewal National Bank, was a shipping teaching young people the his- for the bank," he chuckled, and ing" we found refreshing — plans, a block house will be of step and keen of purpose, Mr. After storming and then burn- the studio, brought a visitor face magnate and vast land owner tory of the town. She said she assured the investors that the there were no punch cups and reproduced and built In what Sutton who has worked at the ing the block house at Toms to face with almost life-size and owned the adjoining hard- hopes that It will be a living sheets would be returned to the cookies or flowers on site to will become a park at the foot bank for 60 years commented River, the British made prison- characters. Each structure in ware store. Lake's candy store memorial to the people In the beds frqm which they had been detract from concentrating on of Main where the Revolution- that "I don't know much about ers of the captured American the compositional sketch be- on the north east corner ol town.... and for all they borrowed. that which they had all come ary War incident took place In paintings, but I know what 1 militiamen. Then they pro- came major problems at en- Mala and Water St., started have done. 'In my small These asides away from any to see. We hope that as the Toms River. As changes con- like - and I like these." ceeded from house to house, largement. To keep the scenes the raw ol businesses along tht way," she said, "I'm recog- details concerning the mechanics community and others become tinue the paintings will be- burning as they went along. and the people in them from At i reception at Ye Olde east side of Main St. nizing what America means to of painting this representational more involved in the purchase come valuable reminders el Legend state* the British were being static was uppermost in Cedar Inn after the cere- Among those assisting with the me." work, is intentional. So many of such major works that they thspast. looking for Capt. Joshua Huddy, the artist's mind. At one point monies, Mr. Sutton was pre- unveiling of the painting of the Jack Lamping, director of times we find jjeople in our the leader of the local militia. she hauled the canvas outside sented a gift from the bank per- Main St. scene was Mrs. Zulema public relations of Ocean County midst who give ixf-more than a He was found in Randolph's and attached It to the back of sonnel of an oil painting by Wini Cook Woodward of 78 East Water who served as master of cere- cursory glance to works of art. Mill (shown In extreme left of her house so that she could Smart, a small reproduction of St., Toms River. She is the daugh- monies, assured Miss Smart that Many who look (as they did at painting), taken prisoner, and "stand back" from it. Art Calendar the heroic works m the bank ter of the late Capt. Britton C. by her signed works "She will the preview) began to pick apart later hung near Atlantic High- Everyone who came to her that means so much to hint. He Cook, who owned the Ocean remain in the hearts of our the various details which the ar- GUILD OF CREATIVE ART, PALETTE ART GALLERY, lands. The cannons which were studio during the months it was was moved by the presentation House where she lived when she townspeople." tist incorporated In poetic license 620 Broad St., Shrewsbury, Church St., Little Silver, T mounted on the 'our corner* under way had suggestions. and was pleased to note that the was a young girl. Also assisting Mrs. Paul Preus, grand re- to better tell the story and to Amy West, Recent Oil Paint- Artists, Special Exhibition, of the Mock house were thrown Win) used herself as the man with the top hat in the door- was Mrs. Albert Lillie of 82 gent of the Capt. Joshua Huddy keep the fundamentals of a good ings, through Aug. 27. Also through Aug. 31. into the river by the British, model for the fleeing woman way of the bank established in East Water St., who is the daugh- Chapter of the Daughters of the composition. Ana* KobayasM Prints in Ali- and the boats at the wharf were In the burning of the block cia Lovett Gallery. Acrylic N. J. CHAPTER AAPL, Mth 18S1 significantly was pictured by ter of the late George C. Van American Revocation, and Mrs. Many viewers forget that the set afloat. house painting. One of her demonstration by Rick Ferrell Annual Exhibition at Spring thHe artisalsot trecognizeo look likse onMre. Suttonof thelHise, , owner of the Riverside Miriam Evans, president of the work is basically the expression Research and technical as- daughters is the model for the of Bocour, tomorrow, 8:10 p.m. Lake, Warren Hotel, to Labor Ocean County Historical Society of the artist — how she feels child she has by the hand. Day. ;' and Ocean County librarian, also about a subject. Regardless of Fright on their faces was im- OLD MILL GALLERY, Syca- perative. "Poor child," the assisted with the unveiling. A how uncontroversial it might be, sidelight of humor which added the painting will have its advo- more Ave., Tinton Falls, Mi- FAIR HAVEN LIBRARY, artist relate), "Everytime she chael Lenson One-man Show, River Rd., Dorothy Warden, 16 would come In the studio cry- through Sept. 10. Paintings, to Sept. 10. ing, I'd say 'Hold it!' — which promptly made her stop and DAVIDSON LIQUORS HEAR 'N SEE GALLERY, away would go the expret- General's Visit Opens 69 First Ave., Atlantic High- PTA to Sponsor lands, William Kllpatrlck One- 52 Complete Cost Reduction Week man Show, through Sept. 2. Smorgasbord KEYPORT - St. Joseph's Par- .tr^f 41* BARTON'S FORT MONMOUTH - Maj. in this important program which CITY OF ASBURY PARK, Swim Course ent-Teacher Associitkm will spon- Gen. Selwyn D. Smith, Jr., chief permits us to get more defense M Annual Art Exhibit opens UNION BEACH — The Learn- sor an International Smorgas- of staff of the Army Materiel for the taxpayers' dollars." tomorrow, through Sunday, Ro- to-Swim program for local chil- bord Sunday, Aug. 2$, from 4 to Command, will fly here from At ceremonies Monday mark- tunda, Fifth Ave. & Board- dren, sponsored by the Parent- 7 p.m. in the school cafeteria on 26 BROAD ST. Washington Monday to Inaugu- ing the initiation of Cost Reduc- walk. Open to professional Teacher Association, was com- Maple Place. rate AMC Cost Reduction Week, tion Week, Gen. Smith will pre- and amateur artists. Art di- pleted recently. A total of 52 chil- rector Maurice Podell, 80 Mrs. Jesse Pettyjohn and Mrs. and to commend personnel of the sent awards to a representative dren took part for the two-week Third Ave., Long Branch. Fee Rudolph Schuster are co-chair- Army Electronics Command for group of 13 ECOM employees who period. Lessons were held daily $10 for three days. men. Tickets are available from their efforts in cutting govern have made significant contribu- at Kepwell Park, Wayside, with them. Pre-school age children ment costs by $25 million during tions to the program. the American Red Cross in will be admitted free of charge the last fiscal year. Lead* Workshop charge. Mrs. John Maclnnes di- Four of these employees have if accompanied by their parents. ECOM's $25 million saving rep- already been given recognition UNION BEACH - A workshop Mrs. William Haley and Mrs. rected the program, assisted by in arranging fresh flowers was Mrs. Charles Ruby. resents an increase in cost-cut- for their savings efforts: They Wilmer Kilcomins will preside at ting over fiscal year 19(5, when are: Herb Steiner of Little Sil- led by Mrs. Harold Bottger at the U.S. booth; Mrs. Joseph Chaperones included Mrs. Lou- the command reported $18.6 mil- ver, ECOM's value engineering a recent meeting of the Root and Mahon and Mrs. John Lindsay, is Riccardi, Mrs. Louis Massetti, lion in cost reductions. coordinator; Watson' Czerwinski Branch Garden Club, held In the Irish booth; Mrs. William For- Mrs. Peter Sabo, Mrs. Melvin Harris Gardens fire house. Mem- The Cost Reduction Program of Shrewsbury, an electronics en- mon and Mrs. Rudolph Masla, Everson, Mrs. Jamej Maron, bers brought containers and sea- of AMC, ECOM's parent organi- gineer in 'the command's Insti- Italian booth; Mrs. John Shaw Mrs. Andrewa Adsmecs and Mrs. sonal flowers and finished ar- zation, is part of the annual De- tute for Exploratory Research; and Mrs. William Muller, Ger- Robert Kline. rangements were judged by Mrs. fense Department Cost Reduction Anthony DeNezzo of Little Silver, man; Mri. Vincent Vlncl and Certificates and Red Cross but- Lawrence Saccone and William Mrs. Frank Fleming, Austria*- Program, which was reported to Communications Division chief, tons were awarded to Cindy Netzel. Hungarian, and Mrs. Matthew the taxpayers in July. The sav- Communications-Pictorial Office, Adamecs, Randy Maclnnes, In- Furmato and Mrs. Robert Fam- ings, reported by ECOM, achiev- and Irvine Tilton of Neptune, Mrs. Bottger announced the termediate; Debra Everson, Ber- ularo, dessert booth. ed through more efficient Procurement Documents Branch theme of the fall flower show to nard Fahey, Steven Klein, Vin- contracting procedures and other chief. be held Saturday, Sept 24 from cent Lamano, Deborah Loihle, management techniques, have 2 to 5 p.m. at the Harris Gar- Edward Reilly, William Reilly, To emphasize command Inter- Auxiliary''* Dance been authenticated by Depart- dens Fire House, will be "Sep- Glenn Riccardi, Gregory Ruby. est in the program, each of the ment of the Army and the De- tember Song." The show will be Set for Saturday JoAnn Ruby, Patricia Smith, ad- four has been assigned a prom- fense Department. open to the public. HIGHLANDS — The Highlands vanced beginners; Judith Ander- inently Identified reserved park- In a letter this week to all ing space for the month of Au- Winners of the monthly ar- Fire Auxiliary will hold its fifth son, Deborah Dohrenwend, Mi- rangement were Mrs. Harold annual dance Saturday in Hotel chael Dohrenwend, Edward Drz- personnel of the command. Brig. gust. As a continuing incentive, Gen. W. B. Latta, ECOM's com- subsequent cost reduction award Lammers, first place; Mrs. Leo Jackson, Shrewsbury Ave. Prizes ewieckl, Cindy Greaves, Michael Lammers, second; Mrs. Bottger, wii| be awarded for costumes. Joyce, Sharon Katcher, Eileen manding general, said the forth- winners also will be assigned re- coming Cost Reduction Week is reserved parking spaces on a third, and Mrs. Joseph Farley, Judges will be chiefs of fire de- Kelly, Arthur Lembo, Lau- honorable mention. Hostesses for partments from surrounding ra Lembo, JoAnn Maraziti, Joan set aside for the purpose of "re- monthly basis. viewing our accomplishments in the month wert Mrs. Lou Fllkin, areas. McConnell, Mary Claire Moran, A poster display, depicting, Mrs. Arthur Kofoed and Mrs. the past and for reemphasizing Mrs. Francis P. Schmedes is Karen O'Reilly, Charlotte Sick- some of the ideas which gener- Saccone. les,' Ellen Smith, Edward Spaan- the Cost Reduction Program for ated this year's cost reduction general chairman. Mrs. Charles Next month's arrangement will stra, Joseph Specchio, beginners; the future." He also said: achievements will be displayed Quast and Mri. Howard Brey be "Harvest Moon." George B r a 11 o'n, Diane "Our past accomplishments in the lobby of ECOM's head- are co-chairmen. Barry, Linda Drzewicki, Billy are commendable. In fiscal year quarters, in the Hexagon build- Other committees Include Mrs. Grezch, Blair Hancock, Kathleen 196S, we saved $18.6 million and ing, ail next week. In Fort Post Henry Anderson, publicity; Mrs. Kelly, Joanne Kohn, Don Larson, in fiscal year 1966 we saved $25 George Armstrong, Mrs. Harold FORT MONMOUTH - Col. Fred Larson, Laurie Maclnnes, million, an increase of 34 pec cent Foley, Mrs. Wade Davis and Mrs. Blaine O. Vogt, who came to Peter Massetti, John McConnell, over the prior year. These sav- Victor Rossettl, tickets; Mm. Fort Monmouth from Bonn, Ger- Tht Unbeatable Famous ^_ g± ^ ings were made possible, only by Tinton Falls Quast, Mrs. Gilbert Ventirnig- DAVIDSON'S Charlei Roberts and Lisa Tesoro, many, where he was with the the dedicated efforts of many in- lia, Mrs. Joseph Czarnecki, and FAMOUS basic. U.S. Military Assistance and Ad- COLONEL ROY «yi{ CDS dividuals of the command, and 1 Mrs. Ernest Vaughan, refresh 49 ww Announces visory Group, has been appoint- WHISKEY KENTUCKY STRAIGHT •l ' am appreciative of the good work ments; Mrs. Robort Mazzacco,' Ou rt Rarilan Club Plans they have done. ed manager for the Army Ma- BUND ^^ * BOURBON WHISKY teriel Command's Universal ]n. auxiliary president, Mrs. Albert "In fiscal year 1967 we face L and Mrs 4 Thtr* It Nottlitg N**r to Match ThU WMilwy Registration - Schmedes, deco- The l«tt Ivtr Fall Flower Shoiv tegrated Communications-Strate- an even greater challenge. Our NEW SHREWSBURY — Reg. gic Army Communications rations; Mrs. Orris D. Steelman, RARITAN TOWNSHIP — An [oal for this year has been es- "Autumn Nocturne" flower show istration of kindergarten chil- (UNICOM-STARCOM) project. posters; Mrs. James Shirley and tablished at $29.6 million, which 1,000 CASES ON will be featured at the first reg- dren, not previously registered, Col. Vogt succeeds Brig. Gen. Mrs. Jack Card, correspond^ is $4.6 million more than we re ICE AT ALL TIMES! ular meeting of the new season will take place next Wednesday Kenneth M. Gonsetli, now depu- ence; Mrs. John Duncan, thank COLD BEER ported in fiscal year 1966. We can of the Woman's Club to be held and Thursday from 9 a.m. to ty commanding general for oper- you notes; Mrs. Sivert Waistrom, meet this goal, but it will take at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6, in the noon and 1 to 3 p.m. at Syca- ations of the Army Electronics Mrs. Schmedes, Mrs. George Mc- THE VERY WELL KNOWN IMPORTED WYCLIFFE North Centerville Fire House. the combined efforts of all of us. more and Swimming River Command, Connell, prizes; Mrs. Brey, and Mrs. Henry Freidel, chairman As an employee of ECOM, you schools. Mrs. Charles Kinney, special of the conservation and garden are a vital part of the command, The parent must bring the prizes, and Mrs. Waistrom and 9 regardless of your station or sal- department, has announced en- child's birth certificate and rec- Port Mrs. Mazzacco, entertainment. tries will be in tlie arrangement ary. As such, a part of the re- ords of immunization. A child SCOTCH 4" 5"l5 'm sponsibility for attaining this goal and specimen categories. Judges must attain the age of five years TRY A BOTTLB BIPORI YOU BUY A CASE will be Mrs. James Koehane, Is yours. on or bpfore Oct. 1, 1966, in or- Monmouth Hadmsah Delegates Mrs. Norman White and Mrs. "If you have an idea for re- der to be eligible for enrollment DAVIDSON'S 1M* GRAIN DAVIDSON'S WORLD'S PAIR Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Mallon, Attend Convention Sheldon Granik, members of the ducing our costs, jot it down on In kindergarten. NEW YORK STATE — Paradise, Calif., art spending a RED BANK - The Red Bank •i Proof W.4 99 Womlland Park Garden Club. a suggestion blank, mark it "Cost Registration of all other new month with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chapter of Hadassah, the Wom- Regulation booklets are being Reduction" and submit it through pupils in the district will take Gullman. A get-together was held en's Zionist Organization of CHAMPAGNE 1 sent to the club members by Incentive awards channels. If ap- place on Thursday and Friday, Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Mal- America, had a two-member dal- 3.99,. 4.39 Milirtllr r.r»i.t.« li Ika Stottli *««• •*- mail. Ihp booklet cover design proved, cost reduction personnel Sept. 1 and 2, from 9 a.m. to lon and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ration at its 52d national con- is hy Misj Barbara Lee Horn. will take over from there and, in noon and 1 to 3 p.m. at Syca- Black and son, John, Leonardo. vention at the Sheraton Boston Above Itemt Exclusive With Davuhom A membership social also will addition to whatever monetary more, Swimming River, and Tin- The purpose of the party was to Hotel, Boston. be held, open to guests. introduce the couples and to benefits you may receive, you ton Falls schools. Mrs. Reuben Spector, presi- meet John Black who will be will also have the satisfaction of The pupil must present a trans- dent, and Mrs. Max Katz, vice Anmtal Picnic knowing that you have accepted fer or report card and record of married to Miss Betty Jean Gull- 90- man next spring. president, attended the sessions Ri:i) HANK - The Past Noble and discharged your share of immunizations. iunday through yesterday. GILBEY'S GIN PROOF command responsibility. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grands Club of Naveiink Rebek- The Tinton Falls Schools will Mrs. Nathan D. Perlman was officially start on Wednesday, Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gull- 10% OFF ah Lodge No. 79 held its annual "I know that n large amount chairman of the national conven- picnic at the home of Mrs. Rob- Opt. 7. man, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Archie •Y THE Of cost induction savings are Black, Jr., and sons, Gary and tion which theme was "Horizons gal. CAS! ert McConnell, with Mrs. William made in the course of your work Unlimited." More than 2,0«0 del- Add lots of parsley sprigs to Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. John Tollman a» cohostess. for which credit is not received egatM. representing the organi- tomato Juice and refrigerate Ward, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plans were completed for the because they are not reported to Ward and family, Nancy Colleen zation's more than 318,000 mem- Revealing Dinner which will be the cost reduction coordinators. overnight. Remove the parsley before serving — it will have and Robeit, Mr. and Mrs. Ted bers in 1,350. chapters and held Sepl. 9 In It In very important that all cost Bahrs Restnu- added subtle flavor to the juice. Gullman, 3d, and daughters Jean Rroups throughout the United Free Delivery-Call 747-3334 rant, Highlands. reduction savings be documented and Beth Ann, Miss Barbara States ami Puerto Rico, attended Mrs. Metcalf wl be hostess atand reported so that you and Slices of liver may be dipped Schnellner, Eric Gullman, Ann, the four-day event, lladassah 26 BROAD ST. RED BANK the next meeting Sept fi In hri F.COM can receive appropriate In beaten egg and then in sea- William and Michael Ward. Kev- spends more than $!• million an- home at 40 Appleton Ave., Leo- recognitbin soned bread crumbs before fry- in S. McGrath, Pamela, Peggy, nually on Its undertakings In Is- n nardo. "I your full participation ng. f[ Paul and Peter Gullman. rael and the United States. Rumson Captures Inter-Club Golf Championship MIDDLETOWN - Rumson John Fitzgerald, 4 and 3; Sal Mr*. Joseph Rudnlck shot a Rudnick, Bill Bruckmann and BEACON HILL Dunbar, one up on the 19th hole. 134 and win the 18-hole group's a 74, with Mrs. W. Dinsmore Country Club finished second yes- Noto defeated Dr. Joceph Rud- net M to win Claw A honors, Pingatore all qualified for the Defending champion William version of the Caddies and Banks second with a 76. LEONARDO — Robert Kurau terday with 15 points in the final nick, 3 and 2, and Tom Allison in the l^holers group in Harold Pro-Junior Tournament tomorrow Ladies Day Tournament. Mrs. Peter Cartmell's 77 took defeated Fred Hilfiker, 2 and 1, Fenwick was the low medalist match of inter-club golf matches defeated Bob Maffett, 5 and 4. Cahoon Day. at Metuchen Country Club. Mrs. William Fenwick and first low net in Class B. Mrs. to win the President's Cup at with a 76 in the championship between, host Navesink, Rumson In Class B, John Manley de- Dave Witershein placed second Joseph Mount's 78 was second. The event was conducted un- The girls' pee wee champion- Beacon Hill Country Club. flight in the qualifying round for and Beacon Hill, and that was feated Walter Rathbun, 4 and 3; der the format of using best ball ship (10 and under) went to Cee the club championship. Charles with a net 146. Firing 147s were John Send took the Vice-Pres- DEAL enough to give it over-all first [Walter Conover defeated George with pro Cahoon, whose score Cee McMahon with an 87 over Keyler was medalist in Class B the teams of Mrs. Richard Rob- DEAL — Mrs. Thomas Me- place with 53J4 points. Boslet, 1 up; Dr. Albi Vernet de- was 73. nine holes. Second was Susan ident's Cup by winning over Rudy (80) and Paul Knauff was in inson-Ronan, Mrs. Donald Roveg- Beacon Hill was second yester- feated Don Cameron, 2 and 1; Correa by default, while Phil Class C (89). no-Marc Waltz and Mrs. Rich- Darby, Mrs. Sylvester DiStasio Mrs. Charles Peters had low Bloodworth (94). Gordon Eadon day with \&/ points to place sec- John Ellis defeated Jim Maloney, won the boys title with a 31 over Smith won the board of direc- ard Wilson-Jim Greed. and Mrs. Guy Galafato were t putts in Class A, 30. Mrs. Robert Matthews and Jim ond over-all with 42. Navesink 4 and 3; George Vifchak defeat- four holes. tors' Trophy by edging Walter Ronan teamed up to shoot a net Tying for low putts (27) were medalists in Class A, B and C. was third in the final match with I ed Mac McDavitt, 4 and 3; Wil- Mrs. Jack Fowler was the Class Dave Clark won the boys nine- Mrs. Frank Pezzuti, Mrs. Mat- respectively, yesterday in ft? an( qualifying round of the clulj 1314. l third over-all with 3!)i/2. liam Blair defeated Tom O'Brian, B winner after a match of cards liole championship with a 71. thews and Mrs. Austin Cushman. Playinn for Rumson were Mrs. 1 up; Art Lislander defeated Art with Mrs. Drew Brinkerhoff and ieorge Williamson (74) was sec- Trophies for the caddies went championship at Deal Golf and Railroad Study to Be Told to Waltr, low gross (90), Dave Country Club. •Robert Walker, Mrs. Claire Iks- Efros, 3 and 2. and Ed McNeil Mrs. John Dixon. All three had Mid, Harrison Palmer (83) was defeated Bob Smith, 1 up. Witershein, second low gross (93) seltine, Mrs. Augustine Marusi 69s. Mrs. Dixon also had low Ihird and Jeff Lane (113) fourth. Mrs. Robert Jacob, Mrs. Jam-s and Mrs. William Jones. In Class B, Bob Koester, de- Amy Lane was medalist in the To N. J. Press Association and Ronan, low net (66). Dorment and Edward T. Towen, putts, 31. Representing Iicacon Hill were feated Jim Gavin, 2 up; Gor- girls' junior championship with a New Jersey's railroads will pre- •y the railroads that in addi- Mrs. John Mount and Jim Pat- Jr., all tied for low putts, 27. filrs. Pembrcok Lincoln, Mrs. don Goldrick defeated Bob That- Mrs. Thomas Allison dominated 96. sent an "on the track" inside tion to visual inspection of the erson won the nine-holers' ver- prank Connolly, Mrs. Rob- cher, 4 and 3; Bob Swan defeat- Class C as she had low net (64) story of their operations for passenger and freight facilities, sion of the tourney with a net BAMM HOLLOW 78. Second went to Mrs. Law- t'rt Jackson, Mrs. Frank Pea ed William Lynch, 2 and 1; and low putts (34). members of the New Jersey top railroad personnel would be MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. Rob- rence TunneM :uti and Mrs. Charles Paterno. Weave Brooks defeated Bernie In the nine-hole group, Mrs. Press Association Friday, Sept. on hand to answer questions on! and Tom Bolley ert Squilare's 85 took low gross 2 Candidates (83), while Mrs. Joel Johnson and On the Navesink team were Goldsmith, 6 and 5; Paul Rich- Thomas Britt had low net (32), 16. all phases of New Jersey's rail- in Class A of the 18-hole group John Labagardo (85), were third. vlrs. George Flynn, Mrs. A. J. ardson defeated Charles Alberts, while Mrs. William Hall had low At the request of the NJPA, the road operations. at Bamm Hollow County Club. 3 and 2; Austin Beekman de- Are Honored Mrs. Mount had low gross of filing, Mrs. Wjlliam Bruck- putts (16). Associated Railroads of New Jer- He said that this is the first Mrs. Edward Bailey had low feated John Pillsbury, 3 and 2, UNION BEACH - Andrew J. 62. mann, Mrs. William Lane and The junior Golf Day play at sey has arranged a special two- net of 71. Mrs. Austin Cushman and John Sampson defeated Wil- time that NJPA members have Mrs. John Dizon. Navesink qualified the six low O'Bosky and James W. Flynn, had low putts in Class A, 31, liam Hall, 2 and 1. Jim Van car Budd train to present an on sponsored an in-depth study of RUMSON scores for the inter-club match Democratic candidates for Bor- and Mrs. William Tumelty did Wagner will play Frank Rowse at the-spot detailed view of the pres- Rumson — Mrs. Oliver Vietor NAVESINK Aug. 23 among Navesink, Deal ough Council, were recently hon- actual rail operations in the criti- likewise in Class B, 34. a later date. was medalist in Class A of the MIDDLETOWN - Navesink Rumson and Manasquan River. ored with a smorgasbord held in ent railroad picture and to pro- cal areas of the state. the hall of Fire Co. 1. The af- 18-hold group with an 85 in the In the nine-hole group, Mrs. Country Club held the opening George Zifchak won the kick- The qualifiers were Steve Rud- ject proposed Improvements both Because of the expected inter- fair was given by members of qualifying round of club cham- William Hughes had low gross round of its club championships er's tournament with a 72. ilck (77), Bill Bruckmann (85), in passenger and freight opera- the local Democratic Club. est of NJPA members from all pionship at Rumson Country and Mrs. John Faherty low net in with 23 matches in three classes. Mr. and Mrs. Edlind had low Bob Pingatore (87), Bruce Bruck- tions. Class A, while Mrs. Sidney Finder Herbert F. Klein was in charge parts of the state, special ar- Club. In Class A, John Dixon de- gross in the husband and wife mann (87), John Dale (90) and had low putts. In Class B, Mrs. of arrangements. The tour is sponsored by the rangements will be made to en- Mrs. James Finley was medal- feated 'Vince Annarella, 1 up; tourney with a combined score im Ellison (97). The alternate Ralph Weaver had low gross, Congressman James J. How- Associate Membership Commit- ist in Class B with a 98. Vic Shaheen defeated Bob Squal- of 176, while Mr. and Mrs. Chuck is Dave Manley (99). able those from the north, south Mrs. Hubert Read, low net, and ard, D-N.J., 3d Dist, and Free- tee of the NJPA, of which In the regular ladies day com- are, 1 up; Robert Ellison de- Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Fowler and central Jersey to join the Mrs. Leonard Pickworth low holder candidates Bruce Mangan George Holsten, public relations petition, Mrs. John Sinnott had :eated William Bruckmann, 2 andtied for low net with 152. Closest putts. [{ousebrcaking Reported and Alfred Sanders were among director of Rutgers University tour. first low net in Class A with 1; Jack Fowler defeated How- to the pin on the par three, is chairman. ard D'Arcy, 7 and 6; Hal Ed- 180-yard 12th hole were Mrs. Wil-In Well-Locked Home the 240 persons who attended the The special train will leave Highlights of the tour will in- lind defeated Owen Merchand, liam Day (5 feet, 8 inches) and FREEHOLD — Police are con- dinner. Pennsylvania Station, Newark, at LEO DUROCHER SAYS: clude a visit to the area of the 10 a.m. The morning will be de- 5 and 4; Bruce Clayton defeated George Tyrrell (17 feet, 4 inches) tinuing an investigation of Members of the Monmouth Fine Levied housebreaking, but are tempo- County Democratic Committee Aldene Plan, which will link the voted to inspection of the Penn- "PwflTourCorj rarily baffled as to how the thief presented a play. The cast in- Jersey Central Railroad with the sylvania Railroad piggyback In Contempt Backinihe got inside because all windows cluded Richard M. Bracken and Pennsylvania and the PATH yards at Kearny, as well as a and doors were locked. Mrs. Ann De Sante, first district; tubes, an inspection of the present visit to the marine operations 0 DEAL — Magistrate Harold Ballgame" experiments being carried out on the Erie-Lackawanna at Ho- Halpern yesterday fined Mrs A jewelry box and some bureau Mrs. Blanche Boyle and Ciro Te- at soro, second district; Mrs. Pen- the Pennsylvania Railroad of its boken. Marina Colengclr, Phillips Ave., drawers on the second floor of a lSO-mile-per-hour New York to house owned by Mrs. P. Elea- ny La France and Robert Koba, Aldene Plan Area $50 for contempt of court when Washington run, as well as an nor Errickson at J Monument third district; Thomas Perno and After luncheon at the Holiday exclusive tour of the world's larg- she refused to testify in a hear- Ave. were ransaVed Tuesday Mrs. Agnes Sohaden, fourth dis Inn, Newark, the tour will pro- est piggyback yards and freight ing on an assault and battery AAMCO fternoon. trict, and Mrs. Klein and Mrs. ceed to the Aldene Plan area via and marine operations. charge she had brought against Mrs. Errickson wai not able to Betty Lenskold, fifth district the Pennsylvania and Lehigh Val- a neighbor. tell police what items were miss- Music was provided by the Richard C. Klein, NJPA presi- ley tracks. TRANSMISSIONS ing. Fortnights. dent, said he had been assured The high-speed 150-mile-an-hour The magistrate refused Mrs. experimental section between New Colengeli's request to withdraw Brunswick and Trenton will be the charge, and admonished her world's largest $ the final highlight of the day. For her action "in obstructing A prototype car of the type to be justice having made such a seri- Kin KM I Highway Traffic Deaths operated on the high-speed oper- ous charge." ation will be on display at the A hearing on a charge of leav- Trenton station. ing the scene of an accident Also open for inspection of the against Caryl A. Arnold, Ham- LEO DUROCHER SPECIAL party will be one of the types ilton Dr., New Shrewsbury, was Removing, Dismantling, Increasing Every Year continued to next Wednesday. Thorough Inspection of new passenger cars to be op- of all parts erated by the Pennsylvania be- Fined for speeding were: Ed- William J. Menzel George F. Leavy By BOB BRAMLEY other states, we must be doing killing themselves or their pas- tween Trenton, Princeton, New ward C. Freeman, Virginia Ter., NONE HIGHER There has not been a decrease something wrong. sengers. Brunswick, Newark and New Middletown, $20; Wayne Som- any mak* in traffic deaths on New Jersey We rightly deplore the neces- We form traffic safety commit- York. The Pennsylvania had or- mers, Arcona Ave., OceanpDrt, any model Progressive Promotes roads in the past six years. sity of sending our young men to tees whose members work like dered 80 of the streamlined, air- $12, and Robert R. Zaccardi, 23 Dec. 31, 1960, when 741 deaths Viet Nam — yet there are more dedicated dogs on all sorts of conditioned cars for its local Colonia, $30. 1-DAY .SERVICE • FREE TOWING were chalked up for the year, persons killed each year on New safety ideas — and achieve some commuter operations. Arrest warrants for failure to FREE ROAD TEST* EASY TERMS IM E. Newman Springs Rd. was the last time the toll went Jersey roads than there are bat- notable, If local, successes. But PATH will have on display in appear In answer to summonses Long Time Employees down — from 762 in 1959. Since I tie deaths per year in Viet Nam- over all, the deaths keep rising on several occasions were issued Red Bank—842-2500 Newark one of its new types of Open 8 a.m. to S p.m. RED' BANK — Progressive ation, served as its first then, year by yea^, more and and over there the enemy is do- Governor Richard J. Hughes ube passenger cars which wil for: Arthur J. Life Insurance Company has el- president and as a member of its more persons have died every ing his level best to kill our men.holds an all-day traffic safety used in conjunction with op- Robert 809 Railroad Av«. year on our highways. We widen hfghways, Install jug- Neptune, and Frederick R. Raf- Asbury Park—774-4800 evated two long-time employees board of directors. He is a mem- conference in Trenton every sum- irations of the Aldene Plan and In 1961, the death tally rose to handles, erect traffic signals, rith the Pennsylvania operations. ferty, Fair Lawn. to assistant secretaries. ber of the Insurance Accounting mer. Speakers genuinely con- Rewarded were George F. and Statistical Association and is 779; in 1962, it jumped to 910. post signs — all good things in cerned about the appalling num- Lcavy and William J. Menjel, Progressive's delegate to the na- Dec. 31, 1963 brought a toll of 964; themselves, but (he death toll whose combined employment tional conference, in addition to in 1964, we broke 1,000 for the continues to rise. ber of deaths urge all sorts of with thfc company totals 45 years. being the treasurer and vice first time since 1937, the year We run safety contests and law ideas and actions to curb the Mr. Leavy, Long Branch, who president of the Mid Atlantic state inspection of motor vehi- enforcement campaigns; we fine rise. Nevertheless, people go was promoted to assistant secre- Chapter in 1962 and 1963, respec- cles was started; the 1964 toll violators heavily and revoke their right on getting killed at a great- One Low tively. Mr. Leavy is a member was 1,071. Last year the number tary, data processing division, licenses — again good things in er rate than before. of the Star of the Sea Church, of people killed rose to 1,095. themselves, and still the traffic has 21 years of service with the Why are more people being Long Branch and of the Knights deaths multiply. company, starting as a special What's the outlook for this killed on New Jersey highways clerk in the office services divi- of Columbus. year? Sadly, uselessly, unless We spruce up our driver edu- despite the well-meant and not tion. Mr. Menzel, Neptune City, there's an unprecedented revers- cation programs for our young inconsiderable efforts of those ac- Price! has been promoted to assis folks — and yet people continue Three years later he was ad- al, it's the same old story. On tively concerned with traffic safe- tant secretary, underwriting divi to drive off the road into trees vanced to supervisor of the di- Aug. 17, 1965, there had been 637 ty? We don't know. sion. Since 1931 Menzel has been traffic deaths in New Jersey. and poles at high speeds, often vision. In 1954 he was elevated But we must be doing some- in the insurance business. He Yesterday — a year later to the to the .position of assistant man- thing wrong, ager of the data processing di- has 24 years' service with Pro- day — there had been 668. ANY SIZE vision and in 1955 Leavy became gressive, joining the company in In New Jersey, where there 1942 as a special field represen its manager. are more Americans than in 42 tative. In 1945 he became mana 40-Year After graduating from Long ger of the commercial health de- Branch High School he complet- partment and in 1962 was made ed two years at the Novitiate of senior underwriter and manager Tight Money Reunion Set the Holy Cross Fathers. Mr. Reliant MUFFLE! of the underwriting division. Lcavy continued his education at Mr. Menzel is a graduate of Forum Set By Gass Monmouth College and at Rut- West Orange High School and Guaranteed Against Manufacturing Defects gers University where he re- studied at New York University RED BANK - The class of ceived a B.S. degree in Business and the University of Pennsyl- By Bankers 1926 of Middletown Town- • Mufflers ia stock for 80% of all American ears Administration. He also took ship High School will hold its vania. He received an associate CRANBURY - A Forum on courses at the IBM Education 40-year reunion Saturday, Sept. • Heavy stetl shell and degree from the Life Office Man- the subject of 'Tight Money—the Centers" in New York City, Endi- 24, in the Garden Room of the agement Association and com- Effects and Problems of the aval flow design for cott, N. Y. and Philadelphia. He pleted a course given by the Molly Pitcher Hotel. Present Monetary Conditions"— is presently studying for his LO-Health and Accident Underwrit- Miss Martha Pennington, class will be presented by the Mon- safer driving, greater MA degree. ers' Institute. He is a member of adviser, will be guest of honor. Installed mouth Chapter, American Bank- All members of the class have • Mr. Leavy organized the Jer- the Metropolitan Underwriters' fuel economy. ing Institute, in the meeting hall been located except, th h r e e: MOST CARS ley Shore Chapter of the Data Club of New York City and the of Rossmoor Leisure World New Russell Johnson, Ceil Rothenberg Processing Management Assort- Presbyterian Church, Belmar. Jersey, near hete, on Wednes- and John O'rdway. Anyone hav- day, Sept. 14, at 8:30 p.m. ing information on them is asked Bonded Under the direction of Richard to contact Monte B. Jones, 66 BRAKE RELINING A. Kadash, program chairman, a Poricy La. Earl Tyler trio of financial authorities, as Frank Waldmann,' Middletown Royco custom grinds lin- well as an authoritative modera- Village, is treasurer. Also assist- ings to correct drum arc tor, has been scheduled to dis- ing are Mrs. H. P. Drapeau, Ap- 10 that linings contact cuss such questions as: How long New York Front tind plcbrook, Middletown, and Orrin drum over entire surface this tight money condition will Soule, Rumson. for safer stops. 1 exist? SPECIAL! Post to Tyler Align front end, balanci front Will banks lower the savings BAY HEAD — Earl Tyler, ALL 4 wheels, repack bear- interest rates when the, present Sales Tax Officials former director of the N. J. Cul- ings, adjjst brakes, monetary condition subsides? To Explain the Lrnvg WHEELS 95 odd fluid, rood test What are banks doing to com- tural Center at Bay Head, and car. bat an interest war or lack of teacher at the Guild of Creative FREEHOLD — Two state Sales Most ALL FOR Art, Shrewsbury, was recently ap- Tax Department officials will ex- Can ONLY funds to loan? Is there a paral- : 14 inted direclor of the National nla n how the sales tax laws af- lel in banking history to present'P° fect businessmen, consumers, new, exciting places on your conditions? If so, what were the Academy of Design in New York. Mr. Tyler, wlio is well-known and manufacturers Wednesday at after effects? 7 p.m. at the American Hotel. World's Largest on the exhibition scene In the \ an HFC Traveloan Banking officials from through- The meeting is sponsored by Selection Of out the state are being Invited to shore area, will be in charge of FREE the operation of the academy's the Greater Freehold Chamber Seat Covers Co-.r. MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS See Mint, you take your attend this program which will of Commerce and is open to the 60 - DAY galleries at Fifth Ave. and East Includes every style . . . ,'ou Gel 12 6 deserved vacation with be preceded by a social hour public. 24 • 18 90th St., and its art school on every pattern . . . every TRIAL t>*ymli pmvntt pasmti ptyrr.lt an HFC Traveloan. from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The speakers will be Jay Des- 1 East 89th St. The academy, color . . . every tciture. If not satisfied you'rt 5 G.<17 S 9.75 S18.15 It'll cover everything Reservations can be made with trihats and Joseph Spangcnberg, - • ,o which is 141 years old, is affil- Guaranteed coast to coast gtt;:ng smoother ride, . .i 13.93 i!).:;o M i from lugRago to Monmouth Chapter A.I.B., Rich- who are administrative assistants for as long es you own your ws'll repl~:=e yo'jr old •\ •ir.77 ?.Q.!l 72.11 2i.n you repay HFC Dank of Middlesex County, 1 Lei-and the Metropolitan Museum of 4 AQC J l!,i.77 :;:).«> 4V.U2 R l.5:i conveniently. sure World Dr., Jamcsburg. Art. Prices start at B "-* JJ 15-Ycnr-Old Held Real protection at .55" A-ik .1 bout credit a bargain price Mo insiirnnco on loans In Itariu'i- Slut]) Theft INSTALLED FREE tka; palo/lhi halanrt in excrss elSMllo ti(HI. FULL SET INSTALLED nt group ratos FREEHOLD — A 15-year-old local youth was charged with breaking into Joe's Ilarber Shop, QUALITY* VALUE

By the AitocUted Press "I feel real great about it," turn would be Sunday, received the eighth on run-scoring singles but the Mets struck back for Neither team got t hit through Mays said afterward. "This is a cortisone injection in the el- the first three innings as Wilson Willie felt great; Sandy felt by Tito Fuentes and Willie Me- five runs in the fourth inning. the first time anyone has achieved bow, then placed it in a bucket Covey and won it in the ninth on Bob Taylor accounted for the and Jim Bouton battled on even pain. this in so short a time. of ice—the usual ice treatment Jesus AIou's run-scoring single. last four runs With the first pinch- terms. Mays' feeling came in the The rest of those guys had 20 he gets after a game. Koufax' elbow apparently hurt hit grand slam homer in Mets' Jake Gibbs singled with two fourth inning Wednesday when years, and I've had only 15." Fortunately for the Reds, they in the fourth inning as he loaded history. away in the New York fourth, he hit a home run that triggered Koufax was seeking his 20th didn't get Koufax' usual treat- he bases on walks. Leo Car- and Norm Cash got th- first hit San Francisco to a 4-3 victory Ron Hunt then won it for New victory Wednesday night but in- ment during a game. denas then rapped a double, driv- for the Tigers with two outs in over St. Louis. York with a two-out, two-run stead wound up with a sore el- ng in all three runners. That their half of the inning. Kaline Koufax' came in the second In other National League single in the sixth. bow. He hurt it in the second was enough to hand the south- followed with his 22nd homer of inning of Los Angeles' 5-1 loss to games, New York edged Pitts- Al Kaline cracked a two-run inning when he struck out the paw his seventh defeat against the year. Cincinnati when he hurt his ar- burg, cutting the Pirates' lead homer, his first since July 10 side but didn't leave until the 19 victories. The Yankees got an unearned thritic left elbow. — and Earl Wilson checked New fifth. to one-half game over San Fran- Pittsburgh took a 7-1 lead on York on four hits, leading the run in the seventh with the help The home run was a historic "It's nothing different from cisco; Chicago trimmed Phila- homers by Willie Starjjell, Bill Detroit Tigers to a 4-2 victory of Jim Northrup's error, and Tom one. It was the 535th of Mays' what has happened to him be- delphia 5-3 in 10 innings and Mazeroski and Donn Clendenon, over the Yankees. Tresh homered in the ninth. career and made him the sec- fore," said Dr. Robert Kerlan, Atlanta whipped Houston 6-1. ond greatest right-handed homer Dodger team physician. "The el- In the American League, Bal- hitter of all time. bow hurt him all season, but us- timore beat Boston 8-4, Detroit The blast, on a 3-2 pitch from ually the pain is between pitching defeated New York 4-2, Minne- Ray Washburn, sailed over the assignments. sota downed California 5-3, Chi- Swim Meet Tonight right field fence at Candlestick "It's possible that Sandy will cago swept Kansas City 4-2 and SMILING WILLIE — It was a happy and confident Will!* Park and vaulted Mays ahead be able to warm up on the side- 5-1 and Cleveland topped Wash- Mays who faced the newsmen in the dressing room after of Jimmy Foxx on the all-time lines two days from now and ington 5-3. hii 535th homer, which set a record for right-handed list. then take his usual starting turn Mays' homer, his 30th of the batters. Willie blasted the ball over the right field fence The Giant center fielder, who if the elbow is not swollen." season, cut the Cardinals' lead tied Foxx the night before, now Koufax, whose next scheduled to 3-1. The Giants then tied it in in the fourth inning against Ray Washburn of the St. trails only Babe Ruth and hi* 714 Louit Cardinals. It was his 30th for the season. homers. Ruth batted left-hand- (AP Wirephoto) ed. 4No Pressure' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A dinal catcher Tim McCarver. ball, Mays fouled off the next relaxed and smiling Willie Mays "I feel real great about it," pitch and then watched two said, "I don't think the pressure said Mays. "This is the first more miss before cracking the was on me at all," to hit the time anyone has achieved this in outside 3-2 pilch over the right homer yesterday that made him so short a time. The rest of field fence In a crowd of young' Blue Maxes baseball's all-time right-handed those guys had 20 years and I've sters standing next to the bleach- slugger of home runs. had only 15." • rs. "I felt, the pressure much The ball was caught by Joe It was bis fourth homer in the more for 512," the San Francisco Hustace, 16, of Oakland, Calif. last six game*, and (he Giants Giants center fielder told a He got $25 and two autographed For Pirates have won five of them. crowd of newsmen about the baseballs for the ball that now By MIKE RATHET els at any of the hotels they homer in May that broke the goes to the Cooperstown Hall of Among the telegrams Mays re- Associated Press Sports Writer stop at, they set out to get some National League record. Fame. ceived was one from Califor- Blue Maxes. NEW YORK - The first-place That was 23 homers ago. And The bat was different from the nia Gov. Edmund G. Pat Brown. They also decided to collect as Pittsburgh Pirates, who haven't now Mays has passed the 534 hitone Mays used Tuesday night to In Miami, Fla., Jimmy Foxx much World War I flying equip- shot down anything but the op- by Jimmy Foxx for second place hit No. 534. He chipped that one said he hopes Willie Mays hits ment as they could get. The fly- position in the National League, on the all-time homer list and is getting a single later in the night 600 homers. ing equipment was easier than finally have received their Blue behind only the left-handed game. Each weighed 43^ ounces the Blue Maxes, which they could "He hit another one, did he?"Maxes — the medals awarded by Babe Ruth's 714. and was 35 inches long. only locate in black. And so they Foxx said at his home. "Oh! I the Kaiser to Germany's World "It was a fast ball away,' Washburn had struck Mays became the Black Maxes until hope he hits 600. It's okay with War.I flying aces. Mays said about the line shot out in the, first inning on five me." Blass made them the Blue Maxes that cleared the right field fence pitches. But Mays caught up Foxx, whose major league ca- The Kaiser wasn't on hand yes- here. SWIMMING meet planners eye the Richard O'Brien Memorial Award, one of the and went about 380 feet. with the Cardinal right-hander reer spanned twp decades, said terday, but pitcher Steve'Blass, Jim Pagliaroni, the Pirate trophies to b» presented in tonight's meet, sponsored by the Greater Kaansburg Ray Washburn, the St. Louis in the fourth. who doubles as the assistant Kai- he wasn't sad to see his record catcher, took off his flying hel< Jaycees, at 8 o'clock at the Belveder* Pool. Left to right art Jaycee president right-hander who threw No. 535, Washburn got two strikes past broken. ser in charge of the Pirates' par- met with the skull and cross- said it was a slider. So did Car-Mays and put one inside for a aphernalia, made the awards to Richard Flaming, pool ownir • manager Louis Collichio and m»»t chairman John Foxx, however, added that he bones insignia before explaining his Dirty Dozen in appropriate doubts if the 35-year-old Giant the proceedings that take place Brightman. Th« mtet is open to boys and girls, aged six to 16, from the Bayshore ceremonies witnessed by news- {could match or break the record after each Pirate victory. men at a midtown restaurant. area. 714 home runs of Babe Ruth. "There's lots of tension in the 'The only one who had And, as Blass, hung the Blue pennant race and this keeps the AUTO BOYS Maxes around the necks of his club loose," Pagliaroni said. "We chance to catch up with Babe MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST SELECTION OF was Ted Williams," Foxx stated. crew, the Pirates hung the green- pull out all the stuff when ever Box Scores weenie hex over the American we win. On other clubs you find League leading Baltimore Orioles. three or four guys together In a rittiburih (7) | No* York (8) Major League POSTPONE AARON CASE «h r h 111 ab r h bl The whole thing started in Chi-olique. We're 25 guys all pulling M. Almj.cf >l!l| Hunl,:b i 0 t I ACCESSORIES & PARTS ATLANTA — A court hearing Alley ,•> cago last month when a group together and this proves it." 9 13 0 Hreitoud.tn 4 0 10 for Mrs. Henry Aaron, wife of Cle.mrnle,rf 5 110 C. Jenri.rt 4 S J ll MUFFLERS SHOCKS of Pirates went to see The Field Marshal Johnny Pesky, 8Urfell.l( 41 JJ Murphy,ct III the Atlanta Braves' slugging out- Pa«an,3h 41 1 1 Boyer,3b 4 1 1 Blue Max, a movie starring who also is the first base coach, C-nd'nn.lb 4 113 Hlcknun.rf 4 t | ,4 bROADWAY Phone 2*9-1614 LONG BRANCH II fielder, on charges arising from George Peppard, who wears a then explained the various ranks M'ir'ikl.tb 4 1 I 1 Swolwda.lf 3 1 * PaiUrtnl.c 4 • • I lirotr.c 4 10 I an incident with an Atlanta Sta- Blue Max, and Ursula Andrew, held by the players/ Ve«le,p 3*0* K'lupooMb 1 0 « Open 8 to 7—Fri. 'til 9- Sun. 'hi 12:30 ll diom policeman Ms been post BIcBean.p 0*0* B.Twbr.lb 111 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS who wears a towel. "Eiroy Face ' is our fuhrer, Ljuoii.ph ing Laplonr.rt lit I poned to Sept. 15. Since the Pirates can get tow- Blass is the assistant kaiser and MJkkeli'n,p loot Kliher,|> III NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE everyone else is a colonel," said Heplrr.p til HlUer.pk 10 1 W L Pet. G.B. W L Pet. G.B. Pesky, who wore a red Blue Frlena.p Illl Pittsburgh .71 48 .SU - Baltimore 41 .158 - Max and an eye patch as a mark 338108 of his position. "There is no en- rtttsbanh ...114 SaS n Francisco .71 5o .587 V Detroit _._ 54 .54« 13H listed personnel." ....10* MS Los Angeles SI Mi S Cleveland 57 .521 K—Boyer, Stanell, B. Taylor. DF— Philadelphia ..« S5 .542 • "There isn't rmioh paying at- FtttitNurfc, l. LOB—Pltt.tp«na, «; New Minnesota .521 St. Louis *1 58 .51) iY Chicago .521 tention to rank either," explained V.rk. 3. HR—Stamen (IS); C. tan 1 Blass. "Pesky !s the leader even (•>> Maumkl (111 Clemen (It) Cincinnati _...U it .504 ll / California II if he's only a field marshal. In B. Taylor (I). 8B—Swobmla. Atlanta .. ...58 II .487 12V New York . .4M IP H E EB BB 80 ...52 this army the field marshal's Veale ...4 • f New York 17 .437 m Kansas City .438 M'/j CHEVROLET MeBeaa L, 3-3 ...... 1 I I > Houston .. ...51 (8 .421 m Washington 71 .432 over the fuhrer." MlkkeUen l • 0 0 JJ9 M Blass then proceeded, to hand Ptoaer S 7 1 Chicago .. 78 Boston 72 .424 28^ Hepler W, JJ 4 > 0 • out the Blue Maxes with ap- tritai 10 1 Yesterday'! Results Yesterday's Results San Franckeo 4, St. Louis ) propriate citations: HBP-MrJtaaaHHP , ». Taylor. T—f.ii. Baltimore 8, Boston 4 A~31,4«l. Chicago 5, Philadelphia ), 10 In- "To Johnny Pesky, who sends Detroit 4, New York 2 players to death at second base." St. Loob (3) I Stau I'ranclica (4 nings ab r • bl ab r a bl Minnesota 5, California J SUMMER PICKUP "To Jim Pfagliaroni, who will Brock.II 4 111 KapnlM.it 4 111 Atlanta f, Houston 1 Cleve'and 5, Washington I sue everybody for a million dol- rioo«,ef « t t • (iafteU'a.iafteU. r J««« New York 8, Pittsburgh 7 H'C'rvtr.o 4 11* Petenoa,lPll l 1 •• • Chicago 44, Kansas City 2-1 lars." Cepeda.lh 4 • 1 • I M.yi.cl 111 Cincinnati 5, Los Angeles 1 Today's Games , And a special citation to an- Skan»n,rf 4 • 1 • I MeCovey.lb 4 * 1 4 11*1 Hart,3b Today's Gamei California, Lopez 5-11 it Min- noucer Bob Price, the originator 4 11*1 HaUer.c Pittsburgh. Fryman 9-7 at New MaivUUi utl Bnwmrt lit) nesota, Grant U3 or Merritt of the green weenie, an over- Waihb'm.p 3 11 • Lanler,ib 1000 York, Gardner 3-1 sized hot dog painted green that Hoerner.p 1111 Davenp t.Ib lilt 2-12 BrtlM.p 11*0 Martekal.p • ttt Cincinnati, Ma'oney 1M at Hous- is used to hex the opposition. MDanM.p I ttl ton, Bruce 2-t, night Chicago, Peters 111 at Cleveland, B»rd»,pK 1*1* McDowell 15, night All held green weenies, albeit t 1 t t St. Louis, Gibson 15-9 at Los a commercial version that looked Limy,p Angeles, Drysdale 8-1), night Only games scheduled. more like a voodoo doll, as I. Aloa.DH 1*11 -i Only games scheduled. Tomorrow's Games Prince fell on his knees before Kill 354 0 4 One oat warn wlMHlar ran icored. Tomorrow's Gamej Baltimore at Detroit, night the slugging Stargell. 81. Laals II* MO too-3 Pittsburgh at Chicago Chicago at Cleveland, night Saa Fraaelra 00* IM Ml—4 "You are a great hitter," said Javier, Brack. DP— New York at Philadelphia, night California at Washington, night Prince, "and in the future I see Saa Fraaclu*. I. LOB—St. LotU, 4 Cincinnati at Houston, night Baa FHMMIMO, 1. SB—MuvUL HB— Kansas City at New York 2, twi- 40 homers, 140 runs batted in, an Brock i i • • Hornier ...Vt 1 * t l t can't find enough money tq pay Brllro I., 4-11 ~H 3 11 t > Marlclul .1 < 3 3 • • you." i MeDaalel 0 4 0 t t 5 He also apparently saw the Llaijr W, M 1 t 0 t I t T—Jill. A—II.IM. National League pennant because New York (» I Detroit <4) he skipped right to the World ab r a bl I ab r h bl Series, the Baltimore Orioles, and Tmh.rl 4 1111 Wert.Sb 3* I BlehVMb 4 1101 Lampe.tb Tlierefc only 3 •• • their manager, Hank Bauer, *»I yer,3t> 3 • • • W. Morion.II 3 • 0 0 the green weenie." 3 • • • Northrop.rt 3 o tloaton.p t«ll[ Freehan.o 3 10 0 Ford.p t • 0 0 I Oyler.M 3 10* one H.Lopei.ph l**0| miu>n,p 1*00 Hibernians Win -I 30 1 I 1 mil New York 000 101— J League Crown Detroit MM HM «II—I JUST THE RIGHT PRESCRIPTION FOR YOU! r— Northnip. Richardson, BoutDn. KEANSBURG — Jerry Spoor I>P— New York. I: IMroll. 1. I.OB— New York. I: rklrall. 3. HR—KaUne •lammed a pair of home runs lit); Trenh (10). 8—WlUon. Your Chevy dealer has a whole line of husky, hard-working Chevrolet pick- and pitcher Mike Comiski struck IP II R KR BFI M out IB batters Sunday to lead Rovlon [., 14 V^ 5 4 i I S ' rd m I 0 « • • ups ready to start saving for you now. Each has a ride that's hard to tell the Ancient Order of Hibernians nilion «, 149 4 11*0 to a 3-1 victory over the Lehotays T—1:»5. A—1»,»!3. from jnany passenger cars. All have famous cost-saving Chevy truck power. at Collins Field, and thus give C Inrlnnall (.%) ot Anfelpa (l> AOH the Minor League charh- ah r h hi «h r h hi Now, more than ever, they're America's number one way I l.n.on.rl 10 5 0 pionship of the Keansburg Blue B • 1 0 I W. l>avl»,el 3 • I -and no other scotch Jeans Athletic Leagues S I I 0 I r'nlrl\,M) 3 0*0 JB to work. There's one that'll be a real tonic for your busi- 4 J 1 | I Slimrl.ph 1*0* Spoor slammed his initial hom- [nil Terr'a'ltkl II 0 II I 0 0 11 [ T. Ifovls.lf 4*00 quite like ft ness. For your leisure time, too. Because, when the er in the first inning, and led off 1OI1' l.efrbvre.Ih 4*00 off the lifth with his second four- ritrlellrh.e J 1 I ft j 4 II J 0 The lupremacy of J t B it dua to fla- 4*0* busy working week is through, you just slip it under a bagger. The second round trip- J • 0 0 I Kennedy. vour unsurpassed, born of a uniqut per was followed by back-to-back Metool.p t * * 0 Tarkrr.lb Ill* quality that sell it apart. JAB Ran Ko"f». p inn* comfortable camper body and whisk away for a rest cure. NO. 1 WAY TO WORK triples by Art Stover and Jamie Mlller.p will remain luprcme-thinlu (o tht Rarhlerl.ph 10 0 0 vigilance of Justerini A Brooks, tbt Butler, which produced the win- tlrewer.P 0*00 ning run. Moeller.p 0 0 time-honoured house that ship* this »vU. l-eavlctlch. »—llelma, r. Hr—w. n.,1,. Woodbine's Queens Plate, the IT || B KR KR Ml Prince of Wales Stakci at Fort Kill, W, 10 II 1 I I I 1 1 CIRCLE CHEVROLET COMPANY 111 414 I Erie and the Breeders Stakes run 1 1 J—21 GARY PLAYER'S GOLF CLASS: .dekenders! Extend, extend and extend again! HOLD nw POSITION, IAIN / HUT. I WOK* 4W. m TUB Of Tim MOTKaMPSCMK-MMD TNtusr fo*wm>.meur»m* A Day of Death KMT. WVUTSOtVH Associated Prett driver for Shelby-American. He turn trip to school. At school he RIVERSIDE, Calif. - Rac- gained fame on the West Coast was helped out of the bus, ing car driver Ken Miles was as a top Porsche driver. wrapped in blankets, and then killed instantly yesterday when taken to a hospital. PBOS AM AlVUtVS a sports car he was testing went HIGH SCHOOL GRIDDER The father, Dr. William J. Mo- TEUU6 XXI AVBCAGG PlAYHJfi out of control at Riverside Race- NEW ORLEANS - A 16 year- ;abgab, 44, is an associate pro- •to rxraw. BUT wtvs MkSTIkIS OUR SWATH IF YOU way, a track official said. old high school junior, whose fa- fessor at the Tulane University POJT REALIZE TUAT BV The car veered off the course ther had tried to talk him out of Medical School. He is a special- MOVlkIS ttUR HIAP FORWARD BUT UOTICe WHAT and flipped end over end. Miles, playing football, died at a hos- ist in the study of viruses. you CANNOT possiBty HAPPENS WHEN I PULL ExrSMD AT ALL 47, was thrown clear of the car, pital here after collapsing during Dr. Mogabgab said his son was WUR HEAP BACK ABOUT which burst into flames. the second day of practice. given a complete physical exam- IE MCUES iwro APttfGSS POSITION. VOUR Officials said Miles died of Robert Mogabgab, son of a ination before he was permitted MAUDS &KTWUD TOWARDS MiRE.I AMRCAUV tXTBJDSO > multiple injuries. prominent physician, was trying to go out for football practice. IMS TASSCT, AMP YOU*. MGHT THIKX/9H THt Mil. TUt The car Miles was testing at out for a lineman's position on RIGHT KMES COMES IW / SICBIT IS, KEEP X3UR UfADtOWH Riverside was Ford's new For- the Benjamin Franklin squad. JAPANESE BOXER AUP$ttm» wu BAIL... AMP tar mula J. car, a test vehicle which Cause of death was not an- TOKYO—A 22-year-old Japan- ictm wt*snr so wmmt> baa never raced, an official said. nounced pending an autopsy. :se professional boxer died early Miles, who lived in Hollywood, He was the second high school oday after collapsing during a Calif., with his wife and two player in two days to succumb 'ight here Sunday, Nihon Uni- children, had been racing for in football practice. /ersity Hospital said. Royal Bill Triumphs nearly 30 years. He started rac- Benjamin Stur, Jr., 17, died It was not immediately known ing motorcycles in his native En- what caused the death of Yoshi- FREEHOLD—Royal Bill came he won the fourth with Eddie T. Nicklaus, Arnie Duo Tuesday after suffering an injury gland in 1938. while practicing with the Bishop mi Kubo, unranked bantam- from far off the pace in the Adios. The 2-year-old roan geld- The race driver came to the Noll High School team in Ham weight. backstretch to cop yesterday's ing, second in his debut here a United States In 1951 after spend- mond, Ind. Officials said he was But doctors said he was suf- feature race at Freehold Race- week ago, paid $5.20, $3.20 and ing seven years as a British dead on arrival at St. Catherine's fering a cerebral hemorrhage way before a crowd of 9,463. $3 after pacing the mile jn 2:09. Picked for Matches Huerbesch won again with Gold- Army sergeant. Hospital in East Chicago, Ind when he was rushed to the hos- It marked the third straight NEW YORK (AP) - Jack Again it's Nicklaus and Pal- compete against 37 other teams, en Gallon ($7.60) in the ninth. A slender but wiry and strong An autopsy was scheduled to de pital Sunday night. victory for the eight-year-old bay icklaus, the Masters and Brit- mer, two of the world's most from throughout the world. Ja- driver, Miles still retained his terroine the cause of death. Kubo collapsed just after the torse who was driven by Free- The daily double combination ih Open titleholder, and Arnold successful and most publicized pan's representatives will be hold's driving champion Austin Cockney accent Tuesday was only the second eighth round of a scheduled 10- of 2-2 paid $32.40 as Long En- 'aimer, the season's second performers. Hideyo Sugimoto and Mitsutak* Thomas. Miles teamed with Lloyd Ruby day of practice for high round bout against Japan's sixth sign ($6.60) won the first race sading money winner, were This is the fourth appearance Kono. this year to win the 24-hour en- school football players in Indi- ranked bantamweight Shigeo Ni- Thomas won three races yes- with Scottish Master ($13.20) tak- amed yesterday to represent n the matches for the 26-year- The event will be played over he United States in the interna- durance race at Daytona Beach, na. rasald. During the match he took terday and it increased his sea- ing the second. old Nicklaus, who won the indi- the Yomiuri Country Club- ional Canada Cup matches at ourse. Fla., and followed with a victory Mogabgab had participated in heavy beating. son total to 14 victories. Thomas The betting for yesterday's 10 vidual title at Paris in 1963 and started his visits to the winner's 'okyo, Nov. 10-13. Hawaii in 1964, and the fifth for The last time the tounnment at the 12-hour endurance test at a two hour session. races amounted to $680,618.' circle by taking the feature trot In picking the game's two Palmer, who has shared in four was staged in Japan, the Japa- Jack Pizzano, director of physi- DENVER, Colo. - Denver 1 Sebring, Fla. behind Homestretch Lin ($6.20) muscle men, the special com- team prites but never won the nese monopolized honors. To- cal education for New Orleans Bronco Coach Mac Speedie said He led most of the race this in the third dash. mittee of the Japanese organiz- individual crown. rakichi "Pete" Nakamura out- public schools, said the practice there had been no developments year at Le Mans, France, and Top Drivers ers passed over the year's No. Palmer shared the Canada Cup played Sam Snead and Jimmy in a pending trade of trouble- Royal Bill who paced the mite originally was declared the win- consisted of wind sprints, calis- golfer, Bill Casper, winner of team victory with Nicklaus in Demaret for the individual some fullback Cookie Gilchrist. in 2:06 4-5, returned $5.60, $3.20 (Through Aug. ner but later was relegated to thenics and instruction in foot- he U.S. Open and three other 1963 and 1964 and with Sam championship and teamed with second place on a technicality. ball fundamentals. He said Oakland and Kansas and $2.60 in outdistancing Nona's SU 1st M Id [ournaments, money winning Koichi Ono for the team crown. Pride to the winning tape1. No- Snead in Ireland in 1960 and Mogabgab became ill when the City of the American Football Austin Thomas 8 I leader and pace-setter in soor- Buenos Aires in 1962. Three years ago Miles became na's Pride paid $4.40 and $3. boys got on the bus for the rg- League were still the only teams James Field S 2 Kg averages. Nicklaus paired with the late EXPENSIVE KICKER the chief test driver and team Country Gal —($3.40) was third. figuring in any possible deal. Arthur Kucia I 2 The selection is left entirely to Tony Lema last year in Madrid LIVERPOOL, England - The Speedie added he was in no Thomas won behind Sonny Cin- Fred Jaeger I *• the host country. A list of U.S. where the individual title was Everton Football Club paid Black-, co ($5.80) in the 10th for his third hurry to trade Gilchrist and in- Henri FUlon 12 1 players is submitted by the Pro- won by Gary Player of South pool $308,000 yesterday for the driving triple of the nine-day old tended to take his time and make James BaailoM ..... « 2 fessional Golfers Association Africa and the team prize by acquisition of Alan Ball, star of meeting. Tom Herner ...II 2 ind from this list is picked the Hoffman Widenssure the Broncos got what they Player and Harold Henning. England's World Cup victory over Ken Huerbesch, a local favorite Milton Hubbard IS S American players the hosts Player and Henning again will wanted in return for Gilchrist. West Germany. j crashed the charmed circle for Elmer Looney I 1 would most prefer to see. represent "South Africa and will the first time this season when ROSCM James 'SKINS MAKE TRADE .II * Point Leadership CARLISLE, Pa. - The Wash ington Redskins traded defensive WALL TOWNSHIP - A big Shea by only 18 points, 764 to end John Paluck to the Chicago victory in the double-point 50-lap 746. Carl Blue of Burlington is third with 636. Bears for veteran defensive Freehold Entries Midsummer Classic last Satur- In the car owner's standings tackle Stan Jones and a future day widened Jim Hoffman's point high draft choice. Hoffman's No. 11 modified, a l—rue, cum. i i-Mlle, SIMS. 14. T™ Danud IIIWHI lead in the modified driver's Washington has been trying to t. Old Muter (KtKla) H|J- Samnu Dam (Knatrir) fuel-injected Buick-powered racer «. JnrUe (Zrarit) 14it. Mil. Holly Dee (SUyKm) standings at Wall Stadium. make a deal for Paluck, 31, a 9- I. Saosty Marie (DIXOB) M 8. Afloat Pride (Rotaeh) continues to top the point race Hoffman's victory was his year veteran from Pittsburgh, 1. (ilany HoHap (Carbine) M AK-Mta T (JMIOH) with 944 points to 896 for the 3. Alias raml (H.mer) (.1 AE-Tkalaway (Plall) sixth feature win of the season since he left camp after the Red s. Bnmn Last (Sa«l) S-l number 20 Ford-powered mod- 7. Ctaaale MeiMlier (EafmO M-I ItTR-Pacr, rlmi.. IMUe. ll.ttt. and he gained 54' points on run- skins refused to meet his salary «. J» Ann-! Blrthdsy (Loom) 111 3. Karea Deaa (Thomai) ner-up Charlie Kremer of Lake- ified driven by Elliott and owned* AE—Don H Vatt (Houiatoa) 1. True Vlharl (gtaytoa) demands. 4. DoMea KrliVy (Hammer) hurst. Hoffman has 944 points by Don House. INI>-Pace, Coad:, l.Mlle, Sl.tM. 5. Lochlaver Jady (K«rla) In the sportsman division for Major Hum (Trlaco) 1 «. Dolch Candnll IZeadt) to 840 for a 104-point margin TRAINER'S HORSES BARRED !. Lieutenant Karl (Fllion) 1 S. Martrlck ll'rnl, Jr.) over Kremer. limited to 330 cubic inch 7. Passport (Collins) I *. K Nolet (Sperdendl) DETROIT — The Detroit Race 4. (heaa Tame (Huhbard) & 1. Mlrhael Mile iParadli) Tommie Elliott of Toms River, engines or less, the Tom Skinner- Course barred from thoroughbred a. Hay Maa troort) • AE-My Qaeen (HuebKh) 3. Caroldon Rhythm (Thomas) « PUT THE who was second behind Hoffman owned No. 65 which Bohn drives racing all horses trained by Sher- I. Mini r»ullne P (FUM) la in the 50-lapper, pulled to with- holds an 18-point edge over Mc- J. Hlllow Lynn (Children) 12 man Armstrong, who has been AE—Ml.. Majeatya lady (Jamea) in 12 points of Kremer. Elliott Laughlin's No. 38, owned by Bil subpoenaed to testify before AE—Sea Claialc (Forman) Freehold now has 828. Tully of Belmar. 'ederal grand jury investigating 3RD—Trot, Clmi., 15llle, 11,190. Meanwhile, the sportsman divi- Ed Leip of Trenton, winner of 1. Dick l.anr (Dawklna) I in alleged gambling conspiracy 4. Mscajne Kel (Marsh) 7 Results sion standings tightened over the four oot of five races, this year, :ase. 2. Cosmic Hsnovrr (Marks) f 1ST—Pace, 1-MUe, lljMa, T—1:11.1. BRAKES ON weekend. Defending champion has taken over the point lead 7. Wabash Tic (flllon) I l.onr. Eatlta (Dtion) (.M 4.M .1.411 Dale Shaffer, president of 3. Flash nares (Paradla) t Penervarenre (Heberllai) n.u Mo Parker Bohn of Freehold had in the foreign compact division. DRC, sent the order to Racing «. Am hoclock Aai.11 Flaiher (Looney) 1.10 much of his lead sliced by run- Leip has 218 points to 226 for • trail* Aho—(iood Time Cbarlle, Battle Site, Secretary Raymond E. Hopton. 1. Km» HarJnUa IMyrr) Ml» JaHa Cvbb, Hellr Boy, Ir'i Prtn ner-up Danny McLaughlin of Marshall "Shorty" Garrand. Pre- It read in part: "You are here- AB—Nevelehnd (Voanc) ~ ^ai. AC—Can Amber (8ar«) JND—Pace. I-Mile. SI.Mt, T—<:N.4. Jackson Township. McLaughlin vious leader Dick Lewis of by directed not to accept the en- Seotttak Maater (H'ra'r) I3.M *.tn X\ 4TH—Pace, Clm. . I-Mlle, ti.tw. Bonny Brook Jaay (Cowfer) f.4» 4.M ACCIDENTS finished fourth in the race, the Cream Ridge dropped to third try of any race horses trained 1. Halfona (Somuk) 1-1 Kerry Lady (Kraiae) 7.M best performance of any sports- this week with 208 points. «. Barmen Brrfkrr (Jamet) 11 Alw — MMiowvlrw Champ, dea by Sherman Owen Armstrong un- 4. l.olta CarMla (Dawklm) H Kalfkt, Tkaader Dale, Safety Taier man driver, and picked up 100 Wall Stadium will pay tribute til notified in writing by this of- 1. Cherakee Kid (No Driver) n maa, wayooaat. points for his efforts. Bohn fin- ». ftpot Pointer (Pa(rl) (-1 to the township in which the fice." T. Timely Relia (Hanwr) a-i (Dally Doable (I-i) Paid «3t.M) ished fifth among the sportsman 3. Laekaom FrlKo (White) HI speedway is located during "Wai Armstrong, 37, a former jock- 5, Mlu Anaaj (flower) pilots and earned 84 points. li.i MD—Trot, 1-Mlta, SI.M*. T—1:11.1. Township Night" festivities Sat- ey, was ordered to appear before AE—(Ireater newer (Hammer) Homestretch Un (T'm'a) «.M 4.» I.M That cut Bohn's lead to 18 points, urday night. AE—Ireae, Cklef (FUloa) Hickory Fraa (Kshash) IJ.ts >.ta Get a the grand jury today. 940 to 922. Art Fillbrunn of Staten STH-Trol, C.iH, I.MUe, II,MO. Rave* Dale (Mrer) 3.M A 30-lap feature race for mod- Also subpoenaed to testify were 4. Mr Newport (Loaaey) S Ala* — Some KM. Llulea Mahloa, Island retains third place with ified and sportsman cars and 1. Hobo Praairar rDavU) 1 Doras Joy, Woodamotu, l.scky 8ar. ockeys Tommy Barrow, William s. I.ltlle Miriam (Alamo) t 4TH—Pace, KMIIe, SLIM, T—J.H.J. 860 points. drivers, dubbed the "Wall Town- Jddlo T Adlos (HVbaeh) l.|| 3.JS ].M : and R. J. Bright, all racing •. Friendly Scotch (Kehmlr.fl) II Prince Vanity (Thomaa) t.i Quality «. Mar Klnr (Horaer) s The novice division also be- ship" race will headline the nine- t DRC, and jockey Alphonso 3. Royal Add (CoUiai) S Kea Keen (Tele) 310 race card. Also on tap is a 25-lap 7. Mahlona Hooaler (Hchroeder) It Alas—Hobo Wsyae, FrM Acaatle, Ho came a close race after last :oy, last reported riding at Mon t. RlieiMera Parlay (Slewlfnkl) Loai Mac, Eddie SOU,, Laky Maloae. weeks 25-lap feature event won novice co-feature, along with AE-CIe»er ~ " ~ - »TH—Pace. 1-Mlle, $!.**, t—1:M.4. :real. Coy was the leading rider Kalkr (Palel) Banker (TararieUo) «.»• 3.W J.«a by Bob McCullough'of Mount three 12-lap qualifying races for it Toledo's Raceway Park last AlC-Bllly Raay (Jamea) Wllbes (Thomaa) I.M •'•> Brake Pride Pomp (8cbml(el) J.M Holly. Ray Shea of Asbury Park the "pros" and three 10-lap heat pear. tTR—Pacr, Ooad, 1-MUe, Sl.Mt. Alia — May K. Belhelen. MalbM, finished second in the race and races for the "rookies." A 10- I Rnaalar Lad (nsmdta) g-J Senator RaHle, Bterne; fllrl. «. nil Primrose (laterdoMlo) »TH—Pace, 1-Mlle, ll.ts». T—I:*I.I. lap consolation event rounds out t flnnr mil Any (Jamrs) the 48 points enabled him to gain ROOKIES FIGHT 4. Adlos Karl iWashlwtoa) Chief Morencl (Flllon) It.M S.M 3. the card. The mayor and com •, Mike Law (So Driver) Llfhlnln Rod (Son) I.M - Relining 30 points on the leader Ray Rock- DETROIT—A pair of mammoth (•I Mr TeU (Field) 4.H et of Perth Apiboy. Rocket was mitteemen from the Shore com- I. ravorlte Rae (Mrer) Alao—Afton D«af, Card Hcolt, VI., Detroit Lion rookies got into a T. Rarly Blri Breesr (Molnar) 10.1 Twin Tower, R«y c Woollen, New involved in an accident and had munity will be on hand for the 3. Bedlord Knlm (Oarey) III fist fight at the National Footbal AE—nwntrw Oaaael (fWloa) Indian. we do all this: special evening and will present TTH—Pace. l.Mlle, SI.JM, T—l:W.l. to settle for a 17th place finish ,eague team's suburban Cran- [AE—Trt Akke (While) Aaalit (Dowaah) M.M MM 4.M $1Q95 Ford and only 19 point. Rocket leads a trophy to the feature winner. Warriek Coanty Boy IHrnr) 1S.W *.•« * Reline all 4 wheels Plymouth >rook training camp. rrt»m (We»1erakl> M DTK Race—«,«•, Time—tiMU. " "I (Sowaah) B-l Royal BUI (Taomaa) S.M 3.H t.M add needed fluid Florida State, exchanged blows (Camden) S-l Nonas Pride IBMllMie 4.4* 3. ith offensive guard Bob Kowal- dlrock) ft.1 Comty Gal (Fllion) 3.41 _ lae (Pre^landria) la.l Also—Coaal Patrol. •k Inspect drums, cylinders 5. (ilrly Rainbow (Davla) 1M Provider. Mla :owski, from Virginia. Kowal- AE—Jan Sirlnfrr (James) Nancy K. Hy. Crest Direct, Margots Dream. * Inspect and adjust emergency SAVE BIG :owski is 6-3, and 245 pounds, •TH—Pace, l.Mlle, SLMt. T-J:l».l. l STH—Pace. COM. I Mile. 11,400. noldea Gallon (Haebaeh) I.M 3.M 5.W "When your own people play t. Imaa (lal (MrCandlesa) M Edllh K Abbe (Hawkins) 3.M 3.M S. Pimte Haate (Thstnaa) 1-i •ach other, fights like that are Jlmmle Lad (Zendt) 3.40 DURING 7. Hhadv Bo- (Ronrliton) H Aha—Alatnahmoad, Mr Maralhoa I.. :ommonplace," was Coach Har- «. VaUant Pick (FiUoa) a-l Velvets Lad. Adda Maa. Msomle Dollr. 1. Henra Way (Sehmlsel) t.| 10TH—Tace, IMUe, II.4M. T—tiaT.I. r Gilmer's only comment. 3. Tin Shlllelaih IKorrenlo) D-l •any naca (Taamaa) o.M' 3.M 1.4(1 Kowalkowski, who just re- 4. Add Prtaro (Camien) H-l Voile (Sowaah) t.N 3.M OUR a. Jerrv Peters (Wsahlnrtnn) lt-1 Prlncesa Blanche (Haebach) 3.IM) urned from two weeks training AR—Jlsltle McKlyo (Zeadl) Alao—Billy Mile, Hes My Bay, You Get what you AK—Nemmas BUI (Hammer) ith a. National Guard unit, was let- Bee. Holkw Ravld, Meadow Male. _... Cmi, l.Mlle. ll.tW. pay for..* lamed by Gilmer to start in , rn Cluck (Thomas) S-f Twla Doable (M-4-4) Paid II.I47.M ixhibition against the New York .. Belle T (No Drt»er) It To 49 Ticket Holders «. IJIIIe Brlwln IVo Driver) •-! iants at New Haven, Conn. 7. Hoho Jet (Davis) S-l ATT.I t,4«3 HANDLE And at General Tire you get:

Bruno Again Heads Mat Card, +No extra charges just the one fair advertised price is all you pay, A All work done by factory- Meeting Dr. Bill Miller Aug. 26 trained experts „ thousands of miles of trouble-free performance. •k Famous make brake linings long lasting, safe, sure stopping. ASBURY PARK — With each In this upcoming trip, the 265- Hines has also announced tha Johnny Valentine and Antonio ippearance, world champion pound mat veteran will be op- * FREE Safety Tire Check with every brake relining job, to give you peace posed by Dr. Bill Miller, a Co- Pugliese will defend their World of mind and worry-free driving. Jruno Sammartino adds to his lumbus, Ohio, veternarian w h n Wide Wrestling Federation tag o ecord of making the most c n-lworks at wrestling more than his team title against 'Prince Iaukea secutive main bout starts for profession by degree, over the and Dr. Jerry Graham. Testier at Convention Hall. finish route witli Sammartino's Smasher Slaone, El Valnetino, The Italian strongboy, who go'd belt on the line. Luis Cerdan and Arnold Skoland CLEARANCE! •von the heavyweight title in 1063, Promoter Roland II i n e 5 has will round out the program. They will be paired shortly. booked to headline the next lined up a strong supportin ard on the boardwalk arena number between Bulldog Brow NOW GOING ON ,ug. 26, and it will be Die fifth er in for his shore debut, am FALCONS ACQUIRE KICKER show of the season and also the AT YOUR LOCAL ifth time Bruno has been in the Argentine Apollo, also to a fin BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. - main event. ish. The Atlanta Falcons, trying tc HFLANAGAN TIRE find a consistent place kicker, Dick Florafon "CHEVYTOWN" installs master cylinders acquired Larry Moore from the Sears Green Bay Packers. *YEAMND CLEARANCE The Packers were given a fu and AUTOMOTIVE CENTER, Inc. for as low as $12.98 ture draft choice for Moore, for- r Central Michigan college "Homo of the Pamou* Dual 90" Fellow Your Friends To l>layer who was on Green Hay's Why I'ay More? taxi squad last season. 1724 Asbury Ave., Asbury Park CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. Coach Norb Hcckcr said Moore MAPU AVI. RED IANK will have to beat out the Falcons . Automotive Center present place kicker, Bob Jcncks 1 PHONE 776-7800 (AIM fnm Stria ! CwallhMl OPIH IVININsH—741-1111 1500 Highway 35 who has been inconsistent In Atlanta's three exhibition games THE DAILY RfcGlSTLR LOST AND FOUND LAST AND FOUND AtrroMonvt AUTOS FOR 5/UJi KUttii FOR SALE k\nm FOR SAXJE MOBILE HOMES unday, August 18,1966 FOUND — Male beagle. Black ud LOST — Black Labrador retriever. AUTOS FOR SALE UM OLMMOBttLl, lurtlra, convert- 19t4 FORD — Four-door. Take our SUNBEAM ALPIN1 - IMS atolea i, 1*M PACBMAKER - MHO. Two bed- white. Brawn ears." Pound iMtr Ib Reward Mtertd. Vicinity of 337. Baton ible with tit conditioning. FuS power; low weekly bsnii payments of $10.10, top-Dotoh ooodiUoo- Soft and hard toM. rooms, large bath Ideal loeatBn. Set son R4. area. 842JM3. town. 542-0455 CHRYSLJnt «l — ConwrUbta. Foil Loaded *wlth eatrat Including power MONMOUTH MOTORS, Hwy. U, Eaton- Set of new snow tires, many axtrts. on lot. Snrubs and cyclone fence. |3.- power. No caih needed. TAKE OVER windows, power seat, power steering town. 545-2414" ' 11180. Call 566-2046, 300. Call JIIMO. ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST ~ Large ring of keys, on' high- PAYMENTS ot 119.«0 per waek. BON- and brmJua, tinted window, tnrl more. way between setontown and Highlands. DEU At'TO 1ALE8, Rt. 16. Neptune. This low mileage ear Is In excellent DE8IRE INTERESTED PARTIES-To 1953 PLYMOUTH — Station wagon. Un- 15(0 0MUT~LAJCE8 - Double ex- LOST AND FOUND Call 542-1530 tor reward. PUBLIC NOTICE 774-9700. Cake over payments of Foreign and »an« T87-45H 774-lKMKi. No money clown. »195 lull price. BEL- NOTICE: week. BONDEI? AUTO SALEfl, HI. 36, MONT MOTORS, 395 Maple Avt. (Rt. BOATS AND ACCESSORIES Neptune. 774-6700. ___ OLDSMOBILE I960 — Four-door hard, 1962 CORVAIR MONZA — Convertible 361. Ren Bank. 741-6778. top. NO MONEY DOWN. Take over Automatic. 1850 Call 17V/ BPiiED BOAT — Old Mahogany, FORDS — DESIRE INTERESTED payment or 15.20 per week. BRAD- 56613S8 l&Wt FORD — Two-door hardtop, auto, nailer and canvas with It. Good condi- CARS WANTED PARTIES TO TAKE OVER PAY- LEY DISCOUNT CENTER, Rt niatlc. Goo50 WILLYS 8TAT10N WAGON — AVAILABLE AT CAR AUCTION SALE equipped. J375. Call 671-24S3. IW0 Lark convertible. Bern o[(er. Call THK YACHT BHOP $100 over book for clean FORD J9*4—Galaxle two-door hardtop. CHEVROLET 1965 — Impala four-door 787-1777. Kill! power. U6U5. NO MONEY DOWN. PLYMOUTH nifi5 ~ FuTy, four-door >)an!loi>. Full power. No cash nepilK U6( Ocean Ave, Sea Brliht. 842-1913 cars. 1957-1964 BONDEU AUTO HALES Rt. 3a, Nep- liartltop. Full power. No cash needed. TAKE OVER PAYMENTS of J15.I0 p CHEVROLET 1963 — Imi>al» four- IN TOMORROW'S CLASSIFIED PAGES Mine 774-6704. TAKW OVERPAYMENTS of 114.20 per week. BONDEI! Al'TO SALES, III. 3i rto.>r hardtop. NO MONEY DOWN. 28' CRUISER week. KONDEI) AUTO SALES, Rt. 36, Neptune. 774-67r-(l. Take over paynu'tita of $10.20 per week. Custom built by Silvciton. Sleepa lour. SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS CHEVROLET 1984 ---~IW~*7o7~~lia- Neptune 774-tl7IMi. 1M5 VOLKSWAGEN - Sunroof. 5.IK) BRADLEY DISCOUNT CENTER. Rt. Rarilu, sonar. liBlillnB chairs, twin tlon wapon. NO MONEY DOWN. Take, 35, Neptune. 774-9000. BELMOKT MOTORS over payments of 511.2(1 per week. MI'ST SKLI, - I'HW CHRYSLER 300, IrilkH ExcHlem condition. J1325, Cal 210's. In water, ready to go. Must sell. HRADLEV DISOOI'ST CENTER, Rt. full power. Two-dwr harri-lop. Vinyl .liter 5 p.m. 229-1534. CHEVROLET — 1958 Impala convert- $3,.'iOO. :6(-tr,22. 35, Neptu:ie. 774-ttXM). ,f, many exlras. Call 671-2HI5. ]%(> VALIANT -• Very Kood condltii ible V-S, automatic, power steering. 365 Maple Ave. (Rt. 35) .*ni>w tires on extra wheels, $350. 5w- 17 PR1N YAN — 75 h.p.lnbOSJd. BOB WHITE BUICK-OPEL l%:t MU-TD Excellent conttltlon. Com- OLDdMORlLE — DEKIRE INTEREST- Iy>w mlltiigp, new tlre.s, radio. D 20 gal. tank. Painted and varnished. Rsd Bank pletely restored. Strictly clasBlc wltli ED PARTIES TO TAKKl OVER PAY- pondable. Cull 747-1341 after 5:30. 9115. $500. Ready to go. 681-674ti. original leHther. B42-31O9 after 5:30, MENTS ON REPOSSESSED CARS. CHEVY II 1962 - Four-door. Fully SHREWSBURY AVE. 741-6200 SHREWSBURY CADILLAC 1964 — Coupe DeVllle. > equipped. W86. NO MONEY DOWN. CLEARANCE — 1966 INVENTORY 741-6778 PONTIACS — DESIRE INTERESTED CALL MR. SHELLY, 542-2414. MON- MONEY DOWN. Take liver paymen Sailboat - Sallboard • Outboard PARTIES TO TAKE OVER PAY- MOUTH MOTORS, AUTHORIZED of 117.40 per week. BRADLEY D18 BONDEU AUTO 1ALES, Rt. 35, Nep- MONMOUTH MARINA MENTS ON REPOSSESSED CARS. DEALER. COUNT CENTER, Rt. 35, Neptune, tune. 774-8700. 46 West St.. Monmouth Beach. 222-3492 CALL ME. SHELLY, 042-2414, MON- PLYMOUTH 1W>4 - Four-door station 774-9OO0. 19&5 BUICK — Good condition. $78. 17' PEN YAN — Utility boat. Oood MOUTH MOTORS, AUTHORIZED wagon. NO MONEY DOWN. Take over FORD 1963 — XL, convertible. Fou: Firm. Call for family and skiing. Make offer. DEALER. payments of 17.80 per week. BRADLEY apeed transmission. Full power. N 872-O71S. :all 611-6746. 1966 CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT — DISCOUNT CENTER, Rt. 36, Neptune. cash needed. TAKE OVIR PA INTERNATIONAL 19«1 — Oerry-all. 774-9000. MENTS of 111.30 per week. BONDEI 22' OL8EN SKIFF — 115 h.p. Chrysler Four speed. Fully equipped. Must sell. Can be seen it Hwy. 36 and East marine. Head and shelter cabin. 11200 NEW LOW Call 671-1058. AUTO SALES, Rt. 35, Neptune, n< Ave.. Atlantic Highlands. $800. 1963 IMPALA BUPER SPORT — Con- «700. r best offer. 787-4806. PONTIAC 1984 — Four-door station vertblle. Automatic transmission. RAMBLER 1963 - Fully equipped. wagon. NO MONEY DOWN. Take 11400. Call after 6. 787-5OJ7. 1968 DATBUN SPORTS CAR — 8.000 W». NO MONEY DOWN. BONDEU BOATMAN'S SHOP PRICES over payments of 112.60 per week. 1957 FORD SQUIRE WAGON — V-S, miles. Cost 12100. Contact Ron Truax, AUTO SALES, Rt. 35. Neptune. 7" NEW JERSEY'S LARGEST MARINE BRADLET DISCOUNT CENTER Rt. automatic, power steering, radio, heat- 542-M77. 9700. SUPPLY HOUSE. ALL YOUR BOAT- •45 CHEVROLET $1395 36. Neptune. 774-9000. er. tlOO. Call 741-6657. LINCOLN I960 — Continental conver 1907 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE - ING NEEDS UNDER ONE ROOF. 327 Engine, Aolomotlc FIAT 1963 — 1100 Sedan. Low mllM|«. 1B59 JEEP WAGON — Four wheel ble. White with black top. Full power In good condition. Rebuilt 283 Hurst EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR Guaranteed. *3S6. drive. Excellent condition. (690. Call Like new. 1995. BELMONT MOTORS three-Baaed, radio and heater, power SAXES. NEW AND U8ED. IXPERT '45 CHEVELLE $1995 542-1030 842-2*2. 385 Maple Ave. (Rt, 35). Red Bank steering. $350. 842-3167, between 6 andREPAIRS ON BV1NRUDE, JOHNSON 4-door Sedan 741-4778. 7 p.m. AND ALL OMC PRODUCTS. PROMPT SERVICE. 24 WHARF AVI., RID FORD 1964—Custom 500 two-door. Ful- '44 BEL-AIR $1395 AUTOS FOR SALE OLDSMOBILE 1984-88 four-Moor BANK. 741-5780. Station Wagon AUTOS FOR SALE ly eoulpped. No cash needed. TAKE hardtop. NO MONEY DOWN. Take OPEN SUN. AND HOLIDAY* OVlft PAYMENTS of 17.40 per week. over payments of 113.20 per week. 9 A.M. TO 1 P.M. '44 IMPALA $1495 BONDEU AUTO SALES, Rt. 36, Nej BRADLEY DISCOUNT CENTER, Rt- Sport Coupt tune. 774-J7O0. 35, Neplune. 774-9000. 17 BASfc BOAT — Roomy. 75 h P. Gray, m gallon tar*. Bought bigger '43 CADILLAC $2345 1963 FORD — (Mule convertible. Tak 19M CHEVROLET IMPALA — H.095. boat. Hake offer. Call anytime, Ml- - Convertible over low weekly bank payments Original owner. Pour-door. Elght-cylln- 6748, I1O.». MONMOUTH MOTORS, Hw; ler standard. Call 741-1295. '43 BUICK $ 995 —SPECIALS— 35, Ealontown. 542-2414. 23' MIHMS SEA SKIFF - 110 Chrysler 18 VOLKSWAGEN — Good transpor- Marine engine, In water, make offer. Special, 4-door Sedan MERCEDES 3011 S.E. lion. 1295 or best offer. Call 566-0652 100'/. GUARANTEE ON ALL USED CARS Want to order new? 1,000 less prici Call 747-4173 or see at Angler's Marina, 63 CHEVY II $ 995 than U. S. dealer. Better deal on 90 after 5 p.m. Sea Bright. 4-door Automatic series. 946-4421. BUICK 1962 — Wildcat convertible. TOTA\ FINANCING — ONE PAYMENT CREDIT Full power. No cash needed. TAKE 20' CHRIS-CRAFT SEA SKIFF-1981. %|V DOWN ^| V PER MONTH '43 FORD $1995 PONTIAC 1964_BonnevllIe station wai OVER PAYMENTS of W.90 per week. 18S h.p. Chris-Craft. V-8. Ship-to-shore Galaxle Sedan on. Full power. Factory air. No cai BONDEU AUTO BALES, Rt. 35, Nep- and sonar. Navy top witli side cur- SPECIAL RATES AND TERMS TO HOMEOWNERS needed. TAKE OVER PAYMENTS tune. 774-«7OO. tains and back cover. Full Coast '43 RAMBLER $ 175 (14.90 per week. BONDEU AUTI Guard approved cushions, heaU and J-door Automatic SALES, Rt. 39, Neptune. 774-6700. 1985 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE — anchor with line. Asking (3,000. 741- •44 CHEVROLET c. Anr •44 OLDSMOIILI Station wagon. Nine passenger. Power 0003. RAMBLER I960 — Four-door. Full: '62 VOLKSWAGEN $ 695 Blscayni, 4-door \14Vs Vistlt a Cruller. « pau. \1 VUI> steering. Radio, heater. Under 12,000 14" FIBERGLASS — 28 h.p. electric drive a Hardtop. Real aeon. f'"'» Station Wagon. "' V* ' *«J equipped. No money down. Pull prlc miles. Can transfer new car warranty. starting motor. New cushions. Trailer, 62 STUDEBAKER $ 795 290. BELMONT MOTORS, 3(6 llapl Must sell. Call 56640(2 alter 7 p.m. Vi-Ton Pick-up ve. (Rt. 33). Red Bank. 714Vl Bel Air. Automatic. BRADLEY DISCOUNT CENTER. Rt. 946-8574 Full Power. $1295 M0, Call 741-8832. 35, Neptune. 774-9000. • Low Mileage. «P E*¥/sJ Sport Coup* after 7 p.m. 14' STARLINER — Fully equipped. 40 then decide! CHEVROLET 1964 — Station wagon. $ 395 CADILLAC I960—Coupe deVllle. Ful h.p. Evinrude Lark. Ward's trailer. '59 PONTIAC '45 FALCON Full power. No cash needed. TAKB) $400. Call 222-6830 after t p.m. CMrfMnt, ant M? YOU bet! Because it delivers more: Unitized body $ 95 lower. No cash needeU. TAKE OVEI OVIR PAYMENTS of $9.40 per week. and frame D All synchromesh 4-speed stick D Battery-saving alternator • 59 BEL-AIR Special Station Wag- \l7Y»| Blue, Black Top. 'AYMENT8 of »7.7O per week. BO> BONDEU AUTO SALES, Rt. 35, Nep- 20' CLAYTON SKIFF — 05 h.p. In- on. Full Power. «JI«t73 Low Mllevge. $1695 3EU AUTO SALES, Rt. 36, Neptunl tune. 774-6700. board. Low hours. Forward hatch, navy Bucket seats • Padded dash • Wtiitewalls • Deluxe chrome, including r7(-67O0. top. electric bilge pump, extras. After 1959 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE — jrvfieel covers • Htater and defroster D and more! Standard j^^ McCARthy CORD I960—Station waton. Full pow- 6, 741-4379. m m •r. No money down. J496. BELMONT V-8, automatic, power steering, radio. fittings, no sped*l tools needeti Parts/service coast to coast. IIMHWI 100 TOP CONDITION AUTOS 54,000 miles. All good tires plus two 16' JERSEY SPEED SKIFF — And MOTORS, 365 Maple Ave. (Rt. 35). Redsnow tires. $273. Call 787-1596. trailer, JS -71. Set up for racing. Call CHEVROLET Bank. 741-6718. 264-0658 after 6:30 p.m. 1985 CHEVROLET — Bel Air, Four- DRIVE SAFELY AUTHORIZED [Ml TRIUMPH TR 3—Hood condition door 6-cyllnMer, automatic transmis- FOR SALE — 14' Fiberglass Qlaspar 4ew paint. Radio, heater. Call 291 sion I15K5. BOB WHITE BUICK, New Tacoma runabout. 28J h.p. McCulloch CHEVROLET DEALER 1520. Shrewsbury. electric starter alternater. New this \eacoast AUTO SALES year, $750. Call 872-1880. HWY. 36 and FIRST AVE. 3UIC\K 1964 — Riviera hardtop, r- OLDSMOBILE 1964—Convertible. Full S.VS MONMOUTH MOTORS INC. HONEY DOWN. Take over payment power. NO MONEY DOWN. Take over 26' CUSTOM CABIN BOAT — Sleeps ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS if (1O.60 per week. BRADLEY DII payments of 112 per week. BRADLEY five. Head and galley. Asking $1200. SERVING CENTRAL JERSEY OVER 40 YEARS :OUNT CENTER, Rt. 35, Neptum Call 8421512. AUTHORIZED DEALER 74-SOOO. DISCOUNT CENTER. Rt. 35, Neptune. 291-1101 Cornar of Newman Springs Rd. & Bridge Ave., Red Bank, N. J. 774-9000. HWY 35 542-2414 EATONTOWN JERCURY 1963 Nine passenger Sta SPORTS CAR - 1959 TR 5. Yellow. 10 H.P. EVINRUDE ion wagon. Absolutely no cash needed Fine condition. Beit offtr. Call f""- 1 lown. Bank will finance S69.1 at S8. 3983. after 5 741-3154. I0 FIBERGLASS BOAT veekly. Call collect, 711-7100, OAS $1W). Call 291-2671. JOTORS. Rt. S, Sayrevllle. 1955 BUICK — Blue and white con- vertible. Automatic. Power steering, 16' LYMAN SKIFF — MARK 28A. 960 TR—3 — Radio, heater. Tonnea leats, windows. SUO. 542-5189. Mercury Super Hurricane, steering and :over. Excellent condition. JSOO. 741 controls, with trailer, ready for water, 1964 VOLKSWAGEN — Coupe, S995. $350. Call 264-4829. BOB WHITE BUICK, CHRYSLER 1961 — New Yorker. Foul MUST SELL — 14' Thompion, 40 h.p. [oor hardtop. Full power Nn mnnc> New Shrewsbury. Evlnrude. A4, in water, Many extras. TOM'S F.ORD CY BARRON lown. »895. BELMONT MOTORS, Ml 1959 VOLKSWAGEN — Asking MHO TTrailern . Free docklns. $100. 741-1512. >faple Ave. iRl. 35), Red Bank. 741 Giiod transportation. Call after 4, 747. ,T7S. 9522. 12' RUNABOUT verl0 0 With 10 h.p. Johnson CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH ALCON 13SI — Four-door sedan. N< CADILLAC 1962 - sedan DeVllle. Call fl7-2695 tfONEY DOWN. Take over payment Factory air. No cash needed. TAKE USED CARS ,,-? - I RNAKU- If Jj.20 per week. BRADLEY DI! OVER PAYMENT of 512.90 per week. 16' FIBERGLASS FLEET-CRAFT — IOIJNT CENTER. Rt. 35, Neptune. 77( BONDEU AUTO SALES, Rt. 35, Nep- 40 h.p. Johnion, electric starting, boat, KKM. tune. 774-8700. . motor and trailer. $750. Must sell. 741- 1917, after 6 p.m. - HAS MOVED CHEVROLET 1962 — Convertible. V TR—4 — 1963 — Oreen. radio, tonneau, full power. No cash needed. TAKE 25,000 miles, 11,280. Call 12' RUNABOUT — Wllh 10 h.p. Johnson 'VER PAYMENTS or 17.40 per week. 566-7149 Call 147-2695 100% 30 DAY GUARANTEE IONDEU AUTO SALES, Rt 35, Ne: 1965 VALIANT - Statlnn Waltoru S.000 ALL OF OUR SALES AND SERVICE line. 774-6700. miles, S1743. BOB WHITE BUICK, New 16' BOAT — All brass screws, 5 h.p. Shrewsbury. Johnson, oars*, anchor, extinguisher, etc Asking EXI. Cull 291-1114. AUTOS FOR SALE CADILLAC 1964 — DeVllle, four-door, FACILITIES ARE NOW LOCATED AT hardtop, all power and alr-condltlnnlnR. 18' INBOARD OPEN SKIFF — With- 1966 COMET 1964 FORD 1964 MERCURY Low mileage. Original owner. Eicep- out motor. Best offer. Call tlonal condition. $3200. Call 284-6311 for 787-O624. Calient* hardtop, 4-cylindtr, GalaxI* 4-door, 8>cylindar, appointment. Colony Park Station Wacjen, A HWY. 36 EATONTOWN NEW 1966 CHEVROLETS 12' ALOMINUM CAR—TOP BOAT — auto, tram., pewar st««ring. auto, tram., powar staaring. 8-cyl., auto, trans., power 1062 DODGE DART — 8tx cylinder, :j«, h.p. engine Like new. Call 871- automa'le, power steering, air condi- 9323. after 6 p.m. •leering, power brakes. Opposite Motor Vehicle Inspection Station tioned. Good condition. $475. 542-4108. 13' BOSTON WHALER — —40 h.p. $2495 PRICED TO SELL CADILLAC 1963-8<*!an deVille. Fac- Johnson. Like new. used only a few $1695 lorv air conditioning. NO MONLY hours, $850. Call B. Gordon. 338-2280 DOWN. Take over payments of »15.40 nr lrwln's Yacht Works Marine Park. $2195 Mr week. BRADLEY DISCOUNT CEN Red Bank, Sunday a.m. 1965 PLYMOUTH STOP IN TODAY FOR A TER, Rt. 35, Neptune. 774-9000. SLOOP 18' — Empress model. 15 h.p. 1964 CADILLAC WE MEAN BUSINESS 1959 FORD WAGON - Black, full Mercury outboard. Mar.* extras. Like Barracuda hardtop, t-cylindtr, power, nine-passenger. 9125. new. 222-432S. Convertible, full power, 1964 PLYMOUTH automatic transmistion. LOW COST YEAR END DEAL! 291-2643. 30' RICHARDSON — 125 CHRYSLER air conditioning. Fury 4-door hardtop, 8-cy'., McCARthy 1964 BUICK — Wildcat, four-door, hard- HYDRAULIC REVERSE. HULL JUST top. J1675, BOB WHITE BUICK, New REFASTENED AND T10K0LED. CAN auto, tram., powar steering. CHEVROLET Shrewsbury. _„__ BE SEEN AT LEONARDO', MARINA. $1995 BERTH 175 UNABLE TO ENJOY DUB $3595 1~953 STUDEBAKER CHAM*PION — TO JOB. MAKE REASONABLE OF- I5» lit Av... Atlantis Highlands Hs.ii.1too convertible. Good transporta- FER. CAN BE REACHED DAYS AT 1965 CHEVROLET $1695 PHONE 542-5500 tion, First 1100 takes It Call 747-9037 212-CYPRE8S 8-2000, BXT. 27« or J74 • 291-IIQI 1965 VOLKSWAGEN - Like new, all or 264-8722. 1964 FORD accessories. Best offer. Call Impsls 4-door hsrdtop, 8-eyl., 671-5391 '064 DURATECH NEPTUNE — 15', 10 h.p. Johnson engine. Master craft •trio frani., power staarlnq. Galexie 500 XL Convertible. 1964 BUICK MUSTANG — 1965 Fastback with all trailer. Extras. Excellent condition, f 8-cyl., euto. trammiision, O.T. optloni Including 300 h.p. engine, used little. $900. 566-9238. LeSabrs 4-door hardtop, •Use brakes, 411 poll, like new, never $2095 power tteering. raced. Make offer. 291-2843. 8-cyl., auto, trans., power 1961 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE - V-8. BUSINESS NOTICES starring, power brakes. *lnnda'*d s'»lft. bonus nt snr»w tires an! 1965 CHEVROLET $1895 rims. Excellent condition. Call 741-5469 JAMES GUERRIERO ACT NOW! after 6:30 p.m. General contractor and equipment Id Air 4-door, i-eylinder, $1595 MS PONTIAC — Four-door wagon. rental. Excavi'tlnK. fill dirt, top sol). automatic irinimiiiion. Radio, heater, power steering and 3ewer and water lines. Hauling. Spetle 1964 FALCON )r;''ces Viv ' rp*»' CD:iiltton, J300. Call tanks built and cleaner). Dry wells, 871-9109 after 4:30 p.m. drains, laterals, trenching. Masonry PURCHASE A NEW OLDSMOBILE and carpentry alterations. $1895 Futura Convertible, 6-cyI., 1963 FALCON 1959 CHEVROLET WAGON — Auto- 787-9387 automatic tranimisiion. ' natlc transmission, eight cylinder Good condltto". Clean. Call 264-1712. WALTER'S TRUCKING - Odd Jobs Future 4-door tadan, 6-cyl., NOW THROUGH AUG. 20, 1966 Attics and cellars cleaned. Light haul- 1965 MUSTANG 19B7 MERCEDES BEN? - 3Ws. Excel '•^g. Call 566-2950 tor MformatlV'. $1495 automatic traniminion. en', condition. Sacrifice. Call after I 2 + 2 hardtop, .-cylinder, i.m. J-M. 291-1755. LAWN MAINTENANCE 4-ipeed. AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL BONUS 964 CHEVROLET BEL AIR — Two- $1195 door Standard shift. Very gqod oondl- 1964 VALIANT ,on. Call 747-1772 or 741-0121. RAUKHOE-BULLDOZINO - Topaoll $1895 961 VOLKSWAGEN — Sun roof, radio, gravel, mowing, septlo Unk work. Ben- V-200 4-door, 6-cylinder, 1963 T-BIRD eater. Green. $600. Good condition. .^mtn Brvan, 671-06SS. automatic trammiition. :all 741-1SS9. CLHA-V CELLARS. YARDS. GARAGM' 1965 MUSTANG Hardtop, full powar. VOLVO — Call - Have truck. Light hauling. Call after NEW SNOW TIRES 1 n.r' 741-214D. after 8 p.m.. Hardtop, 8-cylinder, 3-ipeed. 842-1081 Pi'.OTECT ASPHALT AREA8 - From $1495 $1895 1994 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE drstnict on by gas. oil and other harm- ' Good mechanical condition. Radio, 111 elemsnlj. Seal with CosmlcTOt • Adt'.i years to pavemsnt Ilia.' Ouaran- $1895 .leater. New" top. $175. Call 747-158 t-rn' irntectlon. For tree estimate call 1964 CHEVROLET 1963 CHEVY II after 6 p.m. ' ''1-3227 PORSCHE — 19M Super 90 Cabrlolcl .1*8 FURNITURE RBFINISHBRi 1965 FORD Impala 2-door hardtop, 8-cyl., 4-door sedan, 6-cyl., with 1984 factory «C engine, hardtop, >Vhlt» *] owner, low mileage* good condit on, 32 Broad 81. Red Bank T411.T100 J77S. Call 291-3629. . small. _ Relabie and" reasonable. 'caU * $1495 961 FORD FALCON — Two-door. Good $1895 condition, low mileage. Call 1964 FORD EXTRA DOLLARS FOR YOUR 671-1387. ...RPUNTBR -• First rlnsa. ,|...|--a Jobs, or part-time work. Call 7S7- 1965 MUSTANG Gilania 500 2-door hardtop, 1963 FORD l-cyl., automatic trammiition, TRUCKS FOR SALE MASSAGE — By experienced masseur. Convertible, S-cylindsr, Country Sedan Station Wagon, TRADE-IN ON ANY NEW OLDS n_e*!(lence or hotel out-oslls. Call 842- power steering. MUST BELL — 1966 DODOE — Four 4-ipeed. 8-cyl., auto, transmiiiion, wheel drl< r pickup with 8' anow plow, RUSSELL HAS THE MOST COMPLETE Call 871- 2815. DE $1995 p war ttaerlng, air cond. Alterations, fa^M!o-i-. sports and chll- $1695 INVENTORY OF OLDS, ANYWHERE, MUST SELL firm's. Cull 291-1423. 1964 FORD 1960 Chevrolet ntup-Yan truck. New HOME WAXING SERVT.E" $1495 nalnt, nnw llrcs, grmri shape. Call 741- Fiirlana 500 Sport Coupa, 1964 FORD AND NOBODY, BUT NOBODY CAN 9739. . 747-U8S (•cylinder, 4*ipatd. ' BEAT OUR PRICES. TRY US AND SEE « 1928 FORD PICK* UP — Includes Galaxie 500 XL 2-door ra mol'ti- anil ol.:c • ,n n. Ncv [ia $1695 1962 FORD B»»l nff.T. ('.ill 222-IC7B. EMPLOYMENT hardtop, 8-cyl., auto, tram., FOR YOURSELF. 1950 CHEVrtOI.BT TON Tltl'CK HELP WANTED-FEMALE Country Squire Wagon, 8-cyl,, powar steering, air cond. Hest "(for Call 787-17T7. NF.EH MO.iKY to otilfll clilltlren for $1895 auto, tram., powar (tearing, IOOI' Plrasant, iirofllable, psrt-llma air conditioning. iplcynu'nt witli wxrlil's In^gest r.n- MOTORCYCLES ..otk company, (.'all 7414:113 or write $1195 Mm. Margaret Outottn. I' 0. Box 658 .... HONDA :iWcc Hrrambler, I'X lie,I llnnk. ' crllrnt conillt 1,.'|IHI nillrs. (.'all 671 PAYROLL CLERK Kxiierlelicf' and KOOII nkllln with cal- MOTKH 1 flilatnr Htirl NC. It. bnokkppplng ma* TOM'S FORD 'iipr. Muni sell. lU'U offer. Cull 071 ••lil""'». Apply At™ Oramlrn, Hwy. 35, Kuyjmrl._ _ mCi iI iViKIN 1111 A "nnoo ~ - very "iooTi in, S-'L'.V ('nil clirt !lweeri A and 7 TNHliilASl'K llK('ltP;firTY — •riperl- 200 HWY. 35 RUSSELL .'.lurk. 717-llllil fnced In nil phn«r«. Kxcellent salary KEYPORT ,:,Millfil. uid working conditlnns. Ap- 'IOMHA l.'.ll l!Hi:i Nrw rnKl'"1. Viv slvltiit oxiicl^ncft .mil references. OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC CO. cilrm. n«id rnndllloiA UM. Cull Tii- >^rjt«_"A !1.", ilojc 5-'(/. lied Bank. '**• __ ._L WAlTHK'WK.'i I'nrt "«r full time. 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK Iflflo Hf)NM>A (l."iiT, Like now Best Apply "n pt,rHi)ii. Fringe benefits. Bul- iffer over CM Iwiwnoil Mannr, llwy, Jl Mstawan. 7«7-25:i7. _ ' 741-0910 l 264-1600 iiuiT flBi,i~i98» iinNiJA""5o"iiicer (More Classified Ada lent condition. Call 747-2311 arlsr 6 p.m. On The Next Pago) TO* THI FAMILY CIRCUS rot uu THE DAILY REGISTER ARTHUR MURRAY Thunday, August 18,1986—27 Teachers Needed SCHOOL OF DANCING HAMMOND N*W (JLU irilalnj proriM turtlnt FOKIALB MANICURIST now Opealaai for daaci uaehari, Fadaral Aid Project lualor lntirvltwtrt tad wpanrU«rr Full Una aoalOoa epea lot . No txptrltnc* na&tfttarr. Danca ability ORGAN LAMP FESTIVAL •cpnteeM operator, (duo •raiarrad. Part or full time. Earn Ntw (lft umjw Jturt arrived *t law. P«r+-tim« paittiens tr* tvailibU for diphtn who art tile asd SAIATT dlanissei At 112 86 for 30 houri. Apply ID Kf»on OF ASBURY PARK low prlcci. ThCM trt be&utlful lampi. Una of laurvlew. Excalleot 1 Id 10 pm., Uon. throu|h frl., 12 nt for any home. And our new lamp worlrJn* ceouueiu and all Brnad St., Red Bank. 741 H5S 711 Cftok THE LAAOE1T ORGAN AND PIAJfO •hidei art b«iutlful with that cuitom e«rtift*d to tocti in grades kindtrg«rt«n through thrat. •mplora* baneflta. man Ave.. Anbury Park- 77i-9251 mtd« look at a rractlon el CUJtam DI1PLAY IN THC SHORE ARIA made price. Stop in today. Stitiehi will b* 9:00 to 12:00 daily. Application is to ba APPLY MEN A_ND WOMEN — KltcJ.kn belc 'Uh tletui*r, ttl«i s,nd service. Appl Open daily til I p.m. *•' Ul • p.m. PROWN'S Employment Office BayBtiui* Charlt* aUaf(K»l CcuUi, 50 Cer&tr et Ualn It. * Mtttiwa Av«. ma cook breakfast and dinner. salary. Benefits. R1U Druis, UorJmouth ment. Two bedrooms, living room, mod- Low aj I2S. Sarplco's. 101 Monmouth Character reftrcncei. Call 842-0686. ern kitchen and bath. Free utllltes. In St. Next to theater. 717-0415. CAR WASHERS: FULL, 1IME ONLY Shopplnf Center. 542-4300. exchange [or part-time help on estate. 2fl' BOY'S BIKE — In very good con- — Olrte. II to 2ft. for dttullDf can; COUNTER HELP WANTED ~ Applyln WOMAN - Dependable, experienced Wrtu "B.P.", Box S». Red Bank. IDEAL FOR PRINTING POSTERS — dition Call eltantnf Uulfla windows and ouuidi peraon One Hour Martln(2ing, Belford, 741-21M. t houseworker by the day and Sat. or "Don't cry, Jtffy! W«'l 9ejt you a ntw on* for ChrittmaiT 14x22 CAP open press, excellint condl Arylat* No txptrlancs n«c*iiuy. Good No phone calU. - 3 or 4 days same home. After S, 747-5767. MAN AND WIFE tlon, 40 drawer metal type cabinet with VERY LARGE Hathaway lft»O IrOaM wajt*. Apply Country fiuditr Oar ACCOUNTINd CLERK — EaUbllaHed assorted type styles, multiple Fonts— mahogany dining room net. lteuaA 14- , Waih, Hwy 3ft. Middle town company leeks person with clerical, ac- BEAUTICIANS WANTED — Preferah Mainuunc* and eltaalna;. Apartment 12, 15 and 20 line woori type Ilka new— At, thrfd l#avei. six chalra. tldH- ly with following Apply Lucllle's, 73. ;.'.-. LADIES lines. Salary dependa upon experience carlnx for small ranch house on RadCOLLEGE GRAD . BABY-BimNO — In my home. Ei Utny other itylei and typei in stock. Bank - 8fa Brljht bus line Call «42- Iperlenead mother with excellent re<- For part-time work, any hours. Earn and ability. Apply In peraon or call 3212. MOVING Selling portable dlahwaih- 93.28 par hour working In local area. for appointment. (71-0350. lererKee. Call MI42SI RED BANK LUMBER er. RCA Whirlpool Supreme, $50. M" Car»W4 H»ne necessary, For Inter- ECRETART — Wishes Job In Atlantic Comer Pearl and Wall Red Bank ittlc fan, wood frame, 1-3 h p. Wdtlng- PERSONNEL ASSISTANT Highlands area. Shorthand and dicta- BABY BEEF UVKR - Tender, de louss Thermoguard Motor, $30. 67]- TitW Mil (13-1313, 596-2019. 4H-1074, ASSISTANT HELP WANTED-MALE IMT . ut-mi phone. References. Call »1-OTJI. licloui. J£+c. Beat available. Lane'i liar WO1ISM — No experience necesiiry. GENEROUS GROWTH OPPORTUNITY WILL CARE FOR YOUR CHILD IN ket; 10 White St., Red Bank. MOVING — Almost complete larfllih- YtaMNlllid. Counter work. Part and MANAGER MY HOME — Weekly and dally ratei Ingi of ho mi. Cull full-time. Day or evenings. Dog House SHIPPING DEPARTMENT USED 1965 WHITE 671-1831. Help wanttd. Ezperlenci not neccaa&ry. Well astahllehed N. j. Manufacturer auks a brlgnt raceirt college Call t71«SM. Restaurant. Hwy 36, Middietown. Challenging and unique op- grad aanr to inn all otiases of Mrsmnel. ZIG ZAG MACHINE portunity for ambltloui Wa will train. Apply WILL- CARE FOR CHILDREN tn Dtoj. overcasts and embrolden, BARSTOOLS AND CHAIRS •XPIRJENCED WAITRESSES — Ap- woman to work In our Ea- LUCY SPORTSWEAR my home. Hourly or weekly. Haalst ply la person. The Shore Manor Diner, tontown Store. Interviewing nneiience noulred. Some knowledge saiety program area. Call 2«4-727«. Call Home Credit, 8.8-8100, UNFINISHED Hwy. 35, Keyporl. 22« West Front St., Red Bank dealrad, not aasenttal. Primary reeponfelblllty will Include screening ID" oak narstools. (3.M won. TV and selecting employeea en varied lavale. CHILD CARE In my home. IIS pel CHAIN LINK FENCING — tienches, 13.50 csch. Kltehea chalra. DOMESTIC — Days. Tear rourM cham- Strong department atnrc or week. Keansburg ares, call FArgt dlttrlbtilor haft leftover from J3.S0-J5.BS each. Youth chairs, IS.K bermaid. Apply Shpre Point Inn Motel, chain itort txptrtence pre- HIGHLY REWARDING career In 7J7-13W. levelopment gtilvanlrerl chain link Hwy. 36, Hazlet. ferred, but will eonaider sales. Immediate, hlfh Income. For a 'enclng. Must Sicririce! Ingtxllatlon each. Children's rockers, K.t\ eacrr. othen. prompt, confidential Interview aend a B1LINOUA1. young mother will bahv Lnd lermfi arrtnitd. Tall 7(1-4TOO. 44" deacon's btnclies. 124.10 each. Vanj MOTHER'S HELPER — Live In. Prl- SALARY OPEN alt at home and tutor In Trench. Call In EARLY AMBH1CAN STYLE oa our postcard with your name, address and upper floor. vata roorn. Working parents. Flva days. phone number to Mr. Budkofsky, Box GENEROUS COMPANY BENEFITS W3-HM, Rad Bank. TRUMPET "-- Martin Committee pro SO mliutee New York. Salary tr- ExcilUnt Starting Salary •4, Deal, N.I. ftnlonil mod*!, all acci>aiorles. Mel- ranged. References required. 5*6-1304 lophOBium. E Flat corNerts to V. Both RED BANK LUMBER lion. Is Thure. aftaf I. Liberal Company Benefits MAN -- To service established year- RUM RMUJOB Of ITRICT OONFIDINOE. INCUIDB lAJJtRT MqUHUE- SITUATIONS WANTED • Mai. ptrftct M rtd It ion. But offer!. 229&M2 Corner pearl and Wall TM Bank round retail laundry and dry-cleaning MINTt. tnlngs. route. Experience not required. Mar- MOVINO — Wesllnghsuae relrlltrtur. WAITRESSES — Excellent year-round Apply in person to store manager ELDERLY RETIRED BUaiNHlIMN GI baby feeding dish, U. Fir«pla<« ried man preferred. Apply I t« t a.m. — Alert, mod health, versatile, bond- TAKE A BATH screen. 17. Playptn, 17. «I1-37.M or 4 to 5 p.m. Donalds Laundry, 44 WRITE "CD.", BOX 520, RED BANK able, experienced. Owns ear. Beeklng a positions available. Pleias apply In FRANKLIN SIMON Marion St., Red Bank. with a new glass tub enclosure. Throw BABY PLAYPEN — Batriinette. car- MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER AN MUAL OrPORTUHITT EMPLOYE*. poaltlon aa caretaker tor private eetate. away thet plastic curuln. S39.M plus CAR WASHERS — Part-time weak- Hcallent credentials. Write "A.W." Installation, Don't dela;. Call toner. ralge, crib, walker, blat offer. person. No phou calls. Howard John- EATONTOWN Box IM. Red Bark. 7I7-1M3 ends. Experienced preferred, bat not OUR IMFLOTEEI AJUB AWARsl or TRU AD Mi Restaurant. Rt J5, Mlddlstowi, MATURE WOMAN — Housekeeper. cecewary. Must ba at leait IT rears PROWN'S SCUBA EQUIPMENT FOR SALE — Sleep-in. Own room and bathroom. Can old. Apply Country Sudaer C*r Waab, FINANCIAL Complete. Call 7«M130. cook. Can of Uiraa children. (7HIO72. Mlddletown. 32 Broad at. Red Bank 77 gal. soluble oil. MO-ttM. hotany china cloltt KBM Knot"'- SPORTSWEAR. INC. 247 BRIDGE Hwy. 36. Haslet. M44442 AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS opftratort to mtke or letAVE., RED BANK, 7471373. OPPORTUNITY DISCOUNT I*rUCISg _ INSTRUMENTS tor i».8O. Witl" hanging will tntlf in In othar sections. ImmaaiaU'optalnti (or two eiptrte&ctd ATLANTIC RICHFIELD Moclk Music arm Dance Itudloe 11^.50. Three-piec« bedroom suite tn. WOMAN — 12-5 Monday through Frl autom6bil* mtchuilu. Ap>Iy iftly ttff with unlimited eompeuaUoa potential. Mahogany sideboard tW. T.V. alt IS9. COAT COMPANY $3.10 PER HOUR Ol SERVICE STATION IU Main St., Belford, 717-1771. n«d lank day. Light housework and care o( two you an laUrutod Is a st*£d7 job with Oat of the nation'• larftut oompanUi stc. RusciL'4 a I. rrant it,, ft a children aflar school. Own transporta- on* of Uocmouth County's oldcit ntw- will train you tn a I If •Urn* lalti and AVAILABLE SOON ARJB-rOB LOOKUfO FOR A CA tion. Aacant ratarsneea. Call M2-6M1 NEED U MEN TO START WORK car afanclei. Contact Btn iRuiai at maaagement career where your In- RENT A TV Bank. 741'ltm. ItEfilt?—41x young ladlef, expertenca IMMEDIATELY. CALL FOR APPOINT- come Tialary plui commlMion) can Atlantic Richfield Co. will leaae a new ANTIQUE COUJ1CTORB — Victorian aftar S p.m. MENT. lUaaai Ponllac, Me Broad St.. R«d loar without cilllnf dependIni on your Portable day, weak. BATSHORS TV, shaving atand, marble top. Rare hlth- unaloessary, at least IS yetrt old, to Bank. 741-51M. modern two-bar serrlet gtatton os Rt M Cnurch St., Keansburt. m-um. work In local and out-of-town nttht 4494170 or HS-55U ability. The aiaoclau we wlab to add M In Leonardo. A prestige location :halr for Itrfe doll; chlid'a wood t»y cluba with top baada. The ability to 1139 A WEEK SALARY ORDERLY — Expailanca preferred. » to our organttatton mould preferably ;art. original paint. Tin spice ca,blnlt. EMPLOYMENT — rart-uma and full with outatanding potential (or a aalea- OHBAPBR THAN UNnmSHBD >arfe Tole tray. Pa.lr bandeftrvftd twist helpful but not clentlal. Phone time. CustodlU workers needed. Four to S. Apply tn partoB, Brookdaia Nur«- b« a eolleta gradual* who it financial- minded and mechanically Inclined op DKBMERS - CHXSTS, MARPROOF or vtrtta Muyanp Cervo, 23 Prospect To start work Immediately. No a — Home, Hwy. 38, Hailit. ly dluatlilW In titi prwe&t job and it erator who can qualify. TOPS. HIM. WALNUT AND UMKD cllalrfl. rush senti. Slntle rnahogany hours and eliht hours. clearAr and deairoua of greater opportunity for In four poal«r. WEOOBWOOD dinner ait. Bt.. KlTPOrt. «M-MM. pertenct nacasurjr. W« will train you waxer Jobs open now. Call 6314*12. UAN — Drufitore, itoct, dallvftry and OAK. WANT OTHItR STTIJBS. »». call lor appointment, 711-1019 or ttt- cnailng •areingi and prtitlga In com- 1. PAID TRAINING [RWINS. S7 MONMOUTH «r., RBDOther mterestlnt "ems. »l-0«>S. WAITRESSES WANTED — Luncheon USHERS WANTED — Three. One over aa.lta. Apply Dell'i Pharmacy, 6M Riv-munity. U (.to. to S p.m. Must ba over 1L Mil er Rd, Fair Haven. IANK LAJIOE MAHOaANY COCKTAIL tX- 18 for afternoon and evening work 2. PROMOTIONAL BLI — n»d leather top, tM. Al»n Ejtp*rl«/ce nacatstry. A»ply Pleasant DENTAL ASMSTANT — Oompeunt. Apply Manager, Cartton The-ater, eve AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE ANSWER— Vafiey Inn. Hwy. u. HolmdM, baiwten rellabl* peraon. Dtntal office, Red Bank Call Sl»-7S!7 ASSISTANCE DiO SYSTEM will relay your mes- matohlnc occasional taSle, |<0. Call nlng between 7 and 9 p.m SECURITY GUARDS An Equal Opportunity Employer lUal to you frem anywhere t a.m. to • and S p.m. area. MnA resume (lvlng at«, qualiri- Full and part time. Hatawan area. Car 741-3060. I catlons to "B.M.", Bot 530. Rad Bank. PACKERS WANTED — ExMrlenOM 3. MODERATE INVESTMENT 8 p.m. ra07»» DEflNO ROOM — And bedroom. in packing china, etc., for HouaehOId and phone asaenUal. Call 3M-SS44. TV BERVICE TECHNICIAN Black woc« Italian Provincial. Uvlnj WOMAN TO WORK in pharmacy, Goods Moving and Storage Company, and white and color. Full er part-time. 11 Ray Norton (MM) MD-MT1 I a.m. SEWING MACHINE four nights a week. Please write atatlnr A FULL TIME lo t p.m. or (201) Mt4U7, evenings. STUDENTS' DESKS chair. Loveaeau velvet. Also Me 'pply In person at Anderson Bros., aUARDB Good pay at* conditions. Call ITl-lldl al pieces, detp (r««M tnd r«lrl uiimeuioru to "B.Z.", Box 829, R»d j, . 51-SS Mechanic 81.. Red Bank. Uaptlniea, 'our drkwers, ilia 17"xJft"i OPERATORS iank. LONG BRANOH AREA - No exnerl- EXPERIENCED TV lERVICElUN - tOAMTANt) — For rtnL Oo »WT. _ SO'. Back to school special. SUM. Desk tor. Can ba seen by ap(»ratmftrj .- AUTO MECHANIC — For lubrication ence neceesary. Ualforma and equip- Full time. Apply A.C. Television, U •fiddletown. We!! kMvn plaaa of htui chalra trom UU come In And sea TWO WAmUEBSES — For luncheon- and minor auto repairs. Call Moa ment supplied. Car and telephone es- Uortneuth BL. Rsd Bank. 7I1-1TSS. neea for rignt party. Raeuwnabla. Oal! wlda selection or desk and ohaira. All ittttona-Stetdy work-BeflMlti. Piece ette. Apply after 2 p.m.. In person, mouth Motors, 542-2414. sential. Apoly t a.m. to a p.m. and 7 741-4106 between 5-7. ovmo — Mtut aaontice hoiuaS work with minimum. at Alice's Luncheonette, S0O Shrews- p.m, to 9'p.m. weekdays. Quick Detec- RED BANK LUMBER of furnlsnlnge, Ooltmltl and Vlpt< bury Ave., New Shrawahury. TURRET LATHE OPERATOR — Ex-tive Agency, WH Morris Ave., Union. I. SLATER. CASALOUA RESTAU Hundreds or books, coUeeuir'a r«L. LON6 BRANCH MFG. perienced. Make own setup, read prints. WOOD WORKERS RANT — For sale. Equipped. Tw( Corner Pearl and Wall Itea Bank Trish and tretaures. t a.m. to I V < dtrAng rooms. 2M Bhll«lbury Avs., In WAITRESS WANTtlJ — Experienced Call 264.5399. LABORATORY TECHNICIAN — For Journeymen, woodworker! and carpei ulNirto ROOM — Bedroom, two love- every 1 day. Keller. W7 Oceaa ilvd., COMPANY, INC. Days, five-day week. Cell 10-11 a.m. Silicons Ruhber Plant, to work In quali- ten. prevloua experience on boat* dulre within or 7ti tm teats, breakfast room or dlmtts. call 'Sold ' Sign In Iront 6f Mn$t. or afUr 2 p.m. MS MM EXPERIENCED SPRAY PAINTER — ty control department Opportunity for I4MU2. CItlldrtn'i Cftati For production work, with overtime d«alrablt. Permanent Jnt>. Ovmim WILL ESTABLISHED — Deilcatee- COUDelPOT AUTOMATTO DEMUWta- ' 10 lrfl Avft. Long Branch advancement. We will train. Must ba Excellent pay with benetlU. Apply. •en -• luncheonette businell. Persons.) FIER — One yaar old. Perfect etjfcdl. ', FBMALE CLERK WANTED — CBSsnd other benefits. Apply in person high school graduate. Btauffer Crtami DAN ELECTRO 8ASS with etas. tU. U2-M43 Super Markli, M Main St., Estey Metal Products, t Catherine St. perion. Nauvoo Marina, lea Bright.. reasons force aale Immediately. OaD Blss Amplifier also. tlon. Call work part- Red Bank. an. M.J. 747-433<. VACUUM CLEANER - KlrTjy dual Ufet avtnlnit from A to ft p.m. Ex- DRIVER SALDSlfAN — To tell WANTED — A mature woman for |ei_SUPERINTENDENT — PART TIME deliver marine product*. Harried per- EUPLOYMENT AOtKCT - EsU' USED 19M SINGER SaaUronlo 80. Complete with all ttuab< MritGCM on L«wii button mtchlnt and eral homework and simple cooklnr for for apartment house In Red Bank. EXPERIENCED PIANO SALESMAN •on preferred. Oood twttntial with local UshM. Al looatlwi. pemaeuei »at mtau, (floor palishar,' rug iharapoeer, Tfktk t»uttM,-hol» machlnt. Apply Bil- a. profeisiortal woman. No children. Must be able to make repairs on Call company. 996. round needed (Or license. JJJ-4747. SEWING MACHINE hudi-sjutler, eprty-gun). Littli aiM. ford Coat Co., 323 Main Bt, Atltord. Good aalfcry, own room and bath. Write With cabinet. Hakes buttonholes, over 2#l^«n7 ' TS7-M77. pluramnf. heating, electric, etc. Sal- ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FOR LEASE — Oulf modern two-bay "A.F.". Bot 520. Red Bank. ary and apartment. "A.O.," Box B0, 23 White St. 7IT-34M SH •ervice autlon. liodenta Invaiunent. cuts, embroider!. No tutchmeBti NURSES AIDES — 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., 51 Red Bank. MEN—PART TIME Paid training. Retsirtibie rent Rt needed. Now available at 192.19. Call n. to 11 p.m. Flvs-day week. Nlghu lull M«. Permanent office KEN — Plastic eatruaion. 10-year«ld ft, near Loew'e Drive-In, Haaiet H»m» Crtdlt. I4M1M. KEYS MADE ; I COUNTER MAN — Married. Wantedcleaning work In Vlddletown building. company needi m*n to train to be- WHAT WOULD you do If you lort >our for Stewart'a Drive-In. Nlfhts and Good nay. No experience neeeeslry. come «xtnlaion ttchnlclani. Hhirt work. riNDER BANDMASTER AMPLIFIER keys? Ba safe, sit «xtrt keyi. l- '-_ ' • , .,.' I MATURE WOMAN COMPANION FOR weekends. Apply In person, Wewart'e Good company ben«riu. Apply UAQ •TEAK HOUSE Franchise ehali — Fender Stratoeaater tad Framua 12 bENTAL AMl t Drive-In, Rt. 35. Holmdel. 14-mlle For Interview apply Thura., Aug. IS Plattlo Producti, Banna rd It., Free- STANT — Chalrslde el- ILDDRLY WOMAN. Light houtekeep- g p.m. to 7:30 p.m. American Legion seeka operators or Investors tor short string electric guitar. Call after I p.m. PROWN'S Mrltnoa.- Ml Hm north of Lllr-Tullp. Hall, DO Rt. 15. Eatontown. Located hold. , iltes. PARTAKE, Sea Olrt 44t-MTt. 2M21>« lion. Mn4 template.K'i-i.-T^i. reaurna tatm11:!!i at:e !» «l«l>-">- P""'" Wking preterrtd. II Broad St. Ited Bank 711-TSM and jwtrltace to ••B.O.," Box >M, YOUNO MAN — Over U, hl«ti school same building with Eatontown Radfo FACTORY TRAINEE - Hlfh »ChoOl WELL ESTABLISHED nursery wltr WABH1N0 MACHINE — Urge coffee POWXWXR TOOLJ* - Wood tattf, Ut graduate, for full time work In a da- t TV. trad minimum. Will train /or •Wp760- 0 n, ft. or •reenhouata: eevei table, marbletop. one wicker arm JlMawMaw. no. | " bench ssawa , SM, 6H" OROAN PLAYER WANTED luxe shore area theater. Starting as powewer sasaww , titinn . 741O»M741O»M Between ages of II arid IT PRODUCTION WORKER* — Tor Bill pint and uiembly 4ra«j. Small local acrea: stock included. Harold untie chair and irhau erMSnaa. OlMr small 1 Call T47412S usher and all-around man. excellent company. SM a weak. raann, Broker. Ealontown. MMlM. items, can T41-1SU. 100 LADIES WANTED opportunity for ambitious person to oone Rubber Plant. Opportunity for ACE BMPtX>TMENT AOBNCT OABINXT-TYPJO rtllltOtlNE Wh6 can work 15 hours a w«ek. riei- WAHTXD—HOTJBBKtEPIlK - rive learn theater manatemerrt. WrlU advancement. No experience neoeuary. S mute St. T4T44M .thr«wMiiry. WOULDN'T IT BX — M0. Ctll «71*MJ, lbl« hours. Earn to KM-iSO a week dayis a week. Cleaning, cooking. Fond B.H.", Box M0, R«d Bank. Itaufrer Criamlcat Co. ftillcone Div MONEY TO LOAN aftsrS p.m. aenidBg fitabllahed cuitomers on a of' children. JBO. Call between T and > Une Rd.. Uatuian, tfJ. AUTO MECHANIC — Etoelllnt af- be alee If you didn't have to keep RIDINO MOWER — Portardblt p.m. T41-31M. DRIVER! portuAlty. top pay. BejatMra C&ryalar. pitching UiMa leaky wood gutter I. call Fuller Brush route in local area. Also, Steady position GRILL HEN — Everdnti. Taar-round AtlanUc HlthlanU. Contact serrlc ut for a fret aitlrrUtl «n WHITE exxellant condition with 4 h.p. Laws openings for three unit managers. Call ETFICIENT. REUABLE cleaning Paid Taxation work. Full and parttim*. Dog RBUI* manager. ai«XM. NEED MONEY? Hurtiaium gutttrs. You'll be pieaaad motor. UTS. Call M34752. woman with transportation, two hours ReiUurant, Hwy. as, Ulddletown FAST SERVICE! with wir lniuiltuon snd law c« A(eney aeeks mart tA trunati Low atUblluM rates-easy terms 7-11 Mils St., Avon. TU-SMl er 77M*O6 SALE — Saturday, Aug. 20 at Wolf Hill vice. • Over X. Apiiy In person, Peterson'! COUNTER HELP Life Insurance D»Mrtm*Dt. wrlta itoamoQth County Investment Con. lo}p. Monmouth Park). Oceinport, • Restaurant. 1M Riverside Ave., Reg ATTENTION 'C.I.", Bsi 5». Red Bank. ,m. to < p.m. Donation ii.oo. MOVING — Selling nouae full •! tlnut Bsnk. uil and part-Urn*. Dayi and nlgbU. PRODUCTION WORKERS 6. Box 44 R«d Ban quality nearly new furniture, call 412- NO exfrtrlanc* ntctiaary. BieilUnt Senral openings with good intenUvi Thli Ii a deal yon have bwn look- IfDN — Experleneea tn bankhlf, Mr flMT AMD 8XC0ND HQItTOAO LIU THAN A YEAR 0LD-O.E. 1« 9397. , * SttlRETARIAL POtmON — M«- working condltltmi and company bene- wages after very snort training. Apply ink for. Join America'! nawait re- Officer tralnlm In profresslvt North VAlLABLa - Cdtrm «. fork.fo * cu ft. frost free rerrlierttftr. 128J. day work week. 9 a.m.-l:30 p.m. Sal-fit!. Apply to ftnack bar manaktr Atco Ceramics, Hwy. 95, Keyport. tailor of men'i and bor*' elothtnx. Jaraey shore bank. Pull rMume '~ BBatat e * Uortiua ConsultantCltt . IMo G.B. automatic deluxe 4lsetrlc dryer, OARAGE SALE - Saturday, Aug. 10. ary rate UU par month. Submit re- Come with ut u Ufeltnant muuier. strict confidence. Write "A.B." Box I tU9. Phone »71H«7. Moving out of state. Alr-oondltlonlr, eume by August 23. 1MB. "S.X.," Boi TWO GUYS AUTO BODY AND FESDBR MAN — You will be manager of one or our Red Bank. refrigerator, attic fan. garden furniture, MO, KM Bank. Vacation, paid holidays. Call unlU In the aprlng. Excellent itart- many other Items. 671-1213. RT. IS AT TW1NBROOK RD. 5M-MH. lng salary and numeroui other CUSTODIAN — Holmdel TownsWp INSTRUCTION Whir* C«dar ShingUi 16" MIDDLETOWN Board of Education. No residence re- We apeclallxa tn New England whiti PRESSING MACHINE and boiler for MAN — For porter and light factory company benefit*. No relocating oulremanta. Call M«-MM. sale. Suitable for bailor shop, Call 741- necessary, but available for men ENROLL NOW FOR FALL CLABIEt cadar ihlnglet, wh«r1e they don't paint tAUCS AND OFFICE — Age 20 to 25,work. Steady. JOHN KINKEL * SON, who like to travel. Gentlemen, let MECHANICAL PROJECT -IBM COMPUTER fROORAUMINO. ahlail«»- White cidai ! turn a beautiful 4»37. Secretary N.J. driver's license. Resident of MM- 44 Apple St. New Shrewabury. •liver (rfty ihtde. Second Clean, S13.2S dletown area. No experience na«eeaary. tu talk thti over with you now. Gitabltehed meoliftiilcal cootnactor IBM KEYPUNOH, OFFICE AUTOMA- OUTDOOR ART SHOW and Hit WU1 MECHANIC Call Jim Hud ion at 264-S439 or ap- ipeclallzlnt In water and sewate worl TION. Day and evening unions IBM per four-bun . Opportunity at In peraon to Frank Shea Sportt Mart, Wa need a good man with experience leeklnc project manater under IB with :0m*. Flna cavtr-up for peeling painL a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Ruacll't Sycamore iM3 ll*j. as. Middietowo. In the following: Front end alignment, J. 11. Fields, nt. 33, Hazlet. college degree. Contact Rameeo As- BUSINESS MACHINE SCHOOL M OrSMis, Ryrsmors Avr, Mttlt ftllvsr. CARTER.WALLACE tuneups. brske wofk, exhaust systems. sociates. P.O. Box 17«. liaUwu. Ml- Broad St., Rad Bank. 747-4*47. George M&fcuf, Importer of palntlcge WAITRESSES — Four. Apply In per- Apply J.M. FIELDS. Auto Dept.. 314D YOUNO MEN — SERVICE STATION torn. RED BANK LUMBER by contemporary European artists, will son All shifts. Mermaid Diner, Hwy. Hwy. 35, Hailet, between 11 a.m. andASSISTANTS — Full and part-time Corner Pearl and Wall Red Bank exhibit. An excellent assortment. Public imrfrtdUU opeoim with promlaint 741-SSOO dry* AHd toiletries manufacturer In M, Leonardo. 5 p.m. evenings. Apply in perion. Mtyftr's DEPARTMENT MANAGER MIRCHANDISI Invited. Com* snd brows*. Sunoco Static*/, Rt. 35 and WycoH Ad., KENMORE PORTABLE DISHWA8H Utftetl JD*pu OM>4 starting -alary WANTED — Woman to work full time BARBER WANTED — Full-time. Union Eatontown. ANTIQUE DOLL - Clothes trees, »1SO attd exitniive company btnafiu. In medical office In Mlddlitown are*. wages and hours. Apply Tommy's Bar- TRAINEES FOK SALE Efl — Copt)ertone. One year old, lloo. Colored glssa picture frames, etc. UT Write "A.D.", Box 520, Red Bank. ber Shop, 293 Main 81., Matawan. MS- SPOTTER — MANAGER FOR DRIVE- Two occasional chairs, like Dew, 140.Main St., Port Monmouth. IN PLANT — Salary open. Vacation SALES CLERKS Carriage and baby equipment. M2-29A6. »m. After • p.m.. (•»•!!», IT'S MAGNIFICENT FREEZER — 1« cu. It. upright. »10«. Apply la PAraon JUNIOR SECRETARY To I K with pay. paid holidays. Call 232-9000, STOCK CLERKS M0VINQ — Flve-pKce indoor rattan- CLERK TYPIST, many To I| »so0 SURVEYORS — Party chief. Must be Un. Clarke, for appointment. That Colonial scallop, cross buck, Electric dryer, ISO. Poker table, 113. S 95 experienced In boundary and sub-dl- let S95. Oriental scatter rues. 140 eaeh. Call 741-02». C«rt*r-WalUe«, Inc. STENOGRAPHERS, many To S So white aluminum door li r«auy be»utltul. Other furniture, call 741-0327. Half Acre i\d. . Cranbury, N. J. CLERK TYPIST, lnauranca To I 90 vision work. UAN. CONSCIENTIOUS AND MAful- l and part-time. No axparlM...... M. |M.|g uuuiled. See the Carriage ant BEST VALUES — Kidney shape vanity An equal pppertnutr employer TYPIST, dictaphone .g .7»0 ROD MAN — No experience necessary. TURE — To train aa maniger for necessary. Rapid advancement opp&r SINOER SEWINO MACHINE - Used, S3.ML Clothes Irea 14.76. Card l«l)l» CLERK TYPIST, public contact g tSSalaries open. Aurnhammer Associ- city's flneit dry-cleaning plant Must tunltlea. Excellent working condiuene eltrtnc. 110. Oood condition. Call any- 11.79. Cricket chair X.T.V walnut cileat BOOKKEEPER, many To SIMate*, SM-0100. be able to deal with the public. Excel- and company benefit*. Oood surtllf PROWN'S Ime. t»HII. WimiMUX - WantW. Part dm*, lent opportunity for man who Is not saJary. Apply to store manafir 6f drawers tu.50. Trunk J7.5O. Lerg« full tuu. Oil . CLERK TYPIST. lJ lo S p.m. K.20 pr. hr.Jil MACHINE SHOP — Looking for clock-witcher and not afraid to work. 31 Broad It Itsd Bank OBOE KOHLERT — Almost new. dot basket 1279. eecreta.ry desk tS.W. CLERK TYPIST « to 10 p.m. 11.35 an hr. mil or part-time help. Machinists re- clcsed keys, many extra keys. Cost Arm upholstereil chair H.78. C0BS«U 7IT-»M> RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY Top salary. Call 222-anOO. Mrs. Clark*, TWO GUYS DTCHEN CHAIRS RECOVERED - table KK Hamper tl 28. Tnrttfoldl ceive top pay. Apply 31 West Main for aprrOtr/tment. RT. II AT TWINBROOK RD. Dinette seta and bar ateola, Jlmmoutli 1460. telling 1215 Call 212.1711. fix OPERATORS - Have openings Afternoons. Salary IS open St., Farmlngdsle. 938-J434. Mnetta, lie Monmouth «t. Red Bank. scrffn |S.M. Etc. RURCIL'i 26 E. M or ill shifts. Full or pert time. MIC1CAL SECRETARY To t 10 AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN — Must MIDDLETOWN CUT LUMBER? Front St., Red Bank. 7114M3- TU-4TM. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR, trainee I «3 BOAT BUILDERS — PLANKERS. Ap- bave selling experience at retail levtl. LOCAL REAL ESTATE OFFICE nesde 141X13. ply In person. Zobel's Yacht Works, roR THE PERFECT WIDDINO fluri wi do It and at mAdeit pricti. THREB— PIECE MODERN bathSS PARTIAL LISTING Call Ed flenwartx at 74T-A7IT for food No. 2 man. Must be experienced Bring In wiitttn Hit of ilt«i-w* wilt t«t. Complete with futures. $M. MaV •ECXETAftY-Minimum flva years ei 186 W. Front St., R*l Bank. ln*rvlew appointment. MAURICE In residential Bales and mortgage pro- I0WN-Bridesmaid dresses and all ac- «arl««». Proficient typlni and short Ace Employment Agency SCHWARTZ A IONS, HI W. Front cessories with Individual personal ser fcv» ord«r nady In 2t hourt. No 1237 before 9. 22»-fKeo after « bind skint. Familiar with use of die APPETIZER-CLERK ceealng. Very active office, write vice, call Virginia Klmbalt, Freehold i*.v» ordar ready In 54 hmiri, W« cut UHng equipment Salary enmmen. 23 White St. T47-34S4 Shrewsbury St.. RM Bank. "C.B.". Box 530, Red Bank. IU-77U. ctreiti, wtdg«i. bracken, sttlrstrlngi, IMMEDIATE PART-TIME OPENING ANITORS WANTED Starting sal itc. No phone orden. (More Cluslfled Ad* aurate via ability. 7«i3eM. PART—TIME SALESWOMAN — In 5 p.m. unlit closing. Eicelltnt salary. JANITOR — STEADY WOFtK — 111 >IN1NO ROOM SET—Complets. llngle luxury siore. Grooming and pleasant Good working conditions. Apply ary $410o year. Ptnslori plan, hospital :ure reliable peraon only. For religious On The Next Psgt) EXECUTIVE SECRETARY attitude important. Write "B.Y.", Box I eat Ion paid by employer. Other bent >rganlzation In Kumaon, Call foi >ed, like new. call RED BANK LUMBER 1 7I7-I7II. Experfencea parson with good skills. 520. Tied Bank BIG W SUPERMARKET flti. Hours: 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. Apply polntment. lir. Straus. 741-7303. Corner Pearl and Wall Red Bank Immediately at Board of Education Of- Inltrrlewa may be arranged arter rrsu WAITRESS — Over 18. Apply In per-MI Nftwman Springs Rd. Red Hank PORTERS AND LABORERS ma submitted or application Mlprt. Ap fief, Shorn Regional High School, Mon- don. Caramel Restaurant, 29 Brotd St., BUTCHER WANTED — Steady posi- tr, outh Park Hwy., West Long Branch. Wanted at Surf at Sea Club Immediate- "ply Ateo Ceramics. Hwy. 35. Keypftrl. Red Benk tion. Union benefit*. Apply Foodtown, ly. Call M2-460O or apply in peraon. BXPXRIENCED OPERATORS OOOD TVPIBT — For Real Estate and 126 Main Bt., Matawan. MBHWAailERS — Eicellent position KtanUram Drsia Mfg. Insurance office. Salary commensurate available. Must apply In peraon. No Phone M2-3M1 8ERVIOE STATION ATTENDANT — with ability and experience. Mini have Full or part-time. Rumaon luo, 27 W. FIRST COOK phone calls, pleaae. Howard Johneon'e CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1UUL BaWATIl 8AIJ53 PERSON - tramporlatlrm 10 Hwy. M. Matawan. Rlpr ltd, Rumgon. Steady • tmploy- Rl. 35, MldMletown. Sxparlncad. Busy highway locatlor Call Mn. SOarbaro, WeMMOO, for ap- nimt for marrIM man. For department itore restaurant. Six BARTENDER — For weekends, at A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDSI MuGJil. Ultlngs. CASfcYS AOENCt pointment. dayi, no lundayi. Experienced with nightclub In Keancburg. At least five Hwy. m Hailet. 2U4U1. quality reitaurant. Uuit have ability DENTAL AS6ISTANT — RECEPTION- MEN to produce superior sauces, gravies year* experience. Dependable man. IST Malawan office. Will train. Reply Tor part-time work. Flexible hours •oupi and supervise kitchen help. Call after noon. 7»7-»7a) HELP WAMTED-MALE ••B.A.", Box 8M, Rea Bank. Earn $2.25 per hour itrvlclng estab- Liberal benefits Include paid vacation WANTED — GAS STATION ATTEN BO~5kKEEPER — MAOHTNE OPERA- lished customers In local area for na-hoipltai, mCdlctt tmurance, discount DANT — Experience neceasfcry. p\ill Adding MtchlBM—Typ«wrii«r» General Condition Painting and Decorating T1OH AND GENEIUL OFFICE WORK. tional company. Car and phone rt>- qulred. For eppolntmenl call 4O-I36.1, privileges. Good salary baied on aMIlty :lma employment. Apply In peraon. APPLY SllEHAM RUO CO.. RT. S5.462-1074 5M-201E*. 773-82flS, .W«-32BT. Af- nd experience. Iwannell Shell, 111 E. Front St.. Ited ADDING MACHINES — Typewriters L. SMITH BUILDERS - Pttlns, al- THOUA" SLATE SEA GlftT 6 call 449-41f!2. Bank. sold, rented, repaired. Serftlco's 161 taratlorJS, addltlent. gart|ts. Call 211- Frae Kitlmate MOTHER'S HELPER — Five daye a Apply to employment department MAN OVER — To work lubiloatlng Monmouth m , Red Bank 747-OiU. 17s5 «r 7417330. Palntlnt ani Dlcorttln AMBITIOUS, RALEB-MINDEDT — Rep- week. 9 tn 5. |.)0 week. Hazlet area. rack and lesm mechanics. Five-day WORKING MAN'S CONTRACT6R - Fully Imured »42 3H9 ALERT Own transportation. 2G4WW) ftnt Metropolitan Lift Inmranc* Co. BAMBERGER'S ivetk wllh ell fringe benefits. Apply ahltiiied territory. W» train. Frlnn In peraon, Downes Pontlac, 02 Lower Alterations. Repairs Haionry. Small L. H. HILL — Palntsr Interior and ai PUBLtC HEALTH NUR6E eflti Equal opportunity employer. Nawark N. 3. Main St., Matawan. )ohs. IM. Jsl-Mll. exterior. No Job* too lares or too — For staff position In Long Branch. Rerklfis Pi.. Red Bank. Mr. C»n- Alk for Mr. Brown Air ft Sea Trsvcl Rtacrvitltml smsll. Vary rassrii«hls. Call 22A-7447. YOUNG Also petl-ttme nurs>. Call 239-ORK1 he- nella. 747-Z2DO. to 8 p.m. OAnPENTER - txpt 0U8TODTA1NS — Hhore achool system tween a;jo snd 4:»0 p m. Call after A. nseds two awe bodied men for i to II BE IT A WEEKEND — At nroislng- SALE COORDINATORS 1131-0992 ihlft. Many benefit!. (4100. er's or around ths world in If) days, IntuIatlOfl * Siding HOUSEKEEPER - Mature wotnir; Must hav« food backRrounrl In prnduc- ACB EMMJOVMKNT AGENCY we can ssrvlce all your vacation Petrl and Bend Restrlnglng JviAN n»frie Asphtlt P*vln| TYPisT CIJ5RK~^ ~E»perTenM!"ii "only" MEN p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Five-day we«k atari to work in our Dispatch De- Good wllh figures. IBM electric type- Ing September 7, ltXM. EXPERIENCED PRESSERS GENERAL AtPIIALT PAVING INC Plumbing & Healing writer. Aibury Park firm. Salary Often. Full Urn* nlglitB, 0 p.m. -3:30 a.m, MACHINE AND HAND EXPERIENCE Blacktop driveways arfd parking lots. Nurtlng Home partment. Muit hav» goeJ dri». Telephone for sppolntment 774-?12l. t>rman*nt rinT>r waxing and Janitorial 0Riu7~MEN and counler"">TrTtime' Call for fret estimate tlMW. k In Mlrtdlrtnwn Dulldlng. No tx-JNignts and weekendit. Swlsfiland R6I LUCY SPORTSWEAR u PLUMBING - Healing and balbro*m Ing record, neat appearance and MEAT WRAPPER -o nfc«i«»ry. For lnl*rvl^w apply|uUrant Rt. .15, Mlddlfttown. credited for skilled nursing home remodeling. }M West Front St., Red Bank care. llwy. 34, HOlmdtl. H642M. Full tfrnf. Rnmf* cxpfrlenrn htlpfu). Ex- *AflHER » CORRIGAN'S • a ajosd command of Entjliih. 5* ef 11 • nt wnrklng rrtndllfnm and company Building Contractor henpntx. (JOfxl lalary. Apply to Mtat MAINTENANCE UAN — And wife 127 Oakland 81.. Red Bank 747 570(1 »«pt. Manager S 1 " Year round position. Apartment avail slay watlc, car allowance and able. Apply In person Brookdale Nurs B1IIMDER — New homtl, room ad- Odd Job* ni.'TCHElia -- Full or p*rt time. Rer- Ir* Homa, Hwy. », Haalel. ditions, bassment and attic rooms, kanaliti. Stead/ amploymant. TWO GUYS vice store. Apply II A B lleat Mar- AT TWINBnOOK RD. ket. .12 W, Front St., Keyport. BUS BOYS kllchans, garajgt, repairs and alttrt- srci,AHij?TiftvTcE Roofing, Siding A IntulaUM Full and part-time. Days and nights. HANDICAPPED PERSONNEL tlons. Herbert Ilgenrlucb. 741MO1 Yarns, ceilara, garagta, storti Hav« chinct far advancamant. MAN WANTED — For janitorial du- truck 741214» alter a p.m. WANTTcb — hlUABUC WOMAN ties, rieaio apply In person. Ralph No experience necessary. Excellent CALLM2-4390 OUIEN CO. INC. Ro«llr>g, elding Jt worklnp conditions and. company bene- AbT . ips die", Insulation Inaulled and guaranu)t4 To car* lor two rhiMron, agoi 5 and 6. Frledlenrt * *rfti.. Inc.. Locust' if.. flU. Apply to •nick. t>*r manager for 10 y««rs. IIS-MM, 2»1^MO. Apply In parion In t#arli»r'a horn ft. Own tranaportaftcn. Keyport, BARB BUPLOTUBNT AdHN •slice, ptu carpentry, ktason- Qualllfled Pereottnel For Quality Ordare Diamonds Bought or RMlyltd tnlt Rtts it »r 747-Wlt. 0*11 7*1 -DM* b*tw**n 5 and 4 p.m. .NVENTORY CONTROL CMGRK - Kl- TWO 6UYS '" »">*d U>ng Branch mno BUJING -'AIKO. 6upot/t TtrilVr iad On Monday, Auajuit 32 and tKa 1 Alcoa. Work guarsnteid. ; \m i R17L NTICKU ALTAKA vieiTiNf KH- perlenred. Opportunity with expandli. ! RT. II AT IWINBROOK Kri. -IPLB TO UANAQB 40-tmlt (srdsn Let u» buy the dlemonda you den't VtWKR. Bom* •ftp^rlfincs* hfilpful, Typ- fMimpiny. Liberal benefits. Oool psy. Mlnni.KTOWH apartments. Attractive patto apartment PROWN'S .,: balarca of that waalc lo John II.'R and rllrlrnt d'itlri, 40 imur*. a Bruc« Product! Inc., Mid Monmoulh weer or let ua restyle them for you YoTfNfi~M'AN -- for shlpplni (Upart- and moderate salary to auamerit nlhsr personally. Rauaallle'e, M Broad (t. Painting awl DeKoraHng U (road SI. Rad lank 74M3W wMk, AppfV Employment Offlrp, fit- Induttrlit P*rli, New Bhrewibury. Hi- m*nt. Hteatly work. Bapsrlence help- retirement Income. Uiut be pleasant Famulary, hln M^mnrlri! Hr.Sf.lltl, N^plunr. ful, but nnt neceisary. company bene- and handy. Write "A.K.". Boa 120, ftal iiCS. i6uii~- ftmiKti end fit*. Please apply In psrson. FrleA- Bank. wsllpaperlng. t*ully Inaured. For free RESlsfERED~NURSE!T ~ SHIFT WORKERS lanii » Bros.. Uicust St.. Keypnrl. EattrUlnmtnt eatlrittea, call 1471641. Tel. Answering Strvlc* ' 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. - It p.m. b> T a.m. SOOKKBBPER - Full charge. Auto THE DAILY REGISTER Barn eitra tVI a week. Parttlma. .__.~iiTirirVicR SRH.VICE~SIAN "~OT motive experience helpful hut not INTERIOR ANf) titT**If)lt palr/t BENEFITS Three houre a 4ay. Call LET US «» your (ecrtlary. He nto« APPLY man wllllnK ti> Isarn. tnr steady am- aecesaarr. call "' tchwarti et T4T- Tlcketa available (or latatt Broad- lag. Alto decorating. Our »rltea are TlT (or Interview appointment UAH- wey Buwt a>4 Main UorU alvaMs fblaper tntn tntire. CA1I Stick Peint to miss rails X Hour answering 10 Iraad'St. Rad lank BfinOKDAl.E NURSING HOME Inymant with Inng eetabllanad firm. service. 1414100 Hwy. U Oale'a Keyport Hatdware irlver*a license necessary aifl. ability RICE (CHWARTI k lODI, Ul W. 179. Menmouth St., Red lank. lni Co. for (ret aatlmatt. 1414HO. Haaltt N. J. N W. front St. Kerport. to drive oil truck. Call Front St., Red Bank. f DAILY REGISTER AMHMEMTS. WANTED TO PENT mm* IB* SALE WWOWI Misch Marks FOUR—BBDROOM HOUM — For . August 18,1966 RENTALS A'PLENTY school te*oher and family. Urgently FbUR-liOROOM HOLMDEL UTTLE SILVER — Owner tnx- •DM TO •• KECEIVKP We have several two-oMrawn apart- needed by Sept 1. Daslre Uncrorl- cotmtTT or MOXMOUTH Mlddletowi iru. Call collect Ml-MT- 40th Anniversary ments, one c-edroom iptrtmagta, and lout to Mil. Will help with fi- COLONIAL STATE OF NEW JEMEY FOR SALE also pfrlrlenclfs. Very modern. Reason- Six-room frame residence, wood nancing. ' Four-bedroom Cape Thli apatites home, locatad la beat Notice M hereby given that sealed ASBURY PARK - Frank M. able, renula. rail SNYDER AGENCY, EnNED GENTLEMAN needs sme.ll. •ectlon or Red Bank, boaatlnl ft full bids will be received for furnishing RE ALTORB. 171-25W. cedar shinslt roof, Ctpe Cod Cod. Convenient to ichool, blu- Misch, 813 Corlies Ave., West Al- O.I portable dishwasher snd lhr« clean, nlc«ly furnished apartment. WO* styling offering immediate poisei- basement, garage, 1% baths, hot water Uniform Clothing for 'the Correction tattles desks, nil FIRNlSHEn APARTMENT — Two SM month. In Re» on stamiarti]quarters in Alletihursl. He is 1 T411M9 after 5 p.m. new two-rsmily brick. Adults preferred. 9814 or 842-3578 ertrooins, 2 , baths 1 Patio. 67l-t*!«!9. ""'eT'lh/rei',"" .'lid '^Xd'"./"'"'' married to the former Miss Mary CLEAN L'SED FURNITURE — And Corner SI Peters Ave., and Highland MALE Rl'TGERB graduate student of rural living yet close to every at $22,900. C Sm Ia f Mi bUrn antique*, or near arJUques. Highest Blvd.. Kranalwrit. hing. Asking $34,800. RIVERFRONT - Rambling Coloi'lal, .^"rXe/r,,,:,' ui-St" arS ' ° ° ° " ' ' „ prices paid. Tne Atlic. 53K854. ment Sept. 10- 30. $6.1 a id will 100 yearn old in part. Six bedroom*. 3M, vt the hjdder, design MAN WISHES TO SHARE — Three- do malntenanri*. LARGE WOOD • BHRNINQ KITCHEN Bright ari a. Call batha, two fireplaces, two large [.orchrs of the work on ti.e outside, att- They have three daughters, room apartment with name. $45. all Colled, 766-2S74- LINCROFT overlook Ins river. Over one acre of I w the Board of Chi,. RANGE — Call 717-2W», between 6 lltllltlei. Tlsvld Smith, 842-9B42, 9 to 6 WEART - NEMETH land. Auk ing |3&,WKI. See it today. lioMers. Tx>unty of Monmouth, Hall of Mrs.t,:.., Joa»«,,-n• Bostock,Marv ,1**n Will' • TownItftftb- and fi V m. Sh! MrS Mar JC n JW Di 1 ROLSTON WATBRBCRY, REALTOR, •rdB, BTrthold, N, J. ami must be P' - y * . f PIANOS WANTED — Highest prices RED BANK — Three-room apartmti-t FURNISHED ROOMS Seven-room residence hidden 16 W. Front St., R*d Hank. 747-3500, furnlshfd. Fine location, no peta. AGENCY •curnpHnieri •by a tRrtlfled cl Spring Lake Heights, and Mrs. paid. Call H. renztr. 30S MaJn » rdpr Adults only. Sept. 1. Call 741-2008. away in a setting of woodland. of Coi Lakewood. K3-2U0 RIVBR PLAZA -- Furnished or unfur REALTOR LOTS AND ACREAGE for not Ittm tli ten Elaine Dunford, Waymouth, nl-heil part of house, privileges. Call Family room, fireplace, base- cfnt (10%) of the amount bid, «nti MOPERN INFLRNISHED — Two, 747-0633. Mass., and eight grandchildren. liprlroom • half duplei. Desirable loca- ment, two-car garage. Chose your OVER FOUR ACRES must be a.cr.ompanl'M. tiy s certlflcatP PETS AND LIVESTOCK tion. Reil Bank. Available Sept. i. (135 LARGE KHRNISHED ROOM -- With 102 WEST FRONT ST. Partially wooded, excellcnl localinn, p|io.isll)1i> bonding coinpHtiy color scheme. Public and pa- •nd if tlie bfdrtrr plu-i utilities. Adults preferred. Call kitchen privileges. Suitable for army minutes to railroad itation, Asking hat will provide ADORABLE PI'PPIES - To a cnupK etc. 222-7647. rochial school nearby. Minutes Jtl«..-iOO. deliverer! at the CERTIFICATES PRESENTED 291 711-MiM. 741-2240 acp ant! Iviul r ibnve namHi. home. Reasonable. Call anytime, to Garden State Parkway. Will MARSHALL P. WHITFIELD EAST KEANSBURG - George MODERN — Oversized three-room 1>EONARI)O — Seashore. Available flight In refiervfd to reject any or Sept. In refined, modern house. Large REAL ESTATE «4fl-«7.1 all bids If deemed to the Intcrftst of iirST SACRIFICF. Apartment Ideal location. US. Call ;ell fast. $33,000. 24-HOUR SERVICE Cole, Belford, presented life room, two beds, walk-ln closets, pri- SO. HOLMDEL RD., HOLMDEL, N. J. if County of Monnnnith to do §o. MALI BEAGLE — Ten mnnlhs old. 17R7-.14S2. vate hath refrigerator, aeparata house By order of the Purchasing Com- AKC registered: field champion sired. Member of Red Bank ATTENTION BUILDERS! saving certificates to Domlnjck Ml/ST Bl'BLET -- New efficiency air entrawce. 201*11334. LOCUST ifttee of thf Board or Clioaen Free- JUlt sUrted. 150. Csll 77H-72KL y Multiple Listing Service Oak HU1. Beautiful wooded lot In ez- loldera of the County of Monmouth. Donatelli and Jerry Malavet, conditionedid d apartmentt t availablilbl e SeptSt. ROOM for business man. 20 Waverly cliulTe area ot fine hom*a. flood lo- WILLIAM L. 1JLRICH BIAGLES - AKC. field stock, broken 1. Convenient location, garden apart* cation for the treotlon of an ixceptlon- Middletown, for completing their «££ started dogs. Also purs. Interested PI. Red Bank. Three-bedroom frame ranch with lltddlatows Clerk of the Board ment. laurftiry facilities $97 per mo. 741 M77 al house. Paved atrtet, curtte, wat»r, of Choii-n Fr*eholdrrn In quality only call 566IO77: 747-0520 between 9-12 a.m. and 5*8 fireplace, finished basement (pan' MORTGAGE MONEY las «te. Price 18,100. WALkER A senior Red Cross life saving f S13.S5 LOVEABLE MINIATIRI POODLES COMPLETELY RIMODILED — eled), covered patio. One-car ga- AVAILABLE WALKER, Realtorn Hwy 3S Shrews- rse. Certificates were also clean, comfortable, resaonable. H2 bury. 741-5212. 24-rfour Service. NOTIflC CALL waek up. Gentleman prefsrred. rage on nearly an acre of land- 741-0464. BEACH EXCLUSIVE FROM 0NH IJOT TO 100 ACRES - N ORDINANCE AMENDING ANH presented to Patricia Doherty, COMMERCIAL RENTALS Mnlninlg room. Pier Hotel. Csll 201-OOM. scaped grounds overlooking miles SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 20 kEAGLE PIPP1ES — For Sale. Fleln Either commercial or residential Call Roxanne Eckert, David Walsh of countryside. MOD Down (Vets no money) will take MULLANEY REALTY. 871-5151. OF THE ORIMNANCE KNOWN BY chamchampiop n hsrkground, AKC. Call any- ^^^^ opFIC|. ITS SHORT FORM TITLE AS "HE- SPACB—Al X LOOK AT THIS the landlord off your payroll. Be the and Douglas -Gernsbecji, •. Middle- tiHIS 536-B744. Secklesi PI.. Red Bar*. «S0 sq. R. is REAL ESTATE FOR SALE proud owner of thli modern four-bed- LINCROFT — Pond, ont acre, cleared, VISED ORDINANCES OF 1M1" 19,000. Call SIX MONTH OLD — German short- llgnlfied modern office building with Assume existing mortgage, only room Cape Cod (two bedrooms unfin- ADOPTED JUNE 5, 19ftl town, for completing their junior HOUSES FOR SALE 741-560(1. BE IT ORDAINED by the .Mayor haired pointer. Houser-roken. JI25. Call :omplele services. Carpetad through* requiring approximately $3,900 ished). Baaeboard hot water heat, large nit, with most attractive waJl treat* kitchen, lovely landacapei lot. Two nd Council of the Borough of Red life saving course these put two t«7-6571 ONCE IN A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY OCEANPORT — Lots lOOx.00'. One nent and electrical futures. CsJl 7«7 cash. Monthly payment $183. blocki to bus and school. JI20 per Bank that Chapter 20 of the above- GRAY PET GEESE To save thousands of dollars. On with river view. Accept builder's terms. weeks. [30 between a aid 5:30. month pays all, wt have the key, Im- ntitled Ordinance lt« amended and Call builder's close-out. In desirable Colts Move right in. Must sell this Write "C.H.", Box 530, Red Bank. mediate possession. upplementeM a« follows: . H71-2419 IESIRABLE RIVBR FRONT suite- Neck. Two-story Colonist, natura! weekend. Bargain at $20,900. BEAUTIFUL, WELL GRADED BUILD- flection 1, Chapter 20, "Traffic Act", Article 1, "Prohibited Parking", Is BEAGLE HOI'ND DOG — Male, sU first floor In the Tuller Building, shingles. Eight large rooms, 2V4 baths ING LOT In good Fair Haven neigh- SERVICES LISTED all 747-2441 wood burning fireplace, beamed celling BEACH AGENCY, BROKER borhood. 128x121*. Aiklnf (10,000. Cal1 .by amended and supplemented by menths old, tan and while. S4fl. Also JOSEPH S. LANG, Realtor adding Section 74 a* follows: lane dog house, well made. 7S7-C1BQ paneled family room, two-car garage 1400 Hwy. 35 Middle town, N.J. today. ROLSTON WATER BURY, LONG BRANCH - Congrega- F YOU ARE INTERE8TID — In a On a heavily wooded acre. All this Main St. . Holmdel Open T days 671-2727 REALTOR, 16 W. Front 8t., Red Bank, Section St. On tht? oast and wext tion Bnal Sholom will hold ser- PONY — With Entllsh saddle irand new modern office apace, well for 134,900. Zveie: Mra. Martha Smith 787-3734 747-3600. •Ides of Oakley Lane at a point Reasonable. icated In the center of Red Bank, con- M6-4237 All payments are approximate to beginning ,15 feet north from th« vices tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. Call 741-8337. rac*. use for further Information. THE LARGE COLONIAL — With breath uallfled buyeri. Inleriectlon of East Front Street 1OW8TRA AGENCY. 741-1700. taking view. In an area In demand COMMERCIAL PROPERTY and Oakley Lane mid extending; when Abraham Grossman will AKC REGISTERED FRENCH POO- northerly 187 fpet lo a point 35 DLES — Adorahle male and female Two-car garage, one landscaped acre RUMSON WATERFRONT deliver a short sermon. The .000 FT. LIGHT manufacturing 136,900. NEED A TREEHOUSE feM south of the intemectlon of puppies. All black. Reasonably priced. lofts for lease. Can be leased separate- MIDDLETOWN TWP. - Commercial New listing. Charming expanded Cape FOR THE CHILDREN? property along Hwy. 38 or M. From Union Street and Oakley Lane. Saturday service will be at 9:30 Call S6S-795S. ly, containing about 3500 aq. ft. per end. Just the right slie. Living room 175' to «(i acrts. UULLANXY REAL- SECTION 2. Chapter 20, Article 5, Door. 717-1100. Rlltl.llERK OWN HOME — Georgian Excellent Rumson locatlnn. 1V> acres, AKC COLLIE PUPPIES — SabU' and Colonial. On • fully landscaped and wllh fireplace, enclosed porch facing •Two (21 Hour Parking Zones" is beautifully landscaped. Will also throw ereby amended and «up pie men ted by •vhte, For Immediate aale. Call* 542. STORE OR OFFICE for rent. Neil to wooded acre, flpaclous rooms, many river, den. Three bedrooms. 3H baths. luxury features and bullt-lns. Very Two acres beautifully landscaped. She], In a three-year-young four-bedroom, 2H- the addition of flection b aa follows: 5741. Wlllaim Leff Funlture. Hwy. 35, near bath Colonial. Living room with fire- Section 5, On the fiat anU west ed Bank. 741-3213. 747-1647. large and enclosed porch. Immediate tered anchorage for large boat. Al! REAL ESTATE WANTED LEGAL NOTIC MIMATI'RE FRENCH POODLES — possession. Call t<2*um Rumson schools. A wonderful plaea to place, dining room, kitchen with dinette •ides of Hudson Avenue at a point AKC registered. Call 10 to 5. 741-5877. that must be seen to be appreciated. beginning 38 feet south of the in- 8500 SQ. FT. — Of warehouse space live. W.000. NOTICE Evtning 74183WI. i for rent. First floor, (hore area. Call FAIR HAVEN - New split level over- First floor family room, screened NEED VACANT UNO tersection of Branch Avenue and 229-O74*. THE LOW AGENCY porch, full basement with fireplace. Hudson Avenue and eitenrting nniioi COURT or NEW mm WIRXHAIRED FOX TERRIER WANT- looking lake, four bedrooms, living •null bt or tarn tracts. Call MUL- Two-car garage Real executive's home. aoutherly to a point 36 feet north ED — 7 or > weeks old. female, AKC BELFORD — Railroad Ave. Store, room. XMnlng room, kitchen, game Bealtora LANBT MALTY. 671-515L CHANCERY DIVISION raom. Garage. Basement. 134,800. Lilted at M3.0OO, of the intersection of East Bergen MONMOUTH rOUNTT registered. 671-386H, 787-O9M. remodeled, ready [or occupancy. Cat (31 Hlvtr Rd. Wr Havm HELP — ACTION! Place and Hudson Avenue. 7S7-O83«. DOCKET NO. F-M33-M 741-1477 Lawrcnc* J- HELP m: our U saleiixople aesl SECTION 3. Chapter 20. "Traffic Civil Action SCHANCK AGENCY latliMC on your home. Act", Article 4, "One (1) Hour Park- ORDER FIXING AMOUNT, TIME RIAL ESTATE FOR RENT LINCROFT SCHILLING ACTION !• our motto—professional ••!• ing ZoneK", la hereby amended and HOUSES FOR RENT REALTOR AND PUCE FOR REDEMPTION APARTMENTS Thret bedreoms, beautiful family room vlcsa are Just a phone call away. supplemented by amending Section 1 LUKE KRALYV1CH, PUJnnff, v«. S Linden PI. Red Bank Two-car garage. Split rail fence. % Realtor Trade* Ins—Exchanges as follows: FRANCI* HAYDKN. rt •!.- DsfmidlnU. TWO AND THREE-BEDROOM HOMES 7470397 acre lot with trees. Rangs, washer, Willow Dr., and Parker Ave. Commercial and Investment properties SECTION l. On the east and This matter b*inj optfned lo the KABISON TOWNSHIP ~ For rent or sale. H25 to 1150 a refrigerator, air conditioner and wall- Little Silver 717.1121 Member Two Multiple Listing Service! west sl.iei of Broad Street, between court by Vincent J. McCue, of*McCu» mor«h. THE KIRWAN CO.. REAL- ST, LEO'S PARISH to-wall carpet Included. Superb condl WALKER * WALKER Prom Street and the New York and O'Hern attornpys |or .th* pUln- RURAL SETTING TORS, Belford, 787-5900. W. Kis.nabur(, Eleven yenn old and reluctantly of- tlon. Call today. A iking 120,900. Realtors and Long branch Railroad right- tlff. and It appearlnt that a dsfault 787-6800. Hallet, 264-71O0- WATERFRONT MODERN LIVING ftreii by owner who nttds a target Ranch. Four bedrooma. two b»lha. Ful- Shrewsbury Mddletown-Hotmdel of-way at (he Intersection of BroaH hss heretofore been enlkrjtdf In this WB FREQUENTLY HAVE APART- homp. Near perfect cnnrtttlnn. Lot lOOx STERLING THOMPSON ly air conditioned. Full basement. Ex- Ml Broad «. 301 Hwy. u Street and Maple Avenue (Route cause, that the plaintiff Mb produced CONVENIENT LOCATION MENTS AND HOUSBS-rurnlshed and 16.1, nicely planted. Airy living room, AND ASSOCIATES REALTORS cellent landscaping, genced-ln yard. 35), except for the area act forth before this Court, the "U» 'Mjtlflcats country Kllchen, rilnlnt room, three WE NEED — Five or III, 2-3 bedroom In Chapter 30 "Traffic Act", Arti- marie by Karl K. Eastmasd. Collector unfurnished for rent. Come In and talk Hwy. 35, Mlddletown 747-5600 Large pitlo, trees and a, dock for your homes, furnished or unfurnished, from it over with tu. THE DOWSTRA bed room a. Large paneled den hat slid- boat, swimmlns or flihlni. Many ex- cle % Fifteen HS> Minute Parking of Taxes for the Township of Middle- Ing doors that Itari to patio surround1' S85 to 1175 per month for Incoming 'Zones", flection 0. lU. fl. Post Of- town In the County of Hoomouth, t AGENCY >1 I. Front St.. Red Bank. $665 DOWN tras. Asking *2»,500. W« also h»ve «rsonnel. THE BERO AGENCY. Rt. PARKVIEW 741-8700. Ing your own swimming pool.' Work otter waterfront listings. fice). i municipal corporation, which certlficsts shop, utility ronm. Attached garage. Four bedrooms, 23" living room. For- 35 Hlddletown. 671-1000. Its to (175 Per Month Convenient location. Asking S25-500. mal dining room. Plus den, basement, garage. Call for appointment FHA STERLING THOMPSON OPEN LISTINGS AT MADISON THE BERG AGENCY ~ [ndepenrlant broker desires open lift- "" ' Overlooking 1,000 Acrt Mlddleujwn to Qualified buyer. AND ASSOCIATES REALTORS on residential properties. ' ' ' Ch«fflequake Park 171-1000 HALL BROS., Realtors Hwy. 3d, Mlddletown 747-M 813 River Rri. Pair Haven' 741-7688 CROWELL AGENCY LINCROFT AM0CIATX8, INC. FOUR- and FIVE- RENTALS - SEASONAL - YEARLY Member Multiple Listing Service SAVE Irultlete hours of searching by 06 Hwy. 5 Middletowi that mare than two yean have elapsed ELLA WILTSHIRE, Realtors Section 6. On the eaat and went REALTORS sending for our freei comprehensive (Opposite TWO GUYB) alnce the nale of the laid land! to ROOM APARTMENTS 1480 Ocesn Ave.. Sea Bright 8420004 Red Bank a Idea of Maple Avenue beginning G. I. NO $ DOWN S3 Riverside Ave. catalog; modeat homes; palatial Rum- 8T1-5333 at West Bergen Place ami run* the plaintiff and said landi have not from $118 WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS — 741(030 son eatatea, waterfront!, (arms. Multiple Evenings 741-0162 nlng thence northerly to the north- leen redeemed flrom said tux lale: Furnished and unfurnlihed. lmmedt- OTHERS $400 DOWN LAKEWOOD FREEHOLD AREA-Four listings. erly curb line at th« Shrewsbury that plaintiff has produced before thla IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY SELL DIRECT!! Court an affidavit by the Tax Col* With Individual controlled occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHER .pprnximately |105 per month for this bedroom split level, newly decorated, RAY STILLMAN, R.altor _jt me assume your mortgage. Psy. River. AGENCY. Oceanport Ave,, Oceanport SECTION 7. Thla Ordinance thall lector of Mlddletown Townahlp thaw- hree-bedroom home on fenced-ln corner 14 batha, garage, recreation room. "Our 4ith Tear" menta up to SIM. Send nsme and ad' ing that there it due on said tax aale CENTRAL M2-3M0. at, with large kitchen, full dining room, Only 9830 flown to qualified buyer. Mo «W Hwy. 36 ghrswabury Ul-MOO dress to "B.B.", Box 520, Red Bank. lake effeet upon Its paisage and pub- lication according to law. certificate and for subsequent taxes urn?ment. coty gas heaL Full price closing cost. Full price 116,950. and interest, the aum of $492.41. to AIR-CONDITIONING RIVERFRONT — LINCROFT — Three PUBLIC NOTICE bedioom ranch. Wooded dead-end. Euy ilO.MO. Csll now. Subject to F.H.A. July 19, 1966, DMCnONS. Garden Sttte Parkw»y ind V.A. approval. Weisgold & Krupnick, Inc. ASSUMPTION EGAL NOTICE Tlie foregoing Ordinance wan Intro- norm to EXIT 120. left to apts. Mod- immuting. Lease ?200 month. 747-0511 duced and paaaed firat na-dlnf at a It is. nn thi« Oth Vlay of August 19M, >/i% G. I. MORTGAGE ORDERED and ADJUTWED, thlt th» el phone 566-41M. Open dally and LEO"8 PARISH—Three-bedroom, BRITE REALTY, Broker Broken regular meeting of the Mayor and Sunday. Ellht-room, four-bedroom ipllt level. B1IH RECR1VED Council of the Borough of Red Bank amount required to redeem the prem wn-bath ranch home. Recreation room, Inf.* frr.m the tai aale !• X492.ll, Exclusive Rental Agent ittached garage. 1225 per month. Call <1'3«36 2S4-066S MANY OTHERS Immediate occupancy. Call 871-1178. COUNTY OF MONMOUTH held on Monday, Augutt 13, IM6, and JACOBSON, GOLPFAItB 4 TANZMAN 2215 Hw7. II Lakewond 363-301 STATE OF NEW JERSEY will come up lor final consideration which Incliidpn the amount due on the 4424444 >ercre 8:30 a.m. or after 7 p.m. 542. COUNTRY SETTING — ONE ACRE. ax wale certificate, inttreat and tub- 1130. LITTLE SILVER White mil fence, treei and excellent NOTICE IS HEREBY Q1VEN that and passage at a regular meeting of TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT — HOLMDEL sealed, bMs will be received by tha uld governing body to bt held lequtnt taxei, together with Interest TWO. THREE. AND FOUR-BEDROOM COLONIAL landscaping provide privacy for thin in naM sum from July Id, lfMK and Newly reflnlshed. $100. per month. 13 Fnur bedroom!, one bath, two hilf custom built center hall ranch home. Board of Chosen Freeholder! of tha Tuesday, September «, 1968, at 8:30 Huddy Ave. Highlands. 872-1B31. HOMES — In Red Bunk, Lone Branch Three-bedroom Colonial. 20x14' living County of Monmouth for the construc- P.M., at the Council Chamberi, In the together with the coali of thU iuH to haths, playroom. Excellent condition Row-bay window and fireplace in the 'e taxed. xrea. 5100 to (175 per month. room with formal fireplace, 13x14' din- Asking {28,900. Immediate posseislon. tion of the proposed Monmouth Coun- Municipal Building, 32 Monmouth KEt) BANK — Bruicn and Madison WALLACK REAL ESTATE 229- large living room, Also fireplace in the And It is further ORDfcRED that ing room with bty window, «at-la kitch- TV family room. Screened porch. Patio. ty Court House Addition and said bids Street, Red Bank, New Jersey, at Ayes.. sr".cious or*- snd two-bedroora which time and place MI peraons de the !Hh day of Beptember 19W, between f arden apartment, starting at S110. Ap-ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Cozy log en, den or third bedroom, 114 baths, MARSHALL P. WHITFIELD Formal dining room. Breakfast afpa will be opened in public at a regular .ellar. hreezeway, pallo. Located meeting of the tald Board to be- Held airing to be heard thereon will be the houra of terr o'clock fh the fore- ply Apt. 54. Molly Pitcher Village Court cahln. Living room with fireplace, Ef- HEAL ESTATE 9«-447: ir> the kltchrn. Many extrai - refrigera- noon and three o'clock In the after- or call Mr Sam Lomaxzo. 741-tlU. ficiency kitchen, dining area, three bed- beautifully landscaped lot with 2WV tor, dishwasher, washer and dryer, at the meeting room of Hid Board at liven full opportunity. SO. HOLM DEL RD., HOLM DEL, N. J Datnt: Auguat 15, ltt«. noon, prevailing time, at the Office rooms, two baths, porch with ocean •hadM backyard. As sum a hip i\% broadioom: CALL TODAY! ftEE THIS the Hall of Records ID. the Borough of irtgags. Principles only. S25.&00. 741- TAKE A LOOK at 17 Willow St., Port of the Tax Collector of th* Townahlp TERRACE APARTMENTS — Two-bed- view. Furnished, $125. Leaie until June OUTSTANDING HOME! ASKINQ $36, Freehold, County of Monmouth, on JOHN BRYAN **onm apartments. Second floor. Adulta 5035. Monmouth, If you'd like to buy it for Tuesday, September M, IBM at 2:00 of Mlddletown, Middle town. New Jer- 30th. OOO. Early poiBCBHlon.' STANLEY K. Borough Clerk i«y, be and the aame la hereby flxe'l only. Available August 1. 741-4850 »30 down, ?W a month, on a 30-year. DOWNS, REALTOR, 8hrewabury. T41- Aug. lg jn.gs 6% basis, with no closing costs, call a* the time and plac*j for. the re- LONG BRANCH — Four large roomi MIUDLETOWN — Estate area. Live $7,450 1017. fieparalft bldi will bt receive*! lor demption of aald premUes when and us. We have the key—It hai four bed each of the following: NOTICE Convenient to transportation arAi shop- king. Living room with (I re- KEANBBURG — All-year, two- roomi and will be repaired. 111,000, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the where the defendant! shall piy lo th* l 531R0R5 Exquisite barroom. Two be it- fnomi and bath. No legal fee. Only TWO—BEDROOM CO-OPERATIVE Contract No. 1—General Construction plaintiff the tald amount* wq ill red to. Contract Ho. I—structural Steel, Mis- Colta Neck Board of Adjuatmtnt did nmi, two hat tin. Patio. Share swim- $400 down; move in. Phone 787*7526. FINLAY AGENCY APARTMENT — WOO down, 177 on July 30, 1008 grant to Mawal Con* redeem the premised, and-ithat ther THREE ROOMS — Unfurnished. Heat, I). L. Bellezza. Realty. month. September tjecupancy. Call M2- cellaneous and Ornamental MttaJi upon any defendant who rtWRJJ'shall Dot water supplied. Call ming pool. Unfurnlihed, $310 monthly. itructlon Co. * variance from tht Must have yearly lease. S72-01OO 4731. Contract No. 3—Plumbing and all erraa of the Ordinance! of the Town- he entitled to possession of i|ld lands 671-»85 MIDDLETOWN — Seven'room, split- kindred Work ahlp of Colti Neck In the following anid premisepremises and the certRHata of tax level three-bedrooms, living room, Uln- RETIREMENT HOME APPLEBROOK RANCH — Three bed Contract No. *—Heating, Ventilating -•- ^- ndoraed ior tju^l^tlon or RED BANK — 3'4 rooms. Air condi- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Scenic Dr. in* room and kitchen, Rfcreatlon room. rooms, two•bath^ llvln* room, fire matters: tie Hiily ei tioned. Across from high school, mill- Ideal home for business couple In quiet and Air Conditioning Beautiful, eight year old, unfurnlihed Attnehed garngt. For particulars, call place, dining room, basement-recrea- 1. Permlailon to •ubdlvMe land Into asaignment. ties Included. S125 per month. 741-2233. home. Living mom with fireplace. Thre residential area. Home In immaculate Contract No. 6—Electrical ota having a minimum area of 40,- 711-84BS ar all shopping centersi. tion room. Tree*. By owner. <71-M81. Contract No. 6-iLandicapinf And It la further ORDIRKD and hdofimn, three bath*. Electric kitchen, condition. Excellent bed roomi. Nice eat- 100 iquirc fait with minimum front- ADJUDGED that In default of Mid SITTON PARK APARTMENTS - MIDDLETOWK - J13.990. Beautiful In kitchen. One-car garage. No prob- RED BANK — Two ilory. Uvlni room, Contract No. 7—Elevators Branch Ave., Red Bank. Unfurnished family room. Terrace. Two-car garage. age antd width requtrtminti ot 300 defendants payinig to the plaintiff the 1250. Year's least required. ranch. City sewprs. Flrsl deposit takes lem on mortgage. Asking $13,000. Call fireplace beamed celllnf ID dining and Complete specification* and plans In feet. three-room apartment available Sept. kitchen. Three bedrooms, tilt bath. eluding a copy ot tht atandard pro- : said sums, interersi t and eoati aa afore* this nice rancher. Large, apacloua 8NTDER AGENCY, REALTORS, Ml 2. PermUalon to utlllu overhead 1. Heat, cooking raa furnteheU. Be Gameroom tn buement Immaculate posal form and form of -bid, are on said, at the time and placa aforeaatd, BEACON BEArH - Five-bedroom rooms with paneled living rnnm, ce- 0903 or 871-23M. utllltlei. the laid defendant* atand absolutely Manager. Apt. 1S7C. imlc tiled hath and gas hot water condition. $22,900. SCHANCK AGENCY, Ml* with the architect of the Board home suitable for group of teachen if Chocen Freeholders, James W. Man- Aug. 18 $ debarred and foreclosed of tiA) from TWIN GABLES — 36 Riverside Are., 1250 monthly. Nicely furntihed an basehosrd heat. REALTOR. 8 Linden PI,, Red Bar*. all right and equity of redemption of, Red Bank on river. Threa and foul THE BERO AGENCY, Realtor cuio, at hli office at « West End NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS •pallets. Lease until June 30th. FIRST HOMB OPPORTUNITY 747-O3W. Court, Went End, Long Branch, New In and to the aald lands and premises rotms unfurnished. 741-23W. Vets No Down NOT Vets M5O Notice Is hereby given that sealed and every part thereof, and that tha Rt. ii Mlddletwon (71-1000 EARLY AMERICAN COLONIAL — In Jeney, and coplea of the umi may ball will be received by the Borough BELFORD — Four rooms and bath, F. A. GEHLHAUS This lovely three bedroom, bain ranch choice Fmlr Haven location. Four-bed be receiv«M by -prospective bidders of Red Bank for maintenance and re* ilalntlff have an absolute and Inde- L'nfurnlshei Call roomi, two-be-lh*. Attractive den. Wide upon application to the said architect pair materials In the Borough of Red f•aslble estate of Inheritance In fee 7R7-1S73. Real .Estate INCOMI PROPERTY on attractive Mlddletown location with boirM floori. Detached, two-car garage One set ot documents may be ob- Bank In the County ot Mbnmouth with ilmple In aald tends and tireralsea. Hwy. 3d • Leonardn And It la further ORDKRID that a FOUR LARGE ROOMS — And bath with loft. Unusually large plot with tained from the architect by deposit an estimated amount of 14,857 «Y Slur- (Next to Blue * White Bus Terminal) This Is part of an estate, to fat broken 100x300' lot can be purchased right t».6O0. BRweell Ing 1100. with him for. such Ht o ry seal consisting of M .tons of aggre- copy of this Order. or not|cs thereof, All utlllUei aupplled. I&5. Third floo lovely trees. Asking he aerveW on the defendants whose ad- 2914085. M. Borut ReaUora, 900' River Rd. document*. Tht amount of 1100. will gate and 2.33Q gallons emulslried as. 291-0488 90% financing with no "points" avail- phalt and 2.0M 8¥ of 1\" overlay con- dresses are known by mailing to each up. Up and down two-family home, Fair Haven. 7473632. Member Multiple ' refunded to contractors who return of them such copy or notice, not later KEANSBURG — rnfuroiitied three- 24-Hour Telephone Service Lilting Service^ ^^ the document* in good condition within sisting of 221 tons of MA-BC-1 and roam- aprtment. 170 a month. Heat able on thia lilting to a qualified buy- bids will be opened and read In public than ten days prior to the date fixed good location, very convenient to down- ten dayt after the opening of the bldi for redemption by Uili Order; and hot water irftluritd. Call 787-7096. RED BANK — New half duplex. Two ALWAYS DESIRED - SELDOM Con tractors desiring mort than one te at thr Municipal Bullttlng, 31 Mon* And It Is further ORDERED that If bedrooms, V$ baths, living room, kltch town Red Bank. Four rooms and bath er. Asking $18,900. Call Dow. THE AVAILABLE! Modern Claiilc Colonial ihall pay $100 per additional set. Thli mouth Street, Red Bank. N. J. on RED BANK — Unfurnished raurroom en and kitchenette. Dryer In cellar. home • In perfect condition. Center amount, (or additional s«U, la aat September «, 1M| at f.:30 P.M. the addretses ol any of tha defendants •piffrtment, convenient to transporta- Rearly by Sept. 1, Nice residential DOWSTRA AGENCY, SI X. Front St., hall. 23' lMng room. Formal dlnlr.f refundable. Refunds will aot be madt are unknown, a copy of this Order, tion. "Call before 8:30 a.m. or after 7 down, three roomi and bath up. Priced room. Ultra kitchen. Family room. JOHOHN BRYANBRYAN, >r a notloe or this Onter* directed to neighborhood. Call 741-4427. to hon-toldders. BBorough h ClerCl k p.m.. 3*2.0130. Red Bank. 741-8700. Powder room Four large bedroomi Aug. II M.37 njch defendant* shall bn published In KEANSBURG — Available now, six for rapid turnover, 116,000. Make of- wonderful closet apace. Tiled bath. Bldi muat be made on standard pro* he RKD BANK REOISTW.1**. ntwi- UNION BEACH ~ Lovely four-room posal forms tn the manner designated room iinfumlRhed house, 152 TwillRM Muiter bedroom 12'x32' with half bath. NOTICE paper, at least once, MA Irs* than aptrtmant. Available Sept. 1. Ruilr/ess Ave., Rent 106 ptui utilities. 707-7231 THE DOWSTRA AQBNCY, 91 B. Full baiement - play area. Attached herein and M required by tht ti>eol- ten days prior to the Ml* fttad for couple preferred. Call 264-142fi. WANT TO SELL OR BUY. Homes, flcatlona must be enclosed In aealed AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SMALL COTTAGE FOR RENT — Sul Und, Waterfront. JEAN K. IRWIN garage. Baieboard hot Water heat. SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 4 OF redemption by this OrderT ' Front St., Red Bank. T41-B7O0. Over half an acie - treei - fine lan envelope! hearing the name and ad- FIVE ROOMS - Heal, hot water, mod- able for couple. George Vernell, Lovel BROKER, "On the Naveilnk River, dress of the binder, designating the TUB ORDINANCE KNOWN BY ITB And It Is further ORDKB-tfl* that a caplng. Patio. Convenient for com v •rp bath ami kitchen. Immediate oc- Rd.. Phaliinx. 741-4143. Red Bank." M2-418*. Evening! 747-11M. jcaplng. Pat name of th§ work on the outalde, ad- SHOR•>*.»V1VT* FORr \^JT^aM« TITLA14 WJEV ABS "REfVA-* j cop^ f«Ty o*•'•f thiwi'nn Orde\^aiiu;ar ba/ec dfuvertUTlaVvaiadu tIJoJ thUitea cupancy. $150, Hudion Ave., West t . 22.0OO0 . b%b% perr cencn t mortgagmgge SEA BRIOHT WINTER RENTAL — UTTLE SILVER — By owner. Air HOMES — FARMS — ACREAGE muter. K22.0OO. dreesett to the Board of Chosen Fret- VI8BD ORIHNANOBS OF 1W1," Tax Collector of the Townsblp of Mid- Kltnsburg. 787-778*. rondititmeti three-bedroom ranch, Liv- availableilbl . IMIMPOSSIBLP IBLE TO DUPLDUPLII- holders and mult be accompanied by ADOPTED JUNK 5. ltNl. Five rooms. Call between 7 and New lilt mann'y good buys - Call LAM BE IT ORDAINED hy ,)he Mayoff dletown and that lakt US eeHector EA8T KEANBBL'RG — Four room* 842*1706. ing room with fireplace, dining room, FREEHOLD CATE AT *27,M0. STANLEY K. certified check drawn to the order SON, INC.. REALTORS, DOWNS, REALTOR, Shrewsbury. 741 and Council of the Borough of Red certify to this Court wttether th« and bath, $R5. Supply own heat. Avail- kitchen, bath, basement, porch and of the County Treasurer for not less premises were nr were not redeemed HAZLET — Three-bedroom home. N. 1017. than 10 per cent of the amount birt Bank that Chapter 4 of the above- able Bept 1. Call 4K.-MBS. _ attached garag* on % acre corner lot. from the plaintiff's tax sals eertlficati utllillfd. Available September 1 $150 Mi>ar schools, shopping and buses. RED BANK — Colonial. Three bed- but not to exceed $20,000. Bid Bond entitled ordinance be and the samt li TWO—ROOM FURNISHED APART- 7B7-16B2. iTSbOO Call 741-4369. Principals only. room*, m toathg. Living room, fire- SUMMER COTTAGE — Four rooms will not he accepted In lieu ot certl- hereby amended and supplemented- as In accordance with the terms of this MBNT — Couple preferred. 21» Mon- place, dining room, Sunporch. TWO-CM and porch. Hot water. Near beexh and led check. follows: FRANK J. GfIILD mouth St., Red Bank. Dli\l- — Furnished house, aevei INCOME RIVERFRONT — Three hous- bluer 201-1791. 8BCT10N 1. Chapter 4, Appointive rooms, three bedrooms, 2'i baths. La garage. 741-4598. 20 Buena Ave. The lowest bidder, U awarded tha fi. three acres. 124 Leonard Ave., FAIR HAVEN — Excellent school*, Officer anrl Employees, "Article 1, Respectfully Advised FUHNMHBD APARTMENT-Very nice bor Day to June., 9140. Call Baturrla' Oceanporl. MM0 hi come plus vacant MARLBORO — Country living, One- contract, must furnish a bond In thi "Oompenaatlon", Section I Is hereby SSaul l TiachleTlhl r and clean. Modern kitchen. All private. and Sunday a.m. and evening. 631-0517 line community. Mansard Colonial with amount of the contract price aa pro- Stanley Masta : waterfront land, approximate 700* road acre wooded lot. Gold Medallion home. four large bed room a, parlor, game- amended and supplemented to provide »y Herbert 8t., Red Bank. frontage. 119,500. Call 7I1-22H. Four bedrooms, 2',4 baths. Dining room, IdeU by statute for the faithful per- for the salary or Patrolman Grade I hereby certify that thft Joragotng ONE 3-bedroom rental at $125 per mo room. Bath pint lavatory. Large tree- formance of all tht provisions of the One 3-bedroom rental at- VIM per mo living room. FlrKihed recreation room. shaded lot. An opportunity at $15,000. 1, 1 Tear's service, aa follows: ef- a true copy of th* original on flta ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Two apart- WATERFRONT — Older ranch. Four Laundry room, flcreened-lo porch. Two- specifications and contract relating to fective retroactively to May 1st, 1M6 i my office. ments. LEONARDO — Two apartments. One 3-bedroom rental at 1225 per mo bedroom*. Huge p«neled living-dining Russell M. Borua Realtors, 600 Rive tht construction of the work, said bond BEACH AGENCY car garage. Steel-beam construction. Rd., Fair Haven. 747-4532, Membei Patrolman— MORTIMER a. NEWMAN, JR. Hints from 190 to $120, unfurnished. room. Large kitchen. Utility room. Paneled kitchen with dlfhwasher. $29, to be furnished at the time of the xl_ Grade 1, 1 Years Service—$8,200.00 Clerk Plenty of cloieti and utoraite. Two Multiple Listing Service. M0. 46273« ng of the contract The bid must be SECTION 2. This ordinance shall Aug. M F. A. SEHLHAUS FOR RENT IN UNION BKACH — Foil! screened porchrn. Garage. High and TREMENDOUS VALUE! Luxury rand accompanied by a certificate from dry acre in quiet, cxclunlve area. take effect upon its passage and pub- rooms snd- bath. Available Sept. BEAUTIFUL THREE —BEDROOM home on landscaped acre. Spacious responsible surety company authorized lication according to law. Real Eitali School bus stop* Kt dnor. Deep water SPLIT LEVEL HOME LINCROFT ~ to do buainesx in the State of F Hwy. 38 Leonard, Dial &66-B732 after «;30 p.m. foyer. Large living ronm wllh fire- PUBLIC NOTICE for boatmsrA $42,500. Financing avail- Enclosed patio and built-in swimming place. Formal dining room. Paneled Jersey, which certificate shall be prop- (Next to Blue * White Bui Terminal) FOUR-BEDROOM EXECUTIVE - able. Principal* only. 22S-3SfM). The foregoing Ordinance was Intro- pool. Near Garden State Parkway, TV family room. Elictrlc kitchen, rllnh rly executed by an executive office duced and pasned first reading at a HOME — 2'i hatlta. Den with llreplac shopping center, schools. Eves, after wanh*r, break fant area. Four twlr of said company authorized for tha 291-0488 Two-car attached garage. One-aci THREE—BEDROOM RANCH — TWO regular meeting of the Mayor and car garage. Convenient location, Un- S p.m. and Sun. all day. 747-4276. btdrmmi. two tilfd bulhft. Two-cm purpose, which said certificate shall Council of Ihe Borough of Red Bank 24-Hour Telephone Service land. Ocean Twp. schools. $250 a mont state that the surety company w croft. M2-42S7. Owner. PORT MONMOUTH — Four-room Cap. garage. Many extra*. Owner trann hell on Monday, August IB. 1968. and Lease or lease with option. Large a ferred - early poMtimlon. EXCEPTION- •ovlde the bidder with th» bond abo' Wt*T END—LONG BRANCH — Two- sumable b\ per cent mortgage. Ca Cod. Washer, dryer, aluminum combi- will come up for final consideration btdroora attractively furniihed apart- AL AT $34,000. CALL FOR APPOINT- mentioned In tha amount of the con- and passage at a regular meeting of 531-2783. DOCTORS, BU8INEMMEN, nations. Beach and water rights. 112,500 tract price U the contract li awarded menL. Tiled bath. Convenient shopping, 787-2929. MENT! STANLEY K. DOWNS, REAL- said governing body to b» held on bus. Available Sept. 1. 222-7449. FIVE—ROOM HOUSE — WHh fire- TOR, Shrewatniry. 741-1017. to aald bidder. Tueaday, September 8, 1&66, at 1:30 place. 114 Burlington1 Ave.. Leonardo. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE UTTLE SILVER RANCH — —ThrM The naid bid together with the rer P.M.. at thi. Council Chambers, In PORT MONMOUTH ^ Three-room MIDDLETOWN ICIOHT-ROOM BPL1T lltled cherfc and certificate from thi AH day Sunday or for appointment csll bedrooms, dining area. Basement with l the Municipal Building, 32 Monmouth apartmint. Private. |66. Heat not in- DE 4-6441. J\ Excelltnlly located Red Bank older gameroom. Attached garage, Tall oak • - 1 h hathn, threr bedrooms, den or mi rely company an above provided, Street, Red Bank, New Jersey, at led. 787-721S. fourth bedroom. Recreation room. Liv- until be deliverer! at the place and i trees. Low taXes. $ll,M0. SCHANCK 1 which time and place all persons de- RED BANK Bungalow, two-bed- horn* wilh offices. Large.. living room AGENCY. REALTOR. I Linden PI., ing room. Ulnlng ronm. nrtmge, O the hour above mentioned. siring to bt heard thereon will be FOR'RENT — Apartment. Three rooms room«i. Good neighborhood. *1I5 prr over half sere. For |12,500. Csll afte Right In reserved to reject any ar and bath. VnTurnlslif-i. 6 Brpinjc St. Rfd Bank. 7.7-0397. given full opportunity. month. Country home, ilx room*. |1« with fireplace, dining room, tiled kitch- »:30. 671-2716. nil hid.* If .leemrU to Ih* Interest. Dated: Augtitt 1,1, lfWJ. Red Bank. Water and heat supplied..-.. mn-(h AGENCY, FREEHOLD — Looking for Ihli" Eight- the. Board of ChoMn Freeholder* Not over Iwo adult.. Call 6 ,m. or!^ ?g" th- room Dutch Colonial with built-in YOU WILL nK DKI.inHTET) JOHN BRYAN alter. 747-193.',. AL R Red Bank. en with pantry. Second floor, four thin charming home. T>fcornted ie County of Monmouth lo do Borough of Red Rank ami or Re it Bunk, 741-8700. COLTB NECK AREA IN MARLBORO 741-1017. Adi, too?" Kutt Kara*!*. Hot-water banelrniirri heat, Notice Is hereby given that sesle, uigunl 15, 1968 wsa finally adopter, EVERYONE "WEl^OMB ~ Ittnf Four-yrarntd nparloiia hl-lpvrl on nd approved. file ID cfmimiitrv linen, church en. c«rnt*r wooded Bcre 2260 nq. ft. living COLO'NIMT^- RBI) HANK ,l-i will I,- rfCPlvHI l»y th» Rnrmii.ll Brsnch, tliree rnoms. batti. unfurnished. , c. DANIEL J. O'11 BUN All utllillps suppHeri. •J22-flfl6l, 222-ID20. •ihopping renten HOLM11EI, VILLAGE — Ellht rnnm ipace, ATI electric., 1CM ttiitn 1*1)0 Lnrgn lot Rfl'JtlHO'. city newer*, r It of Red Rank for thf surface trentmenl HOUSES FOR SALE Mi-Mi until R *.lfl per month. Csll hl-ltu-el 11, halhs. 7 full bat It*, ClV, wnter, low tnxen; nix roomn pins hm" t>f HrldKP Avt-nii* In the Bormigli n Acting Mayo Wlndlnl Bronk year, flar Thrpi itte.it; FOUR—ROOM FIRNlSli»iT)~Ar7nT^ Way. 1 Innperl, rail D4MC..9. kitchen, four nw, living ro mpnt game room, wide front porrl rtrd Rank In the (bounty of Mon WENT — Ons heat. Available Beptem- Rath Unfur- Large tre»n. In fine area. AH ron mouth with a litliimlnous ronorrt* tyr, John Bryin IIAZLET - 117,1106. nnrieoim upllt. [lining mom. recreation nnim, utility oer 1. II Main 81., Keansbura.. nished. Can be irfn now. a valla tile *2I»,,V)0. Owner, 4B2..WM. venlencen within walking distance. (MA-BC-ll surface liren ft exIM ri-tn 8f pt. 15. A.lnltn iirrfprrcd. T41-3M6. Urge family room. Lively snllt l«vet price of *22.flOn. WALKER A WALKER fnrrprl concrrif foundation, p-.tlrr.at- .ui. 11 14 3 PICK In on** of mir finest ire-.ii. Extra large i •-• 'mree-tiedronrn split Realtor*, Hwy. It, Khrnwibury. 741 UTT7.F, im,VER~~ nVnlnTr'nv^fVahli. OAK amount of bituminous concrete lypi APARTMENTS Int. Three mauler Mre bedroom*. Mod- Pool, putto tall trrm. Applinnrrn. car M12. 24-IIour Bervlce. (MA-nO-ll surface psvpmrnl rennln RIGHT HOME rtftrr Lnti Day. Fu ern kltrhrn. Aluminum combination pcHnp: Hy owner. $14,000. «7IO0fifl, HOUSES FOR SALE jiiii.1 a mim In p opp.n< th l.AWrtF.NTF. Mnrrna and * PA Ilk LIKE OROUNPH — Immaci In puhllc at the Munlcipl SCIIII.I.INr: nf»Mnr Willow Dr. KOUH REDROOHS - t2fl,000. Ruy or Veti No howt/ Non Vet* 1700 Inte Litlle Oliver rer.ier hall ilx-room miming, ^2 Monmouth fltreet, Re THROUGH RED BANK d ParUr Ave.. Littl Oliver. 747-4J2J. nnlen ron tract. No mortgnge ntedf-rl ranch with bufiemrnt. On pretty tree THE BEMa AGENCY Lnw down imympnt. fM Fair jlaven ltd. lank. N. J., on September a, 1OM a Cannon Point Village JMW nt. Xi Hizlft Mi-RWO •triaded nide Mtreet. Three bed momH, OCIANPOKT I.'nlr Haven, PA 1-OM.I. two tiled bnthd. Large rear «crcen»r! :30 P.M. A BRAND NEW f.MtKKNKrt'H IHIHAM JOHN BIIYAN. Owntr sutMenly tromferred. Must COMMERCIAL RENTALS FA1U HAVEN -• Two bedr'oomi., ga porrh. Two-car garftgf. Anklng S2B.000. Bornugh Clerk sacritic* well-maintained HuM-bed- GARDEN APARTMENTS ONK LOOK TKU.N Yoi: Till* ELWOOf'J A ARMBTHONO AOKNC'Y, fl rage, full bnneturnt. Nlr« neighbor ug. is room split level. Large family room, Jjjjj1*"1 lhflr 1")I"r Mntiktirpil nhrulm, [traitor ^5 ITo-nirrt Ave,, Ultlf flll- REALTOR Studio and Ono-Bedroom hniHl. JIV MH». ("nil 741-210R. living room, dining area. Modern Air Cotidilloned • Ideally Loeofed iiml Hii- hnn TKANHKKHItEO OWNER MUST HKLI kitchen, VA balhs, tiill.bostmtnt, plus FROM 1W tli, npllt U-\r HOUSES FOR SALE MORE LISTINGS SHOWN 1 Only 10% down. Four l-niniom ('olonin ]MMA(M'LATK <;O|,'O'NTA~L - VtiVr^n- expansion ottlc tor 2 mort Ixdfoomi, See Renlol Agfnl OFFICE lull hiiiniU'Dt, llh forinnl illiiUiK room, clircry kldh Ing fourbeilri)om home on nicely I unit- Many other ttwite features such 01 J» Sprlno St. loilny for ni'l" n, 12x22' living room, paneled rpcrra, ficitlifd ()liH. l_nrge living room, dining combination aluminum ^torm ond MORE LISTINGS SOLD line olf'-rlntf tfun room, city ncwerir, full banemnnt ronm, npnrlouri kitchen with family PRIVACY icrtcn windows and doors. Profti- KY ItKALTV SPACE Kill or V.A. available. Priced for n roiim, 2'i bntba, two-ritr garage. Full Folks, h«n It a oood buy rltfht rlonolly lorwitcoped orounds* with hnaement with tilei Floor. Hot water H.H.HK «.'.'. MALK IN UK!) HANK - i|iil< k nnle nt llT.fHH). WALKKIl A under your noit! Mot fust a houtt, beoutllul shrubs ond treei. BAYHAVEN Modern Offlrrg jitit fomi-iited. On- Mmli'iri WALK Kit, Ilr-nllom, Middlrtownllolin Heat. PrlcM to sell it |27,WMt. HBD- but a honi*. Sfe«p In ttiit spacious tnl JU-1 Hunk Itmlntii Muriel. Mrnl fo rlfl. Multiple LlntliiKPi mid Trade-lni ItKN AHKNCY. Iteallon. 301 Maple three-bedroom, ont acre rant*, with Ashliig $22,500 irl-l or H.'iid for rntnlog. 671-3111. Ave. form-r Itergfn PI., Hed ftm.it. APARTMENTS 741-DKM). (wo tilf barhi. In tht morning, jump Tor immediate Salt. • Ontrnl Air Conditioning ID 30K40 swlmminff pool. Enjoy brtak- 2S Ocfan Blvd. - Atli • flelf Servlrfl Klovntor PAII1, K. JTI'HVKIIt. Realtor. Farma Ipaclous, All rlfM:(rl Til(":KEI> "AWAY —~Charmlnii""cape fatt on private pallo wIKi trttt, trtes, • Prl.'atn 1'nrkinf flpact SAMUEL TEICHER lt Urll and farm eatatfa. 8t«t» Highwaf 14, with real coiinlry atmoiphere. Huge tree). Cook In all elictrlc kltchtn. • H#nt Jtrn«nn»blt 741-MttI, l«m2IM>' lot wltti tree* and •hruhi. Have tundi In a formal din 109 room. • int|.«rt and Compare llolmfiel. fe'hona 146 4Hi. parking. Family room, 'c: •wfifnmliy Ing mom with fireplace. «il-ln kltrh- snuogit up to d roinonffc fireplace In AGENCY ' Thru Th* Rid Bank Ar»» pine paneled 12x15' ritn. Two bed- ageg , laiinriiyy. 9i:,Ofi2i ntlily. rH.-i.i.g ff. winter, twvt a borberui on moon- Indapandont listing Brokan C()I^)NIAL -' UKfATKiriN mi with mom for two more. Wane- rilled patio. Nwr churttiM. ichools. l.cait. No |>(iti. »l CO I Sptclnllsls !lnrt t«t In: Multiple Lilting Strvica ni, Wayilde Vlllaie. Main floor fam- ment, gamg*, itnrm *aih. Hn*l he transportation nnd tnopplng. Mony 747-1100 NORTH LONG nilANf'll Two t KaolIstaFt - Proptrly Monoolmsnl ily mom wltii flreplace, formal see-n. Asking 117,000. Cloilng coata In- •xtrai, OIM we, Come all. ^rlng H. H. BOWTELL, Own«f lly house Tdree beitrnitms de itig room. Four king ili« bcdrti cluded. Subject to VA and i"HA ap Mortoaott Saa Pagu 23S In. tha 54 Broad St. K.d Bank stairs, flrsplsca In living room. Full your dtpoilt. Only t?1,000 Can M- M7 Oc«on(H>rl Avr, OnonfMrt 2 • j batha. Om-acra land. -•1. THB KIRWAN CO, REAL- wmi moftpojt. Call fbhUQJW Y.ll<~ Pa«*a. . 291-2100 cellar. Apartment upitfclr*. Asking tin L4trgt aistimatala f JuncUen, B*Uord- M>-90ln MO. Csll 3.2«T1».. i. Call UI-3TU. '1 ngs Bob Hope Started Out THE DAILY REGISTER Thunday, August 18,1966-29 With Radio Roulette THURSDAY 7-Gtmroi HMpltai By BOB HOPE APTeRNOOM -Mno-Mtm Wlngott Started in 1IM 11—Sutponw ffnattr—Drama Maritn OMws HOLLYWOOD — When I ac- radio U:W 11—InttnwNonal Intervtow Nlw-ChlMrw Anyway, I started in _ _. j 01 Ufl—Sorlol I:M cepted s few guest spots on ith NBC in 1938, and 12 years 4—Jtcporty—Gon»—Color I—film FMturt t-Mtwt 47—OlK-O-TMft—ZadMrfey Rudy Vallee'i radio show in the later, a little thing called tele- ^ ^^*lvoffl0tr Roofr^^iiiloren 1:11 «ll „ J-tww lUll Comody l-Now-Oougm EdMrdt II—Ueol Nms-Jahn Tlllmn IM'», I had no idea that 30 vision came into my life. I y«tn later I'd still be calling made the orthicon tube scene for IMS l-Edgt Of Nlfht-Strlol «-rog Don't toyl-Omni Color NBC my home away from home the first time in the spring of 1I:M S-Soupy Sal«-CamMy on "Bob Hope Presents The 1950. That show was done from t—Swan Ptr Tomorrow 7-Nurm-S»rloi 4—Swlndn' Country—Wullc—Color 11—Sno—Oartooni—Color Chrysler Theatre." he roof of the New Amsterdam 7—FltMr Knmt >Mt 31-Swodi* Scmt Actually, I came out to Holly- (heater on 42d Street, a few U:« *M o-Klngdtm I wood to g«t into pictures with blocks from where I'd started on J—GuUlnj Uoht-Stnol *-S»cnt Itarm—Strrtl Il—Juoorman—AMfrturt II—M«* And My«r—Corotdy 4-Mot* 6ww-C»lor U-Tum M Th. CMIury "The Big Broadcast of 1938 Broadway. I1JI S-Chuck MeConn—Color II—Comoro is (which was made in 1937), which Television proved to be a great 4—Ntw«—Idwln Newmon 7—Dark Snadov»-4r»rly_ 11-KollarMwikl On Cnou ' OIHwi Wtbb-to mln. 31—Film Ftaturt really a turning point in my ca traiglit year. • S—Ntm 7-Wt»ro Ttii Action It In Apt. IK reer, and before you could say Of course, the high spots of l.'M •-AAlko Oouglat—Vorlrty J-Ai Tht World Turra 11-CloWh Mon-Corloon "Bing Crosby," I was playing my television seasons have al- ' *-ttf» Makt A DM-Colw ll-Pronk-inftrvltw 4-0anM Beono-A4vtnlure-Color radio roulette on a regular ba- ways been our Christmas tours, t—Film— Dente'i Inftntt— S-Hlan AoVwituro-Thomat color sis. (I call it "roulette" be- which enable me and my troupe nc Tr

strictly for young adults /(">•/ft ft .i from age 14 to 20 B/G It's TV's 2ND «r*is yEAR WINNER HULLABALOO SCENE ACADEMY AWARDS Open tonight with the original INCLUDING HULLABALOO DANCERS TVi PICTURE from the world famous HULLABALOO TV SHOW. Clay Cole will be your host PRODUCTION OF I for the great entertainment WHO'S HFRHID featuring

IMPORTANT CiCEPTION: I NO ONt UNDID 1« WILL I the "WINDJAMMERS" BC ADMITTED UNLESS I I ACCOMPANHD IV HIS PARENT.I From rhls day en It a place for you. At HULLABA- LOO. It's a night club for young adults that's really a groovy kind of fun. With your kind of music, your kind EXCLUSIVE NORTH of entertainment, your kind of socializing . . . and your scene JERSEY SHOWING kind of peopl* — young people only, from age 14 to 20. There are toft drlnlts, records, live bands, special big-name- at the "OAKS" stars and plenty of fun for everyone.. NOW • SB AT THE DRIVE-IN THEATRES.. Open 7—Start Dusk HVVY. 3S, MIDDLETOWN WIIKOAYS 2:30 . 4.IS - 7:30 - 10:00 GIANT FREE KIDDIE PLAYGROUNDS ADMISSION: ALWAYS 1.00 Ofwn Thurs., W. mid Sat. 7:45-11 p.m. M. A Sat. - 2:00.4:1 S-*:J«-». 11-11:1S CHILDREN UNDIR 12 (In Can) FREE THE DAILY REGISTER TkuraUy,AuputW, 1966—31 DAILY CROSSWORD PEANUTS By CHARLES M. SCHVLZ ACROSS Summer Sightseeing 1. Employ da A6 THE ESCAPlMe PILOT FLEES HE LEAPS ON THE •.Strut 7. Throw. cokttM ACROSS THE COUNTRYSIDE, HE 11 Prove •gain JT.BUght BBS SUWENIY5WBTHE AMMUNITION eN6INE£R.'THE TRAIN false S. Mimicked TRAIN HE Ute 6EMTTD DESTROY! 15 DERAILED/ LAND* ttxmm\ 60UHSH OR 12. Refund •.Walking mnnmissmi 13. Cereal •tick. carted, BOUTS R.Y.' 'Dating to 1664' husks 10. Ogle* u to S'JLJd HU3H 14. Setting 18.8uMdt 15. Relative 19. Negative theater 1«. Soft drinks 20. Australian •eat Is Area Claim 17. Pulls mammal SI. Firm luwu 21. Man's name 21. Vestment By MARGOT SMITH ported. The looms and carding 24. Baby shoes 22. Indian 35. Noblemen 40. Browns in ; MIDDLETOWN - Here is one equipment used to make them 28. Hawaiian weight 36. Young the sun • old lady that makes no secret of are displayed upstairs. tree 23.V«!ic«ky salmon 41. Church, ANDY CAPP By REG SMYTHE ; her age. 30. Brazilian •erpent 37. Fencing part The entire house has a "lived- palm 25. Feminine •word 42. Hastens Rather, she publicizes it, pie ," feeling that lacks only the 31. English noun 38. Volcanic 44. Cunning HEXflDJHAT NEW BAR-U I KNOW Aa ABOUT TwHAT t>|t> fER 'IM FOP HALF AN HOURT V-YOU.' i first." room office, giving daily instruc- of six *tRTHER. LAST NIGHT The people of Middletown tions to his farm workers. 36. Goddess of II a claim it as the earliest settle- volcanoes LATELY- Kings Hwy., in Middletown, l» M- ment in New Jersey by virtue oi maintains the 100-foot width sur- 39. Western state a claim recorded in Trenton b veyors had in mind when they IS Thomas Whitlock in 1664. Set 43. Armadillos laid it out in 1719. It was meant 45. Giraffe-Uka ' tiers came from Long Island 16 ft 2ft0 to connect Barnegat with Mon- animal V rc seeking religious freedom, mov tauk Point, L.I., to provide a 46. Spree % /AVA % % YA ing from the shore areas in- sort of 18th century superhigh 47. Thick u 21 2< 25 2b land. By 1067, 36 lots had been way. Vestiges in Long Island 48. Prepared % 2» 3O laid out on Kings Hwy. also still bear the original name 49. Worms » v IC 1»M. Tk. Ki> MM* I By 1684, two houses that stand Cornwallis, Clinton SI S// built in 1670 by an upstanding and Clinton met after the Battle Y/t 3. Architect's 4» 44 V/<4V/,S Quaker who had been granted of Monmouth, their men taking drawing 2,000 acres that embraced all of rest in fields on both sides of 4. Covered 4fe 41 WE'RE HAMNS A Sandy Hook and Portland Poin the highway, before continuing with bits BIS SENP-OFP (now Atlantic Highlands.) It is on to New York City. of thread *4 %4* BM?TY FOKGOOFVZ! •till occupied as a private home. The church, and its Shrews- (L Affirma- -TONISHT. tive The other, begun in 1684, was,bury sister, still benefit by in- for generations, the homestead come derived from land willed of the Tay|or family. Now knowi to them by William Leeds, said !*S',Mirlpit, Hall, it is open from to have been a lieutenant of Cap- 'Hi'a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday, tain Kidd, converted to righteous Thursday and Saturday, and ways by the first preacher at the Bridge Advice from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday. Middletown church. A monu- ! Maintained at Museum ment to Leeds stands in the > Maintained as a museum by churchyard. When there are two ways to ;th» Monmouth County Historical There are more churches on 'Association, Marlpit Hall, has as play a hand It is quite normal this historic street: Old First to choose the one that lies under it* hostess Mrs. Walter Bowker, Baptist, literally the first^ Bap- your thumb rather than one that The Hand who conducts an informative tist congregation in New Jersey, takes a new effort. Still, this Sooth dealer STEVE ROPER By SAVNDERS and OVERGARD tour of tht house, explaining organized in 1688. The building East-West vulnerable the origins and uses of its fine dates to 1832 and is situated near makes your choice depend on ac- NORTH TKEY THINK FW* HAS THATS WHY R«K WOUID GIVE HALF > collection of early utensils and the site of a bygone whipping cident rather than on reasoning. AK9743 BUT.M1NKA.' EVEWIF THE RECEIPT R» IT- HIS TREASURE, MRS. WINSLOW-TD^ THE CREW MEMBERS AHO TOE Kf y•••HIODEW •furnishings. For the antique post. South captured the king of dia- HE

theatrically released, this virile slory about the American out- ,n%. Born Mar. 2lto Apr. 19 Libra. Stpt. 23 to Oct. 7i fit fighting the enemy under terrific pressure in Burma in iton't do outside work that if- Conflict of ideas makea home World War II, is authentic, rugged, and ultimately inspiring. trtts your regular job. It iin't nciuosiiriere uncomfortable. Don't fair to your boas. he loo niiinionated. By ED DODD Jeff Chandler gives his tost performance as Merrill, and Ty Taurui. April 20 to M«y 20 Scorpio. Oct. 23 to Nov. 21 MARK TRAIL Hardin, Peter Brown, Will Hutchins and Andrew Duggan offer Restrain your ambition right Do your job well and you'll pet now- «* die time is not ri{>c for vliat you deserve without atk- good support. initiative. •iiB for it. 8-9:M (7)—Bewitched. "Double Tale." (Repeat). A cute Gamini. May 21 to Jurt* 21 Sagittarius. Nov. 22 to Dae. 21 idea for this frothy series has Darrin turning into his boss. Iton't lie too harsh with tlucr Don't make a dent in your ca*h »hr> are Ir-s efficient and Ttservc—or let anyone el« do Larry Tate, for a 24-hour period, and the complications are >|nwfr than you ire. it cither. % many and fun. , Cancer. Jun» 22 to July 2! Capricorn. Dae. 22 to Jan. 20 1 1/ von fff! in • filatr of inertia, Neivom tension maken the eav 10-11 (4) — Dean Murlin Summer Show. Standup comic l>4 you h<«.F«b. 20 to Marcfi 20 The financial outlook i» bleak, A domineering altitude advrr- 10-11 (5)—"The Most In Music: Johnny Mathls." Fans of but you Kill have tht fichu of sclr affetti your rtlationihir* Jnhnny Malhis" sensitive singing style will want to tune in experience. with Iboae around you. • on his hourlong special featuring number; like "When Sunny 196*, PnUiakn Nmroer Syndicate. Gets Blue," "Chances Are" and "Once In a Lifetime." COMPANY ASIURY PARK • RED IAMK • BRICK TOW* [DRIVE] BACKTOSCHOOL % . . but first make a ENTER bee-line to Steinbach's SAFE Hard Working Switch-Abouts DRIVING

•SV ***#&#& SUMMER (A.) WESTERN SLACKS AND STRIPED KNIT TOP BY MITEY MISS . . . geared for action SWEEP- . . . cotton corduroy slacks with authentic Western touches . . . two pockets back 'n front, top stitched back yoke, leather label. STAKES Sand, wine, dusty blue, navy. 7 to 14 (fly fron+1 ...... $4 Entry Blank* Cotton knit top, racy stripes going round in navy-dusty blue, sand-brown, dusty blue-wine. at All Three Steinbach 7 to 14 ...; - $3 Stores and (BJ LITTLE POOR BOY AND DRUM SKIRT Participating Local BY PANDORA ... The two great "go withs" of the season! Orion9 acrylic skinny rib. Navy, Ford Dealers! plum; white. Drum skirt of bias plaid, predomi- nately navy and plum. Bonded basket weave If you're a licensed car driver, residing in Mon- 85"/. wool-15*/. nylon. mouth or Ocean Coun- 7 to 14 .. ...„ . %(% ties, you can enter the Poor Boy, S.-M..L _.. $7 Sweepstakes and win one of the fabulous prizes! Simply sign a safe driv- ing pledge and fill out entry blank.

WIN A 1967 FORD MUSTANG Equipped with 5 Firestone Super Sport Tires! Or ... e 500 gal. Hess Oil & Chemical Corp. gasoline • Set of 4 Firestone nylon TO SCHOOL 500 tires JRIDEJ • Weekend for two at White Stag "Young Casuals'* Holiday Inn, F M tm HUT mmum cawei Williamsburg, Ya. (C.) THICK 'N THIN STRIPES in plum and olive on white . . . Turtle- • Vulcain 17-jewel man's neck collar. Easy-care cotton knit. watch Shoes with Bright Ideas 3 to 6* %% • Two-pfece Samtonita Go Happily Back to School luggage set 7 to 14 $4

• Man's carcoat from Jt's.easy to spot jhe leader in the crowd. Just look fer_the_newest_ THICK 'N THIN RIB CORDUROY Robert Lewis - — idfii and"TasKTon touches in shoes. WV show just three styles SLACKS . . . slim taper, side pocket, • Woman's famous make from our great-going collection of back-to-school shoes . . . with split elastic back. Machine washable carcoat a labor! famous for quality and fit for growing young feat. Come cotton. Plum, olive. in and talk to our fitting experts. 3 to 6x Sift • Sheffield All Sport* clock top to bottom: ROBIN, black nylon velvet, red trim, ribbed sole. 7 to 14 SA Sheffield Mustang TINA, Updated, broader toe calf leather T-strap. watch- IOYS' OXFORD, sturdy grained leather all-time favorite. lY«ry prin ket J wlaaen — eee la eack Stttobeei ttettl $10 to $12 CHECK YOUR LOCAL FORD Priced according to slize.

DEALER FOR STEINIACH'S SHOES. Straat Floor, also Atbury Park, Brick Town ENTRIES Cameron-Roberson, Freehold Conti Causeway Ford, Manahawkin Giger Ford, Inc., Belmar Howard Height, Inc., Wall Township Kantor Ford, Inc., Farmingdale SCHOOL Kroll Motors, Inc., Long Branch Lakehurst Motors, Toms River Larson Ford, Inc., Lake wood Mount English Sales Co., Red Bank Start the new season with a Point Pleasant Motors, Point Pleasant "SWINGER" Tom's Ford, Inc., Matawan West Side Ford, ... in Selon Leather or Shag! CROSSING Asbury Park You'll like these small but roomy hand- VISIT STEINBACH'S bags . . . with chain or leather handles D., SAFETY . . to carry in hand or over the should- •rl Ask to see the "Swingers" in black, HEADQUARTERS . brown, haystack (D). DREAM TOP ... cloud-soft nylon *ed Bank, Second Floor. valour, raglan sleeved. Pink, celery, 6.00 to 20.00 winter white. Brick Town. Under Dock. 3 to 6x, pink, red $5 Asbury Park, Second Floor. STEINBACH'S HANDBAGS, Straat Floor 7 to 14 $6 alio Aibury Park, Brick Town . . . Safa driving booklets STARLET SKIRT . . . all-around box pamphlati, anlry blanki and pleats on knit elasticiied waistband. Safa Driving Pladga! Watch our Wool-nylon flannel, completely machine ichadula {or ipacial axhibiti! washable. Plum, red, navy. 3 to 6x ., $4 STOP at our 7 to 14 (plum, moss) ^ MUSTANG SHOP TURTLE T (not shown) . . . easy-care ... in the Asbury Park cotton knrt with elastic cuffs, neck. store for the latest in White, pink, light blue, celery. Back-to-School Fashions. 3 to 6x and 7 to 14 |^ Pre-teen S, M, L ..: «5

STEINBACH'S CHILDREN'S SHOP Sacond Floor, alio Atbury Park, Brick Town COMPANY SHOP Wednesday and Friday Nhjhts 'til 9 — Aibury Park Monday, Wednesday, Friday 'til 9