Sportsp 24 SPORTS EDITOR: JON KUIPERIJ Phone 905-845-3824 (ext. 432) Fax 905-337-5571 email
[email protected] • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2011 Babic’s contributions key in McMaster’s Vanier Cup win By Herb Garbutt tying performance, deflecting the OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF credit to Quinlan. “I was just doing my job,” he It is already being billed as the said. “Kyle was throwing the ball best Vanier Cup game ever. exactly where it needed to be. I McMaster’s wild 41-38 double was just glad to be a part of it.” overtime victory over the Laval McMaster coach Stefan Ptaszek Rouge et Or last week took univer- said it would be wrong to discount sity football fans on a wild roller Babic’s contribution, though. coaster ride. And Oakville’s Rob “He’s a guy who’s done it the Babic was right in the middle of traditional way,” Ptaszek said. “He the action Friday in Vancouver. didn’t dress his first year, got a “I’ve been in a couple of cham- couple (of games) the second year pionship games, but nothing like and worked his way up to be one of that,” said the McMaster wide our best football players. And he receiver, whose team built a 23-0 really elbow-greased his way to get halftime lead, trailed 24-23 in the there.” fourth quarter, regained the lead, In addition to his dozen catches lost the lead again and then for 135 yards, Babic also performed watched its potential game-win- his usual special teams duties, ning field goal sail wide on the adding another 69 return yards on final play of regulation.