BAE Systems Profile
Samlesbury Site PROFILE SHEET BAE Systems divides its business into five accommodation at the Samlesbury site. business groups: Electronics, Intelligence The new investment, which is supported & Support, Land & Armaments, by the North West Development Agency, Programmes & Support, International will serve to sustain current jobs and Businesses, and HQ & Other Businesses. potentially create a significant number of The Programmes & Support business new jobs. This will help secure the future group includes Military Air Solutions of aerospace in Lancashire by (MAS). MAS is responsible for the design, safeguarding the skills, technology and development and production of BAE's knowledge the region possesses. major military aircraft programmes. Process Samlesbury is BAE Systems’ Military Air Solutions (MAS) primary manufacturing BAE Systems, Samlesbury embarked on a site. It has a strong tradition of design, Lean journey in 2004 with a view to taking engineering and manufacturing excellence a more systematic and standardised in the aerospace industry. The site is home approach to business improvement. to some of the most advanced aerospace manufacturing and assembly technologies Due to the complexity of the activities at in the world. Samlesbury Site, our initial focus was to establish a truly aligned performance Achievements reporting framework around the categories of Safety, Quality, Cost, Delivery & Safety - 43% reduction in incidence rate People (SQCDP). In order to establish since 2004 ‘what good looks like’ in terms of performance – a Blue Sky Vision (BSV) Quality – 88% reduction in customer was created to give a consistent clear complaints since 2006 message to all employees, one that has Lean principles ingrained into it. This was Cost – 76% reduction in cost of scrap a critical step in engaging ‘hearts and since 2005 minds’ of our people in the Lean Transformation journey.
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