RIBBLE VALLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL please ask for: OLWEN HEAP Council Offices direct line: 01200 414408 Church Walk CLITHEROE e-mail: [email protected] Lancashire BB7 2RA my ref: OH/CMS Switchboard: 01200 425111 your ref: Fax: 01200 414488 date: 13 May 2013 www.ribblevalley.gov.uk Dear Councillor The next meeting of the PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE is at 6.30pm on THURSDAY, 23 MAY 2013 at the TOWN HALL, CHURCH STREET, CLITHEROE. I do hope you can be there. Yours sincerely CHIEF EXECUTIVE To: Committee Members (copy for information to all other members of the Council) Directors Press Parish Councils (copy for information) AGENDA Part I – items of business to be discussed in public 1. Apologies for absence. 2. To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 11 April 2013 – copy enclosed. 3. Declarations of Interest (if any). 4. Public Participation (if any). DECISION ITEMS 5. Appointment of Working Groups (if any). (To confirm arrangements/membership of any Working Groups that belong to this Committee – or pick up any representation on Outside Bodies missed at the Annual Meeting.) a) Core Strategy Working Group (6 Members). Chief Executive: Marshal Scott CPFA Directors: John Heap B.Eng. C. Eng. MICE, Jane Pearson CPFA 6. Planning Applications – report of Director of Community Services – copy enclosed. 7. Non-Determination Appeal in relation to an Outline Application for the Provision of Up to 190 Residential Units (falling within Use Class C3) Including Affordable Housing with 2 New Vehicular and Pedestrian Accesses onto Whalley Road, Onsite Landscaping, Form and Informal Open Space and Associated Infrastructure Works Including a New Foul Water Pumping Station at Land to the southwest of Barrow and West of Whalley Road, Barrow – report of Director of Community Services – copy enclosed. 8. Housing Land – report of Director of Community Services – copy enclosed. 9. Core Strategy Local Development Scheme – Proposed Revision – report of Chief Executive – copy enclosed. 10. Proposed Revision to Core Strategy Statement of Community Involvement – report of Chief Executive – copy enclosed. 11. Capital Outturn 2012/13 – report of Director of Resources – copy enclosed. INFORMATION ITEMS 12. Core Strategy – Service Centre Health Checks – report of Chief Executive – copy enclosed. 13. Core Strategy Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment Update – report of Chief Executive – copy enclosed. 14. Core Strategy Update – Minutes of Working Group – copies enclosed. 15. Representatives on Outside Bodies – report of Chief Executive – copy enclosed. 16. Appeals: a) 3/2012/0831/P – Installation of a 2.5m x 1m balcony to second floor window on Lowergate aspect of 29 Moor Lane, Clitheroe. Appeal dismissed. b) 3/2012/0938/P – New double side extension including balcony to the rear. Alterations to materials for base of existing front extension at 26 Waddow Grove, Waddington. Appeal dismissed. c) 3/2011/1032/P – “Log cabin” style holiday lodges at Whins Lodge, Whalley Old Road, Langho. Appeal dismissed. d) 3/2011/0025/P – Outline planning application for residential development (10 dwellings) at Land off Chatburn Old Road, Chatburn. Appeal allowed with conditions. 17. Report of Representatives on Outside Bodies (if any). Part II - items of business not to be discussed in public DECISION ITEMS 18. External Representation in Relation to Forthcoming Planning Appeals – report of Director of Community Services – copy enclosed. INFORMATION ITEMS 19. Core Strategy Evidence Base – Exemptions to Financial Procedures – report of Chief Executive – copy enclosed. INDEX OF APPLICATIONS BEING CONSIDERED MEETING DATE: 23 MAY 2013 Application No Page Officer Recommendation Site A APPLICATIONS REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR APPROPRIATE CONDITIONS NONE B APPLICATIONS WHICH THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES RECOMMENDS FOR APPROVAL 3/2012/0789/P 1 CS AC Land opposite Foxhill House Whins Lane, Simonstone 3/2012/0870/P 12 CS AC Dove Syke Nursery West Bradford 3/2012/1113/P 23 CS AC Development at Parker Avenue Clitheroe 3/2013/0004/P 29 CS AC Abbey Farm Nethertown Close, Whalley 3/2013/0276/P 37 CS AC Ribble Valley Borough Council Church Walk, Clitheroe 3/2013/0285/P & 39 JM AC Sharley Fold Farm 3/2013/0286/P Dixon Road, Longridge C APPLICATIONS WHICH THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES RECOMMENDS FOR REFUSAL 3/2013/0296/P 42 CS R 24 Ribchester Road Wilpshire D APPLICATIONS UPON WHICH COMMITTEE DEFER THEIR APPROVAL SUBJECT TO WORK DELEGATED TO DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES BEING SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED NONE E APPLICATIONS IN ‘OTHER’ CATEGORIES NONE LEGEND AC Approved Conditionally JM John Macholc GT Graeme Thorpe R Refused SW Sarah Westwood MB Mark Baldry M/A Minded to Approve CS Colin Sharpe CB Claire Booth AD Adrian Dowd SK Stephen Kilmartin DECISION RIBBLE VALLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL REPORT TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Agenda Item No meeting date: THURSDAY, 23 MAY 2013 title: PLANNING APPLICATIONS submitted by: DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES PLANNING APPLICATIONS UNDER THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990: APPLICATION NO: 3/2012/0789/P (GRID REF: SD 377489 435316) PROPOSED DEMOLITION OF THE EXISTING BUILDING AND THE ERECTION OF ONE DETACHED DWELLING AND ACCESS ALTERATIONS AT LAND OPPOSITE FOXHILL HOUSE, WHINS LANE, SIMONSTONE PARISH COUNCIL: Initially, by letter dated 2 October 2012 expressed no objections to this application. Having withdrawn that original letter, the Parish Council then objected to the application by letter dated 14 October 2012 for the following reasons: 1. The development is outside the settlement boundary, and therefore does not meet the criteria set out for development. 2. The height of the house does not fit in with surrounding properties, and is out of character. 3. This site has been classed as a brownfield site, which I consider to be very debatable, and expressed concern. The applicant agreed it was a grey area. 4. Felling of trees. A tree survey has been done at ground level and there are concerns that there are bats nesting in the trees as many bats have been observed flying around in this location. Also the felling of over 70% of the trees on the site will have a major impact on the area. 5. It is difficult to see how a house will fit on the site, hence the reason why the proposed house is so high. It would be one of the tallest houses in the area. ENVIRONMENT No objections to this application on highway safety grounds as DIRECTORATE the new property will retain the existing parking provision for (COUNTY SURVEYOR): four vehicles, all of which could manoeuvre to and from the site in a forward gear. HEALTH & SAFETY Does not advise on safety grounds against the granting of EXECUTIVE: planning permission in this case. ADDITIONAL A letter has been received from a local resident who expresses REPRESENTATIONS: support for the proposed development for the following reasons: 1 1. The site is an eyesore and it is good to see someone who is prepared to invest and develop the site. 2. The site is ripe for development and the construction of the proposed house would greatly enhance that part of Whins Lane. 3. I am a strong advocate of using brownfield sites such as this for new housing development. A total of 8 letters from 6 local households plus a letter from a planning consultant acting on behalf of 5 of those households have been received. The letters all contain objections to the proposal for reasons that are summarised as follows: 1. The site is outside the settlement boundaries of Read and Simonstone and therefore has a high level of protection in the Local Plan. The environmental and landscape characteristics have not changed since the adoption of the Local Plan; the provisos of which therefore remain applicable. 2. The site is highly visible from Whins Lane and the proposed dwelling would have a significant impact as it is inappropriate for the area in size and design. 3. The development is not essential for the local economy or social wellbeing of the area and it is not for agricultural, forestry or other purposes solely appropriate for a rural area. The proposal is therefore not sustainable. 4. The proposal involves the removal of a large percentage of trees on the site. This would be harmful to nesting birds and other wildlife and would be contrary to Local Plan Policies aimed at preserving and retaining woodland in this locality. 5. The proposed building is too tall to be in keeping with the locality and represents overdevelopment of the site. 6. The removal of trees would increase noise and light pollution to a neighbouring property. 7. Due to the height of the building it would adversely affect the privacy of a neighbouring property. 8. There is no need to release sites for housing in the open countryside especially as the Council can now demonstrate a 5 year supply of housing land. 2 9. Due to its previous use as a stone quarry, the site is not suitable or sustainable for a dwelling. It would be difficult, on land within the applicant’s control, to provide the septic tank that would be required because (contrary to the statement in the application) there is no mains sewer in the locality. 10. The land cannot be regarded as brownfield as the original permission for the garage required the unit to be maintained and when, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, it was not capable of economic repair, they may direct the owner, at the owner’s expense, to remove the wooden garage and reinstate the land. Furthermore, the permission was for the use of the building as a private lock up and did not authorise any commercial uses of the building in order to protect the surrounding residential properties. The use is therefore not considered to fall within the definition of “previously development land” under NPPF or the previous definition under PPS3 because the intention of the original permission was not to create a permanent structure.
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