Bilateral Relations Show Further Strengthening Returning to the Path to Freedom

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Bilateral Relations Show Further Strengthening Returning to the Path to Freedom 6 THE JAPAN TIMES FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2011 (3) Sri Lanka independence day Bilateral relations show further strengthening Returning to the path to freedom Esala Weerakoon economies of Asia. Japan’s democratic values. Cultural- ians’ Friendship League was nity to invite our Japanese Mahinda Rajapaksa of Asia should speed up, as CHARGE D’AFFAIRES OF THE EMBASSY OF generous development assis- ly, our two countries have yet another step to enhancing friends to visit Sri Lanka and PRESIDENT OF SRI LANKA each step taken for SRI LANKA tance and technical coopera- been influenced by our and expanding relations. see for themselves the prog- ---------------------------------------- development is a step toward ------------------------------------------ tion has covered many areas. shared Buddhist traditions, I express my very deep ap- ress we are making. New har- All Sri Lankans now have the freedom. On the auspicious occasion of The contribution made by Ja- which have shaped the way of preciation to all the individu- bors and international air- opportunity to celebrate the We must set right the errors the 63rd Anniversary of Inde- pan Overseas Cooperation life of our peoples. These als and institutions connect- ports are now under con- 63rd Anniversary of of both past and present in this pendence of Sri Lanka, I have Volunteers is commendable. bonds provide the basis for ed with Sri Lanka who have struction. This spurt in Independence with much glory. march toward greater freedom. the honor to Our infrastructural base in mutual good will among our played an important role in economic activity signals the The unlimited sacrifices for the There is no victory we have convey warm transportation, telecommu- peoples. Our close and cor- furthering our friendly rela- beginning of a new era for Sri freedom and independence of won through divisions, which greetings and nications, irrigation, agricul- dial relations have expanded tions. Lanka. Sri Lanka make today’s leads to the loss of freedom for best wishes ture, fisheries and power and over the years not only at the We can take pride in the It is our fervent hope that Independence Day celebration us all. Therefore, building a from the gov- energy have all benefited level of government but also fact that our countries are Japan’s business leaders one of great honor. united Sri Lanka is the best ernment and much. In recent years, our as regards people-to-people locked together in a warm would avail themselves of the The aspiration of the nation is means by which freedom can the people of relations have shown a exchanges, student mobility and cordial relationship of attractive investment and to make more meaningful the be secured and given more Sri Lanka to marked strengthening asa and academic exchanges. friendship and trust. trading opportunities on offer freedom won with much meaning. We must have the Their Imperial result of growing collabora- The official visit last July Sri Lanka stands today at a in Sri Lanka. sacrifice. Upon taking over the same commitment to building a Majesties Emperor Akihito tion over a wide spectrum of of the Hon. G.L. Peiris, min- significant moment of im- I am confident that the nation, the first Prime Minister of united nation as we had in and Empress Michiko, as innovative activities, notably ister of external affairs, and mense opportunity. We have coming year will see the fur- the independent Sri Lanka, the worthy aim of any nation that defending our country. well as to the friendly people in travel and tourism, invest- the Hon. Basil Rajapaksa, begun a new phase in nation- ther enhancement of the en- Rt. Hon. D. S. Senanayake, said seeks freedom. We are a nation with a and the government of Ja- ment, trade, educational ex- minister of economic devel- building following the end of during friendship between that freedom had been obtained It is of paramount heritage of glory. It is filled with pan. I am also privileged to changes as well as inter-par- opment, has contributed to terrorism. The desire of all Sri Lanka and Japan. We look to relieve the pain and increase importance to accelerate the heroes who made great extend my warm, good wish- liamentary collaboration. the further strengthening of our communities to live in forward to continuing friend- the contentment of the people work on nation-building to fulfill sacrifices for freedom. es to all Sri Lankan nationals Sri Lanka is a long-stand- bilateral relations. peace and harmony as one ly collaboration and dialogue regardless of ethnic, political or this aim. The march toward I take this opportunity to living in Japan on this auspi- ing friend of Japan. Our is- The formation of the Dem- nation have now reached fru- to our mutual benefit with the religious differences. This is the making Sri Lanka the Wonder honor all those patriots. cious occasion of our Nation- land nations enjoy civiliza- ocratic Party of Japan’s Ja- ition. As peace and prosperi- government and people of Ja- al Day. tional affinities and shared pan-Sri Lanka Parliamentar- ty beckon, I take this opportu- pan. A year has passed since the presidential elections of Jan- uary 2010 in which H.E. Ma- hinda Rajapaksa won an out- Stability reigns in the country Providing maximum benefit for all in Sri Lanka standing victory. This pro- vides a further opportunity for the people of Sri Lanka D.M. Jayaratne their livelihoods. Many infra- spelled out in the Mahinda Prof. G. L. Peiris which would benefit people many areas of development Small- and medium-scale in- and friends abroad to note the PRIME MINISTER OF SRI LANKA structure projects in these dis- Chinthana manifesto. MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS from all parts of the country. across the country, by building dustries, international hotel political stability that the ------------------------------------------ tricts have been completed The temporary setbacks the ------------------------------------------ Earnings from exports in- new roads, airports and sea- chains and other commercial country now enjoys, the suc- Sri Lanka celebrates the 63rd and there are many projects country may face on account of Today we celebrate Sri Lanka’s creased significantly by 36 per- ports among other infrastruc- ventures are no longer confined cessful consolidation of anniversary of its indepen- which are under way. These natural disasters such as 63rd anniversary of indepen- cent, year-on-year, to $834 mil- ture developments, which have to cities and townships but now peace throughout the country dence today with high ex- efforts will bring speedy floods, landslides and drought, dence with renewed lion in November 2010. This is contributed toward enhancing encompass the villages as well. that has been achieved and pectations of a growth and development to etc., can be easily overcome hope and vigor. the highest monthly increase Sri Lanka’s existing infrastruc- This has provided the people the balanced, equitable and bright future these areas. through the cooperative efforts, In the past since October 2004. Earnings ture facilities, thereby provid- with more avenues for employ- rapid progress in all spheres, for the country. The south of the country, unity and resilience of our peo- years, Sri Lan- from exports increased by 7 ing a highly favorable econom- ment. In order to reap the bene- which has been the conse- After defeat- too, witnesses unprecedented ple. ka was able to percent to $760 million in Au- ic climate that now prevails in fits of these opportunities, we quence of peace. Clearly the ing terrorism economic growth and develop- The peace and stability that sustain its eco- gust 2010, recording the highest the country. This environment have also placed an emphasis most significant result has that disrupted ment through the implemen- is now well-established in t h e nomic growth, monthly value thus far in 2010. has presented the people with on technology and information been the strengthening of our the lives of the tation of many mega-projects. country should be further even under try- Cumulative earnings from ex- opportunities that were not technology skills to ensure that national unity. After decades people and Some are already completed strengthened to achieve the ing circum- ports during the first eight available to them during the the people are adequately of divisive and terroristic slowed down and some are under way. The speedy social and economic ad- stances. Despite months of 2010 increased by 11 past three decades due to the equipped to derive maximum conflict our country is once the pace of development of the country can now boast of an vancement of our people. For encountering many challenges, percent to $5.04 billion com- scourge of terrorism. The gov- benefit of these opportunities again normal, stable and at country for nearly three de- annual average gross domes- full realization of this objective, our foreign reserves grew and pared to the corresponding pe- ernment is determined to en- that are now available across peace. cades, we have now brought tic product (GDP) growth rate the people of our different com- our foreign exchange in- riod of 2009. This data amply sure that the opportunities we the country. In this context, I recall peace and stability to the of 8 percent and per capita in- munities should be united and creased. demonstrates that the econom- now have should not to be The government of Sri Lan- with gratitude the govern- country. come of $2,053. These indica- work together as one nation. With the advent of a durable ic growth in Sri Lanka has re- missed and the fruits of these ka has placed great importance ment of Japan’s continued The government has estab- tors of growth are higher than On this happy occasion of peace after the successful elim- mained robust and broad- developments and their pros- to achieve equity with regard to and steadfast support to Sri lished normalcy in the north those of some of our neigh- our Independence Day, may ination of terrorism in Sri Lan- based.
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