INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT TWENTY TWENTY AUDITOR-GENERAL OF SOUTH AFRICA INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 THE 2020 REPORT THEME This integrated The public debate about the failure of accountability annual report is available mechanisms in the public sector led to the amended on the AGSA website Public Audit Act enhancing the auditor-general’s powers to enable accountability. The powers allow us to take binding remedial action if material irregularities are not appropriately addressed and, where necessary, issue a certificate of debt to recover lost money from accounting officers or authorities. We accept our powers with the seriousness that they deserve and, in turn, we subject our use of these powers to full scrutiny, ensuring that we are held to 2 the same strict level of accountability as those Preamble to the Constitution we audit. ABOUT 3 THIS REPORT Letter to the Speaker As part of our legislated accountability, we provide Parliament with a detailed report of the Auditor- General South Africa’s annual activities. We also 4 align to the following best practices, standards and legislation: Performance snapshot • Public Audit Act 25 of 2004 (PAA) • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards • International Integrated Reporting <IR> framework • King IV principles and codes • ISSAI 12 • Sustainable development goals This report is based on our annual activities measured against our commitments detailed in our 2019-22 strategic plan and budget. We welcome feedback on our integrated annual report to continue providing pertinent information in our reporting. Written feedback can be sent to
[email protected] or reach out on twitter at @AuditorGen_SA 1 PREAMBLE TO THE CONSTITUTION We the people of South Africa, Recognise the injustices of our past; Honour those who suffered for justice and freedom in our land; Respect those who have worked to build and develop our country; and Believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity.