CHARTERHOUSE PLACE 2 Farringdon Road London EC1 London Borough of Islington Historic environment assessment October 2014 © Museum of London Archaeology 2014 Museum of London Archaeology Mortimer Wheeler House 46 Eagle Wharf Road, London N1 7ED tel 020 7410 2200 | fax 020 410 2201 general enquiries:
[email protected] Charterhouse Place 2 Farringdon Road London EC1 An historic environment assessment NGR 531581 181716 Sign-off history issue issue date prepared by reviewed by approved by reason for issue no. 1 02/02/2012 Paul Riggott Christina Holloway Chris Thomas First issue (Archaeology) Senior Archaeologist Contract Manager Juan Jose Fuldain (Assessments) (Graphics) 2 29/02/2012 Paul Riggott Chris Thomas Second issue (Archaeology) Contract Manager Juan Jose Fuldain (Graphics) 3 08/10/2014 Craig Stewart Leonie Pett Update; third issue (Archaeology) Contract Manager Juan Jose Fuldain (Graphics) MOLA Mortimer Wheeler House, 46 Eagle Wharf Road, London N1 7ED tel 0207 410 2200 fax 0207 410 2201 email:
[email protected] Museum of London Archaeology is a company limited by guarantee Registered in England and Wales Company registration number 07751831 Charity registration number 1143574 Registered office Mortimer Wheeler House, 46 Eagle Wharf Road, London N1 7ED Contents Contents i Figures ii Executive summary 1 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Origin and scope of the report 2 1.2 Designated heritage assets 2 1.3 Aims and objectives 2 2 Methodology and sources consulted 4 3 Site location,