Urges Hiring Full Time Sanitarian Di Edwin G Reade, Health Di- ] Equally As Important for Pre- Lector
Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org.. The Water town - Oakville TOWN Weekly TIMES Vol. 11, No. 502 Subscription Price, $3.00 Per Year. Single Copy. • Cents 18. ifSI Urges Hiring Full Time Sanitarian Di Edwin G Reade, Health Di- ] Equally as important for pre- lector. this week reported that ; serving good health and .sanitary the town has reached the stage conditions, he stressed the desira- uheie it needs the services of a bility of systematic checking of full time sanitarian He disclosed private sanitation systems and the that he plans to recommend to the : necessity for examining areas town's authorities that a trained • where such systems are to be in— sanitarian be hired ! stalled. He " said, a full time The town's population, is esti- working, trained, sanitarian would, mated at over 14 000 'persons and not only Inspect the area staked, may soon pass the 15,0*X) mark, out for the system but also would considenng the amount of housing be able to advise the home owner developments going on here, he as to correct installations,.. He said. To maintain proper health would also make seepage tests standards and safeguards he is where subdivision developments advising regular inspections of are proposed and, would be in places selling or handling food for •position, because of his, back- public consumption and opera- ground, to evaluate complaints or tions engaged in such personal situations pertaining to sanita- sen ices as barber shops and tion or health,,. Dr.. Reade said. beauty parlors The work cannot be adequately done on a part time basis, the Health Director declared.
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