Species List

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Species List Species List Invertebrates of Oak Hammock Marsh PHYLUM MOLLUSCA Class Gastropoda Lymnaeidae Pond snail Family Class Bivalvia Pisidiidae Fingernail clam Family Unionidae Pearly mussel Family PHYLUM ANNELIDA Class Hirudinea Leeches PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Class Arachnida Order Acari Freshwater mites Order Aranaeae Dock spiders Class Crustacea Subclass Branchiopoda Order Cladocera Water fleas Subclass Ostracoda Seed shrimp Subclass Copepoda Copepods Subclass Malacostraca Order Amphipoda Sideswimmers Order Decapoda Crayfish Class Insecta Order Ephemeroptera Mayflies Order Odonata Dragonflies and Damselflies Lestidae Spreadwing Family Lestes congener Spotted spreadwing Leste tardif Lestes disjunctus Northern Spreadwing Leste disjoint Lestes dryas Emerald spreadwing Leste dryade Lestes forcipatus Sweetflag spreadwing Leste à forceps Lestes inaequalis Elegant spreadwing Leste inégal Lestes rectangularis Slender spreadwing Leste élancé Lestes unguiculatus Lyre-tipped spreadwing Leste onguiculé Species List continued Coenagrionidae Pond damsel Family Coenagrion resolutum Taiga Bluet Agrion résolu Enallagma annexum Northern bluet Agrion porte-coupes Enallagma civile Familiar bluet Agrion civil Enallagma clausum Alkali bluet Agrion halophile Enallagma ebrium Marsh bluet Agrion enivré Enallagma hageni Hagen’s bluet Agrion de Hagen Ischnura perparva Western forktail Ischnura verticalis Eastern Forktail Agrion vertical Nehalennia irene Sedge sprite Déesse paisible Aeshnidae Darner Family Aeshna canadensis Canada darner Aeschne du Canada Aeshna constricta Lance-tipped darner Aeschne constrictor Aeshna interrupta Variable darner Aeschne domino Aeshna umbrosa Shadow Darner Aeschne des pénombres Aeshna verticalis Green-striped Darner Aeschne verticale Anax junius Common green darnerAnax Gomphidae Clubtail Family Gomphus externus Plains Clubtail Corduliidae Emerald Family Cordulia shurtleffi American emerald Cordulie de Shurtleffer Dorocordulia libera Racket-tailed emerald Cordulie écorcée Epitheca spinigera Spiny baskettail Épithèque épineuse Libellulidae Skimmer Family Leucorrhinia frigida Frosted whiteface Leucorrhine frigide Leucorrhinia glacialis Crimson-ringed Whiteface Leucorrhine glaciale Leucorrhinia Hudsonian whiteface Leucorrhine hudsonica hudsonienne Leucorrhinia intacta Dot-tailed whiteface Leucorrhine mouchetée Ladona Julia Chalk-fronted Corporal La julienne Libellula pulchella Twelve-spotted skimmer La gracieuse Libellula Four-spotted skimmer La quadrimaculée quadrimaculata Pantala flavescens Wandering Glider Pantale flavescente Pantala hymenaea Spot-winged glider Pantale bimaculée Sympetrum corruptum Variegated meadowhawk Sympétrum bagarreur Species List continued Sympetrum costiferum Saffron-winged meadowhawk Sympétrum rubigineux Sympetrum danae Black meadowhawk Sympétrum noir Sympetrum internum Cherry-faced meadowhawk Sympétrum intime Sympetrum madidum Red-veined Meadowhawk Sympétrum à veinules rouges Sympetrum obstrusum White-faced meadowhawk Sympétrum éclaireur Sympetrum Band-winged meadowhawk Sympétrum semi-ambré Order Hemiptera True bugs Coroxidae Water boatman Family Nepidae Water scorpion Family Notonectidae Backswimmer Family Belastomatidae Giant water bug Family Gerridae Water strider Family Order Coleoptera Haliplidae Crawling water beetle Family Dytiscidae Predaceous diving beetle Family Gyrinidae Whirligig beetle Family Coccinellidae Ladybug beetle Family Coccinella Seven-spotted lady beetle septempunctata Hippodamia Thirteen-spotted lady beetle tredecimpunctata Harmonia axyridis Southern beetle Order Diptera Culicidae Mosquito Family Chaoboridae Phantom midge Family Heleidae Biting midge Family Simuliidae Blackfly Family Chironomidae Non-biting midge Family Syrphidae Rat-tailed maggot and Flower fly Family Tabanidae Horse and deerfly Family Trichoptera Caddisfly Family Species List continued Order Lepidoptera Danaidae Milkweed butterfly Family Danaus plexippus Monarch Monarque Papilionidae Swallowtail Family Papilio polyxenes Black swallowtail Papillon du céleri Nymphalidae Brush-footed Family Aglais milberti Milbert’s tortoiseshell Petite vanesse Boloria bellona Meadow fritillary Boloria des prés Boloria selene Silver-bordered fritillary Boloria à taches argentées Cercyonis pegala Common wood-nymph Satyre des prés Coenonympha tullia Common ringlet Satyre fauve Lethe eurydice Eyed brown Satyre ocellé Limenitis arthemis White admiral Amiral Limenitis archippus Viceroy Vice-roi Nymphalis antiopa Mourning cloak Morio Phyciodes cocyta Northern crescent Croissant nordique Phyciodes tharos Pearl crescent Croissant perlé Speyeria cybele Great spangled fritillary Argynne de Cybèle Vanessa atalanta Red admiral Vulcain Vanessa cardui Painted lady Belle dame Pieridae White and sulphur Family Colias eurytheme Orange sulphur Coliade de la luzerne Colias gigantea Giant sulphur Grand coliade Colias interior Pink-edged sulphur Coliade intérieur Colias philodice Clouded sulphur Coliade du trèfle Colias tyche Booth's Sulphur Coliade de Booth Pieris oleracea Eastern veined white Piéride des crucifères Pieris rapae Cabbage white Piéride de chou Pontia occidentalis Western white Piéride de l’Ouest Lycaenidae Gossamer-winged Family Glaucopsyche lygdamus Silvery blue Bleu argenté Lycaena phlaeas Little copper Cuivré d'Amérique Plebejus idas Northern blue Bleu nordique Species List continued Hesperiidae Skipper Family Polites peckius Peck’s skipper Hespérie de Peck Thymelicus lineola European skipper Hespérie des graminées Lasiocampidae Tent Caterpillar Moth Family Malacosoma disstria Forest tent caterpillar moth Erebidae Tiger Moth Family Ctenucha virginica Virginia ctenucha Pyrrharctia isabella Isabella tiger moth (woolybear) Isia isabella Spilosoma virginica Virginia tiger moth Diacrisie de Virginie .
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