A Flawed Framework Charles L. Glaser Why the Liberal International Order Concept Is Misguided
A Flawed Framework A Flawed Framework Charles L. Glaser Why the Liberal International Order Concept Is Misguided Policymakers and scholars in the United States worried about growing threats to the Western in- ternational order well before President Donald Trump began rhetorically attacking U.S. allies and challenging the international trading system.1 These threats included the 2007–08 ªnancial crisis and the negative economic im- pacts of globalization. Recently, the focus has shifted sharply to the return of major power competition. As the United States’ 2018 National Defense Strategy notes: “We are facing increased global disorder, characterized by de- cline in the long-standing rules-based international order...Inter-state strate- gic competition, not terrorism, is now the primary concern in U.S. national security.”2 Perceived threats have generated a search for policies capable of preserving the international order. As a bipartisan group of former govern- Charles L. Glaser is a professor in the Elliott School of International Affairs and the Department of Political Science at George Washington University. He directs the Elliott School’s Institute for Security and Conºict Studies. For helpful comments on earlier versions of this article, the author thanks Michael Barnett, Stephen Brooks, Austin Carson, Jonathan Caverley, Jeff Colgan, Rush Doshi, Alexander Downes, Henry Farrell, Martha Finnemore, James Goldgeier, Avery Goldstein, Lloyd Gruber, Michael Joseph, Alexander Kirss, Alexander Lennon, Yonatan Lupu, Julia Macdonald, Michael Mazaar, John Mearsheimer, Robert Powell, Miranda Priebe, Joshua Itzkowitz Shifrinson, Caitlin Talmadge, William Wohlforth, the members of the Institute for Security and Conºict Studies–Minerva work- ing group on international orders, and the anonymous reviewers.
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