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Downloaded from the ( Kegiatan Seminar, Televisi, Radio, Company’S Website ( Seminars, Dan Lainnya LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2017 ANNUAL REPORT Redefining Tomorrow Redefining Tomorrow LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2017 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL 2017 LAPORAN TAHUNAN ©Oppenheim Architecture 2017 PT MNC Land Tbk. MNC Tower, 17th Floor Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 17-19. Jakarta 10340, Indonesia Tel: 62 21 3929828 Fax: 62 21 3927476 LAPORAN2017 TAHUNAN ANNUAL REPORT ©Oppenheim Architecture 2017-Overall Lido Lakes View Park Hyatt Tower, Jakarta Redefining Tomorrow Tahun 2017 memiliki makna penting bagi perjalanan usaha MNC Land. Kami telah memantapkan langkah untuk memasuki fase baru sebagai perusahaan properti yang fokus pada pengembangan proyek-proyek berkualitas kelas dunia. Sepanjang tahun, kami bergerak cepat memperkuat organisasi dengan personil yang berpengalaman dan memiliki semangat serta kompetensi tinggi, mematangkan berbagai rancangan proyek unggulan, membangun sinergi dengan mitra strategis yang mempunyai reputasi bisnis yang kuat, serta menunjuk konsultan kelas dunia untuk merealisasikan mimpi-mimpi besar kami. “Redefining Tomorrow” kami pilih sebagai tema Laporan Tahunan MNC Land 2017 yang merefleksikan visi perusahaan untuk menciptakan komunitas kelas dunia dan menjadi standar kualitas hidup di masa depan, serta upaya-upaya yang telah kami lakukan untuk meraih lompatan besar pertumbuhan di masa depan. The year of 2017 was a year of a significant business journey for MNC Land. We took solid steps to enter a new phase as a property company focused on developing world-class quality projects. Throughout the year, we moved swiftly in order to strengthen the organization with experienced, high spirited and competent personnel; to refine the designs of our top-notch projects; to build synergies with strategic well-esteemed partners; and to appoint world-class consultants to realize our big dreams. We chose “Redefining Tomorrow” as the theme of the MNC Land 2017 Annual Report to reflect the Company’s vision of creating the world-class communities and lifestyles of tomorrow, and to signify the giant leaps made for our growth going forward. PT MNC Land Tbk • Laporan Tahunan 2017 1 DAFTAR ISI Contents One East Penthouse & Residences Collection-Main Lobby ©Oppenheim Architecture 2017-Golf Clubhouse Lobby 01 03 Sekilas Kinerja Profil Perusahaan Tahun 2017 Company Profile Performance Highlights in 2017 Informasi Umum 50 General Information Ikhtisar Keuangan 6 Financial Highlights Lembaga dan Profesi 51 Penunjang Pasar Modal Informasi Pemegang Saham 8 Capital Market Supporting Shareholders Information Institutions and Professionals Kronologis Pencatatan 9 Sekilas Perusahaan 52 Saham dan Perubahan Company at A Glance Jumlah Saham Stock Listing Chronology Visi dan Misi 54 and Changes in Number of Vision and Mission Shares Tonggak Sejarah 56 Milestones Struktur Korporasi 62 Corporate Structure Struktur Organisasi 63 Organizational Structure Peristiwa Penting 64 Event Highlights Penghargaan 66 Awards © PT MNC Land Tbk 2017 Illustration Park Hyatt Hotel-The Library Entitas Anak dan Entitas 68 Asosiasi Subsidiaries and Associated 02 Entities Laporan Kepada Pemegang Saham Report to Shareholders Laporan Dewan Komisaris 14 Report from the Board of Commissioners Profil Dewan Komisaris 22 Profiles of the Board of Commissioners Laporan Direksi 28 Report from the Board of Directors Profil Direksi 40 Profiles of the Board of Directors 2 PT MNC Land Tbk • Laporan Tahunan 2017 ©Oppenheim Architecture 2017-Lido Hotel Villa ©Oppenheim Architecture 2017-Lido 18th Hole Golf 04 05 06 Pembahasan dan Tata Kelola Tanggung Jawab Analisis Manajemen Perusahaan Sosial Perusahaan Management Discussion and Good Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibility Analysis Dasar dan Pedoman 130 Tanggung Jawab Sosial 182 Tinjauan Ekonomi Makro 90 Penerapan GCG Perusahaan dan Industri Properti GCG References and Corporate Social Macro Economy and Guidelines Responsibility Property Industry Review Struktur Tata Kelola 130 Tinjauan Usaha 97 Governance Structure Business Review Manajemen Risiko 168 Prospek dan Kelangsungan 102 Risk Management Usaha Pedoman Perilaku 178 Business Prospect and Code of Conduct Sustainability Sistem Pelaporan 178 Tinjauan Kinerja Keuangan 106 Pelanggaran Financial Review Whistle Blowing System Struktur Modal 111 ©Oppenheam Architecture 2017-Lido Golf Club Capital Structure Kebijakan Dividen 113 07 Dividen Policy Laporan Keuangan Tinjauan Unit Pendukung 118 Financial Report Bisnis Supporting Business Unit Laporan Keuangan 188 Review Konsolidasian dan Laporan Auditor Independen Sumber Daya Manusia 119 Consolidated Financial Human Resources Statements and Independent Teknologi Informasi 124 Auditor Report Information Technology Penjelasan Cover | Cover Details 1 1. Park Hyatt Tower 2. The Westin Resort Nusa Dua 5 Redefining 2 Tomorrow 3. Lido Golf 4 4. MNC WorldTM 3 5. One East Penthouse & ©Oppenheim Architecture 2017 Residences Collection LAPORAN2017 TAHUNAN ANNUAL REPORT PT MNC Land Tbk • Laporan Tahunan 2017 3 4 PT MNC Land Tbk • Laporan Tahunan 2017 One East Penthouse & Residences Collection-Main Lobby Sekilas Kinerja Tahun 2017 Performance Highlights in 2017 PT MNC Land Tbk • Laporan Tahunan 2017 5 IKHTISAR KEUANGAN Financial Highlights dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali in million Rupiah, except stated 2015 2016 2017 disebutkan lain otherwise Laporan Laba Rugi Konsolidasian Consolidated Income Statements Pendapatan Usaha 1.139.374 946.473 938.274 Revenues Beban Pokok Pendapatan 600.756 585.135 573.185 Cost of Revenues Laba Kotor 538.618 361.338 365.089 Gross Profit Laba Usaha 202.401 35.652 8.231 Operating Income Laba Sebelum Pajak 261.937 1.789.654 1.309.962 Income Before Tax Laba Bersih 239.690 1.800.823 1.315.234 Net Income EBITDA 372.392 203.997 157.148 EBITDA Jumlah Laba Bersih yang Dapat Net Income Attributable to: Diatribusikan kepada: Pemilik Entitas Induk 228.244 1.770.788 1.295.323 Parent Entity Kepentingan Non-Pengendali 11.446 30.036 19.911 Non-Controlling Interests Jumlah 239.690 1.800.823 1.315.234 Total Total Comprehensive Income Jumlah Laba Komprehensif yang Dapat Attributable to: Diatribusikan kepada: Pemilik Entitas Induk 231.907 2.662.939 361.268 Parent Entity Kepentingan Non-Pengendali 13.519 29.130 18.870 Non-Controlling Interests Jumlah 245.426 2.692.069 380.138 Total Laba/Rugi Bersih Per Saham (dalam Earnings Per Share (EPS)-in full IDR Rupiah penuh) Dasar 33,67 256,98 187,36 Basic Dilusian 33,66 256,97 187,36 Dilluted Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi Consolidated Financial Statements Aset Lancar 2.263.031 5.366.859 3.873.001 Current Assets Aset Tidak Lancar 8.864.283 8.790.569 11.454.155 Non-Current Assets Jumlah Aset 11.127.314 14.157.428 15.327.156 Total Assets Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 633.206 992.517 563.589 Current Liabilities Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 1.618.825 1.901.284 2.399.578 Non-Current Liabilities Jumlah Liabilitas 2.252.031 2.893.801 2.963.167 Total Liabilities Jumlah Ekuitas 8.875.283 11.263.627 12.363.989 Total Equity Rasio-Rasio Penting Key Ratios Rasio Likuiditas (%) Liquidity Ratios (%) Rasio Lancar 357,39 540,73 687,20 Current Ratio Modal Kerja Bersih (dalam juta 1.629.825 4.374.342 3.309.412 Net Working Capital (in million Rp) Rupiah) Rasio Solvabilitas (x) Solvency Ratios (x) Jumlah Liabilitas terhadap jumlah Aset 0,20 0,20 0,19 Total Liabilities to Total Assets Jumlah Liabilitas terhadap jumlah 0,25 0,26 0,24 Total Liabilities to Total Equity Ekuitas Rasio Profitabilitas (%) Profitability Ratios (%) Marjin Laba Kotor 47,27 38,18 38,91 Gross Profit Margin Marjin Laba Bersih 20,03 187,09 138,05 Net Profit Margin Imbal-Hasil terhadap Aset 2,05 12,51 8,45 Return on Assets Imbal-Hasil terhadap Ekuitas 2,57 15,72 10,48 Return on Equity * Disajikan kembali Restated 6 PT MNC Land Tbk • Laporan Tahunan 2017 Pendapatan Usaha Laba Kotor Laba Bersih* Revenues Gross Profit Net Income 1.139.374 538.618 1.770.788 938.274 946.473 1.295.323 365.089 361.338 228.244 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 Jumlah Aset Jumlah Liabilitas Jumlah Ekuitas Total Assets Total Liabilities Total Equity 15.327.156 2.963.167 12.363.989 2.893.801 14.157.428 11.263.627 2.252.031 11.127.314 8.875.283 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 * Laba Bersih yang dapat Diatribusikan kepada Entitas Induk Net Income Attributable to parent entity * disajikan dalam juta Rupiah Expressed in Million Rupiah PT MNC Land Tbk • Laporan Tahunan 2017 7 INFORMASI PEMEGANG SAHAM Shareholders Information Komposisi Pemegang Saham Komisaris & Direksi Per 31 Desember 2017 Share Ownership by the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors as of December 31, 2017 Jumlah Saham Presentase Nama Pemegang Saham Jabatan (Lembar) (%) Shareholders Designation Number of Shares Percentage Amir Abdul Rachman Komisaris Utama President Commissioner - 0 Christ Soepontjo Komisaris Commissioner 620.200 0,01 Liliana Tanaja Komisaris Commissioner 6.966.500 0,09 Stien Maria Schouten Komisaris Independen Independent - 0 Commissioner Susaningtyas Nefo H. Komisaris Independen Independent - 0 Kertopati Commissioner Hary Tanoesoedibjo Direktur Utama President Director 97.587.252 1,32 Herman Heryadi Bunjamin Wakil Direktur Utama Vice President Director 74.300 0 M. Budi Rustanto Wakil Direktur Utama Vice President Director - 0 Erwin Richard Andersen Direktur Director 82.000 0 Michael Stefan Dharmajaya Direktur Director 3.680.300 0,05 Sugiat Hendra Putra Direktur Independen Independent Director - 0 Total Saham Komisaris & Direksi 109.010.552 1,47 Komposisi Pemegang Saham PT MNC LAND Tbk. Per 31 Desember 2017 Composition of Shareholder Groups as of December 31, 2017 Nama Pemegang Saham
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