

T riYE DOLLARS PER AKKCJI "Z4TABLE IX XPrxJTCE. aaa ( rora (Hs? Fwt S ln oftm . la Aaraacv, aa- - tashrn. Cat. vn K'nU JWeai VcYtaet4.ptps.nrroM. asVswWadMeaatffoin whssk m fcr ar.l atnttsssmsata, na psMefttwtswnrwaoaorSO. oar a. m an itsowa mrlwisss.t. sMrtso-- s OBea in wrtk Hf whoa ordseW to. s na wt ao as I m Gntd Baililac. tS and 27 VOL. XX.-- tbssaet.TV.rIMrfMsrit5h.l.sisnl vMscraaatStroot. No. I) HONOLULU, - 1885. lOJfe fwrttsaeM Ike (Mien As'leao aos.rtaoamss,.! : Mxta mt j WEDNESB t JANUARY 2S. WHOLE So. Krlpipwi.a.ykmMlkykeakMa.,rNFaftsss LATEST .staaps FOREIGN NEWS Bnsinrss ifaria. IJusnttss (Tari)a. JUrthanittd (TariJs. lltcttyutiatl Mortis. TIE 0. S. S iUXCtt. SATIS TtV insurance Xatuts. Jnsnntnft yotitra. ofrtweawBte; JAX. 15. ED. fortign SACxAiaarrw, Jan. 15. Tfce EtpcMcaaa ltOFFSOIIAECLB A CO.. tsto ED. CROWE tie rioo LTosms asb eoxxraiox xxscEAim BIMIXOP CO.. 55. atotrt Seaa m.k a tteapi tofcrtai jaj B A 5:X;E!K S , Iloru uaA Slca Paiatox, Pa;7 Baaxsxv eta lla- 71ILFBpN B9fw arradervriien. UNION INSTANCE COMPANY & eriairtfwn. daa-kx- k H5Il,Ca.H.I aMsBTski ''"SAM UBXTS TtxtcrdjT, bat 1 UAWAJLAS ISLASIW NCiy So.rCT BUar Street. Bonolatn. far taa ItasratUa Islaads. Salpplcs ast) Cwnlwtii wifeect success. Tfce EDWARD tlOSOI.rl.C.it t L HCTly C, BREWER A 1 O or sax rn a sot sco. Smte.il ml diScrdty iisfc the PRESTOS. bKAWiKXC3I.A(K OJ-J- j" Vro-jtaa- Attorney astd ConaEwHsr ( C. A fassfeea Mseot, .atl jr "r reseteiieo tj&rri b Xr tad tie at Lv, lUBACF"tAUFCUH. SHrUtKBO.tit C tOLEMA.'t. xrgroeat fee made 1 BLACKSMITH AMD MAOHtMIST ERPRISEF hiatfcafklt ef Caer wrilems fiat ia icppvrt of it, -- SCiliiTnniiStiTt.HKS so TSEta joaars!::: w- - that elected a nrw Skfxlmsr, Csurlazo A OdTl tor tbolniBawallaa lataaaa. isooapoaATED, h. caoesTui ma. it Sesator TTCufcsjv a EeccMfcaa, joixx WATcsnoiM; 3ew York. Tork.. rcrsjly C. BBBXTKRACO lass MKRCHASTI rtwrfeat pre tern. Bath BsMtots. rteatallam SasMiOaofT. Ac COMMISSION lactiora oT tie ntPOSTES AXD DEALES rmrmT nq Skop oa A Cooke's, ty "Oi CASTLE & Deaecncy at cece. II Bias Mrtet. neat Cast WTT.T. HOHAianrR. COOKE. ACENTS 11 nutaasVfrMrooU Xisw Tark. reasoned that a rote tor ltXZCHAXSnz. a r. a. W For 1 th ll.wall.a IsUads. A aad " Wttrim if wecH irjuxe their standi as Democrats K Q frtrm. Baajfetttu B I rr nssi.i sL9Tc:BU0tS!aS.::Ursai JOHNKOTT. ALAEBA XEAB QCBEN STBEET. AOKBTofBrtsaca Board orCadsrTrrllers, JtfArces ctu 'ok. J at Trajfeisgtec. rBASKrosx-OT-Tni-Xii- Dealer of CaderwrJterr. hokth utrrun abb yzscijtms and Beithtr wsa disposed to Importor aad In Store. RaJlfea, J. HARDEE, Axeal of Yleaaa Board at Caderwrltrrs. dead-lec- JTTO Tke Cm'aerdal Bsaktn; Cev of Sydaey. Loadop. XVtml lloase Crockery. Glass aad : : Proprietor. break the fc at iscfe Faralsklartods. p Clalat Insaraaco Coatpaalra wlikla aaj sacrifice. Aeeat ts tah Tke Comatercial Baakla; Co. of Sydaey. Sydaey. Cklaa Ware. Practical 51 re tanks, Boaolala. B. I tjilasl tke Jarlr Znaurnnoo OompAnjf Sas Fxasosco, Ae:BswIcdcmats to Cos sucuoaortaraooToijoarasor uaoerwTiierswiii aaro . or eo.wdow A.tn r.DiwBrsan. 5 Jaa. 15. Etkt prepara-t- a trmctaxoc XAftoew Tke Eaak of Sew Zeaiaad. Aacklaad. aad Its extracting and to bo centled to by lis abort Ari to asks tkesa HawalUa CaratS J betas cade by SlreriS Hoffcn: fertile W3 Interior Q3t. Breajj. tr ia Ckrlstckarck.Iaedla aad WeUliitoa-Tk- e J. M. OAT & CO, BuiMinf. ralld. wt,T E.tabllsbod 1809. haajias ot ITrijfet lar LeBer, the. cccdeaeed Baak of Brttlk CoJaaala. Pwtlaad. Orecoa. Loft in A. F. Cooke Baildlar;, I J .S7-HM- COMMISSION MCRCHatnl Sew aad rialsk always oa baadrcs ITA l. straagter of Xkhelat Skerrett, at IS to--!. Tke; Asore aad Xadelrs. Islaads. of Xanaaa street. Iasaraaco Notice. Mf jKXv,ou narailforaM M.. Km rnnersca ra-- n. CCPOSTESS AXS SEAXESS XX KISS CASE "'jg-Har- d StoTtrarc-- d, Acenasalatsd Faad w kS. The neaSWd the fcja stsckkoiai. Swedes. Boaolala. B. I. asd Soft Cat tad lartoted laae which K7 ma KW. ass aastSfUt. iWiy AQE1T FOR TIIK BHIT15II For. Hctchisgt and "Wheeler dropped C!T eOs. rlau 6nm: Tk-- Caartered Baak of Loadon. Autratia aad Cklaa. o asrtniM a. rtrro. , crwwaaal was pat is 3 Flics f all descriptions made aad repalresL. TBK Xarlao InsarsaeoTottMav t Umlted aaa noxuiusED nxrr. uxxx uniaT PcaitJeo te-c- sealed, a esaal, in the W lj- BottkoaTofeokaaxl. Japaa. retttred taitractlooa to IBcsrssww the. Haioa of In Tnr. AUEXTS for tat madwlek Islsadn SQrOHA3 FCtTS, Aad,traasactaOeaeralw.qkt1-ltagiae- a. PIOHAXR 5TT. ATsT saraaco nctwera iioaoian aad rorts m la raeioe aa4 aad are aatboeiaed 10 lasaro afsmst fir oo FaToraftio iartheresdcfthecpperHerj he C ly eftha S.M. CARTER. GEO. LUCAS, Is now prepared to linfe roltrlr. at Us lowest ralsw Trtms GENERAL CocatjJail. About Candy Manufactory and Bakery t vita a special redactloa en fretrat per steamers rsr" Bttls uten la any nasi ot tho Islaads on Stone CGSSISSrW SEIfC!ll!3? fesrhcsl-r- ei Atiat to txio Ach3unrladc3uata to Con- U. IIACUFELD a: CO., bbck-border- irritaticca hare beea thku. 11 u.w ia?. ad VToodsa BalMlsurs. aad Bereoaadts stored tker. IXroBTEBw A3B BBAlEBS is. tracts TVrri GESEBAL COXKISSIOH JLSZITS. Practical CealKtiesar,FtSORMCook Xasar, CONTRACTOR & lttHly AzeatBrit ror.Bar t.s.Ca.. Llsalled lo Dw.mns lloase and Fararrnra, Ttaher. Coals n aed. bet the Sheriff is besie-- ed OOn t . raatry sal BUILDER by a hast ef P.X.S. Dwci. E4iii-- Brno), B. L W Qaeea Street. Boaolala. B. - ly TlBotelstreetlbetweea aad Fort, aty Shlpeln ha?TKrwHawtiaMteargoe40raAdfr repair arpKnitsfer special perraisaieas" 1B imn B HOFFSCBLAEOEB A to attesd KMUCXG H. BSSHE.1 CO.. ooain.Xo. T5 CaUaaaU ate the eaeea ties. CAJfTT.T.. K. A. SCIIAEFEK ic CO., 3. EMMEI.UTH & CO, AresiU lor the Hawaiian Islaads orncx ..A W. K. FIXE DriXTRANCE COMPANY. rB.ywrim-0- . Importers A Commission Merchants So. 5 Saaaaa Street, a m Pjlxixa, csadi-two- Jaa. 15. A taxi ahrsia- - e" 3 Booolala. BawaUaa Islaads. ly Tltrmltha suad PIomTaara. Sastlaxi StartM a rratx inmtmmuxsn obex a Pa!iic Amxo aL tk Coans the la hatixu Mutual Life DR. & iSurtFreTMlsthwshaatthe Bepnb- -c aa4Xuir of Iron Copper TTare, X polatsd Areata of aboro Coapany. art) pre-- New England Insurance Co. JORDAN CO. ?3l JJT &. CO., Baazes, Tla. Skeet aad keep csa Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, lis AgscexalcacSjcli isziaezt, andchil laBl. XJklE staa tiy oa kand a fall asaortmeat of Tiaware, Gatraa-- pattdta lasso ttsta YtnstarooaStaaoaad Brlek sorrow, PEOtTtyyiil , a. sassrMbasja. stored on or xtjj rtrrixa oi jwaris qaderway ia Ccadrai-nrcL- Bjraca. W o Sn-- i. a Trarir COMMISSION MERCHANTS tzed Iron and Lead Pipe. India Babbet Bose, Ac, Ac aad oa oreaaastlaa taerein. KICtxzJ..f Paris, rwnelruea :f B.I ?- aasfcualeraad SUgdaleaa, Aad Importers ot aad Dealears la Bay. Grala. aad waiy Esplanade, UodoIhIh, B. tAeatostfaroraalotenaa. For pastlealaro apply at Uo i .t costrort ATKD. swesaa.' Caa no wssarsatll - sad eeess to break SMITH XHTTRSXOX. , IMS Geaenl frodiiee. Boaolala. B. I. ly I. .. sciutriH a iu. tsn letter irnVsaallVeorj.awari.isla.1n'"f the inportaat State E. WUX1AXM, i allfosnU. oa ten cta cfCaaca. Here ia ATTORNEYS AT LAW. C WJUWlliHC-MACDEBUB- C 7 OtsVsi Purely VitwnlLift hnraact Cb.ia Kf"IT'. usrtul Faaca,iaeretnKtUeisKkeJjr W A. Kcarr. A. P. rarajBoa. IXrOETIB. TkAVUTACTU JtXS TTHOLSTKBES . Xaaatac.area all kinds of amtinin aaxtnrsr wHAii?ii ta eccar. bat ti Unilftt Slatai. mUCAtKstCKrTHW 9tB AXAI there wig be bet little bloodshed. s CT. KDnnrr & fetebsox. ASDDEALEaMH MBUldlntTs. rackarst. company, OIKKASSWur BBS. CLARENCE ASHTORD. ja.'T' 3JJS.-W- ' rats nrsiANCE already takes place in the in- -- ATTOB.XJ1TO FOaiiTORE OF EYtBT CSCRI?TIOJ, ?oUeita Inata oa taa satt ftTtraM TirsaJ ML A.'ttorm.oy. cteo.. orrice. so. . IF Window Frames, OFBAXBCBQ ktYf BSJOK SETT OB CI" terior. SciUcItor, is tiABrxAsv stbeet. Ware-Boo- S4 Voss; "El Faraitare lo. Fort St. Sko t Kxaatple orBoa-Forrellnr- o ST Omtl-- B Siiismiaa Strwt, W Boaolala. B. I. ty tke old stand oa Botel Slrect. wines, tlllLWHW. ssrBaaCXABDABX. JtCsUII. rtaa Jaa. 15. The BerJia tT anff "" TVBC sad MaeArMre Issaml Tiro on tke losses, correspond- Bvnolah. H.I w promptly Aad all of Woodwork - 15SCBBA0K, tmr ent JUjZ f. o. Sana. L. ATacasros. Orders from tke otker Islands attended tx Uaii rials. ; ------cfthe Pat ftcaae saye that Ger-ea- ay "ST. ATJ5ZEX Itflily Btfrr4lUTBr ror ML CQlilSlrMrlES the UmilJiG. TV. O. SMITH ft CO. a. JAEBSa. Aseat tie Bawallaa Islaads t AniJlprfSioS mTKarTfoneI year. aiayoS J. CmaiKtlxl rejected proposal regardia; Egyptian At-La- Turning, Scroll and moiy Attorney avad Counsellor 3kXoX Mi Samig! s .vnaosi presBinms cnuiif rortey 1 year. Iloay. True m emiT eEsrtys. EaiBca. receatlr sabcitted to the Powers ActaowSrfsienij Stock and Real Estate Brekers, O. S. 3 Aaaaal premlans conrlnao Fosley a roar. 17 day. uriuixu br Arrat ' Ute cf Xa)tmi3it sw So. 38 Xerekaat St Braolala. B. L. ALL UIXDS or 4 Eaand, aad accepted the reciter proposal's ta lAlasc t OoAx ORIENT Aaaaal premlnsas contlnae rodey years ta itsys ribcatted by FRANCIS Carpenter and Builder Flanise, And Skwing, nanal premiams eontlnno roffey tv years 54 days tWia frr rpam UtrndtKa fm 4l sat I 99 Fraace, the latier eobodvmc K. HATCH. TELEPHONE xo. Sod. Xnaurnnoo Company 4r. the Eaaadal scheme which Moxtidne aad Tenanting. HASTTgRD. COWWIXTIUUT. . : EEraad dlsiiectlv A; BU1LDIXSS I0YEO 1X0 WHO BILLS EfilCTO. Or 010,500,000! rejected at the SsjptiaaCasfereQce If. K.3IclATVnE BttOTIIKn, Attornoy at Iiatv. rfHlt tkr rlrratalllrt yHrm f ike Mkt7 T vUl ia Leedoa SoT V-- : 0Mi1.1s4.tL Paid Ihrougfi Agracy. prtJ-- Win MMTtMfMM df--f last spriag. GBOCEBX. PEED STOKE and BAKERY So. 11 Kaakomaaa gtreet. lyr Repairinc In all ita Braateaaa. "" ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTESDED TO usnnEnjsjuTin.im Ronolaln Y9W1t till WMT Coravr Slac aad Fert Strvru. Bonolalo. Work done in any part of tke Kmzdora. Skopatmy Anil ITork TftkrA m h VIm rtu $40,000 HIBfin J.ClHIJva,UiAr3lleCRLO! 2Txw J&9 14 HILBEB 4t CO., residcace, Towa Uaswaaloa. rllks arxlait tMa DimtM hirh h Hit th tta ! M4icl!f. Tail. MC WalkiklBoadnear usaaayroatk. - BaiUinr, na I d Wf ! Ml 12 TVw. It Coraer of Fort aad Caeca Sleets, orders may be left at tke sklpptax; oflce of A. P. Cooke. Orders from tkt otker Islaads solicited. Mt?rckAndl9.MMt.Bef7 Farnltare on H"t-- ik mel Uf . W"'li I Uc, W.Ta, pedal Mrs.Liara Shrews- Boaolals. Boaolala, Xay,lH livu lyr flTOfaWf ICttlt, A. JAEOEta. CASTLE & COOKEa AJENTS aa4 nluM mr &mrm4. sits: E. H. ABAJIJ. tjaeett Street. Boaolala. Me ly DW gatiralUn UUad.. nm? bury, whawas inbsr, Faints. Oil, Sails, Salt aad BalHitg Areot ft UM FOB TIIK HAtVAllAw ISLAaUa C IILOBODTNK H H mBtly kowm faf I Bf Auctioneer and Corusluios Slerchast. gaurials at sTtry kiad- - ts ?& relntire cf Gea. Washkgtto, dead Jrjy LTCAH CO., .OBBpuf( nmcHiw. na.Mt is at Vtot Qacgn Hcaolglq. J. D. LANE'S WASHINGTON act t the ageef frtrtt. lj . SOX raroanas aao snixxss ct THE PACIFIC MUTUAL nLORODTXK lik luii 3aArrMa Ml seTeatyxe. She was a dasshter M. W. McCHESSET i ta ooiy tpvcMW m l bator bm4 Harriet General Mnsical Uarc&asdlaa, Painting. RREAND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Drm: f Washiagtac, wha was a daughter of A. S. CLEGUOR.1 Co.. OEALZBS 1 1 IS Cstroaaaa, t HLOEtWTSt affMMUt est ef a. ttcU Saaeel Wasluagtcc. Her father was Andrew taroarxas ass nsaxxxs its EncrarlBca. stonc&auote. OF BOSTON, MASSACIIUSETTS. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY sptivf, mfWM, ruyfutne. mi sruai Leather, Hides, & Tallow Tke Ckeapest place to Bay GHLOSOElT?CB -- -- I Parks efBaltuaere. the reBes of Gea. 3!oaro'HTict1oio lit-lM- btk MkrMJIUliw Anscr I'J'jrOozLorol Caaa Arnts Jaanrj t. - . 11.39J,Ji0.31 Washfegtcn possessed by Xrs. Shrewsbsrr was Cotaer Qwb aad Kaaaaaaa'5trTtf. lj ASD ILL IIIDS OF FDRIITOnE II H0X0LOLO. Or RhtmmatHm, lit,C4r1PoH. Xeic a. I sacff-bo- axxtztcsei-rrrrs- s TsAea Blsta aralnst ljat or Bauare br Fire on a gsU i, presented to hin fcr the city BrrT.T.TAtTATTLP, riCTCBE FBAXES ot all kinds Desire to call tke parUcoltr allealroa of Terybody. From Cv. PkarmMwUctU 1 9 coaoaasionAGESTS FOB made to order. Balldlacs. Bercaandlse.Xienlneryand Farnllnre on vM of "ew Yeri. to taAo A r ffwledcmeats to Con rarortble terms. A. JAEUEB, fatlUil, !.a!, JBMtr 4. Aeeat TO , vemi bimwi BMWMmrt.T orXo.bor CoxniJ'y. MJT Xo. 107 rort St.. UsBOlala. Axeat lor Hawaiian Islands. TIIEIB oi ir, - nl Cabskt, Xer, Jaa. It. Jeces eieitioc trcts Royal1J? yo.tiQgeeaStlloaolala.B.1.Soap ly Ia Dr3lF. - rctM-- as United la tt,trictorona,XUiiorOaaa.a: he Oficcof Ibc 7 P wWlisfi-hum rtHUiit V fwsCT 1 States Sesatar was confirmed oc taHgaoia.tVawrWock5.fotrtButstitet C. HUSTACE. HONOLTILIT IRON W0HKS CO. Tke City of In- - Tontine Investment Policies I jnaibaBst. TflSl lr Fire lu for lUir AM amH m llfwta. kt mil I i Formerly witi B. F. BoUes A Co.) jSe STEAM EIGL1ES, ICGAIt HTLLS Co., Which cantata tk. " IwAspMaMoCpasV TTtbSMrnl trftwm uti- - wen Xiw Xoax, Jan. Haddy suraace Idmitod. Ar.4ri H. Bya, who is JOII U. rATl, Retail S14aift BolUrs.Cuol.r,. Iron, Brass sad Usd Csatlazs So Bosttrittoa on Tratrt or Brsldeneo, onfiimi Anaf Mtw imbmim tats strict training cader Johnny 50XAET COXXISSIQXEE ot DEE3S Wholesale and Crocer, kU Datsdio IfUtf Hsts4isa uac Boache. takes nrsLICaal 111 Bis; Street, aader Bumoay Ball. Machinery of Every Description Freo frora Dfrjrr ot Forfrftar. aL pta For th ; CalM oral Yew vrry im ammo. a 4a3y pa atoned tfce reserroin SclKraa Suti lad Vnt OOct at Famtty. PlanUtloa. aad SMpa' Stores sappQed at SJ- - XsJe t Order. CalPITAL, 810,000,000 .ajtM wir tcr taeBaafcof Elaasp Hanoia-a- . 7K lj "St eapected here soeo, aecaapaaied by Pat 1U ekort aotice. Sew Goods by erery steamer. Orders Ptrticalir alts itian Fail to Slip' ZlataasiitMas; At0 rooi tke otker islaads faltktally eaecated. will W Ijj.. r Sheehy. Us backer, aad Ten trak-e- r. cxcs iraxcxxas. wTL.e tavia 1C Iy ESTABLISHED AB AUESCT AT di MTeM ka ntM Beiir, his C- MARBLE WORKS, HATI5Q The Drpo'lt Emlowmfn, rollrj and the d tiylmitumrtaK.of tke cxtraoNllwry wmcr vr Ua take his G . A: CO., E- TELEPUOSE X: lit. 1W1 ly for lao llawaliao Islands, the nader ' Hewffl np quarters at the tVJl. mwu TX. uoroBTSTBEirr, htt. slsried ts prepared to accept azalnst Are on XisieoVsHaaad T. BURGESS, skab hotel tlks Mntnat Inirtmrnt Pollrr. )ani.Crmf. enhnA,tiLTMltttts rfraaarT stkkclosely to his work. Saar Factors azd ConniMtoa Agents S. r. EEVET & CO. ct Farnllnre, on the most iaiivr cnrirtMr He eapects weigh tOI T33n 'A'jjj. farorable term. aBiAfltAnJ thalMwC'Si& to abont 299 pocsds when BnIali.H.I. cab frkop on Bin; street, oppositencxLSiin,Bore's. iOTFAiyrnRimTF tMYfsi 9rvBaMi year, u. aenrrm Wholesale and Retail Crocers, iHanbtva, aMl iatfwwwwj for he aeets Bran Monday eTensagin Madison Estimates on klads re- - mopjimts losses l'romptlr AtlJnstfdamU'ajableHfrc. This isooro' lb.? most reliable Companies euanl vm la tW ;f HOi.r.rsiEB & co FOKT STBEET, I. slrea ill of balldiOES. rkea mm kas Ha cstBrUtas smzt; Garden. t Boaolala. B. qnired. Offices aad aUed ap Tombs, hi. no sapertnr, and frw eoaals Settle, all t'larns filUIf. wUiw! - &lare Eyaa wiH scale I9 pacads. stores la tke Iatet East Eeaditones, C O. BEBOER. promptly; booe.tly fairly y oaTt Tft- as. Druggists &. Tobacconists, Fresk Groceries, and Prorisioas of all klads oa kaadt emstyles. Bepalrla; of erery descriplloa done la acts and al tmMwr ?tttMTfr Ter-nto- itrtlly llawa'Un tfy-F- or moitfft VMM sIirmm s mm jws" Kocr, Arkv Jan. ry best possible manner, and at reasoaable rates. Tablets, Marble ManteU, ?ent for the liianda farther lafnraiatlon. writ so. or call on anM Lrmr II. Iaaa "WHOLESALE ASD gtT4ir aad receired rezuarty from Ecroye aad Americaa tke iftAa 11 ia aeotawnriiaain ntn. aaa Mwiiiaa a cesTC5;-- adrices are Gen. wkick will be sold market IW Iy E. W that Hatch a reair to 3t 2 loaaa Stmt. 1 correct &Xeic&atM5 lt3 at tke toorsl rates. 'WashAtAod Tops, aad LAlK. Birch eo Caap Oklahosa, The Boosers'are Goods deBTeredto all parti of tke dry free of ckarre. liMl tunrnil jrni fcr tho llawalisn Islands zosr. xxvzxs. c. a. coKa tsiaaa oreers souutea. aaa prompt atteauoa Tiling in Blacx and White Marble. Brtwne a i a rauiiKAH Basural cw t eatiesehed at StSwater. A bottle is will be jisea to tke same. 1031 ly C. C. STRATEMEYER, trrtni rarnrs-- theght oc. rABT r Taa mutit t aa to be insuKoi. ur.vrr.its PBACTICAL 4 uk a. Wf ar, 4r. fatfAtaJtyruMtijaar A Successors to Livxascooke.A dcxo:r E. P. ADAMS, MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MHDtH-rv- tbr lkarai Mlrtyaf Gr Hrti aa R.a HcsTEWTuy, Peejt, Jan. Sk-c- the VtMffDf II. 4 Qaeca Street, Boaolala, U. I., HENRY MAY & Co, SMrtlrar U" f paHjeatics of the death in IHPOBTEBS & DEALERS IH LTJ113EK SIGN & GLASS EMBOSSER BABE TO OBBEB hfil. Spaa ef Oiirer . WHITER - Perry McSeehma, An all kinds of Baildla; Xiriil-- STOCK & REAL ESTATE BROKER CAiriOiT.- Str W Ctc Vct forseriy of this coentry, roctbtteet. 10B lj BoaiaJa. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE BATES. Hatrti ttBr J (. oUh Hrow tf, aaMV y -- ; Tearmg a SZX3ZS OP TIU & or 1 tftM - Ac iVfa fertase repvted to aaonat to $5,944,-0- 4, HIS IT. '" HATK UTtr fetor!?; frtr- abestef his A. ROSA, Hosolcix Srirxx X Boss fLxxflAJWC, " Hoananenta and Xlesiilstones Cleaned anol daai Vrfraua va JHktmtfy aatrm? vL j t daicasts for estate hare si?n ta hwiWBiv'sfita- -'' Ti- Tims mOMEI IT UV MD KHIHT FUEUC, S ttrfi of Vf kuusi t. ipiM t praog cp, aad seTeral cf thes haie eaged todu "" Bnxilit D. SIMPSON, Jalj KW. OUt mlk tke JJtuiIamt Htle Sold on Coraial' salon. SO. 5 BOTEL STBEET, legal conned. S.tarntr Cfentl. Orders from the otker Islands promptly attended to; fM ha beMWa a la. 1W.L. J. t arri ' kxb a. iy tTercpfcoce yp. 72- - TELEPU0XE Xo. 3U. ion Mh. X a la twwftM aftfcam tfcr wocrja -- "7 . I i. lftsir r Just Received Us) - Los95, Jan. J, The Qaeea aad Priacess jff. Brwa ClurafB " tB hnmr--: .;; Bsotnee, w g to Gercaay CECIL XUXOiTO. PLUMBER AND CASFI TTER - RtStSwaoptatAria-'- ! Ormatnlaat jeal iatfiawT is March, aad C. BREWEE & C0MPA1TY, bottfB. Mtmnr ctd they will retaaa oc the Ceotkest three weeks. AITOKXrr ASD CQgwsTT.T.na AT LAV, (LLMITEB) DEALER IX HES. THOMAS LACK rMt XOTAXT FCBUC Caatlon - Brwan- - f Ptfacy aad faiatarits Losses, Jac.ll. AdTKesfremXelbuccje General Xertantile & Conuabjion Aients, Stores and Ranges, Tin, Sheet Iron and No. ?B Tort SU Honolalou IMa Waaafar'w-- J T BAYXXTOKT Crfa. Aad Ajpb t tor Iikt AeAAOv ledges t of Iaslmsieats 1 elooo,ooo. 1 state opinios coc-tao- U. Copper 'Warn. Bloom.bary Loa Jan taa that popalar ia Aastraha es (oc tie Islaad ot Oaii. C1CEES STBEET. BOSOLCLC. I. City & Riu4jH(rt. !? creitly agitated Keep ConstaaUy on band a Saperior Ascsortmeni of Id A,, JAEGER. Agent fortheHaw'n Is of Paris Clan Grant inTiew of the recent na CamooeU Btock. Xercaaat, c Booolal a lj cr omcaxs IMPORTER and DEALER ad-fu- ust WS Tla Ware. Galraalaed Irgn and lead pipe, ly Genaas aaneaaon ia Xew Gaisea and P C.JOSES, . .... at asd Xsxar UKUAKU K. asICKEUTO. JOSEPH O. CABTEE. Secretary itUsis. Mass ceetiags to protest - Trtuirt r aid ATI023TZTA3T3 IA-R- BESBY: YoNDON GLOBE aroxaa. against foreigs asneaations in the Pacinc are C0XJ5SZL02 AT XAT ..Aaditor Sewing Machines, and Genuine HYERPODL and and LONDON, eTeryiay VTUiaUezd ti.e Ttxzii of Coans oa lie other Islaad scaacTosa. WILLIAMS & GO, occcrrences. Shire and barocgh XaT to lend on Xmcazu et FreeboUs. BOS.CBAS.B.BISBOP. Bos. B. A. P; CABTEE. J. Parts, Attachments, Oil J.H.GATJR.&GO.j hosbcSs t&ewise take eccastoc to record Se 3XeceJiaatSC:doaTitcomIT SU2BiraMs. WJy INSURANCE CO. their W3!m BO, 103 FORT STBEET. Cs. Orange Marmalade protesb, and the press of the csBBtry, and Accessories. Assess, $31,161,000 is enragad day 31. 31. D., U. THE WESTERN HAWAIIAN Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu. A.C3x2rer rzxzt & after J. lmiiaEY. l s. zoxi Crosso & & day in Tigorses aad emphatic dennaciatioo of Sestal n Fait lout, nrVESTMENT COMPAHTT, White, Hew Home, Claims Paid, $88,714,000 it BtaetcTrclt's ; Oc5o" Sa WORK FI5ISBED IS all foreiga attempts to gain a foothold in Aas-trali- a. kaBrtnrex'ff.Bloc,coraexHoCeliadFert istcu iixatiTBD. ESTABLISHED AX AUEBCT IX 5 thor-oagh- Mly Eatnaee. Hotel Street. Datli, Crown, Howe, and Islaads, Casca Ilaspborry It is certain that AcstraKa is iy WaterCoIors, Crayon, Booolaln, for the Bawallaa and the Jam. Money Loaned for Long or Short Periods prepared la write lists azalatt arocsed against the present policy of MRS. A. if. BlTT.T.TS, India, Ink, or Oil. Florence Machines, art Cases Strairbcrrj Jam, Stationers and Nows the British crierial FaahioiLaUo Dreoa and CIoaA-- APPROVED SECURITY. FJtEONBriLDISGS, MERCHANDISE & Cases Driers, ccers. Maker. OS Photo, Colored etc Howard's Machine Needles, Plam Padding, 1 Fert stneCHocolcIo. H I Apply to W. L, GBEES, DWELLINGS Cases Lottdot, Jan. H. The Iktdj Ttitgrapk :"3n t Mince Moat, Hawaiian tiaaolto Btok.37aoRkaai!ll. states lj Xasasca. The Only Complete Collection of all kindt terms. that Gemi33y has acceded to Eogiaad's , OFFICE Bearer Bloci. Fort Street. liW isiiw; Oa fiTotabte DweIUiisrRIkSpIUly CasOT SalLina RaisTnL U.KA-WAHnJI- Hare JnM Hsctma ra Mas;'.. ' proposal that neither Power shall the J. Detcheil ilwrUbCsssQtl content tQiaird for ptrlcul aaaaex LYONS & LEVEY, Island Views, CorticalU Silk, of t&rte jnti, tor two pttmlams In tdrance Coses New Cnrrants, AHoetssoat of suooaa islands. This agreement w31 pet an Agent to tile A rVnowledgaioata to Laoor promnilj berv. Iefi & GFJI'L CQBH1SSI0I IERCH11TS Ferns, Shells, ia 4JtntI and pajnble end to the scheme of the British eoiesists in Coatracta lUaiOERS all colon; 10.1 ,m BISHOPJttO Xew Zealand Foe tke District of Kona. OCee Xerctsit Street Bearer Block. Qaeea Street, Hocolala. Curiosities, te. STa,TI03STEIlY, to aanez the islands, bat is QPWKlte C0TT0.V- it sallora" Hone ygt tj- SALES OF FCESrrCEE, STOCE, BEAL ESTATE CLIRKS' MILE ED, MACHINE - Cs. bebeTedatthe CotoeialOSee that it will GERHA.N LLOYD Bottled Pie Fruits .OiOSG WH1CB M.tT M fvl ' te SARAH Z. aad Geaeral Xerckaadlse properly attended to. XkXocAoiratoflKCS AOEST FOB accepted asTatistactory by the Xew Zeaksd-er- s, FFJRCX. M. S. Sole Areata for American and European Badsme Deciorest's Beiiabte Cnt Fiper rattero;, Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. FapstY, masmseh as their maia object wishisg UDIES' AHD CHILDREH'S PHYSICIAN, " Cases Mixed Fickle, flaatst in 10 XEBCBASDISE. and Pabtleatlons. Dealer In f fsr to obtain techsieal ccssesaioa. of the islands OaHe and BesUeaee. Sa 3 Fehoo! Strest. JUST RECEIVED Cases Gherkins, Wtal Fort .( " was to preTeat their aeqaistion by Gerssany. aad Emma. 3. E. WISEMAX, BICcs. Pistols. Gens, aad Sponin; Goods, FORTTJNA Cases Pfckled Walnnls OFTHEBOCBS l"JBtalla- - a.. I DtoSr x ot Skot, Powder, Caps, A Betallc Cartrldjes. ;.-- . - Pajhj, Jan. Paris Cako eorresfood-e- nt Real Estate Broker Employment Boxesra General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. '.., UA KTELEPHONE Beat Booms Cottses, Bocses. seB aad leases CONCHEE&AHUNG Cases Spanish OIitos, Ac. A. says the Mahdi has accepted the coodi-tio- ca Jl 2&I.SJ aad Bui Estate la all parts of tke Slazdom. FOET STBEET, ABOVE EI5C, ABOVE IXWKAXCT. COMPAXIES Cases French Capers, nuuKaa proponed by General Wolseley. work aB rarwoa KEROSENE STOVES! niisit fnti 8--i n - r c Aro.G. ia tke THE esubllsbed a General Azeney here, and the Cases French Mnshroomn, hn.i r Lo?nXT, Inporter, Wioleiale braackes of boslaess connected mtk tkese I.Iaads. Ia all Stars and trelswrd. General are antnorixea to uae oaao -- Jan. 14. Escluh cCeiak laoch aid Eetafl Bealer 1ST S Docnmenu drasra. Bills Collected, New Goods of Various Descriptions Asenu. Cases French Peas, LIKITAXUIt to-d- the serrlces of a Class Gan Bens at the stsry pchKahed ay in the Timpt of iz. General Herchardise isooiuaaa Accoaauaept.ana7eaeraioiaceworExraas E7Barin?sernred Hrst Bl.ika agalnnt the Duten ol the at the saSMs las. asaa. and Locksmitk and tkonrazk Meekanle. 1 am now pre- Cases French Truffle, taK-- Hi..' enec: .MahrTr acted, ratrooaresollclteil Commissions moderate. IX 2aoat Baasuible and on the t llaaIaataaHrra rizzs to ue mat JJ Has accepted Aad r kiaa Goods la tk Fire proof Mcre.cocner E3a Boaolala. B.I. lors pared to do work la tkat Hoe. with promptness and Bales the terms cf cocprsaiee oSered by General VKX aad yaaaaa Streets ly dlspstck.. Island orders solicited. 1017 Jfot FaTombto Terns Coses I'.ito da foi Gras, I'OST OFFICK LITTTKR S( VXlvS, dunese and Japanese Ware! 10O ly F.A. eCnAEFEB A CO . General Airents Castas WoUelsy, and that the txpeditioe for the re- JAMES BRODIE, XIIKO. II. DATIEM & Co.. Finnon Haddook, I.Ka, lief of General Garden was to be anosresed Lara Jaarar. Gaazx A Co. ALSO, LATEST STTLX OF Cases Kippered Herrings CAMf IN rasniiB I Coasia; C its march to KTrartoca. The Sumdari IXPOZTEBS A3B COBBISSIOI XZZCEASTS, PRUSSIAN NATIONAL is VETEEHfAEY SUEGEON EUROPEAN HOVELTIES IN JEWELRY ! CAKrsM mnrrM viviiV describes the dispatch to the Tempt as a cere aas acxara roa la osarssa, sAasa, psato rwa COB. XILLEB AD BEKETASIA STS. Lloyd's and tke Urerpool Underwriters. Oonrp'iay H aaa toxar raacr. IXCLCDISO HOME Insurance Tints HA. sVuSsi A S 4 S BrUisk aad Foreii Xarlae lasarsnee Company, or STUTTIS CS. SCOTCH HERRINGS e. OAre Boon frosa to to rXit OSSee Box XXX 1WTJ " " JCldsid. Earthqaake treaiblaigs ' AadSortkera Assoranee Ccrspsay. lj FINE SETS OF CLAWS AstSULO' Wrttrax FsaM. Jas.ll. left toe -- a TIGER were felt yesterday- - CcaiBas, recorders maoe at PM'ifo SraWs la.rnasu.Mau. , na' A se. at Terraz, . THRL'31, Silk Handkerchief! (herajtitched). Cassltaf s Beleb.marli. 0,000.000. Cases Yarmouth Bloaters, rTArrOBss la nnarts ssASeaSn, nog itq) TllOS. - Alcsaccearand Algarabo. The ttsra in the ULToamc axd xsjrcracrcaxae All colors aad qsalltles. Cases Oxford Sausage, rod.. , " IRVDKRSirtXKII IIAATNO soothers prjrfsces stHl eestinncs. The riTers ic AGEST, lOOE-JIXDr- a UTS TIIK ICCIL.CCs i:.'o. IIAI.L s.. STATI05E3,BEWS A FIXE ASSOBTXEBT Or . JL been, appottated aent of the abore Coatpai foe Cases Sardines, $ ami ; ras.la,Htastrn are greatly swollen, and the ssseriags of the UX1TED. FAPEZ KCLZ3, tho Hawaiian Islaad. is prepared to accept riks COI-- r i Cases Whito Vnie Vriiegar, JIAS.VS lltsnua 1 people, who hare been recdared honselees by A.M) Xerekaat St, Campbell's Brock, A Fort SL near Hotel, azalnft tire on BnlMInzs. Farnllnre Merchandise. , DaoZTTES DIALESS 15 HAZDItASZ Japanese Lacquered Ware iToonce. r.oxar ine most raDie terms. Bast India ChatRCj-- Wall faB koMSaaA koM taaorf. tfce tax&qtuies, are intense. According to Boaolala, Oaka, U. I. jsius.e,on ut Caes WlllloMboao4aa4klf n- - Ptovi. Pjiotf. Oiks aad Beaenl XerchudlM. Also, So. 1 Rice For Sale. heue I the eCdal record the kiled Also Pabli.aerof tb Bairaiiaa Alminacand Anna una nosmv Aoiunio hd pitisle Cases I.eibig'j ISxtraet Meat, staaa- - j camber of persons OFF1CEB8: aad Directory aad Calendar, Ac fOTly J! BIEME5ot'IINEIDER. ItlH.Dr.B5l t la xsou atHr, 10OJ - j Cases Mnsfaroom CaUap, PCH . by the earthqaake ia Granada was 95, and WaWBall ... - Pretident aod Xaaazer T Xerekant street Store Tke Fort street Store will lyo AtWUdTACa tfaussle Pencil.. Coailaa r o, tste injared LCAoiei) Secretsry aad Treasurer w&i ke deroeed to General embrace Stationery, O atssssssHMsfatsBaKw i CaMH Soger's IlciMh, rvnc C naaber Hit. Fiae S DB11VI.1U UsrrsnKWn.pAraai swajrira .Aadttor Stationery, BUnk Books.lllooks. Artists Xaterials. OsassssssssssffCsHsssssasf JUlJ'lrt H General Insurance Com'py. I Cases Tortaliirc flelish, r.tPr.BI - rA3scisco, Jan. The case A. Xay WaUe .JWMI Hs.ii. Sas H of Tans aad E U Dfreexori Sews aad Bradlaj; OeparHToys and Fsaey Good,. Beaver Salooii sssbbsswu i I jn. r f. r. Far Sea, Hirer arid Land Transport E.ITU.IHTJtl tJsusslasosaaoo; B. Spreckels, charged with attempting to CorBerFort aadErarStf meats laa lj aasssssssssMaMsMsMswsiaii j Casea Celery Sail, r" Ll TlATIaaiVAssBil Keae)..i . A . H. 3L e T . so or TjRZSDEN. Border Tecng, was called in Jedge tm' -- t IIYJIA.-- BIIOS.. sank sassaCt"-- j Jr.fl !? rf Cnses Celery Seed, JicjiuRa.asssua Dcruiajs,B elj Lawler's Court yesterday on " HOTEL, H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. a T1MH FrOtrKa. asortta; -- IL.. ssoratog. bat JAKE? POOD, rBOPBIETOB. !WT.UriISlIEO AS Teas at cAl-Est- of General Merchandise HAXtSU Honolnla for tv? Hawaiian I.taods. I ef the coottacrd niseis of Hall if CCSIU CF FCHT 110 EQTa USUT HG JOUXU Importers sasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaw W the oadTslspicd general Aenb.aJRthmlad 10 take one of the cscssel for Spreckels, ft was TkVtA!) Wlaetad Ltaaorseoostaatlyoa kaad. FBOM to- Invitation Paper Envslopos ! saeUca. l B7S aasoance to bis friends iod tbe Dr. Ridge's Infants Food again postponed cntfl the 2ltb iast- - This VOZ Ltrvrj Srabtea atueked totkeHfif'-- ly gens FRAXCE, ESGLASD, GERSIA tfY, AXD pnoHc la zeaeral Rlaka atalnst tho Dancer of tie at tho Ball was dene in accoordaacs with the agreement GEORGE L. BABCOCK. Prnerssawe tsnfc, laelt. aa4 UNITED STATES, That he has opened the abore Saloon MortRoaoonanloRate. aado tho Cases .scotch lib. CABBD.' of the cocztet when the ease was called on iiat- - of OaUaad, rj. i Oatmeal, tins; Street, - Bonotala.n.I. first-clas- s 3Cat rarorohlo Tortat. theSthbai, when Mr. Lloyd assented to a Irlnja.o where Refreshments Cases Pearl Barley, Jib. tins : LETTEE F&I3SES, LASOE & SHALL Tooclior on X'oarto. A A CO. esetinaaaee en the ccedttka tit if Mr. Address Lycaa A Co., Terr Street IIYJIA.Y BROS., win be serred front 3 a. m. tin ID p. nu, nndrr the Is Snptrtedin; all other Steam Hollers, F SCIIAEfB Cases Tapioca, lib. tins ; BoateM ksasoa, .11 Dadott's. Beretaala SW Wlj Asent for the If awallaa Islaads ntLLsMHts, !. still tick the ease shenM ro tHida'"e Xrs. stet" Cases Sago, 41b tins ; n.C orer agafc, bat sheaM be set peremptorily for WHOLESALE GR0CERP, Immediate saperrislon of a Competent Chi dt Calslae BECAUSE IT IS MORE SlL'lDtS sACeaXBttOsXav EMPIRE HOUSE. GBADES OF Cafes Salt ia jars, niBTIlOtT CaROT, a isiare cay. ine case wm accorctingly fc OLD. - - Floor ZSaadali Cslllorals Street, FISEST J Econoralcal of Xnel, WILDER & CO., Cases Ground Cinnamon, rof MET &3ITIS. proceeded with en the 2 tth icst. roo-tE-K a x , sccaiCAisnom, steects. rtucisco, Tobaccos, ioas Liable to Hrplodo, Tl.nolnla, Il.wallan I.loads, ties-- Cases Ground Allspice, Aael asaojr otter article, too ..muni. aes s yrw Hatet, Jan. H. Dr. Carrer stopped paid to Btax aad sklnpls: AxeaU or taej CHOICE ALES. WINES AJTD LIQUORS C? I'articaiaraUeatioa f frsl Oases Qronnd Clares, Tesor4 firing a. Island orders. loto Cigars, Pipes and feii -- at 121 cu wnlrl AKInta aad 2 na iy lr Easier of TranaportaUoa or VarasAao p.sSaitrf. stany i'- - A - "(A Basses eat of 2 1,125 shots fired. Ilk eyes o. w aorroa o a sroaroa JAJIES 31. Miiiual Life Insurance Comp Ot. Genuine Mtutard, all Ike local rsjln aaa Msnw.. Srma JIOaSAimAT, Smoker'se , , Sundries. - ! FaMeV oaa, ' and wrists troable hia greatly. He will begin . V. A: CO'W AND COSTS NO MORE Cs. Cayenne Pepper, sides Lfomrr, sAwsf. oa staa nd ?n. a .lOBTO.t Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Ckoeen by a personal seleclJon from s ornwTOBB, Bomber, sona far so en n rsormag. Store, (srore He asT dueriptlon can b rr. again earir ecnesday Baaek Plaauros. aiers la Choice Gro fSpeeial attention saM to tke nemtiatlon of Losas,') has been obtained, aad will be added to frora Fall sad prices obtained by Largeat, Safest and Most rPBrlAt(srissraelMfrBX?6 tr ceries aad Fronslofts aad Cecral Xrckaadise. 1. ConTsyaacins;. aad all mittert appertaiaiar to Beai V tintetotiaie. ppllcallon to, Sax Fsascuco, Jan. I!. The recoaal cf MSJy (.Estate. J and canary seed, ItSO the Totes cast at the late election fer Sherifi Ose of Braaiwlck A Balke'a VY. E. HOWELL, ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO hehp.;rape, XL Tfotary PnoIJe suid CconzaisaloaiaT of TJeeda Honolulu. was cecdaded betore Jndge WBssn yesterday S. CUJTHA. Sole RED RVKBER AUF"f(Ti For tke Sutes of CaBforsIa and Sew Tbrk. 78 ly Ajmt Hawaiian Islands. IS THEWOELD! Fry's Chocolate, STAHP afternoocn ia Department courtroom 2. The H.otnll VAaaio Soalor, fS-O- So Xerekant St, Boaolala. UltTOTT SALOOX, 3 B.I. Celebrated Billiard Tables over ! Fry's Chocolate Slicks for dessert, snsl .seala for lk CaeitssAla Brltaaaya chancer was crowed to its atsicst capacity, j Ho. Cash Assets, $90,000,000 la tke rear of tke Hawauaa 6axetze lrajdia? fair TXIXPHOHE 408. IrT til I.loaa or4rr. Prasartlr "S and the frritmrat was intense. lcosaect4irtt&taa catHsIiaent, wfcere arrtn VFor lafomstloa eoacerninr the Company aad Bpp'a Cocoa, Ki tw So. 3 Xenkaat gtrtet-- Iy of Ibecaeon p4rtlclplr. IQO IWCOOIa-E- , for Bates of lasarsace--. apply to WILBEB A Co , SchTfciMcr's Coooatina, J. M. OAT. 3r. ot CO. Pjuladixpiua (Pa.), Jan. 13 The roion ! ISA.C tlen'l Azenu or tM If O.aarr BhMk. S xerekaa' a Icssrasce Cocpaay cf this city at its aasaal A. IV. FEIRCE CO. Just Arrived III SCCASC BTBEnr. IIOBOLVLr. J E WISEMAB. Hnnlly Palraers 31illc Biscuits, CZABULEZS XX2CEAXTS - ita raeetiag to-d- redaced its capital to the fHIP k C0XXUSI03 JzXt of IiTrpoolv CRYSTAL SODA OIH JIOTjaxi lot! oollrltlazAsent & Palmer's ez roa pt Airwntrm WORKS IiIOHT BTOIUI Ilnntly REMOVED TO 82. KIHB ST te&t of 2C0,C4). This action was Bade neces- Axm choicest selectios or BraasTs (vas Boeak Laace. S,flTiTl ! ' SOUTH BnlTISHAND RATIONAL ad s AND Ott. sary by losses through the fraodsleat trans- Darts-Pai- FANCY CANDIES OF ALL rerry Killer. ONE MILE OF Chr Good! are Acknowledged the $est I DESCRIPTIONS: Haccaroons & Cracknells actions cfese of it agents. e So. t Cfooea ly Creamt. Opr CsrsmIf 3(anlimallytri 7inrtTt4 FIRE AX1) MARIXK IXSl'JUXCE , ac (led-)- . U- E0 C0EKS, Aimota; A. K. Citron Jellr Icr, Socth Bern J - Tetterday .'I. IV. Light Portable Railway Rails, ailee.no aad Ltwum Gan Drop. C c. Xoapuftl COK7AKIXS OTHUVI ZEALAND. Mackenzie's Albert BuscoiU, the employees of the OKrer Chilled Plow GIBTO. DO CnilUBi VoriTTFMJOn A.. Comvunuyn jlertkaxt tmd General Dealer ujzmxtTt.MiaiinrBj&Tt CAPITAL 130,000,000 Bryant A Mar's Wax Matches, KRA.ITT, Works strode for higher wages aad eoapdied 9 ifc. per ia-- i 3JInch euzeitlLh We Use Patent Stoppers sa Dry ?o"ti.rtoeeri eat Bard ware, Malioanj 7nt, Fancy Mixed BallnltedLltUlltyofiliar.Iinlders. Bryant 4 May's Safely Matches, all the csen to quit. Xt an early hoax this amery.aad and Plain Candlee, lss.ior Joint OPTIOIAIVT, ssteat Bedsctaee.PeTf carr. crtlat. Is ill mx Hotr. Famlli Cf ot AIw Mm'jAt. DrazJIt. Policy. morcisc 209 hundred men esegregated in Otajsirare. 5CT Vtttn .. eitabllshed Fiir-rt- Htc Ucorlee AUmi Uoitr. Barls: anArney atlloaol.lo, forth. Day U Martin's Liquid Blacking. Watchmaker and Jeweler. froot of the gate and would not aHew any to I(t WAILrsirj. XACI ly AHD (OUGHT SUGAR C&NE WAGONS tiptwec Gain, ISaxe. Hawaiian Illands. the nndersinefl Is ptnrtd Xawt iin eepc risks aramrt Mre on lldlldlnzs, Bereh.ndlse . HHl) enter. Those who tried to ester were beaten M. S. ORE5BAUM fc CO. Ginger Ale ours Tk abore CahAIm nUrUIled at 50c jxrlV. r.raltarr,3ualnery,Ac. onlhwnost fsrorsbleterBn TOIl but - " about the head and body. larttaiaaa or S.B --TWs railway Is soluble for Aalmal Power. i,.LL, ABB TUT TUKX. Tobtcco. , Ci. Hod Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pay- (Wy. T.), Jaa. 13. Gerernor GsaiegaJMeyrhardttsuisICermiTi1sasmMetr- - ALSO FOB SALE , Clr. Clzntftef. Ilolliiur Musical Instruments Cmimt CBILDBEB CET FOB vrtitr vjinzrr on na ia,i no or hm Hale of Wyoming Territory died this zr dtaata,HozialaItL,H,X. If jk ie, ! &CO. XottsV km MbJIc tkat ka Tnm LAINE - tTSias tCT able Here UtcK u. foTBiST.rrr4 i- - i lingering Alness. He was htral;ht Steel Kalli, It lbs. to the PBi'aW PAKtLY GROCERIES. j'ly ktr U KIO 4)tali fr- crcng, alter a M. S. CRINBAUM & CO, on Morchandlso, HATK A LAUOSaTOCif. TIIK of Mr J t. Vafafft wkfy k kaa apnMsi av appointed Goreraer by Presaeat Arthur on For tke worldazof Xessrr. John Fowler A Cc's XartaaSIaka Fr.ichU " Larzv swl Clf rtMnit of tke aadersi-ae- d asd Traaaor. at Carraat Rate.. 13, His residence was Cminission Merchants, way aad toeoeiocrns, bxtorerert SODAW1TER August 1S2. fanner J.D.Spreenal. Ks- q- t ;preca,iTUief waere a uae Is BEIt'lEH. St- tce oar Ooods of Ckarze all parts B. C. O. "Vorir Sosat 1 Ersuiclaco. delrrr Free lo Mr. Glenwood, He was years old. So. 121 Callfonila Saa Cal now faB operation . KERR Ar--.t GOLD & at la. - la f tke Cny. I. tail for llawIUo I.laods. SILVER WATCHES FoTf snkerpartiealars. apply 1 WAJUcroTtor, Jan. 13. Miller presented in TnASa-ATLAXTX- C W. L. OBEEB, or Carefal attentioa paid to Iilaad Orders: iHrnt Hay, Grain, &c. 2EITO. the Senate to-d- the memorial ef the Board D. H. HTTCHCOCR a. W XACTABLA5E A Co OlOOlSLS, avtEaiv aad Hotary PaUIe, JOES Fowler A Co FIIC INSURANCE COMPANY, rrosa tviekralM Xse of Trade ef asking that the pro- Attaraer Axentsforiskt The Cfrystal JUST BETUBNED HABBCKU. which i oKrertEO at rut Spain be rejected. Has opened a OSce la BBo. wker k wlU prataptiy Soda Works, or posed treaty with attend to all baaiaast eatrasted to kins-- KAUPAZHEA PLABTATI0H' Capital of the Coot pasry A BesrcBelehsaurkipnfO A Splencid Assortment of Fine wrj sttead an tk Terms of tk Clreait toort, aad their Compaalr. mjenjin Cabsot (5ct) Jan. 13. Tuay is the BOW COIHO IX and for sale la O BOX 1ST . B. From Great Britain Lowest Market Prices will also attend tke Local Circait Cocrudn Baa. SCCAB to P BOSOLCLC. I. & e aad Senate John P. Jones recetTtd the salt tart triers, by IV7A&IJ0UI em Jewelry in Gold SHver, Hcci KB SL1 BVEiTSO DOSE PEOXPTLT ly ly C. AFoaro. And wfll coon open writh Total ....Beichsmark mb DamKo nu to iw Nit orra iw choice for United States Senator r tST OTOiTZXVZFHOBE IS HO. 298. SB. a A,' ttii TO EOAIfSa BHklrtaoantast with rTertosn ttaas. rv. by the Bepabltcar.s and B. P. Eeatiag flrMOKIT SOAP W0JLKSI NORTH GERMAN AIICTr FOK TIIK of X I's If t L OWTHrilESTS oa kand of the Densocrats. oa HAWAIIAH Orders left srltk Benson. SbIia A Co.. Xo. 11 ortrStreet, will reeelTet oorpt attention. I(g M SELECTION of GOODS AN CE , t!K two-thir- Cood Property Security, Stocks, IJISE Iff SUE COMPANY, MntaalLlfej Coropatry-- Ths LegUlitare Is rrer ds BepuUic-a- n Pacific Iniarante and a joint ballot, takes place Band; Etc Apply to or nxnBVtiu. or '"AtiroBStA. THQBPSOH, AT LAW, &. scttaiile fob CplUloftheCossponyABrsesTe .BekhssaarkUnin A Great Variety ef Curios. (Tex,) Jan. 13. The Earl I. AnOBSET GREY CO., u their BIasnranee Compotes " tajtnxa BioSractas OFTICE Corner sad Xerekant Streets, Ridge House, Agcols ft ths "HOOVEE T21ZPH0SZ." aien4)n; e cfAylecford died Ccoopolitsa Hold Fort Ssaafutarsrs aad Dealera la XV Tk. allenUoei ' at the tew BoTotxxx. IL I. la GEHTLEMEFS Total Belcksmsrk tUTDttn U.Bes hs sitrtcnttr UeiHe4loEkl.Wwks.fce.wr 939 o'clock fraa Mlirnmalion ef Will COMMWSIOITEB OT "DEECS clmlOT W at s. w. caarUE. a. a. araaaroa ALL KINDS elwker. the bowels. The remains will be teat la Esg-las- d. OF SOAPS, SOUTH KONA, HAWAII. EMCCACISO TBE rTlRE CaBEBAiUWXD.aEBKBAI.AtJE.tT" FOB OAttroBSIA. CATTLE & COOKE.- kclco. Kins; Street, Iloaalala. JL of Iho neor. tkreo companies for tho Hawsllsa numso comnisiDa- hxechaxts Beef. Xittaa aad Coat TtBowvaateeL Orders left a-- Iflaadsw are prepared to lns.ro BalbtlsKS. trn!tre. B Teieruoxg.ro wist asd Bscklnery, Ac also IHrxsr 147. Jan. 13. Ia the lower homo of the rXPOKTZSS ABB ZnBn A c"t. Street, win meetwitk precsptstt Bnxhsadlso .ad rrodace, M na1 flI Pan, fen wm mj and UUs Mills, od .essals In lao harkor, loss HIIIIIlI I to-d- irvuoa. Styles sjlit HKKiTun Diet ar sereral Beobers ad- - Dealers in Ccneral Merchandise, O'WKUfjIOXEII IIEOH TO Latest or dsatsge W (rt att tho o.t faroraM. tms. Wo want tho Public to under- III Tocated the formation of a ceatoras cnica ef Bo. f) Street, Bosotala, B. L JlEXnorOI.lTA.t HAKKET. Tm lbs rBe tkat Hi wtis-tno- nje. fOfk ly. II. UACETELO A CD. CI two rnllea frora KeaXakekaaEay, ax aa cleratlOB And Purcliased by Himself stand that tho i9imii Central Europe, to courpma France, Bermaay rort AOESTS FOB of laj)feet.i asln ready to recatro visitors. and Acslro-Haujir- y, far proteetisn against C.WALLER, Proprietor. Borsea will be eeadrat the laadtaffor tkosewfco Person. industries by TkeBokalaf-esrCo- . B Baltead,raialaa order tkesa. BATB IIOCSE la coaaettlog wllk tke in SAllWUiDER FELTING Feed Company, ccmpetitiSBiathe agrieultaral Tk Bllka tecar Co. PUaurloa trjST Street. klofioiala. eatakflskment. Union England aad America. TkeAlraaadere Bald- - A Co a CkoieestXeatJfresiFiaestBcrds. KNOWLE8' Is Brad aa4 Willi., v, aU tko riaatalrou. loa, Eaaal "CVooXiu JOB rralt SawDizco, Jan. 13. Last eresiaga special Bimakas Plaatuloa I. X.XlraxAtr Ballca. PATEHT H0TL0E. 7 por FOR THE C0IPLE2I0HI courier arrired la town, teariay a meMJge TtrsBHcscockstCo's Xaal. STEAM AND VACUUM Pipes HAY, OATS, BARiir,BMH.c..to, - Plaataalost. A PATEXT "JT.VS A. A. TODD. PUIFS CfiWkrs,Sie)i. for ih Mnicaa Consul ia this city, iofonaicg Company WIIKKEAS XXm rpinS Kt.KGAT PEKTAltTmN- TkcTTaioo lasaraaee of sJsFaarIeo V. JarrU, oa Oe 1m : ETC ETC .. .ITJIAr,tBXD... .. bia that on Friday sight last about midnight Tke 3TW England Life Xasoraae Company rBt tj last, by tk Blaistrr of tkolaterlcr, aader tke lawa EXCHANGE ON CHINA ! rKBEnsioNED iia-vt-- jcjtc the Jtaicaa toldisn (tatiened at the port of Tkf Kaka XaaafietiTtas Co , of Boetoo. iftale K3aiof9. fora fias aad Case Traafc Coasamin; Tm: vet Amr frosa Boston, a fall as. 99 Cent, of Fuel-Tlif- l RATESi O 31 Wenoa'a PateatCeatrifanJ Xiducn. raras'jF.tklsistoTsrBanpersoBSsralartaa lafria- - rjTDKGSItJXKD AIIK VKK- - ort three Trr. p., whKJi Svcs Mr AT THE LOWEST had zaalinied and murdered (heir rrirK sMatef ealeoc tea rasa aro iuraa Estesada nwXnr Tor andBoootola racket Uae. aeatsrftkwuMramt. A "ABXBTODKAWOSTnE teed toVocheaser.ad tetter uji a.e Miff styto ir At w winf Ia uulci kmh for Uret. tat.todttt.. ,v- - Captain aad his wife and seTeral other persons, Tko Xsrcaaau' Lrae. Boaoiala aad San Fraariora C. BSEirZB A covrABr, ZstUa, i Rrsrmea. Vfm cafl lo. attention of pUafarf per. 119IT01S TO 97.50 BBL. Or JKra's Celabraud Xedleinrs or las jsrns rarsact Co CaArtarail Saac of Arutralia sata w walck S" lUH SAbE SI bad thes ttarted op the esuatry, Ukiog Jstkt airais cJahtrrtuthoVacaaaarasar, is Irs. comoll. . ssd ShrrerXseaJKtar!zCmps7 tad Trrl o Csrrsa.SefT. China, Hongkong. taledaadraoraserrleaMctaaa Eaerpwmp THKO. H. BAVES Co,, f?, HLU5TEJI C. their ana Trith them. KM WkJerWllsos StwfazXatUxa I J Bonslars,rraarj) Ittt, va EUBor t CO. ITJJ ivssaa C BREWEEA CO. WJ ly ArtaU. l3tt " tSSmaflottK&SmSirt T ' - 1 I - S ,- w

'tta,o S.fn,c. Sjcmct was Slki3 v3S UiWincW a lladml i?KSSia:i5TKaTSrStSilS5dSr .UUJUJj-- .. - Be Sattcrito, tiBknl fcM&w.isd tbA noiskt b pounds a too. one4yartirhuadiwl and twenty Utao- .- IM ttMtrtlndt axxtt its uwlKurscal laicatian teaz ptntnL It sriily teeassa tbs tvai-boo-k vT sit sanvttets asxaoc Imditti; Ptoccrsis. It tas a rxferacisss cubic feet a cord, would cot iccrvaje exist ti Hioet tc&r&toani ia tb katt&m. tttttrcitamolnUicajfea. TbuacvaU harOlt Or-Dire- s?r a eaa still lKsdwrirlrsir, aad prefit. The i&g ralues or aaooab of doth, coal asd be a OoqM thai it wooU b riti"a bad tba For Portland, ct! cinntHiGri CQUtrtttwK xsr xors is w.xsrs efeei ef Leeks', IHnth anl rerjpewnnwuoo-fcc- ij wvod in the conaixy. buyers would either I aittd btatN a bstt. lnt tb Fnited StatM has KJ WUaa tatsaaauaVtaa afeaa4 i h. tiihIfeW a.lail.af crmSlTfeetsttecsaiT asxtktr fcavejsj.lvyjjlessi&r the losers vo taij.acd OiRcrtti 4Tt Oiredia wait tka X.IH. BlUH UttXlNaVA .t UMtla TTHHCESPAT, JiTAKY. 55. tha Kseitaftr'trenv be branch au aaajKaniaviaAaavaaaiwaUaWiaaaiKUftaV oj IJjsftjRrmn KwS 1 V ft?" ts (r WV Will IS. - , a - fcMill.lu , . .. pro- - ?Tt7 WUt CTCT SL3L1 WTiHi lMK1 .t tailiTtlmtioiaitritfrtot!alUc3vJt s to.arr mt4tw1 bT On ' aSstoobl bJttiw ra.fei owa. FUraireal. . tMs wasoa U ol t3eankrinlnatT to Iteamhip Company w.r i,n,n. tr f irwt Baucwtdrreotka, tfoatiia'cbsnctvrcit for a resit of scwsliiic TTih tww!jm the currency question had igm' BAHCA," test ttvr . stecar J6wt a br ns its obtxss-nts- Tears, it was common theivttiabaajtvataMriMwl. nwfrwcOiiM. etwrrxtkin 3WC otsr fefesoi. itf"in-- ! vltetseeSnwuiaxocaaQST. V Por ta .virarj,uiTjEr tetj tviSJit ttal", tw .S CCaXMHrilO withdeftkrs1 ia; coin to import soTereigus. U1 'WB WUllnTeQaictDUpatehfartheaVoToPort te&i tpaally to 5trnlv ta icnaaaso "t adxireOi witilt tiwcr ooUvisg iwfc. ili TSeprtSotstioacf tScllcrwsait,' jaexican uouars asu nre xranc piecft". dty t r.Vaatr, A V t9. tMhitk iu,.(mM & coTtmBiTat Foe rntjat e apply u 1 U 1IW SI OS ahcte cenrm-tit- Oa wtit pBScirta tSja at their market Talnes elsewhere. tV ravre M arjTWriejaSety aswrtainius' tie boostt hatt ot tb D latasrm I'asama nanal arwnl.iion HaK ta M ke, sad Ik at w agsan a Wbaw wis tlw ct pwtonsti caiwney to N PG r. A lalala un. T. kcrtkr ,r art hii irl tot njc tacait ranging from S5 to per cent of their As BxlSBd. bwaiWatioo H too tnnch occo-pb- d scnAKriRACa Arft Uid tH llm. I.W Wl s"sbbX sp ef the LlJ fcnmboa. and oi buc a put ct ommnnjl It jfi fe fmrat MbaitWHai :.t. ? linii t aaJi V ftwaA br tit i legal tender value this coontrr, and to frwlta bet stnliMd qaarter pfctt.lrts, wk aa4 wkti aajF tatuMe4 tbcqeestioos JmtriSx.i&Mttlcw. tiat tit wenls pjoal aad in ttlalicta ia eufj "4 Hxvi nssiScatjra. at ami with. almost s Route and Time I ' aW MjhrMIrirMp'e. am-m- iHltos hotdl ban a prcots aocontinsrty. uteotase,' rowtttol nsrotdLo Table. ti4Tastantaun. tails BarBBflstaBr'iBaWiW"' a ynifci Mr h rstrciiactioa of T?gelaWe sad 13a niaxetceir lUtJoo. I to pot new i&ta U ofjiwlCt . t tttm t u; fflr ef tVtt r-- sVold what his cadtracts aUrapt lit "w rrcx lso the lesal tender aTauabaitrot such'coias Ctsjtoa-lKUw- i atari fcr aaar KlV. iEctelis th coloBizaiioa of th - Fatwaj trtatj, or to k to ', n - br ir" me3taiiataiitottTWMw'- sal 1S74, atrt - "uv.nt aaB Vm- - arcHjvliso by of tiHaira-iairace- . soattaia. taa rxsvUeat cod by ma&$ cl trade the part 50H Act of "irhkh ttoafakj- Bdatnaa tfaaoC tlwAintTKsaaaax- - 'lUn2S,rn' pmwwawtyaktukwl n '' tie f?m3rs itirat l IVsxW. the Mcanrxi tnoly swtos to tcsh " fr-r- 6 "Tie Profwsor was jwseat at iiri4theIt rcll tet5aTT fitar tn enect created a ht metaluo sta&a&rd. had pet by a roosJa Icinractieable. uipa ptOTuioa for th world's cotsisetce. Tb STEAMER KINAU tie Scciiu Scieace iikri kasdred isdacailwns ars that tb cocaiaereial treaties will ilMU!X- tlwrfgrrcKttscof tosttSarabrj' VtO. W fH-- - tuat The adrocates of a simnle srcld standard wbila is Xioaragna xM( t M Ciab, ai.Use of ilr. G. MCoofay r. t- Ms zfcartascaBv woeU fall. it rwaNtbu the trmtr 'Il1"y S.rt.lHri,fWik. ma M --v .tfiwr .BtVauflflr .i fiI mar t rsliSed. as XINC, Commander jrcoiiT- - nies 'Sad hsstlnd pocsds rwlacwl laaoocwet tolftjer steadily increased raimraber. "When in Bat to lha Utrtt gtta tberi tTmsar. kai raTe a short way wuvn. - QHL'HiaaV' Till 1m ltawaslBlw TatMalsv ftl 1 P qs? suJt Hwa5soct3azano rocaa sarxnermr v 1SS3 the. cainase jrere coa-- (v Elan UI aa V.I.I. VJcuruRMR couivr n.v statement of tke qetkBslw XuU. Jlskras, Wnkakaaa Kswatksr, 'U wslUa tal4.. U freksw, U IA aiiUn of Mtaxlon MkorW sad UIKv lllk. Tkimtais st aoea. tk a- LSaaaa. ataawa are iaah . Ifi to stndrm coaaeotwe willlBij Tn HawwiUa Ut k. f- 1 mix devd Int'er-fslan- toKklac at tk saate pwrts on. Iwaek IVsaHaSaVwlttaia. Kata-cad- , -- maia.arrtttat "w sa.iai.VBWI JSwk?bigSteLSQit,uhaA the & Stat d m J iv 'i Mast?. TS ml HiKtlv Co snnni "&. nt. silTvr coins, Tea Ihnll says: Asnnnls ia tha S.N. rASSkXUElt TKAIX fr XtalH tauiat. Tb? Professor prefeaHj-canraz- tJiat wastVtsdtoRraur; aalttwoeidenticsUrhaT sails were brought foe tko JltasJoo. Dassett, wtU in nek w a Uawailu to ssoeed iUX. jir taenaret tke Klasa st M.ka Wiat, AaAaew nvr beis5Cca?-s-Eit.kteij- been wcg to tirow tb ciaiss of rtpaalioo m of the ineTitable fllty HirX. wk 9a,r HrMiUM. Illlnl gaest. that T:t- rarrose rreTentin" rwnlt jri2sai:iipia?:TtcaeeUoEj o(th and . iJnii-i:- to aad - Fhr btrsrai that tL3S was bute 'tfL'iVlrf uim nwitrtlfcBf of rull loruier depreciatinr the cnxrwicy. many rossties bara not been beard from. More Tk Klasa Wl TOUCH st tloaaksh ikvf Wsaksa er, tkk aia! !.. fast x at aaa3 t2areI.a-aea.aAT- - cc1ioe Trere aS (tefdwd of tSatawriMamTicUx berilteaed. TJCKirrs rarfa-wtrg- tt "". t!n wissnl not than any other appointment to lorstja pl this Tmsorou RETV K.N eaa eontobe theIB foersajtrr,t aalxwsl Is ataato tew ,"5 KH.'? L!"M',S' f sonlaUttsitUa a- ehw - The bonds were issuei but the sUtct U st . , aaifeur of j tas .".r ta. imr.tKfflmn- br tie fair ael rate tie T" rararraris there is food for tdlustioa as entoy ettnordiaary to tht Kanaxa Set of h IiKkMuhI Toarlata Icanl.r .atfre. to: Hawaiian tie came, and is bound to stay, unless the per ,- PB Klasa wtll a ukr kfwTj tfrlakl N Chrwaiegia! Bepcrt" to tk thought to eTery iEdiTtdualin the coorfc Kicsdoci arrears to b ocht after by raciie llsaollll time tite t tte W. It HAH- wUt baspskorkoe - fretebl ti Uaited Slt Ur .anlrxclaeeoatl,. Ml tx.Wa;ka,,i.skeekTl - GoTernment can carry out the terms of coast politicULns. It was so under st iteae by Ballroaut to wr 1 :.- mI Tilt 1fciTi raitWw,t tit iKpsJatcrf. e recosaesi u aea ics VTe trust they w21 be widely Bercbllcui IImmsriailii.aaat rsU. kes.y triltkl for lk.i ahvte ptrneilV takea kj ik aranac mhi mhimb ! m. ..vrm.t-- 1 - try that Then they candidate vkere dtUn will be la aueadisce. rf a- naaWtr.aaalatieT:W;akatnf rror- - aaprwwlesieil the golij Act of last year. rsle. tor the appointments By tali eaa Lean sad KtUaea tlea. eneas phrasal of &at TvoiL thoromrhlT considered. The were csny. Now so woaer was Clentand s elec- roair. Tulu ante Ue roaaj ulp laT aaticcvUr ad scrapes Twj importer of this Hjvvauan sHjer lUjSjTtTti; i aU;t t Ttall tae VoJeaBaa. S&XU&225&rz ebrL joor tm the man who from day tion a certainty, than the crop of Democrats and tlCXET rcH THE Eor.ND TRIP.- - laeladla: T,r.i"4..!'we"'l. ytkasT wkrtkvMiM coin has appearedTto tako lhe"abs'ardTiew- for the otSca of turnuter to llsraes. (aakle. Ooanl anaiM. frsaiea, .! UMl M. ahlsr W laaMl.knl - , to day in order to meet his obligations, is ivxjoitisan'scefars aaj Leatriar. - la tke Sactlik sad Usvatl a - v- taua afan gtaaaaa Bt naS.i. er-- of tax an? tnat tnose who opposevt introduction, Sir Clan sprecttes's dasedom betrut to matare. r tartarr putlcalan fDaire at the eCT ot lupin pr tan m - In. That suvr oar &sesstJK man who 2tas to face the its steamerlikelike; ask Pa especially the Surrra ssd (Mm md vaaar sat a"' aad vt&na-ic- they "When ETidenUr thete oast be something that Inres awapsper. In ttotMlal tieton&Jr iscapal of did so because wished him ill. Inter-Islan- . . j naaalaata.awiaaaaw.kwaaam. eh jcwpsiy diScclfces now before us. It is a serious, men to seei this seaniincly farorrd situation other d S. N. Co., Honolulu. LORENZEN. D.u-- 4 II I al their" lietaes fallV apfrrvaaied at last the entire community, except those the honors Commander. Utaia. i kis? to the wealthy whenhe finds that tbsn and etnolaments appertainins to Ot 10 J. r. JORDAN. Yoixjixo Leaves lloawlata ererr Moatts S P. wav. '"raTwa' & taxes to pay on prop- - r1" concerned M5. gpreckelsjcame to a place of its isportasce. is certain not lions toti st if. fr Mini --nrfbhcAMBP jiHiIhiiii iMii eo? aas has become but SSJXWX is witt It thar aalskal. Kskalat. Keaaae nerT Hker . ttaeln. KMS vairjHfri - ?1MXM It of oar Hawaiian Ministers hav.AATet raised ! ltssav aiTtt. Peagly CM, in 7- $100 feel thenwcsslyjsf agoldcnrrency, in aiie PACIFIC HAIL STEAHSHIP COBPAMT Ilaaa.KIaiakalasadNaa, KeUralax wtll i ruia to the poor man when his poor a ripple 00 the, diptocatic sea. On tho, contrary ports srrt.lat back awrnllraim ca?e ceutv xae pat?cc. order to be independent of sugar agents -- -- Tcr null, Studr cvrniutG couut - "&ZVV?9Eri, tais asaai tctan shrinks to bet SSU. theaifltellom heard of aiur "nacblcc ths". Is. sad paueirettaair. Q laadi-- Ia of tub ha- Tfce to ocr iaowfedp? that ;gentlemaa prophesied - For or P.lfc kiii tiai ias tuoe SSL speciocs promises of interested lands. x- San .Francisco. lUd &ik. a ( tbi II is bartly pxsibla that f tke 1U Alias i a ss t&e TilcaUOKOC a pto oc property ia reorfe. be regarded with CTeat cau that exchange vrouM go higher sfilL ' tha lend accoonts told M'LEAmn l.,.a. dKpip Hi f Mb cxtv (XAik. nust a by travelers abont the dreamy eaistence' to be en- TltK tTKAHami STEAMER" -- Lft TfcKkaiibWa:aritaIof tion, one thing to I noweTerexcnange went uownirom joyed 'LEHUA," - --r lur W t l t Jt by ocr citizens. It is in tho land of Kalaaana has its charms, and S3) rrr amm EuAt times the rectal to to li percent, upon placing ever? a small exerts a fisnTnlinaBroc IhttimiRinatko of the Talne promise, anouier perioral, msiory amount, - prre ?iiWL which B its taxable the dangers debased cl gold in circulation lasiDecvm- political oCceseexer. WEISBARTH, Commander. A Oocanewt. parpawllae to a tk jaat wan 3 teaches cs flight!cl cl The d AmtUx one, ..a mmtiir- - tg jaw: tarai ttss mu ai atterr-ti- ber. HtnU srealunr of of the Lmtm Honolalia mcH MomUf, st P. M. fte Tm ia coinage. Surely we should pay full prindpar candidates for CW.Jr. KotuUlete OokiU. KiHaJjo. UnnoUU.i asciios the ccher day for 53.TW. a faacy The 'propctsition sow is, ire hear, that AyeTS,says: baa. 1Um to the experience of our forefathers. "Oar late townsman is an ccooip-lishe- d hwht, llAluUBaBtt Oboiom, Rrtnrata; villanne t. I 1 w "Will belieTed the land Hr. Spfeckels will furnish exchange at one i aviar1 iiatlaHr pri. it b that Things were bad enough in England in joorciliit, a man of ability and force and ZEA.LA.2STDIA.B Kick racl SUtniUjj nin at ms",'.' roar uses use p?r cent, this-- sUrer coin is all held here. in everyway qualified for the post, which, we "'Itvtnncii.VoHaAxuck. waaresM the time ilacaular treats of, bat they were if does become. mi mmc V-- aitot ii FlMnnafPii i biar of learn, not Tacant until lsStt, aboot WILL LUYE HOHOLDLO Asd wbfTT aa oru?T ipptMima n fink av ataots and three times the raise wnicn. as ne says, is needed for tne oust FOR S1I FrUXCtSCO Jo-"- bii-tlj- teol infinitely irozse in. the Boinas Empire in the time Cul. Ayers's offioUl term at btate printer T A. - tW). l(m far Ui at pabEe the country. STMR. KILAUEA HOU, .. ... the faacy pnee realized aoctioc. aays ness of ends. TlwccsrslrerttoaKttMraUypatn.xra 1jits- - On or aat HijvvilRg piffUWWK Ht OT BO HHt the oi such wretched xjnperors.as - about Monday Feb. 15, atwa uaaa pa (BO A gOTvrsBost that wooid appoint tax This is precisely what this country does urxit-cac- eTeuiTa s- ueorge iim.hwii ia. lafnni IH&4ClpUaf - - ITT. get a tTcctiL letaAr to tr-a- r ( jsa n r- - attiati Honcrius and Talectraiaa To appoint-,men- McDONALD, n 9 Of BCIR 91 IB asv?."3rj. xwi w3k tosecarisr a not wont, or ought cot to need, that it shall Williaa Cutis is that ha will Allow tha ts Commandor. pueet or itkw clear picture of the erils of debased coin BepcbUcans Daggett oct, FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND! WUl oaea each perta ueir lMae Mr.ru etalaseatsa with - of Bis to ran lesre Itoeolils wetk fr 'sn roatest tka urn, was aud and p!MlaJ la ta ttr-c- t irr-- n aasiacsrty ia the lcrhitare, bat a be forced to depend upon any one for ex- exrept sjtkeLekas la. p)t age one must appeal to the pages of, in the cases of the leadins; missions, whoea aav.,. uaaaiLB, . var.rqper pw01Uaa la MSB w to'the the wooli change." The and the ocenpants will ''Lj:-'IDi- lie abSty at appotatee. uidooc wnen ne ireaa oz.jmas penoo. need the right of probably resign, Lowell and llor- - "" arEAMsinp UonotolB. and wkrres taa ikr uld t?lk day J.waats aa sect the eocrsesdation of theeotsraaaity. community is a gold currency which, if w Biinisters respectiTely to ajoodon and 1'ans additional order wa nud coattaaiatf tk Mtd kMHaa Once that jricture is fairly brought oefore hariajj already sisnihed their ta tk 3Ma day of J.uaary, A u. iVs, rnd dtreeirw, is owtrageoos that sach crass with- intention to do 50. . It perfectly people's eyes they will not be willing to exchange is high, or for anylwisoa Cclooel Ayers'A qnsliiVntions STEAMER "MOKOLII," pablklUoo of tk sstie, ik pMhtnaers k.rlai n lor the put. to AUSTEALIA pea iseraace bexd be placed saeh a held, can be used for remittances abroad. wtieh he aspuea are C?.,?M5MadVe 4CJL. t lb hM &- is accept an" eighty "cent "dollar and call it farther Rtuorred bf the fact VT1II, and II now ippeartnc mltUk wo - wax c On Afl t sttaltwa. or d c 9a as hi? the cae at Ootala. We It is cot a question of personal feeling. thrd.hobn3irly,'ciX!dsctd a .daily Journal tAoutFebmary 21st, 1885, McCRECOR. Commandor. lutw to ta k M gold to suit the pleasure of any man. Hcoolah) ia af tkse.uwe rrr n and is taUmstely K(ns ror and eonlest tke rrwbate of WBoder whes the eed of saeh thku will of monopoly or 'graTe-aisging;- but of acqaalated with, rre'xtit tail russfr, pplr to lloaolalit WrtlncMLir, foe ItAatukakal, ia saU Will IM(rtCl.a Kal.tVuns. H.iticrj-KLrjjkto.at.ai- LraTt cich I. hereay ordered. Ikat fcl fcaeffcv wmA'&M se- - His appotntmeat would ionic ll JJOmtT. tb IktrfoaSk rKk4 t4 be political economy, of prudence and com- ciTeneral i way af April. .. D. tsia. st 10 a. a " Ir ts a most iniidions task to say to any saiufirtioa on this Coast"' GMtsarstilpaeMtprSieaanereaK saw and K&Uap,rTlariinftt& Xa4 tTralaf atfeek af aM . man, has made an ass 6f"him-- mon sense. fce.lt.rej.rree.l the t tha Coon Boom ot mM Court, at Uooolala, ta t 9 far- - Tra aews try tfee --ta'.imnfa reiatiTe to the one after he Cli.rre.Ia llnpral tilaad ot Oaka. be, aad tk was U, apaatlaRat 'itjfcW4;.f Immii.I. A Sugar Bounty. Warelaoase near the Steamer Wtuarf. IVB! krbr pssitioE of FraBee towards Chtna was of self in spite of repeated warnings ; "I told rTae Copny will not b rrpHitll far aar tke una for previa; n aad kearta: uM cr picluxf nntw for, fttr prr-ou-l wken and whrr sn peraoa laleraKeat . jr loTe NOTES. iiTlxnt rtfripsfu not a lylBga-ren- t caaract-- the Cily r" jJ-iK- yon so." The man don't you, he has TheacoMipanyiuc extract shows pretty elearlv nles pUiotr mirsaxL Not appear sad contest the .ant frill. sad taeifiMia, wl JTtui Siiwrtistmtiils. basraze rtpoaibt testaaienlary, tht Use coasidT-iH- a knack of aToidini: your sodetr.'he is apt TnxaaantitT of earth excavated in connection what eTtn French thinkers hare to say on the "su- for or Jwrlrj anK pHctl (a ctur of tar Itlitrs aaJ la said (See la trrekr Bodi&s potiaoc t gar mmix to men day April. O 1W3. sa3 things-behin- ran,im,C42.-aL.i- 6,1X0, subsidy" question. The Jvanait itt Ftttr Parcr. ink ot A o- - ? - to say ugly your back. All with the ijptei3ber, was r !k tt stsc: Bv the r?- news we karsed that - will V f-- sarst All pwslbU cuv will be Ukrn of Utr Mock bat the III. ranker ordered, tkat aaUt tamaf tn ajnaalv - IW cabic metres. The. asrrreate extraction ef paoHcatKaa, tvtla-arm- . i GeeeraTliewal. the newMinfcterof "War this an fiocest mas has to stand. Hecan't The curse of lrottction has seldom been shown WELLS, FARGO & CO.'s CompaaTwUltiotaQinvanrrt: f acrhleat. toeI.acee.alTe weeks la tkU. win In IH1III1 Opttx. reeled was taos carried ta.s,,l.U cabic metres. SAM'L. V. YTILUEK. a aewapapet prtattdsaat pabg.kedla lltraoiw-la- . help himself and he quietly bears the brunt to the world.in a more drastic form than in the Irl'lcl; the N.w.rk or L iPt wis bresthinz forth re aad siwi He A lorze qcantity of niM'tvwil machinery has been ' . B. KOSE, rfUrT AdTFrther Newark. EacUowCtt - '(T of receiTed. and the escalation. tuiw expected to results ot export bounties on sugar. Not the least OFF1CB FortaaU weekly New Tork lfertM and ta wertkr wSlaay tk hii3JX.QJ(.0 ready tojet at any time it. Js consequence l lwaer viva btrnt' ke- fctlllill aea croceed more rapid!v. This seems as if wodrwas evil of Protection is tha nrtiRri.-i- Hoaolaltt. Sfpt 10, IS. lw Herald. MrCSlaK asd anywhere, ami he was goia? to clean IaOoMne orer the Ctonnwiwl Etaird at how money creation of periods of So soon as Aad It. lei. utter onlereit.tlut .ItaUoa. u -- i L (. beusT poshed om ions the will bold is tk .nkatrttXac WUl, ' MC S4T5f a speech SeliTered by ISenator iTomlL we customs laws allow the producers ot a country to wHsft la uld U4 up Tooqcat. wiii josifcfc hopes of the problematical. If the Fanaaa canal is made a belts ot tk teaiatot In tbeh- - place ef let'di a m n atar frni-- nl axhieTe-me- dip into the purses ot the consumers, the new op- three socthera pronaces of Cima Koper came across the following passage marked ynraTit be the ETtalest a. known, to appear and nrataM la ptvbata of MM is qaite the cards portunity of gain affords an unnatural stimulus to W1H. at the . woloteVl. AH out in speeches tlefiTered by a distant friend: of am aze. It os .that it production, Merchandise, Packages, Parcels, TIMETmiDFSM tlm. yaimim or the case in may never be Unbhed. inasmuch as theso profits Arerartly lMteil llunolaia.ll. I . Jsary3k. Km. the Deputies. Bat the coon U wttlt Biet ItaiaiLtn --at?- won at tha cost of the home The in- UENJ. II AtsTIS. nii.rar Aaenui,3k. ChaabT timtj containers. Gold, Silver, Bank1 Notes, ri. try has set seemed so aanoes for it is EaT&T maintained a! apaeiliT The highest price ever realised for a printed evitable effect is to attract saehnambers to Vrin in attest. JaitcS.,rriBetaat. jm aimsallixscf RTtcseoathe book was Syston Part sale December.lSsL the race for, the artificially enhanced gain, that a. Ussav S.rTH. tKpalr Clerk WW SI WKK UOA5 M a GE-r- al Iaewal, U jinn has not those iiriy at in Bonds, Valuable Papers, A. OTSaS0UT rieedalaea reemted, and wjlnocl book )wiuuu ua piT"uacer3 are lurougn 1IA-wall- sssTAnd anr The "Psalinaram Codex," the"seeond tuaT uc ruincu INTEE-ISLAN- D aa i attraetM&s is. days Louis COUIiT OF THE 'm T j ii had th of St eoopclabls bectrfil to asTboly. nsicn tie beccntj prated with a date, A. D. I13, was knocked dawn a catastrophe caused by "a. Iilandt. In tk ar ta BaakeaaMj iiBil mill Sh - ,Etc.,v Etc., Etc., nilt.r er.Vapoleoii.1 iL Feny. the Premier, is to Mr. recleCs are ccrapala&l, and computable for tie tnodaast sun of i'lA'O.or About A crisis is preparing for the Jala in- ot A: W. RtlTIAKDSOS at CT , Wrote J7. JartJe. price d Anatln, at ' repjrtwi to be seiTins to enrb his lire Eotfcranjrndnctioo in tie o sssar and Milarin-bibl- fetched fVXM, or $19,103,-an- an- dujtry, and has already overtaken the German Chambers. rice oc the PiaSc Coast and cot becasw the other bible, dated 1VS. the rst dated edition by sugar industries, thereby affecting all the sugar FORWARDED BY RAPID CONVEYANCE STEAM NAVIGATION CO. . W. Rlcasruson A I o of llonolala. la tke tsitad X- eatins; Minister, to haTe whispered to of Oaan. kSTlue JBHL - K.4M3JL. and Lm&cxGlr EalalasaoaTersaiixarxet for Ancn-ca- n Fanst and Schoefer. (or more correctly Fast and industries of the world which seek to export, tkl day besa aiHadcnl hukrapSoa cane-- t&rirowapeUuoa.UUkervbyoidrd last alt ainMi hfia that no Esse ef these fiy speeches products, but for the reasoa that IfriSprect: Schoiner) was Manured far $000. It is worthy whether or beet. It is due to the excessive r of bankrupt eome prova production (TiTTVl-i.'-X' HIT).) .aid iasnd tbrlretataM ttecS.r x&ma. X. P shocid be aade at piTseBt. The whole (Is, the ssztred aslOLTat, and bis sreet associates of remark that the "Fsalmonun Codex," had been of Germany, which has been brought before ran oa TUESDAY. UM Jtta. dayot Frbeaarr. Kntrtrii aiDionj about through Ger- - arf II 9 iMMOat V" lf)f lian t snbpKt seems ItwQl are the ReijKents of unearned annnallT, orisinally boc;ut for JH35 Ids oc say Jasi. There the bounties, at the expense of tXS.attUo'rJocks. at., at miCtumberi la tk UC ln topxnttooneeml ailhoidHjj3Il.:eTiJi"cV.hi the hollow of are worse investments than old books certainly. man tax. payers, that every international iaatket ALU PARTS OF, THE WORLD eminent BalKlIn; la Uoa4nr and tbnl ibW aattc e kr idiK pnblitaed - not be Vxz before a great change is made their hands, anenn$ him cr caxlv is surfeited with an unprecedented supplyof sugar. rm la tha lUwirus Ouitn aewMaper re in Fnaee; wheneTer the Goriimeiit of ins hizn with the ssaTe masterf of s premier at Taw foQowim; sacciact accoont of GlauUtone is The extraordinary supply has natnraljy induced and promptly DetivoTod. . , m-- Ikree saeceHWe weeks, T fll pteasnrc . i5an Fxanmsco Xcks an extraordinary decline Lon- Butrd llonernhi. Jannsrytllk. tS3. r ask as tmmr mmn that country bavins to try to dazzle the their om sreet and pnblished in the Litterz it is la price, so that in BatXJ. If. AltSTI.V. .. :uk This is the cocnlain of rolitiaU ascendency peat statesman has completed don, at the beginning of August, beet sugar of S3' eyes of the world bv mum- - of rfitter- - timeirasthe iost ' JaeUce l tht Siipcoan Qwwt. GB T.VUS. that onmnnz lortn a coose at navau, snirponea oy three qaarters of a century, and has been in Par- was quoted at lis. 6th, against lis. three FAVORABLE RATES ON FREIGHT Steamer "WiB. HALL'V Hssar Sarni. Depaly Clerk p. 'i ut-rt- ar t.d. yijim r bait, cotbjnest. yoo may lay it i reciprocity, and all that has jet of what liament since a period of a little aver half a months earlier, and Ms. Sd. on August 1st, 1S55. ig foreia a;tsred IS, l can is called "400x32 tnScecce.' and we Catteroor-selTe- s centary. Tha) article ears . VTHliam Ewirt Clad-stoc- At the moment when the ruinous consequences of iMnTnln-ni- COUKT OF THE IIA-w.H- an uywn.sssLnQHi. tnai sniese lae is with. export AND TREASURE. laland.. In Probsle la the trooble. haTinc rffnm ascecdecey in the the present Britisn Premier, was bora on hontittCT Are being thus dearly manifested, or aaller of the 1SS5. swiawed thre is gomg to be Ocean, hot Baipable day 15C9. Dee. France bas oromuIestaHl a vhieh be re. BATE( Commander. EaUte a.UtAIt KAtLIWELA. a mlaee of lloaoearw xaftESLis Jicary, Faofe it isaa aacesdeccy the th of December. TheZhh lav rn.tr Oskn, deeesird. D.taw Emperors and have all withata&diCaT the slightest exposed 1S$1, was one carded as the pinnacle folly. Intes uw. Chief Jaaek Jadd. Eks, EahScs of iieuioc. made of raore than nsnal reioicins. of protectionist On readlni and tk peeriloa of Ceell Browa. KCTJJX-OI-HI. jndden wen treach-eroc- s seems restricting Tor alias had tietr Set at the sataetargel aoithey to tie chances of wars as as of and the present to be an appropriate tune of meettn? the crisis br the nm. Prompt Attention xGiven to Collections Lciitcs Honolulu jlaalaea, Ivona GnardUn or Ik Late o.rak Kalllru. a nlwor aHc bribery, and which Ansqdern ffnboat,ora to take a passinc review of this great man's career. doctioa the cotrsamption at homer In- - tkat aM Sarah KaUtweta hire aearix always failed in tbelocg ran. andttanasiiiff and Commissions of XaverT-- died atetata at M few Old World yrrirvrn, might cTThil'.isU is forty He was edaealeil at Eton and Oxford, and grada-ale- tficuBw xrciica customs as tiiDUJia expressly,; anil Kau, on llonoliln. oa Ik IJlk dsy of Jaaavr. A. B. WSi. 1 "We uwu - shall sot be at all sorprised to hear of minutes icstitatioa 10 XLSTfl me omrams 1 ne i Description. res.lns eauie neeMury to b attelahfered apoa from the latter with hish honors cuosuueteu eneet. mirar Tnesday, Jaattary 13 4 s3 taAC. important news from France when .K? life he has always duty is tailed per which . . .at p bv prsjlnc tkat letters ol adaiiatMntioa 'was twktaa. ik4 car 5i the "We can argue, argued, inlSJl. Throcahcnt rnintaintd S cent, must enhance the Frldar, January iS ,. Is ra EeA and hare upon reputation ot being profound in ...at ipn It ordered that FHIDAY. ike lBri day ttTiaaiaiT next asaxt arriTes. the a scholar and a via prices, and hinder the development of the Monday. February 3. . .., . ..at t p m A D. IS I. at . m . he awa kereVr U the abstract- principle. ofiredprodtr' to pob-li- tf man of high literary qualities. He entered c consumption, .while, following the German exam- & Co., Wednesday. February II Ipm appoiateil for kearlasMld peUttoo kMen tkanulCur these Hands: oar arguments nare'been life as a member of Parliament In 1532. In ple at the same time adopting the duty on the G.W.lilACFARLANE Moadsy, rebraaryl .. ..J;at.vt 4 pm Jnatfee, ta tke Coart Kooai of this Caart, at U.naWla. not to iaferred Hawai Toesday, Marc6 3 tt l that tke ; sound, for we haTe written on the commer 1351 he was appointed, by Six Robert Peel, a Junior beetroot a system of export bounties of tho orst Ii)t3 Agents for Hawaiian Ialind. tma at 4pm a. wnicn uiw im ptsee on perwn. eoaevraed bsst aa-- ian Treaty matt go by the board, if the L3rd ot the 1 reasnry, and from that time forth be kind is introdaeeai. Thta wilt rxnaja that Friday, jarth 13 at Ipm .u...... a show caue. if amy they baye, why tho saate jwiaI nstnnltr Monday. March 3 bde-feaie- cial basis as.oar Tpjr" Moreover, may be said ap indAsiTy .at Ipm should not be irrtnted. aad that this order bv mMUs, 1 a A . L SpatmalIexieaR Treaties shall tobartrbeen active and cons(Jcnoas French jar tostram evaty,Berre, and JTttu hh we hare shown that it is not only the com- .was swamm as thus the production will be increased, Lastly . 3i)w?tisnntnls. In the UawalUn and English laatwaeea ft re i .jf In.lsllhe a the Arrirln atlHon61uIiCon tefslre weeka In and lUwaJUSUttiTTC- - ilany the objections urged member of the Privy Cocncil. and posi- aurtax on imported sugar theA"rS d mercial utility of the place that must be took the beet is raised, and no vwspaprrs llOBOlBlfl -- I ainanst ose can be. are jnr-e- with Tuesday. Jauuary . ALfVtL and regarded: that the Hawaiian Islands hare tion of Vice President of,the Board of Trade and drawback is allqwed, whereby a further stimulus J .. ..atlpra ZTatnl Hooohtln, It. 1. January lath. A. I. r -- SflP- ltjfliiBliiess, if aot with eqtcat fcrct. Mister of the Mint. The revision of the British is given to French production. The excluded su- Friday, Jannary JO. ....at 3pm A.r ID1.. a political and strategical "ralne. and that tarm'ot is almost entirely his work. After gars are forced on to the English market, where Homestead Lots SandaT, Februarys .. .al3pm Attest- - Chief Justice of the SnpeesM! Caut xce lit Thursday, 1 iiics. iK oukts. l aiii ctates it to the interest of the United States to holding several and experiencimi the ttsnal with the assistance of tho bounties provided by February at 3 p m llixar Smitb, Deputy Clerk KUa rerena is itiminibed id each ease As is oce aturday, February 23... atSpm make the bonds between the Great Repub- vicissitcdes of pcblic life, he became Chancellor the French and Getfaan tax payers, the bidding Tuesday. March 1U .. .at 3pm CHAMBERS, feng a sugar, free from Exefceqcer, and, presenting under one Friday, T" CirtCX'ITn'I)GK the imcortnl lic and this little Kingdom as close as pos- of the in bis first bod anothermayao merrily on. Meanwhile March a ... .at 3pm X 2nd Jmllcl.l Oiairicl Hswailaa t.Mnd. la tae duty, is cot ssf&mii to sapnlv the cotm-- - eitto the House cf Commocs, he delivered asenes 'perWJUSSm' consumes at the expenseof the Sunday, March 3 at3pm EtUteot ELLEN SUWLEIN of Uhnnj. Maul, dV sible. of addresses which wer&said, by Kos-sel- l. (xatinent sngar-- Ltryasd duty paying sugar has to be .. Lord John cnprecedentedly cheap a i I cefl.ed. "When the Senator talks of a loss of "to contain the ablest expositions of the true Homestead Lots Froper spplteatroa baTlne beea mtd ta tbes Caart eotxntris" Bralcg &o iUa- - principles of nnarre eTer delivered by a Bnliih br Tho. n . Xrerett, Admlaterrator ol Uw Karate ot annually, we know that TotitfS Xowleln proaty Treaties, it seems doubtful whether inxerenue, statesman." Snbscqneslly, Ms brilliant manase Sptriat Steamer "PLANTER" Eltea ot Lahslaa, Mini, dscaatM, stklas he is taTVirg trildly. "We haTe shown re- Unanees admira- that, for zood and aaraeleat reaeaaa, tat. Coast nM eonsHraeragettdieiapersBear. In fact, the meet cf British challenged the him License to Sell Ike Uel B'UtoorMld Ellen New. peatedly how much to tion of Enrcpe. Mr. Gladstone became Eirst THTORMATION "WAxTTEIl ! to enable ktaa pay off Ha-7a- n of curlradegoes lard (Tininooi tela la order to the debt bojt of the cooiraet setting price of of the Treasury and Premier in 158, and from raid estate and settle ap k! Ailauattf4loa. cr-a- r the United States: how our steamers and - f.VJJEROK. ClimniiKl'r. muv. dcrir? Bearbr all of that time forth- be applied himself principally COXMT-V- Tkewfore it Is ordered that THCltsDAY. Faaraarr there, TI OF ITALY. i m 11 the recent treaty period has the price tradinsr vessels have been built how (daring his Tanocs terms of cCcel to the execu- Iloxourur.Jinaarya.txfi. ( lwmCT.rrTlTE.Dir.il3 n. far v.wlll.lH Vh, loss, at a. m., at ike Coartllaua, la WaUaka. .r-- ben our supplies are mainly drawn, from, there, tion of a domestic policy in accord with advances Koloa. Eleete and Walmea. Retnrnin- -. leaxes Xawtll-w- be et a. Ike tine anal place for ttaarlap saM petttlaaa a - et jia-Ti- M ssgar. Information Is retreated by the aulenlgaed la rl Second Sale! eTerrSATCRDWerenlnx: snlrln!; back etrry sndaay objection, chat maj be oSered thereto. aa4 til faberal thought. Among the measares for which now our children are educated there, cow to SAS0C1GSE, a native or ri.s, i3L.ILI.ll UlUaDIB: persons Interested la .aid rtlate are bereew neSitWd to "Webjiere that the Hawaiian plaister he is responsible are Jhe Disestablishment of the Gicmxl ttend ABR. HEr.HI JIAI I. much of the profit made upon our product IUIy. T. A. SCIUEFEE, FORSASPER. . has E3t had the fall benefit of what has Irish Church, two or three Irish Land Tenure Acts. Limit Jade. 3d Jad. Dfet.. H. I. lia. cap- , WISH-- . - ' i been assamd to b the -- basis." go there, cot into the pockets of the the Abolition of Parchase in the Army, the Aboil - . Ceaaer ltslr. Lahalna. Jannary tk. ISS. a ss 3imla italist, but into the pockets of the small tian of Cbnnscation in English Penal Law, the I WALANI" ( aad thai the buyer of the Hawaiian susar MACNZALE S: URBAN SAFES ! Steamer." CHAJIBEKS, CIKCUIT .TUDXTK tli - HI IKfL. . mer- Franchise Bill, eteij also active, as a youn- IIia:dispo'edvfcall the Lots olrred at my FIIUT TS kas rp?aTa-i- l in mnrp fnr his farmer, the stock raiser, the ordinary ger giving FREE ii AN". ComBtaader. A 2nd Jo.llrlal IH.trleJ.. IlawsHsa Islands. In ta Tannn ssrt member, in assistance inminyo'f the iALE, I nvrfbeg to adrtie that I wtllolrr at EaUt of Fit. II. EMDEI1S, M. V. af WsVaba. JlaaL thafi. chant. All this and more has been said, Liberal straggles. HosoLCTC. Jsaosry 21it, tvsi. - --i " Lcarea llonolala for llamoa, Kikalhaele, Ilonokaa ' lnojy, heTwoald hWe receiTed in "rnbIicAKtlou, en decesaed. . . ! and yet Senator Morrill can get np in the V O. BEDGER, and raaahau, ou Proper rartttion hatln: been lied wHh tkt oeart by eoying jiiima sugar: b iras caex may Ei, W House and talk of a "positive annual loss - Wrdnesday. January 7...... at Ipm The. Eremt, aikts: tkat a decaneat paraarliaa not: as yet, hare lessened the price materi The Treaties before Congress. - Jj Jfaexatle A Ofa Softi. FridiT. January ta be the Uit Will andTrsuawal or Fr. II. Eaater., Dras"Snt!ilHswtth-Teatpleaiu- re 1..... at lum -- of nearly fLOOOMO of. revenue." This aua-H- M. V. Walinkn. Mam, e o . aSy to the txnsiHBer is that I Tuesday. Jaonary 2a... . ,. ..r.at Ipm of tieeaed.-b- lilmrtwd-t- t.Wli A long letter is published in Ilradstreet's relative Flre-pn- Friday. Februarj 6. pm Prebat and Lellera baaed ta saM clear enough and such arguments as the wtlgonytolbt qasUtlcs ofjoajigijes. ,.v.. .. - Tba. Bat when all 1 saad whsek can be said to the fate of the treaties now before Congress. FEB. Taesday. Pehruary,I7 W.Ererett- K?TAIf II Tirita re- I had a tmsll alugle door Mscaeile Urban Jfe laf SATURDAY, 28 pa. IH.IM Senator makes on tins are easily Fortunate ours is not ducussed, we say fortunately i FtttlaTFebrnary-- T...... !!...!!.... Tbertfore. It I. ordered that TIHRSDaW, Fearwaty against hl i ...at Ip the Hawaiian Treaty, there is much al-- futed, ocr vigilant friends "Washington for it does not seem well for it to be in company last terrible are, sod on opeulsg the same this Tnesday. March 10 ilium Mk, la,at9a. m.atta Coart Uwew la Vattaka. w caiiiaot in 2i set the pine iiii jtot whici be denied. with these unfortunates. It may be both inter- nernlas, found its coateats eamtstleg of books; Fnday, March .at I p m as time aad for basilac said patttloa aad and many parts of the United States o any objections may be offered CaKfoniia bftirie!- - men and agncultnr-fct- s in esting and people paper?, sad ooa-jt- the Ia perfect o'clock no my ArrtrlDx at IIoboIvIb oa Inst thereto: aad all are ready enough with both pen and tongne instructive for the of Hawaii to smoimtet 3tM-- ""ItK at SaIrotius patttealtnterested are hereby natlded to airead. are ttrgetvUy in its faror. and this read what surged against them. , " Mcdltlea. Wednesday, Jan nary II.. ABR. FOKSASUKR. to refute them. f hatnrday, January itlim Um.1 Ibkakk, the fact that many of them Tex SrjuviaH Taeitv. I am m wed .illtied with Ike re jolt last I wat 2f...... atSsm Clrenlt Jndjre Id Jnd. Di't. II. I. xlar. . Lahalns. Jannary Slk. 1IW. jait W But when Senator Morrill teaches upon The commercial objectiorrs which have been 1 . . 1 ..illim hase rudely enQwkd with the sugar " aa.lbera'o.XSafeateBce. Satardar. Febraarr 1.. ...atfta m ; mL.yn. the undue influence of Mr.Spreckelsnpon urged to this treaty have been repeatedly sbtted. T .'la. Toots" trnlr. ' V tk Unless previously disposed of at private Wednesday. February 23 . . .at Sam ind simply because of the near, , The treaty is The Ccited States govern- ...... a 1XTUE CIl'.Ct'lT COURT OF THE Ill the Government the country-- Be touches GEO. x. RAurr, aiaroay, aiarcs .at am X Sd Jadlelal Clrenlt of the UawalUa ' UHMVssnjaffclb large and cootaBtly inereating market of ment is asked to yield TD CHXTO in a lump, with- s" GerraaaU Mtrtet Wednesday, March 14. at ft am Kiaxdant b !,. M. K.1LAK.VUA. By tho Urace of lied, of the '.!n.VwjM. , upon matters which are by 30 means so out any corresponding benefit. The advantages S st unlay. arch S . ..at tarn Hawaii. farjrieir goods and pnioetc which Ha sale, those certain 7 valuable Ialaadf, Krsa. waa preseats a long as the treaty enables defensible. It would have ben better for which would result to the "cited States from the MR. W. a PARKE ToJNO.H. SOPEILEki, Marshal af the placing of certain American exports for Cuba on Hi! aa OMte tner Xtuti. Bt.hap A Co.'a Back, comer orhUBepntyln tba Jndlctal Vlivalv-baiirT- iaa: Kimaiu-KAiui- . the country, Jbetter for the Kirg, better for ii as to make . Yoa are hereby F1CK-AM- ssgar the free list are 3xriii. rheyare probably MerclUBt indKuhcuusa SU and will b-- happy to Stun-- C. commanded to tammon T. S. J rAOTJTT. 3Ir. Spreckels Iitmself had he left the pol- fuxly represented by be- R. BISHOP, Defendant: in can he aaU 11 written Hawaiian smzmr eas neter com the relative differecee sttesd to auryboiise'sentraitrd to hlV esre. "'TIS tea MACATJLAr.Commaoier. ' V within twenty ani.er - " AnMMkSMH. -- ! dst. after lervtea hereof, to be sopar. itics of the country alone. It has given a tween the population of Ibetwp, countries while appear before the aad Lfete LocLkiasa as long as it BUILDING LOTS Learea IIoooIbIb bATTJRDAV noon Sot Wataaae, Clrenlt Court at Ibe, September Tarn handle to the enemies, both of the country, the chief artieleof American export la Cuba Soar MR. W. T. ALLEN, ererr thereof, to be boklea at the Coart tta BBHtW can ms exesBiaed on tne Joast llanaJel, Kitauea and llaoanxsuW. Beturn I ntt rearer Roan of Coast ' is not placed urajc the faeelirt, anJ even upon n, ia oSce with Men;. Biihop A Co., coiner of llon.e, Walohlnn. In the Island of Hawaii, an TUBHS-DA- tihe King and himself, which they have scale Uanalelerery Wednesday at 3 p.m., tone hi a at e - - mint. It is unlikely, if this treatT is renewed, the curious sttding which ts suggested wquld and Kuinmina Street), and he will be pleated erery Thursday mornin;. the lh day ot September next, al a o clotk a. as. not been slow to use. The King is cot be required, even. At tha miramuiii, to LacaUUaanJKiplolxalaBil Yictorli arrmni; back the amt tosbowcanae whytb claim of EMMA U. that the sagar crop of this eotmtrv will payalarga attend to any basinets him. IOC! 6m day. PICKAKD s ii entmted la sirecu.jmnmaaKtoi riaintlLT. ahonld nor. h awaettad he. a. a... put in the light which he ought to stand. duty. might, perhaps, be loerniaBccoi I nnJ.. lBgl;ajntrofkilljyoiiemaiL 'Jhechange overlooked admission, sugar lieo Cutle, Etq. at the folkw-- tenor ot her annexed petition. We have always maintained arid still main if the free cf from Neat andcoiily io apart pncca, has begun. The" California Iifinety. Cuba, and Porto Bktr would reduce the cost to the FTJRrfI5HED ROOMS Far tic: abu u, jo. L.n inei tni wrn, wita ran rstaca tain that a modest court, a careful expend- nlshed rlooms can be had br an early application at Of Tour proceedings tkereoa. owned by C Adoipfee and others, is American consumer to ths extent of --Ite duty. Stnir. JAS. MATTFP,, Wnwiss. HON. A. FU.NCI JCDD, SO. 4 GAEDEW Lotl- - 111 Ctul Jsatlca a pcrcha.er of no uicoosiderable portion iture, was all that was needed by the Royal This would cat be tha case. The stxr imported P) . Ii3i:t fet fraat,Iilflt.rplhTBptpii..3-- WE I It. Cvnunandrr. . fseal) of onr Hnpreinc Coart, tbb atod dar vt iwir. one-hal- May, A. D. IK&I. Famil v here : that carried out on such lines from the Spanish Antilles represents tut f ltTtVltimolnla FKIO VY. f this year's crrip. "Were it not for the of the cocsumptioaof product. Lot2 111 (cet front; UirtdrpU)tnpct prtce..$ CMJ rTerr stj. m.. for tVi DAaii.i. PnK. Cl.., t a . Hawaiian Royalty would have won the Amenean that The JTtto luptrtistninils. In .nit K.rt. It.tamlne lesre Kara ererv Mnn. To which Summon, f'a.t. fall sagar hwst year, entailing price upon sugar to the consamerwould therefore, m ta Mar.hal bm4 tk, Mfowtag BIJTCIIKB. iasense in Lctl-- froat. dsy st t p, toochlas: st Walslaa erery Tneaday respect and approbation of the world. It undoubtedly, be maintained by the7 remaining 1 lltvdptli Bpt prI..5tVJ.U arriTin; back the lame dsy - . inch losses on planters that they hesitated fs mornlax. ItaTlne made dlll.nl...r.lT-. . .. at a. ..--- "ganawasav - -r has been irtiattaai-abl- e calf, winch would be Imported under the existing T9XCU T ."rjT "" aO- CSmcM. to deal with parch-"r- s. therearhrng after the Lot fnt front, 131 It lptbt Bp( price. $ "" m taa KhiaLl. - x " nrff or m the open tariff rates. The practical effect treaty i'X ".1" " ' , which has caused discredit to be 'of the BENSONSMIiTHCliT OFFICE of the Complni foot of Kilam a J Pf?'br "tarn the Summons"aiaot aerml tbfis .i.ignn asarket, there wonld already have been might that the United States wouldjloes; cer Strr't a acua ICOI, . thrown country. te f5V IW It dfpLh, aptct near tke .j vi upon the Such advice COitOJ of revenue without securing any P3IWhilf. JS0- - "- - esmpaHiiioBaaoarefiiierylers. "When eduction Ilonolnln. Jannary a, lii. IQtl o IkerebT ?.'",d SOPER. Marabal. oonrrjetition has been stigmatized by a certain clique in the priccof regit to the consumer, with no cal- JCD33T3IXCTO V.T3J3D price certify tkat tk wltkla and f7rcan4aet rihB rtifiiiuu. each comcf. the cno5rirB" mav .' as disloyal: but assuredly it was the truest culable benefit from the Cuban free-Hit- As for A !!iIJWBf?TO,,OTWM,snnwl d ha sagargnrwing cheaper, fer Ut7-Ifr-il, FOR EUROPE VI NEW YORK IS ir8 Oiroreo Emma It. Plsksrd ts. T s. dealer loyalty. The chickens are coming home tobaeco,'theBdTantageaseem to be almost wholly rtdcptb.apfrt .u'' casuseQ ce aiMwea to irey oar TBiretmed onthesideofaCuln. These, briefly,' ale ths al thsl la the meantime, an attested copy of to " the mM scgar, withoai being sentenced to finan- roost; the ostentation andshow which objections urged SKaicst? tha-- treaty. RETAIL DRUGGISTS, siimmonslae printed sspiwrlbed by SUtWa, ,k cial have been indulged in are being Ted, as The instrument ytuyuers redproaty only in came. Acocapariaoaof tae ptitt with the ratrt aLcd anlrinz the said respondent to an.wer at tha saM " dath by refisers. Retailer! can then The political even for property the near vtclnltr will term. ijsr" we always said they would, as weapons lilt of obfectiocii longer. ia iaturraooae In sB for a low price a desirable quality of Among them are these . L'niled Treas- that these arc Baaiojlljr rcioaabIc. witness whereof, I har her.nnto set m roKK ntnciirji. The States 113 and 115 Fort Street, hand this ltlb dsy of rich, crude Hawaiian sugar against us: now that our hour of prosper- ury is cot tn a condition which wsuld warrant the CUNARD A. O. WI. unprin- cor- LINE ity is passed tho follies which an surrender of $3Um,(0) of revenue without walk, fill t Clerk Td J.dlcl'clrerit'?ortf ftxwM The political future of the Hawaiian AGEST3 Thre Lots are wlthU aVoot IS mtaates of the r in. Wands cipled Minister urged npon the Crown responding benefit. The Secretary 0 the Treasury, FOtt COUE1CKE 4 SCHRECKE'S tmtlQewtceatreoril&aofolaanifarelttit a few ml note u must largely depend upon its in his last report, estimates that, on the basis off the of Dodd'a omnlbo to Fnaahoo. Established 1840. Mortgagee'iHotice ..lararisl turn up, not as good arguments, but cer rwie Ther of Intention to Foreclose pil. prrpenry Tins Treaty was of existing law, the surplus for next fiscal year are al la x pteuiat nelzhborhool and from their and of Sale. "IWl faxreh- - due to political reasons. If. as is tiinly as opportunities for will not exceed 33X)QJJI)). Ths Spanish treaty Homceopathic Medicines, fine position command a Jott) rltwof ea and land Two Sailings Every Week wocldabgorb nearly all thiSytnd new Secre-o- teach Jar from DUtoond Head to the Walaaae moaa-ul- TN ACCOIUMJJCK - flings at Hawaii. It is a sad thingindeed of the f tal WITH A FOW - wa. vHBk ttndemable. sasar piactiiKr would i?arl- the Treasury in consequence might aoacto allow of the mot per haTe that" such an should have been have to feet drainage they hare Itamaiilty from malarial aad l'UIt I.IVIUtl'OOI.: IloCbln.alla. II AUnaof - , Ida ar ceased 1676 treaty apportuniiy arilTethe s. Illk. I.f. ia if the had not - problem of adeucit instead cf A trphoid Do not Ioe afxht of theae facta la KlaChew. sllaall Alona. ae,a, A. ' ';',"?'"?"it..r given. Hawaiian Boyaltj- hit Utt prestige RICKSECKER'S tttrt. ;Voin 510 Vvrk tvery Viesrf'jy, c rf.il fork ivrmu. made it pay, what shell be said now. with The question of the new administration is cboo-I- jour residence, as they are of the at most Im mi, reeord-- d la tka omof ike nejI.tratSr C&rSj. i and the blcrcv has been largely dealt by the one cf tha most important elements in the contro- portanee irtmi Union erery SnturiUi'j. anees, la liber 7. on forlo IheieSV Ta. I the immense increase in the price of labor tWBlt foretL-T- self sufnaeni man who pretends to manage versy. Even those who hare favored treaties of (.Iter, that said mwtgaze lalenOs to J and coat of liTinir. if treatr IjticEU reciprocity, and who desire the inortfJie for Vokei, and Arenas. m freest reciprocal Unrivalled" Perfumes, Aiapeel.itindac'rn-n- t sell wjtiidrawEf. Very our Foreign Affairs. oppose t tP parthaetf, thill RATE8 OF PASSAGE! etkra- - few plantations coold trade relations, the treaty becaan of the property apon the same favorable terms as were iIIm"11.1 "! VP.?W l ii.tT M said drcanutancescsderwhich it is presented. It comes this t'ablH aajo, Ud Slob U.M ! ?LBJ.".fM 1J,!' .a...,,, a SATUR. berarrieden. Financif nan would be in offered In the first tale, fix: '"ssfy.""I st IS M or sVd store Tax asaurasce made thaf this country to the Senate in President Arthur's name; but the Proprietors and Kannfactaren Aceordlns to Accommodation. S.. ii.. "V " dir ITXBDUSC. for the entire exmntrr Alirronnm is responsibility for its execution would rest with !. has not tno much coin for carrying OF (1-- KETUm TICKETti ON FAVORABLE TER1IS. T ber of roogh tntm woold be. discharged siItct President Cleveland. The supporters of the THE Cailo, Balance in 1. 2 and f.!!i!L can In bsd of J. M. . ,. ,. -- saw currency Attorney-acUw- . M.saaST out Jaw, no difficulty adoisiitraUoa aieemaje. KIN I'HEVV -- from labor, who. nnaWe to tret an Imrt. the gold teat there is protest thatttey tbould be Uonofala, Ww- !... may permitted to devue their own commercial policy; 3 Tears, secured by Mortgage, with 'flood tcommodationa can alwSTt b teenred on sp Dcabw, ini. UwkMUnt briEg, would tend to disttirb the public about exenange, a million a year be pllcatis to WILLIAMS OIMOKIl A CO., ll that, inasmuch as they are to save the responsi-lald- y Tk Is pace. Foreicn interreBtios woold surely guaranteed at one per cent! for tne adminiuration for years, Maile Cologne Han Frsncleco, rallowlnz tbcmorfnied properly to be mM. ui dc rjii ient SEtsctooatr An is to argue with those who foar they riiitre4Tat tEo'lowraiTof 7 JAS. ALEXANDER. Lease or premlsea aad balMta:; Uercoa sUaaledo bethoushtof as relief from posriHe dis- It useless should not permit such commercial letters to be 97 MUte Mtreet, BolUn. lroat Street la Mtd llllo, alsnTbr know placed upon them, and that,whethezthe A5IJ t Akans. alia. Ho Chin, J7it AkM wo " ' iWrrfrii order That A roerica coald seder tugh cir- - that the continuance of an unhealthy, principles YERWOX H. HR0W A C O dates tke or April. WSJ h;g "Tftfa c "" cf tbess treaties are good or bad, is their political Three woodeij bntldia,., 1 took CjrrpmlV cumstances depend upon this al- inflated silver currency means the contin- it J?ri 4 Bowling Oreea, New York -- TCI n UwmrBtixsgHjcirt.malnaUr. country right to decade upon such a policy for themselres, ..me sUadlac apon iberewlie. ttCTJTTtTT ways -- uance of their control over the business, ThUsitwao opportanUy fuf th'e of small means leased from lk .aid Awal Akao. - J retaiiac r its indetiezidcaice of fnrpiori and not to accept as an ad- LErmOHABOQUE. lh it iscentaace from an aa.pItvaaaotham-jlea'twl- ' "! tDnl Utraac y ta aectuc bata stntl! cash Tfew Zealand tti oimtt Tt7 esjntrol financial and political affairs of thiscoun-tr- ministration widen has but sixty daps In- B.Votlce tol'saaeozers from Anatrslla. llVSI.'VE--' !!.' t ba aru nliMjillf. uut sx UT7t Cad tbra or aid is simply impxifele. of life. pajnvat. and Ilenolola TkeCnnard Line aflorda more than .nal .1: pesnal.". aiubxa"?k?'::Chlaes for, deed, aome of supporters Adminlt-tratic- :v pas dmlftW an 9or tat rtnrti IV tmtrtan& not xur now Every suggarstioa not in conformity the of the new J.' J facilities to thro.ch piraeneera from e z ufTmany is reactaEg . K in - laci uii. charge that it is A tolitical indecorum on ports, the frtriaency of Ita aalirncS pree lading all 1 bz sap..hootsJbxChla....roe me.lt, l.,. , I. . VI nAmac oioMi tacucatiktsiiaUvu'e-- out JVjt with such interests is taken as a mark of The G em men Hfttes runs pod mmm possessions the Pacific orcaa, oi t alonr or roll, esrpel. dos - tndU. pvea hen exsebt in tha port of the present administratioc. to submit woTicir. Lets, Mllty delay In Ntw York. tins ktam, dos Us, an. sti tbr that these Islands are on the bighwayii pergonal The real questian of these treaties at this lime. Another important ob- ACCOLTila IJUK rryOood accomaifadatlona alwara reaerted tt TUB 'I UJI A CO , ejoelr.S tables. H do. Chinese public interest, respective advantages jection urged by the Democrats on ArX A CO. or,owtr tkree VERNON II. UltOWN books. No. 3oTio L tw from Panama canals to Chica Austra- the party grounds Months aUadinr 1 1 -- i- t tXanaara ncati and tin-- ; ap- lUfflr iBowllnjOreen. New York. No. 2: Idozdo. No. 3. ,!. iL" cur-renc-y fdaerpfenitier7tla,l!ai;iaullre Tartle dew to procare lots prlrately shonld lia, and and disadvantages of gold trite fact that if ratified itmight make it possi- irtllM terure Ike eotton tlotb.l rolls tsllcp, ki. TTfoa are the natural picket stations 0! ble for the new Congress to revise laitayof Februrynext.if Ikey will berUred la Ike ply at cmca as I hall sell them all If possible before t di shl.u. ...' & c the tariff. One anderiblrts. doz Urvjsli, m trousers ttrtadcfcHki? 1 -. estna m;tna lt wx4a-- coast the from a national point of view, will hand or a collector, with otderl ts b and recorrr at public sate, awi j nare aireaoy sererai applications, .i : iM ttju;ftr 0 of Lnitl States ot the pnuciplo tasks whieu the Democrats have alortsAerV otlee oflntrntlon to forttlot l lne.a medaclnabralw, I -,- juij, 14 tntaiiSmtt in one. BltOWS A CO ftosa Aficascwiuutry uawiauKftiiuD ine apt TV? ..l," & I facta wbidi American always be evaded by such persons, they assigned themsslres U a tjttematic revision of Ilonatnla, Janoary 1305. and or Kale. tif.loat(lronbtdosCblaa.kjts,4reHkals, 1 laaDoU.2 liiinfiirwiip.crtaociltMotpn stateniec are hardly tub. IQfj ao doa pes while s z. 4 s Oiwm pi Utr eaaten C3itBrrj-i- . profess to regard all attempts to obtain the tariff, With the surplus removed through Ibe no. Hnee bowls, t store, etc; tf art eatable of fonrfittrEir ttr of iimerirnT a ' ' '- TN ACCOKD.VNCE'WITJI A I'OiV- - pot, l iaoos MM a ,a ... : afttr asac avMxc itaathe cvrrrency reciprocity treaties, however, Ite question which i;V'ANTKsV -' VfT Call sfnybOeessd e lie pUaf. i ui.wi.aiaese prrfamcry, m Hza mencum 1. certain by " iifescewe may say eonnrt a "grajaMUgging," done rr of sale contained la s morl.. made pkz. - 's asaiajl.zar rwjt. dca haadkerehUfs. ' -- ! brqaiBdptifU-erf-T-rtooawlmwm- ii that the fate of th they would hate to meet might be one of rauing M mifrf of fqrite, ipslousy, revenge and from laJiTIKSLVX KXf. I- Kaplko of Walklkl. Island of Osba, to Xelnetnr, Si tbi blnese silk tkrad. I ooa oxs toya Hawaiian Treaty is Sof nrsclTed in tha t opt revenue and not ol dimtr.uhtng it. For this rea- rt 1'AiTri Afi - - dated 1'tkdsyof Jaiy.lSTs, recorded in tk ofaca of iotl Uiaii rfok rrrMTt OT meat on FUniatton. ''hm.el.lAtH-worl- c. Ilred. allb- rxpenteof bnrebater. son naderiUnd. 371-- mux twlBft m rfiwi ia of the Spanish and Mexican Treaties God knows whatnot other base motives. the Argument is a device in interest of the ex- Wl -- ike Rerlatrar af Conter ances. In liber U, oa foltot xttr sonfaac .tore. mernen rxaerlraeed teaebn A Mortgaj;ee'i?otieof Intentloato Porecltue .. xl&en fcaie tianr haucispsni. ifan Now it is cot true thai men as a rule isting protective system, and that it will ba found Enzll.k, Freuck, Xt.lc Hut.faciory V. r.AIISns. Aaae.tr. and aa.lzaeat to II Wldemann of llonolala. In .aid r"t Ou-- r.fr'r.'aasaa M Island ol astdM Melnerny by deed M atafe ootiee ln(XiB-- c envy toLavJtsstrpngeet sopporUrx among those who Oaka.Truitee.br and of Sale. w.tlw A Pixrsxrr entitled. "The dAinnrw UAi tbore who roll up large fortunes, on of the present Import, of as.lrament. dated ih 21th of Ueeetnber. tvss, and talvracDatinuasK dalles 3Jrlgageci' notice or Intention to Foreclose recorded in liber AS. foll-- . Nolle la hereby TS ACCOUDAKCE f apprthended the contrary, the monry makfrnj power gwxu. WITH A VOW. i nfai, KSriaJd ojcji tieja from a debated Hirer e prpooinnTHIISffrrfm The leading: revtnae morl-aaz- er of Ml contained la a - Je, imm cmug and of Sale- - siren tbst said asilmee Intend, to foreclo. slid J. cuUla morlraia USda br wVwi lKaiE- (tiatuxufr Arttf-riea- , has in present ad- reiormeri umgress are opposad to treaty. or u tziaie. in tiwXnited Stales of and & s the ege fnllras much in the POMT-- for eocdltloa brokenlnd apoa ssld foracloanr Its The Democrats as such are opposed to Unclaimed Money Orders. AC'COItDAXC'B "W'lTJI A X wilt sell at poMte anctlon. at lk Maleeroom. of B Emerson, dated Wtk dsy of "laes, Scartled ujtcatrce H niflici on miration as it The power of it. The T" by Lfons NoremeVr. cai'-Ktik- that aosc o( fnmdj the cotiiiniiiiily, ami dwrres. representatives of the Louisiana sugar iniereaU tt ottxU eonlaloed las trrlala norfe.se made A Letey In Ilonolnln. Island or Oaha. on MONUAY. la tk otllc or lb Rectslrar or It ow ot I.taadofOskn, to Oil Hole, 4W-- saec op in u4 to Uac oS of prcially on the farmers and laborim; acsrmulatcd wealth, or of "znaBoptAj? is and their atlfcs oppueOtv And 'its fs te in, of Kilspa Kakliu, dslot tke 2nd day of Febraary, HM; st 12 U ef said dsy. tke 7s.a rello. oili. I. im.SS&'.iVzS Bttisx ITlh dsrof AprtL lssa, rccerded la ILe offlceof Ike speet-fl- mortrszta toreclo. ra dent etasw"-'- immense for good, as AAcviL coarse, A s premlst.s,descrIbedlnaIdmortia2ls below lntada ta eskt mottzaaaaVos .ml, 4tDMnib fiWotuic.imdittu beta " has come to hand by this mail. well Bat its sealed vol is Oeeesury for Itezl.trar of Con.ryaneef . la liber X cm folio 4CV7. ' dltloa to wlU-l- b. tir' V, - b rosTALOlirjEIUwl,Ukw,elMir0rt tas tbls aroken, '' iirtrf ;2a3ti The Tizmphlet i nwnr esn tn'ald nn A1AA aMntm the treaty. Unowseecu probable that a malor- and uihratd Melnernrbr ttfipolekydedof partlcnlars b bad or M d apoa said inrruti(m rTallviM-r- aaned, bare not beta prea!ed for pifmrat- - If pay uM Fnrlker ein J lfoasarrat. l!''1 M,rti rreeW,avjilu . . usages the WatuKj. X4aptsasacsdMJ bai denuivdral by abizoiacat. fiurl April Sib, IM, and rtordoS la Attorney al Uw. II. A. WIUEMANN. Trastee. aell al aaettow. .f th. of extrecta can Uke few if any into his complete nrnt it prr.etiUtloa of tke ordtr '- r 11. uul fa Una) eocxoy, from Iml Jlnraalay'ii ICstorf tV Utare tke expiration of two year. nUt 71. oa fvllo. sad.brXMclntnirw II A Asalrneeof Mortzsxe. la Iloaolala. I.Undof oiiu,K.t....on rk hirt ikiaad of England: unence. pJSftjgSJ Jtorn Its dale, each tVIdensss Troleelrrdtcilof soatrnaent, dated 33th daytf F.braaiy S.VTORDAT. the I lib baas turn mba vosld t&oa- it contains tnagswbicJi success depends upon, The Mexican treaty, although ratified, order tkea nncUlmcd will be Ilonolnln, Janurj 7lk, lse. &u ol eakl day. umk niter pij - many aa n is in remalalsx forfeited to day IMt recorded In liber S3, folio 237-- 13 ti tnoTrmb are extremely means, his overcoming all competitors, danger of abating the fate of the Kpanlili treaty. tas 1'o.ul Department, la wxanUac ike rales of JJtcewber. kou deserlbeS la isld mortz. a belmsneelii pertinent to onr present po- raotic Is hereby vea tbst said aaalsne Intend to Wsl-Ht- l, Fonhsr rasrUcvKsa the keystooe.of Mext-ta- a and rrgalstloas sorrnire; tke awitvy order bstlnnt: The premises lobe fold st situated at Pako. of J. If ileaurt.t. sition and we and all obstacles. not strange TtUT.U the areh.tTlie foreclose said AorlfSre. foe cortdltlon broken, and an- AlLOn.ey.rUw. N.ItIIANIBL I). - dufnKXkcof thereforo giTe the as promi- It is that iraty', lj belaz lb land kaevsnaa 'Kaakakoku' aad a ttxaatenusniasartf pMing uqsetticsaUy ttaT-l..- ad on olitfrt.clossr wlilMll at trsblle inttlaa. at - SJUZ not nently as to such persons, seems great So. Jsa f, last for lit tortloa of lioal Patrat to J Kakal sad by him CUML 1 CMSIIB1H possible life to be a batel fceccme a bv tat far the commtrciil and - fo-r- i im halefroom. of Ltoo. A trey. Ia llotvolsls, ittsnd of to Kaplko lo llonolala. lXe. tklSTt political oppuntton which jae II, 11. fur.. 2UI Oaks, as AIO.MJAr the nd day of Febmsry. bj kit tail will d.lll Annsl rTtk.l!7l, Jans.rrlUk.Wl. Jiacanlay Fayg: bottle field, ou which there are no lava been arotued to "- - J.sn.lT!.far.. sen lie, it tadcoatsbilasaasreaoritvVlov Acres, mid land Is e U fte ami U all the treaties by the preMntatioaof the proposed oit- t- " II 11 .uSti the preialiea s deierlbM la isld snltabl tor toe ar rice Tb premlaew trt be orsa a tta crxaarj, inpatai The Seertarr rf . t. . t all are ranged on one aide ot aJr u,iw.for. ..a I ,f eatltratloa tact nil are .llaaie.1 at ii tT,Mjim treaties with Spain, SUa Domingo "- - udtberc reuoc ta hii end the ror.i..!re. 1 Tii'aoUr.-tiw?bDti.l.(i- f U taotila arTwea Tfc km dnit JAstawxTrhatATjfaccef taefcd aiOt the jOzut' tm ths other, each Making to overthrow 1 ltanHrrat, or Intention to ForecloM of 2 Aejre xai. iam mol tsxaattibacUbtn. treaty ica2i.xj inn. IttoraerstLav. It, A. WIDEUAWX. Trn.lee, XorImee'a3fillee aadsra am parUcnUrly tUicrlhed I. lacd au bead pa it wuacotxiiwdttr of wbida lha price the other. sua Ihmk that. If the ttatling act --H S., tta, for.rf. and of Hale. Koj.1 ra.tatlM.LC Award;. r nsxlir IstcrrjU by a pciCa act could be MJ- S- nil Aa.lssn' af Moruar. ''t' mraci. wacniverneif br that ,v. 1 ijci s iww, ror... baaC saiz A.. a...i, brought would "'taCblaewr ?" fr""t- - n.., Kothicg better illustrates our meaning to a vote, it pass the loose, but Sov Vi.WlX.tut.. ACCOItDA-CJ- : P"J"itsessTliMdper tor'one I ? " tigawtrmudT lji55' aeU faatiioiud lata a or ths opponents cf the bare powerful - ion TS WITH A I'OIV. asaam.tke n.it pajment It tJPf If Ta than certain aspect of our currency de- mesiare a K- - ,ln, lor. ... i A rv or aal eoculaed la a certain aaorlese mule by falling dn oa tk 1st or Jaaury. IoJl5t weapon in the parliamenUry machinery of f The premises to be cold arajUaated at Kahaaa. Kaalfcapaaar II Tool a Wof-ler- Itouameot to mate tha Hrfcer flate. tht n acres, In. Iitanduf Oaha. to W II rBlMtU xfrsden br There are thwe among as, who for House, and ttty will undoubtedly cm it u cord u. w. wnrrsitr. r. it. Oshtt. aad tvmulfi aa area ot M beloz dated taU day ot Det ember. ISO, ireoriled In lbs . tuauttrjlcnisitasudta potad than Ogee Apaaa 1 of Soyal Ufa. Kaitsna ta Uhekaa Mortgatree'i Hotice uwijm Mm'Mj4oe!it to JL Jwaa to males tULfaci-a- srssr twelve years have urged a return to the Advasuga. 1 11 -- Jf Ireartal Pott J.nnsry task. UnS. lomrt Patent Jva OOe f tb" Keefitrir of Coarsranee, In liber K, a of Intention tororecloie. iHattfaer IfeseriMrfybeneTtd. and the same prcmlf e that were eoaretd to lha si4 folios TWIT, sod by W II M . --2SSS00ir,aa'3L Tbeval-uiiigo- t TBS US WVBQO XXaUTT. sulrnei Wolters to D IS mm wv acajsi CT old Unild States gold ctrrrencyi .NOTICE. Katspaby llisjsruUa wand Kaswa her hatban4.br Monsarnt of dated at Jan, NOTICE HKIIEUY . -- hsuawK Mamj tmVt. It Ms OOOCV Xlaa.iSaifavmtaza, (reatybas oottbtoi mncb br ssslnmest lb at to a power of c itltottiarttj- mtirt im tnJ British, aaovcrxagns, Mexi- deeddattJulIthof tl'3'urr, I5Ti aod recordd It, nary. HO. dd tlitt said aal contained la a taxhr.vetris French, enaidcnd'H baa tKea btM ts tbeyaiw nalil ANXL'AIi Intend, ssalinee eertala morlf.z" deed dated Jalr lh. A. 1. WT, mad o,5 tsU. - SIBBTINO OF to foreclo aatd mart raze for coadltlon broken by HonoW-l- :aafec " Uair wltt and can, or other coin si any morBlhaiuita in- the Spanish treaty thai! base .been dtipoaed of. TUB .vXASTATIOW CO. will and npm said forrctoaar will pabllc W.lahsiw)sn.K.alalis kerb..band af nidaiBaaza3rtjca fte.?? d 1AU b. .ell st snctlon, Ittsnd af Oako. la-- Thomas Droww fell lima ifcHua Bt -v, Tha hin DomintuUROtr atTets noma very great scld oa WEDXF.SD.ir. Jsanaryll.t. at 10 o'clock st tke Mslesrootai of LronsA Levey la Ilonolnla. on puce, af ths urns u J1 inntic vaiue, Adrsntsgea, k. ia oOee of . . Brewer Jt Il. MONDAY, af record In th arse of tat f Coa. Tf WAeaAAUtraMTfoaoeoairxti I 9" f&SSFfiJF political and tb next admlnlat ration sttkt Cowiunr. tk. 2nd dai of Fsbrasrr, 1SS3, stUmof rsysaeu llber H, on rlfrrijmt dan men, who really Uttered rSTt5dtfcia standard of UmUd SOfesiMOnx,1 ma cbtwae to of it. is ex. IOC It r.c.JOXES.Jq..gCTetsryE H.P Co. TOTOBTKIS AJfD COHMHIIOff KESCHAJTW, .aid day. Ih premise, described said la psie. vs. JH ..dill: and tot tLmol moc t LeOcr taatMrUar partly of .hrmrd j utt advantaee It not s. la mortzsz ii th breath af the condition la saM rsortzaze deed J man, wbra are feellr wit- aiirii iaexAiaTiiuy as petted that it eaa be ratified now. Its benefit below speelsed. contained to In TEfty,irecrliT tUKjttertoia j iKzauu to r UEAVEE DUKTK, a wit tbtnol. UiataH utd coten (or tha unneccTuary public inlorv: nnneccasarv. the Cnited State are political rather than conv . ..-- 1T0TICE! m Farther psrtlestst csa bsd of J If Sfonssrrsl. tad alnsalar lb laads, ItntmtntssndhtfedHsmenu CBraai of rr f IIoiitHala, If. 1 Attoraey st Uw. M. U. XONftABUAT, anjfcaj cmpcuioT UiSeTaad nan JjradAwititigMy. Ijccausefwe' - raeicUl. Coder Us provisions Ita L'nlted'hUtei 1 I; mi'T nf aad tseetf MttU, la mM atorjzaz dead eonulned aad win " Sntasite . aaa lave no TerptrddntH'to dis- a AS It AVTKUTinS ATIiTH lrf Urn. denbd. imuajJOO WOOU BV USCS oosld sscsre-i- the gulf tha deth-e- naval VW'-P- ,CB wonKs cowi-Aarw- de Ma . sfter lb Ilmltsd by Uw, b tedd st rnbUe to afl -- sutkn I(onalala.Jaaaary7lb,Is:. xcsbTcadtl9iiec(iotaBiUsL aoded thai4other il4 Hjc1I tlar av poieof although it need cot be admitted which onld be tued as a bwl4prperatloBjla Irrtr ICE at Ah UiW RATKX a. .ay caker centoar irT tkebre.elicf th. conditions hero Oo rpabBej credit, CJU vh wed tiire3'y3veT Nicaragua Tb UUj?j and UobdUIs List of rackets. lSfc( Dm tte OdacM clasp labor taiu. vo3 alajy that silver mines mi standard ranwtvo with the canal. Xqt. ' Jwhn llsy X C. Qrerpool and Um'Um rk-ts- - Tk premises to bsoHsr .Hosted .1 bclnz on lad ItaCtscT.TOcld kATt bees d estroytd and r WteSSSOCS llosolnla. ioii P.boa.Wat denW .Unite isunskes rilrert la la Ut la taalaun Hi IS and a public iniurr. for the nameVcason TAaUTT. lt.jlL Tha .Valla pa 1'JmUU.ra, Haai. and coaula tn sies of f so scr snd sia a "-- dsserlbed n wouUllen3acbrtaAo:acTOrdnrelioy(t ... - Tli treaty Is EMtler. ". Prtelilr teU,liafjTlrravctyjniiWnaT,rf if .L Slcarts another It Is iToUpepUwhosi,lood baa become tUn lDen& Ksleana Htht . ApsoaXsad KWly , Jwwndes was tnat would wo taitelgeisu0jrJs not mocfa ronplkAltdwflhemEicieriUlques-tioit- s. Hllo. filfe?, VPl ax vyijwls. i ateps fttWe are praising llopBitteTai for tb HiLifin lliflUtloa. cvoHlnloj M arts of lrj,,iM.st ration,,., juV! IttUljnisuabjlsKkaJBt paper drawn ep fur any measure olf tangible 7ala. To call It appeals to that peculiar American spirit '. SejfadTtftittMenU U.rrlesy.TsU Wtoii, HazirMachlarry. irJtByhsdmlUm. 191 1 Tht I'aaloa fcfcerv ilinth CpsBpaay, CmSMW AtlfaeyfcxJI UV jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTkafcaK';-.:- . Lq&Z-gTTT- mini ijTInBrTriTfiffl lMaTOTIiiIiaWfliaaaM - jUSti

aawfraaaaaaaaaaMi. . ii astMakstkksMsaalklMBsaaitta i - W:J,'?"-3rr"5F':38- 5r CQJEIEKCrU,. CTHCSDTS SS5WTJViS-- PKSSKrr.------IUARD LOCALS, WtBvi taJati rt ti atenst eruiftstrf tarfan tcct. Wfca. Ht ai Kraal saocff e. fttt Kxav ta tmi tvclH t tie mjicta ft fea sarjewa tcmster. t Sovetftstttmil wag tt asspwttiott Ob to. Siitk-o-. ra JTudti tia ttn wren kreuracJts, S""y" sia. j tttat ii ftix tie wrimKfth by tc ByLTON-JSUCvi- wftiarr ta we. nut ta ceaai toi asaa. ttssel CaQarira. NOT10K I rr. By st. T. AOAM i tnif tfcnlw aa. st ita eense'riieacsi. eea. ets.2x- Tbtf JMmi hraBakt I v t ben ti4hi ti tsaia9 aatwratas, "tteralaawrwIH tln v TURAXN'l?.V!eMKKrriN'( OV TUB nsatK1 assa. bjtwwiicK: wskt 1 A v n awrsaactieireiasvtaft forward.. pk -.-J- i;S.laILL. -1,-3; Sl i ts. - aaslP-H- fc.S " "" Ve kskl st ts tA mt Ik Mmm x f a w. fftw re iTiair la. .HCte I SK T &k M v t Xmi. Il!ll4Xia?r i ?f smt sa c BKrcaaaiBre. I ".mbihwk tMcoflrSt n&j2ir a ti nnium - Sata's4tictaja as t tie. wt th bSe Iron Filter rii taav ;a'jui trffCTtertfr1. BMMWtmr. ! :U ;e- r? Mntr- ots Presses "''5 B. .rW8KW!, srnMhKu?r"Ercy&rtitailieeain ??"' - . vci tre4,rtii liwewjrvl Tbaefa cOk aa4 St. . J. IMMIGRANTS' SURPLUS "aa,'v'1(a. fe 9n.t Vr it ersteatsJ toslattS oiHf ca aotan J?T jJ5atnT arocit !.-- a iAe yn?ac fila-- nnrt wf W a pa;. Q stwawr .iS fcttr Saa rtMcfew ia (JtSaMe ea.tiat tsa anittJ at fee sfect .VMS W IX CSS AT OttttofravttrarijaaffieiiaTtainTOLJ"'t?w StfvfUVlttt- - I8 TE2TDERS WANTED & tdUilT: Hfc. v. l " jvhuh7 liwtaouo. Ha 'T COUeM K1 Msrotixi reitjcurir. STORES FITTINGS tWrt tl)W ftwu .tk.fc - k V t TsttUrasciamner.'eu srriM.T TltRQlHr2;J HOS. Aaaa--- v whk ! mxI cy at fMtaSaa Ftazictfecv. ,. atade tr n fe Srst ca tie v ta .,HTAU P O t JV,t mtty. ssal tea X sttrr "tt jr i - - nca aunt, m,i x laaaaaVaW slL- 5mriifcr Jftmttit l eaaitt rtaaClwmtJ Tcitam.m!.k . ' iiiHi mull aq'iiiunttv,, imuww tci3- a&Kcx 13 i uat- ajc&t vt tie nv to Guam rssnsectxUrA Uhaina & Kekaha Mills, Uth rtHternl kr lis remise. Kt rw 'rtift. gia-t- tt. pl aw. t wasoRoje'ttElaMia, tcKtSuwwaJnsjfcpBisSistetiaittoJcinl"'"" tar tit rrkteuy. imwtywi awtu and awniec T'Kt T csawnmiH fcnai Tr. tial tis tienef te Wr n- N acn sir tats TclfUitr; - Lau.tsir Sis fewt. Swaeatrttianrnlvuat Mt4tKtt wtuV wntrra si ik saw f iW aw karalaaa taMra- ftwa Mm f X st .mt. !TsByturpaiiiSS ot ta arret Jtotj of atocsc Uta W-F- rAKLASKa a M atu 3at-ao- it w-- f5ir siasrseat tT4rt4 p tk nk tsMat, m 0. a...! aaatNai, Ike in fptfiu ma? n xxa Sa. eaara- - to atade ey rty taaA SALE BY ratUk Mttt Mvhmsi.i. vVkni. Astaaot Trtftfc JSlJKar r 4Ucutti; ?wflacttt i v nat ainMi s3Rtar MWii.ftin iwa.sxvw m : 2s. Sir ta Jttni. sukI ta fcarteatiae tie.irsacKtaAiiJuitie '''"-r- t worxtvo e wl taxriu. ., 3jy T-- Vk,W. .. .Z.4 3. H. S. TMslots aad arttnaattadiiattitaKas) ri Hiuna.. . MAM.flMMlftVWk BE . ulV1...MBUU4k WaA fctW aaiare color to fee- H. On Wodnesday, Jan. 28th tars Aifflrcxixrtw-tTiftft-jr"R- & sbw ss?rotixt tiat tiat HACKFELD & CO. , V??3 'I 3Ia2 Cte3Sek.rk tiirory is comet. x anus xrs rcrexiscx. Just Landed At H t KK, j at, the at k lMatM.I' Hscretti, t eitm a rrroed tot ef tie Vmmm aa) IX- - A.W.HiCHArSJprl V SiHu" i, --w XisntWft on toe 3a taut, sanscre. Cios. J". kea IfcHfe w - in JU4fi a?tSfe?l r.- toay Kecajtefct - rtiii rstiastnl J3t. KENLUNGCHONG&Co SUI-PLTT- STOBJES vrbarvf iiTmjur3ii Sfcvta. ttl StyAy- tJtAA tS (MX. - Hj--- aa atnc ta lasanatw 2UW fa fcarsrias oCce: Iritish S ".e tu a a?rvTfta ffimawttKCttft TMmnrtajyc7ii.Nt I ntiijteh.VA.-i- ' fr ni T TTfiim I "1 TTT i n'lin'lfi n tNk tie Bark "BANCA." UMfcrr71ffQCtL WJ3 Wii of . - Aa4ruaa.ei-klas-s .v Sp5 SitMU. Xv - 61 Nuuanu Street. rw tiiAjuow.- XHa nor&sr mr ttxmakraihi &tw)Si Xia lire LoaJoa . - i;.MK(i;iK CWMrSIMMl. Tt-- !UII retl'aM treswlM hmmmmxxv a- w - artr ' tecffaaof UfttTWkaif bcaatiertnimtj ST TeuIdaa. Rut- tUiKUtMt.V ILV.?" ctadMr sai ' Ueweakhlaa Vti c. ec U3X94c; . J JU' W.f jJitsSjSJ casTireacrxera-anr- - - v4cslu a,v VMeiaSit?R Superior Fire Bricks, '5i tkMitill, TVs. S" VT. iirJlil5riw see. Sfthftls. s4 aa. aa. ik X. alcC&csssT Jt Sec rcocnttocs EiU lea l:J aelaeSeMeal lOv tSatlh- WW. FURNISHING 60 FMfcsoorKnl Krrj. fars-T- tajtrr.tte witte taQtxiTesvfKsl..MM !tl Sfa. irI,lmt- l- - S K?"" Vwacaa.sai.I5 Crvast kg&at IC, btssrni t?r HMeaS Bhj atr. rw.. i siua..iisi sli. . , iCW fee Hsatbery o)t X OakeVts.1 !, - -- ta atasiitocr: fintaea. - 1isiMfttfefcbcwarfteSrf&r-- s.- - FEicst IrfaW-BKS- m v n Goods "--- f nmantK Ai . r - jaiiirwraju Jaeger ass&t. I"31cl3nrr. cmftrebcer, kw to be Found in Honolulu m& S " JJM -- wr t w?ir t la 3CUrtt iaaec tS2,'S5iI?e; -r' tier! MrthmiwnMormcv (W; issORd tut fUXV ssloOns: WHITE BBO'S. CEMENT, XZZVW : L. HSl Fart Vhi . ... b sonrvi. 3jptmixTi3 tiers Sars fcwm ti jfwn wmm) rtvntisw vuV Xrti.vA',js IJ5.V JL Cm KaScKli ef -- 1V j; ct KiatVn? KxiitM 4 itUn ee-T-w ky IH&SJKS. S Tie C P!uUp LlVrnaaitSaiiaaiaiaitcr Dtstert 5aii.fH'Xetct sl is t sh . rnnkT St a StT fnuUin! t3. cm sie Jtiatrtv aTffl euwnuaK xuaiTeszxjkv siim tX. JLXJX ly'k-Csa-Cfj Ss ia- - Silks, UkUU Coo-b3- F. Certs. buctaal shoedeafer. kwt iUD Satins, Dross Goods, Etc c4att? iVM iSbfisiix: t. tUlM A. SCHAEFER A. - Sisita.iiwb7 tvr fJ,tVX 13.V CsitisJaJC Katio&U r. CO. V.i SttMt.Otseel..---- - BKTS gtac- - mtr at $ to-- a. y-- I- Gttgraaawfar-ium-titeHit&- B tuclic Etriwa Compisy. saml ta SMta . . . e last. tafnr-at- fe- - Kjanatie Eifiiu xis-- a rru. us of ..... kJU fc(AJLJU- CbmLjj; Catc Ctrafaaj aadE tiul fl3.VEtCttTcUoii. iIr.C.XlVcs asset iiMnnt el Sattas skwrels sad Bkr.! I v aSeSr' Ctarlt. rd of bofe compaaxtf. Island Bred Bulls For Sale. ana Ffwaeaa4 kleaa tkuwrs. Ik Tsaka. ltStaad Lsdt. i RmI- - .,yn ti ail vff te EstsaO. scmdt t& Iwmm of ccccreats ..Vi. twaatV- - IKsakaar ife--i - 9 re fa llaaib lie tie irrrnamJ ct tie Broadcloths, Cassimeres, reek aw cslko. I TMk AUO-- ai ijaasn. !. Aa sieii. was bursa! boildvcrk Mtwrs. TrssViea. "'HM. i' run HaK t stkmak. T AiiaiFiitaiiTtrtanioay x initrul saetistof- Scirar, sttirci aei in. tie vSa at- XeyMrorifuro,m Uairp. ilcIXinki asI faarauo xai ITaZiace &ta t 9CJ3 (K3I.MX anrt-- o Jl. tie rn TwrtD. nv. muiw, Geum,', Normandy's Condenser villi Qaoaeyfir PTr-flW'T- . . tunla;afieczixmasdtidajzi4Q serenl vriil of fSAU lb kws toowaersof tie 3&Zt3l -- c. f r r KC Zju to ta Cotaciet 6y tta Caj ' sa;ajnrL9e2!9CteUJkL&easdi!-taEiaiurr-un.-.- aaucal r. fSng. ! to i cstiasatsili ta te, t-- 'i.-- xtakaw. CWmaxaa a total toss by. Sr of t?.-- cc THIIORINB IS UL ITS BRANCHK A CHOICE LOT OF YOUNC r ke. sa4 iaerse rsautatQl sasktoa tie Jt H . r 'itataKWectseutrxmacosaauatti uaia ind tt e MIS lil-Cam- p. wfttt b JHJW t JJV; tkrR-- tie lire was eiecfesil. Catrtnt a. asArr tir pnstjioe r a i - ia w ?ff. 2foercci.xiti?a saooalVe tixes Ibr fee isiax Regular Cash F18ST-CIJLS- Superior Medicine S Chest S . - aa!isun(f tie eca-- aacecotafiixsof tieliicTSCf ll.'Warapr aa CU 1TKH AKD lll'tiM. Island Bred Bulls 5 me. . a 'nntardarnntil7Etiii--t- Enrauai i an'e'a8trisiesffl'tiemalSera.ttaTi5tren. etntJoseeof tie Iaiavoa staMes as bTiiIorts or MtrtiKTiP LttOIS A UtTiAx. Vsawsax: cr' wsaiw accr now u te:i-- j mw. iEsextLtTatimt'HSvJCrfT-rattwtaiila- rucsuXasi aai! rttfciirjtuii x aae Satfoftttloa t oct stock. titt n-- i tie of tioiraiaeu Ct t CanwsJ. u wi !wiegcgotJ)gC.Jt.Eyifec.Sei3giaygTgmag?f cumaatee ceq it aooeeiat Tieia-1- & saiwi. 6a VeU W U Ibis rife; kmoat b f ilsn nenfseaU W Setksau. It nealk a3r aSTSOL y j ecroiati-ii- tacEamrewots Mr. Sola n. : 3 d is aim HUo FurnituBeal-iiw5afi&;.- Jan. iaUctasE aay rffesiiHr. ii. s Tie Gazette's Letter. SASClt. Kskaka. Oak. r rtfrer vaoei wr jMmsAiajj, EM rotJ!aaiJefoiiG t piawEB. that Snasoiaieil. sei. Twin Foes to Life rsrtartatrrartieatmnssiiMknsa4skin SSa , M tLkMLsa&UJU. Xa..l Cgt Jeter Sagggll w alazcgt eniarr r:mgHl fcrjni ErxroxGuxxre. It ws tie Kst of rxsesElT I)xlr.f W. v. LVXK. Kskaka 0ka. MK MAt pCP 6w? SSf t1 xtgjiSiaw anitegtaelanKaiipoCMf.EefU Iscotyet taitiAl. R fa qake fee tiagr foe sees Are iKdljcrsUoa and Constipation. K80XTX ws) liii aetica 3Easv aaiTB Ber'iiS sofifer -- set. Cava niliV i gsrc - v t "'"BrojaaDosiagmuocoaaiiiactiSsrsari So-- my juustis, Lanci cose tsio jisKsaea of soe fVir rtiaurr Ttarsvccs are aajoecj; the GXsoa1 hi -- oprast by huuk oc croox, ta cocewt a rail on soee root dtrK!Br of taiacr hcraaa aCtarats ON THURSDAY, JAK?29, W POST OF EtgTDIjTXgg (tgawimamu. duct U5r rv-i- - ? j tp tf jmnt IcpjcasooearaawsSisStew en iiedwiU oat of tie war esil issae warrxats of aad a hunt ef dici"rs rdBT rtxtaaat xrwut foe haTi cprara pxsesacc, ' WINES AND ALES At I tk'chWR IM ia r 'j rwa then. taatixal!T aentaterxh csbtt b--- aatiX. tie- saai ooiaai as rrtaie eriderjee. He BX1 9 Xorae 2ma aad whose ' Amur&. 2aae&c!r nocced sscc cases ct lata ia ocr Courts. xaii at ecur the loachiarr; AT THE COTTAGE, 187 NUUANU STREET HatsShoes and Sc KutL bit "let SOW LAXDISU. KS CSCS2!Za.2A3CtME3CCTmLa7raiX. slZr-.- Kfr. Xxtasea. l"oot Surogtettr "ySalqa. 3famSKya3d faccaeieseBJ Ottca tie Jarsser. tiS 9ticebeiiocvfea' tie itaT-a- s f SPt ia ef 15m. ta. Soar VTs Stomach. DtxxlBesa. Itendachrs vs. Ik,- - teeVtlto'WKcte Sail ontse xtreaS Jfeanm-- r to laenfflperasil tie IVmt-- . jesice! cocscea! sisSaace ca fee. rartof am en B:ireajsj - X3ia(-taiTn- cflVi.sK. t ItltlosA ' & taoit. ery acte 'was benatifany tSs-- J .3fcrt oar bet let to exsrcisnl ta few ttr, Jaaodic. British. "Banca," csaraii 4- KManDts(9,riles.I;hramatlm; Bark ccct xcxttt; an. r?"- SenKiiJMcwicws.atEoistai.. GoOfrfj raratway. Tiirrs is a deal of Ctsit ' arr PtTT IT ia oar Utile towar wbyarsaot caors ready Beans XreraljrU, Uropsy, sad Tariou !kla HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ttswl UUorders. sre sstwoar the ;mpaiiK FROM CLASCOW, 'AlsoPresa Grooe to seas? it cat I 1 R. Pefc--ftc- a. Jlr-- A.Ek-wit- a. raattdVH vsnicI br cVrsajrEcat of VMMft-tP- Ct Wilts . . Themis Oxr teleclce sarmatnaieat J. 71 TJ?Tcti-tri- of the stctaach actl UTrH. mW fSHsOa- - a fig Ebnninln so feirr da home pert auorafcc Qnni?rT7t . Berber came a? t fee x"umI. aad rtrotts tie Gae AND EFFECTS! C4 ftaniti j. Fsfcrarr. Etfu as rcacaiaa Rorrn-- y. Ut teams ltr. Cbax. French Claret in Cases EHcaexit iafaU csarsecf fee work dariasbit A Thorough Purgative ---- A. Letsaee Jt Ce. . tVcdcsas . ta f ca.kf . SW.'W 'Small abxecce. Tiers ias beea essrtse worsrert tie rardktr iH the ait crersitT for core. kl Hot of Fwnitu Ziae feat is cocxiaecdas to au coccerced. ami TVs the csVct raa- - he taato-ajar- Tt&JUf.tnkrtr 1T31 j,Cow started tHw totU ca othartic k. r. xDtaw. a r TSe aaa wit b ftiAl E. iL ikox 3tsui-- , ce- - .? iunrseociriecacmisatiiagof. tiecearfatare. at a miU dvre, JoM Mtakktit ai'u.jpox'loz' aSlaoxriry, fry aiti &S ai Jaa. Bta to trr tie w3t tie t a .,J aruji-m- .'' Ts? 9 I autice fee areas, aZescs. Jales Tamaier aau Msv-- a rcrarnrare 1C m liETtfiaaifiwttMei. 0n. w$" of nMhrtfu, la Cists sad Vsr. Jon. Street aivct oar tosa tiiiz coto. JL aailat tl aase thur tb Kicr. " litj lidarr, orteagee's Tie tiLTi JCrry Cajt. Brtckxi, a. tjimrMatsoceottieirjxstcsesscDws setae aae 1 uMikavei soot be arid By f iiti, a deufcie aet of wflea iroriad to tvefectajn. Jaicr stiaobded Charnpagiie Qts & vni i. a j late aiUHaon. to the rsmK wifia: cxtitif "Hx-- tati alrsitdy stiered, amocs; tiese are seserxt rrttctlwrard. in Pts. E t;itifeiiAl'SRSti sSaniirUIatiaerciacttBJixaX.ABixsa sery strisxn: sxstches of fee, crater of Kililsa Halemaaraaa. Gtsrje GesJet : so Jt W wd sau m Sa will Notice wWtCTXwx3iij- - ftaaoiwlaLSE6coa.0f be ia' -. anttsamtacit JLuf 31. Mei.1 ttnr 1.- Jcs.THiira. wiowastxits saJdeatr Q at Ayer's ;a3noffcirresiccroc83.cac3erxBcicecc tia boose week, towa, Pills a fee oicasa last is sow ntxln Sd, Eirr as it that tie Tr;aiKrrTCirHiJoiiyti''. t ia bar. AnvmrtMi tM rotorathr work tVttcr Friday. 'January 30 ja t t2ii jzrr? lAaagg fioc inrscjrered saScieatiy to eadace bardtils English Ale and Porter - 9 s. n. ra aA J! aonxs. Eozstrir set 2 ifty duflar will sxoc tAitA for tie Ihsa any other mrdSriov. Tbry are Vl a . Batan-- r H ..SiilMiaTAl iai bill? oSfe py all tix2 mtaj. bifeer. lacocapaay wiiifee artists, be retains to !' 'Vtt s ot tsr iiuAkivs The ottit te to cxa. erorr warchirr. ami thorottrh. rt taiVl. la thrir Qlart) sad of kaowa sn &iH jnumtfat a Hocobxla. cer xXnre. la flats jJ rsncitr kaJ9. aaasjliraef tKJl.ai.fttffaksisi i tie it frssifieii. a xrtia. fo I3XFOSXS. pi.tnt-irior- Tbrr out tripe the ifrSLXJvSidji Our CttrTcy. Tie are estry wbers startias Bp patiraf.rrstieand do nut. tadtire a cixliir ArowaxI Ar-d-tJ U kselx u sTanks" T-r-ra jrriadtait as raVct ast a 7r if). ! S ten a?coo.fIi2zm Wiat tiesaia that w b the ot otbrr rathartio. Scotch. Whiskey and lire Vreatierjblasteria aad c&tnesahte. Sereral Withal. Ihcy wi .rvrisl rsvpfrticis irFr occuciyaaa Qe tqcx bet x capni bxrd siowers base rettered tie need for waist feat Kurrtic, hrtatK ami tour, of the Whiskey, Brandy Gin? WE0NESBAYMN9AR YSth CUSaila Of ?yirrff tii 5?6F3ci- - r e JiHaowy .was to be felt. Tie wisd bit bees hittnt Cognac. "ii-..jBJjira- atoLViul Taste ami French EXPOB.T5. i .tj wjiiTw a wisasjcorai. I biowias ia ar3nTni1Hin!lrihaTfn, "Petal frota tie POST X Sl'k'HHT tt INK kl KS. I.TIHT At t." rnoit 1' o xa. rwak ia ttovr coctiward asd tfi p oar tscaUy catcz bay wife rstrht u trk tktrtt f ta-- 4 Ttto- -: ------z- - zzz aoaara. nmse ts. - - r "Vr.T- -t " i IT. ? white care. Absolutely Cure AERATED WATERS, CLARET, Yi.ia.CA 1 wrs. cr" enxtc'" to"r.S12. Fraao.-co-r,' t aail faanf a nasi- iotr sioaii eorrmrted fet .'.rrtne faSs. ico wiK "ttsca raia is rcroctedas 'iW is JAMAIOA1HTJM. J c;cai Lasieag Hiimfzua. cafcfail rr 2ettsaraaazawecwixitaS&aLSL'ai aadcortiera Hilc. AB - ixwmin: from dwonkr DinVral kiaes sad a Lsaifs tie cat adksi. Vezs n.i HBo,s3.3lst,ScX XSGCO. of the iSbfthe- aad xvaiiiterr crsaai. 'Sexai&areiklia. Fi&uletgcav Recica Atnmnocyfai is fcaasetitteasasaaidstr - lubditt Tew tsTTOKSAIJIBT ,.n gcjget.'am"-U- . Jin TZ CflfCTn Tia HS flaoatieMiasitlTcalii rroej oe ot Attk"3 Vhxs to. t.Tai., A LETEY. a.' t. 11 Lxkjtki UUVSt,l ?b.S fj 13 ' n;n & the tir--t eotlir-bp-.- " lllliu aajii a seas? rn up isu. cunsuizai iar vte wcila. aacM.au. ilszzj, ta 7SUI2 Xbe MxeerAtiezi Freceas. correct iadkatiocM ot A. abaksr aanpasatpCcr ,taflaTswi"GFi F ' F. A. SCHAEFER CO. xsanxatel ial3aiitari3csaun2. X2c rvnlcas tteir confni 'rw. iad aHowwi enguiirr- -- a eaiv aTtrt the moo- Dhxwes which ' w 1 i tie rf. . Mortgagee's K VMmaka ia ke klk k.a-a- a-- . 1rE. eicei- - w njsii on. a eurrsccy - Tinxrrti cocrurrof ilr.Tbeo. BRrkeS ot that cotkEiiM srraU wxasccnnyBsjcaefinaert. jraw usjhut ig'iac cocztrr a aux- tie U.Diiii. ionUxbrr gAT.-F.- Kaaaikl ke klkl beais" kru .skill. we,TMTB u .!... we cailish jBowiaa ettraets Tooar's htdocc. AK j .ur ueiaataW rrerj oecccmci a fee I froct Mr. irrestthritio ia the action of FOR 1H.SS .Val kel tr tk If jwht w Ji ?ottr, wirw tan CK&anaa o to bowetf xs coct.tl-rotio- iT L Jw iMt gnat siicUfilieTitifl tats ii aitveexa "cKcrnUttrs tieiaccessTottia taacerxtion the taxc- well x e sill SB ks pak.'elil'liXapaskl alk' . . ;ThwatuvyIj4sri3gtia tro iaa notesyirtttuicaTcieEtcCisrEort Trilyaiead rraxesL, iir. tooassays: - wl are bctarCiciaBr rontrotlnl by Notice Sale Maaaadkeis.laiL ASS. Ks,aiMB& afr.fii ii3 of Fftrmtt Ox: tgg maaSj gTtrtnnipmt docdii era- - - J THE i - a:-t- t3itw2At?.IinuCntwtea luIittjg loci. bujiiRr up ot crcreiicT- - We two fS9emsh- AtTK-- riLts. and lor the Jlimaalioa THOROUGHBRED m ka ke - x rin.- Era.WK Bif trt ! JTI''lTy,fc tie tie fccaer aars hjil data trial of fee ducHd - suaksaalll - rror Sodt.1. tl! T!"lf'LiH 1 ItiT'S1? p tfcr-tit-e ( II ur!uit aksa akHa '.- klkl Oktaiaa k aaaasaa. t C - that it ef etjias Trtakened by Iom B; ithactkM ll..o VWI04MA .. . - .! gf rrSi IsSCasfas- ?eacjggiffiicg tea strsum ar? corcreii iazaadsxtaraSonraetrbers.'aadaad. eootimicd a Otesssmca, aalirjtnii s.r-o- r. lktaajet- a SX kaaxa, s aktkati a It ijTaatiEy of alier reiisit tx tie comes aa to cay earectatiocs. Before arw djsrVrvtx, one or two ot Isdeataraar iiM "'- of gcpoT.CriTn, 'rTr Aycx'4 STALLION A Mil. tSMLaud I KSIVcal Isliad of tisk kasaSe a&AaTwK ktvaak arr 7mi 3LiAi'Xiz C 2Ce CJL-irna- oeij ccr Tar fcerreea pCOAD asl Hr. Esaaedy,, bad tie tail set or so dew. that Pills durr. xttcr duiscr, wBi do (&ai Ha aa a. Jlrtf X Jtaaefcrad. f "; fcftiK twrrT nwmtfwif thu t4O)C0,aail we tare UCOCi.0of Ka!a- more jwd thaa aajthim: cts;. oSI DW.ialeelSjr5Rl-J- t teim x,iuk aaaaskjaa Pi7e t?t t j tie - cot mors tiaa two tiirdi of tie orocer qaaatity, and kt M Mclaerv; a. II V we dlreete Art" Wtdtawtx srt rf a Far Kauai. aw S-2- nc W ff tsxe SimaGmi iad riearatiMililT frrm Fm!tt eaabrat"ferocgt waa fee bestplb!e fsediatr; ta sell si rabllc anci.vti. Tke in. aset. LmI ka sal U 9r- Xxr. ia jl-ki- It. aadl ' "t i- XI-n- amr-i- 9ee- - tC3gHciMrFfcr7ig!cgr?iS5flUig3gtuC loci. Th GamasitaL Ed. not borsirw acr tatii 3 rtiriifrrs beiag all that it will do ia 10 hears, Leading Physicians Concede Sli'VENTTJBB,' CelUd d wi Za-a- tke . rartaiev ZUrt Wr 23IL --AAJ DOJGa aWI BaaH. tai prWi BaJt,Jaj-- CCUUSE Biagg TXdea Oil r with coed pint caae. , " '"r ., af Kail Hm H. A. TTS: Ha- aaowi ajitalSat totriaffcvcixryfrw,. circaaxsfaaces xs That AtxjVs are the bet of att On Monday, Feb. 2d, 1885 'fill ...tn tawr 3iaiai MOu. tie Coder these fee foUbwiac the raedjeiaes.rilis SOW AT UONOILU LI RASfH wf ' w UE4aaijii n; y GamwtSEXj tiebittrscgraad use ctf ftanaj-- 3tr ftrt acgumt two days worfc. TVbea lfr.Ksaaedy cathartic aad niaar practitkto. kTT .9kX- - r- - - . xta . of tie e ',4er.3LrJ'Tt LatoJActmT itim TSpfVwufa i fj tia ar f t :. of the hlrhest arSEr,'nuteniril-prc-crib- JltriMalMr SeesseaaikJl.motn v -r !s r g rlnfitmt Jt cceca oat aermtlT to do xtaix day's wort, at least trs laroedhcaak aada aie fnal Al Ajoaar M y - 'w- jp aaa-ceg- asp a. tbeta. -- crlxr . hw!Caa" urrcircascn: cepasras',ajn l Tiif k ptmfcie "silci. sereral cf ca wotzM liia tecceatv ssKsiSssrsrwiaibcsscoQt: th;i'we Uidea: bTABUUUT." took tkr pneal . iBd JJltC" t, m -t- li years by dttktBtr-t- l At aaama. K.Maiatta. n- V 9 5 taiarsiad. TiiaMiiasstrjcayfce&iaccorl'aiti 1 XJt-O- is rvtwurj. lliks roatstS ? - - ---' r awt Ffnm 3Tai LiJb Ikj- - t& lormetrysstat waUEBtrF JFS f t Act---- , da . 3r Jin SfCant C&rt uf raa fcr a d bwpuyt A ?jqiI ami tie trr.s, but casnnt te nx acixrd wait people. csorse teH "erxch AYER'S PILLS, BVeataie.itfii: aa Isipurtcd Csttfarsis Htm,t:s'k ara of JW tn part U t i"i ia:iKltCM,JUn '. ,art. u "S tie CcaaaoC set bow tae Irish ;. I HI Xv oaiiiJJL X tiat. J tftecacajer yra f tH st lloaoeUaa lUack. trTek. '1 tR If of it crrrcccy wilX dryirsr: bat caaaot be maca as is aa-r- or U i1) ( 1ie ia it it FZCrxSTDBT pricrs Uealre- r r cinti t t si Ki 1..1 tl t 4Q.iLUtmk - HouseholQ - cucstry Furmtur S3i- Vlfenm 3C vrf tie oaly matar foe wiici tiey'Tcrs ; ,tu-!- , 4ams Jtotrt. h ju., aaC tiffOT- now as dry witea leatia? tie roOexs. as taaay of I9Qtt CECIL BROW.N Kaaas her aatunt Kt ii Tie R&oian&secoeseucilactniAt H.C. enpftoiei u itf to cocdecnx ' tt. ecusi tieni. Jast mrv tiecx cet it xa their trash cooses. Dr. J. C. Ajtr & Co., Lowsll, Mat. l3aait i : .mi fc 'fcaJh., Srfwirl-- . L BM-r- j 1UH tifi padt wees, zndnc tiift at Szancediipartmeatiiiiiaiietcczaiilfic-ataon- . Jja-35t- 'WfiJja - K a s. V X diirxc anspuf SoTerertie a. ? Total aaraher of Ttliocs (rarrenal Analytical - aftiwr-- 3Ub '. JL'vz 3T 9 5 Pastnts nif Jiare TIlaaau2aI Tie Khar 3eeit ptotocrapo, Tt"- Cherabti .WKHtrjTlHH r Siairtrr Ctm ttiai tn its cu frota both iaSlli"a at XB. Trrareratars J.UtlU '' laAailkitv-tMlskajliwaw Fmra Sa&- - TTai silTec ctjolii ooc te iniixcwl to aUtrr is to be meltetl say tea to For sale by all Drogglsta. Heads Families! Km nvt lai ff taisn, lafaates aCerbeiaa sitpost settle. of .. - 'rl itatt.iati n5 .cau, Jti.aHa3.a t tten;i:,irtii!irLliorof Ior tSrra aaii scdif fjc cr tat fart 43,CW The toGar l- mtt aaer. wtjhruu. K ti three oiH or first mill hadliatK.' Mortgagee's 3leak30m Jt ?ilx-- Vmmk ia ot Kmte coma icooia. do srsttea jnst tJx Iocj at dessity X. gurre fat tie rat&f Argctmo: fa teim maxfii ty taxTaags of 1S.H"B. Tcateratars 'hollister & CO., ii Witt.- w ednesday, Feh. tie Collector General Custams in. tie ccmitmeiis 1Q ty Sate r the Bswaitia & aiun c L. Two roller mBi 3L25I?r"eaIVmx aa arerxre Iltssd. Sal1 wtfk i&i. cUii. EDCS3ILgiizm me Hi:mes.t hul a! - Imih. aim Salf at aien as castoca jriarif Tin ars qoalised Fecait to tnct Notice A- aVie- i density of 71 PLEASE BEAR H? MINI) 4 im tasniaael. a" fir appema sowij- - L. W Ginstec; x eompcteot some of tie ftffiu eiprKSfcd ia tie Gunn npcu UfB. Tecirentars REMEMBER 'aaaaw tss, '.: I above aabject- - Jaa.Sst. Total tcamSer of from both THIS. twaiitasi'' 3 Ciama. tut MjwhitraMcrjirt. appraiser ftaa rscerred tie Sssc appaanient. tie ' iilims or ao.aaii iAixcuccgy traUetf ami tmtacepreaaiac a laii Ttut wr keep on. aaad a fall Stock of a cvrtaia ladtrntare of Slvilcaxas. dit lxalaUala ?rmn. ZUeai, r Fjui&r. J Kr, F. Earraacn. Kitss upraSii?QpTniriHiiifcicia3e tfteyharreEct seat la tie three roller ndll had 1351 tnBacs at aa -. Rikie bTKafftanrWafUHFJiUaVlil Entire Household Furnltur JvU. faif aaii Eraaiett, tHI ce B- TOTJ 'V X CCIX Vni- i- H fc ygtfi mors oc of etmafcrr. Tfe.it arerass densUy of W - Ttarentars It" IF ARE SICK. X McUeraj ainJ aajpwt Vt aaaljt McJaeta!oTa 'iI'Brt. An s So. 5csr ft Hsed in. tie icfy tamit of flirxir, cf tie silTr coa tie wr gaBffeaattfoa .anTX!tesniLrIbrtfr.yn 9 Sr- - tf feriiirmrxn feaTT3jr snSrritfTtH-- iartlier5artoo'ciaca:siiT5r ecta: la two roller null 3,M!zaUocs at aa areracs FIRE WOOD, CHARCOAL U..iittftuBB te Jtmwaat ia wtftt LXTMfcno. vnirtr r ci tia kiniocx deority LiTB. Tetaperatars If jwi are net HOP BtTTEES will FAmimnst be zatraief hef,ra mt7r-- T to of II itreiy aid Nalmre Li bllIik ion wc.l Bar G E3fctqi..fa.a-IOHr- II t&t tnitn 2ota. The frota allowed to Zonifer tad cttfce emusaaniatani et tint, a J jiyy t m aocnal eociiidiTii. icice fetttatll wis wkrm all c be nils. On Monday., Feb. 2d. 1885 xtt m staad about teanuaates, before the decuiry was ?iIf jwr are cornparaurHj wtll. OAKibltBy DESK IiiwecaatteIicTerbatdabitiiiTtitiaJiiTerT -- bt Fnt SmBMU. aV I nima . a V Oti atCBspt szaile, ifeeptajj iccse ajx kinqsijci,. niciaiJisu catrr? imj taxsa. tie seed ef a na-i toalc aaii itiataUat.fI .VttW,l nr . . II vy. El Txi 'ri::!ttT aonrf tie Ci . Idaieaw H ptriice-oiSc- er Iar-- il t?T rerrr;taytiMyoirTBLnlea new f tie aatrrn oc daryf oa tie Team ceseints iaiilxzr? wrniaof TtA A. Chlraa. Tae prcoiife. m ! atertsaaa as1 fjew ABtnafr.. tun e jrip whAt Weddiag bia;byaef COAXs .i of tie 23tS. tost, to jre an. eatranee uita tie clui nt atxfcix. to a dot x tie t"1 STOVE Sltaaled st Faaoa. Wsikikl - HI itTS TSfnf Plml ivcmtt. T C t animtut ant Xaoi. Dc LJteitr, Jin airv dSceef ASecxpt u. tuaacngESg rrre TharsdiT Ot the kntiiulUy. wkkk oSfcr for alt si aiakaaoka " ssd s por:in nf KTi! i'ai. ntnK - ili Sirw-jt.T1i-iiI s Cunt-- - .2.aatiedq: emmmgaia Tlnllt List ereniaa were naited ia fee boeds HOP BITTERS. mi Hrwl- S"XTT.aD touts some kind property J Xaaal sad be klia I" Kanika be il- - WUI '-.- W 0T-- feft utter f is fact firpnrpaees of autriraonyDr.X. B. Emerson aad Dr. H tl'tixl aI ,.;as B cmiiaisw-saMN- Sana If are .t Icmiu. J rr. ft Bja besszt cf fitixwrlorto any kmii cerecaoay Jillrotir-t-r djpjtk. or und Aawast tlta. IWi. tftaWassaatreaattf I ctier ot Rerce. lie weiiiiTz was rexfonaca ia taferistfracisayvtBeret taeasBHrsos eaKI laed ! ralu1. He ifc ewMVarW et 3r- - CTcprj ef tie sues nioe. Fort street Chares, wtefeer x camber of Sofa I lTmiln. J X Ke, Tin EwuiasA shicTZins art eamcLuiiiiii; at tie larirs eiMasesol the itcauch r towels. It Is Wholesale and Retail. rie- - Parlor Centre s . fflarata ata fsrtier. scrpoae nt rifpaired. The was most tastsfatiT year ewa tacit U yen far LV"N- - k ltr-- jKT ' 'ry at Miser. Jja S f F I ecxutiisii tbe fi3it izs fifee wui Fcianaco acotier trr Charch miuiB in. I.KVEI. Asstfcwaet., 'CVtacafaldtita aiief Jii cprsckaia Titi $SWflOi mors ofXepi Tender deeocste(x A bertaiifai eitieeis-arrixspatga- d Oach- - ' . mazL&t. X rmuufltz,iace aaj fcfwa9Hi ritotoa as-- Ordtrj ropectfiHy seBelM4. idr TVu IVnk Prir g. satire najceT" oail come tutte itzd$ tairrcst fee aisle, ail "Oder this stood tie bride aaderooca HOP BITTERS Hff Mrn ltk 1an. Aa i ' acnta at te O. 5. G:mi;in asd amagmr?nt acd tie cHaitffir eIerzymaa,feeBeT.J...Crs-aaa-. are a torrei; tvatdj ia all ei ccm-- vnggrm see apes-o- F GRAHAM & Mortgagee's i,vm.3cai7CiisuiieX4CSisy to eTriI err entarpnaes, by Th pclrtt was with pUlau. S. CO.. ? fxis. fei iSi i '! - Ji Jw Jt tmhrnztz otaamented baadsoiae Street. tznifrEjj Tnecaaiocs i palms, ltjn arewxrfi&aitaritiil, aarfvra So. Kiar rf ctier Uborsrsazii feras aad cowers. While awaitias the ef Siey DUei- -. ttop wmptlns Until Tekyhsae tS7. fettzr gd&lss&al r Rcynic meraiancae cy tie of tfaiUaf5, r.t fee brtdaZpirtyraIr. tfyroa Jooes, 14 2. London Upright Piano t Frxx ticnaaii orjria: U nmAt. aai (irtcvi m ifil tftna dcaUerias; his meaaa far ITTff uriie. iiit 9 lir.Txrainey.'riolia; ail Jlr.Uorse.sioiai; clayed Int Notice of Sale -i------Tiers tie census taitar iaa x tailars. tiOn UfceraliacdajhealTaysdce. T taaAiitioo sereral trios. Shortly after half past serea fee HOP BITTERS. List Letters afari'Tiag titeC scpsuMsmzsawecaraenakadGl c bride - of Registered tfeae- - ari.a.kva awasWz Ts &eicerv of flieieml tbscccaitircM feeaaaekisii ami zroota eatsral the Chareh; they were If are (Kb witk thst terriMe .Hk- U VT oaf aroiy'cm nffTmii rra By dtrrcttrm n M Hoy RK ta- - Aizae o itk wlrree. W.lsr rka- i- cfaa that tie sgirw Tiici rriii sioctfT be AaHirr cav in accompanied by Messrs. W. Kraaey aad E. X. emiuaess. rve wiii Ise a 'Fslsi a jaaci; 8nrd r DEED w "Ulyif-- nr tietnassrJin-biae- crrtaia iaawB(arri eVakny m anaam. Bais jr itaced t3I t- - gocticiHy Tontiesa-- et fiunsui, tocM few il Tcaes." asherK and Mr. 'Ecaersocw'cest raaa; aad la Gilerf' la lk f RKJLYlXrXG IX THE GKNKKAI. llonkial, itfaaml t Oate. TT7ah?w ilaitrSST ram fee c tslaaiidto jascart tsta. Wafiu-- irxl2f-- TTaM. fB. Brrjfl. a W-- i- tatalfr bcaiceee feaie azd Mb Haiiie Pierce, bddesmaid. As the party en- ie: DecB.brr. I4K. And dVMtlcard (ryWH vX 0 4 nil all to ; HOP BITTERS. Mawarrat, c !! toiMiT Mtrf iwra vf 3ir Xrs. Tie maJxay en Kscduntscrset, tu trxs, of Hades, airr ttaliief aad If not, Birr tered, fee orna pealed forth a stately rrurr-- aad ViCJ-- A,- & r fastrscitM to st vmaK aartfcn, taf sc VEia. sm tie j. a f ot a Almeida T. X ametiit, ipwt ftsn ceT bmdi2C m. eonrs o erectioc far tie Gwin-aen- t; eas we eftaig ocr gnsect defmisiaa.ct tradeto at tie crmciasioa of fee eerecacay the inspictias If yoitm rfnter. mUmt f HIT JKjBIhl d Colls Brass and Iron Bedsteads OCT SGiltSGtSZtnrCGEL. a winitmtc rfntnct, banicadejavr f SBTI loa Cordelra xjpat &ems lOett 35; tia Casevttk incka. ltimrf toaes of fee Weddnrj Mxrch frocaMidfiaraicsr Kovrr of all cMBtn On Monday, Feb. 2d, 1885 Lju'm 1K?. 9raonrTj3m3 ars cotalrme Lm feaa eta'jeir aa itirujtated tiajiie "SDrat'sDnaairaasoaf. The happy eocple a3toit tie XT- 7- Asaaieca Bjbsi Versinhk ( kir. Ilan jeL 3tt. Hmr Tie incka tetj cxsjemlj dzned. that maUrul, epMemte, hiltwwa aad sans iu B - ocTiji 1 'Lug spaas aadceortw9ci2Ii3ix daiiaraof Ail'ru'ecxatsfee droTS to their home Vy lose dAbrra t M At ear tslcarouBsV., IIoMoNIa, lersed. Svd.lel -- i szzeccasarj Imtalo daniaing - at fee earner of Essui and ferer tae ok of in B W Hidlli-d- IMk X fi conntrj- iati-ma- DaWKdjim ."bun Wndrfc la Oi euaat bi r T. theeccergceyirt ail w? it trenf te feat Fortstreetsvwietaxreceptioaof their taore te WOt-A- at. j 5. " rMs! In. nlnsaanfftL ttai iasol VUlra TIm aM e fulltw-taaic- d Wardens Kt. sae 254r&jfC aknni Xvdi37A. A trade was cmr?'iatisic&xr7 aaji afwitv ttcrtbti ia aunt nag at ,aliic ra.W Lrx. in asGf of tattiaanjey I frieads wis beid. Maarandbeirtywersthe HOP BITTERS. ioi Ajrslw I. efrij.rl. ' T Ast t Phoa. Waikikf. ami fMUti ana f 71 keif. Tia AaeriaxaZ siip Xdrrnm, aib. aresiaie feat iaxpnrtan cqcM ply ticir Corstsa Theweddiaapreents,naiseroas kaT ptor, c alio-- soi-- Ju Xsa.-- ta .' detain cccratalatsoas. tliuIktitbrT4tsa.uia)lr Jin rwrl rVntis MM of aa acrr aad ar-- j pmHm f ta III Alaaof - C sr tiza pert, tiuien ntfe eml w rs defctazdpajiV per cent, eia&acs and tastefa", were daptayed, and a aad acae. aa4 Kin rraagsca d C. MilbUi L C U.V r-- ADkJt, xes- - aseaailr u cold ecSstica fakoa. wart aiid the mm' prtat- thai r. ' . an iafri yaa yi"TrTjiaw tlisj-c- prj-lj- f HOP BITTER? Goaulies d Ceatsra TaaCrgjaa. - Sottta ynng cxl Dc 2cij mtv aul enlj- jxr cent. wxiserred. The a2xtr passed oil most pleasantly. Monti, wen ti KtulhdiDai hr Naloati ar axdiaxzHK. rsyaixa TariniTrfr araay m Wto rfll zfie roe fairkitt.rib ikr XTCT Lai. d Cslrvs Csmseke Vatj cm!WO 0 Jecesaari vrstei2iai3 fee eoaEOj! The Glaum etteods ru hearty cocratsUtions tfweetatt teeua. aeaiti itdcMiforL Mat tat ftralkwt,- la Wua Iaat aitDioaiii, &e eocisietSHi oC TileC aaini fcifors toa racca money Yirc&ir3ia Br (wihtks Paekeco CksUak him too faft sal. T TjSTI EaaKGi2zni laceaf jwrr rract t aUr feat fee to the aewlr married eootiie acd trcsts feat ther ta aWrt,ta7 care ALL IHcij f oel - " Isjetscet&atvsisetsss a - rerrrtra r , anmedfmtaatotlteac-uai- tie T2fit snnbl esctinnw ier Tgyie, ftenses effee eocatry. cut celebrate fir manyaIocij?yr,tbeaa-iTer- tae (omaca, BoweH. Kond, Urr. TI1ST MsaocI 7rrreirs LTUN-- A LSV1Y. ayiatftfr. rTAY AND GRAIN! cnatirmnra !(t6i Oraaa mxntfr isesE33ejieTsrrfciCatacai.ai ia. sazyot tseoaywmcataaaetneczoce. . JtnftriTg too 8t fee matagTag maa-aicF-sl It w asiSestonl tint tifi rata a Trfrffrg for tfce,4at I Kara ef fee ccecfcir ci ll r-.- tmiM- - KTO- -Frsacisco Araisr Bio. nj 31st, 3Tcw as 1117 nniLflfitiuyI tbe mn&f zon?t be ao7 ti ma3 Icarnur en tie per Kaacaer Jiam"T.t 6Ea.art f4w Saii leU c pidi dart 5orta. anrj. The Harden Hand Greaxde-I- 500 t5e FriaciKa d Atwlsr ndwrtistnunts. percent-- it te a jmi tnoa to all jiu p:r tiicc?, ana ecc a ijhtu leaser euier, t , wilt b pava for a cue tkey will o( care Ttajo Ast. Gomes Jsrsta X Soar-- rnfxxaia. at a Sratrn itr- rIe if &ia cur te xai u tietIpurniaiQt nte tctez let t&era wers pisst3MS3 let vnrjlhizzz feere is ant sncoorterl ErrjcAiiXt, Deocle. that the r k'fc. er fss tmrlkrae; taic-az-e er tars. Go. Jfa- -. o re faond la rkem. S. Fe Grahaiii& a3 co-- a Ixri jLtstinrni cne hntiLiT ducs! fla &ui Fasciao? for licit drafts, asd ii u fee sale trade vaa borxiistr pfentT c ferowias; cf fee hand; ertaadeit tato the. are at far Aatera d (emvea Messrs. T Tsst cwvir. bmiHilea. iacslas wife, ait3pxal ezsQssjBL- - made Wedaa-dJ- ;p-Ju- Vd afteraiKaae;xsit.aad fefiria. t&smasafrjr St: cmlit te ipracaycaj -- 3at it sa 2fifcod7 CQaaized feat FisheTs on but noraiaff was iatended tMter. BtetkrrsriLterkter.c. W iait I'reitss iasfr. ndr ifcnra et linaJ Tixa be tu ts ftere wai "to raaeS." tIfinc, alfenniir it ! ctaaywayxsx tat, actay eaajeEoferiaz scia- - Ike pletcre f kaKk ky a few tnuks r WiilX.nl OH j d a .Saa -- yta to SSetf a2 t&e mfnrrfcg eC Tiarrrif TSeljlTaSiFtaniifiGriCj. tare efcetftftie onlr haH ctol erreasnaioiiiixtic.etLxtiuaTTiz: 1st, the are . Hop BHim. ciMii: bet a trite. 3UI VnaclKOd Paixso ' Iif- ag--. oxngJiBfic, raSg-nc-t e mt gatanrii?tn"r tefaia fcrfirara- - me of 3iyy.,Ifr..Ftfir.cr is tiers cnt annietiiia- dark wax were XI 30 Frsaclfco Corre r M ccera tie acKX toofaradraaeedi IraLtbers only nine "Will yaw 1st them snaer I JHT rrsaciree Gomes Dasrtc lite LsliiiU. ef &e- aaaie pcCaszscr tae m!i J. txttfgcziai tcsafmryear; Prrfest amt LulAif, afcnst fiorQ Lrvliriairiss iSqts ezcfcazgs tol gracades throwawhea fittj.woold DXTe besa JUST RECEIVED. EX) "W. Psgttdent , , teme or Tice K. Eflifaiaa: Snaa- - neni. raxs tte puogs cf toecala laTB ; Zfd, croper rsigmrnt wxreot tied by Cleanse, Pnrify and Enrich the Mtwd- -. ' The Great California Snoiiiiia&i'rtec&ffliaa C- yi iirx.rfd J ;' 119 PcruriM MimfiWi viiacmba!e daiirra tarr and-- XraaffODtr- P, - XmiKf 7r Dtratcra Sttfes "rbH ma aa"fee fee parties t&rawinir thaw east. It a aafortsaxte Blood Tt5-A- rrf Iloo P Coatosie jnite .i;i. UTTgagg Cytfic c sir ffimgie n jitrr, C K. EiabDpr K, Jfe iaai. ewuii naiaotha78 jrt a tfll ef exs&32 feat fee cVpot of sal;wtic3 waits dose proiio-it- y with Kst- J- Arreltaa P Co.to.Ho o eTT7fTtgti iaj sataas. te stt iira- aaf asarer ococ u (ai;tera.i aa feer cas cirr. to the are. was sot opeoed by the proprietors, Hop Bitters. IXt-- d Xrdeirs (irau - - Jt STJt -- Sir eTOTr d&ra&zal &at cC e. Kr. F. Gcrtz. azd G. 1C Brap, Aaa rtxnii caeamg tai csaa cCnatfie siscej- as. if had been, U strocz rsobabtotr that. Aad wUtksiesfiskBeserrsariTii9tteTs P Choree Hay and Grain nersleii 7ir icceciar Kr - it ten: 1 I'mo y. Lt-- y rns pay. 173 Aat Cskfsl d Aaas &e sacaiM 5f tievcmaxaaiieSilidrao-Wki- at bntc&exr of tie partfsi bnznai wxt by tt miae raMi-raa- jrit a ct ttt-- on pcn&rt of the Mils te El tro Sua Fraseucn, tni dino.tharfXTls. connac?atica,; fte 2seejiI ncuaurtr tzfriml a fiac srorniaa's Ira bar ftvxnd focatunia at afuo aar fafrsr tsas ttxa he wKai'a.5fcad3Dtlcaril? xad 5oi l' xcctios For lisle ky nOLLISTEE X CO' LSI leka FerrHta " Jeke " KRXRe aytfLam'.ltfnrT e OXSX- tkOifiaaM, p-.- - Cirw te irrjc bncs tlul xiiniL sher val cocsnrae tior r9petiare enail before fee pusaqe af fee base Lit. If was costeo," teat tee Department ugineera, or vw. :jt USS loka rrtrnts Jeka CtrfM " INSECTI5Bj jO rf,fcF?,y' f ''it xot cf tjie eEssnif boiu. xssXuA IX ia. tieantaamai at WSUasaf Zzzz&xtsjUxZi Fact members of theattniitry whowen cresect, might --! Ksberl as HoM xa ceding, ccaer Ko treet- baTscrdrrfap;aaicaleit!iiireii8cffee-'Eeera- y tC-- OfTt-- ry an? aia tazjszaaxc tas a 4trt-n- d tie at laaecit Asia - It Lroysrest EaaOrai ftga fmTirremnaa. Izpacstcf VB3.JXj. C2imer cito bnmarr. ctFirs."" r I market states. tonfeiTBiPgTrt. ami Susy frflLA!iaxtatigrj7Tr?ll3L. Tl. aiesroes. fees Xrs we btecwd fatt i 3tsst-ir-ia trtsMi 'et trnkAirKa tewral te itraosamt i(' ia zKxisrs. SOt-- C Xfizportxac Xraas-- - DALTON WAwiks H dVliT'fkjtl , SCxni fa aay Tocrs trsiy, so. 1 otHxWLllai P. iti'l r to tanwUxazi rcir3foiiiiaTfnTateWanilirfaijiai.TBe7 L CWtV-- iirf'flf nhz'asi ti Hoim. Xs ifoeka, 4t? llj ' taes iuui to on. toetr for ce XT37 tar corse Tiesu aatx Trrynrr laying- o.;ts oce of too raaca alt-M-U. Csirie doi o3 cansaSniz eisrieard tiers teici The tccaajs statistics of Eta ed kau.e. 1 wane irf abisr factn. fee a toe oc Jasaxa, King TIUT-- Xtt l oVa'lrtM CO aciiitaitofcetmri feat bae tortae znzzVG ct tnaruacoo. tsa asycacauyT La' the No. 92 Street. Utrs Pkkna TP&k-- Kl I S?. - e6&J-lirs- a'f cstwaeaauwriTara rrg Vttki IMtUti, deancstrate the tllK-a- i.s Kstle IHcksee ea k jereauasat Xxanetn xail ltazm aasnor iataral. iiaerxvwk'srsitiiHtcoiaiatie-- tiH in:iri-,r- i iracn-taa- 3itl4r :bC7. B7TCCe AX71 of the Hxwanxa trade to the Faciae C?fl- -r. tVery u ""-- ' 'irS yi w emfrtmUIj ta xstarsto Xctokax and proceed Tnti. tfte tnasa--lathe- e te earraai ect wittcnt snfi snel e - atetaasia ! aui Gout. Dzrisr.liet the Esropeaa ports, icctad. Oace atar MiHuts tb- - prrMM l tafftmr of (a4e Pinles iaqslrlaz fee ia Ikeakwa If oarc3tresisrSsttSi2ii feat a silrsr eat-rra- Betaia and were lattcn list ate TI. in Grsat Ireland, nitxusted ia fc for l tik far - AafartaMd nttjsUia- a sapaa;crErepaIta a csUermseyAs has Francisco by fctiHcz nti 'ar taew atd - flseo; ena&Mpljntjfimaij wi "nr Tie&4ntf ccceertxt JnmxS?mre oni.ut hat maa--r Saa bil Ttsseti; fee HawaBaa waa to drfsr wits, aad taaay to agrse wui hrsi. Isaads trade was rscrzseated Err 101 sail ressels. vita fw I J. left at asm Oaat aevtr susutrrrifaaiziriir serer ttrttf aftxrarxix rrr pcirij aacxlei, tie ysnsxt. iatt Umm!Pa.tOtU.Jsa. 13. a aead i enciaeni atnxriitpbere irhnff, profcnirfy. acj fzaz exit)aage tot aside dereniiat Of coarse fee toanaje was ia isTor of Earope, bat yiuniiUBiip kaeT flftat feera traa as? txxuna tasstrteaAS. cf tie rh'oiriyborlMffiiji!!? erftel'slintri,er ea fee ttjettsa ofiJasestir stacar oo tne i ot xu cocatnes. -VV x ecmeCetft aad rrrvn txnaaA m a iiru.). UfWI oaaM4n icidiuim uuuuli. 'via nxwsit 4tzta -.J- EGLAITD dnectei K7CiiayT?cBa2fcjirTCT5raappA rraziea, es irast a tae eamcn7 la airier wcrts lffeesttansf-tplficaag- etdsafrriy eagud ia rwi BrtTTir, frji a asatuia aiii tiljm aztaiasee rtf SJ esidrkewOl ftatabUt fail cce Offer For Sale ex Resent Arritah roiT cocoeaau szizjBUxazivuazaivvmma. mi&vmgujkii f tint bo the Hawattaa trade were added, fee tctal tarliU Plain Talk Pays Always ' Irr3;eeiTx'ViraetaassseauB.ic ejL sfffflarsewais bhs. Cii. woold be !SI,Hi tuas, which wocld mxxe third Lice, UeCTay trgiap JB W . B . ' j it MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO., Etc ' Orloax. fortccsazr ca the- listf Enrops aad xastralix alcce eaceedza; it. (Jnutcnst China the raneigcr rxrax aaa I rattcarorpt GENUINE CHAMPAGNES, jwl jPiwoaiect aal grots tvuu danktlau rrery o( fee knd&sz to te tme-.r- to rjxha CnUexs ha njaxjnr vsrlM ff iul or vK& fc iBn4 tA beip- 4hen2 Wansfai. ia a rrkinT tee trasel wilh Hawaii ISt t a! faafrminaflx tia aad ana! a Ssecc5e DiputniKsx. fee txndeti Te liAdr rf bj- pronaee to feat- rtwry U f W eunauatty from tae kfzaett aaj A4 far diBrraeixtCbaiesetarssaQKCf eampf ea that cf fee tiaabocimr of Britlih BOSTOH, BLVSS- V. B. A. ginTmimt acrsitx ttmria r vsxetacad G. W. IV te &jl33titVwbilAantraEs and Sew Zealand were fa tie Ual M ta kaa.Vft f tae wotkiaz - - jrf ttn man wiAgmg. THtS t&e sp&usxnKCZwfmtiiioBr- - toteaafaHir: Lnua fee SfdckeUriiJe a sort of ars iviimrtH av risr- iJSM. Mr FIastata caaie aeon r clUwer. fee tfcaz e!lR;CeriL)asuIIDc.a.Xarnu4 a tfagsJir'jaafcasopfacfbyxfTi-fTianianraada- caw rheoxnd less. S frrrc-- Xsrtltmt. aaf mj 4ttiif ua( ae ke arm -- R-lvCLES- Uaaksaa. pubiaMrt TSozu rfxtaiirf ia tafl aeeeenz; tocii asii siav!e as fr&eair or test a eeftoeter. Tfvr ke fca ria HC S Ut JWfk Pkf e A LV cm deal act feS iflta KL KtSxijdiTTa 6 ewefrwl fee geggaca. san3S94ttaetnrcneXBzext4aeewreTe tceeeo Bess. T. rrrrrif. Pass. I Jss. 11. Uuass.. aae A Baaay Munawa trafuLod ankt, Arrprielated Serrtces, - pet lf kaaaf vt the jUVrr. H f vetf aMeaa4 vttP Carta Aisaal. anieler epiata, uiaiUt be rxide x t a4 W. Taoarsv. &STT. 99 Aasscis. Tin Uaaasvox. Tae Prwm feiU. iaiecsaasffx af Dii.r.03& mrmringii c( fee crssiiMe tad bad bit stottrvaaaTt-r9rk.xr- t aaatnial. aad falrVatae Oraal mtr4f aui The faCowiag retract tract X letter srMrftswlto To Human Bcfnx anil Animals. Carta Wseeia iwaA aT. . xwuncxiccx by ffnHig caxs sv Todal. ;aead trul.a cf ILr. C II. EccaixnJ. cdft.r'aad Fisprttlac y the fo Bm7 err yt vw rime la ta Hawatf aa - Ot Cfcaa. Patr. lUt X&eStrxssS sctaia: tia lair, fa (frffrate tififtft, aaii. wao hi-- eptom xxfx sctieiweiiasciaiavasaraiae Mr. H. A. Ke Hxwxiiaa Utwu. was xttw.iT oy nAyp ec&e-- a bf P. Carter, Catta W.neke. Prr usxal ta turai a tnrtmg iay pitaoa to half tal Btsrxred enccoii fan ef Valt.j't llvzUUr at Wsabiajtocv will be of tlxhiii'iles :::::mm,& LaBma rear. sat-ia-z, grarattifrece feats-tat- , teas of Mat ca &ta Fnaasco en tfct QQi test. c Eject; C t&e mie, a: pwxt fcadnd eiai to car tdsnd frieedf, sbowise; that fee IiU "WtH axttsa fxTr hi fervariiis fee use eetma. Waea tie ibercTi fArty tnt nUerf at and interests barter Single & Double Harness Total Surplus S zjsrujaifi oi ten bclhs rspcrvr of tn Sua. Patanajter-Qeseia- Stu-j- ; siirod Superior Brandies: TnaanBdSft. Kgrtfraaif l Waitaey tae ue Celestial rcilj ftaiafxd bis f desire totxkx abw to rtpna Ti- - Jtteslk- af tk pakBc Is tailed ta a Eczfiaass. Xt Eisyt sua and xun tesderad to tb,cexsiaa - New AS AJtHOLL'TH . FczncxKn fix Ui noxft ii fee dwr ccui ByatrscUeissefyoctrfeO'azfcttal aad Tassabte ; 9 Sua us rtifif Tga: m. He axnixcf fee ICtafiai tceputy. dfaetrdidcfvtwiastoeaaae fee puty Express Featara 1st Life I Ban ranee ay tkl Sfi(I; cTf ia artxles cs Hawahaa trade and treity reUiioaa."' Harness, geX-ea- uat 4 tke Luaiay ef lwHe Us bimU I fXviinHjUTT&rvii&jefi&iafcut oeirtif pLierd ca fee erasus iaatarair. an the trxtle cCestetavt Kf knee. 1st betatz I ast, den Sir. traly . ft (HaeJ Darata A Cat, nw smx R j ttenrazsa rnfmriar& Oce wUil aimiMt I: isch rriitecsffi, fee stry wort, ly tke suae prralsn ctafar cksrta- tar wkakt Ufa In tho Hoiiscj Ifnriicfh I'tltftdf.rlitofjr .1. ttwiJw A Ua, Looter bMBtsze a x ynccff snxs by auoarlaiUtt laia court" a Plantation Harness, kl - izicim ta t tirak feat b rffirrtt a ilxiitatjna wttumxsst br rarets sensnacaed to rttsaa a&f . Paltcie,. Title poHelei Dsrllcffrtle ta tk J. P. ITnnMs. CogerC seta avt irtxaeftaH tost $nnr tat a pot! fnanrfftaieg enaeealai tir'Ajav! i4jais,Sis.tlEcs4tTreoaidtBt fears Hawtio &ctUAVWetiaats-D- C hx&Bxk&&f&i&drBU. Hit ntrwt ffia ita. nrne lj Jarutiry 3d. 15. Whips, Spurs, dUtrfUtlaa at Krpl9l.saf siCSskSsaf la tae wicei 'vaxea ml isnrputa is o2acss2' tae rale rrss weesd " Law. v fVV"ftr WIlIB fcjfl Best)Scbeiaaix Olai effeiraaaaargftteT :j,:iu: ap fee T(fTTimmnrt fcytrntiar fee "beafeea 'A'QseT7rr' - ckst at lfsunasraa3pnrterrartptit gaetiarrcH Qusee to pfeastat rstrsat fee centra ' " Chamois,- Sponges, Csth rarreaer 4 psM as lawaraaxe sstaas laMwaaSkJRtaa. . . bwa ts at VwBavtasceevBiTceiiisensci3?iitGxc3c3 v r rr VMA.HMhr j e fee tOUob ct WaUaxa tad ma aOowiaz bins ed a trery policy. . Kay JttaaJ. Anakirlraaj,CrwBtftaal ejttoe6itt ftrteyfaraiatttrqo , Frasaac1.atelt4?i,Aariw---' fee cue at x tzrcf sxtrx braeeietx. ' wmea fee rtaers. whibslaeiuitif to wte whether retail' Brushes, and rsMC-atrt-i csaUasteey af ike 2few F.aiare asay ka OrT. T. Itaaakst'Wekefcssiw. desnty le zoLMUxnasl to carry car his Toduta,;' era base their Ecenses and wbefeer the peddlers ki aw spaneitlea st Cem saay. OOee. farauat fc arfania saOaeb SoiraairBaar pnBtfc, ef rortmfttSifnFhnaL w&da. as lis ratara trio. Xraiirfeewan&C fee 4t.tMtentrjrxyliecsaacaaVCxi: Everything Requisite for the Stable. ; JFlno Winest mEnmxxmoii, asii i faee a eoe jt, canst eliBfciuroiisara zai boame xsd i era fescHsz sad festr bxrea If srxae lnsufflafdr,J Port BtpnMfOTi amtcagtaiBatu of ritmg l 1'OSTOFFICK tKllTAKK, IJOSTUN. The' Buhach ta a mad hnw to ca a fe aiooiia iKiet snamana-.i- njae tpnsrx. lLutzt3 rtcts bosme& t3 taresri-l- le : the m-- Sietsy. KaJesra, 1 kecmsi fees tataaiU ami Sea FraanaeiT Bait --& tiu. egcust icints feat - fee xrMxo. Ia enajsaetua wui. fee xtnrs fee mfirtmnt Ike can it they ctxnte or their attestiCB S x rcu. or . Uaksa. 9aaeru trxs. to far it U9t Xt-ST3- Fer Ilh(rIF.StIir (lie liiltiaeh. ' taW. Urttt osder etatnee "Harrr Eert" saade f WaAUft" Cvie;tii was brncait tral ca fee 2Sd fcut, xad ca&ed to fee matur. Tbers ihocld te X ptopfr XOXsIOI3S 8rrsse m22FV ftnrm. ee stekint; rriity wast to x of JatztetBex, aaif F. H. S. a. armed enrt trrtmnd rercoas (Sat mtaut btaines it woold be, bat we He lexrax xadtxv u n r.t, si ISOxaiiSt twtarai'eriHsraestasdcmbi. la kLo.) , ON FAVOHABLE Liqueurs t . aife fc caaesosaetictnecu. THE MOST TERMS, a rino anceA fsrfeeuaeef tef KfeEaczIaaencmx tae tern, fram Sea fnitneu atatf tuafT-tfe-:Cc- Ositoossriaj feat pcaxEx wffec flae atijalA ,f English & Sydney Saddles, him; pzLfic anf espKcaUly fee- mrrnffite cnm asix. aaa uaet agnrrr vxr u pjo.-- juast taier.waiy aiikxti. 01 Ma tie BdjarJ A staffs, Hurdae-- i, aaest aa bits faussr k taeii axxcgtxptysaaaaiTTne ' Aae. skntsuly sfi.--e l'.j-- cnnuty, fecii lu oe a liHfirar iaatt si fee fabmiuL. fee ferjg'A cesseaasrs was anc Tccdor, ws IJrtTtisnnnitsf . Tn '- 6ile usa aait a eacjaae? a 5tai UU I Mt). Ebsk1. etc. are sr ia .tuck, 3&I-SK3- ri feearnreft fiae. taera werx &ad has sfflfjurre was $3W a la taasW. dcrw.aefcimT!iateaate Iearf lisfX XitorrTiiter - tad ferse coalii ittsi JCeesrj. w saes- Fi-i- -3 " aa-- Xlut ksfa-r-t ant - Ex-aa- BENSON, SMITH w- fans Jxtxb sKtaoxs r laefTsnypsrt I. t7eseibwsaTX toruaerTt sail icree Xtdnaacfeeemtct wbo t Wtujt- yle tor Flam &,C0., i d.Oa.Ck- TaaMTsaMts. K Oit . k. Co. km afadlT emamaoi to rsoore aos ism aer for Ce CtJacxn, cce of fee latser aeie2)isi)sad.wbswxacrssxearxlcadx XOTICE i t 1)rW Wtfiri. Crass satiiKn9t53Cji ca feas cstf aad fee-- aaiansalia&e. boss .- - buisoacf axaii. was aaed arat irAtt Hoticc to Creditors. Ism4 z Syeattrs jsara EaaVeaMai" Plaa fw IIXaHil Hi rertNlrrcl Ifftialalli. v pxasdaptrttcactcctaia fZ7 rriiE trxisErwiGSKn, tum sic ditlTtamriRj by fee Its tacay e s a see awtr aariwciaest; fee ettcstrre ttader wi3 jt. vnwutft jumua et (as- f.muc et ir'KI5ir;XKI. irAVINO fflas Strasbarpr. Beer, pts. tjts liaz3t Eimilj.SaaHtgrr nj rrilK - xtrvsvsAtvi J-- term d-- sKMiatai with Ike- isxsuijt aar'itucriiirrttcaga' eccse to fee eaccfasirnfexttbcIjwrlsocsewfEtt ifcawusxaksff lOtOMU ir xaarialusstrls I smrsiy Tiaifieafed 2a Wiifcvia saort uun are fKiwfcr aMiaet ty wis saaca-- s. as ixe xuta f r Br7ealrn. ute at AmtTJAX, PHEMIDM 212J10, t HzriirsCsrsini to by Jkl- - aad(erbas tie mtMiititHtxejpa oaks, jceeura. aailce Is keteky FOR SALE ,. also Tie OOiBmi1 szii fees act tasaxa tie amczmntmr oirtsetuxtrct Vshtras. Sililu. CHAI! m,Ultzsf,-wsitsu&tr- ewiwysowbeaibciiafassbBveeaectI K. i rxssE iiiIik'-- xtxa las- tketreUlau tae xluxtntsxnl sas. ". ; - srsistt pa-e- p EsnrmCinpTiv-2indIyairiMiasi- !ce fce&iaii Ttmiiisess- - ssssary test. rstaUfss)dr.Mzealrci.aaystkatluii.wksikrtras umttl t"k asar. V'l'e. In.. ia&aa. Fruusaeo, fee $- &! aaf ittsraubes aai rndealy rxasta".y na baojciT- - KES.--H as Ika sail af f -! s x Urw mtta tSmat oar ettl ac a. tTztax. sercxat bk mu i- r si fact kyswnsijs atatrwUete CsclIBmwa. st it a Second-hlntfVacutfm.- pjlJJIJipkNIlAQieARS otd bn fm. wb coratu aad eocremsroa 1st (elEac was dcisr XOTIt'B ! kUscVeaaltrreasatlltrvtla Uaaalalc. Oaks, alth. (!XI au dmtnetaf KaauOtka. Una fee "deal Mk err read fee aortaattac ef a traitsj y fnas Ik. dst kttrM in ke ft-sti- s sti n i.rw Noees liekaaxs aktfiwta. cayera ere aaeaaed feebiTrTt0atitz.way ia wifeb fee wHSm rtzu bwratns lux.iaczicu. fasts smtss attovf tail fta Been" ta. sif tiis h.'iT tstmc U tisea L'KllsOXH AUF.CAl.TfUKI barred, ts4 stl raai I sdkud ta ,tI4 etata sre ak sn s M eipeoilrf oc. ijcJf JL. Al.l. a 7iMry Kate fsetke kereky t-- atske laiawalsu peyausl k te C WATER PIPE-S- ' ya gWtctI feaxctaadcssafewtiiitsrssabsacws. Clmr .: raaiaf rx)antt tkrts Sk - L3B una lip Joint and Flanged. tsTFOtttmiiBr feiafc feers ar any m te WafMlit.aa te csld Cacti Fnara -- CD. way Our e av BU HUYrWHLAm&t fee tmut tax eaOiinjsnald 8ese!a .Uewra V. $CKfitUn.tf& Lata, aOTrji3 anftS - eoeae foe (iCJOO-- . IHtsd Ilaaafsta. ltnxxry tttk. its.. l4q (. U Safttfusia- tyxs STX TSOl73ASr DOLUBS kur-- - i. at taw wbI fea extrst eXtte Wtflbt 7ixgft GT?&) aiSStirai to htit rtccxd bet feu ia a Ene some-b- et A Mimtsrittt. - : Tie eani fnug gmmafitx to fcytee Oateay aa tise tnu :ke ttrk trt ml WZ cwnwrlisr la kt XimUatlsoAx wftk Ik WO sasersdaf P. karnafrtl. iak i.ii ajS Portable CaA-- E csxiaesi betwees feew tthsiis aat but dexerast fnca feat tTwifaestr tsOowtd by surf a-- JtnV H ttXXlac.la farar sro-i- t, tot; u lltk zJaT'i A' ceibe&f r. e& feraier Tears. as ftl fee rnarfestoo: Frzaeraea aad VWV.1. Eaaxx tea. Oa the essaJax t the aa)--. fctsc white at a. Jfi.i s ssit MriW la aI .. sil iak - .itt o S1MH IfEirMOTLt fere jflfT fcsrcsanaai bcsGcfi, aet Eirr. tssce tae' ( cotrfinftU "is easts aejebborbond FprtftmU.x 4 t aaii lit. zMHIM if. tc'Jaaa ctyrisa Satte ef Eiszxtxl kerwjjk 5wd,JK tons. V - jjw7:ij UK !l8Ni2U-i- M raeA an teea rsazaoetf is m a ptsaecra hi bito bnxmexs, a ssygmeudeat effee tool txxzsh. betsy UUMil H T-- sTa.Iir-- CEO. F. WELLS, mi, &ytgfflF3MX&k USsRT latsrs 'rteea iJSaXuHariitas. tarxaoax pcxeasi if. - rav teifc - pBtsn eer ic I cuwt snt eouc to nrenfwgy torsru; EctryesdeasersfSfcetaadetofaesEut feebsu and nsndAraav theeraeteatsef oom ittSCJiS ..v- arfaJat-riMT V. it ccaKIsri. 1118 M20 rraatdsea, Mfr sat saattssraaralir.tMaaaaastasHstx fecyywinTif , feeX gtraekss? euwlia, eslAit tWr:k. wta ssa aad Market St. San - USB 'ke twte rf ffof fl7Tte pfleSutti Mmhjl gares's st iiTi ts. n f srri P5 ih im Wafitfaa. ifi&r fee si the ftf fee cmt stmck d vrnotztALZ itesLEc tx rtlk S B l x rnrt itntse of efcxteiee w3s reeure eoae&cat ora'aafat&KSI T2bdftzUawandthwxccKxraaeecf tsnttCtt0 itrriiL - i IJOI iVMiaetoe atflV- - Aaafadlr gneu loiwa-cura-t, InJ. trk IJi rha a7,JusacarUcfc- laia is tiaa-- thsaixatecssstsiIsatrt.SsxacatrBtztofida'w;! PLAYING ! . IJU - na l ir?WrMw. DenofalNo.lHitMiSL rsfteetf tnofiteotie Koetf Ssperiist SELF INSTRUMENTS sua - m fan tr.r.ror i tr.trrii l'lPH m iskt sal Ctet-Uau- ef Csesaptvea dsterttrtS er use iI ii r ii'iaf ini ii MiniBiiri aaese bees Bxsileia fXaeO-S-- e, IkHrul n. tots(1xasea Mrt, Dtitle'i Deartr'nenf sirfrs's'n rtargly wsatwax ParW OftXntnne, stsatl Mieknbiae lilsrUas. UUWU WiateaaalXta!jc TOyfafetetttaCfrBaat pattfanUgiajKs.iai.tc.feag.fO'ji! Xiayiaad Btus-- . xVi- - aa Oku rfiT om in wis si fna JIM - Asrwt far UsUinkeft saa atrta- - Tits ptartsi p ia UfUmd afur fee ttlM4 nr eeeMsa4aWitt - mfct&tj-- Q aanr fraei Sta fasdtm htfej aews slEt.fee Ifintnt. ky juts Swwjr tw K. srtCu a ui. If si war PUaas fee tk Haatllsa Itlisvt.. fall kereaauaky Tthmbf saasst 4UttHttu tfHr- . -- !e XJcft petrireJsSt srauneSAsV trsscaetscia ixss-r- tin iri eaa&IetS feat rt Zx to fee Mtutsxvsa ct fee met. thehito ItVtaetata lit r. iiS. v Ise lee. Ibti buI IveaSk tsrpnrt for'wtictt t waa totad, Pxarn? TO I ' nr cak ks4ef . are! fait lsfwt..t'Hi tBwmm fce earSA .iwmrr a te katt fee xraasussstt&eEcf loCas-L-us LET At-B- aoo ru.tcii, e a rf Waea i'r.i:rp i'inrxiii.i',nr:ri. aZ && it talvaxaeaiumee the f Sstwov few Hxtitra! etjraiStd win t-- cjiea ky lk ts, AJ?TD spun. rtsTara7 enuMeasa, aauur. trtaunr twain- CIL'EKN lack Itaaw. wlik ,e..,.. xst ia ifti KA.Y GEAIN jupsja HcDtriU, E. Uaefxrlaae. Mrtirtena to xananaar tia and the TfVM. A JJKW CIJTTAOB OX eaaa aast far an taa(!laaa.. Mmm saaes. stcCot IXuu C xiKa SAtod wtSeo bad now OIIPHllT, ravsss. '""aay Taoe. O. Taraja. Mrs. W P r extray to tie torpxxal erxft sisxfti.cMuiiiij sis rvrarsMa Tie cBosnaroCiar lyes' ES far exesei 77r. tSwitr. course for rust acrJlfcflttit, 4 a ear f r fsrlW -- trtUa. CASTLE & COOKE. B SO, 3 ll.tksRKllJHlt ctwri.lHi enra-M- He W. H Hjck arS sha it tie i fortes lausitfr i0 IRWAktattM (nentest-- Xfeeyar enoataatfy srao& tie est ixs&tsx. a& Ha. sad itmcxtitr. ixat xuxtad ts Mxaaaiex ttrstt. Isr.raitlrsar . T.XX.SIt, n uniaiiljtu nA7iiiraiaMaiW7 chmtr wan ajeOest. TaerciesBsC&e Ket, Oeo. I Kat ' The usssrarTtsiL'oeoetteecjaof few nrde. SI Ik. csSea later I.ixes Mesas SssljiMlaa C 8HXXF JtAWCHI Eami,aifcst fee sjecte, txssct dissstica, latl MarkeJttpUassV, star Ssplf t.. Twin H. US t IS X I'd Fosd for Fowls, Dt aestltzVv-- The Bohemuz, Tiidiay t thaa lette raair etiSt snttrnflbe totmy, and eiutisa rwnlAte fasctiae; msnti 7kaaV ck PskfSc tar t--y 'rilBOWXKriOi'AHHKKflLV.i'CII Heantala t mi STrr 'L tktr sis! astasMr tor'taa If wife awl wets tesJa tttltby ' rWueVeVt tfiilt IftiwUnt. ae -rn J .s j JsaiUr X mi altasi fa stet wlik a tsasM si TSy e gfwiimf, wti,snCiitBiaese the the jr?xcaB srss irjaclly and ssesraty, ncfcayasX' ysr tw sad kspea ta f tie otUop Bitters, aa4 1 rKoostaeod U to ray Ibnli wi a M. LTLK.XTE. yet t&ncaeti&, toot sofc- at Bxwaii exeat Bexrfamur bessatsx et cadntixs lis tae "" liaj seccMa pmtfst is efsrSfctitrywandertBft. bad tsst I fee? bad cxszjpdlo ' UK la ptotxe. Cttrxtcaas. lUtdtdrt, latt H H- - IIxCKTsLO A CO. tH, H - UMitasM. Ianl. riaIphoaovatW. 3'TrT'iX earl iiih satorlttcirtdj3d HttWitt

asa&iai KMiaBBBaaaaBBBBBBai IMiWWi.WlttW.MIfrt I InK illiiilfUfiitTiTli ttVtXiit ifliiiiF , tm iwwtvsuBgmmmmcai ' I , tlostjS y IxjVttf tV rartviru A tSntmtl tliwttlratwt OtttKul (fcsKiu 3,3trticerafc. hiilbtetJrM4rl. At a ! vtitnU gatcauanfliazrttf. kxi ftvea. ((JW Wi XwaerV aswatt e4 tb revwvURsr ot ttay lsa HIS; ttmivt ixrta tvewvl rat tf a fyl tf atftw DILLINGHAM &Co. fa wOa5iti Jak IW RtS Line LSftaaaaaaaal Tit. HtaUtQtrK 'Pioneer" &sxl tl&trstK, oil tew STREET. HOXf IXX.TX. dlB- -r ltTifcscr cirS rsJXT . Tkrai Uaa " tstiraSjv'o ,Sh wrtnl t Tbi) Tie ttio iaTt jvareil owt liv JiaR FROM UVKRPQOI.. im us tv anocow -- ' ? ; wcvxjuxua r a tsi &a ta1 tw win "xNax Ja?t"T ,E invoice af ar " w.r (un a.iv izmtevl hj" aa t atlTW psa ojvtj-tse- a fxtsSaso aw4 ia t wm.ry ioeMvt 17 u !K-V- twtfise tlw tv4iritet cit Gaml tv?;l ts Uc$? tiattbtr iKv tMMa I XH. t V cwiWHrtwt frcia tls JIiajjfaT ci VTx. XXshsatcn ajwrdix50tvMJw Otje uaa a jpaxt tirjaucg. 'D?.s Luam JX tiyta b anrarat jjc4 ealy fe lrlvnt JMaiitmattryi & cvcfctjT to Hi jmw Unwtl aiaaaa. tUtVaiNvwik HI. ' ili&ilil. b?a. Tca-qch- oTajanybet fix jat cf tiw Slabs Bowls X m M ifrn nicV y T?.?:pt pfrsicl ia la s ti jww 'tihrt4 k ttwW an4 iawM( i" jt P arT" Tff sJrivtiJEiiiTr U IretaVauavl Kxaccxaavj rjV "af. WO' jsTSfscc H that iacapadty cl z" aaa .aj ctJel tl a4iadxrvlxnapatj-xinttiiirx-i53ilt- r cskv5H xad Kaaruttij' tie" aaB CAST-IRO- N SINKS tvrcVSi.wiicitVKjJti . cttiefara. s.- - t scd. IX c ia caattim wy aa..fttaf lA 1kk-- wUSen xtt oocr i WN.anJ k. k !! I riiiitimf 3(44 yea iatcr sxaat ktu to sotats o&o. ! trc4iHr to Wis abJ K X"cw Goods "toy Xiatc A rrlv &as U;iUit.taK,B. JEcavwaa stcx&a sal li favssitaf ap-- !Q than j Breaking, Furrow and Steel Plows, ci a JTrxsw. CHsres DoTooaaa-ttwyoc- k4tr aftoc light ti siST Gctl so - Arrivl of the Iron Ships r Tart rvrraavw aceV arxs lier aiv rrewTrxl aad Aj trr to wplj- to JiTxr un.tio Ma tixi aoliKratxa 'roth scea 44i. idaSe sad sspwca? dstrol ib bcsr. tia ariti rrlatxia ta tbr twstwitj; 4t0eHaKlodeallx;, Agents for Galifbmia Wind Mills and Pumps IV. IOlt TVtT zsix it s&ceU st m b aaiWrixbro. triJii sraaiUia& iUcc9eIkti(TfaaMtixw a ar jtTis ti ivpsVSs itsIJ-- tsrxN trior rdafaixio. " TTTJLXOJC VTaaCat to as JXv'irfcea and Clan Grant." TX. UJCSB TjijKseTffi,ia li. TVt Ssxs ijtsi jva tali. Jarp jvar hxrhl ti xaral of tb Aisj jJiU. 6mfciAlBLii4SwKrf CaS- Cxl Stiftssii IX c4wmt : f ralsr of Xkanaa tra&rcv Ssxr?c XSkc ef - Oxps. wbo a tic BHa ar3jr ti (dwnlko. Iwma AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. il aril calTatod. saaW jnctical taa a&vi Tiieo.H.Davies&Go I arlV. iznrxtbi"rxacGtia'ir aai bo ocac traj i tbcKKiA STspiihr astli rKir"!? Have Bccdved by titcao liiiXa. u?3,i1i,JUi4i iiTia(4i tT ?MiMai!, j Cutlery, Lamps, Chandeliers, Lanterns, wars, tras ai""ca ttaHol aa IXi aiiad: $ saati iaiiyrtaac to jvar Ywseh Gaal auad a ta jvbt hjdr. And outer Lata Arrivals, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, KEROSENE OIL liwagp ho. tcsiC efcoit apaa w lif TecT ia it siJnrss infzt IfcrUrto IX tr to wafsatw bw yrcj potyvr the Pollowlnf; : Maa sJottis and can! eaj ; foexxr L H. "JEM'S BlCtHlUDmMMIBB ib tvezt si ccxl. H araocaol thai . brp tie Wnfl Cylinder Cups, Albany Cylinder OH,iand Compound zaeaded aad latter-alkd- tTMMawf IH'oulOMltww hum IUMm( J tie GoTsrasait to tie tM Ik. fJOM, alMMlk. U. M.M.IM, lU I Lubricating: Oils of all Kinds, tl VS tH tw KCiM ic:s3d iiixtiT Do rreeOeei tia) yocrbealih is khxv An sst. Aof Dry Goods I cl.. tktt - rirwerv! is t&t iz. iatruass its. 5sr ia Tcosda. aad arcaii es fcate safe U tiaa xcer cascsreaeat ; caa IX PART ii .. v- -. riH csreiri sttatbea. sci ?o tiS is xcjwd jva- CWSKtlNU W i.mkwi..,! wy IK fnxs tie ccsnfey are toartix witi-c- ci j rem TS3 C2ua ETu.'witiaat ca. let 'arill d earfj- trTi7vriTcnA,Lr,;i.y?;; r 1? tic fcvtaJsr cf ti jsr. H.wati. leCVa xail oOwt VntxU v Ki:ii. , r!",,f. Tfcii dKxxrxticc ptvdaoii a prei?wlo- - Lbeotier. trtit tVcCat4uet CMmc, iy. i&z7zzzvz7is?tiftr j Br.HDfcxr. cmtwooa ws IXs brtoSf sesnhie: ittsaotapiir rniU, stv rtjV. txrt cvikirt nwetTvu tnia a - ie: II. ia ti !3scc tail rcsaad txalar cf ssrpesksitj- to talk Ek a rOMcsxvl xad . ta SO oawttat iai sssss:sg2& V.ctcc, 3. lfiui? s XKtxKs distrrcvTaL - ja t3a Vfkfttuui.Umct thwk. tjlit"-kaVa(i-a.w.iMtwi..t.Mwvr iifiiiiii. inotET. Msaa rt tit Scite rjaiiriij, Asciruaii- fvvi. Kwn Iiam Prill. . A . J. W. B2NGLEY & CO.. Tcanjias. Tiij-,a-j cetf Sit5oi twalid tia:ots" icE:i, w aoir ti IXj Csvaa Caaru. KJx. Jk 11 fmwit Mfrtaoa. ill xianiatitaraitna. uawiah ., a lit rcl ycer iairjia ia so that tier Untie xnj awatwMItMiwtMitiiaaajiUit.iWio.,l)tr.,wwtwt, r. trill ssayi it kvii jJorraljj to aar tie ti &Kaa EJsaix-- Fktt. w-t- r; least, to i dfejiics fei&iiKsar Cat AJ--; tie cjvriiMi? SK9scuy ia iaU cC IIA.A.AJS"j tj 3t0 rf rrf al JsheKftdTiatiafcciii ; if yoa Mixed Flannel CIGARS! ib ecoqas5ot Tcaqcia itwJi S rrcfc! A IAEttE ASSr.Ur-'ttKES- FIIE i; 5Vcaoef r"oixii5Sltrs-- Ifcci ia do is cocpr vr Pnssei do act respect yrcssielf saeeaUj- ta K WOKJ, SUJC, paastsal. of other q 57kKkS tiUrf XHifcc, ttithtif a- - rwji tie feEs5 I'sx-- xsd CmtvjTiiUJo. Usti aoj IVltvo m ssecH&in, tio;filiirx mt sjd ts pwefc. HislltrriWf, VTtLit ami tV,MtJ SillK Smoking' fc Cnewing Tobacco to rs Bagettpiatsaelcsr breakfast UtM Csifrsiirt xad Enim. GROSS CUT TOBAGCI tje. te.?ittc Ii,piU lie LatlifiiltxJtrMj-.lior- xndtMtv- A-nr- t Ve attbe3rst',tr!- Do axvii cashes of uritaika iayoar fan- anacrvS! apcsii -' &? aatbccitr ci leiral. tiaa ny All trsaMm xaa tljle : VkoxU T0. Smokers' Articles. on 3Sfer tie cisil Gal eiJe; do reieet that icca is tie place VTiiw Qatxek Mtffatlla. Iats. Ravar-i- . Mnt. ssic i itslrf irbo. slid, tistw cccM hj ao sulitarr lloiwtc. fitr BiB? XaiU. Ssatra. ad ejtiMi fee sis tSicc &s Viciisj Sssiix; aaboeitj- - raore nesjc4oi by Frsaos. ia atiseh to he agrreabj. Itxjt. Sdftsft xoi iBwrtksu. - lf Scvvi rbttra. OmIm" M Teta F- ifr 3.COAOX) asen wpobHe. IX)breiicsat; tietrvxii at large aa$ a! jii. J. Itek Lr Sal. , Ibre ia ti ao iatiswi ia affairs. Scvcn.irvttva. Tkitcc. FSm Pwims a ArOiiriwinrftfatcaftBtUtieiMCees-m- has ia tis vriirsj3j-to joca wtra: Afwsasto Ncttias; IV uxb ; W. & Son, Urn. ti icii:s Dukes (uMei to elstHj- ccs- - Cigars made to order from any Desired Leaf Tobacco. ;ctMat al aani at a rasoea' ac&iatif exas? i colsiTas tie iaht of tetcTimg ta - " cf Frtraw. Is nas t jossHj to Rubber Coats & Leggings rf tit i n " azvia mil. tt aTpfraQC ji ?i ata be the osrxces ef Xjcirxpa. ! , ,,. ri 5-- -i it fcllj-- - 71 3" rci. "3 rr- Xrra aC ""J SrC Srf" X I vT. i feep sis arT as Tcojssa cr?ot?;:r: Ifnit Efc adraata? JSlfVTt 1g Mart ic e sV At Urat mat ifefirtrsi fceaso. xtisisiar cjes iwi sqvsa a otaB, u s pjiat. Ttti. ca'arvciij- - atsnx ; every taaa Ekes to talk ahai Sorso FOR PIPES AND CIGARETTES iia5 tru ti ; a EsJeaer delimit. rsaea. Xaatanaj-nci- t ce-esj-i3 Hasif cakes a !re ax essiC2rrx anar oi t t falTrife. GRAND t thatt ia vc&, Tcasiaia aissi b Bed Blankets. OPENING! AH S Ss Ectexstir: iisitcjcf tS.wc?- - Do !; Soim, WcisatA. taxhtiM aad Ctalet rutui easirrfTxaKSpe!.ir Tbe txittris act iJif-- hs ccsttcsd: "Taartyrs" are Scah. JasMaiSaat a cieerfti iappy sriris isiafec-tscts-f ; yea can carry is asvatrith ywt like Viilvet & Tapestry, a IN retrr-- i iaayabaccphere- - BEST THE MARKET r baoies a speA. jrcJadaj Do arcad as as Rugs and Mats, etsiS ia ChsnNxs d- - Trtisperiaj; it i had &csasa ti tr5a sngiiag; are to ha coadeataed ; A FEW OF THE XKVT STTLK 'i OMtarf ii Etj-- irrerei his zfvxiaded ti?rariaaas ea-n- hoti tier New ir wjibb; rf lie cual. tbb u so excase fcc eitber ca ei tbect; if yea MillineryGoods iasl rasd tbi jsvjt qtdte scrwes. i xpresac it has iTeaytiiastosay,saiyit;if yesi hat OIEISfTIUED HTJGS Ti gtnl tals saaj act. bcM yoar alsogetier jikac NATTASD HYMAN BROS., i Sste tie Cstri Su: hi as bid. disrass taasae ; - T cu (&! tttns Tie pKie is sJdea. ioi Grat Brfcus, fee tiejcti SrcSrss ef i. asd2iii lasy G2ZU3M to Pe KTCvM w ie 1 tfc txctaKlr cl treoK. Al Do hi tratofcl: do arced exxgseratjca; Merchant Ganras ,73 u. to suet a ue xsinua? &xz i tr Peer--s frai; sis ftbg adjxnaied if yoaj3eaaata2say aai3,Ec4 anile " N. S. camil taonU he tttostnrtri tis bj tit ccsx--f casil Jaaaar 2?ti. aad a half ; if yea mean ca say ca, aad Sole Agents. urr viA ks cftcutMti iit? oeoaaarc freer Eeuis. Jta. Ii. Tir Artl Gamt Gt- - ac4 a dares. Strin Gtitr. Filler Press Bags 22 x 36 104 - - aiour adapts thas - Fort St.. Honolulu cfcucrei tkas X3Wc aacj- cScers. wia 'PTe eaxla tiis cae ot ccr Scedatties aad rrrirAR! the treiij, is fcan . (Entrnd n rriw ia ti Gxa araij-- IhrrttsrEimts. bXTaxFaaStcckcf iatif IiSr iwiias to Ciiaa to 4 behls xiw a - la iaU vxcailj- lij eoeaasaaa ia tie Ctiats Sugar, Rice&Goa! Bags ee&! Atktki agaiass tie Fnesci. lis C. GO. Geaiet rHirzs bwexer, that tier u all BREWER & iTaJeavvarawItiafXtBattsca Fricea. rtsfned csSeers. sisstfiiw, Ger-- i aad siat, tefc "J." On Next. October 25 to i-- Saturday yr taaaT ia a pjaner purees HATE S Sply w A9TjuXTlES CJUfit- tiai ine xs! - . KSGLISH. HAWA11AK, ASD 15 stxis Baast a jcretn aaa nwaarj-Fwer- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawi!ltana9iaBaaaBBaaaaBaaaaaaaVaal VLL ARE u-- L hr Jfce CTealijaUm ctzaL Gcaaa ciSrers ta tie Oases ! S" IK1TEP"g: Mtml rf lis strrjcA. is JUST RECEIVED Tj &m c Sb Fnsasor, irreai i riecersid, ar of lis?tiH Xr Ti ew jvjt- - csf 3. J. aad T jxnl: ;; Baa. ac njrai, ue: & sesi ft. 0 jajjjaass tia fvw rim juraurjtx jZl2HaWaflaHM ir egtfHcw, x juKzej af lt,fHi laazaajs. aai coa crsxt eoaaaacaca -. aaKjf-ar- - FLOOR . OILCLOTHS T as erfearr twtjj- ABf viz &r Cciss? IXDIA RICE MILLS Extra Hutt. AsscriAl VTklUa ; Hrar tir CUine PTTjr tar Battlti. Bark Ceylon Sj ajaatHtzetai ife yaJt-xt- B Ladies' & iski IbfaMk ri Tie SsiionrtEj ctrin ii rxJi -- the roixowrsn. Gent's Saddles Uaarl3KsteaSxia "rssKxl'i ecifref AND SADDLEKT. or iiwnWi rJ8nrr.ii.Tif- - Vy 3gg; .W A Uaewsjcaw yectiii hifrnKa tie C&ksi aal Tnasi. It MERCHANDISE : cor&ce are wiling c i-- j C&Mr taxa Etu. ! BBn. Tie i ccii anj tae araei x Jfxs- - .! r- of cshtcx: Cter! 11. lie cfctm- tWrwg lirrrr ei Wnicn win be Sold at Iron Bedsteads, l, x sosiuiB. xaitB? tikfaTtui cf ti NOTT, ,r .gjo iwiiiMliil liUuiici - JOHN tefen- de tut triTw, erffr, xal it u acdusa! to ill LOWBAIXS! 8 - V.j Galvanized Buckets, tjvfera- tn- - ; - tixt inaH: xsi etej! i iratibJ. ntcoftsu. idaal, Tiktttc kliji tiC rang iatataUk tia " " Irxres iaH cat steak af ia Oil At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahumann Street, jC-d- will g!T, Electric n :S t L: ynu Xfe te Tea Kettles & Sauce Pans -- ii(rmi. tcitz tsej iTt tae xsj N J4M-rra- tU bit iplitj TATrziTBm:; rarxxTXixiieCin. r &aaL be l cut K-f- (irzdzj af iki xaiEL ia Ascrted Soea ; do Trj Pass, Twidrs diji a tuck Air xll ext LAED, in 5 10 lb. PAILS Butcier Kiutm, Knires & Forks, c ef&s kkitaraf taoS tter i;-- QixiaE-BsI- tfefee. tur COPPER e Crmi!, Tbta &i nr ta Silt Tin Plate, Sheet Lead, TIN, & SHEET IRON WORKER Trsatj ana t5 ccir:S2etCr!ftTsxtml kcr cf EXTRA. PBESE ruSel, Cnu: Siitrt Galraniieil Water Pipe, to 2 in. Drrjadiji bxUls Arrtuownc rick tfcrr tie tl bnm H liiit lirriirj, nrv cccs- - xQextcf tijiWusaof siijirjct ta eri:r WHITE LEAD, various qualities ; 107. lOS & 111 PREMOEIT ts iiTs tie rdds5j ef xasxL LAJBID PLUMBING, ;U STREET - OIL BOILED OIL, lUBElTTlHE in all its branches leee. Wrtaasc tii ralija: fnjijtj- tar-r- e it Vcxtsi xixH is ntaart. jljd cases jP1i,a33.cljsco . jo-- xac xsmfaCT riaae sjcctf lid eat I? San a tie creas f tk; csasstece it crfct to C0ESTJGATED EOOFUfG, T IIA JU II X1LL?. A1TEK u :btcasrcecf 3e7es,rak&Eu,lr PE..CTICAL KXI'EJU- - frusnie tie eaetay Vj J3 TlVRs or escatiatlj eii5j ItGlij-,e,T.5x3- GxIt. Artesian Well Pipe, all sizes; . ur C3 Jocr. li&t. ei: Tuck, Tar and Pitcn, Serrrj aad Wxsiers, Galr. EJdas, i ki feciirsi, vecli act Siw diri le&c ii lottle tie In-rt- ,ixU iki tfe aucsati ef tb Piiife n3-y.- ,'i Sake Iroti suis laa ef tie croaiile Yellow Sheathing Metal, and Nails Vecusc ne Ifce niiht ccsiHiJ repiiiikc iier5;rtiliij- - ta tiiik COAL r ItVor tl ectxjia s UK .rccmc .UC, vsksx toK SfBs-- til tie nXtz xad le xHe u text toli ce In Casks for Family Use. Aaraaisd Teace 'Wct, Jeaee Starfes, STOVES AND RANGES tim Wire Gsirdi aad Arches, riiaiit mliia 4e easil, e srrnJi liaixtii-xxSir&esxs- flu: aji-- nfciii xi tie errcoiilf. RXCOSD-ELIS- thejtAST or mms rjODiTui ntiarrvco EfaiS diys tie fexUlj bora Uncle Sam, iuutco lixQexSti: ten tit SewKtral. THE. nLL0WUW SIT IC 3 ftJICA as isik ef tiepxatlei ia erisrt STEEL RAILS, H ieift tieaia &: jnfcaai nci4 xtaci arfci XFLON Soferior, Ahsnet, OctoU, Abneda Eclipse. Charter Oak, Nimble, Inmxx and LasBdrr btarea. tit essj fciea raraitr. jLsaotncaSAF3Ssixes; rca lai Rates, Sofia aad Spies, Oarranlzed Iron and Coprer Boilers tor JUngea, Granite Iron Ware, Nickt! llated aad Itaint w dirt lefgee lie lotsle trxTti Kttir cf tie Kit lirwji iriitfe it J, osai tie jj ii3 eat eafc kndi is arfer So acjare CUMBERLAND COAL Portland Cement,' Xr &- - titjlTMpiefTiiisa tlat eelte HrJ, ire Clay, Fire Galvanized Iron Water Pipe, all sizes, and laid on at B-- - Bricks, Afcr ft w Piuihrj wrf ' Vara AJD fc T Lti t -- mir ti dc dEatate xsi the iTtri4t fe- f ad juw w pwwrj c :t-- cso5ici is tie iSstxoc tieir atiTenxri,. sk Ul rarT ef t&e Sizzsth Both Squaro and arch ; a tux. Hi Ma Six dT, lefcre tattle briTt t liciC tafet -tilfcajfc tie tis tixll CARD MATCHES Lump Rock Ixro-es- Siexn jo. feij- f eat tie biislirsa rcfccx ta Salt, Bates: Oast Iron and lead Soil Pipe, S&IS Tir efts: lill ta witz BlCaS S0 200C CSIBT S3TT (.ssUtx s Fishery ft tss icftiretfie temt(e Tan ef tixS a;i,H Fail-bank'- Platform Salt, Stues ltd trsat 4ick Tswlt teiH le 5f-- lexit- - Scales, English Belting, CONSI(xN2!IENTS jauiKif out, nac, icnk ac (.KsLVrt- - t 3 to 13 iaeh widlij; OF PADDY SOLICrTED. Hre dtj-- leiiere tielutsle't&: ttxTes tixH AS30KTxa ail kinds; snflbe ake. He ii pacts! cMt&siiru-san- st eat itixi cct frjci cjpfisjoixsu sizrss House Furnishing Goods, ifliadi toe tiV ti is crier AX ASSOKTMEXT OF Wm. AI. GEEE2s"WOOD- - vUd tic ct iiatid&r to cau:-'":'- to Heir fe tbe tec;loeta toi&5rjjftj itttia, 5cfefcsuifei-xeo- c. rtD5tr tieae ixTxIteriHe to ASII OARS. G.srl Cmaiw X.rciLixt isi Prrjriitia- 2 of tilt asalf 16,17.18 ft UUBEEB HOSE ALL SIZES AND OltADES; f ti Iteb KfrioU:. xml tnpi tafit. ENGLISH GROCERIES Lift aad Forca Pamp. datera Pnmpn. Qalxanknl Iron, Sheet Copper, Sheet Lead, POU aiCZ TT.T.V S. , Col. sans Kx&an; 3bi tWaoaMj Closets, Tnatixa. tie Tctx diyi tieloiUe lie IrxTta tixH Axe seen as Lead Pipe, Tin Plate, Water Marble Slabs and Bcmlt, Enameled Wuh Stadl, wcoki trat x KMtpaac IvncMt Sc as eat tccrjbcj, jo tixt xS vesnii Handles, ' zrco VTortestertiiie tieir essay lixS le &aij yeaeayii xi tie Pick Handles, Staoe, Jrtiij, Jxnu,Crexa Tartar, 3Tew ef xrr. xac, axe. Goods by Late itsrx tb; Cotton Waste, taT9 also reeerreJ Arrivals Tarts diyi tefjrt tie tattle tie IriTa STWe iast aa xstt. ol2l Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns iixB eat steaks Salt, Plaster, FROM SAF ike ef tic asaktr. tilt litj iixj FRA5CISC0, Hraw f nfiiii ocxl incU I a leccose ii j3t xi tie rskeT. mct itifii'nii tadiefcnMSitieCtiT'. OasieeT-- fta iriTS, A Choice Selection of AMERICAN GOODS M-- f ti. hZk jj Trntr. H ifcwrdtt ittneU 1c pixtifi- -t BEW" TOEK & EHGIAHD.. eat iiikioi disk tit Uosi, iaer-d- er ABocztteia Mi far a CatM raei xdrer-sari- 1 ! ! fUtetnlek U le ersU xsd ftzzcrms to tbtir ts. CHAIRS! XbuHjes TKUSSES TjrussjbS i Trm, K M mDf Of MH tTSXt T TTftTl Bleached & Brown Cottons afantiafailKOTHt&at8dukt Oatiedxref tbe loUte tie IcaTta lixll eal Zj toZQbxba aids; Received by Castle & Cooke stoma rftte Vaoei Suta te xkacxU At tie ink driai tie Uced eftie Barrel Shocks LtajMs-fMnr- cr xd Fxarj- PxisU, Else Dtaiisx, Treat,. He uiir liisi? ifci; - Uefozi, aeriert3C3jititKUaialeexk- EXCELSIOR, Cxatoa Flxaseli. llen'a. TTotscn'a and ALSO. TO la Mear? x -- AH2ITX BT VESSELS DUE FSOX ABOTX li hStn ccses eaesj-x- - PORTS. ASD re tcs s tas llece do- Chfldiesa BooU aad Shoes, .fee. And CATXTBU: nts esS tie grsTifiseii ef & AavsKe. f"' Srjka adapted to tfca mulct; tfbtr,BU 4tactni Saiaepoaaf &i JPhoeton A 1AEGE FEESH ASSOBTMESr OF To Mox,o rshed Slxicau He xfcs tbaata tih! if ti t aPxrti Tbcotcr. Carts HOLLISTER 00, be ATliOTTEST HATES caaal wen. U ke Ae Ktfcccsf, it Tat lih ktcss Osti-intazi- T--.i ssf HANDY PHETON8, - v. Mcer J2C lie Latoi tUtea, if r- Mxuesit'x "Htroiixdt' Shelf HARDWARE ittit ItxKtat tierr was x raat irflEiat xsdi- - Crocierj aad Claxraxre, Ooa. Pfcx. Sbortlf, aa4 ker &t es- aace; xai Hrttxl toOtUet New Styles of Carriages, kr Aut af iorasi xs! rwf - &ti irere irira. Plantation and Mechanics' Tools Jtse. XaeixT ttxi i vide sxtia, lie lof ica -- -- A Large Invoice of Suitable for Plantations?CiDuntry Stores imm intsuants. xzdfrsetcf ilirt elxlcnttly tssitcaiered ia A IXW. EOBET CO', the Celebrated Britixi CkXUs Aftrc- - ti AiutI. rifts iti Ttrj laag- vHu sri Poirtatolo jEXeisIxios , , u-- U-- Or iic cu Ciy tnoltit, aa xtjrttte iaierixa-- Express Wagons I r xad t ASILIES. FHlrf at jnl hti-ttet- um f 0rdr ShrtM 5etk witk dix.nrrf zeeiixoe xtd earriis, cf T"ilT"j ONE ( Tt 5A ivssxrf Si tajlt EjTsiiSsea. Tie irjjasfcj bn arx, cedped SPLENDID PIANO, lcrritirj. Atttatwm b taJItd t j iimu u prcorj' ,suH) Slxt Ii fcy Ladies' Phastons, BT EEISSXEAD SOX. 0r k vsi ; srxixxe Himj, sscrJux ci tit Cnotttt uttfoA caxscreeaesa,aVn:a9if jj-- i CELLULOID TRUSSES g. ek Gaaxj asi" srxaiieTcf OTcctcr. CIDER ItJtSari ssUee. nftj--. 3e. VINEGAR, Tostocl- Olialn. iwmclKa: taroef eir rotei Sha vsti x siptrfc (wrasse- Smp, txo qaalitiea, ta boxes 01 2t Bu, Improved itlsittn tanti Is le Mat tcHeSa tsr xa c Ixdr. It arxs Tifct aad GO Baa; Paris PL O W !! toneefcrtUAEsai- - Ttlrtt HAND CARTS, rkuiKilim txitefsHrtrssKii xiih Irzivdt x iexd- (Wr ffl hst; - IPrcasaa. A7ci,atoxy. " t tc MskMr le crtu'inta toadua cf ducot asd tUtsI Best Welsh Steam Coal TrlToot tlao wl EASTERN MADE OXCARTS rnrni. I also rtesg-T- Hg.GAaadAa- - COKE, FLOOEKG TILES, KicfarfMn. ?f csalfcsc ku u TtS lea Tert, ta wiite rude irslh ia nam e tte r Xieis Difc. nin, Inr loii; Ac Xat tet lees Kls jJirtt, ixir at tcp cf tie iead, viti SUCrAR BAGS, We Have Especial FACILITIES for Adjustfng TRUSSES. iliteiiaiM tfca taktiKt-Ilea- Ctt-fa- g l xaixjalcotaltrttte. iUse. la Bxxrecat re mPmi&vai,ad tie daDeag-i- la wat SatiscieVa ia Wac 23ZfXa veAas x Srw arsefci. t5 is vis scire, tie Irr Special car Accacfe t ioSsx. aaf jixt ilteres tannied witi a fill Notice DISSTOITS CELEHEATXD SAtTS A2TO tenaaaaderwxKi. tictssu leii, ts zxce IctdDtaas cf Iilxt ta!5t; C. BREWER it COMPANY IHIS, att, SIZES; aeatt V ijz smsss. ckkj cf serenl Tke tnjtvAat of after lin c!db; rnra cf2xmH?at pearls fatocotd aad fxtt- - CaTix4. ti iiuiib. j. caauocs mxr jraMK sb eaea nita eaxaoai peartx. . Her dxattr, 3EXOJPJJaLfcJXi. Hollister & Co., tbt neat mr taae tfaxas; Jstlj cc Airxttis 3fBe. Afcj, iz. aiiU Merre3Is3i, - m viik HHimnK sr.ucti iku; rt tie ioikx a it Tier?;, aai btT tied triti The Fountain! STEAM CANDY Latest Improvements in rliliaa.1 ht fcfayrf, tie net ktre ta aiale tat5a tiilna; pearls lfr FACTORY Cor. and Sts., & Shelf Hardware ke faOoi i Ike fate ndi rvzzd btr tiroxL Fort Merchant 59 Nnuauu St vkta iizi vsd. TieCctrrVw Xtstearxiea ( d'Arsca) aSjoXxalzaa; Sodct'a rBxltor-y-- ,', xd Mae atafM tie Tbe " " cat rmm u-t- txtuttc fair T.Pjka Vtx. oxrjied tie xx is xjcntifal And JZTill " " hn, lul.j "r ariH lxv aie D'.tt-.l- o Taflui esUen atnitV r-ra dix-su- ruewnu IriSe, aid lUdtr Ttlrtt drtxs xti a9raluptrau4tUti.iie iir ke ttejatie? x iitii 128 zcatiiurtxa Atfctlr xl after .tssjaSas. cc tie Uir Icdict; x aoirtstireet 3? jS. 3E CS-- tea a inO ke deoatot xfcka: fcsat ikxBtiscii. iasxzi lit UAM KBTCZCS S E3 O ID l ctxxzi taker Levis XV lexddrej,xaittxrs UHtMOliTS "H.I. O terai. TiifcliaiM ieaVre tfcit A Geaeata Cold t to n. S Drinksfor young & old A HEW FIifUMIi. 'IJU xaccj tie errls tixt arere dzitered xt tie lisp EACT0EY & BAXEY uK ." - Lnn Xiyi3w w ie caoeeaL Tie Sesab'i islersil a - --.w .r-- . isr lead; rerr kB. Hizi. ifarex orrtred Ox a acre icale fa "i it ..ur . ff mta i,i. iss k rf nerl.iaai ile jj ymlid tatnie Trii f a rants?, est fill iti Icxcetttf. Tie Caoatixi Bane (ti: Aat-tn- az aar r UKa OBGtiiir! Aziuodreu) irxi ta Uici utia xsa Sisperisr Eajer Beer, : 10s. per UWe Ha la ao-a- Prayarcd ta Uanfactar vTAPLE GRfiCERIES, Gate, Star xi1""'"tIinaiin jttled Jtttj'xid Gko 4 Snferiw Rohf cuavxds eTerrwiere; tre&flt DsnosJIj RMt Betr, : 10s. per battte dix-css- ! I xaaK4.xa r yt emaitd ca link Ttlrtt rczai ier tsrext, zii Choicest Pnre Camiiea Feifamery VmtSk. fcuHw aiirairaaai illn Zcmxx Dsnoona Spruce Beer, : 10c per battle Perfumery aaa 9ar meT... c ea halaiht, ecsb wi ca a a.hml IErJtUMXUE ! I rya.MlTZ J, ler ixir Ttriulls sirrer cf Irfllixsl yt Porfiuriory Tot Kerosene Oil "We Offer THE PAXACE, Tbct u-i- xtaa Perfumery andGnarante Caw. Tie Ccsitease de MsJtke ge-e- Warajr wi fieuut mi hattofi leaacl at vaKr tHSl.'S.1''lZ'S M (at turn. TVr cfcxxK tzAyaiSjOxVtrA. IxatKmt Hum - . lAXkjtxt at Utdt txtss xle. mtm xl,ix Vanilla Chocolate It cannot be beat qnality or price; 'i'H k jx ternttvta ttsditd Haw exDrfxtsUkVsx Creams, - for also, it5 relret yastilex; ataftcf vistefeuten Cocoaast Hanrllra, TTTTLG&S, grood titfeii. w.aix. s co Ler left a&satider aad ia Ler ixir. Tbe 4jf a oil and above test: 1 Kici Hajrat, la MMHwunibimiiHat. . . a. Cceaitxf de Pocrtxha jtm fa cecsIisH-Ms- e Gfuzdiss ! barst A CO extra, arjii Candies HOLLISTER J Tie Gseatx b xt of wiate cxnlr.su Real tieltnr 8ojTr Xioaated Alaaead & cliBe tfre tie tic " aa Luxaw, aUf TiDCMl, WOODWARD BROWN'S CELEBRATED PIANOS CTtr u aferiaf Vy cxpoisot loikttdirk eraje cuUilJitr, ia ter tiir, srZTi ESti cperx dda-cLS- x. CSEAM CANDIES, jerrt tiwy, sazzznr, orxt firth ckak trissed witi great variety; Have Just Received tho largest " ' ea7 Jte.TbKr.t3tGixti-r,g7xciii;it-Urcft- is The Cknfett beoi FLota; 5e fiATra Orrin yitk x Ueai whii i mtizii af InrJ O.' Parlor OrzaRi fcel-tcTtia-J, Soft terittfetr-tj-f- x, ia I MarshM allows, arxt her See ix3cf er orxire satis; Smoke Smoke! iua; int. is iexrt-taxfe- Smoke! faji oStx, epot d, szA triaauaJ Cum Drops, lt ma, sriaaaasiena: Srtt, xai tea iec-t- tl r tmi and aanoe. Ix us vtti vHic Ixee; (itded ctxsxe textierx fa Ler irXuiiumoiuciiTrarattt iirttot lot fad veaiier i fcai .Aaicxi,amua2Btzicr". citfaatai Cum Fruit Bens BetaaibprfHwoiiiin!ArH. RASEMANN, AumA rvuAU ijtxd, HeraitetU lotdm SmdrmL len LOT OF PERFUMERY is -- ceepaat ezxeeu x " - Oi UinoijthM. All tVwe HaawXaaa rak aaa tsifesaM.ae leasts aru f-t- a&&n&riZiZ&'t" dart Hi. Ix PriccsJji '"' l&SO. "" Fav9xi4ac,aroaaiccflu.r raaa iblrainbti: Ufler "xll neaT txur EfEB UUIOllTKD IST0 TIIIH KIXUDOJJ, COMl'iUHIN'd . tiix rar VfT fWfoi Txeia Bn&tbclrrr Is Hi! BtSTT TIIT. tft fcxd reczsT.tn i Booert Jonnolly. EKH WEKJIJS CUE OF TH F1KJT fUHM tie x3f times, jazk arEsss aiit vx ties tie enssass prasttescf Pooott JadLja-P-am- i aa la an lu aa kixa. a cxnrati mm inn. a u uc jt xernij tyirmi ia fr.yitl iiili'jl le df&xted tie eafa t TI la taJirmatttnittic tljU. Orer Rfty Different Odors of tho Oolobruted CHCftf ISS CUSfiiUlKt. hid tiiiu4o!p!T agt. Hxrfcj cote e4criJia!a tie draxritd aa x zxeer as &s? atxs. rtfT cecx baa jailt, ie csstiszed fa it eatil, ta ISIS, U were Visiting San Francisco MINCE PIES always iees: witi asxsy ovnitzex,txd xxad frh - tlhrf t Corx fr; X. . aar13BaT. unjpd tic vst tS lis case isxot ef tSrrr vioth nyo xsxito 'n BuxHf6aHcxT3axzt ( tte Tie xl tie htpssttg cf tad ptt fato cx raz Lundborg- " rat ufewnuSntn br fe&Ssg etcaien n. tit rtsja lees -- Manufacture. ETyLi; af tie Jfrr Yak Taeit 5. Tie oottrxpd nut iaynstt tixt Eezlxcd Hawaiian Home Made Mince Xtat tax wjnexttd arxa tie iBsacrtitie eraxorsegge. Papers on Rle. Odor-Cases- a af tie cfab i&seid - Boxory, DE. E. COOK XsL-ian-d ieeccx tie en lie Tbe wfcext ttap free 151 to 1 ATTMomcsorraE Fancy Bot'Wos, tfeo. lonnd to Order let tfcs spaas&tM tkaeusntx jaxrttr; frea IxS UUei, aexxtttr.I9 TkiVlj Ike tnMVc far ftrriatt aairauza IB, M iktt lis Tia am niitiutz a unllaiuo at Bti tie C3aujtfiu St Exk esse ntVsrAtaa ci tie estxar Ij- WiixtelH, ia vn7 aMctrair.lttu. ni &a letter faBMtaaeiazftfea rhtGt&tfU S. F. CSKB EICUS3 & BtEETAMA IS, I3l cxtadjrfs lejisis Uk tefaea to Merchant. STS. it txa4 tvtieilUe ike aezt ais tietroU xttadud. txnJj lecxsae Hollister & Co., tsiaes tie tool ef KnoJea 1x4 UrwxuUm aa - TilT ia1 litu. i ulitfc t, tojHs sear toot Jfear DTcrii ,a' ' ix WtKIMIi- 27 Kerdknt SL, (Emtfe biSbxI i3er, alica lad already erer. tfTa' Xoar T3Ls-xKrlle- Eik 7rf tie CtaUuai, Uegta to ptsetrxte CB.sccKXJuna, - rsre ?tD rrxxD. ;t jicrrxx t. zt Xi.lXlKao2iia itsio Eejliirf; pxrdlecaJueEUraletfa'aeijis-tv ZtrtrxTslataT - ,a "S.F.krrtAiat.'' x it, r.o.noxXQ.it 5f JTaoaau St, Cor. and JPprt and Merchant fit. AJ1 ,, "'S' (IkHettr fca AJSViSSSt gaiuaitan kanMHimlnA'raa t - rt lutewt Tc . ta S o 1 rrtEr UW V tarV JAfWil ROBERT CRIEVE S. hm him t imii war m t ta t CO. MUW ',1IHbTj ltl" Krcey Um-- glal.WI "LV7 Jlairtirr. Mt, . - xa 'l 1V1I FITE aamirfAhn ia tc n I BLLU$ tEfc VWtM -- SKTrSSI. m- -j . it WkP trMMMH 3' Vitl'iKA'jE-- M . lVWW m . .- - - mlie wrntH na. .k. ft. v . ar afcl inaia..o .iti. tai ,.St Jtl 9 M " : ' j t J(rll.H'!iiii.i... aiiiM . a . i !t. JIH twait ta l Hilnaaw4 Mtaaaytaftr OEnU: a-- Gaaett Bailiiu;. !S ajna T Mkl.Mrk 3fr&aat. Street. VOL. XX. 5. HONOLULU, 1885. n.ltavH aw Mm aa r. u 1 r0. WEDTESBA1 FEBRUARY 4, WHOLE Norl047. HUiii; a wfK . At ta Swan at awt JUasacs vforte. illrrttntral tfaris. fllcdtoniKtl cirK Jjwinmtt JToUtts. 5 aao taat tw & 3iwnrvmtt yofitt j"tM Awrhcatj! tn im - Sat aV tMhCGtMtkKr V.Vf. TPTJ I'yOX Ss Q. c. sovrx B TELEPHONE 551 Ststta Buri r?aitnrrllm. UNION INSURANCE DDIRrT WILUA3B, BFt CC AX KER.S, HmaKsAS3aP&latnPxprBmjtccv OatXTS . UO.OLrt-l-- , s lLaTTXIUX LaAXX c 7r.NrCrrSrrrt.mMx rr tlualtiK llluili. or SWap'ax atHl CiJtawtMI Hrl - Mot-ttM- oy an rnAMcuro. tr atr - - put sxcaxss rj Attoratj- mail CrassvUm- at Ut, t C t. COUEJOAt. vi ZUEAarlaao. a MivMHitiiKi Marae twMiVMUMML BLACKSMITH AMD MACHINIS PTERPRISEF PlkBtljAla Board tf tadtrwriltrj. UTOORPOKATXO, W-- B. CSSS3X13 h axe JOIUT MATCBIIOCJlC I80 COltMISSIOS KERCH t3CU2Z JLX3 aXALSi IX ; CASTLE & Brmii PLANING COOKE. ACENTS It nwattor Sawt Te ysarsAxasi. MILL WW 1 rwlMlttwiUWIllKh. JtyVw i mi'. Jl.,ae 5- - aSta-tak- 3Sn.I .nS33ISSS.::l!!ROt AO-KX- StMntsr Caa.rWTlfn, alt t . itbtan 4 TVmkiri TSASST5T-S.TSS-3LUX- loxTEiumK abo xncurntx l tr JXO A.ICASSTX1xIt. C J. HARDEE : : Proprisbr. .Vm r rtaa ttMt t raJmiiun. Aval CUhncti!irtn?f Ctor-- (. U ) Xnaurnnoo Oompntxy H.W. SEYS2A1TC As ac 9ae MctlA f tic Wr a at W taw or uwoox a rniwnnion lOrfetliM Tlf &tit. C rySCaaC AikXitiijA k CnntPflr.tinn anri Riiilriinn la Vc tmiint M CrrrT HattaHaa Cetat a4 r OCr. Knuteio-- tr J. 31. OAT Jt CO.! . Ta. TUrArn "'"ttr latablUhod I80S. Ti BriSfai IVrCJUit. a COMMISSION MERCK UIUXIU1I.UI fc CO.. Sal f bioiCi, CVtso. I CPxir,r!iA;jifMkM.-t- c AXrtcalla&rass. Tr Junrr 33i Xn2e I3tS3iil. Insurance Notice. rArrrat. iHOKtaraM at a.a rr- i. CCSKTSiS AS3 3IUSS IT SiXDTiXE ArnaaUtol 4 Fa4 a,,tat.orTJI - 4 rwRTrns xni-rt- trtJ B extra earM aW nruMeT-rsu- Bat.H- BBpaanaawavaaaaaB-- "I jlqcst - it r xoJb, Autnih rwix. 2J rxr'-i-- TriK ft- rruiK rsDKB-aiu- matk micK.'i aam a mn niantrv z - 'CI'KS2-.1I".a- .-. - - -- - hi t BVmatim. T! . - m"- - A ABKNTX fw tV Stna.vil kliWi. --ja.tMjl :i iniir"TT"BVBTaTaaBTaTaVAafaToBM&, Jb TOrro. n-a Aa-- & - mKWmmmm V 'afM if 4 i Mti BcraRdX Tbere k-fc- xriBkat cxdv ic tr&aiKt na2Sr- v "' i7Mf""fT"5.S rr.i. a rcitc. eK.UMtioiiit.iVruttrf mi rimiMi ea to ery taryitatta a siima aad 11. HACK a 'ilSSMI- ". irtl m u r- - Wa u la aj mj iw to..j GEHERAl COMXiSStM IDSO y ;T- 11. till D.VTIK9. W V4i IWirv M Xinkiiehii iufM ?? IttruKTSIt 1 Cafitr. Hit Uitwl OwHae n Twalrtrf, TlmMT, thai.tr. I'lBMIUti nal'.LS.Jt.IO,feii.nii. S.L l.C. i.i ia ai.-- tRmwtHKicwttlwMntmetMdM no.it' I'll ? jv oorraz. aanwW as WBlrtcii. total catt KSSKI W. 410 feaattWatia St te "W-- ' wllrU llwiHuhUWl OrrTCSTta. t3 fe COMPANY. MXMl'BWO r l3Jk.'0 XSr? ire ov tfen Tcaasesik TnascrxAr. New England Mutual Life DR. & CO &CfezreMBaltcarr. afetiat. "Te ccramj. Instance Co. JORDAN 28, 1885. wStw.WBikii Or K7ST0.X. Mass or Gazetfe Sm)Dlement Mteni UMTria, rrritatroap. pan rnorir Jan. irply uxsetmrvrs(ss atawtned Tecaaat twcOKFOnATCO. ra..f xaaintf n,irn a jjuArtbAco. inn Mi oa.. . AT proposed tiasccj 7JU OMrst Purtiy CV.(n .Bayaia, att.iyia ' i EcdanlarjlB.'li IssmoK earfi recen- - Enxn.Jan.Ii- - Asss tie Central Qliratxsrmmls. , AEBU!tC .ValmriXVe fasanne (man jwaiTt fce ewer K oH. - RwAt c essSans tawt are tr toQrcns da- - UuHftlSiotti. mibotp .rjf.tiL .'wri jaae Itcas. per Alranii- wlece Totefer tie TensBocse l tb Gsraa ' tit ai -- Trisa ei?taci j jb t ui-a- EHa&53Tr Itrmwiree ae aaack mt-- iit testocesziwea. cvttac lm pai, COHPANY. miiiswnixiw -- tr. . aa ta Tbe Secite aijair3drcia. Ja-- SrMis?ii!a.SJrfeE5r:rstnn3jrl a-- ralittn Imii aan rsrsraMe Tiroa etssry aw aaceey oat of - Tniax ha as ajErwiuiiM ". BOCK si as irm- Ito FesrttaiaLcr3liS T..- - tea?. ad E. & Son 1 OBTT OS "it ci tra eaiSWs ot CM aw. cisl,w 5J9-- , O.Hall '$ ' Example Man twcas to a? ug iaiwiMia fSJSM fer fajiar tsarja;iis.cctoteuari iiwvi.ii & Stssx. rrajii. .tX.T.rrll.r MS of Wamsgto 0, a ! CMto rUTTSSj M izalait FU ta ISSCRSD AUK. XV RT t arissT e to jara arJ toaAJO UTt Ircoctitac to Use itaiisiies r OrEsTjrtccaaalFniBati.-- wSHswto ropaao caisat satard fai is. carto; TLA: Tr-- y-- j ad tei-tiol- K niTETOKSlIEUOOXTBSVAT SiwiMsa tHa4( DRJ.CQmSSiiKClivJIWG Tfifinmrrn rnrTrt- cf Gicaarsrss. Jlarciarai tfajTat nsaaciec tie rai ctrxrs FreparJ,tS rasts j isi. t Aaia.1 (nraiaa eeaelam reSer rnes'aan. - rlmlfc A Arfssr Ks iotrecso&c' cas, S) aik; oa a eosaj,;" t Aaaasl fwaifaan lKj 1 jnn Uan. e tie cwn- of is. - Pnnt fel tSz reis. sai!l rite , s rI.M tux sas AT- Ctesmt a arto; top s lard ! rmtl.M rnMrr notnt J! otT rrrrn SW. tihtseisQsUst iBsfcC tiijsil tS".-- eccoaast 5 AalAaaaal tmhui S rrS7dii. ;2rer star taw Sfae Ititthacsat tiatalo ad ci al : Hall's Steel Plows I pmKia caatta.r ralky Maw. AtiTtw t InTklista ' , aikk ' "t X saris sfct ia r TTstrairaw- llaijc-rar- t CVsemsv-taaa- l fartrrsiaaeecrttacarareotlaril,iuJatxs. S Aaaaal 10 jw 34 eooai3Kt trsci ti jfej mai.ai. coaliaa. rmlcr jrar. dij. twhtmtHtf, uisw Bol&aere aad Prwnsae Ra&road tiep -- Csrdar yj y trrtrmh'4mr wz Xx Tcri. j .- - t- I tna 1U.U1. im w tnm im tww wTtrr iefi-wiw- c r Bea: n saocsJ. i Cari.ia - viji i - ICTTT. ajouiotat. 1 iv soot dovx by t-- vr SAT.fcirr el tae Betcbte- state tlat Stewart's tarcoreaeceu .JS- ITT 10 VB TT7 CUtPUT TJBl"lW"?)t SIO.QOO.OOO! aiG!Mi II. recently ti t wens. fcree coa- - In iIm ftrffTaat TkelifibacM dxiaC $ta- - reuoxroca&jweajits Tta o i- . nnlii' SB to crsXao3lCtBt,c3JaaClirb!3x" iar . innuu uitaii oxuui ubiihiim tun. tun. ' PaMlhraasU ItBlal Acrar-- MTTtaWi f ai(k t halt rdeutti&aEL pesos, kii s c sea S3SS or a sirsarcc c; ... -- Co(nlr-wa.TiTf- -. ACaBica.fca-growgrfea6JMgii!Cik- a in3seiesst aecoS SS. wa. csi. It, IS ami IS Uci. J a fcctars toor. aajs ev.tecSedia!aSrjcti3ajj tr tssex li. $40,000 a.Ttr h g a Ansae tbcaI l " t rirtia i ca-ra- 1 granrssr efiaSBO psaesss Kej tae trvkii. TJ;Es3Tiaa (ALSO A Aara Funittrtoa io sarpf 3&ck, lied pcraeter of &j fired IS324 al o water JvSW USE OF CASTLE & COOKE. AJSENTS S-- 1 faftxa E. S. rtilil n Siairii.iirfi ersusd taeccmtjirsarrrTT 4 Tftlsattw tvwilj tfrfilkfvnrri IPaR that kst can Ik packed ta. OIOTxa sui5 fct oaa-ra- r. &. icpiiTaTOedisdiasiaajoatoJ dsrrrs the carei betarwl aaisiasocs iwaIUaIlL FOR T1IK IUWAH.t,XmiD rHUHHDT7Klw W m " pacslHat. Aat jsasa. . ethers re- x CI as cases . , draat tie ratsora tetess t aJ Hall's Steel Eock Breakers ." ; lt drag c qac usu Vr Ajss to otejCofccel Srrsahjwhea he crfend A faragr is. Oesp miaaity. Ky bs Ssr TtaaiassaBiot EcerOress tas used It. iMaaittxa. THE PACIFIC MUTUAL t te rtitieei5 HsispPWittrtatSeOrierottie aaaJnsce." M UN -- - iiEiirftusaJi Cn-j!t- i: COMPANY hi lllllWi Ml Esassriec foriytfeffK? sadat- fasa. cf EpscopUciersTan. a . tae aJnatarts et cUtr Bmxtn J PIU Sis sits tiui sie kuuefc E2iisciiaairaffisti.e Losrex Eid Sates, editor ci tie ui K HaaOttOOTCX iftatWy M tfe tafi:to cctkekaf tfenr aBec. aader roasoatee b2ST lis. uaVc ct atw tn;nTtB3U. all the i tsfap ud aarms? fc3 Easfisbaaa at tie Exit nJ j LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY "I''B" "JWW'IWaa IttaftMIIUBa faefes as stiaek. Ii2iriTerra3rT2TxeaartiatGctBafcdx oacia's rssrracccect. to whieh bs was setecrd great noint PLOW CO. CHUHiBTK OxsX ot Arpeal JUM,iW.Jt. OF Clt.IFUI.1IA, iwvvft. year-ol- d as forHtefeclicrflcttidal. tht BWfAaMk A tfeirteei: pz da pxfect Ht i3csaMEC3insi5Bf Ttioocat - A tattle arpeal the senUcce. " e Tie QerTie inSriDCieil at&anter- t3isiJ ha asacst sBtsat-- r Wte ea Delt to ct&er ways. b afco aae asW M t te f tiTTatMtajiiioi!dtaabiii3 the ol tatauate oa c.tl tk. airUnlat Mtntlaa mt .rrrjkfclf, taoajt esserSifca-to the Hocse "glTaiCaMaTataaaff .tarsa pits ttiere Sser eyes kiddV. fe said to 5 SeerJ, u T!soaiststiTtiirsicriabaiitfee Gec his cocrcsel to tarsher irreal tij -- TO THXIR dKisauLaail !. tts. Cam rax)cfeI its auit iiu.j. lwwkT - UM b? Briar a AasasrFt. Wfe. BsaEeKistaitaioSidebsai araisaiaara was re-- n MtltVMV - imSaaS tus Tares was to the oCcers, aad IftC TWi tlM 13- K- edfcse psatabfa ! MM Glufcaee ha a wry toor Tivrm J-- - Ot&as km bna. - ti seiiraiart. xsared trota the cccrtMoci aaJ puree ui essuj. - Tontine Investment Policies Itwmsai aalWtw. IW j i aMt ss VaEFiroin- it. XVM TMee. aati sisss Karfrtr. Salckxadsis Iraefe kutaa k aoaitHre cf &cr Osconrevi at Lj;'-!- . Ia serrai oct his secteaee ce wta serre as a ais-cia- N.UI. w. MM1 IW ltlf Mi aWt h ITU oraites9ta pcscaeiiK ia$ teea taisiiscasxrarit. trk Iaabrawctav writ Ism. A a rti.4f fbr ptml wnt fca&ij. wft as sacrondoBfewta wfcsek fctisafacs Sue Tasjne. Tert " the seizrs byecat o tia limited. y Bnt-MI- aa Tnnjn HnUnt lfeadWrMar H talatflMtaK t t oaartti Socasty. tb Bt-- The araarseecest that the aati " T"rnr'-- i Tiii n wTiTi 38TJ atseTsasaiasiSasddiy- - Kris aad ljxrrs.Ji.13. Tn ilf. imf asd 5?cJl7a; asteKSBSotae ., IHatt at IWMhn tri-r- v tMajkaium krukat - tte Foe" Tae wr wfll EMiSite crccilatstECi a rsToessoc Encshrrcrwectalne at the Berla Cooferecta Vo,ooo,ooo (i UtnL tiw MWr siiemL to aeeeirt the Fresea jeopwu MTtaw tf rWai K tW aaUt" " ate a hai beea istrcttJ tVeCa Mkaajj- tl5aMi A Gsraaa eKcsacrt a: xiaii ct. trade the Ojco oocstrj. MUH tkwTT .t4W ffAajy a ; Tfe tens in. tite ebazacHC of Ae v T c3cint2.'w .. rsssniccirMjKaot a XTaUEWCT tUWNl WMrlWHi WaBM MAltll iC3 a$t EMB.iad4:' State Tae escauiao cerr-n-ni- AT Tie Pfpolt Enrtownifnt Pollcj aad Jflfec W. devetioe Basics. Jj- - 13. Tbe Sicrstirrof j. causes reat eaiotecziens ta wuc U.Vj. ta tie X i"nrp H laV ltfir'tHaMtaTT 'lUQ - "5r kt Girrtii anki k . .-- Bf-- - a- CotaoiillJeparfseaC Baa a .. kw KiMd- 0SF 1n0i SLU I IT AartherseTerestoexcleartri- - Xnlaal a CWrHtyfa ia aUTflHf a T- ifee-la- f las fcc&e k waa Msra,Jaa. InTrttmral follfj. -, wvaralaTta. mc W Ni,CnM- toiisl. BeOii of tae fid-fc- eearraTGriaada at tfekxt o tar taMTvas i. iv tefcsask iis Scacrit km irik te ftwiraeaats an nt wiaf ,Vtla4 lnlAltTt. tkatt fca Ci.- -i AnatnEn eoteeKS, reussims taaa Kpl. ptrnoaat wamntUaa 4wtM May . gtfottfegtatfeV A fm - -- - ttatt Afrtccsa n TOUirs eiet 4rayaHenfrf. Tai. tsoar. ta. wnt frllftal. Comaaafe. .Itsat; Wfcna-r- t. a4 ia it mw jrlMi . SorocBBeat b aetka KETOU Iiws ccccriae. tt- E tiai fes sifudil tiias tlC3iaflir m.'"t'rt rartai nxrama ara djT. Tbe feeaTT ssawstoco aad frost a.9 aa t.por. .a4 'rwnta.lL MnIHIil ra rtMlC. w irH iwh-- I - by V. n srrae act. t fatwr Ny a.'1 W tafAtaa. aW-- Dri at wcsTeat 32. eitassaKi of tb imine wtthkfcsst la'ilaUci the cost sense sowstora ti w rmaatlr in.rM'r taat POWVT ha rtaf Mkfatniftrt " aaroGSErostrataaiaalls woraod destroyed v-ni- w s . TJ hat. kir--r tfen Sac&crs. 'Pia&s. CRTads. The ssat-ca- crop is iuaii. rvTor fantrr inra.ra.tkni writ. to. rail tMi awriif (uvtMii-M- nvfaanvai var of tie aJ -- Said PTfen tid ia rr3ci tiai The iitca- - COOK STOTES ,r it II l iVTMrt, ttvWwA. aaMfraat a Ka. slp pr35iii B. W ta4 a4 a. Ei-Ti- LAIXK Weistw He wcnre sIkj' ViKL- 13. ce Hi. VxsL. Essjtsic SiUacaa trca-Hn- i3i. v.xr. - Jiaorr. XnrToai. Jan. u cost The earth B ania WB Ora.nit t(.at ta lUwaliaa Iri.ad. 4AavHt eBcaecoBemt SS'J & drapeed dead at dsad jesteriar. Tbewrrdaraisaowdestrojed the I. aatal ia,wiBtti'w rftitatlii isjnsst Fra&at SciSTferCettix at tc hatsot l Mruaatvn rTTmi o- Bi eldj the cities lwa r E seros Titi z pair sf tiMKo. tsi? at vetaaa - Loans, Ja3.JA.--At rT'nrr. taisTiu trstewhoeedtothecFea troa rar r avi--- r i i riaaam r i ItsJfi e'deci smtttc s5 FrsT-baa- tweatj-sare- a tb i Frof-TVK- towaslcrsafetx. At a, lUM Wf irt ir CattMMly A bw raodfroci ari i!- iw Hcscf HuzirritK HeandectaeJCaTa2ise - -. ecipfcj leax. mn --j i-- nf the node, reraiiiea - Swrtiaj W Qw--h frt :C - Mt TaEc-- d te &e tfTTIi thna Mls XtaiMlerVfii. ecdscsd by & pfcpieiaat. to less ax afeo- e Eut at It o'efcofc aad nw!thee earthed thracjh the ige perabycoUarJtsrs.attaciedthe bocseiof HENRY MAY & Go. IW VWt'iaay'ai Crll ?. thrse-socn- as Aprecesawc RANGES st-cn- of a OF ALLSIZESt nes S Lsbocs lor l mm. fi t?waG? rf faraiawoas. Aasther serere sheet earihqaiae CiVntnaa-latvClMZia- Ie ir6. tiecarj iu.i. bread V r.r- - " d-t- degrees befo . taarf." Asaztaaassjfaakjarof uaraaas. - la aecocdaaee "a& k aaer-rsi&- &eMeieter3 ra-- tas eaptrteriwil at ct OHtHtlaVtPg J CtOlU aWt ftf tw ." ti: KTTCHEX AXD HOtEHOLD UIESSTLS-- f m4C &e Frofe-se-c wiE a: depot be fired aaiwasEnoptlr arrested. There a Jaa. 17. X dispatch, troa (jajxaisays ATr lawatar r tV4 aiy f at xetirt to Vndtt. uses. ASsr arrira; tie aral LiEct. W a, wa is ssppawd taot fcrasacEEr. the woriz ctiaes it itnpd (!l1 on the taarch all Urals: Fin aiaUs?.4ti rw Jofcz L. Stecitens. 2G-rirt- aly aiaaiTs saaeta. It TTotasM wfll he rescrted to. ?": .i.. Mtii wTTTUMv. tfcatt " : - 1 T Uieij Anamoa taat K(.f;i Tt traces sirlered seieielr. ot kirals; beat aad -. 1.-- PATSTS AM) OllS-- all JaylKiU. SwrVWfri, &as cm tcitreeeafct,safcar3nt V- . Kst&eis A r!.t t" IeaAed, and the cert at irciStaLi bjfc rf nSMks! iWU ta . : aaiEaseoftbeSaxofblood Ism ssaed thetr raticics LljBBlCATrXG OILS-t-est stock la ttfl taatitt Utm . . . m . " IbIife-ifi- Tsnes of GataTss Aiol-ps- - EjterB' Wire Oafar tLtBtoI Tieiteei.frrto their thast, eahassted Just mh. u naataa winm IW iwrii w their crsiiBKs: "ne are Received ia-r- Utbe beort. the roatwtsr carl to Xoccdjj Jt Lcstral St ClUavwaAfa tW ftoffia-fc-- g c E 1; aH to thelartt-staoceswa- s KEKOSESE Oa Downer's, 111' c 5aTi uaaec Ja-1- aa arsithectaalrsocolthe ceo, cadet OTyMwJtf CrsraVal unianiy -- aycs 3 r 2- Carrec becaa tfcs Swgfefe ?f 6,11 jmfein wkh Kvrrr, Bt Sitae; BEnje&aletT AH their bariships. a.tfeits ii Sit boBi ia sir days atraeee5othsrrJrssi.anptr srteaisi, bore STLTEE HATED WARE Iron Heed Bartoo: ias ra fcelore beae me& is. fccvxj eaKt tbrai M Trades we tefiere we ca shirs- assets braTetT,asUencedbythetr!istr aseteer.lT Srwafv W Ptnwy tmaatbm. towsKi e .tM a4 bts first bkss sor-- par are STLVEBWABE-froratheGottara- Co. h- TiaSeriiy. He aade EiSejest. with, isiatrsoee. t as thMTFarched throats wooMiercit. Ttej SOUD -- - tUTararn-T- A NsaUe dews not brje. avoids jj.ij, at err V.Mlrrwr J t T sas littaatirai!6i.skt. At VJ be bad irad JnBm- ot ocr FwJiPttw. seed; desrocs to :ht. Cala. Powder Works City of & gan gwwi, lwaiajiy. Ui.ii. (3T3 9 -. HocAiar. FOWDEKS all kiads, frara av'H.w'a 1. Paris Clan Grant ctroigmg tb samts of bs cre3aabk MB - 3M siats, rirhg aiiaes. Ea rscor- Ccc3cs. Ja- - ia the lassva, Jaa.1T. Ia leeoriirxe with jreTX" oeits myg kabftafcEEr to arcomafisk laajT are at thee fcciest usssjc A faecal Usca a cass ceetics of cnerar-wre- CARRIAGE VXD JIACmXE BOLTS-- sll sites ; eocaiaoBs. if 54 shots aa bear TJBCEesternaes ..!! Ea- - xs saetbac efctnafe ir tb I Eiit StraetnTBe say! that et un w h&. it tw at the HoraX as Lnrii xu tui. cefllSeirtTesteriiT,atti3e&. - caatte..?. this aftermwe. fchcrtlr after noon the GLOBE Xaroaaa. ZiOSTSOIf, fcooea,gaiiaeonieatT?itfepotfc3 hk ath fcu pee-iea-tsd SlxelX y wa Nstt Toix. Jia. II Taadskat 1 faetcrtSi:iiptTog,it rrocad. S. Gnat wftb. bis jeisieat TT A Xn.r. of the speajcers, 1 a, "R.TaWAa "RE J.1.0Af,JR.&G8., -- orJer, awaited the arnral ja. aw a a " ""w "" .0. Cs. Hr.LarsrvbiEteBdof'&c -- Orange bentzM agacat tie serai's pcapsty. feawrae the wecers zsa-- s. . ItenGV5re.rIit4r:iajtorasaot3wMj-iiiuT.i- i J Marmalade scsres. m ecttftaaif tic Iots; of fcrr At ai ara ft rl,161,000 oil amtatic Jan. H. Tbe Biai of EaUad SrVdtoieerwtttx3.toH3.isd theccen rj cheered. Ttesreaar A Splendid AsaortBcati ..; sports- !ii-- J,1 LB3r, toep oorae aboct - 2ii Bait of kss irmE bas cacsad tJse raribej badaz bocsei cocstartnV ia eocssltahac al DeSCriptiOllSJ Crosse d BJactweH's; ' rhe1raCdipthadar&LE.miER-- Or All ",714,000 fcrFtF' oc c.'l"ai1 lex ilttZantZ. Ke Aoajiec: tbe cocairy tbat ifereareni ec-- rasqradi ha Va Tasav Ji- - K was aaaalfj arancsced ai AUtXCT IX " ncssil? rarefcaed a Iif boat asd t li eliadf, aaa tae aa-- Cases Kajpbcrrr Jam, fenritj-afte- eksee of that the otd i j n-- 5M- aaneec the btrscea farcatk;arearwarse- -. Kil k bc lor ' n tire Lcaamw aad aaaraca of 3 to - A of Jefer J. Gkb c tad cade aa ciesSarieaSaordcatTarpal to FPirtl"r;",Ii?!r rl.tt Cases Strawberry Jam, be a ia arcaiiiaM c i of the of the "rarftarTedherrirffted.pjiertT-trieiea- , caitacieri aai TBIESDS to OUI IEW DEJOUlllt JacHuroisE SlationiTS and News l)ralrr r. of A SSSect to Loon Mar. faertj era -; Cases Flam Padding, Tbe .. z v-- a .iUi i?3?T3e of Hal parss darated xchabtrao 01 tze a- Cijlixut.waieawewiuf3awa3ca. .gw. Tfc Hmsakxx retnrrs to tfee ieprt--e- t HL aad is. .miTiea. basis k - cskcu Cases iliiice Meat, to be tbe wA. of Aseen-e- xs 4 Co-- which, near sssfoaisd tiaaJ- caaEi.oteaUadeaalaecarS?l4MStotkefGooci Ilaaallaa UaaltBa.k.T;ainTaaaiat. of Akahai-- state &aioiBgto aatesaresspesed iI, cabte Iroca lxa--i ccraer at Tort sai I Ale?imlttT Cases Saltana sect cortrsaji. NiwToaa,Ja.li. raaal ATOUR WAHEHOOMS. Ilaisios, - tfe il tfag tadbeaxed coi7rrfHtfr: n. . eorrespyd i The Teresa has fer prrtoil Itaa, Jbm tan It at n .Hartnn. , r- W tni gc. Jcr.lS.-T- Se SafaW doaof Jiasarylhsare. 0re Hoaslxta. Cases S'etr Garrants, lar jisH nf csttoa ps aere loner asftrhr JCuars, Jaa. 11. lie eoreraaeat of weds the iejwea;5spitehrora Hawecsttt. tarseua Terrcea eazw,i.n ,nc owt"--- " mgt. k it , jcraecse-TSeofcr- ! "T?n- - i i et m CISlT IT,W The llartrais st to eartaqeaie ...i.awz... ,,.n. BISUOP-tC- ererj-ta- lias. 8be arrao. Tie Ivtt-e- ias eftersd 1 teats tie r;ltT of the desert caret a t. mcsZ"' te NEW and STYLISH !, a-- ad QrrreseEcbassadorto trssiarai, tas sercai Ffccidal AU-bua- cxSsrsrs is. Aadifcsia. starts at traatrch - ySis art ia Goeyia. We are n to Galdal notesto EariGrarrnEe. Seerttarxof FortariAf-- l Cs. Bottled Pie STTI02sTEKY- t- -- MaLst, Bcit- - fairsvcoiartaicisthatErclr-ircectrabijlsoce- -i Fruits XVtt- S- wmca SCAV aad Teas. T. tt rathe Aba EaKaweBs, where wetoce to fed Goods KMM -- at bas fceec Eitrncied for the cert aid earceb. The saitti. Hectares that Eraiacd rrorartl aiilliiiery saetro Eabassadec BaSs, srSranl water thy- - j Hteconrs iadnetoal uoi ek be T. a Ciwea-- i "3TTT rrail CCft Fnebaad cnre3 the acta &it az arne4at eora- -, nlf Cases Mued Pickle?, of tb; Itirjar Emffc. oii rpnfesetaKsEti teiitherwTM we haTe cot been caSested.ta of the Qtese Goreractat. To all these P Ise -,, cecfcirhy of tie saoaa S . - Underwear and ' fcas SiS isacsIaetecJK aad u tie of Arabs, wtarcs Q ilaan s vm fr--l nnrrriE. has sect a wise bet ceaa- Ladies' Cases Gherkins, captil isov f ti ISSrarass theiect-cat-- , Bi seO cs rst-STJr- Cases &s0 of Had?- - Islisds. the desert, yet sace cslea retfawlrSchheeTades ,,,' at Pickled WalnaSs,, ijjjma its mx-ae- t Hlflilliia aaaa rioce II.-T-&e eaMinent assert that there are ody a few retets 6fT rr u raue juu.- - Berlin. Cases &,tt.U, of IQ. Jas. -- 1 . - a v ? . of the a Spauist OHtds, Jlrojiopaaaata oat Dirros The heat is Tery trjec. The alaVal J AXa twv .a. .a. att rarfi Jf Bloa a k bas readied a cri- iTlLtararet. j 4iar. Abaedi aad cthtr late Airiralt. a pjpsiitisc xcd in-t- retnnK at itaat tbeSalToocAiy water, arolthecci derts ta the Foresra Er Cases French Capers, latt jd esecps to fce 0ee. tapAxin BLIIKBOOKti aaciaoretfeas TSMCO. sis. TaeyfcaT-rrenrt- stasj- two pets di3rcf water ta a ArSrjEejcblie.J lTTe,aad tae Cases French Jlnshrooma, i- - Sattrday took tie freelr rstutran. -- as The soaiers terdir a fearfd aibwrf of traces feu tere. d tatate aval to be fcaadsnme ia ae feadfeom ol escapes oc If the irate were crates dJatrojed all paces keaa Cases French l'Ar, IAU.arA.tUHt It oiA toatecrej. E lutrrieistleerrcisatest It WILKINSON at lb Lor.--. w -- t eti. eoss-pfet- H. U ri9aS de-- s," bet is &aafcgcae is. eteidteamtHetii T '""- - raaar persons ' , Cases French Truffles, atakrr. tie acvTeaoB in tfe'eeesrs- - Tieyvere arrested aad pat fTiTwacll tare beec aaiecSnated '' lata 1. 'tr' .... "atif ill 3 &32deSE94 Erf SSOQqr "Wio id -- - destrtate. Cases Pale de fbi Gras, K he." TT tar5oc-boG- se bet refcse to 5 oct aa bou. OHtTi I ,rf 1ASIH05ABLE Tflirr. fm? 51 p.-r- TnE L tie cetsffiary tor cs kj citij 1.w Iit7 IT Tt HiciatrT tare decided to U. rlA-TTltl? 'rosT orFKK s vrrs, ui ml " redreed Cases Finnon Eaddoclr, irnTK -- -- tale as the baas for the bodset cf 1S6 the I.XIInt tbarasas-" "soo street Eefeisas feopfe rtarA- - Cases Kippered -- tocT iowlr." e iar jsac&deon. v- -r i3 roted bj tie tsast incoieE. WK5" Dress-Mak-er Herriagj C.lRTSrB- - ,'.. - is sot yet. . Vav TtJtt TAT- TtaTT Milliner & HAL a.W for asrasr.- et cetera, aad s octk aad are fcsrseiffir intsrested aai fee ecd aaMtrflnf - Till rtdi ! YE rescrred xhe cX qBTBlt warriM. ri iJ sionboE et o- - deieczcad to eitaer xoci: fee the cf water ard etziardc-air- y xB?ec5 its GaTtmsieat td l id ic2izs.E vtaat 5Sbt are StZ7iaedVsrclT tt , " eVTortbocse. OF FORT STREET, laaasetajj. raftw '1 Loeiorrato as HoTCq.t, CS. SCOTCH HERRINGS Sraectwrarerraic a cimsec - 17. 12 tha . ItiseEdally statal taat beec erected. Ite Beclzj. Jis- Ccso Otntasce tkeothrr . i. ihk Orrwwg tigzifcs eafeaaUr a habit or Boacs,Jia.H- - whena fart aad tosptat tare ttree reascsu for ths partiata-ic-- i ot aal AB9utJr Wrinaa natt. oc e 27tfr at -"- -; wtzciTa IfUai taat tae his bow 00 tit. the LAKOEST aaa 103. Cases TarTBoclh IHoaters, at- .- gift Of n:i iSwptmifd wifc a aessesser arrfrai at Eiartocn few rotrres rathe TUrT deiiDerxsozs: rus( wcus Ute stjles of 1 jS GeBeral WoUeiey Cofacel rtcccrdre JtOSTEIJSOASTAiiertaretof Uteit O.OOOJ00. STArfWtlr . 1. awnntili a. tr tn-- r Isttir fiaex 'i" (Szisi wastes Power to odaHr G Cases Oafoed asd sect- - of - "It S rrt T ecjrneit afaimity- isenra at be-- Sausage, aarv v,f' i osaseaser left Kbaraeai oc et.feed 1Si.'2 the ifricaalrJe.-ratioa.Assodatio- secrcd. Jlfllistiy, 6VVI-- frtris.?. Tie a- - k associit! trift. sesdl aad dScaE(t. at IMTttlS t-- 1- - - SfOlfXn Cases Sordines, f aad J ; arnLiGCi ktt.. .. a s G&fw cf cetades UCl.ISi eaa the pocclarjert Aceaea . &eMcb-vx- caatned and fceatar. lie xlffwen, ri.1. IVrta, Ka-l- acd w5E a afetet rant of sympitk? or cectoes, wcose portrri coctij u i4i", " j ,art.oc Cases While Wine Visegar, i wen eclrsiid to bis by Gordon were taiec 7 Araencara eiFtored atrtrarad!.. n.ts.TsrnrT buki afectc It if tee ateKregtwda.Iag- of was TThe eocatrri. derided octhe third, becasse raadr tlte Peathtn, JtsMe I . Caes Hast India Chatsey, I, y, eareptioc of sate, vaics: w. f.f.tll.odaadtaWaai TiHt-Tt- afeeotaie otter. viaA we tie a saall .PataSsfecbroojia. The casses are re teecotratry. Boacett, WaUtaaVaMoaaadAo: aad fi&. au MU IEU. Cases l.etliig'g Kalraet I am tsbjcb saai that te Ileal, faaj'a. asz acijoafcteil. Fmirceeie wealthy who wereobfeed to Bcrnio. JjrlT. TxdsiMrrii5aboct3ocIiXi Hata, Etc, XMt't I --.. at Siartoan. lae nsesaencer sajs Vx. the wiad attaraed aTUocity of tttytaiaa aa cdct, Sir ,. Cates iinsferooot Catsap, rzxt IttlLtlCaTtp ttiramMb. tothewar degre fce. serary-oc- a raes to V to tottoaaa . ii. cajiiaa a.. . was Tbs Teispie of Jerosaiem. writef a V. Sw- - stearrers widi trsoee. Taey were ezjr; aadat 5 o'clock Howras To faaaa ta tali dir sad wril sdifttd te amlar t Cares Sojer's Ileliss:, rVaar-- PaHata, Btxa. . r--.. 1 r blew at the rate of Good, with tare, of tbe Kfartoam t or aadfocaboatahalf-toc- tt HaMiTS. Ta wm t;tttta tad - DRttTItO tjoil Pzrs ezrecoodest tbe d fa sezdac; ssppBes for Stacce of thcgT ccctrscs the waati f the Ladles of neaotala tad &m'py. Cases Torfcsbire Relwb, rsnstHatMtwtM - Cjobuafd efiorssifc txi-- to Sertt txee . umirjinniW. Hotues rxxed acd wdl Satlrf la aesseacer retened recciiiaiat" np- - i tab? rebate lis iam! eet twectj cec asd were Mowa down azd socelew trees ti. IiUnit. Yaaort Case Celery Salt," OTlLoriAl SWilMiM; asd eoctrftBiioss of tw e AaseiKas ml way of Btycda. Hid tri Cheese to st sss JELATiaWtMbS, .a, . a a ec feet by Stock be fotttd Coses Celery Keed, a i..a. - ThoeE fcc"? all end 1 CoajriMd la XtJ. WHklaloa's saj JIK2tKA.1roi naotia. aat. Mia boBsire- trc of goe ,'5ku TtMK OUR' laawlUH-'WraJaiT..- T se IfcaalA, niad; to Pli-!te- te stady on tfce sfwC she ost City Sydsay, Jan. 25ti-P- n iSDUtaua, Vrf.Hia as T Par et serraaof Cba aboreiero. UtTASTS ASD CnilJJBXHS Il.a4 efvjgpt of pottzac laao exeetatioB TSoiaearacifctte j ! ntTT" SrsesT, Data 3 15ft. tsssr. iSithatthsfor3fceTsbciarJeiaicped-wth- Sra-HsTi-s 'Ccca, Jan. 17. At !W3 o deck Dr. Inrltatlon Paper A Enwelapes ta avaArX. tfeesr Crrr -. Ridge's Infants Food gigaic ewthr project EseiitstTaBiy-- etdraaee. The Chraese an dacajed at j STK12 D- carter trashed IrUgreatUsk of CLOTHING of all Descriptions, SeaaatUla ai erfcs a qet at tee ,.t orferof thcr3.de-- 1 in The score if A Incdoc teasiwar eoenpcnv s; ataioss Ery wacSed trVV. u. wmrin cU; hHa andrrs. -c-eral feacircpt law b MdJT c tir was as loom: cux, "", ladles' tttad Bars, jjontio Cases Scotch Oatmeal, lib. tins; MB3C r.tatM. for zose deriee by wHefe. to jmwide aa y ocportcratta far soxirttfir. ?, Pocrrt Boaii, LMtAu; . rTdecardedwccidfcraait lallnbtCoM Btacrleta, Cases Pearl Barley, tlb. ties ; e&ctrreeieci spoc its eccAattors. A BcsrhesisiJeenea3secrr2Qess aafcwnscc: fraads. The presraeiil caadarsu. a Flat, EtniErt, Ax., Ac L2TTZK PRESSES. IAE0Z & yATrTf - Cases Tapioca, 41b. ties ; fceE pssdi was fcrawrlj- nsd. bat at fee d jAitetTUStnunls. with Flow-e- BaaViT Biati B ,. P Cnurcl aaa Boaatu.'Utut Stjks 4a. - Trrimr-1.- Iaaoned Itio ItU.d.. ntl.LN.BaW, imji nwtiar Wd reeealij- it was There was as a.xaSottoi.'aw-a-ria- Jeatam. Eltboal. Ac, to Baa. ,1 Cases &Si ""' as ; luac' tLe of - - theoc. AlatrtatMtmtt of CaiMltai Jtaool Ilats.TefT Cafes Salt jars, uow.addTaxaeH,a. Sat ecrpasr bad cot rid sa.Jsmirylth- . 1 1 TtatTanetTotothetOaodi.tooaaeaet-oStiwMcataela.ptloa- is fartigaM of Licchacrs, Ta, are ,r rva.. cocraasd SALE! Cms. aad a it. to it iEabtbtr to aaswer tee The tsfcoeeo attfcTFrtactiKt raj.iOrraa besaa tods fasdfaf FOE the Ladlet Coses Ground Cinnamon, rooter KxiTza perpow aar nisei it was adopted. trooESfstthecorcpatMaof tea cess a. --- a U eo'&tfty lantd - ' " Cases Ground Allspice, Aod ouV. ante ... tor ..miioo, b a.taTi7 iihercesof HaSfai fsror a efascT Iteraa cadea af Tfce of cho: lie Crated httles. Wissuerw, Lot uva ai a Mllllan. U Cases Groand CIotcs, nrotral r ae? tnatrwsatSae mna tate Jr- Iar.., '-- and r.lu.t - n, i House .1, BtKI to ta or aoASIaWA Uom- - Basaa. UBo, tl foBoVisg Sraetstecdest JUBec o .!- - - .reiiataeectriesasctitiiTciarrcoarHeresa-- HOSOtrXC matlsa.. wttHe Cs. Genome Matlard, Ftan Umb. at at, Am sijP wfe. STXiid't! OX JCDD STREET-- Trteatiarpiaroaeat. wakh Is ta aitaiaaei tat toinp1)- .a uanH t ! aoo j. tS'tal ... as the lectis .of cSef rives of tb; --lFerdirassaracpirrttalrsticd- -, U v to his xcd set ta. Cs. Cayenne 1.r.mHy rta. kaad. tt I ffri'S- srfef. aM ta. taoSe. wilt USVViair Pepper, fd. Uahr, araaf. a. aad .aaua . Voca-iM- be-iz- z i.fc sea ot -, eaca-- BS--at sM iriuvmiuu m&. for Zispsre-- rr r. Orcnhertira. .- .rt- m.-r xjnstace ta tha aanarraaivl atord.. S sales (toe rent vx?t-Irrr- 1 ' ?- - tad fuatoaaMe stjlc o?:SrELtLUI-HoHwdfWBr- .z i,?r rrert. "? ,- jr.riivw . tix. r!lu Clt ET tiiss. as eiaii to ttSBTiiWA CtaL 57 . 1 neeawle. wttb TA IfaSt- decani fc jSLTiSauatiata or e aocte aB mx Call and See the Novelties. HEMP, .RAPE, AND CANARY SEED; Bawcer. U329rsle: Dob. ZSTrf -I '",tsj::c;sii.by Joekira tra the cterest ex - Stercaa. Khm. LUS aifeg: Peteaora.' asira JBtrZ,HTlilfafthabroa- AaaftaiC-B-h"-J?lB-- 1' U12rak WORK KXECUTED'IN" Sti X -- .. : Oar-Bdw- treaty I rasas, or at JOB Chocolate, RED RUBBER STAHF 3. Fry's 3j82i cafes, ard tfe Ota. 915 A tsreral ectdwT5wa; wj'-- SactcecTGf tt7 Eon aeatett itjle, eaH tt OAiETTEOrTICB. .lK5rY afe. gag 3fr. IVtrie nort, Sxiaaa St s ura.c h Fry's Chocolate for dessert, .ad taaat. Tor tae 2wr7aaMMa BHtoaa a cceaSer W?'0001 tfajraesessofHs woris. --Atfajttis'!'i! &a!"Xtt4 Epp's Cocoa, Df All laad oran. t--d rnajar ta rracfeed h efereatli Ammrm. aad its Schweitzer's Cocoatioa, J. M. OAT. Jr. at CO-- tHrd WVjwTitMi, mbie --Bacaarofc.'" QiSS:" Hnntlytt Palmer's Milk Bkcnite, W.Mf llinrft Mp.aw.aaat 'kitlnz Azmi tfca baa reaebed lEr?Ci - IlnnUy t Palmer's nte a year jrnner. S s- REMOVED TO 82. KING ST focrtfe Aaess. and fe secnad Enrfisfe. -- baas. Mt.L .mm edSim. The sale of Atlmtw" aa& - LUllMWLS CUT FOB - - innu. or ucscniriruro; Maccaroons & Cracknells arpreeediaed far 1 wati sot a JoreL 4 Crtxtet " J Cnaatt. Ofra rinawfa. .. Soared FIBE AXD XAniN'K INSURANCE ASsaad. A. B. Baa taa. Cltroa I.'. Saarv Ae exEbasg" teDs of tb bjjs tint go KataryaPaJalle aad fTcwinladoaer af Seeds ;(tn,EaH aad baa Inaa.JlrC c. COMPANIES OFJTEW ZEAUVIfS. 3fackenzie's Albert Kscails, IT. aa-- i xara. ttaa ta.artl The bad J. CIUTI.l. ,rc7iat zjuuar,t.a;ixar3aa jn OURSODATJU-ATE- BrfnttatCawnruciaa Laatatan Xlat UnrtM, A to beaTes as WJrrs tfcber 1- td CAPITAL Uryant May's Wax Matches, KRAJETT, ami Gtmrwi Itmkr rXEe-'- S Xoclaxi St. BeaaMa- - n - Salccd Caiweama, I aootata Crat. tad $30,000,000 A. ilrcitrnt 3 SBSII, grsnnrefcyiiaeBtin ptcui inv tvias bale Fancy and Plain Mliod Candlea, CaRmlUdU.Mlil..r!lauaoJ4.r. Bryant May's Safety Matches, . nivr Poflcr Ifttl.c Jol.t OPTICTAIV, see crasaes oc acmTcn. . FotaauttT. aftf Aao-Ttr- Tf- tif pspEK S AlsoadV BcufU tmt -- bbkbw a - LarCsJ ? Whreuu See Llconr (aau lunar numtxfi aa Arrar) at lloaolala. Ik. Day & Ijasxeil: ci. nuarmp w tmuM. urdni Ali daat. Utaallja llliadj- m.- - Martin's Liquid Blacking. nasoK ! .a4 E7TK. fiaa, Pnxc - the aaiaal.aM Is Mmtl t Watchmaker and J&weter, A SrsJVHale MO itict 4a Boao ctsc ttk aratart rlre oa UalMlax', - tofcTear" Tiitrir. Just aaowe Candtea amtnllK. iritJs. Vvriry baota, SoBriied bat M. S. GRIXBAtril At CO. Tlie Crystal 'Soda "Works,' The Retallad at 50c per lb. r.rauarr, taj.T7,ac .oa IK iml MtorsUc tnai. 11D 0CA1.CR 11 - Sfs b37, raev-s- a --. aso rsr an'-wer- ar rcszL Losses Pay- fist rWeIL yott osr said has tmuii Talarca. ltottiur A Ca.'. Promptly Adjusted and -- Grtfniyr,T"1"TMtliSCa"'f"J-qT-' Ur. Clpnut "U Musical Instruments, traefc-- r seaTr efcooaed aV EtUe o HOXOtCLt H. L A GlojrR- ale a Zee. aad a f.n It., of & CO. Dai ? Boiaor Wa ! LAINE kM not If ( ONE MILE OF GROCERIES. able Here 3ottlo It. paaMr taal b. rnaaral froai " tats feSsr at tfae eaest of hb hiacs e at FAMTLT Jf "'L "J5f TKsTr. adiafcitaaiea M. S. GRTSBAtrxI at CO. XaT OUE TXEEEE05ZISiSCt298f-- Haxiaa Rlaka aa af.reaaadiaa.rr.irbt. IIAYK A UBOr MOCK or T1IK WttrboaM warra a. ka. aaoanl a. a If tfc pooltrT- ieeper baai't ased aay Kails, Trwaaarw, tad Enpt of light Portable Railway nad at Carraat Rats. y t Uff twnam jyrcseae in baa fast hcose dam Hie Commission, llercnants, Offer, Mt auk $nttk A Co., II Xi. TT'or-- XXosa-- tr wtfi uawy J. B. c. u. BEbUES. T Attfc art f aoatiaa. a Mr. tfeere be. tttflf wt. KERB SH2mc do it at oee. or tiE JTa. 121 CalHarzia St. Saa FrxoaUo.CiJ 1.S4. per JIT a 3X7 wtX ttrita te Wt Aerat for ttaailUa I.Uad.. GOLD & SILVER WATCHES - a. "Wiaaer oct t C rosi ytrJj- hard Sieep ir a CtXTM. trsilftji, TRitl-lIUJTI- t&c. rr, HAWAIIAlt SOAP OBKS! Hay, Grain, fesi, Usee wiwre serapoi? js aeee-la- D. H. HITCHCOCK 3Elto- - sraj. AHD 10 LIGHT SUGAR CANE WAGONS E13TTJEHEI) FIRE INSUffANCE COMPANY. vc Oloolsjs, .tjTriTth a ae peat brash. Attaraerat Law axd Xatary Pailla, JUST which is orttuzn tub Froa .Irkritod K-- r. "wifls SSSr, t wot pntajtH or HAHCIU, Jrretytrra feraesoe. ut9esnttxKrctaR9a altn yoa of Coaipaay A tVararcuJlrfca UUIJM1 jA 9 CtUil ta. .Bait 11 iataat.uiausuanuwOT.WHa. t Twwtz. & A Splencid Assortmwit of rooeta, ees aad eeifc?. aad erery TUi tnwnit all tae of ta Ctrcatc Cwrrs. S.3 Tu &U..17 is .tiuUc bTAalnal GREY CO., Froni Great Britain twrfr tulaaT.ar. Caapaal.. MfEajMH Lowest Market Prices Rr I .d EUa-S- Jtaxaaf-Mt-vr- wf-- a aaca-- ta tocaiTvCleeatt Can. ta E ",-J- SAIJS T 4 md: - tieike isE of farosene It . ALSOFOE Dalrr la ..r.lkkiiaark Wijeujm jud oomna im to n tin tic em Jewelry In Gold & Stiver, doc.'fcOTrt rsarfs. acd is eSectniL SCaTETUTO DOTE raOHTXT lr Aad will aooa opea with a - - BalIs, H IV. to Ite BVkljr aa-- MOXET- TO XOArT trazbtateI jar ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, .M0RTH GERMAN AUEXTM FOl TUB taooall alth Prar a. cs Ail ta 3i Of TTeirTcrk e3y property ouraess: frrf as maitmtlir.tXaia.Jttxrr.Sa'ACaViiil- - L.I.a, Klaa: Strt.t, H.a.Iala. sat', of xrsH.ii. lsnafjuaisoaua. octbeaTEzate. axr aaa Monaa.T.. .ac aaaentraa a Ef,VtuaarfOu7alfew.aUd, Orlmktt SELECTION of GOODS FTEE IHSTTRA1C0E - JO Iadiee pay taxes Prcperty Security, v&cxenmeuKa COMPAHT, PaciSe Sfotnal Life Insurance Company, 3fc-Beeec- Cood Stocks, J.fl. sartca.wV. t U wti praaacau OWJUIJ? a saraM.. MntUl (aatrr- BtaftA aaAXKCKO. aesBodaioTer Bonds, Etc. Apply to aowsatau Ei.f uafMa. tact - or 'JT CUffOBSIA. ta it stotable rim C.olulaltatoaifatAawCTTe..BrfaiaataJlIljn A Jcce!l2s tit? fet. iwftr asser at THOIPSOI, AHOBUEr AT UW, rerrartacnarifcabn. seal? - Caataaale. - Great Variety of Cimi. aH 8. j ytABIaJKr. trf Kleace DJllJJ AjtnU for the "H00VZE.TEL2PH0BX. - JlJ(307aliWarfTa- - H. IMr a - nETBOPDUTiS 1 OtTJCE Cmrvr Tttt s& XcAiat SOrxt.. r- V C.V. XACTAKXOXE A C4 GEHTxaEMElTS ! XT Tk ttwauoa ,t auiutl. aanktotrt aad iko Slay Mrs. EAH B-- lm jTawtctA Ca WEAE Total. EHekivark lUfOflO COHMIX3IOTTEK OS1 -- to lac, Sterecsec and Lrriliasioc Bmuic ArraUfar.tt C. SEEDS hr. la Mttle.ur i. and tkU stock atfore aar wd WALLER, Proprietor. ty as-s- et SI3VJW Tiere are. w a- tkalff farl.i tat cc rf . carrta. s - ATaxszvr '' EXBEl' If, THE rflHE CSBEJUIfaXE0,URXiaiAl.AUeXl7l 10 CJtLirORXIA. rsarrxdl'JeaSeeT aiA Ac JL of (A bVsi tkna- cwpaals fa, ectsseii Easier cf CAiiTI, E COOU.E, KI;'lrnt,nWila. iao flaaUlaa TElBpnOXB I SlOXttM-c- r fExrrarw ajk zzaczajm Ridge, House, CltCmt Xmu ?ian Flaa.1 Utzjt. I,Uadt. aro anarad ta Daualaxa,rarallare. ttr SO. 147. tf tawirEAsiitecl tacre, bat coEximox - ' XnOttadlataadrneatayMaUltCTy, . arfcos? trepcrty as merged witbv tkat of DfrffEriSaASD ' aadlaXIU.aa4Tt..bJe lie kafbor.jziiaitM..,aMW ' Styles Wo I In Ccneral SOUTH KOMA,' HAWAII. PAIESI JtOTICE. .. , Latest or aaaur kr act jt tke a.t farortaU Irmt. want, the Public to under- tienr irtEtmrdt Dealers Merchandise, - VHi ij II. ILsCXFELD A CO 5a ab;StRtt BmuaWa. H-- I TVTIIKRFiVrJ A 1MTENT M'A! ltf- And Purchased by Himself stand that tho tbe'pei ffcsty years tfawtwretif a tKtetaJua$,sa7X-4uiia.'ntasuvaa- Irt IIUrf. W Ua XtaUta f the UUur.iUn taa U. nxa'a Efe fcas aspwtwi a p eeei freer A6ZTTS O'DKIWIGXED IIKfi.S TO 7r fiJarota. tv affai aat Cat. Tcxta CoansUar Person. Jt, -- rarxaca. in SALJWANDEll FELTING to S3 years, sad a otaon's S per TaEtaadtaizC Fihreaif.jtTtamaa artRsttaartteetAstU..Kaacaaaau.. tail u M nn a. T,a iaatt aa Union Feed Company, Ha TaaBaSaaanTirca: rmurn. mvt..jrtVtraIxiLkjitiE.r. tritoa 1 eest-fr- ota ;03 to OfesryldO) TaaJLkcaudtfC SaMr A-- eniC- - Ea-- of IJO fn, U aala rwtf ta " C. BZEWSH A COXfAXTL KNOWLES' ros 2edjr aad WIIU.t to raralh ill tt nrale pesest t!aj fsrty-ea-r wta Pkauun.. aw. SoaaJ Harm wtS V. trfr" t it.UHt.Uaastir itntrt. Artaaiaf tie a.i). WraattCS' fxic if tb i aUoaa. PUaxutes- - J X.Alcaaitffraa. rtK tarn. EATH R0C9E ta ctmecdoa wKk (te FOR THE COmSOOKf w.a arH attar- - th a7t of tktTtV fits tball Ta Hiteaaa.kACa. Tfrrf atuaftxaaaaa. flaatalt.rttTaoyl IWt tag STEAM AND VACUUM PDMF8 HAY, OATS, BARLEY, BRAN, it, Sc. 1S7L PUsaiSMa-T- a itastd to be the ease pretitWH to eal a ETC JUrf Caaas IlJi3Mr. rmataar a ?taraTi JPCJT WOOlt, EXCHANGE ON ETC., rrifAr stzD - IXKCVNT I'RKl'ARATtOX rerylJWjp-rsoEslw- nt sso wm TaaSfewgatfiaALtttfaMzsac Cam9aar.f rtMt Soord r CHIJuT" 1. tv.3joTrar!Mrr Tan Btaia Xiaaticsasjaj C at A. A. pxr Fuel lilt hw tad littsbH. kt Wt aMaaailoa year before Tias mfai TO00. Savs as Cfit. ef AT THE LOWEST RATES. t Ha DjloiSwJto lahjsrtfcat Ba LXDEnSIG"ET la Immo aX arMWsIWaSCaaritisai JTadtaai. rrifB AKB Tllf , i tad woadnltl CStu, UutrWaantMr ;fa to tankraiaac, asd especially to Sw Tart aad EuoataH raai Lla. PLASTAaTOH J-- rAEKOTV IlKJiW US Til c IndtaWcAaiTaadtntc; tkaa aay ataor lljl. of PXICE At at waat U But. nrn (at a tatft (.llftodetrctlttaM. rnwandk. i - IQutXescaxata'liaK-aaaatataaaifaa-rt a Fraaccree KATJPAKUEA anafatpwud. tt call Ua atwatloa AietTfJlB 70 $7,S0 B2L. T 'T TiTt 11 wfisert ad- af aUtUnoti. Slack as w., Th m j ffniiT is 1ST (or aax Caaxtmd Basic af Iadia, Aartralla and : te,, tt. Ttm BAH BT UJtt.ad.1. De .ya.aASa"CatatadXAelct3ea. xoir eoaiac al la chaUiljiaiaaTtcnairaaj. walcfc toaptl II AVI StrnordoaarMaotlyallndtdlo. faoad. stUnsod W Jt AO a, gjaataTfirqe Gwaaay aad aaaSth.tairTrcaanm,t7 Cbiaa. Heaskaait. Uitd tad tssrt tCTTlcaMt lata otAnsaaa. THE. H. IS A Co, tr fas atetr w aawttx jucataca wfjy c arenrc. txa 1 EaxfrzEAca Jy Amu, I'S.-x-xi- iLLtSTEt 4 Cf. fcjr-- 33 Efe enry eenicry ECt WatiarCunu I' Bisuortico. nnta w nToleshona Ho. WJtl ir L JflKggg. V T3ES"Tj,'r-BflKB3f- Is ill EVksc mad CUu thesjit rare,"vru twj tacdi ligntw thia (Rtntrot llTttrttstinrta, (fosrrai hctrtencmls. $, Grnrrol Slrwrtrnntrnta. -- - gjmcaiian (Sazctfr. Ijcettos, Jan. 1L The General fewi itfcaabetatatttaespst. Atcoetiesroal lMfB' ka k1t Va talSfe; Troa 1JJ0 fcrraid W JfacTrt Kwiat of th yJi2gs of fcxrs beta ccbed est cf s pasad eJtartr. TTEPXESDAY. JATaRT 5S 1555 Us Freach Qucshnr ot Derctws todr 'Qasrftrif IMfr, DILLINGHAM & Co. l fe tsflcIWsrsi Jaks HFtirj'..Uie Fwath Line Tk Fortut lilw. lrhae Ecifcr. thK aftocQ Kutto'an KtUtQtrU. "Pioneer" TOST HOXOLCLC Trt OR MO WO . lC A CtXtatr IMT9. oSdal dcdxraUoc ot Jh GoTCrnswal's SKLU wiiii to TVcqmn. The rirls trho hare pored over the pgs FROM LIVERP90L. Moor swteV o Iojwos wo3t slBk. iatsiicc ivard The " of "tygioeoioo tras roiUy la aaywrnr to an otthritUcoak called JDoaV are now v Jast an Invoice tfcr mi m tVt iaTtted by aa ewhxage to .civt Vr wt i netc pot fcwsrd ly Ui ojpasi-tk- a nxeptstlTiccin - &o- reeard to things that ther hottM do. TVe Forte., CTi-- (ft sr fe T.UC twj tiaj th rotirfswai ot HOTTS ZXA5IELZD - Gsnl Da h cshoal a rccc diaajood is OyTtpeaoa Iroca th Miaijtrj- ci Wr. j Mter Xtifc TVeot Tcrteooor Kre Oi. oof thaa a good isatatioo. 9t9 . Csapscok nTjfd tt portfolio rnvnto Dlponnr3i TUT e rck i Oor o.Su Grsltl coatrsrr to Do trr to be atcttritte. not cmly (or your !ffltfnB5ntyLt" fcflJ.SP ELdBw & TKMlwBlmtliwiKtttWfcMiw ca Sal last. Kia hi fc Bowls own jifebai ja-aBi- Bl Slabs Toa-qc- tha sake yoar sex; - tfc ia ci the BHycaoJ3att6jQ3drrrtniniimwgj- sdrrcf. lfiniiry prsjJJ ia th? - Oiihixm iacapseitj- ol tho emale miad for acenracy iuta tiw CsnM ak3BSBBBM T rc toooKf --too, tooj W" ianaoa. H costailI that th BBvffVJSvOrH OUid rwuuiu b tr ti?t mt$ tspcotsH sad Tmvrcsthr th is a standard argruwat agaiast Ure eqttality PJIrV5SBRrB&OMSnaTnBTtr fnvucsrrrtnuxal'InlffA'um dfe 1HH CAST-IEO- N SINKS retcKic. whxKcoaUacc.'bi arscA ml. olthesese. foMJcrsl ix exact in looser cutters ; every CHnkOM mmtmtwmt ""mfsMPIMy. Wfeo6osy tm a ora4- - fordWvretloaCV) Frcaci Hns ym.tnnwUTmcini, X TVwo loo o of ISoroaHr. xt&k debt yea incur means loss to some one. n" i1MBbKA c J i esseasiil to th eatorpri, ia Tiew cl. th mBlmwttittowmaii JS"o-c- Goods oy Xiatc jaj.i'X v tils TSas tool ok tna ifco esumL Baveaa sttti&a aad ta Tsans probably to setae lees able than yon to Bia71 3 9m Ifilt eW terft SnM Uam. Sm Dtesy 11 a. B Plows, Too tmt M n l m Sort tx U trt rscr prferf axWiraHoa Breaking, Pttntrw sad Iight Steel o Do you answer yoar letters soon after IM iSooirjwa&faawT UJ Cun. tftSj,niiJ lad . ti anay in Franc. Gsenl Arrivl of the Iron Ships J 3fcMI r the UTcrr rrrcaTco rATTC.-- --vWrw XXtr nciiliritioa irasthe they are received and do try to reply io IlMd iije2iiwaaiisajcaducitths hocr, tiro with scene relation to their contents; "OpheUa," maVMMvlOifteiMroane(ht3f.uilvriKTtHtni)wrraMi BSBBflpBn Mills and Pumps a ramHingj leiier is a satire "Bordeaux," Agents for California Wind ssd it shocM &t csce 1m nadortain. iriUj " .?ocM to uitMUaC a ot ginag. the repaVKc ma npon year edncaboa. Clan ISIbw)HiAlnrul147VlwMcftlUllM)TiUfnUDa tarn 3B9BSmBfl twit when talk, keen hands and Grant" 4lJ 11 tklll. m ajfc, UwnXi Wi'JuseroCN, Jaa II. TVs Seeate rjesi jreasih ci S.KU.O0 jaen. JJo. Toa roar gMrtK(Ov5nt SB mi, trr. kMvtu UttTtnttiniUril nranmr! Onl la 3"HW FL-sILU- Hi ' iom 3SSMD Hi -- ES suu. W omm mtrrtStftt. Br JL H tilt fawn iy is secret dweasswe cf tbe Geatral Ijeiral ot th STesteenih Araj at rta rrrrrkMwn EHIb DH.ATJLIO Do observe : the facnlty ol observation, t' m "cmczi treaty. Seairrc XsBcr cf Cterp who eccsasad! tie his anar Ttieo.H.Davies&Co gmrl(totBiwjiiMtiMmi.iwVirrwwKiM,etaItrti)fcCWMnttUnMtiTu. rJPfSM AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. well cultivated. xaaVn practical men and tB --i n wMrtib.TTfaafitiao6.il!' 'fW who fa? dariajthFriayGifraiaa'rar sad wesaen. 1 it ml cr 3 5iij a bsbKyC tie wss ia thocixh sjaipsthr irith Feny"is -- -! . j - I -- ""r " Cutlery, Lamps, Chandeliers, Lanterns, Do mneh. Haro Bcceived by these Vessels I W faro a hfgtcwre, isi Sax:x- Sera: news, was aicao? tafiailed u Geaetal attach as inrurtanot to yoar rTyB t OOhMM Hoots Mil BP xxit pJIt rck fa cypitKc, CKapeaoa's Bind as to your body. And other Late Arrivals, sdnM.nanrf. KEROSENE OIL, ii tiw HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, lH9 ha atissat cktV spaa Wlitf blnsUj-t- D try to remember where yon patyoor OaVt-'B- Ferrr ia hb address treat tho Following : tfcs: the If wj is ?;. gloves and card case keep former XwmSmX trtitr ; the Detroit Cylinder Cups, Albany Cylinder Oiland Compound tfciccccittivttef the psat at caee. He aaaoaaced thai &imfmw&tmammxm immMI fwrc At IKiiiiiiai GoT-caai- : - mended ' z. the iaaaediaWj- to sad the litter filled. V rJrM Um twrrt. ttTafUw IM mnnH m M zujjJLzsztzM ,-- baTi; iateadd An Dry taaf IWTlrtgU tAm : Lubricating Oils of all Kinds. t to naii t. tie te syeets Do recollect that yocrhealthis more im-- sst Aof Goods wsasv M artaaa ratora Utf g sir Jl IVS 4efiTTvi t& &-- iif !'"fr H fcSirtcd tollmtta atf nwif5a. . rf - Nates acre i 12 - thaa ; esa Correspesde&K country will receive carefel atteatioR. tm roar jroa COXSISTKQ BC TART OF k:-"- tKS- frwa the tweiTMiji.Skj-C7&ir-- c?c eoi it wearied tS ea&e coaatrr- Pot caasnit mwmhm rirtftrrraxjux -: ! inia- - Vau:Mm Jiwiis a - n'titM "r "" toi.the frcsti--r cf the Chinese TrSyaiotepot wiu aiecarir llojTct Leoc C3oth aad oUr bnuxl of tkicsait JM .wit.m, TliaillgJ' Wb. 3 GEO. tk - '" ttoat, Cabkwted Co41oa, V.HI5GIXT. WOOD. vT - vBBjIH bMvlutMMblrt. SVAVJVJHv ret - ar IV 'JTj VWH . vAVMBMEV n. w BPUSBLJSei- -- v 'S wnniti imnwm N fcbJIV?TCrS1W '' - && U3ttoD,lolO quarter; iitiwmi. W. BLTNGIiEY & CO., i" wUFiw LxncaDocx. ttKrJIw riarm. all tsrKajt.m-- b J. lCTSSS Freed. Mf uxb twt . a.rcL F ToTti ,oi rfsGrriiEIo arJ t utecturcra of js: -- - . 1 . r TTAA2s-A- ! FITE CIGAES , ! .1 Mil , ntrejems- as rjuxa r n& sJU Smoking & Chewing Tobacco CUT TOBACCO Atk3. Smoors' Articles. TV atMt Sarca-Wi- a Sesntica- - "Xeaterdav. 3Ty cccSdecaal derk told cse pearaaces are dee to a slsrub liver. The Crnrrul !Ritortistnitnls. Fxtr OsaRt? HiTUt. FrBtrylvaBia. Courtliest:. HiaiU. Samatra. ltd that bs bad zivea it to yea, aad we kscw the red nose cf iasarity is radically different ia its Th grill dirtrce casa his rql ceuai to alcobcl-isr- danctercf tbctaU that were pud fsr.it,' arpearaace asd condition froa thitol a. . Date. Tobacw Fer Sale. 8 J8 ETiai Xbs 1 Lf tail iliciitcc "I waat Xr. Bxroes to tare tbe stead," eco-tiaa-Al Tbe color of tbeforxerisabrisfaterred, wtTtOIXtiO-13- ccszad fir ec-- el aUaish-pcrp- cfStnhAllhea SIMW Hr. Trier, "before be coaaiaiscs while that cf tha litter is taisre of le ihikes & Son, Cigars made to order from any Desired Leaf Tobacco. fees aai cf Sirah Altia fcr S1C.W4 pjr - Tbe cacse be redness a ce aaj- fsrtber. cast. cf ia the cdiiz-- arav-b- tc zxalh aliccv, U dats buiaa 3fr. Biraes tosk tie stead aad again dediaed cose cf inanity is partly innocent aad doe to cf taxii. was rasi by a x:2cr3 deaial by to where be cbtahed the a settling cf the Mood to pans cf tbe body. uHI cX atswer tie irzesscs Freeth & Peacock Slaraa cf the tnssefic-tic- v tii aJhai&itr aarnasf Tbatcf alcobolisa is what is called c, azc Dear u Ue a irri-taa- mrii. ft ue letter, ccalessxa wish to said T. ia cr a swelling cacsed by a cessteat ca S AND CIGARETTES XeBis l show." W.Fecte. by Enciifi, ibstiSdby a Chie pressir; qitstiio, nhat ia this case if cf tbe slaads cf the siio, dae to the No. cf by whics the Pear tie 23 Nuuanu Street, GRAND Kmat, tht fcaest gaannffT! 1. aaj in tie snteci. Tbe litter is in fict the OPENING! Her. Wife leSxa were aalax3j-b- j icerr s ces ci frpiy HONOLULU, H. I. OF bees dece ca tbe side cf tbe defeace." resell cf repeated ccsguticcs and changes a tbe rrodSK cf aa aBegtd If it be tie fact that Xr. Tyler has cade tie tissses, while the farmer is the result cf asi Gptl, bv lTLrJigitGcpJ fjrred steeaatioa of the UcoJ, which eld patients I cf'tbs this arreeeat aad Gsatpd's iijiatere ia nt to receive SU,i ect rerft cf tie toitfor'tiebiaeatcf Guaes.1 tiealac wfl. eftca resslte in aincne in the eatreaities of & Spirit THE MARKET the. tw- Wine jiccli wir, frr - dii-ja- ssmczs: clxxf SStoIetit stead," said Xr. Biraes ia st. the body." tjryrartstbe nhdirr cf tie cce2act asi tie "Bat if Ecacr ciders aa: to an- Dear TTtfe letters, fix with ref- ycr New o decceos.t swer tie qaesticc will teU all I kacw atcat t5mtral Hrrrxtistnitnts. lCEB,OElSrTS MUlineryGo i ds erence t to tie. . -- tie. arrearec ft." aest ssrfcusy. lie cccsatt...u it Xr. Siraes ties related baw be case in pos-- Offer for Sale at the YMAN ea- BROS., - AT 13 lice was a ccrrcpt cce terweea tas - sessSeg; tbe decarjeat. ecodedhg sayiag cf tie attcrsev cf tie cf bv tie df t3. aal be paid ?TJ, fer U to Jcta JicLasrb-K- r. 1ST UK rl br tie terns cf wifch G?el wis to tilt J.T.Waterhouse, Lowest S3arket Rates swear the g?it-r- cue tirccri. Itwas az-- Iff. S, WXULS or IBS TSLLyilCXICS- - George Goulet Champagne, in pis. and qts. SACHS, dicitedly tie hasiwnascf Xr. Tyler, risTrns;i'M'rnio. or tiik Sole Agents. isi (,i,i :irrri tii saarre ad tie srrarea: "VYisndidyoapay itr3 asked Foote. Chas. Farre Champagne, in pts. and qls. 104 Fort St., - - - - sizaare cfGasrel swera to aai ifeaazed as --OnSsrardsy.5' Honolulu iu by cee firTar with risfri-rwrtti- s. x&el Followins Goods Just Received Carlton Frere Champagne, in pts. and qts. aiirtrieii sbsx caziec by ltsccaKisc "At my hocse." BBftlXXIXR was by Xr. Tyler"i VxfhaiSKC tiat Fine Old Cal Brandy in Bulk, brira ilr. Foote thea called up Judge Tyler EX LITE ACB;TALS: ' tie wide tirij was a trsci Kea cp to to the stand and asked him to make a full Pure Virginia White Rye Whiskay, Geaeral King. KaUmeat of the whole matter. 1 Budneiser Lager Beer, pts. & qls. Tie Cfk. v detiH cfiacHicis casaeAal -- desired long time ago." began Blaok French. Merinos, On withtf-Uts-st a Saturday Next. October piase ia tiii rseisirabfe trhl, I wai"mVng the 25 is takes frca tie Cat of tie Tyler, "to nd oct who a Lux uJ wvr riccud f SiaJnadsca dibsriemenis of the money for the de tilts Tbt SOts. Hi on, ftrier detxHi are sivea ia tie Sirir.Lilies sx4 t HrtarT. "VLL ARE Ctrsjafe tie tie fence. A week aco last Saadsy my ZjxroHniGl CMti TlWe Cn IXVrTED".S xolJfccf saedx,bct came to myhocse and said that Ales. i lirified rrtrarta ccnti: trBTTfr:: to eijjir deri tie sciese wiici xrssfced so saaceisfiBj-te- t Captsin Ijees had tea completed proof that Ladies' & Gents "Underwear, there was an agreement between me and Beers, crirars arsis. Gmrl aad betweea me and 'Mrs. Pleas- -' Woolen &,Cotton Shirts, "Wines, IXDIA Xr.Bies rrrt if:ttfed a balky piper, did know RICE MILLS ince- - iTy clerk said that he cot whkh prrrei to be tie lSirri: of Sr'Siarau .isrso or anysach. srreement. Lees toH him 1 unci: hest Spirits, As be read seateace after ieateace im 3: dtVti the contract was in aa ianer de&k ia scd-d- ea Shirts and Collars, iato tie fi cf tie decS, tbere was a Tjv.5 cbp.1 bp rcnld White Linen cxrxessxc c nri av bin if Etc., Hie, ciaase t tie tie costes told knew my LATEST STTLKjii 0 aacss cf may ia tie cccrtewcs. Apv-f- al gtit-- lees Km that he JUwift a ku4 a4 for k it pncr Uut Ae'j cuts cierk r.A trouble wita me and be cnerea F2SiIm. Coectzr orckn solkitM f v i3exe fill cp3i tia rocc OJy 'Jx dear Wool Gol;. -r himS5,C00, togeitie2itis- - ITyderk! Liixc Ililj. triezfd ia4 sstrisuKrf: diatf- teoa ef GeoenI Bma were beard is !, Ottrtti ruiam I be rccceeded to read tie griTejt ciirjts tilt asked Ies whit he had to do with it; ALL GOODS GUARANTEED bid yet tees cade aracst azy ece cf tbe Lees replied that he had the disbursement Zdsrlngs and Insertions, IN NOTT, o eecasel ia tbe ease. of tha money and that he had paid oat a great deal, he usually got what ju xxcrrcrs xoxzsr. bet that had i rise lot or TSLEraosE to. r. 0-- BOX 353. 0 ctrcsiirr he wanted. My deri told me this. told Tbe iSecae Ek: that es I No. to tie ssUks Km fo have no oonveisxtion with Barnes nd, 8 KaahTunanu Street, a crui be readied tie potat ia tie to deal entirely SCOTCH TWEEDS, aSian: wiere ttetai Gazaad bad and Xee together, bat it tilt witn He said xsames turn arreoi to tesdtr fee tie bdy jiiirdsTfor r- - iiiraes. ttoi CM. AsXr. BirjsubeHcptiepbatosnpbic that Lmswis the agent of Air. Sharon New Designed Prints, , ccca-acs- and that they wznted to get possession of H ccpy cc tie trie eaect was cnir.c GmtTuiMjrf tetk & SHEET IRON WORKER Jcdse Saffivaa face keied Eke a tiarder the document. J'li deed; be torad fersrelT toward Trier, wba tex jukhia or mzs's acnes. English and Ameiran Goods SAMU1 tat wito, Ki face bcrisi ia bis iiaii. Fcoto -- told my that if there was snch 107, 109 & 111 abrrrtii. fcrss be beard I deri FREMONT STREET kcksi It wis tie cf a conspiracy 02 the part of Barnes, I too acntaocs to Jtcvrios. G, in all its branches ;U tbe charge, as! be kcksl cqaircsly free woaLl be jnstined in fixing up abogtts t Pltimbiitg, Txraixcijsco. Terry to to Tyltr tsc jb-.at- xc San iTsirKy sal aa ei? ccntrsct and .i3T:Trg the signatcre of Till KlCt VL EXI'EJa- - Tbe ealy fice tsat were a ssSe wis ilr. irar'-aiifW- it." Gcmpel Ili.. tn. r rM "Terry'j; be itcked back azd &rti ia bis chair Gcmpel to I sent for ilr. Gr. Gas Fittiiyg, tn Well Pipe, all sizes; . nrrom. ri irrxiiCKifti..wf r------,. toSd the whole conspiracy. He J. WAI.LER, wji a- - racisTrs ezpressis cc bis coatec-aac- e. and him IcraHyXrler cccld ccikeepKifiee gave me Ks sigmsicre and instraeted m? Tiivsmith & ecrered aay keser; be renaTed Ks baaii, aad Sow to write it. I practiced for a long Roofer, is zsrMzi fi UrgsJj HEltcs fts Rales for fe Bsife 4 CJwiiSs e Pc4sj. bis expresccc set Ms ecUeaja: at rtsi. He time and trraTrrdrcTT cp the contract ana Ale-- AND RANGES was liaiirj whi laater, iu fics as red as signed it. T?.t night my deri. Mr. ; my cmce got see tbe """ 1 saa, izd bis Use eyes ipirkHar. l.angnlin; came to ani BTJTCBDER k Tip Top, Palace, Flara, Mar, Contest, Giaadl'rlre. BE Ee Keced to le 12 bstter baaWtbia wbea ecctract- - He went to ilarchasd's and the roixownt n.x sixes: ! 1 Jaire SsSrna wis zti&rz bis dec tire. He there met Air. Barnes. He did not give TO TiMny tVv ife $ "Tirto4 r THE FEONT dafew wucdt to Fcce,xaitieatbit the doesment to Barnes, bet read & por-- begaa to bekbarpr. Air. then asxeu Xr.Birsa tioacfittohim. Barren BOON ccUs-es- A OBEAT av . tack was to tie scmr, aad be d Km what he would take for it. and offered sizes," A3D T &e44 IUUh a tBfc tfiif iter Pipe, all and laid on at bis readiar Uflbehid reicbedibe lis: Km fcr it. A feTaereniEgs later weed cf tbe aSdiii: myderimei Alr.Baraes at Ataithand's To the Honolulu Public "TsbccldEki to biTe ifr. Baraa take tbe asain aad showed btrr- - the agreement. Oast Iron and Lead Soil Pipe, stead sail Xr. Tyler rii5 slewly free bis said that he believed"the doca-- CONSIGNMENTS OP PADDY SOLICITED. rfaTi -"X7"e&X. ' w.; sss&i-rt- s; Beef. lisbing' Good's, aU kinds; "Win. AI. &JREEJN "WOOD- - ,sJsaeswbii,w gJeefnljrpresaca ca Mr. Barnes's face MUTT01T, POEK, & FISH! wfcsa he saw the agreement. On Friday M .-- "Iwc3iiliksti)eises5iscaaawered," CtKBinin rrlxxt PrrpriTttr cf ti he met 3Ir. Bsrnes sgain at Marchand's, KEPT rOB t DATS ATTEE BEISC KILLED AND GRADES, L Cl contrzet. fnmpj. Galtaaiied Iron. Sheet Copper, Sheet Lead. IKTJIAHHIMms.SorrmiHt.CJ. et aad he again showed him the "I tilat that TTter bid better decy tbe PATX5T DKT . jsets, Marble Sbbs and Bow, Enameled rjt," sail Xr. Evacs. OaSarcrdaTcrvclskwezt toMr.Bames's BT Wash Stands, 3Tew "Idesytiat lerer cade aa arrteseal ef hocaiand got S23JXO ia 500 and 5UD00 AIR KTTFKIGXBATOE. Uoods by tbat cbancler cc aay arreeaaat witi Xr. tells. stale rostiTely asain that 1 FKEsII Sfl'"'fOVES, Late I GtinirftitrjlrmrtnaltTTiaia Arrivals sri - fa G i'd," rttorted Tyler savxrely. never made any agreement with Mr. Gnm- KILLED XEAT9. To b 4 I of XE. WALLEK MAEKETS. s, Lamps, FROM IdeeKae to stste where I j:i tbe xrree-ear- ai, pei." ILanterns SAF FEAKCISCO, -- 11ANGES, ca tie ncd that I am aa attKasy-at-- h cBid voa ieH any one of this V asked aad that I wesH vislite bj cifciiixa to Mr.roo?'-- Metropolitan Marker, HEW YOBK & -- zB EHGLA1TD, eryeSfatif Idiscksed where I ectaased tie Tes ; I told Judge Terry of it. He Os Klis Stri yLol f alt 4r. Lamps, Ohaiuleliers, dscemeat," saai Xr. Biroa. saw me sign this memorzndcni, replied KUSSES ! ! x csajcinc avowal. Tyler, haldW up a n of tha whole City Market, AXD TKUssiS Ox rasa Stznc Received by Castle & Cooke' "I wffl say," saii Tyler, niat there has trsnsaeikm. 5 tees znateat rascabry aad cocaatC Did yoa get tha money V tie Inzd -- Hotel Street Market, Gonoral ALSO. TO ARJtm BT TTSWIXS OCE FHOS ABOVE PORTS. AXD t tbb ease that I ever beari ef-- TecrHsssc Xostr. Myderkgotthatjlpressme.' 3 kaow lefsrs kej wb is rcsTccsSrfe fer -- Mr. Trier's narration of the fsets.' Oa Hotel Simt-- HOUSE FURNISHING this, Xr. Barnes r nyseff." said Mr. Barnes, -- alihocgh it is fitted Eureka Market, To SoiB atJjOTTEST Xr.TyfersaHtiitbewiai!dtotafy. Ee with a eert3in amoont of eiaggwatioc 5TER 3t be JLtATS tocitbe ttizd azd stated that be bid never convinces me that this paper is a frand."' ! CO. cade xjt sash aeeaeat wui Gcr;el, lad --Xo decoy," interposed Tyler. HAIWWAHE GOODS wbT"wer. ; a Hawaiian Market, irf that be bad ret spekea to Gasptl fer twoyears doeo-me- nt res;adeeoT-- think that the Str-r- aaJfeear" be&re I Ol Ttnziin t- tbe dir be zset Ha fa ccert. is z decoy, and. believe that it was CAAIPJJELIr'js TV, Tf Awt V TT n-r- tt I SBff BLOCK, Suitable for Plantations,Gountry rMTtf a trick, and hope that Tyler got his - ivoice -- Stores I Chinese Market, FOBT Oyoo-t- u Co- of the Celebrated rarcred Barnes. share of money." ST3SEET. WUttr - did the Os Xni Street Ecfu4Fock. "I ret siite that." was post-psne- d tniiji S TTeH Farther hearing of the case Or riXlLIEV. .Sati-Itrt- dH jee lira tin?" OHcrvnilrfatShortot .otiaa4 whk imi till n--xi Fraiay, the 16th inst. tr-- TfciitB J tie fto.k for fut (ma, I oofial 1 Tes.laijaslii" csetlxnxc e Ue else U Vrchxn. Attestiom taJItil to Obt "Dsdyca wri tbe smij C.J. WALLER. FOR SALE. Tea Ti'.rt. ,f Red. Koto. vwlEv "Ki Gxeipsl sija isH" 2ed Bases isdicate either dispepsia cr Fowler's Patent Tramway, TRUSSES Improved will hPv "Sejiir." say tie doctors. "I ds act wish to be DIARIES, 1885! 1 Paris Ttbr dii it?" Dr. to XewTcrk ver sake aaderstood,' said Hi miltre a M x. rwu PLOW AT- - poa4 1Mb. M s.-- VH'ULT1"" ?V a,T sTiix. ,. erie "To catch slew hew raasey has a fnriIo, -- 'i'." . .t - BiraesaaJ IFora reporter leceatly, "as asserfej tiat oxra EJTTWSJKJ'SfS ??5 ;nA r, ? bees tali? n ia tiii ca&e. Ihm was red a ia itself alaoe is a nuk cf issaaity. tlao Factoiy. I54 arcSsd Xr. Biraes with tbe decaaaeat aai Bit wbea aceapaaied by tirid kiois, a defec- WithPatent Steel Sleepers . km- m w. ... -- a mm. - !!. imu t ' . - 'I bow each be piH ftr it," Tyler ibctried alee-- tive czrcslabca asd weak bean actico it cer-- J.M.OAT,JR.,&Co.'s. - - . . rwuw ."---r-" r .i. . LU&khnI.nr... J. uui 'llt.l IlitT. taialy is. Tbee are tbe syaitoas ef cbreoic OBntn Oano Celts. IOILITIES for ' "When -- Adjusting TRUSSES. - "-.- dH jort feara tbe cee-- isMaitj' oc celiacbctia, ia which ecpressire WU -- .. .. w . rr - tilt I est T)OWTEXA. rjUMIBJJUIXS. IIASCEItS wto4iioo.i tootoumtot- - tccUMuCqit naesr uxea sr. lurses. ryrrpletas predsciaate, aad tie peculiar a?-- tx--, Zx,. filfaulj Eitoatd it ite Crmtte OZxz ims . s JaurMl BBEwraaco DISSTOW-- C1XEHRA.TED SA'WS A3D 1TLIS, TT, SIZXS; k'!rt , r . - Fh hfCiwmi : rrrrr .- - .w & m treeer'MEpfet , k --ixj.ira.ijiiKCtjQJBfw.SVJ. ister fe CJo.. .' Best JsYjB Latest Improveiiieiits in Shelf Hardware olmnjj Sts., .g1!!!, !!! Tbe & 59 Wunann Sfc. sans tW- - vT:-.Zlr- . tfceEagfijilau. Tbe CtSatKjtesEa"rX "2Araca) Immwtrmmr . rv. iiMMfiTr cociried tbe siase box. she u xrHir-- SV4kl.rMi . iv tiH l to Efi toiai mteMr neeaeraM btiis, aad weva Haci Ttlret dreu witb dia- iitora ti pitrat ul t ooMie U AtStatc tottfcer afier a ibsrserb - 128 - ml EMeet brtterates cc tie low a diaaesd 1FortStreet ja. 3E 3E3 3Z - wilt ea-- lotks; KnrcTEU 1? ttT5T C3- 3D a be Aedie wUA toot slug be "- errscect ia Leeds XT nr tias L O O TuAUurta tkii tbe Gcussu ier buddies, aad ttort Cold w accx tie csrtt that were cbtired at tie tap Drinksfor young & old A HEW FACTOEY & BAKEXY IIMIlli9 be cfetsoL Ibe fiaau'i isiersil fn-n- c f bead; very iiflilif, fber Ox s of" steelVuc ke i exuids with s btidt jTes ccrered dk EKrenlruhciaJviikklicoor(sf.a fiiiitj with Uxalets. Tbe Hsts (tbe Act- ojrasio. sxt io toBsktc 'oral.; oricr. tabaWeiss. Br awKKat lifeeaiiKct ire C?xsts loili II I - inia wis Uacb tabs asd Ssaerkr Beer, : 10c per battle nTAFLE GROCERIES, Golden Gale, Star ft. Snpeifiie Flonr is jttled a Gasr HoliurFnpindUlfijniVctin Tttt. Iiei. Ej'aai ,ciiasodt ererywbere; bsfctlt DannsBy" R8t Betr, : lite, per Oil dia-Bc- kt4fle 11 ... !!. y, eo cA - II orarted ttaeb vtlret rscal ber Clioicest CaaUaicw ! in tmhM biCean JJfcCliinin Ltt fast tti gyfaiTc tmgt. tfqtWlim ,rya1iJM. s; - tsrsit, DMscaByj Spreee Beer, : Pure Perromery Perfumery ! OBW CQberbodJee,adiaeod 10c per bottle Sf IW 1 . 11 T tswtn cccb A UJ l! Jjl karo om lixj II, DtficioK Top - . . u is ber bur a vsnabt-- tbsrrtTcf briliiist mZfUXJLVZ Kerosene OilWe OfferTHEPAIACZ, and Gnarante gwot-- TLroo iVcrt lie ll nest pfamt jxd Perfumery ! ! See-b-ub) UAo?-MB- '. ttoMs. Tbe Gsa!u4 dsMsltbe(e oaJtoit Perfumery i ibW. . H J"Jf laowx. Tx7 cJcoxoc isil pxrtT Ox liooA. It carmotbebeatlbr rrnality or price: also, OiOKtan . rtt at hersfrV, a lUdc satis ttodded vueX xtnjUn ta3s 10c ocijos cxzjetVsl txt Wl Vanilla Chocolate Creams, tub ''SOrtBE. IOKO H web Tclrtt putilec; atxficf vhte fealbrx r4forixn.uUiMr nSIr oscecji Ulnt 5?,,E. "-- - - . zt Cocoannt VTjrCAS, a gtrad. oil aad above testt ItaMBMraat.1 . S o ler left sboalder asd a ber baxr. Tbe :"'fs. SsBoKoo.boi.Mu of Ceasiets de Bicb Vugtt, Jai u Females wm ia nccc!ibt-ito- e Candies! Gmsdies! ia barst dfe WOODWARD Ib&simicu tatiae tyfe of lie nc tar, with white airabccts rcesd tbe low Safar Eoaxted iUssesd HOLLISTISH OO, BROWN'S CELEBRATED r oe loScejdirt eraaje 4 PIANOS u seraofec xTerse-- Eastarlsass ia ber bair, , ebia-ebJ- CVl-- Sm&goi CREAM MKiTeaiy jancati, tarrcw, onreflxjfeof.tri. dak trieaed with Ciirtdirt Lnn! futnnUr CANDLES, great variety; Have Just Received the Tke Piaao; Sctt "?!"wHbatieaKstiraswEiabef lead Xce. TKftSe Gisaer, grasidtcrb-t- er 3CTSlrf BOS largest fkefe4 Hxtcb Orran ia ber beet Marsh-Mallow- s, tod T. Prir 0ro cf tie was 80ft wts ber Ent. Sbe ojed ia tbir-tj--w fcg&creiiii, 13 enrjs tu.'e; Smoke I I Lt ism beut-tbipe- Smoke Smokel naes, wiB33giantafcie,xaite3ses- - birbbfxe, ejes d, trussed Cum Drops, witb -- n J and " - wHts lies; fed featbeci ia JTMauinlMltiil. lm, BetaEMap of Honolulu!! A. H. l ia asm wealacr s&e it cts ber ttunuuCE ..''. coiisajcsireor RASEMANN. w naBweaMe iptwt, bair. Znoslm &mizrrl oon 11111 Cinn iStttt oa kuC O Cum Fruit Ion lens aai tbeveriietcf AH LOT OF uliTrWn.al&iliUili; of Or uta-roniii- x. r,rtn. MiiiaatvOma. An Um UoaoXoic frnk PERFUMERY arib Qfots al (beccd. tie testes wis wwt-- Clzmsc n4 ItbatOeCisutais a tester H Hioo Ix Price. in - fwivwfumitHZMaiiiiousiiOffrfa Streets. Lzses. Stees, Chnfet, Bledx. raraT neer liio. EFEB lXJIOllTED tbu xsy tber Etfiiifc jiefcL ntbtbelnx Is H2T Hearr T1TL Ent fci.s Itobert JDormolly. KCH VEMB5 CUE Or THE FLHH INTO THIS KIXUDOM, C0H1BI8RCU Hr&rzaLoaa-pssts- , Walxr-- tinejT-iT- f, msru niOT tie taSrf bser, aei wiat was tiec tbe ecccaca practice cf RUIxER eiixra rises. Shenuae LerrSr kg Pticces Is iba oSooti us koss, 11 cnMBnUt ITS t rrarrrt is frnrrfit diSnltKt be tint rr4-- JtLA'7CrajLa.'sruBi- - IS tt BOlt IRlltlC tljU. A1'. tbe is deeper . catered iato Orr Fifty DiJfereiit Odors of k: teroeftita.lstw TLrrce tbedowawarf the Celebrated nsMiiy nx tire. Her sees toa pub, be ccatssted it csal, ia were Visiting San Francisco MINCE PIES always Kmufacturer feet ansejtd wititreasy D3Tsicst,a3d ia Ut,3 frci UE!,L;f.n ""' tbe aiz.t eaa ex lis nae aacest el eHer wLicb AS ALSO i a KUMjaawuiraa-- t tie nj. Tie at tbe bisZialis ef tbe bad bees pat cur rnro totj jtoS-I"- " fcntoMhiga ebr haS iseafers ta Kew rca iato Iiimdborg 01 rf Teti Txcit z. Tbe oottnpirjsia prices Home - Bade Mince just iooss six ix.irrsas titi,irTccarfcildiTjitijj to tie .- - tbatEcaai Hawsuian Papers on Ifeat Manufacture. Hie For Solo Odor-Cases- , ! rf ibsuld tbe Gea-et-ta " AT at a Ccsb ocr hn4. DR. E. COOK WEI1, to tiieciihecstbecca Tbswbcat averafe fuct I5&J to 1554 u 63 THB OlriCB or THE luledand loiuid Order case benv fcsi tbe tfeka ef tie ijicarta; freas 15& ' Oe ttt Fancy Boxes, Bottles, TKirxs Watt SosftocM onC ncirj talSO, lb aiecuter. Tb nu.Uf fife trrtUtt Bktnlntrauto &c. izxisncr fifoExa. BlkitiscpaapoJalMtcla, sccss. rtatsnaun tie cccsaae by aaSoolUJUKacoxiaaaxcoottaoacw. Uc tetter rrateJ rbeGcM2o ,f flrrsbrtii. is S. F. Vy BwjoTtrray. C&fJSJ EsOUKBS & EEEETUU STS. tneasldc Merchant. sooBHavenaaTkiacutc iwumtr retrain is teiri a wislss tie oezt til onff a tbetr U ttaadard, psrUy 3B. Tcrxbatt use r wtack'L lecaace tbe Sood ef TtT,Ti.lmk,TfmuiinttAhSmiatmm 3BCOH3S. Hollister raxsns 27 Rgrstest bc3i a xew bm! Sew Wcrfd taJvnr, vbacb tad already crer. TaxXktl CoofntioMT ftnijCxt & Co., St, (Emiie EsSfEtg jcafraSat tacisasalvzjsBcceaixuTalscT - ' ic sale itig. sa 110 reread tbe CDEttaenl. 14b- tn uL,. - Tnr stajsd. ji : iMaj&,E. KCErsainfc I bcto EirjiiaJ, pattly because old ncrrtx sr. iitro3rBC4anf&iiaB:jLgao:cti t Elizibttfa'sena- - XHr A TmrtUter - so-- TetuiSSXE ' 7t- "' wx 1 JisuaHU Cor. &r.llmaut' ' St, andort aad Merchant St.

liriBiSilimaE.. m. Jt