I9imii Central Europe, to Courpma France, Bermaay Rort AOESTS FOB of Laj)Feet.I Asln Ready to Recatro Visitors

I9imii Central Europe, to Courpma France, Bermaay Rort AOESTS FOB of Laj)Feet.I Asln Ready to Recatro Visitors

ITSUSBK) ET ROBERT GRIEVE CO. T riYE DOLLARS PER AKKCJI "Z4TABLE IX XPrxJTCE. aaa ( rora (Hs? Fwt S ln oftm . la Aaraacv, aa- - tashrn. Cat. vn K'nU JWeai VcYtaet4.ptps.nrroM. asVswWadMeaatffoin whssk m fcr ar.l atnttsssmsata, na psMefttwtswnrwaoaorSO. oar a. m an itsowa mrlwisss.t. sMrtso-- s OBea in wrtk Hf whoa ordseW to. s na wt ao as I m Gntd Baililac. tS and 27 VOL. XX.-- tbssaet.TV.rIMrfMsrit5h.l.sisnl vMscraaatStroot. No. I) HONOLULU, - 1885. lOJfe fwrttsaeM Ike (Mien As'leao aos.rtaoamss,.! : Mxta mt j WEDNESB t JANUARY 2S. WHOLE So. Krlpipwi.a.ykmMlkykeakMa.,rNFaftsss LATEST .staaps FOREIGN NEWS Bnsinrss ifaria. IJusnttss (Tari)a. JUrthanittd (TariJs. lltcttyutiatl Mortis. TIE 0. S. S iUXCtt. SATIS TtV insurance Xatuts. Jnsnntnft yotitra. ofrtweawBte; JAX. 15. ED. fortign SACxAiaarrw, Jan. 15. Tfce EtpcMcaaa ltOFFSOIIAECLB A CO.. tsto ED. CROWE tie rioo LTosms asb eoxxraiox xxscEAim BIMIXOP CO.. 55. atotrt Seaa m.k a tteapi tofcrtai jaj B A 5:X;E!K S , Iloru uaA Slca Paiatox, Pa;7 Baaxsxv eta lla- 71ILFBpN B9fw arradervriien. UNION INSTANCE COMPANY & eriairtfwn. daa-kx- k H5Il,Ca.H.I aMsBTski ''"SAM UBXTS TtxtcrdjT, bat 1 UAWAJLAS ISLASIW NCiy So.rCT BUar Street. Bonolatn. far taa ItasratUa Islaads. Salpplcs ast) Cwnlwtii wifeect success. Tfce EDWARD tlOSOI.rl.C.it t L HCTly C, BREWER A 1 O or sax rn a sot sco. Smte.il ml diScrdty iisfc the PRESTOS. bKAWiKXC3I.A(K OJ-J- j" Vro-jtaa- Attorney astd ConaEwHsr ( C. A fassfeea Mseot, .atl jr "r reseteiieo tj&rri b Xr tad tie at Lv, lUBACF"tAUFCUH. SHrUtKBO.tit C tOLEMA.'t. xrgroeat fee made 1 BLACKSMITH AMD MAOHtMIST ERPRISEF hiatfcafklt ef Caer wrilems fiat ia icppvrt of it, -- SCiliiTnniiStiTt.HKS so TSEta joaars!::: w- - that elected a nrw Skfxlmsr, Csurlazo A OdTl tor tbolniBawallaa lataaaa. isooapoaATED, h. caoesTui ma. it Sesator TTCufcsjv a EeccMfcaa, joixx WATcsnoiM; 3ew York. Tork.. rcrsjly C. BBBXTKRACO lass MKRCHASTI rtwrfeat pre tern. Bath BsMtots. rteatallam SasMiOaofT. Ac COMMISSION lactiora oT tie ntPOSTES AXD DEALES rmrmT nq Skop oa A Cooke's, ty "Oi CASTLE & Deaecncy at cece. II Bias Mrtet. neat Cast WTT.T. HOHAianrR. COOKE. ACENTS 11 nutaasVfrMrooU Xisw Tark. reasoned that a rote tor ltXZCHAXSnz. a r. a. W For 1 th ll.wall.a IsUads. A aad " Wttrim if wecH irjuxe their standi as Democrats K Q frtrm. Baajfetttu B I rr nssi.i sL9Tc:BU0tS!aS.::Ursai JOHNKOTT. ALAEBA XEAB QCBEN STBEET. AOKBTofBrtsaca Board orCadsrTrrllers, JtfArces ctu 'ok. J at Trajfeisgtec. rBASKrosx-OT-Tni-Xii- Dealer of CaderwrJterr. hokth utrrun abb yzscijtms and Beithtr wsa disposed to Importor aad In Store. RaJlfea, J. HARDEE, Axeal of Yleaaa Board at Caderwrltrrs. dead-lec- JTTO Tke Cm'aerdal Bsaktn; Cev of Sydaey. Loadop. XVtml lloase Crockery. Glass aad : : Proprietor. break the fc at iscfe Faralsklartods. p Clalat Insaraaco Coatpaalra wlikla aaj sacrifice. Aeeat ts tah Tke Comatercial Baakla; Co. of Sydaey. Sydaey. Cklaa Ware. Practical 51 re tanks, Boaolala. B. I tjilasl tke Jarlr Znaurnnoo OompAnjf Sas Fxasosco, Ae:BswIcdcmats to Cos sucuoaortaraooToijoarasor uaoerwTiierswiii aaro . or eo.wdow A.tn r.DiwBrsan. 5 Jaa. 15. Etkt prepara-t- a trmctaxoc XAftoew Tke Eaak of Sew Zeaiaad. Aacklaad. aad Its extracting and to bo centled to by lis abort Ari to asks tkesa HawalUa CaratS J betas cade by SlreriS Hoffcn: fertile W3 Interior Q3t. Breajj. tr ia Ckrlstckarck.Iaedla aad WeUliitoa-Tk- e J. M. OAT & CO, BuiMinf. ralld. wt,T E.tabllsbod 1809. haajias ot ITrijfet lar LeBer, the. cccdeaeed Baak of Brttlk CoJaaala. Pwtlaad. Orecoa. Loft in A. F. Cooke Baildlar;, I J .S7-HM- COMMISSION MCRCHatnl Sew aad rialsk always oa baadrcs ITA l. straagter of Xkhelat Skerrett, at IS to--!. Tke; Asore aad Xadelrs. Islaads. of Xanaaa street. Iasaraaco Notice. Mf jKXv,ou narailforaM M.. Km rnnersca ra-- n. CCPOSTESS AXS SEAXESS XX KISS CASE "'jg-Har- d StoTtrarc-- d, Acenasalatsd Faad w kS. The neaSWd the fcja stsckkoiai. Swedes. Boaolala. B. I. asd Soft Cat tad lartoted laae which K7 ma KW. ass aastSfUt. iWiy AQE1T FOR TIIK BHIT15II For. Hctchisgt and "Wheeler dropped C!T eOs. rlau 6nm: Tk-- Caartered Baak of Loadon. Autratia aad Cklaa. o asrtniM a. rtrro. , crwwaaal was pat is 3 Flics f all descriptions made aad repalresL. TBK Xarlao InsarsaeoTottMav t Umlted aaa noxuiusED nxrr. uxxx uniaT PcaitJeo te-c- sealed, a esaal, in the W lj- BottkoaTofeokaaxl. Japaa. retttred taitractlooa to IBcsrssww the. Haioa of In Tnr. AUEXTS for tat madwlek Islsadn SQrOHA3 FCtTS, Aad,traasactaOeaeralw.qkt1-ltagiae- a. PIOHAXR 5TT. ATsT saraaco nctwera iioaoian aad rorts m la raeioe aa4 aad are aatboeiaed 10 lasaro afsmst fir oo FaToraftio iartheresdcfthecpperHerj he C ly eftha S.M. CARTER. GEO. LUCAS, Is now prepared to linfe roltrlr. at Us lowest ralsw Trtms GENERAL CocatjJail. About Candy Manufactory and Bakery t vita a special redactloa en fretrat per steamers rsr" Bttls uten la any nasi ot tho Islaads on Stone CGSSISSrW SEIfC!ll!3? fesrhcsl-r- ei Atiat to txio Ach3unrladc3uata to Con- U. IIACUFELD a: CO., bbck-border- irritaticca hare beea thku. 11 u.w ia?. ad VToodsa BalMlsurs. aad Bereoaadts stored tker. IXroBTEBw A3B BBAlEBS is. tracts TVrri GESEBAL COXKISSIOH JLSZITS. Practical CealKtiesar,FtSORMCook Xasar, CONTRACTOR & lttHly AzeatBrit ror.Bar t.s.Ca.. Llsalled lo Dw.mns lloase and Fararrnra, Ttaher. Coals n aed. bet the Sheriff is besie-- ed OOn t . raatry sal BUILDER by a hast ef P.X.S. Dwci. E4iii-- Brno), B. L W Qaeea Street. Boaolala. B. - ly TlBotelstreetlbetweea aad Fort, aty Shlpeln ha?TKrwHawtiaMteargoe40raAdfr repair arpKnitsfer special perraisaieas" 1B imn B HOFFSCBLAEOEB A to attesd KMUCXG H. BSSHE.1 CO.. ooain.Xo. T5 CaUaaaU ate the eaeea ties. CAJfTT.T.. K. A. SCIIAEFEK ic CO., 3. EMMEI.UTH & CO, AresiU lor the Hawaiian Islaads orncx ..A W. K. FIXE DriXTRANCE COMPANY. rB.ywrim-0- . Importers A Commission Merchants So. 5 Saaaaa Street, a m Pjlxixa, csadi-two- Jaa. 15. A taxi ahrsia- - e" 3 Booolala. BawaUaa Islaads. ly Tltrmltha suad PIomTaara. Sastlaxi StartM a rratx inmtmmuxsn obex a Pa!iic Amxo aL tk Coans the la hatixu Mutual Life DR. & iSurtFreTMlsthwshaatthe Bepnb- -c aa4Xuir of Iron Copper TTare, X polatsd Areata of aboro Coapany. art) pre-- New England Insurance Co. JORDAN CO. ?3l JJT &. CO., Baazes, Tla. Skeet aad keep csa Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, lis AgscexalcacSjcli isziaezt, andchil laBl. XJklE staa tiy oa kand a fall asaortmeat of Tiaware, Gatraa-- pattdta lasso ttsta YtnstarooaStaaoaad Brlek sorrow, PEOtTtyyiil , a. sassrMbasja. stored on or xtjj rtrrixa oi jwaris qaderway ia Ccadrai-nrcL- Bjraca. W o Sn-- i. a Trarir COMMISSION MERCHANTS tzed Iron and Lead Pipe. India Babbet Bose, Ac, Ac aad oa oreaaastlaa taerein. KICtxzJ..f Paris, rwnelruea :f B.I ?- aasfcualeraad SUgdaleaa, Aad Importers ot aad Dealears la Bay. Grala. aad waiy Esplanade, UodoIhIh, B. tAeatostfaroraalotenaa. For pastlealaro apply at Uo i .t costrort ATKD. swesaa.' Caa no wssarsatll - sad eeess to break SMITH XHTTRSXOX. , IMS Geaenl frodiiee. Boaolala. B. I. ly I. .. sciutriH a iu. tsn letter irnVsaallVeorj.awari.isla.1n'"f the inportaat State E. WUX1AXM, i allfosnU. oa ten cta cfCaaca. Here ia ATTORNEYS AT LAW. C WJUWlliHC-MACDEBUB- C 7 OtsVsi Purely VitwnlLift hnraact Cb.ia Kf"IT'. usrtul Faaca,iaeretnKtUeisKkeJjr W A. Kcarr. A. P. rarajBoa. IXrOETIB. TkAVUTACTU JtXS TTHOLSTKBES . Xaaatac.area all kinds of amtinin aaxtnrsr wHAii?ii ta eccar. bat ti Unilftt Slatai. mUCAtKstCKrTHW 9tB AXAI there wig be bet little bloodshed. s CT. KDnnrr & fetebsox. ASDDEALEaMH MBUldlntTs. rackarst. company, OIKKASSWur BBS. CLARENCE ASHTORD. ja.'T' 3JJS.-W- ' rats nrsiANCE already takes place in the in- -- ATTOB.XJ1TO FOaiiTORE OF EYtBT CSCRI?TIOJ, ?oUeita Inata oa taa satt ftTtraM TirsaJ ML A.'ttorm.oy. cteo.. orrice. so. IF Window Frames, OFBAXBCBQ ktYf BSJOK SETT OB CI" terior. SciUcItor, is tiABrxAsv stbeet. Ware-Boo- S4 Voss; "El Faraitare lo. Fort St. Sko t Kxaatple orBoa-Forrellnr- o ST Omtl-- B Siiismiaa Strwt, W Boaolala. B. I. ty tke old stand oa Botel Slrect. wines, tlllLWHW. ssrBaaCXABDABX. JtCsUII. rtaa Jaa. 15. The BerJia tT anff "" TVBC sad MaeArMre Issaml Tiro on tke losses, correspond- Bvnolah. H.I w promptly Aad all of Woodwork - 15SCBBA0K, tmr ent JUjZ f. o. Sana. L. ATacasros. Orders from tke otker Islands attended tx Uaii rials. ; - -- - - - cfthe Pat ftcaae saye that Ger-ea- ay "ST. ATJ5ZEX Itflily Btfrr4lUTBr ror ML CQlilSlrMrlES the UmilJiG. TV. O. SMITH ft CO. a. JAEBSa. Aseat tie Bawallaa Islaads t AniJlprfSioS mTKarTfoneI year. aiayoS J. CmaiKtlxl rejected proposal regardia; Egyptian At-La- Turning, Scroll and moiy Attorney avad Counsellor 3kXoX Mi Samig! s .vnaosi presBinms cnuiif rortey 1 year. Iloay. True m emiT eEsrtys. EaiBca. receatlr sabcitted to the Powers ActaowSrfsienij Stock and Real Estate Brekers, O. S. 3 Aaaaal premlans conrlnao Fosley a roar. 17 day. uriuixu br Arrat ' Ute cf Xa)tmi3it sw So. 38 Xerekaat St Braolala. B. L. ALL UIXDS or 4 Eaand, aad accepted the reciter proposal's ta lAlasc t OoAx ORIENT Aaaaal premlnsas contlnae rodey years ta itsys ribcatted by FRANCIS Carpenter and Builder Flanise, And Skwing, nanal premiams eontlnno roffey tv years 54 days tWia frr rpam UtrndtKa fm 4l sat I 99 Fraace, the latier eobodvmc K. HATCH. TELEPHONE xo. Sod. Xnaurnnoo Company 4r. the Eaaadal scheme which Moxtidne aad Tenanting. HASTTgRD. COWWIXTIUUT. : EEraad dlsiiectlv A; BU1LDIXSS I0YEO 1X0 WHO BILLS EfilCTO. Or 010,500,000! rejected at the SsjptiaaCasfereQce If. K.3IclATVnE BttOTIIKn, Attornoy at Iiatv. rfHlt tkr rlrratalllrt yHrm f ike Mkt7 T vUl ia Leedoa SoT V-- : 0Mi1.1s4.tL Paid Ihrougfi Agracy. prtJ-- Win MMTtMfMM df--f last spriag.

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