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Palaeozoic amalgamation of Central : an introduction and synthesis of new results from recent geological and geophysical investigations

J. A. WINCHESTER 1, T. C. PHARAOH 2 & J. VERNIERS 3 1School of Sciences and Geography, Keele University, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK; j. a. winchester@esci,, uk 2British Geological Survey, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Notts NG12 5GG, UK 3Laboratorium voor Palaontologie, Krijgslaan 281/$8, B 9000, Gent, Belgium

Abstract: Multidisciplinary studies undertaken within the EU-funded PACE Network have permitted a new 3-D reassessment of the relationships between the principal crustal blocks abutting along the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ). The simplest model indicates that accretion was in three stages: end-Cambrian accretion of the Bruno- Silesian, Lysogdry and Matopolska ; late Ordovician accretion of , and early Carboniferous accretion of the Armorican Assemblage (ATA), which had coalesced during Late Devonian - Early Carboniferous time. All these accreted blocks contain similar Neoproterozoic indicating a peri-Gondwanan origin: Palaeozoic plume-influenced metabasite geochemistry in the Bohemian Massif in turn may explain their progressive separation from before their accretion to Baltica, although separation of the Bruno-Silesian and related blocks from Baltica during the Cambrian is contentious. Inherited ages from both the Bruno-Silesian crustal block and Avalonia contain a 1.5 Ga 'Rondonian' component arguing for proximity to the Amazonian at the end of the Neoproterozoic: such a component is absent from Armorican terranes, which suggests that they have closer affinities with the . Models showing the former locations of these terranes and the larger from which they rifted, or to which they became attached, must conform to the above constraints, as well as those provided by palaeomagnetic data. Hence, at the end of the and in the early Palaeozoic, these smaller terranes, some of which contain Neoproterozoic ophi- olitic marginal basin and magmatic arc remnants, probably occurred within the end-Pro- terozoic as part of a 'Pacific-type' margin, which became dismembered and relocated as the supercontinent fragmented.

The SW margin of the , a broad zone incorporating the major shear the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) is zones forming the margin of the EEC, including traceable from the coast of Romania the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone in Poland, the to the mouth of the River Oder on the Baltic Sorgenfrei Thrust Zone in Sweden and the Thor Sea, despite being everywhere concealed Suture west of Denmark (Gee & Zeyen 1996). It beneath thick sedimentary cover. Further to the is marked by a major geophysical anomaly, NW the continuation of this suture bends separating the strongly magnetized East Euro- westwards, passes south of Denmark, and, pean Craton from the contrasting weakly mag- traversing the SE North Sea (here known as the netized crustal blocks to the SW (Banka et al. Thor-Tornquist Suture: Berthelsen 1998; 2002; Williamson et aL 2002). Pharaoh 1999) curves NW to meet the Iapetus The EU-funded Training and Mobility of Suture at a triple point junction 300 km east of Researchers (TMR) Network 'Palaeozoic Dundee (Pharaoh 1999). It is therefore arguably Amalgamation of Central Europe' No. one of the most prominent lithospheric features ERBFMRXCT97-0136 (PACE) was set up to of Europe. Originally defined by Berthelsen improve understanding of how central Europe (1993), as a collage of crustal blocks that sepa- was assembled. Despite the difficulties caused rates the more than 850 Ma old by the extensive post-accretion Mesozoic sedi- crust of the East European Craton (EEC) from mentary cover the main objective of the study the Variscan and Alpine mobile belts of western was achieved by collating the geological and Europe, the term TESZ is now understood to be geophysical evidence for the sequence of

From: WINCHESTER,J. A., PHARAOH,T. C. & VERNIERS,J. 2002. Palaeozoic Amalgamation of Central Europe. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 201, 1-18. 0305-8719/02/$15.00 9The Geological Society of London 2002. Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

2 J.A. WINCHESTER ETAL. collisions which produced the present configur- basement of Far Eastern Avalonia is provided in ation of crustal blocks accreted to central this volume by Verniers et al. (2002) and Europe. The sixteen contributions to this Samuelsson et al. (2002b). volume record aspects of the multidisciplinary Isotopic evidence from the Bohemian Massif work done, and are listed under five separate for the timing of ophiolite generation and defor- subject-related headings: (1) biostratigraphy mation (Marheine et al. 2002; Crowley et al. and provenance evidence; (2) isotopic con- 2002a) clearly shows that accretion dates for straints; (3) petrology and geochemistry; (4) these crustal blocks is much later than that of structural evolution; and (5) seismic traverses Avalonia, and that Devonian and Carboniferous and deep crustal structure. and collision of constituent blocks of Despite several co-ordination meetings of the the Armorican Terrane Assemblage predated Network, different shades of opinion remain. It accretion to the Laurussian supercontinent, is not the purpose of this volume to minimize comprising , Baltica and Avalonia. debates: indeed it is partly intended to empha- However, as observed by Aleksandrowski and size and focus on the main discussion points so Mazur (2002) individual crustal blocks within that discussion can continue to be made as broad the Armorican Terrane Assemblage appear to as possible. be continuous for long distances to the west, One important debate concerns the continen- negating suggestions that separate 'Armorican' tal affinities of the Bruno-Silesian Block and 'Perunican' blocks existed. More focused together with the possibly associated Lysog6ry studies of a single meta-ophiolitic body, the Mar- and Matopolska blocks of the Holy Cross Moun- ianske Lazne Complex, have produced differing tains in Poland. On one hand Cocks (2002) conclusions. A dominantly petrological study claims that there is no faunal evidence to suggest (Stfidrfi et al. 2002) has produced a different that these blocks were ever separated from assessment of the margins and affinities of Baltica, and that, since the discovery of late Neo- gabbros at the southern margin of the complex proterozoic ('Cadomian' or 'Panafrican') than that reached, by means of a mainly geo- deformed basement to the Uralides in the east of chemical study (Crowley et al. 2002b), even Baltica (Glasmacher et al. 1999), the presence of though authors are common to both papers. Panafrican-age detrital muscovites is not proof Clearly there is scope for more detailed studies of Gondwanan affinities. By contrast Belka et al. of these rocks, as also indicated by a study of the (2000) combined the presence of detrital mus- Sl~za Ophiolite (Floyd et al. 2002), which reports covites with a claim that some Cambrian faunas for the first time on pillow lavas in its discussion have an affinity with Gondwana. Both agree that of an otherwise well-studied ophiolite. since the end of the Cambrian these blocks were On the large scale structural interpretations attached to the Baltica margin. This precludes vary widely, usually reflecting the part of central any possibility of them being part of Avalonia, Europe with which the authors are most which was still attached to Gondwana in the familiar. Thus, based on considerable know- early Ordovician. Equally clearly any 'Central ledge, structural reconstructions provided in this European Caledonides' should not include the volume by both Aleksandrowski and Mazur, Late Cambrian Sandomierz Deformation (Sam- and by Franke and Zelainiewicz, present widely sonowicz 1926). differing models. A second debate highlighted is the affinity of Assistance is also provided by the abundance basement blocks accreted to the East European of seismic traverses. These reveal that, whether Craton, and how they may be distinguished. below the thick late Palaeozoic-Mesozoic sedi- Many papers continue to be published suggesting mentary cover in the Polish Trough (Grad et al. that, for example, Avalonian basement underlies 2002) or further to the NW beneath the south- parts of the Bohemian Massif (e.g. Finger et al. eastern North Sea (Scheck et al. 2002) an import- 2000). In this debate establishing the late Ordovi- ant feature of deep Central European geology is cian timing of the accretion of Avalonia to the shallow-dipping wedge of Baltican basement Baltica (Vecoli & Samuelsson 2001; Samuelsson which, attenuating steadily, projects far to the et al. 2002a) is a crucial piece of evidence that the SW of its sub-Permian position. This evidence basement of 'Far Eastern Avalonia' (Fig. 1) has shows that the major suture lines in Central Avalonian affinities, although rendered possibly Europe are shallow-dipping. A final survey, suspect with respect to the main part of Avalonia further to the west (Sintubin & Everaerts 2002) by the Anglo-Brabant Deformation Belt, charac- provides further evidence for the Lower Palaeo- terized by calc-alkaline magmatism (Pharaoh et zoic Anglo-Brabant Deformation Belt in al. 1993). Further evidence concerning the Belgium. Anglo-Brabant Deformation Belt and the likely Faced with these debates and the mass of Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 1. A map showing the distribution of crustal blocks and Palaeozoic deformation belts in Central Europe. Key to abbreviations: ABDB, Anglo-Brabant Deformation Belt: AD, Ardennes: ADF, Alpine Deformation Front; AM, Armorican Massif; BB, Brabant; BM, Bohemian Massif: BSM, Bruno-Silesian Massif: CD, Central Dobrogea; CDF, Caledonian Deformation Front; CM, Cornubian Massif: DR, Dronsendorf Unit; EA, Ebbe Anticline; EFZ, Elbe Zone; EL, Elbe Lineament: GF, Gf6hl Unit: HCM, Holy Cross Mountains: HM, Mountains; HPDB, Heligoland-Pomerania Deformation Belt: KLZ, Krakow-Lubliniec Zone; LU, Lysog6ry Unit; L-W, Leszno-Wolsztyn High: MC, ; MM, Malopolska Massif: MN, M0nchberg Nappe; MNSH, Mid-North Sea High: MP, Moesian ; MST, Moravo-Silesian Terrane; NASZ, North Armorican Shear Zone; NBT, North Brittany Terrane: NDO, North Dobrogea; NGB, North German Basin; Pom, Pomerania; POT, Polish Trough; R, R0gen Island; RFH, Rynkcbing-Fyn High: RG, RCnne ; RM, Rhenish Massif; SASZ, South Armorican Shear Zone; SBT, South Brittany Terrane; SH, South Hunsruck Massif; SNF, Sveconorwegian Front: SNSLT, South North Sea - Luneberg Terrane: SP, Scythian Platform; S-TZ, Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone; Su, ; TB, Tepl~-Barrandia; T-TZ, Teisseyre-Tornquist Line; VF, Variscan Front.

supporting data, much of it new, a co-ordinated the Amazonian link indicated by the inherited summary of the Palaeozoic Amalgamation of Proterozoic dates obtained by Friedl et al. Central Europe, reconciling the differences, is (2000). It was also necessary to account for the needed. In this introduction the lines of evidence series of oceanic openings and closures which cited in the remainder of the volume are brought produced the crustal blocks, and to explain the together in an attempt to explain these processes mechanisms controlling their sequential rifting as part of a more global framework. Compro- from the Palaeozoic Gondwana margin. This in mises have been sought where disagreements turn required establishment of a series of global appear to be fundamental; hence the suggestion models consistent with the geological histories that during the Cambrian the Bruno-Silesian of these microcontinental blocks, as well as Block may have acted as a 'bridge' between those of the principal continents, and these are Baltica and the Amazonian part of Gondwana - explained next. Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

4 J.A. WINCHESTER ETAL. Major accreted crustal block assemblages does not now prove a specifically Gondwanan origin for this crustal block. Furthermore, the The outline structure of central Europe north of existence of a late Proterozoic orogenic belt the Alpine-Carpathian Front and west of the along this margin of Baltica may indicate that approximate course of the TESZ has long been Baltica was still (albeit fleetingly) attached to known. Using evidence from geophysical com- Gondwana at the end of the Proterozoic, pilations, geological information provided by although strong faunal differences between deep boreholes and outcrops of Palaeozoic and Gondwana and Baltica show it was surely older rocks across central Germany and in the detached by the early Cambrian. However, Bohemian Massif, the principal crustal blocks Belka et al. (2000) show that the early Cambrian have long been distinguished. Recently sum- brachiopod faunal assemblages of the marized (Pharaoh 1999), they include Malopolska block mostly have Gondwanan Bruno-Silesia, Avalonia and the Armorican affinities with only a single Baltican species, Terrane Assemblage. Westonia bottnica, present, a conclusion dis- puted by Cocks (2002). With progressive intro- duction of Baltican brachiopod species and the Bruno-Silesia and associated blocks ingress of sediment derived from Baltican These comprise Bruno-Silesia itself and, partly sources during the middle Cambrian exposed in the Holy Cross Mountains, the (Jendryka-Fuglewicz 1998), the Ma~opolska Lysog6ry and Matopolska terranes. Further to Block must at that time have been adjacent to the SE and apparently sharing a similar Palaeo- Baltica. Actual docking is recorded by the San- zoic geological history are the Central and domierz Phase of deformation in the late Cam- Southern Dobrogea terranes and the Moesian brian (Belka et al. 2000). However, the absence Platform of southern Romania, the latter only of calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the Cambrian known from boreholes. Because it contains late succession of both the Bruno-Silesian and Proterozoic magmatic rocks in the sub- Matopolska blocks argues against them having basement, Bruno-Silesia was con- had a tectonically independent existence: it sidered by Moczydlowska (1997) to be a possible seems likely that displacement relative to eastward extension of Avalonia. At the time, the adjacent continents may have involved major presence of such rocks, sometimes termed strike-slip movement, and the conflicting faunal 'Cadomian' in , or more gener- evidence suggests that they acted as a link ally, 'Panafrican', was accepted as an indication between Baltica and Gondwana during the of attachment to the southern continents, col- Cambrian. In the Lysog6ry Block, Middle to lectively known as Gondwana. By contrast the Upper Cambrian rocks contain fossils which do Lysog6ry and Ma~opolska terranes were inter- not occur in Baltica. Inarticulate brachiopods preted as fragments of Baltica (Dadlez 1996: include forms with Gondwanan affinity (Belka Pharaoh 1996), because their Ordovician faunas pers. comm.) and trilobite trace fossils are iden- have Baltican affinities. However, a link tical to those from Gondwanan and peri-Gond- between the Bruno-Silesian Block and the wanan microplates (Seilacher 1983). Ordovician Malopolska Block is inferred because the Cam- faunas, well documented in the southern part of brian sequence on the latter has been inter- the Holy Cross Mountains (Dzik et aL 1994) preted as an accretionary wedge to the show essentially Baltican affinities, confirming Bruno-Silesian Block. If true, the two blocks that a connection of the Malopolska and Bruno- have always been closely linked. Initially the Silesian blocks with Baltica was established by presence of a Panafrican-type, late Neoprotero- the end of the Cambrian. zoic deformed basement, with evidence of Palaeomagnetic and structural data end-Proterozoic deformation, was taken as evi- (Lewandowski 1993; Mizerski 1995) suggest dence of a Gondwanan origin, as opposed to dextral strike-slip displacement of the Mato- Baltican, where, at the time, it was supposed that polska Block along the SW margin of the EEC. no Panafrican deformation had occurred. Provenance of clastic material, sedimentary However, the discovery of widespread end-Pro- history and palaeomagnetic data (Nawrocki terozoic deformation along the Uralide margin 1999: Belka et al. 2000) show that amalgamation of Baltica showed that the presence of Cado- of the Malopolska and Lysog6ry blocks was mian deformation was therefore not - attained during the late Silurian. However, the specific. Hence the presence of Cadomian-type presence of Devonian arc-related magmatism in basement in the Bruno-Silesian block and the the Jesiniky Mountains suggests that with SE- derivation of sediment in the Malopolska Block directed subduction on the NW margin of the from a 'Cadomian' source (Belka et al. 2000), Bruno-Silesian Block, its displacement along the Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


TESZ margin of Baltica may have continued Palaeozoic shallow marine sedimentary into late Palaeozoic time. sequence succeeded conformably by Devonian Where exposed, structures along the western terrestrial deposits: the 'Old Red Sandstone', it margin of the Bruno-Silesian Block are tectonic. has sometimes been called the 'Midlands Micro- They show highly oblique (dextral sense of craton' (e.g. Turner 1949; Pharaoh et al. 1987). shear) complex overthrusting to the east Boreholes in eastern England reveal that the (Moldanubian Thrust) in the early Carbonifer- Midlands Microcraton is bounded to the NE by ous between 350-330 Ma (Schulmann & Gayer a Caledonian deformation belt (Pharaoh et al. 2000). 1987; Noble et al. 1993). Late Ordovician calc- Attempts have been made to trace this junc- alkaline volcanic rocks are present within this tion northwards beneath the thick sedimentary belt and extend from eastern England to cover of the Polish Trough. Because of the thick- Belgium (Andr6 et al. 1986; Pharaoh et al. 1991). ness of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary The southern end of this belt is exposed in the cover rocks, this has proved difficult and contro- Brabant Massif of Belgium, and hence it has versial, and depends largely on the results of been termed (Winchester et al. 2002) the Anglo- seismic profiling. Both the Polonaise P1 and Brabant Deformation Belt (ABDB). The defor- TTZ profiles (Jensen et al. 1999; Grad et al. 1999) mation belt is inferred to have developed in show a clear change of mid-crustal structure early Devonian (Acadian) time above a zone of north of the Moldanubian Thrust, suggesting crustal suturing inherited from the late Ordovi- that it continues northward as a major feature cian soft collision of Avalonia and Baltica. termed the Moravian Line by Winchester et al. The presence of the ABDB questions whether (2002). In the TTZ profile the mid-crustal break the basement further east, NE of the Dowsing - illustrated is displaced eastwards compared to South Hewett Fault Zone - Lower Rhine Linea- Polonaise PI: this may suggest dextral displace- ment (Pharaoh 1999), is also part of Avalonia. ment of the Moravian Line by strike-slip faulting Pharaoh et al. (1993) suggested that this linea- between the two profiles, perhaps along the ment may separate crusts with differing struc- Dolsk Line (Grad et al. 2002). tures, juxtaposed by late Ordovician subduction, To the SEa possible link between the Moesian the inferred cause of the calc-alkaline volcanism Platform and the Bruno-Silesian blocks has been identified above. In this area the crystalline suggested. According to Dudek (1980), the basement is generally not exposed. Far to the Bruno-Silesian Block continues under the south, the 574 + 3 Ma Wartenstein Gneiss Carpathians to the SE, presumably as far as the (Molzahn et al. 1998), cropping out in the south Peri-Pieniny lineament (Carpathian suture). Its Hunsrt~ck at the SE margin of the Rhenish southwestern extent is also not reliably con- Massif and the 560 Ma Ecker Gneiss in the Harz strained, but Dudek (1980) supposed that it Mountains (Baumann et al. 1991), both lying extends to the Danube, approximately as far as south of the Variscan Front, may be the only the Krems-Vienna Line in Austria. Further work exposures of crystalline basement in this crustal is therefore needed to establish the relationship block. The typically calc-alkaline composition with the Moesian Platform and other crustal and late Neoproterozoic age of these gneisses is blocks in SE Europe. broadly comparable to Avalonian basement exposed in central England and hence, despite the presence of the intervening ABDB, the Avalonia basement of this area is generally linked with Precambrian and early Palaeozoic basement that of Avalonia. However, as so many pieces of exposed in central England, Belgium and crustal basement in both Avalonia and the western Germany is widely accepted as part of Variscides of Central Europe appear to record Avalonia, the Palaeozoic microcontinent late Proterozoic Cadomian deformation, it is the extending west as far as New England, and best timing of the docking of these individual crustal exposed in the Avalon Peninsula of Newfound- blocks with Baltica which is most likely to decide land, after which it is named. Avalonian base- their affinities. ment in central England, which typically consists Fossil evidence and sediment provenance of late Proterozoic intrusive, volcanic and sedi- data obtained from the G14 borehole, north of mentary rocks (e.g. Thorpe et al. 1984; Pharaoh the Caledonian Deformation Front close to & Gibbons 1994; Strachan et al. 1996) was, like Rt~gen, NE Germany show that sediments with the Bruno-Silesian Block, affected by end-Pro- clear Gondwanan fossil associations and Cado- terozoic/pre-Lower Cambrian deformation. mian mineral ages are first encountered in the Because this area has been affected so little by Ashgill. The presence of reworked acritarchs of later movements, and is overlain by a thin early Llanvirn age and peri-Gondwanan affinity in the Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Ashgill stratal sequences on the SW margin of Europe are in the Bohemian Massif, west of the the EEC (Samuelsson et al. 2002b) proves that Moldanubian Thrust. Here several different an elevated area was being eroded in latest crustal blocks have been recognized, though Ordovician time. Sediment provenance studies their relations to each other have been far from (Vecoli et al. 1999) show that the uplifted area clear. Of these, three have become widely recog- was part of the Danish-North German-Polish nized as distinctive: Saxothuringia, Teplfi- 'Caledonides' which formed at the NE margin of Barrandia, and Moldanubia. A fourth crustal Avalonia on its collision with Baltica block in the Bohemian Massif, Bruno-Silesia, is (Berthelsen 1992; Dallmeyer et al. 1999). Hence, recognized as having a completely separate geo- the timing of closure of the Tornquist Ocean and logical history and believed to have formed part Avalonia-Baltica collision must have taken of a separate microcontinent (see above), but place between the middle Caradoc and the distinctions between the histories of the other Rawtheyan. This interval of approximately 10 terranes have not been fully explored because Ma was apparently sufficient for the develop- for a long time it was thought that the palaeo- ment of the deformation belt separating the magnetic data from Tepl~i-Barrandia was typical North Sea basement from Baltica and its partial of the entire massif. Recent work (e.g. Franke erosion. The timing of this collision only slightly 2000: Franke et al. 1995) showing division of the predates Avalonian convergence with Lauren- Bohemian Massif into independently moving tia, based on evidence from Atlantic Canada blocks suggests that this is not valid. (e.g. Cawood et al. 1994), and the onset of Win- Numerous papers provide evidence of the dermere Supergroup sedimentation in the complexity of relationships between indepen- English Lake District (Cooper et al. 1993). The dent terranes of the Bohemian Massif (e.g. in basement to the southern North Sea (the South- the summary provided by Aleksandrowski and ern North Sea-Luneberg Terrane (SNSLT) of Mazur, this volume), but they generally lack Pharaoh et al. (1995) was probably an extension evidence of end-Ordovician/early Silurian of Avalonia, possibly separated from Avalonia collision seen in eastern Avalonia, and the proper by a small, perhaps marginal, oceanic Rheic Suture, interpreted to mark the southern basin. If so, the ABDB was an intra-Avalonian margin of Avalonia, is shown on most recon- mobile belt, perhaps developed in the Acadian structions to pass north of the exposed Palaeo- orogenic phase, when Avalonia was moulding zoic rocks in the Bohemian Massif (e.g. Franke itself on to the margins of Baltica and Laurentia. 1995). Though Early Devonian ('Caledonian', The lack of significant volcanism in the but historically and collectively termed Eo- Heligoland-Pomerania Deformation Belts Variscan elsewhere in Hercynian Europe, e.g. (HPDB) in either the passive margin sediments Faure et al. 1997; Shelley & BossiEre 2000)) on the Baltican side or those on the Avalonian metamorphism and magmatism has been side (with the exception of volcanogenic clasts in recorded locally in the northern Bohemian sediment which could have originated from Massif, it is mostly confined to high-grade meta- ashfall from distant volcanism) suggests that, in morphic rocks in the G6ry Sowie Block ((;SB) view of the earlier rapid northward motion of (Brueckner et al. 1996: O'Brien et al. 1997) and Avalonia, continental convergence was prob- the Mt~nchberg klippe (395-390 Ma: Kreuzer et ably very oblique. al. 1989: Stosch & Lugmair 1990) and may Finally, at the time of Avalonian convergence record some local tectonothermal and hence with Baltica, the Bruno-Silesian and related collisional activity between migrating platelets blocks must have formed a promontory. At the of the ATA, with subsequent exhumation. time of convergence, more easterly portions of Although often portrayed as an exotic fault- Avalonia may have been detached and displaced bounded block, recent results from the GSB are eastwards, lending credence to the accounts that not inconsistent with other parts of the West 'Celtic' (e.g. Avalonian) faunas in the Zongul- Sudetes. Although high pressure metamor- dak Terrane of Turkey (Dean et al. 2000: Kozur phism was initiated somewhat earlier than & GOnc~io~lu 1998). further west, as indicated by growth of meta- morphic (granulite facies) zircon at 402+0.8 Ma (O'Brien et al. 1997), other ages obtained indi- A rmorican Terrane Assemblage cate that further high temperature/medium The Armorican Terrane Assemblage (sensu pressure metamorphism occurred around c. 380 Franke 2000; Tait et al. 2000) is exposed in a Ma, with later minor stages around 370 Ma con- series of massifs across much of middle Europe sistent with a more widespread event in the from Spain to Poland. The largest and most Sudetes (Timmermann et al. 2000). Pre-400 Ma significant areas of critical exposure in central metamorphic events outside NW Europe Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

PALAEOZOIC AMALGAMATION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 7 otherwise seem to be almost entirely limited to earlier (from mid-Devonian onwards) and later the Anglo-Brabant and Heligoland-Pomerania dates, up to post-Stephanian age, are regularly Deformation Belts (Winchester et al. 2002), described as Variscan. In the West Sudetes where Baltican Lower Palaeozoic passive Carboniferous metamorphism is recorded as margin shelf sediments have been folded, thrust well as an earlier Devonian event, and the latter and eventually overridden by high-density crust was followed by tectonic exhumation of deeply- interpreted as Avalonian basement. buried crustal slices (353-350 Ma) and the Subsequent late Devonian high temperature/ superimposition of a greenschist to lower amphi- medium pressure metamorphism in the GSB is bolite facies overprint dated at 345-340 Ma). well-constrained by U-Pb monazite ages (van 4~ dating (325-320 Ma) suggests that Breemen et al. 1988; Br6cker et al. 1998; Tim- metamorphism was complete by the middle to mermann et al. 2000) and appears to be contem- late Carboniferous (Marheine et al. 2000), a porary with high pressure/low temperature timing supported by the age of deposition in metamorphism along the contact zone of the adjacent intramontane basins. It is these Saxothuringian and Teplfi-Barrandian blocks Carboniferous events which are generally con- between 380-365 Ma. In this event the orogenic sidered to reflect the docking of the amalga- wedge in the West Sudetes generally propagated mated ATA with the Avalonian and from east to west. In the Karkonosze-Izera Bruno-Silesian margin of the growing Lauruss- complex (central West Sudetes) this is shown by: ian supercontinent. The range of dates suggests a) early kinematic indicators in mylonitic ductile that collision was not a simple process: it prob- shear zones (Mazur 1995; Seston et al. 2000); b) ably began earlier where the accreting ATA first the decrease in metamorphic grade from garnet impinged on promontories, such as that of the zone in the east to chlorite zone in the NW Bruno-Silesian Block, and occurred later further (Baranowski et al. 1990; Kachlfk & Pato~ka west. 1998; Collins et al. 2000); c) the decrease of Deformation of the Laurussian margin as a 41)Ar-39Ar cooling ages towards the west result of this collision produced the only signifi- (Marheine et al. 1999); d) diminishing ages of cant late Palaeozoic deformation to affect both flysch sedimentation onsets towards the west Avalonia and Bruno-Silesia: the continuity of showing that tectonic exhumation was much this event has led some workers to equate the earlier in the east. In addition, pre-late Devon- Rhenohercynian deformation zone with that in ian unconformities occur in the central West Bruno-Silesia. The northern junction of the Sudetes between the Ktodzko metamorphic ATA is generally marked by the Northern Phyl- complex and the Bardo Unit (Hladil et al. 1998; lite Zone in Germany. However, ophiolitic frag- Kryza et al. 2000), while late Devonian coarse- ments assigned to the Giessen-Werra-S~dharz grained clastic sedimentary fills derived from Unit (e.g. Franke 2000), which are spatially exhumed metamorphic complexes to the east related to this suture, appear to mark the closure were deposited in syntectonic basins (Alek- of an early Devonian successor basin, the sandrowski & Mazur 2002). These processes, Lizard-Giessen-Harz 'ocean', which apparently which started in pre-late Devonian times in developed on the south side of the Rheic Ocean, the central West Sudetes (e.g. Hladil et al. 1998) and was, on collision, overthrust to the north, so continued until the Tournaisian in both the that the ophiolitic fragments resulting from the northwesternmost frontal parts of the West obduction of this successor basin are now Sudetic orogenic wedge, where mdlanges situated within the Giessen-Werra-Stidharz/ formed in the Kaczawa Complex (Collins et al. Selke Nappe, north of the Rheic Suture. The 2000), and in the metamorphic core of the Mid-German Crystalline High (MGCH) marks complex such as the Orlica-Snieznik area where the position of both, below the Rheic Suture late high pressure metamorphism produced eclog- Silurian-Devonian arc magmatism on the Aval- ites. This range of dates suggests that a plethora onian margin, and, now spatially superimposed of small-scale collisional events occurred, con- upon it, but above the south-dipping Rheic sistent with jostling of the small platelets of the Suture, Carboniferous age volcanism (Oncken ATA. 1997). Small magnetic highs seem to indicate a The term 'Variscan ' has been used to continuation of the volcanic centres within the describe the deformation associated with the MGCH eastwards into Poland as far as a point closure of the Rheic Ocean. However, this just NE of the Leszno-Wolsztyn High, cor- closure was complex, and although only younger responding to the location of the Moravian Line. Early-Middle Carboniferous dates (350-330 The metamorphism which followed the closure Ma) prevailing along the Rheic and Moravian of the Rheic Suture is Visean (350-330 Ma). As suture lines may relate to final closure, both it approached Laurussia, subduction was Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

8 J.A. WINCHESTER ETAL. south-dipping beneath the leading edge of the associated felsic volcanic rocks are shown by ATA, leading to the formation of an arc edifice Sm-Nd systematics and their REE distribution (volcanic rocks of the MGCH?) with its associ- to result from continued melting of continental ated oceanic back-arc basin - the Lizard- crust (Furnes et al. 1994; Pato~ka et al. 1997, Giessen-Harz 'ocean'. Subduction of this 2002; Dostal et al. 2000). Analytical results from successor back-arc basin occurred in Devono- the basic rocks, using a database of over 600 full Carboniferous time, with obduction of small analyses (e.g. Floyd et al. 1996, 2000; Winchester remaining fragments, now thrust on to the et al. 1995, 1998), argue that the magmatic range northern side of the Rheic Suture. is more likely to result from the interaction of an Still unanswered is the question whether the enriched plume with both asthenospheric and ATA included crustal blocks which converged sediment-contaminated lithospheric mantle with Laurussia further east, and were thus sources (Floyd et al. 2000). Although the volume accreted to the southern margin of Bruno-Sile- of magmatism preserved is smaller than younger sian Block. Because the latter area is over- plume-influenced magmatic provinces, it has printed by the Carpathian/Alpine movements, widespread correlatives in many parts of and basement inliers are well-scattered within Western Europe including the Massif Central the Carpathian arc, further work is needed (Briand et al. 1991, 1995) and Massif des Maures before this question can be answered. However, (Briand pers. comm.) in France and from NW rocks apparently subjected to Variscan-age Spain (e.g. Peucat et al. 1990). Floyd et al. (2000) metamorphism, often intruded by mid-Carbon- also suggested that plume-induced magmatism iferous post-orogenic granitoids, do occur can also explain the amount of heat needed to further east, south of the Bruno-Silesian Block, melt substantial volumes of lower crust to and are found both in inliers of basement in the produce the major granitoid bodies, and pro- Carpathians, such as the Tatra Mountains, and vides one possible mechanism for the fragmen- further east: there are for example reports of tation of the Armorican Terrane Assemblage 'Celtic' (e.g. Avalonian) faunas in the Zongul- (ATA) as it separated from Gondwana, and the dak Terrane of northwestern Turkey (Dean et al. repeated rifting of crustal fragments from the 2000; Kozur & GOnctio~lu 1998). In the Tatra Gondwana margin, including Avalonia and the Mountains, metamorphic rocks containing ATA. amphibolites with similar chemistry to those in On the basis of faunal distinctions and puta- the West Sudetes (Gaw~da et al. 2000) are cut by tive timing of rifting from Gondwana it has been post-metamorphic Variscan granitoid rocks, argued that the Bohemian and Armorican dated by both 4~ and Rb-Sr methods at Massifs were on separate microcontinents in the 300-330 Ma (Burchart 1968; Janak 1994). If middle of the Palaeozoic: to the former the term these rocks form part of the European 'Perunica' was given. However, the absence of Variscides, the distance of its eastward continu- any definitive collision zone between these ation is uncertain. crustal blocks, and the continuing uncertainty in In the northern Bohemian Massif extensive defining which blocks were rifting apart renders bimodal magmatism occurred in the early such distinctions putative at best. It is likely Ordovician, with bursts of magmatism continu- instead that the ATA comprised several related ing until the Devonian. Early, mainly acidic crustal blocks (though not as many as indicated magmatism of Cambro-Ordovician age (e.g. in the so-called Hun Superterrane, Stampfli Philippe et aL 1995; Hammer et al. 1997: Kory- 1996), which migrated towards Baltica en bloc towski et al. 1993; KrOner et al. 1994) shows calc- after rifting from their former peri-Gondwanan alkaline chemistry, which was interpreted by position. some as evidence for an arc or active continent margin tectonic setting (e.g. Oliver et al. 1993; KrOner & Hegner 1998). Others suggested that Global Models: the affinities and likely the absence of supporting geological evidence wander paths of the accreted mid- for an arc edifice at the time makes it more likely European crustal blocks that chemical characteristics of the intrusions were inherited from extensive melting of the Such models are necessarily speculative, as calc-alkaline Cadomian basement (Kryza & Pin much work remains to be done. In this section a 1997; Aleksandrowski et al. 2000: Floyd et al. series of sketch models are presented in order to 2000). Subsequent dominantly basic magmatism explain how the main crustal blocks became was associated with clastic basin-fill metasedi- accreted to the TESZ margin of Baltica, and mentary rocks, typical of magmatism associated their likely origins. These models do not draw with an extensional tectonic setting. Minor upon the wealth of palaeomagnetic data used by Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 2. Schematic reconstruction of the '' supercontinent in the late Proterozoic 600 Ma ago. Stippled areas are those deformed during the Panafrican event. Toothed lines represent areas of arc development or active continental margins Abbreviated microcontinent names are: ATA, Armorican Terrane Assemblage: Av, Avalonia; BM, Bruno-Silesia-Moesia; Car, Carolina: It, Italy: Pann, Pannonia; Tau, Taurus. others, notably Dalziel (1997) and Torsvik et al. Amazonia. In such a scenario the belt would rep- (1996). The models presented here are primarily resent a collisional zone rather than an ACM. In designed to be 'correct' in terms of the likely the opposite direction the ACM extends location of microcontinent derivation and through the ATA, shown adjacent to the north timing of accretion to Baltica. African craton as it lacks inherited 'Rondonian' An initial model (600 Ma) predates the ages, and other blocks thought to have separated opening of the Iapetus and related oceans and from their peri-Gondwanan positions later, represents the fleeting development of the 'Pan- notably the basements of Italy, the Pannonian notian' supercontinent (Dalziel 1997) resulting blocks, and the Tauride basement of southern from the continental collisions recorded by the Turkey. The presence of late Neoproterozoic Panafrican orogenic events (Fig. 2). This model minor ophiolitic fragments within this ACM shows the main pre-Alpine Central European (e.g. Scarrow et al. 2001) attests to the obduction microcontinents forming an active continental of successor basins and suggests that it originally margin (ACM) to the supercontinent, with the formed a West Pacific-type rather than Andean- Bruno-Vistulian basement and Avalonia both type continental margin. adjacent to the Amazonian craton, based on the A second model (Fig. 3) represents changes presence of inherited 1.5 Ga 'Rondonian' ages taking place at the end of the Proterozoic. It obtained from rocks in NE Austria (Friedl et al. shows a narrow, but widening Iapetus Ocean, 2000), Nova Scotia (Nance & Murphy 1994) and formed by the rifting of Laurentia in the early central England (Tucker & Pharaoh 1991). break-up of the end-Proterozoic supercontinent. Baltica is shown adjacent to Bruno-Vistulia, and Similar rifting of Baltica has occurred, with the the end-Proterozoic magmatic belt extending Brunosilesia-Moesia crustal block occupying a the length of the Urals, and into the Timanides position between it and peri-Gondwanan ter- is shown as an extension of the ACM. However, ranes. At this stage the Pacific-type margin of the if the orientation of Baltica at this time was as is supercontinent remains active, as recorded by claimed by Torsvik & Rehnstr6m (2001), it is voluminous calc-alkaline volcanism. possible that Baltica was situated on the oppo- The third model (Fig. 4) shows an Early Cam- site side of the Panafrican mobile belt from brian setting with the Iapetus Ocean now wide, Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 3. Sketch reconstruction of continental distribution showing the opening of Iapetus at the end of the Proterozoic at 550 Ma ago. Ornament and abbreviations are as in Figure 2.

Fig, 4. Sketch reconstruction of continental distribution in the Early Cambrian at 520 Ma ago showing the Iapetus Ocean at its maximum width. Ornament and abbreviations are as in Figure 2. In addition CLT, Chain Lakes Terrane: DT, Dashwood Terrane. Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021

PALAEOZOIC AMALGAMATION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 11 and a cessation of magmatic activity along the evidence for the attachment of the easternmost Gondwana West Pacific-type margin. Brunosile- part of the microcontinent is not secure. sia-Moesia continues to act as a bridge between By the early Silurian (Fig. 7), Avalonian Gondwana and Baltica, and the latter continent docking with the TESZ margin of Baltica is remains in middle to high latitudes, as indicated shown, with imminent closure of the relic of the by Torsvik & Rehnstr6m (2001). Iapetus Ocean between these continents and The start of the Ordovician Period (Fig. 5) Laurentia. Speculatively, the collision of Avalo- reveals several changes. Rapid closure of the nia with the Bruno-Silesian promontory has Iapetus Ocean has begun with subduction on detached its easternmost portion, which is now both the Laurentian (Taconic Arc) and Gond- displaced sinistrally: it could potentially form wana (Gander Arc, off Avalonia) margins. At part of the western Pontides, if 'Celtic' faunas do the same time Brunosilesia-Moesia is now indeed occur there. The ATA is now shown detached from Gondwana and attached to separated from Gondwana, while the Rheic Baltica at a location still far SE of its present Ocean is already starting to close, with subduc- position. Avalonia and the ATA remain tion along the southern margin of Avalonia, attached to the Gondwana margin, with shelf marking the earlier stage of volcanism in the sedimentation. Mid-German Crystalline High. The new ocean During the Llanvirn Stage (Fig. 6), renewed separating the ATA from the Gondwana margin arc magmatism marks the detachment of Avalo- is now the Proto-Tethys Ocean. nia from the Gondwana margin and its rapid By the early Carboniferous (Fig. 8), later, northward migration, narrowing the Iapetus southward subduction, marked by renewed vol- Ocean. At the same time a widening Rheic canism in the Mid-German Crystalline High, Ocean is developing between Avalonia and the illustrates the final stage in the approach of the Gondwana margin, from which the ATA is ATA to Baltica, also impelled by Gondwanan already separating as a series of linked blocks. convergence. Contact has already been made Avalonia is also depicted as migrating as more with the Bruno-Silesian promontory, with than one block, to allow for the possible pres- dextral strike-slip faulting along its western ence of ophiolitic material in the Anglo-Brabant margin, and detachment of the easternmost Deformation Belt, which would indicate that the Variscides, which are displaced eastwards by

Fig. 5. Sketch reconstruction of continental distribution in the Cambro-Ordovician at 490 Ma ago as the Iapetus Ocean began to close. Ornament and abbreviations are as in Figure 2. Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 6. Sketch reconstruction of continental distribution in the Llanvirn, 465 Ma ago as Avalonia migrated northwards. Ornament and abbreviations are as in Figure 2. In addition EV, Eastern Variscides; ZT, Zonguldak Terrane.

Fig. 7. Sketch reconstruction of continental distribution in the Early Silurian 440 Ma ago showing the accretion of Avalonia. Ornament and abbreviations are as in Figure 6. In addition Ar, Arabia: MGCH, Mid- German Crystalline High. Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


Fig. 8. Sketch reconstruction of continental distribution in the Early Carboniferous 350 Ma ago, as Gondwana and converged. Ornament and abbreviations are as in Figure 6. Kaz, Kazakhstan. sinistral faulting to form the Variscide basement ANDRE, L, HERTOGEN, J. & DEUTSCH, S. 1986. Ordovi- seen in Carpathian inliers and in the Zonguldak cian-Silurian magmatic provinces in Belgium and and Istanbul Terranes of NW Turkey. the Caledonian Orogeny in Middle Europe. Geology, 14, 879-882. These investigations, and the collation of information BANKA, D., PHARAOH, T. C., WILLIAMSON, J. P. and was supported by the EU-funded PACE TMR Network. TESZ Project Potential Field Core Group. 2002. no. ERBFMRXCT97-0136. The contribution of T.C. Potential field imaging of Palaeozoic orogenic Pharaoh appears with permission of the Executive structure in northern and central Europe. Director, British Geological Survey (NERC). Tectonophysics, in press. The editors would also like to give especial thanks BARANOWSKI, Z.. HAYDUKIEWlCZ, A., KRYZA, R., to N. Bakun-Czubarow, Z. Belka, A. Berthelsen, B, LORENC, S.. MUSZY?qSK1, A., SOLECKI, A. & Briand, R. Dadlez, W. D6rr, J. A. Evans, F. Finger, A, URBANEK, Z. 1990. Outline of the geology of the Galdeano, V. KachlN, G. Katzung, P. Krzywiec, D. G6ry Kaczawskie (Sudetes, Poland). Neues Laduron, P. D. Lane, A. Lassen, B. Leveridge, J. Jahrbuch far Geologic und Paliiontologie, Maletz, H. Maluski, P. Matte, R, Meissner, J. Menuge, Abhandlungen, 179. 223-257. S. G. Molyneux, F. Neubauer, M. Okrusch, S. R. BAUMANN, A., GRAUERT, B., MECKLENBERG, S. & Noble, F. Patoeka, C. Pin. L. Popov, R. A. Strachan, VIyx, R. 1991. Isotopic age determinations of N. H. Woodcock, R. Wrona, J. Zalasiewicz, A. crystalline rocks of the Upper Harz Mountains, Zela~niewicz and three anonymous reviewers. Germany. Geologische Rundschau. 80, 669-690. BEI.KA. Z., AHRENDT, H., FRANKE. W., SCH~kFER, J. & References WEMMER, K. 2000. The Baltica-Gondwana suture in Central Europe: evidence from K/Ar ages of ALEKSANDROWSKI, P. & MAZUR, S. 2002. Collage detrital muscovites and biogeographical data. In: tectonics in the northeasternmost part of the FRANKE, W., ALTHERR, R,, HAAK, V.. ONCKEN, O. Variscan Belt (Sudetes, Bohemian Massif): facts. & TANNER, D. (eds) Geological Society London, interpretations and open questions. In: WINCHES- Special Publications, 179, 87-102. TER, J. A., PHARAOH, T. C. & VERNIERS, J. (eds) BELKA, Z.. VALVERDE-VAQUERO, P., AHRENDT, H., Palaeozoic Amalgamation of Central Europe, WEMMER, K,, FRANKE, W. ~r SCHJ~FER, J. 2002. Geological Society London, Special Publication. Accretion of first Gondwana-derived terranes at 201, 237-277. the margin of Baltica. In: WINCHESTER, J. A., ALEKSANDROWSKI, P., KRYZA, R., MAZUR, S. PIN, C. & PHARAOH, T. C. & VERNIERS, J. (eds) Palaeozoic ZALASIEWICZ, J. 2000. The Polish Sudetes: Cale- Amalgamation of Central Europe, Geological donian or Variscan? Transactions of the Royal Society London, Special Publication. 201, 19-36. Society of Edinburgh, 90, 127-146. BERTHELSEN, A. 1992. Mobile Europe. In: BLUNDELL, Downloaded from by guest on September 28, 2021


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Provenance analysis of Ordovician-Silurian quist) suture beneath the southern North Sea. clastic sediments at the southwestern margin of Tectonophysics, in press. theBaltic Platform: implications for the timing of WINCHESTER, J. A., FLOYD, P. A., CHOCYK, M., closure of the Torquist Ocean. PACE Network HORBOWY, K. & KOZDROJ,W. 1995. Geochemistry mid-term review meeting, Copenhagen, Pro- and tectonic environment of Ordovician meta- gramme with Abstracts 13. igneous rocks in the Rudawy Janowickie VERNIERS, J., PHARAOH,T. C., ANDRt2, L., DEBACKER, Complex, SW Poland. Journal of the Geological T., DE Vos, M., EVERAERTS, M., HERBOSCH, A., Society, London, 152, 105-115. SAMUELSSON, J., SINTUBIN,M. & VECOLI, M. 2002. WINCHESTER. J. A., FLOYD, P A., AWDANKIEWI('Z,M., Lower Palaeozoic basin development and PIASE('KI, M. A. J., AWDANKIEWICZ,H., GUNIA, P. collision history of Eastern Avalonia. In: WIN- & GI_Iwlcz, T. 1998. Geochemistry and tectonic CHESTER, J. A,, PHARAOH, t. C. & VERNIERS, J. significance of metabasic suites in the GOry Sowie (eds) Palaeozoic Amalgamation of Central Block, SW Poland. Journal of the Geological Europe, Geological Society London, Special Society, London, 155, 155-164. Publication, 201, 47-93. WINCHESTER, J. A. & PACE TMR NETWORK. 2002. WILLIAMSON,J. P., PHARAOH,Y. C., BANKA, D., THYBO, Palaeozoic Amalgamation of Central Europe: H., LAIGLE, M. & LEE, M. K. 2002. Potential field new results from recent geological and geophysi- modelling of the Baltica-Avalonia (Thor-Torn- cal investigations. Tectonophysics, in press.

List of participants in the PACE (Palaeozoic Amalgamation of Central Europe) TMR Network

Keele University, UK J.A. Winchester (co-ordinator) P.A. Floyd M.A.J. Piasecki (decd 1999) Q.G. Crowley (visiting researcher) British Geological Survey, UK M.K. Lee T.C. Pharaoh J.P. Williamson D. Banka (visiting researcher) Ghent University, Belgium J. Verniers J. Samuelsson (visiting researcher) GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam, Germany U. Bayer C. Krawczyk A.-M. Marotta (visiting researcher) J. Lamarche (visiting researcher) Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany W. Franke W. Dtrr P. Valverde-Vaquero (visiting researcher) Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany U. Giese M. Vecoli (visiting researcher) R. Handler (visiting researcher) Copenhagen University, Denmark H. Thybo A. Lassen M. Laigle (visiting researcher) M. Scheck (visiting researcher) CNRS-Montpellier, France H. Maluski D. Marheine (visiting researcher) NERC Isotope Geoscience Laboratory, UK R.R. Parrish S. Noble J.A. Evans H. Timmermann (visiting researcher) A. Gerdes (visiting researcher) Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland A. Guterch M. Grad PGI, Wroclaw, Poland S. Cwojdzinski Z. Cymerman W. Kozdroj Wrodaw University, Poland R. Kryza P. Aleksandrowski S. Mazur CGU, Prague, Czech Republic V. ~t~dr~ J. Kotkov~i