JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 “To regulate the peaceful applications and management of ionizing radiation for the protection and safety of society and the environment from the dangers resulting from ionizing radiation.” FOREWORD

The Atomic Energy Council (AEC) is an Independent government regulatory body established by Atomic Energy Act, No. 24 of 2008, with a mandate to regulate the peaceful applications and management of ionizing radiation for the protection and safety of society and the environment from dangers resulting from ionizing radiation; to regulate the peaceful applications of ionizing radiation in the country.

AEC has a number of regulatory functions which include among others; Development of Safety guides, Review & Assessment of documentation; Inspection and Enforcement, Registration, authorization and Licensing; Monitoring of occupationally exposed workers; Radioactive waste management; Environmental monitoring; Formation of a Radiological Emergency and Response Committee; Nuclear Security.

Other than performing its regulatory functions, the Council made achievements which included; Establishment of cooperation with USNRC and TAEC, development of a strategic plan for Council, Radioactive contamination testing among others.

The Council’s major constraint to the implementation of its regulatory functions is funding, coupled ZLWK LQDGHTXDWH HTXLSPHQW DQG LQVXIÀFLHQW QXPEHU RI DGPLQLVWUDWLYH DQG WHFKQLFDO VWDII7KH Council will focus onstrengthening its regulatory infrastructure, enhancing local, regional and international cooperation and ensuring radiation protection, safety and security at facilities using radiation sources. The Council would like to thank the government and in particular the MEMD, IAEA, USNRC and other institutions and persons who have helped Council in carrying out its mandate.


ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 i TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD ...... i LIST OF ACRONYMS ...... i LIST OF FIGURES ...... iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... v 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Mandate ...... 1 1.2 Vision ...... 1 1.3 Mission ...... 1 1.4 The Council ...... 1 1.5 Council Committees...... 1 1.6 Organisational Structure ...... 2 1.7 Functions of the AEC ...... 3 2.0 REGULATORY FUNCTIONS ...... 5 2.1 Registration of Facilities that use Radiation Sources ...... 5 2.2 Inspections ...... 7 2.3 Licensing of Practices and Sources ...... 9 2.4 Occupational Exposure Monitoring of Radiation Workers ...... 9 3.0 CAPACITY BUILDING ...... 11 3.1 Human Resources: ...... 11 3.2 Staff Recruitment ...... 11 3.3 Staff training ...... 11 4.0 RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PLAN DEVELOPMENT ...... 14 5.0 INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION AND COLLABORATIONS ...... 16 5.1 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ...... 16 5.1.1 Country Projects and Regional Projects ...... 16 5.1.2 Expert Missions ...... 17 5.2 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission-USNRC ...... 17 5.3 TAEC Visit ...... 18 6.0 DEVELOPMENT OF REGULATIONS AND SAFETY GUIDES ...... 21 7.0 COMMUNICATION & PUBLIC AWARENESS ...... 21 7.1 JOINT SECTOR REVIEW 2012/13 ...... 21 7.2 Print Media ...... 22 7.3 NRM Cerebrations ...... 22 7.4 Radio Talk Show ...... 23 7.5 National Women’s Day ...... 23 8.0 FINANCES ...... 24 8.1 Capital Development ...... 25 9.0 PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR THE FY2014/2015 ...... 26 10.0 CHALLENGES AND WAY FORWARD ...... 26 11.0 CONCLUSION ...... 26 Appendix 1 ...... 27 Appendix 2 ...... 27 Appendix 3 ...... 28 Appendix 4 ...... 28 Appendix 5 ...... 30 Appendix 6 ...... 32 Appendix 7 ...... 33 Appendix 8 ...... 34 Appendix 9 ...... 35 Appendix 10 ...... 38 Appendix 11 ...... 41 ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 ii LIST OF FIGURES

Table 1: Registered Radiation Generating Devices...... 6 Table 2: Radiation Generators by Category...... 7 Figure 1: $(&RIÀFHUGXULQJ,QYHQWRULVDWLRQRID0HGLFDO)DFLOLW\ ( Imaging Centre Ngabo road)...... 7

Figure 2: Trend of Inspection conducted as per Financial Years...... 7 Figure 3: Inspection of selected Medical Facilities...... 8 Figure 4: Inspection of selected Industrial Facility...... 8 Figure 5: Trend of Permits & Lincences issued per Financial Year...... 9 Figure 6: Trend of Radiation Workers Monitored per Financial Year...... 10 Figure 7: AEC staff in TLD reader training...... 10 Table 3: Summary of Trainning...... 11 Figure 8a: Agroup photo of participants during NORM training ...... 12 8b: A presentation by a staff from GSMD on the geology of ...... 12 Figure 9: AEC at the RASOD software update workshop...... 13 Table 4: Members of the EPR Committee...... 15 Table 5: Country Projects and Regional Projects...... 16 Figure 10: US NRC delegates with some Council Members in a meeting with the Hon. Lokeris Peter, the Minister of State for Mineral Development...... 18

Figure 11: Council delegation attending a discussion in Tanzania...... 20 Figure 12: AEC staff at the Exhibition at JSR...... 22 Figure 13: AEC staff at the 28th NRM Liberation Day Celebrations on 26th/01/2014...... 22 Figure 14: AEC staff at the Women’s Day Celebrations on 08/03/2014...... 23 Table 6: Source of Funding...... 24 Table 7: Annual Planned Outputs for 2014/15...... 25


AEA Atomic Energy Act AEC Atomic Energy Council AEC – RSS AEC Radiation Safety Standard AER Atomic Energy Regulations ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable CEO  &KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU Co-CP Co-Counter Part CP Counter-Part CT Computed Tomography G.O.U Government of Uganda IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IRRS Integrated Regulatory Review Service IT Information Technology KINGS KOREA International Nuclear Graduate School KINS Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety MEMD Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development NORM Naturally Occuring Radiactive Material NLO  1DWLRQDO/LDLVRQ2IÀFHU NSSF National Social Security Fund PAYE Pay As You Earn RAIS Regulatory Authority Information System RASOD Radiation Sources Database RPO  5DGLDWLRQ3URWHFWLRQ2IÀFHU RSC Radiation Safety Committee RSO  5DGLDWLRQ6DIHW\2IÀFHUV TLDs Thermoluminescent Dosimeters UHI URA Uganda Revenue Authority US NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission USDOE United States Department of Energy USOFARI Uganda Society for Advancement of Radiology and Imaging TAEC Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission


The mandate of Council is to regulate the peaceful applications of ionizing radiation so as to provide for the protection and safety of individuals, society and the environment from the dangers resulting from ionizing radiation. The use of atomic energy in Uganda is in medical, industry, agriculture, research and education institutions.


'XULQJWKHÀQDQFLDO\HDU$(&UHJLVWHUHGUDGLDWLRQVRXUFHVIDFLOLWLHVZHUHLQVSHFWHGDQG QRWLÀFDWLRQVDQGDSSOLFDWLRQIRUPVZHUHUHFHLYHGDQGDVVHVVHGOLFHQVHVDQGSHUPLWVZHUHLVVXHG 36 facilities were issued with 296 TLDs, 02 staff were sent for long term trainings, 02 safety guides were drafted and reviewed with experts from the IAEA. AEC also updated inventory of radiation sources which stands at 167 for radioactive sources and 503 for radiation generators.

:LWKWKHFXUUHQWVWDIÀQJOHYHOVDWWKH6HFUHWDULDWEHLQJVWDIIRIZKLFKDUHWHFKQLFDODQGDUH administrative, Council encountered a number of challenges that hampered the performance of its regulatory functions. These included among others; inadequate funding which made some of the planned activities not to be implemented, inadequate human resources, inadequate inspection and monitoring equipment, inadequate public awareness about safety and security aspects of radiation sources.

I would like to thank MEMD, development partners particularly the IAEA, USNRC, TAEC, USDOE, KINGS, .,16DQGRWKHUVIRUVXSSRUWLQJRXUDFWLYLWLHVDQGLQLWLDWLYHVWKURXJKÀQDQFLDODQGWHFKQLFDODVVLVWDQFH including training opportunities extended to us. Without this support, we would not have registered the achievements outlined in this report and overcome the many challenges faced during the year.

On the same note, on behalf of the staff of AEC, I would like to thank the Council members for their LQVLJKWIXOJXLGDQFHDQGVXSSRUWWKURXJKRXWWKHÀQDQFLDO\HDU,WKDQNDOOVWDIIPHPEHUVDWWKH Secretariat for their relentless dedication, resilience and innovation in developing the Atomic Energy Regulatory Regime to protect the public and the environment from the dangers resulting from ionising radiation.

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 v Lastly, I thank our clients who are the operators in facilities using radiation sources and all our stakeholders for the support they have given us to protect the public and the environment from the dangers of ionising radiation.

Its my pleasure to invite you to read this annual report which provides in greater detail, the achievements, GHYHORSPHQWVDQGFKDOOHQJHVRIWKH&RXQFLOLQÀQDQFLDO\HDU

Thank you,

Deogratias Noah Luwalira, %6F(G +RQV %&RP +RQV 06F0%$$&&$ $IÀOLDWH  SECRETARY & CEO, ATOMIC ENERGY COUNCIL

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 vi 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Atomic Energy Council (AEC) is a government agency established by the Atomic Energy Act No. 24 of 2008 with the mandate to regulate the peaceful use of atomic energy in Uganda. The Council has the responsibility to: provide for the protection and safety of individuals, society and the environment from the dangers resulting from ionizing radiation; provide for compliance with international safety requirements for the use of ionizing radiation, radiation protection and security of radioactive sources; and for other related matters within its capacity.

1.1 Mandate To regulate the peaceful applications and management of ionizing radiation for the protection and safety of society and the environment from the dangers resulting from ionizing radiation; to provide for the regulation of the development of nuclear energy for use in power generation in compliance with international safety requirements; and to advise government and other agencies on matters within the competence of the Council.

1.2 Vision To be a Centre of excellence in regulating peaceful applications of ionising radiation

1.3 Mission To provide for the safety and security of society and environment from the dangers of ionising radiation.

1.4 The Council The Council is the policy organ of AEC. The Council members are appointed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act No. 24 of 2008, Cap. 143, Laws of 8JDQGD7KH&RXQFLOFRPSULVHVRIÀYH  PHPEHUV $SSHQGL[ SOXVWKH6HFUHWDU\ZKRLVDQ([2IÀFLR PHPEHURIWKH&RXQFLODQG&KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHURI$(&7KH&RXQFLOJRYHUQV$(&RQEHKDOIRIWKH Government of Uganda. The Council’s functions and responsibilities are set out in the Atomic Energy Act No. 24 of 2008.

The Council convenes regularly as provided for by the Act and the roles of the Chairman and the 6HFUHWDU\DUHVHSDUDWHDQGGLVWLQFWZKLFKHQVXUHVWKDWWKHUHLVVXIÀFLHQWLQGHSHQGHQFHLQGHFLVLRQPDNLQJ The Council is committed to ensuring the highest standards of corporate conduct and accountability in accordance with the best practice principles of corporate governance and these principles are applied throughout all levels of AEC.

1.5 Council Committees The Council uses the committee system in running the Council. This means that most of the business is submitted by management to the Council through committees. The committees are constituted by the Council and governed by terms of reference developed by the Council. The committees have the mandate to make recommendations to the Council on all matters under consideration.


2. The Human Resources Committee (HRC) This committee guides the Council on policy matters of human capital policy such as: recruitment, retention, development, rewards, evaluation, promotions and discipline.

3. The Technical Committee (TC) This committee guides Council in policy matters such as technical infrastructure, systems of inspections, regulatory operations and requirements

4. The Audit Committee (AC) This Committee guides Council policy in its oversight role over such as internal audit quality,  FRQWUROVULVNPDQDJHPHQWÀQDQFLDOUHSRUWLQJWUDQVSDUHQF\DQGH[WHUQDODXGLWTXDOLW\

5. The Legal and Corporate Affairs Committee (LCAC) This Committee guides Council in policy matters such as legal matters, contracts, collaborations and partnership.

7KH&RXQFLOKDVGHOHJDWHGLWVDXWKRULW\WRFRPPLWWHHVWRGHDOZLWKVSHFLÀFDVSHFWVRILWVUHVSRQVLELOLWLHV Each Committee’s terms of reference set out its responsibilities, scope of authority, composition and procedures to be followed. The minutes of the meetings of these Committees are made available to all Council members on a timely basis.

1.6 Organisational Structure The governing body of AEC is the Council appointed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development (Appendix 1) headed by the Chairperson. The Atomic Energy Secretariat is headed by the Secretary / &KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHUZKRLVLQFKDUJHRIGD\WRGD\DFWLYLWLHVRIWKH&RXQFLO7KH6HFUHWDULDWLVWKH technical arm of AEC. Although the establishment of the Council is 51 employees only 21 staff have EHHQ UHFUXLWHG DV RI QRZ DQG D QXPEHU RI NH\ SRVLWLRQV LQ WKH HVWDEOLVKPHQW UHPDLQ XQIXOÀOOHG (Appendix 2 and 3). On the basis of gender and current establishment, 30% of the AEC workforce is female.

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 2


1.7 Functions of the AEC The functions of the AEC as per section 9 of the Atomic Energy Act No. 24 of 2008 establishing the Council are: D  7RGHÀQHWKHH[SRVXUHVRILRQLVLQJUDGLDWLRQWKDWDUHH[FOXGHGIURPWKHDSSOLFDWLRQRIWKH$FW on the basis of their not being amenable to regulatory control; b) To issue authorisations and grant exemptions for the possession and use of radiation sources; F  7RGHÀQHWKHGHWDLOHGREOLJDWLRQVLQFOXGLQJÀQDQFLDOFRQGLWLRQVWREHLPSRVHGRQSHUVRQVZKR undertake any practice under the Act; d) To conduct inspections to assess radiation safety and security conditions and compliance with  WKH$FWDQGWKHUHJXODWLRQVDQGRWKHUUHTXLUHPHQWVVSHFLÀHGLQDQDXWKRUL]DWLRQ e) To take such action as is necessary to enforce the requirements of the Act and of any Regulations or authorizations; f) To ensure that corrective action is taken if unsafe or potentially unsafe conditions are detected; g) To ensure proper documentation, storage and retrieval of records relating to the safety of facilities and activities of ionising radiation; h) To establish and inform authorised persons of any requirements for systematic safety reassessment or periodic safety review;

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 3 i) To prescribe and collect fees for authorisations, inspections and other related services; j) To advise other governmental authorities and organizations on matters within the competence of the Council; k) To assist in emergency responses to radiological incidents and accidents; l) To initiate, recommend or provide support on intervention relating to radiological emergencies, as may be appropriate; m) To maintain contact for information exchange and cooperation with regulatory bodies of other countries and relevant international organizations; n) To establish appropriate mechanisms to inform the public about the regulatory process and the radiation safety aspects of regulated practices; o) To monitor and appraise radiation workers, the public and the environment on the extent of radiation exposure; p) To ensure proper collection and dissemination of information and advice to the public generally, and to authorized persons in particular, regarding measures necessary or desirable to be taken to reduce exposure to prescribed limits; q) To perform any other function that is incidental or consequential to its functions under the Act.

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 4 2.0 REGULATORY FUNCTIONS AEC regulates practices that involve or include the production, processing, handling, use, holding, storage, WUDQVSRUWRUGLVSRVDORIQDWXUDODQGDUWLÀFLDOUDGLRDFWLYHPDWHULDODQGGHYLFHVHPLWWLQJLRQLVLQJUDGLDWLRQV LQPHGLFDOLQGXVWULDODJULFXOWXUDODQGUHVHDUFKÀHOGVVXFKDV a) Medical applications/ practices . Diagnostic X-ray Machine . Fluoroscopy units . Computed Tomography . Radiotherapy . Nuclear Medicine . Brachytherapy . Mammography . Dental b) Industrial . Nuclear gauges ( Moisture, Level and Density gauges) . Well logging . Baggage scanners . Industrial radiography . Industrial X-ray c) Research . Educational institutions . Agricultural research . Pest and disease control


2.1 Registration of Facilities that use Radiation Sources AEC undertakes registration of facilities that use radiation sources in order to establish the registry and inventory of radiation sources in Uganda for their safety and security, and for the purposes of ensuring regulatory control and planning. The Council commenced formal registration of facilities using radiation sources in Uganda in phases in August 2012. Phases1, 2 and 3 (Central region), 4(Western region), 5(Eastern region) and 6 (Northern region).

6XFFHVVIXOUHJLVWUDWLRQRIIDFLOLWLHVWKDWXVHUDGLDWLRQVRXUFHVLQWKHÀYHGLYLVLRQVRI.DPSDODGLVWULFWZDV completed in phase 1. Among other activities, the exercise involved capturing data on the manufacturer, VXSSOLHUVRSHUDWRUVDQGWKHVRXUFHVSHFLÀFDWLRQVOLNHPRGHODQGVHULDOQXPEHUV7KHFDSWXUHGGDWDLV then entered in the data base. The sources were also tagged with AEC stickers.

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 5

andand the the source source specifications specifications like like model model and serialand serial numbers numbers which whichcaptured captured data data willwill be be continuously continuously updated updated. The. The sources sources were were also taggedalso tagged with AEC with stickers AEC stickers. .

)LJXUH$(&RIÀFHUGXULQJLQYHQWRULVDWLRQRIDPHGLFDOIDFLOLW\ .DPSDOD,PDJLQJ&HQWUH1JDERURDG  FigureFigure 1: 1:AEC AEC officer officer during during inventorisation inventorisation of a medical of a medical facility facility(Kampala (Ka Imagingmpala ImagingCentre Ngabo Centre road). Ngabo road).

TheThe different different areas areas covered covered under under phase phase 2 are 2 Mukonoare Mukono, Buikwe,, Buikwe, Luwero Luwero and and Wakiso.TheWakiso. different The areas The registration covered registration under phase was 2was arealso Mukono, also done Buikwe,done in the Luweroin five the and (5)five Wakiso. divisions (5) The divisionsregistration of Kampala was of Kampala to to coverDOVRGRQHLQWKHÀYH  GLYLVLRQVRI.DPSDODWRFRYHUWKRVHWKDWKDGQRWEHHQUHJLVWHUHGDQGWRXSGDWHcover those those that that had had not not been been registered registered and toand update to update those thosefacilities facilities which hadwhich had acquiredacquired more more sources. sources. those facilities which had acquired more sources. DuringDuring the the second second phase, phase, a total a total of 1 4of facilities 14 facilities were wereregistered registered. . ADuringA total total the of second of 14 14 sourcesphase, sources a total (0 of sealed (140 facilitiessealed radioactive were radioactive registered. sources sources and 1 and4 radiation 14 radiation generators) generators) werewere registered registered in 14in 14facilities facilities (Appendix (Appendix 4). 4). A total of 14 sources (0 sealed radioactive sources and 14 radiation generators) were registered in 14 ThefacilitiesThe Atomic Atomic(Appendix Energy 4). Energy Act Act No. No. 24 of24 2008 of 2008 requires requires users usersof ionising of ionising radiation radiation to to notifynotify Council Council about about their their pract practices icesand andseek seekauthorization authorization from Councilfrom Council by by submittingsubmitting the the prescribed prescribed forms. forms. Through Through the registration the registration exercise, exercise, notifications notifications andTheand Atomicapplications applications Energy Act wereNo. were24 ofsubmitted 2008 submitted requires by users operatorsby of ionisingoperators radiationof radiation ofto notifyradiation Councilsources aboutsources and the and the inventoryinventory of ofsources sources (Appendix (Appendix 7) was 7) wasupdated updated. . their practices and seek authorization from Council by submitting the prescribed forms. Through the UHJLVWUDWLRQH[HUFLVHQRWLÀFDWLRQVDQGDSSOLFDWLRQVZHUHVXEPLWWHGE\RSHUDWRUVRIUDGLDWLRQVRXUFHVDQG b)b) Radi Radiationation Generators Generators RadiationtheRadiation inventory ofgenerators sourcesgenerators (Appendix are are 7radiation) was radiation updated. emitting emitting devices. devices. These These are used are inused a wide in a wide rangerange of of applications, applications, but butmostly mostly in thein medicalthe medical field fieldfor treatment for treatment and and diagnostics. These generators are shown in table 4 below. diagnostics.b) Radiation Generators These generators are shown in table 4 below.

Radiation generators are radiation emitting devices. These7 are7 used in a wide range of applications, but

PRVWO\LQWKHPHGLFDOÀHOGIRUWUHDWPHQWDQGGLDJQRVWLFSXUSRVHV7KHVHJHQHUDWRUVDUHVKRZQLQWDEOH 4 below. Table 1: Registered Radiation generating devices Table 1: Registered Radiation generating devices

S/N Generators Quantity 1 Plain X-ray 14 2 Dental X-rays 0 3 CT scanners 0 4 Mammography units 0 5 Fluoroscopy units 0 6 C-Arm 0 7 Smoke Detector 0 8 Baggage Scanner 0

The radiation generators were categorized as shown in the table 5 below:

ANNUALTable 2 REPORT: Radiation JULY generators 1, 2013 - byJUNE category 30, 2014 6 Category Quantity 1 0 2 0 3 14 4 0 5 0 Total 14

All the radiation generators were plain X-ray machines used for diagnosis in , clinics and other health centres.

2.3 Inspections

2.3.1 Radiation Safety Compliance

The law mandates AEC to conduct inspections using a risk-based approach to assess radiation safety and security conditions and compliance with the Act and the regulations and other requirements specified in the authorization issued by AEC. In this regard therefore, the AEC conducts announced and unannounced inspections and investigations designed to ensure that the activities it licenses are conducted in compliance with the Atomic Energy Act No. 24 of 2008 and the Atomic Energy Regulations, 2012, the conditions of the licenses, and other requirements. During this reporting period, inspections targeted facilities within Kampala district, some surrounding and upcountry districts. A total of 102 facilities were inspected (Appendix 5) for radiation safety compliance in the districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Mukono, Jinja, Soroti , Kumi, Buikwe, Iganga, , Rakai, Pakwach, Maracha-Terego, Koboko, Nebbi, Arua, Yumbe, and


Table 1: Registered Radiation generating devices

S/N Generators Quantity 1 Plain X-ray 14 2 Dental X-rays 0 3 CT scanners 0 4 Mammography units 0 5 Fluoroscopy units 0 6 C-Arm 0 7 Smoke Detector 0 8 Baggage Scanner 0

TheThe radiation radiation generators generators were categorized were categorized as shown in as the shown table 2 below:in the table 5 below: TableTable 2: 2: RadiationRadiation generatorsgenerators by by category category Category Quantity 1 0 2 0 3 14 4 0 5 0 Total 14

$OOWKHUDGLDWLRQJHQHUDWRUVZHUHSODLQ;UD\PDFKLQHVXVHGIRUGLDJQRVLVLQKRVSLWDOVFOLQLFVDQGRWKHUAll the radiation generators were plain X-ray machines used for diagnosis in KHDOWKFHQWUHVhospitals, clinics and other health centres.

2.22.3 InspectionsInspections 1Radiation Radiation Safety Safety Compliance Compliance The law mandates AEC to conduct inspections using a risk-based approach to assess radiation safetyThe andlaw security mandates conditions AEC and to compliance conduct withinspections the Act and using the regulations a risk- basedand other approach requirements to VSHFLÀHGLQWKHDXWKRUL]DWLRQLVVXHGE\$(&,QWKLVUHJDUGWKHUHIRUHWKH$(&FRQGXFWVDQQRXQFHGDQGassess radiation safety and security conditions and compliance with the Act and unannouncedthe regulations inspections and and other investigations requirements designed tospecifie ensure thatd in the the activities authorization it licenses are i conductedssued by in complianceAEC. In withthis the regard Atomic therefore, Energy Act theNo. 24AEC of 2008 conducts and the announcedAtomic Energy and Regulations, unannounced 2012, the conditionsinspections of the and licenses, investigations and other requirements. designed Duringto ensure this reportingthat the period, activities inspections it licenses targeted facilitiesare conducted within Kampala in compliance district, some surroundingwith the Atomic and upcountry Energy districts. Act ANo. total 24 of 92of facilities2008 andwere inspectedthe Atomic (Appendix Energy 5) for Regulations, radiation safety compliance2012, the in conditions the districts of Kampala, the licenses, Wakiso, Mukono,and other Jinja, Soroti , Kumi,Moyo Buikwe,. The Iganga, inspections Masaka, coveredRakai, Pakwach, both licensed Maracha-Terego, and unlicensed Koboko, facilitNebbi,ies Arua, and Yumbe, and requirements.included During medical, this industrial, reporting research period, and educational inspections institutions. targeted facilities within Moyo.Kampala The inspections district, covered some bothsurro licensedunding and and unlicensed upcountry facilities districts. and included A medical,total ofindustrial, 102 researchfacilities and wereeducational inspected institutions. (Appendix 5) for radiation safety compliance in the districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Mukono, Jinja, Soroti , Kumi, Buikwe, Iganga, Masaka, Rakai, Pakwach, Maracha-Terego, Koboko, Nebbi, Arua, Yumbe, and



During the on-site inspections, it was found out that a majority of the facilities meet the basic minimum requirements while a few were operating below the minimum requirements. After inspection, each facility was given a detailed inspection report that stipulated the findings, requirements and recommendations to be addressed by the facility within three months from the date of receipt of the inspection report. It was also found out that most facilities do not have Radiation Safety Committees (RSC) and Radiation Safety Officers (RSO) formally constituted


2.2.2 The major objectives of these inspections based on Atomic Energy Regulations, 2012 were to: a) Determine if the facility management complies with the administrative and management requirements and the requirements for the safety and security of radiation sources; b) Determine if the facility management ensures adequate occupational and public exposure protection; c) Verify protection and safety of the workers and the general public During the on-site inspections, it was found out that a majority of the facilities meet the basic minimum requirements while a few were operating below the minimum requirements. After inspection, each IDFLOLW\ZDVJLYHQDGHWDLOHGLQVSHFWLRQUHSRUWWKDWVWLSXODWHGWKHÀQGLQJVUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV to be addressed by the facility within three months from the date of receipt of the inspection report.

It was also found out that most facilities do not have Radiation Safety Committees (RSC) and Radiation 6DIHW\2IÀFHUV 562 IRUPDOO\FRQVWLWXWHGDQGDSSRLQWHGDVUHTXLUHGE\WKH$FWDQGWKH5HJXODWLRQV thereby compromising the safety and compliance status of such facilities. Some facilities are still operating without a license contrary to section 32 of the Act and these were TheparticularlyThe figurefigure asked below below to notify show show the Councilsome some AEC andAEC apply officers officers for authorisation. during during inspection inspection of of various various medical medical facilitifacilitieses 7KHÀJXUHVEHORZVKRZVRPH$(&RIÀFHUVGXULQJLQVSHFWLRQRIYDULRXVPHGLFDOIDFLOLWLHV

TheThe figures figures below below show show somesome AECAEC officersofficers duringg inspectioninspection ofof variousvarious )LJXUH,QVSHFWLRQRIVHOHFWHGPHGLFDOIDFLOLWLHV industrial facilities.Figure 2: Inspection of selected medical facilities industrial facilities.Figure 2: Inspection of selected medical facilities 7KHÀJXUHVEHORZVKRZVRPH$(&RIÀFHUVGXULQJLQVSHFWLRQRIYDULRXVLQGXVWULDOIDFLOLWLHV

)LJXUH,QVSHFWLRQRIVHOHFWHGLQGXVWULDOIDFLOLW\ 8 ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 FigureFigure 3 :3 Inspection: Inspection of of selected selected industrialindustrial facilityfacility

2.42.4 LicensingLicensing of of P racticesPractices and and S Sourcesources

UnderUnder the the Atomic Atomic Energy Energy Act Act No. No. 2424 ofof 20082008,, Cap 143143 LawsLaws ofof Uganda, Uganda, the the AECAEC is ismandated mandated to to license, license, regulate regulate andand establishestablish technicaltechnical requirementsrequirements for for all allnuclea nuclear-relatedr-related activities activities in in Uganda. Uganda. EveryEvery person person whose whose practice practice involves involves oror includesincludes the production,production, processing,processing, handling,handling, use, use, holding, holding, storage, storage, transporttransport oror disposaldisposal ofof naturalnatural andand artificial artificial radioactiveradioactive material material and and devices devices emitting emitting ionisingionising radiation mustmust firstfirst obtain obtain a a licenselicense from from the the AEC. AEC. AEC AEC providesprovides clarityclarity on regulatory expectationsexpectations and and oversees their activities to ensure that they are meeting the statutory oversees their activities to ensure that they are meeting the statutory requirements. 11 requirements. 11 The AEC uses risk-informed regulatory approaches to plan and carry out The AEC uses risk-informed regulatory approaches to plan and carry out licensing and compliance activities in order to establish appropriate regulatory licensing and compliance activities in order to establish appropriate regulatory requirements commensurate with the activities and the risk involved. For facilitiesrequirements or activities commensurate where withan incidentthe activities or accidentand the couldrisk involved. have severe For consequences,facilities or theactivities AEC whererequires an licensee incidents toor implementaccident could multiple have layers severe of defence,consequences, in order theto furtherAEC requires minimize licensee the likelihoods to implement of such multiple an accident. layers Thatof way,defence, if a safety in order system to further or program minimize fails, the others likelihood are in of place such toan keep accident. the facility That andway, workers if a safety safe systemand limit or program potential fails, emissions. others are The in place AEC’s to keepstrict the oversight, facility whichand workersincludes safeonsite and inspections, limit potential ensures emissions. licensees The areAEC’s operating strict oversight,safely and adheringwhich toincludes their license onsite conditions.inspections, ensures licensees are operating safely and Theadhering process to theirof authorizationlicense conditions. begins with submission of notification and applicationThe process form of as authorizationper section 32 begins and 34 with of thesubmission Act. In the of FY notification 2013/201 4and, the reportingapplication period, form a astotal per of section 63 notifications 32 and 34 ofand the application Act. In the forms FY 201 were3/201 received,4, the verifiedreporting and period, assessed a total (Appendix of 63 notifications 7). A total and of application 126 licenses forms and were permits received, were issuedverified (Appendix and assessed 8) as shown(Appendix in figure 7). A 9 totalbelow of 126 licenses and permits were issued (Appendix 8) as shown in figure 9 below 12 12

2.3 Licensing of Practices and Sources Under the Atomic Energy Act No. 24 of 2008, Cap 143 Laws of Uganda, the AEC is mandated to license, regulate and establish technical requirements for all nuclear-related activities in Uganda. Every person whose practice involves or includes the production, processing, handling, use, holding, VWRUDJHWUDQVSRUWRUGLVSRVDORIQDWXUDODQGDUWLÀFLDOUDGLRDFWLYHPDWHULDODQGGHYLFHVHPLWWLQJLRQLVLQJ UDGLDWLRQPXVWÀUVWREWDLQDOLFHQVHIURPWKH$(&$(&SURYLGHVFODULW\RQUHJXODWRU\H[SHFWDWLRQVDQG oversees their activities to ensure that they meet the statutory requirements. The AEC uses risk-informed regulatory approaches to plan and carry out licensing and compliance activities in order to establish appropriate regulatory requirements commensurate with the activities and the risk involved. Facilities or activities where an incident or accident could have severe consequences, the AEC requires licensees to implement multiple layers of defence, in order to further minimize the likelihood of such an accident. That way, if a safety system or program fails, others are in place to keep the facility and workers safe and limit potential emissions. The AEC’s strict oversight, which includes on-site inspections, ensures licensees are operating safely and adhering to their license conditions. 7KHSURFHVVRIDXWKRUL]DWLRQEHJLQVZLWKVXEPLVVLRQRIQRWLÀFDWLRQDQGDSSOLFDWLRQIRUPDVSHUVHFWLRQ DQGRIWKH$FW,QWKH)<WKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRGDWRWDORIQRWLÀFDWLRQVDQGDSSOLFDWLRQ IRUPVZHUHUHFHLYHGYHULÀHGDQGDVVHVVHG $SSHQGL[ $WRWDORIOLFHQVHVDQGSHUPLWVZHUHLVVXHG $SSHQGL[ DVVKRZQLQÀJXUHEHORZ


2.4The OccupationalAEC Act mandates Exposure the Council Monitoring to monitor of Radiation and appraise Workers radiation workers, Thethe AEC public Act mandates and the the environment Council to monitor on the and extent appraise of radiation radiation workers, exposure the public for andtheir the environmentsafety. In on this the extentregard, of theradiation AEC exposure continues for their to safety.monitor In this and regard, apprais the AECe radiation continues to workersmonitor and with appraise Thermo radiation luminescent workers with dosimeters Thermo Luminescent (TLD). DosimetersWorkers (TLD).are monitored Workers are monitoredusing TLD’susing TLD’s which which are are periodicallyperiodically read read (every (every 3 months), 3 months), annealed andannealed calibrated and for continuouscalibrated absorbed for continuous dose measurements. absorbed dose measurements. A total of 29 facilities with 267 radiation workers were monitored during the A reportingtotal of 36 periodfacilities (Appendixwith 296 radiation 6). From workers the were dosimetry monitored reports during deliveredthe reporting to periodthe (Appendixfacilities 7). beingFrom the monitored, dosimetry reportsthere weredelivered no to cases the facilities of absorbed being monitored, doses higher there were than no the regulatory limits to warrant further investigations. This shows that the ANNUALradiation REPORT workers JULY are 1, knowledgeable 2013 - JUNE 30,about 2014 radiation protection concepts and9 the optimisation principle by applying the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle of radiation exposure.


cases of absorbed doses higher than the regulatory limits to warrant further investigations. This shows that the radiation workers are knowledgeable about radiation protection concepts and the optimisation principle by applying the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle of radiation exposure.

The AEC acquired and installed a modern Harshaw TLD reader, Model 6600 The AEC acquired)LJXUH7UHQGRIUDGLDWLRQZRUNHUVPRQLWRUHGSHU)LQDQFLDO

)LJXUH$(&VWDIILQ7/'5HDGHUWUDLQLQJ Figure4: AEC staff in TLD Reader training. Figure4:Figure4: AEC AEC staff staff in in TLD TLD Reader Reader training. training.

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 10

14 1414


3.1 Human Resources Human resources management is the governance of organisation employees. It is also responsible for the human resource planning, recruitment and performance management (staff development and training, control systems, motivation and retention schemes, appraisal schemes, succession planning etc) in com- pliance with the labour laws.


3.3 Staff training AEC has streamlined guidelines and procedures for selecting staff for short term and long term training through the staff training committee. This Committee consists of four (4) members: Mr. Deo Noah /XZDOLUD6HFUHWDU\DQG&(20V1DNZDNX'RURWK\WKHRIÀFHDGPLQLVWUDWRU0U1LPEDVKDELUD1DWKDULXV (RPO) and Mr. Sekyanzi Deo (RPO). The committee sits to discuss suitable candidates for the trainings basing on the training needs of the individuals. The training policy enables eligible staff equal and fair training opportunities.

7RHQVXUH D FRQWLQXHG VXSSO\ RI KLJKO\ TXDOLÀHG DQG FRPSHWHQW VWDII WR VXSSRUW LWV PDQGDWH LQ WKH promotion of nuclear safety and security, the Atomic Energy Council training and development policy emphasizes both long and short- term trainings targeting skills enrichment. The policy encourages and supports staff to attain their maximum potential. Appendix 11 shows some of the long & short term trainnings that were undertaken by AEC staff.

3.3.1 International Trainings Long term training: Four (4) staff went for long term trainings (> 1year) as shown in appendix 11.

Short term training: Three (3) staff completed 3 – 6 months fellowship trainings in strengthening the national regulatory infrastructure and developing a national nuclear system to control radiation sources (appendix 11).

3.3.2 In Country Trainings Additionally, 14 staff attended one- week in country trainings. The majority of these short trainings were sponsored by IAEA in collaboration with AEC.

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 11

RASOD software update workshop

Staff of AEC participated in a training workshop on the updates of RASOD software which took place from 17th -19th February, 2014. The training involved upgrading of the RASOD software, entering data in the system, editing existing information, sorting and printing of selected items from the database.

Figure 7: AEC at the RASOD software update workshop

A training workshop at UNBS

Three staff of AEC: Mr. Ogwal Evans, Mr. Sekyanzi Deo and Mr. Kisaakye The summary below shows the type of training attended or being attended and the number of staff. John participated in a three day workshop held at the UNBS Offices. Table 3: Summary of Training

Duration >1 5 4 3 2 1 1 Year Months Months Months Months Month Week Number 4 1 1 1 2 1 14 of staff

a) Training Workshop on NORM A training workshop on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) was held from 2/12/2013 to 6/12/2013 in the Ministry’s Board Room A406.

The training workshop was coordinated by Mr. Ogwal Evans, an RPO at AEC. The workshop comprised of presentations by an IAEA expert Mr. Michele Laraia from Italy, AEC staff and a participant from GSMD.

The purpose was to give guidance on how to manage NORM residues arising from different types of industries especially in mining and pertinent residue management strategies and applicable technologies. 18 The objective of the workshop was to address management aspects of NORM residues, including their disposal as waste, in a wide range of industrial activities. During this workshop, it was recommended that AEC carries out the following activities on NORM contaminated sites.

1. Inventorization of the NORM sites 2. Categorization of NORM sites 3. Ranking and prioritization of the NORM sites.


FigureFigure)LJXUHD$JURXSSKRWRRISDUWLFLSDQWVGXULQJ 5 :5 :A A group group photo photo of of participants participants )LJXUHE$SUHVHQWDWLRQE\DVWDIIIURP*60'RQFiguFigurere 66:: A presentation byby aa staffstaff from from GSMD GSMD during during NORM NORM training. training. onon thethe geology of Uganda 1250WUDLQLQJ WKHJHRORJ\RI8JDQGD

ThereThere was 7KHUHZDVDÀHOGYLVLWWRDSKRVSKDWHPLQLQJVLWHLQ6XNXUXPLQHVLQ7RURURGLVWULFWRQRQWKHwas a afield field visit visit toto aa phosphatephosphate miningmining sitesite in Sukuru minesmines inin TororoTororo districtdistrict fourthon on 5/12/2013, 5/12/2013,day of the workshop. on on the theHere foufou somerthrth radiation dayday of ofmeasurements thethe workshop.workshop. were taken Here from sitessomesome quite radiationradiation far from measurementsmeasurements were were takentaken fromfrom sitessites quitequite farfar fromfrom the mine toto establishestablish thethe the mine to establish the background and later at the mining site. The measurements showed that the backgroundbackground and and laterlater atat thethe miningmining TheThe measurementsmeasurements showedshowed thatthat thethe radiationradiationradiation levels levels levels were were were within withinwithin the the theregulatory regulatory regulatory limits. limits.limits. TheThe partiparticipantscipants werewere fromfrom AEC,AEC, GSMD,GSMD, MakerereMakerere University, MbararaMbarara UniversityUniversityANNUAL ofof REPORT ScienceScience JULY andand 1, 2013 Technology,Technology, - JUNE 30, 2014BusitemaBusitema University andand GuluGulu12 University.University.

RadiationRadiation MonitoringMonitoring EquipmentEquipment--TLDTLD Reader,Reader, Harshaw:Harshaw: modelmodel 6600PLUS6600PLUS DXT DXT

AEC,AEC, through through the the nationalnational projectproject UGA9006UGA9006 requesrequested the IAEAIAEA toto provideprovide moremore inspection inspection andand monitoringmonitoring TheThe TLD reader waswas acquiredacquired underunder TC TC ProgramProgram betweenbetween UgandaUganda andand IAEA.IAEA. It was toto improveimprove onon thethe dosimetrydosimetry servicesservices inin thethe countrycountry andand aimedaimed at setting upup ofof aa NationalNational DosimetryDosimetry Laboratory. Laboratory.

InI nthis this regard, regard, staff staff were were trainedtrained onon thethe installationinstallation and operation ofof thethe TLDTLD readerreader at at Amber Amber House House BoardBoard RoomRoom A406A406 inin Kampala,Kampala, Uganda fromfrom 1010 --1212 DecemberDecember 2013. 2013.

TheThe training training was was attended attended by by fourfour (4)(4) technicaltechnical staffstaff of Atomic EnergyEnergy CouncilCouncil andand one one staff staff from from Makerere . University.


The participants were from AEC, GSMD, Makerere University, University of Science and Technology, Busitema University and Gulu University.

b) Training on the use of 5DGLDWLRQ0RQLWRULQJ(TXLSPHQW7/'5HDGHU+DUVKDZPRGHO  3/86';7

AEC, through the national project UGA9006 requested the IAEA to provide more inspection and monitoring equipment. The TLD reader was acquired under TC Program between Uganda and IAEA. It was to improve on the dosimetry services in the country and aimed at setting up of a National Dosimetry Laboratory. In this regard, staff were trained on the installation and operation of the TLD reader at Amber House Board Room A406 in Kampala, Uganda from 10 -12 December 2013.

The training was attended by four (4) technical staff of Atomic Energy Council and one staff from RASODMakerere RASODsoftware University. software update workshopupdate workshop C) Training Workshop for the use of 5$62'VRIWZDUHXSGDWH Staff of StaffAEC ofparticipated AEC participated in a training in a trainingworkshop workshop on the updateson the updatesof RASOD of RASOD Staff of AEC participated in a training workshop on the updates of RASOD software which took place th th th th softwarefrom softwarewhich 17th -19 thtook February, which place 2014.took from place 17 from -19 17 February, -19 February, 2014. 2014. The trainingThe Thetraining involvedtraining involved involved upgradingupgrading of upgrading the of RASOD the RASOD ofsoftware, the RASOD enteringsoftware, data software, enteringin the system, entering da taediting in datheexistingta in the information, sorting and printing of selected items from the database. system,Mr. editingGigasystem, Basilia, existing editing expert from information,existing Georgia information, trained sorting the staff andofsorting AEC printing on andnew upgrades printingof selected on of the selected featuresitems fromof itemsRASOD from th th the database.(ARISthe 1.5) database. from 17 -19 /02/2014. He highlighted on the new features under Inspections, Licensee and Authorizations.

)LJXUH$(&DWWKH5$62'VRIWZDUHXSGDWHZRUNVKRS Figure 7: AECFigure at the 7 :RASOD AEC at thesoftware RASOD update software workshop update workshop

d) Training of UNBS staff on the use of detection equipment A trainingThreeA stafftrainingworkshop of AEC: workshop Mr. at Ogwal UNBS Evans, at UNBS Mr. Sekyanzi Deo and Mr. Kisaakye John conducted a three day ZRUNVKRSKHOGDWWKH8JDQGD1DWLRQDO%XUHDXRI6WDQGDUGV 81%6 2IÀFHV Three staffThree of AEC:staff of Mr. AEC: Ogwal Mr. Evans,Ogwal Mr.Evans, Sekyanzi Mr. Sekyanzi Deo and Deo Mr. and Kisaakye Mr. Kisaakye The objective of the training was to equip Uganda National Bureau of Standards workers especially John participatedERDUGHUFRQWURORIÀFHUVLQWKHGHWHFWLRQRIUDGLRDFWLYHVRXUFHVXVLQJHTXLSPHQWVDQGZDUQLQJV\VWHPVJohn participated in a thre ein day a thre workshope day workshop held at the held UNBS at the Offices. UNBS Offices.

DurationANNUALDuration 2REPORT JULY25 1, 20135 4 - JUNE4 30,3 2014 3 2 2 1 1 1 13 1 years yearsmonths monthsmonths monthsmonths monthsmonths monthsmonth monthweek week Number Number4 14 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 14 14 of staff of staff

18 18


1. Section 57-62 of the Atomic Energy Act No. 24 of 2008, provides procedures for the establishment of National Radiological Emergency Response Committee (NRERC), its functions and the relevant stake holders, responsibilities of the operators during Emergency situations and the general components of emergency response plans.

2. Council participates in the IAEA Project RAF/9047 Strengthening and Harmonizing National Capabilities for Response to Radiation Emergencies in the Member States. Engineer Bezalel Kabanda, a member of the Council is the Project Counterpart. He attended a meeting in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from the 7th-11th April 2014 and submitted a report.

3. Mr. Sekyanzi Deo also attended a regional meeting on strengthening and harmonising national capabilities to respond to nuclear and radiological emergencies in South Africa, 10-13 September 2013.

4. The Auditor General in his Management letter dated March 4, 2014 Reference DCG 80/304/03 on the Audit of Atomic Energy Council for the Financial Year ended 30th June 2013 advised management of AEC to liaise with Council and ensure that Radiological Emergency Response Committee is established.

5. The Council solicited for nominations from representatives from the stake holder institutions as stipulated in the Act to nominate persons to constitute the committee as seen in table 4.

6. The full implementation of the Radiological Emergency Response Committee Plan can be a long process, which involves planning, assessing and implementation as well as a budget to execute it. In this regard, the following ministries, departments and agencies/organisations were requested to nominate one representative to be on the National Radiological Response Emergence a) Ministry of Health; b) Ministry responsible for information; c) Ministry responsible for disaster preparedness; d) National Environment Management Authority; e) Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces; f) Uganda Police Force; g) Uganda Prisons Service; and h) International Committee of the Red Cross 7. The following persons were nominated from the stake holders institutions as indicated in the Act and were appointed to the Radiological Emergency Response Committee by the minister (MEMD)

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 14

i) The following persons were nominated from the stake holders institutions as indicated in the Act and were appointed to the Radiological Emergency Response Committee by the minister (MEMD) Table 4: Members of the EPR committee 6.1 Table showing members of the EPR committee No. Name Organization /Institution Position 1 Mr. Deogratias Noah Atomic Energy Council Secretary & CEO Luwalira 2 Dr. Jacinto Amandua Ministry of Health Commissioner Health Services(Clinical Services) 3 Ms Stella Aringo Ministry of information (Office of Senior Information Officer, the Prime Minister) 4 Mr. Ogwang Jimmy Ministry of Disaster Preparedness Disaster Preparedness (Office of the Prime Minister) Officer(vulnerability & risk assessment) 5 Dr. Sawula Musoke National Environment Management Deputy Executive Director, Gerald Authority NEMA 6 Capt. John Rusoke Ministry of Defence Nuclear Biological Chemical Tagaswire Regiment 7 Mr. Abas Byakagaba Uganda Police Force Assistant inspector General of Police (AIGP) 8 Mr. Muzamilu Mugerwa Uganda Prisons Service Radiographer 9 Mr. Richard Balemesa The Uganda Red Cross Society Radio Manager

Each ofEach the ofabove the abovegovernment government agencies agenciesappointed appointedthe nominee the whose nominee name whose was presentedname the to the 0LQLVWHUAEC VR present WKDW WKHed FRPPLWWHH to the Minister LV RIÀFLDOO\ so FRQVWLWXWHG7KH$(&that the committee is VRXJKW officially WHFKQLFDO constituted. DVVLVWDQFH IURP the IAEAThe to AEC help thesought committee technical draw assistance the National from Action the Plan. IAEA The to request help wasthe consideredcommittee and an expertdraw was assignedthe National to handle Action Uganda’s Plan. radiological The request related was emergency considered issues. and an expert was assigned to handle Uganda’s radiological related emergency issues. Additionally, AEC requires licensees to have and implement their localised radiological emergency programmes.


AEC staff participated in many national and international technical projects and meetings to improve the safety and security of facilities and activities related to radiation sources. These projects and meetings address areas of safety and security of radiation sources. AEC collaborates with a number of international partners among which are:


ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 15 5.0 INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION AND COLLABORATIONS AEC staff participated in many national and international technical projects and meetings to improve the safety and security of facilities and activities related to radiation sources. These projects and meetings address areas of safety and security of radiation sources.

AEC collaborates with a number of international partners among which are:

5.1 5.1International International Atomic Atomic Energy Energy Agency Agency (IAEA) (IAEA) 5.1.1 Country Projects and Regional Projects 5.1.1 Country Projects and Regional Projects The IAEAThe through IAEA its through department its ofdepartment Technical Cooperation of Technical coordinates Coopera projectstion withcoordinates member states to provideprojects technical with assistance member instates terms to of provide training, technicalequipment assistance and advice. inDuring terms the of reportingtraining, period, a numberequipment of AEC staff and /Council advice. members During were the involvedreporting in coordinationperiod, a number of IAEA ofsponsored AEC staff projects as shown /Councilin table 5. members were involved in coordination of IAEA sponsored projects as shown in table 9 below: Table 5: Country Projects and Regional Projects Table 9: Country Projects and Regional Projects Project Title Description Counterpart or co counterpart RAF/9/042 Sustaining the Regulatory Dr. Akisophel Kisolo infrastructure for the control of public exposure RAF/9/047 Strengthening and Harmonizing Eng. Bezalel Kabanda and National Capabilities to Respond Natharius Nimbashabira to Nuclear and Radiological Co-CP Emergences RAF/9/051 Strengthening National Mr. Sekyanzi Deo Frameworks and National Infrastructures for the Control of Public Exposure and Radioactive Waste Management RAF/9/046 Strengthening Effective Mr. Katumba Moses Compliance Assurance for the Transport of Radioactive Waste UGA9006 Strengthening the National Mr. Deogratias Noah Regulatory Infrastructure and Luwalira-CP Developing a National Nuclear Mr. Katumba Moses Security System to Control Co-CP Radiation sources and Occupational Exposure

5.1.2 Expert Missions

The following experts were sent by the IAEA to Uganda: The IAEA sent one Project Management Officer in January, 2014 to review and assess the progress of all IAEA Country sponsored projects. x Three experts came in the country. One in August, 2013 to review ANNUAL REPORT 16 Radiation Safety JULY Standards 1, 2013 drafted - JUNE by the30, Secretariat2014 for medical practises, the


5.1.2 Expert Missions ,QWKHÀUVWTXDUWHURIWKH)<WKHUHZDVRQO\RQHH[SHUWPLVVLRQ0U-XVWLQ1JDLOHDQ,$($ expert from Tanzania came to help in the review of the medical safety guide which took place from 5th-9th August, 2013 The following experts were sent by the IAEA to Uganda: 7KH,$($VHQWRQH3URMHFW0DQDJHPHQW2IÀFHULQ-DQXDU\WRUHYLHZDQGDVVHVVWKHSURJUHVVRIDOO IAEA Country sponsored projects. . Three experts came in the country. One in August, 2013 to review Radiation Safety Standards drafted by the Secretariat for medical practises, the other two in December 2013: One was to train AEC Staff on NORM and the other to install and train AEC Staff on the TLD reader.

5.1.3 IAEA Advisory Mission to Uganda An advisory mission to assess the progress of the regulatory process in the country was conducted. Within the framework of the Technical Cooperation Project UGA9007, a team of IAEA experts; Dr. Ibrahim Shadad from IAEA, the head of the mission, Ms. Ritva Bly from Finland, Mr Faradally A. OLLITE from Mauritius and Mr. Reward Musekiwa Severa from Zimbabwe visited Uganda.

7KHPLVVLRQUDQIURPWR0D\DW$(&RIÀFHVDW0LQLVWU\RI(QHUJ\DQG0LQHUDO'HYHORSPHQW premises at Amber House. Programme arrangements were made by the Atomic Energy Council (AEC) which also provided premises, as well as the logistical and technical support for the conduction of the mission.

The scope of this advisory mission included the review of the regulations and guidance, regulatory ERG\ HVWDEOLVKPHQW DQG LQGHSHQGHQFHUHJXODWRU\ ERG\ VWDIÀQJ DQG WUDLQLQJUHJXODWRU\ ERG\ IXQGLQJ coordination and cooperation at the national level, and the global safety regime as well as the regulatory processes related to the establishment of regulations and guides, safety related records, authorization, inspection, and enforcement for all facilities and activities in Uganda, including the health sector, industry, transport, research, and import and export of radiation sources.

The team’s general approach for conduct of this mission consisted of reviewing available material on the regulatory infrastructure in Uganda as well as the documents submitted to the team before and during WKHPLVVLRQ7KHWHDPFRQGXFWHGDOVRPHHWLQJVDQGLQWHUYLHZVZLWKRIÀFLDOVDQGVWDIIRIWKH$(&WRJDLQ a better understanding of the regulatory control of radiation sources in the country.

During the review, inspections were also carried out at two facilities (Civicon and Aga Khan for purposes of sharing experience. Staff of AEC participated in all meetings and discussions. The team considered the IRRS report of 2007 as a baseline for evaluation and assessed the developments and changes which have taken place since that time. 2QWKHEDVLVRIPLVVLRQ·VÀQGLQJVWKHWHDPZDVDEOHWRDUULYHDWFRQFOXVLRQVDQGPDNHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV with reference to the IAEA safety standards and related IAEA requirements and guidance. . 7KH3URMHFW0DQDJHPHQW2IÀFHU,$($YLVLWHGWKHFRXQFLOWRHYDOXDWHWKHSURMHFWVVSRQVRUHG by IAEA. . Two safety standards were reviewed by an IAEA expert.

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 17

x xThe The PMO PMO visited visited the the council council to to evaluate evaluate the the projects projects sponsored sponsored byby IAEA.IAEA. x xTwo Two safety safety standards standards were were reviewed reviewed by by an an IAEA IAEA 5.25.2 UnitedUnited States States Nuclear Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission Commission--USNRCUSNRC

5.2The TheUnited Atomic Atomic States Energy Energy Nuclear Council Council Regulatory (AEC) (AEC) held Commission-USNRCheld a a collaborationcollaboration meetingmeeting atat Amber House Board Room C305 on 30th January, 2014 with United States Nuclear The AtomicHouse Energy Board Council Room (AEC) C305 held aon collaboration 30th January, meeting 2014 at Amber with House United Board States Room NuclearC305 on RegulatoryRegulatory Commission Commission (US (US NRC) NRC) delegation delegation (Sergey (Sergey and and Mark).Mark). TheThe purpose 30th January, 2014 with United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC) delegation (Sergey and of ofthe the meeting meeting was was to toassess assess the the inventorisation inventorisation and and discuss discuss thethe needsneeds of AEC. Mark).ThisThis The meeting purpose meeting ofwas the was meetingalso also awas afollow tofollow assess up theup ofinventorisationof thethe discussionsdiscussions and discuss held heldthe needs inin ViennaViennaof AEC. This in meetingSeptemberSeptember was also a2013 follow2013 betweenup between of the discussions US US NRC NRC held and inand Vienna UgandaUganda in September delegation.delegation. 2013 between TheThe US USUS NRC NRC and Ugandadelegationdelegation delegation. also Thealso USmet NRCmet Hon. delegationHon. Peter Peter also Lokeris, metLokeris, Hon. Peter thethe Lokeris, MiniMinister sterthe Minister ofof StateState of State forfor for Mineral Mineral DevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopment MEMD, MEMD who MEMD welcomed, who, who welcomedand welcomed thanked andthem and thanked forthanked the support them them tofor for AEC thethe under supportsupport the Radiationto AEC underunder the the Radiation Radiation Sources Sources Registry Registry Partnership Partnership (RSRP) (RSRP) Program. Program. Sources Registry Partnership (RSRP) Program. TheThe AEC AEC and and RSRP RSRP-US-US NRC NRC discussed discussed areasareas ofof cooperationcooperation onon sharing experienceexperience in inthe the inventoris inventorisationation ofof radiationradiation sources,sources, supportsupport in the Thedevelopment AECdevelopment and RSRP-US and and NRC implementation implementation discussed areas of of cooperationof standards standards on and sharingand regulatory regulatory experience oversightinoversight the inventorisation for safe of andradiationand secure secure sources, use use ofsupport ofradiation, radiation, in the development development and of implementationof licensing licensing and andof standards inspectioninspection and plansplansregulatory and oversightprocedures,procedures, for safe developmentand development secure use ofof ofradiation, software software development toolstools needed neededof licensing forfor and regreg inspectionulatoryulatory planscontrol, and procedures,radioactiveradioactive development waste waste management, ofmanagement, software tools supporting supporting needed forthe the regulatorydevelopment development control, ofof radioactivenuclearnuclear energywaste regulatoryregulatory roadmap roadmap for for nuclear nuclear power power program program and and carrying carrying outout jointjoint inspectioninspection management, supporting the development of nuclear energy regulatory roadmap for nuclear power exercisesexercises in inUganda Uganda and and USA USA among among others. others. program and carrying out joint inspection exercises in Uganda and USA among others.

)LJXUH8615&GHOHJDWHVZLWKVRPH&RXQFLO0HPEHUVLQDPHHWLQJZLWKWKH+RQ/RNHULV3HWHUWKH FigureFigure 8: US 8: NRCUS NRC delegates delegates with with some some Council Council Members Members in ina meetinga meeting with with the the Hon. Hon. Lokeris Lokeris Peter, Peter,thethe MinisterMinister of StateState for Mineral for Mineral Devel Developmentopment 0LQLVWHURI6WDWHIRU0LQHUDO'HYHORSPHQW a) a)RASOD RASOD software software update update workshop workshop

5.3 Scientific Visit to the TAEC $GHOHJDWLRQRIIRXU$(&RIÀFLDOVPDGHDVFLHQWLÀFYLVLWWRWKH7DQ]DQLD$WRPLF(QHUJ\&RPPLVVLRQ (TAEC) and its Central Radioactive Waste Management2323 Facility (CRWMF) from the 23rd-27th June, 2014.

The team included; Dr. Akisophel Kisolo – Chairman, AEC Eng. Bezalel K. Kabanda – Council member, AEC. Mr. Deogratias Noah Luwalira – Secretary & CEO, AEC. 0U6HN\DQ]L'HR²5DGLDWLRQ3URWHFWLRQ2IÀFHU$(&

2EMHFWLYHVRIWKH6FLHQWLÀF9LVLW a) To share experience with Tanzania regulatory body (TAEC) regarding the development and management of the radioactive waste storage facility. b) To identify requirements that will act as inputs for the development of a master plan and construction of a radioactive waste management facility in Uganda.

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 18 c) To discuss collaborations between AEC and TAEC in regulatory activities. d) To seek assistance in the calibration of our inspection equipment. (There is no calibration laboratory in Uganda).

.H\2XWFRPHVRI6FLHQWLÀF9LVLW i) A site visit at the Central Radioactive Waste Management Facility (CRWMF) at the Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC). Knowledge and experience shared included; Site designs & plans, Storage bunkers, Fencing and other physical security measures, Water storage and treatment, Laboratories, Treatment & conditioning of radioactive waste, Warning systems,etc. ii) The delegation discussed areas of collaboration and signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Technical Cooperation between the Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) and the Atomic Energy Council.

The delegation also Visited Nuclear Laboratories which included; Nuclear Instrumentation Laboratory, Environmental Monitoring Laboratory, X-ray Fluorescence Laboratory, Dosimetry Laboratory, Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) for calibration purposes, Non-ionising radiation laboratory.

The following were the areas of Cooperation a) Radioactive waste management.(Development of a strategy, master plan & Construction,…etc). b) Calibration & maintenance of inspection equipment and other laboratory services. c) Food and environmental monitoring d) Formation of Forum for Regulatory Bodies in East Africa (FRBEA). e) Training and capacity building f) UGA NEST –TAN NEST partnerships(collaborations & information sharing) J  &RPEDWLQJLOOLFLWWUDIÀFNLQJRIUDGLRDFWLYHPDWHULDO h) Transport of radioactive material across boarders i) Inspections & Authorizations (sharing information & experience) j) Development of regulations, standards and guides k) Collaboration in Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response. l) Capacity building in non-ionising radiation (Research, equipment, training & development of regulations) m) Development of competences for regulating Nuclear Power Programmes Q  2WKHUVSHFLÀFDUHDVRIFRRSHUDWLRQDVPD\EHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHVLGHVLQZULWLQJ

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 19

i) i) NonNon Destructive Destructive Testing Testing j) j) NuclearNuclear Instrumentation Instrumentation and and Maintenance Maintenance k)k) Nuclear Nuclear Technology Technology Applications Applications l) l) OtherOther areas areas o fo cooperationf cooperation as as may may be be determined determined by by the the Sides Sides in inwriting. writing.

InitialInitial specific specific areas areas of of Cooperation Cooperation

a)a) Radioactive Radioactive waste waste management.(Development management.(Development of ofa strategy,a strategy, master master plan plan && Construction,…etc). Construction,…etc). b)b) Calibration Calibration & & maintenance maintenance of of inspection inspection equipment equipment and and other other labo laboratoryratory c)c) Food Food and and environmental environmental monitoring monitoring d)d) Formation Formation of of Forum Forum for for Regulatory Regulatory Bodies Bodies in inEast East Africa Africa (FRBEA). (FRBEA). e)e) Training Training and and capacity capacity building building Recommendationsf)f) UGA UGA NEST NEST – TAN–TAN NEST NEST partnerships(collaborations partnerships(collaborations & &information information a) AECsharing) to generate action points for cooperation in the M.o.U and incorporate them into the annualsharing) and quarterly work plans of the secretariat. g) Combating illicit trafficking of radioactive material b) g) IdentifyCombating the equipment illicit traffickingwhich is due forof calibrationradioactive and materialsend them to TEAC. h) Transport of radioactive material across boarders c) h) ConstructionTransport ofof aradioactive temporary radioactive material waste across management boarders facility in Uganda. i) i) InspectionsInspections & & Authorizations Authorizations (sharing (sharing information information & &experience) experience) d) Draft regulations for radioactive waste management j) j) DevelopmentDevelopment of of regulations, regulations, standards standards and and guides guides e) Draft a policy and strategy for radioactive waste management k)k) Collaboration Collaboration in in Radiological Radiological Emergency Emergency Preparedness Preparedness and and Response. Response. f) l) l)Develop CapacityCapacity a master buildingb uildingplan for the inin National nonnon-ionising- wasteionising management radiation radiation facility. (Research, (Research, equipment, equipment, g) Regulatingtrainingtraining Non-Ionizing& & development development radiation of of inregulations) Ugandaregulations) h) m)m)Strengthen Development Development the collaboration of of competences competences between AECfor for regulatingand regulating the Universities Nuclear Nuclear within Power Power Uganda. Programmes Programmes i) n)n) StrengthenOther Other specific specific collaborations areas areas withof of cooperation othercooperation government as as may agencies may be be determinedlike determined the police, by immigration, by the the Sides Sides ministry in in ofwriting writinghealth, etc.  

)LJXUH&RXQFLOGHOHJDWLRQDWWHQGLQJDGLVFXVVLRQLQ7DQ]DQLD FigureFigure 9: 9Council: Council delegation delegation attending attending a discussiona discussion in Tanzaniain Tanzania


ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 20 6.0 DEVELOPMENT OF REGULATIONS AND SAFETY GUIDES The AEC Act, section 73 mandates the Council to make regulations and issue directions, guidelines, codes and standards for the better carrying into effect of the provisions of the Act. After the gazetting of the Atomic Energy Regulations, 2012, during the second quarter three inspectional guidance manuals were drafted and are ready for submission to the technical committee for review. They include the following: a) Safety standards for the Use of unsealed radioactive materials in medical diagnosis, therapy and research, 2013 b) Inspection Manual for Medical Diagnostic X-ray Facilities c) Inspection Checklist for Medical Diagnostic X-ray equipment

7.0 COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC AWARENESS Social media has played a major role in informing the public about the Council mandate and activities. Given the importance of social media in public communications, the AEC has been accelerating its adoption of social media tools to reinforce its online presence and to ensure timely access to safety information like facebook, twitter, and the AEC website: A communication policy is being drafted to ensure that timely and appropriate information is delivered to the stakeholders. Staff of AEC also participated in the 51st Independence Day National celebration which took place on 9/10/2013 in Rukungiri district.

7.1 JOINT SECTOR REVIEW 2012/13 AEC participated in the Joint Sector Review, 2013 and made presentations. AEC also conducted an exhibition for public awareness purposes during the JSR 2013. The planned activities to be conducted in the FY13/14 were as follows; ‡ Registration of sources of ionising radiation in Uganda ‡ Search and Secure of radioactive sources ‡ Continue inspection of facilities and sources therein ‡ Conclude the enforcement policy for regulations ‡ Continue the licensing of facilities of radiation sources ‡ Continue the monitoring of occupationally exposed workers ‡ Development of the 5 year strategic plan ‡ Development of Safety Standards and Guidelines ‡ Sensitize the public about radioactive sources

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 21

x Sensitize the public about radioactive sources

)LJXUH$(&VWDIIDWWKHH[KLELWLRQDW-65 Figure 10: AEC staff at the exhibition at JSR

7.2 PRINT MEDIA7.2 PRINT MEDIA In a bid to improveIn publica bid to awareness improve public on its awareness mandate, on AECits mandate, on a number AEC on of a numberoccasions of has run publications in the print media.occasions has run of publications27th February, in the2014 print on media. page 26New ran vision an interview of 27th February, of the Secretary about matters of Atomic2014 Energy on page Council. 26 ran an interview of the Secretary about matters of Atomic Energy Council. 7.3 NRM CEREBRATIONS 7.3 NRM CEREBRATIONS Six staff from AEC participated in the NRM Day celebration which took place in Mayuge district on 26/01/2014. Six staff from AEC participated in the NRM Day celebration which took place in Mayuge district on 26/01/2014.


)LJXUH$(&VWDIIDWWKHWK150/LEHUDWLRQ'D\&HOHEUDWLRQVRQWK Figure 11: AEC staff at the 28th NRM Liberation Day Celebrations on 26th/01/2014

ANNUAL REPORT7.4 RADIOJULY 1, TALK 2013 SHOW - JUNE 30, 2014 22 Two staff participated in a capital radio talk show on

7.5 NATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY AEC participated in the Women's Day celebrations and the participants who represented Council included Ms. Nakwaku Dorothy (Team leader), Ms. Mukyala Kevin, Ms. Neumbe Ruth and Ms. Mutesi Dilly.The theme for the Women’s day celebrations was “In partnership with men and boys for the empowerment of women and girls in Uganda”.

Figure 12: AEC staff at the Day Celebrations on 08/03/2014 29

Figure 11: AEC staff at the 28th NRM Liberation Day Celebrations on 26th/01/2014

7.47.4 RADIO RADIO TALK TALK SHOW SHOW TwoTwo AEC staff held participated a radiotalk show in a atcapital Capital radio radio andtalk the show main onareas of discussion were; the mandate, vision and mission of AEC; the activities that AEC regulates and how they are regulated; the effects of radiation,7.5 NATIONAL among others. WOMEN’S DAY AEC participated in the Women's Day celebrations and the participants who 7.5represented NATIONAL CouncilWOMEN’S included DAY Ms. Nakwaku Dorothy (Team leader), Ms. AECMukyala participated Kevin, in the Ms.Women’s Neumbe Day celebrationsRuth and andMs. the Mutesi participants Dilly. whoThe represented theme for Council the includedWomen’s Ms. Nakwaku day celebrations Dorothy (Team was leader), “In Ms. partnership Mukyala Kevin, with Ms. Neumbemen and Ruth boys and Ms.for Mutesi the Dilly.The theme for the Women’s day celebrations was “In partnership with men and boys for the empowermentempowerment of women of women and girls andin Uganda”. girls in Uganda”.

)LJXUH$(&VWDIIDWWKH:RPHQ·V'D\&HOHEUDWLRQVRQFigure 12: AEC staff at the Day Celebrations on 08/03/2014 29

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 23 8.0 FINANCES 7KHWKUHHRIÀFLDOVRXUFHVRI&RXQFLOIXQGVDVSHUWKH$(&$FWDUH a) 8Money.0 FINANCESappropriated by parliament for the purposes of the Council. b) TheGrants three or donationsofficial sources from the of government Council funds or other as per sources. the AEC Act, 2008 are; c) a)Fees Money charged appropriated for services byand parliament activities rendered for the bypurposes the Council. of the Council. b) Grants or donations from the government or other sources. Currently, Council is being funded under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development. Therefore, no c) Fees charged for services and activities rendered by the Council. funds areCurrently, directly appropriated Council is bybeing Parliament funded to underCouncil. the All Ministryfunds were of utilized Energy to meetand staffMineral contractual obligationsDevelopment. like salaries Therefore,and to execute no Councilfunds are regulatory directly functions appropriated like carrying by Parliament out inspections. to The table belowCouncil. shows All Council funds sources were of utilized revenue duringto meet the reportingstaff contractual period. obligations like salaries and to execute Council regulatory functions like carrying out Table 6:inspections. Source of TheFunding table below shows Council sources of revenue during the reporting period. Quarters GoU/MEMD Fees (ugx) Donations subtotal (ugx) USNRC (ugx) (ugx) 1 250,000,000 97,234,578 - 347,234,578 2 250,000,000 30,139,787 - 280,139,787 3 250,000,000 57,583,062 26,585,550 334,168,612 4 250,000,000 45,152,433 - 295,152,433 Sub total 1,000,000,000 230,109,860 26,585,550 GRAND TOTAL 1,256,695,410

Table 6 demonstrates that the major source of funding is from the government through the Ministry of Energy Figureand Mineral 15 demonstrates Development. that the major source of funding is from the government %HFDXVHRIWKHVKRUWDJHRIVWDIIWKH$(&VWLOOXWLOL]HVWKHÀQDQFHPDQDJHPHQWVWUXFWXUHVRIWKH0LQLVWU\through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development. Because of the shortage of staff, the AEC still utilizes the finance management 7KRXJKWKURXJKRXWWKHÀQDQFLDO\HDU&RXQFLOUHFHLYHGLQDGHTXDWHIXQGVUHOHDVHGIRURSHUDWLRQVWKH structures of the Ministry. Though throughout the financial year, Council 0LQLVWU\SULRULWL]HGVWDIIVDODULHV7KHUHIRUHWKHÀQDQFLDO\HDUHQGHGZLWKQRDUUHDUVIRUVDODULHVreceived inadequate funds released for operations, the Ministry prioritized staff salaries. Therefore, the financial year ended with no arrears for salaries.


ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 24

8.1 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT Table 7: Annual8.1 CAPITAL planned outputs DEVELOPMENT for 2014/15.

S/N ANNUAL PLANNED PERFORMANCE Q1 PLANNED Q2 PLANNED Q3 PLANNED Q4 PLANNED OUTPUTS OUTPUTS FOR 2014/15 INDICATORS OUTPUTS OUTPUTS OUTPUTS 1. Registration of sources of 100 25 Facilities/ 25 Facilities/ 25 Facilities/ 25 facilities/sources registered. ionising radiations Facilities/Sources Sources registered. Sources registered. Sources registered. registered 2. Search and secure of Central region Central region Central region Central region Central region searched for radioactive sources searched for searched for searched for searched for radioactive sources. radioactive radioactive radioactive sources. radioactive sources. sources. sources. 3. Continue Inspection of 80 facilities 20 facilities 20 facilities 20 facilities 20 facilities inspected. facilities and sources therein. Inspected. inspected. inspected. inspected. Procurement of Procurement of Calibration of existing inspection inspection inspection equipment equipment equipment 4. Conclude the Enforcement Enforcement policy Enforcement policy 3 non-compliant 3 non-compliant 2 non-compliant facilities policy for regulations approved and finalized. facilities enforced facilities enforced enforced implemented. Operationalising Review of MoU with Review of MoU with Review of MoU with Review of MoU with Police MOUs. Customs UNBS Min. of Health 5. Continue the Licensing of 100 licenses issued 25 licenses issued 25 licenses issued to 25 licenses issued 25 licenses issued to facilities. facilities of radiation sources to facilities. to facilities. facilities. to facilities. 6. Continue the Monitoring of 700 Radiation 450 radiation 700 radiation 700 radiation 700 radiation workers monitored. Occupationally exposed workers monitored. workers monitored. workers monitored workers monitored workers. Development of 500 TLDS procured Procurement of a Procurement of a Procurement of CT dosimetry dosimetry calibration sources Mammography equipment laboratory (Cs-137 and C0-60) Dosimetry (Radiation and Accessories Equipment Protection Laboratory) 7. Development of a five year Five Year Strategic Draft of the Five Consultations on the Finalization of the Finalization of the Five Strategic strategic plan Plan developed. Strategic Plan draft Five Strategic Five Strategic Plan Plan Plan. 8. Development of safety 8 Safety guides 2 safety guides 2 safety guides 2safety guides 2 safety guides developed. standards and guidelines. developed. developed. developed. developed. 9. Sensitize the public about Public awareness Public awareness Public awareness Public awareness Public awareness campaign radioactive sources. campaigns done campaign done campaign done campaign done done Preparation and Media National National Conduct Atomic Energy Week dissemination of presentations, Celebrations (e.g. Celebrations (e.g. awareness News papers, TV Independence) NRM victory day) packages shows, IAEA General Press, Brochures, Conference attended Calendars 10. Continue the Development of Construction of a Invitation and Construction Construction Construction the Waste Management Waste Expression of bids facility Management Facility - Phase I 11. Recruitment, Training and Recruitment, 4 staff recruited 2 staff undergo long 4 staff undergo 4 staff go short term courses Expert missions Training and Expert 2 staff undergo long term courses short term courses Training of Radiation Safety missions training courses Training of Procurement of Officers Radiation Safety office furniture Officers 12. Continue with Radiological Radiological Train Designate a medical Emergency Mobile Designate a centre and run Emergency Preparedness Emergency radiology/medical centre for van Emergency Response Drills. and Response program Preparedness and officers on clinical management of Response program management of radiation injuries radiation injury 13. Development of IT Network Email server, Power system, Data management Record management system infrastructure infrastructure, cable & telephone Networking and & Backup developed and AEC records Hard-ware & lines acquired. Network Server /recovery software digitized Software, Records acquired and acquired, installed / Data information installed and running system setup.


ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 25 9.0 PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR THE FY2014/2015 E  'XULQJWKHQH[WÀQDQFLDO\HDUWKHIROORZLQJZHUHLGHQWLÀHGDVNH\SULRULWLHV c) Maintaining the number of inspections at 100 d) Procuring more TLDs so as to increase on the number of radiation workers being monitored. e) Development of a Master Plan for the utilization of the land at Mpoma. f) Recruitment of more technical and administrative staff. J  'HYHORSLQJSUDFWLFHVSHFLÀFVWDQGDUGVDQGVDIHW\JXLGHV h) Intensifying public awareness. i) Registration of sources, practices and facilities M  7UDLQLQJVWDIILQWKHÀHOGVRIQXFOHDUVFLHQFHDQG7HFKQRORJ\DQG5DGLDWLRQ3URWHFWLRQDQG6DIHW\ k) Search and secure of orphan sources. l) Authorisation of operators of radiation sources. m) Establish a Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response Committee. n) Establish more collaborations and partnerships. o) Develop a 5 year Strategic Plan. p) Design a curriculum for training radiation workers. q) Develop an enforcement policy. r) Set up a dosimetry laboratory.

10.0 CHALLENGES AND WAY FORWARD Council experienced the following challenges during the reporting period: ‡ Inadequate quarterly releases from the government/MEMD ‡ /LPLWHGRIÀFHVSDFHWRDFFRPPRGDWHWKHVWDII ‡ Inadequate inspection equipment ‡ /RZVWDIÀQJOHYHOV

Way Forward 0RVWRIWKH&RXQFLOLQVWLWXWLRQDODQGRSHUDWLRQDOFKDOOHQJHVZHUHÀQDQFHUHODWHG7KHUHIRUHDVWUDWHJLF solution would be for the Council to get direct funding from Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development to supplement the existing sources which also need further exploitation. Realizing funds directly from the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development would mean creation of a vote for AEC.

11.0 CONCLUSION The Council has made considerable progress and achievements in the period 2013/2014 amidst challenges. The Council will continue to focus on institutional development, establishing partnerships and collaborations and providing for the safety and security of radiation sources and protect the workers, the public and the environment against the dangers resulting from ionising radiation. Finally, the Council is thankful to the Honourable Minister, Ministers of State, the Permanent Secretary, the Director- Energy and Mineral Development for the support and guidance. With the Ministry’s continued support, the AEC is committed to achieving more as it looks forward to being the centre of excellence in regulating peaceful applications of ionizing radiation.


Appendix 2: Positions in the AEC organisational structure AppendixAppendix 1: Council 1: CouncilMembers Members # PositionAppendix 2: Positions in the AEC organisationalRequired No Filled structure Vacant 1. SecretaryName SEX 01 Designation01 - 1 2. ChiefDr. RadiationAkisophel# ProtectionPosition Kisolo Officer (Inspectorate) M 01 RequiredChairperson- No Filled01 Vacant

2 3. ChiefDr. RadiationRosemary1. ProtectionSecretary K. Byanyima Officer (Standards & F 01 01Member - 01 - Nuclear Instruments)2. Chief Radiation Protection Officer (Inspectorate) 01 - 01 3 Dr. Joseph B. M. Kigula M Member 4. Principle RPO3. ( InspectionsChief Radiation and ProtectionAuthorisation) Officer (Standards & 01 01 - -01 01 4 Dr. MaxwellNuclear Otim Onapa Instruments) M Member Appendix 2: Positions5. in Principlethe AEC RPO (Environmental organisational and Nuclear structure Waste) 01 - 01 5 6. PrincipleEng. Bezalel RPO4. (Standards P rincipleK. Kabanda RPO& Nuclear ( Inspections Instruments) and Authorisation) M 01 01Member - -01 01 # Position 7. Senior RPO5.- Inspections Principle RPO (EnvironmentalRequired and No Nuclear Filled Waste) 01Vacant 01 - -01 01 1. Secretary 6. Principle RPO (Standards01 & Nuclear Instruments)01 - 01 - 01 AAppendixppendixAppendix A ppendix2 8.2: 2::Positions Positions SeniorPositions RPO 2:- Authorisation inPositions inin the the AEC AECAEC in organisationalorganisationalthe organisational AEC organisational structure structure structure01 structure - 01 2. Chief Radiation Protection Officer9. (Inspectorate)Senior RPO7. -Envi Seniorronmental RPO monitoring- Inspections01 - 01 01 - -01 01 3. Chief Radiation# # ProtectionPositionPosition #Officer10. (StandardsSeniorPosition RPO 8. -&Nuclear Senior waste RPO -Authorisation01 Required- Required No No 01RequiredFilled Filled No 01Vacant -Filled Vacant -01Vacant 01

Nuclear Instruments)1. 1. Secretary Secretary 11.1. SeniorSecretary RPO9. - Radiological Senior RPO Emergency-Environmental Preparedness monitoring & 01 01 0101 01 01- -01 - -01- 01 4. Principle RPO2. 2. ( Inspections Chief Chief Radiation Radiation and2. Authorisation) Protection ResponseChief Protection Radiation 10. Officer Officer ProtectionSenior (Inspectorate) (Inspectorate) RPO Officer-Nuclear (Inspectorate) waste01 01- 01 01- - 0101 - 01 -01 01 5. Principle RPO3. 3. (Environmental Chief Chief Radiation Radiation12.3. and Protection NuclearSeniorChief Protection Radiation RPO Waste) 11.Officer- Officer Dosimetry ProtectionSenior (Standards (Standards RPOServices Officer-Radiological & & (Standards01 Emergency & Preparedness01- 01 & 01- - 0101 -- 01 -01 01 6. Principle RPO (StandardsNuclearNuclear &Instruments) 13.NuclearInstruments) SeniorNuclear Instruments) RPO Instruments)-Nuclear Response instruments 01 - 01 - 01 7. Senior RPO4.- Inspections4. P rinciplePrinciple RPO14.4. RPO ( Inspections(RPOP Inspectionsrinciple- TLD 12.RPO and and ( Authorisation) InspectionsSenior Authorisation) RPO -and Dosimetry Authorisation)01 Services 01- 01 01- - 0101 01- 01 -01 01 8. Senior RPO5.-Authorisation 5. Principle Principle RPO15.5. RPO (Environmental (EnvironmentalRPOPrinciple- Instruments 13.RPO and (Environmental andSenior Nuclear Nuclear RPO Waste) -Waste)Nuclear and Nuclear instruments01 Waste) 01- 01 01- - 0101 0- 101 -01 01 9. Senior RPO6.-Envi 6. ronmental Principle Principle RPOmonitoring16.6. RPO (Standards (StandardsRPOPrinciple - Inspections &14.RPO Nuclear& Nuclear (Standards RPO Instruments)- Instruments)TLD & Nuclear Instruments)01 01- 01 0601- - 0101 06- 01 01- - 10. Senior RPO7.-Nuclear7. Senior Senior waste RPO RPO17.7.- Inspections- Inspections RPOSenior-Authorisation RPO 15. - Inspections RPO - Instruments 01 01- 01 0301- - 0101 03- 01 0-01 1 -

11. Senior RPO8.-Radiological 8. Senior Senior EmergencyRPO RPO18.8.-Authorisation -Authorisation RPOSenior Preparedness-Environmental RPO 16. - Authorisation RPO & monitoring- Inspections 01 01- 01 01- - 060101- 01 06-01 - Response 9. 9. Senior Senior RPO RPO19.9.-Envi -Envi ronmentalRPOSeniorronmental-Nuclear RPO17. monitoring- Envimonitoring waste RPOronmental -Authorisation monitoring 01 01 01- - 030101- 01 03-01 - 12. Senior RPO10.- Dosimetry10. Senior Senior Services RPO RPO20.10.-Nuclear -Nuclear RPOSenior waste-Radiological waste RPO18. - Nuclear RPO Emergency -wasteEnvironmental Preparedness monitoring01 & 01- 01 01- - 0101 -- 01 01 - 13. Senior RPO11.-Nuclear 11. Senior Senior instruments RPO RPO11.-Radiological -Radiological ResponseSenior RPOEmergency19. Emergency- Radiological RPO Preparedness-Nuclear Preparedness Emergency waste & &Preparedness01 & 01- 01 01- - 0101 - 01 01 - 14. RPO- TLD ResponseResponse 21. SeniorResponse Accountant20. RPO -Radiological Emergency01 Preparedness01 & 01- 01 - -01 15. RPO- Instruments12.12. Senior Senior RPO RPO22.12.- Dosimetry - Dosimetry AccountantSenior ServicesRPO Services - Dosimetry Response Services 01 010 011 02-01 - - 01-- 01 01 16. RPO- Inspections13.13. Senior Senior RPO RPO23.13.-Nuclear -Nuclear AccountsSenior instruments instruments RPO 21.Assistant- Nuclear Senior instruments Accountant 06 0106 01 0-01 1- - 0101 01- 01 -01 01 17. RPO-Authorisation14.14. RPO RPO- TLD- TLD 24.14. SeniorRPO- TLD Internal 22. AuditorAccountant 03 0103 01 01- 01 01 02--01 - -01- 01

18. RPO-Environmental15.15. RPO RPOmonitoring- Instruments- Instruments25.15. SeniorRPO - Instruments Legal23. Officer Accounts Assistant 01 0101 01 01- 0 1 01 01- -0 -1 01- - 19. RPO-Nuclear16. 16.waste RPO RPO- Inspections- Inspections26.16. SeniorRPO - Inspections Procurement24. Senior Officer Internal Auditor01 060106 01-06 06 06 01- -06 - -01- 01 20. RPO-Radiological17.17. EmergencyRPO RPO- Authorisation-Authorisation27.17. Preparedness SeniorRPO -Authorisation Human 25.& Resource Senior Legal Manager Officer 01 03- 03 0 03 03 03 01- -03 - -01- 01 Response 18.18. RPO RPO- Environmental-Environmental28.18. OfficeRPO monitoring- Environmentalmonitoring Administrator26. Senior monitoring Procurement Officer 01 01 0101 01 01- 01 - -- 01 21. Senior Accountant19.19. RPO RPO- Nuclear-Nuclear29.19. waste wastePublicRPO - Nuclear Relations27. waste SeniorOfficer Human Resource01 Manager 01- 01 0101 01 0 --01 - -01- 01 22. Accountant20. 20. RPO RPO- Radiological-Radiological30.20. ProcurementRPO Emergency Emergency-Radiological28. Preparedness Officer Preparedness Office Emergency Administrator & &Preparedness 02 & 01- 01 01- - 01 -- 01 - 23. Accounts AssistantResponse Response 31. RecordsResponse Of29. ficer Public Relations Officer01 01 02- 01 02 - 01 24. Senior Internal21.21. Auditor Senior Senior Accountant Accountant21. Senior Accountant30. Procurement Officer 01 01- 01 01- - 0101 - 01 -01 01 32. IT officer 01 02 - 25. Senior Legal22. Officer22. Accountant Accountant 33.22. OfficeAccountant Supervisor31. Records Officer 01 02- 02 0102- - 0201-- 01 0201 -

26. Senior Procurement23.23. Accounts Accounts Officer Assistant34. 23. Assistant OfficeAccounts Assistant 32.Assistant IT officer 01 0-1 01 010101 01 01- 01 - 02-- - 27. Senior Human24.24. Resource Senior Senior ManagerInternal Internal35.24. Auditor CleanerSenior Auditor Internal 33. AuditorOffice Supervisor 0 01- 01 01- - 0101 01- 01 -01 01 28. Office Administrator25.25. Senior Senior Legal Legal36.25. Officer Officer DriverSenior Legal34. Officer Office Assistant 01 0101 01 02-01 - - 0101 01- 01 01 - 29. Public Relations26.26. OfficerSenior Senior Procurement Procurement37.26. StenographerSenior Officer Officer Procurement35. Cleaner Officer 01 01- 01 01- - 0101 -- 01 01 - 30. Procurement27.27. Officer Senior Senior Human Human38.27. Resource ReceptionistResourceSenior HumanManager36. Manager ResourceDriver Manager 01 0- 0 010 - - 0201-- 01 01 01 31. Records Of28.ficer28. Office Office Administrator Administrator39.28. StoreOffice keeperAdministrator37. Stenographer 02 0102 01 01- 01 01 01- -01 - -01- 01 32. IT officer 29.29. Public Public Relations Relations40.29. OfficerManagerPublic Officer Relations Finance38. ReceptionistOfficer and Administration 01 0102 01 01- - - 0101 -- 01 -01 01 33. Office Supervisor30.30. Procurement Procurement41.30. Officer OfficerHumanProcurement Resource39. Officer Store Officer keeper 01 01- 01 01- - 0101 -- 01 -01 01 34. Office Assistant31.31. Records Records Of42.31. ficerOf ficer SecurityRecords OfficerOf40.ficer Manager Finance and 01Administration 020102 01-02 02 02 01- -02 - -01- 01 35. Cleaner 32.32. IT ITofficer officer 32. IT officer 41. Human Resource Officer01 0101 01 -01 02 02 01- 02 - -- 01 36. Driver 33.33. Office OfficeTotal Supervisor Supervisor 33. Office Supervisor42. Security Officer 02 0101 01 5101- - 0101 21- 01 -301 0 01 37. Stenographer34.34. Office Office Assistant Assistant34. Office Assistant 01 01- 01 0101 01 -01 - - 38. Receptionist35. 35. Cleaner Cleaner 35. CleanerTotal 01 34 01- 01 0101 01 51- 01 - 21- 30 39. Store keeper36. 36. Driver Driver 36. Driver 01 3502 - 02 010201 01 0101 01 01 40. Manager Finance37.37. andStenographer Stenographer Administration 37. Stenographer 01 01- 01 01- - 01- 01 01 41. Human Resource38.38. ReceptionistOfficer Receptionist 38. Receptionist 01 01- 01 35 01- - 01- 01 01 42. Security Officer39.39. Store Store keeper keeper39. Store keeper 01 01- 01 01- - 01- 01 01 40.40. Manager Manager Finance40. Finance Managerand and Administration Administration Finance and Administration 01 01 01- - 01- 01 01 Total 41.41. Human Human Resource Resource41. Human Officer Officer Resource Officer 51 0121 01 301-0 - 01- 01 01 42.42. Security Security Officer42. Officer Security Officer 01 01 01- - 01- 01 01

TotalTotal Total 35 51 51 5121 21 32103 0 30

ANNUAL REPORT 3535 35 27 JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014

Appendix 3: Atomic Energy Council Secretariat Staff Appendix 3: Atomic Energy Council Secretariat Staff # Name SEX Designation Scale 1. Luwalira Noah Deogratias M Secretary/ CEO AE1 2. Nakwaku Dorothy F Office Administrator AE5 3. Nimbashabira Natharius M Radiation Protection Officer AE5 4. Katumba Fredrick Moses M Radiation Protection Officer AE5 5. Sekyanzi Deo M Radiation Protection Officer AE5 6. Evan Ogwal M Radiation Protection Officer AE5 7. Sekyaya Charles M Trainee –RP&S AE6 8. Abal bonny M Trainee –RP&S AE6 9. Kevin Mukyala F Trainee –RP&S AE6 10. Menya Richard M Trainee –RP&S AE6 11. Kisaakye John M Trainee –RP&S AE6 12. Byamukama Abdul M Trainee –RP&S AE6 13. Asaba Ruth F Trainee –RP&S AE6 14. Otim Ambrose M Trainee- IT AE6 15. Elepu Simon Peter M Accounts Assistant AE6 16. Neumbe Ruth F Trainee-Records Management AE6 17. Naluyimba Edith F Trainee-Records Management AE6 18. Mutesi Dilly Rachael F Office Attendant AE7 19. Kinataama Patrick M Driver AE7 20. Ssekannabo Phillip M Cleaner AE7 21. Ogwang Brian M Trainee I.T AE7

Appendix 4: Categorization of Radioactive Sources

The radiation sources are categorized according to the radiation risks associated with them in reference to their activity levels and dangerous values.

Category 1: Personally extremely dangerous: This amount of radioactive material if not safely managed or securely protected would be likely to cause permanent injury to a person who handled it, or was otherwise in contact with it, for more than a few minutes. It would probably be fatal to be close to this amount of unshielded material for a period of a IHZPLQXWHVWRDQKRXU$QGLIGLVSHUVHGE\DÀUHRUH[SORVLRQFRXOGSRVVLEO\³EXWZRXOGEHXQOLNHO\ WR³SHUPDQHQWO\LQMXUHRUEHOLIHWKUHDWHQLQJWRSHUVRQVLQWKHLPPHGLDWHYLFLQLW\7KHUHZRXOGEHOLWWOH or no risk of immediate health effects to persons beyond a few hundred metres away, but contaminated areas would need to be cleaned up in accordance with international standards.

Category 2: Personally very dangerous: This amount of radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could cause permanent injury to a person who handled it, or was otherwise in contact with it, for a short time (minutes to hours). 36 It could possibly be fatal to be close to this amount of unshielded radioactive material for a period of KRXUVWRGD\V$QGLIGLVSHUVHGE\DÀUHRUH[SORVLRQFRXOGSRVVLEO\³EXWZRXOGEHYHU\XQOLNHO\WR³ permanently injure or be life threatening to persons in the immediate vicinity. There would be little or no risk of immediate health effects to persons beyond a hundred metres or so away, but contaminated areas would need to be cleaned up in accordance with international standards.

Category 3: Personally dangerous: This amount of radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could cause permanent injury to a person who handled it, or was otherwise in contact with it, for some hours. It could SRVVLEO\³DOWKRXJKLWLVXQOLNHO\³EHIDWDOWREHFORVHWRWKLVDPRXQWRIXQVKLHOGHGUDGLRDFWLYHPDWHULDO IRUDSHULRGRIGD\VWRZHHNV$QGLIGLVSHUVHGE\DÀUHRUH[SORVLRQFRXOGSRVVLEO\³EXWLVH[WUHPHO\

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 28 XQOLNHO\WR³SHUPDQHQWO\LQMXUHRUEHOLIHWKUHDWHQLQJWRSHUVRQVLQWKHLPPHGLDWHYLFLQLW\7KHUHZRXOG be little or no risk of immediate health effects to persons beyond a few metres away, but contaminated areas would need to be cleaned up in accordance with international standards.

Category 4: Unlikely to be dangerous: It is very unlikely that anyone would be permanently injured by this amount of radioactive material. However, this amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, FRXOG SRVVLEO\ ³ DOWKRXJK LW LV XQOLNHO\ ³ WHPSRUDULO\ LQMXUH VRPHRQH ZKR KDQGOHG LW RU ZHUH otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. And if dispersed by a ÀUHRUH[SORVLRQFRXOGQRWSHUPDQHQWO\LQMXUHSHUVRQV

Category 5: Not dangerous: No one could be permanently injured by this amount of radioactive material. And if GLVSHUVHGE\DÀUHRUH[SORVLRQFRXOGQRWSHUPDQHQWO\LQMXUHSHUVRQV

ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 29

AppendixAppendix 5: Inspected 5: Inspected Facilities Facilities S/N NAME OF FACILITY INSPECTION DATE 1. Mildmay Uganda 16/07/2013 2. Louise Memorial 18/07/2013 3. Centenary Bottling Co. 23/07/2013 4. 01/08/2013 5. Civicon Ltd 15/08/2013 6. Abii Clinic 15/08/2013 7. St. Catherine’s Hosp 20/08/2013 8. Busabala Nursing Home 22/08/2013 9. The Surgeon’s Plaza 22/08/2013 10. Lira Diagnostic Centre 26/08/2013 11. Lira Imaging and X-ray Centre 26/08/2013 12. Good Hope Medical Centre, Lira 27/08/2013 13. Megwa Nursing Home 27/08/2013 14. Charis International Medical Centre 28/08/2013 15. St. Anthony Clinic and Lab Services, Lira 28/08/2013 16. Lira Regional Referral 29/08/2013 17. Ronam Clinic 29/08/2013 18. Ayira Nursing Home 30/08/2013 19. SAS Clinic 03/09/2013 20. Medical Chambers 03/09/2013 21. 05/09/2013 22. Awoja Medical Centre 09/09/2013 23. Soroti Joint Medical Services 09/09/2013 24. Teso Health Centre, Soroti 10/09/2013 25. Soroti Medical Associates 10/09/2013 26. Soroti Regional Referral Hospital 11/09/2013 27. Midas Touch Medical Centre, Kumi 11/09/2013 28. The Community Clinic & Imaging Centre 12/09/2013 29. Kumi Hospital 12/09/2013 30. radiotherapy Department 17/10/2013 31. ECUREI- 07/11/2013 32. Alshafa M.M.C Jinja 13/11/2013 33. Jinja Islamic Health 13/11/2013 34. Rippon Medical Centre 13/11/2013 35. Mobashar Medical Centre 14/11/2013 36. Jinja Medical and Eye care centre-Jinja 14/11/2013 37. Crescent Medical Centre-Jinja 15/11/2013 38. St. Benedict’s Health Centre 15/11/2013 39. Sino Africa Medicines and Health Ltd 26/11/2013 40. Schlumberger Eastern Oil Field Ltd 28/11/2013 41. SYS International Company Ltd (BESTA) 20/12/2013 42. 09/01/2014 43. Hospital 14/01/2014 44. Uganda Heart Institute 16/01/2014 45. Crown Beverages Limited 17/01/2014 46. Muslim Hospital 20/01/2014 47. Kawolo Hospital 27/01/2014


ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 30

48. Nyenga Hospital 28/01/2014 49. Iganga Hospital 28/01/2014 50. Hovic Medical Services 29/01/2014 51. St. Paul’s Clinic Iganga 29/01/2014 52. Medic Imaging Centre 30/01/2014 53. Mercy Health Centre 30/01/2014 54. MM Integrated Ltd 31/01/2014 55. Byansi Clinic 03/02/2014 56. 04/02/2014 57. Masaka Regional Referral Hospital 04/02/2014 58. St. Joseph of Good Shepherd Health Centre 05/02/2014 59. Villa Maria Hospital 05/02/2014 60. Kalisizo Hospital 06/02/2014 61. Rakai Health Science Program 06/02/2014 62. Rakai Hospital 07/02/2014 63. Kampala Imaging Centre-Lumumba Avenue 11/02/2014 64. 11/02/2014 65. Kampala Imaging Centre-Ngabo Road 13/02/2014 66. Uganda Revenue Authority 18/02/2014 67. Kampala Imaging Centre-Bombo Road 28/02/2014 68. Ecos Medical Foundations 04/03/2014 69. International Hospital Kampala 04/03/2014 70. X-Ray Care and Ultrasound Centre 04/03/2014 71. Case Medical Centre 11/03/2014 72. Hospital 14/03/2014 73. Stirling Civil Engineering Ltd 19/03/2014 74. St. Raphael of St. Francis Hospital 20/03/2014 75. MEMD Petroleum Supply Department 31/03/2014 76. Aga Khan University Hospital 06/05/2014 77. Civicon Uganda Ltd 07/05/2014 78. 27/05/2014 79. Gwatiro Hospital 28/05/2014 80. Kam Medical Centre 29/05/2014 81. Kyadondo Medical Centre 30/05/2014 82. Busabala Nursing Home 02/06/2014 83. Aga Khan University Hospital-New 04/06/2014 84. Span Medicare 05/06/2014 85. Medicare Health Centre 05/06/2014 86. IOM 11/06/2014 87. Mukono Hospital 12/06/2014 88. Jubilee Dental Clinic 17/06/2014 89. Kairos Hospital 19/06/2014 90. Reynolds Construction Co. 23/06/2014 91. Rubaga Hospital 24/06/2014 92. Doctor's Clinic Seguku 26/06/2014

40 ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 31

Appendix 6: Registration of sources Appendix 6: Registration of sources

S/N Name of facility Type of facility District 1. Kairos Hospital Medical Mukono 2. Mukono Hospital Medical Mukono 3. Mukono Imaging Centre Medical Mukono 4. St Francis Hospital Naggalama Medical Mukono 5. St Francis Hospital Nkokonjeru Medical Buikwe 6. Vine Medicare Mukono Medical Mukono 7. Ashock Health Care Medical Kampala 8. Orient Medical Centre Medical Wakiso 9. Bombo Military Hospital Medical Luwero 10. Kasana Medical & Imaging Centre Medical Luwero 11. Bishop Caeser Asili Hospital Medical Luwero 12. Kam Medical Consultant Clinic Medical Kampala 13. Kampala Imaging Centre Medical Kampala 14. The Surgeon’s Plaza Medical Kampala


ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 32

Appendix 7: Registered Facilities for Radiation Monitoring Appendix 7: Registered Facilities for Radiation Monitoring S/N Name of facility No. of radiation workers 1. Aga Khan University Medical Centre 01 2. Atomic Energy Council 10 3. Bombo Military Hospital 21 4. Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services 07 5. Cure Children’s Hospital Uganda 01 6. Dabani Hospital 01 7. Hydromax (U) Limited 05 8. Kakira Sugar Ltd Hospital 02 9. Kampala Hospital 09 10. Kampala Imaging Centre 21 11. Lira Diagnostic X-Ray Centre 02 12. Louise Memorial Medical Centre 01 13. Mbarara Hospital 05 14. Mubende Regional Referral Hospital 02 15. Murchison Bay Hospital 01 16. Nuclear Medicine Mulago 12 17. Radiology Department–Mulago 35 18. Radiotherapy- Mulago 24 19. SAS Clinic 09 20. St. Catherine’s Hospital 04 21. St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor 20 22. Uganda Heart Institute 23 23. Uganda Revenue Authority 07 24. Wandegeya Medical Chambers 03 25. X-Ray Care and Ultrasound Centre Ltd 06 26. 16 27. Busabala Roaf Nursing Home 02 28. Kibuli Muslim Hospital 05 29. Doctor’s Plaza Nsambya 02 30. Villa Maria 02 31. Afia Medical Centre 01 32. Mildamay Uganda 01 33. IOM 06 34. Ecurie 21 35. Mayanja Memorial Hospital 07 36. Rugarama Hospital 01 Total 296


ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 33

$SSHQGL[)DFLOLWLHV7KDW6XEPLWWHG$SSOLFDWLRQ 1RWLÀFDWLRQ)RUPV Appendix 8: Facilities That Submitted Application & Notification Forms S/N NAME OF ORGANISATION/FACILITY DATE 1. Nationwide Construction Services Ltd 05/07/13 2. Civicon Ltd 09/07/13 3. Jubilee Dental 11/07/13 4. The Surgeon’s Plaza 11/07/13 5. Sino Africa 12/07/13 6. Schlumberger Eastern Oil Field Ltd 01/08/13 25/09/13 7. National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Program 02/08/13 8. State House 20/08/13 9. Sterling Civil Engineering 20/08/13 10. Tullow Oil 26/08/13 11. Total E&P 29/08/13 12. Baker Hughes 30/08/13 13. Total E&P 05/09/13 14. Reynolds Construction Co. Ltd 05/09/13 15. Case Medical Centre 24/09/13 16. Schlumberger Eastern Oil Field Ltd 25/09/13 17. 11/10/13 18. Pacific Diagnostic Ltd 21/10/13 19. St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor 23/10/13 20. Kampala Imaging Centre 25/10/13 21. MU-JHU Research Collaboration 28/10/13 22. Uganda Heart Institute 31/10/13 23. Uganda Breweries Ltd 31/10/13 24. Nuclear Medicine Department Mulago 31/10/13 25. Serena Hotel 06/11/13 26. Mengo Hospital 06/11/13 27. Total E&P Uganda Ltd 13/11/13 28. Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services in Uganda 13/11/13 29. SinoAfrica Medicines & Health Ltd 20/11/13 30. SAS Dental Clinic 26/11/13 31. Kigonzi Clinic Kabale 10/12/13 32. Lira Regional Referral Hospital 17/12/13 33. Baker Hughes EHO 06/01/14 24/01/14 34. Kakira Sugar Limited Hospital 07/01/14 35. Sino Africa Medicines & Health Ltd 09/01/14 36. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd 06/02/14 37. Kigonzi Clinic Kabale 13/02/14 38. Case Medical Centre 24/02/14 39. Span Medicare Clinic 24/02/14 40. MEMD Petroleum Supply Department 13/03/14 41. KAM Medical Consult Clinic 18/03/14


ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 34

42. Bank of Uganda 21/03/14 43. Goodwill Imaging Services, Masaka 25/03/14 44. International Hospital Kampala 25/03/14 45. Hovic Medical Centre 31/03/14 46. Hima Cement Hospital 02/04/14 47. Zayo-Sigma Chemical 02/04/14 48. ECURIE 02/04/14 49. Energo Projekt 03/04/14 50. Baker Hughes 04/04/14 51. Aga Khan University Hospital 07/04/14 52. Life Link Hospital 17/04/14 53. Kabarole Hospital 22/04/14 54. Sino Africa Medicine and Health 02/05/14 55. Pearl Engineering Co. Ltd 15/05/14 56. Civicon Uganda Ltd 15/05/14 57. Spectra International Limited 26/05/14 58. Universal Health Care Clinic 27/05/14 59. Stirling 04/06/14 60. Medicare Jinja Diagnostic 11/06/14 61. The Clinic at the Mall 18/06/14

62. Kairos Hospital 30/06/14

Appendix 9: Licenses and permits issued out. Appendix 9: Licenses and permits issued out.

Licence to Possess and Use S/N Name of facility Licence No. Date of Issue Date of Expiry 1. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/PU/1087 05/07/13 04/07/14 2. Total E&P AEC/PU/1088 12/07/13 11/07/14 3. Villa Maria Hospital AEC/PU/1089 12/07/13 11/07/15 4. Abii Clinic AEC/PU/1090 12/07/13 11/07/15 5. Civicon Ltd AEC/PU/1091 22/07/13 21/07/14 6. Nationwide Construction Services AEC/PU/1092 22/07/13 21/07/15 Ltd 7. Doctor’s Plaza Nsambya AEC/PU/1093 01/08/13 31/07/15 8. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/PU/1094 12/08/13 11/08/14 9. K.H Dental Services Ltd AEC/PU/1095 12/08/13 11/08/15 10. Total E&P AEC/PU/1096 25/09/13 24/09/14

Permits to Transport Radioactive Sources 1. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/TRA/3030 05/07/13 04/01/14 2. Total E&P AEC/TRA/3031 12/07/13 11/01/14 3. Civicon Ltd AEC/TRA/3032 22/07/13 21/01/14 4. Nationwide Construction Services Ltd AEC/TRA/3033 22/07/13 21/01/14 5. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/TRA/3034 12/08/13 11/02/14 6. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/TRA/3035 06/09/13 05/03/14 7. Total E&P AEC/TRA/3036 25/09/13 24/03/14

Permits to Import Radioactive Sources 1. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/IMP/2029 05/07/44 13 04/07/14 2. Total E&P AEC/IMP/2030 12/07/13 11/01/14 ANNUAL3. Total REPORT E&P JULY 1, 2013 -AEC/IMP/2031 JUNE 30, 2014 12/07/13 11/01/14 35 4. Civicon Ltd AEC/IMP/2032 22/07/13 21/01/14 5. Nationwide Construction Services Ltd AEC/IMP/2033 22/07/13 21/01/14 6. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/IMP/2034 12/08/13 11/02/14 7. Total E&P AEC/IMP/2035 25/09/13 24/03/14

Permits to Export Radioactive Sources 1. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/EXP/4006 12/08/13 11/02/14 2. Baker Hughes Eho AEC/EXP/4007 09/09/13 08/03/14 3. Baker Hughes Eho AEC/EXP/4008 09/09/13 08/03/14 4. Baker Hughes Eho AEC/EXP/4009 09/09/13 08/03/14

Permit to Sell Radioactive Sources 1. Sino Africa AEC/SL/6001 01/07/13 01/07/15 Licence to Possess and Use S/N Name of facility Licence No. Date of Issue Date of Expiry 1. Jubilee Dental Ltd AEC/PU/1097 02/10/13 01/10/15 2. The Surgeon’s Plaza AEC/PU/1098 02/10/13 01/10/15 3. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/PU/1049/01 02/10/13 01/10/15 4. Reynolds Construction Co. (NIG) Ltd AEC/PU/1099 04/10/13 03/10/15 5. MU-JHU Research Collaboration AEC/PU/1100 28/10/13 27/10/15


Appendix 9: Licenses and permits issued out.

Licence to Possess and Use S/N Name of facility Licence No. Date of Issue Date of Expiry 1. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/PU/1087 05/07/13 04/07/14 2. Total E&P AEC/PU/1088 12/07/13 11/07/14 3. Villa Maria Hospital AEC/PU/1089 12/07/13 11/07/15 4. Abii Clinic AEC/PU/1090 12/07/13 11/07/15 5. Civicon Ltd AEC/PU/1091 22/07/13 21/07/14 6. Nationwide Construction Services AEC/PU/1092 22/07/13 21/07/15 Ltd 7. Doctor’s Plaza Nsambya AEC/PU/1093 01/08/13 31/07/15 8. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/PU/1094 12/08/13 11/08/14 9. K.H Dental Services Ltd AEC/PU/1095 12/08/13 11/08/15 10. Total E&P AEC/PU/1096 25/09/13 24/09/14

Permits to Transport Radioactive Sources 1. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/TRA/3030 05/07/13 04/01/14 2. Total E&P AEC/TRA/3031 12/07/13 11/01/14 3. Civicon Ltd AEC/TRA/3032 22/07/13 21/01/14 4. Nationwide Construction Services Ltd AEC/TRA/3033 22/07/13 21/01/14 5. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/TRA/3034 12/08/13 11/02/14 6. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/TRA/3035 06/09/13 05/03/14 7. Total E&P AEC/TRA/3036 25/09/13 24/03/14

Permits to Import Radioactive Sources 1. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/IMP/2029 05/07/13 04/07/14 2. Total E&P AEC/IMP/2030 12/07/13 11/01/14 3. Total E&P AEC/IMP/2031 12/07/13 11/01/14 4. Civicon Ltd AEC/IMP/2032 22/07/13 21/01/14 5. Nationwide Construction Services Ltd AEC/IMP/2033 22/07/13 21/01/14 6. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/IMP/2034 12/08/13 11/02/14 7. Total E&P AEC/IMP/2035 25/09/13 24/03/14

Permits to Export Radioactive Sources 1. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/EXP/4006 12/08/13 11/02/14 2. Baker Hughes Eho AEC/EXP/4007 09/09/13 08/03/14 3. Baker Hughes Eho AEC/EXP/4008 09/09/13 08/03/14 4. Baker Hughes Eho AEC/EXP/4009 09/09/13 08/03/14

Permit to Sell Radioactive Sources 1. Sino Africa AEC/SL/6001 01/07/13 01/07/15 Licence to Possess and Use S/N Name of facility Licence No. Date of Issue Date of Expiry 1. Jubilee Dental Ltd AEC/PU/1097 02/10/13 01/10/15 2. The Surgeon’s Plaza AEC/PU/1098 02/10/13 01/10/15 3. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/PU/1049/01 02/10/13 01/10/15 4. Reynolds Construction Co. (NIG) Ltd AEC/PU/1099 04/10/13 03/10/15 5. MU-JHU Research Collaboration AEC/PU/1100 28/10/13 27/10/15 6. Case Medical Centre AEC/PU/1101 28/10/13 27/10/15 7. Mildmay Uganda AEC/PU/1102 45 30/10/13 29/10/15 8. St. Catherine’s Hospital AEC/PU/1103 31/10/13 30/10/15 9. Mengo Hospital AEC/PU/1104 25/11/13 24/11/15 10. Uganda Heart Institute AEC/PU/1105 18/11/13 17/11/14 11. St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor AEC/PU/1106 20/11/13 19/11/15 AEC/PU/1107 20/11/13 19/11/14 12. Total E&P Uganda Ltd AEC/PU/1058/01 13/12/13 12/12/14 13. Comprehensive Rehabilitation AEC/PU/1109 09/12/13 08/12/15 Services in Uganda (CoRSU) AEC/PU/1110 09/12/13 08/12/14 Permits to Transport Radioactive Sources 1. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/TRA/3037 02/10/13 01/04/14 2. Reynolds Construction Co. (NIG) Ltd AEC/TRA/3038 04/10/13 03/04/14 3. Stirling Civil Engineering AEC/TRA/3039 18/11/13 17/05/14 Permits to Import Radioactive Sources 1. Reynolds Construction Co. (NIG) Ltd AEC/IMP/2036 04/10/13 03/10/14 2. Pacific Diagnostics Ltd AEC/IMP/2037 04/10/13 03/10/14 Permit to Sell Radioactive Sources 1. Sino Africa Medicines & Health Ltd AEC/SL/6002 27/11/13 26/11/15 Permit to Transfer Radioactive Sources 1. Pacific Diagnostic Ltd AEC/TRANS/PU/1111 17/12/2013 16/06/2014 Licence to Possess and Use S/N Name of facility Licence No. Date of Issue Date of Expiry 1. Nakasero Hospital Ltd AEC/PU/1108 08/01/14 07/01/15 AEC/PU/1112 08/01/14 07/01/16 2. Busabala Road Nursing Home AEC/PU/1113 17/01/14 16/01/16 3. Kampala Imaging Centre-Ngabo Road AEC/PU/1114 20/01/14 19/01/15 AEC/PU/1115 20/01/14 19/01/16 4. Kakira Sugar Ltd Hospital AEC/PU/1116 07/02/14 06/02/16 ANNUAL5. Centuary REPORT Bottling JULY Company 1, Ltd 2013 - AEC/PU/1117JUNE 30, 2014 13/02/14 12/02/16 36 6. Ultima Trauma and Orthopaedic Centre AEC/PU/1118 20/02/14 19/02/16 AEC/PU/1119 20/02/14 19/02/15 7. St. Paul’s Clinic-Iganga AEC/PU/1120 21/02/14 20/02/16 8. International Organisation for Migration AEC/PU/1004/01 03/03/14 02/02/16 9. Jinja Medical and Eye Care Unit AEC/PU/1121 03/03/14 02/03/16 10. Span Medicare Clinic AEC/PU/1122 04/03/14 03/03/16 11. Gwatiro Hospital AEC/PU/1123 04/04/14 03/03/16 12. Lira Regional Referral Hospital AEC/PU/1125 04/03/14 03/03/16 13. Case Medical Centre AEC/PU/1126 04/03/14 03/03/16 AEC/PU/1124 04/03/14 03/03/15 14. Mukono Hospital AEC/PU/1127 04/03/14 03/03/16 15. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/PU/1068/01 14/03/14 13/03/15 16. Uganda Revenue Authority AEC/PU/1010/02 21/03/14 20/03/15 17 SAS Dental Clinic AEC/PU/1128 04/04/14 03/04/16 18 Zayo-Sigma Chemical Ltd AEC/PU/1129 08/04/14 07/07/14 19 Goodwill Imaging Services-Masaka AEC/PU/1130 09/04/14 08/04/16 20 Goodwill Imaging Centre-Mbarara AEC/PU/1131 09/04/14 08/04/16 21 Kam Medical Consult Clinic AEC/PU/1132 09/04/14 08/04/16 22 Hima Cement Hospital AEC/PU/1133 16/04/14 15/04/16


6. Case Medical Centre AEC/PU/1101 28/10/13 27/10/15 7. Mildmay Uganda AEC/PU/1102 30/10/13 29/10/15 8. St. Catherine’s Hospital AEC/PU/1103 31/10/13 30/10/15 9. Mengo Hospital AEC/PU/1104 25/11/13 24/11/15 10. Uganda Heart Institute AEC/PU/1105 18/11/13 17/11/14 11. St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor AEC/PU/1106 20/11/13 19/11/15 AEC/PU/1107 20/11/13 19/11/14 12. Total E&P Uganda Ltd AEC/PU/1058/01 13/12/13 12/12/14 13. Comprehensive Rehabilitation AEC/PU/1109 09/12/13 08/12/15 Services in Uganda (CoRSU) AEC/PU/1110 09/12/13 08/12/14 Permits to Transport Radioactive Sources 1. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/TRA/3037 02/10/13 01/04/14 2. Reynolds Construction Co. (NIG) Ltd AEC/TRA/3038 04/10/13 03/04/14 3. Stirling Civil Engineering AEC/TRA/3039 18/11/13 17/05/14 Permits to Import Radioactive Sources 1. Reynolds Construction Co. (NIG) Ltd AEC/IMP/2036 04/10/13 03/10/14 2. Pacific Diagnostics Ltd AEC/IMP/2037 04/10/13 03/10/14 Permit to Sell Radioactive Sources 1. Sino Africa Medicines & Health Ltd AEC/SL/6002 27/11/13 26/11/15 Permit to Transfer Radioactive Sources 1. Pacific Diagnostic Ltd AEC/TRANS/PU/1111 17/12/2013 16/06/2014 Licence to Possess and Use S/N Name of facility Licence No. Date of Issue Date of Expiry 1. Nakasero Hospital Ltd AEC/PU/1108 08/01/14 07/01/15 AEC/PU/1112 08/01/14 07/01/16 2. Busabala Road Nursing Home AEC/PU/1113 17/01/14 16/01/16 3. Kampala Imaging Centre-Ngabo Road AEC/PU/1114 20/01/14 19/01/15 AEC/PU/1115 20/01/14 19/01/16 4. Kakira Sugar Ltd Hospital AEC/PU/1116 07/02/14 06/02/16 5. Centuary Bottling Company Ltd AEC/PU/1117 13/02/14 12/02/16 6. Ultima Trauma and Orthopaedic Centre AEC/PU/1118 20/02/14 19/02/16 AEC/PU/1119 20/02/14 19/02/15 7. St. Paul’s Clinic-Iganga AEC/PU/1120 21/02/14 20/02/16 8. International Organisation for Migration AEC/PU/1004/01 03/03/14 02/02/16 9. Jinja Medical and Eye Care Unit AEC/PU/1121 03/03/14 02/03/16 10. Span Medicare Clinic AEC/PU/1122 04/03/14 03/03/16 11. Gwatiro Hospital AEC/PU/1123 04/04/14 03/03/16 12. Lira Regional Referral Hospital AEC/PU/1125 04/03/14 03/03/16 13. Case Medical Centre AEC/PU/1126 04/03/14 03/03/16 AEC/PU/1124 04/03/14 03/03/15 14. Mukono Hospital AEC/PU/1127 04/03/14 03/03/16 15. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/PU/1068/01 14/03/14 13/03/15 16. Uganda Revenue Authority AEC/PU/1010/02 21/03/14 20/03/15 17 SAS Dental Clinic AEC/PU/1128 04/04/14 03/04/16 18 Zayo-Sigma Chemical Ltd AEC/PU/1129 08/04/14 07/07/14 19 Goodwill Imaging Services-Masaka AEC/PU/1130 09/04/14 08/04/16 20 Goodwill Imaging Centre-Mbarara AEC/PU/1131 09/04/14 08/04/16 21 Kam Medical Consult Clinic AEC/PU/1132 09/04/14 08/04/16 22 Hima Cement Hospital AEC/PU/1133 16/04/14 15/04/16 23 Aga Khan University Hospital AEC/PU/1134 29/04/14 28/04/16 24 St Raphael of St. Francis Nsambya AEC/PU/113546 29/04/14 28/04/16 AEC/PU/1136 29/04/14 28/04/15 25 Ecurie Mengo Hospital AEC/PU/1137 29/04/14 28/04/15 26 Kampala Imaging Centre AEC/PU/1043/01 29/04/14 28/04/15 AEC/PU/1042/01 29/04/14 28/04/15 27 International Hospital Kampala AEC/PU/1138 08/05/14 07/05/15 AEC/PU/1008/01 08/05/14 07/05/16 28 Energo Projekt AEC/PU/1139 09/05/14 08/05/16 Permits to Transport Radioactive Sources 1. Baker Hughes EHO AEC/TRA/3040 24/02/14 23/08/14 AEC/TRA/3041 24/02/14 23/08/14 2. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/TRA/3042 24/02/14 23/08/14 AEC/TRA/3044 14/03/14 13/09/14 AEC/TRA/3045 14/03/14 13/09/14 3. Civicon Ltd AEC/TRA/3043 04/03/14 03/09/14 4. Baker Hughes EHO AEC/TRA/3046 12/05/14 11/11/14 5. Energo Projekt AEC/TRA/3047 13/05/14 12/11/14 Permits to Import Radioactive Sources 1. Pacific Diagnostics Ltd AEC/IMP/2038 08/01/14 07/07/14 2. Nakasero Hospital AEC/IMP/2039 08/01/14 07/0714 3. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/IMP/2040 24/02/14 23/08/14 AEC/IMP/2041 14/03/14 13/09/14 4. Energo Projekt AEC/IMP/2042 13/05/14 12/11/14 Permit to Export Radioactive Sources ANNUAL1. Schlumberger REPORT Oil JULY Field Eastern 1, 2013 Ltd - AEC/EXP/4010JUNE 30, 2014 20/01/14 19/06/14 37 AEC/EXP/4013 14/03/14 13/09/14 2. Baker Hughes EHO AEC/EXP/4011 21/02/14 20/02/14 AEC/EXP/4012 24/02/14 23/08/14 3. Civicon Ltd AEC/EXP/4013 04/03/14 03/09/14 4. Baker Hughes AEC/EXP/4015 29/04/14 28/10/14 5. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/EXP/4016 09/05/14 08/11/14 6. Baker Hughes EHO AEC/EXP/4017 12/05/14 11/11/14 7. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/EXP/4017 16/05/14 15/11/14 Permits to Sell Radioactive Sources 1. SinoAfrica Medicine and Health AEC/SL/6003 09/04/14 08/04/16


23 Aga Khan University Hospital AEC/PU/1134 29/04/14 28/04/16 24 St Raphael of St. Francis Nsambya AEC/PU/1135 29/04/14 28/04/16 AEC/PU/1136 29/04/14 28/04/15 25 Ecurie Mengo Hospital AEC/PU/1137 29/04/14 28/04/15 26 Kampala Imaging Centre AEC/PU/1043/01 29/04/14 28/04/15 AEC/PU/1042/01 29/04/14 28/04/15 27 International Hospital Kampala AEC/PU/1138 08/05/14 07/05/15 AEC/PU/1008/01 08/05/14 07/05/16 28 Energo Projekt AEC/PU/1139 09/05/14 08/05/16 Permits to Transport Radioactive Sources 1. Baker Hughes EHO AEC/TRA/3040 24/02/14 23/08/14 AEC/TRA/3041 24/02/14 23/08/14 2. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/TRA/3042 24/02/14 23/08/14 AEC/TRA/3044 14/03/14 13/09/14 AEC/TRA/3045 14/03/14 13/09/14 3. Civicon Ltd AEC/TRA/3043 04/03/14 03/09/14 4. Baker Hughes EHO AEC/TRA/3046 12/05/14 11/11/14 5. Energo Projekt AEC/TRA/3047 13/05/14 12/11/14 Permits to Import Radioactive Sources 1. Pacific Diagnostics Ltd AEC/IMP/2038 08/01/14 07/07/14 2. Nakasero Hospital AEC/IMP/2039 08/01/14 07/0714 3. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/IMP/2040 24/02/14 23/08/14 AEC/IMP/2041 14/03/14 13/09/14 4. Energo Projekt AEC/IMP/2042 13/05/14 12/11/14 Permit to Export Radioactive Sources 1. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/EXP/4010 20/01/14 19/06/14 AEC/EXP/4013 14/03/14 13/09/14 2. Baker Hughes EHO AEC/EXP/4011 21/02/14 20/02/14 AEC/EXP/4012 24/02/14 23/08/14 3. Civicon Ltd AEC/EXP/4013 04/03/14 03/09/14 4. Baker Hughes AEC/EXP/4015 29/04/14 28/10/14 5. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/EXP/4016 09/05/14 08/11/14 6. Baker Hughes EHO AEC/EXP/4017 12/05/14 11/11/14 7. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd AEC/EXP/4017 16/05/14 15/11/14 Permits to Sell Radioactive Sources 1. SinoAfrica Medicine and Health AEC/SL/6003 09/04/14 08/04/16

Appendix 10: Facilities with valid licenses Appendix 10: Facilities with valid licenses NO Name of facility 1. Abii Clinic 2. Afya Medical and Diagnostic Centre 3. Aga Khan University Hospital Diamond Trust Building 4. Aga Khan University Hospital-Acacia Avenue 5. Allied Medical Imaging Centre 6. Atomic Energy Council 7. Bank of Uganda 8. Busabala Road Nursing Home 47 9. Case Medical Centre

10. Century Bottling Company Ltd 11. City Medical Centre 12. Civicon (U) Ltd 13. Cure Children’s Hospital-Uganda 14. Devine Will Diagnostic Imaging Centre 15. Divine Mercy Hospital 16. Doctor’s Clinic Sseguku 17. Doctor’s Plaza Nsambya 18. Doctors clinic Hoima 19. Dott Services Ltd 20. ECUREI-Mengo Hospital ANNUAL21. REPORT Energo Project JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 38 22. Good Will Imaging Centre-Masaka 23. Good Will Imaging Centre-Mbarara 24. Gwatiro Hospital 25. Hima Cement Hospital 26. International Hospital Kampala 27. International Office of Migration 28. Ishaka Adventist Hospital 29. Jinja Medical and Eye Care Centre 30. Jubilee Dental Ltd 31. Kadic Hospital 32. Kakira Sugar Ltd Hospital 33. KAM Medical Consult Clinic 34. Kampala Hospital Ltd 35. Kampala Imaging Centre (Bombo Rd) 36. Kampala Imaging Centre (Lumumba Av.) 37. Kampala Imaging Centre(Ngabo Rd) 38. Kasese Cobalt Company Ltd 39. KH Dental Services Ltd 40. Kibuli Muslim Hospital 41. Life Link Hospital 42. Lira Diagnostic Centre 43. Lira Regional Referral Hospital 44. Mayanja Memorial Hospital 45. Mbarara Diagnostic Centre


Appendix 10: Facilities with valid licenses NO Name of facility 1. Abii Clinic 2. Afya Medical and Diagnostic Centre 3. Aga Khan University Hospital Diamond Trust Building 4. Aga Khan University Hospital-Acacia Avenue 5. Allied Medical Imaging Centre 6. Atomic Energy Council 7. Bank of Uganda 8. Busabala Road Nursing Home 9. Case Medical Centre 10. Century Bottling Company Ltd 11. City Medical Centre 12. Civicon (U) Ltd 13. Cure Children’s Hospital-Uganda 14. Devine Will Diagnostic Imaging Centre 15. Divine Mercy Hospital 16. Doctor’s Clinic Sseguku 17. Doctor’s Plaza Nsambya 18. Doctors clinic Hoima 19. Dott Services Ltd 20. ECUREI-Mengo Hospital 21. Energo Project 22. Good Will Imaging Centre-Masaka 23. Good Will Imaging Centre-Mbarara 24. Gwatiro Hospital 25. Hima Cement Hospital 26. International Hospital Kampala 27. International Office of Migration 28. Ishaka Adventist Hospital 29. Jinja Medical and Eye Care Centre 30. Jubilee Dental Ltd 31. Kadic Hospital 32. Kakira Sugar Ltd Hospital 33. KAM Medical Consult Clinic 34. Kampala Hospital Ltd 35. Kampala Imaging Centre (Bombo Rd) 36. Kampala Imaging Centre (Lumumba Av.) 37. Kampala Imaging Centre(Ngabo Rd) 38. Kasese Cobalt Company Ltd 39. KH Dental Services Ltd 40. Kibuli Muslim Hospital 41. Life Link Hospital 42. Lira Diagnostic Centre 43. Lira Regional Referral Hospital 44. Mayanja Memorial Hospital 45. Mbarara Diagnostic Centre 46. Mbarara Regional referral Hospital 47. Medic Imaging Centre 48

48. Medicare Health Centre-Mbale 49. Mengo Hospital 50. Mildmay Uganda 51. MM Integrated Steel Mills (U) Ltd 52. Mount Elgon Hospital 53. MUJHU Research Collaborations 54. Mukono Hospital 55. Mukono imaging centre 56. Mulago Hospital Radiotherapy Dep’t 57. Nakasero Hospital Ltd. 58. Nationwide Construction Services Ltd 59. Nile Breweries Ltd Jinja 60. Nile Breweries Ltd Mbarara 61. Pearl Engineering Co. Ltd 62. Reynolds Construction Company Ltd 63. Rugarama Hospital 64. SAS Clinic 65. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd 66. Sino Africa Medicines and Health ANNUAL67. REPORT Soroti Joint JULY Medical 1, Services2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 39 68. Span Medicare 69. St. Catherine’s Hospital 70. St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor 71. St. Paul’s Clinic Iganga 72. St. Raphael of St. Francis Hospital Nsambya 73. Stirling Engineering Ltd 74. SYS International 75. The Surgeon’s Plaza Ltd 76. Total E&P 77. Uganda Heart Institute 78. Ultima Trauma Orthopedic Centre 79. URA 80. Villa Maria Hospital 81. Vine Medicare 82. X-ray Care & Ultra Sound Centre Ltd 83. Zayo Sigma Chemicals Ltd 84. Medicare-Jinja Diagnostic Centre 85. CORSU 86. Zedex Imaging Centre


46. Mbarara Regional referral Hospital 47. Medic Imaging Centre 48. Medicare Health Centre-Mbale 49. Mengo Hospital 50. Mildmay Uganda 51. MM Integrated Steel Mills (U) Ltd 52. Mount Elgon Hospital 53. MUJHU Research Collaborations 54. Mukono Hospital 55. Mukono imaging centre 56. Mulago Hospital Radiotherapy Dep’t 57. Nakasero Hospital Ltd. 58. Nationwide Construction Services Ltd 59. Nile Breweries Ltd Jinja 60. Nile Breweries Ltd Mbarara 61. Pearl Engineering Co. Ltd 62. Reynolds Construction Company Ltd 63. Rugarama Hospital 64. SAS Clinic 65. Schlumberger Oil Field Eastern Ltd 66. Sino Africa Medicines and Health 67. Soroti Joint Medical Services 68. Span Medicare 69. St. Catherine’s Hospital 70. St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor 71. St. Paul’s Clinic Iganga 72. St. Raphael of St. Francis Hospital Nsambya 73. Stirling Engineering Ltd 74. SYS International 75. The Surgeon’s Plaza Ltd 76. Total E&P 77. Uganda Heart Institute 78. Ultima Trauma Orthopedic Centre 79. URA 80. Villa Maria Hospital 81. Vine Medicare 82. X-ray Care & Ultra Sound Centre Ltd 83. Zayo Sigma Chemicals Ltd 84. Medicare-Jinja Diagnostic Centre 85. CORSU 86. Zedex Imaging Centre


ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 40

AppendixAppendix 11: Training 10: Training Details Detailsof AEC Staffof AEC Staff Name of Staff Details of Training/meeting/ Host Country Period workshop details Ms. Asaba Ruth Masters in Nuclear Power plant Korea 2 years Engineering (Feb.2013 – Feb. 2015) Mr. Menya Richard Masters in Nuclear Power plant Korea 2 years Engineering (Feb.2013 – Feb. 2015) Mr. Byamukama Masters in Nuclear and Quantum Korea 1.5 years Abdul Engineering (Aug. 2013 – Feb. 2015) Mr. Nimbashabira Masters in Nuclear Science Ghana 2 years Natharius and Technology (Aug. 2013 – Feb. 2015) Ms. Mukyala Regulatory Infrastructure for Botswana 4 Months Kevin radiation and waste safety (May – September 2013) Mr. Katumba Course on authorization and Ethiopia 1 Month (August – September Moses inspection of radiation sources 2013) Mr. Kisaakye Regulatory Infrastructure for Nigeria 3 Months John radiation and waste safety (May – August 2013) Mr. Sekyaya Charles Postgraduate course in Ghana 5 Months Radiation (Nov.2013 – April 2014) Protection and Safety Mr. Otim Ambrose Strengthening the National Mauritius 2 Months Regulatory Infrastructure and (December 2013-Feb 2014) Developing a National Nuclear Security System to Control Radiation Sources and Occupational Exposure


ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014 41