Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax °"""° I~

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Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax ° Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax °"""° i~ Form 999 Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947/a) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung 2002 benefit trust or private foundation) DepartmmloltheTreasury Open to public Internal He .enue servirn " The organization may have to use a copy o1 this return to satisfy state reporting requirements g~11pn A For lhe2002ealei year, or tax year period healnnina and endlna kC B cnsw n Name of organization D Employer Identification number aodhmbie use IM Monte, 1=0 -1 Y change odnt orTHE HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED S "?' - " 53-02253 N . h.n, Number and street (or P 0 box d mail is not delivered to street address) Roam/style ETelephone number O2,°,m s,~n~2100 - L STREET, N.W . LVLJYJL-11VV Final Ins We ~remm ~~on. City or town sate oi country and ZIP + 4 F eaomwReeiaa 0 Cash W Accrue! ~";m°`° WASHINGTON , DC 20037 ding, ^ * Section 501(e)(3) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts HI and I are not ~ Uceble to section 527 organizations must attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 1uTI~ 1 H(a) Is this a prdUp'~etJrn fora~lihates? [:D Yea OX No G Web site K+7Ww .hSUS .OY' H(G) IfYes,'enter number otaffiliates " J Organization type (eeemN~l " M) 501(c) ( 3 )~41111 0hee,t no) [-_-] 4947(a)(7) Or 0 527 H(c) are an affiliates included? `iN /A ~ Yes ~ NO (it *NO,' attach a list ) 1 K Check here " = A the organization's gross receipts are normally not more than $25,000 The Hid) Is this a separate return filed 4y an or- orpanization need not file a return with the IRS, but if the organization received a Form 990 Package anixaUan covered b a rou ratio ~ ~ Yes X No in the mail, it should file a return without financial data Some slates require a complete return I Enter 4-0i it GEN M Check " O A the organization is not required to attach L Gross receipts Add lines 6b, BD, 9D, and 70b to line 12 . 133 , 398 , 100 . Sch B (Form 990 990-EZ, or 99o-PF) pwl I Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances t Contributions, gifts grams, and similar amounts received a Direct public support is 64, 358, 177 . h Indirect public support 1 It c Government contributions (grants) 1c d Total (a0dlines lathrough ic)(casnS 64,391,647 . noncasn5 16,530 . ~ 1 0 64 358,177 . 2 Program service revenue including government fees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93) 2 864 , 441 . 3 Membership dues and assessments 3 4 Interest on sarongs and temporary cash investments 4 1 862,639 . 5 Dividends and interest from securities 5 589,804 . s a Gross tents See Statement 1 sa 730, 884 . D Less rental expenses 6b c Net rental income or (loss) (subtract line 6b from line 6a) 6c 7 30 , 884 . m 7 Other investment income (describe " 7 'c 8 a Gross amount from sale of asses other A Securities B Other m than inventory 62,835,348 . ea 407 . b Less cost or other basis and sales expenses 72 , 399 , 289 . eh 5 177 . c Gain or (loss)(altath schedule) <9 , 563 , 941 . > 8c <4 770 . d Net pain or (loss) (combine line 8c, columns (A) and (B)) Stmt 2 Stmt 3 Bit <9 1 568,711 .> 9 Special evens and activities (attach schedule) a Gross revenue (not including $ of contributions reported on tine tai 9a b Less direct expenses other than fundraising expenses 9b c Net income or floss) from special events (subtract line 9b from line 9a) 9c 10 a Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances 10a D Less cost of goods sold 100 c Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory (attach schedule) (subtract line 10b from line 10a) , tOc 11 Other revenue (fromPartVIIline 103) 11 2 , 156 , 400 . y 13 Program services (from tine 44, colum (B)) mh(;p-lli 13 JtibLU,C/b . 14 Management and general (from line 44 cot mn (C)) ~ is 6 304 432 . a 15 Fundraising (Iromuneaacolumn (D)),~ ~A~ r~ 9 ~ 15 17 149 305 . 283 fl w 16 Payments toaniliates(atlachschedule N ~ See Statement 4 16 5 , 198 , 182 . 17 Total expenses (acdunes~6aneaa olu ~ 17 67 272, 795 . d"1 for the year (subtra ¢t line U'~' ~ 161 . > N ie excess or (deficit) ie <6 , 279, ;o 19 rvetassets orfund balances atbeginning o year r 19 99 613, 389 . =Q 20 Other changes innetassets orfund balances (attachexplanation) See Statement 5 p0 <2 523 636 .> 27 Net assets or fund balances at end of year combine lines 18 19 and 20) 21 85 810 587 . i3zz°'m LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see tie separate Instructions Form 990 (4002) 1 11560512 712177 70060 2002 .05030 THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE U 700601 a THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES 53-0225390 Fowr ~,, Statement o All organizations must complete column (A) Columns (B), (C), and (D) are required for section 501(c)(3) pace p Functional Expenses and (4) organizations and section 4947(a)(7) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional for others Do not include amounts reported on line (p) Total (B) Program (L) Management (D) Fundraising 6b 86 96 lOb or 76 0l Part I services and enerai 22 Grants and allocations (attach schedule) - cash $1321527 . n,nm,h $ zz 1 321 527 . 1 321 527 . tatemettt 7 23 Specific assistance to individuals (attach schedule) 23 24 Benefits paid to or for members (attach schedule) _L4_ 25 Compensation otofficers directors, etc 25 1 165 , 685 . 920 393 . 151 333 . 93 , 959 . 26 Other salaries andwages 26 10 , 215, 390 . 8 , 037 , 881 . 1 314,627 . 862 832 . 27 Pension plan contributions 27 28 Other employee benefits 28 2 509 360 . 2 , 039,093 . 291,453 . 178 814 . 29 Payroll taxes 29 957 r 015 . 779 1` 002 . 107 565 . 70 498 . 30 Professional fundraising fees 30 2 024 143 . 2 024 143 . 31 Accounting fees 31 32 Legal fees 32 266 135 . 184 785 . 81,002 . 348 . 33 supplies 33 1 , 035 , 150 . 925 905 . 96 , 314 . 12 , 931 . 34 Telephone 34 352 018 . 287 143 . 48,742 . 16 , 133 . 35 Postage aneshipping 35 596 967 . 528 465 . 45 896 . 22 606 . 36 Occupancy 36 679 554 . 492 339 . 167 932 . 19 , 283! 37 Equipment rental and maintenance 37 38 Punting and publications 38 39 Travel 39 2 , 247 , 146 . 1 948 707 . 193 r 431 . 105 f, 008 . 40 Conferences, conventions and meetings 40 91 Interest 41 42 Depreciation depletion,elc(anachscnedwe) 42 789 722 . 5-3-7 1 77-9 . 219,679 . 27 , 264 . 43 Other expenses not covered above (itemise) a A3a h 436 c 43c d ~43d a See Statement 6 ase 37,919,851 . 20,617,857 . 3,586,458 . 13,715,536 . Total 44 o +~mecta°~"moeoo"~~~,"srio°~r~u°nsme,15iz,s as 62,074,613 . 38,620,876 . 6,304,432 . 17,149,305 . Joint Casts Check " ~X if you are following SOP 98-2 Are any faint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation reported in (B) Program services 1 0 Yes D No If *Yes,' enter (I) the aggregate amount of these point costs E 2 7 r 5 4 7 10 16 . , (w the amount allocated to Program services $ 12 , 4 6 9 , 891 . 11111 the amount allocated to Mananement and neneral S 1,297 .728 . and livl the amount allocated to Fundraising S1 3 . 7 7 9 . 4 4 7 . What is the organization's primary exempt purpose? P PROTECTION OF ANIMALS AND THE ENVIRONMENT Pro r-am Service y08Ii325 Nlorpeni[a4onamuatEecriDelhe~ruamplW~eacl~IwertienlalnadearenEOOnusemenner sure VienurribsoldlmbxrveC publrolwnaissueC etc Discuss uhIevemenbUelerenot mWUrd01a($Iilion501(c/(J)anE(4) orpenlzauonsen049a7(aXl) nonuempt chenUDIe bush must elm enlvNeamount of own and ~~u'~br~1«~~a(d) oqe end 49C7(sM1) allocation. loOTCn) Wsb but oOttondbroNaa a PUBLIC EDUCATION MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION AND DI7AT .T(`LTTl1T7 _ CFF CT7ITFMFUT "7Z" b WILDLIFE, ANIMAL HABITAT AND SHELTERING - c ~xutLrs lnvr;briUe~~rlvNO "u xLUiUnfw vr-r-lLr~b - SEE STATEMENT "23" 5 .069,930 . d E 3 Grants and avocations E 737,924 . e Other program services (attach schedule) Statement 8 (Grants andallocations E ~ 4,226,881 . f Total of Program Service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (B) Program services) " 3 8, 620,876 . nWii 01-22 03 Form 990 (2002) 2 11560512 712177 70060 2002 .05030 THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE U 700601 Form 99D(2002) THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES 53-0225390 Page 3 Pmt IV Balance Sheets Note Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the description column (A) (B) should be !or end-of-year amounts only Beginning of year End of year 45 Cash -non-interest-bearing 22,843 . 45 9 , 445 . 46 Savings andtemporary cash investments 19,336,187 . 46 24,915,093 . 47 a Accounts receivable 47a 3,406,792 . b Less allowance lordoubtful accounts 47h 74,728 . 275,879 . ale 3,332,064 . 48 a Pledges receivable 4Ba It Less allowance for doubtful accounts 48b 48c 49 Grants receivable 49 50 Recervables from officers directors trustees and key employees N 50 dN 51 a Other notes and loans receivable 51a 6 Less allowance for doubtful accounts 51b 51 c 52 Inventories for sale or use 52 53 Prepaid expenses and deterred charges 84 1,87 3 . 53 2 ,111, 575 . 54 Investments-securities Stmt 9 Stmt 10 " E-1 Cost D FMV 72 457, 113 .
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