Once a Freddie, Always a Freddie Superintendent’s Message November 15, 2019

ALICE Certification: Fredericktown Local Schools has attained status as an ALICE Certified Organization. ​ ALICE is an acronym for the training program that prepares students and staff to prevent, mitigate, respond to, and recover from a violent critical incident. The Ohio Attorney General’s office, in connection with the Ohio School Safety Task Force recommend that schools follow all of the training protocols found in the ALICE training program. ALICE is already endorsed by law enforcement across the country and is in line with recommendations from the Department of Security (DHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

The Addams Family: Last weekend, the high school and middle school students put on a stunning ​ rendition of The Addams Family. Ms. Jacqueline Allen (Director) and Ms. Jenifer Roddy (Music Director) ​ ​ did a wonderful job directing thirty-seven student actors and thirteen stage and musical personnel. Audiences packed the elementary commons Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night to see the musical. The singing, acting, and the music were truly wonderful. If you didn't get a chance to see it, make sure you attend the spring performance. I can't wait to see what it is going to be!

Memorial Tree: The front of the Administration Building received an enhancement this week. The ​ damaged tree out front was pulled out during the summer. We received a donation from community members for another tree to be planted in the Dale S. Peterson Memorial Garden. The memorial was from the Class of 1996 for their classmate Dale S. Peterson who passed away in a tragic car accident following a Fredericktown Basketball victory on February 18, 1994. Dale was a class officer, member of the National Honor Society, played softball, and was a varsity cheerleader.

Positivity Award: I will randomly be giving out positivity awards to staff members. Congratulations to ​ last week’s recipient of the Positivity Award - Brent Garee, HS Principal. And congratulations to this ​ ​ week’s winners, Renn Beheler, Tom Goeppinger, and Stewart Semerar.

2 Hour Delay: On Wednesday, staff members received training on Positive Behavior Intervention ​ ​ Support, Reading Instruction Across Content Areas, and/or Trauma-Informed Teaching.

FFA: FLS hosted the County FFA Job Interview and Parliamentary Procedure ​ competition yesterday in the Administration Building. We had over 125 competitors from six county schools in 5 divisions of Job Interview and 3 divisions of Parliamentary Procedure. In Parliamentary Procedure the Advanced team took 4th place and the Novice B team took 1st place! In the Job Interview Contest, Krissie Gaines took 5th in Division I, Emily Rook took 2nd in Division II and

qualified for districts, Macy Thorne took 3rd in Division III, and Marissa Simmons took 4th in Division IV.

Senior Night : Fall Sport/Band Senior Night took place at Fredericktown Stadium on Friday, November 1st. There were 40 ​ senior student-athletes and band members who were honored along with their parents prior to the varsity football game. Congratulations Seniors!

PTO Holiday Bazaar: The PTO’s annual fundraiser will take place Saturday, ​ ​ November 16th, from 9AM-3PM in the K-12 building. Please consider coming to support the Fredericktown PTO and all they do for our students.

Veteran’s Day: On Monday, November 11th, grades 5-12 participated in a ​ Veteran’s Day assembly with our special guest speaker, Brigadier General Stephen L. Rhoades, Commander of the Special Troops Command in the Ohio Army National Guard. Grades K-4 also learned about Veteran’s Day and did activities in their classrooms and in the library. Thank you to all Veterans for your service.

Freddie Care Closet: The goal of the Freddie Care Closet is to create ongoing partnerships with community members and ​ ​ organizations to bridge the barriers of poverty, ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity to learn and reach their fullest potential. The closet is in need of donations of the following items: ● All basic hygiene products ● Hair brushes ● Shampoo ● Hair ties ● Conditioner ● Wipes ● Bath soap ● Razors ● Hand soap ● Men/women deodorant ● Lotion ● Feminine hygiene products ● Toothbrushes ● Men/women/children socks ● Toothpaste ● Non-perishable food items ● Mouthwash Students can access the closet via teacher, parent or self referral to the district counselor or social worker. Donations can be dropped off during school hours at the BOE office for Mrs. Grimwood or the MS/HS for Mrs. Art.

Quote of the week: Kindness- “Loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness.” ​ ​ Over the past few weeks, Fredericktown Local students and staff have reached out to our community with blood drives, a Veterans Day assembly, and by beginning to implement the Freddie Care closet. Thank you for your giving hearts. Additionally, our schools have held fall sporting events, Color and Pumpkin weeks, fall concerts, awards ceremonies, and a book fair. Thank you for all your efforts to make these special events successful - the plans, the set-up and clean-up, and the support. I am so proud of you!

Meet and Greet: Every week I’d like to feature a different staff member, if you would like to volunteer for the next message, ​ please respond by answering the questions below.


Jazmin Yadav (Speech and Language Pathologist) 1. How many children do you have? I have a six month old baby boy. 2. Do you have any hobbies? My hobby is to travel. I have been to 48 states in the USA. I need to travel to Hawaii and Alaska 3. Are you a morning person? Now that baby is my alarm, the answer is yes, I am a morning person. 4. What is your favorite outdoor activity? My favorite outdoor activity is going to the park. 5. Do you play sports? I used to play volleyball for my high school. Now, I watch a lot of sports. 6. Do you watch sports? I watch a lot of sports, especially because I eat out a lot. Buffalo Wild Wings and Roosters are my place to be. 7. Friday night: staying home or going out? Fridays are meant for me to see my friends. We are members of A-List at the movie theater, we try to catch a movie. 8. Coffee shop, restaurant, or fast food? All the above, I love coffee shops, restaurants, and fast foods. 9. Do you prefer wearing casual or formal clothes? I like wearing both casual and formal, depending on the occasion. Dress to impress! 10. Would you rather go to the movies or stay home with Netflix? On a working day, I would rather stay home with Netflix. On the weekends, I enjoy going to the movies. 11. What’s your favorite movie? My favorite movie is Wanted with Angelina Jolie. ​ ​ 12. What’s your favorite TV show? My favorite TV shows are Game of Thrones, Office, and Breaking Bad ​ ​ ​ 13. Comedy, horror, drama, romance, or action? Depends on my mood. For instance, comedy when I need a laugh. Horror on the weekend, we all need a spook. Drama on days I am doing chores at the house. Action movies are a must when I am with friends and family. 14. Do you like watching cartoons?


I’m not a big cartoons fan unless it’s a movie :) 15. Facebook or Twitter? I am a Facebook person. It’s the best way to share what’s going on in my life with my loved ones who live far away. 16. Do you know any foreign language? I proudly can say, I am fluent in Spanish.

17. What foreign language would you like to learn? I tried to learn Hindi, for the sake of my husband’s family. 18. What is your favorite animal and why? My favorite animal is a lion because it’s so scary and powerful. 19. Do you have any pets? No pets :( 20. Do you like to read? I love to read. 21. E-book or paper book? I love both E-books and paper books. 22. Who are your favorite authors? Daniel Gilbert 23. What is your favorite book? Stumbling on Happiness- a psychology book. ​ 24. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when grew up? When I was a kid I wanted to be a lawyer. 25. Did you have a role model when growing up? My mother has and will always be a role model for me. She is a super strong and caring woman. 26. How would you describe yourself? A person full of surprises. 27. What are your favorite toppings on a pizza? Mushroom and pineapples.