Li4j'lsl!=I 2 Leeds Student Ma Aj Rnutidoo ®~1 the Bulk of Landlords .Trc \.\Ith News Ump,.'11
THE REVOLT T F TH HT --FULL STORY PAGE NINE -----li4J'lSl!=I 2 Leeds Student ma aJ rnutIDoo ®~1 the bulk of landlords .trc \.\ith News Ump,.'11. 20 per ce n1 uren ·1 and LIBERAL Democnil MP in the ..crabbl c 10 find holbm,1: S0%of Simon llu~ht-s has helped in LS6. .., ,uden~ forgc1 11t.11 kick-start a new student the) have nghl\." students have hou."iing crlCMJdc. Jame:; Blake, pre,;idenJ ot taken drugs lhc ·m1111 campaign . Ll'l I\ Lib Dem pan), said but they want wluch I\ be ing c;pearheadc<l h) ·-rm so plc:t5cd thut Simon the:" J~ll:, LT111vcr-.U) L1h rkm Hughe!. could launt:h th 1.:. stricter laws part). •~ .ummg In _maJ..i: c:1mpa1~.n· i1 ,hows YrC an• pt.-<1ple more aware. ol 1he1r ',C.."OOU!, nglu .. :L, IC/M Ii t.. Hu~hC!-i. \\ ho was narmwl} pages TennnL!- can dl!m.Jnd 1h i 11 w, hct11cn by Charles Kenned)- in like ',llltllu: de1cc1or... gu~ a le..ader.; lup contest. ~ id: {ee:-. for appl i,mcc\ and '"StuJcn1 .-. olten fc.el 1hat Uni of Leeds found wanting by aik-qualc 101.;b. filling,. becau~ they mm,e around 11 \ government watchdogs Greg Mulholland. a t.-01111 not '-"Onh \. Otmg. We wam 10 tell lhem lh:it ii I\, nnd lhat pages 6 · 7 cillur for l.ttJs ~fonh \\'1....,1 who i.. .il!.O baekm!! the wc · n: n:lc\'an1 ...chcme. ,,;md: ··1t\ the ... mall "If ~IUdent.,;.
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