13 Smith FISH BULL 102(1)

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13 Smith FISH BULL 102(1) Distribution and biology of prowfish (Zaprora silenus) in the northeast Pacific Item Type article Authors Smith, Keith R.; Somerton, David A.; Yang, Mei-Sun; Nichol, Daniel G. Download date 30/09/2021 20:30:32 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/1834/30893 16 8 Abstract—The prowfi sh (Zaprora sile- Distribution and biology of prowfi sh nus) is an infrequent component of bottom trawl catches collected on stock (Zaprora silenus) in the northeast Pacifi c assessment surveys. Based on pres- ence or absence in over 40,000 trawl catches taken throughout Alaskan Keith R. Smith waters southward to southern Cali- David A. Somerton fornia, prowfish are most frequently encountered in the Gulf of Alaska and Mei-Sun Yang the Aleutian Islands at the edge of the Daniel G. Nichol continental shelf. Based on data from Alaska Fisheries Science Center two trawl surveys, relative abundance National Marine Fisheries Service indicated by catch per swept area 7600 Sand Point Way NE reaches a maximum between 100 m Seattle, Washington 98115 and 200 m depth and is much higher E-mail address (for K. R. Smith, contact author): Keith.Smith@noaa.gov in the Aleutian Islands than in the Gulf of Alaska. Females weigh 3.7% more than males of the same length. Weight-length functions are W (g) = 0.0164 L2.92 (males) and W = 0.0170 L2.92 (females). Length at age does not differ between sexes and is described Current taxonomy distinguishes the America. It is not clear whether this by L = 89.3(1 – e–0.181(t+0.554)), where prowfi sh (Zaprora silenus, Fig. 1) as lack of documentation indicates a spe- L is total length in cm and t is age in the only species and the only genus of cies of low abundance or a preference years. Females reached 50% maturity the family Zaproridae. Other families in by prowfi sh for a habitat, such as rough at a length of 57.0 cm and an age of 5.1 the encompassing suborder Zoarcoidei rock substrate or steep bottom gradi- years. Prowfi sh diet is almost entirely include Bathymasteridae (ronquils), ents, that is poorly sampled by bottom composed of gelatinous zooplankton, Cryptacanthodidae (wrymouths), Pholi- trawl surveys. Nevertheless, the spe- primarily scyphozoa and salps. dae (gunnels), and Stichaeidae (prick- cies is common enough to be considered lebacks). Systematics of most families representative of the ichthyofauna of within Zoarcoidei, and of the suborder certain benthic biotopes within its itself within the order perciforms, is range (Allen and Smith, 1988; Tokranov, uncertain (Nelson, 1994). Prowfish 1999). It has been encountered at loca- (adult) physical features include an tions along the outer continental shelf elongate, laterally compressed body; a and upper slope ranging in a long arc high convex brow and interorbital area from San Miguel Island, California, ending with a short blunt snout; and north through the Gulf of Alaska, west a distinctive protruding area below a through the Bering Sea and Aleutian Is- slightly upturned terminal mouth. lands to the Asiatic shelf, thence south Fins consist of: a long, moderately high to Hokkaido, at depths of 10–675 m dorsal fi n; a moderately long anal fi n; (Allen and Smith, 1988; Hart, 1973). In a discrete truncate caudal fi n with a addition to occurring in the catches on short, broad peduncle; and moderately biological surveys, prowfi sh have been large, rounded pectoral fi ns (pelvic fi ns taken incidentally, and occasionally are absent). Teeth are small, sharp, and processed, in commercial fishing op- close-set in a single row attached only erations on the outer continental shelf to the jaws. Scales are ctenoid. Numer- (Smith, pers. obs.; Berger1). ous distinctive large round pores occur Prowfish are known to be pelagic on the sides and top of the head. Color as pre-adults (Hart, 1973; Doyle et al, is olive-gray to brown dorsally, shading 2002). After larval transformation at lighter below, suffused on the sides 30 mm (Matarese et al., 1989), juve- and back with many small dark spots niles maintain close proximity to the (Clemens and Wilby, 1961; Eschmeyer medusae of pelagic cnidarians (Schef- et al, 1983; Hart, 1973; Kessler, 1985). fer, 1940). Brodeur (1998) observed The maximum length reported is more juveniles swimming near the bells of than 1 m (Tokranov, 1999). scyphomedusae Cyanea capillata and Since its original description (Jordan, Chrysaora melanaster and retreating Manuscript approved for publication 1897), the prowfi sh has been observed 20 September 2003 by Scientifi c Editor. infrequently despite numerous and 1 Berger, J. 2002. Personal commun. Manuscript received 20 October 2003 extensive bottom trawl surveys com- Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National at NMFS Scientifi c Publications Offi ce. prising thousands of net deployments Marine Fisheries Service, 7600 Sand Point Fish. Bull. 102:168–178 (2004). off Alaska and the west coast of North Way NE, Bldg 4, Seattle, WA 98115-0070. Smith et al.: Distribution and biology of Zaprora silenus 16 9 Figure 1 Aquarium prowfi sh specimen, National Marine Fisheries Service, Kodiak Laboratory, Kodiak, AK. Photograph by Jan Haaga. behind the tentacles or within the bells of these jellyfi sh ent. Orlov (1998) found prowfi sh in 0.13% of stomachs of when approached by a remotely operated vehicle, appar- white-blotched skate (Bathyraja maculata) caught by bot- ently as a means of protection from predators. Prowfi sh are tom trawl off the Northern Kuril Islands and Southeastern also believed to later become demersal and have a prefer- Kamchatka in 1996. In comparisons of proximate composi- ence for rocky areas (Tokranov, 1999). tion among 17 taxa of forage-size fi sh from the northeast- The association with scyphomedusae and other large ge- ern Pacifi c (Van Pelt et al, 1997; Payne et al, 1999), juvenile latinous zooplankton exhibited by juveniles may continue prowfi sh averaged highest in moisture content (86–88% by throughout their lives, because such prey are reported to weight) and relatively low in lipids (10.8±1.3%, dry weight constitute a considerable portion of the prowfi sh diet (Car- analysis). ollo and Rankin, 1998). In the stomachs of 16 juveniles In this study we examined information on this little- of 5–13.3 cm total length captured at midwater depths in known species, investigating spatial and depth distribu- Prince William Sound in 1995, Sturdevant2 found prey tions, size frequency, growth, reproduction, and diet in the biomass was composed principally of hyperiid amphipods waters off Alaska. but also found unquantifi able gelatinous matter which was thought to be the remains of jellyfi sh tentacles. Little is known regarding possible predators of prow- Materials and methods fi sh, the relative frequency of prowfi sh among prey items, or the sizes of prowfi sh consumed. Prowfi sh have been Data and sample collection found in the diets of diving seabirds and have comprised 25% of food biomass delivered to tufted puffi n (Lunda cir- Data used in this investigation were collected during rhata) chicks (Sturdevant2). Yang (1993) found prowfi sh in bottom trawl surveys for groundfish and invertebrate only 0.3% of 467 stomachs of Pacifi c halibut (Hippoglossus stocks conducted by the Resource Assessment and Con- stenolepis) taken by bottom trawl in the Gulf of Alaska in servation Engineering (RACE) Division of the Alaska Fish- 1990, accounting for 0.03% (by weight) of total food pres- eries Science Center (AFSC), National Marine Fisheries Service. Areas surveyed were the continental shelf and upper slope of the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands 2 Sturdevant, M. V. 1999. Forage fi sh diet overlap, 1994–1996. region (AI), Gulf of Alaska (GOA), and west coast of North Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration project fi nal report (restoration America from Washington to California. Trawl catches project 97163C), 184 p. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., Auke Bay Labo- ratory, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., NOAA, Juneau, AK. [Available by were sorted to species, weighed, and individuals were order no. PB2000-100700 from Natl. Tech. Info. Serv, 5285 Port counted, following procedures described in Wakabayashi Royal Rd., Springfi eld, Virginia 22161.] et al. (1985). 17 0 Fishery Bulletin 102(1) To characterize prowfi sh distribution we obtained catch nucleus. The remainder, which contained the nucleus, was data from 42,601 bottom trawl deployments (hauls) exe- baked at 300–475°C for up to 17 min or heated over an alco- cuted from 1953 through 2000 using a variety of net de- hol fl ame to enhance visibility of annuli. The otoliths were signs. We used these data to determine presence or absence then individually mounted on slides by completely embed- of prowfi sh at each haul location. Previous observations ding them in clear thermoplastic posterior end down. On have indicated that prowfi sh tend to be pelagic as larvae hardening, each mount was wet-sanded on increasingly fi ne and become demersal as adults (Matarese et al., 1989; grades of sandpaper (400–2000 grit), parallel to the slide, Hart, 1973). A full accounting of prowfi sh distribution by until the surface intersected the otolith nucleus (trans- life stage is beyond the scope of this investigation, which verse section). Preparing readable mounts was a delicate focuses on adults. Therefore we confi ned our observations procedure; besides cutting and polishing the small otoliths to haul catches taken on bottom, as opposed to in mid-water precisely without fracturing them, precise heating tem- or at the surface. perature and time were especially critical to expose annuli On two of the bottom trawl surveys, one in the Gulf of without again causing fractures or burning the otolith. Alaska from 22 May to 30 July 1996, and the other in the Our method had advantages over the standard “break and Aleutian Islands from 10 June to 11 August 1997, addi- burn” method of simply coating the surface of a temporarily tional prowfi sh data were collected.
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