
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 13th September 2017 at 7.00pm in Saxby All Saints Village Hall

Present Cllr Ken Bates (Chairman) Cllr Charlie Barton Cllr Pauline Leitch

Mr Derek Coe & Mr Clifford Spencer (ISABEL) 2 members of the public

130917/1 Apologies Cllr D Fagge, Cllr A Simpson & Cllr M Young

130917/2 Declarations of Interest a) No declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items. b) No dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.

130917/3 Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on the 23 rd August 2017 were approved by members and signed by the Chairman. Proposed: Cllr Leitch, seconded: Cllr Barton.

130917/4 Reports from Ward Councillor(s) Not present.

130917/5 Highways/Footpaths/Public Right of Way a) Current issues: • Footpaths & road safety issues – drainage roadworks have been completed and it is hoped that this will now solve the problem. • Rights of Way - North Carr Lane between Land Drain and Saxby All Saints Bridge was added to the definitive map of public rights of way as a restricted byway (that is, a public way for all traffic other than mechanically propelled vehicles) on 25 th July 2017. It will be signposted accordingly, as soon as possible. Unless there is a successful High Court challenge within the following six weeks, the public can henceforth be confident that North Carr Lane is open to them throughout its length. • Relocation of 30 mph speed sign – outstanding. b) No other issues.

130917/6 Community Energy Presentation by Derek Coe, UK Team, ISABEL project. ISABEL is the acronym given to a current EU funded project: ‘Triggering sustainable biogas energy communities through social innovation’. This project wishes to ‘create awareness of the potential community and environmental benefits that can be generated through developing energy projects designed around the utility of biogas and associated waste management’ and ‘to support sustainable community cohesion by promoting, supporting and developing community energy project around biogas’. Action regarding this project has been deferred until October 2017.


Saxby All Saints Parish Council

130917/7 Police Matters/Neighbourhood Watch/NAT • The NAT meeting on the 28 th September 2017 will be held at 11am at Village Hall. • The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator would like residents to supply their email addresses to enable him to forward messages of interest to the village. Members felt that a mail drop to all residents would be the best way to take this action forward. • Clerk to ascertain if the NW Co-ordinator needs to have Data Protection registration.

130917/8 Dog Nuisance • Clerk advised that residents who are affected by noise need to contact the Dog Warden directly as incidences need to be recorded by way of a diary. • Item to be discussed again in October 2017.

130917/9 Correspondence Correspondence received and noted: i. NLC Forthcoming meetings poster – September 2017. ii. Best Kept Village Results 2017. iii. NAT Reschedule - 28 September 2017. iv. OVO Energy Tour of Britain - Stage 3 – North . v. Brigg NAT Minutes - 27 June 2017.

130917/10 Planning a) Applications made to Council: Application No: PA/2017/1379 Proposal: Notice of intention to undertake pruning works on 6 trees within the Conservation Area of Saxby All Saints. Site Location: North Acre, 27 Main Street, Saxby All Saints, DN20 0QJ Applicant: Mrs Kathleen Horton NO OBJECTION . Proposed: Cllr Bates, seconded: Cllr Leitch b) Decisions made by North Lincolnshire Council: • PA/2017/564 – Poultry rearing plant, Middlegate Lane, . REFUSED. • PA/2017/1102 – Installation of replacement white PVCu windows and doors. APPROVED. c) No planning applications received after the agenda has been posted.

130917/11 Neighbourhood Planning • Cllr Young attended Worlaby Parish Council’s ‘Visioning Day’ in July 2017. • Presentation to the PC by Dave Lofts, NLC Spatial Planning Team in July 2017. • Cllr Bates suggested that a working party was set-up. • This item will be discussed in October 2017.

130917/12 Accounts The Aug/Sept 2017 accounts for payment and bank statements (see also Financial Reports) were approved by members and signed by the Chairman. a) Autela Payroll Services – Q2 payroll & auto enrolment planning - £60.00. Proposed: Cllr Barton, seconded: Cllr Leitch.

130917/13 Website/I.T. a) No action regarding a dedicated page on the PC website for PCC news. b) No other issues surrounding the website and I.T.


Saxby All Saints Parish Council

130917/14 Low Villages Newsletter Poultry farm planning application.

130917/15 New Residents Welcome Pack Deferred to October 2017.

130917/16 Battle’s Over (2018) Commemorations Clerk circulated information. Item deferred to October 2017.

130917/17 Ongoing Items None.

130917/18 Minor Items a) Correspondence received following publication of the agenda: • NLC - Notification of new finger post name sign. • NAT meeting time change. • Lincs Lotto. • Brake Road Safety week – 22 nd to 26 th November 2017. b) Points from Councillors, questions or items of interest to note: • Paul Harling site visit is still outstanding. • Safer Roads – Clerk to acquire latest data. • Cllr Leitch enquired if the village could have a new village name sign, as per Worlaby and . Clerk to inquire.

130917/19 Agenda for next and future meetings See individual agenda items.

130917/20 Next Meeting The date and time of the next monthly meeting is, subsequent to any change, Wednesday 11 th October 2017 at 7.00pm.

The meeting closed at 8.25pm.
