O Guo Moruo Remembered
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Yol. 25, No. 47 November 22,1982 A CHINESE WEEKLY OF NEWS AND VIEWS . Third World's Grain Problem o Guo Moruo Remembered Iibelan Leader lnleruiewed I ot't t .t.l I{i'; ' k\, lrqI,,,/ I I t{t) I rt, Hu Qili described the league's HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK central task in a speech to the session (p. 5). Tibet Today cial envoy to attend his funeral. China also expressed the hope Guo Moruo Remembered In an exclusive interview for a genuine improvement in with Beijing Reoieu, well- On the occasion of Guo a Sino-Soviet relations through known Tibetan leader clarifies Moruo's 90th birthday, China the removal of obstacles (p. 8). remembered common questions about his the late man of letters and his region. First of a series of five life as a staunch Kampuchean Leader t/isits revolutionary, poet, articles about the "root of the brilliant China dramatist and historian. Guo is world" (p. 14). considered a great proletarian Chinese Ieaders and Kam- fighter second only to Lu Xun Third World's Grain puchean Vice-President Khieu in the annals of modern Chinese Problem Samphan met in Beijing and culture (p. 23). The problem of population held taiks on the currerrt in- growth and declining per- ternational situation and on the capita grain production in third developments in Indochina world countries is discussed by (p. e). Zhou Shengkui, an Assistant Research Fellow working f or Youth League Congress the Chinese Academy of Social A recent plenary session of Sciences (p. 18). the Central Committee of the .i(- ': i;1:, BrezhneY's Death Mourned Chinese Communist Youth rl iii League decided to convene the Ii li,'rl lrti.ll China mourned the death of league's llth national congress j;fil /i.IiUr the Soviet leader by extending on December 20. CPC Central condolences and .sending a spe- Committee Secretariat Member A Tibetan lvoman and her child. Telephone Service to Be Up- mous regionol government groded choirmon Opr Correspon- BEIJING REVIEW dent Jing- Wei 14 Condolences on Brezhnev's Published every MondoY bY Deoth The Developing Countries' BEIJING REVIEW Problem Zhou Vice-President Khieu Somphon Groin 24 Boiwonzhuong Rood, Beijing Shengkui - 18 The People's Republic of Chino Visits Chino Guo Moruo-A Greot Prole- INTERNATIONAL 10-l 3 torion Culturol Fighter Vol. 25, No. 47 November Z2t 1982 Yon Huondong - 23 Gulf Stotes' Third Summit Bocks Fez Resolution Ren CONTENTS Zhong - CUTTURE & SCIENCE 27-28 West Bonk of the Jordon BOOKS 29-30 NOIES FROM THE EDITORS 3 River: A Coptive Morket- Le Shon Two Spirituol Civilizotions - ART PAGE 3l Politicol Editor An Zhiguo IMF's Unreosonoble Loon Chen Gong - TETTERS 4 The Philippines Moves EVETTS A 5.9 TRENDS Towords Energy Self- Rel ionce BElJlt{G REVIEW (USPS l{o. 658-110} is Communist Youth Leogue's Yunwen published wockly for US$ 13.50 per year by -Zhong 24 Eaiwanrhuang Road, llth Congress Somolio's Fonole Woter Con- Bciiing Bcvicw, Beijing, China. Second-class postsgr paid Hu Yoobong on Film Creotion servoncy Project Ren Yon - al San francisco, CA. Postmaster: Ssnd Guo Moruo Commemoroted address danges to Chino Books & ARTICTES DOCUMENTS A Poriodicals, lnc., 2929 24th Stloot, San High Groin Yields Tibet: An lnside View (l) franciscl, CA 94110. For More Smoll Commodities lnterview with the outono-- ITotes Frorn the Bdltors This is a long-term, arduous task Iwo Spiritual Givilizations that cannot be accomplished in one or two generations. But people have noticed that we China has set itself the task in China and in the capitalist have already achieved some of building a socialist spiritual countries have much in comm.on. initial results in building a so- civilization, i.e., sociallst culture except that China is on the cialist spiritual civilization. Peo- and ethics. But some corn- whole relatively backward in ple imbueci with communist ideas are in increasing ponents of this task ar.e also en- this field. But China is doing a emerging couraged in capitalist countries. better job than some capitalist numbers in all fields of en- examples What, then, is the difference be- countries at proviciing medical deavour, whose fine tween the spiritual civilizations service for everyone. This is the are respected. loved and emulat- under the two different social outcome of different guidelines ed. systems? under two differenl social In capitalist ccruntries many systems. people also dedicate themselves It is true that, in some re- to human progress. But as often spects, The ideological aspecl of the spiritual civilizations as not they face all sorts of dit- building spiritual ciyilization under the two different social ficulties and find themselves in systems covers a whole range of field.s. are not categorically the minority, and sotnetimes including certain ideological and different or mutually exclusive. they have to fight alone. Their ethical norms needed to ensure But on the whole and in essence. progressive ideas are often sup- the existence and develqpment they are worlds apart. pressed and the popularization of any society as well as a well- of these ideas are restricted one Roughly speaking. socialist ordered social Iife. A socialist way or another. In these coun- spiritual civilization consists of society is certainly not alone in tries. the dorninant ideology still two interlelated aspects: cul- encouraging citizens to pay tural and ideological. consists of such credos as attention to decorum. observe "money is omnipotent,!' (rthe The cultural aspect public order and maintain of build- Iaw of the jungle" and ''every- ing spiritual civilization refers environmental sanitation. Horr,- one for himself and let the devii to the development of education, ever, the essential differences take the hindmo*st." science. literature and art, the between the two spiritual civili- media, public health, physical zations. the socialist and the Thus, while we can't put a culture and other cultur.al capitalist. manifest themselves class label on everything con- undertakings. in the major ideological tenets, cerning the two spiritual civili- i.e.. the kind of outlook on Iife zations. should also not Some of these. such as gener.al we and the world that a given write off the essential dit- knowledge and natural science. society fosters, people's politicai public health and physical ferences between thenr. cul- awareness and their particular tule. represent humanity's joint system of morals. Political Editor An Zhigtto achievement in understanding - and transforming the world: To guarantee the socialist they therefore do not have a nature of our spiritual civiliza- class character, tion, China stresses ideological construction characterized by But, in developing these undertakings, the guiding communist ideals and moral values, iof thoughts on whom they should ty sentiments and serve and other fundamental revolutionary discipline. At the present stage, issues do have a different class we are devoting character under different social major efforts to fostering among systems. the people firm confidence in communist ideals, devotion to Take medi,cal service and the people's interests and the public health for instance. The communist spirit of sacrificing lechniques and equipment used oneself for the sake of others. Nouember 22, 1982 particularly "Tailoring Education consequences of adapting a US eco.- to Fit China" (No. 42) and "Im- nomic policy - capitalism.r When TETTERS prove Nutrition via Vegetable domestic markets become sat.iated; Protein Development" (No. 43). Ioreign markets are required. 12th Porty Congress The two articles have relevance in Foreign resources are essential, as most third world countries and are militAty policies to protect Cordial and friendly congratula- many developed countries also. them. In the United States, peo- tions on the 12th Party Congress ple worship money they do not which is a victory not only for the Daviil Black value lhe earth, water,- air, or Chinese people but also for all the Mendi, Papua New Guinea the sun. Because money is the oppressed people and the prole- centre of their lives, they cannot tariat under the rule of capitalism. appreciate things such as pottery, Nutrition This congress approved the farming, biomass, Iiving within policles drawn up at the Third I teach a course irr nutrition and our means, and conservation. Plenary Session of the 1lth PartY have found the articles i.n Beiiing Furthermore, Russia and the good to Central Committee. The Resolu- Reuieus informative. It is United States have enmassed great tion on Certain Questions in the note the improved caloric intake military power. To protect them- greater History of Our Party Since the and variety of foods being selves, third world countries have Founding of the People's Re- consumed. purchased expensive complicated public adopted the of China by However, am concerned about weapons which have drained their Sixth Plenary Session of the l1th I the apparent effort to increase the Iocal people dry. Party Central Committee con- production and consumption of stituted good preparations for the The superpowers do not believe policies and ideological decisions meat in China. We in the United States are making an effort to cut in nor are they accustomed to 12th, Party Congress. worship money. of the meat consumption be- barter. They only back on Thus, many world countries cause of its link with health Prob- third The CPC is now able to correct have adopted one crop or one the "Left" mistakes made during lems. I perscnally eat a diet that except for product economies. They are and before the "cultural revolu- is very Iow in meat, heavily in debt and must strip tion" in all fields and is advancing special occasions. I continue to prepare mine, cut their forests and rape on the road of building socialism make the effort to meals people pay more Iike traditional Chi- their land and to their which proceeds from China's reali- that are clebts.