STARFLEET COMMAND’S SEVENTH FLEET U.S.S. White Buffalo - NCC 80116 Advanced Technical Specifications for the Luna-Class Production Vehicle

U.S.S. White STARFLEET COMMAND’S SEVENTH FLEET Buffalo NCC 80116 Quantum Singularity Core + Slipstream Drive Information Packet

Revised: 07 - 2018 | U.S.S. White Buffalo - N.C.C. 80116

(Revised: 07-2018) STARFLEET COMMAND’S SEVENTH FLEET U.S.S. White Buffalo - NCC 80116 Quantum Singularity Core + Slipstream Drive Information Packet

Quantum Singularity Core

Intro: Since I started working on the White Buffalo’s QSC, I discovered that everything I knew about Quantum Singularities and how they could be manipulated to create enough power to not only sustain a warp reaction, but that they could also power a vessel as large as, or larger than, 1,041.65 Meters Long, 772.43 Meters Width, 285.47 Meters Tall, and with a Mass of 4,320,000 Metric Tons. With this kind of power a Federation Starship would be able to maintain a more stable warp reaction, power all of its systems at one time, (Provided your power network could also maintain the power flow) and even maintain power for systems outside of the ship, like shields, tractor beam, the deflector dish, or much more. I also discovered that few onboard understood the propulsion mechanics involved with the QSC, Including myself. Having to adapt to a power core, and warp system like this because the Orion Syndicate ripped it from a Romulan Warbird and placed it into a Federation Aerie Class starship was interesting enough, but then to figure out how to use it without destroying not only the ship, but possibly the fabric of space-time itself was almost daunting to say the least. So here it is the basics of the Quantum Singularity Core.

Quantum Singularity: A quantum singularity, or , is an incredibly dense remnant of a star which has collapsed in on itself with such a force of gravity it pulls in everything in the electromagnetic spectrum, including light. The formation of a black hole could sometimes be observed in a supernova. People in the Federation sometimes referred to them as Hawking black holes after the 20th century Earth scientist, Professor Stephen Hawking.

Bringing the QSC Online: The QS is generated by a focused, directed quantum field through the reaction chamber (similar to a deflector dish) which when surrounded by an enhanced Inertial Dampening Field around the reactor stabilizes the chamber reaction and tricks the ship into believing that its “lighter” than it really is. Then with the buildup of the quantum field causes a gravimetric reaction to occur creating an artificial singularity.

Fuel: Buzzard ramscoops take in Hydrogen, (matter) to continuously “feed” into the singularity. The gravity from the singularity then pulls the matter together, forcing it to not only fuse, but to bump into each other, etc. This causes an enormous amount of energy to be obtained.

Warp/Ship Power: The reactor itself produces enough superheated plasma from the amount of radiation the singularity produces to be fed into the vessels nacelles to power the vessels warp reaction.

Stealth: In order to remain undetected while cloaked, nullifier cores were used to precisely balance the radiative emissions of the ship's engines.

Shut Down: Once the QSC is online it can never be turned off, unless at a Starbase or Fleet Yard by flooding the core’s tank with an Anti-Gravimetric Polarization Field. Once the QS has been neutralized it cannot be re-initialized, and a new chamber reaction would be needed to start a new Quantum Singularity.

Sources: Memory Alpha Memory Beta Search: Romulan Technology Search: Quantum Singularity

Memory Alpha Freedom Wiki Search: Singularity Search: Quantum Singularity http://en.memory- Rakata Memory Alpha Search: Hirogen Images:

Quantum Imaging Scan Romulan D’deridex Class Core

Note: On the following pages are the ship deck plans, these are not entirely to scale.

1 - (Revised: 07-2018) STARFLEET COMMAND’S SEVENTH FLEET U.S.S. White Buffalo - NCC 80116 Quantum Singularity Core + Slipstream Drive Information Packet

Quantum Slipstream Drive

Intro: When Starfleet started making changes fleet-wide to all the ships capable of utilizing slipstream, we were lucky enough to get our hands on the impressive technological data so we could include slipstream into our system. Since the QSC was capable of creating our Warp Bubble allowing us to use standard warp this new technology would allow us a new medium for faster than warp propulsion.

Slipstream: A faster than warp propulsion system used originally by Voyager from technology acquired from species 116 in the Delta Quadrant in 2374. A test of the drive about a year later almost destroyed Voyager.

Propulsion: The QSD is a narrowly-focused, directed warp field through the vessel’s main deflector that is initiated by manipulating the fabric of the space-time continuum at the quantum level, (The Quantum Barrier)

Phase Variance: In order to maintain the slipstream, the phase variance of the quantum field had to be constantly adjusted, or the slipstream would collapse, violently throwing the ship back into normal space. Preparing for that, Starfleet Vessels had to be outfitted with special Quantum Variance Sensors to detect the subtle changes. An added micro computer calculates the Quantum Variances automatically and adjusts for the variances.

Added Deflector Arrays: Since long term use of the Slipstream through the ships deflector array was never intended or could be maintained, two Spatial Deflector Arrays were added to all Quantum Drive vessels.

Power Consumption: Generating slipstream corridors requires more power than forming warp fields; the power required is directly related to the frontal geometry of a vessel and lesser so the ship geometry. Therefore, slipstream propelled ships are generally narrow and compact with aerodynamic lines. Note: Since the White Buffalo is going to be using a Quantum Singularity Core, the power consumption is not a problem, and the gravitational matrix of the ship is already well below that of a standard federation starship due to the Enhanced Inertial dampening field around the Quantum Singularity Core.

Focused Energy: Benamite Crystals are used to focus the energy from the core through the Spatial Deflector dish to create the required quantum field. A Benamite Re- crystallization Matrix is used to keep the crystals stable.

Sources: Memory Alpha Online Search: Quantum Slipstream Drive Search: Quantum Slipstream Drive

Memory Beta Star Trek Expanded Universe Wikia Search: Quantum Slipstream Drive Search: Quantum Slipstream Drive

Slipstream Images:

Quantum Slipstream Energy Flow Simulation Slipstream Tunnel

Note: On the following pages are the ship deck plans, these are not entirely to scale.

2 - (Revised: 07-2018) STARFLEET COMMAND’S SEVENTH FLEET U.S.S. White Buffalo - NCC 80116 Quantum Singularity Core + Slipstream Drive Information Packet

Voyager’s Quantum Slipstream Drive Dauntless Quantum Slipstream Drive Transwarp Drive

Intro: Ok, Although our Slipstream Drive is much like the Transwarp Drive Described in many sources, I would like to state first that like Slipstream, many races use various forms of Warp, and Faster than Warp Drives. So to pin down one exact form of Warp, or FTW System is not easy since they are all so different, even Starfleet who has experimented with 4 or more various types of Transwarp. U.S.S. Excelsior – Theoretically due to logs, and information gathered by Starfleet The Excelsior’s Transwarp Drive should have worked perfectly. Its Computer system although didn’t. Since Starfleet couldn’t answer to why this system didn’t work after its initial tests, and its shakedown, the project was scrubbed. Since the Warp system of the time was dramatically different from what the USS Enterprise D used it is believed that the Engineers at Utopia Planetia had used the Excelsior’s Transwarp system, but dropped the “Trans” part of the word since it no longer seemed to fit the method of travel. The Enterprise D experimented with a new form of Transwarp when they encountered the , Since the Borg were in fact using a Transwarp Corridor, and thus had never been witnessed by Starfleet, the Enterprise crew were forced to make snap judgments about how it worked. It was theorized at the time that one could travel 20 times Warp Speed though one of these Corridors. The Enterprise was able to open a Corridor using a specific Subspace Frequency, however it now believed that what happened was akin to when the Enterprise A opened a “” because of a disruption in their engines, which caused the frequency in the warp field to change. The Enterprise D’s Internal Dampeners are much stronger and would have been able to adapt to the “Wormhole Effect” Inside the ship. USS Voyager experimented with their own form of Transwarp twice. Once was when Lt. Tom Paris piloted a modified Type 9 shuttle, and accelerated to warp 10 and caused Lt. Paris to “occupy every point in time and space” simultaneously. The effect of Voyager’s experimentation was a metamorphosis of anyone breaking the Warp 10 Barrier, giving the effect a new name, Transwarp Evolutionary Syndrome. Ok, so what is Transwarp? Transwarp is a FTW Drive that, like Slipstream, Propels the vessel past the warp speed barrier. Since the understanding of Slipstream, Starfleet has found a way to enter a “Wormhole” and between the Warp 10 to warp 20 speeds catching up to the slowest of Slipstream Velocities. Slipstream’s Maximum Velocity is limited only to the power able to drive it.

Warp Propulsion: A variance in the Anti-Matter creates the “Wormhole” by changing the “Frequency” of subspace enough to cause the distortion. Note: Since the Quantum Singularity Core does not need Anti-Matter the USS White Buffalo is NOT equipped with a Transwarp Drive.

Sources: Memory Alpha Memory Alpha Search: Transwarp Search: Transwarp Drive drive Memory Alpha Memory Beta Search: Transwarp Conduit Search: Transwarp conduit Wikipedia Daystrom Institute Technical Library Search Warp Drive Star Trek Search: Transwarp Theory drive_ (Star_ Trek) IMSDb Search: Star Trek The Motion Picture

Transwarp Images:

Wormhole Effect

Transwarp Conduit Stream Borg Transwarp Core

Note: On the following pages are the ship deck plans, these are not entirely to scale.

3 - (Revised: 07-2018) STARFLEET COMMAND’S SEVENTH FLEET U.S.S. White Buffalo - NCC 80116 Quantum Singularity Core + Slipstream Drive Information Packet

Treknology Warp Facts


Memory Alpha Search: Wormhole

Wikipedia Search: Warptable

Star Trek The Final Frontier Search: Transwarp

Note: On the following pages are the ship deck plans, these are not entirely to scale.

4 - (Revised: 07-2018) STARFLEET COMMAND’S SEVENTH FLEET U.S.S. White Buffalo - NCC 80116 Quantum Singularity Core + Slipstream Drive Information Packet

Note: On the following pages are the ship deck plans, these are not entirely to scale.

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