A Survey of the Acanthocephalan Parasites of Fish Species Otsego County, NY

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A Survey of the Acanthocephalan Parasites of Fish Species Otsego County, NY A survey of the acanthocephalan parasites of fish species Otsego County, NY L.G. Hendricks1 and F.B. Reyda2 Abstract: The survey documents the diversity of the acanthocephalan parasites in the fish species of Otsego Lake, Cooperstown, New York, and of nearby water bodies of the Biological Field Station (SUNY Oneonta), as well as of Canadarago Lake, Richfield Springs, New York. INTRODUCTION Acanthocephala, or thorny-headed worms, are parasites of vertebrates, and are commonly found in species of birds, mammals and fishes (Schmidt and Roberts, 2005). The body of an acanthocephalan consists of a proboscis and a trunk (see Figure 1). The distinguishing feature of acanthocephalans is the proboscis, which is covered with hooks, and can be retracted. The hooked proboscis is used to anchor the worm to the intestinal wall of the vertebrate host. The hooks themselves can damage the host intestine, and can affect overall fish health (Schmidt and Roberts, 2005). In some cases, hooks can actually penetrate through the intestinal wall, leading to perforations, which can be fatal (Schmidt and Roberts, 2005). It is unclear how often this happens in nature. Most of the acanthocephalan trunk consists of reproductive organs. The sexes are separate, and mating takes place in the vertebrate host intestine. Acanthocephalans are considered pseudocoelomates, i.e., their mesoderm does not line their entire body cavity. Acanthocephala lack a digestive tract. Instead, they absorb nutrients directly from the lumen of the host intestine (Schmidt and Roberts, 2005). Absorption occurs across the tegument of the parasite. The life cycle of acanthocephalans typically consists of two hosts. The first host, or intermediate host is an arthropod. The life cycle begins when an arthropod intermediate host ingests acanthocephalan eggs from the external environment. Once inside the arthropod host, the acanthocephalan egg develops into a larval stage. The life cycle continues when the intermediate host and its acanthocephalan larvae are ingested by a vertebrate predator, such as a fish. Once ingested by the vertebrate predator, the acanthocephalan larva develops into a sexually mature adult worm. The vertebrate predator is considered a definite host; it is the host in which individual adult acanthocephalans mate and produce eggs. The life cycle is completed once eggs are passed into the outside environment in the feces of the vertebrate host, and are consumed by the intermediate host. Occasionally, additional hosts, known as paratenic hosts, are interjected into the life cycle. This occurs when the arthropod intermediate host is consumed by a vertebrate predator that cannot serve as a definitive host. In such cases the larval acanthocephalan does not 1 SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station intern, summer 2009. Current Affiliation: SUNY Oneonta. 2 Assistant Professor of Invertebrate Zoology & Biological Field Station researcher, SUNY Oneonta. undergo further development, and encysts within the body of the paratenic host until the appropriate vertebrate predator, or definitive host, consumes the paratenic host. The goal of this survey was to collect as many species of acanthocephalan parasites as possible from the fishes of Otsego Lake, and the surrounding area, in Cooperstown, New York and Canadarago Lake, Richfield Springs, New York. Other water bodies include the Chain Ponds the Thayer Farm Big Pond, BFS, Springfield, NY, and Moe Pond, Cooperstown, NY. The identification of species of acanthocephalan parasites can provide insights into host specificity, i.e., the number of host species in which a parasite species is found. These data can contribute to our knowledge of the biological diversity of our region. This fish parasite survey data can also provide information on the health of the ecosystem and its food web. Acanthocephalans, like many other kinds of parasites, move up the food chain during the course of their life cycles. Thus the presence of these worms in their fish definitive hosts indicates that multiple trophic levels are intact within the food web. Although it may seem counterintuitive, the presence of parasites, such as acanthocephalans, in an ecosystem, such as Otsego Lake, is a positive sign of the health of the lake. METHODS Fish were collected by hook and line, trap net, gill net, or with a seine in Otsego Lake, the Thayer Farm Big Pond, Moe Pond, Goodyear Lake, and Canadarago Lake. Fish were necropsied immediately after capture, or were kept alive in aquaria in the facilities of the Biological Field Station Upland Interpretive Center and Hop Shed at Springfield, NY until necropsy. Fish were either killed directly by double-pithing, or were anesthetized first by placement in FinQuil and subsequently dissected. Fish were examined for parasites with the aid of a dissecting microscope. Each section of the digestive system was examined for Acanthocephala (as well as other parasites), as was the body cavity, liver, heart, gills, gonads, fins, eyes, and muscle layer. Acanthocephalans encountered were either preserved in ethanol, or were fixed in 5% formalin after 24 hours of storage in tap water at 4° Celsius. Whole-mount microscope slides of parasites were prepared by staining worms in Semichon’s acetocarmine, dehydrating in a graded ethanol series, clearing in methyl salicylate, and mounting in Canada Balsam. Acanthocephalans were identified to genus using the taxonomic key by Hoffman (1999), and to species by the taxonomic key provided by Amin (1985). RESULTS Sunfishes, including Lepomis gibbosus (Pumpkinseed) and Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill), and Micropterus salmoides (Largemouth bass) were the most commonly infected hosts. Acanthocephalans were not encountered in the fish examined from the Thayer Farm Big Pond. Acanthocephalan species encountered include Leptorhynchoides thecatus, Neoechinorhyncus rutili and N. cristatus. Table I summarizes the results of the survey. Two hundred twenty-five individuals of 13 different fish species were examined for parasites (see Table I). Adult acanthocephalans were found in the intestines and/or pyloric cecea of the fish, and larval acanthocephalans, or cystacanths, were encysted in the viscera of the body cavity of seven fish species. Of the seven species of fish that were found to host acanthocephalan species, there was a greater prevalence in white sucker, rock bass, and largemouth bass. Prevalence can be defined as the percentage of hosts infected with a parasite species. Three of four white suckers, or 75%, were infected with the acanthocephalan species Neoechinorhyncus cristatus. Five of eight rock bass, or 63%, were infected with the acanthocephalan species Leptorhynchoides thecatus and/or Neoechinorhyncus rutili. Sixteen of thirty-five largemouth bass, or 46%, were infected with the acanthocephalan species Leptorhynchoides thecatus and/or Neoechinorhyncus rutili. Table 1. Fish species examined and their acanthocephalan species in water bodies. DISCUSSION Each of the species of acanthocephalan we encountered has a complex life cycle. As an example, the life cycle of Leptorhynchoides thecatus is as follows: 1. Sexual reproduction in the digestive tract of the definitive fish host, 2. Shedding of eggs through fish feces, 3. Entanglement of eggs in algae, via egg casing filaments, 4. Ingestion of eggs by the amphipod intermediate host, Hyallela azteca, 5. Ingestion of amphipods into either the paratenic or definitive host. If ingested by a paratenic host, acanthocephalans will encyst in organs until that host is preyed upon by the definitive host, where they will be freed from the cysts and attach to the digestive tract of the definitive host. Based on the presence of Leptorhynchoides thecatus in Otsego and Canadarago Lakes, we know that each component of this life cycle occurs. Some component of this life cycle must be absent in the Thayer Farm Big Pond, where L. thecatus was not found. Recently at the Thayer Farm Big Pond a search for amphipods, the intermediate host for L. thecatus, was conducted; none were collected. Absence of this host, or even low numbers, could account for the lack of L. thecatus in this water body. Future research could include additional searches for the intermediate amphipod host, H. azteca, in the Thayer Farm Big Pond. Also, it is worth examining additional fish species for acanthocephalan parasite presence, as well as diversity. Having a greater spectrum of fish species in our study can aid in our knowledge of the different acanthocephalan parasites and the hosts they infect. This could also lead to another study looking at potential seasonality of parasite infections. This study is part of a broader scale, long-term effort, which will contribute to our understanding of the Otsego Lake and of water body ecosystems. REFERENCES Amin, O. 1985. Acanthocephala from lake fishes in Wisconsin: Neoechinorhynchus robertbaueri n. sp., with a key to species of the genus Neoechinorhynchus Hamann, 1892, from North American fishes. Journal of Parasitology 71: 312-318. Hoffman, G. L. 1999. Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes. 2nd Ed. Ithaca: Comstock Publishing Associates. Kraft, C. E., D. M. Carlson, and M. Carlson. 2006. Inland Fishes of New York (Online), Version 4.0. Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University, and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Schmidt G. D., and L. S. Roberts. 2005. Foundations of Parasitology, 7th ed. McGraw- Hill Publishing Company, New York, New York, 702 p. .
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    University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Faculty Publications from the Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of 1981 Parasites and Diseases of Mullets (Mugilidae) I. Paperna Robin M. Overstreet Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/parasitologyfacpubs Part of the Parasitology Commons Paperna, I. and Overstreet, Robin M., "Parasites and Diseases of Mullets (Mugilidae)" (1981). Faculty Publications from the Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology. 579. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/parasitologyfacpubs/579 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications from the Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Paperna & Overstreet in Aquaculture of Grey Mullets (ed. by O.H. Oren). Chapter 13: Parasites and Diseases of Mullets (Muligidae). International Biological Programme 26. Copyright 1981, Cambridge University Press. Used by permission. 13. Parasites and diseases of mullets (Mugilidae)* 1. PAPERNA & R. M. OVERSTREET Introduction The following treatment ofparasites, diseases and conditions affecting mullet hopefully serves severai functions. It acquaints someone involved in rearing mullets with problems he can face and topics he should investigate. We cannot go into extensive illustrative detail on every species or group, but do provide a listing ofmost parasites reported or known from mullet and sorne pertinent general information on them. Because of these enumerations, the paper should also act as a review for anyone interested in mullet parasites or the use of such parasites as indicators about a mullet's diet and migratory behaviour.
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