Report ______

To the Chair and Members of Date: 5th March 2020 Council



1. This report sets out how the Council Tax is calculated and makes recommendations regarding ’s Council Tax requirement for 2020/21. 2. It is proposed that Doncaster Council’s element of the Band D Council Tax charge is increased by 3.99% (1.99% Council Tax increase and a further 2.00% increase through the Government`s Social Care precept) to £1,405.35 (£936.90 for a Band A). 3. The overall increase will mean an additional £53.92 for Band D Council Tax per annum, £1.04 per week (£35.95 for Band A per annum, £0.69 per week).


4. Not applicable.


5. Council is requested to approve a Band D Council Tax for 2020/21 of £1,405.35 for Doncaster Council services. Council is also requested to pass the appropriate Statutory Resolutions, as set out and recommended at Appendix B, which incorporate the Council Taxes of the Joint Authorities and which, taken together with Doncaster's 3.99% increase, represent a 3.66% increase from the 2019/20 Council Tax for Doncaster residents.


6. The citizens of Doncaster can expect to see their Council Tax for Council services increase by 3.99%. The Police and Fire increases are 2.00% and 1.99% respectively, making an overall increase of 3.66% (see table at paragraph 22). 7. The average Parish Council Tax across the whole Doncaster Council area has increased by 3.11%. 8. The Government have indicated that there will be no referendum principles for Parish Councils for 2020/21 but that these could be introduced for future years if necessary, to provide protection for local taxpayers. BACKGROUND

9. The Council, under the Local Government Finance Act 1992, is required to set the Council Tax for its area. The amount is based upon the capital value of each dwelling calculated by reference to their capital value at 1st April 1991 prices. Properties are placed in one of eight valuation bands by the Valuation Office Agency which is part of Her Majesty’s Revenues and Customs: -

Open Market Value as at 1st April 1991 Band A Not exceeding £40,000 Band B Over £40,000 but no exceeding £52,000 Band C Over £52,000 but not exceeding £68,000 Band D Over £68,000 but not exceeding £88,000 Band E Over £88,000 but not exceeding £120,000 Band F Over £120,000 but not exceeding £160,000 Band G Over £160,000 but not exceeding £320,000 Band H Exceeding £320,000

10.When Council Tax proposals were first issued by the Government in April 1991, it was estimated that the average property value in was about £80,000. Such a property would be in Band D and as a result, many of the calculations are carried out by reference to Band D. For example, when the level of Council Tax is calculated, a Band D Tax is calculated initially and the taxes for all other bands are then calculated as proportions of that. Council Tax is based on two or more adult occupants occupying the property as their sole or main residence. In appropriate circumstances, where a single adult occupies a property as their sole or main residence, a 25% single person discount can be awarded. 11.The table below shows, for Doncaster, the number and percentage of dwellings in each band which were shown in the Valuation List as at the 30th November 2019 when the Tax Base was calculated: -

Number Percentage Band A 81,065 58.42 Band B 25,295 18.23 Band C 15,188 10.95 Band D 9,380 6.76 Band E 4,630 3.34 Band F 2,146 1.55 Band G 918 0.66 Band H 130 0.09 Total 138,752 100.00

12.As such a high percentage of dwellings in Doncaster are in the lower bands, (87.60% are banded below the average Band of D), this has the effect of considerably reducing the amount of income the Council can achieve from Council Tax.

Council Tax Calculation – Doncaster MBC Services 13.Doncaster Council is a ‘billing authority’; this means the Council is responsible for preparing the Council Tax Base, setting the Council Tax, billing and collection of Council Tax and maintaining the Collection Fund. 14.The Police and Fire authorities and Parishes calculate and set their own elements and Doncaster, as the billing authority, then formally sets the overall tax by adding the elements together. 15.The billing authority has to maintain a Collection Fund; this is a separate statutory account from the General Fund. The Collection Fund receives Council Tax and Business Rates income and pays out the demands and precepts made upon it by the Council, the Police and Crime Commissioner, the South Fire and Rescue Authority, Central Government and Parish Councils for Council Tax and Business Rates. 16.The Council Tax Base calculation of 84,141 Band D equivalent properties for 2020/21 was approved by Cabinet on 14th January 2020. This is an increase of 1,365 Band D equivalent properties to the Tax Base. 17.The financial year 2020/21 is the eighth year since major changes to the funding arrangements for Local Government came into effect. The changes affected the way Council Tax bases were calculated and removed certain discounts and exemptions and replaced them with discretionary powers to grant discounts and charge premiums on long-term empty properties and brought local Council Tax Support into the calculation of the Tax Base. 18.The gross revenue expenditure budget for 2020/21 will be £490.1m, which covers all funding sources, including Retained Business Rates, Government Top-Up Grant, Revenue Support Grant, Council Tax, Collection Fund surplus, Specific Grants, Customer and Client Receipts and other income. The figure provided for the Collection Fund surplus for Council Tax is in accordance with legislative requirements to return surpluses on the Collection Fund to taxpayers and precepting authorities. 19.Appendix A shows how the Council Tax is calculated for the Council's services. The Government Top-Up Grant and Revenue Support Grant income included in the calculation is that notified to the Council by the Government on 7th February 2020. 20.Dividing the Council Tax Base into the net amount required from Council Tax payers, excluding Parish Precepts, gives a Council Tax (Band D) for the Council's own services of £1,405.35, a 3.99% increase (£1,351.43 in 2019/20).

Joint Authority Precepts and Council Taxes 21. The Fire and Rescue Authority met on 10th February 2020 to set its precept and Council Tax. It has notified the Council of a Band D Council Tax of £74.59 for 2020/21 which equates to an increase of £1.46 from 2019/20 (a 1.99% increase). At the time of the drafting of this report the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner had yet to formally set its precept. It has however proposed a Band D Council Tax of £198.04 for 2020/21, which equates to an increase of £3.88 from 2019/20 (a 2.00% increase). The Police and Crime Commissioner has a legal obligation to notify the council of its 2020/21 Council Tax and precept by 28th February 2020 and it is anticipated therefore that formal notification from the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner will have been received prior to Council considering this report on 5th March 2020. The increases notified and proposed by the Joint Authorities have been included in the resolutions set out at Appendix B. Appendix B will be updated as necessary following receipt of the formal notification from the Police and Crime Commissioner. 22.The table below shows the total Council Tax for Doncaster residents is £1,677.98 (£1,618.72 in 2019/20) for a Band D property, assuming the Council approves the Council Tax of £1,405.35 for Doncaster Council services. When the Joint Authority Council Tax increases are combined with the 3.99% increase for Doncaster Council, this represents a 3.66% increase from the 2019/20 Council Tax for Doncaster residents. Annual Annual 2019/20 2020/21 Increase Increase Increase Band D Band D % Band A Band D £ £ £ £ Doncaster 1,351.43 1,405.35 3.99 35.95 53.92 S.Y. Police 194.16 198.04 1.951.9002.00 2.59 3.88 S.Y. Fire 73.13 74.59 0.001.99 0.97 1.46 &Total& 1,618.72 1677.98 3.66 39.51 59.26

Localisation of Council Tax Support and Parish Council Taxes 23.The Council Tax Benefit system was abolished and replaced with a Localised Council Tax Support (LCTS) Scheme from April 2013, which is now classed as a Council Tax discount in the Tax Base, similar to the single person’s discount. This has had the effect of reducing the Council Tax Base. Under this Scheme, each Council in 2013/14 received a fixed grant to partly compensate for the reduction in Council Tax income resulting from the lower Council Tax Base due to this new discount. Government figures show that the Council received grant funding of £17.1m (£16.8m for the Council and £0.3m for parishes) to fund this in 2013/14, although the grant only covered 90% of the 2012/13 benefits and protected pensioners. This grant funding formed part of the Council’s Baseline Funding for 2013/14, comprising Retained Business Rates, Revenue Support Grant and Top- Up Grant. Since the 2013/14 Finance Settlement the Government has not published revised grant allocations for these headings and does not intend to in future, even though Central Government funding for local authorities has continued to reduce significantly. 24.Changes to Parish Council Taxes are included in Appendix C below and a summary of increases is set out in the table below. The average Band D Parish Council Tax across the whole Doncaster Council area has increased from £28.32 in 2019/20 to £29.20 in 2020/21, an increase of 3.11%. 25.A summary of the increases in Parish precepts for 2020/21 is shown in the table below: - Percentage Increase No. of Parishes % of the Total Freeze or Reduction 8 20.5 0% - 5% 25 64.1 5% - 10% 4 10.3 10% - 20% 2 5.1 More than 20% 0 0.0 Total 391 100.0

Excludes Cadeby which did not set a Precept in 2019/20, but did for 2020/21.

Statutory Resolutions 26.The Statutory Resolutions at Appendix B are set out for Council approval in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.


27.These are covered in the Budget report on the agenda item ahead of this report. IMPACT ON THE COUNCIL’S KEY OUTCOMES

28.These are detailed in the table below: -

Outcomes Implications Doncaster Working: Our vision is for more people to be able to pursue their ambitions through work that gives them and Doncaster a brighter and prosperous future;  Better access to good fulfilling work  Doncaster businesses are supported to flourish  Inward Investment Doncaster Living: Our vision is for Doncaster’s people to live in a borough that is vibrant and full of opportunity, where people enjoy spending time;  The town centres are the beating heart of Doncaster  More people can live in a good quality, affordable home  Healthy and Vibrant Communities through Physical Activity and Sport  Everyone takes responsibility for keeping Doncaster Clean  Building on our cultural, artistic and sporting heritage Doncaster Learning: Our vision is for learning that prepares all children, young people and adults for a life that is fulfilling;  Every child has life-changing learning experiences within Council Tax is and beyond school a key element  Many more great teachers work in Doncaster Schools of the that are good or better Council’s  Learning in Doncaster prepares young people for the budget which world of work impacts on all Doncaster Caring: Our vision is for a borough that cares priorities. together for its most vulnerable residents;  Children have the best start in life  Vulnerable families and individuals have support from someone they trust  Older people can live well and independently in their own homes

Connected Council:  A modern, efficient and flexible workforce  Modern, accessible customer interactions  Operating within our resources and delivering value for money  A co-ordinated, whole person, whole life focus on the needs and aspirations of residents  Building community resilience and self-reliance by connecting community assets and strengths  Working with our partners and residents to provide effective leadership and governance


29.Not applicable. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS [Officer Initials SRF Date…12/02/20]

30. The Local Government Finance Act 1992 places a duty on Local Authorities to set an amount of Council Tax on or before 10th March, in the financial year preceding that for which it is set. The setting of the Tax involves a series of processes and calculations resulting in a separate amount of Tax for properties in each of the eight bands (A to H) in which properties have been valued under the 1992 Act.

31. The Localism Act 2011 introduced a new Chapter into the Local Government Finance Act 1992, which makes provision for Council tax referendums to be held if an authority increases its Council tax by an amount exceeding the principles determined by the Secretary of State. By Regulation, the Government allows Councils to raise Council Tax by a maximum amount. Any further increases would require a local referendum to be held on the increase. On the 6th February 2020, the Government confirmed that a unitary authority, such as Doncaster Council, must hold a referendum if council tax is to be increased by 4% or more (Council tax for general spending requires a referendum if it rises by 2% or more, alongside a maximum 2% social care precept). The Council Tax levels proposed by Doncaster do not exceed that level and if approved by Council may be implemented without the need for a referendum.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS [Officer Initials…RLI Date… 18/02/20]

32. These are contained in the body and appendices of the report.

HUMAN RESOURCES IMPLICATIONS [Officer Initials…KG Date…12/02/20]

33. There are no specific HR implications relating to the content of this report.

TECHNOLOGY IMPLICATIONS [Officer Initials PW Date… 11/02/20]

34. There are no technology implications that cannot be managed through the Northgate Revenues and Benefits System.

HEALTH IMPLICATIONS [Officer Initials RS Date 12/02/20]

35. The choices the council make in raising revenue will impact on the health of the population. Decision makers should balance the requirement to raise resource as part of the overall funding of council activities and the health benefits that may arise though the use of council tax across a range of service areas (bearing in mind, in general 20% of what contributes to health and wellbeing is due to clinical care, 30% due to behavioural factors, 40% due to socio-economic factors and 10% due to the built environment) with the health benefits that directly arise from improving the standard of living for Doncaster residents through ensuring the local council tax burden is fairly distributed


36. In taking this decision, Members must be aware of their obligations under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010. This Section contains the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). It obliges public authorities, when exercising their functions, to have ‘due regard’ to the need to:- a. eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct which the Act prohibits; b. advance equality of opportunity; c. foster good relations between people who share relevant protected characteristics and those who do not; and d. the relevant protected characteristics under the Equality Act are age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. 37. In setting out the recommendation, it is essential that Members keep an open mind. A final decision can only be made when the decision-makers fully understand and have ‘due regard’ to the potential impact of their decision on people with relevant protected characteristics under the Public Section Equality Act Duty. The decision- makers must consciously and actively consider the relevant matters in such a way that it influences the decision-making.


38. The report follows on from the Revenue Budget 2020/21 report and deals primarily with mathematical calculations to approve the Council Tax and the Council Tax requirement as set out in legislation.

Referenda 39. The Localism Act 2011 made significant changes to the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and requires the Council to set a Council Tax requirement for 2020/21. This requirement is to help the Council to determine if it has set an excessive Council Tax increase that would in turn trigger a local referendum. 40. Authorities are required to seek approval of their electorate in a referendum if any proposed tax increase exceeds the principles set by Parliament. The Government have confirmed the Council Tax Referendum Cap at 4.0% for 2020/21 for all authorities who have decided to implement up to the maximum 2.0% increase ring fenced precept to fund Adult Social Care for 2020/21. The referendum cap would apply on the Band D Tax of the Authority without any adjustments being made for levying bodies such as the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority Transport Levy. 41. Section 52ZB(a) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 provides for the holding of a referendum where a Local Authority in England sets an excessive increase in its relevant basic amount of Council Tax for a financial year. The set of principles determined by the Secretary of State on whether the Council Tax is excessive for the financial year beginning 1st April 2020 is provided for in section 52ZC(1) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. The arrangements for any referendum is contained in section 52Z(g). The change to the use of the actual Band D Tax of the Authority is provided for by Section 41 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 which came into force on the 30th January 2014 and the Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Council Tax Increases) (England) Regulations 2012 as amended. The Referendums relating to Council Tax Increases (Principles) (England) Report 2020/21 published 6th February 2020, sets the referendum limit at 4% for an Adult Social Care authority. 42. The Government have indicated that there will be no referendum principles for Parish Councils for 2020/21 but that these could be introduced for future years if necessary, to ‘provide protection for local taxpayers’. 43. The proposed Council Tax increase of 3.99% for this year presents no risk of a referendum being required. Details of the calculation are set out below:- 2019/20 2020/21 Tax Base 2019/20 Amount Amount (82,776 Properties) 2019/20 2020/21 per Band D per Band Tax Base 2020/21 £M £M Property D Property (84,141 Properties) £ £ Total Council Tax 111.866 1,351.43 118.248 1,405.35 Requirement % Change in Council Tax for Referendum 3.99 Assessment

44. The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) have laid regulations on the 10th January 2020. The Council Tax (Demand Notices) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020, which amend the 2011 and 2017 regulations, specify the detail they require to be shown on the Council Tax bill to cover the details of the Social Care precept and what is required in supporting information. The regulations which came into force on the 10th February 2017 specify that any increase, when compared to the previous year, must be shown to one decimal place. This means that a % increase of 3.95% or above would be shown as 4.0% on the face of the Council Tax bill. This is purely a rounding issue and presents no risk of a referendum being required.


 The Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Council Tax Increases) (England) Regulations 2012 as amended by SI 2013/409 and SI 2014/231  Local Government Finance Act 1992, chapter 4ZA, Sections 52Z(b) to 52Z(g) chapter 4ZA  The Local audit and Accountability Act 2014  The Referendums Relating to Council Tax Increases (Principles) (England) Report 2020/21  The Council Tax (Demand Notices) (England) Regulations 2011 as amended by SI 2017/13  The Council Tax (Demand Notice) (Amendment) Regulations 2017  The Council Tax (Demand Notice) (Amendment) Regulations 2020


45. MHCLG: Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government


Marian Bolton, Head of Revenues and Benefits Tel: 01302 735341, E-mail: [email protected] Robert Isaac, Financial Planning & Control Manager Tel: 01302 737983, E-mail: [email protected] Mark West, Senior Revenues and Benefits Officer Tel: 01302 735419, E-mail: [email protected]

Debbie Hogg Director of Corporate Resources APPENDIX A


2019/20 2020/21 Per Band Per Band D Total Total D Equivalent £million £million Equivalent £ £ Gross Budget 495.244 5,982.94 490.091 5,824.64 Less: Gross Retained Business 45.578 48.054 Rates Adjustment for Business -1.055 1.492 Rates Collection Fund Deficit Net Retained Business Rates 44.523 537.87 49.546 588.85 Government Top Up Grant 34.296 414.32 34.854 414.23 Revenue Support Grant 20.041 242.11 20.368 242.07 Public Health Grant 23.180 280.03 23.875 283.75 Specific Grants 78.473 948.02 83.782 995.73 Customer and Client 51.146 617.88 44.115 524.30 Receipts Other Income1 65.384 789.90 66.354 788.61 Housing Benefit Grant 60.250 727.87 56.321 669.36 Council Tax Collection Fund 2.855 34.49 0.922 10.96 Surplus Use of one-off Uncommitted 3.230 39.02 -8.294 -98.57 Reserves Council Tax Payers 111.866 1,351.43 118.248 1,405.35 (Council Tax Requirement)

Note that figures are subject to rounding.

1 Other income includes income from Continuing Health Care Contributions from the NHS and Section 256 and Section 75 Agreements with the NHS (Better Care Fund), income from Other Local Authorities (OLAs) such as Rotherham MBS in respect of Waste PFI credits and the Coroners Service and from OLAs where their children are placed in schools maintained by Doncaster MBC, as well as income from charges made to schools (including academies), the Housing Revenue Account, St Leger Homes, Housing Associations and the Children’s Services Trust. APPENDIX B


Recommended:- 1. (a) That it be noted that the Council has calculated the amount of 84,141 as its Council Tax Base for the year 2020/2021 in accordance with Item T of the formula in Section 31B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended, and Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992 as amended:- (b) 2020/21 Part of the Council’s Area Tax Base Adwick on Dearne 114 Armthorpe 3,859 Askern 1,360 Auckley 1594 Austerfield 218 Barnburgh and Harlington 654 Barnby Dun with Kirk Sandall 2,723 Bawtry 1,377 Blaxton 465 Braithwell with Micklebring 459 761 Burghwallis 141 Cantley with Branton 1,456 Clayton with Frickley 95 Conisbrough Parks 123 Denaby 132 Edenthorpe 1,485 Edlington 1,909 Finningley 721 Fishlake 255 Hampole and Skelbrooke 87 Hatfield 4,244 Hickleton 114 146 Hooton Pagnell 95 Loversall 59 Moss and District 312 Norton 1,380 Owston 64 Rossington 3,667 and 3,904 Stainforth 1,270 Stainton 117 Sykehouse 195 Thorne – Moorends 4,391 Thorpe in Balne 76 Tickhill 2,098 Wadworth 390 1,135

being the amounts calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Regulations, as the amounts of its Council Tax Base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more Parish precepts relate. 2. Calculate that the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2020/21 (excluding Parish precepts) is £118,247,554. 3. That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2020/21 in accordance with Sections 30 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992: - (a) £654,225,568 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A (2) of the Act taking into account all Parish precepts; (Gross expenditure of the Council, including schools, the Housing Revenue Account and Parishes) (b) £533,521,209 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A (3) of the Act; (Gross expenditure of the Council, including schools, the Housing Revenue Account and Parishes) (c) £120,704,359 being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A (4) of the Act, as its Council Tax requirement for the year; (Item R in the formula in Section 31B of the Act) (Council Tax requirement including Parishes) (d) £1,434.55 being the amount at 3(c) above, (Item R) all divided by (Item T) 1(a) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31B of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year; (Including Parish Precepts) (e £2,456,805 being the aggregate amount of all special items (Parish Precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act. (Appendix C) (f) £1,405.35 being the amount at 3(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 3(e) above by Item T at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no Parish Precept relates; (Council Tax at Band D for Doncaster MBC services) (g) 2020/21 Part of the Council’s Area £ Adwick on Dearne 1444.82 Armthorpe 1465.35 Askern 1480.71 Auckley 1430.44 Austerfield 1445.82 Barnburgh and Harlington 1450.73 Barnby Dun with Kirk Sandall 1438.78 Bawtry 1445.29 Blaxton 1458.38 Braithwell with Micklebring 1419.33 Brodsworth 1461.85 Burghwallis 1444.36 Cadeby 1417.40 Cantley with Branton 1433.51 Clayton with Frickley 1457.98 Conisbrough Parks 1441.94 Denaby 1421.26 Edenthorpe 1434.31 Edlington 1477.91 Finningley 1442.13 Fishlake 1545.56 Hampole and Skelbrooke 1414.45 Hatfield 1452.50 Hickleton 1461.93 High Melton 1429.60 Hooton Pagnell 1455.89 Loversall 1429.30 Moss and District 1425.38 Norton 1446.62 Owston 1427.23 Rossington 1460.16 Sprotbrough and Cusworth 1453.12 Stainforth 1540.89 Stainton 1430.36 Sykehouse 1443.81 Thorne – Moorends 1524.38 Thorpe in Balne 1418.51 Tickhill 1439.79 Wadworth 1456.63 Warmsworth 1448.60

being the amounts given by adding the amount at 3(f) above the amounts of the Parish Precepts relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council's area mentioned above, divided in each case by the amount at 1(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the (Local Government Finance Act 1992) as the basic amounts of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which Parish Precepts relate. (h)

BAND A BAND B BAND C BAND D BAND E BAND F BAND G BAND H Part of the Council's Area £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ DONCASTER 936.90 1093.05 1249.20 1405.35 1717.65 2029.95 2342.25 2810.70 (except where specified below) Adwick on Dearne 963.21 1123.75 1284.28 1444.82 1765.89 2086.96 2408.03 2889.64 Armthorpe 976.90 1139.72 1302.53 1465.35 1790.98 2116.62 2442.25 2930.70 Askern 987.14 1151.66 1316.19 1480.71 1809.76 2138.80 2467.85 2961.42 Auckley 953.63 1112.56 1271.50 1430.44 1748.32 2066.19 2384.07 2860.88 Austerfield 963.88 1124.53 1285.17 1445.82 1767.11 2088.41 2409.70 2891.64 Barnburgh and Harlington 967.15 1128.35 1289.54 1450.73 1773.11 2095.50 2417.88 2901.46 Barnby Dun with Kirk Sandall 959.19 1119.05 1278.92 1438.78 1758.51 2078.24 2397.97 2877.56 Bawtry 963.53 1124.11 1284.70 1445.29 1766.47 2087.64 2408.82 2890.58 Blaxton 972.25 1134.30 1296.34 1458.38 1782.46 2106.55 2430.63 2916.76 Braithwell with Micklebring 946.22 1103.92 1261.63 1419.33 1734.74 2050.14 2365.55 2838.66 Brodsworth 974.57 1136.99 1299.42 1461.85 1786.71 2111.56 2436.42 2923.70 Burghwallis 962.91 1123.39 1283.88 1444.36 1765.33 2086.30 2407.27 2888.72 Cadeby 944.93 1102.42 1259.91 1417.40 1732.38 2047.36 2362.33 2834.80 Cantley with Branton 955.67 1114.95 1274.23 1433.51 1752.07 2070.63 2389.18 2867.02 Clayton with Frickley 971.99 1133.98 1295.98 1457.98 1781.98 2105.97 2429.97 2915.96 Conisbrough Parks 961.29 1121.51 1281.72 1441.94 1762.37 2082.80 2403.23 2883.88 Denaby 947.51 1105.42 1263.34 1421.26 1737.10 2052.93 2368.77 2842.52 Edenthorpe 956.21 1115.57 1274.94 1434.31 1753.05 2071.78 2390.52 2868.62 Edlington 985.27 1149.49 1313.70 1477.91 1806.33 2134.76 2463.18 2955.82 Finningley 961.42 1121.66 1281.89 1442.13 1762.60 2083.08 2403.55 2884.26 Fishlake 1030.37 1202.10 1373.83 1545.56 1889.02 2232.48 2575.93 3091.12 Hampole and Skelbrooke 942.97 1100.13 1257.29 1414.45 1728.77 2043.09 2357.42 2828.90 Hatfield 968.33 1129.72 1291.11 1452.50 1775.28 2098.06 2420.83 2905.00 Hickleton 974.62 1137.06 1299.49 1461.93 1786.80 2111.68 2436.55 2923.86 High Melton 953.07 1111.91 1270.76 1429.60 1747.29 2064.98 2382.67 2859.20 Hooton Pagnell 970.59 1132.36 1294.12 1455.89 1779.42 2102.95 2426.48 2911.78 Loversall 952.87 1111.68 1270.49 1429.30 1746.92 2064.54 2382.17 2858.60 Moss and District 950.25 1108.63 1267.00 1425.38 1742.13 2058.88 2375.63 2850.76 Norton 964.41 1125.15 1285.88 1446.62 1768.09 2089.56 2411.03 2893.24 Owston 951.49 1110.07 1268.65 1427.23 1744.39 2061.55 2378.72 2854.46 Rossington 973.44 1135.68 1297.92 1460.16 1784.64 2109.12 2433.60 2920.32 Sprotbrough and Cusworth 968.75 1130.20 1291.66 1453.12 1776.04 2098.95 2421.87 2906.24 Stainforth 1027.26 1198.47 1369.68 1540.89 1883.31 2225.73 2568.15 3081.78 Stainton 953.57 1112.50 1271.43 1430.36 1748.22 2066.08 2383.93 2860.72 Sykehouse 962.54 1122.96 1283.39 1443.81 1764.66 2085.50 2406.35 2887.62 Thorne - Moorends 1016.25 1185.63 1355.00 1524.38 1863.13 2201.88 2540.63 3048.76 Thorpe in Balne 945.67 1103.29 1260.90 1418.51 1733.73 2048.96 2364.18 2837.02 Tickhill 959.86 1119.84 1279.81 1439.79 1759.74 2079.70 2399.65 2879.58 Wadworth 971.09 1132.93 1294.78 1456.63 1780.33 2104.02 2427.72 2913.26 Warmsworth 965.73 1126.69 1287.64 1448.60 1770.51 2092.42 2414.33 2897.20

being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at 3(f) and 3(g) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5 (1) of the (Local Government Finance Act 1992), is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36 (1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands. 4. that it be noted for the year 2020/21 the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner and the South Yorkshire Fire and Civil Defence Authority have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:-

Precepting Authority Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Band F Band G Band H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ South Yorkshire Police 132.03 154.03 176.04 198.04 242.05 286.06 330.07 396.08 and Crime Commissioner

South Yorkshire Fire & 49.73 58.01 66.30 74.59 91.17 107.74 124.32 149.18 Civil Defence Authority 5. that, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 3(h) and 4 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2020/21 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:- BAND A BAND B BAND C BAND D BAND E BAND F BAND G BAND H Part of the Council's Area £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ DONCASTER 1118.66 1305.09 1491.54 1677.98 2050.87 2423.75 2796.64 3355.96 (except where specified below) Adwick on Dearne 1144.97 1335.79 1526.62 1717.45 2099.11 2480.76 2862.42 3434.90 Armthorpe 1158.66 1351.76 1544.87 1737.98 2124.20 2510.42 2896.64 3475.96 Askern 1168.90 1363.70 1558.53 1753.34 2142.98 2532.60 2922.24 3506.68 Auckley 1135.39 1324.60 1513.84 1703.07 2081.54 2459.99 2838.46 3406.14 Austerfield 1145.64 1336.57 1527.51 1718.45 2100.33 2482.21 2864.09 3436.90 Barnburgh and Harlington 1148.91 1340.39 1531.88 1723.36 2106.33 2489.30 2872.27 3446.72 Barnby Dun with Kirk Sandall 1140.95 1331.09 1521.26 1711.41 2091.73 2472.04 2852.36 3422.82 Bawtry 1145.29 1336.15 1527.04 1717.92 2099.69 2481.44 2863.21 3435.84 Blaxton 1154.01 1346.34 1538.68 1731.01 2115.68 2500.35 2885.02 3462.02 Braithwell with Micklebring 1127.98 1315.96 1503.97 1691.96 2067.96 2443.94 2819.94 3383.92 Brodsworth 1156.33 1349.03 1541.76 1734.48 2119.93 2505.36 2890.81 3468.96 Burghwallis 1144.67 1335.43 1526.22 1716.99 2098.55 2480.10 2861.66 3433.98 Cadeby 1126.69 1314.46 1502.25 1690.03 2065.60 2441.16 2816.72 3380.06 Cantley with Branton 1137.43 1326.99 1516.57 1706.14 2085.29 2464.43 2843.57 3412.28 Clayton with Frickley 1153.75 1346.02 1538.32 1730.61 2115.20 2499.77 2884.36 3461.22 Conisbrough Parks 1143.05 1333.55 1524.06 1714.57 2095.59 2476.60 2857.62 3429.14 Denaby 1129.27 1317.46 1505.68 1693.89 2070.32 2446.73 2823.16 3387.78 Edenthorpe 1137.97 1327.61 1517.28 1706.94 2086.27 2465.58 2844.91 3413.88 Edlington 1167.03 1361.53 1556.04 1750.54 2139.55 2528.56 2917.57 3501.08 Finningley 1143.18 1333.70 1524.23 1714.76 2095.82 2476.88 2857.94 3429.52 Fishlake 1212.13 1414.14 1616.17 1818.19 2222.24 2626.28 3030.32 3636.38 Hampole and Skelbrooke 1124.73 1312.17 1499.63 1687.08 2061.99 2436.89 2811.81 3374.16 Hatfield 1150.09 1341.76 1533.45 1725.13 2108.50 2491.86 2875.22 3450.26 Hickleton 1156.38 1349.10 1541.83 1734.56 2120.02 2505.48 2890.94 3469.12 High Melton 1134.83 1323.95 1513.10 1702.23 2080.51 2458.78 2837.06 3404.46 Hooton Pagnell 1152.35 1344.40 1536.46 1728.52 2112.64 2496.75 2880.87 3457.04 Loversall 1134.63 1323.72 1512.83 1701.93 2080.14 2458.34 2836.56 3403.86 Moss and District 1132.01 1320.67 1509.34 1698.01 2075.35 2452.68 2830.02 3396.02 Norton 1146.17 1337.19 1528.22 1719.25 2101.31 2483.36 2865.42 3438.50 Owston 1133.25 1322.11 1510.99 1699.86 2077.61 2455.35 2833.11 3399.72 Rossington 1155.20 1347.72 1540.26 1732.79 2117.86 2502.92 2887.99 3465.58 Sprotbrough and Cusworth 1150.51 1342.24 1534.00 1725.75 2109.26 2492.75 2876.26 3451.50 Stainforth 1209.02 1410.51 1612.02 1813.52 2216.53 2619.53 3022.54 3627.04 Stainton 1135.33 1324.54 1513.77 1702.99 2081.44 2459.88 2838.32 3405.98 Sykehouse 1144.30 1335.00 1525.73 1716.44 2097.88 2479.30 2860.74 3432.88 Thorne - Moorends 1198.01 1397.67 1597.34 1797.01 2196.35 2595.68 2995.02 3594.02 Thorpe in Balne 1127.43 1315.33 1503.24 1691.14 2066.95 2442.76 2818.57 3382.28 Tickhill 1141.62 1331.88 1522.15 1712.42 2092.96 2473.50 2854.04 3424.84 Wadworth 1152.85 1344.97 1537.12 1729.26 2113.55 2497.82 2882.11 3458.52 Warmsworth 1147.49 1338.73 1529.98 1721.23 2103.73 2486.22 2868.72 3442.46

6. The Council has determined that its relevant basic amount of Council Tax for 2020/2021 is not excessive in accordance with principles approved under Section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended by Section 41 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. For 2020/21 Government has determined that the relevant basic amount of Council Tax for an authority with Adult Social Care functions is only excessive if the authority’s relevant basic amount of Council Tax for 2020/21 is 4% (comprising 2% for expenditure on Adult Social Care and 2% for other expenditure) or more than 4%, greater than its relevant basic amount of Council Tax for 209/20. As the billing authority, the Council has not been notified by a major precepting authority, that its relevant basic amount of Council Tax for 2020/2021 is excessive and that the billing authority is not required to hold a referendum in accordance with Section 52ZK of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. APPENDIX C

Parish Council Taxes 2020/2021 2019/2020

Parish Tax Precept £ Band D Tax Precept £ Band D % Band D base Precept £ base Precept £ Increase

Adwick on Dearne 114 4,500.00 39.47 115 4,363.00 37.94 4.03 Armthorpe 3,859 231,540.00 60.00 3,840 222,720.00 58.00 3.45 Askern 1,360 102,484.00 75.36 1,351 93,167.00 68.96 9.28 Auckley 1,594 40,000.00 25.09 1,556 38,380.00 24.67 1.70 Austerfield 218 8,822.00 40.47 217 8,650.00 39.86 1.53 Barnburgh and Harlington 654 29,681.00 45.38 646 28,681.00 44.40 2.21 Barnby Dun with Kirk Sandall 2,723 91,030.00 33.43 2,704 90,395.00 33.43 0.00 Bawtry 1,377 55,000.00 39.94 1,374 50,000.00 36.39 9.76 Blaxton 465 24,660.00 53.03 448 23,762.00 53.04 -0.02 Braithwell with Micklebring 459 6,418.00 13.98 444 5,240.00 11.80 18.47 Brodsworth 761 43,000.00 56.50 769 42,071.00 54.71 3.27 Burghgwallis 141 5,500.00 39.01 134 5,471.00 40.83 -4.46 Cadeby 83 1,000.00 12.05 82 0.00 0.00 Cantley with Branton 1,456 41,000.00 28.16 1,411 33,592.00 28.06 0.36 Clayton with Frickley 95 5,000.00 52.63 94 4,784.00 50.89 3.42 Conisbrough Parks 123 4,500.00 36.59 120 4,261.00 35.51 3.04 Denaby 132 2,100.00 15.91 131 1,992.00 15.21 4.60 Edenthorpe 1,485 43,000.00 28.96 1,470 41,814.00 28.44 1.83 Edlington 1,909 138,509.00 72.56 1,859 127,601.00 68.64 5.71 Finningley 721 26,520.00 36.78 709 26,080.00 36.78 0.00 Fishlake 255 35,753.00 140.21 251 35,052.00 139.65 0.40 Hampole and Skelbrooke 87 792.00 9.10 86 764.00 8.88 2.48 Hatfield 4,244 200,123.00 47.15 4,136 198,142.00 47.91 -1.59 Hickleton 114 6,450.00 56.58 110 6,029.00 54.81 3.23 High Melton 146 3,541.00 24.25 105 3,228.00 30.74 -21.11 Hooton Pagnell 95 4,801.00 50.54 96 4,410.00 45.94 10.01 Loversall 59 1,413.00 23.95 58 1,326.00 22.86 4.77 Moss and District 312 6,250.00 20.03 308 5,885.00 19.11 4.81 Norton 1,380 56,950.00 41.27 1,372 55,212.00 40.24 2.56 Owston 64 1,400.00 21.88 63 1,400.00 22.22 -1.53 Rossington 3,667 201,000.00 54.81 3,473 187,074.00 53.87 1.74 Sprotbrough and Cusworth 3,904 186,507.00 47.77 3,895 177,626.00 45.60 4.76 Stainforth 1,270 172,141.00 135.54 1,306 172,141.00 131.81 2.83 Stainton 117 2,926.00 25.01 116 2,840.00 24.48 2.17 Sykehouse 195 7,500.00 38.46 193 7,462.00 38.66 -0.52 Thorne - Moorends 4,391 522,650.00 119.03 4,315 489,149.00 113.36 5.00 Thorpe In Balne 76 1,000.00 13.16 77 977.00 12.69 3.70 Tickhill 2,098 72,250.00 34.44 2,093 68,038.00 32.51 5.94 Wadworth 390 20,000.00 51.28 389 19,000.00 48.84 5.00 Warmsworth 1,135 49,094.00 43.25 1,137 49,094.00 43.18 0.16

Total 2,456,805.00 2,343,873.00