Air Quality Action Plan for Sheffield 2003 Environmental Protection Air Quality Action Plan for Sheffield April 2003 Air quality action planning in Sheffield and Rotherham Status This is the draft action plan for improving air quality in Sheffield. At the present time it does not represent the official position of Sheffield City Council or any of the other bodies and agencies with responsibilities in the area. Local Sheffield City Council Authority: Service Nick Chaplin, Environmental Protection Manager Manager Officer for Steve Simmons contact Address 2-10 Carbrook Hall Road Sheffield S9 2DB Telephone 0114 273 4607 number Email address
[email protected] Sheffield City Council Environmental Protection Service website Air quality Sheffield City Centre Clean Air Partnership: partnership websites M1 Corridor Clean Air Partnership 3 Air quality action plan for Sheffield AIR QUALITY ACTION PLAN FOR SHEFFIELD Executive Summary The Issue Poor air quality has been shown to be detrimental to health at concentrations similar to those seen in many parts of the UK. A series of reports have been produced by Sheffield City Council to investigate air quality throughout the City, including most recently the Stage 4 Review and Assessment report published in December 2002. These reports forecast that annual average concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) will exceed the standard laid down in the national air quality strategy in designated Air Action Zones1 in two parts of Sheffield, the City Centre and areas around the M1. The largest contributions to NO2 levels in the two AAZs are from road traffic (for both the M1 and the city centre) and ‘area’ sources (for the city centre alone, covering the domestic, commercial, public and small industry sectors).