Privateering and the Revolt of the Netherlands: the Watergeuzen Or Sea Beggars in Portsmouth, Gosport and the Isle of Wight 1570-71

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Privateering and the Revolt of the Netherlands: the Watergeuzen Or Sea Beggars in Portsmouth, Gosport and the Isle of Wight 1570-71 Proc. Hampsh. Field Club Archaeol. Soc. 47, 1991, 171-180 PRIVATEERING AND THE REVOLT OF THE NETHERLANDS: THE WATERGEUZEN OR SEA BEGGARS IN PORTSMOUTH, GOSPORT AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT 1570-71 ByM] FRENCH ABSTRACT Flanders from where it spread to most of the other provinces. As a result of the assault on The purpose of this study is to examine English relations with the churches the governing classes rallied the Dutch Watergeuzen or Sea Beggars by reference to a behind the government in Brussels, which survey of shipping in the ports of Hampshire dated 24 July gradually regained the initiative. 1570 and a letter from Sir Henry Radeclyjf, the Captain of By the early spring of 1567 the forces of the Portsmouth, to the Privy Council dated 21 May 1571, both in government had easily suppressed the last the Public Record Office, London. These documents tell of the pockets of Calvinist resistance. Large numbers Sea Beggars' presence on the Hampshire coast in the early of those implicated in the political and relig­ years of the tumults that became known as the Revolt of the Netherlands or the Eighty Years' War. The letter of 21 May ious disturbances fled abroad to Germany and 1571, which throws light on the close links formed by certain England. Foremost among those who left at Englishmen with the Sea Beggars, is significant since these this time was William of Nassau, Prince of privateers by their very nature did not tend to leave detailed Orange (1533-84), the leading nobleman in accounts of their activities. the Low Countries. Though no Calvinist, Orange was shrewd enough to realise that the According to tradition the Revolt of the duke of Alba, who had been appointed to put Netherlands, or the Eighty Years' War as it is down the rebellion, would hold him, along known to the Dutch, began in 1568 with the with the other high nobility, largely respon­ execution of counts Egmont and Hoorne in sible for the disorders. In exile Orange June of that year and ended in 1648 when emerged as the unchallenged leader of the Spain recognised the independence of the resistance to Philip II and Alba. To that end he Dutch Republic. But already in 1566 employed all the means at his disposal to government forces had put down Calvinist recover his estates, confiscated by the Crown, insurrections. In the spring of that year a and his honour. He mounted military cam­ group of the local nobility demanded that the paigns in 1568, 1570 and 1572 in the hope of government of Philip II should cease to perse­ inciting a general insurrection against Alba. cute religious dissidents and develop, in con­ The captains and crews of the Watergeuzen sultation with the States General, a policy or Sea Beggars were recruited from among which took account both of the strength of the refugees. Many of them came from the support for Protestants and the commercial maritime provinces of Holland, Zeeland, interests of the country. In the summer the Friesland and Groningen, where substantial Calvinists in Flanders openly challenged the numbers had found employment in the fisher­ authorities by holding open-air services. With ies or the carrying trades. In exile they their ministers denouncing the mass and the turned to piracy and preyed upon shipping in images as idolatrous, it was only to be ex­ the North Sea in order to earn a living, pected that sooner or later the hotheads though some may have been motivated by a among them would attack the churches. In desire to wreak vengeance against Alba's August 1566 the image-breaking began in government. In the spring of 1568 Orange's 172 HAMPSHIRE FIELD CLUB AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY younger brother, count Louis of Nassau, en­ larly active in the vicinity of Portsmouth and listed their services. In April the count led a the Isle of Wight. large mercenary army out of Emden and into It should not be supposed that the Water- Groningen, gaining victory over the royal for­ geuzen were psalm-singing, seagoing Calvi- ces at Heiligerlee on 23 May, followed, how­ nists. Rather, they were of an altogether more ever, by his own defeat by Alba on 21 July at sinister type whose excesses were Orange's Jemmingen. Consequent upon his invasion, despair. Described by their own commanders the count had found himself in need of ships as a godless, cutthroat brood, they undertook with which to protect his supply route into many raids on the coasts of the Low Countries, the Eems estuary (Parker 1985, 121-2). A terrorising the civilian population. Until their number of vessels were hired and equipped in expulsion by Elizabeth they acted from the Emden, others being supplied under contract shelter of English ports, often cooperating with fully equipped by a local pirate, one Jan the French Huguenot fleet at La Rochelle and Abels. By July, Nassau's fleet numbered some elsewhere. Elizabeth and her Council found fifteen ships operating out of Delfzijl. The themselves having to deal with an insubordi­ disaster of Jemmingen temporarily depriving nate naval force, manned by rebels against an them of a port, Abels and other captains ostensibly friendly power. Government found undertook indiscriminate privateering, pre­ itself greatly exercised. Witness the Council's ying upon shipping by virtue of letters of repeated injunctions against the lucrative ac­ marque or commissions granted by Nassau. tivities of the Sea Beggars and others profess­ Early in 1569 and subsequently, Orange ing to hold a lawful commission of some kind, issued a number of letters of marque to the to say nothing of those whose piratical status Sea Beggar captains, authorising them to levy was never in doubt and who never lacked war upon Alba and to fly at their mastheads a influential backers. Certain of the Crown's flag comprising the prince's heraldic device of own officials in the localities were quite pre­ the lion of Nassau on a field of three longi­ pared to turn a blind eye to piracies and other tudinal stripes: orange, white and blue malpractices in return for a douceur, the Vice- (Wedgwood 1944, 111). Admirals in the maritime shires — such as As a sovereign ruler by virtue of his tiny Edward Horsey in the Isle of Wight - being French principality, Orange claimed the legal exceptionally well placed to profit from illicit right to fly his own flag on the high seas. The dealings with pirates and privateers. Unable to importance to Orange of publicly basing his restrain Sea Beggar excesses and fearing im­ resistance on law and on his status as an minent breach with Spain, after repeated independent sovereign is well known, for as a efforts Queen and Council at least effected rebel he was liable to be disowned by foreign their expulsion from English ports in March governments at any time. In the grey world of 1572. On 1 April 1572 under the command of sixteenth-century maritime ventures there Guillaume de la Marck, lord of Lumey, the Sea was, however, but a fine distinction between Beggars took the fishing port of Den Briel on lawful privateering and outright piracy, and to the Maas estuary, which in the event proved a all intents and purposes the Sea Beggars were foothold from which the rebels could continue beyond the effective control of Orange or military operations against Alba. anyone else. Their title was derived from that Primary sources allude to the Sea Beggars' given to the political and religious opponents activities at Dover, Sandwich, Rye and other of the policies of Philip II: the Beggars (Dutch English ports. In the summer of 1570 their Geuzen, French Gueux). During the 1570s and presence was noted at Portsmouth. On 11 July for long after, they preyed upon Channel and 1570 the Privy Council commanded the North Sea shipping of all nations, including realm's Vice-Admirals to stay all ships of English, as a means of supply. They and their thirty tons and upwards and all mariners English and French associates were particu­ within their respective jurisdictions, and to FRENCH: SEA BEGGARS IN PORTSMOUTH, GOSPORT AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT 1570-1 173 make a return of the same {APC VII, 376). In pretendeth to serve the Prince of Orange', their the survey of the ports of Hampshire dated 24 Lordships directed that 'so far as his authority July 1570 conducted by Sir Adryan Ponynges, doth reach he suffer none of the Queen's subjects Vice-Admiral of the county, there appear eight to have any traffic nor to buy, sell or make vessels in Portsmouth harbour (PRO SP 12/ exchange for merchandises either with him or 71/57.1). Six are described as being 'of others that pretend to serve by foreign commis­ Emden': fflienge spright, her master one William' sion upon pain of punishment'. Radeclyff was Kloysin; sea knight, master John Roaver; further willed to endeavour to withdraw any Abraham, master Cornelis Aiphersun; Aspe, Englishmen serving under foreign commissions, master Harman Peters; Mychel Arkaindgel, 'their doings not well pleasing her Highness.' master John Ffastyno; and horse bayarde, master The Council's orders were directed against Harman Harmonsun. Ponynges also noted a English cooperation with the Waiergeuzen and ship of Zeeland, the golden hande, master un­ other sea rovers, an ever-present problem in the named, and one Danish vessel. coastal districts, home to pirates and privateers. The importance to the Dutch rebels of The Sea Beggars' arrival in strength in the Emden in East Friesland is well known, both Channel in 1571 as studied by Dietz, and their as a home to religious refugees and as a base ever-increasing use of English ports, ensured that for rebel printing-presses which disseminated the Council's difficulties became all the more Calvinist propaganda.
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