DamDam--BreakBreak FloodFlood RiskRisk ManagementManagement :: NakdongNakdong RiverRiver CaseCase StudiesStudies

Soontak LEE

Professor of civil and Hydrosystems Engineering Dean, Graduate School of Industrial Sc. & Tech. Yeungnam University 712-749, Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

Dam, like “all structures, will be broken in the end — just as all people will die in the future. It is the purpose of the medicine and engineering to postpone these occurrence for a decent interval”. (J. F. Gordon) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

ModernModern damdam safetysafety regulationsregulations

! Risk assessment at downstream floodplains ! Consideration of potential damages due to dam-break — to increase the safety level along the basin against abnormal floods caused by dam accidents ! Following items should be considered by dam managers or exploitants : — dam risk classification — design flood selection criteria — inundation maps and zoning — basin vulnerability to floods Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

MainMain objectivesobjectives

! To improve the engineering capability for dam-break flow analysis and prediction on real complex situations ! To develop methodologies and guidelines for dam-break flood risk management in Nakdong River, Korea, as a first step toward a new integrated flood safety system based on structural and non-structural measures ! To create a new concept for operational crisis control and integrated dam safety management Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA IntegratedIntegrated damdam safetysafety conceptconcept – supported by three pillars :

! Technical - operational — dam design, construction and exploitation — minimize the failure probability ! Monitoring — opportunity to observe and control the dam behavior ! Emergency and risk management — planning and organization along the basin and all emergency procedures in order to anticipate and mitigate the downstream dangers from a dam accident

" To develop new methodologies for this third aspect Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

DownstreamDownstream riskrisk levellevel -- aa newnew conceptconcept


P U B L IC P A R T S IC N IPA IO T INF T A LO IO L D O N U N C R G A A M AN E L N A R N TI D G B D I E O M S N S N N N E A E E D D IO F S T IA E IT T A S N F R I A E DRL A S P R P T O S N O C SOCIETY BENEFITS BETTER PROTECTION PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND MEDIA AUTHORITIES PUBLIC Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA SocialSocial sciencessciences contributionscontributions toto damsdams andand safetysafety managementmanagement atat downstreamdownstream basinsbasins

To know in order to define and support intervention

Risk informing UNDERSTAND… communication without alarming Specific features of communities in floodable areas

Who is at risk ?

Local authorities Dam break risk public perception People living in disaster support institutions Sociological, demographic disaster support institutions People beliefs, attitudes, judgments and and housing knowledge feelings towards dam’s risks, benefits and safety

AIMS… Socio--geographical geographical Socio--structural structural Promote acceptability and viability Diagnoses of vulnerabilities SSocioocioocio---demographicdemographic of warning systems against spillways Socio--cognitive cognitive And dam break risk Guarantee the efficiency of emergency plans in case of dam break Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

NakdongNakdong riverriver basinbasin channelchannel systemsystem withwith damsdams

Nakdong River system with a catchment area of 23,393.7km2

Andong Dam and a river length of 509.7km

Dalji Imha Dam – largest river system in river Sabeol length and 2nd in catchment area

Nakdong – 7 large multi-purpose dams in

Gumi operation

Youngcheon Dam


Unmun Dam

Hapcheon Dam Milryang Dam Jeokpogyo

Namgang Dam Jindong Samrangjin


EstuaryEstuary barrage Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

DamsDams inin NakdongNakdong riverriver basinbasin

Dam Andong Imha Hapcheon Namgang Milryang Yeungcheon Unmun Index Dam type ECRD ECRD CG CFRD CFRD ECRD ECRD Dam height(m) 83.0 73.0 96.0 34.0 89.0 42.0 55.0 Total storage 1,248.0 595.0 790.0 309.2 73.6 96.4 135.3 capacity(106m3) PMF peak inflow (m3/s) 9,913.0 9,362.0 8,984.0 14,892.0 3,054.0 2,959.0 7,594.0 Reservoir area in 60.0 31.0 30.3 53.0 2.5 7.2 7.8 HWL(km2) Dam crest length(m) 612.0 515.0 472.0 1,126.5 535.0 300.0 407.0 Dam crest width(m) 8.0 10.0 10.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 Dam upper slope(1V:H) 2.0 2.2 0.1 1.5 1.4 2.7 2.2 Dam down slope(1V:zH) 1.7 1.8 0.8 1.5 1.4 2.0 1.8 Core mean slope 0.18 0.25 - 0.25 0.30 0.20 0.20 (1V:zH) Dam foundation 200.0 200.0 75.0 135.0 230.0 160.0 138.0 width(m) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA


Choice of the breach model

Model depend on the objectives :

! To simulate a more accurate outflow for flood mapping and for a risk assessment analysis ; ! To support crisis management (including a potential evacuation action) during a dam incident with a threat of dam overtopping or piping ; ! To reproduce a dam incident with failure and opening of a breach Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

Dam-break flood simulation model

Models used :

! Parametric model (DAMBRK model)

! Physical - parametric model (BREACH model) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

Dam - break mechanism and outflow hydrograph

! Breach formation (breach width, time and shape) assumed or estimated ! Different flood hydrograph types and flood peak values (including PMF) as well as reservoir water level before dam- break considered ! Dam-break flood peak values and outflow hydrographs estimated and compared with results by empirical estimation Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA DamDam -- breakbreak floodflood peakpeak dischargesdischarges byby differentdifferent modelsmodels

Unit : m3/s

Dam Andong Imha Hapcheon Namgang Milryang Yeungcheon Unmun Model

BREACH 92,964 78,749 - - - 20,522 51,327

BREACH + DAMBRK 105,598 79,143 - - - 26,609 38,778

B (m) B b 55.3 48.3 61.0 17.0 59.3 28.0 36.7 avr T(hr) (0.1hr) (0.1hr) (0.1hr) 1.0 154,159 108,423 25,717 42,596 94,686 23,667 159,000 (0.2hr) (0.2hr) (0.2hr) 1Hd 2.0 145,645 98,959 22,717 37,291 94,206 23,716 129,723 (1.0hr) (1.0hr) 3.0 137,568 90,088 - 20,094 32,017 24,063 40,345 B (m) B b 110.7 97.7 122.0 34.0 118.7 56.0 73.3 avr T(hr) (0.1hr) (0.1hr) (0.1hr) 1.0 221,818 145,400 35,133 58,556 148,682 35,690 217,403 DAMBRK (0.2hr) (0.2hr) (0.2hr) 2Hd 2.0 204,309 125,153 29,173 47,116 146,321 35,653 163,388 (1.0hr) (1.0hr) 3.0 187,839 106,580 - 24,027 37,145 35,343 43,494 B (m) B b 166.0 146.0 183.0 68.0 178.0 84.0 110.0 avr T(hr) (0.1hr) (0.1hr) (0.1hr) 1.0 283,917 166,193 43,528 72,551 280,616 48,907 263,248 (0.2hr) (0.2hr) (0.2hr) 3Hd 2.0 254,371 135,274 33,580 53,231 276,699 47,660 184,169 (1.0hr) (1.0hr) 3.0 226,701 113,929 - 25,808 39,129 46,589 45,512 Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA UncertaintyUncertainty analysisanalysis ofof damdam -- breakbreak floodflood peakpeak dischargesdischarges

1,000,000 Hagen(1982, Envelope Eq. based on S*Hd) MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis(1984, based on S*Hd) Costa(1985, based on S*Hd) BREACH BREACH+DAMBRK DAMBRK(BREACH + 1 Hd) DAMBRK(BREACH + 2 Hd) DAMBRK(2 Hd, 1 hr) 100,000 DAMBRK(2 Hd, 2 hr) /s)

3 Fro ehlich(1995a)

Peak Outflow(m 10,000

1,000 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08 1.E+09 1.E+10 1.E+11 1.E+12

Total Reservoir Storage (S)*Dam height(Hd) (m4 ) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

DamDam -- breachbreach shapeshape (Andong(Andong dam)dam)

L = 612.0m

Bt = 332.0m EL. 166.0m

EL. 151.0m 1:1 83.0m

Bb = 166.0m Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

DamDam -- breachbreach shapeshape (Imha(Imha dam)dam)

L = 515.0m

B = 292.0m t EL. 168.0m

EL. 151.0m 1:1 1:1 73.0m

Bb = 146.0m Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

DamDam -- breachbreach shapeshape (Hapcheon(Hapcheon dam)dam)

L = 472.0m

B = 183.0 m EL. 181.0m t

EL.166.0m 96.0m

Bb = 183.0 m Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

DamDam -- breakbreak floodflood outflowoutflow hydrographhydrograph


Andong dam Qp = 283,917cms 250,000

200,000 Im h a d a m Q p = 166,193cms /sec) 3


Hapcheon dam Qp = 148,682cms

100,000 Dis c harge (m


0 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 Time ( hr) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA


Models used :

! HEC-RAS Version 3.1.1 ! DAMBRK model — compared in solution of governing equations, use of GIS and input of channel cross section data — found HEC-RAS Ⅴ.3.1.1 more efficient in GIS application and geographic data input Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Geographical - spatial simulation by GIS

Models used :

! Terrain model (Arc View) ! HEC - GeoRAS — Numerical maps syntheses — Convert to shape file — TIN composition (3-D surface model) — Stream section abstraction — HEC-RAS import — Formulated dam downstream section, dam-break flood simulation and inundation mapping Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

NumericalNumerical mapsmaps synthesessyntheses Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

ShapeShape filefile inin ArcArc ViewView Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

ElevationElevation layerlayer shapeshape filefile Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

TINTIN compositioncomposition Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

StreamStream sectionsection abstractionabstraction Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA HECHEC--RASRAS importimport inin GISGIS formatformat Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

FormulatedFormulated streamstream sectionsection Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

FloodFlood wavewave mappingmapping Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Dam-break scenarios

The following three scenarios were assumed :

! Sc-A : Single dam-break ! Sc-B : Two dam-break (Andong + Imha) ! Sc-C : Three dam-break (Andong + Imha + Hapcheon) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA RiverRiver channelchannel systemsystem andand damsdams

Andong dam

Dalji Imha dam Andong Sabeol



Youngcheon dam Goryeunggyo Unmun dam

Hapcheon dam Milryang dam Jeokpogyo Namgang dam Jindong Samrangjin


Estuary barrage Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA RiverRiver channelchannel crosscross sectionssections appliedapplied inin simulationsimulation Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA RiverRiver channelchannel longitudinallongitudinal profileprofile

Imha dam Andong dam Hapcheon dam

Hwang river

Nakdong river Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Single dam-break simulation

! Andong dam-break results by extreme flood(PMF)

Peak Max. Flood wave Max. flood W.L. Stations Discharge(m3/sec) flood W.L.(EL.m) arrival time(hr) arrival time(hr) Andong dam 283,917 141.16 0.00 0.00 Andong 175,584 116.19 0.25 1.05 Sabeol 69,408 68.31 2.63 5.47 Ilseongyo 64,890 45.00 4.38 8.42 Gumi 59,081 40.45 5.32 11.82 Waegan 52,721 38.31 5.63 13.10 Goryenggyo 45,711 33.98 7.75 18.98 Jeokpogyo 36,702 24.34 12.23 28.27 Jindong 35,590 17.67 14.30 33.20 Samrangjin 35,313 12.94 22.15 42.30 Gupo 33,324 10.40 23.26 50.60 Estuary barrage 30,441 10.31 23.35 51.02 Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream flood hydrograph by Andong dam-break

300,000 Andong dam


/sec) 200,000 3

m Andong Goryenggyo 150,000 Jeokpogyo Sabeol 100,000 Jindong

Discharge ( Samrangjin Estuary barrage 50,000

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Simulatio n Time (hr) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream longitudinal flood profile by Andong dam-break

Andong dam


Jeokpogyo Goryenggyo


Estuary barrage Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream flood inundation map (1/2) by Andong dam-break Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream flood inundation map (2/2) by Andong dam-break

Hyenpung 1:5,000 Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Two dam-break(Andong + Imha) simulation

! Andong + Imha dam-break results by extreme flood (PMF)

Peak Max. Flood wave Max. flood W.L. Stations Discharge(m3/sec) flood W.L.(EL.m) arrival time(hr) arrival time(hr) Andong dam 283,917 142.59 0.00 0.00 Imha dam 166,193 136.76 0.00 0.00 Andong 278,190 122.38 0.72 1.03 Sabeol 105,328 71.59 2.75 4.75 Ilseongyo 93,646 47.96 4.15 7.47 Gumi 81,029 43.00 5.05 10.60 Waegan 69,958 40.78 6.17 11.85 Goryenggyo 59,529 36.34 7.93 18.97 Jeokpogyo 43,816 25.99 12.58 27.80 Jindong 42,605 18.84 14.38 32.33 Samrangjin 41,104 13.60 21.53 42.22 Gupo 38,487 10.67 24.48 51.22 Estuary barrage 34,706 10.57 25.72 51.63 Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream flood hydrograph by Andong + Imha dam-break


300,000 Andong dam Andong

250,000 /sec)

3 200,000 m Imha dam 150,000 Sabeol Goryenggyo Jeokpogyo 100,000 Jindong Discharge ( Samrangjin Estuary barrage 50,000

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

S imula tio n Time ( hr) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream longitudinal flood profile by Andong + Imha dam-break

Andong dam Imha dam


Jeokpogyo Goryenggyo


Estuary barrage Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream flood inundation map (1/2) by Andong + Imha dam-break Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream flood inundation map (2/2) by Andong + Imha dam-break

Gumi 1:5,000 Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Three dam-break (Andong + Imha + Hapcheon) simulation

! Andong + Imha + Hapcheon dam-break results by extreme flood (PMF) Peak Max. Flood wave Max. flood W.L. Stations Discharge(m3/sec) flood W.L.(EL.m) arrival time(hr) arrival time(hr) Andong dam 283,917 142.59 0.00 0.00 Imha dam 166,193 136.76 0.00 0.00 Hapcheon dam 148,682 124.15 0.00 0.00 Andong 278,190 122.38 0.72 1.03 Sabeol 105,328 71.59 2.75 4.75 Ilseongyo 93,646 47.96 4.15 7.47 Gumi 81,029 43.00 5.05 10.60 Waegan 69,958 40.78 6.17 11.85 Goryenggyo 59,529 35.93 7.93 18.97 Jeokpogyo 91,259 31.11 10.50 19.15 Jindong 52,062 21.14 18.17 23.90 Samrangjin 66,266 15.32 20.90 31.83 Gupo 50,692 11.67 22.43 41.47 Estuary barrage 49,552 11.52 23.33 41.85 Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream flood hydrograph by Andong + Imha + Hapcheon dam-break

300,000 Andong dam Andong


200,000 /sec) 3

m Imha dam Hapcheon dam 150,000 Sabeol Hapcheon dam Goryenggyo Jeokpogyo 100,000 Jindong Discharge ( Samrangjin Estuary barrage 50,000

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 S imulatio n Time ( hr) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream longitudinal flood profile by Andong + Imha + Hapcheon dam-break

Andong dam Imha dam Hapcheon dam Sabeol


Goryenggyo Jindong

Estuary barrage Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream longitudinal flood profile by Andong + Imha + Hapcheon dam-break (time-1)

Andong dam Imha dam


Hapcheon dam


Goryenggyo Jindong Goryenggyo

Estuary barrage Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream longitudinal flood profile by Andong + Imha + Hapcheon dam-break (time-2)

Andong dam Imha dam


Hapcheon dam


Goryenggyo Jindong

Estuary barrage Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream longitudinal flood profile by Andong + Imha + Hapcheon dam-break (time-3)

Andong dam Imha dam


Hapcheon dam


Jindong Goryenggyo

Estuary barrage Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

Convert HEC-RAS simulation bitmaps to an AVIfile by Andong + Imha + Hapcheon dam-break

Andong dam Qp = 283,917cms 2010/7/21 23:16

Imha dam Qp = 166,193cms

/sec) 2010/7/21 23:00


250,000 Hapcheon dam Qp = 148,682cms 200,000 2010/7/22 14:20 Dis c harge (m 150,000



0 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00

Time ( hr) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream flood inundation map (1/2) by Andong + Imha + Hapcheon dam-break Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Downstream flood inundation map (2/2) by Andong + Imha + Hapcheon dam-break

Jindong 1:5,000 Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA


— For dam-break flood risk management Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA InternalInternal andand ExternalExternal EAPEAP

IEAP EEAP Dam’s owner Civil Protection Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

MainMain actionaction forfor EAPEAP

! Detection ! Decision making ------IEAP ! Alert ! Warning ------EEAP ! Evacuation } Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA InteractionInteraction betweenbetween IEAPIEAP andand EEAPEEAP

! Definition of alert levels

! Alert and warning systems Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA AlertAlert levelslevels (1/4)(1/4)

- Authority (MOCT, KOWACO) -Dam owner Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA AlertAlert levelslevels (2/4)(2/4)

- Authority (MOCT, KOWACO) -Dam owner - Civil Protection Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA AlertAlert levelslevels (3/4)(3/4)

- Authority (MOCT, KOWACO) -Dam owner - Civil Protection Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA AlertAlert levelslevels (4/4)(4/4)

- Authority (MOCT, KOWACO) -Dam owner - Civil Protection Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

WarningWarning systemsystem (1/2)(1/2) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

WarningWarning systemsystem (2/2)(2/2)

30.00 Imh a D a m Andong Dam 25.00 Andong + Imha Dam

20.00 Andong + Imha + Hapcheon Dam Gupo Jindong Jeokpogyo 15.00 Samrangjin Estuary barrage Estuary

10.00 Goreunggyo Tra ve l Tim e ( hr) Waegan Gumi

5.00 Sabeol Andong 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Dis ta nc e ( km) Imha

Flood arrival time to downstream areas of the dam Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

KeyKey pointspoints forfor EAPEAP

! Inundation maps - Dam owners or managers — dam-break flood simulation — flash floods, abrupt waves

! Risk zoning criteria — water levels — velocities — times of flood arrival

! Basin vulnerability criteria — land use — social and — economical characterizations Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA BasinBasin vulnerabilityvulnerability — Downstream zoning criteria

! Vulnerability

— defined as a measure of the level of exposure and of damage susceptibility toward the dam-break flood

— physical vulnerability and socioeconomic vulnerability should be included for each sub-zone downstream of the dam Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Physical vulnerability

— should include a quantification of the dam - break flood impact as a function of variables like the following :

! maximum depth (water levels) (D)

! maximum flow power (V*D)

! maximum depth gradient Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA Socioeconomic vulnerability — be a weighted function of several characteristics factors :

! Social — families (number of members) — individual (age, education) ! Property — buildings — economic activities ! Strategic infrastructures — power and water networks — hospitals ! Warning and emergency system ! Civil protection response (including training) ! Psycho-social (public perception) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA ExternalExternal EAPEAP

! Means and resources allocation — for each vulnerability zone ! Actions of entities involved in crises management — Water organization or authority (Ministries, Institutes) — Civil protection national service — Dam owner or manager ! Action of entities involved in emergency — Civil protection national service (National disaster prevention organization) — Civil protection agents — Municipalities ! Type of evacuation — by own people means — help of civil protection agents Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

InformationInformation systemsystem


Dam-break flood simulation

Flood wave analysis


EAP Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA EAPEAP inin NakdongNakdong RiverRiver BasinBasin

! EAP for dam-break flood risk management in Nakdong river is being developed

! All dams will dispose of emergency action plans, with proper alert and warning systems, in compliance with the legistration DamDam--BreakBreak FloodFlood RiskRisk ManagementManagement :: SomeSome DamDam BreakBreak AccidentsAccidents Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA TetonTeton damdam failurefailure

! Location : — Teton river, Madison county, Southeast Idaho, U.S.A.

! Dam type : — 305-foot high earthfill dam

! Failure time : — 11:57 AM, 5 June , 1976

! Damage : — Loss of 14 lives — Cost estimated to be nearly $1 billion Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA TetonTeton damdam failurefailure (1)(1) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA TetonTeton damdam failurefailure (2)(2) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA TetonTeton damdam failurefailure (3)(3) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA TetonTeton damdam failurefailure (4)(4) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA TetonTeton damdam failurefailure (5)(5) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA TetonTeton damdam failurefailure (6)(6) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA TetonTeton damdam failurefailure (7)(7) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA TetonTeton damdam failurefailure (8)(8) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA TetonTeton damdam failurefailure (9)(9) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA St.St. francisfrancis damdam failurefailure

! Location : — Santa clarita, California, U.S.A.

! Dam type : — 185 feet high curved concrete gravity dam

! Failure time : — 12 March , 1928

! Damage : — Lost 450 people — Destroyed 1,200 homes and 10 bridges Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA St.St. francisfrancis damdam failurefailure (1)(1) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA

St.St. francisfrancis damdam failurefailure (2)(2) Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA SheffieldSheffield damdam failurefailure

! Location : — Base of the Santa ynez mountains, northern end of Santa barbara, California, U.S.A.

! Dam type : — 720 feet long, 25 feet high concrete gravity dam

! Failure time : — 1925

! Failure cause : — Earthquake Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA SheffieldSheffield damdam failurefailure Water Resources Research Center YEUNGNAM University, Daegu, KOREA OtherOther damdam--breakbreak examplesexamples (1/2)(1/2) OtherOther damdam--breakbreak examplesexamples (2/2)(2/2) THANKTHANK YOUYOU FORFOR YOURYOUR ATTENTIONATTENTION

WWaterater RResourcesesources RResearchesearch CCenterenter YEUNGNAMYEUNGNAM Univ.,Univ., DAEGU,DAEGU, KOREAKOREA