Multi-Vessel Drydocking & Repair Contract Employee

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Multi-Vessel Drydocking & Repair Contract Employee FEBRUARYTHE 2015 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 2 A LEGACY OF GREATNESS, INNOVATING FOR THE FUTURE MULTI-VESSEL DRYDOCKING & REPAIR CONTRACT FOR US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS EMPLOYEE ARTICLE “YOUR REPUTATION IS ON THE LINE WITH EVERY TOW” - CAPTAIN MIKE PATTERSON NEW EMPLOYEE FEATURE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS PLUS & COMPLIANCE: LINDSAY R. DEW ABOUT US OUR HISTORY FACILITY & EQUIPMENT SHIPYARD ORDER BOOK VENDORS CUSTOMERS EMPLOYEES THE GREAT LAKES TOWING COMPANY & GREAT LAKES SHIPYARD PHOTO: @CAPTAINPT PHOTO: INSTAGRAM PHOTO OF THE MONTH FEBRUARYTHE 2015 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 2 A LEGACY OF GREATNESS, INNOVATING FOR THE FUTURE FEATURED SHIPYARD PROJECT 4 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 15 ARTICLES 5 EMPLOYEE 6 SHIPYARD ORDER BOOK TUG CONSTRUCTION 16 ABOUT US BARGE CONSTRUCTION 20 OVERVIEW 7 CUSTOM FABRICATION 22 HISTORY & HERITAGE 7 USCG VESSELS 25 OFFICIALS & DIRECTORS 8 RESEARCH VESSELS 28 LEGACY EMPLOYEES 8 TUGS, FERRIES, LAKERS & MORE 32 BARGE REPAIRS 41 COMPANIES THE GREAT LAKES 9 PARTNERS TOWING COMPANY PARTNERS 45 GREAT LAKES SHIPYARD 10 CUSTOMERS, CHARTERERS 50 FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT 11 & AGENCIES PUERTO RICO TOWING 12 SUPPLIERS, VENDORS 52 & BARGE CO. & SERVICE PROVIDERS TUGZ INTERNATIONAL LLC 12 SOO LINEHANDLING 13 CONTACT US 55 SERVICES, INC. LOYALTY & REWARDS 13 EXPANSION PROJECT 14 COMMUNITY OUTREACH 15 & PHILANTHROPY FEBRUARY 2015 FEATURED PROJECT GREAT LAKES SHIPYARD GREAT LAKES SHIPYARD AWARDED MULTI-VESSEL DRYDOCKING & REPAIR CONTRACT BY US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Great Lakes Shipyard has been includes underwater hull cleaning and This will be the first time the Corps’ awarded a repair contract by maintenance, as well as inspection and tugs and barges have been drydocked the United States Army Corps of testing of propulsion systems; overhaul using Great Lakes Shipyard’s 700 Engineers (USACE) Buffalo District for of sea valves and shaft bearings and metric ton capacity Marine Travelift. two (2) tugs and two (2) barges from assemblies; and other routine cleaning, All four (4) vessels will be hauled out the Corps’ Cleveland Field Station. inspections, maintenance and repairs. within a few days of arrival. Work will In addition, the scope of work includes commence immediately and proceed The shipyard will perform drydocking, major overhauls of the propulsion on all vessels on a concurrent basis maintenance and repairs of the 109- engines, fendering replacements, and until completed in April. foot Tug CHERAW and 53-foot Tug major steel renewals. DONLON, and the 120-foot Deck Barges BD-6259 and BC-6472. Work LEARN MORE 4 FEBRUARY 2015 FEATURED ARTICLE THE GREAT LAKES TOWING COMPANY “YOUR REPUTATION IS ON THE LINE WITH EVERY TOW.” With over 40 years of experience, Captain have stamina. You’re gone all day and into it’s not. They can make costly mistakes, that Mike Patterson has honed skills that he now the night. There’s no rest. It’s really intense - our experience will prevent, which gives our feels passionately about passing down to brutal on the tugs and on the men. You have customers an edge when they use a G-tug.” the next generation of tugmen at The Great to be a bit of an adrenaline junkie to do this “If you’re the captain of a vessel and have Lakes Towing Company. kind of work.” an accident, the first thing you’re asked is “One of the things I’ve always liked best Patterson loves his job, he takes great pride if you did everything you could to prevent about the job is that a captain can’t do it in having started from square one and the accident - that includes using our tug alone. We work as a team. Every time we’re learning from mentors like his own father. services. Taking a tug is an extra cost, but out there we have to remember that we are “Anyone getting into this industry should the cost is nothing when you consider the there for a reason – our customers depend start at the bottom and work their way up. cost of an accident. The low cost of taking on us to get them to the dock. We do it You learn the hard way, but it makes you a tug far outweighs the cost of an accident. for them and for our own self-pride…your better at your job. This will make you a It’s cheap insurance.” reputation is on the line with every tow.” better captain.” Utilizing a Full-Service Lakes-Wide Towing His illustrious career includes countless Safety comes with experience. The tugmen Contract with the Towing Company provides successful tows into port and helping ships at The Great Lakes Towing Company, in an added level of safety and seamanship through treacherous ice conditions. “Ice Patterson’s estimation as well as many to protect your crew, equipment, and the breaking is a very delicate business,” says industry experts, “…are more experienced environment; wherever your vessel may call Patterson. “You have to loosen the ice than any of the competitors. The on the Great Lakes. without damaging the boats. You have to competition thinks what we do looks easy - LEARN MORE 5 FEBRUARY 2015 FEATURED EMPLOYEE THE GREAT LAKES TOWING COMPANY The Great Lakes Towing Company has work to improve the company’s quality providing risk analysis and risk hired Lindsay R. Dew as Director of management programs and systems. management expertise. Lindsay has Operations & Compliance, reporting significant experience working in U.S. to Gregg Thauvette, Vice President Lindsay retired from the U.S. Coast and international ports and seaways, – Operations and working in The Guard after twenty (20) years including the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico Company’s Cleveland offices. as Maritime Operations & Safety and Caribbean. However, this will be Specialist, including duties as a his first opportunity experiencing the Lindsay will assume combined marine inspector. Just prior to joining maritime industry on the Great Lakes. responsibility for all day-to-day The Towing Company, he was with He and his wife have four boys. operations of the towing business, and ABS Consulting for eight (8) years LEARN MORE 6 ABOUT US HERITAGE & FUTURE HISTORY The Great Lakes Towing Company EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY, Because of its lakes-wide presence also comprises Great Lakes Shipyard. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION & M/F/D/V and dominance in the Great Lakes Originally located on Jefferson Road in The Company is proud to be an tugboat market, the Company is more the Flats until 1952 when it moved to Equal Employment Opportunity widely known just as “The Towing the present site in the Old River Bed, (EEO); Affirmative Action (AA); Company,” as if there were no other. It the Shipyard constructed many of and minority, female, disability, and has played a major role in the maritime The Company’s tugs and repaired all veteran-friendly employer (M/F/D/V). industry on the Great Lakes since tugs and barges. In 1983 the Shipyard Our commitment to equality of being incorporated in New Jersey on entered the commercial ship repair opportunity supports the continued July 7, 1899. The Company’s founding business. The scope and volume of growth and vitality of our Company. shareholders comprised a veritable this business was restricted due to the We believe that the diversity of our “Who’s Who” of the nation’s great physical size of the existing facility and workforce is advantageous to us and industrialists of the day, including John the limited lifting capacity of its 300 provides us with a broad spectrum of D. Rockefeller, Jeptha H. Wade, and ton drydock. To expand its traditional ideas which enhance our efficiency, James R. Sinclair, among others. The maritime businesses, the Company production, products and services. Company has provided a significant decided to embark on a bold four- By actively encouraging diversity and operations link in one of the major phase Shipyard Expansion Project, the affirmative action, we believe that we economic lifelines of North America breadth of which the industry hadn’t also contribute to our community. - the fourth seacoast and the Great seen since its modern inception. This Lakes Seaway System. The Great Lakes expansion project includes 4 key Towing Company has continuously phases, the most recent of which was evolved to meet the changing completed in 2011. The final phase, demands of the agricultural, steel, and focusing on facilities that will expand construction industries, as well as the capabilities for year-round work, is needs of the ships and tug/barge units currently in progress. which serve those industries. LEARN MORE 15 7 EMPLOYEES OFFICIALS & DIRECTORS LEGACY EMPLOYEES THE GREAT LAKES GROUP, INC. OVER 40 YEARS • Sheldon B. Guren, Chairman & Director • Dean Olson, Tug Captain, Duluth MN 42 • Ronald C. Rasmus, President & Director • Sheldon B. Guren, Chairman, The Great Lakes Group 41 • Homer E. Guren, Director • Bonnie Guren, Director OVER 30 YEARS • Joseph P. Starck, Jr., Director • George LaTour, Tug Captain, Duluth, MN 39 • George L. Sogor, Senior VP Finance & Administration • Louis Toth, Tug Captain, Chicago, IL 36 • Carolyn J. Oros, Corporate Secretary • Carolyn J. Oros, Office Manager & Executive Assistant • Martin J. Madigan, Assistant Secretary & Controller 35 • Joel M. Koslen, President, Puerto Rico Towing & Barge THE GREAT LAKES TOWING COMPANY Co. 34 • Ronald C. Rasmus, Chairman & Director • Ronald C. Rasmus, President, The Great Lakes Group • Joseph P. Starck, Jr., President & Director 31 • George L. Sogor, Executive Vice President - Chief Financial Officer & Director OVER 25 YEARS • Gregg A. Thauvette, Vice President, Operations • George L. Sogor, Executive Vice President & CFO 28 • Robert J. Zadkovich, Vice President, Business • Michael Patterson, Tug Captain, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 27 Development • Michael Lock, Tug Deckhand, Detroit, MI / Toledo, OH • Carolyn J. Oros, Corporate Secretary 27 • Martin J. Madigan, Assistant Secretary & Controller • Martin Lightner, Tug Captain, Duluth, MN 26 • Captain Jeffrey S.
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