Annual Report 2016-2017


From the President

his has been a dynamic year for reinvention of the liberal arts. Connections Connecticut College. Our strategic is an audacious curriculum for our new plan, Building on Strength, was century, daring students to put the Taffirmed by the Board of Trustees. The world together in new ways. Through College officially launched Connections Connections, our students will buttress with the Class of 2020. And we completed their academic major with interdisciplinary designs for a wonderful new hub of 21st- studies, a relevant internship, a world century learning: the Otto and Fran language, and a whole global outlook in Walter Commons for Global Study and order to become creative, adept, and socially Engagement. Construction of this new responsible leaders of the future. We like facility on the ground floor of the Blaustein to think of it as the new liberal arts for our Humanities Center is scheduled to be interconnected world. complete in spring 2018. Students need such a breadth of Last spring, I traveled across the country perspective in order to find solutions to the on a 12-city tour to talk about our future increasingly intractable problems of our plans. The many alumni, parents, and time. And that, of course, requires them friends I spoke to recognized Building on to look across not just disciplines but also Strength as a strong path for the future, national and regional borders. Connecticut with goals and priorities that provide College is known for its rich world for an exceptional academic program; a language offerings and unique programs distinctively different residential experience; for study abroad, including the distinctive a community nourished by tolerance, certificate we offer through our Center for understanding, and respect; and a stable International Studies and the Liberal Arts. financial future that will allow Connecticut With Connections, we want to build on College to flourish for another 100 years. that strength, by guaranteeing that every The foundation stone of Building on student will integrate a global perspective Strength is Connections, the College’s into their four-year experience.

11 The new Otto and Fran Walter Commons its impact and ensuring that the College for Global Study and Engagement is central continues to cultivate leaders who are to this vision. It brings together under one changing the way we understand the world. roof our language and culture center, our This report offers the stories of several education abroad offices, our centers for faculty and students who are engaged in international studies and the critical study of doing just that. From working to solve India’s race and ethnicity, and new technology-rich sanitation crisis to expanding the context for collaboration spaces, greatly enhancing the language learning to easing the transition opportunities for global learning both close for local refugee families, our faculty and to home and in far-flung locales. The $1.625 students exemplify the College’s mission of million renovation was made possible putting the liberal arts into action. through the generous support of three Our plan is to accelerate this critical foundations—the Otto and Fran Walter work through aggressive fundraising and Foundation, the George I. Alden Trust, and strategic fiscal management. This year, the the William Randolph Hearst Foundation— Connecticut College Fund raised a record as well as a substantial gift from Susan $6 million with gifts from more than 6,200 Eckert Lynch ’62. alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, Local and global engagement has long and friends. It was the third consecutive been central to the work of our Holleran year of increased participation, a pattern Center for Community Action and Public that is bucking national trends and one Policy. And the future of that work, too, that we want to replicate in coming years. just got better with a remarkable $2.5 million gift from Trustee Emerita Carolyn Holleran ’60 and Jerry Holleran GP ’07. As the College’s primary incubator for social reform, the Holleran Center provides students with the kind of intentional, interdisciplinary, and immersive education 15 that was the model for Connections. The first-year seminars centered on Hollerans’ generous gift will more than global themes (from Inventing World double the Center’s endowment, expanding Religions to Virtual Realities in Japan)

2 Katherine Bergeron, President

Our endowment remains strong at $290 you for your generosity and your dedication million, and Moody’s Investors Service has to Connecticut College as we work together reconfirmed our A2 rating with a stable to educate our students to make a lasting outlook. impact on the world. Trustees, alumni, and parents are essential to our success. The end of this report concludes with an honor roll of donors, and Katherine Bergeron I, too, want to conclude by thanking all of President


Key components of the Walter Commons include:

■ Curricular and cocurricular activities to promote deep knowledge of cultures and communities

■ Enhanced academic advising to enrich student off-campus learning and engagement

■ Pre- and post-departure study away programs

■ Events with campus and community partners to foster global understanding

■ Projects foregrounding spaces and opportunities in the wider New London and New England communities to develop global perspectives

■ Lectures and seminars with international visiting scholars and artists, including scholars-in-residence hosted through the IIE-Scholar Rescue Program

■ Globally networked learning opportunities to connect students on campus with partners and places in other parts of the world

A rendering by Centerbrook Architects of the Otto and Fran Walter Commons for Global Study and Engagement


uilding on a tradition of and community-based learning, and modern innovation and a commitment to technology,” said Amy Dooling, associate international education and engaged dean of global initiatives, director of the Bscholarship, Connecticut College will Walter Commons, and professor of Chinese. launch a new center for global study and “The imperatives of global education engagement this spring. in the 21st century require more- The Otto and Fran Walter Commons for deliberate integration of social justice and Global Study and Engagement will advance internationalization agendas. This includes student learning across disciplines, borders, realigning our practices to better meet and cultural boundaries. Developed in the needs and leverage the cultural wealth concert with Connections, the College’s of our ever more diverse domestic and reinvention of the liberal arts, the Walter international student body, while ensuring Commons will open on the ground floor of that a Connecticut College education Blaustein Humanities Center following a equips students of all backgrounds with the $1.625 million renovation. capacity to put knowledge into action.” “The idea behind the Walter Commons The new Walter Commons brings was to consolidate a variety of the College’s together the College’s Center for the global study resources under one roof, Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity, and to expand the ways in which students Language and Culture Center, Office of and faculty examine world issues through Study Away, Toor Cummings Center for interdisciplinary discussions, experiential International Studies and the Liberal Arts,

From left to right: Amy Dooling, Director, Walter Commons; Shirley Parson, Director, Office of Study Away; Melissa Ryan, Assistant Director, Walter Commons; Marc Forster, Director, CISLA; Laura Little, Program Coordinator, Languages and Cultures; Sandy Grande, Director, CCSRE

7 and Office of Global Initiatives. EXPANDING THE CONTEXT FOR With its centralized campus location LANGUAGE LEARNING and visibility, the Walter Commons will Integrating world languages across the function as a dynamic venue for the entire curriculum is a major priority of Connections, campus to take part in critical dialogues, and the Walter Commons will fully embrace presentations, and workshops around our faculty’s unique strength in this area. themes of global significance. The modern, “Beyond our excellent language collaborative space unites core elements departments, the College has multilingual of the College’s historically strong global faculty across many different disciplines, education—language study, research which is part of what distinguishes us from abroad, study away, public engagement, our peers,” Dooling said. “This allows us to globally focused courses, and cocurricular offer an economics course with a discussion programs—with opportunities for local section in Chinese, or explore topics in and global involvement to ensure that every Italian as part of an anthropology course, student can integrate a universal perspective or debate issues in a genetics course in into their four-year experience. Spanish. Our Foreign Languages Across Dooling says the Walter Commons will the Curriculum initiative has grown into showcase what Connecticut College does a remarkably robust program, with more best: create innovative approaches to global than two dozen courses offering embedded liberal arts education. It will expand language language sections each year.” learning opportunities, harness advances in Connecting world languages to courses technology to connect students around the like economics, anthropology, and genetics world, and cultivate new partnerships with changes the way in which students learn a colleges and universities at home and abroad. language. “The goal is a liberal arts education that “By exploring a language within a nurtures in students a deep sense of social specific disciplinary context, such as a and civic responsibility, as well as the ability science or economics course, students find to understand others and to engage many new doorways into developing language different cultures and communities both skills. The result is a process that is far within and beyond the borders of the U.S.,” more organic and conversational than Dooling said. the traditional method of memorizing

8 A rendering by Centerbrook Architects of the Otto and Fran Walter Commons for Global Study and Engagement

vocabulary and conjugations—and it’s far but few have been as successful as we have,” more effective.” Dooling said. The strength in world languages was developed over the course of several HARNESSING THE POTENTIAL decades. In an effort to diversify the OF TECHNOLOGY faculty, the College began recruiting more Social media, along with greater access internationally, which naturally drew to videoconferencing and emerging multilingual professors from a broad technologies, has connected the world in spectrum of fields. ways most couldn’t have imagined 15 or “What we’re building here is distinctive. 20 years ago. Incorporating those advances Many other schools have tried to do this, into the curriculum transforms the way

9 diverse international perspectives, and being exposed to the world don’t necessarily require sending students abroad. We can do that right here in our classrooms,” Dooling said. Some professors are already exploring how they can use this technology to give their students a perspective about the world that textbooks and lectures alone can’t. German studies professor Karolin Machtans is one example. In her course on the Syrian refugee situation in Europe, Machtans has used videoconferencing to give her students the opportunity to interact with teachers, volunteers, and displaced refugee families directly from her classroom. The Walter Commons will serve as a technological bridge between the campus students and faculty explore the people, community and students, faculty, and cultures, and issues that define the world experts working and studying off-campus beyond what is familiar to them. and abroad. Faculty can share ideas and test “Understanding global issues, engaging new technologies; students can connect to

10 classrooms in other countries and conduct with Ashesi that will allow students and research with primary sources from around faculty from both institutions to explore the world. opportunities for increased learning and “When the Walter Commons opens, we understanding. will have a dedicated space for integrating The partnership promotes collaboration globally networked technology into all aspects between the two institutions in of teaching and learning,” Dooling said. international education and in academic research. Together, the colleges will consider PARTNERSHIPS WITH COLLEGES the development of cooperative programs, AND UNIVERSITIES ABROAD including: an exchange of undergraduate Building on the College’s historic students, faculty exchanges, development partnerships with institutions in other of joint research and teaching projects, countries, the Walter Commons initiative and other mutually beneficial collaborative will take the lead in the development of new, activities. mutually beneficial partnerships. “The Ashesi partnership will be an “We’re committed to robust, reciprocal important model as we continue to enhance relationships with other institutions,” said our students’ global perspectives and help Dooling. “We want an ongoing exchange of them develop into creative, adaptive, and ideas and people that will spark dialogues, resourceful thinkers,” said Dooling. ■ and help our students become more adept at thinking and collaborating across a diversity of contemporary worldviews and perspectives. Faculty involvement in building these relationships will help ensure that we integrate what students learn off campus with 80 books donated their curriculum on campus. We’ll prepare Newly established Committee them for experiences abroad, and build on on Refugee Relief and what they learned once they come home.” Education donated 80 Arabic- One such institution is Ashesi University language books to the New College in Berekuso, Ghana. The College is London public library in the process of formalizing a partnership


une, India, is a city of stark closely with departments campuswide to contradictions. Sometimes establish community partnerships and referred to as the “Oxford of the create service-learning opportunities for PEast,” it’s an educational nerve center students. with prestigious universities that attract Bhatia believes that modern technology students and scholars from around the like social media has ignited a wave of world. But Pune, like much of India, also curiosity among students by exposing them faces devastating poverty. More than 40 to a diverse world beyond their backyards. percent of the population lives in slums This glimpse into the lives and challenges with no access to clean water or adequate of people from vastly different backgrounds sanitation. has motivated them to explore new cultures Growing up in Pune, Sunil Bhatia and become more engaged global citizens. was struck by the neglect and indignity “When I first came to the College, many of his less-fortunate neighbors were the focus on service learning mostly forced to endure, and that awareness has revolved around the local community largely guided his activism and research at in New London, which continues to be Connecticut College on the global stage. very important,” said Bhatia. “What’s Bhatia, a professor of human changing now, though, is that students development, has been central to advancing have broadened their interests and are the College’s commitment to global-local also excited by the promise of global community engagement. From 2008 to involvement. They want to travel to 2011, he served as director of the Holleran Europe, and Africa, and elsewhere, because Center for Community Action and Public their imagination has been captured by this Policy (one of the College’s five centers for international community they’re connected interdisciplinary scholarship), and worked to through social media.”

13 While Bhatia helps guide students as a human right,” Bhatia said. “I’ve met toward immersive opportunities, he also many young women who told me about leads by example. how the lack of sanitation exposes them to In 2015, he was recognized by the shame and violence, and how it impacts American Psychological Association with their education and how they view their their Humanitarian of the Year award for bodies, and the day-to-day suffering it his work helping underserved populations brings to their lives,” he said. in India develop sanitation projects. Bhatia is also a prolific researcher; earlier The health effects of India’s sanitation this year, he was awarded the Theodore crisis are well known, but Bhatia is also Sarbin Award by the American Psychological concerned with the deep psychological Association for his contributions to the field and cultural impacts the lack of sanitation of narrative psychology. has on millions of people. Women and Much of Bhatia’s research uses a global- children are particularly vulnerable to the local lens to examine how barriers such humiliation and sexual violence those as class, social biases, and language often conditions can facilitate. lead to cultural alienation of migrant So in 2006, Bhatia took action and populations. For his first book, American founded Friends of Shelter Associates, a Karma: Race, Culture, and Identity and local chapter of the Pune-based nonprofit the Indian Diaspora, he spent two years organization Shelter Associates. With the conducting in-depth interviews with help of the Holleran Center and the local middle-class Indian immigrants in southern community, FSA began raising money Connecticut. Those conversations revealed for the construction of community and that members of that community juggle individual toilets in one of the poorest slum conflicting identities as both educated settlements in Maharashtra. professionals and people who, for the first The organization has built more than time in their lives, have been labeled as 700 toilets and directly contributed to the people of color. building of 1,000 more, improving the lives Bhatia’s second book, Decolonizing of thousands of people in Pune while also Psychology: Globalization, Social Justice, and raising awareness of global poverty. Indian Youth Identities, was published by “My main goal is advocacy of sanitation Oxford University Press in September. In

14 the book, Bhatia examines the psychological student exchange program. impact globalization has had on India’s “We want to approach this in a novel under-30 population, and how Western way, not simply parachute students into culture has crept into their daily lives, from one city,” Bhatia said. movies and television to the consumption “The plan is to have them take classes of Western commodities. Bhatia also points with local students and professors at a out that this generation of Indian youth has university that will serve as a home base, a greater ability to travel abroad, which has but they’ll also branch out to other parts of shaped perceptions of their social status in the country to take classes at other schools the world. for two- or three-week periods at a time. Bhatia’s students are involved in and That way students will get a fuller picture of benefit from both his research and his social the country, the people, and the culture.” ■ justice work. One former student, Susan Taylor ’09, won a grant from the Davis Projects for Peace Foundation to work with Shelter Associates to promote health and hygiene awareness. “Sunil is deeply committed to the organization and finding the best and most effective ways to support their needs,” Taylor said. “I was blown away—but not the least bit surprised—by the extraordinary high regard in which each member of the organization holds Sunil. I was instantly welcomed into this community and workplace, and I know I have Sunil’s committed efforts to thank for that.” To give even more students meaningful experiences abroad, Bhatia is developing partnerships with universities in India to Sunil Bhatia, Professor of Human Development establish an innovative new semester-long


ileen Kane is doing something Union dissolved into 15 separate nation- most professors never get a states, half a dozen of them were majority chance to do: she’s returning Muslim. This prompted a fresh look at these Eto her alma mater to become a student populations, which had been largely ignored once again. by both Islamic and Russian historians. Kane, an associate professor of modern Kane received a Fulbright Scholarship European and Russian history, as well as and spent two years after college studying the director of the global Islamic studies in Istanbul, where she also learned to program, is spending this year at Brown speak Turkish. University studying the Middle East. Kane “When I was living in Istanbul from 1995 returns to Brown, where she completed her to 1997, the city was a bustling center of undergraduate degree, with the support of trade and revived contacts between post- a coveted New Directions Fellowship from Soviet lands and the Middle East,” Kane The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. said. “That’s when I became interested in the “The fellowship is a once-in-a-lifetime longer history of connections between those opportunity to go back to school and two regions.” train seriously in a new field,” Kane said. This past summer, Kane spent five weeks “I’ll be studying modern Middle Eastern in Germany, where she was invited to lead history, learning Hebrew and Yiddish, and a workshop and to deliver a lecture at the improving my Arabic, which I took for three Free University of Berlin about the Hajj, the years in grad school.” mandatory pilgrimage to Mecca all Muslims After the fall of communism in Eastern are expected to make at least once in their Europe during the 1990s, Kane began lifetime. She also took intensive German studying the relationship between Russia lessons to enhance her language skills, and and the Middle East. When the Soviet got to know the scholarly community in the

17 work. She’s quick to highlight the importance of Connecticut College integrating world languages across Connections, because this emphasis enables students, even those unable to travel abroad, to receive a truly global education here on campus, better preparing all students for the challenges of today’s complex world. “I always tell students that they will never regret studying a world language,” she said. “It adds a dimension to you as a person, and you get this peek into a culture that is not your own. That’s why it’s crucial— and potentially promising in all kinds of unanticipated ways—that students think of the language they study as a Eileen Kane, Associate Professor of History and Co-Director, Global Islamic Studies Program tool that can allow them access to new areas and discoveries city by attending a variety of lectures and far beyond the language itself.” visiting several research institutes. In the post-9/11 world, misconceptions “Berlin is a center for work on Muslim about Islam and Muslims have led to and Jewish communities in Europe and the widespread fear and discrimination Middle East, and it’s the place to be right now throughout Europe and the United if you work on these issues,” Kane explained. States. Kane and her interdisciplinary Being multilingual is essential to Kane’s colleagues in the global Islamic studies

18 program see an opportunity to present of global imperialism, imperialist racism, students with a far more comprehensive ethnic cleansing, racialized violence, and picture of the Islamic religion and of race-based inequality.” Muslim cultures around the world. Kane will continue to work with the “All of our faculty in the program favor College’s Committee on Refugee Relief and comparative and global perspectives,” said Education, translating for, and assisting, Kane. “Our courses are cross-listed with refugees in the New London area as they try many other departments and a diverse range to rebuild their lives after being forced from of programs, including German studies, their war-torn homes in Syria. Kane believes history, art and architectural history, and the Walter Commons can help the College Jewish studies.” expand its role in supporting these families. The key, Kane believes, is to teach “This is a very positive way for the students to avoid the common mistake of entire College community to connect with conflating Islam with terrorism that often these new members of the New London infects the politics and policies of the West. community and provide the support and While many Americans believe that “Arab” protection they need,” she said. ■ and “Muslim” are interchangeable terms, and that the Middle East is the main region to examine Islam, the global Islamic studies program provides students with a more accurate world context. 75 “There are more than 1.8 billion Muslims elementary students at in the world, and the majority live outside RMMS participated in the Arab world, with more than 60 percent the World Languages living in South and Southeast Asia alone,” programs in 2016, bringing the total close to Kane pointed out. 1,000 students since the “In Europe overall, Muslims are the program launched in 2009. fastest-growing religious community. So we explore with our students how Islam and Muslims are not exceptional in world history, but are part of broader narratives


hen Connecticut College New London’s Regional Multicultural formed its Committee Magnet School. on Refugee Relief and Since the start of the Syrian civil war in WEducation last fall, Jamila Ezbidi ’19 2011, more than five million people have was a natural fit to serve as one of two been forced to flee their homes and resettle student representatives. around the world. Hundreds of Syrian “Jamila studies the work of Arab refugees have landed in Connecticut, women writers, and her research on Arab and much of the support they receive, feminism is impressive. She’s a brilliant from employment assistance, to legal young woman. I knew she’d add so much help, comes from volunteer groups in to our committee,” said Waed Athamneh, local communities. But these efforts are assistant professor of Arabic studies, who is about more than simply helping refugees also a member of the committee. get back on their feet. They’re also about The committee, which partnered with ensuring these families feel welcomed into Start Fresh, a local refugee resettlement their new communities. group in New London, lends support to Having discovered that local refugee newly resettled refugees. In February, the families didn’t have access to Arabic- two groups co-sponsored a screening of language books, Ezbidi worked with the award-winning documentary Salam committee members to acquire dozens of Neighbor, which raised nearly $1,800 for children’s books that were then donated to local Syrian refugee families. the Public Library of New London. The “For me, it was important to support effort helped keep children connected to the local refugee families who settled in the Arabic language and allowed them to New London,” said Ezbidi, who also enjoy the simple pleasure of reading stories tutors refugee children who attend from home.

21 Jamila Ezbidi ’19

“International experiences and issues traveled with her mother, who is German, should not be limited to one semester to Berlin to explore its rich history. abroad, like at some schools,” Ezbidi said. “I was interested in subjects that are “At Connecticut College, we are exposed normally considered completely unrelated: to global issues on campus and in the local international relations and political science, community all the time.” as well as architecture, but I wanted the Growing up in Palestine, Ezbidi experience of a liberal arts education, and to developed an interest in politics and foreign be able to draw connections across disciplines affairs thanks to her father, a political without restrictions,” Ezbidi explained. science professor. Her enthusiasm for Ezbidi found precisely what she was architecture began to bloom when she looking for at Connecticut College, where

22 she has had the flexibility to double-major “Feeling welcome and respected is in international relations and architectural important for all religious and ethnic studies, as well as pursue a passion for groups at the College, and projects like the ceramics and expand her leadership skills. halal dinners help provide a basis for mutual Fluent in Arabic, German, and English, understanding and communication,” she Ezbidi became involved with the College’s said. “The dinners took a lot of dedication, international student community upon perseverance, and effort, especially from our arriving at the College. Within a few dining staff, which is dedicated to providing weeks, she ran for vice president of the our Muslim community with food prepared International Student Association, and to halal standards.” won. She was so effective that she was During her final two years at the College, elected president her sophomore year. Ezbidi plans to continue her work with the “My first year, the ISA provided me with refugee committee and continue tutoring a sense of community, which was something children at the RMMS. But when it I valued,” Ezbidi said. “That’s why I knew comes to supporting victims of the largest I would enjoy being president and providing humanitarian crisis since World War II, that same sense of community Ezbidi says she’s just getting started. for [incoming] international students.” “After graduation, my goal is to improve The College’s emphasis on shared housing solutions for refugees and displaced governance also appealed to Ezbidi. She populations around the world,” Ezbidi said. joined the Student Government Association “I can’t think of a better way to combine and was elected chair of Equity and my passion for architecture with my interest Inclusion. As an Arab-Muslim-Palestinian in international relations.” ■ woman, Ezbidi says she understands the need to create an even more inclusive atmosphere on campus. She saw the position as an opportunity to help initiate critical structural changes. 241 Total number of students who One of her favorite initiatives was studied away, 57 of whom went on launching weekly halal dinners that meet the SATA program in 2016. the dietary needs of Muslim students.


randy Darling ’19 wants to be “Connecticut College was the only school the U.S. ambassador to China. on the list that had everything I wanted—a Growing up in Chicago might small environment, study abroad programs, Bnot be the natural starting point for a and the chance to study Mandarin,” would-be ambassador, but Darling’s Darling said. “The international presence of academic strength and natural curiosity the school was especially important to me.” were apparent from an early age. By the Once she arrived at the College, ninth grade, she was admitted into the Darling wasted no time mapping out an city’s highly selective Lindblom Math and ambitious path that includes majoring in Science Academy, where she was able to both economics and East Asian studies. study Mandarin, and her fascination with As a first-year student, she joined the East Asia began to flourish. Asian Studies Student Advisory Board, While at the academy, Darling was and worked as a tutor for a local Chinese- admitted into Posse, a program which speaking elementary school student. She partners with a select group of private also presented in Mandarin at the annual colleges and universities, including World Languages Conference at New Connecticut College, to provide full London’s Regional Multicultural Magnet tuition support for students who have School, where college students regularly demonstrated exceptional academic and work with young students on world leadership skills, but who might otherwise language skills. slip through the cracks of the traditional Amy Dooling, director of the Walter admissions process. Commons, said that Darling has made

Opposite page: Brandy Darling ’19

25 “Connecticut College was the only school on the list that had everything I wanted—a small environment, study abroad programs, and the chance to study Mandarin,” Darling says. “The international presence of the school was especially important.”

an impact from her first semester at the of State awards to outstanding students College, on campus and in the local who are pursuing fluency in an essential community, something she credits to world language by studying abroad. The Darling’s seemingly endless level of energy scholarship allowed Darling to spend the and natural diplomatic skills. summer in Dalian, China, immersing “The breathtaking number of clubs and herself in Mandarin at the Dalian programs Brandy participates in is too long University of Technology. to list,” Dooling said. “But the experience “It was incredibly rigorous,” she said of and knowledge she brings enrich the the experience. “I lived with a host family, College’s cultural awareness and efforts so I was constantly speaking Mandarin, relating to social justice and economic learning the rhythm of the language.” equality. From tutoring public school While in China, Darling made an students in New London, to working at observation that got her thinking deeply the Coast Guard Academy, she’s always a about the intersection of education, positive force with an amazing knack for economics, and culture. finding common ground with others.” “The majority of international students at Following this local engagement, Darling DUT were from Africa,” Darling explained. received a prestigious Critical Language “Right away I asked, ‘Why is China Scholarship, which the U.S. Department investing in students from Africa?’ My

26 CISLA research project is on Sino-African societies, and how economies shape our economic relations, so I’m examining institutions,” she added. questions such as, ‘How is Chinese This semester, Darling is conducting investment in Ghana affecting the Ghanian research for a project in Harbin, China, middle class? Is it allowing it to flourish? where she is studying through an Is it not allowing it to grow, or does it not organization called China Education Tours. have any effect at all?’” For all of her global ambitions, Darling Darling points out that Africa, overall, says her ultimate goal is to be a role model has the fastest-growing middle class in for students just like herself. the world, with Ghana, in particular, “No one who looks like me has ever been witnessing a significant transformation the U.S. ambassador to China. I could be over the past decade. In 2011 alone, the first African-American and woman to Ghana had the fastest-growing economy hold that position, and my success could in the world, resulting from accelerated open doors for others who look like me.” ■ natural resource extraction and new foreign investment, led by China. But the full social impact of this growth in the middle class and Chinese investment throughout the country has not been fully digested yet, from the environmental effects of increased consumption, to shifts in the political 300 internships landscape and new dynamics in inequality In the summer of 2017, over 300 as some groups are left out of the economic Connecticut College students boom. Those are the rapidly evolving completed internships in 24 dynamics Darling is researching. She argues countries and 23 states that economics is a cultural indicator and can be a vehicle for driving social change. “Economics is important to understanding how people interact with one another—how people make decisions, how they approach different cultures and


adav Assor says that students don’t technology that Assor argues should be need to be art majors to reap the recognized as inherently human. benefits of art education. Assor, “There’s this strange habit of treating Nan assistant professor of art, argues that technology as if it’s something that space exposure to the arts is essential to learning aliens dropped onto the planet,” Assor said. the practical skills necessary to thrive in the “But in reality, technology is an expression of modern world. human ideas and desires, and I’m fascinated “The study of art is about expanding not by how it influences how we communicate only the lenses through which you can see with each other and see each other.” the world, but also about developing a whole Assor grew up in southern Israel, and range of mental and emotional skills that play came to the United States in 2008 to along with that,” Assor said. “Art education attend the School of the Art Institute of helps develop limber, flexible thinking, and Chicago, where he earned a Master of Fine the capacity to come at subject matter from Arts in Art & Technology Studies, and was many angles, drawing from disparate sources awarded the first-ever Edes Foundation Prize to synthesize something new.” for emerging artists. In 2012, he joined Assor has exhibited his work all over the Connecticut College as an assistant professor world, including China, India, Israel, and of art, and led the development of a new throughout Europe and the United States, area in the studio art department dedicated and he’s collaborated with a variety of artists to expanded media. and musicians on a wide range of projects. According to Assor, technology is an But if there’s one common theme woven essential piece of the Walter Commons throughout his work, it’s an exploration because it can provide a means for students of how people relate to each other and to and faculty to interact with international their environment through technology— scholars and researchers around the world.

29 Although he stresses that videoconferencing villages, dry fields and synthetic water can never replace the experience of reservoirs, military monuments and collaborating in person, Assor is hopeful community graveyards. The process used that technology will trigger avenues for our to create the work involved walking and art students to collaborate with students scanning the ground via waist-high aerial overseas from inside their art studios in video, while being surveilled from the sky Cummings. The central goal is to use by a drone flown by a former fighter pilot. technology to help broaden students’ This creative use of technology in his art perspectives and their ability to relate to is reflected in the courses he teaches, from people from vastly different backgrounds experimental 3D art, to video installation through the shared language of creativity. and sound art, and allows Assor to engage “I hope we can find some experimental with his students on issues relating to social and creative ways to make these global justice, race, and inequality. connections, and challenge the limits of “These issues have always been important videoconferencing technology and other to me, and are built into my work,” Assor methods of communicating,” he said. said. “But my students have added a Other methods of communicating depth to my understanding through our can be conducted using such technology discussions, and by the ways they present as street mapping, drones, and even their perspectives. Much of what I’ve security screenings, all of which Assor has learned over the past few years has come incorporated into his own work, producing from them.” an eclectic mix of projects. Assor rejects the notions that art needs Assor’s 2016 video piece Ground Effect, to project a superficial beauty or that the for example, is a surface investigation of audience should never be challenged. He the constantly shifting 80 km-long line defining the desert’s edge in Israel that connects the mountains of the West Bank in the east with the Gaza seashore in the 44 west. This is an area divided by conflicting Connecticut College is a top narratives and layered histories. There are poducer of Fulbright fellows. 44 artificial pine forests planted on demolished awardees since 2010

30 likes to compare art to a strenuous which he says veers too aggressively hiking trail, with twists and turns and into the realm of propaganda. varied terrain that can, at times, be “Good art doesn’t need to have a challenging, but that ultimately results in message, or tell you what to think or a satisfying experience. He distinguishes feel,” he said. “Good art doesn’t tell you between art that provokes thinking, and something, it makes you ... have your art that has a singular, overt message, own, unique experience.” ■

Nadav Assor, Assistant Professor of Art


espite taking numerous Spanish familiar with in the many English-language courses, Sethu Babu ’17 had genetics classes I took. I learned to talk not yet learned how to speak in fluently about the science behind medicine,” DSpanish about Babu’s true passion: science. Babu said. The biological sciences major wanted the Genetics classes conducted in Spanish Spanish vocabulary to discuss cell division, are part of the College’s innovative way of genetic coding and find the words to explain teaching world languages. basic medical conditions in a language “We offer courses on education, business, other than English. politics, history, film, environmental justice, “Traditional Spanish courses don’t delve and science, taught entirely in Spanish and into medical vocabulary,” said Babu, presented through a cultural lens,” explained who is currently pursuing a master’s Julia Kushigian, the Hanna Hafkesbrink degree in medical laboratory sciences at Professor of Hispanic Studies. “At many Quinnipiac University. other colleges and universities, the focus is “Genetics is such an important part of only on language and literature.” medicine, especially the emerging field of Kushigian, who joined Connecticut personalized medicine. I needed to broaden College in 1985, blends language, science, my Spanish vocabulary to better serve and culture in order to dive into genetic potential patients.” issues that involve race, and the ways in At Connecticut College, Babu was able which language and culture can influence to find a genetics class taught exclusively how scientific data is interpreted. Her in Spanish. course also examines how scientists from “I learned Spanish terminology for developing countries can compete in the scientific concepts that I became quite global science community.

33 exposed to certain biases of language. Misinterpretations or inadequate translations can cause confusion amongst the international scientific community. This course integrates Spanish into genetics, which is one step to remedy this problem.” This integration of languages across a variety of disciplines is a key feature of Connections, and marks a significant departure from how world languages have traditionally been taught. Instead of a repetitive focus on conjugations and vocabulary, students are exposed to a far more conversational and communicative class environment. To reach even more students, Kushigian has added a business course that touches on the fundamentals of marketing, microeconomics, and macroeconomics, and she has her students build a business plan, and craft and present their own budgets in Spanish. “The students gain a view of how science Julia Kushigian, Hanna Hafkesbrink Professor of Hispanic Studies or business is approached in other cultures and languages, but the approach also motivates students to learn vocabulary “We grasp the language barriers that are and grasp sentence structure, as they present in genetics and in the sciences,” build language skills within the context Kushigian said. of subjects with which they already have “Because many students from around some familiarity. This advances their the world use genetics textbooks that are understanding of the topic,” Kushigian said. published in English, these students are One of Kushigian’s former students,

34 Sarah Schoellkopf ’97, used her advanced there will be countless more opportunities understanding of Spanish to complete an for her students to collaborate with peers internship in Buenos Aires, Argentina, across disciplines, and to explore new ways and write an honors thesis that led to a to develop the language skills and cultural Fulbright research award and a Rotary knowledge that Kushigian says are essential International Scholarship, through which in an increasingly globalized economy. she analyzed the cultural manifestations “The Walter Commons will be very of the public and governmental policies exciting, because we want to give our around the "disappeared." Schoellkopf students as much of an international has since earned a Ph.D. in Spanish from experience as possible while they’re on the University of California, Berkeley. campus, and having all of these resources Now she’s funding an annual Hispanic in one spot will allow us to do that studies award at the College, as well as a exceptionally well,” Kushigian said. ■ scholarship for the department, to give back to the program that has had such a profound impact on her life. “Julia has essentially been my career and life guru,” Schoellkopf said. “She served as an adviser throughout my graduate study, and I’m indebted to her for helping me $10,000 achieve academic and professional success, Together with Community which I built on while engaging with the Partnerships, the newly New London community when I was a established Committee on student at Connecticut College.” Refugee Relief and Education Kushigian’s current students use their helped raise more than $10,000 practical language skills to regularly for resettlement efforts for families in the region. interact with New London’s community, working with the Immigration Advocacy and Support Center as translators, or volunteering in hospitals and health clinics. And once the Walter Commons opens,

35 Financial Summary | FISCAL YEAR 2016-17

Connecticut College continues to maintain a balanced operating budget thanks to prudent financial planning. The College continues to see strong support from alumni, parents, friends, and foundations thanks to the excitement of the new curriculum.

REVENUE OVERVIEW (Fiscal year ending June 30, 2017)

Preliminary FY17 New Gifts Revenue & Pledges


36 Budget: $111.9 million Enrollment: 1,800 Full-time Undergraduates Comprehensive Fee: $65,000 Student/Faculty Ratio: 9:1 Endowment Distribution: $13.3 million Debt (6/30/17): $93.6 million Annual Fund: $6 million Net Assets (6/30/17): $357 million Financial Aid: $37.0 million

EXPENSE ALLOCATION (as of June 30, 2017)

Preliminary Expense Expense Budget by Function


37 PRELIMINARY BALANCE SHEET (as of June 30, 2017)

Assets Liabilities & Net Assets Cash $19,514,000 Accounts Payable $6,789,000 Contributions Receivable $20,836,000 Other Liabilities $18,161,000 Investments $299,116,000 Bonds & Notes Payable $93,673,000 Land, Buildings & Equipment $108,440,000 Total Liabilities $118,623,000 Other $28,425,000 Net Assets $357,708,000 Total Assets $476,331,000 Total Liabilities & Net Assets $476,331,000

Net Assets by Year (as of June 30, 2017)







$0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Total Assets Over Time

$300,000,000 $250,000,000 $200,000,000 $150,000,000 $100,000,000 $50,000,000 0 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16

Calendar Year (November)


39 40 Honor Roll of Giving Connecticut College is moving forward with fresh ideas and a new curriculum, Connections, a reinvention of liberal arts education that builds on our historic strengths. Because of the loyalty and generosity of the entire Connecticut College community, the 2016-2017 Connecticut College Fund reached a record $6.0 million with total cash gifts of $14.9 million. To all those listed in the following pages, please accept our sincerest thanks. Because of you, Connecticut College is preparing courageous, thoughtful citizens who will put the world together in new ways.

AD ASTRA SOCIETY The Ad Astra Society honors donors whose giving has reached $1,000,000 or more over the course of their lifetime. Ad Astra donors are commemorated in the Ad Astra Garden at the top of Tempel Green. Created in 1996 by Emeritus Trustee Susan Eckert Lynch ’62 in honor of her mother, the garden features stone benches surrounding a sundial fountain. The names of Ad Astra members are engraved on the benches as a permanent tribute to their extraordinary generosity and dedication to the College.

Judith Ammerman Brielmaier ’60 Elizabeth Gilbert Fortune* ’40 Linda J. Lear ’62 Frances Gillmore Pratt ’60 and Raymond* and Elizabeth Rieley Winifred Tilden Gelinas* ’41 Jill Long Leinbach ’56 Harold I. Pratt P’89 Armington* ’31 Jane Clark Gibney* ’40 and Jane Cadwell Lott* ’36 and Elizabeth Blaustein Roswell ’52 P’84 Timothy M. Armstrong ’93 Albert Gibney* Thomas L. Lott* May Buckley Sadowski* ’19 Nancy Marshall Athey ’72 and Edward and Dianne Goodnow P’88 Ronald P. Lynch* and Susan Sarah Brown Schoenhut* ’28 Preston G. Athey Olivia T. Goodnow ’88 Eckert Lynch ’62 Sandra Shahinian ’74 Sarah Pithouse Becker* ’27 Agnes Gund ’60 Joy Shechtman Mankoff ’56 Ruth Rusch Sheppe* ’40 Anita and Josh Bekenstein P’10 Robert Hale, Jr. ’88 and Karen Hale P’20 Sylvia Pasternack Marx ’57 David and Lyn Gordon Silfen ’67 Helen Lehman Buttenwieser* ’27 Cathy Frank Halstead ’69 Drew* and Helen Fricke Mathieson ’52 Thomas R. Slaughter* ’77 Nancy H. Camp* ’53 Karla Heurich Harrison* ’28 P’54 GP’80 Bill * and Ashie Watson McAllister * ’43 Virginia Berman Slaughter ’48 P’77 Katherine Wenk Christoffers* ’45 P’74 Lucy Marsh Haskell* ’19 Lucy C. McDannel* ’22 Elsa Allyn Soderberg ’67 Mary Williams Crozier* Barbara Henderson* ’41 Sue Bernstein Mercy ’63* and Anna Lord Strauss* Nathan* and Joanne Toor Cummings* ’50 Barbara Blaustein Eugene Mercy, Jr. P’91 Jean Curtin Tempel ’65 Nathan Cummings* Hirschhorn* ’50 P’79 GP’16 Josephine Lincoln Morris* ’31 GP’88 Hans* and Ella McCollum Cynthia Fuller Davis* ’66 Daniel B. Hirschhorn ’79 Jo Ann Hess Morrison* ’67 and Vahlteich* ’21 P’57 Duncan N. Dayton ’81 Jerry and Carolyn McGonigle David Morrison Virginia Eason Weinmann ’51 and Judson M. Dayton ’80 Holleran ’60 GP’07 John and Heidi Niblack P’98 John G. Weinmann* Kenneth* and Julia Winton Muriel Whitehead Jarvis* ’29 Judith Tindal Opatrny ’72 Paul M. and Harriet L. Weissman P’87 Dayton ’49 P’80 ’81 Ann Werner Johnson ’68 and Morton F. Plant* Roman* and Tatiana Weller* Deborah Dearborn ’67 Thomas Stephen Johnson Joan Redmund Platt ’67 Cynthia Terry White* ’46 Raymond and Carmen Debbane P’09 ’13 Barbara Zaccheo Kohn ’72 and Mary Lake Polan ’65 P’02 ’10 and Diane Y. Williams ’59 Anthony and Elizabeth McGuire A. Eugene Kohn Frank A. Bennack, Jr. The Zachs Family Enders ’62 P’87 Elizabeth Stuart Kruidenier* ’48 John Powell* GP’89 Pamela D. Zilly ’75 Barbara Hogate Ferrin* ’43 and Betsey* and Rachel Larrabee* Margaret Abell Powell* ’39 GP’89 Allan Wheeler Ferrin* Harriet Buescher Lawrence* ’34

MILLENNIAL CIRCLE Gifts of $1,000,000 or more within a given academic year

Robert Hale, Jr. ’88 and Karen Hale P’20


41 CENTENNIAL CIRCLE Gifts of $100,000 - $999,999

Anonymous ’82 Cathy Frank Halstead ’69 Nancy S. Newcomb ’67 and Patricia Roth Squire ’51 and Judith Ammerman Brielmaier ’60 Lucy Eaton Holcombe* ’46 Professor John A. Hargraves David Squire GP’06 Bradford and Jane Brown P’12 ’15 ’20 Barbara Zaccheo Kohn ’72 Judith Tindal Opatrny ’72 Harold F. Wiley Charles R. Burke* Linda J. Lear ’62 Suzanne Rosenhirsch Oppenheimer ’56 Diane Y. Williams ’59 T. Wilson Eglin, Jr. ’86 Susan Eckert Lynch ’62 Sandra Shahinian ’74 Pamela D. Zilly ’75 Gareth Griffiths ’60 Sylvia Pasternack Marx ’57

MORTON F. PLANT SOCIETY Gifts of $50,000 - $99,999

Seth Alvord ’93 Sarah Hamilton Fenton ’63 Ann Werner Johnson ’68 Thomas A. Sargent ’82 and Nancy Marshall Athey ’72 Susan S. Ford ’67 W. Kurt Meinen ’79 Allison Ijams ’82 P’17 Jonathan H. Cohen ’87 Allison B. Gorsuch-Corrigan ’03 Wendy Stark Morrissey P’03 Lorraine Schechter* ’66 Rev. Carol C. Cruikshank* Zoe Klein Henriquez ’99 John and Heidi Niblack P’98 Peter Skaperdas and Kathleen Auda P’17 Susan Sigal Denison ’69 Daniel B. Hirschhorn ’79 Joyce Bagley Rheingold ’56 Jean Curtin Tempel ’65 Michael J. Dominguez Carolyn McGonigle Holleran ’60 and Sanford J. Rosen Betsy Greenberg Feinberg ’66 Jerry Holleran GP’07

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Gifts of $25,000 - $49,999

Anonymous ’72 Duncan N. Dayton ’81 Kenneth R. Kabel ’76 and Carol Kabel P’12 Joan Redmund Platt ’67 Anonymous ’02 Vicker V. DiGravio III ’88 and Karen Eric J. Kaplan ’85 Sharis Arnold Pozen ’86 and David W. Barber ’88 Christofano DiGravio ’91 P’20 Joan Rosen Kemler ’47 Thorn Pozen ’88 P’19 William P. Barrack ’81 and Elizabeth McGuire Enders ’62 and Patricia Salz Koskinen, Ph.D. ’64 Karen Quint ’87 Katherine Barrack P’18 Anthony Enders P’87 Ruth Ritter Ladd ’72 Lucia B. Santini ’80 and Bruce Field P’12 Marshall and Margaret Bartlett P’93 ’97 Karla H. Evans ’80 P’18 Paul and Julie Leff P’20 Karen Fales Sauter ’74 President Katherine Bergeron and Lincoln E. Frank and Margaret T. John and Elizabeth Linehan P’18 Deborah Murray Sloan ’67 Butch Rovan O’Neil Frank P’19 Nancy S. MacMillan ’67 Christine Miller St. Jean ’67 Joan Stevens Bingham ’57 Brad ’91 and Lisa Freer Deborah Johnston Magowan ’67 and Fiorimonde Wedekind ’51 William and Skye Brewer P’19 Carlos Garcia ’88 Peter A. Magowan P’94 Frazar B. Wilde, Jr.* Christy K. Burke ’93 Agnes Gund ’60 Helen Fricke Mathieson ’52 Cynthia Kossmann Wilkinson ’84 and Brad and Mary Burnham P’20 Prescott W. Hafner ’80 Elizabeth Hood McAfoose ’60 Alan Wilkinson P’19 Lucille Klau Carothers ’45 Alexandra Auchincloss Herzan ’81 Andrea Hintlian Mendell ’68 Jane Crandell-Glass ’62 and Cathy Kaufman Iger ’75 Meridee A. Moore and Kevin N. King P’16 Jonathan Glass GP’18 Mark M. Iger ’75 Dr. Maria C. Pellegrini ’69

HARKNESS CIRCLE Gifts of $10,000 - $24,999

Anonymous* ’40 Mary Roth Benioff ’56 and Maria Wyckoff Boyce ’85 Julia Winton Dayton ’49 P’80 ’81 Anonymous ’56 B. Richard Benioff P’87 Carol Blake Boyd ’72 Andrew C. Dreyfus ’80 Alexandra G. Abbott ’89 Hannah Schoentgen Bergen* ’58 Kathryn Klein Briger ’63 Michael J. Dubilier ’77 Debo P. Adegbile ’91 William and Marjorie Berlinghof P’05 Ronald and Barbra Bukovac P’18 Frank and Susan Dunlevy P’20 Richard and Emily Alexander P’20 Betty Brown Bibbins ’73 David Carliner ’82 Boris Elisman and Karen Hymes P’18 Laura J. Allen ’81 Adam and Paula Block P’18 Thomas Ciccalone, Jr. David Feinberg and Marina Kalb P’19 Gregg and Christine Asplundh P’18 Anthony C. Bowe ’79 D. Rebecca Davies ’83 J.F. Fitzpatrick and Dale Cendali P’18 Manuel and Corina Balbontin P’20 Eleanor C. Bowsher* ’34 Judson M. Dayton ’80 Cynthia Linton Fleming ’54

42 DeFred Folts III ’82 and Cathy Folts Patricia Reinfeld Kolodny ’68 Shaun F. Pedersen ’88 Jonathan S. Stavin ’85 Linda Abel Fosseen, Ph.D. ’69 Rae Downes Koshetz ’67 David and Lisa Peterson P’17 Jane Yusem Stern ’72 Martha E. Gifford, Esq. ’73 Jeremy R. Kramer ’83 Byron and Nancy Pinckert P’18 Mary E. Stone* ’49 Theodore and Hilary Giuliano P’17 Mary Ash Lazarus ’71 Mary Lake Polan ’65 P’02 ’10 and Elizabeth Dutton Sweet ’47 Larry M. Goldstein ’88 Harry Leiser Frank A. Bennack, Jr. Matthew A. Tanner ’94 Judith Rosman Hahn ’67 Christine Webb Letts ’70 J. Roy Pottle and Dianne Pink P’17 Carole Lebert Taylor ’65 Peter S. Hallarman, M.D. ’78 Brian Lynch and Robin McQueen Amelia Roberts Rands ’73 Geraldine Dana Tisdall* ’49 Prudence Regan Hallarman ’78 Lynch P’19 Cynthia Fenning Rehm ’54 Ellen Townes-Anderson ’68 Elizabeth Halsey ’73 and Ann and Andy Mathieson John F. Remondi ’84 Thomas M. Usdin ’79 Thomas Halsey P’00 Robert and Elizabeth McGraw P’21 Joan Roberts Robertson ’38 Richard C. Vancil ’82 and Helene Kestenman Handelman* ’54 and Eugene Mercy, Jr. P’91 and Carolyn Mercy George S. Rogers ’82 and Patricia Vancil ’82 P’13 William Handelman GP’18 Guy W. Morris ’76 Carolyn Rogers P’16 Joella B. Werlin ’59 Barbara Blaustein Laura L. Nash ’70 and Thomas Beale P’05 Cara Esparo Schirrmeister ’82 Emily Estes Whalen* ’48 Hirschhorn* ’50 P’79 GP’16 George Oliva III and Sioux Oliva P’07 ’11 Charles W. Schirrmeister ’82 Tamah Nachtman Wiegand ’68 Ellen Gottlieb Kazin ’62 and Stuart Steve C. Owen ’80 and Lisa Owen P’12 Sarah A. Schoellkopf ’97 Diane Buchanan Wilsey ’65 P’91 Kazin P’86 ’88 Judy Heldman Oxman ’71 Alexander B. Schoenfeld ’05 Rena Rimsky Wing ’67 Chester W. Kitchings, Jr. David H. Palten ’76 and Mark Seltzer and June Seraydar P’17 Daniel Zubkoff and Pauline Lee P’12 Jean A. Klingenstein ’64 Barbara Palten P’04 ’09 Robert F. Smith*

THE LAURELS Gifts of $1,911 - $9,999

Anonymous ’97 Sharon Page Bode ’72 Douglas Cole P’01 Philip M. Farmer ’77 Alice Reid Abbott ’69 Andrew P. Bonanno ’91 Julia Conner Collard ’56 Patrick W. Farrell ’18 Ned and Maureen Abelson P’18 Lisa Levaggi Borter ’85 David J. Collerd ’11 Thomas Farrell and David Alden ’76 Samuel E. Bottum ’89 Cynthia D. Conrad ’70 Martha Farrell-Cox P’14 John W. Alderman ’76 Francine J. Bovich ’73 Lynn Cooley, Ph.D. ’76 David Fenderson and Nancy Sisitzky Alderman ’76 Patricia Kendall Boyd ’64 P’93 Deborah White Corr ’67 Anne-Louise Goulet P’18 Gail Illsley Apple ’63 Betty Sudarsky Bradley Lawrence Corwin ’77 Karen Saurino Fife ’85 and Frances Farnsworth Armstrong ’48 Bart and Gina Breakstone P’16 ’19 Loulie Sutro Crawford ’89 Andrew Fife P’19 Kathryn Bacastow ’72 Victoria Brett ’90 Ken A. Crerar ’77 Mark D. Finnegan ’83 and Hilary Elizabeth Ashforth Bacon ’78 and Katharine B. Brigham ’73 Jennifer L. Croke ’87 Bovers Finnegan ’85 P’14 ’17 Edmund Bacon P’07 ’09 Marilyn Nibecker Brinkman ’49 Donald A. Crouch ’77 Alexandra D. Fiorillo ’03 Caroline Myers Baillon ’57 Fred* and Paula Benson Brothers ’69 Harry C. Curtis ’80 John and Anita Fiorillo P’03 Christine Heilman Bakalar ’70 Sharon Smith Broughton ’69 Nancy Vaughan Curtis ’80 Gale Slepchuk Fitzgerald ’72 Jenifer Kahn ’87 and Holly Burnet Mikula ’80 Deborah Dearborn ’67 Thomas M. and Esther Coyne Flanagan ’49 Peter Bakkala ’87 P’15 Greg and Debbi Butz P’19 Raymond and Carmen Debbane P’09 ’13 Gregory J. Fleischmann ’90 Emily Zahniser Baldridge ’59 Jean Gallup Carnaghan ’53 and Anita L. DeFrantz ’74 Rita York Fogal ’67 Andrew and Carrie Bank P’17 Luason Carnaghan P’76 Anne DeLaney ’83 Jane Engel Francoeur ’63 and Janice L. Barefoot ’80 Candace Brooks Carr ’65 Beverly Vahlteich DeLaney ’57 Philip Francoeur P’90 Geoffrey D. Barnet ’85 Jean Kohlberger Carter* ’43 GP’07 Mathieu J. DesJardins ’92 Joseph A. Franklin Evelyn Ball Barrack ’54 P’81 ’85 GP’18 Jennifer Myers Carter ’93 Jon and Joan Dodd P’17 Dana Hartman Freyer ’65 and Stephen W. Bartlett ’97 Richard A. Carter ’92 Carol Friedman Dressler ’67 P’99 Bruce Freyer P’19 Phyllis Benson Beighley ’68 Susan R. Case ’75 Eleanor B. Drew ’66 Katherine A. Freygang ’74 Susan Schnadig Belgrad ’63 Eduardo Castell ’87 Lois Papa Dudley ’50 Barbara Brachman Fried, CFP ’64 Ford and Amy Bell P’02 Dina Catani ’79 Robert Durrant and Sallie S. Fried ’76 David J. Benjack ’86 Iris Herbits Chandler ’48 Piyaphan Chirathivat P’19 Stephen Frieder ’89 Jonathan R. Bennett ’87 Craig E. Chapman, Esq. ’76 Thomas and Jennifer Eddy P’17 Susan Froshauer ’74 James S. Berrien ’74 Candace J. Chase ’73 Linda M. Eisenmann ’75 and Thirsa Sands Fuiks ’46 Marion Drasher Berry* ’44 Carol D. Chaykin ’66 Stephen Ostrach P’03 ’07 Nancy Simon Fulton ’70 Joann Murphy Bezzant ’60 Dr. Martha Alter Chen ’65 Jill Eisner ’80 Rena Zurn Fulweiler, Ph.D. ’82 Mary Voss Bishop ’55 Cordelia Ettl Clement ’52 Joan Gwiazdowski Elliott ’73 Rafael and Maria Gamba P’17 Robert B. Blackwell ’73 Isaac H. Clothier V ’79 and Charles Enders ’87 Erik A. Gammell ’00 and Judith Van Law Blakey ’60 P’88 Elizabeth Clothier P’10 Jennifer Connelly Enders ’90 Samantha Gammell Charles L. Blanksteen ’74 Elizabeth Hamilton Coffey ’52 P’86 Sharon L. Ephraim ’85 Frances Howland Gammell-Roach ’71 and Nancy Mayers Blitzer ’45 Barbara Smith Cole ’73 and Mark D. Fallon ’92 Nick Roach P’00 ’10

43 Noel R. Garrett Arnold Hunnewell, Jr. ’91 Margot Hartley MacArthur ’87 Eric C. Petersen P’90 Louisa Hammond Garrison ’71 and Jennifer Kimiatek Hunnewell ’91 Anne-Lindsay Makepeace ’80 Mary Clarkeson Phillips ’68 Richard C. Garrison P’00 Lucie Hoblitzelle Iannotti ’57 and Joy Shechtman Mankoff ’56 Jennifer Gilman Piche ’98 Dr. James C. Garvey ’79 Lawrence Iannotti P’83 Alison Ogg Martin ’83 Ellen Leader Pike ’68 Janine Frazza Garvey ’81 Christina Ferayorni Ivaldi ’66 Margaret Burrows Martin ’73 Andrew J. Pinkes ’84 Thomas C. Gately ’91 Marta Lindseth Jack ’55 Margery Flocks Masinter ’62 and Edgar Elizabeth Platt ’80 Susan Mabrey Gaud ’68 and Constance Green Jacobson ’57 Masinter P’88 Gregory H. Poole ’96 Henry Gaud P’07 Dr. Diane Levy Jacobson ’70 Marcia Hunter Matthews ’67 Junius Powell, Jr.* P’74 ’78 GP’05 Anne Reno Geddes ’93 Michael C. Jaeger ’87 Margaret Park Mautner ’51 Frances Gillmore Pratt ’60 and Stephen J. George Lolly Jelks Crawford ’85 Stephanie A. Maxwell ’86 P’19 Harold I. Pratt P’89 Gregory Gigliotti ’88 Estella Johnson ’75 Barbara Phillips Mayer ’63 Robert and Nora Radest P’16 Lorraine Bitner Gilden ’69 Nancy W. Jones ’66 Robert H. McBride ’82 and Carolyn Boyan Raymond ’63 Richard and Lorraine Gilden Emily Joyce Oakes ’97 Lucy McBride P’12 Stephanie Heyman Reckler ’65 Adam M. Gimbel ’91 Betty Fluegelman Kahn ’68 and Patricia W. McClure ’67 Rachel I. Reiser ’90 Daniel and Francine Giordano P’17 Stephen Kahn P’92 Christopher L. McDaniel ’94 Douglas C. Renfield-Miller ’75 and Louise Rosenthal Glasser ’62 Angela Troth Kalayjian ’95 Marcia A. McLean ’79 Jean Renfield-Miller ’75 Carol Filice Godfrey ’74 Nicholas Kalayjian ’95 Philip and RoseMarie McLoughlin P’02 ’05 Marla Ribner-Lance ’92 Alice Katz Goldstein ’62 Joan Negley Kelleher ’54 Robert and Mary Ellen McMillan P’17 Helen Jinks Richards ’64 Barbara Rosen Goodkind ’55 and David and Chantal Kellogg P’19 Donald and Britta Schein McNemar ’67 Nancy Grondona Richards ’57 E. Robert Goodkind P’79 Kevin and Nicole Kelly P’18 ’20 Mary Hope Missimer McQuiston ’60 and Thad B. Ring ’90 Edward and Dianne Goodnow P’88 Louise Thomas Kemper ’69 Robert McQuiston P’87 Todd D. Ritter ’91 Ann W. Goodwin Barbara Marino Kenny ’80 Daniel and Grace Melrod P’20 Dorothy Hyman Roberts ’50 Lynne Twinem Gorman ’57 Herbert F. Kenny III ’80 Anne Mickle ’89 Beth Schelling Robinson ’82 Paul D. Greeley ’79 and Katharine DeWitt Kern ’88 Carolyn Graves Mitchell ’59 James T. Robinson ’82 Nancy Greeley P’13 Drew Ketterer ’71 Linda Tallmadge Mitchell ’61 Theodore M. Romanow ’76 Suzanne Krim Greene ’57 P’85 Kathleen Minor Kheel ’99 Glenna Mathes Moalli ’71 Susan Rosenberg Rose ’62 Deborah Greenstein ’67 Fran Wattenberg Klingenstein ’68 Marcia C. Morris ’70 Rebecca Hoffert Rosow ’68 and S. Knute Gregg ’94 Judith Spicer Knutson ’65 Joanne McKean Morton ’76 Peter Rosow P’93 Susan Kellogg Grigg ’63 Thomas M. Kobak ’78 P’15 Mary McCorison Mourkas ’53 Elizabeth Blaustein Roswell ’52 and Amy Grossman ’77 Craig and Lois Kocian P’01 Peter E. Mousseau ’83 Arthur Roswell P’84 Scott W. Hadfield ’93 Susan D. Krebs ’73 and David Confer P’06 Katherine Hambleton Movalson ’95 David A. Rubin ’85 Susan Melinette Haerle ’67 Joan Jacobson Kronick ’46 P’73 Samantha Capen Muldoon ’88 J. Gordon Rudd, Jr. ’86 and Andrew M. Halsey, Sr. ’77 Dr. Martha Joynt Kumar ’63 Brian and Betty Mullally P’18 Maureen Conlin Rudd ’87 P’17 Jane Murchison Hamilton ’52 Robert and Elizabeth Laible P’18 F. Wisner Murray ’79 and Suzanne Hanny Russell ’85 Suzanne M. Hamlin ’93 David and Beth LaLiberte P’20 Betts Murray P’11 Stuart H. Sadick ’77 Megan A. Hammond ’97 Barbara Gordon Landau ’55 and John and Jane Murray P’17 Daniel Samelson ’76 Richard J. Hannah, Jr. ’91 Walter Landau P’83 Alexander and Alison Nalle P’18 Mary Seaverns Saner ’72 Hildegarde Drexl Hannum ’53 Wendy Lehman Lash ’64 Randal and Melani Nardone P’21 Elisabeth A. Sapery ’67 Mary-Jean Moran Hart ’44 Mario Laurenzi ’90 Douglas A. Neimann ’97 David R. Sargent, Jr. ’77 Mark W. Hastings ’73 Jean Mayshar LaVecchia ’73 Kathleen McGregor Neimann ’97 Geoffrey Schaefer ’90 Deirdre Miller Hatfield ’88 Joann Walton Leavenworth ’56 and Mikhail Nikolaev and Brian S. Schneider ’83 W. Henry Hauser, Jr. ’80 Donald Leavenworth P’82 Marina Nikolaeva P’19 Annie M. Scott ’84 Leesa Lewis Heath ’72 Nancy E. Lefkowitz ’92 Laurie Norton Moffatt ’78 Hilary Bishop Scott ’00 Phyllis Ehrhardt Heilborn ’59 Katharine S. Legg ’66 Mildred Price Nygren ’60 Eric Sensenbrenner ’93 Heather Lyman Henderson ’92 Ruth Zaleske Leibert ’66 and Ryan M. Oakes ’97 Rebeccah Vodraska Sensenbrenner ’92 Kevin S. Henderson ’93 Burton Leibert P’92 Judith Macurda Oates ’67 David and Sarah Shapiro P’16 Chris D. Hensman ’03 Jill Long Leinbach ’56 Tom and Laura O’Connell P’20 Evelyn Moore Sheehy* ’52 Roberto and Deborah Heros P’17 Ethan and Lisa Lerner P’19 Susan Feigl O’Donnell ’68 Daniel and Kirsti Sheeran P’18 Gene and Ann Hile P’14 Jill Felsenthal Levi ’73 Dr. Cynthia Newell Oliver ’66 Josephine Pelkey Shepard ’51 Ruth Harris Hilliard ’71 Jay B. Levin ’73 Eugenia Eacker Olson ’53 Marian E. Silber ’66 Bonnie Burke Himmelman ’66 Holli Helpern Levy ’72 P’00 Bobette Pottle Orr ’63 Lyn Gordon Silfen ’67 Gloria Reade Hirsch ’48 Lasca Huse Lilly ’54 and Richard Lilly P’88 Laurie Stewart Otten ’72 Ellen Lougee Simmons ’69 P’04 Pamela Hoffner ’70 Thomas and Wendy Lincoln P’03 ’06 Marjorie Weeks Owens ’51 Alan Sinaiko P’02 and Kathleen Brian Holmes and Lisa Scheer Holmes Bertram and Jane Lippincott P’17 William Parker and Susanne Beck P’19 Doar ’70 P’02 Janice Weisman Howe ’73 Allan and Jane Low P’19 Elizabeth McCaslin Passela ’67 Mary MacFarlane Slidell ’66 and Mark Howes ’89 William H. Luce ’81 P’14 Ellen Watson Payzant ’62 John Slidell P’94 Janet K. Howland ’74 Colleen Dougherty Lund ’61 Laura Davenport Petcavage ’69 Edward and Julia* Smith P’19 Nancy Larson Huff ’61 Nancy E. Lundebjerg ’81 Ellen Corroon Petersen ’64 and Roberta Slone Smith ’63

44 Whit ’76 and Terry Sanderson Barbara Friis Szczepanski ’55 Neil and Sylvia Van Sloun Susan Rafferty Williams ’65 Smith ’76 P’07 ’11 John G. Talty ’80 Barbara McDonald Vanderbilt ’67 Virginia Martin Williams ’64 Tracy Smith ’89 Dhuanne Schmitz Tansill ’64 Anne A. Verplanck ’80 Flora Barth Wolf ’64 Elsa Allyn Soderberg ’67 Jennifer Ciotti Taplin ’92 Edward M. Vietor ’99 Kimba M. Wood ’66 Professor Janis Solomon Todd Taplin ’89 Frances Eickele Voss ’66 J. Rodman Wright ’84 Michael Solovay and Susan Shelley E. Taylor ’68 Nancy S. Voye Weissler ’73 Thomas and Patricia Wynn P’19 Shaffer Solovay P’18 Annette Boykins Terry ’83 Susan Wagner ’80 Elizabeth Goldsen Yarboro ’75 Cynthia Sorensen ’67 Maarten D. Terry ’83 Professor Christopher and Anne Walsh Timothy E. Yarboro ’75 Lynn H. Staley ’70 and Martin Linsky Catherine Mahoney Thomas ’84 Cristina Stoddard Walsh ’92 Leslie Dorn Young ’66 Charles Steinhorn and Elizabeth Stuart G. Thomas ’83 Dale Ross Wang ’70 Rachel Levy Yusen ’63 Frankel P’18 Blair Young Thompson ’78 Harvey and Christina Warnick P’18 The Zachs Family Kurt and Julie Steinkrauss P’21 Noel C. Tripp ’61 Virginia Eason Weinmann ’51 and Josephine Frank Zelov ’50 Leslie Goodwin Stonestreet ’90 Blair Landau Trippe ’83 John G. Weinmann* Karl H. Ziegler ’93 Diane E. Stratton ’91 Athena R. Tsakanikas ’86 Katherine Welch ’95 Helene Zimmer-Loew ’57 Fred and Anne Stratton, Jr. P’91 ’96 Franklin A. Tuitt, Ed.D ’87 Georgia R. Whidden ’67 and David J. Zimmerman ’75 Joseph Straub III ’92 Christeen C. Tuttle ’73 Keith Wheelock P’91 Susan L. Zuckerman ’86 Andrew K. Strickler Cornelius and Amy van der Velde P’17 Nancy Northrop White ’87 Susan Liefter Zuckert ’59

SUPPORTERS Gifts of up to $1,911

Anonymous ’65 Karen Karl Adams ’68 and Victoria A. Aldam ’17 Joshua M. Allen ’10 Nan Grindle Amstutz ’44 Anonymous ’72 Ronald Adams P’01 Anne-Marie Theriault Alderman Lynne Griffiths Allen ’73 Andrea Amulic ’12 Anonymous ’02 Katherine D. Adams ’16 ’87 and Kendall Alderman Renee Mercaldo Allen ’84 Marlene Roth Ances ’53 Anonymous ’06 Lex Adams ’95 P’17 Richard L. Allen ’76 Ashley C. Anctil ’17 Anonymous ’12 Norma Gilcrest Adams ’62 P’92 David J. Alderman ’12 Robert Allen and Louise Gretchen Anderegg ’83 Natalie C. Abacherli ’11 Patricia Said Adams ’63 Kathryn R. Alderman ’17 Wang P’20 Catherine Leeming Andersen ’84 Penelope Karp Abad ’07 Sierra M. Adams ’14 Rebecca Rodgers Aldinger ’81 Sarah E. Allen ’09 Martha E. Andersen ’93 Caroline H. Abbott ’12 Elaine Coutsouridis Adamski ’76 Linda L. Aldrich ’66 Victoria M. Allen ’16 Ann Tousley Anderson ’69 Christopher C. Abbott ’79 P’14 Sara Scott Adamson ’99 Sally Scott Aldrich-Molwitz ’62 Wendy Willson Allen ’67 April Anderson ’18 Gina L. Abbott ’91 Susan Little Adamson ’50 Karen Creasman Aldridge ’74 Cynthia Abell Allyn ’63 Cynthia Poulos Anderson ’84 Jesse Abbott ’78 Lisa A. Addario ’90 Todd M. Alessandri ’93 Xiomara A. Almanzar ’11 David B. Anderson ’76 Lowell C. Abbott ’14 Stuart D. Adelberg ’82 Paula A. Alex ’66 David A. Almeleh ’95 Elana Brown Anderson ’63 Michelle Abbott Heather Garver Ades ’06 Hadiya Alexander Shelly K. Alminas ’10 Elizabeth W. Anderson ’13 Eliza S. Abdu-Glass ’16 Joshua M. Adler ’96 Judith Aley ’79 Barbara Wasserstrom Alpert ’57 Gary and Ellen Anderson P’13 Kenneth Abel ’76 Sarah Van Leer Adolph ’82 Janice Robinson Alfieri ’67 Morsy and Maria Elsa K. Anderson ’03 Joan Snyder Abelson ’63 Dr. Mona Gustafson Affinito ’51 Ozzie E. Alfonso and Alsamadisi P’18 Emma P. Anderson ’17 Jonathan Abplanalp ’98 Karl-Christian Agerup Maura M. Gouck P’10 Erynn M. Altabef ’20 Kiersten M. Anderson ’17 David and Emilyann Barbara Livingstone Aguirre ’60 Benjamin Z. Alford ’17 Roxane Landers Althouse ’72 Lyn Wheeler Anderson ’71 Abraham P’99 Alberto Agurcia ’74 William Alford and Donna R. Altieri ’66 Mary Leigh Anderson, CPA ’79 Marie Richard Abraham ’81 Marian L. Ahearn ’76 Yuanyuan Shen P’17 Margaret Alton ’67 Michael Anderson ’93 Sandra M. Abraham P’19 Florence Bianchi Ahern ’57 Susan Tichnor Alfred ’72 Samuel Alvarez ’12 Nancy Clark Anderson ’53 Kenneth S. Abrahams ’82 Joanne Lucey Ahern ’73 Susannah R. Alfred ’17 Catherine L. Alves ’13 Patricia Edwards Anderson ’64 Patricia Wertheim Abrams ’60 Philip M. Ahern ’73 Darryl K. Algere ’76 Rev. Anne Stilson Patricia Mottram Cynthia Murray Abramson ’69 Joan Gaddy Ahrens ’56 Patricia Wyatt Ali ’67 Alvord ’60 P’93 Anderson, Ph.D. ’53 P’88 Marian Feldman Absgarten ’65 Toby Ahrens ’99 James A. Alissi ’89 Jeannie Kuprys Alwine ’66 Todd and Jo Anderson P’17 Daniel Abuhoff and Beverly Alfano Ahrensdorf ’72 Amanda Manee Aljian ’94 Ali H. Alyodawi ’20 Drew J. Andre ’16 Tamsen Granger P’06 and LeRoy W. Ahrensdorf Matthew Aljian ’94 Cynthia Heebner Stanislav Andreev ’11 Tena Williams Achen ’70 P’08 Jason M. Allababidi ’04 Ambukewicz ’76 Aline A. Feijo ’16 Judith Hartt Acker ’57 Elizabeth R. Aiello ’11 Benjamin G. Allar ’13 Heather Woods Ames ’67 Gary P. Andrews ’86 and Robert Ackroyd ’83 Chloe C. Ainley ’17 Sarah G. Allar ’08 Ryan Ames ’17 Melanie Davis Andrews David and Karen Adam P’16 ’19 Joan Ainscough Annabelle Allen ’19 Samuel T. Ames ’93 ’86 P’20 Nicole M. Adam ’16 Melanie Hughes Alavi ’93 Douglas and Marie-Louise Professor Thomas Ammirati* Patricia Antell Andrews ’65 Bryan G. Adams ’06 Dana B. Albalancy ’14 Allen, Jr. P’09 and Dean Theresa Ammirati Sophia T. Angele-Kuehn ’20 Carol Adams ’72 Marjorie Erickson Albertson ’51 Elizabeth Warnken Allen ’48 P’91 ’94 Richard and Tricia Angeli P’20 Deborah Adams P’18 Fan Eisen Albritton ’68 Evan Allen ’01 Christine Amorossi ’92 Janet Ives Angelis ’68

45 Jethro J. Anilus ’14 Delphine E. Aubourg ’95 Penelope Goslin Baker ’69 Kelley W. Barnes ’17 Mary Kurtz Baynum ’60 Robert P. Anker ’90 Melissa Marquis Audier ’90 Susan Morgan Baker ’68 Stephen Barnes ’88 Laurence J. Bazer ’85 David and Roseann Annino P’20 Maureen Moore Auer ’87 Victoria Tydlacka Bakker ’56 and Alexander Barnett Jennifer Cohen Beal ’08 Phyllis A. Annunziata ’73 Mary Augustiny Martin B. Bakker P’82 Kathleen A. Barnett ’65 Corinna N. Beale ’05 Linda Siegel Anstendig ’62 Carolyn Coburn Auman ’58 Loretta Balantic Betsy Hahn Barnston ’57 Nancy M. Beaney ’88 Joan Barkon Antell ’55 Darcy Jo Miller Austin ’64 Brian S. Balchiunas ’17 Ari and Kristin Baron P’19 Jeremy A. Beard ’93 Professor John P. Anthony Nancy Blumberg Austin ’67 Karen L. Balchiunas P’17 Thomas M. Barr P’99 Melinda Brown Beard ’59 Pamela Work Anthony ’63 Nancy Maddi Avallone ’54 Barbara Hockman Baldwin ’62 Dr. Mary E. Barrett ’78 Elizabeth B. Bearman ’03 Monique Antoine ’93 Leylan Y. Avalos ’08 Eleanor R. Baldwin ’65 Mary Beck Barrett ’51 P’78 ’83 Mary Casserly Beasley ’77 Roxandra Illiaschenko Rachel L. Avery ’97 Frances Steane Baldwin ’55 P’82 Molly E. Barrett ’11 Matthew Beattie and Antoniadis ’59 P’89 Shirley Johnsen Avril ’74 James L. Baldwin, M.D. ’85 Nels E. Barrett ’78 Deborah Lyon P’17 Julianne Isaacson Antupit ’86 Alison Sethness Axeen ’68 Caroline Baldwin Kahl ’79 Sarah Barrett ’00 Suzanne Rich Beatty ’62 Brian L. Aoaeh ’01 Robert Axelrod ’76 Elizabeth Overbeck Balkite ’65 Delphine L. Barringer-Mills ’98 Nancy Powell Beaver ’54 James Appel ’89 Daniel and Corey Axelson P’18 Alexa N. Ball ’06 Beth L. Barry ’77 Lillian N. Beck ’13 Barbara Claros Apple ’70 Mizan Ayers ’02 Benjamin A. Ballard ’16 Judith Adaskin Barry ’51 P’77 Mary Tierney Beck ’67 Barbara Chalfant Applegarth ’73 Nancy Holbrook Ayers ’63 Sally Radovsky Ballard ’47 Nancy P. Barry ’69 Elizabeth Wallace Becker ’94 Brittany W. Appleton ’07 Zumara De la Cruz Ayers ’07 Robert W. Ballek ’73 Thomas W. Barry ’82 Nancy Stein Becker ’70 Kelly E. Appleton ’10 Matthew S. Ayres ’12 Abigail G. Ballou ’07 Karen Barsa ’83 Stacey E. Beckhardt ’79 Ilana B. April ’00 Salamata Ba Joanne Baltz ’82 Gaele Mansfield Barthold ’61 B. Jane Houseman Beckwith ’58 Kelly A. Arabia ’10 Eleanor C. Babbitt ’80 Elissa Goldweitz Baly ’74 Jean Stannard Barto ’47 Joyce Finger Beckwith ’62 Jane M. Arabian, Ph.D. ’74 Martha Monroe Babbitt ’58 and Robert P. Balzebre ’88 John T. Bartolomei ’85 Henry and Jean Becton P’95 Kathleen Cannon Arabic ’80 Thomas Babbitt P’85 Christina M. Balzotti ’17 Terry Hazard Bartolozzi ’79 Adrienne Bergman Beebe ’68 Gail Turner Arcari ’60 Ellen E. Babbott ’17 David and Marie Balzotti P’17 David B. Barton ’15 Christina Priest Beebe ’86 Victor J. Arcelus Margaret Babbott and Jennifer Jane Noyes Bancroft ’66 Carlotta Espy Barton ’59 Michael J. Beedenbender ’81 David and Julia Archer P’19 Bryan P’19 Alexandra Band ’02 Prudence Wilson Barton ’69 Carol Stratton Beers ’89 Thomas G. Arcuri ’93 Stewart and Cecelia Odilia Banegas P’18 Colby Tallman Bartro ’08 James A. Beers ’88 John B. Ardell ’93 Babbott P’17 Margaret L. Bangs ’14 Kyle C. Bartro ’08 Sara N. Beers ’17 Sara Becton Ardrey ’95 Ann K. Babcock ’85 Stephanie O. Banim ’10 Suzanne Cook Barunas ’50 Melissa A. Behney ’97 Quinn A. Arevalo ’10 Claudia Bachmann-Bouchard ’02 Janet Frost Bank ’56 and Michael Barza and Carolyn C. Beinfield ’10 Theodora Dracopoulos Argue ’63 Nancy Horovitz Bachrach ’69 Shelton Bank P’83 ’84 GP’20 Judith Robinson P’10 Anne Bertolette Belanger ’65 Emily N. Arner ’14 Paul A. Bacigalupo II ’14 Cheryl A. Banker ’06 Emine Unsal Basak ’95 Peter T. Belefant ’78 Gabriel L. Arnold ’17 Catherine A. Backus ’74 Ellen C. Bankert Nancy Lafler Basford ’53 Roberta Levy Belin ’63 Margaretta Conderman Elisabeth Gallogly Bacon ’53 and Elizabeth Davis Banks ’78 Wendy Winnick Baskin ’72 Brian P. Belisle ’17 Arnold ’62 John Bacon GP’07 ’09 Martha Aldrich Banks ’72 William and Susan Bass P’19 Janice Schaumann Bell ’51 Platt Townend Arnold ’64 Lois McTague Bacon ’77 Elizabeth Carter Bannerman ’62 Kenneth Bassett and Lucinda Stone Bell ’56 Joyce Stoddard Aronson ’45 Samuel A. Bacon ’09 Holly M. Bannister ’75 Mary Helen Lorenz P’08 Marilyn Squibb Bell ’61 R. Craig Aronson ’92 Jeremy B. Bader ’12 Noelle H. Bannister ’03 William A. Bassett ’00 Marjorie Morse Bell ’82 Nicole Aronson Champagne ’92 Brittany A. Badik ’12 Yubo Bao ’04 Christy Bassett Baker ’03 Nicholas S. Bell ’86 Linda Travis Arterburn ’61 Samuel Badot-Fisher ’17 David Baratko Marjorie Rosenbaum Sharon J. Bell ’74 Cameron D. Arterton ’95 Kathleen A. Baer Peter and Janet Barattini P’17 Bassman ’75 Peter S. Bellotti ’78 and Jaime A. Arze ’88 Rose Marie Bagioni J. Forbes Barber ’06 M. Hope Batchelder-Stevens ’64 Barbara Belloti ’79 P’12 Oscar F. Arzu-Martinez ’17 Sarah Bagley Holbrook ’03 Laura Patz Barber ’83 Aloise O’Brien Bates ’53 Robert P. Bellotti ’12 Penelope A. Asay ’96 Amey Schenck Bailey ’86 Carol Cronin Barbour ’73 Leigh McWilliams Bates ’68 Anne Bellows ’76 Barbara Stone Aschheim ’62 Benjamin M. Bailey ’95 Barbara Hatch Barbuto ’68 Rowland and Pamela Bates P’18 Carolyn Copeland Belt ’66 Marquerite Gemson Ashman ’72 Elizabeth Cheavens Bailey ’91 Caitlin Ruane Bard ’04 Thomas Bates ’81 Jo Ann Gates Beltre ’97 Molly R. Ashmore ’15 Susan P. Bailey P’01 ’07 Jennie R. Bargman ’06 Todd B. Bates ’78 Stewart and Rosemarie Jason S. Ashur ’01 Ellen Bailey Pippenger ’87 Hilary Chittenden Barhydt ’81 Martha Vaughn Bath ’72 Beltz P’18 Donna Maulsby Asnani ’65 Chelsea BaileyShea ’96 Martha Williamson Barhydt ’55 Lena Borst Batt ’97 Betsy Aikin Bemis ’62 Jacqueline Asplundh P’14 Matthew L. BaileyShea ’96 Jeffrey and Ruth Barker P’14 Barbara Bailey Bauer ’59 Susan E. Bender ’64 Nicholas P. Asselin ’00 Terrance and Bonnie Baine P’21 Linda Barker ’67 Eric R. Bauer ’09 Wendy Aaron Bender ’68 Rachael Harris Asselin ’01 Professor Bridget B. Baird Winona Clinton Barker ’59 Scott R. Bauer ’81 Anne Shaw Benditt ’63 Jeanette Astrauckas Jeffrey W. Baird ’12 Natalie Bigelow David H. Baum ’92 John and Lisa Benedetto P’21 Grace C. Astrove ’10 Alliston L. Baker ’63 Barlow ’45 P’69 ’70 Peter M. Baum ’07 Linda Main Benham ’69 James E. Astrove ’82 and Anne Lamborn Baker ’59 P’92 Anne B. Barnard ’66 Holly K. Bawden ’06 Andrew L. Benioff ’87 Ann Astrove P’10 Dorothee Duehlmeier Baker ’69 Margaret Portlock Barnard ’49 Lincoln A. Baxter ’75 Grissel Benitez-Hodge ’86 Geoffrey Artherton Elizabeth Horn Baker ’49 David and Mary Kate Linda Rosenzweig Baxter ’71 Deborah K. Benjamin ’67 Hubert R. Attale ’96 Jill L. Baker ’83 Barnes P’17 Brenda Baker Bayhan ’91 Ginger Engel Benlifer, Ph.D. ’70 Mary-Jane Atwater ’70 Nancy Crouch Baker ’53 Frances Trafton Barnes ’85 Jessica S. Bayner ’07 Barbara Nichols Bennett ’62

46 Elizabeth P. Bennett ’08 Gregory W. Bertschmann ’86 Heather J. Blair P’19 Sandra Bodmer-Turner ’69 Jordan C. Bothwick ’15 Esther Skokan Bennet ’57 and and Kathryn Bertschmann Jean Daley Blair ’71 Ann L. Bodurtha ’76 Audrey DuBrow Botnick ’65 David Bennet P’87 P’11 ’19 Jennifer Lockmiller Blair ’98 Ryan J. Bodwin ’17 Bryan M. Boucher ’01 Kate E. Bennett ’13 Gary Bertz Richard and Diana Blair Bonnie Boermeester ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bouclier P’99 Margaret Moyer Bennett ’61 Diane Miller Bessell ’59 Wendy Blake-Coleman ’75 Amy G. Bogert ’76 Annabella M. Boutet ’14 Stephen M. Bennett ’20 Andre Bessette ’90 Harold J. Blakeslee ’82 Elizabeth Nebolsine Bogert ’63 Julien Boutet ’12 Cordalie Benoit ’69 Donna Ragusa Bessette ’90 Lucia Bryant Blanchard ’69 Andrew A. Bogle ’94 Betsy Bowen ’73 Hannah E. Benoit ’76 Robin Frost Bessin ’67 Stephanie Young Susan Evans Bohan ’88 Loring and Susan Bowen P’17 Rachel Benoit ’96 Rodolfo and Beth Blanchette ’71 P’98 Suzanne J. Bohan ’84 Nancy E. Bowen ’71 Christy Beckwith Bensley ’81 Betancourt P’08 Rev. Jean McClure Rachel M. Bohn ’14 Natalie Bowen ’51 Janet Blackwell Bent ’59 Jessica L. Bethoney ’07 Blanning ’50 GP’16 John Boisclair ’93 Brian A. Bower ’07 Kathryn Z. Bentley ’13 Christopher T. Bettencourt ’93 Ellen Johnston Blaschinski ’85 Yvonne M. Bokhour ’77 Regina Wolpert Bower ’69 Nigel K. Bentley ’83 Albert E. Betteridge III ’74 Carol Nordbeck Blazar ’71 and Mary Wick Bole ’70 and Edith Hollmann Bowers ’59 Nancy Hubbard Benton ’55 Ellen Hofheimer Bettmann ’66 Richard Blazar P’03 Richard Bole P’00 Timothy and Gail Boyce P’19 Elaine DeSantis Benvenuto ’65 and Michael Bettmann P’91 Julie Blazar ’20 William Bole and Carol Maureen Boyd Gili Ben-Yosef ’09 Eleanor Windsor Betts ’01 Philip Blazar and Nancy Coyne P’18 Brian and Gretchen Boyer P’18 Ruth M. Thier Ben-Zvi ’12 Elizabeth Beyer ’79 Ehrlich P’20 Lisa Podoloff Boles ’77 and Lydia Richards Boyer ’53 and Susan Browne Benzyk ’74 Richard and Rosemary William Blazer and Mary Howard Boles P’08 ’17 David Boyer P’78 Malinda Powers Berardino ’76 Bialek P’87 Hunstiger P’08 Natalie L. Boles ’17 Suzanne Rossell Boyer ’67 Martha Beh Berardino ’70 Julia M. Bianco ’07 Paula Mirto Bleakley ’91 Bethany M. Boles-Sheslow ’08 John T. Boyle ’04 Miriam S. Berberian ’49 John D. Biancur ’97 Michael and Corry Bleck P’18 Bruce Bolger and Laura Michael and Jacqueline Katrina A. Bercaw P’11 Janet Regottaz Bickal ’49 Jill A. Bleemer ’79 Sparks P’17 Boyle P’14 Nancy Pollak Beres ’57 Betsy Wolfe Biddle ’58 Robert D. Bleistein, Jr. ’16 Elizabeth A. Bolger ’17 Susan Boyle P’20 Arthur Berg ’79 Brian G. Bieluch ’00 Donald B. Blevins Jessica Berman Bolger ’92 Elizabeth M. Bracken ’92 Kyle Berg Samuel Bigelow ’99 Allegra Blinken ’17 Caroline Shepard Bolick ’84 and Amy Braddock-Friedman ’96 Steven Berg ’84 Mary Eastburn Biggin ’46 Sally Grafstein Blinken ’83 and Paul Bolick P’15 Mary Bergin Bradford ’72 Dana M. Bergenfeld ’17 Patricia J. Biggins ’72 David Blinken P’17 Kimberly S. Bolick ’15 Samuel C. Bradford ’82 and Ira and Michelle Bergenfeld P’17 Margaret Ashton Biggs ’49 Joanne Bates Bliss ’85 Alexandra N. Bolles ’13 Andrea Bradford ’84 P’15 Carol Fuhrer Berger ’58 Bonnie Campbell Billings ’63 Jennifer A. Blitzer ’03 DeVallon and Suzanne Sara Manwell Bradford ’63 Patricia Ahearn Berger ’52 Wendy Royer Billue ’73 Sylvia Blitzer P’03 Bolles P’13 Sarah H. Bradford ’15 Savannah E. Berger ’15 Marian Bingham ’63 Emily A. Bloch ’81 Janice R. Bolton ’79 Virginia Wardner Bradford ’62 Chelsey R. Bergsten ’12 Pamela Goodwin Binks ’64 Susan Bloch ’78 Katherine Hartman Bolton ’83 E. Gardner Bradlee ’87 and Daniel R. Bering ’09 Jesse Birge ’92 Jill Blodgett Henry H. Bolz IV ’02 Tiffany Cobb Bradlee ’87 Elizabeth Carleton Berk ’91 Naomi Salit Birnbach ’51 Henry Bloom and Helaine Mary Elizabeth Belford Bolz ’01 P’19 Robert and Janet Berkanish P’20 John Birnsteel ’93 Ettinger P’17 Francine McQuade Bomar ’71 Elizabeth A. Bradley ’07 William C. Berkey ’06 Carol Vaas Biron ’79 Joshua K. Bloom ’19 Elizabeth Bovich Bond ’85 Enid Siewert Bradley ’57 Linda Lawton Berkowitz ’66 Danielle E. Birx-Raybuck ’05 Kent and Lenor Bloomer P’87 ’89 Claudette Ramstein Bonetti ’55 G. Rohan and Deborah Marjory Schwalbe Berkowitz ’45 Terry R. Bischoff Dr. Stanley A. and Ms. Karen James P. Bongarra, Jr. ’75 Bradley P’10 Jenna L. Berloni ’19 Carole Broer Bishop ’59 Bloustine Jill Gardner Bonnin ’97 Dr. Jean Carter Bradley ’49 Elaine Diamond Berman ’57 Kyle Ridgway Bishop ’04 Gabriel T. Bluestone ’05 Jed Bonniwell ’89 Mary Concemi Bradshaw ’66 Sandra Shue Berman ’58 Newell E. Bishop, Jr. ’84 Diane R. Blum ’71 and Robert H. Lynne Chrupcala Bookhout ’70 Claudia Coracci Brady ’66 Ned and Margaret Peter and Patricia Bishop P’17 Motzkin P’03 Emily Pappas Boone ’00 Evan W. Bragdon ’12 Bermingham P’20 Timothy M. Bishop ’83 Joanne M. Blum Carol A. Booth Susan Mendelson Braitman ’67 Edith Barnes Bernard ’49 Carolyn N. Bissex ’14 David and Jackie Blumberg P’16 Suzanne Boras Elizabeth Adler Bramwell ’84 Matthew L. Bernard ’83 Paul and Kristen Bisson P’20 Amy Blumenfeld ’84 Michael J. Borden ’09 Christopher A. Brancart ’81 Joan Bernhard Britton P. Bistrian ’00 Katherine Hanson Peter and Kathryn Bruce R. Branchini Paul and Mary Elaine Grace Sweet Bitter ’82 Blumenthal ’04 Bordonaro P’08 Alison Biddle Branco ’99 Bernier P’15 John Bitters Kaya V. Caroline C. Borgeson ’10 Heather Montgomery James Bernson ’04 Joan Jossen Bivin ’49 and Blumenthal-Rothchild ’20 Storm J. Boris ’17 Brankman ’95 Peter Bernson ’82 Homer R. Bivin P’85 Hannah W. Boal ’17 Robert H. Bortnick ’84 and Jenny Randsel O. Brannum ’17 Marcia Simon Bernstein ’63 Douglas and Carolyn Bixby P’17 Jeffrey Boal P’17 Bortnick ’85 P’14 Donald and Susan Brant P’07 Laura Hughes Berol ’96 Katherine L. Bixby ’17 Susan Boal and Charles Lee Walkley Bory ’64 P’92 Katherine M. Brant ’07 Lucy Marshall Berry ’84 Leif Bjaland and Emile Decou Mirabile P’17 Molly E. Boskey Pascal ’09 Kitty Oplatek Branton ’47 Wade E. Berry ’12 Ellin Taylor Black ’61 Dr. Nanci Anton Bobrow ’66 Dr. Marcia Faney Bossart ’63 Emily Hodge Brasfield ’59 Ann Olstein Berson ’54 Margaret Scott Black ’61 Margaret H. Bockting ’78 Carol A. Boswell P’10 Lucinda Hoadley Brashares ’47 Nancy L. Bertelsen ’72 Joyce Adrian Blackall ’81 Julia May Boddewyn ’86 Michael D. Boswell ’10 Karl and Marcia Bratin P’15 Carol L. Bertolini P’17 ’18 Alice Berry Blair ’90 Constance Aldrich Benjamin H. Bosworth ’17 Scott Z. Brauer ’20 Martha Hawley Bertsch ’87 David Blair ’89 Bodiker ’58 P’94 Christopher F. Bothur ’07 Helen Osborn Braun ’62 P’91

47 Patricia Brown Brauner ’64 and Alison D. Brooks ’05 Jane Stern Buchman ’66 Linda McCoy Burnett ’69 Renee Calabro ’00 Charles S. Brauner P’93 Debrah Tullo Brooks ’87 Sue Tally Bucholz ’61 Heather Ferguson Burnham ’96 Mary L. Calarese Kimberly A. Braunthal ’13 Emma N. Brooks ’20 Douglas S. Buck ’89 Steven T. Burnham ’12 Keith and Jylann Calcote P’20 William Bray ’85 James F. Brooks ’84 Suzanne Walker Buck ’93 Angela Burns ’88 Jeanne B. Caldwell ’69 Christin Shanahan Brecher ’90 Brinton M. Brosius ’88 Ariane Buckenmeyer ’19 Bernice Flanagan Burns ’80 Nancy Caldwell ’75 Jane Bredeson Ronald Brosnihan and Despina Susan E. Buckey ’89 Mary Ann Swanger Burns ’44 Natalie L. Calhoun ’16 James and Alice Breed P’02 ’06 Nicholas P’17 Alexandra MacColl Buckley ’89 Marilyn B. Burridge Stephanie Calhoun Vail R. Breed ’02 Rebecca Filene Broun ’90 Geoffrey L. Buckley ’87 Annie A. Burrows ’09 Burton and Ann Calkins P’05 Bryce Breen ’92 Dorothy Becker Brower ’82 Anne E. Budding ’74 Deborah Huber Burt ’70 Erica Bos Callahan ’92 Gregg M. Breen ’85 Anna J. Brown ’20 Elizabeth Kramer Buddy ’64 Steven and Elizabeth Burt P’14 Julia C. Callahan ’19 Allyson B. Bregman ’04 Barbara Brown ’76 Joan Schwartz Buehler ’57 P’85 Andrew H. Buscher ’87 Lawrence Callahan ’92 Elizabeth Lodge Bremer ’67 Carolyn Phillips Brown ’62 Andrea L. Buff ’73 Catherine Myers Marsha K. Callahan ’75 Ellen S. Bremner DeDe Chirgwin Brown ’74 and Jane Moore Buffum ’83 Buscher ’55 P’83 ’84 ’87 Ellen Garland Calvin ’61 and Claire E. Brennan ’13 Anthony J. Brown P’02 Ron Bugg and Laquita Douglas Geoffrey W. Buscher ’84 Robert Calvin P’85 Elaine S. Brenner, Ph.D. ’87 Eleanor Zanna Brown ’70 Carol Fairfax Bullard ’64 Stephen M. Buscher ’83 Jacquelyn D. Cameron ’75 Howard and Marcia Brensilver Elizabeth Froment Brown ’60 Martha Palmer Bullard ’59 Cathy Niles Bush ’73 Laurie E. Cameron ’69 Kai Alita Bresciani ’14 Garrett A. Brown ’13 John C. Bullitt ’14 Fayelle Wharton Bush ’81 Mark W. Cameron ’17 Leslie Mascola Bresette ’88 Isobel L. Brown ’12 Edith Swain Bullock ’58 John S. Bush ’79 Roldah Northup Harriet Kaufman Breslow ’60 James and Robin Brown P’19 Katherine C. Bunce ’69 David Bushnell and Cameron* ’51 P’75 Donald and Patsy Brewer James Brown ’89 Carol S. Bunevich ’69 Laurence Jaquet P’15 Holly A. Camerota ’98 and Jane Harman Brewer ’67 Janet Newcomb Brown ’71 Ann Doughty Bunting ’65 and Lea L. Bushnell ’15 Louis Camerota P’08 Susan Welshonce Brewer ’72 Kurt C. Brown ’03 Charles I. Bunting P’98 Ingrid Bushwack Joseph A. Camilleri P’18 Tika Pinther Brewer ’92 Leilani Vasil Brown ’64 Sarah E. Bunting ’15 Joan Prescott Busk ’79 Angela B. Campbell ’02 William Brewer ’89 Malik Q. Brown ’07 Teresa Pechulis Buono ’87 Alexander D. Buswinka ’20 Betsy Gregory Campbell ’55 Barbara Murphy Brewster ’43 Mary Reading Brown ’87 Peter Burbank ’85 Robert S. Butchenhart ’00 Carol A. Campbell ’70 George Brewster IV ’92 Marylin Corbett Brown ’66 Caroline Burch ’75 Sara Rosenthal Butchenhart ’99 Cheryl Cushing Campbell ’61 Susan Nelson Brewster ’71 Matthew R. Brown ’11 Susan Starr Burchenal ’49 and Gregory S. Butcher ’77 Diane Schnick Campbell ’67 Jonathan Bricklin ’76 Matthew S. Brown ’75 John Burchenal P’76 Elizabeth A. Butkus ’69 Froni Biggard Campbell ’62 Carol Neitlich Bridges ’72 and Melissa Brown Mary K. Burdette ’94 Laura A. Butkus ’09 Judith F. Campbell ’64 Frank L. Bridges P’00 Monica Hayes Brown ’72 Charles and Catherine Alice Smith Butler ’48 Leah K. Campbell ’20 Peggy and Richard Bridges P’17 Peter Brown and Susan Burdge P’17 Devon E. Butler ’10 Adam M. Campos ’08 Brette H. Brier ’17 Vogt Brown P’14 Lois E. Bures ’74 and Larry Kristin E. Rumberger Butler ’92 Kelly Campos ’17 Bruce and Beth Brier P’17 Philip C. Brown ’08 Schnitman P’14 Samantha A. Butler ’17 Richard Canavan IV ’93 Jillian C. Brigandi ’17 Scott B. Brown ’82 Valerie Brown Burge ’64 Samuel and Rebecca Butler P’17 Paul M. Canelli ’79 and Gail Sullivan Briggs ’84 Trevor and Margaret Edward Burger ’85 Sharon Welsh Butler ’71 Connie Rogers ’78 P’12 Olivia H. Briggs ’16 Brown, Sr. P’01 Sarah Greene Burger ’57 William and Geraldine Katharine A. Canfield ’84 Thyra Briggs ’92 Oscar L. Brown Ramos ’12 Camilla Boitel Burgess ’62 Butman P’00 Kathleen M. Cannon ’06 Marilyn Pond Brigham ’77 Sandra Colby Browne ’64 Megan Morgan Burgoyne ’01 Clement V. Butt ’87 Mary Jane Molloy Cannon ’55 Terri L. Bright ’88 Lee White Brown-Egan ’61 Martha Price Burian ’84 David Butterwoth ’80 Matthew B. Cannon ’11 Glenn and Susan Brill P’16 Louise L. Brownsberger ’16 Aden and Catherine Burka Miriam Brooks Susan E. Cannon ’69 Jacob S. Brill-Weil ’20 Margot Lasher Brubaker ’65 Anne Gianacakes Burke ’85 Butterworth ’40 GP’05 David Canon ’15 Elizabeth A. Brininger ’75 Abigail Ayers Bruce ’69 JoAnn Burke ’76 Teal Butterworth ’05 David Canton Susan A. Bristol ’68 Marilyn Hinkes Bruce ’60 Justin Burke ’97 Andrew R. Buttner ’98 Frank Capecci III ’92 David Britt-Friedman ’92 Joan Silverherz Brundage ’54 Kelsey W. Burke ’13 Coreen West Button ’85 Caliopi Capkanis Elizabeth Smith Brobst ’54 Emma E. Brunetti ’17 Laura Horan Burke ’79 and Hugh Douglas K. Butturini ’17 Dorothy Hagberg Cappel ’71 Marion Shutsky Brochu ’61 and Stephen M. Brunetti ’76 and Burke P’16 Amity Pierce Buxton, Ph.D. ’51 Thomas C. Capstick ’19 Maurice D. Brochu P’01 Deborah Brunetti P’17 Patricia Grable Burke ’50 Jacqueline Buza-Galica ’75 Gina M. Carano ’84 Erik J. Brockmeyer ’97 Courtney Carpenter Bruno ’80 Patrick D. Burke ’89 Helen Frisk Buzyna ’63 Judith Sheldon Carberg ’64 Kimberlee Krasko Brockway ’89 Dana Grande Bruscini ’05 Sophie Fitzgerald Burke ’07 David C. Byrd ’02 Francis P. Carberry ’89 Virginia Brockwehl ’72 Meredith Kamm Brust ’84 Thomas C. Burke ’81 Maureen C. Byrne ’86 Valerie M. Carbone ’91 Barbara Brodsky-Rothbart Chelsie Bryant ’16 William and Karen Burke P’19 Nathaniel Cabot ’91 Maryann Wrenn Cardani ’88 Bettina Scott Brogadir ’69 Douglas and Helen Bryant P’98 Sarah Burkhardt Judith Browne Cady ’78 Renee J. Cardone ’72 Jennifer Dziubeck Brogan ’05 Eliza A. Bryant ’12 Lucy Strong Burkland ’08 Julie Cahalane Cahill ’89 Stephanie L. Cardoos ’06 Matthew P. Brogan ’05 Marisa M. Bryant ’17 William E. Burkland ’08 Johanna B. McLoughlin Nancy Cogut Cardozo ’64 Darrin S. Bronfman ’96 Michael Bryant and Patricia Margery Genat Burling ’62 Cahoon ’02 Ellen Greenspan Cardwell ’64 Dr. Claire Sekulski Bronson ’69 Goodwin Bryant P’17 Harry Burmester* Holly C. Cain ’09 Elizabeth A. Carens ’12 Catharine Brookes ’11 Chris A. Bucco ’87 Joan Weissman Burness ’46 Elizabeth Mason Cairns ’93 Barbara Ashton Carey ’72 and Zachary T. Brookman ’17 Matthew P. Buchholz ’03 Christina M. Burnet ’81 Claire Calabretta William F. Carey P’01

48 Eva Chin Carey P’07 Richard and Doris Catterton Cynthia Susla Chick ’83 Bachman B. Clem ’01 Kenneth Colburn P’06 Jason P. Carey ’07 Shanae Brown Caulton ’12 Gale Craigie Chidlaw ’49 Gretchen Weinandy Andrew M. Cole ’97 Lucinda Gray Carey ’79 Sonia Caus Gleason ’85 Elizabeth M. Child ’80 Clemence ’59 Brianna M. Cole ’17 Mary Speare Carey ’64 William Cavanagh and Carla Sara Child Stevens ’93 Frank Clementi and Caroline Louise Cole ’74 Nadine Earl Carey ’76 Marino* P’14 J. Bates Childress ’80 Julie Smith-Clementi P’18 Christopher and Wendy Nancy Lane Carey ’72 Kathryn Cavanaugh ’83 John P. Chimoures ’76 Dr. Diane C. Clements ’67 Cole P’13 Abigail M. Carlen ’00 Daniel M. Cayer ’04 Lily Chin ’96 Elizabeth Cliff-Horowitz ’62 Professor Jeffrey E. Cole Donna Richmond Carleton Kimberly Ellsasser Cayer ’88 Catherine Ching ’87 Gale Anthony Clifford ’56 Peter J. Cole ’84 ’64 and William Carleton Anthony F. Ceci ’04 Professor Stanton S. Ching Nicholas Clifford P’80 ’88 Margo Coleman ’88 P’91 ’95 Tiana Celesia ’88 Andrew N. Chintz ’77 Kevin Clifton ’79 Dario Coletta ’75 Beth Offenhartz Carlson ’81 Carina Celesia Moore ’81 Brendan H. Chisholm ’03 Luke Y. Clinton ’11 Anthony and Donna Coletti P’15 Dr. Elaine M. Carlson ’75 Joan Fuller Celestino ’73 Lindsey Sundberg Chisholm ’03 Benjamin R. Clopper ’07 David D. Collins ’79 Jessica S. Carlson ’05 Deborah A. Celia ’74 Dohn and Soo Cho P’20 Christina W. Clothier ’10 Eugenia Dyess Collins ’71 Kathryn A. Carlson ’88 Jeffrey K. Celniker ’17 Soo Y. Cho ’17 Christine E. Clough ’06 James and Julie Collins P’20 Marcia Buerger Carlson ’63 Jennifer Cervantes ’17 Margery Rosen Chodosch ’66 Michael J. Clougher ’15 Merrill B. Collins Mildred Moody Carlson ’70 Elizabeth Rockwell Kenneth M. Chrabasz P’17 Mary Seaman Clowney ’52 P’78 Steve and Kim Collins Bruce and Chloe Carlson Cesare ’52 P’82 Wesley M. Chrabasz ’17 Elizabeth W. Clubb ’87 Charles Pryor and Suzanne Susan Gemeinhardt Carlson ’65 Andrew H. Chait ’82 Constance Patterson Eliza R. Clymer ’17 Collins P’17 Jeffrey R. Carmichael ’14 Eileen Rem Chalfoun ’61 Christian ’69 Jeff and Kimberlee Clymer P’17 William S. Collins Anna Christensen Carmon ’43 Carolyn Conn Chamberlain ’73 Janet Christofano ’86 Gail B. Coad ’72 Samantha P. Collum ’07 James and Nancy Charlotte Craney Karen Schiffert Christie Cobb ’90 Leroy and Lola Colombe P’20 Carnavalla P’20 Chamberlain ’42 Christoffersen ’75 Janet Rusch Coberly ’58 and Michael J. Colombino ’05 Matthew Carney Rayanne E. Chambers ’83 Susan Hardesty Christy ’65 Neal Coberly P’89 Mary Prentice Colombo ’59 Margaret Marshall Carothers Dalin Chan ’07 Eleanor Hackenburg Chu ’66 John W. Cocco ’06 Barbara Guerin Colon ’54 ’67 Ryan N. Chan ’00 Steven Chu and Mayling Charles S. Cochran ’10 Miguel Colon ’01 Amy B. Carr ’76 Chia-Li Chang ’04 Chin-Chu P’19 Theodore S. Cochran, Jr. ’88 Ashley P. Coltin ’04 Patricia A. Carr ’67 Lucille Davis Chanin ’48 Amanda J. Chugg ’17 Jennifer K. Cochrane ’12 Stacey Baron Colton ’84 Russell and Vonice Carr Christine Wilson Chapin ’71 P’09 Frank Church P’90 ’93 Todd R. Cody ’76 Priscilla Colville ’75 Allen T. Carroll ’73 Constance Meehan Chapin ’54 Geraldine Johnson Church ’86 Christopher M. Coffey ’08 Alexander C. Combs ’79 and Brandon K. Carson ’17 Theodore S. Chapin ’72 and Mark Church ’84 Whitney Eng Coffey ’08 Jennifer Combs ’81 P’93 Brian and Lisa Carson P’17 Joanna Chapin P’07 Sally Ashkins Churchill ’54 David Coffin and Kirsten Caitlin Bresnahan Combs ’07 Judith Ankarstran Carson ’58 Luci E. Chaplin Antonie Chute ’86 Wiberg P’19 Kathryn McDonough Elizabeth Marsh Carstensen ’48 Andrea Stoner Chapman ’75 Ralph and Pamela Emily M. Coffin ’15 Comment ’87 Christopher A. Carter ’08 Jocelyn Charles P’17 Ciarmiello P’00 ’04 Stephen M. Cofrancesco ’17 Noel W. Comment ’87 Jeffrey and Anne Carter P’08 Lygia De Freitas Charlton ’46 Christopher Ciavarra ’93 Stephen M. Cohan ’78 Jessica L. Comras ’07 Margaret Carter ’78 Pamela M. Charpie ’11 Jillian Mauer Cipriani ’08 Amy B. Cohen ’74 Elizabeth Honan Concaugh ’87 Norman G. Carter P’06 Faith Orcutt Chase ’64 Analisa F. Cipriano ’09 Ann Robertson Cohen ’56 Karen Condaris-Beati ’83 Norman P. Carter ’06 Sarah Luff Chase ’80 Matthew F. Cipriano ’00 Nir and Barbara Cohen P’20 ’21 Filip Condeescu ’02 Donna L. Cartwright ’74 Susan M. Chase ’83 Renato A. Cipullo P’17 Daniel Booth Cohen ’77 Brian and Julia Condon P’18 Kristen L. Caruana ’13 Beth Chase-Schuman ’04 Serena F.R. Cipullo ’17 David Cohen ’81 Anne C. Confer Martens ’06 Barbara Good Caruso ’70 Ann-Ping Sze Chee ’70 Ruth Berkholtz Ciriacks ’67 Emily B. Cohen ’06 Carol Wedum Conklin ’51 and Laurie Cummings Case ’80 Amy E. Cheetham ’13 Christian A. Clansky ’06 Ira T. Cohen ’79 Edward Conklin P’79 Lauren E. Cashel ’04 Mingli Chen and Xiuping Mary E. Clarity ’70 Lawrence and Barbara Mary F. Conklin ’79 Tracy Cashman ’92 Yang P’19 Barton Clark and Sharon Cohen P’01 Brett and Kathleen Conley P’19 Mark Caspers and Elaine Alexis K. Cheney ’16 Newman P’87 Marilyn Cohen ’58 Kelley N. Conle ’19 Allwine-Caspers P’17 Rev. Dr. Barbara T. Cheney ’63 Camden J. Clark ’12 Roberta Trager Cohen ’50 P’77 Theresa R. Conley ’78 Nicole A. Caspers ’17 Elizabeth Lynch Cheney ’92 Candice E. Clark ’11 Stuart M. Cohen ’76 Michael Conlin P’16 Hollis Ward Cassidy ’65 Prescott J. Cheney P’16 Carolyn Melican Clark ’67 Warren J. Cohen ’89 Molly E. Conlin ’13 Marilyn Leach Cassidy ’58 Timothy Cheney ’93 David C. Clark ’73 Zachary A. Cohen ’05 Jennifer McFarlane and Terry Michelle Castanaza Gudiel ’17 Barbara Brinton Chenot ’68 and John and Sheila Clark Elaine H.Cohen ’63 Connelly P’90 Jared M. Castiglione ’00 D. Keith Chenot P’00 Lucy Clark ’81 Rhonda Cohen-Boyar P’19 Wesley T. Conner ’17 Tracey Nelson Castiglione ’01 Lisa Chernin ’82 Mary Alice Clark ’48 Amy Kohen Cohn ’80 John Connolly and Claudia Andrew D. Castle ’83 Brian S. Chertok ’77 Sharon E. Clarke P’97 Barbara Silver Cohn ’63 James P’15 Lilian Kanfer Castle ’83 Julia Chevan and Patricia I. Stephanie C. Claros* ’75 Darlene Cohn Kathleen Connolly Rebecca Bodfish Castoldi ’01 Jung P’19 Carin Clary Christopher L. Colbath Kathleen Trainor Connolly ’90 Anthony Catlin, Jr. ’84 Saadya I. Chevan ’19 Hans Classen Christopher M. Colbert ’80 Ann Jacobowitz Conrad ’65 Lionel B. Catlin ’79 Shirleyanne Hee Chew ’68 Peter A. Clauson ’78 Elizabeth V. Colburn ’06 David Conrad and Paula Mary Turner Cattan ’64 Keith S. Chiappa ’97 Dorothy W. Cleaveland* ’61 Virginia Ventura Colburn ’74 and Dinerstein P’11

49 Michael and Shawn Alison Cornyn ’87 Peter and Candace Cross P’03 Bobbie Chappell Dahlgren ’73 Natalie L. Davis Bauer ’09 Considine P’19 Teresa Coronis Monica Crothers ’83 Timothy A. Dahlgren ’73 Faith Damon Davison ’86 Patricia Criscuolo Conte ’58 Ann Carberry Corridan ’90 Moria A. Crouch ’90 Nena Cunningham Dahling ’54 Nina Davit ’73 Katherine Porter Contreras ’93 Sarah Becker Cors ’83 Maura Shea Crowley ’92 Dennis J. Dale ’79 and Sarah K. Carl D. Dawson ’76 and Karen Amy Slifka Cook ’86 Paul and Katherine Cort P’18 Stephen J. Crowley ’90 Dale P’14 Dawson P’19 Christelle S. Cook ’81 Mary Stuart Parker Ashley F. Crutchfield ’12 Patricia B. Dale ’66 Carol Potter Day ’66 Daniel and Marion Cook P’15 Cosby ’51 P’81 Juventino Cruz and Blanka Priscilla Harris Dalrymple ’50 Gail Hopp Day ’86 and Gregory Jeffrey J. Cook ’01 Margaret Ford Cosgrove ’73 DaCosta-Cruz P’16 Kenneth G. Dalsheimer ’82 Day P’19 Jennifer L. Cook ’90 Jamie Glanton Costello ’89 Teresa M. Cruz ’16 Marybeth Dugan Dalsheimer ’82 Jeffrey F. Day ’83 Karen Hilmer Cook ’80 Melody Costello ’94 Elizabeth Anderson Culbert ’49 Candyce Young-Fields Daly ’07 Sophia E. Day ’07 Alma Cangiano Cooke ’58 Alexander H. Cote ’97 and William E. Culbert P’75 Nina Semansky Damashek ’68 Helen F. Dayton Malcolm Cooke ’91 Amy McNamee Cote ’95 Ethel Bottcher Ann Kratzinger Daniel Cochico and Susan Amy E.R. Cook-Wright ’92 Paige Cottingham-Streater ’83 Cullinan, Ph.D. ’67 D’Amicantonio ’01 De Castro P’20 Sarah Coombs ’01 Natalie A. Courant ’94 Christopher J. Cullinane ’78 Amy Ross Damon ’97 Amy M. De Genaro ’12 Claudia Stokes Cooney ’90 Nicholas N. Cournoyer ’80 Judith Canciani Cullison ’64 Thomas M. Damon ’97 Ursula L. de Gersdorff ’97 Jacqueline M. Cooney ’19 Melanie Klein Courtemanche ’00 Ruth Kunstadt Culp ’69 Elizabeth Daly Danahy ’55 Kyle de Lasa ’92 Matthew Cooney ’95 Perri Orenstein Courtheoux ’73 Emily F. Culver ’11 James and Beverly Daniel P’96 Anouk de Ruiter ’95 Thomas and Dorothy Jacqueline C. Cousineau ’08 Kenneth C. Culver ’90 Miriam W. Daniel ’68 Patrick J. Dealy ’83 and Cooney P’19 Peter Coutsouridis Martha Bory Culver ’92 Tom Daniels and Holly David Colleen Dealy P’20 Alexa X. Cooper ’05 Bryson A. Cowan ’12 Alexandra Davis Cummin ’89 Mark E. Dannenberg ’82 Ryan E. Dean ’16 Amy Lieb Cooper ’01 Paulina Lishon Cowen ’49 Emily R. Cummings ’10 April A. Danz ’96 Sara Markun Dean ’67 Ann Lewis Cooper ’56 Cornelius C. Cowles ’96 Jonathan and Janet Margaret A. D’Aprix ’17 Maurice and Barbara Deane Eliza L. Cooper ’08 Jessamyn N. Cox ’09 Cummings P’10 Leigh Darbee ’74 Sloane DeAngelis ’90 Emily Getnick Cooper ’00 Judith Brown Cox ’54 Daniel Cunningham ’95 Marcel Dardati ’87 Lianne Swanson Evan J. Cooper ’00 Noreen Downes Cox ’55 Jennifer M. Cunningham ’13 Parinda Darden ’13 deBettencourt ’12 Heather Marcy Cooper ’68 Diana Neale Craig ’66 John H. Cunningham ’76 Steven and Debra Daren Danielle deBrier ’97 Howard Cooper and Jane Nathaniel A. Cram ’00 Elisabeth Samels Cuoco ’90 Dennis C. Darling ’81 Lindsay R. DeCarlo ’10 Karol P’19 Susan Spencer Cramer ’86 Elizabeth Weber Curenton ’65 Shari Darman ’99 Cecilia Muench Decker ’76 John and Elizabeth Cooper P’08 Susan Hillman Crandall ’60 Janice Curran ’74 Georbina Y. DaRosa ’17 Lori DeCosta ’98 Kathleen C. Cooper ’00 Wendy H. Crandall ’77 Dana Currier and Judith Sara M. D’Arpino ’15 Lexa M. deCourval P’17 Leslie Freidin Cooper ’67 Caroline W. Cranna ’16 Carr P’19 Alison Z. Darrell Dr. Michele Schiavone Leverett and Teresa Cooper P’20 John D. Cranshaw ’04 Lisa DeCesare Curry ’84 Janice Gieparda Davey ’72 DeCruz-Saenz ’71 Silvia Powell Cooper ’68 India Hopper Crawford ’95 Michelle Veysey Curtin ’64 and Asaf M. Davidov ’17 Peter M. DeCurtis ’00 Thomas M. Cooper ’05 Patricia Crawford ’65 William Curtin P’90 Doron and Hadas Davidov P’17 Jacquelyn L. DeFeo ’10 Elizabeth Cooper-Mullin ’10 Alexandra Gray Creed ’67 Anne-Marie Parsons Curtis ’85 Marjorie Tobin Davidson ’64 and Nancy Jones deForest ’62 Molly McConaty Coors ’07 Andrew J. Creedon ’03 Eliza L. Curtis ’12 William Davidson P’92 Christopher DeFrancis and Robert and Judith Cope P’11 Marilyn Raub Creedon ’50 Judith Wisbach Curtis ’64 Judith Davies Jennifer Gross P’20 John and Deborah Roy and Mary Creedon P’03 Leslie Setterholm Curtis ’65 Roland and Margaret Margaret K. DeGregorio P’14 Copeland P’18 Ethan Crenson ’92 Victoria L. Curtis ’07 Davies P’87 Emmaline M. Diehl ’14 Susan Feldman Copeland ’62 Constance J. Cress Alison Edwards Curwen ’88 Susan Rankin Davies ’68 Jonathan Deitch ’77 Seth Coplan ’83 Lynne M. Crider Heather Cusack Amy J. Biderman Davis ’79 Jonathan and Naomi Deitz P’13 Ann Humphreys Copp ’68 and Haley M. Crimmins ’17 Ina S. Cushman ’76 Andrew Davis ’92 Regina L. Deitz ’13 Daniel N. Copp P’96 Thomas and Laura Georgeanne Nelson Cusic ’67 Anne Davis Carlos R. Del Cristo ’86 Caroline A. Corbett ’13 Crimmins P’17 and Marshall Cusic P’92 Charlotte C. Davis ’12 Elizabeth K. Del Rio ’17 Daniel and Barbara Peter C. Crisafulli ’10 Tracey A. Cusick ’88 Diane Davis ’67 Margarita del Rosario-Anglero, Corcoran P’13 ’20 Marjorie Brash Crisp ’59 Annabel Beam Custer ’51 I. Ridgway Davis Ph.D. ’92 Edward and Alison Marcia Silcox Crockett ’64 Deborah Flashman Cutler ’85 Iris I. Davis P’19 Matthew W. Delaporte ’17 Corcoran P’19 Carolyn Cronin ’80 and Michael Cutler P’20 Jeffrey W. Davis ’97 L. Joyce DeLaura Jane Roesler Corcoran ’56 Charles Jenkins and Susan Priscilla Stone Cutler ’68 Joan Pine Davis ’50 and David Daniela DeLaurentis ’07 Phoebe J. Corde ’17 Cronin-Jenkins P’20 Doreen G. Cutonilli ’97 Davis P’66 GP’03 Kathryn E. Delehanty ’20 Karen A. Cordero Cynthia L. Crooker ’75 Danielle A. Cyr ’15 Lee E. Davis ’88 Adam N. Deligianis ’07 Jason A. Cordova ’10 Phyllis McCarthy Crosby ’51 Martha Kidd Cyr ’67 Martha Davis ’91 Frances Sienkowski Della Charles and Sarah Corey P’18 Rebecca Thompson Crosby ’98 Michael and Theresa Cyran P’08 Mary Ann Wolpert Davis ’55 and Penna ’65 Colin M. Corkery ’80 Judith Cressy Crosley ’67 Peter J. Cyran ’08 Charles W. Davis P’81 ’83 Michael C. Dell’Angelo IV ’94 Gary and Katherine Constance A. Cross ’63 Eva G. Czapski ’17 Maureen McGovern Davis ’85 Nicole M. DellaPasqua ’17 Cornbrooks P’18 Jennifer Cross ’97 Austin L. DaCunha ’17 Nancy Smith Davis ’63 Brian N. Dell’Erario ’12 Deborah Gutman Cornelius ’56 Michael J. Cross and Paula Patricia A. Daddona ’83 Sara Burns Davis ’99 Jonathan Delmore ’98 David Cornell Serafino-Cross P’19 Joan C. Dagle ’71 Scott M. Davis ’77 Weston C. DeLomba ’18

50 Sylvia R. Delson Caitlyn E. Dickinson ’06 Dolliver ’50 P’73 ’77 James V. Drayton ’17 Gretchen S. Durning ’16 Marissa D. DeMais ’11 Constance Kaufman Barbara Dombrowski ’64 John and Alexandra Christine Thetford Durst ’98 Virginia E. Dematatis ’72 Dickinson ’62 Andrew and Sonja Drayton P’17 ’21 Jeffrey Durst ’98 Madelyn M. DeMatteo ’70 Kendra Dickinson ’03 Dominguez P’19 Jane Elliott Drebus ’71 Larry and Maxine Durst P’98 Gregory S. Demetriou ’12 Judith Foldes Dickson ’67 Janet Domowitz P’19 Melanie M. Dreisbach ’70 Van Wyck L. Dusenbury ’77 and Deborah D. Demicco ’74 Susan Dickson-Matsunam ’75 Constance Duane Donahue ’53 Natalie Drenzewski Wendy Dusenbury ’77 P’12 Linda A. Demikat ’68 Emily A. Diehl ’17 Katherine Curtis Donahue ’66 Henry D. Dresser-Kluchman ’20 Craig Dutcher Ingrid E. Deming ’06 Timothy Diehl and Deborah Christina Downs Dondero ’69 Marjory R. Dressler ’67 Gregory R. Dyer ’90 Richard and Mary Deming P’06 Charren P’09 Hannah G. Donegan ’17 Bianca C. Drew ’10 Matthew F. Dyer ’08 Elaine R. DeMore ’77 Yvonne Smith Dier ’90 John and Lisa Donegan P’17 Lisa Kwiatkowski Drexhage ’05 Caroline K. Dylag ’14 Amy Demoreuille Carolina Diez ’17 Eliott and Elissa Donn Glenn Dreyer ’83 and Samuel F. Dylag ’12 Bernard and Virginia Jane A. Difley ’71 Basil S. Donnelly ’86 Wendy Dreyer Susan Salois Dzialo ’76 Demoreuille P’05 Christopher Diken ’01 Jacqueline King Donnelly ’67 Caroline Koblizek Patricia L. Eames ’06 Laura A. Demoreuille ’05 Anna E. DiLisio ’17 Maria A. Donnelly ’00 Driscoll ’84 P’03 Shirley Smith Earle ’55 Matthew DeNatale ’01 Gary DiLisio and Michelle Joseph P. Donohue ’16 Mary Erina Driscoll ’78 Amy Peluse Earls ’02 Sally Hunt Densmore ’66 Harkins P’14 ’17 Amy Higgins Donovan ’87 Patricia A. Driscoll ’90 Professor Deborah Eastman Barbara Hess DePasquale ’73 Ann Dille Bushe ’70 Deborah Donovan Phyllis Hoffmann Driscoll ’51 John and Linda Easton P’20 Damien T. DePeter ’95 Ann MacWilliam Dilley ’50 Frank Donovan P’20 Ann E. Drouilhet ’78 Marylin Hurlburt Eastwood ’82 Deborah Bryant DePeter ’98 Jennifer A. Dillon ’07 Gregory S. Donovan ’86 Karen J. Du Brul ’72 Deborah Foster Ebeling ’70 Quintin Depina Gellestrina DiMaggio ’44 Francis E. Dooley III ’83 Andrew J. Duarte ’13 Jeffrey Eberle P’03 Lynn DePippo ’87 Eric DiMartino and Erin Michael P. Dooley ’12 Nancy L. Dubin ’68 Alice Elsbree Eckerson ’82 John Derderian ’86 and Amanda Eberhardt P’19 ’20 Patricia Folts Dooley ’49 Brett B. Duboff ’14 Bruce and Shelly Eckman GP’20 Kuklin Derderian ’88 P’17 Justin A. DiMatteo ’02 Patrick and Anne Dooley P’12 Delia Dubois ’01 Katherine Owens Eckstein ’05 Samantha H. Derderian ’17 John and Maureen Dimise P’17 Marisa Fegan Dooney ’04 Laurel Dudley ’02 Athena Demos Economou ’69 John and Laurie Deredita P’92 Mollie M. Dimise ’17 Eric M. Doran ’11 Claire E. Dufek ’10 Francis and Lisa Judith Dern ’71 Thomas R. DiNanno ’95 Susan Cohn Doran ’67 Judith Glassman Duffie ’71 Eddings P’07 ’15 Mary Ellen Deschenes Bradley Dinerman ’87 Jennifer Harris Dore ’05 Janet Rowe Dugan ’54 Justin F. Eddings ’07 Alexander C. DeShields ’12 Ellen Freedman Dingman ’62 Jeanne Norton Doremus ’56 David and Erin Dugery P’20 Thomas G. Eddy ’17 Mark H. DesMeules ’11 Brooke T. Dinsmore ’14 David C. Dorfman ’81 Grace M. Dugery ’20 Pamela Kalish Edel ’73 Louise Fay Despres ’66 Nancy A. Dinsmore ’04 Nancy Dorian ’58 Patricia Dugger ’95 Bonnie Silberstein Edelman ’93 Elizabeth Walsh Detmold ’71 Patricia Reid Dinsmore ’48 Nicolae F. Dorlea ’17 Roberta Katz Deane Fischer Edelman ’64 Jonathan and Judith Tristan C. Dinsmore ’20 Jo Ann Douda ’75 Duker ’52 P’82 GP’14 Harriette Bauman Edelstein ’72 Detwiler P’09 ’11 Mary Ellen Hosmer Kimberly C. Doughty ’95 Haley L. Dumke ’14 Joseph R. Edelstein ’19 Patricia Goff Devanney ’67 Dinwoodey ’66 Scott Doughty P’90 Michael E. Dumont ’20 Mary Knoll Edgar ’81 Mary S. Devins P’97 ’00 Donna Roberts Dione ’86 Frederica Schneider Douglas ’53 Rick and Colleen Dumont P’20 Colin J. Edge ’10 Professor Ann Sloan Devlin Laurie Schaffer Disick ’70 Jane McKee Douglas ’84 and Christina Villani Duncan ’84 Renee Letendre Edge ’94 Patrik A. Devlin ’17 Ann Staples Dixon ’64 Garrett D. Douglas P’15 Susan Duncan Cervino ’03 Murat S. Edin ’17 Nancy Whitney DeVoe ’50 Doreen Do ’91 Karen Perkins Douglas ’73 Edward and Elizabeth Miriam Steinberg Edlin ’46 Valerie D. DeVuyst ’70 Jenny Doak Robert G. Douglas ’15 Dunham P’18 Elaine Parker Edlind ’74 Robert L. Dewar ’17 Natalie S. Doak ’12 Liana Douillet Guzman ’05 Zoe O. Dunivin ’17 Thomas D. Edlind ’74 David and Suzanne Dewey P’17 Andrew Doben ’95 Suzanne M. Doukas Christine Dunkel Schetter ’74 Meridith Rankin Edmonds ’97 Helen R. Dewey ’89 Stephanie Kaufman Doben ’95 Niermeyer ’94 Alfred Leon Dunklin, Jr. ’90 Vanessa Boland Edouard ’02 Magdalen B. Dewey ’17 Katharine Derr Dobin ’06 Despina Doulos-Ayers P’01 Michelle Dunlap Pamela Morosky Edson ’73 Alexander L. Dey ’09 Kip Doble ’07 Andrew J. Dowds ’17 Anne Brown Dunn ’63 Joan M. Edwards ’87 Marguerite P. Dey ’62 Margaret Phelps Doble ’07 Christopher J. Dowds ’07 Candice David Dunn, Ph.D. ’91 Judith Pine Edwards ’64 Rebecca Saxon Dey ’09 Olivia R. Dodd ’17 Mackenzie G. Dowling ’17 Elise H. Dunn ’12 Mark and Mireille Edwards P’18 Saveena Dhall ’94 Carter Dodge and Christina Katherine Young Downes ’60 Marilyn Gillis Dunphy ’86 Paul and Alice Edwards P’18 Megan Glendon Dhilla ’07 Mirkovich P’09 John and Susan Downey P’19 Lauren E. Dunton ’05 Rebecca Brown Edwards ’97 Ramata Diallo ’17 Michael E. Dodge ’09 Barbara Painton David and Lisa Dupere P’18 Carole Efron P’04 Paige M. Diamond ’05 John and Lorrie Dodig P’11 Doyle ’53 P’85 GP’14 Jane Haynes DuPlessis ’56 Dorothy A. Egan ’57 Zoilita Aponte Diamond ’69 Laurel Smith Doggett ’82 Jennifer Ammirati Doyle ’91 Judith G. Dupont Mary Patricia Egan Yumi T. DiAngi ’00 W. Kirk Doggett III ’82 John Doyle, Jr. and Pauline Nathaniel L. Durbin ’99 Patricia Bethel Egan ’68 Melissa Burns DiBona ’89 Erin M. Doheny ’12 Doyle P’97 Louise Durfee ’52 Amanda C. Eggert ’12 Carolin Kirkpatrick Dick ’69 Wendy Casman Doherty ’67 Kelley Doyle ’93 Colleen McPadden Durga ’72 Christian M. Egglin ’17 Leah R. Dickens ’09 Philip M. Dolan, Jr. ’88 Lindsey M. Andrews ’05 Marcia Walker DuRie ’67 Barbara Ozarkiw Egnor ’73 Jeffrey and Janet Dickey P’19 Priscilla Litwin Dolan ’65 Meredith Drake ’83 Niyazi and Yasemin Durmus P’19 Heather Ehrman-Krill ’97 John and Julie Dickey P’18 Susanna M. Dolan ’17 Virginia Draper ’64 David and Catherine Andrew D. Eigner ’19 Avery Halsey Dickinson ’68 Geraldine Foote Lucy M. Drayson ’15 Durning P’16 Judith Bennett Eilertsen ’51 P’74

51 Cara A. Einbinder ’14 Jesse Erdheim ’03 Susan Taylor Farnsworth ’80 Melissa B. Ferrie ’17 Charles Fitzhugh ’76 Benjamin M. Eischen ’09 Peter J. Erhartic ’09 Alyssa L. Faro ’09 Michael C. Ferrie P’17 John R. Fix ’68 Emily Littman Eisen ’65 Ann Lisa Ericskson ’83 Beth Horner Farquharson ’94 Deborah Proctor Fichter ’82 Samuel A. Fixler ’17 Mohamed Ikbel El Amri ’15 Warren T. Erickson ’74 Geoffrey V. Farrell ’83 Ellen Ficklen ’73 Juana Guruceta Flagg ’46 P’74 Stephen and Karen Ela P’04 Carol Gardner Ertman ’54 Janet Shannon Farrell ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fidler P’07 Ellen Mifflin Flaharty ’58 Barbara Ackroyd Elder ’52 Deborah Vileno Esborn ’86 Keith P. Farrell ’09 Samuel B. Field ’12 Cameron E. Flaherty ’13 Mr. and Mrs. John Eldert ’67 Chase Eschauzier ’97 Olivia W. Farrell ’14 William Field ’83 Timothy Flaherty ’02 Elizabeth Dolliver Eldon ’76 Deirdre Hennessey Nancy Farwell, Ph.D ’73 Cian D. Fields ’16 Judith Bricker Flanagan ’70 William C. Eldon ’76 Eschauzier ’95 Rosemary Kelly Fasolo ’76 Bonnie Ross Fine ’62 P’91 Sabina A. Flandrick ’17 John H. Eley ’85 Ryan Eschauzier ’97 Samantha B. Fast ’05 Carol M. Fine ’83 Catherine Pan Flanigan ’68 Eleanor Macneale Elkinton ’66 Jacqeline Newman Eshet ’86 Abigail J. Faulkner ’14 Marcia Raskin Fine ’67 Ilene Marcus Flax ’92 Jean Nilson Ellestad ’65 Gregory J. Esposito ’93 John Carey Faulkner ’82 Meghan Ryan Finegan ’97 Sarah L. Flecke ’13 Jameson M. Ellett ’07 Austin J. Essery ’17 Soon Choi Faulkner ’82 Norma Wittelshofer Fink ’47 Sarah E. Fleet ’05 David W. Elliot, Jr. ’82 Maritza D. Essis ’12 Deborah M. Faust ’75 Nancy Sutton Finley ’84 Colin P. Fleming ’03 Lynn Elliot ’91 Sarah Felch Ettinger ’07 Sara Faust ’81 Lauren Ruff Finn ’97 James F. Fleming ’83 Glendon and Caroline Elliott Carol Lunde Evans ’63 Steven C. Fay ’97 Mark D. Finnegan, Jr. ’14 Leah M. Fleming ’16 P’17 Douglas M. Evans ’85 Charles and Carol Jonathan R. Finnimore ’94 Thomas W. Fleming ’84 Patty Gillett Elliott ’85 Janet Wright Evans ’62 Fayerweather P’13 Ines P. Finol ’15 Kathryn S. Fleming-Ives ’99 Sally Whittemore Elliott ’56 Janan K. Evans-Wilent ’11 Lillian E. Fayerweather ’13 Kirstie Rice Fiora ’86 Ariana D. Flessas ’16 Blanche Steger Ellis ’58 Bradley Evens ’90 Kirstin K.C. Fearnley ’96 Beverly Sweny Firme ’77 Ann Seidel Fletcher ’59 Heather J. Ellis ’02 Carina Capps Evens ’89 Cynthia Lynch Fedder ’64 Anne Connolly Fischer ’91 Selina A. Fletcher ’05 Laura L. Ellis ’79 JoAnn Giordano Everson ’72 Valerie Schroeder Feder ’92 Evan R. Fischer ’17 Ann Gulliver Flinn ’66 P’94 ’96 Avery C. Ellsworth ’08 Alexander Ewing, Jr. P’97 Anne E. Feeney P’19 John Fischer ’91 Catherine H. Flint ’08 Gina Sykes Elowe ’87 Colin S. Ewing ’79 Adrienne Audette Feige ’55 Kelsey A. Fischer ’17 John and Patricia Flint P’11 Wayne H. Elowe ’86 Gregory Dwing ’87 John and Suzanne Feigert P’20 Margaret Roe Fischer ’44 Peter A. Flint ’79 and Denise Asia Rial Elsbree ’66 Sara A. Ewing ’97 Alina P. Fein ’17 Ted B. Fischer ’80 Flint P’08 Judith Coghlin El-Shakhs ’57 Barbara Sundheimer Extein ’72 David Feingold and Dorian Beth Wiedman Fishbane ’74 Katherine Burnam Flood ’68 Henry Elstein P’80 Carla Peterson Eylers ’62 Mintzer P’19 Anna E. Fisher ’17 Marc and Maria Floresca P’20 Heidi Schweizer Ely ’56 Basem and Bettina Ezbidi P’19 Michelle Sinsheimer Feins ’56 Barbara Fisher ’63 Scott and Wendi Florio P’18 Mary T. Emeny ’64 Deanna L. Ezzio ’12 Alex C. Feinstein ’07 Derek Fisher ’95 Sarah Kennedy Flott ’91 Christopher Emerson ’98 Scott D. Faber ’07 Martha Goettsche Feinstein ’07 Edward W. Fisher, Jr. ’12 Alison Flynn ’94 Virginia Aldous Emerson ’83 Yasmin M. Fabian ’17 Ryan S. Feldhoff ’08 Frederick Peter Fisher ’00 Barbara Quinn Flynn ’59 John and Constance Eng P’13 Louise W. Fabrykiewicz ’81 Allen and Nancy Feldman Mabel Brennan Fisher ’49 Gail Compton Flynn ’80 Madeline A. Eng ’13 Abigail A. Fagan ’16 Cecile M. Feldman ’96 Margery Raisler Fisher ’65 Joan R. Flynn Tessa A. Engel ’11 Sean Fagan ’87 Ethan M. Feldman ’17 Naomi Grossman Fisher ’63 Leslie Leeming Flynn ’84 Jane Lewis Engelke ’82 GP’08 Timothy and Karen Fagan P’19 Mark Feldman and Rhonda True Talley Fisher ’58 Peter J. Flynn ’14 Kendall Clark Engelman ’87 John N. Faigle, Jr. ’93 Pohl P’18 Margaret Fisher-Krugman ’72 Christina J. Fogarasi ’13 Peter Engelman ’85 Susan Bohman Faigle ’63 and Simon D. Feldman Jason E. Fishman ’12 John and Catherine Folan P’05 Ann K. England ’59 John Faigle P’93 Stuart Feldman and Ann Justin and Rachel Fishman Sarah Folsom Folcrum ’05 John D. England ’79 Joshua Fairbank ’94 Hudson P’19 Michael B. Fishman ’79 John and Patricia Foley P’00 Carolyn Engle Mary Roy Fairbank ’94 Sharon Feldstein ’76 Sarah R. Fishman ’15 James A. Folger ’05 Jane Sanders Englebardt ’80 Christine D. Fairchild ’79 AlexandraFelfle ’10 Emilie S. Fiskio ’17 Elizabeth Rawson Folland ’67 Enid Groeneveld Engler ’66 Terrence Fairfield ’79 Amy E. Fellenbaum ’08 Mark H. Fiskio ’79 and Gail Darcie C. Folsom James and Isabelle Priscilla Fulford Falcone ’85 David and Margaret Finnerty Fiskio ’78 P’17 Pamela McMurray Foote ’74 English, Jr. P’79 Alyssa Tartaglione Falk ’07 Fenderson GP’18 Adam M. Fitzgerald ’03 Melissa C. Fopiano ’13 Laura A. Engst ’05 Amy M. Falk ’11 Meg Fenderson Alice A. Fitzgerald ’61 Nancy J. Foran Margaret Croft Enichen ’69 Marylynn Fallon Edith Chase Fenimore ’60 and Brittany M. Fitzgerald ’13 Patricia Legge Foran ’56 Barbara Witter Enman ’72 and Angela K. Falstrom ’01 Robert A. Fenimore P’86 Daniel Fitzgerald Alison Knocke Forbes ’89 Norman Enman P’09 Paul and Caryl Falvey P’20 Nancy Ford Fennell ’67 Jason A. Fitzgerald ’06 Charles Forbes ’90 Julia E. Enos ’16 Jane Fankhanel ’68 Torrey Gamage Fenton ’59 and Lisa Tropp Fitzgerald ’83 James Forbes ’89 Judith A. Ensign ’61 Mary Griffith Farenga ’03 David G. Fenton P’85 ’87 Lynda Plavin Fitzgerald ’79 Sarah Casey Forbes ’91 Caitlin Connolly Eppes ’06 Nancy E. Fargo, MAT ’95 Doris Drisler Ferguson ’50 Meaghan Seelaus Fitzgerald ’07 Alison Coleman Forbis ’63 Dr. Helen Epps ’68 Marisa Farina ’93 Helen Crumrine Ferguson ’48 Michael and Susan Bernette Goldsen Ford ’72 Kimberly Neilsen Epstein ’73 Heather Crocker Faris ’81 Wenley S. Ferguson ’88 Fitzgerald P’03 Brian K. Ford ’08 Andrea Fisher Erda ’96 Charles D. Farmer ’75 Cecilia M. Fernandez-Hall ’87 Michele Rosano Fitzgerald ’84 Candice Carter Ford ’71 Ann Decker Erda ’61 and Lenore Farmer ’66 Adam A. Ferrari ’91 and Brian Fitzgerald P’17 Cornelia Manuel Ford ’61 Albert Erda P’95 Susanna Stone Farmer ’74 Barbara Bakach Ferrer ’74 Susan T. Fitzgerald ’69 Kevin A. Ford ’11 Robert G. Erda ’95 Susan M. Farnsworth ’76 Julie M. Ferrie P’17 Taryn R. Fitzgerald ’17 Lauren Ford ’92

52 Susan Farnham Ford ’49 Carolyn L. Frederick ’59 Jane Muddle Funkhouser ’53 Robert H. Gardner ’82 Peter H. Geraghty ’78 and Frances Hyde Forde* ’42 P’76 Adam B. Freed ’06 P’85 GP’15 Stephen Gardner and Mary Dominique M. Frigo P’09 Marcia Mueller Foresman ’63 Andrea B. Freed ’79 Anne Currier Furey ’79 Voce P’02 Cynthia Stork Gerber ’68 Nell L. Forgacs ’93 Avery Block Freed ’07 Sophie A. Furman ’17 Emy Gargiulo ’87 Jamie W. German ’67 Jim Forgey John Freed ’91 Alanna M. Fusco ’13 Sandra Nowicki Garick ’64 Merrily S. Gerrish ’72 Elizabeth Costa Formica ’49 Kate Lussier Freed ’00 Sharon Tayne Fusco ’70 Rebecca R. Garland ’05 Mark D. Gershman ’83 Lisa Kingman Forness ’81 Laura Williams Freed ’91 Elizabeth Cook Gabel ’55 Carol Marty Garlington ’61 Alison D. Gerstell ’83 Kirsten D. Forrester ’17 Edward R. Freiberg ’92 Gary Gabelman and Lori Daniella Defilippo Garran ’94 Richard S. Gersten ’81 Mary E. Forsberg ’73 Lisa A. Freije ’79 Saltzman-Gabelman P’14 Anne Garrison ’79 Susan Gertman ’71 Kathryn A. Forschler ’87 Arturo Freitas ’20 Jane Barbo Gabriel ’73 Eliza J. Garry ’17 Thomas L. Gethin-Jones ’09 Professor Marc R and K. Rebecca K. Frele ’09 Joanne Knowlton Gabriel ’84 Lisa F. Garry-Seymour and Paula Hamar Getnick ’67 and Christina Forster Cynthia Crutch French ’56 Michael Gaffney, Jr. ’93 Robert W. Seymour P’17 Richard A. Getnick P’00 Elizabeth Foss ’67 Justine Shepherd Freud ’51 Faye Cauley Gage ’59 David S. Garsh ’03 A. Whitney Andrews Janet Foster ’80 Leila Anderson Freund ’54 Emily C. Gagen ’07 John Garver P’06 Gettinger ’65 Shaun M. Foster ’00 Caroleen Frey ’73 Eleanor Moser Gagnon ’79 Annemarie P. Garvey ’74 Jonathan K. Getz ’16 Kimberly A. Foster Rogers ’91 Virginia Turner Friberg ’66 Ellen Wadleigh Gaimari ’86 Judith Handley Garvey P’82 ’87 Jana K. Gharzeddine ’17 Brittany Foulds ’17 David and Beth Fricke P’20 Gretchen R. Galbraith ’85 Margaret M. Garvey ’82 Naima Gherbi Julia Wilson Foulk ’80 Shirley Rozen Fried ’64 Kevin D. Galbraith ’92 Amelia M. Gary’95 Allen Ghorashi and Sheila Cindy Morris Fountain ’93 Jeanette Olsen Friedenson ’65 Pamela Waterman Gale ’58 Taylor L. Gateman ’19 Ghorashi P’20 Gary and Mary Fournier P’11 Alexandra S. Friedman ’15 William Galego ’92 Evan T. Gaudio ’16 Varsha Ghosh ’92 Page Fournier ’11 Elizabeth Orzack Friedman ’80 Catherine Ziobro Galioto ’65 Lesley M. Gaughan ’12 Bechara Ghostine ’17 Evert N. Fowle ’14 Lawrence M. Friedman ’89 Allyson Cook Gall ’68 Patrick T. Gaughn ’10 Said and Nahia Ghostine P’17 Evert and Lori Fowle P’14 ’19 Peter S. Friedrichs ’10 Professor Eugene Gallagher Eleanor K. Gaumer ’17 Nathan M. Giaccone ’17 Marcia Spiller Fowler ’80 Ryan H. Friend ’17 Janice Murphy Gallagher ’74 Robert Gaumer and Mary Sarah Butler Giaquinta ’07 Kenneth and Kate Fox P’19 Willis M. Fries ’11 Jennifer Brosius Gallagher ’78 Murphy P’17 Clifford C. Gibbons ’98 Mary Lutz Fox ’87 and Paul Madelyn B. Frink John F. Gallagher IV ’13 Louise Draper Gaumond ’81 Jane Daly Gibbons ’66 Fox P’94 ’97 Wendy Weeks Frisch ’82 and Patrick J. Gallagher ’79 James and Christine Andrew Gibian ’93 Ryan D. Fox ’97 Peter Frisch P’14 Catherine Gallant ’94 Gauthier P’19 Diane Roberts Gibson ’50 P’82 Matthew H. Frackelton ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frischling P’93 Emily A. Gallant ’09 Rachel Sachs Gavin ’90 Hans B. Gibson ’84 Jeffrey and Mary Pat Edward S. Frischling ’93 Jeffrey M. Gallant ’89 Robin Farwell Gavin ’74 Linda Stallman Gibson ’60 P’84 Fralick P’15 Peter Fristedt ’98 Susan E. Gallant ’76 James and Daron Alexandra Engle Gichner ’88 Kelsie M. Fralick ’15 Ann Rumage Fritschner ’77 Susanna Harper Gallant ’88 Gawronski P’18 Hans and Leonie Gieskes P’05 Marie DiMattina Francescani Penelope J. Fritzer ’71 Elizabeth Stratton Gallman ’60 Sarah Morris Gayer ’64 Joost J. Gieskes ’05 ’86 Allison E. From Tapp ’94 Joshua I. Galper ’92 Elizabeth A. Gaynor ’67 Meredith P. Stebbins Gieskes Laura C. Francoeur ’90 Sharon Kleiv Fromm ’67 Sally Galway ’62 Marina G. Gearhart ’17 ’05 Carolyn Yeaton Frank ’67 Christopher and Christine Rafael A. Gamba ’17 Susan H. Geary Ruth Silverman Giesser ’55 Catherine Layne Frank ’64 Fromme P’18 Rebecca Reardon Gamester ’03 Paul H. Geddes P’89 Ajami S. Gikandi ’16 James P. Frank ’05 Anne Cross Frost ’54 Gretchen Russell Gammons ’67 Earl G. Geertgens III ’86 Caroline Twomey Gilbert ’86 Jason A. Frank, Esq. ’76 Riordan P. Frost ’10 Robin Kruger Ganderson ’74 Pete Franklin Katherine A. Gilbert ’96 Linda Reckler Frank ’66 Ragnhild M. Frostad ’95 Jacqueline Ganem ’55 Gehrig* ’42 P’68 GP’03 Jean Alexander Gilcrest ’59 Merle Ruina Frank ’63 Sylvia Snitkin Michael J. Ganley ’77 Pamela Y. Geiger ’03 Marissa L. Gildea ’17 Susan Leiser Frank ’66 Frumer ’50 P’77 GP’03 Karen Metzger Ganz ’65 Heidi Geiges ’86 William A. Gildea P’17 Philip J. Frankl ’80 Patricia Roos Frutig ’67 Fan Gao ’07 Myrna Goldberg Katharine Howe Gildersleeve Katherine L. Frankle ’65 Lucy F. Frye ’12 Douglas J. Garabedian ’15 Geiges* ’57 P’86 ’63 Jonathan P. Franklin ’09 Robert Frye P’20 Barbara Lovelace Garafalo ’01 Priscilla E. Geigis ’87 Sarah Hackett Giles ’64 Joanne Flynn Frantz ’68 Bruce and Amy Fryer P’18 Linda B. Garant ’82 Nancy Blades Geiler ’47 Rhoda Meltzer Gilinsky ’49 Jordan M. Frantz ’03 Lisa J. Fues ’80 Kaitlyn R. Garbe ’15 Steven Geiser ’85 Indermit and Livleen Gill P’20 Isabella V. Franz ’17 Jennifer H. Fulcher ’89 Jacob D. Garber ’11 Jennifer C. Gelbard ’91 Samuel P. Gill ’14 Jeannette Titus Frary ’57 Michael and Adrienne Fulco David Garcia Barrera ’17 David B. Geller ’81 Anne Swallow Gillis ’74 Christina R. Fraser ’87 P’04 Laurie Garden ’75 Mary Benton Gemmell ’49 and Marjorie Bussmann Gillis ’73 Deborah Fraser ’73 Julie Robison Fuller ’88 Benjamin Gardner ’93 James Gemmell P’75 Janice Foster Gilmer ’70 Hugh C. Fraser ’87 Katherine Fuller James Gardner, Jr. ’89 Constance Smith Gemmer C.J. Hirsch Ginder ’53 Betsy P. Frawley ’72 Virginia G. Fuller ’06 Joan Lockhart Gardner ’66 and ’80 and Frederic Gemmer Mimi Lasker Ginott ’77 Laura E. Frawley ’10 Marna Wagner James Gardner P’89 ’80 P’10 Jacalyn Gordon Ginsburg ’86 Christopher Fray ’86 Fullerton ’56 P’91 Laurie J. Gardner Merrill Swig Genoa ’06 Alexander A. Giordano ’15 Courtney E. Frazee ’11 Agnes S. Fulper ’58 Linda B. Gardner ’74 Katherine C. Gent ’12 Angela Giordano ’11 Stephen and Esther Frazee P’11 Kaitlin T. Fung ’14 Lynette E. Gardner ’73 Thomas and Mary Lou Ashley E. Giordano ’17 Katja H. Frazier ’05 Paul M. Funk ’76 Michael P. Gardner ’10 Gentz P’04 Joseph A. Giordano ’17

53 Michael and Elizabeth Ada Maislen Goldstein ’47 and Margaret Ohl Grace ’52 Gridley ’52 GP’12 Sarah Elliott Gunderson ’95 Girioni P’19 David Goldstein GP’13 Beverly Edgar Grady ’71 John Griff and Mary Ellen Alexander C. Gundry ’08 Kathleen A. Giroux ’88 Alice Dreifuss Goldstein ’53 Margaret Grady P’20 Phelan Robin Legge Gunn ’88 Peggy A. Gitt ’71 Annette Lieberman Goldstein Chenin G. Graesch Ashley B. Griffin ’04 John Gunzelman P’89 ’93 Stephanie R. Gittings ’17 ’62 Donna Graham Carolyn Johnson Griffin ’70 Charles P. Gurry ’09 Olivia J. Giuliano ’17 Cindy Beck Goldstein ’75 Kenneth E. Graham Cynthia A. Griffin ’84 Emily Mond Gurry ’09 Cynthia Carpenter Glad ’57 Myrna Chandler Goldstein ’70 Margaret Wilson Graham ’66 Elizabeth Griffin ’51 Laura Abineri Gurry ’00 Betty Spaulding Gladfelter ’60 and Mark Goldstein P’96 Professor Ruth E. Grahn John A. Griffin ’15 Erik Gustke ’92 Edward and Geraldine Sheila Golfman ’73 Gina Benamati Granger ’62 Joseph D. Griffin ’07 David M. Gute, Ph.D. ’73 Gladke P’95 Liza M. Gomez ’09 Erik W. Grant ’20 Julia G. Griffin ’08 Joanne E. Guth ’78 Lisa Gladke ’95 Lisey B. Good ’87 Janet S. Grant ’64 Kim Wallace Griffin ’97 Alberto Gutierrez and Theresa Dr. Ellen L. Glascock ’67 Sara Gail Glidden Goodell ’59 Michelle Rieff Grant ’64 Matthew J. Griffin ’98 Finn P’14 Elizabeth Hamilton Glasfeld ’52 Barbara A. Goodhouse ’72 Nancy Boyd Grant ’72 Morgan B. Griffin ’12 Daniel C. Gutierrez ’14 Tamara B. Glass ’11 Daniel and Barbara Peter Grant and Lena Saetre- Thomas and Erika Griffin P’12 Edward and Kathryn Brian A. Glassman ’77 Goodman P’95 Grant P’20 Benjamin G. Griffith ’06 Gutleber P’08 Matthew Glasz Phoebe Blank Goodman ’47 Robert D. Graves P’20 Isabel Siegel Griffith ’06 Steven M. Gutman ’79 David Gleason ’83 Rachel E. Goodman ’01 Story S. Graves P’20 Kathleen Griffith P’18 Richard Guttmacher GP’19 Sara A. Gleason ’15 Sherryl H. Goodman, Ph.D. ’72 Adele Gravitz ’78 Emily Bryan Grimes ’72 Lesley M. Guyton ’68 Andrew R. Glenn ’07 Jennifer E. Goodnow ’82 Janet Dreyfus Gray ’71 Daniel Grimm ’01 Arturo D. Guzman ’73 Jill Hengleman Glenn ’67 Joan Waxgiser Goodstein ’58 Jeffrey R. Gray ’80 Jonna L. Grimsby ’98 Katherine Earle Guzman ’05 Anna Simonds Glennon ’10 Judith Pennypacker Goodwin ’55 Caitlin R. Greeley ’05 Dagny Hultgreen Griswold ’69 Mary R. Haaga ’76 James C. Glessmann ’88 Sarah Moran Goodwin ’93 Barbara Green ’76 Linda N. Groat ’68 Amanda Slabaugh Haas ’67 Lisa Weiskop Glick ’75 Molly G. Goodyear ’85 Brenner A. Green ’12 Judith Epstein Grollman ’58 Steven Joffe and Elizabeth Alan and Josephine Glos P’09 Sandra Gay Goralnick ’67 Cara E. Green ’15 Carl and Nancy Gropper P’04 Haas P’20 Tucker M. Glotzbach ’17 Antonia Graglia Gordon ’66 Danielle S. Green ’11 Marjory Wasserstrom Gross ’59 Ruth Haas-Castro ’84 Robert and Kathleen Gluck P’07 Erin L. Gordon ’06 Kathleen Green P’13 Roger and Sidney* Gross P’84 Caitlin Haberberger ’94 Marina B. Gluckman ’12 James A. Gordon ’97 Lisa J. Green ’82 Martha J. Grossel Lynn Jenssen Haberek ’78 Peter and Audrey Gluschke P’20 Laura Williams Gordon ’98 Elizabeth A. Greenberg ’83 Nancy A. Grosselfinger ’67 John B. Haberland ’03 Ross Gobeille ’02 Liza L. Gordon ’12 Helaine Shoag Martin and Terri Grossman P’05 Mark E. Haberland ’10 Zeynep Asligul Gocmen Cornelia Gordon-Hempe ’64 Greenberg, DSW ’59 Olivia K. Grossman ’12 Helen Johnson Haberstroh ’51 Grant W. Godfrey ’04 Andrea Y. Goren ’89 Dr. Judith J. Greenberg ’68 James and Althea Joan Marshall Hackett ’58 Rachel H. Godfrey ’00 Suzanne Schwartz Gorham ’56 Christopher Greene ’77 Grossweiner P’12 Martha E. Hackley ’68 Elizabeth Geyer Godomski ’54 Alicia R. Gorin ’16 Marc Greene ’85 Terry Taffinder Grosvenor ’67 Judith D. Hackstaff ’66 Leah G. Goessling ’79 Daniel and Lisa Gorin P’16 ’20 Mary Grace Bell Greene ’02 Connor B. Grove ’17 Anne Clement Haddad ’67 Kirsten Barton Goethert ’05 Kathleen Gorman Pamela Wessels Greene ’78 Anne Holland Gruger ’51 Erica Bushey Haddad ’02 Lois Smith Goetz ’72 Lorraine Haeffner Gormley ’57 Simon Greene ’02 Ann Weatherby Gruner ’64 Sarah M. Haddad ’17 Gwendolyn H. Goffe ’70 Julianne Gorte Stephen Greene and Elaine Judith Eichelberger Gruner ’59 Patricia Kohl Hadlow ’53 and Earl Gogan ’81 James and Kimberly Goss P’19 Haemisegger P’20 Anna V. Guay ’17 David Hadlow P’85 Alice F. Gold Leslie O. Goss ’86 Tammis Forshay Greene ’71 Katherine Davis Guay ’80 Susan Owers Haedrich ’61 Barry E. Gold ’79 Jonathan and Jamie Seth Greenland ’77 Kenneth and Pamela Guay P’17 Adolf F. Haffenreffer IV ’05 Jody Paskow Gold ’79 Gossels P’16 Tamara Greenleaf ’81 Dorothy Hickey Gudefin ’47 Elias J. Hage Susan Greenberg Gold ’78 Maryann Gottdenker GP’19 Lucie Greer ’88 Jane Whitehead Guenther ’77 Maxine Rabin Haggin ’60 Toni A. Gold ’66 Michael I. Gottdenker ’86 William and Margaret Julia E. Guerin ’19 Cynthianna C. Hahn ’63 Deborah E. Goldberg Marc Gottesdiener ’76 Greer P’88 David Guernsey P’03 Laurie W. Hahn ’77 Jennifer A. Goldberg Christopher Gottlieb ’80 Katrinka Craw Greger ’62 Anthony Guerrero ’16 Daisy M. Hahnebach ’57 Jonathan Goldberg Alice Gould ’98 Kyle Gregoire Dr. Anita Guerrini ’75 Alison S. Haight ’98 Sylvia Lewis Goldberg ’55 and Claire S. Gould ’10 Jane Gnutti Gregonis ’64 Diane Willard Guertin ’56 Gretchen Holverstott Haight ’63 Robert Goldberg P’80 GP’18 Jacqueline Leonwich Christopher J. Gregory ’09 Isabel C. Guhde ’17 Barbara Myers Haldt ’39 Dennis Goldin Gould ’77 P’10 Linda Wiatrowski Gregory ’81 Carly K. Guiducci ’13 Elizabeth H. Hale ’17 Erica Van Brimer Goldfarb ’83 Samuel J. Gould ’06 Lynne Melville Gregory ’70 and Susan Guillet ’94 Judson and Cindy Hale P’17 Barbara Skolnik Goldman ’70 Stephen Arthur Gould II ’07 William Gregory P’10 Susan Majeika Guilmette ’74 Katherine J. Hale ’09 Jonathan Goldman and Laura- Susan Bejosa Gould ’58 and Peter S. Gregory ’81 Janet Sutherland Guldbeck ’65 Bonnie Davis Hall ’60 Nicole Novick Goldman William Gould P’85 Elizabeth Grenier ’91 Laura Brunner Gulden ’86 Grace M. Hall ’16 ’80 P’10 Taylor B. Gould ’13 Richard and Jean Gresham P’17 Lucas R. Guliano ’17 Nan Lowlicht Hall ’71 P’01 Alexander C. Goldsmith ’96 Leslie A. Goulet ’74 Virginia D. Gresham ’17 Michele L. Gullans P’19 Pamela Gammell Hallagan ’89 Marjorie Landsberg Haley G. Gowland ’17 Eric A. Gressler ’89 Jane Gullong ’67 Stuart Hallagan III ’88 Goldsmith ’65 Mary Anne Fuller Grabarek ’68 Judson Grice ’98 Geoffrey R. Gund ’11 Brendan J. Hallisey and Mary Helen Goldsmith Jessica Grossi Grace ’07 Barbara Gueinzius Grace M. Gunderson ’12 Catherine A. Mohan P’13

54 Catherine M. Hallisey ’13 Hardy P’14 Britton B. Haselton ’03 Edward Heintz ’94 Rachel K. Hess ’09 Maura M. Hallisey ’13 Kathryn W. Hargis ’05 David and Kelly Hasenbalg P’20 Virginia Rivero Heintz ’92 Joseph H. Hesse ’94 Charles H. Halsey ’00 Edith Berkowitz Hargreaves ’59 Samantha E. Hasenbalg ’20 John and Anne Heinz P’09 Virginia Sarra Hesse ’80 and Scott and Lisa Halsted P’15 Debra Fischman Hargrove ’91 Cara J. Hass ’12 Peter L. Heinz ’09 John Hesse P’19 Newman and Sally* Margaret Kaempfer Harjes ’69 Tina Reich Hass ’80 and William Anne Marie Bussmann Helen Crispe Hesselgrave ’72 Halvorson, Jr. P’93 ’95 Margaret Spitznagel Hass P’12 Heiser ’75 Steve and Kate Hesser P’20 Elizabeth Belshaw Ham ’82 Harkness ’75 Patricia Wright Hasse ’70 Stetson Heiser ’75 Sara Mays Hessler ’80 Ernest and Barbara Margaret H. Harlow ’87 Christopher D. Hastings ’04 Paul Heishman and Kim Elaine Frey Hester ’70 Hamanaka P’06 Elaine Heydenreich Harned ’60 Julie Russillo Hathaway ’52 Banister P’09 Elizabeth Bell Hetherington ’63 Mark M. Hamblett ’81 Ryan C. Harnedy ’07 Laurie J. Hauptman ’79 Laurie L. Heiss ’78 Jean Spitnagel Hetherington ’74 Betsy Hamburger-Cohen ’78 Dorothy Knup Harper ’54 Joan Havens ’65 Kristina M. Helb ’04 Ellen R. Heuer ’17 Barbara Johnson Hamilton ’72 Garrett E. Harper ’07 Thomas R.H. Havens and Karen Emily H. Heller ’08 Rebecca K. Heupel ’11 Ga-Nesha D. Hamilton ’07 James F. Harper ’98 Thornber P’87 ’93 Susan Heller ’65 Brendan T. Heussler ’12 Judith A. Hamilton ’70 Jennifer Schumacher Harper ’91 Deborah Phillips Haviland ’54 Judith Jacobs Helmold ’65 Jane Bridgwater Hewes ’44 and Mary Ellen Hamilton ’66 Judith Herrick Harper ’62 William S. Hawkey ’14 Julia M. Helms ’11 William L. Hewes P’72 Meghan Clay Hamilton ’96 Professor Patricia Harper Deborah Dorman Hay ’89 Sally Walker Helwig ’71 Edward H. Hewson III ’89 Patricia Wardley Hamilton ’52 William M. Harper ’06 Nancy Hay ’76 Joyce Canfield Hemingson ’71 Lisa Hodge Hewson ’88 Barbara Batchelor Anne S. Harrar ’17 Kelsey R. Hayden ’17 Andrew Hemingway ’76 Ruth A. Hibbard ’67 Hamlin ’43 P’77 Jennifer Mrosek Harrington ’86 Christie Hayes Susan Calhoun Heminway ’59 Elizabeth Christie Hibbs ’82 and Kari Hammen Barbara Biehusen Harris ’74 Emily Hanna Hayes ’73 and J. Heminway P’84 David G. Hibbs P’13 Sylvia Icken Hammerman ’69 Cassandra Sturman Harris ’58 Michael C. Hayes ’87 Karin J. Hemmingsen ’74 Charles and Claudette John and Candice Ellen D. Harris ’80 P’14 LaMarion Hayes-Wallace Bettina B. Hempel-Gilbert ’94 Hickey P’17 Hammond P’20 Glenn P. Harris ’83 Douglas H. Haynes ’78 and Michael and Nancy Julia M. Hickey ’17 Laura Green Hammond ’98 Jane Scheffler Harris ’67 and Susan Haynes P’10 ’14 Henderek P’98 Rod Hickey and Angela Thomas Hammond ’97 John Harris P’96 ’00 Janet Fleming Haynes ’56 Adelaide Goulding Cason P’20 Lucy J. Han ’10 Madeline W. Harris ’16 Phillip I. Haynes ’14 Henderson ’65 Brian and Colleen Hickman P’20 Isaac Hancock ’12 Maren Innis Harris ’99 John K. Hays ’06 Deirdre Healy Henderson ’64 Amanda Watson Hicks ’96 Leah R. Johnson Hancock ’12 Marie Waterman DaCosta Sheila Raymond Hazen ’64 John D. Henderson Robert J. Hicks ’96 Lynn Weichsel Hand ’67 Harris ’56 P’80 GP’14 Erin Corcoran Hazlett ’95 Virginia Passavant Henderson Thomas Hiendlmayr and Jan Mary Saunders Hande ’69 Natalie Ward Harris ’81 and Janet Heim Head ’56 ’44 P’71 GP’02 Marie Ormasa P’07 Kenneth Handelman and Karen Joel Harris P’16 Nancy Johnson Head ’55 Greer Kessel Hendricks ’90 Anne E. Higgins ’17 Siclari P’18 Sarah Hargrove Harris ’57 and Ciara K. Healey ’17 Adair Albee Hendrickson ’66 Catherine M. Higgins ’17 William R. Handelman GP’18 Christopher Harris P’77 Frank H. Healey P’17 ’20 Christopher K. Hendy ’10 Constance Stein Higgins ’57 Deborah Swason Handy ’67 P’98 Tim and Andrea Harris P’20 Pamela Batson Healey ’67 Dr. Betty Wallman Henry ’69 H. William Higgins II ’03 Jay and Beatrice Handy P’19 Julia W. Harrison ’72 Paula Dzenis Healey ’74 and Dawn Hunter Henry ’94 Lindsey Burke Higgins ’01 Norman Hanenbaum Brian and Carol Harrity P’17 Timothy Healey P’03 Emily Cobb Henry ’97 Melissa C. Higgins ’03 Carol Culley Hanks ’67 Brianna J. Harrity ’17 Bridget Donahue Healy ’66 James Henry ’94 Michael P. Higgins ’85 Constance Whitehead Hanks ’79 Barbara Paust Hart ’60 Elizabeth Healy ’46 Douglas E. Henton ’17 Dolph and Judith Highmark P’01 and Ronald Hanks P’10 Muriel Hart ’47 Martha L. Robinson Heard ’77 Dawn Tatsapaugh Herdman ’80 Alyce Ford Hild ’60 Elizabeth Sidor Hanley ’68 JoAnne Isenburg Hartel ’71 Kathryn Gregory Hearn ’58 Lucy Herman-Moog ’89 Tyra Norbeck Hildebrand ’92 Meaghan L. Hanley Joanne Williams Hartley ’54 and Melissa Tishler Heart ’82 Aili Weeks Hermann ’11 Catherine Masinter Lilly B. Hanlon ’17 Richard Hartley P’87 Charles Hebble GP’18 Ann LeLievre Hildenbrand ’88 Laurence D. Hannafin ’86 Jennifer Hartley-Johnson ’92 John and Julie Hebble P’18 Hermann ’45 P’67 ’70 GP’01 John F. Hile ’14 Elizabeth Chalko Hannigan ’72 Anne Detarando Hartman ’57 Polly Bancroft Hebble* ’54 and Barbara Hermann ’70 Brian D. Hill ’98 Peter and Elizabeth Hansel P’02 Claire Barrows Hartman ’71 Charles Hebble GP’18 Jamison S. Hermann ’11 Celayne G. Hill ’80 Marjorie Hansen ’64 Mary-Nairn Hayssen David J. Hecht ’07 Alejandro J. Hernandez ’17 Larry Hill P’20 Robyn Roessler Hanser ’60 Hartman ’46 P’80 Barbara Hite Heck ’72 Karina D. C. Hernandez ’14 Tracey Hill Ashley Powell Hanson ’82 Michael G. Hartman ’89 Sara Rowe Heckscher ’69 Robert W. Hernandez ’74 Carol Reponen Hilley ’60 Gail Manning Hanson ’82 Patricia Gaynor Hartman ’68 Joan Hedgecock ’71 Yeslan Hernandez ’07 David and Lyn Hills P’99 Kenric M. Hanson ’02 Dr. and Mrs. H. Rodney Eva Sands Heenan ’05 Susan McGovern Herndon ’57 Sarah L. Hills ’88 Virginia Stauffer Hantz ’47 Hartmann P’88 Patrick J. Heffernan ’07 Miranda Smith Herrington ’85 Eileen Diener Himmelrich ’83 Mrgaret Yamasaki Harada ’48 Margot Grace Hartmann ’47 James and Marianne Janet R. Herrmann ’68 Brendan S. Hinchey ’96 Patricia M. Harcourt ’76 P’71 Heffrin P’20 Pamela Gwynn Herrup ’65 Priscilla Baird Hinckley ’47 Margaret B. Hardenbergh ’68 Gregg Hartvigsen ’83 H. Tappan Heher ’89 Judith Hofer Hersey ’58 Genie Dunn Hindall ’64 Betsey Staples Harding ’66 Cynthia Howard Harvell ’70 Claudia B. Heim ’20 Nancy Hershatter ’76 Susan Peck Hinkel ’65 Sara Flannery Hardon ’59 J. Michael Harvey ’79 and Lynn Buchanan Heim ’67 Ianthe C. Hershberger ’06 Janet L. Hinkle ’81 P’17 Eleanor G. Hardy ’15 Veronika E. Shtelmakh Eve-Lynn Heimberg ’78 Linda C. Hershenson ’77 Lillian M. Hinkle ’17 James Hardy, Jr. ’83 and Anne Paul Harvey ’85 Deborah Towne Hein ’79 Jenna S. Hershey ’10 Pamela E. Hinkle ’81

55 Arline P. Hinkson ’58 Anne K. Holly ’17 Abbie Breene Hubert ’67 David Hymes ’92 John B. Jacoby P’89 Douglas E. Hinman ’76 and Earl-Rodney Holman ’76 Patricia Ashbaugh Hubert ’58 Kerril and Mary Ann Hynes P’18 Nshimirimana Jacque ’17 Nancy Hinman ’82 P’16 Mary Holman ’91 Mary Scheckman Hubka ’69 Jennifer L. Hyslip ’12 Kim Jaeckel ’83 Susan Wolfenden Hinnant ’64 Oliver M. Holmes ’20 Margaret Goodman Huchet ’59 Emma Bruggeman Iacono ’11 David B. Jaffe ’77 Ashmini Hiralall ’09 Tara M. Holmes ’02 Philip C. Huckins P’14 Anthony W. Iannotti ’83 Alexander D. James ’03 Barbara Samuels Hirsch ’58 Elizabeth Alcorn Holt ’54 Jennifer Preuss Hudner ’94 Danielle Iannotti Elizabeth George James ’82 Molly C. Ahrens Hirschel ’04 Sally Peters Holzinger ’83 Thomas and Georgea Erin M. Iannotti ’12 Emily Goldberg James ’05 W. Leon Hisle Jean Gries Homeier ’50 Hudner, Jr. P’95 Adrian Idrizi ’08 Isabel Vaughan James ’43 W. Lee Hisle, Ph.D. Michael Homer P’92 ’02 Thomas Hudner III ’95 Alexandra M. Iezzi ’15 Robert R. James ’93 Diane A. Hitchcock ’75 Elizabeth Dalton Honer ’01 Martha Simonson Hudson ’60 Adam and Alicia Ifshin P’17 Stephen A. James ’78 Regina M. Hitchery ’15 Frederic and Johanna Hood P’80 Nancy E. Hudson ’53 Alec D. Ifshin ’17 Mary Tadsen Jamieson ’72 Anna L. Hitchner ’02 Laura A. Hook ’99 Todd G. Hudson ’80 Olga C. Ignatiadis ’17 Sara Jamieson ’01 Joanna S. Hitchner ’07 Elizabeth Flint Hooker ’99 E.D. Huettig Nancy Ronk Ihara ’65 Daniel Janel ’17 Bill and Lisa Hoadley P’19 Mark Hooker ’99 Elizabeth Taich Huff ’04 Katharine P. Ijams ’86 Herbert and Kathleen Emily Bassin Hoadley ’06 Oceane N. Hooks-Camilleri ’12 Huston and Lexy Andrew Ingalls and Jane Janick P’16 Alison B. Hobart ’89 Allison R. Hooper ’81 and Huffman P’96 ’04 Noyes P’13 Elizabeth A. Jannery ’17 Helen MacDonald Hobbs ’83 Donald Hooper P’16 Abigail Hochstein Hughey ’06 Molly Wilcox Ingle ’95 Robert S. Janus ’74 Laurena McNey Hobby ’59 Samuel D. Hooper ’16 Lynne P. Hugo ’69 John and AnneMarie Inglis Megan DeMers Janzen ’04 Jean Hoblitzell P’17 Maegan E. Hoover ’08 Michele Miller Hugo ’91 William and Betty Inglis Anita McNeill Japp ’88 Dr. Sally Hobson ’63 Samuel P. Hopkins ’98 Jade M. Hui ’20 Brian A. Ingrassia ’15 Daniel I. Jarcho ’04 Mary Whitney Hoch ’69 Bridget C. Horan ’17 Anne Hulecki P’18 Kathryn Hadley Inskeep ’43 J. Ellen Ramsbottom Merle Kaplan Hochman ’60 John Horan and Marianne George F. Hulme ’77 Laura M. Irizarry-Garcia ’07 Jarrett ’78 P’13 Merryl Gillespie Hodgson ’67 Jordan P’17 Louise Sharp Hulme ’77 Judith Irving ’68 Peter Jarrett ’78 and Wendy Lindsey F. Hoehn ’05 Rebecca P. Horan ’13 Elizabeth May Humber ’98 Karen Klebe Isaacs ’67 Peterman P’13 Joan Brower Hoff ’47 Suzanne MacDonald Horan ’72 Elizabeth B. Hume ’79 Laura M. Isacco ’17 Jeffrey and Tamara Jarvis P’19 Andrew M. Hoffman ’83 Sandra Geil Horn ’66 Lilas F. Humen ’13 Anne Isbister Julia K. Jarvis ’19 Bruce R. Hoffman ’76 Elizabeth Lyons Horne ’00 Nicholas and Anne Humen P’13 Bryan Isleib ’95 Jessica Dewing-Hommes Edwin W. Hoffman ’89 Michael H. Horner Rachel Daum Humphrey ’91 Clinton and Carol Israel GP’15 Jaskot ’11 Mary Elsbree Hoffman ’59 Sally Lewis Horner* ’58 Sheila Wadsworth Carole Hunt Iwanicki ’63 Jovanni S. Jauregui, Jr. ’13 Naomi H. Hoffman ’12 Hayden Horowitz Humphrey ’71 Marisol Izoteco ’17 Ani S. Javian ’05 William and Katherine Leo Horrigan and Margery Neil and Nancy Humphreys P’03 Cheryl Savitsky Izzo ’71 Zachary J. Jay ’16 Hoffman P’20 McIver P’19 Lynne Langlois Hunter ’94 Morton and Sandra Jablons P’94 Douglas Jeffers and Mitzi Maggie M. Hogan ’16 Galen and Jenny Anne Horst- E. Hope Gibson Hungerford ’59 Leissa Perkinson Jackmauh ’87 Fennel P’20 Mary Ellen Small Hogan ’80 Martz P’18 ’21 Carole Awad Hunt ’56 Dorothy J. Jackson ’71 Lucinda Sawyer Jefferson ’82 M. Grant Hogan ’07 R. Jason Horwitz ’00 Kathleen W. Hunt Douglas J. Jackson ’05 Annabelle G. Jenkins ’12 Pamela K. Hogan Christina M. Horzepa ’86 and Nancy Taylor Hunt ’67 Katri Morley Jackson ’02 Barbara Jenkinson ’56 ReAnnen M. Hogan Gary Dearborn P’21 Cassie N. Hunter ’17 Mary-Elizabeth Walker Deborah Jenks ’67 Shirley Sidman Hogan ’55 William Hossack Currie C. Huntington ’11 Jackson ’68 Joan Faraci Jenks ’57 Larson J. Hogstrom ’09 Lynda McCurdy Hotra ’73 Rev. Olivia Hallowell Nina Davis Jackson ’53 GP’07 Mary Robertson Jennings ’54 Anelise K. Hohl ’15 Jeanie Kitchen Houghton ’76 Huntington ’59 Peg Muschell Jackson ’72 Peter Jennings ’92 Jeffrey and Lynne* Emma L. Houser ’15 Shaelah M.R. Huntington ’14 Timothy C. Jackson Sarah Homer Jennings ’92 Hoisington P’09 Kathryn Jacobs Housiaux ’72 Louise Wright Huntoon ’71 Ms. Anne Linas Jacobs ’71 Theodore D. Jennings GP’19 Sven C. Holch ’95 Carolyn M. Howard ’84 Rodna Pass Hurewitz ’65 Cheryl S. Jacobs ’07 Dona Bernard Jensen ’55 Cynthia Caravatt Holden ’74 Marjorie Fisher Howard ’61 Concetta Fazio Hurlbert ’98 Ellen Wineman Jacobs ’56 Hilary Jerreza Streeter Gilman Holden ’84 Steven E. Howard ’87 Scott M. Hurlbert ’97 Margaret Wade Jacobs ’71 Erik Jespersen ’92 Donna Reid Holdman ’80 Georgia Howe ’58 Hope Maynard Hussey ’00 Matthew M. Jacobs ’08 Macon Jessop ’92 Cathryn Moon Holinger ’67 Diamond A. Howell ’12 Zenas and Susanne Myra S. Jacobs ’15 Richard Jessop ’81 Alison J. Holland ’13 Penelope Howell-Heller ’75 and Hutcheson P’08 Amanda N. Jacobsen ’17 Joan Marsland Jewell ’52 Anna L. Holland P’19 Raymond Heller P’08 Jacqueline E. Hutchins ’10 Rachel E. Jacobsen ’11 Kenneth Jockers ’88 Anne H. Holland ’86 Dr. Candace Howes Kristin A. Hutchins ’12 Raymond and Barbara Joan Flaherty Johanson ’55 Barbara Drake Holland ’60 Kim D. Howie ’73 Anne Hutchinson ’69 Jacobsen P’86 Carol Nostrand Johns ’66 Mayana Z. Holland ’19 June Ippolito Hoye ’57 Martha Mann Hutt ’64 Emily Klayman Jacobson ’84 Amanda C. Johnson ’19 Roberta Ward Holleman ’68 Robert Hoyle Peter and Lauren Hutton P’19 Eric F. Jacobson ’83 Anne Richardson Johnson ’58 Sally Stecher Hollington ’54 Dana E. Hoyt ’07 Thomas E. Hutton ’89 Frances Freedman Jacobson ’56 Barbara Schmidt Johnson ’66 Jennifer L. Hollis ’95 Lawrence L. Hoyt ’10 Dennis and Sally Huysman P’17 and M. Howard Jacobson Carolyn A. Johnson Laura Hollister ’76 Andrea M. Hricko ’67 and John Andrea T. Hyde ’71 and John P’82 Dennis and Christine Ann B. Hollos ’97 Froines P’89 Hagaman P’06 Julia P. Jacobson ’06 Johnson P’19 M. Jane Holloway ’69 Sijia Hu ’06 Barry S. Hyman ’81 Patricia Burton Jacoby ’64 and Frances Brigham Johnson ’49

56 Janet Mellen Johnson ’48 and Neil Josephson P’70 ’75 Lisa Stonberg Karofsky ’67 Halsey Keller Jacqueline Kerr P’15 John Johnson and Elizabeth Jeri Fluegelman Josephson ’57 Paul I. Karofsky ’67 Shirley Wilson Keller ’46 Kathleen Kerr Bragdon, Ph.D. ’92 Huebner P’17 and Bertram Josephson P’86 Ginger Dreyfus Karren ’52 Jennifer Keller-Birkes ’88 Barbara Keshan ’70 Judith Crouch Johnson ’57 Carol Lee Blake Joslin ’54 John Kashanski Anne R. Kelley Henry A. Kesner ’03 Julia Kuhn Johnson ’49 Charles and Janet Joslin P’93 Edward and Deborah Brian A. Kelley ’81 Emily Kessler ’90 Kathryn Gunzelman Johnson ’93 Elizabeth D. Joslin ’11 Kasper P’19 David J. Kelley ’11 Julia Boone Kessler ’69 Kevin C. Johnson Ryan J. Joyce ’10 Stephen Megargee and David J. Kelley ’76 Kathleen G. Ketcham ’13 Lisa Johnson ’82 Joseph Jucewicz ’76 Stephanie Kasten P’20 Janet Heidrich Kelley ’73 Raymond E.B. Ketchum ’83 Livingston Johnson ’79 Daniel R. Judson ’82 Jonathan Kateman ’90 and Judy Dow Kelley ’83 Theodore K. Ketterer ’04 Nicole Johnson ’74 Harriet Juli Mildred Lerner Kateman Kevin and Hayley Kelley P’20 Jennifer Baldwin Kettledon ’88 Norman and Nancy Brett C. Juliano ’09 ’90 P’21 Meaghan M. Kelley ’12 Mohammad O. Khan ’17 Johnson P’10 Thomas G. Julius ’77 Paul Kates ’91 Prudence Lamb Kelln ’56 Lamiya Khandaker ’17 Pamela Peterson Johnson ’72 Jake T. Junda ’14 Barbara Hadley Katz ’75 Janet B. Kellock ’52 Usman Khosa ’04 Peter W. Johnson* ’75 Jehanne M. Junguenet ’07 Carol Katz ’66 Constance Kallfa Kellogg ’62 Dr. Marilyn Silton Khoury ’67 Randi C. Johnson Carolyn W. Hoffman Junker ’82 Claire Goldschmidt Katz ’51 and Emily Burt Kellogg ’76 Marilyn Richardson Kidder ’68 Robin Yokelson Johnson ’72 Martha Bates Jura ’63 Robert Katz P’77 Nancy Crowell Kellogg ’57 Ann Feeley Kieffer ’58 P’88 Rosemary A. Johnson ’79 Sandra Sasic Juzups ’89 Dr. Judith Milstein Katz ’64 Anne Crowley Kelly ’64 Jonas Kieffer Sandra Weldon Johnson ’57 Bill and Mary Lou Juzwic Marcia Dorfman Katz ’50 Dara Zall Kelly ’92 Jennifer Kiehling ’01 Shirley M.C. Johnson Rachel E. Jylkka-Tesler ’07 Taylor M. Katz ’08 Elsie Williams Kelly ’46 David Kieran, Ph.D. ’00 Susan Monzani David Kaback and Stephanie Apt Alex and Carla Katzenberg P’02 Erika Buck Kelly ’95 Emma Gilmore Kieran ’00 Johnson ’72 P’06 ’08 Kaback P’18 Anna H. Kaufman ’12 J. Kevin Kelly ’94 Maureen Mehls Kiernan ’60 Susan Scheller Johnson ’60 Eric R. Kabel ’82 Dennis and Sue Kaufman P’95 John H. Kelly ’13 Dana Friedman Kiesel ’81 Suzanne L. Johnson ’71 Christopher and Lori John F. Kaufman ’77 Margaret Wiener Kelly ’69 Paul R. Kiesel ’82 Thomas Johnson and Jeannie Kachmar P’18 Joy Shifreen Kaufman ’50 Maureen Godere Kelly ’53 and Sandra DeMartino Kiesel ’65 Scheinin P’08 Margaret Steele Kaczorowski Matthew R. Kaufman Thomas Kelly P’76 Nina Calace-Mottola Kiess ’86 Anne McClain Johnston ’62 William C. Kadison ’17 Michelle Grosser Kaufman ’87 Sarah E. Kelly Susan Baldwin Kietzman ’82 Renner M. Johnston, Jr. ’89 Thomas J. Kadzis ’78 Roger P. Kaufman ’86 Shannon Kelly Robert E. Kiley ’84 and Michelle Glen Johnstone and Tracey Karen Nelson Kahler ’84 Laurence Kaufmann ’83 Aidan R. Kelso ’17 Kiley ’84 P’11 Armstrong P’18 David P. Kahn ’06 Marilou Van Marx Kaufmann ’82 David and Sara Kelso P’09 Carolyn Anderson Kilgour ’67 Rachel E. Johnstone ’10 Kenneth and Laurel* Kahn P’03 Nancy G. Kaull ’72 Donald Kelton ’02 Lauren Levinson Kilkenny ’67 James Jolly ’83 Ramzi M. Kaiss ’17 Barbara Witte Kauth ’48 Fred E. Kemper ’07 Melinda Vail Killenberg ’60 P’88 Brendan R. Jones ’97 Thomas Kalal Elizabeth Westrich Kavanagh Jerome and Michele Carol Murray Kim ’65 Chad Jones Miriam Kalamian ’78 ’72 P’76 ’79 GP’02 ’03 Kemper P’07 Jennifer S. Scanlon Kim ’92 Chloe Bissell Jones ’51 Marion Cale Kalkstein ’66 William Kavanagh ’80 Barbara Brunoff Kendall ’66 Min Hae Kim ’15 Elaine M. Jones Professor Brian A. Kalman Tessa L. Kaye ’17 Mildred Schmidtman Kendall ’58 Yang Sun Kim Elizabeth Kraft Jones ’89 Jane Ach Kalmes ’85 Susan Avtges Kayeum ’79 Martha Denial Kendler ’87 Katie Kimball Francesca Decioccio Jones ’69 Emma R. Kammerer ’14 Victoria A. Kazlauskas ’04 Helen M. Kendrick ’72 Marion Wheeler Kimball and Trent Jones P’04 Alice Daghlian Kanayan ’66 Pukar KC ’12 Brooke Kennedy ’01 Nita Butler Kincaid ’65 Gary S. Jones ’78 Sean P. Kane ’87 Amy DeGuire Keane ’98 Joanna Warner Kennedy ’64 and Stephanie A. Kindig ’81 Gordon and Christine Jones P’20 William P. Kane ’84 Kathleen Keffer Keane ’72 Thomas Kennedy P’91 Brenna Sulat King ’07 Jennifer Jones P’18 Lakshmi Kannan ’10 Tim Keane Lauren N. Kennedy ’17 Craig and Theresa King P’20 Katharine Jones ’88 Jason M. Kanter ’05 Michael B. Keaney ’01 Linda Manno Kennedy ’70 Deborah Garber King ’72 Katharine Miller Jones ’52 Stephanie J. Kapinos ’13 Edith Kearney ’61 Anne Kennison ’71 Deborah M. King ’76 Mark M. Jones ’79 Craig Kaplan ’93 Helen W. Keaten ’95 Mary Ellen Kenny ’73 Elizabeth Pughe King ’59 Melissa Reese Jones ’65 Danielle J. Kaplan ’17 Nicholas D. Keen ’77 Alison Kent ’97 Jane Kempner King ’60 Nancy Ahearn Jones ’61 Dorothy Cotzen Kaplan ’60 Margaret Walsh Keenan ’56 Ann Matthews Kent ’54 Julie Schwab King ’90 Randolph M. Jones ’06 Evan and Susan Kaplan P’17 Jane R. Keener ’84 Charlotte Kent ’68 Leslie Traba King ’92 Robert J. Jones ’17 Miriam Thurman Kaplan P’01 Polly Leonard-Keener ’68 Ellen Aronoff Kent ’69 Mary Bolz King ’46 W. Cameron Jones Susan Adler Kaplan ’58 Eileen Pond Keerdoja ’68 Mindy Kerman ’81 Nancy Watson King ’58 P’82 Zachary C. Jones ’15 Susan Kaplan ’58 Mary Keil ’70 Nancy L. Kern ’00 Paul King and Janice Chasse- Deion A. Jordan ’17 Ann-Mary Potter Kapusta ’59 Virginia Chambers Keim ’65 Charles P. Kernan ’85 King P’17 Joann Schneider Jordan ’55 Lesley Campbell Karczewski ’79 Thato A. Keineetse ’11 Walter and Mary Kernan Ruth Fanjoy King ’49 Robert Jordan ’98 Emily Eisenberg Karelitz ’70 Ann Taylor Keiser ’79 Andrew Kerner ’02 Sakina King ’96 Anna H. Jorgensen ’12 Ingela M. Karjel P’17 Barbara Hoffman Keiser ’72 Susan Endel Kerner ’67 and Susan Wilson King ’63 Anna N. Jorgensen ’18 Josefin L. Karjel ’17 Jodi Kelber-Kaye ’86 Martin Kerner P’02 Tek-wah King Alice Weinstein Joseph ’64 Jacob M. Karlin ’08 Carol Harding Kelleher ’68 John and Marily Kerney P’12 Whitney A. King ’12 Timothy A. Joseph ’86 James and Cherry Karlson P’13 Jean M. Kelleher ’73 Sara S. Kerney ’12 Dr. Lynn Wallace Kinsell ’68 Elise Abrahams Josephson ’44 Kaitlin E. Karlson ’13 Angela C. Keller ’08 Dillon P. Kerr ’15 Timothy Kiprono ’13

57 Eugenia Tracy Kirchner ’60 Miharu and Keiko and Daniel Kremens P’18 G. Marie Lalor Kevin A. Lau-Hansen ’11 Jessica Cheitlin Kirk ’07 Kobayashi P’17 Amy Marquis Kreuzburg ’88 Tsvetan Lalov and Pavlina Matthew S. Lau-Hansen ’17 Kelsey E. Kirker ’11 Nako Kobayashi ’17 Hillary Koota Krevlin ’82 Radeva-Lalova P’14 Nancy Laun ’70 Helen Pleasance Kirkpatrick ’53 Christine Slye Koch ’70 June Salamy Krisch ’60 Eric Lamarre and Marie-Lyse Anna E. Laurence ’16 Barbara Kirschner P’98 Gene, Peggy and Julia Kocian Gintas P. Krisciunas ’03 Bergeron P’19 Wendy Waesche Lavallee ’97 Benjamin E. Kirschner ’98 Harriet Kodis ’69 Linas T. Krisciunas ’05 Robin Dryer Lamb ’92 Joan Rudberg Lavin ’53 Judith Judson Kitson ’63 and Tracey Stephan Koff ’77 Kim and Leah Kristensen P’20 Armand Lambert Victoria Lavington ’92 David Kitson P’91 Ronald and Mary Sara R. Krivoshik ’13 Kristin Stahlschmidt Lambert ’69 Janet L. Lawler ’74 Erica Gagne Kittle ’07 Kogelmann P’20 Beverly Hindinger Krizanovic ’75 Leslie Lamkin ’85 Deborah Lahr Lawlor ’73 Kathryn Eberlain Klaber ’67 Elise LaPointe Kohan ’06 Harris M. C. Krizmanich ’17 Brian Lamont ’92 Doris Ward Lawson ’62 Ann Kizanis Klapper ’85 Rebekah E. Kohan ’10 Karen Krohn Mary Nankervis Lamont ’49 Samuel and Mary Lawson P’09 Rebecca Hirschman Klarin ’01 Ellen Saltz Kolansky ’64 Carolyn Shamroth Kroll ’65 Martha Cogswell Catherine T. Lawton ’12 Todd R. Klarin ’00 Lori Davis Kolar Judith Krones ’80 Lamontagne ’72 Daniel A. Layfield ’07 James and Cindy Klauder P’06 Nira Gabbay Kolers, Ph.D. ’62 Dr. Mary Kroul ’69 Eleni A. Lampadarios ’00 Alexander Lazor ’88 and Jonathan Klavens and Marjorie Jane Shaw Kolkhorst ’44 Alexandra E. Kruck ’17 Jessica R. Landers ’06 Penelope McKean Lazor Boone-Klavens P’19 Joseph Koller and Cherie Jill Davidson Krueger ’59 Paige M. Landry ’10 ’88 P’20 Amanda C. Klay ’13 Flandrick P’17 Claudia Krugovoy Brewer ’92 Noah W. Landy ’17 Norma Gabianelli Le Febvre ’49 Sandra Fleischner Klebanoff ’60 Elizabeth Brownlee Christopher N. Krupenye ’11 Janice C. Lane ’69 Catherine Servant Lea ’03 Lois MacLellan Klee ’66 Kolmstetter ’85 Deborah Bulkley Kruskal ’69 and Stephen B. Lane ’87 Ellie R. Leahy ’13 Gregorie I. Johnson ’89 Suzanne Kolsun P’09 Thomas E. Kruskal P’02 Colin R. Lang ’14 Kay Lane Leaird ’68 Rhoda Lichtig Kleid ’58 Patricia S. Kooyman ’87 Mary Scott Kuehl ’05 Karl M. Langberg ’09 Elizabeth Ladwig Leamon ’89 Daniel Klein and Siobhan Taylor D. Kopelan ’07 Margaret J. Kugler ’82 Ann R. Langdon ’66 and John Leamon ’89 Dolan P’17 Bryce P. Kopp ’16 Ivan N. Kukharkin ’12 Professor Drew S. Days III Mark Leapman ’86 Eilis D. Klein ’17 Jean Rath Kopp ’74 Nancy Finn Kukura ’68 Dr. Linda Oplatka Lange ’64 Katharine M. Learned Jeremy F. Klein ’09 Robert Koppelman ’77 Deborah Morris Kullby ’63 Sarah M. Langfitt ’17 Jennifer Spencer Stephanie A. Klein ’97 Stephen R. Kops ’76 James Kungle and Maureen Ruth Bailey Langh ’77 Leavenworth ’94 Jeanne Jacques Bradford G. Korder ’73 P’06 Gerber P’17 Bonnie Langlois Matthew Leavenworth ’94 Kleinschmidt ’44 Diana Davis Kornet ’66 and Taylor K. F. Kungle ’17 Peter and Madeleine Tracy Leavenworth ’91 Marc A. Klepacki ’19 John Kornet P’03 Adam W. Kunin ’87 Langman P’19 David Leavitt ’92 Morgan H. Kleyweg ’17 Cynthia Mallett Kosakowski ’79 Clayton T. Kunz ’94 Kenneth Lankin ’83 Hannah Leavitt ’69 Ron and Risa Kleyweg P’17 Alexis Kossiakoff ’02 Debbie Y. Kuo ’82 Professor Andrea Lanoux Elyse R. Lebel ’12 Karin Kline ’90 and Kenneth Linnea Richardson Koster’79 Gita Merkevicius Kupcinskas ’73 John H. Lansing ’09 Edith Aiden Lebov ’68 Kline P’90 Rosemary A. Koury ’67 Ellen Wolarsky Kuris ’67 Alex C. Lanstein ’07 Elaine Goldstein Lechtreck ’54 Jesse and Rebecca Nicholas Kouwenhoven ’86 Allyson E. Kurker ’97 Paul D. Lantz ’75 Nancy Reihl Leckerling ’70 Klingebiel P’20 and Christine Weaver Professor Julia Kushigian and Christopher and Karyn Azalea McDowell Leckszas ’57 Suzanne Klotz ’94 Kouwenhoven ’88 P’21 Charles Secor, Jr. Lanzano P’17 Rita Weigl Ledbetter ’48 Michael Kluchman and Hong-Yu W. Kovic P’14 ’21 Karen A. Kuskin-Smith ’70 Gerard K. Lanzano ’17 Michael LeDuc ’14 Marguerite Dresser P’20 Clifford W. Kozemchak ’78 David C. Kusy ’04 Kitty Fischer La Perriere ’52 Theresa Paradis LeDuc ’83 and Alan E. Klugman ’78 Davis E. Kraft ’17 Caroline E. Kuzoian ’17 Marc V. LaPlace ’88 Jeffrey LeDuc P’14 Michael Kmec Eliza Helman Kraft ’82 Robert S. Kyff P’18 Lee Arthur LaPlante ’84 Mary Deming Ledyard ’62 Robert K. Knake ’01 Janet Bunyan Kramer ’41 Booth Kyle ’93 Susan Galves Lapointe ’67 Amanda K. Lee ’13 Margaret Knapp ’98 Nancy Alderman Colleen Shanley Kyle ’93 Jane Brown LaPrino ’66 Brian Lee ’94 Pamela Knapp ’70 Kramer ’52 P’83 David C. Labaree ’82 Amanda Laramie ’07 Bruce and Katherine Lee P’18 Sarah Breckenridge Knauft ’64 Tom and Kristine Kramer Donna J. LaBranche Erin F. Largay ’99 Daughn E. Lee ’84 Margaret Loewenbaum Knee ’72 David Kranowitz ’95 Elisabeth S. Labriola Adam Larkey ’01 Eric Lee Pavica Despalatovic Melissa Carleton Kranowitz ’95 Elizabeth Buell Labrot ’55 Lois A. Larkey ’65 Jennifer E. Lee ’13 Kneedler ’90 Suzanne Gehrig Kranz ’68 P’03 Ann Chambliss Lacambra ’57 Joseph R. Larkin ’07 John D. Lee ’75 Laura Highmark Kneisel ’01 Katharine Urion Krashinsky ’66 Burke LaClair ’88 Dr. Jeffrey J. Laro ’88 Sung In Lee ’18 Jennifer Sanders Knight’94 Jay Krasner ’78 Kimberly Priest LaClair ’88 Camilla Richards Larrey ’60 Susan E. Lee ’70 Susan Lasher Knight ’90 Norman Krasner Alexandra Ladd ’91 Doriel I. Larrier ’90 Susan S. Lee ’90 T. Spencer Knight III ’88 Barbara Walker Krause ’63 Brittany L. Ladd Anne M. Larsen P’17 Mary Middlebrook Leengran ’58 Jonathan R. Knights ’05 Jeanne Krause ’57 Janice Simone Ladley ’56 Lauren Carr Larsen ’91 Cynthia Pizzuto Lees ’98 Norma Kochenour Kniseley ’51 Marny Morris Krause ’66 Laurie Colton Ladr ’82 P’09 Sandra Sidman Larson ’59 Susan Kur Lees ’85 Justine E. Knizeski ’76 Roberta Siegel Krauthamer ’61 Alexandra Lindquist LaForce ’73 Jonathan C. Latimer ’86 Nina B. Leezenbaum ’06 Marsha Craig Knoll ’74 Arthur Kreiger Louise D. Laheurte P’11 Linda Cannata Latimer ’83 Nancy Keith LeFevre ’57 Christine Knorr ’98 Sarah Klein Kreimer ’59 Michele Laine ’88 Steven Lau ’83 Scott A. Leff ’20 Sarah L. Knowles ’12 Leslie Kaye Kreisman ’81 Rachele E. Lajoie ’20 Priscilla Martin Laubenstein ’44 Grace Hartnett Leffel ’59 Christina Brennan Knudsen ’08 Stephanie Thier Kremens ’83 Emily S. Lake ’11 Thomas A. Laughlin ’88 Michele A. Lefkowitz ’07

58 Jeffrey Legro ’93 Nancy Forde Lewandowski ’76 Matthew Fishman P’15 John Losito and Tara Katherine E. Lynch ’13 Peggy Rifkin Lehmann ’66 Beverly Lewis ’89 Thomas G. Liptack ’86 Noonan P’17 Michael D. Lynch ’93 Dr. Olga Lehovich ’59 Evan Lewis ’91 Amy B. Lisbon ’03 Deborah Nichols Losse ’66 Mary E. Lynn ’78 Laura Manzano Leibert ’93 Katherine A. Lewis P’08 Craig L. Lissner ’82 Edward A. Lott ’90 Denise M. Lyons ’73 Michael D. Leibert ’92 Martha Kohr Lewis ’56 Darren A. List ’92 Colette B. Lottor ’83 John E. Lyons, Jr. ’13 Erika Leighton P’20 Susan Wells Lewis ’63 Robert and Carol List P’18 Lissa W. Loucks ’88 Kate Lyons Julia E. Leighton ’20 Trevor D. Lewis ’05 Lestra M. Litchfield ’86 Anne Sayre Loughlin ’82 Jennifer Levine Maas ’99 Penny Leisring ’93 Abigail Lewis-Mooney ’01 Michael J. Litchman ’80 Jacquelyn Shaw-Loughlin ’71 Linda H. MacCluggage ’97 Alexander K. Leith ’77 and Patricia Moroney Lewitt ’84 Marcia Brazina Littenberg ’62 Linda Louis ’01 Nancy Hamilton MacCormac ’57 Eileen Leith P’11 Julia Yan Hui Li ’89 and Victor Elizabeth Collier Little ’71 Thomas A. Loureiro ’84 Margaret Gentles Peter T. Lelek ’05 Teixeira P’21 Georgia Geisel Elizabeth Deane Loutrel ’67 MacCowatt ’56 Marion D. Lemay ’20 Gregory A. Liautaud ’17 Littlefield ’55 P’80 Edward Lovejoy ’87 Dana MacDonald Hanford ’84 Rolan and Gray Lemay P’20 Chase Libbey ’77 Judith Morse Littlefield ’53 Lisa Menegon Lovejoy ’87 Brynne B. MacDonnell ’17 Sarah Wilson Lemay ’07 Linda Cusack Libbey ’85 Megan Littlefield, M.D. ’94 Randolph J. Lovelace ’11 Julia G. MacDougall Deborah Elstein Lemen ’80 Richard A. Lichtenstein ’75 and Tony A. Littlefield ’80 Erica L. Lovett ’14 Kevin T. MacDowell ’13 Tracy Auer Lemoine ’83 Melanie J. Cotton ’75 Lawrence B. Litwin P’03 Jeffery and Mary Ann Merwin A. Mace Marjorie Berry Lenaghan ’05 Samuel E. Lichtenstein ’17 Cara Hall Liu ’87 Lovett P’16 Susan Clash Macfarlane ’70 Timothy J. Lenaghan ’05 Stephen Lichtenstein and Karen Anne Maxwell Livingston ’71 Craig Low ’91 Bryn M. MacGillivray ’17 William C. Lenahan ’17 Jacoby P’17 Anne-Marie Lott Lizarralde ’91 Elizabeth Huffman Low ’89 Peter and Cheryl John J. Lenehan ’12 Elena G. Licursi ’17 Elizabeth Lloyd-Kimbrel ’75 David and Katrina Lowe P’18 MacGillivray P’17 Christine Abbott Lentz ’92 Peter Licursi and Giselle Barbara Drexler Lockhart ’63 Jean Harman Lowe ’51 Harriet Bassett MacGregor ’51 Julia Harnett Lenzi ’10 DeRienzo-Licursi P’17 Carolyn Zoephel Lockhart ’72 Joan Eash Lowe ’53 J. A. MacGregor Michael J. Lenzi III ’10 Lorraine Lincoln Lieberman ’46 Joy Honens Lodeen ’80 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lowe Kate C. Machemer ’03 Dorothy Hummel Leonard ’66 Dana Freedman Liebman ’67 Randi Chudnow Loeb ’82 III P’69 Marjorie Nelson Macintyre ’78 Iris Chartoff Leonard ’68 Howard Liebman and Ilene Michael B. Loening ’86 Elaine Title Lowengard ’50 Dr. Arien Hausknecht Mack ’51 Abigail Clement LePage ’61 and Weitz P’16 Roger and Paris Loesch P’20 Elizabeth Emmons Julia G. Mack ’81 Bruce LePage P’93 James Lillie and Maureen Liam W. Lofgren ’20 Lowenstein ’93 Richard H. Mack, Jr. ’91 Richard and Jill Lesko P’09 McCaffrey P’17 C. Russell Logan ’88 Robert T. Lowney II ’89 Elise Bradley MacKay ’68 Archie and Diana Leslie Joanne C. Lillpopp ’90 Parke and Amy Logan P’20 Barbara Susman Lubow ’48 Cameron MacKenzie ’89 James J. Lesniak P’20 Mackenzie B. Lilly ’13 Kathryn Schaeffer Logue ’79 Charles and Marjorie Luce P’79 Caroleen Hughes Mackin ’85 Julie A. Lesniak ’17 Erica Lin ’95 Caroline J. Lohmann ’96 ’81 GP’97 ’11 ’14 James Macknik ’94 Madeline Siegfried Lesnik ’63 Yennice C. Linares ’12 Judith O’Donnell Lohmann ’63 Holly Wilson Luce ’79 Amy Samuel MacLean ’07 Mollie B. Lesnikowski ’77 Courtney E. Lincoln ’03 Roberta Lee Lombard ’67 James Luce ’79 Deborah Lowry MacLean ’85 Cathy Lesse ’67 Graham C. Lincoln ’06 Roberta A. Lombardino ’91 James C. Luce Elizabeth Kimball MacLean ’64 Nina Weinstock Lesser ’79 Sharon Platner Lincoln ’72 Lisa N. Lombardo Joyce R. Luce Gregory W. MacLennan ’11 Roger and Nadine Letendre P’94 Anne E. Lind ’06 Paula Lombardo ’69 P’06 Lana Luciano Silvestro ’00 Alison K. MacMillan ’78 P’11 Edward N. Leutz ’06 Emily Shelton Lind ’04 Mila Rosenfeld Lonetto ’96 Dorothy Luckraft Mary Riddell MacMullen ’43 Alexis L. Levengood ’10 Amanda Atwood Lindberg, Jill Zawacki Long ’86 Jennifer R. Ludgin ’05 Steven and Alison Barbara Skowronek Ph.D. ’75 Pamela Long ’80 Ida Smith Ludlow ’89 MacMullin P’16 Levenstein ’67 Jan and Susan Lindberg Timothy Longacre and Laura Sayre H. Ludlow ’89 Katherine Macol-Blose ’90 Bryan and Lisa Levey P’19 David and Sue Lindblom P’99 Giles P’19 Joseph C. Luft ’90 John C. MacRae ’88 Ellen Feury Levine ’68 Sandra Loving Linder ’62 Andrew Longmire ’02 Marcia Robbins Lugger ’67 Greer Andrews MacReady ’64 James E. Levine, Ph.D. ’80 Kerry Hand Linderoth ’09 Anna E. Longstaff ’00 Randy and Diane Luing P’16 Margaret Macri ’85 Joshua Levine ’95 Annaliese Katz Lindner ’52 and Whitney F. Longworth ’07 Rebecca M. Lukowski ’10 Kenneth L. MacRitchie Orabeth Ruderman Levine ’56 Jack Lindner P’76 Miriam Prosswimmer Elizabeth Ackley Lund ’05 Deborah Whitlock Madden ’69 Patricia Rashba Levine ’57 Samuel B. Lindo ’08 Longyear ’57 Martin Lund ’96 Cecily A. Mader ’68 Tara Davignon Levine ’97 Amy E. Lindsay ’03 Jane Swett Lonsdale ’51 Karen A. Lungren ’03 Dana L. Madison ’90 Peter and Bobbie LeViness Candace L. Lindsay ’69 Janet Martin Lonsdale ’77 Carolina G. Lupo ’17 Alec Madoff ’83 Andrea M. Levinsky ’15 John and Michele Lindsay P’13 Jeffrey H. Lonstein ’78 Leonard J. LuPriore ’76 Jeannine Riley Madoff ’84 Lisa A. Levinson ’88 Kate Sullivan Lindseth ’79 Nancy Heaton Lonstein ’78 Emily Westwood Luscombe ’00 Richard A. Madonna, Jr. Peter L. Levinson Allyson Borgelt Lindsley ’06 Adair Kendrick Look ’92 Spencer K. Lutvak ’16 Philip and Ruth Maffa P’17 Peter Levinson ’96 Ellen Lipp ’74 Jeanne Loomis ’91 Sallie Ward Lutz ’48 Megan E. Maffucci ’13 Lex L. Levitte ’18 Caroline C. Lippincott ’17 Stephen H. Loomis Nam-Anh T. Luu ’17 Deborah Stone Mager ’70 Daniel Levy ’79 Diane Fennelly Lippincott ’63 Andrew S. Lopez Alexa K. Lynch ’04 Alice W. Maggin ’91 Ellen Grob Levy ’64 Harley and Marie-Christine Gabriela C. Lopez ’15 Alondra P. Lynch ’17 John Maggiore ’91 Marjorie Byck Levy ’49 Lippman P’11 Martin Lopez ’97 Barbara L. Lynch ’79 Matthew D. Magida ’07 Naomi Harburg Levy ’50 Ethel Evans Lipsitz ’55 Christine A. Lord ’84 Carolyn Dupont Lynch ’73 Renee Baumblatt Magida ’76 Steven M. Levy ’77 Robin Lipson Fishman ’78 and James N. Losito ’17 Cristina C. Lynch ’19 and Ted Magida P’07

59 Gwendolyn Fischer Magnan ’89 Michael and Lori Maryan L. Marshall ’60 Elizabeth Sweet Maurer ’73 Katherine I. McCord ’06 and Richard Magnan P’20 Manoogian P’19 Peter and Elaine Marshall P’09 Leanne Mauriello ’99 Dayna F. McCoubrey ’14 Marta C. Magnus ’02 Nancy Richards Manson ’48 William Marshall ’89 Jillian Avery Maver Deborah Portnoy McCourt ’94 Hilary A. Magowan ’94 Ruth Manson Bill and Nancy Marston Ihsanullah, Ph.D. ’91 Carol P. McCoy, Ph.D. ’70 Diana Zimmerman Mahaney ’87 Winona L. Mantelli ’15 Aimee A.H. Martin ’07 James G. May, Jr. ’99 Nancy L. McCoy ’76 Emily Harvey Mahon ’70 Mark and Rosemary Amy Martin Alexander S. Maybury ’07 Samantha Q. McCracking ’10 Wendy L. Mahon Manuel P’19 Amy Siekman Martin ’95 Stephen and Mary Maybury P’07 Miriam Holmgren McCrea ’73 Andrew and MaryBeth Heather L. Manwaring Emily Cheffy Martin ’03 Jaimie A. Mayer ’05 Jennifer McCreary ’98 Mahoney P’18 Zachary T. Manzella ’95 Erika L. Martin ’17 Janice L. Mayer ’80 Kathryn Goering McCreedy ’96 Jack R. Mahoney ’10 Jonathan Manzo ’91 James and Linda Martin P’17 Julie Mayer-Tschanz ’74 Matthew McCreedy ’98 Allison Davis Maier ’79 Marilyn Dunn Mapes ’56 James Martin and Sheila Naomi B. Mayeux ’12 Constance Snelling Dorothy Cramer Maitland ’51 Dorothy May Marban ’63 Murphy P’20 Bradley A. Maykow ’12 McCreery ’59 Helen Chesbrough Maitland ’56 Michael G. Marchand ’93 Janice E. Martin ’71 Corbin J. Maynard ’17 Elizabeth McCrum ’83 Janice Majewski ’73 Hannah and Leonard Julia Morgan Martin ’02 Scott and Judith Maynard P’17 Mary M. McCudden ’06 Andrew S. Majkut ’14 Marchese P’17 Karen Dunn Martin ’68 Elizabeth Osgood Mayo ’90 Andrew C. McCulloch ’08 Jean Von Klemperer Makris ’78 Robert Marcin P’19 Kristen Martin ’91 Wendy Spear Mayrose ’68 Robert and Ruth Philip Makris ’79 Gregory and Catherine Matthew E. Martin ’83 Amy C. Mazur ’82 McCullough P’07 Carney Maley ’97 Marco P’15 Peter and Linda Martin P’19 Bud McAllister Carol Proctor McCurdy ’73 Judith C. Malkin ’81 Allison K. Marculitis ’17 Timothy Martin ’95 Charlotte A. McAuley ’14 Jessica Haynes McDaniel ’97 Anton Malko ’91 Blake B. Marcus ’10 Elinor Noble Martinez ’53 and Susan Rotatori McAuliffe ’82 Paul McDaniel ’91 Shatrunjay Mall ’17 Paula Marcus-Platz ’74 and John Martinez P’80 Jonathan McBride ’92 Laurel Seikel McDermott ’59 Ann Huckle Mallek ’71 Thomas Platz P’11 J. Adam Martinez ’80 Marjorie Jones McBride ’70 and Alexandra P. McDevitt ’17 Aphrodite Malman Suzanne Fuld Marger ’63 Maria E. Martinez P’10 John W. McBride P’96 James and Amy McDevitt P’17 Elizabeth R. Malman ’17 Andrew J. Margie ’96 Christine D. Martire ’79 Aaron J. McBurnie ’16 Katherine Stephenson Thomas and Catherine Andrew N. Margolin ’12 Alexander S. Martland ’10 Judith Kearns McCabe ’61 McDonald ’00 Malman P’17 Leslie A. Margolin ’77 Kathryn Maruk ’73 Maja R. McCabe ’20 Kathryn Stellitano McDonald ’98 Matthew J. Malone ’96 Natalie Fine Margolis ’91 Yousuf N. Marvi ’09 Maureen M. McCabe and Nancy McDonald P’02 Melissa Clauss Malone ’96 Dr. Evelyn Marienberg ’69 Nicholas Marwell ’02 Jeffrey W. Andersen Lisa McDonnell ’71 Phyllis M. Malone ’58 Judith Bamberg Mariggio ’69 Sandra L. Marwill ’84 Joan Schwartz McCallie ’70 Nancy Wade McDonough ’84 Ellen Maloney Skye Q. Marigold ’17 Isabel K. Marx ’14 Bonita Greenwald McCardell ’77 and Edwin McDonough Mary E. Maloney ’73 Lucia Henderson Marion ’71 and Peggy Goldstein Marx ’58 Craig R. McCarrick ’07 P’84 ’87 Catherine Senatore Maloy ’07 James P. Marion P’02 Mary Ellen Masciale ’83 Brian and Shelley McCarthy P’11 Scott R. McDowell ’97 Christopher and Susan Virginia Weber Marion ’44 Pamela Strawbridge Mashke ’74 Bridget F. McCarthy ’17 Madeline Thomson Maloy P’06 GP’02 Nanette Brodeur Masi ’84 Devon G. McCarthy ’16 McElhenny ’09 Jean Lewis Maloy ’83 Thomas S. Marjerison IV ’89 Elinor M. Mason ’08 Evelyn Lafave McCarthy ’92 Richard McElhiney and Lucie Owen W. Maloy ’06 Daniel J. Mark ’20 Abe and Barbara Massa P’17 Janet Doherty McCarthy ’50 Kinsolving P’17 Allison Marrone Maltese ’77 Marcia R. Mark P’20 Jasmine A. Massa ’17 Jill Arkin McCarthy ’75 Sara Wilkinson McElroy ’03 Leslie Mamoorian ’73 Emmet H. Markin ’10 Anne Massoni ’95 John C. McCarthy ’82 Carolyn Steadler McElwain ’56 David B. Mandeix ’07 Esther Markman ’66 Katharine Cheek Mast ’90 Katharine McCarthy ’81 and William P. McElwain Ann Weinberg Mandelbaum ’67 Martha Muyskens Markovitz ’77 Carolyn Mandell Master ’62 Megan A. McCarthy ’07 P’90 Kelly Barkley Mane ’07 Dolores Treptow Markowicz ’86 Veronica Masterson P’18 Paul McCarthy ’89 Casey M. McEvoy Daniella Maney ’20 Amelia Marks ’70 Susanna T. Mathews ’16 Sarah Luchars McCarthy ’57 Thomas P. McEvoy ’06 Mark N. Mangano ’11 Leta Weiss Marks, Sophie O. Mathewson ’07 Susan Brewster McCarthy ’80 Elizabeth Ethridge McGann ’00 Diane Mangasarian ’73 Ph.D. ’53 P’76 Karen Mathiasen ’64 Maryann McCary ’84 Kevin J. McGann ’86 Mazvitashe M. Mangisi ’12 Jonathan I. Markson ’12 Alexis K. Mathison ’15 Janet Schmitz McCauley ’52 and Janet Wilscam McGee ’79 Gail Crandell Mangold ’65 and Thomas Marlitt Betty E. Matias ’12 William G. McCauley P’78 Michael and Tanya McGee P’20 Thomas C. Mangold P’96 Michael Maroney and Virginia Jane Muse Matteson ’47 Brenna A. McClain ’17 Ruth Antell McGehee ’74 Philip and Linda Mangones P’04 Wooling P’08 Michele Matthes ’89 Atlantic McClellan ’93 Paul E. McGeough ’07 Jane Kappell Manheimer ’78 Constance Garland Marsh ’57 Donna E. Matthews ’68 Sandra Jellinghaus Tyler T. McGill ’08 Cem B. Manisali ’17 Philip E. Marsh ’86 Nancy Henneberger McClellan ’57 David McGinnis and Mary Elizabeth E. Manlove ’79 Rebecca I. Marsh ’09 Matthews ’49 Sylvia McClelland-Neal ’90 Stone P’17 Andrew H. Mann ’83 Vicki Ludmer Marsh ’77 and Nancy Maxwell Matthews ’83 David McClendon ’93 Elizabeth Bartlett McGinnis ’63 Erica Nelson Mann ’02 Michael Marsh P’15 Emma K. Matthieson ’09 Christopher and Georgette Kelsey E. McGinnis ’17 Jennifer Lapan Mann ’94 Anna E. Marshall ’16 Linda Hay Matusewic ’62 McClure P’18 Ellen M. McGlinchey ’07 Linda Reichert Mann ’67 Candace Silva Marshall ’67 Nina Korelitz Matza ’79 Kathleen Nelles George and Mary Rhoda Freed Mann ’50 P’83 Fred and Sheila Marshall P’16 Patricia Kuk Matzie ’67 McClure ’52 P’75 McGoldrick P’19 Cheryl Shepley Manniello ’68 Jillian C. Marshall ’12 Connor B. Matzinger ’10 Cindy McCollum and John James A. McGoldrick, Ph.D. ’77 Gloria and Ronald Manning Joan Makosky Marshall ’85 Susan Maunders-Olson’76 Spellman Leslie Pomeroy

60 McGowan ’61 P’89 Catherine Pappas Lars Merk ’92 Jyllene Locher Miller ’87 Cheryl A. Molina ’00 Marcia Phillips McGowan ’64 McNamara ’54 Julia Merkt ’75 Marjorie Boone Miller ’68 Mark and Cabell Molina P’17 Thomas and Holly Marcia Faust McNees ’45 Cecily Allen Mermann ’74 Mark Miller Mason D. Molina ’17 McGowan III P’07 Elizabeth Woods McNeil ’97 Arianna K. Merrill ’10 Michelle L. Miller ’02 John A. Molnar ’09 Kathleen V. McGrail ’12 Gregory R. McNeil ’97 Eleanor Lawson Merrill ’09 Nancy Clapp Miller ’51 Sally Osman Moltzen ’49 Madeline L. McGrain-Githler ’17 Gale Pierson McNish ’65 Martha Clampitt Merrill ’84 Rita J. Miller ’69 Julia Pierson Mombello ’83 Erin N. McGrath ’05 Jeanne McPhillips and Jim Wendy Buchanan Merrill ’62 William Miller ’80 and Barbara Michael Mombello ’83 Robin C. McGrath ’10 Dolan P’20 Elizabeth Parillo Mery ’07 Miller ’79 P’06 April Moncrieff ’64 James B. McGraw ’79 Mark A. McPhillips ’20 Stephen J. Mery ’08 Winston G. Miller ’96 Terry Mond and Laurie Rob Roy and Kazue Samuel McQuaid and Melinda M. Messeck ’17 Viriginia Nehring Udell P’09 McGregor P’18 Marguerite Neill P’10 William L. Messer ’91 Miller-Jones ’67 Ann Monjo ’50 Deborah McGuinness ’72 Mary Hope McQuiston ’87 Diane M. Messier P’18 Kate Milliken Vaughey ’94 James and Janice Monsma P’89 Christopher McGuire ’93 Bridget A. McShane Susan Epstein Messitte ’64 Frances Keller Mills ’50 Elizabeth Regan Montague ’59 James and Ellen McGuire Kitty B. McVitty ’77 Timothy P. Messler ’05 George and Carol Milne, Jr. P’99 and F. Montague P’87 Scott H. McGuire ’10 Annette Studzinski Mead ’54 Elizabeth Eve Messmer ’56 Nathan P. Milne ’15 Reed Montague ’87 William and Susan McGurk P’17 Michael A. Meade ’10 Judith Betar Metro ’67 Christi L. Milum-Lott ’06 Marvin Montenegro and Donna John and Marcie McHale P’17 Mary Ann Hinsch Meanwell ’56 Elizabeth Zorn Mettler ’52 Constance Perekslis Milusich Munoz P’18 Madeline C. McHale ’17 Megan R. Meany ’17 Josuhellina Metz and Christian ’68 Elizabeth Horigan Allynn O. McInerney ’14 Robert Meany and Laura Saavedra P’18 Naum Minchin ’10 Montgomery ’57 Elizabeth Tesson McInerney ’84 Arnesen P’17 Judith Mapes Metz ’61 Barbara Cohn Mindell ’58 Katherine Montgomery ’69 William and Olynn Michelle Mongeau Medeiros ’03 Nancy Wheelan Metzloff ’75 Courtney E. Minden ’97 Stephen Lebogang Montjane ’92 McInerney P’14 Susan Martin Medley ’66 Amy E. Meyer ’07 Randy and Kristine Constance Morhardt Mary Blackall McKay ’60 P’06 Marcia Mednick GP’12 Andrew W. Meyer ’07 Minderjahn P’20 Montross ’70 Megan E. McKay ’06 Mary C. Medon Charlotte R. Meyer ’68 Charles and Claire Miner P’08 Amalie Hughes Montstream ’56 Mike McKee and Ellen Brendan Meehan ’02 Deborah Naman Meyer ’74 Judith Miner Susan Kron Moody ’70 Hiatt P’08 Charles A. Meehan ’77 Eleanor Allen Meyer ’48 William* and Judy Miner Allen Moore III ’82 and Michele Clyde D. McKee ’80 and Taryl Craig H. Meeker ’92 Elizabeth Crawford Meyer ’56 Eleanor Souville Minners ’52 Moore P’21 McKee ’83 P’12 Heather Meeker Green ’90 Emily Huebscher Meyer ’05 Alissa S. Minot ’07 Andrew Moore ’88 Jonathan M. McKee ’08 Hannah R. Megathlin ’20 Joan Frank Meyer ’55 Alexander W. Mintz ’17 Anne Hoffmann Moore ’66 Ralph and Kate McKee P’16 Paige Meginley Winburn ’94 Joshua M. Meyer ’90 Clifford Mintz and Alice Helen J. Moore ’81 Diane M. McKeever ’77 Caroline Lewis Mehlenbeck ’66 Stephanie Hirsch Meyer ’68 Weisman P’17 Jane Loutrel Moore ’99 Angela Arcudi McKelvey ’56 Gil A. Mejia Fana ’17 Willets S. Meyer, Esq. ’88 Melissa E. Minzy Jason R. Moore ’00 Carolyn J. McKelvey ’79 Marina J. Melendez Sandra Meyerhofer ’82 Susan Rausch Misner ’53 Jennifer Moore Kathleen Hudson McKenna ’64 David A. Meleney ’08 Hanh Diep Meyers ’01 Alison E. Mitchell ’89 John W. Moore ’76 Leland McKenna ’02 Mary Ann Melgey ’78 Sara Meyers ’98 Alison S. Mitchell ’95 Katherine Knox Moore ’73 Victoria McKenna John Melillo ’97 Steven Miano and Rosanne Barbara L. Mitchell P’09 Marguerite Lewis Moore ’53 Angela T. McKeon Constance Kelley Mellen ’51 Mistretta P’13 Christopher and Caroline Matthew D. Moore ’00 Samuel T. McKeown ’16 Jessica Mellen Enos ’05 Jeffrey A. Michaels ’81 Mitchell P’19 Maxwell Moore ’82 Beth A. McKiernan ’88 Wendy Weisheit Mellon ’72 Harlan L. Michaud and Kimberly Constance Wormser Mitchell Patricia Chambers Moore ’59 Lorraine McKinney ’09 Doris Simons Meltzer ’57 Huard-Michaud P’19 ’67 Zoe Tricebock Moore ’64 and Sarah E. McKitterick ’07 Sarah K. Meltzoff ’71 George J. Michel III ’85 and Maria C. Mitchell ’91 John Moore P’90 Pamela J. McKittrick ’72 Tessa Miller Melvin ’66 Susan Michel P’19 Pamela Mitchell ’80 Margaret A. Moorman ’70 Duer McLanahan III ’98 Deborah Menchek ’69 Andrew Middleton ’92 Patricia Keenan Mitchell ’63 Deborah Tomlinson Moran ’79 Mark McLaughlin ’79 Pamela Mendelsohn ’66 Maureen Miesmer ’02 Rasheed Mitchell ’13 Emily A. Moran ’17 Milbrey Wallin John and Pauline Mendez P’95 Mert Mihci ’14 Renee Syzdek Mitchill ’99 Erin K. Moran ’16 McLaughlin, Ed.D. ’63 Nigel Mendez ’95 James and Charlotte Milan P’17 Jeanne Christie Mithen ’71 Gretchen Hurxthal Moran ’55 Cayla M. McLean ’10 Stephanie Mendez ’95 Marina S. Milan ’17 Dr. Ann Freedman Mizgerd ’59 James W. Moran ’92 Colleen McLean-Bowen ’75 Lois M. Mendez-Catlin ’80 Susan Hazlehurst Milbrath ’76 Michael Moccia ’89 Richard and Eileen Morange Eliza K. McLellan ’12 Andrea S. Mendoza ’08 Kathleen Dilzer Milch ’69 Cyrus Moffett ’98 Emily C. Morash Alison C. McLeod ’12 Shirley Armstrong Meneice ’45 Lynn W. Miles ’68 William M. Moger ’10 Anne McGee Morcone ’79 Julia Monack McLetchie ’03 Karen Menendez ’96 Ward and Carolyn Miles P’94 Linda Gurwitz Mogren ’81 Cecilia M. Moreira ’20 John McLoughlin ’84 Marian Menkel ’67 Danielle S. Miley ’04 Ibrahim M. Mohamed ’20 Sarah Stefani Morena ’83 Ashley Clinton McMahon ’09 Michelle Beeler Mensel ’79 Adam R. Miller ’11 Christine Adler Mohandie- Cristina Moreno ’10 Ellen Heywood McMahon ’79 Salvatore F. Menzo ’93 Cheryl Miller Phillips ’68 Diane Moreno P’18 Mary Auth McMahon ’83 Angelina Mercado ’98 Cynthia Miller ’66 Talha B. Mohsin ’14 Elizabeth Cook Morgan ’66 Jonathan S. McManus ’07 Elizabeth Hodges Mercurio ’93 Gibson B. Miller ’17 Darius Mojallali ’75 Emily A. Morgan ’17 Bernard J. McMullan ’76 Sarah R. Mercurio ’04 Jeanne Garrett Miller ’53 P’84 Matthew D. Molberger ’06 Katherine Redington Patricia McMurray ’67 Eugene Mercy III ’91 Judith Anderson Miller ’67 Timna Trajman Molberger ’06 Morgan ’68 P’93 ’95

61 Michael Morgan ’98 Alex Mroszczyk-McDonald ’03 Caroline Davis Murray ’66 Andrew S. Nathanson ’13 Martha Wagner Newman ’67 Nancy Pierce Morgan ’70 John and Sara Muckstadt P’20 Francis W. Murray ’11 Bruce and Audrey Rosalind Liston Newman ’62 Richard B. Morgan Sara K. Muehlbauer ’06 Joanne Murray and Kieran Nathanson P’13 Steven and Linda Newman P’12 Daniel Morgenstern and Moriah Caroline Samsen Mueller ’87 Geoghegan Emma R. Nathanson ’10 Margaret Miller Newport ’50 Moser P’09 Elizabeth Hamilton Mueller ’53 Katelyn M. Murray ’17 Michael P. Natriello ’12 Derrick M. Newton ’17 Natalie Bolch Morhous ’05 Elizabeth Tobin Mueller ’69 Megan J. Murray ’17 Margaret Oyaas Naumes ’68 Mary O’Dea Newton ’91 Haruka M. Moribe ’17 Katherine E. Mueller ’04 Paula Berry Mursell ’62 Claire Raposa Nauta ’73 Yong J.G. Ng ’11 Yuji and Keiko Moribe P’17 Jacob E. Muhlfelder ’17 Colette Murstein ’80 and Alan James and Deborah Navoni P’19 Metika L. Ngbokoli ’15 Charles and Patricia Morin Michael and Deborah Mangum P’16 Kelly E. Nayden ’04 Visna Ngov ’07 Ross W. Morin ’05 Muhlfelder P’17 Brian M. Murtagh ’09 Moustafa Ndiaye ’17 Ha Nguyen and Hieu Ly P’13 Lynne Saliba Moronski ’94 Jane G. Muir ’51 John and Christine Kathleen E. Neal ’94 Huan H. Nguyen ’13 Christopher W. Morris ’96 Mary Phillips Muirhead ’69 Murtagh P’09 ’13 Mary Neary-Rubin ’90 Elizabeth T. Nichols ’13 Kieran P. Morris ’15 Catherine I. Mullaley ’12 Catherine Fulmer Muscari ’87 Nancy Morrow Nee ’48 Foster and Elizabeth Lydia P. Morris ’88 Andrea E. Mullaney ’16 Bianca Muscato ’17 Christina Needham Nichols P’13 Meredith Prince Morris ’57 P’88 Deborah Gordon Mullaney ’71 Richard and Donna Cooper F. Nefsky ’17 Laura Henricks Nichols ’88 Nancy Kearns Morris *’50 Anita Tholfsen Mullen ’51 Muscato P’17 Josh Nefsky and Barbara Lauren Hartzell Nichols ’03 Charles Morrison ’74 Richard Mullen ’92 Andrew Steven Musoke ’04 Friedman P’17 Lucy Jacob Nichols ’84 Craig Morrison ’95 Jed Mullens ’92 Peter U. Musser ’79 and Kyle J. Neidhardt ’08 Max E. Nichols ’14 Heather Morrison ’69 P’95 Michael A. Muller ’00 Loredana Musser ’80 P’08 Faye White Neilan ’75 Nicole Magnasco Nichols ’95 William G. Morrison ’76 Stephen Mullery Shirley Chappell Mustard ’55 James F. Neilan ’74 Jeffrey H. Nicholson ’86 Jennifer Evans Morrissey ’06 William Mulligan ’94 Jean Sherman Muste ’49 Virginia Railsback Neiley ’43 Wallis Lindburg Nicita ’67 Susan Challender Morrissey ’66 Mary B. Mullin P’18 Ibrahim Mutala ’17 Helen Frances Biddle Neill ’56 Helen Beardsley Nickelsen ’48 Brion C. Morrissey-Bickerton ’17 Frank and Lisa Mullins P’18 Ashley B. Myers ’19 Joyce Heissenbuttel Neill ’53 Kelsey V. Nickerson ’13 Justin E. Morrow ’07 Cormack E. Mulshine ’17 Gail Andersen Myers ’55 Jill McKelvie Neilsen ’66 Lucille Miller Nickerson ’68 Molly McRoskey Morrow ’10 Kieran J. Mulvaney ’92 Minor Myers III ’00 Barbara Eaton Neilson ’60 P’83 Michael and Ellen Nicoll P’01 Barbara White Morse ’72 and Kristin Juska Mulvaney ’91 Philip A. Myers ’03 Christina F. Neiman ’75 Anders J. Nielsen ’12 Edmond Morse P’03 Helen D. Munch ’66 Sara Crooks Myers ’73 Lisa Neimeth ’85 Marion L. Nierintz ’65 Josephine Saidla Morse ’57 Elisabeth Richards Mundel ’62 Sondra Gelb Myers ’55 Charlotte Hundley Nelsen ’75 Noel Nieves Judith Karr Morse ’62 Susan H. Munger Amanda M. Nadeau P’19 and Peter Nelsen P’14 Nancy Budde Nightingale ’63 Leonard and Maxine Morse Lauren E. Munhall ’16 Jamie Nadeau Andrew Nelson P’17 William J. Nightingale, Jr. ’86 Sandra Morse Milindia Muniz-Torres Katherine R. Nadelberg ’11 David and Diane Nelson P’00 ’01 Andrew L. Nikel ’80 Kaitlin E. Morse Keon ’08 Heidi V. Munoz ’17 Amanda L. Nadile ’12 Diana Robinson Nelson ’69 Abigail E. Nintzel ’05 Meredith Morten ’72 Heather L. Munro ’08 Carolyn Peterson Nadler ’08 Elizabeth Hardie Nelson ’80 Tracy Fitch Nista ’82 Julia Moran Morton ’87 Lynda Batter Munro ’76 and Theodore H. Nadler ’08 Elizabeth W. Nelson ’05 Justin L. Nitirouth ’20 Elizabeth M. Mory ’73 Bruce Munro P’08 Annette Naegel ’82 Jane Sapinsley Nelson ’47 Atheline Wilbur Nixon ’58 Jeffrey and Susan Moryan P’10 Miriam Matthews Munro ’59 Elli H. Nagai-Rothe ’03 Karyn R. Nelson ’00 Kenneth and Katherine Marina R. Moscovici ’79 Alexandra P. Munson ’14 Claudia Rollert Nagan ’78 Katelyn A. Nelson ’06 Nixon P’18 Pamela Crawford Mosenthal ’79 Leslie S. Munson ’80 and Stacey Kevin W. Nally ’10 Lindsey J. Nelson ’17 Lillian L. Noble ’20 Charles Leete Moser ’77 G. Munson P’14 Anne Nalwalk Louise Brooks Nelson ’95 Mayo and Susan Susan Pool Moses ’71 Alicia Brackman Munves ’69 Andrew and Anne Namm P’03 Nora Olsen Nelson ’90 Noerdlinger P’20 Nancy Moskin ’78 Linda Smith Munyan ’91 Blain H. Namm ’03 Paula Meltzer Nelson ’51 Lillian Balboni Nolan ’67 Lalita C. Russ Moskowitz ’12 Helen Murdoch ’87 Sarah Waldo Nanzig ’83 Susan Gorvine Nelson ’80 Molly Nolan ’96 Evelyn Caliendo Moss ’57 Janet Kennedy Murdock ’46 Stephen and Mary Ann Virginia A. Nelson ’70 Nicole Nolan Brown ’83 Jamal H. Moss ’97 Brenda C. Murphy and George Napoli P’10 Nancy Nessel Marilyn Smith Noll ’55 Tracy M. Moss Curran ’00 Monteiro Anthony and Theresa Sylvia A. Nestor ’75 Paul A. Nolle, Jr. ’80 Rachel Lamson Mostafavi ’05 Brendan S. Murphy ’07 Napolitano P’15 ’17 E. Carole Root Neubauer ’62 Rebecca Noreen Rose M. Moszczyc ’15 Diane Gilbert Murphy ’67 and Jessica M. Napolitano ’17 Sallie Williams Neubauer ’69 Pamela Krauss Noreika ’71 and Roma Taddei Mott ’74 Albert Murphy GP’18 Keith C. Nappi ’73 Gillian E. Neubert ’18 Martin Noreika P’00 Joseph R. Motta ’90 Eloise Osbourne Murphy ’68 Ashley Solod Nary ’05 Ram P. Neupane ’05 Christopher and Joan Nancy Teese Mouget ’56 and George F. Murphy, Jr. Christopher Nashawaty ’91 Brent R. Never ’99 Norfleet P’18 Alfred R. Mouget P’81 ’82 Jackson H. Murphy ’14 Stephanie Nashawaty P’20 John Neville P’87 John N. Norfleet ’18 David W. Moulton Michael Murphy and Julia Megan F. Nashban ’09 Nanette Boyer Nevins ’72 Susan Deary North ’75 Karen A. Mourikas ’87 Hagan P’13 Raquel Nasser ’80 Christine A. Nevins-Herbert ’04 Bryan P. North-Clauss ’95 Lillian Risch Mowe ’79 Nancy Gilbert Murphy ’68 Constance Wharton Nasson ’59 Robert and Claire Newbold P’14 Ann Fisher Norton ’56 Ryan P. Mowery ’17 Peter Murphy and Audrey Jillian L. Nataupsky ’10 Priscilla Christman Newbury ’70 Heather Parker Norton ’96 Laura Brown Moya ’07 Thier P’12 Pramod J. Nathan ’06 Amy K. Newman ’12 Charlotte P. Novak ’14 Carla Munroe Moynihan ’90 Susan Brager Murphy ’87 David Nathans and Katherine Judith A. Newman ’79 Barbara Smith Noyes ’74 Meredith R. Mozzone ’17 Timothy Murphy ’02 Hastings P’19 Karen Newman ’87 Wendy Thompson Noyes ’67

62 Pauline Noznick ’68 Harold Olsen ’87 Jillian R. Ouellette ’17 Chelsea J. Parish ’14 Schran P’14 Professor John Nugent Thomas Olsen ’85 Kathryn Godowsky Ouellette ’99 Carol Reeves Parke ’58 John P. Pearson ’82 Paul F. Nugent William T. Olsen III ’14 Carolyn Reaph Ounan ’79 Andrew and Ruth Parker P’17 Joyce Lupica Pearson ’99 Paul and Sarah Nunnally P’12 Elizabeth A. Olson ’65 Charles J. Overton ’17 Cynthia Parker ’71 Wendy Sorenson Pearson ’74 Elizabeth Murtha Nuti ’95 Shirley Reese Olson ’48 Gary R. Overton P’17 Faith Jackson Parker ’67 Jeannette Cruise Pease ’63 Carolyn Keefe Oakes ’59 Zachary D. Olson ’08 Alexander E. Owen ’12 Gary Parker Nancy Martin Peavy ’65 Thomas E. Oakley P’20 Meghan E. Olt ’16 Diana Owen ’97 Jan Parker ’54 Anne Willis Peck ’71 Ellen Oppenheimer Oasis ’60 William J. Omansiek ’97 T. Page Owen, Jr. Makoto T. Parker ’04 Sarah Dean Peck ’74 and Donald Oasis GP’21 Adrian T. Ondreicsik ’10 Elizabeth Pearson Owens ’07 Mary Field Parker ’53 Judith Bassin Peknik ’59 P’93 Jessica L. Ober ’17 Karen DiLisio Ondrovic ’89 David E. Owyang ’07 Matthew H. Parker ’04 Fitima Rodriguez Pelaez ’93 Michael A. Ober ’97 Kaitlin M. O’Neil ’08 Margaret Elbert Paar ’73 Sarah R. Parker ’17 Jill Pellarin P’07 Stephen and Margaret Ober William O’Neil and Jeanne Anthony V. Pace ’82 Martin Parkes and Catherine Janice Eiben Pellegrino ’89 P’17 Dube Deryl V. Pace ’06 Theron P’11 Lawrence Pellegrino ’88 Charles and Maryse O’Brien Kristen J. O’Neill ’13 Maureen Murphy Pace ’49 Rebecca Parmer Kimberly-Toy Reynolds Reggie Anderson O’Brien ’72 Michael D. O’Neill ’07 Joan H. Pachner ’78 Mitchell R. Paro ’16 Pellerino ’77 Valerie E. O’Brien Linn Whitelaw Ong ’61 and John and Eileen Pacilio P’20 ’21 Ellen Parry ’71 Professor Denise M. Pelletier Annemarie Harden Obsitnik ’61 Beale Ong P’88 John D. Pacilio ’20 Jennifer L. Parry ’13 Jill Pellett Levine Jane Branigan Occhiogrosso ’70 Patricia Arnold Onion ’64 Luke R. Pacilio ’21 David C. Parsons ’13 Jane Graham Pemberton ’53 and Frank Occhiogrosso P’06 Barbara Negri Opper ’61 Professor Spencer J. Pack Elizabeth A. Parsons ’65 and John Pemberton P’81 Chloe A. O’Connell-Ngov ’06 Charles Orcutt ’84 and Jennifer Andrea N. Packard ’07 Guy C. Parsons ’84 ’87 GP’14 Brogan P. O’Connor ’13 Orcutt P’19 ’21 John and Karen Packard P’07 Lee and Kelly Pascoe P’17 Robert and Diane Christina Ifill O’Connor ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diana F. Packer ’57 Nick. J. Pasqualini Pemberton P’20 Roberta Martin Odell ’45 Orcutt P’84 GP’19 Joan Pekoc Pagano ’68 Donald A. Pasquarello ’86 Leonida A. Pena P’19 Mireia J. Odlin ’17 Brian M. Orefice ’97 Christopher R. Page Gerda Gomez Pasquarello ’86 Geoffrey P. Pendergast ’17 D. Michael O’Donnell, Jr. ’12 Iris Melnik Orlovitz ’56 Johanna A. Paine ’09 Ann Taback-Fairman Ann Busker Penfield ’52 Michele Lewis O’Donnell ’77 Lesley Swanson Orlowski ’73 Michael and Lisa Pajolek P’15 Pasquier ’74 Sarah Zisa Penndorf ’03 and Kelly S. O’Donnell P’15 Margaret Yost Ormond ’77 Suzanne Grimes Pakkala ’64 Michael E. Passero ’79 Chris Penniman Kathryn Abrahams Oehler ’98 Valerie Norman Ornstein ’95 Luise Mayer Palace ’67 Virginia A. Pasternak ’84 Katharine Saner Pennington ’69 William Oehler ’98 Susan Regan Orr ’92 Brigida C. Palatino ’12 Colin M. Patch ’16 Lynn LeLoup Pennington ’73 Grace Lee Oei ’50 Maritza Ortega ’17 Francesca S. Palmer ’89 Elizabeth Kennedy Patterson ’05 Sean M. Peoples ’83 Rosemary A. Oetiker ’65 Steve J. Ortiz ’18 Laurene Giovannelli Palmer ’76 Gloria Henriques Patterson ’62 Jaime L. Pepper ’07 Suzanne Gerber Offit ’56 Benedict O. Osajie ’17 Leigh Semonite Palmer ’78 James D. Patterson Lisa Cracchiolo Peracchio ’82 Corey F. Ogilby ’12 Colin Osborne ’99 Timothy H. Palmer ’17 John and Joan Patterson P’11 Patricia L. Percival ’89 Lydia Phippen Ogilby ’42 Frances Lee Osborne ’50 John and Camille Palmeri P’20 Marie Bloomer Patterson ’46 Christopher A. Percy ’04 Carolellen Downie Ogle ’72 Molly Shannon Osborne ’69 Tenzin Palmo ’13 Michael W. Patterson ’07 Stephen and Marilyn Percy Brendan T. O’Hagan ’09 Coleen M. O’Shea ’77 Emily S. Palten ’09 Rosalind Hitch Patterson ’63 GP’03 ’04 Kimberly Richards O’Hagan ’07 Daniel F. O’Shea ’08 Lydia Pan and Mark Kronenberg Arielle DeZura Patton ’07 Jennifer Percy Dowd ’96 Dylan G. O’Hara ’17 Sarah J. Ellison ’08 Benjamin D. Panciera Carmela D. Patton Cristobal Perez ’12 Isabelle O’Hara ’94 Jeffrey Oshen ’76 Patricia G. Pancoe ’72 William H. Patton ’05 Luisanny Perez ’17 Keith O’Hara and Dena Cocozza Carol Krizack Oshinsky ’66 and Mara G. Pandolfo ’05 Ellen A. Paul ’07 Luis J. Perez Valencia ’17 O’Hara P’17 Edward Oshinsky P’92 Robert and Lori Pandolfo P’05 Judith Nichols Paul ’77 Carmen Perez-Dickson ’78 P’10 Jamala Stoute Ojong ’99 Robert C. Oshinsky ’92 Kathleen M. Pangallo and Marianne Paulhamous ’63 Thalia C. Perez-Macias ’17 D. O’Keefe Nancy Oskow-Schoenbrod ’69 Steven D. Fiscaletti P’19 Edward Paulino ’17 Christopher Perkins ’92 Virginia Hargrove Okell ’50 Joan Sumner Oster ’61 Irene C. Pantages ’57 Marion Yamin Paulson ’68 Geoffrey Perkins ’88 Mary Okolita-Toth ’75 Daniel E. Ostrach ’03 Eleni Papadopoulos ’17 Laura N. Pavitt ’17 Jesse C. Perkins ’96 Paul and Kathleen Olbrych P’93 Matthew E. Ostrach ’07 Nicholas and Irini Zuri A. Pavlin ’17 Randolph Perkins ’01 Christopher T. O’Leary ’99 Eric Ostroff ’79 Papadopoulos P’17 Katherine A. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perlberger Julie Turner Oliva ’87 and Leigh Marvin and Cyd Ostrovsky P’96 Vladimir V. Papov, Jr. ’86 Paxton-Williams ’85 Anita Manasevit Perlman ’50 Oliva P’16 Sheri Ostrowitz ’01 Carra Gamberdella Joyce Heal Payer ’62 P’89 P’77 ’84 Victoria McKittrick Oliva ’81 and Paul J. O’Sullivan ’86 Pappalardo ’97 R. Briggs Payer ’89 Deborah Funkhouser Perlman, Mark Oliva ’82 P’10 Elizabeth Martin O’Toole ’67 Margaret Dougan Pappas ’86 Shelly Hodakoski Payer ’89 Ph.D. ’67 Patricia Salazar Olivares ’88 Jane Taylor O’Toole ’59 Wallace Coates Paprocki ’63 Ariana Pazmino ’18 Julia I. Perlman ’84 Rose Oliveira Susan Wittpenn Ott ’74 Melissa B. Paradis ’99 Emily Peacock ’02 Anne Perno ’69 Jennifer Harvey Olivetti ’90 Elizabeth A. Otto ’72 Sierra Burton Pardey ’02 Karen Cramer Peacock ’89 Pamela Brooks Perraud ’70 Jerry Olivetti ’89 Thomas and Suzanne Victoria A. F. Pardo ’14 Jan Davison Peake ’66 David Perregaux ’88 Nancy Pedicino O’Loughlin ’71 Otwell P’92 Benjamin Parent Aubrey Pearre ’78 Melissa Nichol Perregaux ’88 Christian and Karen Olrik P’18 Cathy M. Ouellette ’97 Margaret Walerysiak Parenti ’03 R. Scott Pearsall ’92 Lisa Perrin Elizabeth Rogers Olsen ’86 Evan C. Ouellette ’99 Natalie J. Paris ’07 Gregory Pearson and Mary Veronique C. Perrin P’17

63 Diana Bassett Perron ’60 Elizabeth Dawe Piebenga ’66 and Ronald M. Podell P’95 Alexandra R. Pressman ’08 Sheryl Edwards Rajpolt ’84 Hanif S. Perry ’05 Evan M. Piekara ’07 Adam and Anne Poe P’07 Devon Danz Preston ’93 Sarah H. Rakin ’18 Joanne Furtak Perry ’84 John and Patricia Piekara P’07 Teed McConnell Poe ’63 Justin M. Preston ’07 Artemis Blessis Ramaker ’50 Jonathan D. Perry ’78 Julia M. Pielock ’14 Kendra Pohn Tod Preston ’91 Elizabeth Ramos ’14 Marcia Corbett Perry ’59 Jill Perlman Pienkos ’87 Ryan R. Poirier ’96 Jeffrey J. Previdi ’86 Kevin Ramos-Glew ’97 Philippa Carrington Perry ’66 Kate Niedecken Pieper ’46 Susan Chadwick Pokress ’71 Carol Shanks Price ’87 Marilyn Mason Ramsay ’56 Rachel Perry Welty ’84 and Molly H. Pieper ’14 Lillian R. Polatchek ’12 Lois Olcott Price ’71 Carol J. Ramsey ’74 Bruce Welty P’13 Wendy Ann Pieper ’86 and Paul Susan V. Pollak ’79 Susan Manley Price ’53 Nancy Bohman Rance ’51 Sophie S. Perry ’05 Pieper P’14 ’18 Elizabeth A. Pollard ’79 Catherine Winslow Priest ’54 Allison D. Rand ’16 Maya Perry Liss ’97 Joan W. Pierce ’73 Susan Compton Pollard ’74 James L. Priest ’75 Sally W. Rand John V. Pescatore ’18 Samantha A. Pierce ’16 Ann Conner Polley ’60 Kathryn Herbert Priest ’73 Eleanor Brainard Randrup ’58 Paola Peshkepija ’13 Betsy Teles Pigeon ’95 Adam G. Pollock ’04 Claire E. Prihoda ’17 Brian E. Ranta ’09 Janice Yagjian Peters ’67 Sarah M. Pikcilingis ’98 Philip and Carolyn Pollock P’04 James Prihoda and Julia Sophia Morgenstern Ranta ’09 Jill R. Peters ’04 Diane L. Pike, Ph.D. ’75 Anne F. Pomeroy ’80 Tank P’17 Bette-Jane Raphael ’63 Lesa C. Peters ’75 Gregory Pilgrim ’90 Hartley L. Pond ’80 Anne Bonniol Pringle ’69 Erik S. Rapprich ’05 Patricia A. Peters ’02 John Piller and Cynthia Laura Egan Pontzer, Ph.D. ’91 Rachel E. Pritzlaff ’13 Brynne E. Rardin ’17 Theresa C. Peters ’87 Fredrick P’20 Marian Markle Pool ’49 P’71 Michael G. Proctor ’79 Jared Rardin ’85 and Laurie Lisel M. Peters-deCourval ’17 Samuel C. Piller ’20 Elizabeth Kaechele Poole ’00 Laura Profeta ’12 Rardin ’83 P’17 Elizabeth C. Petersen ’12 Barbara Wiegand Pillote ’51 Victoria Simes Bonnie C. Prokesch ’04 Emily Carroll Rasgo ’04 Sara Pettengill Petersen ’74 Kenlly Y. Pineda ’12 Poole ’49 GP’17 ’19 Helene Rothkopf Prokesch ’74 Michael and Mary Raskin P’18 Anna L. Peterson ’17 Rosalinda Pineda ’20 Cathleen Poon ’02 and Richard Prokesch P’04 Douglas L. Ratay, Ph.D. ’98 Carl and Mary Peterson P’18 Betsey Nodler Pinkert ’67 Deborah Pope-Lance ’74 Trevor W. Prophet ’11 Katherine Driscoll Rattan ’03 Carol Lynn Davis Peterson ’67 Betty Pinson Barbara Zwetchkenbaum Amanda R. Proulx ’17 Elizabeth Greenman Ratzi ’07 David Peterson and Mary Judith Bardos Pinter ’42 Poplack ’59 Martha Leach Proulx ’77 Lee Rawles ’94 Capkanis P’17 Todd H. W. Pinter ’77 Marcia Porter Michelle Berube Proulx ’87 Margaret Connelley Rawlins ’64 Emma Haritos Peterson ’07 Emilie Starke Piper ’52 Nanette Posman ’81 Thomas Proulx ’82 Paula Parker Raye ’61 and Julia Peterson ’82 Barbara Barnes Pirie ’52 Norman Posner P’06 Molly F. Provencher ’17 John R. P’93 Karin Amport Peterson ’61 Christopher W. Pisano, Jr. ’15 April J. Posson ’73 David and Linda Pryde P’19 Ann Marcuse Raymond ’54 Kirsten Peterson Emily Ricketson Pisarski ’08 Daniel G. Post ’12 Shameesha N. Pryor ’17 Georgia Urbano Raysman ’68 Martha Flynn Peterson ’59 and Jonathan W. Pisarski ’07 Rebecca Holmes Post ’63 Steve and Julie Purdum P’20 Alicia M. Rea ’12 William Peterson P’90 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Amy Greenberg Poster ’68 Nancy Stevens Purdy ’57 Allison S. Read ’05 Martha Kelly Peterson ’57 Pisarski P’07 Douglas and Eileen Potter P’19 Adele Germain Purvis ’68 Hannah B. Read ’10 Nicolas A. C. Peterson ’17 Brian Pistolese Alexandra K. Potts ’16 Emily Cusic Putnam ’92 Kirk Read and Camille Pamela Campbell Peterson ’66 Kathleen Diehr Pitcher ’64 Donna Burkholder Potts ’73 and Lucia Roraback Putnam ’55 Parrish P’10 Sandra A. Peterson P’19 David and Lauren Pite P’18 Joseph Potts P’00 Alicia Eastland Quarrier ’87 Thomas Read ’89 Daniel and Allyn Petit P’10 Betsey Colgan Pitt ’51 P’86 ’90 Linda Poulos ’76 and Neil Sibyl Davis Quayle ’74 Betsy Gearing Ready ’75 Sarah A. Petit ’10 Sarah J. Pitt-Del Cristo ’86 Bresnahan P’07 Susan Emery Quinby ’72 Timothy Reagan and Lisa Alice Towill Petizon ’65 Elizabeth Leonaggeo Pizza ’09 Marianna Poutasse ’89 Gretchen Jacobs Quinlevan ’84 Agogliati P’20 Jakob N. Petri ’01 Maria T. Placht ’03 Kate Poverman ’79 Ann Goode Quinn ’81 Tina M. Realmuto ’12 Vasilios I. Petropoulos ’05 Anne M. A. Plante ’92 Ethan A. Powell ’04 Joyce Brooks Quinn ’58 Suzanne Pennink Ream ’73 Mary F. Petropulos Obeline Plante P’97 John C. Powell ’12 Laura Quinones ’08 Pamela Baker Rearden ’67 Lindsey Benedict Petry ’05 Sharon LePage Plante ’93 Katharine A. Powell ’74 P’05 Declan and Karen Quirke P’17 Christine Gould Reardon ’79 S. Colin G. Petry ’06 Alison Platt ’03 Peggy F. Powell ’76 Mary Ann Quirke P’19 Michael J. Reardon ’78 Judith Pettingell P’98 ’00 Jennifer E. Platt ’01 Robert M. Powell ’78 Rebecca A. Quirke ’17 Suzanna Martin Julia Emerson Pew ’61 Stephanie M. Platt ’06 Susan H. Powell Pamela Goldberg Rabin ’91 Reardon ’56 P’86 Dena W. Peyster ’09 William Platt and Heather William H. Powell ’11 Adrienne Najarian Rabkin ’50 Jocelyn M. Reaves ’15 Monica Hyde Peyton ’57 Strawbridge P’19 Emily Park Powers ’42 Owen J. Raccuglia ’08 Rachael D. Reavis ’04 Kathleen Lindahl Pfaff ’00 Linda E. Platts ’69 Sonny N. Powers ’04 Jane E. Radcliffe ’68 Megan L. Reback ’12 Michael E. Pfaff ’00 Molly W. Platz ’11 Scott Powers and Margaret Emma G. Radest ’16 Tey Rebolledo ’59 Lien M. Pham ’18 Dorothy Plechaty ’98 O’Brien P’20 Kate W. Radlauer ’10 Ms. Jane B. Recchio Cynthia Stone Phelan ’79 Jennifer Plecs ’98 Ricky F. Prahl ’90 Professor Sara Radlinski Stephen E. Record Rita Singer Philipson ’48 Anick A. Pleven ’83 Beverly Stevens Prakelt ’55 Dalia Santos Radziminski ’61 Kurt and Claudia Redfern Marcia Rygh Phillips ’63 Carol Feinstein Plotsky ’71 Amanda M. Pratt ’17 Linda Raffensperger ’83 Maggie Redfern Stephanie L. Phillips ’69 Jonathan S. Plotsky ’76 Diana Pulling Pratt ’95 Joanne Terry Rafferty ’70 Noel Anderson Redford ’64 Louise Brickley Phippen ’62 Albert and Maren Harold I. Pratt, Jr. ’89 Daniel Raffety ’01 Laurence Redpath ’20 Erik R. Piasio ’06 Plueddemann P’19 Harriet Herman Pratt ’68 Annette Whitney Rahn ’70 Peggy Rafferty Reduker ’63 Jacqueline C. Pick Dena M. Poblete Mary Chalmers Pratt ’56 Mary Harbert Railsback ’52 Christine Howells Reed ’71 Jyneva W. Pickel ’15 Mayda Pasternack Podell ’68 Edith Prendergast ’98 Carol Moorehead Raimondi ’72 Gail Martin Reed ’63

64 Lenox McClendon Reed ’65 Daniel P. Reynolds ’17 Nancy Rupnow Rinehart ’61 Jean H. Rodie ’80 Ann Ball Rose ’52 Loreen Rogers Reed ’66 Elizabeth Field Reynolds ’77 and Barbara Brodsky Ringel ’68 Albert and Jennifer Rodiger P’18 Blaire E. Rose ’17 Susan D. Reed ’10 Jack S. Reynolds P’03 Frances Williams Ringold ’78 Claraliz Rodriguez ’17 Jill Oliphant Rose ’69 Cynthia Reed-Workman ’55 Helen Reynolds ’68 Daniel I. Rini ’86 Edward and Cheryl Karen G. Rose ’82 Daniel and Michele Reel P’11 Stephen M. Reynolds ’03 Joseph R. Rioff ’00 Rodriguez P’05 Roger Rose ’77 David and Nancy Reffsin P’17 Karen Rheinlander-Gray ’69 Barbara Dickinson Riordan ’71 Matthew J. Rodriguez ’05 Donna L. Rosen ’70 Christine Gomes Regan ’53 Jeanne Cattell Rhinelander ’57 Nancy Bald Ripley ’60 Andrew S. Rodwin ’79 and Elaine Epstein Rosen ’79 Geraldine Maher Regan ’57 and and John Rhinelander P’91 Jennifer Stewart Risher ’87 Denise C. Theodores P’20 Molly E. Rosen ’17 Thomas Regan P’82 Sally Miller Rhoads ’66 Katherine Bowsza Ristagno ’05 Dana N. Rodwin ’20 Wendy Shamberg Rosen ’64 William J. Regan ’82 Jennifer Hall Rhode ’92 Fox Reutlinger Ritchay ’96 Sondra Hall Roeber ’65 Celie Gray Rosenau ’56 Lindsay Schakenbach Regele ’06 Deborah Mercer Ribas ’79 Caitlin Stevens Ritchey ’03 Philippe L. Roederer ’86 Judith Musicant Rosenbaum ’95 Julia Reger ’17 Richard Ricci June K. Ritter ’84 Linda Cooper Roemer ’56 Kim S. Rosenbaum ’78 Regina Annino Regolo ’83 Dana Dauterman Ricciardi ’67 Melissa S. Rodriguez Rivera ’07 Michael K. Roemer ’96 David J. Rosenberg ’79 Christine S. Regula ’71 Judith Petrequin Rice ’59 Janet Levy Rivkin ’67 Alex R. Rogalski ’09 Francine Axelrad Rosenberg ’74 Grace Rehnquist Linda McCormick Rice ’61 Judith A. Robb ’67 Rodrigo Rogel-Perez ’17 Harold S. Rosenberg ’75 Judy Saperston Reich ’57 Luanne H. Rice ’77 Adam P. Robbins ’07 Brian and Carol Judith Carliner Rosenberg ’55 Rosandra Reich Kaplan ’94 Stewart Rice and Judith Marion Hauck Robbins ’61 Rogers P’82 ’85 ’90 and Lee Rosenberg P’82 Michele Bierenbaum Petrequin Rice ’59 Stephen and Judith D. Christopher Rogers ’94 Judith Duker Rosenberg ’82 and Reichstein ’74 Kathleen O’Toole Rich ’52 Robbins P’07 Paul C. Rogers ’85 Kenneth Rosenberg P’14 Michael Reid ’02 Michael C. Rich ’77 Mark A. Roberto ’13 Leslie Rogers-Naftaly ’81 Helene Rosenblatt Paul Reid ’01 Frances Blume Richards ’86 Andrew and Susan Roberts P’06 Rodger and Deborah Rohde P’19 Elizabeth A. Rosenfeld ’12 Rosemary Comerford Reid ’94 John T. Richards ’85 and Anne David Roberts ’95 Elizabeth Rohlfs Kennedy ’86 Harris R. Rosenheim ’09 Nancy Willmonton Richards ’85 P’14 ’19 Elizabeth Joers Roberts ’64 Karin Weaver Rohn ’94 Betty Srulowitz Rosenstein ’67 Reifenstein ’57 Lana R. Richards ’17 Erich S. Roberts ’09 Elisabeth M. Rohrbach ’06 Dr. Lisa Rosenstein ’82 Nicole Reiff ’10 Lucy D. Richards ’19 Hsiao Mei A. Chu Roberts ’03 Monica G. Rohrbach ’14 Michael E. Rosenthal ’77 Dorinne Lee Reiley ’68 Nancy E. Richards ’59 Janet Ahlborn Roberts ’56 Amber J. Rohwer ’12 Louis and Elizabeth Blake M. Reilly ’14 Norma Hamady Richards ’54 Melanie J. Roberts ’07 Manrique Rojas Araya ’96 Rosenthall P’18 Christopher T. Reilly ’07 Susan Greene Richards ’54 Susan Flynn Roberts ’66 Helen H. Rolfe ’16 Susan Naigles Rosenzweig ’69 Jay T. Reilly ’81 Alexander D. Richardson ’79 Catherine C. Robertson ’09 Elizabeth N. Rollings ’06 Beverly Rewa Rosetta ’66 Lisa Reilly P’13 Benjamin T. Richardson ’97 J. Duncan Robertson ’85 Charles A. Rollins ’02 Irina Golovyan Rosewater ’97 Mary Moore Reilly ’55 Deidre Kaylor Richardson ’74 Kelsey M. Robertson ’09 Deborah Eliason Rollins ’72 Laura Cohen Roskind ’61 Michael and Jean Reilly P’17 James A. Richardson ’86 Laura G. Robertson ’08 Max R. Rollins ’12 Amy Lebowitz Rosman ’91 Michael D. Reilly ’17 Lauren Meltzer Richardson ’88 Pamela Robbins Robichaud ’99 Tiffany Taber Rollins ’02 Ira Rosofsky and Linda Patricia L. Reilly ’75 Pamela Richardson Brian Robie ’73 Alysha M. Romain ’17 D’Albis P’16 Susan Roehrig Reilly ’81 Thomas M. Richardson ’00 Ann Frankel Robinson ’59 Anna O. Romanet ’10 Brooke A. Ross ’17 Janet Flanagan Reiner ’57 Virginia Giesen Richardson ’48 Carol S. Robinson ’69 Joseph and Julie Romano P’12 Christina Halvorson Ross ’93 Timothy A. Reinsch ’75 and Jane Raymond J. Rich-Fiondella ’17 Christopher and Kathleen Lauren LaPaglia Romano ’00 David and Lynne Ross P’17 Thompson Reinsch ’75 Lauri Richman Hidalgo ’93 Robinson P’17 Samantha L. Romano ’17 Fredric Ross ’78 Tracee L. Reiser Lisa Richter ’70 James E. Robinson ’17 Adam L. Romanow ’07 Garth A. Ross ’93 Sarah E. Reisman ’01 Robert A. Richter ’82 James Robinson David J. Romanow ’12 Joan Stuart Ross ’64 Suzanne Reiss P’21 Louise Richter Corman ’77 Patricia S. Robinson ’47 Marc B. Romanow ’82 Marjorie Lewin Ross ’56 and Edmee Busch Reit ’50 Rorie Petri Rickard ’03 Bryanne E. Robson ’06 Heather H. Romanski Mervin Ross P’90 Cheryle Dray Remley ’65 Jessica Dietz Ricker ’00 Anne Earnshaw Roche ’59 Wallace Ronald ’99 Michael G. Ross ’82 Emily Rempell ’12 Alyson Ricker McBride ’07 Anne P. Rochette Kim Rondeau P’20 Patricia Pearson Ross ’66 Donna MacKenzie Renard ’57 Gail Myers Rider ’58 Ryan T. Rochette Justine N. Rooney ’12 Susan Cole Ross ’81 Nancy DelVecho Renn ’72 Michael Ridgway ’75 Emerito and Erlinda Kathleen Walsh Rooney ’59 Brad and Kate Rosse David B. Renninger ’08 Janet A. Riesman ’67 Rochez GP’20 Carolyn D. Roose ’09 Dr. Mary Ann Rossi, Ph.D. ’52 Morgan K. Rentko ’17 Leela C. Riesz ’16 Charles Coulverson and Ruth Thomas D. Roosevelt ’78 and Meghan K. Rossini ’13 Marci Resnicoff ’88 Rudolf D. Riet ’96 Rochez-Coulverson P’20 Frances Roosevelt P’08 Henry V. Rossoff ’12 Barbara Roses Resnicow ’70 Kyle R. Riffe ’13 Heather Hewson Rock ’84 Jane Silverstein Root ’60 Bradshaw Rost ’79 Rill Bellantone Reuter ’66 Nancy Schubert Riffe ’82 Shirley Gray Rock ’48 P’85 ’91 Susan Rand Rotch ’65 David I. Rex ’14 Charles and Nancy Riffle P’04 Peter and Amy Rockett P’19 Theodore Root ’85 Ann C. Rote ’67 Brent Randolph Reyburn ’61 Seth Rigoletti ’94 Cynthia Donnally Rockwell ’55 Peter Roper Susan A. Rotenberg ’75 Kevin D. Reyes ’17 Rachel A. Riley ’00 Robert J. Rodday, Jr. ’89 Mary Fluty Roraback ’58 Mary Crowley Roth ’05 Allison L. Reynolds ’07 Thomas and Susan Riley William and Elva Rodek P’19 Marilyn Weast Rorick ’69 Kennon Rothchild and Hilarie Anyitsi Reynolds P’17 Alicia E. Rinaldi ’01 Robin Platt Roderick ’68 Sarah J. Rosadini ’17 Blumenthal P’20 Calli S. Reynolds ’17 Nana Jessen Rinehart, Ph.D. ’61 Margaret Brister Rodgers ’62 Roberto Rosales-Mesta ’17 Sara Rothenberger Carol Hilton Reynolds ’55 and Robert Rinehart P’91 Mary Jane Rodgers Anthony D. Rosati ’19 Alison B. Roth-Kerner ’01

65 Lynne Rothney-Kozlak ’82 Everett and Carol Rutan III P’07 Edward T. Samul, Jr. ’94 Laurie Blake Sawyer ’63 Joelle Desloovere Schon ’73 and Alexander Rotolo ’07 Kathleen McGlynn Jihmmy N. Sanchez ’17 Mark and Alexandra Jeffrey Schon P’03 Judith E. Rottenberg ’78 Rutkowski ’75 Maxiel E. Sanchez ’17 Sawyer P’17 ’19 Scott J. Schonberger ’10 Mikhail V. Roudnev ’00 Ida Bothe Rutledge ’06 Helen M. Sandalls Susan Sackheim Sayle ’71 Jessica Schoonmaker ’95 Lynn Goodman Rouse-Zoll ’66 Madeleine L. Rutledge ’12 Marcie Cross Sandalow ’84 Caley Boyd Sayre ’03 Carolyn Jones Schorer ’63 Dana Rousmaniere ’94 Sarah Wheeler Rutter ’50 Gayle S. Sanders ’66 Patricia Ingala Scalzi ’62 I.G. Schottlaender ’14 Marinell Yoders Margaret Ruvoldt ’92 Nancy Schoepfer Sanders ’63 Stephanie J. Schacher ’87 Sara L. Schrager ’74 Rousmaniere ’95 Ann Rubenstein Ruwitch ’61 Sally Schweitzer Sanders ’68 Irma Klein Schachter ’49 and Alice E. Schroeder ’91 Susan Neville Rousseau ’87 Gabriel S. Ryan ’17 Sheila Keating Sanders ’61 and Joseph Schachter P’78 GP’15 Rachel E. Schroff ’13 Boyan D. Roussinov ’08 John Ryan and Elizabeth William Sanders P’83 ’85 Lillie S. Schachter ’15 Sara Stammler Schrum ’61 Erin Burdett Roussinova ’08 Walter P’17 Christine McKinley Claire S. Schachtschneider ’20 Andrea Schulman ’70 Lisa J. Rowe ’70 Melissa Ryan Sanderson ’72 Mary Miller Schaefer ’67 David E. Schulman ’82 Lynn Daniels Rowe ’64 Nicholas H. Ryan ’78 Sarah J. Sanderson ’11 Joan Schaeffner GP’18 Susan Stavin Helen Rowe-Drake ’74 Thomas Ryder Jessica F. Sandler ’17 Nina Berman Schafer ’69 Schultheis, Ph.D. ’87 John and Lisa Roy P’19 Judith Dubben Ryland ’67 Michael Sandner ’91 Gillian Schair ’94 Nicholas F. Schultz ’15 Kathryn A. Roy ’06 Ludmila Komeck Sabatiuk ’50 Judy Zimmerman Sanford ’64 Jonathan E. Schechner ’02 Shari E. Schultz ’07 Margaret McGarry Roy ’87 Daniel P. Saccardi ’00 Sara J. Sangdahl ’57 Max and Marjorie Eric Schumacher ’92 Cecilia C. Royal Jacobsen ’05 Claire L. Sacco ’12 Jessica Sank Ratay ’98 Schechner P’02 George H. Schumacher ’84 Elizabeth Anthony Rozwat ’59 Joseph and Gail Sacco P’12 Alberto Santaflorentina and Jon F. Scheiber ’85 Lauren H. Schumacher ’14 Rebecca Ruan ’02 Laurie J. Sachs ’92 Tracy Marshall P’19 Joanne Parker Scheidt ’64 Lisa A. Schumacher ’80 Nancy Davenport Rubens ’71 Bethany Goldstein Sacks ’95 Hayley V. Santaflorentina ’19 Johann-Wilhelm E. Scheidt ’08 Aaron R. Schuman ’04 Caeli S. Rubens Richter ’07 Marion Skerker Sader ’53 James L. Santaniello ’83 Rabbi Susan P. Schein Julia E. Schutt ’09 Beth E. Rubenstein ’84 Josalyn D. Saez ’17 Shelly Warman Santaniello ’84 Cheryl Arthur Scheiner ’66 Suzanne Cameron Schutz ’61 Benjamin J. Rubin ’97 Karen Churila Safe ’66 David Santeusanio ’94 Joan Parsells Schenck ’55 Janice Somach John M. Rubin ’90 Leila Cleaves Safford ’85 Lauren Moran Santeusanio ’94 Gregg and Lisa Schenker P’19 Schwalm ’47 P’69 GP’03 Joyce E. Rubino ’78 and Robert Samantha Sager ’80 John and Deborah Andrew and Gina Scherben P’08 Anne M. Schwartz ’17 Stepansky P’12 Jane Banash Sagerman ’80 Santini P’80 ’84 Katrina A. Scherben ’08 Jeffrey and Kim Schwartz P’17 Carrie C. Rubury ’12 Alysha C. Said ’16 Marlene Santucci Horace and Kathleen Laurence Schwartz and Russ Caroline A. Ruby ’14 Michael and Patricia Farai S. Sanyangore ’05 Scherer P’03 Rosensweig P’17 Carolyn Grube Rucker ’62 Saimond P’14 Keri L. Sarajian ’96 Lauren Sinclair Scherr ’03 Lisa J. Schwartz ’79 Elizabeth C. Rudd ’17 Areti A. Sakellaris ’08 Jane Maurey Sargent ’58 Wyley C. Scherr ’03 Margaret Camp Schwartz ’47 Catherine Ruddiman* ’28 Mustafa and Menekse P’19 John A. Sargent ’17 Neil C. Schiavo ’96 Margaret H. Schwartz ’86 Allison H. Rudnick ’09 Judith Gordon Saks ’54 Anne Sargent Walker ’69 Sloan Schickler ’83 Marilyn Thaller Schwartz ’64 Kate O. Rudolph ’16 Evelyn Evatt Salinger ’58 George Sarkar ’17 Michael B. Schiff ’78 Stephanie E. Schwartz ’12 Doris Niemand Ruedin ’58 Gino Salituro and Ellen Sylvia Fesjian Sarkisian ’58 Margery Rose Schindler ’52 Alexander D. Schwartzburg ’12 Daniel G. Ruff ’89 Barrabee P’17 Joanne Osano Sasaki ’69 Brian and Carol Lianna P. Schwartzman ’16 Margaret E. Ruff ’20 Leah J. Salituro ’17 George and Karen Satran P’94 Schirmacher P’17 Jill Schwartztol ’89 Jeanette Cannon Ruffle ’63 S. Massoud Sallah ’16 Thomas Satran ’94 Elizabeth A. Schiro ’80 Sophia B. Schwatka ’10 Mary Costello Ruffo ’80 Katherine Spendlove Salle ’68 Barbara Ritter Sauder ’83 Christina I. Schlegel ’08 Denise Coomey Schwed ’74 Teresa Ruffolo ’53 Rebecca Wells Salmaso ’08 Ruth Barngrove Sauer ’60 Nancy Canova Schlegel ’50 Kenneth M. Schweitzer ’79 Robert R. Ruggiero ’81 Christine D. Salmon ’03 Molly Young Sauereisen ’58 Mark and Elaine Schleicher Frank R. Sciuto, Jr. ’97 Adrienne S. Rumble ’00 Deborah S. Salomon ’82 Carol Aspinwall Saumarez ’64 Gabriella Schlesinger Bianca M. Scofield ’17 Cameron L. Ruscitti ’13 N. Stewart Saltonstall ’82 Ann Stoddard Saunders ’57 Laurie Schlesinger Alexander Scott ’89 Eric and Amy Russ P’20 Cheryll Kohler Saltzman ’73 and Dianne L. Saunders ’74 Audrey N. Schlette ’14 Hillary E. Scott ’12 Deborah Small Russel ’67 Steve Saltzman P’04 Kevin P. Saunders ’15 Theodore C. Schlette ’75 and Jennifer Claire Scott ’94 Andrew S. Russell ’05 Elizabeth Bria Salvador ’84 Milan V. Saunders ’13 Deborah Schlette P’14 Jordan E. Scott ’96 Bianca Kissel Russell ’08 Alfred Salvato ’90 Sheila Saunders ’77 Emma E. Schlichting ’17 Judith Borkin Scott ’71 Daphne Green Russell ’94 Karen Mossman Salvato ’90 Susanna Terrell Saunders ’67 Elizabeth Irwin Schlosser ’88 Suzanne Scott P’80 Deirdre D. Russell ’72 Kristin Rizzo Samarov ’92 Barbara Long Savage ’50 Michael Schlott ’87 Ahsiya Shiffrin Scovern ’03 Dianne Hyde Russell ’64 Jennie Bell Samet ’02 Diane Cetrulo Savage ’73 and Chella Sladek Schmidt ’48 Lynn Johnston Scoville ’59 Doris Hostage Russell ’47 Matthew Samet ’01 Robert Savage P’05 Eleanor L. Schmitt ’12 Christel Brendel Gretchen Straub Russell ’61 Philip G. Samponaro P’93 Heather Lane Savage ’85 Victoria Sandwick Scriabine, Ph.D. ’62 Mychel K. Russell-Ward ’96 Kanetha G. Brown Sampson ’07 Mary Male Savage ’58 Schmitt ’73 P’06 ’12 Eli H. Scribner-Moore ’17 Margery Asher Russem ’50 Keith T. Sampson ’83 Michael F. Savicki ’99 Betty Weldon Schneider ’57 Ellen G. Scull ’05 Eric A. Russman ’88 Mildred Catledge Sampson ’54 Nancy Savin ’59 Tanya L. Schneider Campbell B. Seamans ’80 Sherry Walsh Russman ’89 Benjamin B. Sams ’96 Eden Savino ’98 Henrietta Jackson Schoeller ’55 Molly Seamans ’01 Emily Sedlis Russo ’04 Daniel and Jody Samson P’20 Charlotte W. Sawyer ’17 Kimberly A. Schoenbacher ’99 Corrie D. Searls ’14 Scott and Jeanmarie Rust P’19 James P. Samuels ’88 Deborah Willard Sawyer ’65 Judith Schofield Elizabeth Seaton ’87

66 Barbara Bates Sedoric ’79 Rachel Shatz ’83 Derek Shoffner ’88 Raymond Hubbard P’11 Andrea H. Smith P’17 Katherine O’Sullivan See ’70 Margery Shaw ’62 Katherine Funk Sholder ’77 Professor Jefferson A. Singer Ann Barber Smith ’69 Carole R. Seegert, Ph.D. ’69 Mark D. Shaw ’99 William A. Shopneck ’05 and Anne L. Bracker Ann Shattuck Smith ’42 Nancy Chockley Seelbach ’69 Meaghan O’Connell Bernice Abramowitz Shor ’66 Lenore Tresenfeld Beryl Smith ’50 Anthony M. Segala ’96 Shawcross ’79 Rona Shor ’66 Singer ’52 P’79 Brooke E. Smith ’09 James and Lisa Seguin P’03 Samantha A. Shay ’13 Judith Rosoff Shore ’56 and Marjorie K. Singer ’67 Christine Smith Dorothy Hatch Seiter ’72 Jessie Shayevitz Kellman ’82 Martin H. Shore P’86 Susan Sullivan Singer ’86 David and Diane Smith P’20 Carrie D. Selberg ’97 Hannah A. Shayler ’02 Martin H. Shore, Jr. Pamela Singh-Tauber ’95 Dickson and Monica Smith P’20 Eric and Cynthia Selberg P’97 Ann Pettengill Shea ’73 Sandra Sunderland Shoshani ’65 Vipapat Sinpeng ’05 Elizabeth Brereton Smith ’69 Thomas V. Selby ’08 Barbara Johnson Shea ’64 John D. Shostak ’90 Leslie Griffin Siraco ’87 Ellen R. Smith ’57 Gary M. Seligson P’93 David H. Shea Katharine C. Shragge ’11 Paul T. Siraco ’85 Gregory Smith ’03 Karen Moran Selkey ’87 Eva Cahalan Shea ’91 Richard M. Shrier ’80 Mary Ann Sill Sircely ’73 Gregory Smith ’81 Elizabeth Howard Sellars ’82 Janet Pinney Shea ’50 GP’13 Samantha L. Shullo ’99 Marcy A. Siskind P’19 Gretchen Diefendorf Lara N. Seltzer ’17 Molly C. Shea ’16 Gail B. Shulman ’69 Elizabeth Rogerts Sisson ’83 Smith ’58 P’96 Pascal T. Seman ’17 Robert J. Shea ’91 Mark W. Shuster ’79 Tamara Scheinfeld Sitkoff ’96 Hayley E. Smith ’17 Elinor Widrow Semel ’56 Sarah L. Shear ’09 Jane Paul Shute ’65 Linda R. Sittenfeld ’77 Headley Mills Smith ’53 and Kirk Palmer Senske ’64 Jodie D. Shearer ’14 Fay Shutsky ’64 Walter D. Sive ’78 Roger Smith P’76 ’80 GP’07 Julia R. Serafin ’17 Irene Kolanko Shedlosky ’69 Ellen Goodman Sibre ’71 David F. Sizer ’17 ’10 ’11 Katherine A. Serafin ’08 Margaret J. Sheehan ’92 Paola Sica Harold F. Sizer ’84 and Susan Helen Angevine Smith ’59 Robert and Patricia Susan Morrison Sheehan ’01 Elizabeth Roberts Sides ’99 Budd Sizer ’84 P’11 ’12 ’17 Hugo D. Smith ’79 Serafin P’08 ’17 Peter K. Sheffield III ’99 James and Joyce Sidman P’08 Julie R. Sizer ’11 Jane Dornan Smith ’55 and Jerome and Joan Serchuck Susan Thorward Sheinfeld ’69 Jean Carroll Siefke ’49 Nicholas B. Sizer ’12 William Smith P’84 Katrina L. Sereiko ’12 Benjamin R. Sheldon ’07 Emily H. Siegel ’92 Stephen A. Skaperdas ’17 Janet R. Smith ’58 Jillian L. Sergi ’09 Lisa A. Sheley ’99 Marcia Bernstein Siegel ’54 Ronald and Mary Skates P’90 Jeffrey and Sara Smith P’18 Pamela Holmes Serra ’69 Patricia Allen Shellard ’70 Mary Ann Garvin Gretchen Schafer Skelley ’49 Jennifer H. Smith ’82 Terry I. Seskis ’75 Margaret B. Shepard ’73 Siegel ’66 P’92 ’97 Gregory H. Skidmore ’99 Jennifer Knapp Smith ’95 Susan Palay Setnik ’70 and Midge Auwerter Shepard ’68 Seyril R. Siegel ’62 P’06 Anna Wilson Skillings ’00 Jessica R. Smith ’80 Gary Setnik P’94 Joseph Shepley III ’91 Patricia Siegel-Finley ’61 Jennette Campbell Skinner ’64 Joan Hosmer Smith ’69 Pike Severance ’03 Kathleen Strype Sheprow ’75 Alissa R. Siepka ’17 Kathryn White Skinner ’54 Joanna S. Smith ’12 Jennifer J. Sewall ’78 Judy Biegel Sher ’62 Mark and Karen Siepka P’17 Katherine G. Sklarsky ’03 Joanne Baur Smith ’81 Frederick and Susan Margaret A. Shergalis ’94 Adrienne L. Sieverding ’17 Judith Zellman Sklarz ’71 Kevin Smith, Ph.D. ’76 Seward P’02 Margaret Keenan Sheridan ’67 Patricia Cutler Silber ’79 Patricia Radin Skoler ’78 Lary Smith ’66 Catharine S. Seymour ’01 Thomas A. Sheridan ’74 Yamile Silva and Robert H. Melissa B. Skolnick ’07 Laura Levinson Smith ’72 Julie Sgarzi, Ph.D. ’71 Marcia Fortin Sherman ’59 Willenbrink P’19 Douglas R. Skopp ’64 Mariechen Wilder Smith ’45 Daria Bernatowicz Shachmut ’68 Noah L. Sherman ’17 Jane Silver ’68 Katherine A. Skrebutenas ’75 Marisa Juhasz Smith ’90 Evan and Noelle Shahin P’20 Steven Sherman and Jamie Dana B. Silverberg ’11 Michael Sladden ’81 Mary-Zita Flaherty Smith ’53 Lauren H. Shaker ’15 Larowitz Sherman P’18 Tracy Silverman Andrew Slater and Elizabeth Matthew Smith ’01 Glenn Shambroom and Nina Thomas and Lisa Sherman P’17 Andrea Neiditz Silverstein ’88 McDaniel P’19 Matthew T. Smith ’11 Righter P’11 Alexa Sherr Hartley ’96 Alexandra A. Silverthorne ’02 Ellen Wolf Slater ’68 Michael and Mary Ann Mary Lee Matheson Leigh Davidson Sherrill ’61 Arielle E. Silver-Willner ’18 Mary Cappellini Slater ’60 Smith P’20 Shanahan ’54 Mary Martha Suckling Anthony Silvestro ’99 Danielle B. Slatkin ’17 Michaela S. Smith ’19 Stephanie J. Shannon ’16 Sherts ’51 Maria R. Simao ’75 Lawrence Slatkin and Lisa Molly McAuliffe Smith ’02 Ellen Hirsch Shapira ’68 Eugene and Mary Shields P’14 Andrea C. Simmons Furman-Slatkin P’17 Randal Whitman Smith ’61 Alexandra D. Shapiro ’11 Marguerite Hamrick Mary Blair Simmons ’58 Gordon N. Sleeper ’10 Robert and Michelle Smith P’19 Annette Shapiro Shields, LMSW ’72 Shawn C. Simmons Thomas J. Sliker ’07 Rosalyn Winchester Smith ’54 Deborah Dickson Shapiro ’72 Peggy Kobacker Shiffrin ’72 Suzanne Richmond Simmons ’95 Nancy Brown Slimak ’67 and Sarah K. Smitn ’96 Gail M. Shapiro ’88 Dr. Carol Carter Shilepsky ’65 Wesley A. Simmons ’95 Richard Slimak P’89 Susan Smith P’99 Jeffrey A. Shapiro ’84 Marian R. Shilstone ’80 Katherine I. Simoes ’10 Julie Ann Hovey Slimmon ’52 Suzette D. Smith ’64 Laura Pearl Shapiro ’96 Deborah S. Shinn P’17 Chris Simon and Tina Wang P’20 and James Slimmon GP ’10 Timothy W. Smith ’90 Loren J. Shapiro ’83 Miranda W. Shinn ’17 Marjorie Lipshutz Simon ’67 Lucy C. Sloman ’79 Zelda Groper Smith ’55 Rebecca Rosen Shapiro ’95 Daniel J. Shinnick ’17 Monica Simon Alida E. Slosberg Rachel L. Smith Kerns ’06 Robert A. Shapiro ’83 Eleanor Heston Shipley ’57 Charles and Carleen John C. Sluder II ’14 Nicholas J. Smolansky ’97 Andrew Sharp ’89 Jennifer Hume Shively ’87 and Simone P’20 Barbara Miller Smachetti ’49 Maureen A. Smolskis ’15 Martha Maher Sharp ’95 George Shively P’21 Gregory F. Simonson ’77 and Henry Smachetti P’80 Kenneth Smoltz ’91 Eleanor Dein Sharpe ’77 Asa Shiverick IV ’06 Nancy Rajotte Simonson ’77 Adele Pattison Smith ’52 and Carol Hermann Smoot ’67 Douglas and Helene Sharples Luke M. Shoemaker ’10 Chakena D. Sims ’16 Anthony Smith P’79 Ginger Smyle Martha B. Sharples ’80 Steven H. Shoemaker Linda D. Simsarian ’71 Alexandra E. Smith ’07 Michael Smyle Tamsen Bales Sharpless ’89 Hillary Perl Shoenfield ’80 Sally Sinclair-Hubbard ’75 and Amelia C. Smith ’13 W. Smyser P’92

67 Catherine Rowe Snow ’63 George Spells P’06 Wendy Hermann Steele ’85 Lee Johnson Stockwell ’66 Schacher Suher ’90 P’21 Silvia C. Snow-Thomas ’05 Betsy Jo Viener Spence ’64 Leslie Fisher Steen ’69 Erica S. Stockwell-Alpert ’14 Brooke Johnson Suiter ’68 Amy Malkin Snyder ’95 Marilyn Schutt Spencer ’56 Edgar Z. Steever ’72 Eric D. Stoddard ’96 Cathleen McCormack Sulli ’81 Anne Holbrook Snyder ’67 Martha Stegmaier Speno ’59 Karen M. Stefanik ’96 Carol Frank Stoel ’64 Denise Sullivan ’72 Jane Gilbert Snyder ’71 Audrey P. Sperry ’12 John and Frances Steffian Peter F. Stokes ’79 Erin M. Sullivan ’07 Richard M. Snyder ’86 Benjamin O. Sperry ’79 Cindy Stein ’84 Emilie E. Stoll ’17 Hayley Sullivan ’11 Marcia Soast ’67 Kevin M. Spiers ’06 Elaine Wolf Stein ’58 Peter and Lucinda Stoll P’15 Hilary J. Sullivan ’14 Janneke Quick Sobeck ’08 Jamie R. Spiller ’08 Lesley Wanshel Stein ’62 Barbara Bates Stone ’48 Janet Torpey Amy Bergida Sobel ’68 Katherine C. Spokes ’73 Linda Strassenmeyer Stein ’60 Evan A. Stone ’79 Sullivan ’56 P’88 ’91 Gayle Perry Sobel ’94 Janet D. Spoltore Barry C. Steinberg ’74 Judith Trauner Stone ’65 Joan M. Sullivan Ilisa J. Sohmer ’85 Alan Spose ’76 Jill Steinberg ’85 Marjorie Kaufman Stone ’79 Katelyn M. Sullivan ’10 Megan K. Tepper-Rasmussen Sarah P. Spound ’17 Margo Reynolds Steiner ’72 Nancy Stone ’67 Kelsey H. Sullivan ’06 Sokolnicki ’99 Caitlin M. Sprague ’13 Neal Steingold and Linda Stephanie A. Stone ’88 Kevin M. Sullivan ’81 Susan Mikkelsen Solano ’66 Howard B. Kaplan P’18 Dr. Alison Stone-Ament ’70 Lesley S. Sullivan P’18 Joey D. Solomon ’04 Sprague III ’78 P’13 ’20 Katharine Parker Stell ’51 William and Sally Marcia D. Sullivan ’76 and Julie R. Solomon ’76 Seth and Laura Sprague P’12 Patricia Steinberg Stella ’77 Stoops, Jr. P’79 Deborah Brusini P’13 Alice Solorow ’79 Susanna M. Sprague ’12 Elisabeth A. Stenger ’76 Erica A. Stoppenbach ’96 Maya R. Sullivan ’17 Kathryn Ritchell Ann Sprayregen ’50 Catherine Fullerton Stentzel ’65 Ellie Nan O. Storck ’15 Quinn E. Sullivan ’97 Sommerkamp ’66 Barbara Himmell Springer ’49 Hadley McLoughlin Stephens Andrew W. Storero ’81 Sara Maschal Sullivan ’52 Christopher Wyatt Somogyi ’11 Dempsey and Deanna ’05 Sarah G. Storhagen ’17 Jacob R. Summers ’16 Somboon and Pantipa Springfield Harvey and Mary Beth Donald Stowe ’92 James and Karen Summers P’18 Songtachalert P’18 Betty Ball Sprouse ’70 Stephens P’18 Audrey Kuh Straight ’69 Jeffrey M. Sumner ’12 Barbara H. Sonnenfeldt Margaret Siegel Spruce ’97 Hilary Henderson Stephens ’79 Philip A. Stransky ’02 Robert Sumner Georgia Ahlborn Sorensen ’72 Andrew J. Sprunger ’97 Nancy E. Stephens ’67 Frederick P. Stratton III ’96 Joshua S. Suneby ’15 Sophia M. Soriano ’18 Jonathan Squire Preston and Ginevra Lawrence Strauss ’80 Per and Elizabeth Alberto and Christine Steven I. Srebnick ’83 Stephenson P’17 Steven F. Strauss ’07 Suneby P’15 ’18 Soricelli P’18 Joseph N. Srednicki ’73 Sarah E. Stephenson ’17 Anastasia L. Strayton ’17 Ah-Young Sung Dana I. Sorkin ’16 Patricia L. Sredojevic Carol Stephenson Polmon ’71 Eric Streck ’95 Barbara Billings Supplee ’57 Noah D. Sorkin ’79 and Kathryn F. St. George ’12 Joyce Tower Sterling ’54 Laura V. Streit ’09 James C. Susman ’74 Stephanie Saltzman P’16 Anne St. John Muirhead ’85 Daniel J. Stern ’96 Giles M. Strekel ’74 Sally Susman ’84 Renee Huppert Sosland ’66 Amanda K. St. Laurent ’17 Eric A. Stern ’13 Beth Filippone Stresser ’91 Dr. Cynthia Freidman Sutton Jacqueline Soteropoulos Patricia St. Germain Gail Weintraub Stern ’68 Danielle Dana Strickman ’66 P’92 Incollingo ’92 Heinrich Stabenau and Annette Roland Stern and Cynthia Adele Mushkin Stroh ’55 Holly Smith Sutton ’79 C. Alexander Soule ’93 Stoller P’06 Ganung P’03 Julia K. Stromatt ’20 Leesa Chalk Suzman ’89 Kimberly Sloper Soule ’90 Barbara Thompson Stabile ’51 Joseph D. Sternlieb ’82 Patricia M. Strong ’72 William C. Swan, Jr. ’78 and Matthew and Patricia Soule Emma E. Stacey ’15 Cynthia Price Stevens ’79 Lorna Wagner Strotz ’66 Gina B. Swan P’13 P’19 Elizabeth A. Stack ’73 Edith Donaldson Stevens ’59 Harriet Harris Stroup ’60 Caroline Kelley Swart ’73 Melissa Jenkins Soule ’83 Janice Bomely Stack ’79 Margaret Hiller Stevens ’71 Gail Mittendorff Strout ’73 Jacques J. Swartz ’10 Emily R. Southard ’06 William Stackpole ’82 Owen M. Stevenson ’11 Michael S. Stryker ’86 Pamela Gleason Swearingen ’74 Margaret Sebring William and Claire Stahley Theodore and Mary Jane Marcia Stuart ’63 Heidi P. Sweeney ’87 Southerland ’59 and Thomas Charlotte Enyart Staiger ’50 Steward P’15 Nancy A. Stuart ’74 Elizabeth A. Sweet P’16 ’20 Southerland P’87 Pamela B. Stanger ’75 Barbara Kahn Stewart ’71 Emily C. Stubbs ’17 Paley M. Sweet ’16 Gerald and Elizabeth Sovia P’17 Emily Honstein Stanton ’07 David E. Stewart ’79 Lauren P. Stubbs ’17 Ronald T. Sweet ’74 and Debra Sarah A. Sovia ’17 Toby and Anna Stanton P’18 Katherine McNair Stewart ’81 Stephen and Maria Richardson Sweet ’74 P’07 Tara Auletta Spadola ’85 Grace K. Starble ’14 Mary E. Stewart ’65 Stublarec P’20 Margaret Larkins Sweeting ’70 Nancy Mavec Spain ’73 Leah Starr ’91 Roberta Stewart ’86 Susanna H. Studwell ’17 Liisa B. Sweet-Korpivaara ’01 Aletha Stone Spang ’57 Marjorie Staub P’13 Thomas and Kathryn Ronna Stuller Aaron J. Swenson ’18 Martha Elliot Spang ’57 and H. John Staudinger and Debra Stewart P’15 Andrew J. Stutzman ’17 Daniel and Adrienne Austin Spang P’82 Morrison P’13 Victoria C. Stewart ’15 Robert Stutzman and Elizabeth Swenson P’18 Kathryn M. Sparks ’93 Julia M. Staudinger ’13 Patricia Wade Stickley ’88 Somers Stutzman P’17 Nora E. Swenson ’12 Robin Foster Spaulding ’61 Christina Rydstrom Staudt ’69 Emily V. Stieff ’04 Elizabeth Hassell Styles ’44 Stephen T. Sweriduk III ’12 Robert W. Spears, Jr. ’81 Sarah G. Stauffer ’03 Barbara Cooper Stiles ’84 Randall T. Suffolk ’90 Susan Mann Swett ’64 Deena Groher Spector ’72 P’02 Faye Green Steacy ’69 and James E. Stiles ’83 Bahira H. Sugarman ’67 Leah H. Swinson ’15 Paul and Susan Speer P’19 Thomas P. Steacy P’06 Martha Macquarrie Stiles ’53 Emily Stimson Sugg ’79 and Paul Patricia Rose Swonger ’81 Elizabeth Speers ’84 John and Lisa Stebbins P’05 Alexandra N. Stillson ’07 E. Sugg P’10 Janet Esquirol Sylvan ’99 Rev. Thomas Speers III ’80 Juliane Solmssen Steedman ’59 Marjorie A. Stimmel ’62 Patricia Weil Sugiuchi ’65 and Nicolette L. Symanovich ’17 Linda Lidstrom Spellacy ’71 Kristin Steele Wilson B. Stiner ’08 David Sugiuchi P’92 Steve and Deborah Marie Fishbone Spellman ’82 Paul and Nancy Steele P’18 Keith M. Stocks ’08 Frank Suher ’89 and Hilary Symanovich P’17

68 Constance Shaffer Marina Cheremshanksy Claudia Gould Tielking ’83 E. Tina Savell Treadwell ’63 Margaret Meyer Tyler ’06 Synakowski ’72 Tchelistcheff ’56 Ann Fertig Tiemann ’68 Nancy Goode Treadwell ’63 Matthew D. Tyler ’06 Christine S. Synodi ’88 Matthew Teare ’87 and Tracy Christopher R. Tierney ’86 Byron Treaster and Jane Benjamin Tyrrell ’95 Joseph Syracuse ’90 Thomson Teare ’87 P’19 Alexander W. Tighe ’82 Gray P’17 Alan and Donna Tyson P’15 Catherine Sobin Szanto ’78 Ken Tedeschi George Tilneac ’18 Sarah C. Treaster ’17 Jonathan Udis P’17 Lisa A. Szczesniak ’16 Shoshana Traub Teicher ’54 Gheorghe and Narcisa Mary Lou Strassburger Treat*’49 Molli C. Udis ’17 Jean Cattanach Sziklas ’58 Victoria A. Teixeira ’19 Tilneac P’18 Natalie Hildt Treat ’97 Susan Borkow Ulin ’58 Shirley Scrivener Sznyter ’58 Janil Tejada ’15 Ellen Greenberg Tilzer ’65 Victoria Leonhart Trefts ’75 Emily S. Ultan ’17 Joan L. Tabachnick ’77 Jennifer M. Tejada-Tatis ’10 Jean Cutinelle Tinelli ’62 Hannah C. Tressler ’09 William Ultan ’86 and Lisa Elie Tabet ’95 Thomas Telage ’83 Maurice Tiner ’17 Thuy Duy Q. Trinh ’12 Prezioso Ultan ’87 P’17 Amy Lewis Tabor ’72 and Robert Marta Tellado Heather Post Tingle ’85 Leila Edgerton Trismen ’62 R. Craig Ungaro ’97 Tabor P’99 ’05 Irina Telyukova ’99 Seth B. Tinkham ’04 James and Catherine Grant P. Upson ’02 Owen B. and Margaret Wellford Alexis M. Temkin ’10 Rocio Tinoco ’17 Trowbridge P’05 ’09 Craig and Charlene Urban P’17 Tabor ’59 Dr. Bonnie Altman Templeton ’68 Rebecca A. Tisherman ’13 Kimberlee J. Trudeau ’94 Valerie J. Urban ’17 Dennis and Michele Tackett P’18 Cheryl P. Tenin ’71 Sara E. Tisherman ’13 Elvira Trujillo-Schrader ’53 Aidyn P. Urena ’10 Julia C. Tackett ’18 Henry B. Terepka ’08 Mary Clifford Tittmann ’80 Sarah Vermylen Trust ’00 Matthew J. Vadas ’14 Ellen Mayers Tackling ’68 Kristen MacBride Terpstra ’05 Smriti Tiwari ’09 An-Ming Sze Truxes ’71 Sarah Wright Vajda ’05 Desta Tadesse ’04 Lee Terry Mary Burke Tobias ’87 Dennis Tsang ’02 Zsoka E. Vajtai ’98 Krystle Guillory Tadesse ’05 Leslie Tervo ’73 Susan Calef Tobiason ’78 Marian Tse Leidy Y. Valencia ’09 Alan Tafapolsky ’83 Mary Thacher P’82 Christopher F. Tobin ’86 Laura W. Tseng ’93 Mary Blatner Valentis ’67 P’92 Lynn Robinson Taff ’70 Linda Thacher Visscher ’82 Paige Margules Tobin ’89 Anastasia M. Tsomides ’17 Anne C. Valle ’17 Maia Y. Taft ’13 Kishor K. Thapa ’09 Stacy Resler Tobin ’87 Dr. Heidi Schiff Tuby ’70 Ryley A. van der Velde ’17 Megan LeDuc Taggard ’99 Klaus Theopold and Susan Thomas M. Tobin Priscilla Meyer Tucker ’51 Catherine Van Dine Joy A. Tagliavento ’71 P’09 McGeary P’18 Susan Lightbown Tolar ’72 Annika G. Tucksmith ’17 Nina van Dyke ’74 David Talanian ’88 Judith Bassewitz Theran ’62 Kathryn Rafferty Tollerton ’58 Richard and Dawn Julia van Roden ’82 Leah Talatinian ’02 Phyllis Securo Thibault ’71 Carol Tolliver-Darwick ’85 Tucksmith P’17 Professor Abigail Van Slyck Louise Lane Talbot ’60 Melanie C. Thibeault ’14 Leland Tolo Michael Tulin ’77 Kristen K. Van Slyke ’08 Liza Talusan ’97 Elaine Anderson Thiesmeyer ’59 Karen Douglass Tolusic ’97 Helene Tuling ’92 Barbara Burris van Voorst ’62 Eric Tam ’11 Ann McBride Tholfsen ’47 Caitlin A. Tomaska ’09 Claudia Tuller-Brooke ’73 Mary E. Van Bourgondien ’74 Masako Tamura ’92 Elizabeth G. Thomas ’16 Katherine H. Tomkins ’01 Margaret Thorp Tumicki ’56 Virginia Vancil ’87 Ching F. Tan ’15 Ellen Keating Thomas ’54 Caryn Gruber Tomljanovich ’92 Anthony T. Tumuhimbise ’08 Barbara Seelbach VanCuren ’51 Neal J. Tan ’15 Jordan L. Thomas ’15 Leslie Crutchfield Tompkins ’59 Barbara Bearce Tuneski ’58 and Richard VanCuran P’73 Samantha Lee Tangney ’05 Linda Collins Thomas ’79 Donna M. Toomey ’74 T. Gale Flannery Tunnell ’63 Jo Levitt VanderKloot ’62 Sarah Tacy Tangredi ’05 Linda Cunningham Thomas ’57 Arifa Toor ’88 Sarah R. Turchin ’08 P’85 ’88 Louise Klump Tanner ’54 Randolph and Kimberly Elaine Davey Topodas ’69 Samuel J. Turco ’17 Kathleen Callaghan Lynne Tapper ’88 Thomas P’19 Amanda R. Toronto ’96 Stephen Turko ’89 VanDervort ’07 Julienne Taraska ’92 Regina O’Brien Thomas ’70 David L. Torrey P’88 Susan Turley Thomas and Lisa Vanty P’20 Cheri Kamen Targoff ’67 Taylor J. Thomas ’15 Kathryn A. Torrey ’10 Bruce C. Turnbull II P’08 Gwen Fairweather Varady ’96 Leslie Long Tarkington ’66 Susan P. Thomases ’65 Pamela Walsh Torsiello ’85 Julia D. Turnbull ’08 Gina M. Varano ’83 Francis and Regina Tate P’06 Alison Holland Thompson ’79 Susan Ferris Totten ’75 Stephanie J. Turnbull ’10 Maria Varela Berchesi ’69 Ivan Tatis ’10 and Harlan Thompson P’11 Ellen Hennick Toubman ’82 Ivana Obst Turner ’66 Kaitlin P. Varga ’11 Daniel Taub ’02 Babette Gabriel Thompson ’69 Ann K. Tousignant ’72 Marjorie Stutz Turner ’49 Jacqueline M. Vargas ’85 Jean Tierney Taub ’58 Christina Hamrick Thompson ’84 Cabell Smith Tower ’64 Dorothy Abrutyn Turtz ’50 Elizabeth A. Varoli ’18 Michael Tauber ’94 Marie Woodbridge Amy H. Towne ’10 Dale Chakarian Turza ’71 Delaney K. Vartanian ’13 Candace L. Taylor ’13 Thompson ’50 Daniel Towvim ’95 Rebecca C. Tutino ’17 JoEllen Vasbinder Diane Capodilupo Taylor ’70 Meredith Miller Thompson ’06 Helen F. Trager ’69 Dolores Pagani Tutt ’57 Michael C. Vascovitz ’10 Edmund C. Taylor ’84 Reed D. Thompson ’88 Sally Glanville Train ’60 Kathryn Tuttle ’94 Jennifer I. Vasquez ’07 Geoffrey S. Taylor ’13 Sara Buck Thompson ’51 John T. Traina ’91 Lois Fenton Tuttle ’45 Kristen York Vasquez ’00 Jean M. Taylor ’71 Lucy L. Thomson ’70 Sydney Tran ’19 Elizabeth Smith Twaddell ’41 Kristi Vaughan-Cody ’75 Lisa Hawkins Taylor ’97 Nancy Powers Thomson ’47 Lauren J. Trapido ’05 Kristin Collins Twigg ’00 Jean Glancy Vaughn ’70 Mary Carrott Taylor ’98 Virginia Wilson Thomson ’53 Michael and Nancy Martha Blanchard Twigg ’66 and Kezirah L. Vaughters ’95 Peter M. Taylor ’78 and Mary William B. Thomson ’75 Trapido P’05 ’08 Richard Twigg P’01 Joan Swanson Vazakas ’61 Taylor ’77 P’05 Alison Shaw Thornton ’88 Susan Traskos ’87 Richard W. Twigg III ’01 Nicholas K. Vealitzek ’04 Roberta DeFilippo Taylor ’67 Ellen Feldman Thorp ’74 Katherine Trautlein Kenneth and Linda Twining P’17 Sybil Pickett Veeder ’65 Sally L. Taylor P’74 Peter Thorsen ’81 Jennifer Lamb Traver ’85 Peter K. Twining ’17 Penelope Eisenhart Veerhoff ’72 Sarah Taylor ’14 Candace Thorson ’72 Eva Foldes Travers ’64 Elizabeth Marston Twitchell ’85 Jorge L. Vega III ’97 Steven H. Taylor, Jr. ’91 Caroline Kercher Thurston ’83 Megan L. Traversari and Neil J. Betty Smith Tylaska ’56 Randall Freelon Vega ’69 Jesse B. Taylor-Waldman ’07 Professor John Q. Tian Oxford P’19 David A. Tyler ’85 Ramsay W. Vehslage, Jr. ’94

69 Jane Law Venell ’52 and Barbara Hricko Wait ’79 Caroline Palmer Ward ’84 Douglas Weber ’81 and Carey Horikawa P’17 William Venell P’85 John Wait ’79 Carolyn Kaplan Ward ’88 Mack Weber ’83 P’16 Nadine Porcelan Wenner ’72 Tracy Barsamian Ventola ’96 Katherine Efthimion Waite ’62 Craig and Katherine Ward P’18 Ellen Purdy Webster ’60 Ingrid C. Wenzler ’07 Stephanie Gollobin Ventura ’07 Diana Seton Wakerley ’69 Danielle McCarthy Ward ’02 Joan Murray Webster ’60 Lindsey Meyer Werkhoven ’03 Diane M. Verdi ’04 David Walbert ’01 Grant Ward ’82 and Leslie Sarah Carleton Wechsler ’75 Mary K. Werler ’82 Paula Cisco Verdu ’69 George and Regine Wald Ward P’20 Elizabeth Weed Alexis G. Werner ’06 Amy Verebay ’97 Patricia McGowan Wald ’48 James Ward Ann Louise Reagan Weeks ’54 Carol H. Wernick P’12 Elizabeth I. Verney ’94 Matthew Waldo and Jane Kirsten C. Ward ’90 Sinclair and Julia Weeks P’11 Daniel H. Wernick ’12 Jill Quirk Vernon ’79 Sinsky P’20 Nancy Williams Ward ’73 Phyllis Pledger Weeton ’53 Matthew S. Wertheimer ’07 William L. Veronese ’86 Michelle Pereyo Walerysiak ’93 Susan Leibacher Ward ’72 Ruth Coughlan Wehrer ’56 Jane D. Wescott-Smith ’77 Margaret Lerner Verrilli ’57 Abigail Simmons Walker ’04 Maria DiMartino Wardwell ’82 Leslie Davis Weigel ’70 Charles L. Wesley ’11 Gregory J. Vetter ’06 David Walker and Polly Sandra D. Warner ’71 Lucy E. Weiger ’73 Jessica Goldberg Wesoky ’01 Marion Tillinghast Viau ’84 Firestone Walker P’18 Sarah Warner ’89 Roberta E. Weil ’73 Elizabeth J. Wessen ’99 Lois Siller Victory ’49 Joyce Rogers Walker ’48 Craig Warren Ann Heagney Weimer ’54 Hilary West ’94 Andreas Vietor ’91 Linda McGilvray Walker ’69 Jennifer F. Warren ’04 Alan Wein ’84 Wendy Stark Westerlund ’83 Rajneesh Vig ’93 Mardon Walker ’66 Judith Sheldon Warren ’65 Adam S. Weinberg ’05 Cassandra Clark Westerman ’58 Mary Villa Timothy J. Walker ’04 Mark L. Warren ’75 Frances J. Weiner ’75 Jamie M. Wetmore ’18 Roger Vince and Pamela Cooper- Elizabeth Walker-Corkery ’81 Professor and Mrs. R. Scott Howard Weiner Jane Bystry Weyers ’76 Vince P’07 Rose K. Wall ’12 Warren Naomi P. Weinstein ’85 Leigh A. Weymouth ’11 Sarah M. Vincent ’07 Andrea Bachike Wallace ’81 Sarah Washburn Seth R. Weinstein ’96 Gretchen Van Syckle Whalen ’49 Susan Courtney Vitale ’82 Elizabeth Mandel Wallace ’09 Jahkeen T. Washington ’07 Jonathan and Jeanne Lawrence and Marcia Robert Vogliano ’88 Grace Hickey Wallace ’47 Lois Wasoff Weinstock P’18 Wharton P’05 Jane Hubbard Vogt ’66 Patrick T. Wallace ’09 Megan E. Wassef ’17 Daniel H. Weintraub Mildie Weber Whedon ’49 Anil and Joan Vohra P’17 Sally Zellers Wallace ’53 P’87 Wahid and Maureen Paul and Marilyn Weintraub Brooke Juram Wheeler ’66 Anita E. Vohra ’17 Susan Byrnes Wallace ’68 Wassef P’17 Carlene A. Weis P’05 Joan Lebow Wheeler ’65 Marion Miller Vokey ’74 Janet C. Wallans ’64 Whitney Smith Waters ’87 Jacqueline Markun Meagan Gibson Wheeler ’06 Mark Vokey ’74 and Melissa D. Joan Underwood Walls ’49 William and Karen Weisenberg ’57 GP’13 Nancy Snedeker Wheeler ’57 Vokey P’04 Kevin P. Walor ’90 Waterworth P’18 Elaine R. Weisman ’07 Stephen M. Wheeler ’03 Scott R. Vokey ’77 Louis and Sandra Walor, Jr. P’90 Kelly L. Watkins ’12 Ned A. Weisman ’73 and Anne Virginia De Vivo Wheeler ’72 Barbara Green Volckmann ’70 Christina J. Walsh ’20 Kelly Watkins Weisman ’73 P’07 Denise L. Wheeless ’80 Alexandra R. Volpe ’17 David and Lynne Walsh P’17 Christopher Watler and Nancy Adam and Keelin Weiss P’20 Krista Whetstone ’85 John and Natalie Volpe P’17 Ellen Sherk Walsh ’80 Ciprian-Watler P’19 Allison R. Weiss ’09 Elizabeth C. Whipple ’12 Tyler J. Volpe ’02 Emily A. Walsh ’17 Ronica Williams Watlington ’51 Bettina B. Weiss ’15 Lucia Beadel Annie-France Filleul Von Arx ’63 Georgina E. Walsh ’17 and Henry P. Watlington P’77 Steve and Laurie Weiss P’20 Whisenand ’58 P’85 Nancy Ziegler Von Der Kristin A. Walsh ’08 Mallory E. Watson ’08 Peter and Chris Weiss P’07 Stephen and Elizabeth Porten ’72 Lawrence and Kelley Walsh Margaret Watson ’61 Sarah J. Weiss ’12 Whisnant P’21 Ted von Glahn ’77 Mary E. Walsh ’84 Marilyn Sheehan Watson ’59 Stefanie A. Weiss ’07 Leslie H. Whitcomb ’76 Pearl Serfozo vonYork ’68 Nicholas H. Walsh ’80 Andrea G. Watt ’83 Victoria A. Weiss ’12 Andrew C. White ’08 Rosalind Grattan vonAu ’62 and Polly Tompsett Walsh ’74 Rebecca A. Watt ’97 Rainer Weissenberger Andrew V. White ’82 Arthur W. vonAu P’87 Cassandra C. Walter ’17 Samuel T. Watters ’09 Paul and Harriet Weissman P’87 Bradford G. White ’85 Robert J. Vontell III ’09 W. Todd and Eleanor George and Claire Watts GP’18 Seth B. Weitzman ’80 Donald S. White, Jr. ’89 Patrice Vorwerk P’17 Walter P’17 Robin Waxenberg ’82 Adele Merrill Welch ’60 Holly Wrampelmeier White ’59 Esther Pickard Wachtell ’56 Nicole Drepanos Walters ’94 Suzanne Ecker Waxenberg ’58 Elizabeth Leach Welch ’66 and Jennifer Kolber White ’87 Jon and Joan Wactor P’18 David Walther and Alan M. Waxenberg Thomas F. Welch P’95 Joan Andrew White ’51 Nancy L. Waddell ’60 Susan Scharlotte Walton ’69 P’82 Kathryn Bonner Welch ’81 Jordan B. White ’17 Diane C. Wade ’79 Jamie Bridges Walzer ’00 Laura DeKoven Waxman ’67 and Lauren A. Welch ’07 Katharine Hensler White ’68 Geoffrey K. Wagg ’89 Andrew Wang ’89 Jonathan Waxman P’95 Meghan J. Welch ’00 Melissa Kahn White ’92 Richard Wagman and Mindy Connie Wang ’02 Joann Wayland-Doyen Donald B. Weller ’81 Roy B. White ’00 Pincus P’18 Jue Wang ’04 Audrey R. Wayman ’15 Alice H. Wellington ’69 Stephanie Brown White ’90 Eric Wagner ’88 and Leslee Karen Michalski Wang ’88 Nancy Ross Wayne ’90 Bonnie J. Wells Miriam Josephson Carlson Wagner ’89 P’20 Susan M. Wang ’96 Anne Warner Webb ’59 Cecily Hamlin Wells ’59 Whitehouse ’75 Hanna D. Wagner ’12 Nancy Kushlan Wanger ’59 Elissa K. Webb ’17 Elizabeth Brahler Wells ’67 Rena A. Whitehouse ’87 Janet Catlin Wagner ’84 Kenneth Smith and Donna Lynne Judson Webb ’67 Margaret M. Wells ’17 Jeffrey D. Whitestone ’74 Joan Wagner ’59 Waniak P’20 Patricia Taylor Webb ’71 Richard and Tamar Wells P’08 Patricia Feldman Mary Lore Wagner ’63 Joan Yohe Wanner ’52 Peter Webb and Adrienne Todd Wells ’92 Whitestone ’45 P’74 ’80 Constance Weymouth Susan Hirth Wanner ’58 Wong P’17 Douglas and Wendy Wendt P’17 Elizabeth Howard Whitfield ’64 Wagnon ’55 Lois B. Waplington ’61 Virginia Hollins Webb ’81 Natalie R. Wenigmann ’17 Bailey J. Whitman ’20 Mariana Parcells Wagoner ’44 Blake J. Ward ’88 Robert L. Webbe ’11 Peter Wenigmann and Karen Elizabeth Millard Whitman ’70

70 and Torrey Whitman Marsha E. Williams ’81 Yulia Popenko Witaschek ’99 Constance Tauck Wright ’55 James Yurgielewicz and Nancy Jocelyn Coburn Whitmoyer ’64 Martha E. Williams ’65 Sara G. Withington ’59 Deborah J. Wright ’75 Miller P’17 Anne M. Whitney ’82 Martha Tita Williams Tara Sorensen Witt ’96 Douglas K. Wright ’12 Jamie T. Yurgielewicz ’17 Elizabeth A. Whitney P’71 Mercedes Matthews Clayton W. Witter ’13 Elise Hofheimer Wright ’56 Avery H. Yurman ’13 Jill L. Whitney ’84 Williams ’42 Eleanor Bonham Witter ’66 Florence McCrea Wright ’62 and Roselle Krueger Zabar ’59 Robert Todd Whitten ’93 Nicole M. Williams ’17 Janet Young Witter ’51 and Frederick Wright P’05 Professor Barbara B. Zabel Elizabeth Robertson Whitters Seth E. Williams ’10 Robert Witter GP’13 Dr. James H. Wright ’79 and Fern H. Zabriskie ’74 ’66 Simon and Elizabeth Linda Wittmershaus Macik ’74 Cherie Wright P’19 Anne J. Zachary ’93 Jacob G. Whyman ’07 Williams P’19 Jennifer and Joseph Wiza P’20 Linda Christensen Wright ’87 Amy Rugo Zahler ’01 Elizabeth A. Widdicombe ’76 Jeremiah Williamson ’76 Elizabeth R. Wohl ’99 Mary V.L. Wright ’79 P’11 Mathieu P. Zahler ’01 Kenneth P. Widmann ’93 Scott R.Williamson ’81 Rebecca I. Wohl ’10 Walter N. Wright III ’08 Lenise Mattis Zahran ’80 Eric Widmer ’93 Ann Milner Willner ’60 Abigail Fuller Wolcott ’81 William M. Wright ’05 Cody L. Zalk ’03 Sara E. Widzer ’02 Irene Jackson Wills ’60 Jonathan W. Wolf ’99 Barbara Colwell Wrightson ’80 Marissa Litwin Zalk ’03 Judith Golub Wiener ’69 Sandra J. Wilmot ’70 Leni T. Wolf ’07 David M. Wrightson ’80 Clinton and Lisa Zalkind P’08 Margret F. Wiggins ’15 Pamela Wilsey ’72 Wendy Weiner Wolf ’67 Xia Wu Ana Zalles Moore ’87 Julia Gonick Wike ’89 Alison Porritt Wilson ’50 Connor B. Wolfe ’17 Charles S. Wurts ’86 Ruy Zambrano ’17 Claire M. Wilcox ’68 Anita Shapiro Wilson ’66 and Deborah Scott Wolfe ’73 Sandra Albrecht Wurzburger ’90 Susan Shestack Zander ’61 Marianna Wilcox Charles Wilson P’00 Dorothy Musser Wolfe ’55 Darlene Gallant Wynne ’00 Maria L. Zanfini ’83 Mariko Wilcox ’99 Barbara Goodman Wilson ’79 Ethan G. Wolfe ’78 Marilou Widdell Wynne ’47 Betsy Wilson Zanna ’67 Peter and Marissa Wilcox P’15 Beverly Merritt Wilson ’80 Lawrence and Carol Wolfe P’17 Kieran N. Xanthos ’88 Amelia Tovar Zarikian ’69 Olivia G. Wilcox ’15 Brett R. Wilson ’04 Tamara Brown Wolfe ’84 John and Katherine Louise Snay Zarr ’68 Carla Strassenmeyer Wilde ’56 Emily Hoffhine Wilson ’97 Katherine Garcia Wolff ’65 Yacavone P’97 Leanne Costa Zarrella ’90 and Richard Wilde P’81 Frances H. Wilson ’51 Susan Shaeffer Wolff ’54 Jier Yang ’15 Richard S. Zbeda ’06 Edith Aschaffenburg Gabriel B. Wilson ’96 Karen Sullivan Wolfskehl ’69 Peter F. Yannielli ’08 Adam M. Zeender ’07 Wilhelm ’48 Joan McCrea Wilson ’73 Jonathan G. Wolfson ’83 Francis and Sherrie Yao P’20 John S. Zeiler ’74 Charles and Helen Wilkes P’14 Joshua Wilson ’97 Emma P. Wolman ’05 Ruth Weissman Yates ’70 Margaret M. Zellers ’56 Stephanie C. Wilkes ’14 Laura Cunningham Wilson ’61 Susan Askin Wolman ’51 William Yates ’93 Diane Weeden Zeni ’81 and Stephen M. Wilkins ’84 Mary Wright Wilson ’54 Kimberly S. Wolske ’03 Barbara Kite Yeager ’48 Joseph Zeni P’95 Suzanne Porter Wilkins ’45 and Nancy Cedar Wilson ’56 Alexander P. Wood ’08 Ann Yellott, Ph.D. ’66 Meng Yu Zhang ’20 Earle Wilkins P’72 GP’98 Nathaniel J. Wilson ’00 Lisa Hays Wood ’66 Barbara Thomas Yeomans ’61 Qieer Zhang ’17 Andrew T. Wilkinson ’74 and Pamela Wilson Penelope R. Wood ’69 Sara W. Yeransian ’12 Jessica Zhao ’07 Theresa DeRose Wilkinson Robin L. Wilson ’82 Susan Kirshnit Woodall ’66 P’94 Sally Yerkovich ’69 Dana B. Zichlin ’09 P’01 ’03 Skip and Candice Wilson Jacqueline Woodard ’75 Dena Wolf Yeskoo ’75 Linda Mellen Zickler ’65 and John and Marcia Wilkinson P’93 Brandon Wilson-Evitt ’74 Lise Ann Woodard ’76 Janice Rising Yetke ’66 Malcolm S. Zickler P’91 Kevin A. Wilkinson, Ph.D. ’01 Cynthia G. Wilson-Frias ’96 Patricia Sinaiko Woodard ’02 Ha Eun Yi ’12 Nicholas R. Ziebarth ’99 Lauren Mitchell Wilkinson ’03 Shira Wilson Gross ’89 John R. Woodford ’11 Jiahui Yi ’17 Matthew Zientek ’10 Seth S. Wilkinson ’96 Elizabeth G. Wilsterman ’12 Edward A. Wood-Prince ’86 Lazaros C. Yiannos ’07 Pamela W. Ziering ’05 Sheila Ryan Wilkinson ’69 Cynthia Fazzari Wimer ’88 Isaac W. Woodruff ’11 Stephen G. Yoakman and Shawn Michael W. Zimmer ’06 Robin Goldband Willcox ’73 and James L. Wimer ’87 Josephine MacManus Y. Judge P’18 Pauline Zimmer John Willcox P’03 Jane Rowan Windell ’85 Woods ’52 Bonnie Shepherd Yocum ’71 Judy Piper Zinn ’62 Sarah Willey ’17 Madison C. Winey ’15 Esty Wood-Satran ’92 Linda Citrano Yohe ’73 Hilda Kaplan Zinner ’62 Andrew R. Williams ’77 David and Kristine Wing P’06 Addison E. Woodward ’66 Hirokazu Yoshikawa Susan Alderman Zinterhofer ’68 Charles and Deborah Susan Troast Winiarski ’61 Ann Detwiler Woodward ’71 Betsy Newman Young ’60 and J. Alicia McDonald Ziskin ’05 Williams P’20 Karen Levenson Winick ’58 Douglas G. Woodward P’01 Warren Young P’89 Gabriel L. Ziskin ’04 Elizabeth Williams ’87 Steven and Sally Winn P’13 Deborah Zilly Woodworth ’72 Carla Welsh Young ’69 Jonathan M. Zobel ’91 Harry D. Williams ’73 Theodore and JeanMarie Professor J. Melvin Woody Catherine L. Young ’75 Marilyn Schwarzmann Zocca ’74 Janice Cook Williams ’61 Winokur P’18 Nicholas T. Woolf ’11 Elizabeth J. Young P’16 Meredith Kasten Zolty ’97 Jean M. Williams ’82 Katherine Doak Winslow ’90 Constance Baker Woolson ’53 H. Peter Young ’84 Samuel M. Zoob ’99 Jeannette C. Williams JoAnn B. Winsten ’73 Paula McGarry Wooster ’87 Lauren E. Young ’16 Emily A. Zubkoff ’12 Jeffrey Williams ’92 Emily L. Winter ’16 Eugenia P. Worman ’57 and Lillian C. Young ’20 Ashley R. Zucker ’03 John and Kathryn Williams Michael S. Wipper ’17 Nathaniel Worman P’91 Mark and Shawn Young P’16 Jane Levene Zuckerman ’62 and John K. Williams III ’04 Scott A. Wipper ’85 and Carol James Worrell ’89 Martha Guida Young ’61 Michael Zuckerman P’90 Katherine J. Williams ’07 Spencer Wipper ’85 P’17 Richard P. Worsman ’12 Mary Fuller Young ’60 Kimberly E. Zukerberg P’20 Kevin and Gwen Williams P’16 Jessica Haney Wireman ’02 Marylena Simone Nancy Davidson Young ’73 Lawrence Zukerberg P’20 Kristin Williams Lauren E. Wise ’10 Worthington ’76 Robert M. Young Alexis M. Zukowski ’06 Leslie A. Williams ’88 Thomas and Marcy Ann McGuire Wortman ’89 Jeanne Wolf Yozell ’50 Elizabeth G. Zuraw ’61 Margaret E. Williams ’72 Wisnowski P’17 Andre M. Wright ’96 Carlos Yrayta ’91 Paula J. Zuraw ’75 Marsden Williams ’56 Daniel Wistman ’83 Christopher D. Wright ’79 Timothy B. Yuhas Ayla J. Zuraw-Friedland ’15

71 ROSEMARY PARK SOCIETY Long-term support of Connecticut College through planned gifts such as bequests, gift annuities, trusts, pooled income funds and life insurance

Constance Norweb Stanley Babson* Suzanne Rossell Boyer ’67 Jacqueline Chadourne* Mary Cusati* ’45 Abbey ’74 P’06 Dorothy E. Baldwin* ’37 Dr. June A. Bradlaw*, Ph.D. ’58 Andrew H. Chait ’82 Lucile Austin Cutler* ’34 Gordon Abbott* P’89 GP’14 Ellen Baldwin P’01 Mary Concemi Bradshaw ’66 Carolyn Conn Chamberlain ’73 Evelyn Woods Dahlin ’58 Joan Snyder Abelson ’63 Sally Radovsky Ballard ’47 Sally Lane Braman* ’54 Carol Chappell* ’41 Nena Cunningham Dahling ’54 Betsy Friedman Abrams* ’54 Abigail Warner Barber* ’22 Dorothy Kitchell Brandt* ’42 Frances Walker Chase* ’38 P’66 Arthur Dana* Barbara Johnston Adams ’65 Joanne Jenkins Baringer ’45 Alexander R. Brash ’81 Nancy Eldredge Chellgren ’52 Anne Morrison Danaher ’78 Ethel Adams* ’23 Susan Albro Barkan ’63 Rose Braxl* ’34 Evelyn Cherpak ’63 Leigh Darbee ’74 Norma Gilcrest Adams ’62 P’92 Elizabeth Hahn Barnston ’57 Catherine Rich Brayton* ’40 Renate Aschaffenburg Jeanne Mendler Davies ’45 Kathleen Stocking Ahlers* ’50 Dorothy Barrett* ’30 Harriet Kaufman Breslow ’60 Christensen* ’51 P’87 Mary Wolpert Davis ’55 P’81 ’83 Linda L. Aldrich ’66 Betsy Thompson Bartholet* ’60 Frances Brett* Katherine Wenk Nina Davit ’73 Sally Scott Aldrich-Molwitz ’62 Wilma Swissler Ann Hutchison Brewster* ’53 Christoffers* ’45 P’74 Duncan N. Dayton ’81 Elizabeth Allen* ’25 Bartholomay* ’41 Helen L. Brogan* ’52 David C. Clark ’73 Kenneth* and Julia Winton Laura J. Allen ’81 Mabel Bartlett* ’30 Beverly Ruffle Brookes ’63 Justine Clark ’42 Dayton ’49 P’80 ’81 Richard L. Allen ’76 Doris Barton* ’26 Carolyn Phillips Brown ’62 Margaret Ann Aymar Clark* ’37 Deborah Dearborn ’67 Ruth Allen* ’31 Aloise O’Brien Bates ’53 Elizabeth Middleton Brown* ’43 Mary Mercer Stuart DeBard* Steven M. Allen ’81 Miriam Taylor Beadle* ’22 Marion Pierpont Brown* ’28 Coburn* ’34 P’58 ’64 Pierre* and Alix* Deguise P’81 Helen Teckemeyer Allison* ’54 Sarah Pithouse Becker* ’27 Michael and Martha Brown P’11 Thomas Cochran* Anne DeLaney ’83 Irma Levine Alperin ’56 James and Mary Harrison Patricia Smith Brown ’46 Thomas Cochran, Jr. P’89 Barbara Snow Barbara Wasserstrom Alpert ’57 Beggs* ’52 GP’05 Priscilla Moore Brown* ’32 Elizabeth Hamilton Delaney ’44 GP’01 Roxann Schwartz Altholz* Sharon Bell ’74 Anne Browning* ’56 P’81 Coffey ’52 P’86 Elaine R. DeMore ’77 ’43 P’75 B. Richard and Mary Roth Joan Silverherz Brundage ’54 Amy B. Cohen ’74 Susan Sigal Denison ’69 Donna R. Altieri ’66 Benioff ’56 P’87 Lyle Brundage Arlene Hochman Cohen* ’52 John K. Dennis* P’66 GP’91 Oakes Ames Janet Blackwell Bent ’59 Ruth Hale Barbara Weinberg Cohen* ’62 Judith Dern ’71 Judith Ammerman Miriam S. Berberian ’49 Buchanan ’39 P’65 GP’91 Barbara Smith Cole ’73 P’01 Virginia Deuel* ’37 Brielmaier ’60 Hannah Schoentgen Bergen* ’58 Susan Buckenham ’65 Alma Jones Collins* ’43 Helen Dewey ’89 Gloria Hollister Anable* ’24 Patricia A. Bernard ’82 Marilyn Ellman Buel* ’64 P’92 Michael Colnes ’78 Elsie Van Dyck DeWitt* Dr. Rosemary Park Anastos* Barbara Bernstein Barbara Bull ’73 Helen Peasley Comber* ’33 Mary Topping DeYoe ’46 Faith Anaya ’74 Marion Drasher Berry* ’44 Teresa Pechulis Buono ’87 Ramona Comrie* Cornelia Wilde Katharine E. Anders* ’43 Diane Miller Bessell ’59 Susan Starr Burchenal ’49 P’76 Mary Harrington Congdon ’50 Dickinson ’49 P’77 Louise Stevenson Robin Frost Bessin ’67 Edith Gray Burger* ’39 Carol Wedum Conklin ’51 P’79 Jean G. Dickinson* ’49 Andersen* ’41 GP’02 Joann Murphy Bezzant ’60 Camilla Boitel Burgess ’62 Jennifer McFarlane and Terry Roger H. Dickinson* P’77 Ruth O.M. Andersen* Zelmira Biaggi* Charles R. Burke* Connelly P’90 Marjorie Dilley* Allen Anderson* William S. Bidle, Jr.* Harry Burmester* Gertrude Smith Cook* ’31 Mary E. Dimmock ’76 P’09 Patricia Morttram Anderson, Elma Bidwell* ’41 Barbara Harvey Butler ’50 Marjorie Wicoff Patricia A. Dingle, Ph.D. ’76 Ph.D. ’53 and G. Ernest Mary Eastburn Biggin ’46 Margaret Baxter Butler* ’22 Cooper* ’41 P’69 ’72 GP’96 Getrude Allen Dinsmore* ’36 Anderson* P’88 Patricia J. Biggins ’72 Helen Lehman Stephanie C. Cooper ’80 Mary Ellen Hosmer Linda Siegel Anstendig ’62 Wendy Royer Billue ’73 Buttenwieser* ’27 Olive Littlehales Corbin* ’21 Dinwoodey ’66 Joan Barkon Antell ’55 Cynthia Eaton Bing* ’65 and Miriam Brooks Dominique Louis-Dreyfus Jeananne Gillis Disbrow* ’54 Constance Smith Applegate* ’41 Alexander Bing III* Butterworth ’40 GP’05 Cornwell ’53 Josephine Bingham Disco* Gail Turner Arcari ’60 Joan Jossen Bivin ’49 P’85 Charlene Hodges Byrd* ’50 Ferdinand Coudert* Elizabeth Thompson Dodge* ’40 Raymond* and Elizabeth Rieley Barbara Brooks Bixby* ’26 Penelope Howland Cambier ’57 Jacquelyn Myers Couser* ’43 Henry Doerr* Armington* ’31 Judith Van Law Blakey ’60 P’88 Roldah Northup Charlotte Beckwith Crane* ’25 Bradford Dolan ’97 Charles Arms* P’67 Bessie Blaskin* Cameron* ’51 P’75 Edith Patton Elena Boneski Dolan ’97 Elizabeth Parcells Jane Blaustein* Nancy H. Camp* ’53 Cranshaw* ’41 GP’04 Priscilla Litwin Dolan ’65 Arms* ’39 P’67 Eleanor Voorhees Bliss* Elisabeth Capron* ’30 Loulie Sutro Crawford ’89 Sandra Bannister Timothy M. Armstrong ’93 Ellis Kitchell Bliss* ’46 Lucinda Gray Carey ’79 Alexandra Gray Creed ’67 Dolan* ’64 P’97 Josephine Arnold* ’29 Sarah J. Bloomer* ’57 Kathryn A. Carlson ’88 Betsy Reid Creedon ’66 Grace Browne Domke* ’44 Barbara Stone Aschheim ’62 Margot Wickham Body* ’39 Jean Gallup Carnaghan ’53 P’76 Elizabeth Lee Crosman* ’45 Nancy Donohue* ’60 James E. Astrove ’82 P’10 David Bohonnon ’78 Jerrold B. Carrington ’79 Constance A. Cross ’63 Phyllis Johnson Doolittle* ’34 Mary-Jane Atwater ’70 Claudette Ramstein Bonetti ’55 Eliza Bissell Carroll* ’37 Alice Hess Crowell* ’50 Nancy Dorian ’58 Mary Kellogg Avery* Lee Walkley Bory ’64 P’92 Kathryn Cavanaugh ’83 Joanne Toor Cummings* ’50 Professor Marion E. Doro* Betty L. Babcock* ’44 Samuel E. Bottum ’89 Elizabeth Rockwell Judith Wisbach Curtis ’64 Barbara Painton Amelia Ogden Babson* ’47 Julia Bower* Cesare ’52 P’82 Leslie Setterholm Curtis ’65 Doyle ’53 P’85 GP’14

72 Prudence Drake* ’28 Susan Farnham Ford ’49 Errett Grable* P’50 P’39 Nancylee Hicks Henrich* ’50 Elizabeth Raynor Jeno* ’32 Carol Friedman Dressler ’67 P’99 Helen Forst* ’24 Michelle Rieff Grant ’64 Zoe Klein Henriquez ’99 Frances Brigham Johnson ’49 Eleanor B. Drew ’66 Elizabeth Gilbert Fortune* ’40 Ruth Connette Gray ’67 Eleanor Penney Herbst* ’28 Hazel Johnson* Mary Jobson Dubilier* ’51 P’77 Naomi Kissling Margaret Creighton Green* ’35 Nicoletta Andrews Herman ’57 Helen Haase Johnson* ’66 Mildred Duncan* ’22 Fortune* ’40 P’71 Tamara Greenleaf ’81 Barbara Hermann ’70 James G. Johnson* P’66 Colleen McPadden Durga ’72 Susan Greene Fraidin ’62 Deborah Greenstein ’67 E. Hervey* P’35 Mary Jane Coons Johnson* ’48 Sylvia Dworski* ’35 Catherine Layne Frank ’64 Eugene E. Griese, Jr.* Jane Bridgwater Hewes ’44 P’72 Anne McClain Johnston ’62 Jill Eisner ’80 Karen L. Fraser ’69 Denise Schenk Grosskopf ’81 Ruth Hewlett* Jean V. Johnston* Barbara Ackroyd Elder ’52 Anne Oppenheim Freed* ’38 Anna Cofrances Guida* ’31 P’61 Margaret Heyer* ’23 Elizabeth Jordan* ’39 Ann Collver Elliot ’59 Kathryn G. Freed ’74 Eleanor Haasis* ’21 Maude Rademan Hickey* ’35 Frances Joseph* ’27 Helen Brown Elliot* ’25 Justine Shepherd Freud ’51 Anatole Haemmerle* P’79 Gene and Ann Hile P’14 Sally Jumper* ’36 Henry Elstein P’80 Barbara Brachman Fried ’64 Susan Melinette Haerle ’67 Alice Adams Hilmer* ’44 P’80 Alice Daghlian Kanayan ’66 Sandra Horn Elstein* ’57 P’80 Agnes Fritzell* ’24 Bruce Hager ’77 Priscilla Baird Hinckley ’47 Eric J. Kaplan ’85 Anthony and Elizabeth McGuire Frances Howland Gammell- Sarah Gordon Hahn* ’24 Margaret Bennett Hires* ’37 Ruth L. Kaplan ’50 Enders ’62 P’87 Roach ’71 P’00 ’10 Mary Haines* P’62 Leda Treskunoff Hirsch, Ann-Mary Potter Kapusta ’59 Katherine Hammond Engler* ’33 Audrey Watkins Garbisch* ’53 Barbara Myers Haldt ’39 Ph.D.* ’51 Ginger Dreyfus Karren ’52 Nancy Grosvenor English ’44 Judith Krieger Gardner* ’64 Mary Hall* ’41 Stanton Hirsch* Evelyn Utley Keeler* ’30 Lillian Epps* P’68 Hon. Marie L. Garibaldi* ’56 Marilyn Packard Ham ’50 Joanne Hiscox* ’59 Shirley Wilson Keller ’46 Dora Schwartz Marie S. Garibaldi* P’56 Alys Griswold Haman* ’36 George P. Hodell* Edna Kelley* ’28 Epstein* ’20 P’43 ’49 Louisa Hammond Katherine Hamblet* ’24 Andrew M. Hoffman ’83 Janet B. Kellock ’52 Warrren T. Erickson ’74 Garrison ’71 P’00 H. James Hamill ’74 Celestia Denniston Joan Tillman Kelly ’59 Adele Erisman* Beverley Benenson Gasner ’51 Jane Murchison Hamilton ’52 Hoffman* ’27 Jane Keltie* ’51 Audrey Franks Esmond ’85 Joanne Ferry Gates* ’46 Barbara Batchelor Patricia Manning Hogan* ’45 Joan Rosen Kemler ’47 Carolyn A. Esser* ’71 Dr. Edna Haas Gaudet* ’25 Hamlin ’43 P’77 Joan Hoge* ’28 A. Arnold Kenety* ’43 Daniel Ettlinger* Dr. Claire L. Gaudiani ’66 Jean M. Handley* ’48 Alice Holcombe* ’23 Florence Wilkison Kennedy* ’42 Joan Mikkelsen Etzel* ’56 Marilyn Whittum Gehrig* ’51 Alice Hangen* ’31 Dorothy Holinger ’50 John F. Kent* P’74 ’76 Helen Weeks Evans* ’38 P’66 Nancy Blades Geiler ’47 Ruth Hankins* ’42 Carolyn R. McGonigle Ruth Kellogg Kent* ’39 John Evans* and Valerie Winifred Tilden Gelinas* ’41 Margaret Patton Hannah* ’41 Holleran ’60 GP’07 Dana Friedman Kiesel ’81 Evans* P’83 ’86 GP’94 Suzanne Brenner Geller* ’49 Barbara Nash Hanson* ’51 Katherine Boutwell Hood* ’38 Paul R. Kiesel ’82 Mrs. Dorothy C. Fahland* ’53 Jane Gerhardt ’52 Marguerite Hanson* Carolyn Pfeifer Horchow* ’56 Dorothy Kilbourn* ’25 Ellen Wilson Farnsworth* P’76 Merrily S. Gerrish ’72 Dorcas Hardy ’68 Jean Howard* ’27 Carolyn Anderson Kilgour ’67 Vivien E. Fauerbach ’49 Robert Gibb ’83 Polly Anne Maddux Harlow ’54 Kim D. Howie ’73 Nancy King ’71 Elizabeth Faulk* ’47 Mary Hellwig Gibbs* ’38 Janice Reed Harman* ’41 John Hrones* Dr. Phyllis Coffin Kingsbury ’53 Jean Gallagher Faulkner* ’60 Jane Clark Gibney* ’40 William M. Harper ’06 Mary White Hubbard* ’29 P’66 Samuel Kingston ’94 Beatrice Witkowsky Martha E. Gifford, Esq. ’73 Cassandra Sturman Harris ’58 Barbara Baker Humphrey ’72 Dr. Lynn Wallace Kinsell ’68 Fechheimer* ’28 Jane Gersen Gilchrist* ’58 Hiram Harris* Janet Humphrey* ’47 Doris Kinville* Winifred Wasser Fein* ’45 Rhoda Meltzer Gilinsky ’49 Marie Waterman DaCosta Margaret Hunter* ’33 Eugenia Tracy Kirchner ’60 Carol Jaffa Feinberg ’49 GP’19 Ruth Scudder Gillmar* ’29 Harris ’56 P’80 GP’14 Lucie Hoblitzelle Iannotti ’57 and Ruth Barry Klaas ’47 Mary Feldman* Lawrence Glassman* P’71 Marion Kofsky Harris* ’19 Lawrence Iannotti P’83 Herbert and Emilie Ethel Sproul Felts* ’44 Emma Glessmann* P’88 Miriam Shapiro Harris* ’55 Natalie Ide* ’33 Klagsbrun P’86 Cleos Fenn* Carol Filice Godfrey ’74 Muriel Hart ’47 Phyllis Schiff Imber* ’43 Sandra Fleischner Klebanoff ’60 Barbara Hogate Ferrin* ’43 Jessica M. Goepfert ’94 Nancy Brown Hart* ’55 Kathryn Hadley Inskeep ’43 Jean A. Klingenstein ’64 William Field ’83 Andrew Goldman ’94 Byron Hatfield* Karen Klebe Isaacs ’67 Mabel Barnes Knauff* ’32 P’92 Ethel Kane Fielding* ’23 Myrna Chandler Kenneth and Elizabeth Christina Ferayorni Ivaldi ’66 John H.B. Knowlton* Helen L. Fine* ’35 Goldstein ’70 P’96 Haughey P’10 Elizabeth Saalfield Helene Wulf Knup* ’23 Marshall Fine* P’83 Augusta Straus Sarah Dawes Hauser* ’56 P’80 Ives ’64 P’97 ’98 James and Hope Norma Wittelshofer Fink ’47 Goodman* ’38 P’66 Jean Kindlund Hawkes* ’44 Marta Lindseth Jack ’55 Kobak P’78 GP’15 Margaret MacVean Finn* ’54 Phoebe Blank Goodman ’47 Sheila Raymond Hazen ’64 Dorothy Jackson* P’71 Marjory Loeser Koblitz* ’35 Katherine Finney* Sidney Goodman* P’59 Margaret K. Hazlewood* ’32 Jane Bertschy Jackson* ’30 Ann Shields Koepfli ’47 GP ’94 Alexandra D. Fiorillo ’03 Sara Kellogg Goodrich ’59 Sara Rowe Heckscher ’69 Frances Freedman Jacobson ’56 Eleanor Harriman Kohl* ’25 Naomi Grossman Fisher ’63 Richard H. Goodwin* Eleanor Jones and M. Howard Jacobson Barbara Zaccheo Kohn ’72 Judith Bricker Flanagan ’70 Molly G. Goodyear ’85 Heilman* ’33 GP’90 P’82 Cynthia Mallett Kosakowski ’79 Susan Fleisher* ’41 Carin M. Gordon ’75 Martha Peak Helman ’75 Mary Mead James* ’47 Nancy Alderman Cynthia Linton Fleming ’54 Lynne Twinem Gorman ’57 Barbara Kent Hench ’54 Muriel Whitehead Jarvis* ’29 Kramer ’52 P’83 Sarah Kennedy Flott ’91 Phyllis Smith Barbara Henderson* ’41 Marion Lowell Jenkins* ’25 Susan D. Krebs ’73 P’06 Francis F. Foldes* P’64 ’67 Gotschall-Wilhelm ’44 Ruth Worthington Mary Robertson Jennings ’54 Albert M. Kronick* P’73 Norma Foley* ’45 David Gottlieb ’82 Henderson* ’35 Basil Jeno* Joan Jacobson Kronick ’46 P’73

73 Elizabeth Stuart Kruidenier* ’48 Gail Rosenberg Fredricka Chapman Cynthia Orndorff Neely* ’53 Dorothy Wheeler Pietrallo* ’22 Faith Blersch Kuehn ’76 Ludvigson* ’64 P’98 McGlashan ’68 Elizabeth Hardie Nelson ’80 Joan Redmund Platt ’67 Marie Jester Kyle* ’24 Nancy E. Lundebjerg ’81 Neil P. McGowan ’07 Jane Sapinsley Nelson ’47 Anick A. Pleven ’83 Lawrence C. Ladd Leonard LuPriore ’76 Edith Cloyes McIlwaine* ’28 Mabel King Nelson* ’22 P’50 Teed McConnell Poe ’63 Ruth Ritter Ladd ’72 Susan Eckert Lynch ’62 Mary McKeon* Stephanie Glicksberg Susan Rippey Polleys* ’47 Ann Ladin* Nancy Hamilton MacCormac ’57 Richardson McKinney Neuman ’53 Richard Pond* Janice Simone Ladley ’56 Marjorie Nelson Macintyre ’78 Ruth Roney McMullin ’63 Margarethe Nichols* ’34 Virginia Pond* ’47 Dorothy Lafferty* Julia G. Mack ’81 Elizabeth Flanders McNellis* ’34 Helen Beardsley Nickelsen ’48 Mabel Spencer Porter* ’35 Leslie Lamkin ’85 June Perry Mack* ’42 Jacqueline Dorrance Marion L. Nierintz ’65 Victoria Posner ’65 Mary Nankervis Lamont ’49 Jane Mackenzie* ’32 Mehlhop* ’47 Winifred Nies Northcott* ’38 Isabelle Rumney Poteat* ’20 Kathy Landen ’66 Diane Ellsworth MacNeille ’63 Shirley Armstrong Meneice ’45 Gertrude Noyes* ’25 Amy Lang Potter* ’45 Virginia Bergquist Landry* ’70 John C. MacRae ’88 Eugene Mercy, Jr. P’91 Susan Smith Nydstedt* ’42 Junius* and Marlis* Bluman Marcia Langley* ’23 Jennifer Maduro ’71 Constance Barnes Elinor Houston Powell ’50 P’74 ’78 GP’05 Constance Smith Langtry* ’30 Phyllis M. Malone ’58 Mermann* ’45 Oberlin* ’44 GP’04 Katharine A. Powell ’74 P’05 Lois A. Larkey ’65 Dr. Ellen Maltby-Askari* ’64 Earl Merrill* Donald Thomas O’Connor* Margaret Abell Powell* ’39 Emma Gorner Larsson* ’28 Barbara Goldberg Mandell* ’40 Elizabeth Leeds Merrill* ’27 Lois Becker Odence* ’45 GP’89 Priscilla Martin Laubenstein ’44 Linda Rosenthal Maness ’81 Helen Merritt* ’22 Ethel Odin* ’30 Mary Powers* ’42 Sarah Leight Laubenstein* ’36 Joy Shechtman Mankoff ’56 Frances Adams Patricia O’Keefe ’61 Sharis Arnold Pozen ’86 P’19 Thomas A. Laughlin ’88 David Mann P’93 ’96 ’02 Messersmith* ’43 George Oliva, Jr.* P’78 ’79 ’82 Charles Price* Albert Lawrence* Jennifer Lapan Mann ’94 Mary Anna Lemon ’87 GP’07 ’11 Mary Brooks Price* ’49 Harriet Buescher Lawrence* ’34 Diana Witherspoon Mann- Meyer* ’42 P’68 Mark Oliva ’82 and Victoria Eve Priester ’79 Mary Ash Lazarus ’71 Schnake* ’57 John Mickle* P’89 McKittrick Oliva ’81 Wilma Cohen Probst ’66 Philip Leach* Elizabeth Douglass Dora Milenky* ’25 Doris Wheeler Oliver* ’37 Dorothy Pride* ’21 Virginia Newberry Manross* ’28 Pauline Milenky* Sally MacLaughlin Olivier ’72 Rhoda Goldstein Rand ’57 Leach* ’41 P’65 Dorothy May Marban ’63 Lynn W. Miles ’68 Marillyn Maxted Olmstead* ’40 Hyla Alderman Raphael* ’50 Lois Keating Learned ’54 Susan Marchant* ’39 Ruth Paul Miller* ’32 Nancy Cushing Olmstead* ’73 Mary Rapin* Sarah B. Leavitt ’10 Leslie A. Margolin ’77 Bonnie K. Mills ’81 Mildred Hall Olsen* ’39 Margaret Rathbone* ’32 Percy Lee* Isobel Arnold Mark* ’37 Nancy Diesel Mills ’71 Eugenia Eacker Olson ’53 Rebecca Rau* ’29 Katharine S. Legg ’66 Constance Garland Marsh ’57 Eleanor Souville Minners ’52 Barbara Vosburgh Alicia M. Rea ’12 Elizabeth Parsons Lehman* ’36 Maryan L. Marshall ’60 Carolyn Graves Mitchell ’59 Omohundro ’72 Richard Rea* Jill Long Leinbach ’56 Helen Martin* ’46 Jocelyn Andrews Mitchell* ’55 Margaret Yost Ormond ’77 Wilma Parker Redman* ’43 Alexander K. Leith ’77 Pamela Strawbridge Mashke ’74 Marjorie Linder Monkhouse* ’42 Jane Taylor O’Toole ’59 Elizabeth C. Reeves* P’58 Jane Lyon LeRoy* ’55 Aimee Hunnicutt Mason*, Eilzabeth Horigan Thomas F. O’Toole Dorian Reid* P’69 Virginia Reed Levick ’59 Ph.D. ’40 Montgomery ’57 Marjorie Weeks Owens ’51 Dorinne Lee Reiley ’68 Jay B. Levin ’73 Elsa Deckelman Mathews* ’25 Prudence Merritt Montrezza ’51 Diana F. Packer ’57 Evelyn Reinfeld* P’68 Doris Goldstein Levinson* ’41 Helen Fricke Mathieson ’52 Patricia Chambers Moore ’59 Gloria Sylvia Paolella ’50 Edmee Busch Reit ’50 Frederick Libutzke* Lydia Simpson Matthews ’54 Arlene Metz Moretz ’66 Carol Reeves Parke ’58 Douglas C. Renfield-Miller ’75 Dana Freedman Liebman ’67 Marcia Hunter Matthews ’67 Jane Wertheimer Andrea Thelin Parker* ’59 and Jean Renfield-Miller ’75 Susan B. Lincoln* ’66 Paula Maurice* Morgenthau* ’33 Constance Parker* ’25 Elizabeth Reukaf* ’36 Virginia Frey Linscott* ’42 Lilly Weseloh Gabrielle Nosworthy Morris* ’50 Jan Parker ’54 Barbara Hervey Reussow* ’35 Julia W. Linsley* ’50 Maxwell* ’42 GP’98’06 Josephine Lincoln Audrey La Course Parsons* ’35 Robert B. Rheault, Jr. ’80 Carrol Tenenbaum Mary A. Maxwell* P’71 Morris* ’31 GP’88 Priscilla Pasco* ’39 C.B. Rice* Lippman* P’95 Patricia Bristol May ’75 Heather Morrison ’69 P’95 Marianne Paulhamous ’63 Linda McCormick Rice ’61 Mallory S. Littman ’06 Oscar* and Rosalie Harrison Samuel G. Morrison* P’76 Howard Payntar* Marjorie Knox Rice* ’23 Mrs. James B. Lockhart, Jr.* ’45 Mayer* ’41 Adele Roos Morse* ’25 Sally Church Payntar* ’44 Mercia May Richards* ’32 P’66 GP’89 Edgar Mayhew* Judith Karr Morse ’62 Jane Worley Peak ’42 P’75 Susan Greene Richards ’54 Jane Long* P’56 Elizabeth Hood McAfoose ’60 Mary Farrell Morse* ’41 P’75 Ann Hoag Peirce* ’44 Cecilia Standish Richardson* ’32 Miriam Prosswimmer Longyear Alyce Watson McAllister* ’43 Edith Fay Mroz* ’56 Kimberly-Toy Reynolds Suzanne Rie Taylor ’59 GP’09 ’57 and Russell H. Longyear Betty Barnard McAllister* ’45 Lynda Batter Munro ’76 P’08 Pellerino ’77 Kathryn L. Riley ’69 Anne Dorsey Loth ’53 Edmea da Silveira McCarty ’59 Elinor Corkran Murphy ’90 Jane Barksdale Pelzel* ’45 Sylvia Lubow Rindskopf* ’40 Jane Cadwell Lott* ’36 and Kathleen Nelles Professors Bernard and Nelly Eleanor K. Perkins* Marjorie Ritchie* ’30 Thomas L. Lott* McClure ’52 P’75 Murstein P’80 GP’16 Betty Finn Perlman* ’46 Merion M. Ritter* ’35 P’72 W. Eldridge Lowe* A. Parks McCombs* Barbara A. Nagy Laura Davenport Petcavage ’69 Dorothy Hyman Roberts ’50 Elaine Title Lowengard ’50 Samantha Q. McCracking ’10 Elizabeth Phillips Nalle* ’26 Nancy Ellsworth Peterson* ’58 Benjamin A. Robinson ’82 Charles B. Luce, Sr. P’79 ’81 Lucy C. McDannel* ’22 Laura L. Nash ’70 and Thomas Shirley Mellor Petry ’45 JoAnn Vedder Rogers ’62 GP’97 ’11 ’14 Carolyn Steadler Beale P’05 Marcia Rygh Phillips ’63 Jane Silverstein Dorothy McGhee Luckenbill* ’37 McElwain ’56 P’90 Kathleen E. Neal ’94 Kate Niedecken Pieper ’46 Root ’60 P’85 ’91

74 Catherine Rose ’57 Margaret Hardy Schweizer* ’41 Corinne Fisher Smythe* ’52 Edna Smith Thistle* ’26 Joella B. Werlin ’59 Virginia Rose* ’19 A. Scribner* Ruth Fordyce Snead* ’35 Jean Hewitt Thomas ’52 Ruth Ferree Wessels* ’33 Catherine Picard Rosen* ’61 Barbara Wynne Secor ’40 GP’06 Hyla Snider* Marie Woodbridge Lynn Gorsey Westenberg ’72 Donna L. Rosen ’70 Joan Gilbert Segall* ’57 Daga Soderberg* Thompson ’50 Emily Estes Whalen* ’48 Jill Manes Rosen ’61 Barbara Blickman Ellen Soderman* ’29 Betty F. Thomson* Ann Crocker Wheeler* ’34 Sanford J. Rosen Seskis* ’49 P’75 Cynthia Sorensen ’67 Richard Thornton Bernice Wheeler* ’37 Francine Axelrad Rosenberg ’74 Ann Worcester Sethness* ’64 Helen Frey Sorenson* ’34 Ellen Feldman Thorp ’74 Elizabeth Wheeler* Elizabeth Arthur Roth* ’28 Constance Noble Sewall* ’27 H. Sormani* P’56 J. George Tifft* P’67 Elizabeth Murphy Whelan* ’65 John Roth* Polly Frank Shank* ’40 Charles P. Sorrentino ’79 Jane Rutter Tirrell* ’46 Cynthia Terry White* ’46 John Rothschild ’78 Dorothy M. Shaw* ’52 Mary Holley Spangler* ’31 Geraldine Dana Tisdall* ’49 Dorothy Thayer White* ’29 Susan E. Rothschild ’66 Muriel Evans Shaw* ’46 E. Elizabeth Speirs* Kathryn Rafferty Tollerton ’58 Joan Andrew White ’51 Helen Tatum Rountree* ’27 Mary Jo Pelkey Shepard ’51 Jane Trace Spragg* ’34 Harold Toor* P’50 ’53 Virginia Whitehill Allen Rozansky ’89 Ruth Rusch Sheppe* ’40 David F. and Patricia Roth Elaine Davey Topodas ’69 Patricia Feldman Leah Savitsky Davina Sherman* ’40 Squire ’51 GP’06 Grace Trappan* ’27 Whitestone ’45 P’74 ’80 Rubin* ’32 P’65 GP’95 Mary Martha Suckling Judith Willner Stacy* ’46 Edward Traurig* F. Burton Whitman* Norman J. Rubin* Sherts ’51 Helen Swan Stanley* ’38 Gertrude Traurig* ’22 Elizabeth Whitney P’71 Catherine Ruddiman* ’28 Anne Shewell* ’34 Jonathan S. Stavin ’85 Elizabeth D. Honorine Wigmore* ’25 Edith Stockman Ruettinger* ’34 Corinna Prentiss Ann Gordon Steele* ’53 Tuttle* ’47 P’76 GP’10 Frazar B. Wilde, Jr.* John Ruettinger* Shillingford* ’65 Dorothy Krinsky Stein* ’35 P’70 Lawrence Tuttle* P’76 GP’10 Harold F. Wiley Deirdre D. Russell ’72 Eleanor Heston Shipley ’57 David B. Stern ’79 Mary Weikert Tuttle* ’23 Janice Roberts Wilford* ’49 Dr. Olga Wester Russell* ’34 Mary Ann Garvin Gail Weintraub Stern ’68 Helen Pavlovich Suzanne Porter Janet Leech Ryder* ’44 Siegel ’66 P’92 ’97 Christina Schmidt Stevens* ’53 Twomey* ’51 P’81 Wilkins ’45 P’72 GP’98 Judith Dubben Ryland ’67 Seyril R. Siegel ’62 P’06 Margaret Hiller Stevens ’71 Eleanor Tyler* ’30 Priscilla Dennett Willard* ’32 Hannah Sachs* ’23 Paul Sieswerda* Henrietta Farnum Stewart ’39 June Tyler* ’57 George and Cynthia May Buckley Sadowski* ’19 Marian E. Silber ’66 Theodosia Hewlett Stickney* Hans* and Ella McCollum Willauer ’72 ’79 P’89 Evelyn Evatt Salinger ’58 Brenda F. Silin ’50 ’26 Vahlteich* ’21 P’57 Diane Y. Williams ’59 Barbara Orr Salter* ’46 Madeline Thune Silver* ’28 P’60 Marjorie A. Stimmel ’62 Woodrow Vaine* Elizabeth Williams* ’20 N. Stewart Saltonstall ’82 Sybil Bindloss Sim* ’40 Barbara Bates Stone ’48 Professor Abigail Van Slyck Muriel Williams* ’31 Brooks Johnstone Saltsman* ’43 Juanita Campo Simmons ’65 Cynthia Haines Stone ’72 Thyrza Magnus VanVoris ’42 Susan Rafferty Williams ’65 Alfred Salvato ’90 Kathryne Cooksey Simons* ’32 Mary E. Stone* ’49 Mary Blatchford Van Etten* ’35 Ann Barnard Wilson* ’48 Karen Mossman Salvato ’90 Jean Marshall Simpson* ’33 Olive Mauthe Stone* ’42 P’70 Irene Johnstone VanName* ’40 Barbara Goodman Wilson ’79 Mark S. Samuels Lasner ’74 Samuel Skrigan* Sara Withers Stone ’66 Peter Venezia ’77 Sarah Wing ’53 Jean Sanders* Selma M. Slate* ’37 Susan Chappell Strahn* ’44 Ernestine Vincent Venner* ’30 Susan Askin Wolman ’51 Richard H. Sanders* P’64 Virginia Berman Anne Dempsey Sullivan ’80 P’16 Emily Daggy Vogel* ’34 Ruth H. Wood* Sabrina Burr Sanders* ’35 Slaughter ’48 P’77 Meredith A. Sullivan* ’69 Naomi Gaberman Vogel* ’49 Evelyn Whittemore Marion Sanford* ’24 Dorothy Barbour Slavich* ’36 W. Carter Sullivan ’79 P’16 Walter Jacob Vogel* Woods* ’31 P’58 Carrie-Beth Santore ’75 Eleanor Farnsworth Slimmon* Barbara Billings Supplee ’57 Emil VonArx* Charles Woodward* Steven Saunders ’84 ’47 and Robert Slimmon* Anne Barry Swanson ’73 Frances Wells Vroom* ’29 Amy Peck Yale* ’22 P’48 Elizabeth Sawyer* ’35 Deborah Murray Sloan ’67 Jean Vanderbilt Swartz* ’36 Eleanor Kent Margery Plass Yearout ’65 P’91 Fanny Young Sawyer* ’30 William M. Sloan Selma Silverman Waggett-Fletcher* ’50 H. Peter Young Joseph and Irma Klein Barbara Smachetti ’49 P’80 Swatsburg* ’38 Susan Wagner ’80 Melvin H. Young* Schachter ’49 P’78 GP’15 Elizabeth Lundberg Small* ’40 Elizabeth Dutton Sweet ’47 Mariana Parcells Wagoner ’44 Esther Potter Zaff ’94 Lorraine Schechter* ’66 Nancy E. Smedley* ’33 Mary Jenks Sweet* ’38 Joseph Waldschmitt* Jonathan Zaff ’95 Alice Horrax Schell* ’20 Ann Richardson Smith ’57 Janet Mead Szaniawski* ’39 Mary Lewis Wang ’44 Alma Zeller* ’42 Joan Parsells Schenck ’55 Grace S. Smith* ’49 Amy Lewis Tabor ’72 P’99 ’05 Marion Warner* ’20 Jeanne Tucker Zenker* ’51 George Schnake* Helene Somers Smith* ’30 Louise Lane Talbot ’60 Sandra D. Warner ’71 LaRoy Ziegler* P’56 Sarah Brown Schoenhut* ’28 Marjorie Smith* ’22 Rosa Wilcox Tappey* ’19 Alice Gordon Washton* ’33 Helene Zimmer-Loew ’57 Alix Paull Schultz* ’62 Mary Blackmon Smith* ’42 Jean Tierney Taub ’58 Jessie Watters* Susan Leifter Zuckert ’59 Mary Mory Schultz* ’38 Robert F. Smith* Frances Buck Taylor* ’32 Katharine Weed* ’23 Grace Parker Schumpert* ’26 Roberta Slone Smith ’63 Mary Carrott Taylor ’98 William Weems, Jr. P’99 Catherine Flickinger Hamilton Smyser* Ann Thagard* ’47 Roman* and Tatiana Weller* Schweitzer ’75 Barbara Smyth* Phyllis Securo Thibault ’71 Esther Stone Wenzel* ’29

75 SYNERGY SOCIETY Recognizes the support and commitment of young alumni who give consistently at a leadership level

Stanislav Andreev ’11 Patrick W. Farrell ’18 Erica L. Lovett ’14 Rorie Petri Rickard ’03 Aline A. Feijo ’16 AlexandraFelfle ’10 John E. Lyons, Jr. ’13 Harris R. Rosenheim ’09 Kelly A. Arabia ’10 Alexandra D. Fiorillo ’03 Mark N. Mangano ’11 Areti A. Sakellaris ’08 Grace C. Astrove ’10 Michael P. Gardner ’10 Tyler T. McGill ’08 Farai S. Sanyangore ’05 Robert D. Bleistein, Jr. ’16 Joost J. Gieskes ’05 Timothy P. Messler ’05 Audrey N. Schlette ’14 Michael D. Boswell ’10 Meredith P. Stebbins Gieskes ’05 Kieran P. Morris ’15 Alexander B. Schoenfeld ’05 Christopher F. Bothur ’07 Allison B. Gorsuch-Corrigan ’03 Brian M. Murtagh ’09 I.G. Schottlaender ’14 Jordan C. Bothwick ’15 Taylor B. Gould ’13 Andrew S. Nathanson ’13 Lauren H. Schumacher ’14 Lucy Strong Burkland ’08 Charles P. Gurry ’09 Huan H. Nguyen ’13 Sophia M. Soriano ’18 William E. Burkland ’08 Emily Mond Gurry ’09 Charlotte P. Novak ’14 Ivan Tatis ’10 Lea L. Bushnell ’15 Chris D. Hensman ’03 D. Michael O’Donnell, Jr. ’12 Janil Tejada ’15 David J. Collerd ’11 Anelise K. Hohl ’15 Brigida C. Palatino ’12 Jennifer M. Tejada-Tatis ’10 Jacqueline M. Cooney ’19 Anne K. Holly ’17 John V. Pescatore ’18 Elizabeth G. Thomas ’16 Caroline A. Corbett ’13 Jacqueline E. Hutchins ’10 Evan M. Piekara ’07 Abigail Simmons Walker ’04 Parinda Darden ’13 Zachary C. Jones ’15 Rebecca A. Quirke ’17 Timothy J. Walker ’04 Liana Douillet Guzman ’05 Kaitlin E. Karlson ’13 Alicia M. Rea ’12 Clayton W. Witter ’13 Claire E. Dufek ’10 Joseph R. Larkin ’07 Julia Reger ’17 Grace M. Dugery ’20 Ellie R. Leahy ’13 Blake M. Reilly ’14


A. Newton and Ann M. Dilley Family Fund Arthur Dubow Foundation Advised Fund Cynthia Linton Fleming Fund A.R. & Marylouise Tandy Foundation Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation Buono Family Foundation Dale & Betsey Pinkert Fund Abbott Laboratories Aspen Grove Foundation Buscher Foundation David F. Walbert Fund Abelson Family Fund Aspen Insurance US Services Inc. Calvert Investment Management, Inc. Davis United World College Scholars Aetna, Inc. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Candace J. Chase and Richard M. Program AG Foundation AT&T Levich Fund Deborah J. and Peter A. Magowan Ahrens Family Aubrey Skip Pearre IV Fund Candice and Preston Ford Fund Foundation Alex J. Ettl Foundation Austin Community Foundation Capital Group Companies Delaware Community Foundation Alexander M. Walsh Scholarship Fund Austin Foundation, Inc. Carlson Family Fund Deloitte Foundation All State Construction Inc. Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Carol J. Ramsey Charitable Gift Fund Deutsche Bank AG Allen & Katharine Howland-Gammell Baillon Family Foundation, Inc Carver/DeLaney Families Foundation, Inc. Dime Bank Foundation, Inc. Family Fund Baird Foundation, Inc. Caterpillar Foundation Dr. Harold and Iris Chandler Family Trust AllianceBernstein L.P. Bank Family Fund Cengage Learning Dr. Holly M. Bannister and Douglas L. Allison and Loren Shapiro Family Fund Bank of America Foundation Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation Newhouse Fund Amanda and Raymond Haas Fund Barings LLC Charter Oak Federal Credit Union E.H.R. & N.M. Blitzer Fund AmazonSmile Foundation Barry and Margo Steinberg Charitable Chester Kitchings Family Foundation EBSCO Industries, Inc. American Express Foundation Gift Fund Chevron Corporation Edward B. Burger Charitable Fund American Psychological Association Beatrice Renfield Foundation Christine and John Bakalar Charitable Edwin & Lynn Taff Fund Ameriprise Financial Inc. (P1) Gift Benson Family Fund of the Columbus Fund Eleanor L. Craig Bowsher Fund Matching Program Foundation Chubb & Son, Inc Electronic Arts, Inc. Amica Companies Foundation Bentley Fund Comcast Corporation Eli Lilly and Company Analog Devices, Inc. Berger Family Fund Community Foundation of Eastern Ellen Ficklen Fund Andrew F. and Ann B. Mathieson Fund Bink & Weezie Garrison Family Fund Connecticut EMIKA Fund Andrew Mann Charitable Fund Bishop Family Foundation Community Foundation of Western Emily and Roger Grimes Charitable Fund Angela and Nicholas Kalayjian Fund BMGI Group Massachusetts Ephraim Kite Charitable Fund Anne and Jeff Carter Charitable Gift Fund Bodenwein Public Benevolent Foundation Connecticut Humanities Council Eugenia Tracy Kirchner Fund Anne S. Richardson Fund Booth Ferris Foundation Connecticut Land Conservation Council Evergreen Fund Annette J. Roberts and Joan R. Boyce Family Fund Connecticut Landmarks Eversource Energy Robertson Fund Branford Garden Club Inc. Conservation & Research Foundation, Inc. Expedia Archer Patterson Family Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Corning Inc. Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Arnold I. and Bette Sobel Fund Broughton and Mary Bishop Family Cynthia and Eugene Oliver Charitable Fund Fenton Family Foundation

76 Fesjian Foundation Joel and Margaret Black Fund Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. Prudential Financial Fidelity Foundation John and Elizabeth Linehan Charitable MasterCard International, Inc. Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Field Parker Fund Gift Fund Materion Corporation Rands Foundation FM Global Foundation John Charles & Diana Seton Wakerley MBIA Insurance Corporation Reno Family Charitable Foundation Frank Loomis Palmer Fund Fund Melrod Family Charitable Foundation Richard and Christine Koch Charitable Fraser Family Fund John F. and Judith B. Remondi Family Fund MetLife Foundation Fund Fullerton Family Fund John G. Martin Foundation Michael Barza and Judith Robinson Richard and Constance Giesser Further Forward Foundation John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. Charitable Gift Fund Individualized Fund Fusco Donor Account Johnson & Johnson Michael D. and Debra J. McCurry Family Richard C. Vancil Fund Gap Foundation Johnson-Lundblad Gift Fund Fund Richard J. Perry/Elaine M. Carlson Gartner, Inc. Jones Lang LaSalle Microsoft Corporation Charitable Fund General Electric Foundation Jordan and Rebecca Scott Family Middlebury College Righter-Shambroom Fund Genworth Foundation Charitable Gift Fund Mikula Family Charitable Fund Rita and Leo Greenland Family Foundation Geo & Grace Long Foundation Josal Foundation Molly and Charles Roraback Fund RLI Insurance Corporation George U. and Karen F. Sauter Fund Joseph & Elizabeth Bond Fund Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Lawson Rob and Karen Hale Charitable Fund Ghitterman-Rose Foundation Joseph Family Fund Charitable Gift Fund Robert A. Shapiro Family Philanthropic Gladys Catterton Memorial Gift Fund Josephine Shepard Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Toole Fund Fund GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Joyce and James Sidman Fund MRB Foundation Robert and Sharon Bode Charitable Fund Glenn and Susan Brewster Charitable Joyful Blessings Foundation Mullally Family Charitable Fund Robin Rock Nominee Trust Fund Judith and James A. Saks Philanthropic Munro Family Charitable Fund Ronald P. & Susan E. Lynch Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Co. Fund Murray Family Fund Rosse Family Charitable Foundation Goldstein Family Fund Judy and John Knutson Charitable Fund Mystic Garden Club Rothkopf Greenberg Family Foundation Google Gift Matching Program Julie A. Sgarzi Charitable Giving Fund Nancy & Anthony Bowe Charitable Fund Trust Google Inc. Karlson Family Fund Nancy and Chris White Foundation Ruth and Seymour Klein Foundation, Inc. Gretchen D. Smith Fund Kate and Ken Fox Family Fund Nancy and Michael Cardozo Charitable S & L Marx Foundation, Inc. Griffith Family Foundation KEM KECLT Fund Fund Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation Grossman Family Fund Kent Family Fund National Science Foundation Sarah E. Kelly Family Fund Gulf of Mexico Alliance Knapp Family Foundation Nellie Mae Foundation Savage Family Gift Fund Hagenson-Child Charitable Fund Kneisel Foundation Nelson Mead Fund Schwab Charitable Fund Harvey and Christina Warnick Foundation Knox Foundation Network for Good Seniel and Dorothy Ostrow Foundation Hebble Giving Account LabCorp New England Women’s Division III Sherman Fairchild Foundation Henderson Foundation Lauren Hartzell Trust New York Life Foundation Shiffrin Family Foundation Henry Crown and Company LaVecchia Alexis de Tocqueville Society Newcomb Hargraves Foundation Sidney E. Frank Foundation Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Lawrence S. Mayers Fund Newman/MacGregor Charitable Fund Singer Sternlieb Family Charitable Fund Campus Life LEARN Nugent Family Fund SJS Charitable Trust Holland Family Charitable Fund Leff Family Charitable Fund Oates Family Fund Sorenson-Pearson Family Foundation Inc. Hollington Family Gifting Account Legg-Seifman Trust Fund Oracle Corporation SPEBSQSA Hope Foundation Leonard Family Gift Fund Organic Syntheses, Inc. Starwood Property Trust Huff Family Fund Leslie Dorn Young Charitable Giving Fund Otter Island Foundation State Street Corporation Hunter Grubb Foundation Lesnik Charitable Foundation Otto and Fran Walter Foundation, Inc. Stephen A. and Nina B. Schafer I.J. Van Huffel Foundation Lexy and Huston Huffman, Jr. Fund Palriwala Foundation of America Foundation IBM Matching Grants Program Liberty Bank Foundation Palten Family Irrevocable Trust Stephen and Candace Carr Fund ICE NYSE Lisa and Paul Karofsky Family Fund Pamela Scott Fund Stephen and Maya Liss Charitable Fund Illinois Tool Works Foundation LKC Foundation Patricia R. Squire Family Fund Stonington Garden Club Ironshore Services, Inc Lockheed Martin Corporation Paul & Harriet Weissman Family Suzette De Marigny Smith Family Isaacs Family Fund Lombardino Family Fund Foundation, Inc. Foundation Isabel V. James Charitable Fund Loughlin Family Foundation Paul and Joyce Rheingold Family Sylvan Nursery J B Lockhart III Family Charitable Fund Louise R. Glasser Gift Fund Foundation Sysco Corporation J.M.G. Flagg Charitable Gift Fund Lucerne Foundation Penguin Random House, Inc. Tamarack Foundation James Catterton and Lois Wasoff M. Elizabeth Carey Fund People’s United Insurance Agency Tapper Charitable Foundation Charitable Gift Fund Macy’s, Inc. Peter & Rebecca Rosow Charitable Taylor Family Foundation James Ford Bell Foundation Mankoff Family Foundation Foundation Ted and Karen Martin Family Fund Japajag Foundation Margaret and Marshall Bartlett Family Pfizer Foundation, Inc. Thames Aquatic Club LLC Jim and Betsy Little Charitable Fund Foundation Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Thames River Garden Club Joan and Robert Meyer Family Charitable Marion Nierintz Charitable Gift Fund Phantasos Fund The Allayne and Douglas Wick Foundation Foundation Marsh & McLennan Co., Inc. Pinkes Family Foundation Trust The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Joe and Gay Sudarsky Charitable Mary and Paul Fox Charitable Fund Preston G. & Nancy M. Athey Fund The Auerbach Schiro Foundation Foundation Mary Ann G. Siegel Fund Procter & Gamble Fund The Baldridge Foundation

77 The Boeing Company The Isak & Rose Weinman The Stanley Works Usdin-Newell Family Fund The Burke Foundations Partnership Foundation, Inc. The Sue and Eugene Mercy, Jr. Foundation Ushkow Foundation Inc. The Burnham Family Charitable Fund The Jaguar Fund The Usdin Weil Foundation Van Sloun Foundation The Capital Group The Joelson Foundation The Walsh Charitable Fund Verizon Foundation The Carroll & Percy Klingenstein The John and Sarah Giles Family Fund The Wolman Family Foundation, Inc. Veto Pro Pac, LLC Foundation, Inc. The Judy and Thomas Oxman The Zuckert Family Charitable Fund Walt Disney Company Foundation The Catalyst Foundation Charitable Fund Thomas G. and Andrea Mendell Walter H. Freygang Foundation The David & Lucile Packard Foundation The Kahiltna Charitable Fund Foundation Wells Family Trust The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn The Lasca and Richard Lilly Fund Thomas M. & Esther C. Flanagan Wells Fargo Foundation Foundation, Inc. The Littman Family Foundation Charitable Trust Westport Garden Club The David L. Klein, Jr. Foundation The Marshall Frankel Foundation Thomas Sargent and Allison Ijams Whitehall Foundation, Inc. The Donald C. McGraw Foundation The Masinter Family Foundation Charitable Foundation Wil & Julie Heupel Family Fund The Echo Foundation The Namm Foundation Thompson Meinen Giving Fund Wilkinson Family Foundation The Edith and Herbert Lehman The Opatrny Family Foundation Tomorrow’s Trees, LLC William Blair & Company, LLC Foundation, Inc. The Owens Family Foundation Traurig Fund of Jewish Communities of William Clapp Bullock Jr. Family The Eisner Charitable Fund The Perkins Charitable Foundation Western CT, Inc. Foundation The Elms Foundation The Raymond Debbane Family Foundation Travelers Companies William L. and Geraldine R. Butman Fund The Endeavor Foundation The Rehm Family Foundation TripAdvisor, Inc. William S. & Blair Y. Thompson Family The Feinberg Foundation The Richardson Foundation U.S. Cellular Foundation The Fran and Ray Stark Foundation The Robertson Trust UBS Wealth Management USA Wonderful Giving The Frederic C. Hamilton Family The Rosenthal Family Foundation United States Coast Guard Band Zachs Family Foundation Foundation The Sand Family Fund United Technologies Corp. The Goodnow Fund The Sarah Vermylen Trust Fund United Way of Rhode Island The Gottdenker Foundation The Sasamani Foundation, Inc. UnitedHealth Group The Horner Family Foundation The SC Johnson Fund Urban Forestry Organization


Pamela D. Zilly ’75, Chair Jonathan H. Cohen ’87 Eleanor Grace Hardy ’15 Maria C. Pellegrini ’69 Debo P. Adegbile ’91, Vice Chair Lynn Cooley ’76 Mark M. Iger ’75 Sharis A. Pozen ’86 P’19 DeFred Folts III ’82, Vice Chair Jamie Glanton Costello ’89 W. Estella Johnson ’75 Karen D. Quint ’87 Katherine Bergeron, President T. Wilson Eglin ’86 Eric J. Kaplan ’85 Blake M. Reilly ’14 Seth W. Alvord ’93 Sarah Hamilton Fenton ’63 Martha Joynt Kumar ’63 Annie M. Scott ’84 David W. Barber ’88 Carlos Garcia ’88 Laurie Norton Moffatt ’78 Chakena D. Sims ’16 Bradford T. Brown P’12 ’15 ’20 Rob Hale ’88 P’20 David H. Palten ’76 P’04 ’09 Timothy E. Yarboro ’75

The information contained in this annual report is derived directly from data managed by the Office of Advancement Services at the College. The office has made every effort to ensure that the information is up to date and correct, but with any compilation of this magnitude, errors are possible. Should any errors be communicated to us, the office will work to correct any and all such information in the College’s database and in future communications.

78 79 Office of the President 270 Mohegan Avenue New London, CT 06320