In the News 06.12.2017

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In the News 06.12.2017 District 2S-6A MVP: Marcelo Mitre, sr. MF, lake Tr.r.-ls. Forward ofthe year. carter Romero, sr, Vista RldB,!. Midfielder of the year: Landan Vl~ka,sr., Westlake. Defender of the year. cameron Oleke~ Jr. Lake Travis. ~ofthe year: Sam Laude,Jr. Westlake. Newcomer of the year. Elle Gordlllo-Qladarrama, sopll., F, Lehman. Coach of the year. John campbell, Westlake. First team: Vicente CIJadra.Jt. o, Lake Tr.r.-ls; Ba)!ne Bentiey,Jr, F, Lake ltavls; Joey ~.Jr.,M F, Lake Travis; Austin Branam,Jc, G, Lake Travis; D.1 Smal, sr. F, Vista Ridge; Pato Gomez. sr. MF, Vista Ridge; JostllBenous, sr., 0, Vista Ridge; Mlchael Garcia, sr, 0, Westlake; Robert Vassl~ , sc, MF, Westlake; Kler3n CNlckSllank, S[, 0, Westlake; .Jack Pon:h, SC, F, VandegJtlt; Natlel Gome-z, sr, MF, Vandegnlt; Ta<llg McDald,)', 0. Vanclegltlt; 'Mlg McDald,_t. 0, Vanclegltlt; Antoony Rodr13Jel, sr, G, Leander; tan MIine, sr, D, Leander.Victor Aponte, sr, D, Lehman; Danie! Palaclo.s, sr, MF, Lehman; e.-an Barker, si:, G, Hays. Second team: carter HodgSoo, fr., D, Lake Travis; Forrest Brooks, Jr, MF, Lake Travis; caleb Roe,Jr, D,Lake Tr.wls; Dannylarn<ln,sr, MF, Lake Travis; Noah Hughe5, St, F, Vista Ridge; Josh Budo, St,MF , Vista Rlclge; AleX Mercado, sr, 0. Vista Ridge; VlrlCl!tlt Leboiltz, sr, MF, Westlal(e; Jose Vllareal, St, D, Westlake; Brendan Huang, sr, o, Westlake; Nathan Rosenstraucl1, sr., F, Vandegrift; Jacob Lemai", St, MF, Vandegrift; Logan wample(, St, 0, Vandegrttt; L.rus, Jr., D, Leander; Eduatdo Escobedo, soph, MF, Leander; Ezequel Gallegos, sr, MF, l..etman; Jose Armando Reyes,&, o, Lehman; Gerardo Rcxt'igUEz, fr, MF, ~s. ALL-STAR BASEBALL Lake Travis rtgh1'-handerLandon Aus&ey pit ches for the south In the Au5t1n Area Baseball coachesAssOdatton AU star baseb-11game ~1: Dell Dlamon<:I on June 11 • ..\£1.MEM.ARMS/Fa?ROUND ROO<LEAOER North rallies to defeat South Originally down 3·1, team takes advantage ofoppo nent's errors. By Mark Champ ContrtbutlngWr iter ROUND ROCK - TI,e North took advantage of five South errors in the seventh ilming to score four runs to secure a 6 ~3 win in the Austin Area High School Seniors' All Star Came played at Dell Diamond Sunday. Tralllng3-1 enteMng the sev­ enth, the North scored four unea.rned runs on a pair of hits. After Round Rock's Aiden Rich· ardson reached on an error, Cedar Park's Kendall Achilles singled. Two batters later.. Cedar Rldge·s Jacob Mead drove In a pair of runs with a singie up the middle. The Southsquad tallied three runs in the fifth to take a 3-1 lead. Vandegrlft's Grant Prus• sel drew a ooses.-Joaded walk to tie the game and Lake Travis" Jacon Wyeth drove in a pair of runs with a double. Achilles fmished with three singles, while McNeil"s Tyler Chiapparelli added a double and a single to pace the North offense. Stony Polm pitcher Logan Garza fanned a pair of South hitters in the seventh to earn the win. Garza was named Hreman of the game> which honors a squad's top pltcher, ror the North nine. Anderson hurler Joe Dietz earned the fireman of the game for the South squad alter strik· ing out the side in the si:1.1h. AcbillEs took home the1,'<>lden bat for the North In honor of his offensive production, and Wyeth was selected for the same award for the South. The gold gloves winners, whlch mark tlie top defensive efforts> were McNeil's Tyler Cltiapparelli for the North and Elgin rlghrfielder.Jack«ln Meads for the South. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL North wins with comeback in seventh South makes five errors in decisive rally at Austin game. By Mark Champ correspondent ROUND ROCK - The North team took advantage of five Soul h errors In the sevend1 inning to score five runs and secure a 6-3 win In Ure Aus­ tin Area High SciloolSenlors' All-Star Came on Sw,day al Dell Diamond. Trailing 3-1 entering the seventh. the North scored four unearned runs and got a pair of hits. After Round Rock's Aiden Richardson reached on an error, Cedar Park's Kendall Achilles sin­ gled. Two batters later, Cedar Ridge's Jacob Mead drove in a pair of runs with a single up the middle. The South squad tallied three runs in the 611h to take a 3-1 lead. Vandegrift'sCrantPrussel drew a bases-loaded walk to lie the game and Lake Travls'Jacob Wyeth drove In vandee,'lft second baseman Grant Pru.sM!I tag:s outGeor&etown's Parker Tadlock of the a1>3i!C!,_ffl¥15~t:J::la~ble. NorthdurlnaSunday'sAll~St.araameatOallOlamond.GONTRISUTE0BV JAMIEMARMS -,-- ~··-- ···------·-· Adillles finlshed Wilh lhree singles, while McNeil's Tyler ChiappareUi added a dou­ Anderson's Joe Oieti which mark the top defen­ day in a 7-1 state semiftnal ble and a single to pace ,he earned fireman orthe game sl\t! etlor1s, wereChiapparelll setback~SanAntonio North offense. for the South after striking for the North and Elgin right Reagan. Stony Point pitcher~ out the side In the sixth. fielder Jackson Meads for State champion Deer Park Garza fanned a pair ofSouU, Ach.illes took home the the South. had four players selected to hitters in the seventh to earn golden bat for the North in In 001er news, Round Rock the team, including state the win. honor of his offensive pro­ senior infielder Jake Miller championship game most Gana was named fireman duction, and Wyeth was earned a spot on the UIVs valuable player Adrian Con• of the game, which honors selected for the same award Class6Aalktatetoumament zales, who retired eight con· a squad's top pitcher. for for the Soulh. team after collectlng rwo of secuttve batters to sea1 a 7~2 the North. The gold glove winners, Round Rock's eigltt hits Fri· victory over Reagan. Dlstrlct2S-6A MVP: MJl'a Erw1n, sr, G, Lehman. Offensive MVP: Grace Erdman, sr., Vande8J11t. Defen~e MVP: CarollneCrone,t~ Wilder. Mklfteld MVP: ISa HernandeZ,sr , Hays; Lucy Lagal..rta,Jr, Westlake. Goalkeeper MVP: Paige waaace, St, Westlake. NeWCIOl i M!I' of the year: Caroline Brooks. fr, Lake Tra­ vis. Coach of the year: Jen Hardy, VandegJttt. First team: Holl)! Strebel; sr, VandegJlft; Sam Mahosky, sr., VandegJlft; Kayla Streber, sr., VandegJlft; Kelly Rynn, SL, VandegJlft; Alexandra Fagemerg, sr., Westlake; Addle Hackney, ft, Westlake; Mactlle Dawson, ft, Westlalce;Alyssa llama,sr., lake Travis; Claire Rodgels, soph., lake Travts; Nikita Tiffany, sr., lake Travis; Maya Hood, sr. Hays; Jema Sheely,soph.,Hays;Gallby~ via, so1]11., Hays; Halle Rutt!e!ford, Jr. Vista Ridge; Eiynn Johns, sr., Vista Ridge; JarrieVaJE,15, I.J!hman; Brlttary AYDna, I.J!hman; Madison Mallach, Leander. Sea>nd twn: Hlalelgh Heath, sr. Vandegl1ft; tlra Lujan,)'. Van<le­ grtft; Gabrielle Nll<on, sr.»­ grtft; Jess Plkolf, sr. Vandegrtft; Katie Kenny,sr. WestJaJ,,e; Rel1l1'f Moore, sr, Westlake; VlctOlla Lee, Jr, Westlake;AlanaClallC, fr, Lake Travis; Trinity Clairk, fr. lake Travis; Gabby Greeo, soph., lake Travis; AleXls Spem,Jr, H.l/s; Baylee Endsley,Jr. Hays; Chasity Haas, Jr,Ha';s;llffaryVolklng,sr, Vista Ridge; Kaitlynn Johns, soph., Vlstl Ridge; Neftall MercallO, Lehman; Destiny Eberle, Lehman; Aurora Kesler, sr., Leander. SOFTBALL Standouts take on all-star ga1ne jlme 14 game was held wood Christian)) Genisa Caner for the seventh year. ONLINE (Stony Point), Jory Cervantes ForCCNerageoftne 20T7 (Hendrickson), Ashley O'Ambrose Greater AusUnArea All (Lago Vista), Tuylor Dixon (Mar­ By BUtch Hart softball game, visit preps. ble Falls), I lailleyFallooo (Rouse), COnl~butlnsWrlter Gabrielle Garcia (Hendrickson), Amber Gonzales (Pflugerville), Fifty of the top senior softball Chelsea Ham O©use).Jeoa Hawks pla)'ers In Cen1Tal Texas will oom• (Westwood), Breanna Hernan, pete in the 2017 Greater Austin North orSouth team and vied for dez (Cedar Ridge), Emily Klan· Area AII.Srarg;imejune 14 at Wc,;t• MVP scholarship.~. Golden Clove Ilea (Hendrlcbon), Teanna Lucio lake HigbSchool, which occurred awards and the l'1St chance to win (Taylor), Courtney Ogle (West· after press time. a prep softball game. wood), Corey Oppenheim (Mar• The group indudedse11en play­ The North team was coached hie Falls), Ashley Perez (Pfluger· ers who helped their respective by Charla, Hankins of the state• v!0e), Charese \V.),-an (Westwood), Bowie, Dripping Springs and Lib­ finalist Liberty Hill, Cedar Ridge Alexis Shafer (Rouse), erry Hill teams 10 the 2017 un. High School's Jessica Poole and Tate (Rouse) and Joely William• state tournament. Kristen Stewart from Liberty Hill son (Liberty Hill). The game was held for the sev­ The Nonh team wasoon1prised The South team was coached Lake Travis se.cond baseman Brycen Bllnco picks up a. hit g,,ounder entll straight year for graduating of: Samantha Barnett (Liberty by Chris Beck and Austin High's and sets to throw the ball to ffrst for the out dur1na tne district seniorsoftball players from high HilO, Reagan Beto(Round Rocl<), Kristen Lo"'no. Beck recently softball game betweentheWestlakeChaparralsand the Lake Travis schools throughout Central Texas. Kaley Brown (McNeil), Deja Gain cavaliers High Schoo t on Apr117 . .JOMNGUITIRfl£ZJFOR 111eathletes p1a,yed on either the (LBJ), Hillarie Carpenter (Brent· Softball contJnued on A9 AM£RIC.AN"5lATt$1-MN Corpus (Luling), Laure n MIiier (Dripping Springs), Softball ~ (Akins), Maegen Del­ Hatti Moore(LaGrange), Erin contlnuea from A8 gado (San Mateos), Makayla Moseley (Bastrop) , Haley Dominguez (Austin), Darby Odell (Dripping Springs), re,,fgned as head coach of Fitzpatrick (La Grange), Lauren Ottmers (Boerne Lake Travis for personal Nikki Gil (Bowie}, Sarah HU.
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