Inside This Issue: • T-Ball/Softball Registration • Spotlight on Edgewood Council and MORE!
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AprilED / May 2020April 20GE11 A COMMUNITY WONEWSLETTER OF EDGEWOODOD BOROUGH Spring has Sprung! Inside this issue: • T-ball/Softball Registration • Spotlight on Edgewood Council and MORE! 2020 VOTING CHANGES—MORE INFO ON PAGE 5 get involved. He has been a member of all health of our neighborhood. I’ve had New Jersey Students for Jack Kennedy, SPOTLIGHT ON EDGEWOOD REPRESENTATIVES Council since 2012, and as of this year the opportunity to see how the people Chairman of the Westmorland County Message about is serving as our Council President. His of Edgewood self-identify for leader- Young Republicans, and volunteering accomplishments include fixing the Al- ship and service and it’s inspiring. The and recruiting for political campaigns Coronavirus Get to know your Borough Representatives lenby and Garland steps, spearheading Edgewood Foundation, the Tree Com- and groups. He eventually was elected As the county and world deals with by Abigail Ault the dog run at Dickson Park, creating mittee, our Edgewood Veterans and as Judge of Elections in Edgewood, Dis- the ongoing effects of the Corona his edition of ‘Spotlight on Edgewood’ highlights our own municipal offi- the first and second sidewalk café or- Boy Scouts are all examples of this. It’s trict 1, serving four terms, and then on virus, residents of Edgewood Bor- cials. They are unique as they both preside over the borough, and reside here dinances, helping to revitalize Com- a distinct honor to be able in my own Edgewood Borough Council, where ough should know that essential as members of the community. The representatives of Edgewood Borough munity Day, and generally working to way, to support those efforts and to help he has served three terms. He believes local government functions are still Tinclude the Mayor, along with a 7 member Council, and an elected Tax Collector. ensure that “the Borough is run in a Edgewood residents realize their own the responsibility of government is to being delivered. Police, EMS and Listed below are names of our current representatives. In addition, the Mayor and highly professional manner.” “I am a visions for the community.” protect the basic interests of the peo- fire services have adapted their re- Council were asked the following questions, and a summary of each member’s re- resident of the Borough of Edgewood, ple, promote equality under law, and Ben Love (D), President Pro Tem sponse protocols to ensure the safe- plies are included. like everyone else, who has volunteered maintain public order; and that unre- Mr. Love, a 2004 graduate of Bucknell ty of first responders while meeting to help make sure the Borough stays a strained government leads to problems. • Can you tell us briefly about yourself (previous experience, time served, etc)? University, with a CS degree, moved to emergent needs. All non-essential wonderful place to live.” He promises to oppose any action from • Why did you decide to run for public office? Pittsburgh in 2010, from Chester Coun- higher levels of government that could borough employees have been in- Ryan O’Donnell (D), Vice President • How do you view your relationship with the constituents you serve? ty. He works as a software engineer at harm the interests of the community. structed to work remotely and the Mr. O’Donnell, a licensed Social Google, and resides in Edgewood with It’s important to him to maintain com- borough building has been closed • What do you want to accomplish and/or is your biggest accomplishment so Worker and Executive Director of Na- his wife and 2 kids. In his time here, he munication with Edgewood constitu- to the public until March 30, 2020 far while serving on borough council? sir Health and Human Services, has a has regularly attended Council meet- ents. He’s made a concerted effort to based on Governor Tom Wolf’s or- Bachelor’s in Political Science from Al- Please take this opportunity to provide a personal statement to the residents of ings as a citizen. When an opening visit homes of as many residents as pos- der. Residents requiring assistance legheny College and Masters in Social Edgewood. came up, he was asked to run, based sible. He feels it’s not enough to just be with Borough matters are asked to Work from the University of Pittsburgh. on his dedication. He sees Council as approachable, but to approach the com- dial 412-242-4824 and follow the is a pleasure to work with such pro- Relevant experience includes serving in Mayor (4 year term): something that exists to serve the com- munity himself. He doesn’t see accom- prompts to leave a message with fessional officers, and Chief Payne has AmeriCorps, on the Board of Directors Jack Wilson (R) munity, and says, “While individuals plishments on Council as an individual the appropriate department. Voice really guided me through my role as at the Oakland Planning and Develop- Mr. Wilson is a lifelong Edgewood resi- matter greatly, the interest of the com- thing, but something created through messages will be checked regularly. Mayor.” Mayor Wilson works closely ment Corporation, and as a member of dent, and currently lives with his wife munity as a whole is foremost. But I teamwork. One such accomplishment Emergency calls must be directed to with Council, to accomplish many the Edgewood Democratic Committee. just around the corner from his child- need to hear from individuals to know was with a 2010 budget deficit, where positive things for Edgewood. Being He’s worked on many campaigns, in- 911. hood home. His municipal leadership what is most important to all of us.” He the preceding council passed a large tax Mayor also has its challenges, especially cluding Lt. Governor John Fetterman’s Borough officials ask for your started with an 8 year run on Council, hopes to keep the Borough running increase. The new council reopened the in sometimes dealing with certain trag- campaigns for US Senate and Lt. Gover- patience and cooperation while we following the recommendation of the smoothly through changing times, and budget, putting in many hours, and re- edies, but he loves that the community nor. Drawn to public service, he ran for navigate this unprecedented event. Borough Manager at the time. Run- makes this statement to the communi- duced spending by $300,000, with the pulls together to remain strong. He is Council. In the 2 years he’s served, he Please utilize our Facebook page @ ning for Mayor was a natural next step. ty, “A wise person once said that “good borough office reducing an additional also very proud of our Volunteer Fire has been on several committees, includ- EdgewoodCommunityEvents and He is now in the third year of his term, governance is doing the right thing, the $300,000, and slashed the tax increase Department, “which we need to fully ing Community Development, Public our website www.edgewoodboro. and he sees his time in public office as right way, for the right reasons.” I agree, by 50%. They resolved not to raise taxes support, as these individuals donate Safety and as Chair of Community Ser- com for up to date information on an opportunity to ensure that Edge- though in practice it can often be much again, and in 10 years have kept to that, numerous hours of their time.” Being vice and General Government. He feels borough events and operations. All wood continues to be a “vibrant, safe harder than it sounds.” while growing the budget, resulting in in such a visible position, as he is out in the citizens are “rightfully concerned borough events are cancelled un- neighborhood.” He also represents us cash available for contingencies. He the community, people often come to that their tax dollars are spent wisely, John (Jack) Bright (R) til March 30. However, this may in the larger region, working together believes in Edgewood, and the ability him with questions or concerns. “This their local government is managed eth- Mr. Bright who studied Economics change as the situation evolves so with other municipalities, and serving of its residents to keep it a great neigh- is what I like most about being the ically, and their voices are heard,” and and Near Eastern Studies at Princeton please monitor the above men- as Treasurer of the Turtle Creek COG, borhood. “Edgewood is a microcosm Mayor, the interaction I have with the it’s his goal to effectively manage gov- University, and has an MBA from the tioned resources for updates. Second Vice President of the Allegheny of what has made the United States the residents of Edgewood, and being able ernment that adequately funds police, University of Pittsburgh, worked at Those without internet access Borough’s Association, as a member of greatest country on Earth.” He adds, to help people, and know at the end of public works, and administration with- Highmark-Blue Cross for 16 years, un- Allegheny League of Municipalities, “The Edgewood Fire Department led should utilize the United Way’s 2-1-1 the day, I, along with Council, have had out relying on tax increases. His most til he became an independent insurance and as a representative on the CON- by Jared Amos is very efficient.” (as he line for information and resources on a part in the growth and vibrancy of this memorable accomplishment is helping agent and stock broker, and owner of AF NECT Board. He feels that serving on knows from a personal experience) virtually every social service topic in- Borough.” with the ‘Make the Second Count’ pro- Booksellers. The divorced father of two these boards gives a smaller commu- “The Edgewood Police Department led cluding food access, utility assistance gram, an effort started by former Coun- grown sons has written many newspa- nity like ours a larger voice within Al- Borough Council (4 year term): by Chief Payne has done an excellent job and senior services.