Solar and Cosmic Ages
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Solar and Cosmic Ages “Tropical Year” = one complete cycle of earth around sun = 365 days, 5 h, 48 min. 45 sec. “Cosmic Year”= one complete cycle of the sun around the center of the milkyway galaxy = 225 to 250 mio. solar years Hindu Cosmic Ages ! There is still a discussion wether the given durations are correct or not. This is among other causes due to a recalculation of the timeline during the puranic ages(500 .b.c. to 500 a.d. , adding a multiplicator of 360 to the original 12.000 year figure. The original figure in the Mahabharata sets 12.000 years as the half of an full yuga cycle. Adding to the Confusion: Each yuga as well as the larger timespans are supposed to have their own smaller yuga cycles, too. Depending on which variant you follow, we either are far over the Kali Yuga or we have been in Kali Yuga since about 5000 years or we are in the last 100 years of Kali Yuga. The differing ways of calculation and competing base numbers also add to the chaos ! Or we simply may have a case of non linear time or overlapping time lines / dimensions taking a look at all the other calculations revolving around the 432 mhz Schumann Resonance Brahma= hindu god of creation, 100 Brahma Varsha (years of Brahma) lifespan 100 years of Brahma= 311 quintillion solar years 1 year of Brahma= 360 days of Brahma 1 day of Brahma= 12 day hours of 14 Manvantaras and 12 night hours of 14 Manvantaras 12 hours of Brahma= 1 Kalpa A Kalpa may consist of 4 Maha Yugas (Great Ages) = 4,32 million solar year Ages of Man : Manvantaras (Ages of Manus, Manus = rulers of the respective ages) 1 Manvatara = 1 Chaturyuga consisting of 4 Yugas = 12.000 Deva Ahorata or 71 Maha Yugas + some Sandhyas(ages of great flood), depending on source. Yuga = one Age within an Manvatara, each type of Yuga has its own characteristics and time duration 1 solar year = Deva Ahorata = 1 divine day 1 divine year = 1000 solar years 2 Kalpas = 1 day of Brahma (12 hours of light and 12 of night) = 4,32 billion solar years 1st Krita/Satya Yuga = good / creative / young age, free of sin / disease / sorrows, 1,728,000 years “there were no poor and no rich; there was no need to labour, because all that men required was obtained by the power of will; the chief virtue was the abandonment of all worldly desires. The Krita Yuga was without disease; there was no lessening with the years; there was no hatred or vanity, or evil thought; no sorrow, no fear. All mankind could attain to supreme blessedness.” (Mahabharata) Men are “godlike”, would live up to 4000 years old and were giant-sized according to some sources. 2nd Treta Yuga = age of “three arousing things”, 1,278,000 years “During the Treta Yuga, the power of humans diminishes slightly. Kings and Brahmins need to actively fulfill their desires instead of using mere fiat of will. People grow more materialistic and less inclined towards spirituality. Wars broke out frequently and climate changes became common place, giving rise to deserts and oceans. Despite these seemingly negative effects, the Treta Yuga also brought knowledge of universal magnetism. This knowledge allowed humans to understand the forces of nature and the true nature of the universe. Agriculture and mining came into existence along with norms and rules to keep society under control”1 3rd Dvapara Yuga = age of “two ahead”, 864,000 years (double the time of a Kali Yuga) “Also called the Bronze Age, the Dwapara Yuga saw the decline of morality and of the spiritual practice of yoga. As people drifted farther from the Divine, they became more competitive, zealous, deceitful and pleasure-seeking. The standard of living decreased during this yuga, but science flourished. Dwapara Yuga was also the age of the events in the epic, "Mahabharata," including the incarnation of Krishna and his role in the battle against evil. Dwapara Yuga ended when Krishna left Earth to return to his eternal home.”2 4th Kali Yuga = the age of quarrel and strife / “dark” age, 432,000 years “During Kali Yuga, most people lost their spiritual abilities, mental clarity, and understanding. (3) The age was characterized by the belief that matter was fixed and absolute. For example, religious truths were only accepted as absolute definitions or dogma, and science presented the universe as a mechanism; the divine realms were imagined as static, instead of dynamic.[…]”3 With the end of each Kali Yuga the universe is annihilated and after a period of rest reborn again, starting the cosmic cycle all over. The “Tirukkanda Panchanga” – A cosmic Calendar4 I. From the beginning of cosmic evolution,* upto the Hindu year Tarana (or 1887) 1,955,884,687 years. 1 2 3 4 as given in the “Secret Doctrine”, pp.762 II. The (astral) mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms up to Man, have taken to evolve 300,000,000 years. III. Time, from the first appearance of "Humanity" (on planetary chain) 1,664,500,987 years. IV. The number that elapsed since the "Vaivasvata Manvantara" -- or the human period --up to the year 1887, is just 18,618,728 years. V. The full period of one Manvantara is 308,448,000 years. VI. 14 "Manvantaras" plus the period of one Satya Yuga make ONE DAY OF BRAHMA, or complete Manvantara and make 4,320,000,000 years. Therefore a Maha-Yuga consists of ............. 4,320,000 years. The year 1887 is from the commencement of Kali-Yuga 4,989 years. Duration of Yugas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mortal years. 360 days of mortals make a year ........................................... 1 Krita Yuga contains ................................................. 1,728,000 Treta Yuga contains ................................................. 1,296,000 Dwapara Yuga contains .............................................. 864,000 Kali Yuga contains ...................................................... 432,000 The total of the said four Yugas constitute a Maha Yuga ............................................................... 4,320,000 Seventy-one of such Maha-Yugas form the period of the reign of one Manu .......................... 306,720,000 The reign of 14 Manus embraces the durationof 994 Maha-Yugas, which is equal to .............. 4,294,080,000 intervals between the reign of each Manu, which amount to six Maha-Yugas, equal to ................................................................................................... 25,920,000 The total of these reigns and interregnums of 14 Manus, is 1,000 Maha-Yugas, which constitute a Kalpa, i.e., one day of Brahma ............................................................ 4,320,000,000 As Brahma's Night is of equal duration, one Day and Night of Brahma would contain .... 8,640,000,000 360 of such days and nights make one year of Brahma make ....................................... 3,110,400,000,000 100 such years constitute the whole period of Brahma's age, i.e., Maha-Kalpa ...... 311,040,000,000,000 A possible Solution to the Yuga – Confusion given by Graham Hancock • Satya Yuga (Golden Age): 4000 years + 400 years dawn + 400 years twilight = 4800 years • Treta Yuga (Silver Age): 3000 years + 300 years dawn + 300 years twilight = 3600 years • Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age): 2000 years + 200 years dawn + 200 years twilight = 2400 years • Kali Yuga (Iron Age): 1000 years + 100 years dawn + 100 years twilight = 1200 years .