I(Eating V Ersus ~Feeley F Or President of Yard
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Vol. XLV. No. 21 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Friday, April 9, 1965 Fr. McLaughHn S. f Aspirants Harmonize Ends Lecture Series On Crucial Queries Wzib Talk on Celibacy The Rev. John J. McLaugh lin, S.J., Director of Commu nications at Fairfield Univer sity, finished his four-lecture series on "The New Morality" last Monday evening with a talk on what amounted to the inte gration of sexuality and marriage, with an emphasis on celibacy as an alternative to marriage. Far-Out Fr. McLaughlin's lengthy and lively lectures were well-attended by Georgetown students and dele gations fron"l neighboring schools, who listened closely to the some times far-out, always progressive, TODAY'S THE BIG DAY ..• for the Yard candidates; l·r are Bob usually unorthodox views on the Barrett, Walter Mackey, Frank Keating, John Mahoney, Bob Nocera, sexual attitudes of 2.dolescents and "Skip" Gillespie and Mike Feeley. newlyweds. Before last Spring, Fr. Mc Laughlin had never lectured on sex. He was and still is a noted Catholic I(eating V ersus ~Feeley authority on the role of communi AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED . Frank Keating, candidate for cations in modern society. He told Yard President, speaks during Tuesday evening's debate. Appearing The HOYA that his experiences as F or President Of Yard from l-r are Keating, Yard President Vince Gallagher, presidential a retreat n"laster convinced him candidate Mike Feeley, and HOYA Editor Ken McBride. that the question of sex was a A total of eight names were placed in nomination for dominant one in the lives of the Two debates between the candidates running for Presi Catholic adolescents he came into the four Yard offices last Thursday evening in Copley lounge. dent 0 fthe East Campus and College student bodies took contact with. He therefore did a Two candidates were nominated for each office. In keeping great deal of research on the sub with the College. Student Council constitution, all nominees place Tuesday night in the Hall of Nations. The first debate, ject and soon travelled on the lec saw Austin Rinella and Tom Kane, candidates for East ture circuit. are Juniors in the College of Arts and Sciences. Campus Student Council President, answer questions on Strategy The first office opened to nomination by incumbent Yard issues of importance to students of both campuses. Frank In the third lecture of the series, Treasurer Phil Vasta was Fr. McLaughlin spoke of engage that of Non-Resident Repre Keating and Mike Feeley, who ment, the positive goods of chasity, Campbell Speech Council Candidates are running for President of the decline of :::nutual trust which Expresses Desire sentative to the Student Coun the Yard, debated after Kane results from lack of sexual self cil. Walter L. Mackey, a na control, the conflicts of courtship tive of Silver Spring, Md., Speak. to Students and Rinella had finished. strategy, and the importance of For Faculty Senate placed his name in contention For E. C. Offices The debates were sponsored the family in the continuance of a At the invitation of the jointly by WGTB-FM, the healthy society. for this office. He promised "effec The candidates for East In the fourth and final lecture Georgetown Chapter of the tive communications and attend campus radio station, and The Fr. McLaughlin dealt with celibacy American Association of Uni ance at all Student Council meet Campus Student Council and HOYA. Miss Francoise Bert a as an alternative to marriage. In versity Professors, the Very ings." Mackey said that "part-time class offices spoke to the stu candidate for President of the E. C. troducing his topic of the evening, students can not afford to be given Student Council, fl;l.iled to appear Rev. Gerard J. Campbell, S.J., part-time representation." Eugene dent body last Sunday eve he raised the question of celibacy at the debate. as a hinderance to knowledge of the President of the University, "Skip" Gillespie, a native of A sparse crowd heard the candi ning in the hope of capturing topic. He pointed out that as a spoke to the faculty on "The Idea Bethesda, Md., also accepted nomi dates for East Campus Council nation for this post. Gillespie said their votes on election day, priest, young lovers and married of a Faculty Senate. The talk was President give their opinions on that, if elected, he would attempt Wednesday, April 7. couples speak to him of subjects given on Tuesday, March 23. unification, the National Student which they would dare not bring up to obtain vacant McGuire Hall for Association, student council finan otherwise. off-campus students in case of a Francoise Desires Senate Headlining the list of speakers cial appropriations, communica Today celibacy has lost its pres heavy snow." Were the three candidates for Presi tions between students and the tige and attraction which it held in In his talk, Father Campbell ob If Elected dent of Student Council: Tom Kane, University Administration, the former days. He cited Sherlock served that he had hoped to work The two Juniors placed in nomi past president of the class of '66; duties of a student leader, and the Holmes and Dr. Watson as symbols o nthe possibility of a faculty sen nation for Treasurer were Kenneth Austin Rinella, president of the record of this year's c 0 u n c i I of this decline. In our society, they ate last summer, but had not been Herbst of Phoenix, Arizona, and Young Democrats; and Francoise leaders. would be suspected of sexual de able to get to this. He expressed Bob Barrett of Bangor, Maine. Bert, perhaps the first of her sex Both Kane and Rinella expressed viation. Women, as a rule, see mar- a desire to have a senate at George Herbst outlined the responsibilities to run for this office. Kane advo similar sentiments on nearly all (Continued on Page 10) town, but pointed out that across of the office and promised "true cated the creation of a Student Ad the issues. Kane accented the need the country there was a vast vari reDresentation of all students if vi;sory Board to meet periodically for closer relations with the Ad ety of senates in terms of mem elected." Barrett said that "con WIth Fr. Campbell, and a change in ministration in order to gain bership and function. tracts for the Fall Festival should the University Discipline Board. greater respect from University be made in May, and promised to Miss Bert stressed the need for a officials. This would eliminate the Work Shop do so if elected. He also proposed Student Union and Rinella came need for threats, censures and last a combination of the Councils' used out for more referendums to sample minute confrontations on matters This summer, Georgetown will book stores. student opinion. of interest to the students. Both be represented at the Danforth For the office of Secretary the were strongly in favor of unifica Workshop for Liberal Education, two nominees were Robert Nocera, VIP tion among the three undergradu July 21 - July 12, at Colorado a native of Riverside, R. 1., and VYing for Vice-President of the ate councils. Springs. At the Workshop, one of John Mahoney, a native of Chat Council are Tom Smith, advocating Rinella disagreed with his op the seminars will be concerned ham, N. J. Nocera said that he early appropriations of Student ponent concerning the means that with "Collegiate Relationship In would expand "the dynamic life CounCil funds based on the experi the present Council used to handle volving Administration, Faculty that has recently begun at George ence of past years, and Phil Ver the controversy surrounding the and Students." Since Gorgetown town" and that he had a "firm de ;~er, !lroposing an expansion of termination of Dr. Francis E. is to be represented at the Work termination to work as hard as he e HIgh-School recruitment pro Kearns' contract. Kane said he con shop, Father Campbell, proposed could." Mahoney outlined and ~~am. The three candidates for sidered the Administration's ex that the Georgetown representa promised to fulfill the "materialis . T udent Council Treasurer are Mike planation of the termination suf tives begin now to make a prelimi tic and formalistic duties of the B albot, Glenn Singleton, and Joe ficient whereas Rinella felt that nary study ·of faculty senates, and office." He defined the materialistic faczko. Unopposed for Secretary the c~nsure motion passed by the that they consult at Colorado duties as those of a secretary and o the Council is Kathy Kinder. council was necessary in light of Springs with the delegates of the formalistic as those of a student The race for President of the the Administration's e qui v 0 c a I other 30 schools who will be in at- representative. (Continued on Page 11) (Continued on Page 10) (Continued on Page 11) (Continued on Page 11) Page Two THE HOYA Friday, April 9, 1965 Editorial: Fresh Air Letters To The Editor 1 During the past weeks, there have been indications of Today and tomorrow, Ge'orge To the Editor: I think he is to a large extent re. a partially new, partially renewed atmosphere on campus. town will host the 19th Annual Your recent article on the Rank sponsible for the psychotic atmos. For the Parents' Weekends the University had its best foot Conference on Early American His and Tenure Committee's role in the phere of hate and violence which forward, and even though the format was planned, much of tory of the Institute of Early termination of Prof.