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Centre Number Candidate Number Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Sinhala Paper 1

Tuesday 13 May 2014 – Afternoon Paper Reference Time: 3 hours 4SI0/01

You do not need any other materials. Total Marks

Instructions t Use black ink or ball-point pen. t Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. t Answer all questions. t Answer the questions in the spaces provided – there may be more space than you need. t You must not use a dictionary. Information t The total mark for this paper is 100. t The marks for each question are shown in brackets – use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. Advice t Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. t Keep an eye on the time. t Try to answer every question. t Check your answers if you have time at the end.

Turn over

P43049RA ©2014 Pearson Education Ltd. *P43049RA0116* 1/1/1/ 1. Translate the following sentences into Sinhala. (a) The best time to visit Yala is between December and May. (2)



(b) Who would like to play a game of Cricket tomorrow afternoon? (2)



(c) Shakespeare is the greatest writer that England has ever had. (2)



(d) I completely agree with your views on Human Rights. (2)



(e) One of my favourite train journeys is from Kandy to . (2)



(5 additional marks are available for the quality of Sinhala in your answers)

(Total for Question 1 = 15 marks)

2 *P43049RA0216* 2. Translate the following passage into Sinhala. The train guard, smartly dressed in white trousers, black shoes and a black tunic jacket over his white shirt and black tie, blew his whistle and waved a green flag. He was heralding the departure of the train, Podi Menike. Bound for Badulla, 290 kilometres from Colombo, it was expected to take ten hours. Going through beautiful tea-clad countryside, the train was to reach its destination that evening. With a shriek of warning, the diesel locomotive pulled away from the main platform of Colombo station. Another train, Udarata Menike, leaves later every day at 9.45 a.m. but that train does not arrive in Badulla until after nightfall. This great little trip is acknowledged by rail travel fans as one of the world’s finest train journeys, and its origins date back to the beginning of the tea industry in . The first train to the hill country steamed into Kandy in 1867, the same year that tea was planted commercially in what was then Ceylon. The coming of the railway to the plantation hills meant that planters could easily send their crop to Colombo for shipment to England. Trains facilitated the tea boom, and the carriage of tea as freight provided the prosperity that financed the railways. As tea production spread deeper into the hills, the railway followed, extending to in 1894. In 1956 the Udarata Menike was introduced on to the line, and it has been in use ever since. (25)








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(Total for Question 2 = 25 marks)

6 *P43049RA0616* 3. Translate the following passage into English. ʾ˜ǧˣ˫ƍˣú˦˖˧˫ʽƯ˧˫ʆˁˣŹ˘˫ˁ˞úʱƯ˦˪˕˫˘˘ˬˡɈ˞ˎˠ˫˞ˎ ˁˬ˞ˬƯ˘ȼɼˢʭˁ˫˳ɩʱƯ˳˚ʣ˳ˢʣǦ˘ɞ˘˃ˡˠʻˠˎʳ˔˫ʈǐʈ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠ˳ɩ  ˳˚ʣ˳ˢʣǦ˘ɞˣ˳ˢʤˁʽƯ˧˫ʆˁʵɞ˞˚˖˘˞ˎʯˠƮ˦˪˕˫˘ˠû ˳˞ˠ˳ˁʣ˨ɇǦû˳ˢʤȾˎəú˚˞˒ʲƯǦʵƱɞ˞˗ɕ˞˚ˢ˫˳Ʈ Șʏˎ˫ʱ˔ʻˠɼˢʭˁ˫˳ɩ˳˖ˣˬǧ˚ˬˡƝ˔˞ˡ˫ˉ˗˫ǧˠɐ˳˞ˠāˣˣˬǧˤ˔ ˣə˳˥ɏǏ˚˨ȿˣˬǧɪˉˠ˜˫ʑˡˉƱ˞˫ɪʆǦʯ˃ǩˣˡˣˤ˳ˠǦȝˁ˫ˤ ˁˡ˘ˢǎāˣˤ˔ˣə˥ˠ˳˔ú˳˚ʣ˳ˢʣǦ˘ɞˣʯ˃ǩˣˡˣˤ˳ˠǦ ˚ˬˣƯ˒˝˫ˡ˔˳NJˣˁ˕˫ˣˢ˦˖˧Ǧˣ˘Țˢ˦˪ǂʷɿˣˡˠ˫ȿɢˁˡ˳˃˘˳˞˞ ˘˃ˡˠ˧ˬǽǦɫ˞ˎ˚ˎǦ˃Ʈ˜ˣúˉ˘ȝˣ˫˖ˣˢʻɐʻ˳˧Ʈ˳˜ʣ˳˧ʤʵ˃ƱǦ˳Ę ˞˔ˣˢˎʯǩˣ˳˚ʣ˳ˢʣˠǦ˘ýɉɞˠ˘ʯə˕ˠʱƯˣˇ˘ˠú˜ˣƮʻ˜ˬɪǦ ˳˞˞ȝ˳NJˤˠȚˡ˫˞ýɉɞ˜ʑˢˣˤ˳ˠǦƯȭ˳˧ɐǦʼ˘˞˝˫ɪ˔˫ˁˡǦ˘ˎ ˳ˠǐƟ˜ˣƮˠ  ˳˚ʣ˳ˢʣǦ˘ɞˣʻʏʰəǂˁˡˎ˫ˣ˦˧˳NJˤ˚˫ˢǧˁ˦˪˕˫ˣˡ˜ˣǧ˦˫ˣˬ˖˃Ʈɫˠ ˳˧ʢƱü˚ˠúȿɢˁˡ˳˃˘˳˚ʣ˳ˢʣǦ˘ɞ˘˃ˡˠ˚˫ˢ˘˞˗ɕ˦˪˕˫˘ˠú˳ˢ˦ ȝˁˎɫʱ˔˳˞ɐǦȝȿ˂˦˪˕˫˘˳ˠʏˢ˫ęƝˠ˧ˬú˳úʰəǂˁˡˎ˫ˣ˦˧˦˪˕˫ˣˡ ˳NJˤ˚˫ˢ˘˚ʈȪ˞ɐ˳˞ʏˣ˫ɜˁə˞˫Ǧ˔ˠʰˡȼ˝ˁˡ˘ˢNJ˳NJʯǩˡ˫˗Țˡ˳ɏ țəˣ˝˫˃˳ɏǏ˞ˠʯǩˡ˫˗Țˡ˦˞˳ɏǏˣ˫ɜˁə˞˫Ǧ˔ˠǎɒƟûɝ˳˞ʏˢ˫ ȿɢɭ˳ɏ˞˧˳˦ǦˡˉƱ˞˫ɐ āˣ ˳ȼˡˉƱ˞˫ȽǦ˳Ǧɜˠˁɬƍɥˣˬǧ ɪˤ˫ˢˣˬɩʳǎûɝ˳˞Ǧʆˠˡˎ˦˪ˣˠʭ˳˚ʤ˥˒ˠûɝ˞ˎ˃Ʈ˖ˬƋȝˠƮ˘ˠ ˞˧˫ˣʭˤ˳ˠʏ˦ɪ˦˪˔ˡˣ˦˙˧Ǧ˳ɩ  ˳˞ʏ˦ʭˇ˫ˡˁɐǦˎ˘ˬˡɈ˞ˎɪˤ˫ˢˣˬɩ˳˞Ǧ˞ɪɪ˗ɭ˚ˬˡƝ˘ˎɉǦ˦˪˕˫˘ ʱ˔˳ȼˣ˫ʯ˔ˡˡ˫ˉ˞˫ɣ˃˫˦˧˳˜ʥNJ˗ɪ˧˫ˡ˦˪˕˫˘˳ˣɐ˳˚ʣ˳ˢʣǦ˘ɞˣ ˘ˬˡɈ˞˦˖˧˫ȝ˳ɩˤ˚ƴˠˁȽˢɞȘˠɢú˳ɩ ˳˞ʏʳ˔˫ʳ˦˪˔ˡȼ˳ˁʥƱˁ˫˃˫ˡˠú˳ˣɐ  ˳˚ʣ˳ˢʣǦ˘ɞˣ˘ˬˡɈ˞ˎʳ˔˫˞ʈǐʈˁ˫ˢˠˣǦ˳Ǧ˳˖˦ˬȼ˜ə˦˧ʯ˳ȝʢɢ˞˫˦ ʯ˔ˡɐ˳˞˞ˁ˫ˢˠƱ˨ˁ˫ˢě˒ˠʼ˔ˡȼʵ˥˪˒˳˘ʣ˳ɩ˳˞˞ ʽƯ˧˫ʆˁȷȽˠˎǩǐɞˣ˘ˣ˫˔ˬǦ˚˧ʈˣ˦˙˧˫ɪɪ˗Ƚ˨˃˘Ǧˣˢˎ˳˧ʤˎɢ˦˧ ýː˫ȝ˞˫˒˳ɏ˘ˣ˫˔ˬǦ˳˜ʣ˳˧ʣ˞úʱ˔  (25)




7 *P43049RA0716* Turn over ......














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(Total for Question 3 = 25 marks)

10 *P43049RA01016* 4. Write an essay of up to 250 words in Sinhala on one of the following topics:

Either (a) “To make children capable of honesty is the beginning of education.” Do you agree?

³˖ɞˣǦʯˣʭˁ˜ɪǦɒú˔ˁˡɫ˞ʯ˗ɕ˫˚˘˳ɏʰˡȼ˝ˠɐ´ʾ˜ ʻˁˆˣǦ˳˘ʏ˖"  (b) The best sporting event I have attended. ˞˫˦˧˝˫ęɭɪɴ˥˪ˎ˔˞Ăː˫˔ˡ˃ˠ

(c) What I would do if I became a millionaire. ˞˫ˢú˥˚Ưˠýɭ˳ˣʣƮ

Or (d) Write a letter to your local MP complaining about the poor road conditions in your area.

ʾ˳ȩȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ˚˫ˡˣɢˣˢʱƯʯ˜ˢǦ˔Ʈˣˠ˃ˬ˘˚ˬȽƝɣˁˡȽǦʾ˳ȩ ʰ˦˘˳ɏ˞Ǧƶˣˡˠ˫ˎɣȘˠúɣˠǦ˘


Instructions to candidates:

Indicate which question you are answering by marking the box ( ). If you change your mind, put a line through the box ( ) and then indicate your new question with a cross ( ).

Chosen question number: Question 4(a) Question 4(b) Question 4(c) Question 4(d)

Please turn over for answer space.

11 *P43049RA01116* Turn over ......














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(Total for Question 4 = 35 marks)


16 *P43049RA01616*