Class XI TOURISM CONCEPTS AND PRACTICES OBJECTIVE: The basic purpose of the paper is to make the learners familiar about the basic and fundamental knowledge of the terms, concepts and system of tourism. It will form the base to move forward to interact with the advanced knowledge pertaining to tourism. COURSE CONTENTS: Unit-1 Introduction to Tourism 15hours Meaning, Definition, Scope of Tourism. Definition and differentiation- Tourist, travellers, visitor, transit visitor and excursionist. Leisure, recreation and tourism and their Interrelationship - Diagram. Nature of tourism – Service Characteristics, how to overcome service characteristics. Elements of tourism – man, time and space. Components of tourism – A’s and S’s of Tourism (Tourism resources, attractions, product, market, industry and destination). Unit –2 Tourism: A Historical Account 10hrs Growth of travel and tourism through ages. Early Travels, 'Renaissance’ and ‘Age of Grand Tours. Industrial revolution and its impact on travel. Growth and development of modern tourism. Concept of Pleasure travel, annual holiday, “Paid holiday” – LTC Tourism in India: an account – Rahul Sankalyan, Tirthatan, Deshartan, Paryatan, modern travel. Unit –3 Tourism System 20hrs • Concept of Push and Pull factors in Tourism. • Tourism Motivators, Barriers to Tourism – Overcoming barriers to tourism. • Forms of Tourism – In bound outbound, domestic (UNWTO – Diagram). Types of Tourism – ethnic tourism, adventure tourism, rural tourism, eco-tourism, medical or health or wellness tourism, Sustainable tourism, etc. Defining tourist typology. Defining Types of Tour packages – mass, readymade – escorted, hosted, individual, - FIT, GIT. Defining Tourism Impacts – Socio cultural, economic and environmental. MICE: An introduction. Unit – 4 Tourism Components – I 18hrs Attraction – Resources, products, sites, destinations.
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