Rho Sorority, Incorporated

Lambda Chapter Texas A&M University

Bylaws And Constitution

Last Updated Spring 2015 Revised By: Soror Anne Marie Freeman

SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu


Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority’s aim is to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public service, leadership development and education of youth are the hallmark of the organization’s programs and activities. Sigma Gamma Rho addresses concerns that impact society educationally, civically, and economically.


Section 101: Name

The name of this local body shall be the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated.


Section 201: National

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority’s aim is to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public service, leadership development and education of youth are the hallmark of the organization’s programs and activities. Sigma Gamma Rho addresses concerns that impact society educationally, civically, and economically.

Section 202: Promotion

To promote and support the National programs of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated through service to the community and by offering time, efforts, and presence to those in need.

Section 203: Encouragement

To encourage and promote higher scholastic achievement as well as personal development among the youth in the Bryan/College Station community and among fellow collegiate students.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Section 204: Development

To further develop individual leadership abilities and individual talents through the participation in sorority events and functions as well as through holding membership in the sorority.

Section 205: Achievement

To provide for and foster fulfillment of individual and group goals for collegiate achievements and accomplishments at the undergraduate level.

Section 206: Unity

To promote unity of action amongst women and various organizations on issues affecting the educational, cultural, economic, social, and civic life of those in the Bryan/College Station community.


Section 301: Eligibility for membership

To be eligible for membership:

A. Undergraduate students must currently be enrolled as a FULL-TIME Texas A&M University student. a. Transfer students must be enrolled fulltime the semester prior to application for membership B. Prospective members must: a. Maintain a cumulative grade point average that is congruent with the National guidelines. b. Must conduct themselves in a manner that will not reflect negatively upon the sorority. Also, the prospect must be an asset to the chapter and show excellent discernment as well as professionalism. c. Attend Sigma Gamma Rho and National Pan-Hellenic Council events/programs d. Adhere to rules and regulations set by the University’s National Pan-Hellenic Council. i. Attend Mandatory Study Hours ii. Attend Mandatory Anti-Hazing Workshops e. Adhere to all student rules and regulations set by the University. f. Be in good financial standing and good conduct standing with the University. g. Must have good rapport with members of the chapter.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Section 302: Intake

Membership Intake will occur in the fall and/or spring semester(s) at the discretion of current Lambda Lambda Chapter members. All members of the Lambda Lambda Chapter at Texas A&M University must have their TORCH training updated every year or as mandated by Nationals. All membership intake calendars shall be sent no later than ONE MONTH before Rush.

Section 303: Maintaining Active Status

A member will become inactive for the duration of the semester if she:

A. Withdraws from the University or is suspended from the University. B. Is not in good financial standing on a local, regional, or national level. C. Is not in good conduct standing on a local, regional, or national level. D. Has a GPA below the national standard. E. Does not actively participate in Lambda Lambda chapter business, which includes missing more than 5 Sorority and Chapter mandated activities a semester. F. Does not attend a minimum of at least 5 formal meetings during a given semester.


Section 401: Dues and Assessments

The chapter shall pay the following dues in a timely manner that is in alignment with the deadlines set by Nationals for both Sigma Gamma Rho and the University’s National Pan-Hellenic Council.

A. National B. Regional C. National Pan-Hellenic Council (Either one full payment or two separate payments)

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Section 402: Deadlines

Each member must pay their local, regional, and national dues in accordance to the following schedule. All payments should be made out to the Chapter so that the Grammateus and Tamiochus can send one payment on behalf of all chapter members. Also, so the Anti-Basileus and Anti-Grammateus can send out one remittance form on behalf of all chapter members. The newly elected Basileus and Anti-Basileus alongside the Grammateus and Tamiochus will notify chapter members of specific dates and costs at the last meeting of the year.

A. National Dues – No later than the third Monday in August B. Regional Dues – No later than the third Monday in August C. Local Dues – No later than the third Monday in August D. Chapter Dues – No later than the third Monday in August a. Chapter dues are not to be lower than $50 per member and shall not exceed $125. E. National Pan-Hellenic Council Dues – No later than the required council retreat.

Section 403: Accounts

Chapter dues are to be deposited in a separate account than the one that the university provides for activities fee monies.

Section 404: Chapter Funds and Dues

It is the responsibility of each member to pay for their local, regional, and national dues. No chapter funds can be allocated to pay for any member’s local, regional, and/or National dues.

Section 405: Consequences for failure to pay

If local, regional, or national dues are not paid, activity in the chapter is prohibited. If a newly elected officer fails to pay, then they lose their position and become inactive.

Section 406: Late Fees and Fines

Any tardy payments will assess a $15 late fee for each week that it is late. These late charges go directly to the chapter and are to be used on Chapter events. The fine caps at 8 weeks and at that point those who have failed to pay will be deemed inactive.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu


Section 501: Selection

The officers of the Lambda Lambda Chapter at Texas A&M University shall be elected, in April of each school year, TO ONE-YEAR TERMS WITH A LIMIT OF TWO CONSECUTIVE TERMS. In special circumstances, the constitution may be suspended to allow for members to run for a position if they are graduating in the fall. To be considered, members must be in good financial and conduct standing on the Local, Regional, and National level while maintaining the GPA requirement as dictated by Nationals. It is not required for every position to be filled and it is at the discretion of current and returning chapter members. They may also choose to split certain positions amongst members or add more positions to the ones listed below as they see fit.

Section 502: Duties

Basileus (President)

A. To be eligible for Basileus, candidates must be a member of the Lambda Lambda Chapter at Texas A&M University for at least ONE FULL YEAR unless unforeseen circumstances occur or there are no members who have accumulated that status. This position is typically fulfilled by the Anti-Basileus from the previous school year. This person should have strong leadership and conflict resolutions skills as well as the knowledge of how the chapter functions within itself and in relation to Nationals, the National Pan- Hellenic Council, and Texas A&M University. B. Shall preside over all meetings. C. Is responsible for making sure that all chapter programs and events are executed. D. Oversees external contact between the chapter and other on-campus organizations. E. Oversees contact between the Graduate and On-Campus Advisor. F. Attends required University and other events on behalf of the Chapter. a. Meetings with National Pan-Hellenic Council Advisor b. All-Presidents Meetings c. Judicial Board Hearings G. Submits the following required documents: a. 990 b. EOY Report c. Grade Report d. New Officer Report e. Audit Form f. Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Chapter Expectation Form

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Anti-Basileus (Vice President)

A. To be eligible for Anti-Basileus, candidates must be a member of the Lambda Lambda Chapter at Texas A&M University for at least ONE FULL YEAR unless unforeseen circumstances occur or there are no members who have accumulated that status. This person should be active within the community with excellent organization and time management skills. It is also necessary that this person has an image that inspires others to be Sigma Women and a knowledge of Intake processes and how the Chapter functions. B. Shall preside over all meetings and other duties in the absence of the Basileus. C. Is responsible for making sure that all chapter programs and events are executed alongside the Basileus. D. Is responsible for creating all Recruitment Strategies & Policies that align with National mandates. E. Is responsible for tracking the amount of Study Hours Current and Prospective members are attending. F. Is responsible for creating a Recruitment/Intake Committee. G. Communicates with the Graduate and On-Campus Advisor on all chapter events and concerns. H. Submits the following required documents: a. Local, Regional, and National Remittance forms. b. TORCH Calendar and other intake affiliated documents.

Anti-Grammateus (Secretary)

A. To be eligible for Anti-Grammateus, candidates should be well organized and able to articulate messages on behalf of the chapter in an eloquent manner. This person should be available to always get in contact with National officials as well as other individuals given by the Basileus and Anti-Basileus. B. Shall preside over all meetings and other duties in the absence of the Basileus and Anti-Basileus. C. Is responsible for submitting local, regional, and national Remittance Forms alongside the Anti-Basileus. D. Is responsible for creating any written correspondence that regards public outreach, gaining sponsorships, statements with positions taken on issues by the Chapter, etc. with the Basileus and Anti- Basileus. E. Is responsible for contacting National officials via e-mail correspondence. F. Is responsible for updating the chapter’s lineage and member contact information. G. Is responsible for taking accurate minutes at every meeting and sending them out to every member of the chapter and Graduate Advisor within 48 HOURS. H. Is responsible for checking the Greek Life Mail. I. Is responsible for updating the chapter on emails received via the Chapter e-mail account(s) weekly. J. Is responsible for responding to e-mails sent specifically to the Chapter in a business professional manner. K. Is responsible for distributing emails, flyers, postal mail, etc. to the correct officer or member. L. Is responsible for keeping track of event attendance by members and prospective members.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Grammateus (Treasurer)

A. To be eligible for Grammateus, candidates should be well organized and fiscally responsible. This person needs to have budgeting and accounting experience and have the ability to make sound judgment calls on where chapter monies should be allocated. B. Is responsible for managing the funds in the SOFC account and other Off-Campus Accounts C. Is responsible for creating a yearly budget. D. Is responsible for making sure the chapter cuts its expenses and expenses do not exceed the yearly budget. E. Is responsible for making purchases on behalf of the chapter with clearance from the Basileus and Anti- Basileus. F. Is responsible for keeping track of the money box, receipts, refunds, dues, and fines. G. Is responsible for creating Financial Reports for every meeting. H. Must be present at all functions that require receipts or disbursements of chapter monies. I. Is responsible for overseeing the Tamiochus and Fundraising Committee.

Tamiochus (Fundraising Chairperson)

A. To be eligible for Tamiochus, candidates should be well organized and fiscally responsible. This person should have the ability to make sound judgment calls on where chapter monies should be allocated. Background experience in fundraising events and securing donations would also make someone an optimal candidate. B. Is responsible for working alongside the Grammateus to manage the SOFC and other Off-Campus Accounts. C. Is responsible for working alongside the Grammateus to make purchases on behalf of the chapter with clearance from the Basileus and Anti-Basileus. D. Is responsible for setting up profit shares, bake sales, and other fundraising events. E. Is responsible for creating a Fundraising Committee, if necessary. F. Is responsible for applying for Grants, Scholarships, donations, and other free money on behalf of the chapter. a. NAACP b. NPHC – National and Local grants/donations c. Student Organization Funding d. Etc. G. Is responsible for securing food donations for programs and events ahead of time. H. Must be present at all functions that require receipts or disbursements of chapter monies.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu


A. To be eligible for Parliamentarian, candidates should have confidence in keeping order of meetings as well as a firm understanding of the Chapter and National Pan-Hellenic Bylaws. This candidate would be a better asset to the chapter if they have experience in conflict management or other applicable leadership experience. B. Advises on all questions of parliamentary procedure upon request. C. Review proper parliamentary procedures according to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised at the first meeting of each semester. D. Shall maintain decorum and order at all meetings and shall certify all persons in attendance. E. Chair Chapter Judicial board. F. Receive training for Greek Life Judicial board. G. Shall amend the constitution as necessary. H. Perform all other duties as assigned.

Epistoleus (Public Relations Chairperson)

A. To be eligible for Epistoleus, candidates should have graphic design and website building experience as well as a creative eye for detail. This candidate would be a better asset to the chapter if they had Photoshop, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, illustrator, and InDesign skills. B. Is responsible for scheduling yearly chapter pictures and submitting them to TAMU Calendar. C. Is responsible for media coverage of all chapter events and presides over the display board & scrapbook. D. Is responsible for the creation of flyers for all chapter events. E. Is responsible for submitting chapter events and programs to the AURORA and getting help from the Anti- Grammateus if necessary. F. Is responsible for updating the chapter website(s) and posting to the chapter’s social media accounts every week. G. Is responsible for representing the chapter for Aggie Greek Weekend meetings.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Programming Chairperson(s)

A. To be eligible for Programming Chair, candidates should have experience in programming events and be in tune with the demands of the local community. B. Is responsible for making sure that all chapter events and programs are in alignment with National initiatives. C. Is responsible for making sure that all chapter events and programs are thoroughly planned and executed. D. Is responsible for reserving rooms for biweekly meetings and programs. E. Is responsible for delegating tasks for all chapter events and programs. F. Is responsible for securing food donations for programs ahead of time. G. Is responsible for venue and DJ contracts. H. Is responsible for meeting with other organizations in regards to co-programming opportunities on behalf of the chapter. I. Is responsible for keeping track of all educational, co-programming events for NPHC chapter ranking documentation due at the close of each semester. J. Is responsible for taking inventory of the chapter supplies/closet before the beginning of each semester.

Service Chairperson

A. To be eligible for Service Chair, candidates must have knowledge of national initiatives and community needs. A strong candidate has a drive B. Is responsible for organizing at least one community service event per month. C. Is responsible for planning any philanthropic events. D. Is responsible for sending follow-up e-mails of service events and detailed emails at least 72 HOURS before event. E. Is responsible for writing all community service letters. F. Is responsible for keeping track of all service hours for NPHC Chapter ranking documentation due at the close of each semester.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Step Master

A. To be eligible for Step Master, candidates should know all if not the majority of the chapter’s strolls and steps. It is also necessary that the candidates know how to run efficient practices and are willing to teach individuals in a multitude of ways. B. Is responsible for all stepshow music and voiceovers. C. Is responsible for registering the chapter in shows and selecting appropriate outfits that correspond with the show’s theme. D. Is responsible for teaching new members strolls and steps as well as leading Stompfest practices. E. Is responsible for sending performance requests to the Regional UCC or other performance committee members no later than one week in advance.

NPHC Delegates (2 required)

A. Is required to attend every National Pan-Hellenic Council General body meeting. If one of the delegates cannot attend, it is their responsibility to find a replacement 48 hours in advance. B. Is responsible for taking minutes at the National Pan-Hellenic Council and delivering a report at all chapter meetings. C. Is responsible for voting wisely on behalf of the chapter and speaking on behalf of the chapter at all National Pan-Hellenic Council General body meeting. D. Is responsible for selecting dates at the close of the school year at the National Pan-Hellenic Council General body meeting with the Basileus and Anti-Basileus’ approval.

Section 503: Officers and Dues

Chapter officers must be financial with Nationals and must pay their chapter dues or any other monies owed to the chapter before the end of the spring semester they are elected in.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Section 504: Removal of Officer

Before an officer is removed, it is the responsibility of the Basileus and the Anti-Basileus to discuss any concerns regarding inattention to position duties, lack of discretion, misconduct, etc. with the accused alongside the Graduate Advisor. After three warnings, the chapter may visit removing anyone who does not meet chapter expectations regarding their position. Members of the chapter may motion to remove any officer who has exceeded their warnings for any of the following reasons:

A. Withdrawal or Removal from Texas A&M University. B. Grade Point Average does not meet national standards. C. Misappropriating sorority funds. D. Failure to maintain duties and tasks of her office. E. Breach of Ethical standards. F. Lack of discretion about sorority and/or National Pan-Hellenic Council business. G. Conduct unbecoming of a Sigma Woman. H. Conduct unbecoming of an Aggie.

Section 506: Vacancies

If a vacancy occurs mid-year, the following will happen:

A. If a vacancy occurs in the Basileus office, the Anti-Basileus will immediately fill the position with the Anti- Grammateus assisting with the Anti-Basileus duties. B. Vacancies in all other offices can be filled through appointment by the Basileus with approval from the Advisor, in advance of or after chapter elections. This includes the appointment of a member to fill newly created positions as well as on local, regional, or national committees.

Section 507: Appointments

The Anti-Basileus, Tamiochus, Programming Chair, and StepMaster of the chapter may appoint chapter members to serve on the following committees as they see fit:

A. Recruitment/Intake Committee – Responsible for assisting with TORCH activities and recruiting new members. B. Fundraising Committee – Responsible for assisting with fundraising events. C. Programming Committee – Responsible for assisting with directly planning Chapter events. D. Performance Committee/JR. Stepmaster – Responsible for learning all of the chapter steps and strolls and assisting with all Chapter affiliated shows including stompfest.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu


Section 601: Voting

Only active members who are financial can participate in the following voting activities:

A. Routine Business B. Elections

Section 602: Elections

A. Elections shall be held at the end of each school year in April during the second to last business meeting. B. Only returning and financial chapter members shall be given a ballot. C. Nominees must be present at the time of elections or send in an electronic speech to the Basileus, Anti- Basileus, and Anti-Grammateus to remain on the ballot 24 hours in advance. D. Nominees will give a speech and the one with the most votes will be declared as a newly elected officer. E. All previous officers shall give information regarding their position to the newly elected officers at the final meeting.


Section 701: Meetings

The Lambda Lambda Chapter at Texas A&M University shall hold bi-weekly meetings during the Fall and Spring semester in order to conduct sorority business. There will be at least one mandatory retreat during the summer before the beginning of the Fall semester.

These meetings are closed to members of the general public and are only open to financial members of the chapter. If members of other organizations want to speak at meetings they must get formal clearance from the Basileus and Anti-Basileus at least 48 hours in advance.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Section 702: Attendance

To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late. Attendance is mandatory at all meetings. If a member is unable to attend or will arrive late the following must occur:

A. Prior notification of absence or tardiness via E-mail at least 48 hours in advance to the Basileus, Anti- Basileus, and Chapter Account. This notification policy is in effect the entire school year. B. Failure to provide prior notification of tardiness or absence will result in the following: a. $5 fine every five minutes a member is late to a meeting. This will be enforced after the five minute grace period and is not to be prorated.

(For example: The chapter meeting starts at 2:00pm. After 2:05pm all members who arrive late afterwards will be charged $5 for every five minutes they are late.)

Section 704: Failure to Attend meetings.

If a member does not actively participate in Lambda Lambda chapter business, which includes missing more than 5 Sorority and Chapter mandated activities a semester or she does not attend a minimum of at least 5 formal meetings during a given semester, she will no longer be deemed active within the chapter.

Section 705: Meeting Protocol

All meetings should be ran in accordance to Robert’s Rules of Order and National Bylaws. Each meeting shall begin with a prayer and the recitation of the Sorority Pledge. Meetings will conclude with a prayer as well as the recitation of the Sorority Hymn. The following are direct rules that everyone must adhere to during meetings:

A. Meetings are closed to members of the general public and are only open to financial members of the chapter. If members of other organizations want to speak at meetings they must get formal clearance from the Basileus and Anti-Basileus at least 48 hours in advance and must speak before the meeting officially is called to order. B. Mobile devices should not be present during meetings and on silent. If a phone is to ring and/or vibrate during a meeting it will result in a $5 fine. There will be one warning. C. All elected and appointed officers must have a detailed, hard copy of their report during the meeting. It is also required that all reports be e-mailed to the chapter account before the beginning of the meeting. Failure to provide a digital report 3 times may result in disciplinary actions that may lead to officer removal. D. Professionalism is required at all times during the meeting and all side conversations should be kept at a medium. E. Foster a community of respect. Be open minded, honest, and respectful of other’s viewpoints and ideas.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Section 706: Meeting Attire

All meetings are business casual/professional unless stated otherwise. Everyone must be dressed in sorority colors with all neutral colors (black, brown, and white) kept to a minimum. Failure to adhere to the dress code may result in the following:

A. One warning and a reminder of the appropriate attire. Afterwards a fine of $5 will be due to the chapter for failure to follow chapter protocol. B. Dismissal from the meeting for inappropriate attire.


Section 801: Area Meetings

All financial and good standing members must attend the required Area meeting that is usually held during the Fall Semester in order to be properly TORCH trained and up-to-date on the status of the Sorority. The newly elected Basileus and Anti-Basileus will inform all chapter members the date of the upcoming Area meeting before the close of the school year.

Section 802: Regional Conferences

All financial members must attend the required Regional Conference held during the Spring Semester in order to actively vote on Sorority business on behalf of the chapter. In the case that members cannot attend due to financial hardships, family emergencies, etc. the chapter must help fund to send at least 3 representatives.

Section 803: Boule

All financial members should attend Boule when it is a Boule year. If the majority of chapter members are unable to attend due to financial hardships, family emergencies, etc. the chapter must help fund to send at least 2 representatives. Failure to have chapter representation at two annual Boules will result in a financial fine from Nationals.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu


Section 901: Representation

All members while wearing the colors, letters, or any other images that depict Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated shall conduct themselves in a manner that will not demean themselves that their actions will reflect negatively upon the sorority. As a member of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated, you are representing our image, values, and your dignity at all times whether you are conducting business on behalf of the organization or not. Proper representation is required at all times.

Section 902: Sigma Woman Image

All members of Lambda Lambda are required to represent the chapter and organization well at all times. This is inclusive of every member’s inner and outer image. Remember that your personal interactions may positively or negatively influence how others view the chapter. It is unacceptable to look unpresentable on campus or while representing the organization at various events (National Pan-Hellenic Council meetings or events, Student Activities events, etc.). The following is a guideline to the type of attire that should/could be worn at differing events:

A. National Pan-Hellenic Council Events a. General Body Meeting – Business Casual/Professional b. NPHC Week Events – Lettered attire with jeans or Blue/Gold Business Professional/Casual c. Social Events – Casual Attire d. Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life Events – Lettered attire with jeans or Business Professional B. SGRho Events a. Co-Programming events – Lettered attire with jeans or Blue/Gold Business casual/professional b. Educational Events – Blue/Gold Business professional c. Social Events – Lettered attire with jeans d. Community Service – Lettered attire e. Chapter Pictures – Black business professional suits with a mustard blouse or button-up shirt, SGRho pin, and an appropriate blue and gold Jumpfly outfit (no powder blues or neon yellows). C. Greek Picnics a. SGRho Paraphernalia D. Other Events a. Use your discretion depending on the context.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Section 903: Advertising and Publicizing

No emails, flyers, handbills, posters, social media updates, etc. shall be used with Lambda Lambda or Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated’s name present that will degrade our sorority. All items posted to the Lambda Lambda social media accounts should be in alignment with our Chapter and National values as well as events. All unrelated posts should be kept to a minimum to keep from overshadowing the purpose of these accounts. All promotional material shall be reviewed by the chapter and the advisor before it is released to the public.

Section 904: Disciplinary Action

Any member of the chapter who exhibits behavior that is incongruent with sorority standards or unbecoming of a soror is subject to disciplinary action. Intolerable behavior includes but is not limited to:

A. Excessive and irresponsible drinking in public forums B. Unwarranted tardiness to chapter functions C. Not performing officer responsibilities and other behaviors D. Not following National Pan-Hellenic Council’s rules and guidelines E. Other behaviors that compromise the chapter and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated

In the event that the behavior is of a grand scale and cannot be addressed by the Basileus and Anti-Basileus, the soror(s) in question will have to meet with the Graduate advisor and if necessary the Graduate Chapter Anti- Basileus to discuss their behavior.

At this meeting, if the soror(s) in question are guilty of inappropriate behavior with incontrovertible evidence, there will be an outline created of how the problem can be corrected. The party in question will be continually checked in on until the issue is resolved.

The advisor and Anti-Basileus of the graduate chapter reserve the right to prohibit chapter involvement until the plan of correction has been fulfilled. This disciplinary action against a member that is negatively representing Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated is in accordance with the National handbook.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu


Section 1101: Obligations

The purpose of the National Pan-Hellenic Council at Texas A&M University is to foster cooperative action of its members in dealing with matters of mutual concern. To this end, the National Pan-Hellenic Council at Texas A&M University promotes the wellbeing of its affiliate fraternities and sororities, and facilitates the establishment and development of high standards and leadership programming. Therefore the Lambda Lambda chapter is responsible for assisting with the National Pan-Hellenic Council’s endeavors and upholding these high ideals. This shall be done through the following ways:

A. Maintaining good standing with the Council B. Sending at least 2/3rds representation to all Council events and functions when requested C. Participating in the planning and execution of all Council events D. Establishing healthy working relationships with all organizations in the council E. Properly representing the council and SGRho at all times

Section 1102: Powers and Scope of Authority

Upon requesting to be a member of the council at Texas A&M University, Lambda Lambda chapter agreed to adhere to all National Pan-Hellenic Council guidelines and rules. Therefore upon acceptance of membership into the Lambda Lambda chapter, each member has agreed to adhere to these guidelines as well. The National Pan- Hellenic Council first and foremost acts as an advocacy group at Texas A&M University on behalf of all the organizations that are active underneath it. Whereas the council only has the authority to regulate all matters of organizational interest, the Lambda Lambda chapter will not infringe upon its council as dictated by their National Bylaws as well as the Council’s Bylaws. All National Pan-Hellenic Council events take precedence and the Lambda Lambda chapter will follow all rules as if they were their own. Authority of the National Pan-Hellenic council is derived through recognition by the Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life as well as through our National membership within this affiliate council.

Section 1103: Auxiliary Programs

When possible, the chapter shall send members to be on the board of the National Pan-Hellenic Council’s auxiliary programs (AASLI, UDS, AGLC, etc.).

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Section 1104: Breaking Council Guidelines and Rules

Members found responsible for displaying behavior that is incongruent with Council guidelines and rules shall be responsible for taking care of any disciplinary sanctions and actions the chapter may receive on their behalf. Active and financial members who are the chapter’s roster found responsible for inappropriate behavior that fail to pay the sanctions imposed upon the chapter will be deemed inactive until they do so.

For Example:

A. Anne was doing fraternity moves and diss-strolling at the Greek Party last weekend. Another council member was present and filed a grievance report. NPHC decided to hold the chapter accountable and fine the chapter $300. Anne is now responsible for paying the fine in lieu of the chapter. B. Anne made a negative comment on social media about another Greek organization. The Greek organization in question filed a grievance report with NPHC. NPHC decided to hold the chapter accountable and fine the chapter $400 for each comment and repost. Anne is now responsible for paying the fine in lieu of the chapter.


Section 1201: SGRho Week

Sigma Gamma Rho Week shall be held during the week of November 12th of the current year. If this week is unavailable, the closest week to this date shall be selected.

Section 1202: SGRho Week Events

Sigma Gamma Rho Week shall be a week of activities that will enhance the awareness of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated including seminars, fundraisers, community service, and social activity with Texas A&M University. These events should be closely aligned with our organization ideals and initiatives. The following are examples of events the chapter has held previously:

A. Provide for Those Who Protect B. Step Up, Speak Out, Motivate C. Sigma Sizzle D. RHOyal Treatment E. Poodle Paws F. The Revolution

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Section 1203: SGRho Weekend

Sigma Gamma Rho Weekend shall be held during the spring semester of every school year. The chapter shall select the best date and can decide upon NPHC date selection if they would like to extend the weekend to a full week.

Section 1204: Attendance

All events during these weeks are mandatory for all members of the Lambda Lambda chapter. Prior notification of absence or tardiness via E-mail at least 48 hours in advance to the Basileus, Anti-Basileus, and carbon copy (CC:) the chapter’s email account. This notification policy is in effect the entire school year. Failure to alert the appropriate officers of your absence may result in disciplinary actions or a fine.


Section 1301: Reservations

All rooms and off campus venues shall be reserved for chapter events before the beginning of the semester as permitted but no later than at least one week prior to the day of the event. A week’s time should be considered for obtaining all official signatures.

Section 1302: Prior notice

The chapter must receive the information for the requisition and the event details at least two weeks prior to the event in order to confirm interest and commitment in hosting the event.

Section 1303: Contracts

Any contracts the chapter decides to enter into with must have the approval of the Graduate Advisor as well as the Regional legal advisor. This includes but is not limited to DJ, venue, entertainer, and other contracts. These shall be sent to the Regional Legal Advisor at least two weeks in advance to ensure the sorority has mitigated any risks and other threats that may impact the organization at large.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu


Section 1401: Activities

The chapter shall organize at least two annual community service projects per year and strive to participate in at least one service event monthly. All service projects shall align back to our core values and all members shall be required to participate.

Section 1402: Forms

A community service form must be filled out and signed by the community service facilitator as well as the chapter Basileus. This form must be placed in the chapter records. In addition, the service forms for all projects to be used for the consideration in the National Pan-Hellenic Council point system shall be turned in after the completion of each event.


Section 1501: Voting

All fundraisers must be presented for acceptance by the chapter majority at a business meeting.

Section 1503: Forms

All fundraising forms for on-campus collection or participation in events must be completed at least one week prior to the scheduled date of the event.

Section 1504: Joint Fundraisers

Joint fundraisers must have a written contract of the amount of money to be distributed among each of the parties involved and the amount of money parties must each contribute to execute the fundraiser. Agreement to terms of these contracts cannot be made by the chapter representative without properly consulting the chapter as well as it passing a majority vote.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Section 1505: Stepshows and Stroll-Offs

All stepshows and stroll-offs shall be considered fundraisers. Therefore, the majority of the chapter should be in attendance at and involved in these performances. The majority of chapter members are required to participate. All performances must get clearance by the Regional UCC or other members of the stepshow committee at least one week in advance. At the time the video is submitted, the show must be finalized in its entirety.

Section 1506: Funds

Funds generated by the chapter must be turned into either the Student Organization Funding Center (SOFC) or the Off-Campus banking account within 24 hours of the event. These funds can only be used for sorority business with the exception of dues.


Section 1601: Delegation

Money acquired through chapter programs, events, donations, grants, or by other means shall only be used for sorority business. It is the responsibility of every member of the chapter to be fiscally responsible when deciding where these monetary funds should go.

Section 1602: Budget

There shall be a yearly budget made by the Grammateus and Tamiochus alongside the Basileus and Anti-Basileus. It is required for the chapter to leave $1000 in the Off-Campus banking account for usage the following year. Failure to adhere to the budget and not plan accordingly to save will result in current chapter members directly paying the chapter the necessary amount to ensure it is there.

Section 1603: Approval to Withdraw Funds

To withdraw funds from the Student Organization Finance Center or the Off-Campus account must have the signatures of the Basileus and the Grammateus. Approval for usage of any chapter monies must be given by chapter majority at least one week in advance. Any monies withdrawn that are not used in their entirety must be deposited back into the account it was withdrawn from.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER BY-LAWS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, TX

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Section 1604: Chapter Fines

Chapter fines shall be assessed and enforced by the parliamentarian and in her absence by the Anti-Grammateus. The Parliamentarian will give records of those who have failed to meet chapter expectations and have incurred fines to the Grammateus and Tamiochus every week. All funds acquired through the following methods are to be used for chapter programs, events, and sorority business.

A. Failure to Pay Membership dues on time - $15 per every week it is late. Caps at 8 weeks. B. Tardiness to meetings and other chapter functions - $5 per every 5 minutes late. No prorate. C. Failure to attend meetings in proper attire - $5 per offense


Section 1701: Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3rds vote by all financial members. Such amendments must be presented and discussed at least one meeting prior to voting.


Section 1801: National Pan-Hellenic Council

In the event that the chapter is down to less than 3 members, the chapter will follow protocol outlined in the National Pan-Hellenic Council bylaws in order to maintain recognition with the university so that the chapter can continue to function.

Section 1802: Dissolution

At the event the chapter is dissolved, the last existing members shall give all records and history to the Basileus of the Alumnae Chapter, Gamma Sigma so that the legacy of Lambda Lambda shall remain.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER EXPECTATIONS “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

As a member of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. you are representing our image, our values, and our reputation in addition to your own. The success of this organization is contingent upon every member. For these reasons, the following expectations must be agreed upon in order to properly fulfill your duties as a member.

Attendance and Presence:

To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late. All Chapter events are mandatory. As a member, you agree to arrive early for set-up and agree to stay until the event ends to ensure the venue is returned to its proper order. Only prior notification of absence or tardiness will be accepted. More than one unexcused absence or two excused absences may warrant a meeting with the Basileus, Anti-Basileus, and Graduate Advisor. If you are unable to attend an event, will be tardy to an event, or need to leave early from an event you must do the following: 1. Notify the Basileus and Anti-Basileus via email at LEAST 48 hours in advance. 2. Assist with the event in other ways. For example, if you are arriving late and we need any unforeseen items you may be asked to retrieve them and bring them with you upon arrival.


As a member of the Chapter, you must take ownership in our organization by being knowledgeable of all chapter events, history, and other details at all times. It is your responsibility to get any information you may have missed during a meeting or important conversation. As a member you are agreeing to do the following: 1. Stay updated on Chapter information via E-mail, GroupMe, Chapter meetings, etc. 2. Publicize all chapter and National Pan-Hellenic Council events via Social Media and other forums.


Professionalism is required at all times. Being a part of this organization should be an enhancing experience, however your role as a member must also be fulfilled. As a member you are agreeing to the following: 1. Be mindful of the content and language used on personal social media accounts and via emails. 2. Maintain an image that will not demean yourself or reflect negatively upon the Sorority.

Meeting Protocol

Meetings should be enjoyable but professional as well. It is pertinent that we maintain a community of respect during meetings. As a member you are agreeing to the following: 1. Keeping Mobile devices silent and removed from the table in order to minimize distractions. Fines will apply. 2. Respect members as they are delivering reports and maintain an open-mind towards other perspectives as well as ideas that may be presented. 3. Come to meetings prepared to deliver reports. Hard copy reports are due to the [email protected] before the meeting.

Please initial each statement and sign below.

As a member of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated, I understand:

______The expectations listed in this document as well as the Chapter Bylaws. I agree to hold myself and my Sorority Sisters accountable. ______These expectations will best help the organization succeed in execution. ______Failure to follow these expectations may lead to disciplinary actions, fines, or other measures.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Printed Name: ______

SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA OFFICER REPORT “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

Officer Name and Position: Date of Meeting:

ReportReport Summary: Summary:

Action(s) Required: Things the Chapter needs to complete and approve to do.

Plan of Action: What needs to happen if the chapter decides to move forward in action?

Chapter resources and amount of Money needed:



 Call to Order  Prayer  Recitation of Sorority Pledge  Adoption of Agenda  Adoption of Previous Meeting Minutes/Correspondence  Old, Unfinished Business  Officer Reports  Basileus  Anti-Basileus  Grammateus  Anti-Grammateus  Tamiochus  Service Chair(s)  Programming Chair(s)  Epistoleus  Parliamentarian  Step Master NPHC Delegate(s)  New Business  Advisor Report and Comments  Announcements  Closing Prayer  Recitation of Sorority Hymn  Meeting Adjourned

SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, Texas

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu


This Crisis Management Plan is a basic guide to providing a response system, by members of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated, for a major crisis or emergency occurring during events hosted by the chapter while on the campus of Texas A&M University or other locations in the Bryan/College Station area. All current members of the chapter are responsible for knowing and understanding the policies and procedures outlined in this plan. The response to any major crisis will be conducted within the framework of this plan. All changes must be approved by the chapter in accordance to all chapter bylaws and guidelines and reviewed with the Graduate Chapter advisor alongside with the Sorority Legal Advisor. Changes should be put on the floor at the end of each Sorority year at the last meeting of the semester and forwarded to the proper parties.

The Crisis Management Plan is designed to effectively coordinate our resources to protect property and guests during and immediately following major crisis. It should be put into operation whenever there is an emergency affecting the campus and therefore chapter events that cannot be controlled through routine, normal channels and procedures.

This plan should be reviewed before events in order to appropriate assess any potential risks that may arise. Be sure to look at all facility exit/entry points, locations of fire extinguishers and first aid kits, handicap accessible ramps, and other resources that may help mitigate potential risks and assist during emergencies. These resources and locations should be revisited during the set-up of the event to ensure that if a crisis arises, chapter members will be well prepared and equipped to begin to manage the situation.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Texas A&M University System officials and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, Texas

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu


The following information is provided in an attempt to clarify the notification of appropriate Chapter members in the event of an emergency. Please notify these members in the according order; in the event that the first person is not available, contact the one next in line.

1. Basileus 2. Anti-Basileus 3. Other Present Chapter Members 4. Advisors

Once contact is made with a chapter member, that member will advise appropriate campus personnel as well as the Graduate Chapter and On-Campus Advisor, if they are not present at the event, with an update as soon as possible if it does not interfere with rendering aid and solving the crisis.

The types of activities that should be reported include but are not limited to:

1. Injury or death of a student or guest. 2. Transportation of a student or guest to the hospital for serious injury or death. 3. Concern about the safety/well-being of a student. 4. Disturbance in the event that has potential for greater involvement. 5. Disciplinary problems at an event. 6. Fire or unusual damages during a function. 7. Anytime University or College Station/Bryan Police must address a problem at an event.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Texas A&M University System officials and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, Texas

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu

Use appropriate discernment in the event that emergencies arise to contact the correct individuals and officials.

1. Call 911 to contact the appropriate emergency responder 2. In a non-emergency situation use the following contacts a. University Police – (979) 845-2345 b. Dial-A-Nurse (Beutal) – (979) 845-2822 c. College Station Police Department – (979) 764-3600 d. College Station Fire Department – (979) 764-3700 e. College Station Medical Center – (979) 764-5111 or (979) 764-5100 f. St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center – (979) 776 – 2471 or (979) 776-2479


In emergency situations, campus officials may order protective actions for persons that are on campus. These actions may require individuals to evacuate to a safer area or to take shelter in place. When these things happen, be sure to follow the directions of police, fire, safety, or university officials via radio and television stations, the Emergency Alert System (EAS), Code Maroon, loudspeakers, or other means of communicating.


o Immediately evacuate using appropriate building emergency plan procedures. Do not use elevators. Do not re-enter building until cleared by authorized personnel. o Make sure all event participants are out of the room in an organized fashion before Chapter members leave. Be sure to advise guests to take only their necessities with them. If any of them need special assistance to evacuate, contact building personnel.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Texas A&M University System officials and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, Texas

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu


o Withdraw from area quickly and in an organized fashion. Do not re-enter the building until permitted. o Make sure all event participants are out of the room in an organized fashion before Chapter members leave. Be sure to advise guests to take only their necessities with them and not to use their person vehicles unless specifically instructed to do so. If anyone needs special assistance, contact building personnel.


o If weather conditions do not allow for evacuation, individuals may have to take shelter inside campus buildings and wait for more details. Stay indoors away from areas with glass. o Take available modes of communication (radios, TVs, etc.) into the room in order to gain current information about the event but do not call 911 for information. Wait for clearance from officials before allowing anyone to exit.


o To Report a fire in the area in the area call 911 and follow all the emergency responder’s instructions. They will handle notifying the appropriate individuals on campus, assess the situation, and decide on a course of action. o Evacuate all guests and chapter members in an orderly fashion. At least one person should bring up the rear and ensure that all members and guests have been removed from the location. Avoid all elevators and proceed to the nearest exit while following appropriate guidelines as dictated by building proctors.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Texas A&M University System officials and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER “A Non-governmental Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information”

1173 TAMU College Station, Texas

Email: [email protected] www.SGRho.tamu.edu


To help prevent and deter individuals from becoming aggressors, maintain an accurate guest list for all social events and require a sign in sheet at all programming events. This is to ensure that proper action can be taken against the party violating guest expectations and that they can be held accountable. At events where there is amplified sound at an open, outdoor event with an expected number of people over 200, Bryan/College Station or campus police officers must work the event.

o In the instance that an event must be evacuated due to aggressors, cut all amplified sound and allow the security who are working the event to intercept the aggressors and escort them out. At this point the party has ended and will no longer continue. Make an announcement that the event has now ended and that individuals need to leave the premises as soon as possible. Chapter members will be responsible for getting guests to leave and making sure no one is lingering in bathrooms or other venue spaces.

o In the instance that an event must be evacuated due to injury, cut all amplified sound and make a clear path for the responders to reach the injured party. Once the injured party is retrieved, make an announcement that the event has now ended. Chapter members will be responsible for getting guests to leave and make sure no one is still lingering in bathrooms or other venue spaces.

This information is the sole property of the Lambda Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Anything mentioned within this document is confidential and not to be shared with outside parties that are unaffiliated with Texas A&M University System officials and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated designated officials.