The Problem of Old Names As Illustrated by Brachyopa "Conica
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The problem of old names as illustrated by Brachyopa "conica<<s Panzer", with a synopsis of PalaearcticBrachyopa Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae). F. CHRISTIAN THOMPSON Thompson, F. C: The problem of old names as illustrated by Brachyopa "conica Panzer", Ent. scand. with a synopsis of Palaearctic Brachyopa Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae). Ent. scand. 11: 209-216. Lund, Sweden 7 July 1980. ISSN 0013-8711. Brachyopa conica Panzer is a name that appears commonly in works on European Syrphi- dae. The name is invalid and has been incorrectly applied to at least three different species. The valid name for this species is panzeri Goffe and applies to an as yet unrecognized species. The occurrence and solution of similar taxonomic and nomenclatural problems are discussed. A key to the Palaearctic species of Brachyopa is given. Brachyopa maculipennis Thompson, nov. nomen, is proposed for arcuata Panzer. F. C. Thompson, Syst. Ent. Lab., SEA, USDA, c/o U.S. Nat. Mus. NHB-168, Washing- ton, D.C. 20560 USA. Syrphidae is a group of mainly large and usage of Musca testacea Fabricius (1781: 440; showy flies that have attracted the attention of preoccupied, equals Phaonia variegata (Meigen) both amateur and professional entomologists. (Muscidae)). Meigen (1822) synonymized testa- The excellent work of such pioneers as Zetter- cea Fallen under conica Panzer, but despite this stedt, Schiner, Williston and Verrall has left the action he apparently considered conica to be a impression that these flies are easy to identify species with a pubescent arista, a generic charac- and are well known (Metcalf 1921: 169). This, ter of his Brachyopa. Zetterstedt (1838), con- however, is not the case. The intent of my article fused by Meigen, reinstated testacea Fallen as a is to illustrate this point by asking and answering valid species; noted that Panzer's conica had a the apparently simple question, "What is Bra- "bare" arista; and described dorsata, a species chyopa conica (Panzer)?" with a pubescent arista, for what was perhaps Brachyopa conica (Panzer) is the type species conica of Meigen and maybe the true conica of of its genus and a supposedly common species, Panzer. Later (1843), he described vittata, a sec- being listed as such in standard works on Palae- ond Brachyopa species with a plumose arista. arctic flower flies (Stackelberg 1970; Seguy 1963; Schiner (1857: 376) stated that dorsata Zetter- Sack 1929). The name, however, is invalid and stedt was undoubtedly the same as conica Pan- has been used incorrectly for at least two quite zer, but, as he had no specimens of dorsata, he different species. The species Panzer named has hesitated to make the synonymy. In his Fauna not been recognized since it was described. Austrica (1861), Schiner treated both as distinct Musca conica was the name Panzer applied species, with conica as the species with a plu- (1798) to & Brachyopa species with a "bare" (at mose arista and dorsata with a "bare" arista, but least to his unaided eye) arista. Fallen (1817) he gave no reason for the change in interpreta- described a Brachyopa species with a plumose tion. Most subsequent authors have ignored Zet- arista as Rhingia testacea. Bezzi & Stein (1907: terstedt and Schiner (1857) and have instead fol- 88; also Kertesz 1910: 179) treated Fallen's name lowed Schiner (1861), recognizing only one. Bra- as a subsequent usage of Musca testacea of Pan- chyopa species with a plumose arista and calling zer (1798: 14) which in itself was a subsequent that species conica Panzer. Only Sack (1929) and Entomologies scandinavica, Lund University, Sweden (Group 1:001; DIPT 007) 210 F. Christian Thompson ENT. SCAND. VOL. 11 (1980) Stackelberg (1970) have recognized two Bra- 5. Arista bare or virtually so, with hairs less than chyopa species with plumose aristae. Both used aristal width (Figs. 1,5) 6. - Arista pubescent, with some hairs as long as the name conica, but for different species. For basal aristal width (Figs. 4,6) 9. the second plumose-arista species, Sack used the 6. Thorax except scutellum entirely dark, from name vittata Zetterstedt, and Stackelberg used bluish gray to black; wing hyaline, without testacea Fallen. Panzer's conica is a species dark maculae; male eye contiguity short, only about as long as ocellar triangle; female front closely related to dorsata and previously not entirely pale pilose 7. clearly differentiated from that species. Conica - Thorax dark only on pectus (Pectus is the term of Sack is testacea Fallen and conica of Stackel- for the ventral surface of the thorax between berg is vittata Zetterstedt. Of the European the legs and, as such, includes the ventral 2/3 of sternopleuron and hypopleuron and all of workers only Goffe (1945) recognized that Pan- metasternum) and mesonotum; humerus, zer's name was a junior primary homonym, and mesopleuron, dorsal sternopleuron, ptero- he, therefore, renamed conica as panzeri. pleuron, barrette (dorsal raised edge of hypo- Keys to European Brachyopa species are pleuron), pleurotergum all pale reddish brown to orange; wing with distinct black maculae on given by Sack (1929), Seguy (1961), and Stackel- anterior crossvein (r-m) and end of spurious berg (1970). Sack covers only 5 species (his coni- vein; male eye contiguity long, longer than ca and vittata refer to testacea), Seguy 6 species, ocellar triangle; female front with a few black and Stackelberg 9 species out of 11 known Euro- hairs; antennal segment 3 with medium-sized sensory pit (Fig. 1) pean species. As all these keys are obsolete, a 3. maculipennis Thompson new key is included here. Couplets 5, 8-10 are 7. Abdomen, middle and hind coaxe pale, reddish modofied from Collin (1939). The five species brown to orange; male eyes holoptic or ap- treated and figured by Collin are not discussed proximate, separated by less than aristal width; propleuron (proepimeron) bare 8. here, but the other 7 Palaearctic species are re- - Abdomen, middle and hind coxae dark, brown- viewed. ish black to black; male eyes distinctly dichop- tic, separated by much more than aristal width; propleuron pilose; antennal segment 3 without Key to Palaearctic species o/Brachyopa Meigen a distinct sensory pit 11. 8. Antennal segment 3 without a sensory pit; 1. Arista plumose, with hairs many times longer notopleuron extensively pale pilose than aristal width (Figs. 2,3); mesonotum ex- insensilis Collin tensively pale, reddish brown to orange 2. - Antennal segment 3 with a small sensory pit; Arista bare or pubescent, with hairs not more notopleuron black pilose bicolor (Fallen) than twice as long as aristal width (Figs. 1, 4-6) 9. Antennal segment 3 with a large, kidney- 3. shaped sensory pit (see Collin 1939, Fig. 3) .. 2. Sternopleuron bare; smaller, 6-7 mm; head scutellaris (Robineau-Desvoidy) length equal to or slightly less than its height; - Antennal segment 3 with a smaller, more mesopleuron with dorsoposterior pile hairlike, rounded sensory pit (see Collin 1939, Figs. 4, 5) usually pale; aristal hairs shorter (Fig. 2) .... 10. 6. testacea (Fallen) 10. Antennal segment 3 with larger sensory pit, - Sternopleuron pilose dorsally; larger, 8-9 mm; with sensory pit closer to ventral margin than head length distinctly greater than its height; its diameter (see Collin 1939, Fig. 4); 2nd ter- mesopleuron with black bristles or bristlelike gum black pilose posteriolaterally pile dorsoposteriorly; aristal hairs longer (Fig. plena Collin 3) 7. vittata Zetterstedt - Antennal segment 3 with smaller sensory pit, 3. Mesonotum entirely dark, bluish gray to black, with sensory pit further removed from ventral except postalar callus usually paler 5. margin, separated by its diameter (see Collin - Mesonotum extensively pale, reddish brown to 1939, Fig. 5); 2nd tergum entirely pale pilose orange, laterally and anterior to scutellum .... 4. pilosa Collin 4. Antennal segment 3 with large sensory pit, 11. Abdominal terga with apical margins pollinose with sensory pit closer to ventral margin than and pale, yellow to white; scutellum black on its diameter (Fig. 4); male genitalia with ling- basal 2/3, orange apically, entirely long erect ular arm slender, longer than ventrolateral arm pale yellow pilose ... 4. ornamentosa Violovitsh of superior lobe (Figs. 8, 11) ... 5. panzeri Goffe - Abdominal terga shiny, uniformly dark; scutel- - Antennal segment 3 with smaller sensory pit, lum orange, short appressed black pilose with sensory pit further removed from ventral 1. cinerea Wahlberg margin, separated by a distance greater than its diameter (Fig. 6); male genitalia with lingular arm broad, equal to ventrolateral arm (Figs. 9, 10) 2. dorsata Zetterstedt ENT. SCAND. VOL. 11 (1980) The problem of old names, with a synopsis of Brachyopa 211 1. Brachyopa cinerea Wahlberg Fig. 5. Brachyopa cinera Wahlberg, 1844: 65. Type-locality: (Sweden, Norrbotten), Rabacken & Storsand. Type material, Naturhist. Riksmus. Stockholm. This is a northern species readily recognized by its shiny black abdomen. Brachyopa cinerea was described from a male and a female. The male is here designated as the lectotype and has been so labeled. Figs. 1-6. Brachyopa antennae, lateral view. — 1. Brachyopa "conica" maculipennis. — 2. testacea. — 3. vittata. — 4. pan- zeri. — 5. cinerea. — 6. dorsata. "Conica" of Panzer is panzeri Goffe, of Mei- gen is plena Collin (2 females in Meigen Collec- tion, MNHN, Paris), of Sack is testacea Fallen, Musca arcuata Panzer is a primary junior ho- of Stackelberg is vittata Zetterstedt, and of Schi- monym, as Linnaeus had previously used the ner and other authors is testacea or a mixture of name for a species now placed in the genus testacea and vittata. Chrysotoxum. I propose the name maculipennis for Panzer's species. While Panzer's types are presumably lost, maculipennis is readily recog- 2. Brachyopa dorsata Zetterstedt nized on the basis of the original description and Brachyopa dorsata Zetterstedt, 1837: 35. Type-locali- figure. Brachyopa maculipennis is the only ty: Sweden, Lycksele Lappmark, Lycksele & Torne Palaearctic species with maculae on the wings.