Submitted to



Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT)

22nd November 2018


1. Background 4

2. Objectives and Scope of the Assignment 4

2.1 Objective 2.2 Scope

3. Outputs 5

4. Work carried out under Different Scope of Activities 5

5. Survey Results 11 5.1 Product and Transport 5.2 Opinion of Rail Transport 5.3 Suggestions for Improvement 5.4 Overall View

APPENDICES 17 Appendix 1 Questionnaire for Shippers Appendix 2 Questionnaire for Freight Forwarders Appendix 3 Total Survey Target Enterprises Appendix 4 List of Respondents Appendix 5 Table of Content Headings of the SPSS outputs



BCGS Bogey Covered Goods Steel

CILT Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport

CCC Ceylon Chamber of Commerce

CPC Ceylon Petroleum Corporation

FCCSL Federation of Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka

HR Human Resource

NCE National Chamber of Exporters

NCCSL National Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka

OD Origin-Destination

RMPCT Railway Master Plan Consultancy Team

RDA Road Development Authority

SLR Sri Lanka Railway

SLFFA Sri Lanka Freight Forwarders Association


1. Background

The Government of Sri Lanka has requested the Asian Development Bank to support the preparation of a Master Plan for Sri Lankan railway sector. The Public Investment Program 2017 to 2020 includes one of the stated goals to increase the market share of the railway from 1% to 5% through service and infrastructure improvements by 2020. Sri Lanka Railway Master Plan Consultancy Team (RMPCT) have requested proposals from interested parties to carryout the Freight User Survey/Questionnaire to understand the market potential for freight transport through rail. The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT) Sri Lanka was awarded with the contract to carryout the freight user survey for rail as scoped out by the RMPCT. This report contains activities carried out by the Consultants in respect of the terms of reference in the scope of assignment. The scope of activities carried out during the period from 19th September to 26th October 2018 is given below.

2. Objectives and Scope of the Assignment

2.1 Objective

The assignment aims to identify the potential market for freight transport through rail by a survey questionnaire with potential enterprises and their expected volumes.

2.2 Scope

The key project activities are as follows:

I. Identification of sectors, industries and trade associations.

II. Contacts with trade associations and revision of questionnaires.

III. Prepare report on sectors/industries.

IV. Preparation of revised survey methodology and forms.

V. Contacts and arrange interviews with enterprises.

VI. Recruitment and training of surveyors.

VII. Conducting pilot interviews and an estimated 50 interviews, including

4 supervision of Surveyors’ during the survey.

VIII. Typing questionnaires with a codification of origins and destinations corresponding to the zoning.

IX. Checking consistency of the answers and processing of questionnaires in Excel database form.

X. Preparation of report on survey results.

XI. Delivery of the report on survey results.

3. Outputs

The following outputs were expected from this survey. The survey/ questionnaire on SLR freight service demand aims at identifying:

! Potential market (current and future), in terms of enterprises and tonnage. ! The parameters to adjust the potential market estimation to available market, qualified available market, target market and penetrated market. ! The origin and destination of products and modes of transport, (to relate with the Road Development Authority’s (RDA) Origin-Destination (OD) matrices. ! Based on interviews, the potential scope for diversion of existing road traffic to rail, by industry and line segment will be ascertained.

4. Work carried out under scope of activities

The process of conducting the survey included the following steps:

I. Identification of sectors, industries and trade associations.

Identification of sectors/industries was done based on the Table 1 under the terms of reference. The basis for this information was from Table 2 Summary of enterprises considered in the total population (Economic Census 2013/14, Department of Census and Statistics).


Table 1 – Total and Selected Enterprises for the Survey

Total Target Sector Sub-sector Enterprises Survey Logistics operators 51 8 Supply Logistics Freight forwarders 57 9 Transporters Not selected for survey Commerce Wholesalers 24 3 and Distribution Main retailers 15 2 Cement production 5 1 Electricity and gas production 5 1 Chemical products 24 2 Vehicle production and assembly 6 1 Agricultural production and processing 22 3 Paper, carton production and processing 14 1 Steel, mining and mineral production and processing 21 2 Demand Other manufacturing industries Industry Rubber and Plastic production and processing 28 3 Fresh and processed food products 26 3 Garments and Textiles 34 3 Light engineering products 24 1 Leather and leather based products 6 1 Wood, Furniture and Confectionary items 19 2 Coconut and coconut based products 26 2 Tea and tea based products 27 3 Ceramics and porcelain products 8 1 Services Not selected for survey Total 442 52


Table 2 - Summary of Enterprises Considered in the Total Population

Economic Activity / Industry Formal Establishments

ISIC Description

I Transportation and Storage (Formal Establishments with 22 200 & above Persons engaged)

II Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and 171 motorcycle (Formal Establishments with 100 & above Persons engaged)

III Industry (Formal Establishments with 100 & above 1,233 Persons engaged)

B Mining and Quarrying 10

C Manufacturing 1,218

10-12 Food products, beverages and tobacco products 287

13 Textiles 53

14 Wearing apparel 399

15 Leather and related products 10

16 Wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; 14 manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting material

17 Paper and paper products 13

18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 30

20 Chemicals and chemical products 105

7 21 Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical 5 preparations

22 Rubber and plastic products 79

23 Other non- metallic mineral products 97

24-25 Basic metals and fabricated metal products (except 30 machinery and equipment)

27 Electrical equipment 23

28 Machinery and equipment n.e.c. 5

29-30 Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, and other transport 19 equipment

31 Furniture 16

32-33 Other manufacturing and other industries 33

D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 2

E Water Supply; sewerage, waste management and 3 remediation activities

Total 1,426

Source: Own estimates based on Economic Census 2013/14, Department of Census and Statistics.

II. Contacts with trade associations and revision of questionnaires.

Meetings were held with the following personnel from the trade chambers. During these meetings, names and contact details of relevant industries and freight forwarders were obtained. The total population selected was from the enterprises in table 2, which was 1426. The enterprise list obtained from trade chambers were categorized as per the subsectors given in table 1. Out of the 442 enterprises, 52 were chosen for the survey. The survey questionnaire (Appendix 1 and 2) was shared with selected enterprises first and their feedback was incorporated into the questionnaire prior to sending to the full survey population.

8 Table 3 - Trade Chamber Contacts

Trade Association Person Contacted

Ceylon Chamber of Commerce Shiran Fernando, Chief Economist (CCC) Shenali De Silva, Research Associate

National Chamber of Exporters Shiham Marikkar, Secretary General (NCE) National Chamber of Commerce Bandula Dissanayake, Secretary General Sri Lanka (NCCSL) Sri Lanka Freight Forwarders Rohan Induruwa, Secretary General Association (SLFFA) Federation of Chamber of Ajith Perera, CEO/Secretary General Commerce Sri Lanka (FCCSL)

Meeting with CCC officials

III. Prepare report on sectors/industries.

Report on sectors and industries were submitted on 3rd October 2018 and presented to ADB on 9th October 2018.

IV. Preparation of revised survey methodology and forms.

Freight survey questionnaire for shippers and freight forwarders were developed and updated with the assistance of RMPCT Project Team Leader. Following these meetings, the study team identified the total number of enterprises and target number to be surveyed and the questionnaire was prepared for pilot survey interviews.

9 V. Contacts and arrange interviews with enterprises

Contact lists were prepared with the selected enterprises and appointments were scheduled through individual contacts, trade organizations and chambers

VI. Recruitment and training of surveyors.

Surveyors were trained on 24th September on the questionnaire and the methodology was explained.

Surveyor training in session

VII. Conducting pilot interviews

The following five companies were identified for the pilot survey. The survey questionnaire was modified based on the feedback received from the survey respondents.

! Abans Logistics Pvt Ltd ! Aitken Spence Cargo ! Ceylon Biscuits ! Cargills Foods ! Unilever Sri Lanka

VIII. Conduct 52 interviews

A representative sample for each of the industry/sector categories, were selected from the total population of 442 enterprises from which 52 were selected using stratified random sampling method. The total list of enterprises from which 442 enterprises were selected is in Appendix 3.

Survey with the fifty two (52) companies, were carried out from 4th October 2018 to 26th October. The Companies with the address and the names of interviewees

10 and their contact details are given in Appendix 4.

Survey team interviewing Cargills Foods team

IX. Typing Questionnaires with a codification of origin and destinations corresponding to the zoning

Codified survey data was tabulated and linked to the origin and destination corresponding to the zoning. The other data too were tabulated using SPSS and they are presented under tabulated data in in the report. The table headings of outputs generated, from SPSS is shown in Appendix 5. The outputs are separately handed over to the RMPCT lead electronically.

X. Preparation of report on survey results

Consistency of the answers in survey questionnaires, were checked prior to processing in excel database and the data were tabulated using SPSS. Responses provided under recommendation to improve SLR were manually categorized under different areas and included in the report.

5. Survey Results

5.1 Products and Transport

In making the decisions about which mode of transport to use, the most important factors in the order of importance mentioned were price, speed, reliability and convenience.

Majority of the products received and shipped were regular products, followed by perishable and refrigerated products. Products shipped and received were varied from bulk dry, full container, bags, boxes/crates and a very small percentage of bulk liquid products.

11 Product categories were sourced both locally and internationally. Typical origin and destination of the locations were mapped to the national railway network of SLR and tabulated in the database.

Periodicity of shipments, were mainly daily or weekly. Majority of the shipments received and shipped were high value items and were high time sensitive. Majority of the respondents used hired trucks, followed by own trucks and freight forwarders to move their goods. Hardly any respondent used rail transport. Majority of them are somewhat satisfied with the current mode of transport they use. The main advantage of the chosen mode in the order of priority was availability of equipment, availability of physical facilities, reliability and lower cost.

The main disadvantage of rail was no near track, followed by lack of wagons, poor reliability, too slow and lastly the cost. Half the population surveyed mentioned that the products transported need special care during handling and transport.

5.2 Opinion of Rail Transport

Survey findings revealed that 92% of the participating companies are willing to consider railway as a freight transport mode if service quality improves. About 25% respondents identified specific tonnages and routes they would be willing to consider diverting cargo from road to rail. Those who were willing to divert identified, convenience with respect to building track siding near by, adding more rolling stocks, all day service rated (5 rating) as highly important as 68%, 57%, 52% respectively. Increased reliability and speed was rated as 72% and 46% respectively. About 30% of the respondents indicated a willingness to invest in rolling stock and/or infrastructure if SLR would be a reliable service provider.

The majority of the respondents (70%) were not willing to pay additional tariff. Out of the respondents who were willing to pay 20% were willing to pay 10% additional tariff.

The type of wagons that were mostly needed was container flat (62%) and covered wagons (66%). Products willing to divert were less than 10%. This low diversion may be mainly due to the current perception and experience with SLR.

70% of the respondents are not willing to invest and would prefer the current status quo in rail transport. Out of the respondents who are willing to invest 12% are willing to build the track, another 12% willing to invest in locomotives and wagons and 4% are willing to invest in both track, locomotives and wagons.


Survey also revealed that majority of the respondents (74%) had not recently approached SLR for any transport requirement. Only 26% have connected with SLR for their transport requirement.

Out of the respondents who have approached SLR, 53% were provided with the service, 18% were not provided with the service as there were no tracks nearby and 18% were not provided with a response at all. Those who have recently requested rail transport were also asked about how they would rate the overall experience during the dealing with SLR, for which 10% said acceptable, 8% not acceptable, 2% are frustrated and another 2 % will not request again.

5.3 Suggestions for improvement

All suggestions for improvement received from survey respondents have been collated under five headings (viz. Infrastructure, Technology, Human Resource Development, Service and Business Model)

5.3.1 Infrastructure

! Improvement to tracks ! Availability of designated places to load cargo ! Strategic locations and easy access to main lines and appropriate equipment for loading and unloading ! Container handling facilities to various destinations with provision to load and unload cargo to train speedily ! Strategically located facilities, this could even be at CFS. For large-scale proprietary companies Eg. Prima, the concept of spur or sidings into their facilities are recommended. ! Suitable arrangement for low volume bulky cargo. Eg. For coal transport to Norochcholai, explore possibility of using rail from Trincomalee to Norochcholai to save losses in the current form of coal handling ! Access to the main lines, loading and unloading facilities in main and center of cities (central, northern, eastern and southern) ! Track improvements with all transfer facilities at port in Galle ! Tracks are improved to a fairly reasonable level ! Extended tracks to Katunayake and port ! Build hub facilities at railway inter-sections ! Loading facilities at terminals

13 ! Introduce reverse logistic model so that the objective will be maximized ! Create container handling hubs in Matara, Mannar, Kilinochchi, , Mirigama and Polonnaruwa ! Improve the capability to handle 20'/40' containers ! Invest in more number of cargo handling facilities and railway tracks ! Increased speed ! Adequate infrastructure facilities for repairs and maintenance of wagons ! Tracks to be extended to production sites ! To provide capacity to handle reefer containers with tracks connectivity ! Port through major container yards with multimodal linkages ! Lack of facilities at the destination ! Modern warehousing including cold storage facilities ! Refrigerated wagons ! Double rail tracks island-wide ! Strengthen the railway bridges to carry heavy loads ! Loading and unloading facilities to be established and Manampitiya ! To have lanes connected to important places eg. Maho to Puttalam ! Loading and unloading facilities at the hub stations ! Double lines for the mostly used rail zones ! Railway hubs outside city areas which has the ability to store goods (containers) such that they can be redistributed as needed by other means of transport (this will support to reduce congestion in city areas, created due to transportation of containers ! New rail lines from Maho to Puttalam ! Rail tracks to be extended to Trincomalee port ! Loading and unloading at Hunupitiya and other 44 locations ! Demurrage/detention free parking at SLR premises for imported containers

5.3.2 Technology

! Digital applications ! Single window operability ! Introduction of modern technology ! Low cost transport solution ! Tracking facilities to be improved

5.3.3. HR Development

! Management improvement ! Cargo handlers should be trained on how to handle different types of cargoes

14 ! Labour related issues to be addressed by SLR ! Improve administration

5.3.4 Service

! Security of the goods to be assured ! Availability of services to be improved ! Speedy delivery of goods ! Increased reliability ! Better communication between Customs and SLR ! Increase frequency of rail operation ! Implement the suggestions made by us at the monthly meeting with railway ! Improve quality of service ! Lead-time taken to handle cargo and handling charges are high, this needs to be relooked at to make rail freight transport viable ! Handling of goods with care needs to be ensured ! High hygiene standards of wagons to be maintained ! Seamless connectivity to cargo transport from own yard to destination and back ! Improve reliability ! Fast turn around time to be ensured ! Improve track and trace for cargo ! Restriction of pack size (25kg) to be lifted ! SLR should advertise services available ! Ensure a fixed time schedule ! Improve network ! Train to operate as per published schedules ! Higher speeds to be maintained ! Need to increase availability of tracks ! On line system for payments, deliveries etc., ! Single point of communication for queries to be ensured ! Adopt regional best practices eg. Nepal to India e-booking ! Mobile App updates to be provided to the customers ! Safety of products/goods to be ensured ! Proper procedure for handing over of goods to be initiated ! Facilitate online custom clearance

5.3.5. Business Model ! Public/Private partnerships and use of private wagons to be allowed

15 ! Company is willing to consider investing on PPP basis to construct cold chain hubs at multi-modal locations ! Optimum cost model for high volume cargo to be developed ! Private management of operations to be allowed ! Open privatization of wagons to be initiated

Further user issues and recommendations received are given below. This user (EFL) has opted to use rail but had since withdrawn due to the below mentioned reasons. As the issues raised are important it is separately highlighted.

! Shortage of engines capable of handling a full train-load (18-22 TEUs). ! Shortage of rail flats (trailers). ! Unavailability of railway access in container yards. Therefore empty containers need to be brought to Good Shed or similar place where container flats can be positioned. ! Even after bringing the empty containers, there are no cranes or top lifters to place the empty container on the flat. ! Same situation is repeated at the destination location. ! Even inside the port, double handling was required where a shuttle service between the rail track and the X ray gate entry was needed. ! Port top lifter charge - A separate handling fee for lift on lift off. ! Only place this was tried out was Prima Trincomalee factory since they have a rail track connected to the factory. ! Paper work between SLPA and SLR is not synchronized. ! Domestic transportation in BCGS is mainly for bulk goods with heavy weight. Rate tariffs do not suit light weight/volumetric cargo. ! Limited rail options available to be attached to BCGS. ! Time sensitive cargo cannot be transported due to various operational constraints. ! No accountability for cargo management with end-to-end ownership for ensuring safety and quality of the cargo.

5.4 Overall View

Out of the 52 companies surveyed the following 12 companies have shown strong interest to be part of this project and are willing to associate with SLR on freight transportation. Consultants recommend that SLR should carry out a detailed evaluation with companies who have expressed interest.

! Abans Pvt Ltd ! Ceylon Biscuits Ltd

16 ! DRH Logistics International Pvt Ltd ! Samson Group Corporate Services (Pvt) Ltd ! Insee Cement ! Kelani Cables Plc ! Darley Butler & Company ! S A Silva & Sons Pvt Ltd. ! Richard Peiris Tyre Company Ltd ! Lak Sathosa ! Lanka Mineral Sands Ltd ! Ceat Kelani International Tyres Ltd

Brandix has done an evaluation of raw material delivery from their Ekala warehouse to Batticaloa factory and finished garments from the factory to Colombo port both by road and rail and rail had found to be more expensive and the idea had been abandoned in view of the favorable backhaul rates that road transport provider is offering. Some commodities may not be suitable for rail transport in view of small shipment size, low annual volumes, short length of haul etc., The opportunity lies with the carriage of bulk goods and SLR should commence with government owned enterprises (eg. CPC, Lak Pohora, Lak Sathosa, Mineral sands etc.,) where they have influence. At present, goods trains are quite limited in number and in view of limited engine availability, priority being usually accorded to passenger trains. SLR will have to shift to a new business model for freight transport as opposed to the current approach where passenger movement is prioritized over freight if they are to have a shift in the volumes from road to rail.

17 APPENDIX 1 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR SHIPPERS Background The Government of Sri Lanka has requested the Asian Development Bank to support the Ministry of Transport & Civil Aviation with preparation of a Master Plan for Sri Lanka’s railway sector. This Master Plan is being carried out by PADECO (Japan) and RDC (Resources Development Consultants). This questionnaire forms an integral part of the information – gathering task of this project. Information obtained from participants in completing this questionnaire will be of immense value in identifying needed service/infrastructure improvements to the railway and would result as the railway’s freight service becomes a stronger partner supporting the growth of the Sri Lankan economy. I Identification 1. Date: ______; 2. Surveyor: ______; 3 Survey number: ______4. Company: 4.a Name: ______4.b Main office address: ______5. Interviewee: 5.a Name: ______5.b Position: ______5.c Telephone: ______5.d Email: ______II. Activity 6. General information: 6.a Company business: 6.b Sales last year: 6.c % increase sales 6.d # employees: ______

7 Addresses of main plants/establishments: 7.a ______; 7.b ______7.c ______; 7.d ______Which are your main products? 10. Products Received:

10 a Product A: 10 a Product B: 10 a Product C: ______11. Products Shipped:

11 a Product A: 11 a Product B: 11 a Product C: ______III Products and transport a. In making decisions about which mode of transport to use, what are the most important factors (1 low importance…5 high importance) 101. Price 102. Convenience 103. Reliability 104. Speed 105. Other: ______

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

b. Main Products received:

18 - 200 Product A:

201 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

202 Form: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

203 Source: 204 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 205 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 206 Total in the year 206a 206b 207 Average per shipment 207a 207b

208 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

209 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

210 Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

211 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

212 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

213 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

214 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

215 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______

19 b. Main products received: - 220 Product B:

221 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

222 Form: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

223 Source: 224 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 225 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 226 Total in the year 226a 226b 227 Average per shipment 227a 227b

228 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

229 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

230 Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

231 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

232 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

233 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

234 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

235 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______

20 b. Main products received: - 240 Product C:

241 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

242 Form: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

243 Source: 244 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 245 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 246 Total in the year 246a 246b 247 Average per shipment 247a 247b

248 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

249 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

250 Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

251 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

252 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

253 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

254 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

255 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______c. Main products shipped:

21 - 300 Product A:

301 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

302 Form of transport: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

303 Source: 304 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 305 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 306 Total in the year 306a 306b 307 Average per shipment 307a 307b

308 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

309 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

310 Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

311 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

312 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

313 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

314 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

315 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______c. Main products shipped:

22 - 320 Product B:

321 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

322 Form of transport: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

323 Source: 304 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 305 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 326 Total in the year 326a 326b 327 Average per shipment 327a 326b

328 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

329 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

330 Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

331 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

332 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

333 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

334 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

335 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______c. Main products shipped:

23 - 340 Product C:

341 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

342 Form of transport: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

343 Source: 344 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 345 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 346 Total in the year 346a 346b 347 Average per shipment 347a 347b

348 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

349 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

350. Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

351 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

352 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

353 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

354 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

355 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______

24 IV Opinion of Rail Transport a. Possible use of railways

500 If service quality of the railways were improved, would you 1 Yes consider using railways? 2 No b. If yes, how would you rate the following improvements

511. Convenience: Build track 512. Convenience: Add more 513. Convenience: Provide all day siding nearby rolling stock (locomotives/wagons) service

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

514. Increase reliability 515. Increase speed 516. Other: ______

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

c. Willingness to pay additional tariffs:

520 If improvements are made, how much more would you be willing to pay? 1 10% 2 20% 3 30% 4 40% 5 50% 6 More than 50% d. Type of wagons

530 If yes, what type of railway wagon would you need? 1 Container flat 2 Open top wagon 3 Tank wagon 4 Covered wagon 5 Flat wagon 6 Bottom dump hopper 7 Other: e. If yes, what products you might divert to rail:

Product: Tons (year): From: To: 541 A: 542: 543: 544: 551 B: 552: 553: 554: 561 C: 562: 563: 564: f. Willingness to invest

580 Would you consider building your own track siding and/or buying your own locomotives and wagons if SLR were to guarantee and give tariff discount? 1 No 2 Yes build 3 Yes buy locomotives 4 Yes build track and buy locomotives and wagons tracks and wagons


V Opinion of (SLR) a. Contact with SLR

600 Have you recently requested rail transport from SLR? 1 Yes 2 No b. SLR response

601, If yes, what was their response to your request? 1 Provided 2 Did not provide the 3 Did not provide 4 Did not provide the 5 Did not provide the service service, did not the service, did not service, did not have the service, other respond back have track nearby locomotives or wagons reasons: ______c. Assessment of the SLR contact

602, If yes, how would you describe the overall experience in dealing with SLR? 1 Very good 2 Acceptable 3 Not 4 Frustrated 5 Will not 6. Other: acceptable request again ______d. Recommendations for improvement

603 What aspects would you recommend SLR to improve? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FREIGHT FORWARDERS Background The Government of Sri Lanka has requested the Asian Development Bank to support the Ministry of Transport & Civil Aviation with preparation of a Master Plan for Sri Lanka’s railway sector. This Master Plan is being carried out by PADECO (Japan) and RDC (Resources Development Consultants). This questionnaire forms an integral part of the information – gathering task of this project. Information obtained from participants in completing this questionnaire will be of immense value in identifying needed service/infrastructure improvements to the railway and would result as the railway’s freight service becomes a stronger partner supporting the growth of the Sri Lankan economy. I Identification 1. Date: ______; 2. Surveyor: ______; 3 Survey number: ______4. Company: 4.a Name: ______4.b Main office address: ______5. Interviewee: 5.a Name: ______5.b Position: ______5.c Telephone: ______5.d Email: ______II. Activity 6. General information: 6.a Company business: 6.b Sales last year: 6.c % increase sales 6.d # employees: ______

7 Addresses of main plants/establishments: 7.a ______; 7.b ______7.c ______; 7.d ______Which are your main products? 10. Products Received:

10 a Product A: 10 a Product B: 10 a Product C: ______11. Products Shipped:

11 a Product A: 11 a Product B: 11 a Product C: ______III Products and transport a. In making decisions about which mode of transport to use, what are the most important factors (1 low importance…5 high importance) 101. Price 102. Convenience 103. Reliability 104. Speed 105. Other: ______

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

27 b. Main Products received: - 200 Product A:

201 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

202 Form: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

203 Source: 204 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 205 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 206 Total in the year 206a 206b 207 Average per shipment 207a 207b

208 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

209 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

210 Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

211 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

212 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

213 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

214 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

215 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______


b. Main products received: - 220 Product B:

221 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

222 Form: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

223 Source: 224 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 225 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 226 Total in the year 226a 226b 227 Average per shipment 227a 227b

228 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

229 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

230 Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

231 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

232 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

233 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

234 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

235 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______

29 b. Main products received: - 240 Product C:

241 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

242 Form: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

243 Source: 244 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 245 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 246 Total in the year 246a 246b 247 Average per shipment 247a 247b

248 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

249 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

250 Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

251 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

252 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

253 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

254 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

255 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______

30 c. Main products shipped: - 300 Product A:

301 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

302 Form of transport: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

303 Source: 304 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 305 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 306 Total in the year 306a 306b 307 Average per shipment 307a 307b

308 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

309 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

310 Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

311 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

312 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

313 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

314 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

315 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______

31 c. Main products shipped: - 320 Product B:

321 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

322 Form of transport: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

323 Source: 304 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 305 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 326 Total in the year 326a 326b 327 Average per shipment 327a 326b

328 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

329 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

330 Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

331 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

332 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

333 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

334 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

335 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______

32 c. Main products shipped: - 340 Product C:

341 Type of product: 1 Regular 2 Perishable 3 Refrigerated 4 Environmentally 5 Other: sensitive/contaminant ______

342 Form of transport: 1 Bulk dry 2 Bulk liquid 3 Full container 4 Bags 5 Boxes/crates 6 Other: ______

343 Source: 344 Typical origin (Sri Lanka): 345 Typical destination (Sri Lanka): 1 National 2 Imported

Tonnage 2016 2017 346 Total in the year 346a 346b 347 Average per shipment 347a 347b

348 Periodicity of shipments 1 Daily shipments 2 Weekly shipments 3 Monthly shipments 6 Seasonal: ______

349 Value of shipments. Would you consider the shipment to be 1 High Value 2 Medium value 3 Low value

350 Time sensitiveness of shipments 1 High – immediate shipment 2 Medium (can wait for any time of 3 Low (can wait any for day/time of the day) the week)

351 Mode of transport 1 Own trucks 2 Hired trucks 3 Freight forwarders 4 Rail 5 Other: ______

352 Satisfied with the current mode of transport 1 Very satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Not satisfied

353 What would you say are the main advantages of the chosen mode of transport 1 Lower 2 Physical facilities 3 Equipment / 4 Lower 5 High 6 Other: cost available vehicles available transport time reliability ______

354 What would you say are the main disadvantages of the rail transport option 1 High 2 No near tracks 3 Lack of wagons 4 Too slow 5 Poor 6 Other: cost available reliability ______

355 Does your shipment requires special care in its transport? 1 No 2 Yes: ______

33 IV Opinion of Rail Transport a. Possible use of railways

500 If service quality of the railways were improved, would you 1 Yes consider using railways? 2 No b. If yes, how would you rate the following improvements

511. Convenience: Build track 512 Convenience: Add more rolling 513 Convenience: Provide all day siding nearby stock (locomotives/wagons) service

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

514 Increase reliability 515 Increase speed 516. Other: ______

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

c. Willingness to pay additional tariffs:

520 If improvements are made, how much more would you be willing to pay? 1 10% 2 20% 3 30% 4 40% 5 50% 6 More than 50% d. Type of wagons

530 If yes, what type of railway wagon would you need? 1 Container flat 2 Open top wagon 3 Tank wagon 4 Covered wagon 5 Flat wagon 6 Bottom dump hopper 7 Other: e. If yes, what products you might divert to rail:

Product: Tons (year): From: To: 541 A: 542: 543: 544: 551 B: 552: 553: 554: 561 C: 562: 563: 564: f. Willingness to invest

580 Would you consider building your own track siding and/or buying your own locomotives and wagons if SLR were to guarantee and give tariff discount? 1 No 2 Yes build 3 Yes buy locomotives 4 Yes build track and buy locomotives and wagons tracks and wagons


V Opinion of Sri Lanka Railways (SLR) a. Contact with SLR

600 Have you recently requested rail transport from SLR? 1 Yes 2 No b. SLR response

601, If yes, what was their response to your request? 1 Provided 2 Did not provide the 3 Did not provide 4 Did not provide the 5 Did not provide the service service, did not the service, did not service, did not have the service, other respond back have track nearby locomotives or wagons reasons: ______c. Assessment of the SLR contact

602, If yes, how would you describe the overall experience in dealing with SLR? 1 Very good 2 Acceptable 3 Not 4 Frustrated 5 Will not 6. Other: acceptable request again ______d. Recommendations for improvement

603 What aspects would you recommend SLR to improve? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.





1. 20 Cube Logistics Pvt Ltd 2. ACE Distriparks Pvt Ltd 3. Air Marine Logistics Ltd 4. Air Sea Worldwide Pvt Ltd 5. Asia Pacific Logistics International Pvt Ltd 6. Benchmark Logistics International Pvt Ltd 7. Care Logistics Pvt Ltd 8. Cargo Boat Co Ltd 9. Cargoplan International Pvt Ltd 10. Clarion Logistics Pvt Ltd 11. Dellogistics Pvt Ltd 12. Dinlanka Logistics Pvt Ltd 13. DLR SCS Lanka Pvt Ltd 14. DP Logistics Pvt Ltd 15. Fits Express Pvt Ltd 16. Foreway Logistics Pvt Ltd 17. Globactive Logistics Pvt Ltd 18. Interfresh Logistics Pvt Ltd 19. Lanka Shipping & Logistics’ Pvt Ltd 20. Lovikta Logistics Pvt Ltd 21. MCS Logistics International Pvt Ltd 22. Mega Trend Lanka Pvt Ltd 23. On time Worldwide Logistics Pvt ltd 24. Orient Global Logistics Pvt Ltd 25. RPC Logistics Pvt Ltd 26. Scan well Logistics Colombo Pvt Ltd 27. Setmil-United Cargo Pvt Ltd 28. Shermans Logistics Pvt Ltd 29. UCL Logistic Pvt Ltd 30. Abans Logistics Pvt Ltd 31. Agility Logistics Pvt Ltd 32. Aitken Spence Cargo Pvt Ltd

36 33. APL Logistics Lanka Freight Forwarding Pvt Ltd 34. Ballore Logistics Lanka (Pvt) Ltd 35. C G Logistics Lanka Pvt Ltd 36. Cargo Partner Logistics Pvt Ltd 37. Crown City Developers Pvt Ltd 38. D B S Logistics Ltd 39. Dart Global Logistics Pvt Ltd 40. DRH Logistics Lanka Pvt Ltd 41. ExpeLogix Pvt Ltd 42. Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Pvt Ltd 43. HTL Logistics Pvt Ltd 44. Kerry Malship Logistics Lanka Pvt Ltd 45. MAC Supply Chain Solutions Pvt Ltd 46. MIT Cargo Pvt Ltd 47. Speedmark Consolidation Service Pvt Ltd 48. T L World Pvt Ltd 49. TDL Logistics Pvt Ltd 50. Wings Logistics Pvt Ltd 51. Yusen Logistics & Kusuhara Lanka Pvt Ltd

TOTAL 51 50


1. Advantis Freight Pvt Ltd 2. CWT Globelink Colombo Pte Ltd 3. Dellogistics International Pvt Ltd 4. Aitken Spence Shipping Ltd 5. Euro Asia Freight Pvt Ltd 6. Eurotrans Express Pvt Ltd 7. Famous Pacific Shipping Lanka 8. C H Robinson Freight Services Lanka (Pvt) Ltd 9. Famous Pacific Shipping Lanka 10. Forwardair Pvt Ltd 11. Freight Line International Pvt Ltd 12. Freight Masters International Pvt Ltd 13. DHL Global Forwarding Lanka Pvt Ltd

37 14. DSV Pership Pvt Ltd 15. Freight Systems Lanka Pvt Ltd 16. Expolanka Freight Pvt Ltd 17. Freight Links International Pvt Ltd 18. Freightplan Pvt Ltd 19. Frontier Freight Lanka Pvt Ltd 20. Global Freight Management Pvt Ltd 21. Kuehne and Nagel Pvt Ltd 22. MAC Supply Chain Solutions Pvt Ltd 23. Mack International Freight Pvt Ltd 24. MIT Cargo Pvt Ltd 25. Pership Synergy Pvt Ltd 26. Harrisons Shipping Pvt Ltd 27. Laksiri International Freight Forwarders Pvt Ltd 28. airs Lanka Ltd 29. Toll Global Forwarding Lanka Private Ltd 30. McCallum Cargo Pvt Ltd 31. Mercantile Freight Services Pvt Ltd 32. Metro International Asia Pte Ltd 33. MSA Shipping Pvt Ltd 34. Ocean HD, through Transport Pvt Ltd 35. Power Freight Pvt Ltd 36. Salota International Pvt Ltd 37. Sea Shipping Colombo Pvt Ltd 38. Sealink Shipping Pvt Ltd 39. Shipping and Cargo Services Pvt Ltd 40. Sphere International Freight Pvt Ltd 41. Trans Global Lanka Pvt Ltd 42. Trans cargo Pvt Ltd 43. Eastern Merchants Plc 44. Jafferjee Brothers 45. Meezan Co Ltd 46. Unicorns Clearing & Forwarding Pvt Ltd 47. Universal Freighters International Pvt Ltd 48. US Shipping and Cargo Services Pvt Ltd 49. VVK Maritime Agencies Pvt Ltd 50. World Gate Freighters Pvt Ltd 51. Worldlink Shipping Colombo Pvt Ltd 52. Marine Transport Service Pvt Ltd 53. Yusen Logistics & Kusuhara Lanka Pvt Ltd 54. Hayleys Plc

38 55. Akbar Brothers 56. CW Mackie Plc 57. CL Synergy Pvt Ltd

TOTAL 57 53


1. Unilever Sri Lanka Ltd 2. Metropolitan Group of Companies 3. Darley Butler & Co Ltd 4. Lanka Canneries Pvt Ltd 5. St. Anthony’s



1. Cargills Foods Company 2. Healthguard 3. Keells Super 4. DSI 5. Abans 6. Laughs 7. Arpico 8. Lak Sathosa 9. Singer 10. Softlogic 11. Damro 12. Dankotuwa Porcelain Plc 13. Bata Shoe Co. 14. No Limit 15. Thilakawardana Textiles

TOTAL 15 11



1. Tokyo Cement Lanka plc 2. Ultratech Cement Lanka Pvt Ltd 3. Insee Cement (Holcim) 4. Lanka Cement Plc 6 Lafarge Mahaweli Cement 7 Ceylon Ambuja Cement Pvt Ltd

TOTAL 06 10


1. Lanka Electricity Board 2. Lak Danavi 3. Kerawalapitiya Electricity Suppliers 4. Litro Gas Lanka 5. Laugfs Gas Plc

TOTAL 05 10


1. CIC Fertilisers 2. Applied Chemicals Pvt Ltd 3. Ceylon Fertiliser Co (Lak Pohora) 4. State Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Corpn of Sri Lanka 5. Dowell International Pvt Ltd 6. Kannan & Co 7. Pon Pure Chemical Lanka Pvt Ltd 8. Premawardena Exports 9. Fertiliser Limited 10. Paranthan Chemicals Ltd



1. Diesel & Motor Engineering 2. United Motors Co Limited 3. Associated Motorways 4. Lanka Ashok Leyland 5. Micro Pvt Limited 6. Thantri Pvt Ltd

TOTAL 06 5


1. Cargills (Ceylon) PLC 2. Ceylon Argo Industries Limited 3. Country Style Foods (Pvt) Limited 4. Delmege Forsyth & Co. Ltd 5. HJS Condiments Limited 6. International Foodstuff Company (Pvt) Ltd 7. JanRich (Private) Limited 8. Lanka Canneries (Pvt) Ltd 9. Leela Exports & Imports 10. M M Salgado & Sons Ltd 11. Para Expo Products (Pvt) Ltd 12. Pulses Splitting & Processing Industry (Pvt) Ltd 13. Robena Food (Pvt) Ltd 14. Raigam Marketing Services (Pvt) Ltd 15. Sena Mills Refineries (Pvt) Ltd 16. CIC Holdings 17. Eswaran Brothers 18. Adamjee Lukmanjee & Sons 19. A F Jones Exporters Ltd 20. KMG Animal Feeds 21. Commercial Export Co 22. A Baur & Co Ltd

TOTAL 22 23


1. National Paper Mills Corporation Ltd 2. Fine Line Suppliers 3. Geocyc Pvt Ltd 4. JR International Pvt Ltd 5. Eswaran Brothers Ceylon Ltd 6. Paramount Print Pack Pvt Ltd 7. Graphic Systems Pvt Ltd 8. Akhtari Trades Pvt Ltd 9. Abdulla International Pvt Ltd 10. Srinko Enterprises Pvt Ltd 11. Acme Printing & Packaging Ltd 12. Expac Corrugated Cartons Pvt Ltd 13. JF & I Packaging Pvt Ltd 14. Polydime International Pvt Ltd

TOTAL 14 6


1. Lanka Steel Corporation Ltd 2. Melva Steel Manufacturers Sri Lanka 3. G T B Steel Corporation Pvt Ltd 4. Jain Lanka Steel Co 5. Lanka Special Steel Co 6. Alcocon Engineering Pvt Ltd 7. Saham Travels & Tours 8. Tantri Trailers Pvt Ltd 9. Torento Engineering Pvt Ltd 10. Alcobronz Pvt Ltd 11. Belcon Ark Ltd 12. Colour Vision 13. Delshan Enterprise Lanka Pvt Ltd 14. H P A Enterprises 15. Mineral Sands Limited 16. Senvec Lanka Pte Ltd 17. Star Industries 18. Swedish Trading Co Pvt Ltd 19. Manf :Alcobronz Pvt Ltd 20. Alcobronz Engineering 21. Delshan Enterprise Lanka Pvt Ltd 22. Engineering Pvt Ltd 23. Geological Survey and Mines Bureau (G S M B) Technical Services Pvt Ltd

42 24. S S Techno Industries & Marketing 25. Star Industries, Torento 26. New Ranjith Industries

TOTAL 26 10


a. Rubber and Plastic Production :

1. Associated Ceat Pvt Ltd 2. Camso Loadstar Pvt Ltd 3. Eu-Retec Pvt Ltd 4. Global Rubber Industries Pvt Ltd 5. Richard Peiris Exports Plc 6. Samson International Plc 7. Samson Rubber Industries Pvt Ltd 8. Associated Speciality Rubbers Pvt Ltd 9. Finnpack Industries Pvt Ltd 10. Lalan Rubbers Pvt Ltd 11. Laugfs Corporation (Rubber) Ltd 12. Mirocells Ltd 13. Richard Pieris Natural Foams Ltd 14. Samson Rubber Products Pvt Ltd 15. Industrial Clothing 16. Faga Rubbers 17. Textrip Pvt Ltd 18. Pac World Pvt Ltd 19. C W Mackie Plc 20. Carnival World Ko Lanka Pvt Ltd 21. Dharmasiri Tyre House (Pvt) Ltd 22. Sinwa Holdings Ltd 23. Ceylon Machine Twisted Fibre Industries 24. Trelleborg Lanka Pvt Ltd


b. Fresh and Processed Food Products : 1. BairaF82ha Farms Plc 2. Cargills Quality Foods Ltd 3. CBL Natural Foods Pvt Ltd 4. CIC Agri Businesses Pvt Ltd

43 5. Country Style Foods Pvt Ltd 6. D&R Exports Pvt Ltd 7. Derana Marketing Services 8. Development Interplan Ceylon 9. Forenoons Canneries 10. Fortune G-P Farms Lanka Ltd 11. Island Sea Food Exports Pvt 12. Kings Foods Pvt Ltd 13. L A International Pvt Ltd 14. Lanka Canneries Pvt Ltd 15. Leela Exports and Imports 16. Nestle’ Lanka Plc 17. Mccoy Ceylon Commodities 18. Midland Breeders Pvt Ltd 19. Noorani Estates Pvt Ltd 20. Fonterra Brands Lanka 21. Prima Group – Sri Lanka 22. Pulses Splitting & Processing 23. Rancrisp Cashew 24. Ravi Exports Pvt Ltd 25. Vaigai Lanka Pvt Ltd 26. Wijaya Products Pvt Ltd

TOTAL 26 10

c. Garments and Textiles : 1. Alpha Apparels Ltd 2. AmSafe Bridport Pvt Ltd 3. Avery Dennison Lanka Pvt 4. Benji Ltd 5. Bischoff Gamma Lanka Pvt 6. Bodyline Pvt Ltd 7. Brandix Apparel Ltd 8. Cliftex Industries Pvt Ltd 9. Colmans Garments Industries 10. Daya Apparel Export Pvt Ltd 11. Eskimo Fashion Knitwear 12. Expoworld Buttons Pvt Ltd 13. Fascination Exports Pvt Ltd 14. Jonker Pvt Ltd 15. Lanka Mountcastle Pvt Ltd 16. Mas Active Trading Pvt Ltd 17. Mas Intimates Pvt Ltd 18. Miami clothing Pvt Ltd 19. Naturub Exports International

44 20. Omega Line Ltd 21. Orit Apparels Lanka Pvt Ltd 22. Hidramani Exports 23. Pan Asia Exports Pvt Ltd 24. Rainwear Pvt Ltd 25. Sampath Associates International 26. Sarasavi Exports Pvt Ltd 27. Silueta Pvt Ltd 28. Sirio Ltd 29. Statesman Hats Pvt Ltd 30. Stretchline Pvt Ltd 31. T&S Buttons Lanka Pvt Ltd 32. Texstyle Lanka Exports Pvt Ltd 33. Timex Garments Pvt Ltd 34. Trendywear Pvt Ltd

TOTAL 34 10

d. Wood and wood based Products : 1. Furni Fits Trophies Pvt Ltd 2. Golden Palm Crafts Pvt Ltd 3. Kent Display Pvt Ltd 4. Lanka Brush Exports Pvt Ltd 5. Lanka Kaden Export 6. Warna Exports Pvt Ltd

TOTAL 06 10

e. Chemicals and Mineral Based Products : 1. Alchemy Boulders Pvt Ltd 2. Bogala Graphite Lanka Plc 3. Causeway Paints Lanka Pvt 4. Ceylon Quartz Industries 5. Ceyuartz MBI Pvt Ltd 6. Damsila Resources Pvt Ltd 7. Haycolour Pvt Ltd 8. Lanmic Exports Pvt Ltd 9. Macksons Paint Industries 10. Mcsons Organics Pvt Ltd 11. Multichemi Exports Pvt Ltd 12. Union Chemicals Lanka Plc 13. Woolim Lanka Pvt Ltd 14. Mineral Sands Ltd

TOTAL 14 10


f. Light/Heavy Engineering Products and Electrical & Electronic Products : 1. A P Lanka Pvt Ltd 2. ACL Cables Plc 3. Asiabike Industrial Ltd 4. BMIS Company 5. Buddhi Industries Pvt Ltd 6. Electro Metal Pressings Pvt Ltd 7. Esjay Electronics Pvt Ltd 8. I E Technics Inernational Plc 9. Illukumbura Industrial Auto 10. Kalhari Enterprises 11. Kelani Cables Plc 12. KIK Lanka Pvt Ltd 13. Kosan Crisplant Lanka Pvt Ltd 14. Ltl Transformers Pvt Ltd 15. Noppan Maruchi Lanka Electricals 16. Noratel International Pvt Ltd 17. Orel Corporation Pvt Ltd 18. Pubudu Engineering Pvt Ltd 19. Reb Mech Holdings Pvt Ltd 20. Sierra Cables Plc 21. Solas Marine Lanka Pvt Ltd 22. Tantri Trailers Pvt Ltd 23. Variosystems Pvt Ltd 24. Venora Lanka Power Panels

TOTAL 24 10

g. Furniture Production : 1. State Timber Corporation 2. H Don Carolis & Sons Pvt Ltd 3. M N Sugathadasa & Co. 4. Merbok MDF Lanka Pvt Ltd 5. Sapco Holdings Pvt Ltd 6. Yuming International Pvt Ltd 7. Damro

TOTAL 07 10

h. Leather & Leather Based Products : 1. Ansell Textiles Lanak Pvt Ltd 2. Arpitalian Compact Soles Pvt Ltd 3. Belden Industries Pvt Ltd

46 4. Ceylon Leather Products Plc 5. M A M Abdul Cader & Co 6. P G Martin Industries Pvt Ltd 7. Selakta International Pvt Ltd 8. Arptalian Compact Soles

TOTAL 08 10

i. Confectionery Products :

1. Ceylon Biscuits Ltd 2. Ceylon Cold Stores 3. Maliban Biscuit Manufactories Pvt Ltd 4. Ribeena Foods Ltd

TOTAL 04 10

j. Tea and Tea Based Products : 1. Lipton Ceylon 2. Mlesna 3. Akbar Brothers 4. Bogawantalawa Plantations 5. Amerson Trading Ltd 6. Ambassador Holdings 7. Anverally & Sons Pvt Ltd 8. Ceylon Fresh Teas Pvt Ltd 9. Empire Teas Pvt Ltd 10. Euro Asia Corporation 11. Expo Lanka Tea Pvt Ltd 12. Euro Scan Export Pvt Ltd 13. George Steuart Pvt Ltd 14. Handungoda Tea Factory 15. Heavenly Tea Exports 16. Heritage Teas Pvt Ltd 17. HVA Foods Pvt Ltd 18. Hyson Teas Ltd 19. Dilmah Ceylon Tea 20. J C Enterprises Pvt Ltd 21. Kaushalya Tea Exports 22. Lumbini Tea Factory Ltd 23. Mabroc Teas Pvt Ltd 24. Mahamood Teas International 25. Maltearas International Pvt Ltd 26. Millenium Teas


TOTAL 26 10

k. Coconut and Coconut Based Products : 1. A S Agri Exports Pvt Ltd 2. Adamjee Lukmanjee & Sons Ltd 3. CoCo AGro Pvt Ltd 4. CoCo Green Pvt Ltd 5. Rileys (Hayleys) Fibre Plc 6. Houston Industries 7. Intercom Pvt Ltd 8. Jindi Export Ltd 9. Jiffry Products Pvt Ltd 10. Kokos Peat Exports Ltd 11. Kudawewa Mills 12. Liberty Trading International 13. Manisha Pvt Ltd 14. Reo Coco Lanka Pvt Ltd 15. Samarasinghe Brothers 16. Serendib Pol Pvt Ltd 17. Tropic Coir Lankak Pvt Ltd 18. Uniceyl Pvt Ltd 19. Trump Coir Products 20. Waguruwela Oil Mills 21. Westpak Ltd 22. Renuka Agrifoods 23. Wichy Plantations Co Ltd 24. Delmege Coir Pvt Ltd 25. Jafferjee Brothers 26. Expo Lanka Pvt Ltd 27. Neutri Naturals

TOTAL 27 10

48 l. Ceramics and Porcelain Products : 1. Lanka Tiles Plc 2. Midaya Ceramic Co Ltd 3. Noritake Lanka Porcelain Pvt Ltd 4. Royal Ceramics Lanka 5. Lanka Wall Tiles 6. Royal Fernwood Porcelain Ltd 7. Art Decoration International Pvt Ltd 8. Dankotuwa Porcelain Ltd

TOTAL 08 10

49 LIST OF RESPONDENTS SURVEY NO. Name of Company Sub-sector Address Interviewee/s Contact Details

City Office Channaka de Abans Logistics Logistics # 46/4, 5th, IBM 1 Alwis 077 3493177 (Pvt) Ltd Operators Building, Deputy Director Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 2

Level 2,

Aitken Spence Logistics Nishan 2 Aitken Spence Tower 077 2001535 Cargo (Pvt) Ltd Operators Jayawardena II, 315, Vauxhall Street, General Colombo 2 Manager Nilantha On Time Logistics No. 740, 2nd floor Kanakaratne 3 Worldwide 077 7321250 Operators Cotta Road, Rajagiriya Country Logistics (Pvt) Ltd Manager Wood, Furniture Roshan 4 Ceylon Biscuits and No. 3, Pannipitiya Serasinghe 077 3955011 Confectioner Logistics y Items Manager Maithree Fresh and 40, York Street Attanayake 5 Cargills Foods 077 7862604 Processed Colombo 1 Manager SC Foods Planning DRH Logistics 69/5, Elvitigala Diren R Hallock Logistics 6 International (Pvt) Mawatha Chairman/Mana 011 5371000 Operators Ltd Colombo 8 ging Director Gayathri Karunanayake Customer Unilever Sri Lanka 258, M Vincent Perera 7 Wholesalers Service 077 2355491 Ltd Mawatha Colombo 14 Manager - Distributive Trade Leather and Chitral Samson Group No. 110, Kumaran leather Gunawardana 8 Corporate Services Ratnam Road Colombo 077 7815646 based Senior Manager (Pvt) Ltd 2 products Imports/Exports Level 07 Freight Links Henry de Silva Freight Access Towers 9 International (Pte) Chief Operating 077 881950 Forwarders 278, Union Place Ltd Officer Colombo 2

50 1. Mahendra Jayasekera Managing Director 2. Anura Ceramics Ratnayake and 215, Nawala Road 10 Lanka Tiles PLC Group Business 011 2806043 Procelain Colombo 5 Development products Manager 3.Kapila Ranathunga Commercial Manager 4th floor, Savuru Channa Logistics Sevana 46/2, 11 Expelogix (Pvt) Ltd Gunawardena 077 3033852 Operators Nawam Mawatha Director Colombo 2 240, Torrington Bimal Eastern Merchants Freight 12 Avenue Colombage 076 8204519 PLC Forwarders Colombo 7 Trader 413, R A de Mel Buddika Mahesh Cement 13 Insee Cement Mawatha Logistics 077 1788716 Production Colombo 3 Manager Naresha Logistics-Import Senanayake Garments Division Phase 1, 14 Brandix Apparel Account 077 7375371 and Textiles EPZ Manager - Katunayake Transport Wood, Prabath Furniture Ceylon Cold Stores Samadaragahawatte Hettiarachchi 15 and 076 3448179 PLC Ranala Manager Confectioner Logistics y Items Saveen Gunaratne Finlays Cold Logistics 309/7, Road 16 General 077 3037363 Storage (Pvt) Ltd Operators Welisara Manager & SBU Head Chandana Samaraweera Logistics 408A, Numgamugoda 17 Advantis 3PL Plus Assistant 011 2168300 Operators Kelaniya Manager - Operations No. 69, Ramyaweera Shashi Expolanka Freight Freight Mawatha Gunathilaka 18 077 0192816 (Pvt) Ltd Forwarders Orugodawatte Head of Wellampitiya Transport

51 Mahinda Light P.O . Box 14, Saranapala 19 Kelani Cables Plc Engineering Wewelduwa 077 7261179 Director/Chief products Kelaniya Executive Officer 98, Sri Sangaraja Kevin Edwards Darley Butler & Co 20 Wholesalers Mawatha Chief Executive 011 2448534 Ltd Colombo 10 Officer Janaka Coconut and Gammampila S A Silva & Sons coconut Loluwagoda Mills Group General 21 011 7389372 Lanka (Pvt) Ltd based Loluwagoda, Mirigama Manager - products Strategy & Group Initiatives Nilhan Fresh and Ekanayake Lanka Canneries 45/75, Narahenpita 077 9042170 011 22 Processed Manager (Pvt) Ltd Road Colombo 5 2586623 Foods Administration/E xport Thideema Coconut and Perera Rileys (Hayleys) coconut 25, Foster Lane Deputy General 23 011 2628534 Fibre (Pvt) based Colombo 10 Manager/Head products of Sales and Marketing Rubber & Pradeep Plastic 310, High Level Road Richard Pieris Tyre Samarathunga 24 production Nawinna 077 3850189 Co Ltd Chief Executive and Maharagama Officer/ Director processing Level 4, Resolute Rishantha Prudential Freight 25 471, Cotta Road, Mendis 077 5222636 Shipping Lines Forwarders Rajagiriya Director Steel, Mining and 190A, Ratnaweera S T Kalubandara GSMB Technical Mineral Building Stanley 26 Chief Executive 071 7445228 Services Pvt Ltd production Tilakaratne Mawatha Officer and Nugegoda processing Lanka Shipping Tower Lanka Shipping and Freight Aruna Perera 27 99, St Michael's Road 077 7009509 Logistics Pvt Ltd Forwarders Director Colombo 3 Rubber & Dian Gunatilake Plastic Trelleborg Lanka Levin Drive Director - 28 production 070 3230069 Pvt Ltd Sapugaskanda, Makola Human and Resources processing

52 Roshan S Hassen 27, CWE Secretarial Main Deputy General 29 Lanka Sathosa Ltd Building Vauxhall 070 3611611 Retailers Manager Street, Colombo 2 Operations Steel, Mining and P B M Lanka Mineral Mineral 341/21, Sarana Wijebandara 30 011 2883965 Sands Ltd production Mawatha Rajagiriya Marketing and Manager processing Delan Premawardena No. 30, 6th floor C L Synergy (Pvt) Freight Deputy General 31 R A de Mel Mawatha, 071 4554007 Ltd Forwarders Manager Colombo 3 Operations & Compliance Roshan Bolongne Mack International Freight 11, York Street, Manager - 32 077 7377182 Freight (Pvt) Ltd Forwarders Colombo 1 Customs Clearance & Projects Rubber & Nipun Gamage Ceat Kelani Plastic P O Box 53 Assistant 33 International Tyres production Nungamugoda, Manager Supply 011 4822800 (Pvt) Ltd and Kelaniya Chain processing Management Chandana No. 75, Hemas House, Hemas Weerabahu 34 Wholesalers Braybrooke Place, 077 3659536 Manufacturing Director Supply Colombo 2 Chain 1. Nilkamal Perera Manager - Level 18, "Parkland" Operations Sri Maersk Lanka Pvt Freight 35 33, Park Street, Lanka 077 3635378 Ltd Forwarders Colombo 2 2. Randima Krishnaratne Country Sales Manager Terrence Electricity 267, Union Place, Appuhamy 36 Litro Gas Lanka Ltd and Gas 077 7729951 Colombo 2 Head of Production Procurement Aindreenie Scanwell Logistics Logistics 67/1, Hutson Road, Ranmuthugala 37 071 4034531 Colombo Pvt Ltd Operators Colombo 3 General Manager -

53 Operations

Tea and tea R M Samarakoon Bogawantalawa Kotiyagala Estate, 1309 38 based General 077 7634703 Tea Estates plc Bogawantalawa products Manager Ceylon Fertiliser Chemical Manager 39 Hunupitiya, Wattala 077 3435408 Co. Ltd Products Distribution Steel, Mining and 51/3, Suranimala Place Namal Hewage Lanka Coal Mineral Off Dutugemunu 40 Actg General 071 1113111 Company production Street Kohuwala, Manager/CPO and Dehiwala processing 1. Kapila Korala Head of Shared Services Commercial 2. Prabath Handapangoda 245 Divisional Hidramani Muruththettuwe Manager - Garments 41 International Ananda Nahimi Export 077 2442440 and Textiles Exports Mawatha 3. Channa de Colombo 5 Silva Manager - Export 4. Krisal Srijeevaramanan Senior Manager - Imports P M S D "CIC House" Chemical amarasekera 42 CIC Holdings Plc No 199, Kew Road 077 2365910 Products Manager - Colombo 2 Shipping Agricultural Fonterra Brands production 100, Delgoda Road Manager - Direct 43 077 7911324 Lanka and Biyagama Sourcing processing Kasun Pitigala Jaykay Marketing Main 148, Vauxhall Street 44 Assistant 077 4520371 Services (Pvt) Ltd Retailers Colombo 2 Manager Imalka Kumarapeli MAS Active Garments KEPZ 45 GDM - 077 3497018 Trading Pvt Ltd and Textiles Katunayake Commercial & Logistics

54 Surendika Spectra Logistics Logistics Hemas Building, York Rupasinghe 46 071 0228374 (Pvt) Ltd Operators Street Colombo 1 Assistant Manager Tea and tea 111, Negombo Road Vijitha Paiva 47 Dilmah Ceylon Tea based 077 2992295 Peliyagoda Head Logistics products 180/11C, Vidya Shanaka Freight 48 Chrisslogic Pvt Ltd Mawatha Laksakara 077 0023588 Forwarders Colombo 7 Geneal Manager 1. M Niroshan Fernando Manager Supply Chain & Procument Tea and tea 257, Siri Dhamma 2. Shashika Amazon Trading 49 based Mawatha Colombo Udayanga 071 9652624 (Pvt) Ltd products 10 Assistant Manager (Business Strategy & Customer Relations) Agricultural Sathiyenthra 440, T B Jayah production Panchachandra 50 Nestle Lanka Plc Mawatha 011 2699941 and Head of Colombo 10 processing Procurement Ruwan Pallage Vehicle Assistant Diesel & Motor production 65, Jetawana Road, Manager 51 011 4607465 Engineering Plc and Colombo 14 Logistics Assembly Marketing and Project Division Paper, Carton 26, 2nd Cross Lane, Off Randy Roche 52 Packwell Lanka Ltd production Kandawala Road, Director/General 071 5337240 and Ratmalana Manager processing


APPENDIX 5 Table of Content Headings of the SPSS outputs

I. Identification 4.b Main City (Location of the Company)

II. Activity 6.a Company business 6.b.c.d. Company Sales Tonnage, % Increase and Employee numbers 7.a Location of Main Plant A 7.b Location of Main Plant B 7.c Location of Main Plant C 7.d Location of Main Plant D 10.a Product A Received 10.b Product B Received 10.c Product C Received 11.a Product A Shipped 11.b Product B Shipped 11.c Product C Shipped

III. Products and Transport a. Important factors considered when selecting the mode of transport 101.Price 102. Convenience 103. Reliability 104. Speed

b. Main Products Received 200. Product A 201. Type of Product (1-5) 202. Form (1-6) 203. Source (1-2) 204. Typical origin 205. Typical Destination 206 & 207 Total tonnage received & Average per shipment for 2016/2017 208. Periodicity of Shipments 209. Value of the shipment 210. Time sensitivity of shipments 211. Mode of transport used 212. Satisfaction level of current mode of transport 213. Main advantages of chosen mode 214. Main disadvantages of Rail 215. Special care required for shipment


220. Product B 221. Type of Product (1-5) 222. Form (1-6) 223. Source (1-2) 224. Typical origin 225. Typical Destination 226 & 227 Total tonnage received & Average per shipment for 2016/2017 228. Periodicity of Shipments 229. Value of the shipment 230. Time sensitivity of shipments 231. Mode of transport used 232. Satisfaction level of current mode of transport 233. Main advantages of chosen mode 234. Main disadvantages of Rail 235. Special care required for shipment

240. Product C 241. Type of Product (1-5) 242. Form (1-6) 243. Source (1-2) 244. Typical origin 245. Typical Destination 246 & 247 Total tonnage received & Average per shipment for 2016/2017 248. Periodicity of Shipments 249. Value of the shipment 250. Time sensitivity of shipments 251. Mode of transport used 252. Satisfaction level of current mode of transport 253. Main advantages of chosen mode 254. Main disadvantages of Rail 255. Special care required for shipment

c. Main Products Shipped 300. Product A 301. Type of Product (1-5) 302. Form (1-6) 303. Source (1-2) 304. Typical origin 305. Typical Destination 306 & 307 Total tonnage received & Average per shipment for 2016/2017 308. Periodicity of Shipments

57 309. Value of the shipment 310. Time sensitivity of shipments 311. Mode of transport used 312. Satisfaction level of current mode of transport 313. Main advantages of chosen mode 314. Main disadvantages of Rail 315. Special care required for shipment

320. Product B 321. Type of Product (1-5) 322. Form (1-6) 323. Source (1-2) 324. Typical origin 325. Typical Destination 326 & 327 Total tonnage received & Average per shipment for 2016/2017 328. Periodicity of Shipments 329. Value of the shipment 330. Time sensitivity of shipments 331. Mode of transport used 332. Satisfaction level of current mode of transport 333. Main advantages of chosen mode 334. Main disadvantages of Rail 335. Special care required for shipment

340. Product C 341. Type of Product (1-5) 342. Form (1-6) 343. Source (1-2) 344. Typical origin 345. Typical Destination 346 & 347 Total tonnage received & Average per shipment for 2016/2017 348. Periodicity of Shipments 349. Value of the shipment 350. Time sensitivity of shipments 351. Mode of transport used 352. Satisfaction level of current mode of transport 353. Main advantages of chosen mode 354. Main disadvantages of Rail 355. Special care required for shipment

IV. Opinion of Rail Transport a. Possible use of Railways

58 500. Service quality improvement & usage consideration b. Improvements required 511. Convenience: Build track siding nearby 512. Convenience: Build add more rolling stock 513. Convenience: Provide all day service 514. Increase reliability 515. Increase speed c. Willingness to pay additional tariff 520. Amount willing to pay d. Type of wagons 530. Type of railway needed

e. Products willing to divert (Tons) 541, 551, 561 Product A , B, C with 542, 552, 562 – Tonnages f. Willingness to invest 580 Willingness to invest if SLR give tariff discounts

V. Opinion of Sri Lanka Railways (SLR) a. Contact with Railway 600. Have you requested rail transport from SLR recently? b. SLR Response 601. SLR response to the request c. Assessment of the SLR contact 602. Overall experience with SLR d. Recommendation for improvement 603. Aspects to improve by SLR