MARKETING AFRICAN SUCCESS STORIES & MORE MAG 0820 Vol III, AUG. 2020. PROPHET IN HIS HOME LAND A Continent On His Shoulders As Akinwumi Adesina Heads For Second Term At AfDB

Madagascar: Speed Bumps For Covid-Organics’

Namibia: Introspection Time For SWAPO

Nigeria: Buhari’s Corruption Problem

Africa in the 2020 US Presidential Elections

Dr Rasha Kelej on the response of Merck Foundation To COVID-19 PAN-AFRICAN PRO-AFRICAN Contents PAN AFRICAN VISIONs CONTENTS A High Bar For African Leadership From Adesina______2 Rules On Resumption Of Worship______34 Vindicated African Development Bank President Gunning For Sec- Cameroon: Citizens Snub Masks As COVID-19 Cases Peak ____ 35 ond Mandate______4 A Heavy Toll on SADC And COMESA Regional Drivers From A Continent On His Shoulders: What To Expect From Adesina's COVID-19______36 Second Term______7 Friends In Need, Friends Indeed: Q & A With Dr Rasha Kalej On Requires Ethiopia Fill Its Dam______9 The Merck Foundation Response To COVID 19 in Africa______39 Is Kagame Making Enemies By Holding Accountable 'Big Fish- South Sudan Turns 9 But Peace Still Elusive ______42 es'?______13 South Sudan: Peace Deal Spurs Economic Recovery, but Remains Namibia: Introspection Time For SWAPO As Regional Elections Fragile______44 Loom ______14 Tightening Lockdown in Zimbabwe: A Case of Restricting Civil Could Rwanda-Zambia Relation Be Compromised By Former Rebel Liberties or Just a Desire to Save Lives ______45 FLN Accusations? ______16 Measures Being Taken by African Countries to Boost Local Tour- Africa Has Not Been A Priority Region For The Trump Administra- ism in Face of Global Travel Restrictions ______48 tion-CFA President Mel Foote______19 'New Era' In Mozambique: Local Gas Project Receives Africa's Big- Corruption Is Robbing Nigerians Of Democratic Dividends-Okey gest Private Investment______49 Sam Mbonu ______21 Education about Life and Death Enigma______51 Colonial-Era Monuments Have Been 'Falling' Across Africa For The Green Legacy Of Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed Enters Decades______25 Phase Two______52 Madagascar Overwhelmed By Surging Covid-19 Cases Despite Between Hushpuppi and Hushpoliticians______53 Herbal'Cure'______28 Zimbabwe Registers Progress In Managing Climate Change Im- GBV Cases Rise Exponentially in South Africa During COVID-19 pacts______57 Pandemic ______30 Stephen Tataw: Cameroon's 1990 Italia World Cup Captain Dies_58 Covidhero: Zimbabwean Lady Feeds Thousands Of Hungry Chil- dren ______31 Cancellation of AWCON 2020: A bitter pill to swallow for some Female Footballers______59 Tug Of War Between The Government And Church Over Tight

Managing Editor Adama Makasuba, Graphic Designer Pan African Visions Ajong Mbapndah L Bah Uzman Unis, Atemnkeng Jerry M, Mohammed M Mupenda, (Young Jerry) 7614 Green Willow Court, Hyattsville, MD Contributors Pierre Afadhali EC designs, Abudhabi - UAE 20785 Wallace Mawire Teslim Olawore +971 52 863 7744 Deng Machol Nevson Mpofu [email protected] Tel: 2404292177, Papisdaff Abdullah Boris Esono Nwenfor email: [email protected], Ajayi Olyinka Amos Fofung Prince Kuripati [email protected] Jean d’Amour Mugabo Hategeka Moses Jessica Ahedor ______Asong Zelifac Samuel Ouma Advertising Primus Tazanu Email: Alexandre Nhampossa, marketing@ Ishmael Sallieu Koroma,

PAV - APR. 2019 - MAG 0419 Vol 3 1 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa A High Bar For African Leadership From Adesina By Ajong Mbapndah L he news that the independent For a continent with and the a parliamentary Review Panel set up by the chronic leadership crisis, leader doing oversight TBureau of Governors of the Dr Akinwumi Adesina tries frantically to hush African Development Bank had has been like a breath of a Minister who under exonerated Dr Akinwunmi Adesina fresh air. Solidly educated, pressure revealed that of ethical wrongdoings definitely supremely confident, some of the Law makers brought relief to many. strong visionary, result were among those guilty For months, a dark cloud had oriented, articulate, of perfidy in the troubled been hovering over the future of the unbridled passion for commission. Nigerian born Dr Akinwunmi Adesina Africa and its potentials. Over in Cameroon, not who was gliding into a second term Far from damaging him, even the management as the President of the AFDB after Adesina has come out as of Covid 19 funds has a largely successful first term. A one of the unquestionable been spared the chronic whistleblower alert, and exoneration winners of the stormy corruption that has from two organs of the Bank – the episode that the AfDB contributed in bringing the Ethics Committee of the Board, and just went through. Now country to its knees. You the Bureau of the Board of Governors that the dust has settled know there are problems failed to satisfy some key partners expectations will be high when there are not only talks notably the USA. for his second term. of billions of frs cfa lacking A firestorm ensued and tempers For all the confidence in proper accounting, but Ajong Mbapndah L, Managing Editor flared. The AfDB leadership that Africa has in him, also rice that was donated ultimately caved and the Independent from the overwhelming by many of the African countries by a company as its Review Panel was set up. On the support that he received from the are never used for the intended contribution…In Zimbabwe, in South panel were Mary Robinson, a former continent, Adesina has the obligation purposes. Loans are incurred for Africa, we hear complains about the President of the Republic of Ireland, to do even better. In the High Five power projects, but none are there management of Covid 19 funds. a former United Nations High template, Adesina gets a good to see. Loans are incurred for roads The examples are just a drop Commissioner for Human Rights, grasp of what Africa needs to fully that are either never constructed or in the ocean of management and and the Chairperson of the Elders, a embrace the 21st century. In Light abandoned, for schools, for hospitals accountability challenges that Africa global body of wise persons concerned up and power Africa, Feed Africa, and so on, loans incurred are never faces. By subjecting himself literally with the world’s wellbeing; the Chief Industrialise Africa, Integrate Africa, used for the intended purpose. Even to global scrutiny and coming out Justice of the Supreme Court of and Improve the quality of life for with the ongoing ravages of COVID unscathed, Dr Adesina has set the Gambia, Mr. Hassan B. Jallow; and the people of Africa which form the 19, there are countries where the bar very high. With such probity, Mr. Leonard F. McCarthy, a former pillars of Adesina’s vision , there management of grants and loans to there is every reason to see why many Director of Public Prosecutions, a could not be a better articulation of combat the pandemic is mired in Africans are enamored with him. Just former Director for the Office of African development priorities. controversy over mismanagement. as his first five years have gone by fast, Serious Economic Offences, and a With a robust response and solid Whatever monitoring mechanisms the odds are that the next five he has former Head of the Directorate of leadership during the COVID-19 that the AfDB has in place to earned will equally go by fast. For the Special Operations of South Africa pandemic, there is currently no scrutinize its grants and loans needs support that Africans as a whole have who served as Vice President of bigger development partner for Africa to be strengthened so that the African given him, for the believe that millions Integrity for the World Bank for nine than the AfDB. The Abidjan based people can truly be the beneficiaries. have in him, for the inspiration that he years. Institution has done marvels in trying As Adesina gets set for a second is to millions, for the pride he elicits Allegations against Adesina “were to help Africa cushion the impact term, corruption is threatening to in many across the continent, Adesina properly considered and dismissed of the pandemic and more will be unravel whatever goodwill President has the weight of the continent on his by the Committee,” the Panel said expected from them. Beyond making Buhari has for his home country shoulders .Challenging it is, but with in its findings. While the vindication available funds for projects across of . You can tell there is enormous capital that Dr Adesina puts to rest whatever doubts that the continent, perhaps an area that something profoundly wrong when has earned, there is every reason to may have been cast on his integrity, the Bank may consider improving on the head of the EFCC the corruption remain hopeful that he will deliver Adesina’s competence was never in maybe in monitoring how these funds watchdog, and the Attorney General and leave behind a towering legacy . question. Throughout the storm, are used in individual countries. of the Federation and Minister of In addition to Dr Adesina, this issue Adesina remained unflappable. His Most African countries are saddled Justice trade barbs and inundate the of PAV Magazine has stories on issues competence and results were not with enormous debts that will be Presidency with memos and counter with the much touted Covid-organics lost to the rest of Africa. Perhaps passed on and paid by generations memos accusing each other of in Madagascar, SWAPO’s reality if the trials and tribulations were a who had nothing to do with the corruption. You can tell all is not well check in Namibia, the continent’s test to his popularity, the result was debts, nor were the debts used to when an Official of the Niger Delta travails with covid-19, Africa in the a resounding vote of confidence, build any better future for them. Development Commission faints 2020 US Presidential elections and -Adesina is a prophet in his homeland. Indeed, many of the loans incurred in Parliament during questioning, more... Happy Reading. 2 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 3 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Vindicated African Development Bank President Gunning For Second Mandate By Prince Kurupati frican Development Bank with the whistleblowers is not pure (AfDB)’s President, Dr speculation,” he stated AAkinwunmi Adesina, has Soon after Adesina’s response officially been exonerated of all to the allegations leveled against wrongdoing by an Independent him, AfDB’s Ethics Committee Review Panel. The AFDB President did open an investigation. After since January had found himself in several weeks, the Ethics Committee trouble after a group of disgruntled concluded that President Adesina had employees released a whistleblower done nothing wrong. With almost report alleging gross misconduct on everyone thinking the report by the his part . Ethics Committee had exonerated The Independent Review Panel Adesina, leaving him to get on with consisting of three members his work at the bank; the US, which concurred with the findings of the is a non-regional member of the Ethics Committee, AfDB’s own Bank, expressed displeasure over the ‘investigating’ body which had earlier Ethics Committee report. It called for on dismissed all the allegations another investigation to be conducted against Adesina. by an independent review panel. In a document dated July 27, the Other non-regional members like Independent Review Panel concluded Denmark, Sweden, Norway and that its “findings in respect of all Vindicated by the Independent Review Panel, Dr Akinwumi Finland petitioned AfDB’s Board of allegations against the president Adesina is set to for a well deserved second term as President of Governors joined the US to request …were properly considered and the AfDB an independent investigation into dismissed.” was leaked, vehemently denying all not a solo thing but rather, a small allegations of misconduct against Adesina’s troubles started in allegations leveled against him. In thing in a larger plot. Though not Adesina. In a statement, the US January when a supposed revelation the rebuttal, he said, “I am confident explicitly stating what he meant , Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, by the whistleblowers was published that fair and transparent, and just Adesina noted there were greater said “We fear that the wholesale by a media publication based in processes that respect the rules, forces behind the expose than just dismissal of all allegations without France. The expose (exposé ?) procedures and governance systems a group of disgruntled employees appropriate investigation will tarnish outlined sixteen instances in which of the bank, and the rule of law, acting out as whistleblowers. “The the reputation of this institution Adesina was alleged to have acted will ultimately prove that I have not purpose of the complaint is not to as one that does not uphold high inappropriately as well as abused his violated the Code of Ethics of this report fraud, corruption or other acts standards of ethics and governance. powers. Some of the major allegations extraordinary institution.” of misconduct. Quite the contrary, it Therefore, the US cannot support were that the AfDB president had At the time, Adesina also said the has other hidden motives. The idea dismissing the allegations at this used his power to hire the bank’s staff expose by the whistleblowers was that other people are acting in concert stage.” using bias, and favoritism . The calls by the US for an Also, the expose (exposé ?) said independent investigation to be the AFDB president was supposed to opened were opposed by many, give the prize money he received from especially the Bank’s regional winning the 2017 World Food Prize members as well as other prominent and the 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize to individuals on the continent. the bank as the bank had covered Nigerian Minister of Finance, travelling expenses for him and a Zainab Ahmed, sent a letter to the large entourage that went with him to Chairman of AfDB’s Board, advising the Awards ceremonies. him to ignore the pressure from the In the expose, the whistleblowers US. In a statement, Ahmed said, “The said that the president was accused call for an independent investigation of “unethical conduct, private gain, an of the President is outside of the impediment to efficiency, preferential laid down rules, procedures, and treatment, a major conflict of governance system of the Bank and interest and involvement in political its articles as it relates to the code of activities.” conduct on ethics for the President. Adesina on his part, promptly Former Nigerian President rallied elder As a Bank, we must uphold the rule statesmen across Africa to speak up in defence of Adesina and the AfDB issued a response after the expose of law and respect for the governance 4 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

systems of the Bank.” members. The US and other non- Despite the calls against an regional members are yet to issue independent investigation by several a response to the findings of the regional members, AfDB’s Board of Independent Review Panel. Without Governors did carve in to US pressure any objection to the findings by and called for the independent August 27, Adesina will waltz into a investigation to be opened. The second mandate. Board agreed on a three-member independent review panel. The Remarkable balance sheet, a panel was led by former President work in progress of Ireland, Mary Robinson, former However, it is important to note Gambian Attorney, General Hassan that Adesina’s main selling point is Jallow and the World Bank’s Integrity not the fact that he was exonerated Vice-President, Leonard McCarthy. of wrongdoing. But rather, the I am fully convinced with the responses provided by Dr illustrious and brilliant work that Adesina to the accusations of the whistleblowers , said Dr Mima Reelection blockage thwarted? he has done since the first day he Nedelcovych Former U.S. Exec Dir to the AFDB. At the time when the Board of came into office. As reported by by AfDB and the remainder through in a statement said, “Nigeria stands Governors gave in and called for an Kola King from The AfricaPaper, its concessional lending window. solidly behind Akinwunmi Adesina independent investigation, many “Adesina has changed the narrative More importantly, the bank’s 81 in his re-election bid as the President African actors feared that the decision of developmental financing for the stakeholders have pledged extra of the African Development Bank. was the last step in derailing Adesina’s continent…the Bank has consolidated funds to more than double its capital We will work with all leaders and ambition for reelection as the AFDB its role as the continent’s premier of $208bn (170 bn pounds).” stakeholders in AfDB to ensure that President. There was widespread development finance institution, Just as Adesina is meticulous he is re-elected on the strength of his conviction that Adesina’s euphemistic a knowledge and research center, in how he conducts his duties in a achievements during his term.” ‘hidden motive’ comments were after and the preeminent voice for Africa responsible and transparent manner, Former Nigerian President, all true as the plan was to derail his development issues.” so too does the institution he leads. Olusegun Obasanjo, has been a key reelection. The rather surprising Kola King adds on that “Adesina has Since he assumed the office of the ally of Adesina from day one. Speaking conclusion by the Independent repositioned the Bank to serve Africa’s president, the Bank has been ranked after the US had successfully forced Review Panel therefore shocked best interest. He has facilitated credit fourth out of 47 global development the Board of Governors to open an those with the ‘hidden motive’ while for African governments to build institutions on the Aid Transparency independent investigation, Obasanjo at the same time elevating Adesina’s infrastructure, reduce poverty, and Index by Publish What You Fund. had this to say, “there are some reelection ambition. develop agriculture. Adesina has also The Index is the only independent attempts, led by some non-regional Vindication by both the internal addressed the current health and measure of aid transparency among member countries of the Bank to Ethics Committee as well as the economic impacts of the corona virus the world’s major development frustrate his re-election…We should external Independent Review Panel pandemic on the African continent. agencies. The ranking is based on speak against the introduction of therefore gives Adesina a clean slate In March, the AfDB issued a $3 several criteria which include finance alien practices being recommended ahead of August 27 when the next billion social bond to help African and budgets, basic information by some parties given that such AfDB president is going to be elected. countries deal with the consequences data, organizational planning, and recommendation falls outside the Before the whistleblower of the corona virus pandemic. performance. laid down procedure, laws, rules and allegations, Adesina was running The Bank also has approved a $10 With the above in mind, it’s crystal regulations of the Bank. It is also unopposed for the second term as billion relief package for 2020, of clear that Adesina deserves a second critical that we emphasize the need for he had the support of all regional which $6.9 billion will be financed term in office. Not just looking at the AfDB to remain an Africa-focused the incredible work that he has development Bank rather than one done in the past 5 years, Adesina which serves interests outside Africa.” deserves another 5 year term so Whilst the US is yet to show much that he successfully implements all enthusiasm to Adesina’s re-election of his High 5s. The High 5s are the bid, a former US Executive Director commitments made by Adesina in his to the AfDB, Dr Mima Nedelcovych, inaugural speech as AfDB president holds a different view. In an exclusive on September 1, 2015. They include; interview with Pan African Visions, Light Up and Power Africa, Feed Dr Mima Nedelcovych said “If Africa, Industrialize Africa, Integrate competing with the Chinese in Africa and Improve the Quality of Life Africa is primordial to the US, then for the People of Africa. supporting the position of our African Nigerian President Muhammadu fellow shareholders in the AfDB and Buhari is confident that Adesina will supporting President Adesina is in Led by President Buhari, Nigeria has been unflinching in be re-elected based on his first term our own interests.” its support for Dr Adesina. Photo credit Twitter. achievements. The Nigerian leader PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 5 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

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6 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs A Continent On His Shoulders: What To Expect From Adesina's Second Term By Richard Mammah ith great help from calm and patience, African WDevelopment Bank President, Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina has crossed the Rubicon and is on his way to commencing his second term in office. Adesina, formerly Nigeria’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, had been elected to serve as President of the continent’s foremost multilateral development institution in May, 2015. With a successful first term, it was clear to discerning observers that Adesina would sail smoothly onto a second term. Capping this, the Heads of States of the endorsed him for a second term and Dr. Akinwumi Adesina was the 2017 World Food Prize Laureate. his reelection seemed settled. But then ‘a group of whistleblowers’ For a while, some respondents One person who is encouraged Peace Prize for global leadership in showed up to allege that Adesina were in favour of calling Uncle Sam’s by the ‘closure’ is Prof João Bosco agriculture and good governance. had been engaged in ‘sixteen acts of bluff. But calmer sense prevailed. Monte, President of the Brazil-African misconduct.’ To satisfy the complainants, an Institute, IBRAF. He told Pan African Man with Midas touch In itself the allegations have a Independent Review Panel made up Visions in a recent interview that he As Agriculture Minister, Adesina led history. They had been previously of former Irish Prime Minister Mary foresees even greater cooperation initiatives to end years of distortion in tendered before the Ethics Committee Robinson, Gambia’s Chief Justice between an Adesina-led AfDB and the fertilizer sector by developing and of the Board of the Bank and Bureau Hassan Jallow and the World Bank’s IBRAF going forward: implementing an electronic wallet of the Board of Governors which duly integrity vice president Leonard ‘I am optimistic about the system, which provided farmers with reviewed but dismissed them. McCarthy took a second look. With possibility of Adesina being re-elected subsidised inputs, using their mobile This time however, it was not its clearing Adesina, the matter has to the presidency of the African phones. just the allegations: it was who was now been put to rest. And a solidly Development Bank, especially when He was also able to attract $5.6 presenting it, namely the powerful performing African star now has a we see Brazil as a country that can billion in private sector investments United States of America. breather to continue to pursue his work closely with Africa…And I to boost commercial farming, amidst heart: the unrelenting development see President Adesina’s vision as other initiatives promoting youth How he survived of the continent. something that has coincidences engagement in agriculture and small with the activities of the Brazil Africa and medium enterprises (SMEs). Institute.’ Accordingly, Nigeria’s food From presidents to statesmen, production expanded by an additional activists to common people, the word 21 million metric tonnes and he went out there is not dissimilar: let Adesina on to serve as one of 17 global leaders be. that spearheaded the Millennium Development Goals initiative of the A heart for his people United Nations. To be sure, Adesina did not come to the limelight suddenly. As far as First term balance sheet 2007, he had clinched the YARA Prize In the first term of Adesina’s for the African Green Revolution in leadership at the AfDB, the bank Oslo and in 2013, had been named has bubbled with a lot of activity and Forbes Africa Person of the Year. traction and come to attract a much Two years into his first term, he more visible profile. While part of was awarded the prestigious World this may be attributed to defter media In his vision and execution of the High 5s for Africa, Dr Adesina has what many see as the right template for development in the continent Food Prize and later the Sunhak and public relations management, PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 7 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa at the base however is the fact that Adesina similarly attracted other high-achieving personnel who brought with them the benefit of their own leverage even as he focused on managing such rich pool of talent to achieve set goals; including attracting the required financial resources.

Finding the money As Vice President of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, Adesina had recognized the need to drive the search for finance to meet continental agricultural and developmental challenges and leveraged over $4 Under the leadership of Adesina, the AfDB has provided a robust response to cushion the billion in bank finance commitments effects of COVID 19 across Africa.Photo credit Reuters, Siphiwe Sibeko that was as one of the largest global efforts in that regard. and expansion. would continue to be built on, two ‘As a way of continuing to help Now, he has led AfDB in raising 79 Adesina has also ensured that the other areas of concern now include Africa achieve the sustainable billion dollars on the international bank’s money is deployed to fund maintaining a sustained focus on development goals (SDGs), Adesina market for investment interest in ‘High 5 strategic priorities:’ Light mitigating COVID-19 damage and should also focus on programmes for Africa through his Africa Investment up and Power Africa; Feed Africa; deepening regional integration youth development; especially, talent Forum sessions in 2018 and 2019. The Industrialise Africa; Integrate Africa; initiatives, even more structurally and career development. Similarly, he goal is to leverage some $300 billion and Improve the quality of life of the now, through the fledgling African should initiate programmes to reduce of investments into the continent. people of Africa. Independent studies Continental Free Trade Area, AfCFTA. the impact of Climate Change and have confirmed that these areas have To ensure that some of his already reduce some of the insecurity that is A solid numbers bank multiplier capacities to help achieve initiated flagship projects continue linked to environmental change as Under Adesina also, a General the Sustainable Development Goals apace and are strengthened, Dr. seen in Central and , Capital Increase exercise was in Africa and the Agenda 2063 of the Joshua Bolarinwa of the Nigerian and particularly in areas like the undertaken and capitalization of the AU. Institute of International Affairs, Lake Chad Basin, and the Sahel and AfDB moved from $93 billion to $208 NIIA think-thank says the thing to do Savannah regions.’ billion. Money for purpose is to build from the known into the Finally, Bolarinwa makes a case for Other associated numbers have This nexus between money and future: the bank’s floating of research grants followed this growth trajectory. The projects is indeed one that Adesina ‘Yes, Adesina has done well in both for institutions and individuals bank’s loan income rose from $563 has been most careful about. the area of agriculture, particularly across the continent ‘to make our million in 2015 to $803 million in Appreciating that Africa would providing funds in boosting Institutions and researchers more 2017, an increase of 42.6per cent, need help to tackle the then agriculture for sustainable food competitive.’ and net operating income rose from developing COVID-19 challenge, security. He should now sustain with $492 million in 2015 to $781 million Adesina, on March 26, 2020, led serious feedback, the programmes Enduring lesson by the end of 2017. With such good the bank to successfully launch a $3 around the funding of agriculture. This Africa watchers say there is fortune, the AfDB under Adesina was billion Fight COVID-19 Social Bond will in turn, enhance industrialization however a sense in which the crisis able to make a historic allocation of on the international capital market. in Africa and in the long run generate was a wake-up call for a continent $190.35 million from its net income In addition, the bond, which is now employment opportunities for the that had been seen as poor and aid- to reserves. listed on the London Stock Exchange, teeming youth population in Africa.’ dependant. But a deeper look at the is the largest US dollar denominated A second point of potential project statistics would reveal that a lot of When a sustainable policy pays social bond in the history of the funding impact for Bolarinwa has the continent’s woes are indeed self- off world and the largest undertaken by to do with infrastructure and he inflicted. In natural resource and Adesina’s focus on ensuring AfDB since its establishment in 1964. counsels that Adesina should also demographic terms, Africa yet ranks sustainable liquidity at the AfDB has Member states are already drawing not take his eyes off this area which better than many other continents helped the bank maintain its AAA from the $10 billion Covid-9 response is already captured in the Agenda for from which it draws and receives aid rating by all the four major global facility. Africa. This he says also promises to at the moment. So its problems are rating agencies across four years. bring in a buffer of sorts for some of elsewhere. So Adesina and indeed all This vote of confidence in its financial Going forward: The second the controversial ‘Chinese loans’ that that would build Africa, simply have and risk management strategies, term focus are becoming a serious source of debt their work cut out for them. Please liquidity, shareholder support and To his credit, Adesina in his first worry in the continent. wish them luck. corporate governance record, is also a term focused on the High 5 strategic Bolarinwa has more on his dependable buoy for project financing areas. While it is expected that these shopping list:

8 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Africa Requires Ethiopia Fill Its Dam By Lawrence Freeman* thiopia is entering a crucial period for the future of its Enation, as we approach the second half of July. Ethiopia must use the forthcoming rainy season (July to September) to begin the partial filling of its Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) being built on Ethiopia’s Blue Nile River. When fully completed, the GERD, Africa’s largest hydroelectric project is capable of producing over 6,000 megawatts (MW). This is not only a game changer for Ethiopia, but will contribute to transforming the Horn of Africa. The Blue Nile, which joins the White Nile just north of Khartoum, Sudan, provides 86% of the water that becomes the Nile River. From there, the Nile flows north through the deserts of Sudan and Egypt before emptying into the Mediterranean Sea. Ethiopia has been involved Artist drawing of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. in intense discussions with Sudan and Egypt, downstream from the The functioning of the GERD is not increase Ethiopia’s power generation more than 20% of Egypt’s level. dam, about the amount of water to an option for this emerging nation of from its current level of 4,500 MW to However, the Ethiopia government be withdrawn from the Blue Nile to 110 million people, but a categorical close to 11,000 MW, which will make has plainly stated that the intention begin filling the GERD’s 76 billion necessity. it the second largest energy producer of the GERD is not to provide water cubic meter storage/reservoir. Egypt As a physical economist, who has in SAA, behind South Africa. Ethiopia for irrigation or consumption. The continuously attempts to forestall studied Africa for decades, and knows has already entered into agreements motivation and sacrifice of the the filling of the dam, alleging that the key drivers of economic growth, to export its excess electricity to other Ethiopian people in undertaking since it is dependent on the Nile, if I can tell you that nothing is more nations in . this mega infrastructure project is the volume of the Nile is reduced, its vital for the survival of Africa, than Ethiopia’s commitment to to provide electrical power for the citizens will suffer irreparable harm. the production of electricity. Without construct the GERD resonates with purpose of developing their nation. For most of the last century Egypt abundant and accessible electricity, the same vision that compelled the Ethiopia intends on becoming a has received the majority of the Nile poverty and disease will not be nation to build the Addis-Ababa to low-middle income nation. It can no River’s 84 billion cubic meters (bcm) eliminated. Poverty is the number Djibouti rail line; to expand their longer allow its people to be without of water. one enemy of Africa and is the cause economy, eliminate poverty, and electricity, relegated to burning wood. of immense suffering for hundreds of provide a meaningful future for their Improving the lives of their citizens Electricity for Development millions of Africans. expanding young population. today and future generations is the The GERD, which is 75% finished Approximately 600 million While Ethiopia is blessed with objective of an operational GERD. was entirely funded by the Ethiopian Africans, almost half of the several water systems, the Blue people, is a $5 billion water continent’s population, are not Nile provides between 70% of its Sovereignty Versus Colonialism infrastructure project initiated in connected to a central energy grid. surface water. Ethiopia suffers The Blue Nile descends from 2011. Its purpose is to provide much The overwhelming majority of them from water shortages, droughts, Lake Tana, deep inside Ethiopia’s needed electricity to power Ethiopia’s reside in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). and food insecurity due to mountains, traveling through transition from an agrarian dominated More than 65 million Ethiopians, 40- inadequate infrastructure and under Ethiopia before entering Sudan. economy to one that encompasses 45% of the population, do not have development. The GERD will capture Blue Nile manufacturing and industry. In access to electricity. While Ethiopia It is true that Egypt has one of the waters about 40 meters before the the years ahead, Ethiopia envisions suffers from one of the lowest per lowest water per capita consumption Sudanese border. Ethiopia intends become a light manufacturing hub capita levels of electrical energy rates in the world at 570 cubic meters to fill the dam’s reservoir with 14.5 for Africa, increasing manufacturing consumption, Egypt’s population of per year, well below the global average bcm of water over the first two years output, and manufacturing jobs by 100 million has 100% access. of 1,000. Ethiopia’s amount is a mere for testing. The withdrawing of this 440%. When completed, the GERD will 125 cubic meters per capita, barely amount from the Blue Nile’s 49 bcm PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 9 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa will not adversely affect downstream Egyptian Treaty, both Egypt and nations (Sudan, Egypt). In fact, the Sudan were colonies of Great Britain GERD will benefit these nations as stipulated by the 1899 Anglo- by regulating the flow of the Nile, Egyptian Condominium. This treaty preventing flooding, reducing silt, also “granted Egypt veto power over and decreasing evaporation. construction projects on the Nile or Ethiopia has the wonderful any of its tributaries in an effort to distinction in Africa of having minimize any interference with the never been colonized. Unlike flow of water into the Nile.” my beloved American July 4th, To maintain geo-political celebrating our independence from domination and control of trade along the British Empire, Ethiopia has no the eastern spine of Africa, Britain Independence Day. Instead, Ethiopia maintained authority over the Nile celebrates Adwa Day, March 1, waters from Cairo down to Khartoum 1896, when they defeated the Italian and beyond into southern Sudan. army on the battlefield in northern Ethiopia, an independent nation Ethiopia. Yet Ethiopia is fighting was not subject to Britain’s edicts and the remnants of British colonialism retained sovereignty over the Blue today in its determination to generate Nile. energy to free its people from the Thus, from whence does Egypt’s bondage of poverty. historical claim to dominance of the Contrary to Egyptian claims, the Nile originate. negotiations between Ethiopia, In a statement signed by the Egypt, and Sudan are not about Reverend Jesse Jackson, sent to the water sharing or water allocation. Honorable Congresswoman Karen There have been two water allocation Bass, Chair of the Black Caucus, dated agreements regarding the Nile May 19, 2020, Rev. Jackson reveals Blue Nile joins White Nile in Khartoum, Sudan. waters, that involved only Egypt and that Egypt’s “historical rights” over “I would like to remind your years, to 5-7 years and increased Sudan. Ethiopia was not a signatory the Nile are derived from the British Excellency [Mahmoud Pasha] that her the amount of water to be released nor participants to either accord, yet Queen. Majesty’s Government in the United from 35 bcm to 40 bcm in seasons of Egypt asserts historical rights over the He cites a letter dated May 7, 1929, Kingdom has already recognized healthy rain. With the negotiations Nile River, including Ethiopia’s Blue from Mahmoud Pasha, Chairman of the natural and historical rights of failing to lead to a resolution, Nile. The most recent such agreement the Egyptian Council of Ministers, Egypt to the waters of the Nile. I am Ethiopia requested to postpone was in 1959, three years after Sudan’s to the British requesting affirmation entrusted with the responsibility the February 27-28 meeting. The independence from Britain, which of Egypt’s “natural and historical” of declaring that Her Majesty’s meeting proceeded without Ethiopia. recodified the 1929 British Imperialist rights to the waters of the Nile. Lord Government in the United Kingdom Sudan and Egypt attending, but agreement guaranteeing 55 bcm of Lloyd, Britain’s High Commissioner considers the observance of these Egypt alone initialed an agreement Nile waters to Egypt and 18.5 bcm to in Cairo, responded on behalf of the rights as a fundamental principle of prepared without Ethiopia’s input, Sudan. At the time of the 1929 Anglo- Queen: the policy of Great Britain.” which the Ethiopia Foreign Ministry Rev. Jackson stresses in his characterized as “unacceptable and letter, that Ethiopia should not highly partisan.” be pressured “into signing a neo- On February 28, 2020, an official colonial agreement will make Egypt a statement from the US Treasury hegemon over the Nile River.” Department praised Egypt’s U.S. Gets Involved “readiness to sign the agreement,” In September, Egyptian President and instructed Ethiopia that “final Al-Sisi requested U.S. assistance testing and filling should not take in negotiating the operation of the place without an agreement.” The GERD. President Trump asked next day, Ambassador Shinn (ret), Treasury Department to host a former ambassador to Ethiopia, series of meetings in Washington whose has spent decades in the State DC, beginning in November 2019. Department, questioned whether the Sudan, Ethiopia, and Egypt attended U.S. was “putting its thumb on the along with a representative of the scale in favor of Egypt.” World Bank, with Treasury Secretary In a June 22, 2020 bipartisan letter Mnuchin, to act as an impartial addressed to Ambassador David Hale, observer, not a mediator. Ethiopia Undersecretary of State for Political President Cyril Ramaphosa, Chair of the African Union compromised by indicating they Affairs, seven former Assistant convening the teleconference on the GERD. would extend the filling beyond 3 Secretaries of State for African 10 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Affairs, asked the U.S. to embrace neutrality regarding the GERD talks. They wrote: “The U.S. position at this sensitive juncture will also have long term implications. It will either strengthen or seriously weaken our future relations with Ethiopia. While there is no question that resolution of the Nile issue will require flexibility and compromise on all sides, it is not politically viable for Prime Minister Abiy (or any Ethiopian politician) to indefinitely delay filling the GERD. However, the perception—rightly or wrongly—that the United States has sided with Egypt in the negotiations will limit our ability to support efforts aimed at reaching a settlement.”

Discussions Move to Africa Egypt, not satisfied with the negotiating process, attempted to involve the United Nations in forcing an agreement on Ethiopia that violated its sovereignty over the Ethiopian officials have announced an annual investment of one billion dollars over the next decade.Photo Medafricatimes. GERD. On June 29, 2020, Egypt with the support of the U.S. brought Congressional Caucus emphasized natural resource effectively in the past. irresponsible not to use this year’s the matter to the United Nations the pivotal role of the AU in these Now, following more than a decade rainy season to begin filling the Security Council (UNSC). The UNSC tripartite negotiations. They went of impressive economic growth, reservoir, with the dam already 75% is not the normal forum to settle such on to discuss the importance of the Ethiopia desires to utilize its naturally constructed. Ethiopia’s leadership matters, but Egyptians were hoping GERD for Africa. endowed resource for its nation’s will not disappoint the aspirations of to mobilize international pressure The GERD project will have a critical growth and development. the Ethiopian people, who view the against Ethiopia. The UNSC has positive impact on all countries Countries throughout Africa are in GERD as emblematic of their national instead preferred to have the African involved and help combat food dire need of electric power to enable identity, and a critical vehicle to raise Union (AU) resolve the issue of security and lack of electricity and and sustain their respective nations their standard of living and secure Ethiopia’s right to operate the GERD. power, supply more fresh water to rise out of poverty. The creation of a a more prosperous future for their On the previous Friday, June 26, the more people, and stabilize and grow sustainable energy source will create posterity. Extraordinary African Union Bureau the economies of the region.” a national infrastructure that directly Ethiopia’s use of the of the Assembly of Heads of State The Conference of Black Mayors, contributes to the wellbeing of citizens word Renaissance in describing its and Government conducted a video- in a June 29th statement, expressed our mayors represents through our new dam is not metaphorical. When teleconference meeting on the Grand their support for the filling of the global mayors’ association… fully functional, the GERD will lead to Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). GERD “We strongly support a timely fill a rejuvenation of Ethiopia’s economy Chairperson of the African Union “Today, on behalf of global leaders of the dam without further delays and that of its neighboring nations. Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat throughout the African diaspora to avoid the economic impact on noted that more than 90% of the that hold the office of mayor, the Ethiopia and neighboring countries.” *Lawrence Freeman is a issues between Egypt, Ethiopia, and Conference of Black Mayors released Ethiopia is desirous to cooperate Political-Economic Analyst Sudan had been resolved. the following statement in support with downstream nations, but it will for Africa, who has been South African President, Cyril of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance not have its sovereignty violated by involved in the economic Ramaphosa, in his capacity as the Dam (GERD) and the impact GERD having the operation of the GERD development policy of Africa Chairperson of the AU is committed would have on Conference of Black jointly managed or contingent on for 30 years. He is the creator to have “an African led process in the Mayors member cities… the requirements of water for Egypt’s of the blog: lawrencefreeman spirit of African solutions to African “It is known that Ethiopia generates downstream High Aswan Dam. problems.” 86% of the Nile waters but has been Ethiopia should and will begin In a June 23rd statement, the U.S. unable to use this considerable filling the GERD. It would be

Pan African Visions MAGAZINE, 7614 Green Willow Court, Hyattsville,MD 20785 Tel:2404292177, email: [email protected], [email protected] PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 11 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs CHICAGO Inside Africa Thrice weekly to over 54 Destinations in Africa

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of Africa, Ethiopian offers the most convenient schedules to more cities in Africa than any other cwarrwier w. 12 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Is Kagame Making Enemies By Holding Accountable 'Big Fishes'? By Maniraguha Ferdinand 020 has so far not been a good year for most influential men 2in Kigali, including former allies of President Paul Kagame who were hitherto, hailed every here and there for being the strong men of the country. Some of them are said to have helped him to power 26 years ago. Cabinet reshuffle is common in Rwanda, but knowing why someone has been removed from government is new. None knew why President Kagame used to be silent on why he has chased somebody from government. In the beginning of this year, things President Kagame is supported by most Rwandans for sanctioning erring Cabinet members changed. Some big officials were and top government officials removed from government and a dollars, which he got from a school immediately after he was relieved of instead of waiting for long to know statement detailing their removal was he had promised to favor at National his duty. what the investigation revealed”, made public. examinations. His case is now in the Gasana Emmanuel, former police he said. Dr Habineza also said no Evode Uwizeyimana, former State court of law. chief, was also recently removed one should worry when big men, Minister in charge of Constitution The most recent incident that left from office as Governor of Southern commonly known as ‘big fish” are and other legal affairs was removed many in awe, is the removal of General Province and is being investigated. being held accountable. He considers from his position, after beating up Nyamvumba Patrick, Minister of Claver Gatete, Minister of the dismissals and public shaming as a female security guard at a mall in Internal Security, who once was army Infrastructure is also being a warning and deterrent to officials Kigali City Center. The incident was chief of staff. Commonly known as investigated for alleged embezzlement who misinterpret what it means to under investigation but was dropped the most feared man of Kigali who of funds in a tender in which public hold public offices. after an amicable settlement. took part in a liberation struggle money was wasted. “It’s normal to remove them when Dr Isaac Munyakazi, former State along with President Kagame, Habumuremyi Pierre Damien, they are not delivering or when Minister in charge of Education, was General Nyamvumba is facing former Prime Minister, is currently something goes wrong because of removed from office after getting military prosecution. He was asked in prison and facing charges related them. It is a warning message to a bribe of about one thousand to report to the military headquarters to breach of trust and issuance of a others because none should be using bounced cheque. public office for his personal gains,” Kagame recently said whoever he said. misused public funds or committed Dr Buchanan Ismael, political crimes will be held accountable analyst and lecturer at the University regardless of who he is. of Rwanda told Pan African Visions There is fear that Kagame may be that there is no mistake in arresting making more enemies by exposing big men when they are suspected of the wrong doings of people who used something fishy. to be his allies. “When they are removed from Dr Frank Habineza, an MP and office, it leaves a vacuum which take a leader of the Democratic Green Party long time to fill, but you can’t sit and of Rwanda, told Pan African Visions watch when things are going wrong,” that there is nothing to fear. He says Buchanan said. it now sounds good when someone is In September 2017 after being removed from office and his mistakes elected for a third term, President are cited. Kagame formed a government of 20 “We find it good because it shows Ministers but by July 2020, twelve of that they are being held accountable. them had been replaced. However, we want to hear what General Nyamvumba Patrick is one of the high profile officials dismissed by President Kagame comes from such investigations PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 13 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Namibia: Introspection Time For SWAPO As Regional Elections Loom By Andreas Thomas indhoek – As regional and local elections Wloom, the governing SWAPO Party has scrambled to cement its stronghold on Namibian politics. The former liberation movement is still haunted by memories of 2019 general elections, after recording its worst ever elections performance. Corruption-weary Namibians further distressed by high unemployment and other economic and social challenges, punished the ruling party in last year’s general elections. Hage Geingob, party leader and Head of State gained 56.3% of the votes to retain the presidency, in comparison to record 86.7% he received in the 2014 presidential race. The party also took a hit in the National Assembly only managing to garner 63 seats, down from 77 it won in the previous elections. For the first time, the party lost its two-thirds majority in the National SWAPO leader Hage Geingob greeting delegates during the postmortem meeting of the party. Assembly.With the Regional Council and Local Authority Elections on the it is pertinent that as SWAPO cadres, is dominating the leadership of the founding president, Sam Nujoma, horizon, the party leadership has we enhance our ability to understand party. Relations were so bad that in were never challenged for the party shifted gear to revamp its tainted each other, our motivations and February 2018, President Geingob presidency. However, Geingob played image. revisit our core values. This process fired Ekandjo as a youth minister and down the fissure that the party is not Close to 200 party cadres from will assist us to bring our focus back Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana from home immune to political crises. across the country met in where it belongs, here in SWAPO affairs. Iivula-Ithana, the former “SWAPO is a composition of human on July 25, 2020 to take stock of and on the principles that have made secretary-general of the party and beings who share similar values and last year’s presidential and national SWAPO a dominant political force,” Angula were some of the senior party ideologies. We must understand assembly election. The three-day Geingob said. cadres absent from the meeting. that like all political parties, we have meeting accorded the party an The party also sought to mend Geingob and his team won all to factor in the element of human opportunity to undertake a sober fractured relations among party the top four positions, to include emotions, misunderstandings and introspection to identify the possible cadres that have bedeviled the the deputy president, secretary- differences of opinions. Therefore, reasons for the poor showing in the movement since the 2017 elective general and deputy secretary-general. disagreements and differences of last general elections. congress. Party members are still Commentators speculated that opinion did not emerge as a result Geingob said in his address at the divided between the two main factions Geingob did not take lightly that of the so-called Team Harambee or meeting that the party sought to that emerged before November 2019 Ekandjo chose to challenge him for Team SWAPO,” said Geingob. identify and review the key factors congress. the party’s presidency, while Iivula- “This meeting challenged us to underlining the outcomes of the 2019 Team Harambee is said to be Iithana also competed against one deal with the recurrent ghost of election results and analyze their aligned to Geingob and Team Swapo of his choices, Netumbo Nandi- tribalism and factionalism, which effects on the party’s standing as to other party heavyweights that Ndaitwah for the vice-presidency. undermines our cohesion as a party, the Party of choice for the Namibian included former Prime Minister Geingob wanted to be endorsed and our ability to focus entirely on masses. Nahas Angula and former youth as the sole candidate for the party service delivery. Some comrades are “In the wake of the elections, as well minister, Jerry Ekandjo. presidency. abandoning solidarity and sacrifice as the emergence of new role players Both Angula and Ekandjo lost the He argued that his predecessors, because they look at the SWAPO on the Namibian political landscape, presidency to Geingob, whose faction Hifikepunye Pohamba and party Party in terms what they should gain 14 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

several members. Sacky Shanghala, former justice minister, Bernhard Esau, former fisheries minister and James Hatuikulipi, former Fiscor’s chairman are now in custody over their leading role in the scandal.

They were detained late last year after an explosive expose by international media into a bribery scandal in the Namibian fishing industry. This followed after Wikileaks published documents that later become known as Fishrot files in November 2019. The files revealed how the Icelandic fishing giant, Samherji paid local politicians and business executives to gain access to the country’s lucrative horse mackerel fishing quotas. As a result, the company was able to cheaply buy the coveted fishing We can only win if we field qualified and competent candidates not because they are Team quotas from Fishcor, mostly horse Harambee or Team SWAPO ,says former President Sam Nujoma. mackerel. and not what they should give to or Team SWAPO but because they are activists has registered as an The Icelandic fishing firm is said the party,” Geingob said in closing qualified, credible and competent in association and vowed to field to have paid a considerable sum of remarks July 27, 2020. the eyes of SWAPO Party and the eyes candidates in all 121 regional money to ministers and prominent Nujoma on his part said the of the electorate. Let us not divide constituencies and 57 local individuals who went to acquire gathering came at the right time ourselves into factions, but let us authorities. mansions, commercial farms and for the party to fully interrogate the unite as one SWAPO. I therefore, do AR has promised to “primarily luxury vehicles. current situation in the party. But not want to hear any more of Team protect the poor, provide land Local media has alleged that some the nonagenarian statesman who Harambee and Team SWAPO. There and housing and transform the delegates to SWAPO 6th elective led SWAPO from its inception in is only one SWAPO of Namibia,” Namibian society by bringing about congress were paid to vote in favour of 1960 until 2007 has expressed his Nujoma said. a new economic logic and order Team Harambee candidates. “Swapo displeasure at factionalism in the Apart from the worsening economy underpinned by leftist values. We Party never got money from Fischor,» party. He cautioned party members to compounded by the coronavirus affirm that we will be taking over the Geingob declared during a June 12, resolve their differences and win back crisis, SWAPO also faces challenges town and constituency governance in 2020 press briefing at the party’s the hearts and minds of Namibians. from the digitally savvy and our country during the 2020 Regional headquarters in Windhoek. “We can He also called on the party to field uncompromising oppositions that Councils and Local Authority give you audited Swapo reports and candidates in the upcoming regional seek to tap into the public discontent, Elections.” financial reports and you will not see and local government elections based especially the youth. Opposition party’s are also any money coming from Fishrot. If on competencies and not factional The Electoral Commission of expected to play on public anger names of people were mentioned and alignments. Namibia has cleared the Affirmative against SWAPO, which was caught up they are in court proceedings, we are “We can only win if we field Repositioning (AR) movement to in the Fishrot corruption scandal. The not going to defend, influence and qualified and competent candidates contest in the upcoming elections. ruling party has distanced itself from interfere in those proceedings”. not because they are Team Harambee The pressure group led by youthful the scandal, which has also implicated

Call / eMail Us Tel:2404292177, email: [email protected], [email protected] PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 15 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Could Rwanda-Zambia Relation Be Compromised By Former Rebel FLN Accusations? -The little known about Rwanda but very important to note By Mohammed M. Mupenda

President Lungu ,left, chatting with President Paul Kagame of Rwanda during his official visit to Rwanda in February 2018.

he landlocked country is well himself to the rank of Major could In a couple of months, he was “Imagine Kigali government is known for making continental rarely cease to make shaking news arrested in Comoros, African Island claiming and deceiving people that it Tand international headlines on YouTube and British Broadcast by Indian Ocean and extradited to has him in a country,”. he said while ever but there is something few people Corporation Kinyarwanda version. Rwanda, but many dissidents never taking his favorite beer. do not know about it and they should When I talk about his eloquence, believed his arrest. In a face to face talk “This is absolutely impossible, and know. Rwanda government could I mean the way he speaks out with with few living in the United States of it cannot happen,” he added. hardly rest when there is a security coherent information flow of which America, did i know that they were I almost laughed at him because threat in its territory, province, you can always be convinced that he dissident of Kigali government i could i knew that he will be paraded on a district, sector, cell and village. would capture the country in a couple drive the conversation in a different day i could not indicate since i was It may decide to spend all its of days. This should be credited to way and the tone would definitely be not where he was held, the dissidents budget to make sure that every citizen the team that chose him to be the a bit biased but that was not the case, were hesitant and not pleased about is safe, it is a country you can barely spokesperson though it never ended after all i had been intimated that my opinion and not because, they oppose while in and rarely survive for well for him. the former rebel had been flown in a were not only happy but also they months without warning, summons It first happened the time he country but yet to be paraded to the were indoctrinated adding his and other forms of making you not claimed the presence of their soldiers press. YouTube talk citing how he was cross red line. in Nyungwe forest, Southern part of One of the dissidents asked moving forward and ready to liberate This is indeed witnessed in many Rwanda. I noted that the country still that what do you know about Mr. Rwandans mostly those dissidents for areas including the recent capture of has people who can dare and not only Nsabimana, I replied that I know him the current regime. Mr. Callixite Nsabimana a.k.a Major daring but also taking people›s lives as one who can lead psychological It had also been rumored that Sankara. The eloquent outspoken and it goes in a name of revolution/ war and dare to scare the tiny central the contributions were made and former rebel leader who promoted liberation. African country on YouTube. collected to support the noble cause, 16 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

and this was among the dissidents across the world. Few days, the former rebel leader who promoted himself to the rank of Major was paraded to media and accused several charges including the formation of an irregular armed group, complicity in committing terrorist acts, conspiracy and incitement to commit terrorist acts, taking persons hostage, murder, and looting. Nsabimana reappeared in court on Monday of last week where he pleaded guilty of all charges but said that he was misled by some individuals including Kayumba Nyamwasa, one renegade senior officer of the Rwandan army currently seeking asylum in South Africa. Nsabimana Callixte ,left, told a court that Zambian President Lungu supported the FLN. Speaking before the International and Cross-Border Crimes, a district According to Nsabimana, Lungu “The governments and peoples following attacks in Rwanda in 2018. in Southern Rwanda Nsabimana had already paid a deposit of of Zambia and Rwanda continue to The FLN is a military wing founded accused Zambian President Edgar $150,000 towards “rebel attacks to enjoy strong and fraternal relations by the opposition movement, Lungu of allowing them space to remove President Paul Kagame from founded on mutual respect.” the Rwandan Movement for operate in his country to overthrow power”. He has also accused Burundi Social media for Rwandan- Democratic Change (MRCD), which the Rwandan government. and Uganda of facilitating him and diaspora, oppositions and Zambians is led by Rwandan dissident Paul Zambia denied allegations made by other people to coordinate their had it. “If the accusation is true, this Rusesabagina, known for protecting a suspected Rwandan terrorist that activities. confirms that there is no permanent people during 1994’s Rwandan President Edgar Lungu facilitated However, a statement from friendship/enemy in politics,”. genocide as a manager of Hotel des the National Liberation Forces (FLN) presidential spokesperson Isaac Mr. Nsabimana was a hope of Mille Collines in its attempts to overthrow the Chipambe on Tuesday categorically dissidents living outside Rwanda and President Paul Kagame has accused Rwandan government. refuted the “false” allegations. they never wished him to be arrested. Rwanda’s neighbours of interfering Callixte Nsabimana, who was “Allegations in the local and “The main target is those Rwandese in its affairs and sponsoring spokesman for the FLN, told a High international media of the alleged living in Zambia, they want Zambia armed movements against his Court in Rwanda’s Nyanza District submission made to Rwanda’s High to create problems for them. RPF is administration. last week that Lungu had allowed Court for International and Cross- getting old,”. them space to operate and even border Crimes must be treated with Nsabimana, who was arrested in pledged $1 million to help topple the the contempt they deserve,” the April 2019, is facing multiple charges Rwandan government. statement said. including terrorism and treason

PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 17 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

18 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Africa Has Not Been A Priority Region For The Trump Administration-CFA President Mel Foote By Ajong Mbapndah L ery little has been November? done by President The US Presidential Elections VTrump in articulating in November will certainly be and fostering a concise important for Americans and for African policy, says Mel Foote, the entire world! Should Trump President of the Washington win re-election, we certainly DC, based Constituency for should not expect anything Africa. In addition to not paying of significance for Africa, and a visit to Africa in his first term, certainly no new initiatives. On the President’s utterances and the other hand, should Vice- actions have not been helpful President Biden win, we can in forging stronger ties with certainly expect a stronger hand Africa, says Mr. Foote, a highly of friendship coming from the respected veteran of African U.S., although the attention Affairs in the Washington, DC of President Biden will most circuit. certainly be on responding to the Fielding questions from PAV, COVID-19 impact in the U.S.; Mr. Foote says the upcoming putting Americans back to work; Presidential elections will have and getting the U.S. economy profound implications on how President Trump really has not had any discernable agenda for going again. Africa, says Mel Foote the U.S interacts with Africa and the rest of the world. Since assuming the Presidency of US seems to be on the right side in What guarding principles “Should Trump win re-election, the United States, President Donald pressing for democratic reform and or recommendations do you we certainly should not expect Trump has done very little to advance leadership change in Cameroon. have for African Americans in anything of significance for Africa, any significant U.S. – Africa policy making their choice of who to and certainly no new initiatives. On agenda. He started off on the wrong President Trump is wrapping vote in November? the other hand, should Vice-President foot, by insulting African countries, up his first term of office with African-Americans certainly are in Biden win, we can certainly expect a calling them “shithole countries”, and Africa been the only region he position to determine the outcome of stronger hand of friendship coming followed this up by putting African has not visited, what message the elections, if we turn out to vote from the U.S., although the attention countries, including Nigeria on a list does it send to the seriousness at the level of 2008, when Barack of President Biden will most certainly to restrict U.S. visas! The first lady with which the US takes its ties Obama won the election. The Trump be on responding to the COVID-19 Melania Trump visited Africa last with Africa? re-election team is working hard to impact in the U.S,” says Mr. Foote. year, but did not focus on any real Given all of the challenges the make it difficult for Black people to “While clearly President Trump substantive agenda, and there has Trump administration is facing as it vote, and clearly want to limit the has not engaged much with African- been little or no follow-up. wraps up its first term, including the potential! While clearly President Americans during these four years global COVID-19 pandemic, no one Trump has not engaged much with , African-Americans have not done What was the Trump agenda can expect President Trump to make African Americans during these four well with the Democratic Party either for Africa and what impact did a trip to Africa any time soon. In fact, years -- African Americans have not as both sides routinely promise things it have on the traditional ties for security reasons, the President is done well with the Democratic Party in exchange for votes, but deliver that the US has had with Africa? not able to travel to Europe, Canada, either! Both sides routinely promise little,” Mel Foote charged. President Trump really does not Asia or anywhere else, until such a things in exchange for votes, but Still, the CFA leader believes that have any discernable agenda for time that a vaccine would be available! deliver little! Unfortunately, we can the African American vote could Africa. The U.S. is only peripherally Most of the Africa-watchers in expect little to achieve for Africa and be decisive in swaying the election involved in major movements on the Washington, would have questioned for African people, regardless of who either way and for this to happen, continent, i.e., the Continental Free his motives for making a trip to Africa is elected! their turnout must mirror 2008 Trade Agreement; efforts to respond anyways, given some of his rhetoric, levels when President Obama won the to climate change on the continent; and his abhorrent disregard and What do you make of the way elections, Mr. Foote says. and efforts to respond to COVID-19. treatment of black people in Africa Africa reacted to the recent Having said that, the U.S. State and here in the United States. murder of George Floyd? Thanks for accepting to grant Department has been helpful in the With the advent of social media, this interview, can we start peaceful transition to democracy in Elections are around the the entire world witnessed to murder with your assessment of the Sudan. The US played a role in the corner, what could be at stake of George Floyd by Minneapolis, state of US-African relations? peaceful elections in the DRC. The for US-Africa relations come Minnesota police! While thousands PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 19 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

of blacks have been systematically of the Diaspora as the “Sixth Region”, murdered by police across the United in 2012! However, much work States, it has always been covered up, remains to be done in Africa and with police claiming that they were here in the Diaspora, to make this defending themselves and had to Sixth Region a functional reality. use lethal force! African immigrants The biggest challenge is to how we have generally stayed out of the issue can develop an “operational concept of police brutality, but increasingly of unification”, that allows African- are being caught up as the police are Americans, African immigrants, only seeing them as black people, Afro-Latinos, Afro-Europeans, etc., to and not as Ethiopians, Guineans, cooperate! Nigerians, etc. The George Floyd murder reverberated across the world As we speak, the African Union including across Africa! The African Mission in Washington DC has immigrant community also has been gone without an Ambassador caught up in the global protest, and since October 2019 when the Black Lives Matter movement. Ambassador Arikana was The emotional responses from recalled, what do you make of An operational concept of unification, that allows African Americans, African Africa during the George Floyd this? immigrants, Afro Latinos, and Afro Europeans, to cooperate is still needed, says Mel included calls from the Minister We all applaud the tremendous Foote pictured here with President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya of Culture for aggrieved African effort of Ambassador Arikana Union Commission and operated continues to respond to the call Americans to come back “home,” Chihombori to engage the Diaspora, under their organizational policies of Africa, albeit with minimum what is it that African countries could during her three years as the and procedures! She served at the resources. In some respect the do to build bridges to its diaspora? Permanent Representative to pleasure of the AU Chairperson, and programming is even better today Africa and African people are Washington. She was tireless in her like all Ambassadors, was subject to in that we have much better access certainly coming to realize the approach, and did much to wake recall for any reason as determined with the use of ZOOM and other potential of the African Diaspora, for the Diaspora up to the possibilities by the Chairperson. The African information technologies, to reach remittances, for trade promotion, for in Africa! On the other hand, Union has an “Acting” Representative leaders across Africa, and throughout tourism, etc. Ambassador Chihombori was clearly in place here in Washington, and the Diaspora around the world! We Thus, the African Union’s launching functioning as a part of the African given the COVID-19 pandemic, the are planning to release the agenda AU is certainly suspending efforts for the 2020 RHB Series next week. for the time being, to formally fill Ambassadorships around the world! Mel, we like to end with a I do expect that the way Ambassador last question on what is Chihombori departed the position, been done by you and other unfortunately will hurt efforts in the veterans of African advocacy future for the AU to focus on African in Washington ,DC, to ensure Diaspora issues and engagement. that there is continuity in the They will likely focus on bilateral great work you have done for issues with the U.S. government, and decades? with institutions like the World Bank I am pleased to say that CFA has and IMF! always prioritized preparing the next What plans does the generation of leadership to support Constituency For Africa that Africa. I recall my own experience in you lead have for the 2020 coming up, how the Black leaders at annual Ron Brown African that time were not attuned to helping Affairs Series? me or any of the up and coming folks, The CFA 2020 Ronald H. Brown to prepare for leadership. One of African Affairs Series will take place my bosses told once told me when virtually, between September 12 – I went to him about career advice, 19. The theme for the Series this “You must pull yourself up by your year is, “Advocating for Africa in the own bootstraps”! In other words, he Mist of the Pandemic”! While most was not going to do anything to help of the Africa-focused organizations me to advance my career! I decided in the U.S. have disappeared, or have then and there that if I am ever in the While most of the Africa-focused organizations in the U.S. severely reduced their programming position, I would take a much different have disappeared, the CFA under the leadership of Mr Foote continues to respond to the call of Africa. during the Coronavirus pandemic, approach to the next generation! CFA has clearly adjusted, and I am extremely proud of my role in 20 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

the formulation of the Young African wars (Iraq and Afghanistan), and AIDS pandemic, and $5 billion to in the U.S. I wrote a paper for the Leaders Initiative (YALI), that he needed to spend his first year or launch the Millennium Challenge President Obama, and suggested was launched by President Barack so in fixing the economy and getting Corporation, which provided new that he not spend his political capital Obama, after he became President. Americans back to work! He also development support for Africa. trying to get African old tyrants to do President Obama sent an aide to see followed George W. Bush in office. the right thing, but focus his attention me late in 2008, and asked me to President Bush, despite his limited President Obama wanted to on the young, the up and coming offer my thoughts on what approach knowledge and interest in Africa, show Africa that he, as a son of the generation, and preparing them for the President could take in regards to ended up being perhaps the most continent, was indeed very much leadership! President Obama loved Africa, in that when he arrived in office, successful U.S. President in history interested in the affairs of Africa, but the idea, and went on to structure the U.S. economy was in total freefall, in relationship to Africa, allocating he needed to spend his first year or YALI! we were fully engaged in fighting two $15 billion to respond to the HIV/ so, fixing the monumental problems Corruption Is Robbing Nigerians Of Democratic Dividends-Okey Sam Mbonu By Ajong Mbapndah L o party that sells primary tickets to the highest bidder Ndeserves to be in power in Nigeria, says Okey Sam Mbonu President of the Nigerian American Council. A seasoned player on African policy circles in the USA, Mbonu says the pervasive corruption culture in Africa’s most populous country is making it difficult for the country to meet its development obligations. Speaking in an exclusive interview with Pan African Visions, Mbonu who mounted a presidential bid in the 2019 elections says a year after the re-election of President Buhari, the lack of a strong vision and rampant corruption are preventing Nigeria from reaping the dividends of democracy. On the upcoming US elections, Mbonu says the US-Nigerian council is undergoing critical structural reforms with a view to broadening The absence of a strong vision and rampant corruption impede Nigeria from reaping the its tent, and playing a more impactful dividends of democracy, says Okey Sam Mbonu. role on US-African ties. While the current Administration has taken a -Lack of vision, which manifests occasioned by COVID-19, and the of the economy, perhaps more than laid-back approach to Africa, Mbonu through the limited delivery of collapse of the Oil Industry. The 75% is unregulated and informal. believes that it is in the interest of the democratic dividends, such as COVID-19 is nobody’s fault, but the Most Nigerians basically survive by next administration irrespective of economic growth via a diversified collapse of the Oil economy should going out on the streets every-day to party to step up its game in Africa to economy. have been anticipated way before now. “hustle”. Thus if they don’t go out, for curb the marauding Chinese presence. -Lack of a broad view of national a week or two, they may die of hunger. governance issues, because his core What do make of the way his Many people essentially went berserk It has been over a year since inner-circle is of one mindset, thereby government has handled the out of hunger and deprivation, during President Buhari started his robbing the President of the diversity coronavirus pandemic? the state mandated lockdowns. second term of office, what of thought necessary for progress, Well, Buhari’s government has assessment do you make of his in a highly diverse country like adapted well with existing public May we have your take on the leadership? Nigeria, especially on security and the health protocols in other countries. suspension and subsequent President Buhari’s current and economy. However, the COVID-19 has revealed detention of Ibrahim Magu final term has been bedeviled by some -Finally, the President has had the under-belly of the Nigerian former Chair of the Economic major problems, including: to deal with economic uncertainty economy, which is that a huge chunk and Financial Crimes PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 21 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

Commission – EFCC ? My recent extended exposure to Nigeria showed how corrupt the country really is, especially among the political leadership. We have witnessed former state governors who essentially plundered their states beyond recognition, walk away from jail (maybe temporarily), thus giving everyone a license to plunder. However, what is so troubling is that an entity like EFCC could also be mired in the very essence of their existence, corruption within a corruption fighting agency. If the allegations are proven, it erodes the trust of all international partners who depend on the credibility of their crime-fighting partners, to maintain sanity and economic stability via standards rooted in the “rule of law” in the world. A situation where every entity and everyone becomes beholden to corruption, will eventually lead to a chaotic “everyman for themselves” doctrine. There isn’t, and won’t be enough police to contain all out corruption in the country, thus ultimately leading to a complete grounding of the country. What is your take on the National Assembly hearings on the misappropriation of funds in the Niger Delta Development Commission? No party that sells its primary tickets to the highest bidder deserves to be in power anywhere The NDDC saga, is another ,says Okey Mbonu. showdown that the problem of Nigeria is really the thieving elites versus opportunity of comparing nomination fees to new-generation Nigeria? the masses. If serious prosecutions leadership and governance candidates, and a corruption-free A third major party is a viable route, do not happen, then the executive from the APC and the PDP nomination process, will ultimately but that third party may ultimately branch would have failed to get a grip which are the dominant parties, prevail in the moral battle for the soul have to ally with one of the big two, on the evil of corruption. which of these two parties of Nigeria. in order to pull-off a national victory. It is really sad, because, if you has responded more to the No party that sells its primary There are many other intricacies to think about the mind-boggling expectations of Nigerians? tickets to the highest bidder deserves address, but it is doable. figures involved, you wander, why None. It’s the same people going to be in power anywhere, because that public officials need to steal in back and forth in different color- candidate who “bought” the ticket, You did get into the 2019 an unconscionable manner like painted buses. President Buhari does not owe the electorate anything, Presidential race, but dropped that. However, if you take a look at could have done a better job of reining except to recoup their money, and out, could you share some of the the physical appearances of these in some excesses, and setting some empower their family to their heart’s lessons that you learned from people, you know they won’t live examples, by signaling intolerance content. That is why you frequently the experience and any plans very long. It’s obvious from their of corruption from his own party see a governor who plundered their for 2023? distended stomachs from excessive members, as well as prosecute state and failed to pay salaries walk Yes, my Campaign team calculated consumption of alcohol and the like, members of other parties. However, the streets of Nigeria without outrage. that the Labour Party, which is organ failures, high-blood-pressure, Buhari still has a chance to set some technically the third largest party, obesity, heart problems, etc. So what example before his term is over. Do you agree with those who with existing structures in all 36 is all the stolen loot for? On the other hand, the first of these think that a third major force States, was a good vehicle to challenge two parties (APC and PDP), to open or party will be a healthy the status quo. However, it turned Nigerians have now had the up their primaries, without excessive development for democracy in out that the Labour Party needed 22 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

substantial internal reforms, in order to float a national candidate. We came close to clinching the party’s nomination, but met resistance from the party’s national leadership who did not see the vision we saw. The shocking end was that the party actually did not present a presidential candidate after I dropped out, because there was no other candidate of caliber like myself to fly the flag of the party. However, there are a few good people at the party leadership level, and maybe they learned enough lessons to get it right in the future. As we do this interview, the US is bracing up for elections in November, how is the Nigerian American Council that you lead preparing for this? Well, we have actually commenced an evolution at the Council, which is now veering off in a new direction, to embrace the entire African Diaspora via a new “National Council for African Diaspora (NCAD)”, which you’ll be hearing about very soon (August/September 2020). The new NCAD vehicle will encompass the entire African Diaspora, and is poised for more impact in US and Africa in the near future.

May we know what changed negatively or positively for US- African relations in the first Young and dynamic with a strong vision, Okey Sam Mbonu remains a player to watch in the term of the Trump Presidency? future of Nigerian politics. While the current US Administration has not placed a lot the elections and what are African countries remain silent because of colonial mentality, and of strategic interest on Africa at the some of the recommendations on flagrant atrocities that take a profound lack of enlightenment, moment, however, the traditional US that should guide the choice place across the continent many Africans inside the continent, institutions and organs like the State of voters especially those of daily? do not see the struggles of African- Department, continue to perform African origin? George Floyd opened the eyes of Americans as their struggle as well. their traditional roles of engagement Politics is consistently about Africans to racism in the US, in ways This is where the continentals who with Africa. protecting or preserving one’s they never knew existed. It has also migrated in the past 20, 30, or 40 However, most of us in the policy- interests. The African Diaspora forced continental Africans to begin years effectively come in, as the bridge circles expect that the US beyond should not be guided by emotions, to evaluate how their own police between the continent of Africa, and 2020, regardless of who wins the but by a clear strategy of preserving enforce the status quo in their law the West, especially the US. election, will as matter of necessity their interests in the US and beyond. and order. About 70% of current African engage more with Africa, because to Once the community determines Africans within the continent leaders, from Buhari to Biya, etc, do disregard Africa, is to capitulate to the what those interests are, then actually need to make greater efforts not have a clear understanding of the Chinese, who are now having a field they should invest in candidates to cultivate and maintain cordial need to raise the stakes, in the Africa day in Africa. or programs, or movements effective and cooperative relations, versus the rest of the world dynamics, If care is not taken, the Chinese that will protect those interests. with their African-American cousins. which could be a win-win situation for will take charge of strategic sources of African-Americans are the most all. I believe only newer generation African input in the global economy, Could we also get a word from prominent black Diaspora on the continentals with exposure to Africa, especially in the area of expendable you on the reaction of African world stage; their struggles should Europe, the America’s and even Asia natural resources. countries on the murder of garner strong solidarity across Africa. can address the gap. What is at stake for Africa in George Floyd, when the same However, in reality we find that PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 23 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

24 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Colonial-Era Monuments Have Been 'Falling' Across Africa For Decades By Amos Fofung ecent campaigns to pull down racist and colonial area status Rin the United States and Europe have gained momentum these past months hitting the airwaves of local and international broadcasters and on every Primetime newscast. In Africa, this started decades ago – as countries started gaining independence from colonial masters. Monuments of slave traders and colonial rulers have become the focus of protests around the world, driven by historical injustice and racial discrimination. In Africa, it is all about erasing sad memories and parting ways with any colonial-era- relics that bring back the suffering and discrimination endured in the hands of white colonialists. Activist Andre Blaise Essama has been jailed several times for his crusade against colonial legacies in Cameroon. From Cameroon to South Africa, Ghana, Congo, and Kenya among protesting against the colonial leader A statue of Britain’s Queen Victoria ruler King Leopold II of Belgium was others, Africans are constantly who supported white minority rule in , Kenya, was knocked down pulled down decades ago. Erected tearing down and defacing colonial- in South Africa and the colonization and beheaded in 2015 by unknown in 1928, it was ordered taken down era monuments and replacing them of other southern African territories individuals. The headless statue was by then-dictator Mobutu Sese Seko with African heroes. and named after him - Northern and only pulled downed in June 2020 a seven years after independence in In 2015, a student-led campaign Southern Rhodesia, later became move welcomed by Samuel Obiero, 1960. pressed the University of Cape Town independent Zambia and Zimbabwe. resident of Nairobi who said, “citizens The statue made a return in 2005 to remove a statue of British colonialist Students celebrated as a crane do not want to be reminded of slavery, with an updated plaque, intended by Cecil Rhodes from the school›s lifted the statue off its base. Now the colonialism and the suffering it authorities to serve as a reminder of entrance. The statue had been defaced statue is covered by a tarpaulin at a brought.” the horrors of colonial rule. Public and covered in excrement by students local army base. In Congo, a statue honoring colonial outcry was so great that it was taken down a day later. In December 2018, Mahatma Gandhi statue was removed from the campus of a University in Ghana after protests from students and faculty who argue the Indian independence leader considered Africans “inferior”. The statue unveiled at the university in the Ghanaian capital two years ago was the subject of controversy until it was removed late at night. Scholars have highlighted evidence in past years showing the revered freedom-fighter, whose theories of civil resistance helped India throw off British colonialism and inspired generations of activists including Martin Luther King Jr, The crusade of Essama to have more monuments of national heroes has attracted a strong held derogatory views towards native following for him. communities in South Africa. PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 25 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa In Cameroon’s seaport town of Douala, Andre Blaise Essama defines himself as an activist aimed at replacing all the colonial monuments in the town with those of national heroes who fought for the independence of the bilingual country. After launching his campaign in 2015, he gained public attention by beheading the monument of French colonial hero General Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque erected during the colonial era in Douala. Andre Blaise Essama describes himself as an activist who aims to replace all the colonial statues He flaunted his conquest by sharing on his blog and social media A statue of Ghandi considered as racist been pulled down in Ghana.Photo credit Emmanuel professional photographs of himself Dzivenu ,Joy News. posing with the statue’s head. In 2016, Andre Blaise Essama supporters for erecting the statue As the residents questioned the Essama was arrested and sentenced again beheaded the repaired statue which did not see the light of reason behind the effigy erection by a Douala-Bonanjo court to three of the French general which fetched day. Unidentified angry-looking and its message, dissatisfied Andre months in prison and fined for him six months in jail after refusing policemen pulled the statue down in a Blaise Essama pulled the monument “destruction of public property” after an offer to pay for its repair instead of few hours and dragged it away. down in the presence of spectators he pulled down the French colonial a prison term. A year on, the Cameroonian including motorists and pedestrians “statue of the unknown soldier” in A few months after his release authorities erected an effigy of French who cheered his action. That earned the city center days after the first from prison in December 2016, the videographer Sylvie Blocher at the him another invitation before the “conquest”. activist erected a statue of John same spot where Essama’s statue of judiciary in Cameroon. he has since He demanded a statue of Ruben Ngu Foncha – a pivotal figure in the the national hero was pulled down. then vanished from public eye but Um Nyobé be erected in those spots unification of the British and French The new effigy erected was holding many believe he remains detained at in honor of the anti-colonialist Cameroons – at a busy intersection in a sign with English and French the Douala New Bell Prison Cameroonian leader who was slain by the city. inscriptions that read: “Even If I Do the French army. He was hailed by his growing Not Have the Right, I Apologize”.

26 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Reflections by Renée

The Anticipation... Eyes wide Heart open Wings spread Feet landed And to do so fearlessly, which is how she was At First Sight... able to travel to Cameroon alone. She explained Soul weighted that she was obedient as God instructed her to make the trip; that she could not be both Stomach pained faithful and fearful. Tears flowed I shared in the first article that meeting Renée Fists clenched Michelle Dugué, whose French name literally Mrs. Renée admits it was blind faith that led her translates as “Reborn Of God From The Land to connect with Ruth Besong Abunaw of Settling In... Across The Water,” taught me to never again Investing In People Worldwide. She had no Being welcomed judge a book by its cover. As I interviewed her specific plan, only to come to assist. God soon Hands held again after she returned to her home in Houston, revealed His plans for the partnership. First Energy soothed Texas, USA, she continued to teach me this lesson through Rev. Gabiga Clement of Grace Faith Spirit imbued from 7000 miles away. At first glance, it was Mission International, who prophesied “I see evident, this lady was far from home. I wrote in water, water, gushing water!” upon seeing her in Parting Gift... the first article how she stuck out on Long St. in church only two days after arriving in Buea. Small Soppo, Buea like a sore thumb. Also evident Within two weeks the need for water in the Mind opened though, was how comfortable she was in this Ears pierced village was presented to her. The first strange place. I was so curious to understand rehabilitation project was completed in January, Back how. How was she not afraid to travel to my and the second was dedicated in May. She was strengthened country during such a volatile time? not present due to COVID, which has delayed Soul stirred additional project plans, but she said, “Delayed Mrs. Renée told me, again calmly in her soft is not denied.” While the world suffers through Each one, angelic voice, she was born in New Orleans, this pandemic, she continues to faithfully walk Reach one, Louisiana, and grew up when this city was in her purpose, as she also literally walks. Her Teach one, considered the murder capital of the United organization, Reborn & Rising’s Walk 4 Water So much work States. She lived in the 9th Ward, recognized as Campaign has committed to walking 7000 miles To be done the city’s most dangerous area. Plagued by to raise awareness and funds to build Cameroon poverty, governed with neglect, and policed by South West Region’s first solar-powered water corruption, this area, called The Desire, was built well to provide clean water to 7000 residents in 1956 as a part of the Federal government’s every day. As the pages turn and the story of Public Housing Project. Strategically placed Renée Michelle Dugué is revealed, who I throughout the country less than a decade before assumed her to be at first glance has faded. I am the end of segregation, these projects served as inspired as I see her now as a true survivor, beta tests for the systematic development of saved from The Desire, filled with dreams on a America’s new form of slavery. As the United journey with a purpose to serve. States prison system was created to replace the plantations, these projects, along with the public school system would serve as breeding grounds for the perfect inmate, ensuring the generation of capital through the penal system for generations. Mrs. Renée believed these were the plans of Willie Lynch’s people, but they gravely underestimated the melanated resilience of hers. She described the projects as ground zero for the descendants of the slaves who sacrificed their lives for their seeds. To make it out of The Desire meant you were a survivor. She believes it gave her everything she needs to compete and succeed.

PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 27 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Madagascar Overwhelmed By Surging Covid-19 Cases Despite Herbal'Cure' By Jean-Pierre Afadhali espite the highly publicized While the president appears to covid-19 herbal ‘cure’ be optimistic, the situation on the Dthat some received with ground is different. The doctors’ skepticism, others mainly in Africa Union has backed the ministry of backing it, raising hopes in the fight health’s appeal for an international against the deadly virus, Madagascar assistance to help contain the deadly is being overwhelmed by rising corona virus. According to health workers virus cases as the Indian ocean island on the frontline, the content of a struggles to contain the pandemic. letter addressed to the country’s The controversial cure called development partners reflects the real ‘Covid-organics’ raised hopes in some situation in the country. quarters especially in Madagascar Speaking at a press conference

that it would help contain the novel Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina, launched the Covid Organics with much Jerisoa Ralibera, the president of the corona virus but the international fanfare. Photo credit Rijasolo AFP. Doctors’ Union said the appeal for scientific community was skeptical negligence that followed the launch of covid-19 cases in the Indian Ocean health is indispensable. while the World Health Organization the controversial herbal cure. Some Island. In a letter addressed to the “It’s more than necessary because warned against using ‘cures’ that people may have ignored preventive country’s donors, the minister of we have fought for four months have not been developed in line with measures to fight covid-19. health, Ahmad Ahmad, made an without success. We have requested proper scientific procedures. Recently, hospitals in the capital urgent appeal to the development several times to be given everything However, President Andry have warned the public agencies to intervene. necessary needed to fight effectively Rajoelina continues to advocate that they were running out of beds. «Over the past weeks, the Covid-19 covid-19. There is lack of equipment for the herbal cure derived from “We are now only accepting severe pandemic has evolved in a very critical and motivation for health workers and Artemisia- a plant known for proven cases,» Andohotapenaka Hospital way in Madagascar with notable flare- it is now confirmed by the ministry’s anti-malaria properties in the Island director Nasolotsiry Raveloson was ups in certain regions, particularly in appeal letter for urgent assistance.” and beyond- saying it can treat the quoted by AFP news agency. Antananarivo,” the letter read in part. Ralibera was quoted speaking. deadly virus. The president has also Other hospital officials told The ministry of health listed what it Meanwhile, President Rajoelina has been lashing out at critics of the the news agency that they were termed ‘most urgent needs’ citing launched a digital platform to record made-in-Madagascar ‘cure’ claiming overwhelmed by covid-19, signaling a oxygen bottles, 337 ventilators, 2.3 covid-19 data amid rising confirmed that they are rejecting it because it weakening health system in the Island million face masks, 697,000 pairs of cases especially in the capital. has been developed by a poor African that is among the poorest countries in gloves and 533,200 medical blouses. According to data from BBC Africa nation, adding that if the ‘herbal cure’ the world, making it difficult to deal However, the government was not Corona virus tracker, Madagascar was developed by a rich Western with the global pandemic. happy with the ministry’s move saying has registered 9,295 total confirmed nation it would have been endorsed. Some African countries have it was a “personal initiative” without cases, 3,631 active confirmed cases, Now, the pandemic situation seems imported the made -in -Madagascar either consulting the government 5,579 recoveries and 85 deaths as to be out of control in the great Island cure while others have subjected it to or president Rajoelina. A local BBC of 27th July. The island is among situated on the East coast of the scientific tests and rejected the herbal correspondent has told the British the highly affected countries on the Indian Ocean as some hospitals say remedy saying it does not treat the broadcaster that Rajoelina continues continent. they are overwhelmed by covid-19 deadly virus that has disrupted the to promote the controversial herbal After the viral infections patients amid rising confirmed cases global public health. cure and saying the situation is under skyrocketed in early July, Madagascar and insufficient beds. A section of A controversy erupted last week control. Mr. Rajoelina claims that re-imposed the lockdown. The capital observers believes the surge in corona when the Ministry of Health sought were it not for the Covid-organics, the Antanarivo is the hardest hit of the virus cases is also attributed to the international help to deal with rising mortality would have been higher. Indian Ocean Island.

President Andry Rajoelina donated Covid-Organics to many Patients receiving treatment at a hospital in Antananarivo countries across Africa. on July 20, 2020. Photo Rijasolo,AFP via Getty Images. 28 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III

Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

Since its founding in 2005, Global Specialty has operated in 36 countries in Africa, advising more than 12 private sector companies and representing more than 6 African governments to enable the unlocking of growth opportunities in Africa.

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PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 29 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa GBV Cases Rise Exponentially in South Africa During COVID-19 Pandemic By Prince Kurupati

hen South African is tasked with recording daily the said, “Over the past few weeks no “Government acknowledges the crisis President Cyril number of calls made to all helplines fewer than 21 women and children with regards to GBVF and condemn WRamaphosa announced (police, GBV command, clinics, have been murdered. Their killers the current brutal killing of innocent that the country was going into Lifeline and local CPF) in relation thought they could silence them. But women and children. We want a lockdown, many people argued that to GBV reports. The statistics from we will not forget them and we will society where women, children and the lockdown would usher in some the civil society recordings since the speak for them where they cannot.” other vulnerable groups can live challenges for the country. A high onset of the national lockdown paint Afterwards, the President read freely, without fear of either being number of these however highlighted a worrisome picture. out all the names of the deceased abused or killed. We reconfirm our only economic issues saying the According to the National after which he said, “They are not commitment to fighting the scourge closure of businesses both formal and Education, Health, and Allied just statistics. They have names and of GBVF with more vigour.” informal would impoverish the nation Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) “the they had families and friends. This In the same address, the Minister as most lived on hand to mouth. number of gender-based violence evening, our thoughts and prayers are also called upon society to help the However, it’s now evident that (GBV) cases has risen by 500 percent with them.” In the same address, the government in addressing the GBV the main challenge to be ushered since the start of the Covid-19 President said “Several international challenge. “As the government, we in by the lockdown in South Africa lockdown.” Of major concern is that and domestic studies show clear recognize and acknowledge that we is not impoverishment (albeit in recent weeks, the number of deaths linkages between alcohol abuse and cannot do this alone. This is a societal acknowledging the fall in standards of mostly young females has been rising. gender-based violence. Of course, problem that needs all of us to rally all living as some have lost their jobs and The worrisome statistics have it is not alcohol that rapes or kills a our efforts and resources collectively income) but rather, an exponential forced the President together with woman or a child. Rather, it is the and confront this enemy head-on.” rise in cases of gender based violence the Minister of Women, Youth and actions of violent men. But if alcohol Society according to the Minister (GBV). This phenomenon has led Persons with Disabilities to come up intoxication is contributing to these plays a pivotal role when it comes to many to label GBV as South Africa’s and strongly condemn GBV while at crimes, then it must be addressed ending the scourge. It is the society ‘shadow pandemic’. the same time calling upon society with urgency.” South Africa banned which witnesses the cases of GBV The country has been recording to take steps in eradicating this alcohol in Level 5 and 4 but removed as they unfold and as such, society GBV cases on a daily basis. South emerging cancer. On 17 June, 2020 the ban for sometime during Level 3. must without hesitation report any Africa’s national strategic plan in during his address to the nation on The country has since reintroduced instances to the police or any other ending GBV allows the ministry of the country’s COVID-19 infections, the ban. helpline centers. Once society has Women, Youth and Persons with the further reopening of the economy Maite Nkoana-Mashabane who done its part in reporting such cases, Disabilities to work with civil society. and the scourge of gender-based is the Minister of Women, Youth Maite Nkoana-Mashabane said that Among other things, the civil society violence, President Cyril Ramaphosa and Persons with Disabilities said, the government will proceed to do 30 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

is asleep, or make an excuse to go out • Go to a safe place like a family member’s house, a local NGO, SAPS, etc. Education and Health workers’ union NEHAWU in support of government efforts towards the eradication of GBV said “As Nehawu, we believe that the issue of gender- based violence, rape, and femicide is a crisis that is tearing our society apart and affects every community in the country. In this regard, we call on all members of society to join hands in ending violence directed at women and children. Moreover, law enforcement agencies should act decisively against all perpetrators of Government acknowledges the crisis with regards to GBVF, says Maite Nkoana Mashabane gender-based violence and work with the Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities. relevant stakeholders to fight violence in schools and communities…We call everything to investigate and bring • Have a friend or relative that you your neighbours that you will on victims not to suffer in silence perpetrators to justice while at the can call on should you need help use to indicate to them that you and report perpetrators to law same time affording the survivors the • Create a code for whoever your need help enforcement agencies. Moreover, we necessary support they need. safe person is so that they know • Have emergency numbers commit ourselves to continue fighting To survivors of GBV, the Minister you are in danger available; i.e. SAPS, local NGO, for the interests of workers and highlighted a number of measures • Share the code with your Call Command Centre pursue the struggle against domestic that they need to be cognizant of at all children • When you escape, leave at the and gender-based violence.” times: • You could also share a sign with safest time, e.g. when the abuser Covidhero: Zimbabwean Lady Feeds Thousands Of Hungry Children By Prince Kurupati eroes often emerge during tumultuous times. In HZimbabwe, the COVID-19 pandemic has seen one heroine emerging. Her name Samantha Nyasha Muzoroki. With the little that she has, Samantha has been feeding thousands of families mostly children every day since Zimbabwe put in place a national lockdown in the early months of 2020. In her own words, Samantha says, “Feeding thousands of families in my hometown, Chitungwiza, on the outskirts of Harare, has become my life since the start of the lockdown in Zimbabwe. Seeing smiles on the faces of women and girls is fulfilling.” Samantha says her relief kitchen initiative really started modestly. With the sole aim of giving children a Samantha has provided food to people in thousands during the lockdown in Zimbabwe.Photo credit Jekesai good start to their day, she decided to Njikizana,AFP,Getty Images. PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 31 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

Children queue for food outside the kitchen of Murozoki in Zimbabwe.Photo CNN. serve free porridge to the vulnerable some individuals to chip in and help Samantha said she is thankful. “I income generating projects.” She does in her community. As soon as she her with food supplies. am thankful for the community of acknowledge that this is something started, more and more children Bread Company Lobels has chipped Chitungwiza and the world wide which requires a lot of resources began to visit her home each morning in on occasions donating bread. Other community.” especially financial resources but is for a scoop of her nutritious porridge. companies that have made donations In the early days, Samantha hopeful the desired resources will In no time, adults also started include EzuluFoods, Chicken Hut, N. did encounter some challenges come. trickling in. Assessing the situation Richards Group, Clean City, Quick as she was shut down by the local Samantha is helped by willing that most of these people were in, Fresh, Health Factor Zimbabwe and council authorities for operating an volunteers in her relief kitchen. Some Samantha quickly decided to serve Fresh in a Box. illegal relief kitchen. However, the prominent individuals including two meals each day, breakfast and Other individuals have also been differences were ironed out and her renowned Urban Grooves musician supper. For breakfast, she continued inspired by Samantha and they relief kitchen is now registered as Rockford Josphats aka Roki have serving porridge (and occasionally have since launched their own Kuchengetana Trust. In an interview helped her serve meals to the bread when porridge runs out) and for relief kitchens’ in their respective with a local publication VUKR, thousands who visit her relief kitchen supper she serves sadza (Zimbabwe’s communities. In Victoria Falls, some Samantha said that she will take on each day of the week. Some who staple food). officers in the Ministry of Health and her initiative beyond the lockdown visit her kitchen in need of a meal As the national lockdown continues Child Welfare, local municipality when lifted, “Definitely, we are now often are moved by her work and dragging for long, the numbers of officers, members from the business registered as a trust ‘Kuchengetana they end up staying to volunteer. people who are dependent on her community and other individuals Trust’. There is no way I could ever One such person is Anastencia Hove. meals continue increasing. In the have joined hands to launch the turn back on what we have built in the After visiting the relief kitchen for early days, hundreds were served but Victoria Falls Children’s Feeding last couple of months. I have dreams a meal, Anastencia Hove says she now, Samantha’s kitchen now serves Scheme. The Scheme has one aim so pronounced I am eager to deliver. I “was moved by her (Samantha) love. close to 3000 each day. which is to provide every child with plan to make self sustenance the order It is rare to find people who think At the very first, Samantha says a hot, nutritious meal 5 days a week. of the day. I get goose bumps when I about others. So I said as a token of she “started with a 2kg packet of rice The diplomatic community has think about it. Social development my appreciation for her support, I and 500g of beans.” As the numbers also been inspired by the work being projects and facilitation of them are should volunteer. This lockdown has of those in need of a meal increased done by Samantha. The Chamber of my main objectives.” not spared us at all, so people are by each day and as her savings were Chinese Enterprises in Zimbabwe With regards to self sustenance, suffering. The number of people I see dwindling, she had to barter her jeans made a donation of hand sanitizers Samantha says she “envision a future here shows that many are hungry.” and sneakers with food supplies.” and pairs of gloves. where a woman is self-sufficient. I Samantha is an immigration lawyer Her compassion however has since For all those who have chipped in, have been talking with some of the by profession and a business lady. encouraged the corporate world and in helping her with the relief kitchen, women about ideas to help start

32 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Billions at Play The Future of African Energy and Doing Deals


“Billions tells us the answer “Ayuk sees opportunity all “There is no stone left un- lies in the abundant, accessi- around him, and he realizes turned in Mr. Ayuk’s analysis ble and affordable natural gas that appropriate development of Africa and OPEC.” reserves that dot the will solve many of the conti- continent.” nent’s challenges, including MOHAMMAD SANUSI power generation.” BARKINDO JOÃO MARQUES Secretary General, OPEC. Energy analyst and Editor ANN NORMAN General Manager for Sub-Saharan Africa, Pioneer Energy

PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 33 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Tug Of War Between The Government And Church Over Tight Rules On Resumption Of Worship By Samuel Ouma

he Covid-19 pandemic is the self-quarantine for 14 days. root cause of the ongoing war «The suspects were Tbetween the government and congregating despite the the religion in Kenya. Clerics and government directive banning Imams have called on the government social gathering and enforcing to review the strict measures on social distancing. Our multi- phased re-opening of places of agency security team moved worship, but the government have swiftly to the said mosque. We stood its ground, maintaining that the are also sending a warning protocols in place will boost the fight to all religious leaders to against the new virus. observe the guidelines issued On March 22, the government by the ministry of health on banned all public gatherings, Covid-19 control especially on including congregational worship public gatherings and social after the Covid-19 cases in the distancing,» Kwale County country tripled from 7 to 25 in a bid Commissioner Karuko to prevent the further spread of the Ngumo was quoted. disease. Other gatherings that were In another scenario, 57 affected the order are weddings, worshippers of Mitume funerals, political and sports events. Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) The government argued that places of church were arrested in Trans worships are the weakest link in the Nzoia, 380km northwest of fight against the pandemic. Nairobi in the same month “Let us not forget that Italy among many others. began its unfortunate experience In early June, President through the decision of some people Uhuru Kenyatta’s to continue attending gatherings, administration bowed to including religious ones as if nothing the growing pressure to had happened. Sunday, Italy lost re-open places of worship. 784 people within 24 hours. We will Interior Cabinet Secretary not escape a similar fate if we do Dr. Fred Matiang’i and his nothing to address the risk in such health counterpart Mutahi gatherings,” said the Health Minister Kagwe appointed an Inter- Mutahi Kagwe then. Faith Council to work out The council should revisit the set hours for God to be accorded the A lot of dramas ensued during the the modalities and protocols respect He commands, says Archbishop Julius Nyerere of Messiaship three month period the religious of re-opening of the worship Church in Mwingi town. gatherings were outlawed. A number centres. of people were nabbed for holding “Pursuant to President Uhuru measures to curb the spread of the they must install hand washing/ worship services in contrary to the Kenyatta’s directive for the virus. Only 100 congregants are sanitizer facilities; adopt regular directive. News of believers caught development of protocols that will allowed in per session and each fumigation and sanitizing of shared defying the rules flooded the media, guide the re-opening of places of session takes a maximum of 1 hour. items such as microphones. sparking the heated discussion on worship for in-person congregational The new regulations stated that The news of re-opening of places of the freedom of worship in the African gatherings, CS Mutahi Kagwe and I congregants should be above 13-years worship was welcomed by a number nation. Police acting on a tip off from have jointly appointed The Inter Faith old and below 58-years old. of people, but they said it is unfair to members of the public arrested a Council that will guide this process,” The new orders also barred limit the number of worshippers per number of faithful across the country. announced Dr. Matiang’i. those with underlying medical service. Others think that the number For instance, police apprehended The team of 16 members handed conditions from attending services of congregants should be determined a dozen of Muslim followers who had its report to the two ministers after and worshippers must wear proper by the sizes of premises. gathered at Tawfiq Mosque in Kwale holding various sessions for about 3 facemasks at all time and avoid “A one-hour service is not County, coastal part of the country weeks to deliberate on the issue. unnecessary contacts. Churches, enough to worship God considering to mark the beginning of the Holy On July 6, President Kenyatta mosques and temples must have Sunday is the only day we worship month of Ramadhan in April. The 68 announced the phased re-opening thermal guns and maintain social as Christians. The council should children and 94 adults were forced to of places of worship under strict distancing of 1.5 metres. Moreover, revisit the set hours for God to be 34 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

accorded the respect He commands,” Alex Maina, the chair of Nakuru said Archbishop Julius Nyerere of Pastors’ Fellowship. Messiaship Church in Mwingi town, People have been left wondering Eastern part of the country. why the rules apply only to worship MP Joash Nyamoko noted, “What centres. However, church leaders surprised me is restricting church have promised to ensure their services to 100 people. The number members adhere to the guidelines to of people attending services should curb the spread of the deadly disease. be guided by the size of the building.” Over 17,000 people in Kenya have Age limit has also been faulted. contracted the virus and over 200 “Most preachers are above the age deaths have been reported. of 58 years. Does it mean they will “President Kenyatta needs to sit not conduct service even after the down with a consultative committee churches reopen?” Asked Archbishop and come up with a solution. Those Nyerere. aged over 58 years have not been «We thank the council for their banned from using public vehicles, consensus to reopen churches. visiting restaurants and eateries, However, we are not in agreement markets, funerals and bars among with the proposal to limit people other public places,’’ said Bishop based on their age,» added Pastor Kamuri Muya of Talents Church. Respecting social distancing at a Mosque.Photo WHO Africa. Cameroon: Citizens Snub Masks As COVID-19 Cases Peak By Boris Esono Nwenfor arely days after the government of Cameroon Blifted the lockdown measures aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, Cameroonians have slowly been neglecting these measures aimed at protecting them from getting or spreading the virus. On April 13, Cameroon’s Prime Minister, Dr Joseph Dion Ngute put in place seven new measures to curb the spread of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), among which was the compulsory wearing of masks. As per the guidelines, the wearing of masks in public became mandatory. Pan African Vision magazine took a trip to Buea, one of the major cities in the country’s South West region. We observed almost everybody Cameroonians moving around without a face mask in Buea, South West Region of Cameroon. Photo by Boris Esono PAV. who walked the streets had either conventional masks or homemade uncomfortable, and they get the the gates has a mask on. Everyone’s is it needs to be changed. However, face coverings. feeling that they do not breathe fresh subjected to a body temperature test. surgical masks are not for everybody,” Data provided online by Wikipedia air. “It is not easy to wear face masks But0, this is as far as the measures Dr Martin Mokake, Director of Buea and The New York Times show all the time. It is uncomfortable and I get in the institutions. Once on Regional Hospital told Pan African coronavirus cases stood below 500 even get some bruises with the mask campus, most of the students pull the Vision Magazine. at the time the measures were being I wear. So, most often I do not wear masks down and leave them hanging “Firstly, they are rare to come implemented. it,” Luma John, a Buea resident said. below their chin in spite of proper by and we cannot have that for However, many Cameroonians At the entrance of the University usage instructions. everybody. What we use in the complained wearing the face of Buea, campus security personel “Normally, we can wear a surgical society are masks that are made up masks all the time makes them feel ensure everybody who goes through mask for approximately 3 hours, and of fabrics, and sometimes people PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 35 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa factually complain that they do not cuts across the board- the common breathe well with those masks, it is man, politicians, and the elite as well. a possibility. I will advise that if you The situation in Buea, reports show, are not in a position, in an area where is an accurate representation of what there are many people, or if you are happens in all other regions of the alone, you would not necessarily want country. to wear a mask,” He said. As of August 7, 2020, the number In an apparent justification of the of confirmed cases in the country had worried of the masses, he said “There skyrocketed to 17,255 persons, with is always a nasty feeling when you put 387 deaths recorded. The numbered on the masks for long hours; the air of recovered patients stood at 15,320 you exhale usually comes out with the people. body temperature and so, it is hot. Without the masks, you do not feel it, A money-making venture for but with it, you feel the hot air.” security personnel He, nonetheless, stressed the With the putting in place of importance of braving the odds that measures against the COVID-19 The wearing of face masks was made complusory in April. come with wearing masks for long security personnel were charged with hours. “We need to make a decision the enforcement of these measures. instead if fines that would go into the to urge people in his juridiction to here, wear the masks and save lives This implementation exercise turned state treasury. continue adhering to the measures with its inconveniences or not to wear out to be a money-making venture for At some point, the police put in place by the government. the masks and be exposed.” these security officers. harassment , we learned, made “This fight is a never-ending Even in some hospitals regarded People found without face masks Cameroonians, especially in Buea, issue as the pandemic is still here. as high risk areas, the wearing of face were asked to pay in some cases to frequently wear face coverings. We continue to use various means, masks ends at the gate for some. Many 6,000 FCFA. Others who were However, the flouting of the rule later so we keep hammering the call to will wear the masks just because it is found in possession of face mask but on became worse as security forces respect the measures put in place. We obligatory for everyone entering the wearing none, pay a fine of between withdrew from regular street checks. coordinate with other organizations premises, but take them off as soon as 2,000 FCFA and 25000 FCFA. Sensitization campaigns have who want to support, so they reach they go through the gates. Reports abound of security officers continued across the country. In other areas that may have not been It has been observed that the arresting people, holding them in Buea, the Divisional Officer, Abba touched,” he said. flouting of the mask-wearing rule, custody and requesting bribe money Abdouraman and his staff continue A Heavy Toll on SADC And COMESA Regional Drivers From COVID-19 By Nevson Mpofu he advent of COVID-19 seriously affected several Ttransport operations ranging from cross border commercial transport, cross-border public transport sector and domestic transport sector in public and commercial transport. This witnessed loss the of millions of jobs in both SADC and COMESA Region. This has drastically affected transport operators in all the sectors as they are now desperately disposing their fleets for sale at low prices. Zimbabwe Union of Drivers and Conductors President Fradreck Maguramhinga states- related incidences of breaking down businesses already have been affected and facing diverse challenges like high cost of spares, dilapidated, Zimbabwe Union of Drivers and Conductors President Fradreck Maguramhinga. poor and tattered roads, corruption 36 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

and high customs duty. This he in the two regions SADC and notes has severely led to job loses, COMESA to avail organised loss of gratuities, un-fair dismissals funding free from corruption and inflationary problems like for transport workers and in Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, their employers to save Mozambique and in South Africa the jobs and companies for rand has been going down. liquidation. This, he adds China is the leading bus supplier can only be achieved through in Africa especially in the COMESA governments of the SADC Region. A nasty situation has risen and COMESA working with: unexpectedly as a result of corona 1. Trade Unions with regulations as buses are no longer members plying city to city, towns and rural 2. Transport operators for example in Zimbabwe as these are associations the most profit-making routes. These 3. Insurance companies transporters from Zimbabwe had and Banks acquired large fleets from China on 4. Foreign and Domestic credit hoping for more business yet dealers in vehicles corona-virus has forced operators to and vehicle spares do business in urban areas only under In the commercial Botswana police escort all trucks entering the country from South the country’s state-controlled bus transport many jobs have Africa. Photo Mqondisi Dube,VOA. company called ZUPCO, [Zimbabwe been lost and at times workers United Passenger Company] sent on in-definite leave without being fired or put on forced leave as ill-treatment against truck drivers ‘’ The situation is tense as operators proper channels being followed as a they can- not carry out their duties whether foreign or domestic. We are crying foul over the arrangement result of the untimely covid-19. Heavy without a passport and work permit. urge the South African Government with Government as no meaningful duty trucks and small trucks which Xenophobic Threats and Attacks to urgently address the issue without profits are flowing from the current are not under the essential service Touches on Foreign Drivers In South bowing down to political and greed running business arrangement. They category were stopped from operating Africa … demands since transport and Labour are no longer able to pay their drivers resulting in loss of millions of jobs in COVID-19 has thrown many truck issues are separate from political salaries above the poverty-datum both SADC and COMESA Regions. drivers both foreign and domestic out activism. line. ‘’This has not spared the Ship of employment. ZUDAC has received ‘’ We urge the South African ‘’Secondly, there are no-longer and Airline Cargo Industry because information through its members of Government to call for an urgent able to pay for credits and as well as ships bring in new buses and trucks fresh threats and attacks on foreign meeting involving all transport servicing vehicles taken on credits creating thousands of employment drivers in South Africa. unions and associations. This will acquired from China. This has opportunities in the 2 regions. People ‘’ Evidence is of Mooi River incident provide a platform to come up with an seriously affected business of the day employed in clearing and shipping, at along N3 a highway that leads to amicable solution in South Africa with in the transport industry especially airports and sea ports have stopped Durban from Johannesburg. Several regards to employment of foreign in low Gross Domestic Product working this resulting in road drivers were drivers were attacked, goods drivers without any loss of innocent countries in the two regions. who used to transport ship cargo stolen, vehicles and some goods blood, injury to property and loss of ‘’The advent of covid-19 saw on land as well out of business and burnt beyond recognition. Some essential goods and products.’’ , He countries with organised and employment. unfortunate drivers were killed. concluded . formalised transport systems not ‘’In line with this covid-19 its now This is as a result of a South African ZUDAC further on entrenches on affected as those countries which difficult to replace lost passports and Drivers Association, ATDF [ African not creating xenophobic problems as were not organised and formal. We renewing expired ones. As a union we truck drivers federation] strategy to corona is proving more than enough have seen workers in the Transport thank the Government of Zimbabwe illegally chase away foreign drivers. for all Governments and nations industry receiving welfare benefits and other SADC and COMESA ‘’This is because South African to deal with. SADC and COMESA through the Un-Employment Benefit countries for giving priority to all drivers are claiming that they are Ministers of Transport and Labour Funds in countries like South Africa. truck drivers in essential services losing jobs to Foreigners. Many of must assist strongly and listen to The Transport operators received category to acquire passports. these attacks took place long before issues affecting drivers in foreign grants from their Governments to However, there is need to speed up the and close to the period of covid 19 and lands, not just to enjoy reading counter effects of covid-19 and sustain process. We urge SADC and COMESA during covid19 . Up to now there is newspapers, on-line , social media transport daily operations Governments to urgently address still no freedom and peace for foreign and viewing this on television . ZUDAC’s Recommendations the issue of delays experienced by truck drivers. The President of the union truck drivers on acquiring travelling ‘’As a union we strongly castigate continues to urge all Governments documents as many of them end up any act of violence or any form of

Pan African Visions MAGAZINE, 7614 Green Willow Court, Hyattsville,MD 20785 Tel:2404292177, email: [email protected], [email protected] PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 37 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

734 Coffee

734 Coffee is organic Ethiopian coffee sold in ground and whole bean form. The name “734” relates to the geographical coordinates of Gambela, a region in Ethiopia where more than 200,000 South Sudanese citizens have taken refuge.

Coffee from the Gambela region is lauded for its rich ßavor - medium bodied with hints of caramel, spice and berries with a smokey chocolate aftertaste. 734 contracts with co-op coffee growers in Gambela who employ South Sudanese refugees providing both a sense of purpose and a steady paycheck. At the core of 734 Coffee is the promise to tell the story of the world refugee crisis and give new hope for economic prosperity for Sudanese refugees. 734 Coffee contributes to the Humanity Helping Sudan Project, the organization leading the Þght to move the needle forward on self-sustainability for Sudanese refugees contributing 80% of all proÞts to refugee education and training projects in Gambela.

The Mission is Personal

Founder of 734 Coffee Manyang Reath Kher’s earliest memories are of war. At the young age of 3, Manyang became a refugee of the Sudanese civil war. He is one of The Lost Boys, a group of 20,000 Sudanese boys who were displaced and orphaned. Manyang’s father was one of the two and a half million people killed and he was separated from his mother and sister. For 13 years he lived in refugee camps along the Sudanese and Ethiopian border, where homelessness, hunger, fear, and abuse were part of his everyday life. But he was one of the lucky ones, at the age of 17, Manyang was brought to America where he learned English and eventually enrolled in college receiving his degree in May of 2016. He started Humanity Helping Sudan to improve the lives of Sudanese refugees. By launching 734 Coffee, Manyang is bringing his own American dream to life of creating a sustainable enterprise that both employs and empowers our refugee brothers and sisters.

Partner With Us

734 Coffee is seeking local and national distribution opportunities. By supporting 734 Coffee you are not only providing your customers with an exceptional sipping experience, you are taking a stand for those who have lost their homes, but not their hope.

For More Information

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38 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Friends In Need, Friends Indeed: Q & A With Dr Rasha Kalej On The Merck Foundation Response To COVID 19 in Africa By Ajong Mbapndah L he COVID-19 pandemic may have slowed its agenda, but Tthe Merck Foundation under the leadership of its CEO Rasha Kelej remains a dependable development partner for Africa. From continuous engagement with African first Ladies, to raising awareness and showing appreciation to frontline actors, Dr Rasha Kelej sheds light on the response of the Merck Foundation to Covid 19 in Africa in the following Q &A With the first ladies that you work with, what initiatives have been embarked on in response to COVID 19? Merck Foundation has raced to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic in partnership with 18 African First Ladies, Ministries of Health, Information and Education focusing on four main areas: community support , training doctors and community awareness through our “stay at home “ media recognition awards and children storybook. To give a brief ; 1) Community donations: the lockdown imposed in most countries had hit the daily workers and women the most, making it very difficult for them to survive. Therefore, we partnered with the African First capacity advancement programs year diploma and two year master Portuguese and Arabic Speaking Ladies of Liberia, Ghana, DR Congo, and will specially focus on building degree in several specialties such as: African countries. The awards have Zimbabwe, Niger, Sierra Leone, Coronavirus healthcare capacity Diabetes, Cardiovascular Preventive been also announced for Middle Malawi (Former) and Burkina Faso through providing African and Asian Medicines, Endocrinology and Sexual Eastern, Asian countries and in to support livelihood of thousands medical postgraduates with one-year and Reproductive Medicines. We Spanish for Latin American Countries. of women and families of casual and online diploma and two-year online invite Medical Graduates to apply for The theme of the awards is ‘Raising daily workers who are most affected Master degree in both Respiratory these courses by email us on submit@ Awareness on how to Stay Safe, Keep by the Coronavirus (COVID -19) Medicines and Acute Medicines at Physically and Mentally Healthy lockdown. The relief contribution was one of the UK Universities. This 3) Community Awareness: during Coronavirus Lockdown with also undertaken in Egypt with the aim program is in partnership with We also launched ‘Stay at Home’ the aim to separate facts from myths to support 500 families. African First Ladies, Ministers of Media Recognition Awards in and misconceptions’. The winners of 2) Coronavirus Healthcare Health and Academia across the two partnership with First Ladies of the awards will be announced soon. Capacity Building: We strongly continents. Ghana, Nigeria, Democratic Republic 4) Community awareness for believe that building professional As part of our strategy of responding of Congo (DRC), Malawi (Former), Children and Youth: We also healthcare capacity is the right to coronavirus lockdown, we scaled Namibia, Niger, Guinea Conakry, launched an inspiring storybook strategy to improve access to quality up to more African and Asian medical Burundi (Former), Central African called ‘Making the Right Choice’ and equitable healthcare specially postgraduates to provide online Republic (C.A.R.), Chad, Zimbabwe, in partnership with 18 African during this vicious pandemic, medical specialization scholarships. Zambia, The Gambia, Liberia and First Ladies. The story aims to therefore, Merck Foundation will We will now focus more on online Congo Brazzaville, Angola, Mali, raise awareness about coronavirus strongly continue their current scholarships which will be for one- Mozambique for English, French, prevention amongst children and PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 39 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

youth as it provides facts about the which seem like a battel to the world. contacted and represented in the receive this news? pandemic and how to stay safe and future to create songs to address I am very proud to be listed among healthy during the outbreak. It also What criteria was used in different sensitive topics in Africa. the 100 Most Influential Africans promotes honesty, hard-work and picking the 11 artists that were of 2019. This recognition is very the ability to make the right choices used for the song and what is The 6th edition of Merck Africa important for me and for Merck even during the most challenging the feedback you have received Asia Luminary took place foundation as it acknowledges times. The story has been released in since the song was released? in Ghana last year , what my efforts, my team’s efforts for three languages: English, French and The criteria I used was to approach souvenirs did you take out the empowering infertile women and Portuguese. singers from Arabic, English and forum and with COVID 19, what extensively working on eliminating French speaking countries with a plans for the next one? stigma associated with infertility There is also a song out -My representation from East, West, Of course this year we will not through our historic campaign ‘Merck White Army song from a group North and South Africa. Of course, be able to conduct the luminary More Than a Mother’ that aims to of 11 artists from 11 African I approached many singers, but I in Zambia in October like it was empower infertile women through countries in three languages selected the ones who showed passion originally planned due to coronavirus access to information, education ; for ur first time in Arabic , and great interest and were willing to pandemic new regulations. We will and change of mind-sets. I am very French and English. on the work under this difficult times and conduct our forums online this year passionate about this cause and I love pandemic, how did you come restrictions. and we will postpone the luminary to my work and my achievements as an about this initiative? I must say am happy with the team 2021. Hopefully by then everything African woman. I started this song as an idea of of singers that could come on board, will be under control. Through this movement, we have creating an inspiring pan African but this is the beginning of series succeeded to initiate a cultural shift to song which aims to thank the doctors of projects and songs to be done You were listed last year de-stigmatize infertility at all levels: and nurses fighting on the front from different countries including amongst the top 100 most By improving awareness, training lines of the coronavirus battle, who Portuguese speaking countries. influential Africans by New local experts in the fields of fertility are risking exposure to the virus so Singers from all countries will be African magazine; how did you care and media, building advocacy everyone else can stay home and stay healthy. I strongly believe, it is important for the people on the front line; doctors, nurses and health workers to know how grateful we are. I did not want this to be a one-off thank you, but one that becomes a regular act of gratitude across our communities. I have heard stories of horrible behavior against our health workers, such as, landlords are forcefully evicting them due to paranoia that they might spread COVID -19. It is shocking, illegal and inhuman behavior”. Through the My White Army song, singers representing Africa are expressing our love, respect and gratitude for doctors, nurses and health workers, the frontliners in the coronavirus battle. It is their messages of support for those braving the outbreak to help others. This is the first time in Africa and may be in the world that 11 singers from 11 African countries in three languages have participated in one song, to support the medical staff during this difficult time. The title of the song- ‘My White Army’ simply refers to the team of health workers who wear white uniforms to save and defend us against the coronavirus pandemic 40 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

in cooperation with 18 African First 19. We will focus online speciality Ladies who are the ambassadors education like as mentioned earlier. of this movement, I love to work And of course all our awards which with them. And also, by supporting can be conducted remotely. The childless women in starting their own full focus will be on our community small businesses. It’s all about giving awareness through our social media every woman the respect and the help channel. I am very prod that we she deserves to live a fulfilling life, reached 3 m followers on all our with or without a child. channels including my private May we have an idea of any channels @Rasha Kelej . I am still other initiatives or projects that thanks to all technology platforms , the Merck Foundation will be in close contact with all our partners working on in the course of the , as our Alumni and new candidates year? to ensure that Merck foundation is on In addition to the four areas we the right track to realize our vision. Dr Kelej and the Merck Foundation have partnered with African are focusing on to respond to COVID First Ladies on diverse projects to mitigate the effects of Covid 19.

The Merck Foundation rallied a group of top African artists to use music in thanking frontline actors and sharing safety tips.

Pan African Visions MAGAZINE, 7614 Green Willow Court, Hyattsville,MD 20785 Tel:2404292177, email: [email protected], [email protected] PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 41 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa South Sudan Turns 9 But Peace Still Elusive By Prince Kurupati

frica’s (and the world’s) youngest nation, South ASudan recently celebrated its 9th independence anniversary. When the country attained its independence, there were high hopes that Africa had turned a new leaf as peace, stability and development were to prevail in one of the regions that had for so long been torn by unending civil wars. The hope that Africa had has since been dissipated as 9 year later, South Sudan is highly unstable politically and poses a major security risk to East Africa in particular and the whole continent in general.

South Sudan’s Independence The history of South Sudan dates back to 1956. 1956 is the year that the country of Sudan was originally created. At the time, South Sudan was a part and parcel of Sudan. The territorial boundaries that were by the colonialists. in 2005, leaders of the competing 2011. A few months later on 9th July enacted by the white colonialists Over time, the conflict in Sudan parties reached an agreement to end 2011, South Sudan officially gained when they created Sudan bundled up transformed into one pitting the the civil war. The disputing parties, its independence and became the people from different cultures and northerners and the southerners. the Sudanese government and the world’s youngest nation. beliefs. This, therefore, from the onset The conflict led to the death of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement laid out an imperfect foundation thousands and it severely derailed signed the 2005 Comprehensive The Start of Tensions in the for the success and stability of the Sudan’s development trajectory Peace Agreement. Newly Independent South country. The conflict that prevailed leading the country to become the The 2005 Comprehensive Peace Sudan in the country since its creation most impoverished country on Agreement paved the way for the 2011 A couple of years after South therefore can be said to have its roots the continent at one point. After a referendum in which southerners Sudan had gained its independence, in the territorial boundaries created protracted earth-scorched civil war, voted for secession on January 9th, widespread reports of a coup being orchestrated by the first vice- President and former rebel leader Riek Machar against the President Salva Kiir dominated the local headlines. When South Sudan gained its independence, the US and other nations who backed the independence of South Sudan saw it prudent to have two leaders from the nation’s two largest ethnic groups (Nuer and Dinka) to lead the newly independent nation. The idea was, of course, to prevent the mistake done by colonialists in 1956 which bundled up people of different ethnicities leading one group to become dominate over the other. The reports of the attempted coup by Riek Machar were President Kiir and Vice President Machar are saddled with the responsibility of restoring therefore viewed as a plot by Machar peace to South Sudan. to exert supremacy over President 42 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

Kiir. Not surprisingly, the reports that is ragging in different parts of angered President Kiir and that led our country…As a government we will to the intensification of conflicts not allow this new threat to reverse between the President and his Vice our gains. We shall pursue a multi- as well as the two ethnic groups, the layered approach to resolve this Nuer and the Dinka. problem once and for all.” Violent clashes ever since the Other Igniters reports of the attempted coup have While the coup reports certainly been the order of the day in South are at the root of South Sudan’s peace Sudan. In August 2018, after efforts and stability problems, over the by external mediators, President Kiir course of the years, other challenges and Vice-President Machar signed posing danger to total unification in a peace deal to bring the existing South Sudan have also popped up. tensions and conflict to an end. Just as outlined by the President However, the peace process has done in his independence address, inter- A towering statue of Dr John Garang the iconic leader of little to end the tensions. In the first communal violence fueled by the the South Sudan struggle who died before independence. five months of 2020 alone, the UN competition for scarce resources Mission in South Sudan recorded 415 mainly land has played a key role view purchasing arms as a guarantee the President said, “We shall launch violent incidents! in destabilizing South Sudan. With for their political future in case the a full-scale disarmament of the civil While the situation on the ground the majority of South Sudanese tensions in the future escalate into a population, an exercise which is certainly paints the picture that people relying on agriculture for full blow conflict. This has thus led already underway in some parts of tensions are still high in the country, sustenance, many are in need of land many to compete for early access to the country.” the President in his independence and unfortunately, land is a scarce arms and this competition has thus With regards to the long standing address painted a different picture resource. The competition for this been fueling tensions. threats to South Sudan’s peace and saying the 2018 peace deal certainly scarce resource has thus been fueling stability, the President said, “It is has paid dividends as the country is tensions and conflict. The way forward – according to critical that we, the parties to the on the mend. The President however When South Sudan attained its the President agreement desist from adopting bemoaned the emergence of new independence as well as when it In face of the old as well as new uncompromising positions in threats to the country’s stability in the signed a peace deal in 2018, there threats to South Sudan’s peace and the hope that the mediation will form of the novel corona virus and were verbal agreements by the stability, President Kiir said his eventually back them. We must move inter-communal violence. leaders that the country should government is looking to “pursue a away from such attitudes because the “unfortunately our success in adopt a disarmament program. multi-layered approach” to address peace we seek to consolidate is our ending political violence is now Unfortunately, nothing substantial the threats. With regards to both the own peace as South Sudanese.” threatened by a different sort of as yet has been done on that front. As inter-communal violence and the violence; inter-communal conflict such, different groups in the country competition for early access to arms,

PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 43 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa South Sudan: Peace Deal Spurs Economic Recovery, but Remains Fragile By Deng Machol uba - South Sudan turns ninth years on July 9, remains one of Jthe world’s poorest and most fragile states in the economic growth despite the peace deal. South Sudan was emerging from the country’s five year conflict which broke out in 2013, a two year after her independence from Sudan, killed 380,000 people and uprooted four million people from their homes, before ruined the country’s economy. The civil war was brought to an end by the 2018 revitalized peace deal inked by President Salva Kiir and his deputy Dr. Riek Machar, ex – rebel leader with hopes of resurfacing the country’s economy. The effects of the prolonged conflict continue to affect most of the Juba Airport, with the peace deal, people are hopeful that life can become normal again in country’s economy and population. South Sudan. Despite the peace deal and vast natural resources and oil wealth, frustrated tone. Early this year South Sudan GDP country, then it would encourage South Sudan’s economy remains Country’s economist Prof. Abraham was projected to grow at 8% by what we call foreign direct investment fragile, and inflation and parallel Matooc, also Vice Chancellor of Dr. the world economic outlook. This and when they are allowed to come in exchange market premiums continue John Garang Memorial University of projection assumed that peace returns and they are confident that the peace’s to hover in the country. Science and Technology, ricocheted and government uses the right policy prevail, then their investment will be The food crisis, poverty and that there are no economic changes mix and that there is no Covid-19. a creation for industries and there will vulnerability in a fragile environment, due to slow progress of peace process “Yes of course it is safe to say that be a good number of industries that conflict and fragility have taken costly in the country, plus the unexpected our economy is on the path to recovery can actually create the influences to toll on the economy and resulted in outbreak of corona-virus pandemic. because economic fundamentals are the youth and the people [who] are huge human cost. “There is no changes [in economic] headed in the right direction,” said able to work in those industries and in South Sudan has said economy is because there are many things that official from the central bank, who that way the economic will be vibrant. slowly improving mainly due to the have come up, although the peace preferred to remain anonymous. If happen that way, then the business peace deal holding with no major was signed the process to implement Both the central bank official, sector and the circulation of money in ceasefire violations, something that peace took a long time,” said Matooc, economist Matooc are also optimistic the economic will the make actually the businesspeople and customers adding that also the corona virus that that there could be improvement of the economy to growth,” said Matooc. categorically brush aside. affected the whole world and that has economic in the fragile country if the On the other hand, bank official “Nothing has changed in the affected the economic, therefore there things are moving in right direct. echoed that when peace returns the economic - the prices of basic food is lockdown, even the businesses investor confidence is restored and items are going up all the time were actually lockdowns and now New policy the private sector starts to do more despite the peace deal,” said Ahmed, it’s a problem on how to sustain the “I’m not seeing a new policy put business and that creates jobs - this is a businessman in Juba. “The clients livelihood of the people.” forward by the government but what happening now. cannot afford to buy commodities, so “In this period, it can’t counted that I know is that the availability of peace «This expansionary government we are even making losses because the government is doing something in the country is an attractive for our spending is likely to stimulate items get expire at the shops.” – the government is sitting, think development and for the economy economic growth and create jobs. His sentiment was also echoed in place on how to move forward development,” said Matooc. However at the moment the monetary by Martha Garang, a client in Juba, with whether plan of economic For the economic growth, policy is incapable of de-escalating the who argued that with the peace deal, development in the country but these economist stated that there would negative effects of huge government the country’s economy remained obstacles had made it difficult so be an availability of peace so that the spending on the price level. In fact the pathetic. “Everything is getting it is another turning point that has foreign investors would come and current Bank of South Sudan (BSS) extremely worsen, instead of moving affected the government in South invest in the country. policy is expansionary in nature, first forward, we are moving backward Sudan but not only in South Sudan “If you give an opportunity to the to reduce the impacts of covid-19 on – this is too bad,” said Garang with but the whole world,” he said. investors to come and invest in the the private sector; second it’s possible 44 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

that the BSS grants overdrafts to South Sudanese Pound (SSP) has ministry of Finance to cover budget weakened against the US dollar; in shortfalls. This policy mix is likely to the black market the US dollar trades lead to further depreciation of local at 360 SSP ($100 for 36,000 SSP). currency,” said anonymous. The official rate keeps fluctuating and the central bank declined Oil drop to mention the official rate. The South Sudan’s official oil production country’s economists have attributed dropped 20,000 barrels to 170,000 the fall in value to the covid – 19 barrels a day as lockdowns to control pandemic which has affected the the Covid – 19 pandemic spreads, foreign exchange and the fall in the delay the moving of production global prices of crude oil which is equipment and materials. the main source of foreign currency South Sudan, which pumped exchanges. 350,000 barrels a day before war South Sudan had said the fall in broke out in 2013 and had targeted value of the country’s currency was this year to boost activity through a caused by the high demand of foreign licensing round, and exploration by currency during the pandemic. South Sudan will be counting on oil production to get the private companies and an investment “We are importing basic economy back on track. from South Africa. commodities like foodstuff, fuel, outsides. become stable overtime.” “We experienced prices that had building materials, among from the “The central bank needs to be able Most of the businesses has closed never been there before and we are neighbouring countries and this also to accumulate reserves and use it down due to slow recovery of the running at a loss” along with private takes a lot of foreign currency, so all wisely to stabilize the exchange rate economic growth in the country. operators, said Awow Daniel Chuang, those factors had contributed the SSP whenever necessary - reduce lending But both the experts, economists, the undersecretary in the Ministry to go down because we are not getting to the government. Finance ministry citizens and the business people are of Petroleum, quoted by Bloomberg enough foreign currency in to our need to increase collection of non- hoping that the economy will improve website. “We have been affected economy,” said Diing John, economic oil revenues by reducing leakages if the prevailing peace ushered well. much more than others because student in Juba. in collection of revenues,” said The previous report estimates that South Sudan, being a new country The observers say the government central bank official. If peace is fully South Sudan’s economy will grow at just emerging from war, has a lot of has to diversify the country’s implemented all over South Sudan 8% during FY2019-20; yet a collapse challenges. economy; they need to produce some and Covid-19 ends we would likely of the revitalized peace agreement SSP hit low record against US of the foods locally in the country see our economy grow, create more could push it back into recession. dollar instead of bringing everything from jobs, exchange rate and price levels Tightening Lockdown in Zimbabwe: A Case of Restricting Civil Liberties or Just a Desire to Save Lives By Prince Kurupati n the past days, the number of curve is to tighten the lockdown positive corona virus cases being restrictions. On the other hand, there Irecorded in Zimbabwe has been is the call by the general populace as rising exponentially. On average, the spearheaded by the media and civil country has been recording 100 new society to force the government to cases in the past couple of weeks. This be more responsible, proactive and is certainly a major cause of concern accountable in its handling of the for both the government and the pandemic. The basis of the argument general populace. being that by tightening the lockdown While both the government and the regulations, the government simply general populace view the exponential wants to restrict civil liberties owing rise of COVID-19 positive cases as to the prevailing precarious security worrisome, differences have emerged situation. over how to salvage the situation so as to prevent the worst from occurring. It’s all about flattening the On one hand, there is the curve – Government argument by the government that Zimbabwean President Emmerson the only way forward to salvage the Mnangagwa during his nationwide President Mnangagwa sees the lockdown as an effort to curb the spread of COVID, his critics think he wants to stiffle situation and potentially flatten the tours to mining companies around civil liberties PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 45 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

government has remained quiet. The big question being asked by the critics is why the government is remaining quiet during a pandemic which requires nurses and doctors to be at the forefront fighting against COVID-19. The government’s reluctance to address the concerns of the health workers therefore paints a worrisome picture that it does not care about the health of the nation. Concerns have also been raised by some saying the time that the country has started recording exponential rises in positive cases is suspicious. Several weeks back at the height of the CovidGate scandal, an opposition leader Jacob Ngarivhume of Transform Zimbabwe announced that his party in collaboration with others will be holding a nationwide protest on July 31. As many people were riled up by the corruption Jacob Ngarivhume is under arrest. scandal, Jacob Ngarivhume quickly found sympathizers and his call for Zimbabwe has bemoaned the The tighter lockdown regulations became more and more apparent that protests soon became an ‘anthem’ on exponential increase in the number of according to the President “are being the lockdown restrictions were going social media platforms. It is at that positive COVID-19 cases. In response, taken for our (citizens) collective to be tightened, civil society, private same time that the Ministry of Health the President made it clear that his safety. As Zimbabweans, we have to media and members of the general began to announce an exponential government is looking to tighten the win the war against the COVID-19 populace began to raise concerns rise in COVID-19 cases. Government lockdown restrictions with the aim of pandemic.” He said it was prudent to that the government was looking critics therefore argue that the rise in flattening the curve. implement such difficult measures so at tightening the restrictions so as COVID-19 cases is a deliberate ploy President Mnangagwa’s address on as to curb the spike in local infections. to restrict civil liberties and not to by the government to prevent the 21 July, 2020 to the nation in which “Another worrisome development address the spike in COVID-19 cases. protests as it under the impression of he announced tighter lockdown is that more and more cases of local The big question raised by preventing the spike in positive cases restrictions, therefore, did not come transmissions are being reported government critics pertains to would tighten lockdown restrictions as a surprise. In his address, the at places of work. COVID-19 is thus the issue of striking doctors and and in turn, make it impossible for President said that only the working no longer a problem out there, far nurses. A couple of months back, the protests to take place. population is allowed to move within and beyond our borders, rather it investigative journalists in the The recent arrests of Jacob cities and towns. The non-working is now here amongst us and in our country unearthed a massive scandal Ngarivhume and journalist Hopewell population must remain indoors communities.” dubbed the CovidGate scandal in Chin’ono who exposed the CovidGate except for the purposes of securing Drawing comparison with the which government procured personal scandal thus prove that the concerns food, water and health services. neighbouring South Africa, President protective equipment (PPE) at overly of government critics may not be far- All gatherings including church Mnangagwa said that now is not the inflated prices from a shelf company. fetched. The imposition of the dusk gatherings which had previously been time to be complacent. South Africa, Details emerged that the company to dawn curfew also partly vindicates allowed but under strict measures Zimbabwe’s neighbor to the south has had links to the First Family and as the claims of government critics. This were banned with the exception of been recording an exponential rise in such, it was being used by the First is because the protests will be hard funerals. Business operating hours cases, and now ranks fifth globally in Family and other linked officials to to conduct during a curfew. Breaking were cut from 08:00 am-16:30 pm to terms of infections. Mnangagwa said siphon money from the country. the curfew will give the security 08:00 am-15:00 pm. the tighter lockdown regulations are Soon after the expose, nurses and forces legit reasons to clamp down on Perhaps the most glaring regulation justified so as to prevent against going doctors declared that they were going people as they will be judged to have was the enactment of a dusk to dawn the same route as South Africa. to undertake industrial action as violated the curfew. Regardless of curfew. “With effect from tomorrow they were working in the frontline the opposing views, the neutral view Wednesday 22 July 2020, all our A case of restricting civil under terrible conditions while others is that local infections are contained security services must enforce a dusk- liberties – civil society, private were corruptly benefitting from while at the same time; civil liberties to-dawn curfew set to come into force media and the general populace money meant for frontline workers. are to be guaranteed. daily between 1800 hours and 0600 During the days leading to the Since they embarked on industrial hours.” President’s 21 July address and as it action over two months back, the 46 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 47 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Measures Being Taken by African Countries to Boost Local Tourism in Face of Global Travel Restrictions By Prince Kurupati

he novel corona virus has no doubt impacted severely on Tmany industries. One such industry is the tourism industry. When it comes to Africa, most countries relied heavily on international tourism with several packages exclusively set for foreigners. Travel restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic as nations put in place lockdowns have negatively affected African tourism leaving many tourism actors in precarious conditions – some of the verge of collapse. Recognizing the real danger that’s facing the African tourism industry, many governments more so from inviting tourists to visit the country. all international travelers. Effective 17 and safety requirements – these countries that rely on tourism The vigorous campaign undertaken June, 2020, Rwanda announced that relating to the now normal, PCR heavily when it comes to forex tax by the country saw it enter into a it had reopened all tourism activities tests (All visitors travelling by charter receipts have since started to adopt partnership with English Premier in the country. flights are expected to test negative various initiatives all with the aim League giants, Arsenal who displays However to ensure that the for COVID-19 within 72 hours prior of resuscitating the industry. In this the ‘VISIT RWANDA’ catchphrase reopening of the tourism sector does to arrival…a second COVID-19 test article, we are going to take some time on their shirt sleeves. From this, it’s not defeat the successes already on arrival and prior to visiting any to highlight some of these initiatives. crystal clear that the major focus recorded in the fight against the tourist attraction is conducted) and The aim, of course, being to help of Rwanda relates to international spread of COVID-19 in the country, following social distancing guidelines. the African tourism industry and all tourism. Rwanda did put in place specific For many, chartering planes is actors involved to stay afloat during Bearing the above in mind and measures that all international certainly an expensive task hence these trying times. also considering that tourism is a travelers have to abide by when they leading many to self eliminate. huge contributor to Rwanda’s GDP, intend to visit the country. Most To ensure that more and more Relaxing Travel Restrictions – the country certainly had to come notably, all visitors are required to international tourists do visit the Case in Point Rwanda up with recovery measures before use charter planes when they want country, the Rwandan government Rwanda is one of the most popular much damage had been done. The to visit the country. There are no did state that starting 1 August, African destinations. In recent times, recovery measure that the Rwandan restrictions based on nationality or 2020, international tourists can the Rwandan government has gone government decided to put in place point of departure. Additionally, all use commercial flights. However, on a massive tourism campaign was to relax the travel restrictions for visitors are required to fulfill health before they are allowed to go on their expeditions, they are required to present a COVID-19 PCR negative test from a certified laboratory, taken within 72 hours of arriving in the country.

Encourage Domestic Tourism – Case in Point Zimbabwe Early in May, 2020, the Zimbabwean Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality industry minister Mangaliso Ndlovu said, “We…anticipate a consequent fall in tourism business, with the country set to lose between US$500 million to US$1.1 billion in potential tourism revenue in 2020 from the 48 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs projected revenue of US$1.4 billion.” help themselves stay afloat first and per cent! Just to highlight this, we once in a lifetime opportunity at this Essentially, the minister said that the foremost. However, the great thing take an example of one high profile incredible lodge. country could lose up to 80 per cent from the measures that they have destination, Victoria Falls’ Matestsi Whilst it’s just a few holiday of the projected tourism revenue in adopted is that they now have afforded Lodge. destinations that have come up with the worst case scenario – a scenario local Zimbabweans the opportunity The Victoria Falls’ Matestsi Lodge affordable local tailor made holiday which is very much possible if the to visit local destinations which they is a 5-star lodge which offers a truly packages, the massive uptake by the current lockdown remains in place till have envied for long but failed to visit out of the world holiday experience locals in their packages will certainly the end of the year. owing to exorbitant prices. for all visitors. Normally, the lodge encourage all others to join the Recognizing the precarious Measures taken by the local charges a flat $1200 per night for bandwagon. Once they do, they will condition that the tourism actors tourism actors were to come up with bed and breakfast. However, the gain revenue during these trying in Zimbabwe find themselves in, local tailor made holiday packages for lodge recently slashed its price for times while at the same time allowing they have since adopted measures individuals, corporate and families. all locals to just $300. This massive locals to explore their country. to encourage domestic tourism. These packages come with massive price reduction has certainly enticed The intention of course being to discounts some exceeding 300 many Zimbabweans to experience a 'New Era' In Mozambique: Local Gas Project Receives Africa's Biggest Private Investment By Jorge Joaquim

he consortium led by French oil major Total has already Tsigned all the financing contracts, worth $14.9 bn for the exploration of liquefied natural gas in Area 1 of Rovuma Basin in northern Mozambique. The project is the country’s first onshore LNG development and the Africa›s Biggest Private Investment. The Final Investment Decision was taken in June 2019, and the total value of the project is in excess of 20 billion US dollars. This includes offshore and onshore components. The project financing includes direct and covered loans from 8 Export Credit Agencies (ECAs), 19 commercial bank facilities, and a loan from the African Development Bank. The ECAs participating in the financing include Export Import Bank of the United-States (US- Occidental Petroleum. to produce 13.12 million tonnes of industrial development led by the Exim), Japan Bank for International “The signing of this large-scale LNG a year. The gas will be pumped implementation of the domestic gas Corporation (JBIC), Nippon Export project financing, less than one year to Afungi from the Golfinho/Atum projects”. and Investment Insurance (NEXI), after Total assumed the role of operator offshore gas fields in Area One. Total is the operator of Area 1 and UK Export Finance (UKEF), Servizi of Mozambique LNG, represents a The Director of the African has a 26.5% share in the projects. The Assicurativi del Commercio Estero of significant achievement and a major Development Bank’s Industrial other members of the consortium Italy (SACE), Export Credit Insurance milestone for the project,” declared and Commercial Development are the Japanese company Mitsui Corporation of South Africa (ECIC), Jean-Pierre Sbraire, Chief Financial Department, Abdu Mukhtar, (20%), PTTEP of Thailand (8.5%), Atradius Dutch State Business Officer of Total. “It demonstrates the said that “the signing of the the three Indian companies ONGC (Atradius), Export-Import Bank of confidence placed by the financial financing announces a new area of Videsh, Beas Rovuma Energy, and Thailand (EXIM Thailand). institutions in the long-term future of industrialisation for Mozambique and BRPL Ventures (each with 10%), Total, the world’s second-biggest LNG in Mozambique.” for the rest of the region. We believe it and Mozambique’s own National LNG producer, bought out Anadarko The Total-led LNG project consists is fundamental that private investors, Hydrocarbon Company, ENH (15%). as the Mozambique project’s main of two LNG factories (“trains”) to interested local parties, the donor operator last year after the US be built on the Afungi Peninsula, community and the Mozambican $61 bn in overall gains, company was acquired by rival in Palma district, with a capacity government should concentrate on Mozambique without plans to PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 49 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa use it Modelling for the Area 1 project point to overall gains, over its 25-year term, in the order of $61 bn, and the Mozambican State, through taxes, profit sharing and participation of ENH will have just over 50%, about $31bn. There are many uncertainties regarding what the country can gain and do from revenue collection, from employment generation as well as other multiplier elements of the whole process of exploitation of these natural resources, so the Ministry of Economy and Finance has started a work of trying to estimate what would be, in a more honest way, the potential revenues that the country could receive and how to app. The model, which is still under development, has not considered the implications of the covid-19 The SWF, or some kind of marketplace to seek better terms and classify Mozambique as in “selective pandemic, but it has quite strong alternative stabilisation fund, would relieve them of the debt. default”. This is because, in 2013 assumptions and scenarios that include a mechanism to increase Pan African Visions has learned and 2014 the government issued also imply a rather high degree of savings at times of high prices, and that there is an agreement with the sovereign guarantees, also for about conservatism, PAV has learned. allow the government access to other partners in Area 1 that to finance two billion dollars, for loans taken out The MEF’s plan is to use the revenue revenue in times of low prices, to ENH’s 15% stake in the construction from European banks by three newly forecasts to design rules around allow for smoother management of phase. But as a company, ENH aims to created security-related companies government spending of revenues, the economy. maximise the return on its investment – Ematum (Mozambique Tuna and the design of a Sovereign Wealth and, from that perspective, is working Company), Proindicus and MAM Fund to most effectively manage State-owned oil and gas with financial advisors in order to (Mozambique Assets Management). savings. company ENH without money find financing alternatives that allow All three companies are now A source told PAV that It will not yet for the projects lower costs of the operation. effectively bankrupt, and the be an easy task because the design of Whatever, mozambique’s state- We learned that financial advice government has defaulted on the loan fiscal tasks takes into account what owned oil and gas company ENH was being provided by France’s repayments, arguing that the creditors the challenges of the country are, as intends to find cheaper financing Société Générale as part of its existing must agree to a restructuring of the well as the risks associated with large- than it currently has available to it, to service to Mozambique LNG, as the loans. The government guarantees for scale resource exports, such as the fund its participation in the country’s consortium undertaking the Area 1 Ematum, Proindicus and MAM were Dutch disease, a risk that has very largest natural gas project, now under megaproject is known. illegal because they smashed through large macro-economic implications, construction. It was a kind of bridge However, the return of the ceilings on guarantees laid both on the exchange rate side and on funding from its partners with the Mozambique to the capital markets down in the 2013 and 2014 budget the export side of the country. proviso that ENH would go to the will not be easy. Ratings agencies laws, and because they were never discussed in parliament which, under the constitution, is the only body that can authorise such debt.

The extremist attacks near the project The project, potentially transformative for Mozambique’s ailing economy, faced challenges to get funding, including the collapse of oil prices as a benchmark for the LNG market and a growing insurgency in the northern Cabo Delgado province, where the natural gas development is centred. While the violence probably won’t 50 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

threaten the viability of nearly $60 They’re guarding Africa’s biggest billion in LNG projects planned, it investment. could complicate logistics. A surge In recent months government in road ambushes could disrupt forces and mercenaries have battled transport lines. There have also insurgents for control of key towns. been reports of insurgents posing To date there have been no attacks on as members of the security forces main gas facilities. More than 1,300 and setting up fake checkpoints. people have been killed since fighting Eight employees at a construction began in late 2017. contractor used by Total were killed Retired Zimbabwean colonel Lionel when Islamist militants ambushed a Dyck has confirmed he is planning to vehicle near the border with Tanzania train Mozambican troops to operate in on 27 June. conjunction with helicopter gunships Before the gas discoveries and operated by his mercenary operation fight back to the enemy from the air of attacks in recent weeks. At the end insurgency, the remote coastline in Cabo Delgado. In an interview and on the ground.” Mozambique’s of June they launched two attacks, was more famous for luxury tropical published on Friday by South African defence forces “are unprepared and on the town of Quissanga where they island resorts, but now, dozens website Africa Unauthorised, Dyck under-resourced and we have to move destroyed the local police station, of soldiers clutching AK-47s and said he wants to “start a selection and fast,” Dyck said. and the town of Mocimboa da Praia grenade launchers watch over roaring training programme immediately” for The insurgents appear to be loyal to just south of multi-billion dollar gas bulldozers on the white sand beach Mozambican soldiers, “so we can get Islamic State Province projects. that meets a tropical turquoise sea. good men into the field and take the (ISCAP). They have mounted a raft Education about Life and Death Enigma By: John Nkemnji, Ph.D. he birth of a child brings joy gruesome deaths. and jubilation to the family You are with a loved one today Tand the community. The only to find out tomorrow that baby arrives in this world empty- they are gone. Where do they go handed before receiving gifts and to? Will you ever see them again? accumulating material wealth Medical science says that death is throughout their life. Family and the irreversible cessation of all vital friends lament at the end of life as functions especially as indicated by the deceased leaves all possessions a permanent stoppage of the heart, behind, departing as they came, respiration, and brain activity. The empty-handed. A reflection on the scriptures say something similar mystery of life and death is written as but from a spiritual perspective - a result of deep pondering following the separation of the body from the the many deaths and events that have spirit. Why do human beings die and occurred, and continue to occur in how can we prepare for death? What our communities, worldwide – the happens after death? Is there life corona pandemic, the killings of after death? These questions cannot innocent civilians by armed groups, be readily answered. God, the creator, accidents, natural disasters and other alone knows the answers. forms of senseless death. As human beings, we know that Over 136,000 people have died in the inevitable will come when we least the USA over the last five months just expect it. It is, therefore, a good idea from COVID-19. A similar number to live every day as if it were the last of deaths have occurred from wars day of our life. One should live life and gun-related killings. Death has to the fullest so that when the time become so prevalent that some people comes, your friends, family, and the have lost the reverence for life. Today, community will honestly miss you you hear about the sale and purchase for who you were and what you did, of human organs for transplantation said or stood for. I grew up in a kind, and other forms of demonic sacrifices generous, and loving family. When Pa and killings practiced by cults and and Ma Nkemnji passed, they truly gangs, mutilated or decapitated had a well-deserved celebration of Prof John Nkemnji. bodies, drone strikes, and other life. They knew that life would end PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 51 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa and prepared for that end carefully. and life insurance your family may and friends are never prepared. When write, visit, hug, or take memorable They loved one another and stayed in be in for a big surprise. At the passing a death occurs, we wail and cry and photographs more often. We have not peace with their neighbors. They left a of each loved one, we write well- take time off from our busy schedules, yet learned our lesson, and we may legacy worth emulating as other good worded reflections and narrations make travel arrangements, and share not be cherishing each moment as a people have done. about the good old days. Make sure memories of the good old days. precious, irreplaceable gift. We are When one dies, their loved ones that through your good living, you These are appropriate things to do usually working harder and longer are sad and burdened. It is good help contribute to an honest eulogy. in times of sorrow but it is also great but can we slow down? We hear the to leave survivals with little or We can electronically document life to share intimate memories of friends excuse that “I am too busy” more no problems. “Get life insurance, with our loved ones in audio or video and relatives regularly. It would often than we should. God is a great prepare a will, and live happily format. mean a lot for family and friends to teacher, and we are the students. Let with one another.” Without careful Death is sure to follow birth at get regular notes or phone calls more us learn, reflect, and live peacefully to preparations, conflicts may arise a time best known by our Creator. often, especially today with lots of succeed at the Life and Death Enigma. regarding the burial site and what Death is one of the equal opportunity social media for keeping in touch! to do with the deceased belongings. awards on earth. In some cases, a Most people own smartphones and Dr. John Nkemnji is Professor With the rampant loss of life today terminal illness, discovered early, is a have WhatsApp for networking. Only Emeritus, Educational Technology. it is advisable to draw up a last will, prelude to death with an opportunity a few countries block social media He is an educational consultant and buy life or death insurance and for the end of life preparation. In calls. And how wonderful would it be a proponent for life-long learning. enjoy the limited time you have with other cases, death is sudden or for us to extend the traditional social Prof. Nkemnji dedicates this family and friends. Many affordable accidental, except when one becomes values of visiting with friends and contribution to the blessed memory life/burial insurance plans can vegetative (due to Alzheimer›s or relatives occasionally? That could of Pa Nkemnji Achenjang and Ma be obtained from employment or other illness) before passing away. even prolong life. Agnes Nkemnji. Thank you for the through groups and associations like At such a stage, your behavior and The problem today is that though everlasting love that continues SAGI for Cameroonians abroad. Such personality make you no longer we know that life is fleeting and that with: investments are aimed at helping yourself. You are seemingly dead every person we love will surely with financial expenditures. If you though still breathing. Regardless take that eternal trip, we are not have a job and do not have health of when or how death comes, family wise enough to slow down, call, The Green Legacy Of Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed Enters Phase Two By Amos Fofung onday July 29, 2019 became known as Green MLegacy day in Ethiopia after the government coordinated efforts and planted some 353 million trees in just 12hours. What followed was a massive tree-planting campaign, that made international news and broke world records. In total, Ethiopia planted over four billion trees in 2019 in what is today termed the first Green Legacy Campaign championed by the Nobel peace prize-winning Premier, Abiy Ahmed Ali. It was reported that over twenty million citizens took part in the ground-breaking event which according to Prime Minister Abiy Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed planting a Cordia africana.Photo ,Office of the Prime Minister. Ahmed is an “initiative is critical to resilience, and transition into a Prime Minister to mobilize the people to carry out environmental Ethiopia’s aspirations to build a green green society has earned Ethiopia the people for the campaign, which protection work that can make a big and climate-resilient economy.” admiration of many conservative and is contributing to radical forest- difference in greening this country.” Returning this year, Ethiopia has environmental-friendly organization landscape transformations and better World Reforestation leader announced that it seeks to plant some are lined up to support the move. livelihoods. After losing nearly 97% of its native five billion trees in its second Green Girma Eshete, International “I have never seen such strong forest due to a growing population Legacy campaign. The reforestation Council for Research in Agroforestry, leadership commitment in this and an increased need for land for initiative geared at combating ICRAF senior forester says this country,’ said Eshete. ‘Such food production, Ethiopia committed environmental degradation, build is an innovative effort by the leadership can easily mobilize the to restoring 15 million hectares of 52 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs deforested land by 2025. An initiative recalled Gelcha. that caught well spearheaded by The over-exploitation of forest Abiy Ahmed since becoming Prime resources in Ethiopia has left less Minister in 2018. than 3 percent of the country’s native Ethiopia has not always had a forests untouched. The deforestation deforestation crisis. But human around Humbo threatened activities are largely to be blamed for groundwater reserves that provide the country’s environmental setbacks. 65,000 people with potable water and A good example is seen in Humbo, a has caused severe erosion. As a result, village about 420 kilometers south- heavy rain events cause lowland east of Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa areas to flood and in extreme events, where Gelcha Gelana has lived there mudslides kill people and livestock all his life and has seen the land and damage crops, roads, bridges, change greatly during his 67 years. and other infrastructure. “Three decades back, the The World Bank has since directed mountains were covered with dense its efforts towards the Regeneration jungle and were home to diversified of the Humbo Mountain. The Green wild animal species including lions, Legacy Campaign comes to tackle the leopards, hyenas, python, and deer,” reforestation in the country as a whole he said. “The grasses and leaves from with Prime Minister Abiy emphasized the mountain served us with feed for the importance of continuity and our cattle and the forest’s dry fallen finishing what has been started. branches provided firewood.” Budgeted to cost the country over But since the 1960s, poverty, 4 billion Birr, ($117 million) many hunger, drought, and an increase Ethiopians are ecstatic about the demand for agricultural space has project but they are those who have a plan a reality,” Adefris Worku, an preservation, so they form a better r/ forced communities to over-use reservations. environmentalist based in the capital ship with nature. My family & I call their natural resources. Many trees “The new initiative seems appealing told Quartz. upon all #Ethiopians to plant their had been cut down for buildings, from the outset and it is a good Up to 84% of the seedlings planted #GreenLegacy at the household level, firewood, charcoal, and furniture, opportunity to raise forest coverage last year are said to have survived observing #COVID19 prevention with little or no regulation. “The forest of the country, but the cost to plant according to the prime minister’s measures,” PM Abiy said in a tweet. gradually dwindled and changed into and take care of the trees should be office. “We can instill many +ve small bushes. Wild animals vanished taken into consideration when the values in children early on, including and the mountains turned barren,” government attempts to make such an outlook for environmental Between Hushpuppi and Hushpoliticians By Chido Onumah * he last one month has would go to Mc Edo witnessed a celebration of Pikin, the talented and Tcrime and corruption in creative comedian who Nigeria, from Ramoni Olorunwa has popularized skits that Abbas, aka Ray Hushpuppi, compare absurd topics to the Minister of Labour and and situations. I imagined Employment, Chris Ngige, and the Mc Edo Pikin working on management of the Nigeria Social the difference between Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF), to Hushpuppi and what we the Nigerian National Petroleum shall call Hushpoliticians— Corporation (NNPC) which the the tribe of political and president supervises as Minister of public officers who have Petroleum Resources, to the Minister mortgaged the estate called of Niger Delta, Godswill Akpabio, Nigeria. He did not do that. and the leadership of the Niger But he did not disappoint Delta Development Commission when he released the (NDDC), to the Minister of Justice, “Difference between NDDC Abubakar Malami and the Economic and NCDC.” Nigeria is a nest and Financial Crimes Commission of political Hushpuppies— Godswill Akpabio, with President in London, (EFCC), and everything in between. from Dino Melaye, an ally of United Kingdom. With each revelation, my mind Hushpuppi, to Ayo Fayose, PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 53 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

Orji Uzor Kalu and Theodore Orji, to Rochas Okorocha, the list is endless. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, the Director- General and CEO of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission was right when she said—in response to the Hushpuppi affair—that the actions of Ramoni Olorunwa Abbas do not reflect who we are as a people. Ifin defence of our national pride we can afford to “deny” Mr. Abbas, I wonder what Abike Dabiri-Erewa makes of the putrid news of corruption by our Hushpoliticians oozing from every national orifice in the last one month. As a friend remarked when I used the term Hushpoliticians in a WhatsApp group recently, “When you think about it, Hushpuppi is better than Chido Onumah. these politicians. He is stealing other people’s money while our politicians the Hushpolitician is the father of Akpabio border on the award of in the state up to N100 million a year, are robbing our patrimony.” Hushpuppi. bogus contracts to cronies who used and a former deputy governor and Of course, there is nothing new Stealing from Nigerians has the proceeds to buy several properties spouse up to N30 million, for medical about the activities of Hushpuppi been a favourite pastime of our in and Abuja. treatment. Of course, this is pocket and his clan, which includes the likes Hushpoliticians since independence. Three years ago, Mr. Akpabio money for Akpabio because he will of Obinwanne George Okeke, aka But it does appear it has been given and his colleagues in the “Former be paid that money whether he and Invictus Obi, and Olalekan Jacob some veneer of legality in the last Governors Club” incurred the wrath his wife receive medical treatment or Ponle, aka Woodberry. The rise two decades. Let us use Mr. Godswill of Nigerians when their allowances not. With this allowance, there was no of Hushpuppi and others like him Akpabio, Nigeria’s Minister of Niger and other perquisites of office became incentive for Akpabio to worry about must be viewed within the context Delta, as a case study. Information public. In January 2017, a report in the health infrastructure in his state of the new mode of expropriation available on notes Vanguard newspaper noted that 47 if he could rob the state to take care and accumulation under capitalism. that Akpabio has held political office former governors from 21 states in of himself and his family indefinitely. I am sure there are many young since 2002 when he was appointed the country, drew as much as N37.4 Akpabio’s law provides that as people in Nigeria who want to live the Commissioner for Petroleum and billion from the public treasury. At ex-governor, he and his deputy Hushpuppi dream; millions who may Natural Resources in Akwa Ibom the time of the report, there were 21 will receive pensions equivalent to never have the benefit of education State. Between 2002 and 2006, he serving senators receiving pensions 100% of annual basic salaries of the and opportunity to get a job no matter served as a Commissioner in three key from government as ex-governors incumbent governor and deputy how hard they try; millions who ministries: Petroleum and Natural and deputy governors. There were (note: 100% of annual basic salaries are daily incubating new schemes Resources, Local Government and also ministers receiving pensions as of the incumbent governor, emphasis while mired in the pain created by Chieftaincy Affairs, as well as Lands ex-governors. mine), one house not below 5-bed Hushpoliticians. Those who do not and Housing. He served as governor As they prepared to leave maisonette in either Abuja or Akwa advance to become Hushpuppi will of the oil-rich state from 2007 to 2015 office in May 2015, many of these Ibom for the former governor and pray their way to becoming sidekicks and senator from 2015 to 2019 when Hushpoliticians hurriedly signed 500% annual basic for the deputy for and thugs of politicians and ultimately he was appointed a minister after or amended existing laws to give accommodation. For transportation, grow into Hushpoliticians. his “uncommon defection” from the themselves fantastic lifetime he and his deputy will get one car But this piece is not about opposition People’s Democratic Party “retirement benefits.” This was the and one utility car every four years. Hushpuppi—the young man whose (PDP) to the ruling All Progressives subject of a 2017 essay and later the Add to this, a furniture allowance, ambition was to own a few commercial Congress (APC). title of a pamphlet—The Politics of every four years, that is 300% of motorcycles and marry the daughter Of course, there is nothing State Robbery in Nigeria—published annual basic salary. He will receive of a small-town restaurateur—who progressive about Akpabio and in 2018. I shall quote extensively from N5 million and his deputy gets N2.5 has managed to build global notoriety his APC. After leaving office in that essay to underscore the depth of million for domestic staff. Akpabio and a rap sheet as long as the Sheikh 2015, Akpabio was the subject of the current crisis. was not done. He will get a car Zayed Road in Dubai, UAE. There investigation by the Counterterrorism Akpabio stood out in this official maintenance allowance that is 300% will be another opportunity to and General Investigation Section of sleaze. While leaving office as of annual basic salary, entertainment explore the different dimensions of the Economic and Financial Crimes governor of Akwa Ibom State, he allowance, 100% of annual basic the Hushpuppi phenomenon. Just to Commission (EFCC) over allegations passed the Governors and Deputy salary, utility: 100% of annual basic say that Nigerian Hushpoliticians are that he misappropriated more than Governors Pension Law which salary, and severance gratuity: 300% enablers of Hushpuppi and company; N100bn. The allegations against entitles a former governor and spouse annual basic salary. 54 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

The Governor and salary every two years. Niger Delta, Mr. Akpabio has been on why the problem of corruption in Deputy Governor Pensions Law We can go on and on. There is no accused of sundry acts of corruption the NDDC—and indeed across the of 2007 endorsed by ex-governor name for this other than robbery. by a former acting Managing Director country—persists. In an interview Babatunde Fashola, now Minister That it is sanctioned by the state of the NDDC, Joi Nunieh. Mr. with Arise TV, he said the president of Works and Housing, is even more makes it no less grievous than armed Akpabio’s only defence for now is that was not aware of the situation. That lucrative. It provides that a former robbery. I made these arguments Joi Nunieh had been married four is the gut-wrenching reality. We are governor is entitled to six new vehicles three years ago. Since then, nothing times. You would think Mr. Akpabio saddled with an absentee president. (three cars, two back-up cars and one has changed—the situation has gotten works at a marriage registry not the No matter how hard Femi Adesina pilot car) every three years and a worse—except the fact that Akpabio Ministry of Niger Delta. Meanwhile, and Garba Shehu, the president’s house in Lagos and another in Abuja, has moved from the PDP to the APC. the man who ought to sanction Mr. myrmidons, try to spin it, Nigeria is a the country’s most expensive housing Of course, state robbery—or what the Akpabio and rein in the banditry at ship without a captain. markets. His deputy gets five vehicles late Afrobeat legend, Fela Anikulapo- the NDDC led by the fainthearted Prof To think we must endure another every three years. They and their Kuti called Authority Stealing—has no Kemebradikumo Daniel Pondei has three years of Buhari’s House of family members—you only need to party affiliation. This robbery unites gone AWOL. Of course, this Daniel is Commotion. invoke the governor’s name to qualify our political elite, no matter their not likely to come to judgement. Did I hear someone say as a family member—are entitled party, religious or ethnic affiliations. While we criticize Mr. Akpabio, #RevolutionNow! to unlimited free medical services. Once they are in power, they use the Prof Pondei, and others for their *Onumah’s latest work, When is Their pension will be the equivalent instrumentality of the state to rob malfeasance, we should not lose a Nation: Remaking Nigeria at 60 of 100% of annual basic salaries of their people and the country at will, sight of the bigger problem: the issue is due October 1, 2020. He can be the incumbent governor and deputy. while using laws to cover their crimes. of restructuring Nigeria, as well as reached via [email protected] There is a furniture allowance This is the scenario currently the current leadership void in the or @conumah for these former “excellencies” that playing out with the corruption country. We also have Mr. Akpabio comes to 300% of their annual basic scandal at the NDDC. As Minister of to thank for his uncommon insight

PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 55 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

56 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Zimbabwe Registers Progress In Managing Climate Change Impacts By Wallace Mawire

imbabwe has made targets across sectors and support the tremendous progress in development of projects for funding Zthe management of climate from the Green Climate Fund. change impacts and reduction of The Green Climate Fund (GCF) green-house gas emissions, according is a global fund created to support to a recent statement which has the efforts of developing countries to been released by the Ministry of respond to the challenge of climate Environment, Climate, Tourism and change. It aims at supporting the Hospitality Industry and shared with implementation of Paris Agreement. various stakeholders. The GCF helps developing countries According to Elisha Moyo, Principal limit or reduce their greenhouse Climate Researcher in the Climate gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to Change Management Department climate change. It seeks to promote of the ministry, despite the progress a paradigm shift to low-emission and made, gaps and opportunities still climate-resilient development, taking exist and further work is required to into account the needs of countries achieve climate resilience, follow a that are particularly vulnerable to low carbon development pathway and climate change impacts. compliance with global and regional A fundamental principle of Elisha Moyo, Principal Climate Researcher in the Climate environmental obligations such as the Change Management. the Green Climate Fund is that Nationally Determined Contributions developing countries have ownership (NDCs), as well as achievements of the engagement of Zimbabwe with to the GCF and support the country’s over the results of the projects and country’s developmental aspirations. the Green Climate Fund and other economic transformation. programmes financed using GCF Moyo made the remarks in a climate funds. Average annual temperature has resources (Country Ownership recent call for input by the ministry It is added that on a yearly basis, increased by more than 1.0oC in the Principle). In this sense, each country for new Green Climate Fund (GCF) the National Designated Authority past century and evidence points must set its national priorities and readiness activity areas, revised GCF (NDA) will update the national out that climate is a major driving present its strategy for engagement country programme draft and call priorities through a consultative factor for most of Zimbabwe’s socio- with the fund through a Country for information on GCF proposal process coupled with a gap analysis economic activities, especially in the Programme.To receive GCF funding, and concept note development for for climate change interventions in energy and agriculture sectors, such countries are requested to develop projects. both mitigation and adaptation. It that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) so called “Country Programmes” Mr Moyo is the Climate Technology will then communicate its priorities is closely linked with rainfall patterns. outlining the needs of their country Centre and Network (CTCN) National to the Accredited Entities (AEs) Climate change hazards under climate change and how the Designated Entity (NDE) and GCF active in the country and share it with exacerbate poverty, food insecurity, funding will be used to address these Alternate National Focal Point stakeholders. The Accredited Entities malnutrition, water shortages and needs, both in terms of mitigation contact person in the country. are the implementing entities that act environmental degradation among and adaptation. The Green Climate Fund National as a country’s programme managers other developmental challenges, Cognizant of the urgency to act in Designated Authority is calling for of the fund grants. It is reported which threaten to derail the addressing the challenge of climate input which will shape the country’s that this will enable avoidance of development strides made by the change, in 2013, the Government of readiness project and GCF country duplication and enhance coordination Government of Zimbabwe since Zimbabwe established the Climate pipeline. among actors in the country. independence. Change Management Department as It is reported that Zimbabwe The Country Programme, a The country’s Nationally well as several policies and strategies has been accessing various forms of five-year strategic document for Determined Contributions (NDCs) to address climate change. climate funds including readiness engagement with the Green Climate clearly articulate the country’s It is reported that the country’s funds from the Green Climate Fund. Fund (GCF), was developed for the ambition to reduce greenhouse gas total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions The country also intends to utilize its Government of Zimbabwe through (GHG) emissions by 33% by 2030, contribute less than 0.05% to global readiness quota in a programmatic funding from the Green Climate Fund with the energy sector leading in emissions, making it a low emitter approach for the next three years. Readiness and Preparatory Support mitigation efforts and agricultural (Zimbabwe’s Nationally Determined The responsible ministry says Programme. sector leading in adaptation. Contributions), yet the country has that important capacity gaps The country programme provides The country has also developed the suffered the brunt of climate change remain for the implementation of the a springboard for strategic projects Low Emission Development Strategy in recent years. country programme and successful of national importance for funding (LEDS) to broaden the mitigation PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 57 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Stephen Tataw: Cameroon's 1990 Italia World Cup Captain Dies By Boris Esono Nwenfor

Stephen Tataw led Cameroon to be the first African team to qualify for the quater-finals of the FIFA World cup in Italy in 1990.

ormer Indomitable Lions the semi-finals. Ghana was perhaps 1994 and won the Africa Cup of Tataw today. I keep the memory of captain Stephen Etta Tataw, the unluckiest of the three; in their Nations in 1988, seeing off bitter a great footballer and a remarkable Fwinner of the 1988 AFCON quarter-final against Uruguay, with rivals Nigeria 1-0 in Casablanca. It leader. All my condolences to his has died aged 57. The emblematic the scores level almost at the end of was the second championship win of family and loved ones,” FECAFOOT captain passed on due to a “protracted extra-time, a Ghanaian shot was only that decade. president Seidou Mbombo Njoya illness”, FECAFOOT reported. prevented from entering the goal by Tataw was a member of the Fecafoot tweeted. The right-back was most famous a dramatic handball by Uruguayan technical directorate before his death Cameroon coach , for playing every minute as he led striker Luis Suarez. Had it gone in and was among the officials to preside who is also the nation’s most the Indomitable Lions to the quarter- there almost certainly wouldn›t over the draws of 2020 Africa Nations capped player, paid tribute to Tataw finals of the 1990 World Cup in Italy. have been time for any Uruguayan Championship, which was to be held describing him as an “emblematic He led the side to the quarter-finals comeback. But Suarez was sent off; in Cameroon between April 4 and captain” who greatly touched his life. of the FIFA World eventually being Ghana missed the resultant penalty 25, but was cancelled because of the “I had a personal relationship with beaten by England 3-2 in extra-time. and then also lost the subsequent coronavirus pandemic and has since him. I feel very indebted to him. He They famously defeated Argentina penalty shoot-out. been shifted to January 2021. was an emblematic captain,” Song in the opening game of the World cup. His club career saw him play Members of Cameroon’s football was quoted saying on the Fecafoot Cameroon also defeated Romania and for Cameroonian sides Tonnerre fraternity took to social media to website. “I had the opportunity to Colombia during the competition to Yaounde and Olympic Mvolye before express their sadness at the passing know and meet him during the 1994 become the first team to make it to ending his playing days in Japan with of Tataw, who is regarded as one of World Cup and then I was young. the quarter-finals of the competition. Tosu Futures. He earned 63 caps with the West African nation’s greatest «I was with seniors who played with Since then Senegal in 2002 (their the indomitable lions of Cameroon footballers. him in 1990. He greatly touched my debut performance) and Ghana in and won the 1988 AFCON in Morocco. “It was with sad emotions that life… he was modest and very present 2010 also reached the quarter-finals, Tataw played for the Cameroon I learned the death of former in the field of play and when I became but no African team has yet reached national team between 1986 and Indomitable Lions Captain Stephen captain, I think I had the same spirit. 58 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs «He gave reason to spectators to want to watch matches. He was reserved yet very efficient. This is a major loss. When he called me captain, I told him you are the true captain. «Man proposes and God disposes of. May he rest in peace.” Born in the capital city of Yaounde on March 31, 1963, Tataw’s club career began with his hometown side Tonnerre Yaounde before moving to Olympic Mvolye in 1991 and then joining Japanese side Tosu Futures in 1994, playing there until 1996 where he finally called time on his career. He was the first African player to ply his trade in the Far East country. The 57-year-old was a staff at the Technical Directorate of FECAFOOT at the time of his death.

Cancellation of AWCON 2020: A bitter pill to swallow for some Female Footballers By Boris Esono Nwenfor he Confederation of African Football, CAF recently Tannounced that the 2020 edition of its premier women›s tournament, which has been held consistently every other year since 1998, would be cancelled as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The competition was set to run from November 23 to December 20. CAF’s decision to cancel the showpiece was due to the present health pandemic which forced the indefinite postponement of its qualifying series earlier billed for April and June. A host for the competition had not equally been found after Congo pulled out from hosting the competition, something which put this year›s competition in OSHOALA won the CAF Women›s Player of the Year for the fourth time in 2019. doubt. This decision has been met with competitions POSTPONED but prioritize women›s football. The continental tournament that happens rebuttal from some of the game’s AWCON «CANCELLED» thank you men›s tournament was not cancelled. every two years. Moving it to 2021 biggest names who have accused CAF once again for making us realize You cannot scrap a continental would have been okay. But saying of neglecting women’s football. Four- women›s football isn›t important to tournament just like that. I think it it is going to be cancelled is not. We time African woman Player of the you. Congratulations on dragging us is a big slap on our faces to scrap this cannot be at this level in 2020, it›s a Year Asisat Oshoala of Nigeria has back AGAIN. Adios to all the women year›s edition.” shame. We need a proper explanation hit out at the decision to completely National teams in Africa, see y›all in «It is not looking good. They as to why this decision was taken.» cancel the tournament and accused 2022 #PrioritizeWomensFootball have always been struggling to get Cameroonian international CAF of dragging the women›s game #NoExcuse» a host nation for the tournament. Nchout Njoya Ajara also hit out at backwards. Speaking to ESPN Oshoala said: You cannot be struggling to get a the decision by CAF to cancel the In a tweet, she said: «Other «CAF needs to make sure they host nation for the Nations Cup, a tournament saying three years in a PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III 59 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

lifetime is long, Goal reported. “An Africa Women’s Cup of Nations is more than a competition,” Nchout Ajara, runner up for the 2019 Africa Women’s Player of the Year wrote on her Instagram page. Cameroon finished three times as AWCON runners-up in the past 11 editions and the cancellation of this year’s edition has dashed the quest for Ajara and her colleagues to win their first continental crown. “Whatever, Africa Women’s football will fall behind. Africa Women’s football does not offer much opportunity to see one’s talents. AFCON is a door of opportunity for us. Many of us have emerged with the Isha Johansen is the second current female football association President in the world along with Lydia Nsekera of Burundi. AWCON. Three years in a lifetime is far. I am sad for my young sisters and «For the 2020 AWCON, there were to host a tournament, it becomes participants will be determined. «We African women’s football,” She said. circumstances beyond our control quite complex and problematic are still discussing the format but Isha Johanssen, chairperson of which made it difficult for CAF to that becomes a problem we cannot most likely, albeit still to be defined, the CAF Organizing Committee organize it. All options were explored organise a competition without the the first edition of the Women›s for Women›s Football in an audio but to no avail. guarantee from the government of Champions League will be a final interview released by CAF pushed «First, the withdrawal of Congo the country. tournament in one host country,» back on claims that the confederation meant that we had to look for new Creation of African Women›s said Abdel Bah, CAF interim SG. does not prioritize women›s football. hosts. The bid was reopened and Champions League «We are still having discussions Johanssen said: «Women›s we received bids from Nigeria and In the second half of 2021, a today about how many teams and how football means a lot to CAF. We take Equatorial Guinea. However, both tournament perhaps featuring eight to qualify the teams - we don›t know pride not only in the fact that we have bids lacked the most important of Africa›s best female club sides will if we will have qualifiers or if we will women›s football in our calendar document, that document being the play in perhaps a single host nation take the best teams and qualify them but also the fact that we are facing letter of support from their respective for the right to be the continent›s directly for this first edition. But for these challenges head-on and we are governments. best. sure, it will be a final tournament.» making great strives to change the «If you can›t get a letter of As implied, much has still to be «It is really good because a narrative. support from your government decided - not least of all how the competition like that keep teams together and it is more exposure for local players,” Oshoala said. «It will also help to grow and market women›s football across the continent. Even if the federations are not being serious the clubs will have something to aspire to because they have to represent their countries, they will take things seriously and support the local teams, just the way the men›s clubs do.” «For me, I think it is a very good one. I understand that only a few countries have proper leagues. But if you don›t start, it can›t get better. Even if there are only three or four teams, they should just start first. If you don›t start something, you can›t improve on it. “… Nevertheless, I congratulate Africa Football Confederation for the creation of the Africa Women’s Champions League. We take RDV to The Indomitable Lionesses of Cameroon have never won the AWCON. 2020,” Nchout Ajara said. 60 PAV - AUG. 2020 - MAG 0820 Vol III PAN AFRICAN VISIONS PANM A R K E T IN G A F R IC A NAFRICAN S U C C E S S S T O R IE S & M O R E VISIONs Inside Africa Inside Africa MAG 1218 Vol 1, December 2018 D C A T I A P A A new Gate Way to Africa for you with Pan African Visions Are you looking for more product or brand awareness? Are you trying to drive more traffic to your I H P M site? T A A I H T R A R L R A Are you trying to grow your business or M C S S L T PAGE 10 O E S C O network with decision makers? P M PAGE 14 N MERC Do you need cost effective advertisement R PAGE 31 P A that will be seen by millions? 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