Analysis of Heat Transfer in Air Cooled Condensers
Analysis of Heat Transfer in Air Cooled Condensers Sigríður Bára Ingadóttir FacultyFaculty of of Industrial Industrial Engineering, Engineering, Mechanical Mechanical Engineering Engineering and and ComputerComputer Science Science UniversityUniversity of of Iceland Iceland 20142014 ANALYSIS OF HEAT TRANSFER IN AIR COOLED CONDENSERS Sigríður Bára Ingadóttir 30 ECTS thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of a Magister Scientiarum degree in Mechanical Engineering Advisors Halldór Pálsson, Associate Professor, University of Iceland Óttar Kjartansson, Green Energy Group AS Gestur Bárðarson, Green Energy Group AS Faculty Representative Ármann Gylfason, Associate Professor, Reykjavík University Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland Reykjavik, May 2014 Analysis of Heat Transfer in Air Cooled Condensers Analysis of Heat Transfer in ACCs 30 ECTS thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of a M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engi- neering Copyright c 2014 Sigríður Bára Ingadóttir All rights reserved Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland VRII, Hjardarhagi 2-6 107, Reykjavik, Reykjavik Iceland Telephone: 525 4000 Bibliographic information: Sigríður Bára Ingadóttir, 2014, Analysis of Heat Transfer in Air Cooled Condensers, M.Sc. thesis, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Iceland. Printing: Háskólaprent, Fálkagata 2, 107 Reykjavík Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2014 Abstract Condensing units at geothermal power plants containing surface condensers and cooling towers utilize great amounts of water. Air cooled condensers (ACCs) are not typically paired with dry or flash steam geothermal power plants, but can be a viable solution to eliminate the extensive water usage and vapor emissions related to water cooled systems.
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