MICUS A SPRING 2013 Action Plan Scholarships The Campaign Loan Repayment Assistance For Colorado Professorships Core Programs Law’s Future UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO LAW SCHOOL 550678906789 UCUC AAMICUS3.inddMICUS3.indd 2 33/15/13/15/13 22:18:18 PMPM The Campaign for Colorado Law’s Future 3 6 10 2 LETTER FROM DEAN PHIL WEISER 10 Loan 3 HUMAN CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Repayment 5 ACTION PLAN Assistance 6 Scholarships 10 GLOVER 11 SCHULTZ 7 GARG, STILLER-SCHULMAN 8 BARASH SCHOLARSHIP Electronic copies of Amicus are available at www.colorado.edu/law/alumni. Inquiries regarding content contained herein may be addressed to: Colorado Law, ATTN: Amicus, 401 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309 or
[email protected]. 550678906789 UCUC AAMICUS3.inddMICUS3.indd 3 33/15/13/15/13 22:18:18 PMPM Amicus Volume XXIX, Number 1 Spring 2013 12 14 26 12 Professorships 14 Core Programs 12 BERNTHAL, MENDELSON 14 GETCHES-WILKINSON CENTER 13 HATFIELD 18 SILICON FLATIRONS CENTER 19 EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING 20 WHITE CENTER Editing: Keri Ungemah and Vicki Czech Writing: Hannah Bracamonte, Katy Brown, Surbhi Garg, A. Tyrone 21 FACULTY, STAFF Glover, Therese Kerfoot, Madelaine Maior, Laura McNabb, Laurie Rust, Mary Beth Searles, Marcia Segall, Ari Stiller-Shulman, Keri Ungemah, Phil Weiser, and Charles Wilkinson 22 NEWS Design and Production: Sa! ron Park Photography: Glenn Asakawa, Casey A. Cass, Patrick Campbell, 24 HONOR ROLL George Bloom, Laura McNabb, and Madeline Tyo Printing: D&K Printing 26 ALUMNI 550678906789 UCUC AAMICUS3.inddMICUS3.indd 4 33/15/13/15/13 22:18:18 PMPM DEAN’S LETTER A Winning Strategy t orientation this year, we asked every incoming student to read ! e Start-up of You (by LinkedIn founder Reid Ho! man) and to watch the movie Moneyball in preparation for a small group discussion.