Obama Tackles Immigration Tackles Obama
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COLORADO’S #1 HISPANIC-OWNED BILINGUAL PUBLICATION VOL. XXXVII NO. 20 National Association of Hispanic Publications May 18, 2011 LA VIDA LATINA Obama tackles immigration Oprah paved the way on T.V. and as a humanitarian. Page 7 ESTA SEMANA THIS WEEK CommUniTY COMUniDAD New Visitor Center The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center offers something for all family members to enjoy. 3 CommENTARY ComENTARIO Nuevo alcalde Photo credit: Newscom Denver necesita un A boys shows a US flag as President Barack Obama speaks on immi- Un niño muestra una bandera de EE.UU. mientras que el presidente alcalde que trabaje con la gration at the Chamizal National Memorial on May 10, 2011 in El Paso, Barack Obama habla sobre la inmigración en el Chamizal National prioridad de mantener sol- Texas. Obama has recently revived his goal of achieving comprehensive Memorial el 10 de mayo del 2011 en El Paso, Texas. Obama ha revivido vente la ciudad. immigration reform, opening a path to legalization for the estimated recientemente su objetivo de lograr una reforma migratoria integral, 6 11 million foreign nationals living in the country illegally, most of them abriendo un camino para la legalización de los aproximadamente 11 Hispanics. millones de extranjeros que viven ilegalmente en el país, la mayoría de ellos hispanos. SPORTS ERNEST GURULÉ of Columbia do not even come to the U.S. census that number is tion reform. DEPORTES Thanks to the recently close to the estimated population about seven million short of the When he spoke at the bor- released 2010 U.S. census data, of the country’s undocumented estimated 12 million undocument- der last week in El Paso, Texas, it is now possible to say without immigrants. Not by a long shot. ed immigrants spread across the President Obama told a friendly A different team equivocation that the combined The combined population of 48 contiguous states. And there- audience that he has done every- The Rockies are an populations of Alaska, Delaware, the seven aforementioned states in lays the rub, for both ardent thing that Republicans have asked energized team looking to Montana, North and South Dakota, and Washington D.C. is slightly anti-immigration forces and those for to beef up southern border bring back the wins. Vermont, Wyoming and the District more than five million. According favoring comprehensive immigra- CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 >> 13 Obama enfrenta la inmigración ¿QUE PASA? WHAt’s HAPPENING Gracias a los recientemente decir sin equivocación que la y Washington D.C. es escasamente para los que están a favor de una divulgados datos del censo de los población combinada de Alaska, más de cinco millones. De acuerdo reforma comprensiva inmigratoria. EVENTS CALENDAR, PAGE 8 EE.UU. del 2010, es posible ahora Delaware, Montana, North y South con el censo de los EE.UU. ese Cuando habló en la frontera la Dakota, Vermont, Wyoming y el número de cerca de siete mil- semana pasada en El Paso, Texas, Distrito de Columbia ni siquiera lones, sin acercarse siquiera a el Presidente Obama habló a una se acercan a la población calcu- los 12 millones de inmigrantes audiencia amigable de que =él ha lada de los inmigrantes indocu- indocumentados que se calcula hecho todo lo que los republicanos mentados del país. Ni siquiera se se encuentran regados en los 48 le han pedido para asegurar la acercan. estados contiguos. Y ahí está la seguridad de la frontera sur, con La población combinada de los fricción, para las ardientes fuer- la posible excepción, dijo él, de siete estados mencionados arriba zas anti-inmigratorias y también PERMIT NO. 208 NO. PERMIT CONTINUA EN PÁGINA 12 >> DENVER, CO CO DENVER, US POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE US PRSRT STD PRSRT www.lavozcolorado.com 2 LA VOZ Bilingüe May 18, 2011 Junto a ti cuando llegó el momento de buscar más espacio Asesoría hipotecaria gratis En Wells Fargo sabemos que llega el momento de buscar una casa y así disfrutar la comodidad de tu hogar. Por eso en una asesoría hipotecaria gratis, nuestros asesores te ayudarán durante el proceso de comprar casa respondiendo a tus preguntas. También te brindarán gratis materiales educativos para la compra de casa en español, incluyendo la Guía para Compradores de la Primera Casa. Además, para saber el monto del préstamo que te podría ser otorgado, cuentas con una preaprobación PriorityBuyer® 1. 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This information is accurate as of date of printing and is subject to change without notice. Please note, all other communications, legal documents and disclosures will be provided to you in English. We recommend that you obtain the services of an independent third party interpreter to assist you as needed. © 2011 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Todos los derechos reservados. Miembro FDIC. NMLSR ID 399801 May 18, 2011 LA VOZ Bilingüe COMUNIDAD / COMMUNITY 3 Visitor Center offers adventure for families BERTHA VELASQUEZ a dress up corner offered to children. There are artifact When you enter the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National that the public is not allowed to touch such as an actual Wildlife Refuge you are greeted by a vast landscape hous- switchboard and a control panel. However, one is able to ing Colorado’s wildlife. While many are aware of its exis- admire their place in history. tence, its border situated along Commerce City, many may Also standing gallantly for visitors to admire are a not really understand the importance of this wildlife refuge. full mounted bison bull, coyotes and deer. From the pho- Upon entering the Refuge you make your way on a tographic timeline display, motion sensors heightening winding, dirt road leaving its gated entrance in the rear- viewer’s experience and the Nature’s Nest bookstore and view mirror. Along the way deer and fawns frolic on the gift shop — there is something for all family members to sides of the road. You make your final stop noting the solar enjoy. panels stationed at the parking lot of the Visitor Center, This year, the 1st Annual Rocky Mountain Wildlife Film which will soon host its grand opening on Saturday, May Festival, featuring award-winning documentaries, will run 21 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. through Saturday, May 28. from May 20-22 and on May 27-29 at the Rocky Mountain Immediately after entering the Visitor Center the Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center, 6550 grandeur of the 12,500 square foot building with its empha- Gateway Rd. in Commerce City. Berendzen said that the sis on sustainability becomes evident. From the ground up, festival will show “wildlife films not shown in this country” the building was built with “green” in mind. The building before. For more information about the film festival, visit features ceiling and front desk trim made from Colorado www.WildlifeFilmFestivals.com. For ticket information log lodgepole pine trees that were killed by pine beetles and onto ffrwr.org/nature-shop/film-festival/. the floor comes from bark peeled from cork trees. With an The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge impressive LEED rating, no detail went unnoticed in its Photo credit: Curtis Lewis Images is one of the largest urban refuges in the nation with its construction. Berendzen said about the team effort when developing acres totaling 15,000. There are more than 25,000 annual At the right of the entrance is an area reserved for a the display. The exhibit takes the visitor through the early visitors to the Refuge—a number expected to reach 200,000 display that gives visitors an insight into the past and pres- plant community of the Refuge, the contributions of Native in nine years. Among the 330 species that call the Refuge ent of the Refuge. “We set it up in a timeline fashion,” said Americans that resided in the area, the homestead era, its home are bison, bald eagles, burrowing owls and deer. Steve Berendzen, Refuge manager. Berendzen served as arsenal history and into present day from its cleaning stages If you’d like more information about the Rocky Mountain tour guide while making our way through the display. He to the current wildlife refuge. Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center visit explained how the Visitor Center showcases the periods Along the way, visitors get a hands on opportunity to www.fws.gov/rockymountainarsenal. important to the history of the Refuge. further increase their knowledge with aids detailing the Bertha Velasquez is editorial assistant for La Voz and “I think they did a fantastic job with this display,” sounds of the periods, mechanical cranks and there is even can be reached at [email protected] Centro de Visitas ofrece aventura para familias Cuando uno entra al Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge es recibido por un amplio paisaje que alber- ga la vida silvestre de Colorado.