Riverside Lawyer Magazine, Which Is Published by the RCBA 11 Times a Year
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(DRS) is a mediation and arbitration provider Why let the judge or jury decide your case when an experienced professional mediator from DRS can assist you in achieving a settlement of your dispute...on your terms. YELLOW RCBA Board 2013-2014 BLACK DRS, a less expensive, prompt and effective means to Dispute Resolution DRS is the approved mediation service for the Riverside County Superior Court. Barristers Board 4129 Main Street, Suite 100, Riverside, CA • (951) 682-2132 • www.rcbadrs.org 2013-2014 The official publication of the Riverside County Bar Association Publications Committee Sophia Choi Charlene Nelson Melissa Cushman Jean-Simon Serrano Abram Feuerstein Donna Thierbach Stefanie Field Bruce Todd CONTENTS Alexandra Fong Jamie Wrage Amy Guldner Lisa Yang Robyn Lewis Connie Younger Christopher Marin Editor ............................................. Jacqueline Carey-Wilson Columns: Design and Production ........................ PIP Printing Riverside 3 ........ President’s Message by Jacqueline Carey-Wilson Cover Design ........................................ PIP Printing Riverside 6 .........Barristers President’s Message by Kelly A. Moran Officers of the Bar Association COVER STORY: 18 ...................................................... 2013 Installation Dinner President President-Elect Jacqueline Carey-Wilson Chad W. Firetag (909) 387-4334 (951) 955-6000 [email protected] [email protected] Vice President Chief Financial Officer Kira L. Klatchko Jean-Simon Serrano Features: (760) 568-2611 (951) 682-6400 [email protected] [email protected] 8 ....................................................... Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court by the Hon. Jackson Lucky Secretary Past President L. Alexandra Fong Christopher B. Harmon 9 ............ MCLE Revisions Keep Hours at 25 for Now, Create New (951) 955-6300 (951) 787-6800 Provider Review System [email protected] [email protected] by Laura Ernde Directors-at-Large 10 ........... Five Reasons to Mentor in the RCBA’s Mentoring Program Jack B. Clarke, Jr. Neil D. Okazaki by Michael Gouveia (951) 686-1450 (951) 826-5988 [email protected] [email protected] 11 .......................Mentoring: Lessons Taught and Lessons Learned by Marlene L. Allen-Hammarlund Diana Renteria Jeffrey A. Van Wagenen, Jr. [email protected] (951) 955-5517 12 .......................................... The RCBA Building – Its Beginning [email protected] by Christopher G. Jensen Executive Director 14 ..........The 2013 E. Aurora Hughes Meritorious Award for Service: Charlene Nelson A Tribute to Associate Justice Thomas E. Hollenhorst (951) 682-1015 [email protected] 16 ................................................... 2013 Conference of Delegates by Michael L. Bazzo Officers of the Barristers Association 17 ......... Judge George R. Freeman and the Gordon Northcott Trial by the Hon. Helios J. Hernandez 20 ...................................... Sections and Committees of the RCBA President Treasurer Kelly A. Moran Sara Morgan (951) 682-5550 24 ..................................................... Our Lawyer Referral Service: [email protected] Members-at-Large Christopher Marin What Do You Really Know About It? Vice President Scott H. Talkov by Larry Maloney Reina Canale Past President 25 ............................... Choose Your Own Adventure: Bar Activities Secretary Amanda E. Schneider Arlene M. Cordoba 26 ........................Luis J. Rodriguez Leads the California State Bar as Its New President by Sophia Choi Riverside County Bar Association 4129 Main Street, Suite 100 Riverside, California 92501 Telephone Facsimile Departments: 951-682-1015 951-682-0106 Bench to Bar ............. 22 Classified Ads ............. 28 Internet E-mail www.riversidecountybar.com [email protected] Calendar .................. 2 Membership .............. 28 Riverside Lawyer, December 2013 1 MISSION STATEMENT CALENDAR Established in 1894 DECEMBER The Riverside County Bar Association, established in 1894 to foster social 5 New Admittee Swearing In Ceremony in ter ac tion between the bench and bar, is a professional or ga ni zation that pro- Riverside Superior Court, Dept. 1 10:00 a.m. vides con tinu ing education and offers an arena to resolve various problems that General Membership face the justice system and attorneys prac tic ing in Riverside Coun ty. Joint Meeting with the SBCBA Speaker: State Bar President Luis Rodriguez RCBA Mission Statement Topic: “The State of the State Bar” The mission of the Riverside County Bar Association is: Mission Inn, Spanish Art Gallery – Noon To serve our members, our communities, and our legal system. RSVP: (951)682-1015 or [email protected] 9 RCBA Shopping Elves – at Kmart Membership Benefits 6:00 p.m. Involvement in a variety of legal entities: Lawyer Referral Service (LRS), Pub- (Contact RCBA for more info) lic Ser vice Law Corporation (PSLC), Fee Ar bi tra tion, Client Re la tions, Dis pute 11-12 RCBA Wrapping Elves Res o lu tion Ser vice (DRS), Barristers, Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court, In land Em pire RCBA – 4:30 p.m. (contact RCBA for more info) Chap ter of the Federal Bar Asso ci a tion, Mock Trial, State Bar Confer ence of Del- 11 CLE Trial Practice Skills Series e gates, and Bridg ing the Gap. Speakers: Chad Firetag & Chris Harmon Membership meetings monthly (except July and August) with key note speak- Topic: “Cross Examination” ers, and par tic i pa tion in the many committees and sections. RCBA Gabbert Gallery – Noon Eleven issues of Riverside Lawyer published each year to update you on State MCLE Bar matters, ABA issues, local court rules, open forum for com mu ni ca tion and 12 Barristers “Promoting and Recruiting Attorneys for timely busi ness matters. Indigent Service Endeavors ‘PRAISE’ ” Social gatherings throughout the year: Installation of RCBA and Bar risters Terracina Brewery, 4025 Terracina Drive, Of fic ers din ner, Annual Joint Barristers and Riverside Legal Sec retar ies din ner, Riverside Law Day ac tiv i ties, Good Citizenship Award ceremony for Riv er side Coun ty high 5:30 p.m. schools, and other special activities. 18 Estate Planning, Probate & Elder Law Section Meeting Continuing Legal Education brown bag lunches and section workshops. Annual Christmas Luncheon RCBA is a cer ti fied provider for MCLE programs. Best, Best & Krieger - Noon MBNA Platinum Plus MasterCard, and optional insurance programs. JANUARY Discounted personal disability income and business overhead protection for 16 CLE Trial Practice Series the attorney and long-term care coverage for the attorney and his or her family. Speaker: Judge Richard T. Fields Topic: “Evidentiary Issues from a Judicial Perspective” RCBA John Gabbert Gallery Riverside Lawyer is published 11 times per year by the Riverside County 17 MCLE MARATHON Bar Association (RCBA) and is distributed to RCBA members, Riverside County judges and administrative officers of the court, community leaders and others interested in the advancement of law and justice. Advertising and an nounce ments are due by the 6th day of the month preceding publications ON THE COVER: (e.g., October 6 for the November issue). Articles are due no later than 45 2013-2014 RCBA Board of Directors days preceding publi ca tion. All articles are subject to editing. RCBA members Back row from left to right - Jeff Van Wagenen, receive a subscription au to mat i cal ly. Annual sub scrip tions are $25.00 and Diana Renteria, Kira Klatchko, Chris Harmon, Neil Okazaki single copies are $3.50. Front row from left to right - Jean-Simon Serrano, Submission of articles and photographs to Riverside Lawyer will be deemed Kelly Moran, Jacqueline Carey-Wilson, Chad Firetag, to be authorization and license by the author to publish the material in Jack Clarke, Jr. Riverside Lawyer. (not pictured - L. Alexandra Fong) The material printed in Riverside Lawyer does not necessarily reflect the 2013-2014 Barristers Board opin ions of the RCBA, the editorial staff, the Publication Committee, or other From left to right - Scott Talkov, Sara Morgan, Amanda Schneider, Reina Canale, Kelly Moran, columnists. Legal issues are not discussed for the purpose of answering specif - Arlene Cordoba, Christopher Marin ic questions. Independent research of all issues is strongly encouraged. photos by Michael J. Elderman 2 Riverside Lawyer,December 2013 Riverside Legal Aid (RLA) is a nonprofit organization that provides free